swiss-ski teamguide 2012

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Das Nachschlagewerk von Swiss-Ski mit allen Athleten, Terminen und Facts und Figures



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| Burgerstein | Ovomaltine | RICOH SCHWEIZ AG || RITZ AG Print und Media | RUAG | S0NY | Hilti |

Hauptsponsor Swiss-Ski


Sponsoren Swiss-Ski



National Broadcaster



Swiss Ski Pool

2 swiss-ski team guide

| Burgerstein | Ovomaltine | RICOH SCHWEIZ AG || RITZ AG Print und Media | RUAG | S0NY | Hilti |

Hauptsponsor Swiss-Ski


Sponsoren Swiss-Ski



National Broadcaster



Swiss Ski Pool

swiss-ski team guide 3

[ ]Es freut mich, dass ich Ihnen den neuen Swiss-Ski Team Guide 2011/2012 präsentieren darf! Sie

halten das Nachschlagewerk unseres Ver-bandes in den Händen, in welchem Sie die Angaben zu unseren Athleten und Trainern aller Sportarten, sämtliche Veranstaltungs-kalender aus dem Breiten- und Leistungs-sport, sowie zahlreiche Informationen über Swiss-Ski finden.

Mit Simon Ammann und Didier Cuche ha-ben sich zwei unserer erfahrensten und er-folgreichsten Athleten entschieden, ihre Kar-riere fortzusetzen. Das innere Feuer sei weiterhin am Brennen und die Leidenschaft für den Spitzensport nach wie vor ungebro-chen gross. Für unseren Verband, und insbe-sondere für alle jüngeren, nachrückenden Sportler, sind die beiden Topathleten enorm wichtig. Sie geben der gesamten Mannschaft viel Erfahrung weiter und tragen natürlich selber auch sehr viel zur Erfolgsbilanz des Verbandes bei. Ich bin persönlich sehr froh, dass Simon und Didier weitermachen und hoffe natürlich insgeheim, dass wir noch eine ganze Weile auf die beiden Leistungsträger zählen dürfen.

Der kommende Winter ist aber auch die Saison, in der die beiden Olympiasieger Didier Défago und hoffentlich auch Mike Schmid ins Wettkampfgeschehen zurückkehren. Didier hat seine Knieverletzung gut überstanden und konnte das Sommertraining beschwerdefrei mit der Mannschaft absolvieren. Mike wurde noch während der Rehabilitation von der ers-ten Verletzung gleich durch einen zweiten Unfall zurückgeworfen. Stellvertretend für alle Verletzten drücken wir die Daumen und wünschen ihnen gute Genesung und eine er-folgreiche Rückkehr.

Wir blicken gespannt voraus und freuen uns auf einen Winter mit Weltmeisterschaften im Biathlon und Skifliegen. Bei allen anderen Sportarten richten unsere Topathleten den Fokus auf den Weltcup, wobei wir uns sehr freuen, dass nicht weniger als 11 Veranstal-tungen in unserem Land stattfinden werden. Sie können sicher sein, dass diese Events grosses Spektakel bieten werden und alle unsere Athleten topmotiviert und in bestmög-licher Form auflaufen werden.

Dierk BeiselChef Leistungssport Swiss-Ski



Hallo Schneesportfans!

Zu jedem Jahresabonnement Snowactive (7 Ausgaben) für CHF 49.– gibts gratis eine topfunktionelle Skischuhtasche mit separatem Helmfach (im Wert von CHF 39.–) oder eine hochwertige Schöffel-Skimütze mit Windstopper (im Wert von CHF 39.–).

Snowactive, das Schweizer Schneesportmagazin bringt von Oktober bis April siebenmal Trends, Facts und News über den nationalen und internationalen Ski- und Schneesport.

Heute noch vom Superangebot profitieren und ein Abonnement bestellen: Telefon 062 858 28 20 oder [email protected]

D a s s c h w e i z e r s c h n e e s p o r t m a g a z i n

November 2011

CHF 8.–




r a c e




Die raiffeisen-


für Den schweizer


seite XX

Sina Candrian:

talent der Lüfte

Franz Hofer:

Der rückkehrer

swiss-ski team guide 5

[ ]Je suis heureux de vous présenter le nouveau Swiss-Ski Team Guide 2011/2012. Vous trouverez dans cet

ouvrage de référence publié par notre fédé-ration des informations sur les athlètes et les entraîneurs de toutes nos disciplines spor-tives, l’ensemble des calendriers des mani-festations dans les domaines Sport de loisirs et Sport de compétition ainsi que de nom-breux renseignements sur Swiss-Ski.

Simon Amman et Didier Cuche, deux de nos athlètes les plus expérimentés et les plus performants, ont décidé de poursuivre leur carrière. Ils continuent à avoir le feu sacré, et la passion suscitée par le sport de haut niveau ne se dément pas. Ces deux athlètes d’élite sont extrêmement importants pour notre fédération, en particulier pour la relève. Non seulement l’ensemble de l’équipe tire parti de leur vaste expérience, mais il va de soi qu’ils contribuent eux-mêmes largement au bilan positif de notre fédération. Je suis personnel-lement ravi que Simon et Didier restent dans la course et espère naturellement que nous pourrons compter pendant longtemps encore sur ces deux valeurs sûres.

La prochaine saison hivernale marquera aussi le retour à la compétition de Didier

Défago et, espérons-le, de Michael Schmid, tous deux champions olympiques. Ayant bien récupéré de sa blessure au genou, Didier a pu, sans ressentir de douleurs, participer avec son équipe aux entraînements d’été. Quant à Michael, un deuxième accident survenu alors qu’il était en rééducation pour sa première blessure a retardé sa guérison. Nous croisons les doigts pour tous les blessés, en leur sou-haitant un bon rétablissement et un retour couronné de succès.

L’hiver à venir s’annonce palpitant avec les Championnats du monde de biathlon et de vol à ski. Dans toutes les autres disciplines spor-tives, nos athlètes de haut niveau concentre-ront leur attention sur la Coupe du monde, dont pas moins de 11 courses se dérouleront dans notre pays. C’est là une perspective très réjouissante et vous pouvez être certains que ces événements donneront lieu à du grand spectacle et que tous nos sportifs seront non seulement très motivés, mais aussi au mieux de leur forme.

Dierk BeiselChef Sport de compétition chez Swiss-Ski



Hallo Schneesportfans!

Zu jedem Jahresabonnement Snowactive (7 Ausgaben) für CHF 49.– gibts gratis eine topfunktionelle Skischuhtasche mit separatem Helmfach (im Wert von CHF 39.–) oder eine hochwertige Schöffel-Skimütze mit Windstopper (im Wert von CHF 39.–).

Snowactive, das Schweizer Schneesportmagazin bringt von Oktober bis April siebenmal Trends, Facts und News über den nationalen und internationalen Ski- und Schneesport.

Heute noch vom Superangebot profitieren und ein Abonnement bestellen: Telefon 062 858 28 20 oder [email protected]

D a s s c h w e i z e r s c h n e e s p o r t m a g a z i n

November 2011

CHF 8.–




r a c e




Die raiffeisen-


für Den schweizer


seite XX

Sina Candrian:

talent der Lüfte

Franz Hofer:

Der rückkehrer

E UnternehmenspublikationenE KundenmagazineE MitarbeitermagazineE GeschäftsberichteE NewsletterE VerlagsobjekteE Beratung

E RedaktionskonzepteE RedaktionE DesignkonzepteE Layout und PrepressE Inseratenacquisition und -verwaltungE Projektmanagement

Corporate Publishing in Perfektion.

Strike Media Schweiz AGGösgerstrasse 15Postfach 1705012 SchönenwerdTelefon +41 (0)62 858 28 20Fax +41 (0)62 858 28 [email protected]

swiss-ski team guide 7

[ ]I’m pleased to be able to present the new Swiss-Ski Team Guide 2011/2012! This is the reference

book of our federation, in which you’ll find details of our athletes and coaches from eve-ry sporting discipline, all the calendars of events for popular and competitive sport, and extensive information about Swiss-Ski.

In Simon Ammann and Didier Cuche, we have two of our most experienced and suc-cessful athletes who have decided to continue their careers. The inner fire is, they say, still burning and their passion for top sport is as great as ever. For our federation, and espe-cially for all younger athletes following on behind them, both of these top athletes are hugely important. They are passing on a great deal of experience to the whole team and, of course, making a great contribution them-selves to the federation’s record of success too. I am personally very glad that Simon and Didier are carrying on and, of course, se-cretly hope that we’ll be able to count on both key performers for a good while yet.

But the coming winter is also the season in which both the Olympic champions, Didier

Défago and, we hope, Mike Schmid too, will be returning to the world of competition. Di-dier recovered well from his knee injury and was able to complete the summer training, fit and healthy, with the team. Mike suffered a setback with a second accident while still in rehabilitation from the first injury. On behalf of all injured athletes, we’re crossing our fingers and wishing you a speedy recovery and a successful return.

We’re looking ahead with eager anticipa-tion and looking forward to a winter of world championships in the biathlon and ski flying. In all the other sporting disciplines, our top athletes have their sights set on the World Cup, and we’re delighted that no fewer than 11 events will be taking place in our country. You can be sure that these events will put on a great show and all our athletes will achieve their highest level of motivation and best pos-sible form.

Dierk BeiselHead of Competitive Sport Swiss-Ski



8 swiss-ski team guide

alpine Skiing 12 Men 25 Women

freeStyle 39 Aerials 43 Moguls 44 Skicross 53 Freeski

Snowboard 60 Alpine 65 Snowboardcross 71 Halfpipe 74 Halfpipe & Big Air 76 Big Air/Slope Style

CroSS-Country 81 Men 87 Women

nordiC Combined 91

Ski jumping 95

biathlon 101

telemark 109

head of diSCipline / Staff 113

faCtS & figureS 133

eventS 143

impreSSum: herausgeber und verlag/editeur Strike Media Schweiz AG, Gösgerstrasse 15, 5012 Schönenwerd, Tel. 062 858 28 20, Fax 062 858 28 29; verlagsleitung/directeur d’édition Wolfgang Burkhardt; redaktion Swiss-Ski, Muri bei Bern, Sarina Strahm; inserate/annonces Prosell AG, Schönenwerd, Rebekka Theiler ([email protected]), Wolfgang Burk-hardt ([email protected]); design und produktionsverantwortung/design et respon-sable de production Brandl & Schärer AG, Olten; Copyright Strike Media Schweiz AG, Gösgerstrasse 15, 5012 Schönenwerd druck/imprimeur Geiger AG Bern; Nachdruck nur mit ausdrücklicher Genehmigung des Herausgebers gestattet/Reproduction autorisée uniquement avec l’accord formel de l’éditeur;, [email protected], [email protected]

indexSwiSS-Ski team guide

swiss-ski team guide 9


to: K



| Burgerstein | Ovomaltine | RICOH SCHWEIZ AG || RITZ AG Print und Media | RUAG | S0NY | Hilti |

Hauptsponsor Swiss-Ski


Sponsoren Swiss-Ski



National Broadcaster



Swiss Ski Pool

10 swiss-ski team guide

IndexalpIne skIIng men

Aerni Luca 22

Albrecht Daniel 16

Anthamatten Gabriel 22

Berthod Marc 17

Boner Sandro 20

Bonvin Anthony 22

Caprez Nico 22

Casutt Giancarlo 23

Caviezel Gino 23

Caviezel Mauro 20

Cuche Didier 12

Défago Didier 13

Feuz Beat 14

Gaspoz Vincent 23

Gehrig Marc 21

Genoud Arnaury 23

Gini Marc 18

Gisin Marc 18

Grünenfelder Tobias 14

Hoffmann Ambrosi 18

Holdener Kevin 23

Janka Carlo 15

Jenal Sandro 23

Kreuzer Ralf 21

Küng Patrick 15

Lüönd Vitus 19

Lüscher Tim 21

Mani Nils 24

Murisier Justin 21

Niederberger Bernhard 24

Oreiller Ami 21

Pleisch Manuel 21

Schmidiger Reto 19

Spescha Christian 22

Stricker Martin 24

Tumler Marco 24

Viletta Sandro 20

Vogel Markus 20

Weber Ralph 24

Yule Daniel 24

Zurbriggen Elia 25

Zurbriggen Silvan 16

swiss-ski team guide 11

IndexalpIne skIIng WOmen

Aufdenblatten Fränzi 28

Berthod Pascale 30

Bournisson Célia 31

Chable Charlotte 31

Chaperon Audrey 32

Dettling Andrea 25

Ellenberger Andrea 32

Feierabend Denise 28

Flury Jasmine 32

Flütsch Luana 32

Fuhrer Kathrin 30

Gisin Dominique 25

Gisin Michelle 32

Gmür Chiara 32

Good Esther 31

Gut Lara 26

Hählen Joana 33

Hangl Celina 31

Holdener Wendy 31

Horrer Steffi 33

Kamer Nadja 26

Kaufmann-Abderhalden Marianne 29

Kopp Rahel 33

Kuonen Dea 33

Nufer Priska 33

Oberson Marine 33

Rothmund Jasmin 34

Rudaz Elodie 34

Schild Martina 30

Schneeberger Bettina 34

Suter Corinne 34

Suter Fabienne 27

Suter Jasmina 34

Thürler Andrea 34

Utzinger Vanessa 35

Vogel Nadja 31

Vouilloz Tania 35

Voutaz Mélissa 35

Willi Bianca 35

12 swiss-ski team guide

2007 1. DH Kvitfjell2. GS Flachau, DH Beaver Creek, DH Val Gardena/Gröden, DH Bormio, DH Wengen3. GS Alta Badia, DH Garmisch- Partenkirchen, SG Kvitfjell2004 1. DH Garmisch-Partenkirchen 2003 1. SG Beaver Creek2. DH Kitzbühel, DH Garmisch-Partenkirchen3. SG Lake Louise 2002 1. GS Adelboden, SG Altenmarkt-Zauchensee2. SG Val d‘Isère, 2 x SG Garmisch-Parten kirchen, GS St. Moritz3. GS Kranjska Gora, SG Kitzbühel2001 3. SG Garmisch-Partenkirchen 2000 2. SG St. Anton, DH Kvitfjell3. SG Kitzbühel1998 1. DH Kitzbühel2. DH Kitzbühel, DH Crans-Montana 3. SG Kvitfjell

Cup standings World Cup2011 2. Overall, 1. DH, SG2010 3. Overall, 1. DH2009 3. Overall, 1. GS2008 3. Overall, 1. DH, 2. SG2007 3. Overall, 1. DH, 2. SG2003 3. SG2002 3. Overall, 2. SG

World Championships2011 (Garmisch-Partenkirchen)2. DH, 4. SG, 8. GS2009 (Val d‘Isère)1. SG, 2. DH2007 (Åre)3. GS, 4. SG, 6. DH2003 (St. Moritz)4. DH, 11. SG, 12. GS2001 (St. Anton) 5. SG, 16. GS1999 (Beaver Creek) 8. SG, 14. DH

Olympic Winter games2010 (Vancouver)6. DH, 10. SG, 14. GS2006 (Turin) 12. SG, 19. GS 2002 (Salt Lake City) 10. GS, 14. DH1998 (Nagano) 2. SG, 8. DH

national Championships (Top 3)2011 (St. Moritz)1. DH2010 (Stoos)3. DH2009 (St. Moritz)1. GS, 2. SG2008 (Bad Ragaz, Davos)1. SG, 3. GS

natIOnal team alpIne skIIng men

didier Cuche

date of birth: 16 August 1974Residence: 2208 Les Hauts-Geneveysski Club: Chasseral-DombressonHeight/Weight: 174 cm/89 kg1st Competition in World Cup: 1993 BormioIndividual sponsor: Ovomaltinesuppliers: Skis: Head Boots/Bindings: Head Poles: LekiGoggles/Helmet: AlpinaWebsite:


World Cup (Top 3)20111. DH Kitzbühel, DH Chamonix, SG Kvitfjell2. DH Wengen3. SG Beaver Creek, DH Val Gardena20101. GS Sölden, DH Lake Louise, SG, DH Kitzbühel, DH Kvitfjell2. DH Beaver Creek20091. GS Sestriere2. GS Sölden, GS Kranjska Gora, DH Åre3. SG Lake Louise, GS Åre 2008 1. SG Val Gardena/Gröden, DH Kitzbühel2. DH Val Gardena/Gröden, DH Wengen, DH Chamonix, DH Whistler, DH Kvitfjell3. SG Lake Louise, DH, GS Beaver Creek, SG Kitzbühel, SG Kvitfjell

swiss-ski team guide 13

2007 (Veysonnaz)1. SG 2006 (St. Moritz)1. DH, 2. SG 2004 (Val d‘Illiez/Les Crosets) 2. SG 2003 (Verbier)1. SG, 2. DH 2002 (Visperterminen) 1. GS 2000 (Fiescheralp) 2. DH 1999 (Zinal) 2. DH 1998 (Obersaxen) 1. DH, SG

didier défago

date of birth: 02 October 1977Residence: 1875 Morginsski Club: MorginsHeight/Weight: 184 cm/89 kg1st Competition in World Cup: 1996 Kvitfjell/HafjellIndividual sponsor: Ochsner Sportsuppliers: Skis: Rossignol Boots/Bindings: Lange/RossignolPoles: LekiGoggles/Helmet: BolléWebsite:


World Cup (Top 3)20102. SC Beaver Creek, DH Bormio20091. DH Wengen, DH Kitzbühel2. SG Val Gardena-Gröden2008 2. SG Bormio20073. SL Alta Badia2005 2. SG Garmisch-Patenkirchen, SG Kvitfjell3. C Wengen

Cup standings World Cup2009 3. DH, 3. SG2005 3. KB

World Championships2009 (Val d‘Isère)8. SG, 20. GS2007 (Åre)4. SC, 10. DH, 13. GS, 17. SG2005 (Bormio) 6. DH, 7. SG, 12. GS, 14. C 2003 (St. Moritz) 7. C, 21. SG, 22. GS2001 (St. Anton)11. SG

Olympic Winter games2010 (Vancouver)1. DH, 15. SG2006 (Turin)14. GS, 16. SG, 26. DH2002 (Salt Lake City)6. SG, 14. GS, 21. DH

national Championships (Top 3)2005 (Lauchernalp)3. DH 2004 (Val d‘Illiez/Les Crosets) 1. C, 2. GS2003 (Verbier) 1. GS, 1. C

14 swiss-ski team guide

natIOnal team alpIne skIIng men

tobias grünenfelder

date of birth: 27 November 1977Residence: 8808 Pfäffikonski Club: ElmHeight/Weight: 180 cm/89 kg1st Competition in World Cup: 1997 Kranjska GoraIndividual sponsor: Helvetia Versicherungensuppliers: Skis: Stöckli Boots/Bindings: Atomic/Atomic, Salomon Poles: LekiGoggles/Helmet: CarreraWebsite:

palmaRes World Cup (Top 3)20111. SG Lake Louise20103. SG Kvitfjell2006 3. DH Bormio2004 3. SG Garmisch-Partenkirchen 2003 3. SG Garmisch-Partenkirchen

World Championships2005 (Bormio)16. SG 2003 (St. Moritz) 18. GS 1999 (Vail/Beaver Creek) 20. GS

Olympic Winter games2010 (Vancouver)9. SG2006 (Turin)12. DH2002 (Salt Lake City) 12. SG

national Championships (Top 3)2010 (Zinal)1. SG2009 (St. Moritz)1. DH, SG2008 (Bad Ragaz)3. SG2007 (Veysonnaz)1. DH, 2. SG2006 (St. Moritz) 1. SG, 3. GS 2005 (Lauchernalp)1. SG, 2. DH

Beat Feuz

date of birth: 11 February 1987Residence: 6197 Schangnauski Club: SchangnauHeight/Weight: 172 cm/80 kg1st Competition in World Cup: 2006 ReiteralmIndividual sponsor: Raiffeisensuppliers: Skis: Salomon Boots/Bindings: SalomonPoles: LekiGoggles/Helmet: UvexWebsite:


World Cup (Top 3)20111. DH, 3. DH Kvitfjell

World Championships2011 (Garmisch-Partenkirchen)9. DH

Junior World Championships2007 (Flachau)1. DH, SG3. SL2005 (Bardonecchia)3. SL

Cup standings european Cup2007 1. SC

national Championships (Top 3)2011 (St. Moritz)1. SG2010 (Stoos)1. SG2. DH

swiss-ski team guide 15

Cup standings World Cup2011 3. Overall2010 1. Overall, 2. DH, 2. GS, 2. KB2009 1. KB

Olympic Winter games2010 (Vancouver)1. GS, 4. SC, 8. SG, 11. DH

Junior World Championships2006 (Quebec)3. GS, 7. SG 2005 (Bardonecchia) 9. DH, 16. SG, 22. SL

national Championships (Top 3)2011 (Lenzerheide)2. GS2009 (St. Moritz)2. SC, 3. DH2008 (Zinal)3. SC

Carlo Janka

date of birth: 15 October 1986Residence: 7134 Obersaxenski Club: ObersaxenHeight/Weight: 186 cm/87 kg1st Competition in World Cup: 2005 Kranjska GoraIndividual sponsor: Ochsner Sportsuppliers: Skis: Atomic Boots/Bindings: Atomic Poles: KomperdellGoggles/Helmet: CarreraWebsite:


World Cup (Top 3)20111. GS Kranjska Gora2. SG Lake Louise, SC Wengen, 3. DH Wengen, GS Hinterstoder20101. SC, DH, GS Beaver Creek, DH Wengen, DH, GS Garmisch-Parten-kirchen2. SG Val Gardena/Gröden, SC Wengen3. GS Sölden, DH Lake Louise20091. GS Val d‘Isère, SC Wengen2. DH Lake Louise3. SC Sestriere

World Championships2011 (Garmisch -Partenkirchen)7. GS, SG2009 (Val d‘Isère)1. GS, 3. DH, 9. SG

patrick küng

date of birth: 11 January 1984Residence: 8758 Obstaldenski Club: Mürtschen KerenzerbergHeight/Weight: 181 cm/83 kg1st Competition in World Cup: 2009 WengenIndividual sponsor: Ovomaltinesuppliers: Skis: Salomon Boots/Bindings: Salomon Poles: Scott Goggles/Helmet: ScottWebsite:


World Cup (Top 3)20103. DH Garmisch-Partenkirchen

Junior World Championships2004 (Maribor)4. GS, 6. SG, 19. DH

Cup standings european Cup2009 1. DH

national Championships (Top 3)2011 (St. Moritz)3. DH2010 (Stoos)1. DH2009 (St. Moritz)2. DH

16 swiss-ski team guide

natIOnal team alpIne skIIng men

silvan Zurbriggen

date of birth: 15 August 1981Residence: 3902 Glisski Club: Saas-AlmagellHeight/Weight: 185 cm/97 kg1st Competition in World Cup: 2002 KitzbühelIndividual sponsor: Raiffeisensuppliers: Skis: Rossignol Boots/Bindings: Lange/RossignolPoles: KomperdellGoggles/Helmet: BolléWebsite:


World Cup (Top 3)20111. DH Val Gardena2. DH Bormio, C Kitzbuehl20102. SL Alta Badia, C Kitzbühel, SL Schladming3. SC Wengen20091. C Kitzbühel3. SC Wengen2007 2. SC Kvitfjell 3. SC Wengen 2005 2. SL Sestriere

World Championships

a-pOOl alpIne skIIng men

daniel albrecht

date of birth: 25 May 1983Residence: 3984 Fieschski Club: Fiesch EggishornHeight/Weight: 183 cm/90 kg1st Competition in World Cup: 2003 SchladmingIndividual sponsor: Ochsner Sportsuppliers: Skis: Head Boots/Bindings: HeadPoles: KomperdellGoggles/Helmet: UvexWebsite: / [email protected]

2011 (Garmisch-Partenkirchen)12. DH, 13. SG2009 (Val d‘Isère)4. SC2007 (Åre)8. SC, 14. SG 2003 (St. Moritz)2. SL

Cup standings World Cup2010 3. SL2009 2. KB

Olympic Winter games2010 (Vancouver)3. SC, 12. SL2006 (Turin)15. SL

national Championships (Top 3)2010 (Hoch-Ybrig)3. SL2009 (St. Moritz)1. SC2007 (Veysonnaz)2. SL 2002 (Visperterminen, Bad Ragaz) 3. GS, SL

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swiss-ski team guide 17


World Cup (Top 3)2009 1. GS Sölden, GS Alta Badia20081. GS, SC Beaver Creek2. SL Bormio, SC Wengen, GS Adelboden 2007 2. DH Lenzerheide

World Championships2007 (Åre)1. SC, 2. GS, 3. Team2005 (Bormio)7. C, 30. GS2003 (St. Moritz)30. SL

Cup standings World Cup2008 3. KB

Junior World Championships (Top 3)2003 (Brianconnais) 1. C, GS, DH, 2. SL

Olympic Winter games2006 (Turin) 4. C

national Championships (Top 3) 2008 (Davos)1. SL, GS2005 (Lauchernalp) 3. DH 2004 (Val d‘Illiez/Les Crosets) 1. C, 2. GS2003 (Verbier)1. GS

2007 (Åre)3. SC, 11. GS, 3. Team2003 (St. Moritz) 25. C

Cup standings World Cup2007 2. KB

Junior World Championships (Top 3)2003 (Brianconnais) 1. SL, 3. DH 2002 (Sella Nevea) 2. SL

Olympic Winter games2010 (Vancouver)29. GS2006 (Turin)7. C, 14. SL, 17. GS

national Championships (Top 3)2011 (St. Moritz)2. DH2007 (Veysonnaz) 1. GS 2006 (St. Moritz)2. SL, GS 2005 (Veysonnaz)1. GS, 3. SL2004 (Val d‘Illiez/Les Crosets) 2. SL

marc Berthod

date of birth: 24 November 1983Residence: 7500 St. Moritzski Club: Alpina St. MoritzHeight/Weight: 180 cm/91 kg1st Competition in World Cup: 2003 Kranjska GoraIndividual sponsor: Helvetia Versicherungensuppliers: Skis: Rossignol Boots/Bindings: RossignolPoles: SwixGoggles/Helmet: CarreraWebsite:


World Cup (Top 3)20081. GS Adelboden3. GS La Villa - Alta Badia20071. SL Adelboden 2. SC Beaver Creek, SC Wengen

World Championships2011 (Garmisch-Partenkirchen)21. GS2009 (Val d‘Isère)10. GS

18 swiss-ski team guide

a-pOOl alpIne skIIng men

marc gini

date of birth: 08 November 1984Residence: 7000 Churski Club: Piz Turba BivioHeight/Weight: 183 cm/82 kg1st Competition in World Cup: 2003 Kranjska GoraIndividual sponsor: Ochsner Sportsuppliers: Skis: Fischer Boots/Bindings: FischerPoles: LekiGoggles/Helmet: UvexWebsite:


World Cup (Top 3)20081. SL Reiteralm

Olympic Winter games2010 (Vancouver)15. SL

national Championships (Top 3)2009 (St. Moritz)1. SL2008 (Davos)1. SC2. GS2007 (Veysonnaz)1. SL2006 (St. Moritz)1. SL, GS2005 (Veysonnaz)1. SL

marc gisin

date of birth: 25 June 1988Residence: 6390 Engelbergski Club: EngelbergHeight/Weight: 197 cm/106 kg1st Competition in World Cup:2009 WengenIndividual sponsor: Helvetia Versicherungensuppliers: Skis: Nordica Boots/Bindings: Nordica/Marker Poles: SwixGoggles/Helmet: Giro


Junior World Championships2008 (Formigal)10. DH, 21. SL, 30. SG2007 (Flachau)30. GS

Cup standings european Cup2010 3. Overall

national Championships (Top 3)2010 (Stoos)3. SC

ambrosi Hoffmann

date of birth: 22 March 1977Residence: 7260 Davos Dorfski Club: DavosHeight/Weight: 180 cm/90 kg1st Competition in World Cup: 1996 Kvitfjell/HafjellIndividual sponsor: Helvetia Versicherungensuppliers: Skis: Nordica Boots/Bindings: Nordica/MarkerPoles: Leki Goggles/Helmet: AlpinaWebsite:


World Cup (Top 3)20103. DH Val Gardena/Gröden20093. SG Kitzbühel2006 3. SG Val Gardena/Gröden 2005 3. DH Kvitfjell 2004 3. DH Kitzbühel 2002 2. DH Altenmarkt-Zauchensee

World Championships2009 (Val d‘Isère)17. DH2007 (Åre)5. DH 2005 (Bormio)8. DH, 12. SG 2003 (St. Moritz)4. SG, 7 DH, 20. GS

swiss-ski team guide 19

Olympic Winter games2010 (Vancouver)23. DH2006 (Turin) 3. SG, 17. DH2002 (Salt Lake City) 8. DH

national Championships (Top 3)2008 (Bad Ragaz)2. SG2007 (Veysonnaz)3. SG 2001 (St. Moritz)2. DH 2000 (St. Moritz) 2. DH 1998 (Obersaxen)3. DH

Vitus lüönd

date of birth: 22 October 1984Residence: 6417 Sattelski Club: Hochstuckli SattelHeight/Weight: 182 cm/89 kg1st Competition in World Cup:2009 KvitfjellIndividual sponsor: Emmentaler Switzerlandsuppliers: Skis: Salomon Boots/Bindings: SalomonPoles: LekiGoggles/Helmet: UvexWebsite:


Cup standings european Cup2011 3. DH

Reto schmidiger

date of birth: 21 April 1992Residence: 6052 Hergiswilski Club: HergiswilHeight/Weight: 185 cm/79 kg1st Competition in World Cup:2010 Garmisch PartenkirchenIndividual sponsor: Emmentaler Switzerlandsuppliers: Skis: Rossignol Boots/Bindings: RossignolPoles: LekiGoggles/Helmet: UvexWebsite:


Junior World Championships2011 (Crans Montana)1. SC, 1. SL2010 (Les Planards)1. SL

Cup standings european Cup2011 3. SC

national Championships (Top 3)2011 (Lenzerheide)1. SL, 2. GS

20 swiss-ski team guide

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sandro Boner

date of birth: 04 January 1988Residence: 7249 Serneusski Club: Val Müstair/SAS ZürichHeight/Weight: 179 cm/80 kg1st Competition in World Cup: 2010 Schladmingsuppliers: Skis: Rossignol Boots/Bindings: Rossignol Poles: LekiGoggles/Helmet: POCWebsite:

mauro Caviezel

date of birth: 18 August 1988Residence: 7078 Lenzerheideski Club: BeverinHeight/Weight: 181 cm/87 kg1st Competition in World Cup: 2008 Kranjska GoraIndividual sponsor: Ochsner Sportsuppliers: Skis: Atomic Boots/Bindings: AtomicPoles: LekiGoggles/Helmet: Alpina

a-pOOl alpIne skIIng men

sandro Viletta

date of birth: 23 January 1986Residence: 7522 La Punt Chamues-chski Club: La Punt Chamues-chHeight/Weight: 177 cm/78 kg1st Competition in World Cup: 2006 LeviIndividual sponsor: Helvetia Versicherungensuppliers: Skis: Salomon Boots/Bindings: Salomon Poles: KomperdellGoggles/Helmet: Alpina


World Championships2009 (Val d‘Isère)6. SC, 13. SL

Olympic Winter games2010 (Vancouver)14. SC, 15. GS

Junior World Championships (Top 3)2006 (Mt. St. Anne)3. SL

national Championships (Top 3)2010 (Zinal)2. SG2009 (St. Moritz)2. GS, 3. SL2008 (Davos)2. SL2007 (Veysonnaz)3. SL

markus Vogel

date of birth: 12 January 1984Residence: 6375 Beckenriedski Club: Beckenried KlewenalpHeight/Weight: 184 cm/86 kg1st Competition in World Cup: 2008 Adelbodensuppliers: Skis: FischerBoots/Bindings: FischerPoles: Scott Goggles/Helmet: ScottWebsite:


World Championships2011 (Garmisch-Partenkirchen)27. SL

national Championships (Top 3)2010 (Hoch-Ybrig)1. SL

swiss-ski team guide 21

Ralf kreuzer

date of birth: 05 April 1983Residence: 3932 Visperterminenski Club: VisperterminenHeight/Weight: 190 cm/93 kg1st Competition in World Cup: 2005 BormioIndividual sponsor: Ochsner Sportsuppliers: Skis: Salomon Boots/Bindings: SalomonPoles: Komperdell Goggles/Helmet: UvexWebsite:

ami Oreiller

date of birth: 12 April 1987Residence: 1936 Verbierski Club: VerbierHeight/Weight: 180 cm/82 kg1st Competition in World Cup: 2009 SöldenIndividual sponsor: Ovomaltinesuppliers: Skis: Fischer Boots/Bindings: FischerPoles: LekiGoggles/Helmet: Bollé

marc gehrig

date of birth: 03 December 1988Residence: 3615 Heimenschwandski Club: BärgchutzeHeight/Weight: 180 cm/78 kgsuppliers: Skis: Head Bindings: HeadPoles: LekiGoggles/Helmet: Uvex

tim lüscher

date of birth: 08 November 1990Residence: 1817 Brentski Club: Villars sur OllonHeight/Weight: 177 cm/80 kg1st Competition in World Cup: 2011 Kranjska GoraIndividual sponsor: Alpiqsuppliers: Skis: Völkl Boots/Bindings: Lange/MarkerPoles: KomperdellGoggles/Helmet: Uvex

Justin murisier

date of birth: 08 January 1992Residence: 1947 Prarreyerski Club: BagnesHeight/Weight: 175 cm/82 kg1st Competition in World Cup: 2010 AdelbodenIndividual sponsor: Ochsner Sportsuppliers: Skis: Atomic Boots/Bindings: AtomicPoles: KomperdellGoggles/Helmet: Atomic

manuel pleisch

date of birth: 23 July 1990Residence: 7245 Ascharinaski Club: PanyHeight/Weight: 178 cm/74 kg1st Competition in World Cup: 2010 Val d‘IsèreIndividual sponsor: Raiffeisensuppliers: Skis: Atomic Boots/Bindings: Atomic Poles: KomperdellGoggles/Helmet: Atomic

22 swiss-ski team guide

C-pOOl alpIne skIIng men

B-pOOl alpIne skIIng men

luca aerni

date of birth: 27 March 1993Residence: 3506 Grosshöchstettenski Club: Les BarzettesHeight/Weight: 176 cm/76 kgIndividual sponsor: Helvetia Versicherungensuppliers: Skis: Salomon Boots/Bindings: Salomon Poles: ScottGoggles/Helmet: Scott

nico Caprez

date of birth: 04 May 1991Residence: 7513 Silvaplanaski Club: Alpina St. MoritzHeight/Weight: 174 cm/75 kgIndividual sponsor: Skiservice Corvatschsuppliers: Skis: Stöckli Boots/Bindings: Atomic/Atomic, SalomonPoles: KomperdellGoggles/Helmet: Carrera

Christian spescha

date of birth: 25 January 1989Residence: 7000 Churski Club: ObersaxenHeight/Weight: 183 cm/85 kg1st Competition in World Cup: 2009 Alta BadiaIndividual sponsor: Raiffeisensuppliers: Skis: Stöckli Boots/Bindings: Atomic/Atomic, SalomonPoles: ExelGoggles/Helmet: GiroWebsite:

gabriel anthamatten

date of birth: 29 July 1991Residence: 3905 Saas-Almagellski Club: Saas-AlmagellHeight/Weight: 182 cm/84 kgIndividual sponsor: Ovomaltinesuppliers: Skis: Rossignol Boots/Bindings: Lange/RossignolPoles: LekiGoggles/Helmet: Alpina

anthony Bonvin

date of birth: 14 July 1994Residence: 1974 Arbazski Club: Anzère Ski TeamHeight/Weight: 182 cm/77 kgsuppliers: Skis: Stöckli Boots/Bindings: Lange/Atomic, Salomon Poles: LekiGoggles/Helmet: Carrera

swiss-ski team guide 23

gino Caviezel

date of birth: 23 June 1992Residence: 7078 Lenzerheideski Club: BeverinHeight: 171 cmIndividual sponsor: Ochsner Sportsuppliers: Skis: Atomic Boots/Bindings: AtomicPoles: LekiGoggles/Helmet: Alpina

kevin Holdener

date of birth: 03 February 1990Residence: 8842 Unteribergski Club: DrusbergHeight/Weight: 174 cm/75 kgIndividual sponsor: Ferien- und Sportzentrum Hoch Ybrig AGsuppliers: Skis: Head Boots/Bindings: Head Poles: LekiGoggles/Helmet: Carrera

Vincent gaspoz

date of birth: 19 October 1991Residence: 1983 Evolèneski Club: Dent-Blanche EvolèneHeight/Weight: 174/75 cmIndividual sponsor: Alpiqsuppliers: Skis: FischerBoots/Bindings: FischerPoles: LekiGoggles/Helmet: Carrera

giancarlo Casutt

date of birth: 21 February 1990Residence: 7153 Faleraski Club: RG Alpenarena/Crap Sogn GionHeight/Weight: 183 cm/79 kgIndividual sponsor: Casutt AGsuppliers: Skis: Head Boots/Bindings: HeadPoles: KomperdellGoggles/Helmet: Carrera

amaury genoud

date of birth: 16 December 1993Residence: 3961 Zinalski Club: ZinalHeight/Weight: 182 cm/70 kgIndividual sponsor: Alpiqsuppliers: Skis: Atomic Boots/Bindings: AtomicPoles: KomperdellGoggles/Helmet: Uvex

sandro Jenal

date of birth: 28 September 1992Residence: 7563 Samnaunski Club: SamnaunHeight/Weight: 174 cm/70 kgIndividual sponsor: Hangl AGsuppliers: Skis: Atomic Boots/Bindings: Atomic Poles: KomperdellGoggles/Helmet: Carrera

24 swiss-ski team guide

C-pOOl alpIne skIIng men

martin stricker

date of birth: 19 November 1991Residence: 1313 La Sarrazski Club: BlonayHeight/Weight: 174 cm/73 kgIndividual sponsor: Ochsner Sportsuppliers: Skis: DynastarBoots/Bindings: Lange/LookPoles: LekiGoggles/Helmet: Shred

marco tumler

date of birth: 08 August 1988Residence: 7563 Samnaun Dorfski Club: SamnaunHeight/Weight: 179 cm/75 kgsuppliers: Skis: Atomic Boots/Bindings: AtomicPoles: LekiGoggles/Helmet: Carrera

Ralph Weber

date of birth: 31 May 1993Residence: 9100 Herisauski Club: FlumsHeight/Weight: 188 cm/100 kgIndividual sponsor: Ochsner Sportsuppliers: Skis: HeadBoots/Bindings: HeadPoles: KomperdellGoggles/Helmet: Carrera Website:

Bernhard niederberger

date of birth: 29 September 1993Residence: 6375 Beckenriedski Club: Beckenried-KlewenalpHeight/Weight: 178 cm/73 kgsuppliers: Skis: StöckliBoots/Bindings: Salomon/Atomic, SalomonPoles: LekiGoggles/Helmet: UvexWebsite:

nils mani

date of birth: 23 May 1992Residence: 3757 Schwendenski Club: SchwendenHeight/Weight: 182 cm/79 kgIndividual sponsor: Bergbahnen Diemtigtalsuppliers: Skis: Stöckli Boots/Bindings: Atomic/Atomic, SalomonPoles: LekiGoggles/Helmet: Carrera

daniel Yule

date of birth: 18 February 1993Residence: 1944 Branche-d‘en Hautski Club: Champex/FerretHeight/Weight: 186 cm/88 kgIndividual sponsor: HelvetiaVersicherungensuppliers: Skis: Fischer Boots/Bindings: FischerPoles: LekiGoggles/Helmet: Bollé

swiss-ski team guide 25

elia Zurbriggen

date of birth: 09 October 1990Residence: 3920 Zermattski Club: Zermattsuppliers: Skis: Head Boots/Bindings: HeadPoles: ExelGoggles/Helmet: Giro

andrea dettling

date of birth: 19 January 1987Residence: 8840 Einsiedelnski Club: AltendorfHeight/Weight: 170 cm/67 kg1st Competition in World Cup: 2007 Kranjska GoraIndividual sponsor: Electrolux AGsuppliers: Skis: Stöckli Boots/Bindings: Lange/Atomic, SalomonPoles: KomperdellGoggles/Helmet: Uvex


World Cup (Top 3)20093. SG Cortina d‘Ampezzo

World Championships2009 (Val d‘Isère)22. GS

Olympic Winter games2010 (Vancouver)12. SG, 23. SC

Cup standings european Cup2008 3. DH

national Championships (Top 3)2010 (Stoos)2. DH

dominique gisin

date of birth: 04 June 1985Residence: 6390 Engelbergski Club: EngelbergHeight/Weight: 172 cm/70 kg1st Competition in World Cup: 2005 Lake LouiseIndividual sponsor: Alpiqsuppliers: Skis: Dynastar Boots/Bindings: Lange/DynastarPoles: SwixGoggles/Helmet: GiroWebsite:


World Cup (Top 3)20113. DH Lake Louise, 3. SG Zauchen-see20101. SG Crans Montana20091. DH Altenmarkt-Zauchensee, DH Cortina d‘Ampezzo2007 2. DH Altenmarkt-Zauchensee

World Championships2011 (Garmisch-Partenkirchen)4. SC, 8. DH2007 (Åre)5. DH

national Championships (Top 3)2008 (Bad Ragaz)2. SG

natIOnal team alpIne skIIng WOmen

26 swiss-ski team guide

natIOnal team alpIne skIIng WOmen

lara gut

date of birth: 27 April 1991Residence: 6415 Arth Am Seeski Club: Sporting GottardoHeight/Weight: 160 cm/56 kg1st Competition in World Cup: 2007 Lienzsuppliers: Skis: Rossignol Boots/Bindings: Lange/Rossignol Poles: Swix Goggles/Helmet: UvexWebsite:


World Cup (Top 3)20111. SG Zauchensee2. DH Lenzerheide3. DH Val d‘Isère, SG Cortina d‘Ampezzo,20091. SG St. Moritz3. GS Semmering2008 3. DH St. Moritz

World Championships2011 (Garmisch-Partenkirchen)4. DH, 4. SG, 20. RS2009 (Val d‘Isère)2. SC, 2. DH, 7. SG

Junior World Championships (Top 3)2008 (Formigal)2. DH2007 (Altenmarkt-Zauchensee)2. DH

national Championships (Top 3)2008 (Malbun)3. SL2007 (Veysonnaz)1. SG

nadja kamer

date of birth: 23 July 1986Residence: 6430 Schwyzski Club: SchwyzHeight/Weight: 181 cm/79 kg1st Competition in World Cup: 2005 Santa CaterinaIndividual sponsor: Emmentaler Switzerlandsuppliers: Skis: Völkl Boots/Bindings: Lange/Marker Poles: Komperdell Goggles/Helmet: UvexWebsite:

swiss-ski team guide 27

Fabienne suter

date of birth: 05 January 1985Residence: 6417 Sattelski Club: Hochstuckli SattelHeight/Weight: 168 cm/67 kg1st Competition in World Cup: 2002 Val d‘IsèreIndividual sponsor: Victorinoxsuppliers: Skis: Stöckli Boots/Bindings: Atomic/Atomic, SalomonPoles: LekiGoggles/Helmet: UvexWebsite:


World Cup (Top 3)20102. SG Cortina d‘Ampezzo3. DH St. Moritz20091. DH Bansko2. SG Lake Louise, SG. St. Moritz, SG Tarvisio, SG Bansko3. SC St. Moritz, DH Bansko2008 1. SG Bormio, SG Sestriere World Championships2011 (Garmisch-Partenkirchen)8. SG, 13. DH2009 (Val d‘Isère)8. SC, 11. SG, 17. DH2007 (Åre)11. SG, 13. GS, G, 3. Team

Cup standings World Cup2009 3. SG2008 3. SG

Olympic Winter games2010 (Vancouver)4. GS, 5. DH, 6. SC, 13. SG

national Championships (Top 3)2009 (St. Moritz)1. SG, 3. GS2008 (Splügen)3. GS 2007 (Veysonnaz)2. SG, 3. GS 2003 (Verbier)1. GS, 3. SG


World Cup (Top 10)20112. DH Val d‘Isère20102. DH Haus im Ennstal3. DH Cortina d‘Ampezzo20094. DH Tarvisio6. SG Cortina d‘Ampezzo, SG Tarvisio10. SC Tarvisio

World Championships2011 (Garmisch-Partenkirchen)13. SG, 14. DH

Olympic Winter games2010 (Vancouver)19. DH

Cup standings european Cup2009 3. SG2008 2. DH

national Championships (Top 3)2010 (Stoos)1. DH, SC, GS2009 (St. Moritz)3. SG

28 swiss-ski team guide

Fränzi aufdenblatten

date of birth: 10 February 1981Residence: 3920 Zermattski Club: ZermattHeight/Weight: 173 cm/70 kg1st Competition in World Cup: 2000 SestriereIndividual sponsor: Zermatt Tourismussuppliers: Skis: Rossignol Boots/Bindings: Rossignol Poles: LekiGoggles/Helmet: AlpinaWebsite:


World Cup (Top 3)20101. SG Val d‘Isère2006 3. DH Bad Kleinkirchheim 2004 3. DH Haus im Ennstal

World Championships2007 (Åre) 14. DH, 19. GS, 19. SG 2005 (Bormio) 15. DH, 18. SG, 18. C, 26. GS 2003 (St. Moritz) 15. SG, 15. C

Olympic Winter games2006 (Turin)12. DH, 16. GS, 17. SG

national Championships (Top 3)2011 (St. Moritz)3. DH2008 (Splügen, Bad Ragaz)1. GS, SG2006 (St. Moritz)2. SG, DH 2005 (Lauchernalp)2. SG2004 (Les Crosets) 1. SG2000 (Flumserberg, Fiescheralp)2. SG, 3. DH1999 (Zinal) 3. DH

denise Feierabend

date of birth: 15 April 1989Residence: 6390 Engelbergski Club: EngelbergHeight/Weight: 170 cm/71 kg1st Competition in World Cup: 2008 Zagreb-SljemeIndividual sponsor: Emmentaler Switzerlandsuppliers: Skis: Head Boots/Bindings: HeadPoles: ScottGoggles/Helmet: ScottWebsite:


World Cup (Top 20)201114. SC Val d‘Isère, SL Zagreb15. SL Arber-Zwiesel16. SL Flachau, Lenzerheide18. SL Levi201015. SC Val d‘Isère200913. SL Levi15. SL Ofterschwang18. SC St. Moritz19. SL Åre

a-pOOl alpIne skIIng WOmen

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marianne kaufmann-abderhalden

200818. SL Zagreb-Sljeme

World Championships2011 (Garmisch-Partenkirchen)6. SC 21. SL 35. GS2009 (Val d‘Isère)6. SL

Junior World Championships (Top 3)2009 (Garmisch-Partenkirchen) 1. SL

Cup standings european Cup2009 3. SL

national Championships (Top 3)2011 (St. Moritz)2. SC2008 (Malbun)1. SL

palmaRes World Cup (Top 3)20103. DH Crans Montana

Junior World Championships2006 (Le Massif)1. DH

Cup standings european Cup2009 3. DH

national Championships (Top 3)2011 (St. Moritz)1. DH, 1. SC, 2. SG2010 (Stoos)2. SC2009 (St. Moritz)2. SC2005 (Veysonnaz, Lauchernalp)3. SL, SG

date of birth: 01 April 1986Residence: 9622 Krinauski Club: ToggenburgHeight/Weight: 177 cm/77 kg1st Competition in World Cup: 2006 Åre World CupfinalIndividual sponsor: Raiffeisensuppliers: Skis: HeadBoots/Bindings: Head Poles: LekiGoggles/Helmet: CarreraWebsite: www.marianneabder

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30 swiss-ski team guide

B-pOOl alpIne skIIng WOmen

pascale Berthod

date of birth: 02 April 1987Residence: 7500 St. Moritzski Club: Alpina St. MoritzHeight/Weight: 162 cm/62 kg1st Competition in World Cup: 2006 OfterschwangIndividual sponsor: Opursuppliers: Skis: Rossignol Boots/Bindings: Lange/Rossignol Poles: LekiGoggles/Helmet: POC

kathrin Fuhrer

date of birth: 21 March 1988Residence: 8767 Elmski Club: ElmHeight/Weight: 170 cm/65 kg1st Competition in World Cup: 2008 St. MoritzIndividual sponsor: Service 7000 AGsuppliers: Skis: Völkl Boots/Bindings: Lange/MarkerPoles: LekiGoggles/Helmet: Uvex

martina schild

date of birth: 26 October 1981Residence: 3818 Grindelwaldski Club: GrindelwaldHeight/Weight: 170 cm/65 kg1st Competition in World Cup: 2001 St. Moritzsuppliers: Skis: Völkl Boots/Bindings: Lange/Marker Poles: LekiGoggles/Helmet: UvexWebsite:

a-pOOl alpIne skIIng WOmen


World Cup (Top 10)20103. SG Haus im Ennstal2008 1. SG Lake Louise5. DH Aspen7. DH St. Moritz8. DH Crans-Montana9. SG St. Moritz2007 3. SG Reiteralm10. SG Lake Louise20065. DH St. Moritz2004 6. DH St. Moritz

World Championships2007 (Åre)12. SG

Olympic Winter games2006 (Turin)2. DH, 6. SG

national Championships (Top 3)2011 (St. Moritz)3. SG2008 (Bad Ragaz) 2. SG2007 (Veysonnaz)1. DH, 3. SG

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Célina Hangl

date of birth: 26 September 1989Residence: 7563 Samnaun Dorfski Club: SamnaunHeight/Weight: 174 cm/64 kg1st Competition in World Cup: 2007 SemmeringIndividual sponsor: Hangl AGsuppliers: Skis: Atomic Boots/Bindings: AtomicPoles: LekiGoggles/Helmet: Uvex

esther good

date of birth: 30 January 1987Residence: 9478 Azmoosski Club: WalenstadtHeight/Weight: 155 cm/60 kg1st Competition in World Cup: 2009 LienzIndividual sponsor: Stobag AGsuppliers: Skis: Stöckli Boots/Bindings: Lange/Atomic, SalomonPoles: LekiGoggles/Helmet: Uvex

Wendy Holdener

date of birth: 12 May 1993Residence: 8842 Unteribergski Club: DrusbergHeight/Weight: 167 cm/60 kg1st Competition in World Cup: 2010 SöldenIndividual sponsor: Electrolux AGsuppliers: Skis: Head Boots/Bindings: HeadPoles: LekiGoggles/Helmet: Carrera

nadja Vogel

date of birth: 07 August 1990Residence: 6182 Escholzmattski Club: EscholzmattHeight/Weight: 171 cm/68 kg1st Competition in World Cup: 2009 LeviIndividual sponsor: Ochsner Sportsuppliers: Skis: Head Boots/Bindings: Head Poles: LekiGoggles/Helmet: Carrera

C-pOOl alpIne skIIng WOmen

Célia Bournissen

date of birth: 03 October 1992Residence: 1986 Arollaski Club: Dent-Blanche Evolène RégionHeight/Weight: 163 cm/61 kgIndividual sponsor: Alpiqsuppliers: Skis: Völkl Boots/Bindings: Lange/MarkerPoles: LekiGoggles/Helmet: Uvex

Charlotte Chable

date of birth: 31 October 1994Residence: 1884 Villars sur Ollonski Club: Villars sur OllonHeight/Weight: 166 cm/58 kgsuppliers: Skis: Fischer Boots/Bindings: FischerPoles: LekiGoggles/Helmet: Uvex

32 swiss-ski team guide

C-pOOl alpIne skIIng WOmen

Chiara gmür

date of birth: 12 February 1993Residence: 8877 Murgski Club: SächsmorHeight/Weight: 170 cm/66 kgsuppliers: Skis: Fischer Boots/Bindings: FischerPoles: LekiGoggles/Helmet: Carrera

michelle gisin

date of birth: 05 December 1993Residence: 6390 Engelbergski Club: EngelbergHeight/Weight: 174 cm/65 kgIndividual sponsor: Alpiqsuppliers: Skis: Rossignol Boots/Bindings: Rossignol Poles: SwixGoggles/Helmet: Giro

andrea ellenberger

date of birth: 22 March 1993Residence: 6052 Hergiswilski Club: HergiswilIndividual sponsor: Frey + Cie Sicherheitstechnik AGsuppliers: Skis: Stöckli Boots/Bindings: Head/Atomic, SalomonPoles: LekiGoggles/Helmet: CarreraWebsite:

Jasmine Flury

date of birth: 16 September 1993Residence: 7278 Davos Monsteinski Club: RinerhornHeight/Weight: 164 cm/60 kgsuppliers: Skis: Stöckli Boots/Bindings: Atomic/Atomic, SalomonPoles: LekiGoggles/Helmet: POC

audrey Chaperon

date of birth: 14 February 1993Residence: 1618 Châtel-St-Denisski Club: Châtel-St-DenisHeight/Weight: 165 cm/58 kgIndividual sponsor: Raiffeisensuppliers: Skis: Stöckli Boots/Bindings: Lange/Atomic, SalomonPoles: LekiGoggles/Helmet: Uvex

luana Flütsch

date of birth: 10 January 1995Residence: 7245 Ascharinaski Club: St. AntönienIndividual sponsor: Alpiqsuppliers: Skis: Stöckli Boots/Bindings: Atomic/Atomic, SalomonPoles: LekiGoggles/Helmet: Uvex

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priska nufer

date of birth: 11 February 1992Residence: 6055 Alpnachski Club: AlpnachHeight/Weight: 162 cm/60 kgIndividual sponsor: Melchsee-Fruttsuppliers: Skis: Fischer Boots/Bindings: Fischer Poles: Komperdell Goggles/Helmet: CarreraWebsite:

Joana Hählen

date of birth: 23 January 1992Residence: 3775 Lenk i. Club: Lenk i. S.Height/Weight: 157 cm/59 kgIndividual sponsor: Rolandsuppliers: Skis: Völkl Boots/Bindings: Lange/MarkerPoles: LekiGoggles/Helmet: Uvex

steffi Horrer

date of birth: 08 October 1989Residence: 7250 Klosters Platzski Club: KlostersHeight/Weight: 168 cm/67 kgsuppliers: Skis: Stöckli Boots/Bindings: Fischer/Atomic, SalomonPoles: LekiGoggles/Helmet: Uvex

Rahel kopp

date of birth: 18 March 1994Residence: 7320 Sargansski Club: FlumsHeight/Weight: 167 cm/63 kgIndividual sponsor: Bergbahnen Flumserberg AGsuppliers: Skis: Rossignol Boots/Bindings: RossignolGoggles/Helmet: CarreraWebsite:

dea kuonen

date of birth: 29 August 1992Residence: 3963 Montanaski Club: Les BarzettesHeight/Weight: 176 cm/64 kgsuppliers: Skis: Salomon Boots/Bindings: Salomon Poles: ScottGoggles/Helmet: Scott

marine Oberson

date of birth: 01 December 1991Residence: 1627 Vaulruzski Club: Alpina BulleHeight/Weight: 172 cm/64 kgIndividual sponsor: Raiffeisensuppliers: Skis: Salomon Boots/Bindings: SalomonPoles: LekiGoggles/Helmet: Uvex

34 swiss-ski team guide

C-pOOl alpIne skIIng WOmen

Jasmina suter

date of birth: 16 April 1995Residence: 6433 Stoosski Club: StoosIndividual sponsor: Ochsner Sportsuppliers: Skis: Völkl Boots/Bindings: Fischer/Marker Poles: ScottGoggles/Helmet: Uvex

andrea thürler

date of birth: 23 January 1993Residence: 1656 Jaunski Club: Edelweiss JaunHeight/Weight: 166 cm/60 kgIndividual sponsor: Raiffeisensuppliers: Skis: Stöckli Boots/Bindings: Lange/Atomic, SalomonPoles: ExelGoggles/Helmet: Giro

Corinne suter

date of birth: 28 September 1994Residence: 6430 Schwyzski Club: SchwyzHeight/Weight: 169 cm/68 kgIndividual sponsor: Victorinoxsuppliers: Skis: Head Boots/Bindings: HeadPoles: LekiGoggles/Helmet: UvexWebsite:

Jasmin Rothmund

date of birth: 27 May 1991Residence: 9478 Azmoosski Club: WalenstadtHeight/Weight: 172 cm/66 kg1st Competition in World Cup: 2011 ZagrebIndividual sponsor: Helvetia Versicherungensuppliers: Skis: Fischer Boots/Bindings: Fischer Poles: LekiGoggles/Helmet: CarreraWebsite:

elodie Rudaz

date of birth: 06 June 1994Residence: 1981 Vexski Club: Vex-les-Collons-ThyonHeight/Weight: 166 cm/52 kgIndividual sponsor: Alpiqsuppliers: Skis: Völkl Boots/Bindings: Lange/MarkerPoles: LekiGoggles/Helmet: Uvex

Bettina schneeberger

date of birth: 30 December 1994Residence: 3537 Eggiwilski Club: EggiwilHeight/Weight: 165 cm/57 kgsuppliers: Skis: Rossignol Boots/Bindings: RossignolPoles: LekiGoggles/Helmet: Uvex

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Vanessa Utzinger

date of birth: 16 August 1993Residence: 4402 Frenkendorfski Club: Anzère Ski TeamHeight/Weight: 172 kg/ 68 kgsuppliers: Skis: Völkl Boots/Bindings: Fischer/MarkerPoles: LekiGoggles/Helmet: Uvex

tania Vouilloz

date of birth: 18 May 1993Residence: 1922 Salvanski Club: SalvanHeight/Weight: 156 cm/56 kgIndividual sponsor: Alpiqsuppliers: Skis: Dynastar Boots/Bindings: Lange/DynastarPoles: ExelGoggles/Helmet: Uvex

Bianca Willi

date of birth: 29 July 1992Residence: 8888 Heiligkreuzski Club: Graue Hörnersuppliers: Skis: Dynastar Boots/Bindings: Lange/DynastarPoles: ExelGoggles/Helmet: Uvex

mélissa Voutaz

date of birth: 01 February 1991Residence: 1933 Sembrancherski Club: SembrancherHeight/Weight: 167 cm/64 kgsuppliers: Skis: Dynastar Boots/Bindings: Lange/Dynastar Poles: LekiGoggles/Helmet: Carrera

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Hauptsponsor Swiss-Ski


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Swiss Ski Pool

38 swiss-ski team guide


Ambühl Elias 54

Annen Priscilla 52

Berry Joos 52

Conrad Johannes 52

Eicher Manuel 51

Faivre Virginie 53

Filippini Simone 43

Fiori Gioele 52

Fiva Alex 44

Fritsche Gregor 48

Gasparini Fabio 43

Gasser Mischa 42

Gasser Patrick 44

Gasser Philip 48

Grassi Ana Maria 43

Gygax Nicolas 42

Haab Anja 42

Hilpert Lorenz 43

Hunziker Jonas 54

Isler Dimitri 42

Isoz Andreas 40

Jäger Mirjam 55

Kusy Daniel 52

Lafranchi Pablo 43

Lambert Christopher 40

Lambert Thomas 41

Lauper Nils 54

Lenherr Jonas 52

Leuenberger Nadja 41

Lüdi Sanna 45

Mahler Kai 56

Mani Alois 48

Marmet Björn 53

Martini Tristano 43

Müller Jorinde 51

Müller Katrin 45

Netzer Conradign 46

Niederer Armin 46

Schärer Tanja 39

Schmid Michael 47

Serain Emilie 49

Smith Fanny 47

Spalinger Richard 50

Stähli Peter 50

Steffen Andreas 50

Steffen Franziska 49

Stutz Michel 42

Tadé Marco 44

Ulrich Renato 39

Vetsch Enrico 51

Von Gunten Thomas 51

swiss-ski team guide 39

natIonal team Freestyle aerIals

renato Ulrich

date of birth: 14 December 1983residence: 6006 Luzernski Club: HorwHeight/Weight: 178 cm/71 kg1st Competition in World Cup: 2003 Lake PlacidIndividual sponsor: Netceterasuppliers: Skis: OxessBoots: Full TiltGoggles: Bollé Clothes: Poivre-BlancWebsite:


World Cup (Top 10)20112. Calgary3. Beida Lake5. Beida Lake, Moscow, Minsk7. Lake Placid20103. Mont Gabriel4. Changchun, Deer Valley5. Lake Placid200910. Cypress2008 3. Deer Valley4. Inawashiro5. Davos10. Lianhua Mountain2006 6. Changchun 10. Mt. Buller 2004 7. Ruka9. Harbin/Long-zhu

Cup standings World Cup2011 3.2010 4.

World Championships2011 4. Deer Valley2009 4. Inawashiro2003 16. Deer Valley

olympic Winter Games2010 18. Cypress2006 10. Sauze d‘Oulx-Jouvenceaux

national Championships (Top 3)2011 1. Meiringen-Hasliberg2006 2. Mettmenstetten2004 2. Davos2002 2. Lenzerheide2001 3. Andermatt 2000 2. Arosa

tanja schärer

date of birth: 17 June 1989residence: 8902 Urdorfski Club: Freestyle Comp. JumpinHeight/Weight: 167 cm/59 kg1st Competition in World Cup: 2008 DavosIndividual sponsor: Brandenberger PROE suppliers: Skis: OxessGoggles: AlpinaClothes: Poivre-BlancWebsite:


World Cup (Top 10)20115. Moscow6. Lake Placid7. Mont Gabriel9. Calgary10. Beida Lake, Minsk20105. Changchun8. Mont Gabriel

Cup standings World Cup2011 6.2010 11.

World Championships2011 12. Deer Valley

olympic Winter Games2010 19. Cypress

Junior World Championships2007 9. Airolo

national Championships (Top 3)2011 1. Meiringen-Hasliberg

40 swiss-ski team guide

Christopher lambert

date of birth: 15 March 1987residence: 8932 Mettmenstettenski Club: Freestyle Comp. JumpinHeight/Weight: 176 cm/70 kg1st Competition in World Cup: 2008 Lake Placidsuppliers: Skis: OxessBindings: Marker Clothes: Poivre-BlancWebsite:


World Cup (Top 10)20095. Cypress7. Lake Placid2008 7. Lake Placid9. Moscow

World Championships2009 31. Inawashiro

national Championships (Top 3)2006 3. Mettmenstetten

andreas Isoz

date of birth: 17 February 1984residence: 8932 Mettmenstettenski Club: Freestyle Comp. JumpinHeight/Weight: 178 cm/80 kg1st Competition in World Cup: 2000 LivignoIndividual sponsor: Curschellas Gartengestaltung Mettmenstettensuppliers: Ski: OxessBindings: Marker Clothes: Poivre-BlancWebsite:


World Cup (Top 10)20114. Lake Placid201010. Calgary20094. Lake Placid6. Mont Gabriel8. Moscow2008 4. Davos5. Deer Valley7. Moscow9. Cypress, Mont Gabriel, Lianhua Mountain2007 6. Apex2006 6. Spindleruv Mlyn

World Championships2011 17. Deer Valley2009 12. Inawashiro2007 5. Madonna di Campiglio

olympic Winter Games2010 14. Cypress

national Championships (Top 3)2011 2. Meiringen-Hasliberg2007 2. Meiringen-Hasliberg2006 1. Mettmenstetten

a-Pool Freestyle aerIals

swiss-ski team guide 41

nadja leuenberger

date of birth: 15 December 1987residence: 8114 Dänikon ZHski Club: Freestyle-Team FricktalHeight/Weight: 163 cm/57 kg1st Competition in World Cup: 2009 Lake Placidsuppliers: Skis: Raiffeisen/OxessBoots/Bindings: Lowa/Marker Goggles: BrikoClothes: Poivre-BlancWebsite:

Palmares World Cup (Top 10)20098. Lake Placid

World Championships2009 23. Inawashiro

Junior World Championships2007 5. Airolo2006 2. Krasnoe Ozero

national Championships (Top 3)2011 2. Meiringen-Hasliberg

thomas lambert

date of birth: 31 May 1984residence: 8002 Zürichski Club: Freestyle Comp. JumpinHeight/Weight: 183 cm/75 kg1st Competition in World Cup: 2003 SteamboatIndividual sponsor: Raiffeisensuppliers: Skis: OxessBoots/Bindings: Full Tilt/MarkerClothes: Poivre-BlancWebsite:


World Cup (Top 10)20118. Calgary20105. Mont Gabriel9. Calgary2009 3. Mont Gabriel4. Moscow6. Deer Valley2008 4. Lianhua Mountain6. Mont Gabriel9. Lianhua Mountain10. Deer Valley2007 4. Mont Gabriel 2006 7. Mont Gabriel2005 9. Mt. Buller

World Championships2011 22. Deer Valley2009 23. Inawashiro2007 26. Madonna di Campiglio2005 8. Ruka

olympic Winter Games2010 12. Cypress2006 14. Sauze d‘Oulx-Jouvenceaux

national Championships (Top 3)2007 1. Meiringen-Hasliberg

42 swiss-ski team guide

B-Pool Freestyle aerIals

C-Pool Freestyle aerIals

anja Haab

date of birth: 22 October 1988residence: 8932 Mettmenstettenski Club: Freestyle Comp. JumpinHeight/Weight: 163 cm/53 kg1st Competition in World Cup: 2009 Lake Placidsuppliers: Skis: Atomic Boots/Bindings: AtomicClothes: Poivre-BlancWebsite:

dimitri Isler

date of birth: 15 May 1993residence: 5617 Tennwilski Club: LenzburgHeight: 171 cmIndividual sponsor:buffaloenergydrink.comsuppliers: Clothes: Poivre-Blanc

mischa Gasser

date of birth: 02 February 1991residence: 4514 Lommiswilski Club: BernHeight/Weight: 170 cm/61 kgsuppliers: Clothes: Poivre-Blanc

nicolas Gygax

date of birth: 15 February 1996residence: 8905 Islisbergski Club: Freestyle Comp. JumpinHeight/Weight: 168 cm/51 kgsuppliers: Clothes: Poivre-Blanc

michel stutz

date of birth: 22 January 1996residence: 8905 Islisbergski Club: Freestyle Comp. JumpinHeight/Weight: 163 cm/51 kgsuppliers: Clothes: Poivre-Blanc

swiss-ski team guide 43

B-Pool Freestyle moGUls

lorenz Hilpert

date of birth: 19 June 1985residence: 4310 Rheinfeldenski Club: Freestyle-Team FricktalHeight/Weight: 170 cm/69 kg1st Competition in World Cup: 2004 Airolosuppliers: Skis: HeadBoots/Bindings: HeadPoles: LekiGoggles/Helmet: Spy/Head Clothes: Poivre Blanc, DakineWebsite:

Pablo lafranchi

date of birth: 24 April 1986residence: 6539 Cadenazzoski Club: TamaroHeight/Weight: 165 cm/62 kg1st Competition in World Cup: 2007 La PlagneIndividual sponsor: EYFAsuppliers: Clothes: Fablice

Fabio Gasparini

date of birth: 18 August 1994residence: 6965 Cadroski Club: AiroloIndividual sponsor: Elettricità Bronzsuppliers: Clothes: Fablice

tristano martini

date of birth: 07 February 1995residence: 6633 Lavertezzoski Club: PianturinaHeight/Weight: 179 cm/62 kgIndividual sponsor: Elettricità Bronzsuppliers: Clothes: Fablice

C-Pool Freestyle moGUls

ana maria Grassi

date of birth: 01 January 1993residence: 6775 Ambriski Club: AiroloHeight/Weight: 158 cm/55 kgIndividual sponsor: Elettricità Bronzsuppliers: Clothes: Fablice

simone Filippini

date of birth: 16 November 1994residence: 6932 Breganzonaski Club: AiroloHeight/Weight: 178 cm/67 kgsuppliers: Clothes: Fablice

44 swiss-ski team guide

natIonal team Freestyle skICross

marco tadé

date of birth: 03 December 1995residence: 6598 Teneroski Club: AiroloHeight/Weight: 166 cm/54 kgsuppliers: Clothes: Fablice

alex Fiva

date of birth: 29 January 1986residence: 7076 Parpanski Club: ParpanHeight/Weight: 188 cm/93 kg1st Competition in World Cup: 2008 Meiringen-Haslibergsuppliers: Ski: StöckliBoots/Bindings: Nordica/SalomonPoles: LekiGoggles/Helmet: POCClothes/Gloves: Poivre-Blanc/Reusch


World Cup (Top 10)20112. Innichen/San Candido4. Les Contamines5. St. Johann

Cup standings World Cup2011 14.

Cup standings european Cup2010 2.

World Championships2011 25. Deer Valley

Patrick Gasser

date of birth: 08 October 1985residence: 3714 Frutigenski Club: FrutigenHeight/Weight: 175 cm/86 kg1st Competition in World Cup: 2009 Meiringen-HaslibergIndividual sponsor: Theiler Ingenieure AGsuppliers: Skis: Stöckli Boots/Bindings: AtomicPoles: LekiGoggles/Helmet: AlpinaClothes/Gloves: Poivre-Blanc/ReuschWebsite:


World Cup (Top 10)20111. Innichen/San Candido9. Meiringen-Hasliberg201010. Meiringen-Hasliberg

Cup standings World Cup2011 10.

World Championships2011 10. Deer Valley

national Championships (top 3)2011 2. Arosa

C-Pool Freestyle moGUls

swiss-ski team guide 45

sanna lüdi

date of birth: 17 December 1986residence: 4935 Leimiswilski Club: Ahorn EriswilHeight/Weight: 173 cm/62 kg1st Competition in World Cup: 2009 St.Johann i.T.suppliers: Skis: RossignolBindings/Boots: RossignolPoles: LekiGoggles/Helmet: RoxyClothes/Gloves: Poivre-Blanc/Reusch

Palmares World Cup (Top 10)2009 3. Grindelwald8. St. Johann i.T.

World Championships2009 9. Inawashiro

olympic Winter Games2010 35. Cypress

katrin müller

date of birth: 31 March 1989residence: 6780 Airoloski Club: AiroloHeight/Weight: 168 cm/64 kg1st Competition in World Cup: 2008 Les ContaminesIndividual sponsor: Oftradersuppliers: Skis: Stöckli Bindings: AtomicClothes/Gloves: Poivre-Blanc/ReuschWebsite:


World Cup (Top 10)20112. Meiringen-Hasliberg3. Grasgehren, Myrkdalen-Voss4. Blue Mountain5. Branas6. Alpe d‘Huez7. St. Johann20104. Meiringen-Hasliberg5. Les Contamines6. St. Johann i.T./Oberndorf7. Blue Mountain, Grindelwald200910. St. Johann i.T./Oberndorf20087. Kreischberg9. Grindelwald

Cup standings World Cup2011 6.2010 11.

World Championships2011 14. Deer Valley

Junior World Championships2007 5. Airolo

46 swiss-ski team guide

natIonal team Freestyle skICross

armin niederer

date of birth: 28 February 1987residence: 7252 Klosters Dorfski Club: MadrisaHeight/Weight: 172 cm/73 kg1st Competition in World Cup: 2007 FlaineIndividual sponsor: Coopsuppliers: Skis: Söckli Boots/Bindings: Fischer/AtomicPoles: LekiGoggles/Helmet: POCClothes/Cloves: Poivre-Blanc/ReuschWebsite:

Conradign netzer

date of birth: 02 August 1980residence: 7425 Maseinski Club: AndeerHeight/Weight: 182 cm/90 kg1st Competition in World Cup: 2003 Saas-FeeIndividual sponsor: STIHLsuppliers: Skis: FischerBoots/Bindings: FischerPoles: KomperdellGoggles/Helmet: CarreraClothes/Cloves: Poivre-Blanc/ Reusch

Palmares World Cup (Top 10)20112. Myrkdalen-Voss3. Branas4. Alpe d‘Huez, Grasgehren2010 3. Innichen/San Candido4. Branäs7. Grindelwald9. Innichen/San Candido2008 5. Valmalenco

Cup standings World Cup2011 8.2010 10.

World Championships2011 6. Deer Valley2005 14. Ruka

olympic Winter Games2010 20. Cypress

national Championships (Top 3)2011 1. Arosa

Palmares World Cup 2011 (Top 10) 3. Grasgehren6. St. Johann8. Branas10. Meiringen-Hasliberg20107. Innichen/San Candido9. Les Contamines10. Blue Mountain2009 2. La Plagne; 5. Cypress

Cup standings World Cup2011 11.2010 14.

World Championships2011 9. Deer Valley2009 19. Inawashiro

Junior World Championships2007 3. Airolo

national Championships (Top 3)2011 3. Arosa2009 1. Disentis

swiss-ski team guide 47

michael schmid

date of birth: 18 March 1984residence: 3714 Frutigenski Club: FrutigenHeight/Weight: 193 cm/100 kg1st Competition in World Cup: 2004 LaaxIndividual sponsor: Coopsuppliers: Skis: StöckliBoots/Bindings: Atomic/VistPoles: LekiGoggles/Helmet: AlpinaClothes/Gloves: Poivre-Blanc/ReuschWebsite:


World Cup (Top 3)20101. Sierra Nevada, Meiringen-Hasli-berg, Branäs, Innichen/San Candido2. Grindelwald2009 1. St. Johann i.T.3. Branäs2008 2. Kreischberg3. Deer Valley2007 3. Listel-Inawashiro2006 2. Kreischberg

World Championships2009 15. Inawashiro2007 10. Madonna di Campiglio2005 6. Ruka

olympic Winter Games2010 1. Cypress

national Championships (Top 3)2007 1. Lenzerheide2006 1. Davos2005 2. Grindelwald2004 2. Davos

Fanny smith

date of birth: 20 May 1992residence: 1884 Villarsski Club: Villars-GryonHeight/Weight: 166 cm/60 kg1st Competition in World Cup: 2008 GrindelwaldIndividual sponsor: Promegasuppliers: Ski: StöckliBoots/Bindings: Fischer/SalomonPoles: LekiClothes/Gloves: Poivre-Blanc, Roxy/ReuschWebsite:


World Cup (Top 10) 20111. Innichen/San Candido2. Alpe d‘Huez, Blue Mountain4. Grindelwald, Myrkdalen-Voss5. Innichen/San Candido6. Meiringen-Hasliberg9. Branas2010 2. Lake Placid3. Branäs6. Innichen/San Candido7. Alpe d‘Huez8. Sierra Nevada9. Meiringen-Hasliberg

Cup standings World Cup2011 4.2010 6.

World Championships2011 10. Deer Valley

World Junior Championships2010 1. Cardrona

olympic Winter Games2010 7. Cypress

national Championships (Top 3)2011 1. Arosa

x-Games2011 3. Aspen2011 4. Aspen

48 swiss-ski team guide

alois mani

date of birth: 03 July 1983residence: 3700 Spiezski Club: ErlenbachHeight/Weight: 174 cm/72 kg1st Competition in World Cup: 2002 Tignessuppliers: Skis: StöckliBoots/Bindings: Nordica/AtomicPoles: ScottGoggles/Helmet: ScottClothes/Gloves: Poivre-Blanc/Reusch


World Cup (Top 10)2008 3. Kreischberg8. Sierra Nevada2007 5. Les Contamines2006 8. Sierra Nevada, Pecp/Snezkou, Les Contamines2005 7. Les Contamines 10. Naeba, Kreischberg

World Championships2007 24. Madonna di Campiglio

a-Pool Freestyle skICross

Philip Gasser

date of birth: 07 April 1983residence: 3714 Frutigenski Club: FrutigenHeight/Weight: 187 cm/92 kg1st Competition in World Cup: 2004 Saas-FeeIndividual sponsor: Coopsuppliers: Skis: Stöckli Boots/Bindings: AtomicPoles: LekiGoggles/Helmet: AlpinaClothes/Gloves: Poivre-Blanc/Reusch


World Cup (Top 10)20115. Grindelwald7. Grasgehren8. Meiringen-Hasliberg9. Blue Mountain

Gregor Fritsche

date of birth: 23 October 1985residence: 8840 Einsiedelnski Club: EinsiedelnHeight/Weight: 181 cm/83 kg1st Competition in World Cup: 2010 Meiringen-HaslibergIndividual sponsor: Coopsuppliers: Skis: Völkl Boots/Bindings: Dalbello/MarkerPoles: SwixGoggles/Helmet: UvexClothes/Cloves: Poivre-Blanc/Reusch


Cup standings european Cup2010 3.

swiss-ski team guide 49

emilie serain

date of birth: 22 March 1984residence: 1854 Leysinski Club: LeysinHeight/Weight: 169 cm/59 kg1st Competition in World Cup: 2003 LaaxIndividual sponsor: Coopsuppliers: Skis: Stöckli Boots/Bindings: Lange/Atomic Poles: LekiGoggles/Helmet: POCClothes/Gloves: Poivre-Blanc/Reusch


World Cup (Top 3)20119. Blue Mountain, Grasgehren20093. La Plagne2008 2. Grindelwald3. Deer Valley

World Championships2009 6. Inawashiro2007 11. Madonna di Campiglio2005 22. Ruka

national Championships (Top 3)2011 2. Arosa2009 1. Disentis2007 1. Lenzerheide

Franziska steffen

date of birth: 25 August 1981residence: 3792 Saanenski Club: SaanenHeight: 165 cm1st Competition in World Cup: 2003 Saas-FeeIndividual sponsor: Coopsuppliers: Skis: Blizzard Boots/Bindings: Tecnica/MarkerPoles: LekiGoggles/Helmet:POCClothes/Gloves: Poivre Blanc,Peak Performance/ ReuschWebsite:


World Cup (Top 10)20118. Meiringen-Hasliberg20108. Innichen/San Candido20096. Meiringen-Hasliberg10. Branäs2008 10. Flaine2007 4. Flaine2005 2. Naeba, Kreischberg3. Les Contamines 6. Grindelwald2004 1. Pozza di Fassa2. Pozza di Fassa, Les Contamines7. Spindleruv Mlyn8. Naeba9. Sauze d‘Oulx

World Championships2005 13. Ruka

olympic Winter Games2010 29. Cypress

national Championships (Top 3)2011 3. Arosa2006 1. Davos2005 1. Grindelwald

50 swiss-ski team guide

a-Pool Freestyle skICross

andreas steffen

date of birth: 23 September 1975residence: 3792 Saanenski Club: SaanenHeight/Weight: 190 cm/90 kg1st Competition in World Cup: 2002 TignesIndividual sponsor: Coopsuppliers: Ski: SalomonBoots/Bindings: Salomon Poles: ScottGoggles/Helmet: ScottClothes/Gloves: Poivre-Blanc/Reusch Website:

Peter stähli

date of birth: 20 September 1989residence: 3622 Hombergski Club: HombergHeight/Weight: 182 cm/80 kg1st Competition in World Cup:2010 GrindelwaldIndividual sponsor: Schleuniger AGsuppliers: Skis: BlizzardBoots/Bindings: Technica/MarkerPoles: LekiGoggles/Helmet: POC Clothes/Gloves: Poivre-Blanc/Reusch


World Cup (Top 30)201015. Meiringen-Hasliberg30. Sierra Nevada

Junior World Championships2007 9. Airolo

richard spalinger

date of birth: 18 February 1975residence: 3770 Zweisimmenski Club: ZweisimmenHeight/Weight: 178 cm/93 kg1st Competition in World Cup: 2003 Les Contaminessuppliers: Skis: StöckliBoots/Bindings: Nordica/AtomicPoles: LekiGoggles/Helmet: AlpinaClothes/Gloves: Poivre-Blanc/ReuschWebsite:


World Cup (Top 10)20104. Innichen/San Candido6. Blue Mountain20098. Meiringen-Hasliberg2008 3. Flaine2005 6. Kreischberg, Les Contamines2004 8. Les Contamines

World Championships2007 15. Madonna di Campiglio2005 10. Ruka

national Championships (Top 3)2007 3. Lenzerheide

swiss-ski team guide 51

B-Pool Freestyle skICross

manuel eicher

date of birth: 13 October 1983residence: 3604 Thunski Club: ThunHeight/Weight: 178 cm/78 kg1st Competition in World Cup: 2002 Tignessuppliers: Skis: Fischer Boots/Bindings: FischerPoles: ScottGoggles/Helmet: ScottClothes/Gloves: Poivre-Blanc/ Reusch

enrico Vetsch

date of birth: 26 May 1987residence: 7214 Grüschski Club: BuchenHeight/Weight: 180 cm/75 kg1st Competition in World Cup: 2008 Grindelwaldsuppliers: Skis: FischerBoots/Bindings: Fischer/TyroliaPoles: ExelGoggles/Helmet: POC Clothes/Gloves: Poivre-Blanc/Reusch

thomas Von Gunten

date of birth: 22 April 1971residence: 3778 Schönriedski Club: BärgchutzeHeight/Weight: 180 cm/104 kg1st Competition in World Cup: 2002 Tignessuppliers: Skis: StöckliBoots/Bindings: Nordica/Atomic Poles: LekiGoggles/Helmet: AlpinaClothes/Gloves: Poivre-Blanc/ReuschWebsite:

Jorinde müller

date of birth: 02 October 1993residence: 3985 Geschinenski Club: ObergomsHeight/Weight: 168 cm/58 kgsuppliers: Skis: StöckliBoots: AtomicPoles: LekiGoggles/Helmet: UvexClothes/Gloves: Poivre-Blanc/Reusch


World Cup (Top 3)20116. Les Contamines20103. Sierra Nevada20091. Meiringen-Hasliberg 2008 2. Valmalenco; 3. Sierra Nevada20053. Kreischberg

World Championships2009 13. Inawashiro2007 7. Madonna di Campiglio2005 11. Ruka

x-Games2010 4. Aspen2009 3. Aspen

national Championships (Top 3)2007 2. Lenzerheide2005 1. Grindelwald2004 1. Davos2003 1. Engelberg2002 1. Grindelwald

52 swiss-ski team guide

Jonas lenherr

date of birth: 24 March 1989residence: 9450 Altstättenski Club: GamsHeight/Weight: 177 cm/80 kgIndividual sponsor: Marco Büchelsuppliers: Skis: StöckliPoles: ExelGoggles/Helmet: GiroClothes/Gloves: Poivre-Blanc/Reusch

daniel kusy

date of birth: 06 April 1984residence: 3658 Merligenski Club: SchwandenHeight/Weight: 174 cm/86 kg1st Competition in World Cup: 2002 TignesIndividual sponsor: Sigriswilsuppliers: Skis: Dynastar Boots/Bindings: Lange/Look Poles: Leki Goggles/Helmet: AlpinaClothes/Gloves: Poivre-Blanc/Reusch

Gioele Fiori

date of birth: 31 May 1989residence: 6512 Giubiascoski Club: Monte Lema NovaggioHeight/Weight: 178 cm/85 kgsuppliers: Clothes/Gloves: Poivre-Blanc/Reusch

C-Pool Freestyle skICross

Joos Berry

date of birth: 08 May 1990residence: 7214 Grüschski Club: Grüsch-DanusaHeight/Weight: 180 cm/75 kgIndividual sponsor: Künzli Davossuppliers: Skis: Blizzard Boots/Bindings: Tecnica/Marker Poles: LekiGoggles/Helmet: UvexClothes/Gloves: Poivre-Blanc/Reusch

Priscilla annen

date of birth: 04 June 1992residence: 3782 Lauenenski Club: LauenenHeight/Weight: 174 cm/66 kgsuppliers: Clothes/Gloves:Poivre-Blanc/Reusch

Johannes Conrad

date of birth: 06 September 1988residence: 7260 Davos Dischmaski Club: DavosHeight/Weight: 178 cm/80 kgIndividual sponsor: Dorfgarage Heldstab Davossuppliers: Skis: NordicaBoots: NordicaPoles: ExelGoggles/Helmet: UvesClothes/Gloves: Poivre-Blanc/Reusch

swiss-ski team guide 53

natIonal team Freestyle FreeskI

Virginie Faivre

date of birth: 06 September 1982residence: 1806 St. Légier1st Competition in World Cup: 2003 Saas-Feesuppliers: Skis: VölklBindings: MarkerGoggles/Helmet: Oakley/GiroClothes/Gloves: O‘Neill/DakineWebsite:


World Cup (Top 3)20112. HP Kreischberg3. HP La Plagne20091. HP Les Contamines2. HP La Plagne20042. Saas-Fee, Les Contamines, Bardonecchia

Cup standings World Cup20113. HP20091. HP

World Championships2009 (Inawashiro)1. HP2005 (Ruka)4. HP

x-Games2011 4. HP Tignes2010 4. HP Tignes2009 5. HP Aspen

Björn marmet

date of birth: 17 May 1991residence: 3775 Lenkski Club: LenkHeight/Weight: 181 cm/72 kg1st Competition in World Cup: 2011 Meiringen-Haslibergsuppliers: Skis: Fischer Boots/Bindings: Fischer Clothes/Gloves: Poivre-Blanc/Snowlife

2008 5. HP Aspen2007 4. HP Aspen2005 4. HP Aspen

aFP-events & Invitationals20111. HP Laax, EFO20091. HP Laax, EFO20081. SS Laax, EFO20071. SS Laax, EFO20061. SS Laax, EFO

aFP-Worldranking201110. HP20108. HP20096. HP 20085. HP

54 swiss-ski team guide

natIonal team Freestyle FreeskI

a-Pool Freestyle FreeskI

elias ambühl

date of birth: 26 March 1992 residence: 7425 MaseinIndividual sponsor: Red Bullsuppliers: Skis: AtomicGoggles/Helmet: YNIQ/SweetClothes: SweetWebsite:


World Championships2011 (Park City)12. SS

World Junior Championships2010 (Snow Park)12. SS

x-Games2011 4. BA, 6. SS Aspen2010 3. BA Aspen

aFP-events & Invitationals20111. SS Bad Gastein, SS Laax, BA Are2. SS Kaprun, SS Killington20101. BA Budapest2. BA Stockholm, BA Zurich3. BA Are20091. SS Kaprun2. BA Zurich5. SS Breckenridge

aFP-Worldranking20111. BA, 6. SS20104. BA, 7. SS

Jonas Hunziker

date of birth: 15 May 1994residence: Brienzwilerski Club: Freestyle-Team FricktalHeight/Weight: 175 cm/70 kg1st Competition in World Cup: 2011 KreischbergIndividual sponsor: Sportmintsuppliers: Skis: Nordica Boots/Bindings: Nordica Poles: ScottGoggles/Helmet: ScottWebsite:


World Cup (Top 10)20118. HP Kreischberg

World Championships2011 (Park City)9. SS

World Junior Championships2010 (Snow Park)3. SS2010 (Cardrona)5. HP

Cup standings World Cup201118. HP

aFP-events & Invitationals20116. SS Kaprun8. BA Are

national Chamiponships20112. SS Hoch-Ybrig

nils lauper

date of birth: 12 October 1982residence: 3860 MeiringenHeight/Weight: 160 cm/64 kg1st Competition in World Cup: 2003 Saas-FeeIndividual sponsor: Raiffeisensuppliers: Skis: Line Boots/Bindings: Full Tilt/Marker Helmet: SweetClothes: O‘NeillWebsite:

swiss-ski team guide 55

mirjam Jäger

date of birth: 09 November 1982residence: 8184 BachenbülachHeight/Weight: 175 cm/64 kg1st Competition in World Cup: 2004 Les Contaminessuppliers: Skis: Elan Boots/Bindings: Dalbello/ElanPoles: ElanGoggles/Helmet: Bollé/GiroClothes: Peak-PerformanceWebsite:


World Cup (Top 10)20118. HP La Plagne20083. HP Les Contamines20062. HP Les Contamines10. HP Apex

World Championships2011 (Park City)7. HP2009 (Inawashiro)11. HP

Cup standings World Cup201112. HP

x-Games20104. HP Aspen

20082. HP Aspen20075. HP Aspen

aFP-events & Invitationals 20112. HP Breckenridge, DEW-Tour20091. HP Northstar, DEW-Tour1. HP Cardrona, Wintergames4. HP Laax, EFO20073. HP Laax, EFO20064. HP Laax, EFO

aFP-Worldranking20118. HP20106. HP20097. HP 20084. HP


World Cup (Top 10)20113. HP Kreischberg7. HP La Plagne9. HP La Plagne20092. HP Les Contamines3. La Plagne

World Championships2011 (Park City)10. HP2009 (Inawashiro)20. HP

Cup standings World Cup20116. HP20093. HP

aFP-events & Invitationals20117. HP Laax20099. HP Laax

aFP-Worldranking201123. HP

56 swiss-ski team guide

kai mahler

date of birth: 11 September 1995residence: 8497 Fischenthalski Club: Freestyle-Team FricktalHeight/Weight: 170 cm/61 kg1st Competition in World Cup: 2011 Kreischbergsuppliers: Skis: Movementskis Boots/Bindings: Full Tilt/Marker Poles: LekiGoggles/Helmet: Oakley /GiroClothes: DakineWebsite:


World Cup (Top 10)20115. HP Kreischberg

World Championships2011 (Park City)16. HP

World Junior Championships2010 (Snow Park)11. SS

Cup standings World Cup201113. HP

aFP-events & Invitationals20114. HP Laax

national Championships20111. SS Hoch-Ybrig

a-Pool Freestyle FreeskI

swiss-ski team guide 57


to: K



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Swiss Ski Pool

58 swiss-ski team guide


Adank Jürg 68

Anthamatten Aurel 74

Arnold Ruben 66

Aschwanden Sven 68

Aubry Emilie 65

Bachmann Lars 74

Baume Lucas 75

Baumgartner Nicole 63

Beer Dominik 68

Besancet Tania 66

Bolli Clemens 68

Bösiger Jonas 75

Burgener Patrick 71, 76

Buri Max 75

Caduff Fabio 66

Candrian Sina 71

Caviezel Dario 64

Clavuot Laurin 69

Derungs Isabel 78

Eigensatz Leandro 75

Feldmann Mark 69

Flepp Silvan 64

Flütsch Kaspar 60

Franc Thomas 77

Francon Mellie 67

Galmarini Nevin 60

Gehrig Stephanie 69

Gerber Sandra 68

Hablützel David 75

Haller Christian 72, 77

Haller Ursina 72

Heim Corsin 63

Hermann Yannick 75

Imboden Yannick 76

James Marvin 68

Jenny Ladina 63

Klossner Kevin 69

Koch Lucien 76

Kummer Patrizia 62

Mägert-Kohli Fränzi 60

Meiler Simona 65

Menghini Ramiro 64

Müller Stefanie 62

Murmann Nicole 69

Pleisch Debbie 69

Pleisch Jenny 70

Podladtchikov Iouri 73, 77

Purtschert Nadja 74

Renfer Timon 70

Rieder Stephanie 70

swiss-ski team guide 59

Rüesch Lucas 70

Schärer Michael 76

Scherrer Jan 74, 78

Schmid Rebekka 64

Schmidiger Carina 65

Schoch Philipp 62

Schoch Simon 61

Schütz Yvonne 63

Schwender Janine 65

Staub Joel 76

Suter Mario 70

Van Wijnkoop David 64

Watter Tim 67

Weibel Caroline 70

Wuffli Miriam 67

Zogg Julie 63

60 swiss-ski team guide

natIonal team alpIne

nevin Galmarini

date of birth: 04 December 1986residence: 7546 Ardezski Club: UmblanasHeight/weight: 172 cm/70 kg1st Competition in world Cup: 2006 S. Viglio MarebbeIndividual sponsor: Athleticumsuppliers: Board: SG Snowboards Boots/Bindings: Deeluxe/F2Goggles/Helmet: AlpinaClothes/Gloves: Athleticum/POCwebsite:


world Cup (Top 10)20113. PGS Arosa4. PGS Limone Piemonte6. PSL Limone Piemonte, Landgraaf9. PSL Yongpyong20104. PGS Sudelfeld5. PGS Valmalenco7. PGS Kreischberg20096. PGS Limone Piemonte8. PSL Landgraaf

world snowboard Championships2011 (La Molina)9. PGS, 22. PSL2009 (Gangwon)24. PSL, 32. PGS

olympic winter Games2010 17. PGS Cypress

national Championships (Top 3)2011 1. PGS Sils2009 1. PGS Splügen

Kaspar Flütsch

date of birth: 20 June 1986residence: 7242 Luzeinski Club: PanyHeight/weight: 175 cm/77 kg1st Competition in world Cup: 2006 NendazIndividual sponsor: STS Immobilien AGsuppliers: Board: Kessler Boots/Bindings: Dalbello/F2Clothes/Gloves: Phenix/Snowlife website:


world Cup (Top 10)20112. PGS Telluride5. PSL Limone Piemonte8. PSL Limone Piemonte20104. PSL Moskau7. PGS Sudelfeld20097. PGS Limone Piemonte10. PGS Bayrischzell

world snowboard Championships2011 (La Molina)4. PGS8. PSL2009 (Gangwon)17. PSL

Fränzi mägert-Kohli

date of birth: 31 May 1982residence: 2533 Evilardski Club: GrindelwaldHeight/weight: 171 cm/67 kg1st Competition in world Cup: 2002 SöldenIndividual sponsor: Raiffeisensuppliers: Board: Kessler Bindings: F2 ProflexGoggles/Helmet: AlpinaClothes /Gloves: Thömus/Snowlifewebsite:

swiss-ski team guide 61

simon schoch

date of birth: 07 October 1978residence: 8497 Fischenthalski Club: FischenthalHeight/weight: 184 cm/85 kg1st Competition in world Cup: 1997 Tignes Individual sponsor: PFIsuppliers: Board: Black PearlBindings: Act GearGoggles/Helmet: POCClothes/Gloves: SP/ POCwebsite:


world Cup (Top 3)20113. PSL Bad Gastein, Moskau20091. PSL Kreischberg2. PGS Kreischberg2007 1. PGS Sölden, PSL Bad Gastein, PSL Nendaz2. PGS Furano, PSL Landgraaf, PSL Bad Gastein3. PGS S. Viglio di Marebbe2006 1. PGS Le Relais, PGS Nendaz, PGS St. Petersburg2. PGS Kronplatz, PGS Lake Placid, PSL Landgraaf3. PGS Sölden2005 2. PGS Bardonecchia, PSL Winterberg3. PSL Sierra Nevada2004 2. PGS Whistler, PGS Sapporo2003 1. PGS Serre Chevalier

world snowboard Championships2011 (La Molina)2. PSL2009 (Gangwon)5. PSL, 6. PGS2007 (Arosa)1. PSL2005 (Whistler)4. PSL

2003 (Kreischberg)2. PGS3. PSL

olympic winter Games2010 5. PGS Cypress2006 2. PGS Bardonecchia

national Championships (Top 3)2007 1. PGS Sils2006 3. PGS Sils2003 1. PLS Sils


world Cup (Top 3)20111. PGS Arosa, PGS Telluride2. PSL Limone Piemonte, Yongpyong20101. PGS Telluride3. PGS Kreischberg, Nendaz2008 2. PGS Lake Placid2007 1. PGS Sölden, Bardonecchia, Stoneham2. PGS Furano, Sungwoo2006 2. PGS Le Relais, PSL Shukolovo2005 2. PGS Tandadalen 3. PGS Bardonecchia, PSL St. Petersburg 2004 2. PGS Maribor

world snowboard Championships 2011 (La Molina)5. PGS, 7. PSL2009 (Gangwon)1. PSL, 9. PGS2007 (Arosa)3. PGS, 12. PSL2005 (Whistler)12. PGS

olympic winter Games2010 28. PGS Cypress

national Championships (Top 3)2011 1. PGS Sils2010 2. PGS Sils2008 1. PGS Sils2007 1. PGS Sils 2006 1. PGS Sils

62 swiss-ski team guide

a-pool alpIne

stefanie müller

date of birth: 05 June 1992residence: 7270 Davos Platzski Club: DavosHeight/weight: 158 cm/56 kg1st Competition in world Cup:2008 ArosaIndividual sponsor: GEMÜ GmbH,STS Immobilien AGsuppliers: Board: KesslerBoots/Bindings: Deeluxe/F2Goggles/Helmet: BrikoClothes/Gloves: Phenix/Snowlife


Junior world Championships2011 (Valmalenco)2. PGS

national Championships (Top 3)2011 3. PGS Sils

patrizia Kummer

date of birth: 16 October 1987residence: 3995 Mühlebachski Club: RappentalHeight/weight: 171 cm/65 kg1st Competition in world Cup: 2003 ArosaIndividual sponsor: pa-sosuppliers: Board: Kessler Boots/Bindings: Dalbello/F2Goggles/Helmet: BrikoClothes/Gloves: Phenix/Dakinewebsite:


world Cup (Top 10)20111. PSL Limone Piemonte201010. PSL Moskau

world snowboard Championships2011 (La Molina)8. PSL, 12. PGS

philipp schoch

date of birth: 12 October 1979residence: 8496 Stegski Club: FischenthalHeight/weight: 183 cm/95 kg1st Competition in world Cup: 2000 IschglIndividual sponsor: PFI suppliers: Board: Black PearlBindings: Act GearGoggles/Helm: POCClothes/Gloves: SP/POCwebsite:


world Cup (Top 3)2007 3. PGS Sölden, PSL Bad Gastein2006 1. PGS Le Relais, PGS Kreischberg, PGS Kronplatz, PGS Lake Placid2. PGS Le Relais3. PSL St. Petersburg

world snowboard Championships2011 (La Molina)43. PGS2007 (Arosa)2. PGS, PSL2005 (Whistler)5. PSL, 27. PGS2003 (Kreischberg)10. PGS, PSL

olympic winter Games2006 1. PGS Bardonecchia2002 1. PGS Park City

national Championships (Top 3)2006 2. PGS Sils2003 1. PGS Sils

swiss-ski team guide 63

Julie Zogg

date of birth: 01 October 1992residence: 9476 Weiteski Club: FlumsHeight/weight: 160 cm/59 kg1st Competition in world Cup:2007 Nendazsuppliers: Board: KesslerBoots/Bindings: Deeluxe/Act GearGoggles/Helmet: Girowebsite:


world Cup (Top 10)20116. PGS Arosa8. PSL Pyongyang10. PGS Valmalenco, PGS Stoneh-man, PSL Bad Gastein

world snowboard Championships2011 (La Molina)14. PSL, 22. PGS

Junior world Championships2011 (Valmalenco)1. PGS, 1. PSL2010 (Snow Park)2. PGS, 2. PSL2009 (Nagano)1. PSL, 2. PGS

national Championships (Top 3)2010 1. PGS Sils2009 1. PGS Splügen2008 3. SBX Sils

b-pool alpIne

ladina Jenny

date of birth: 10 June 1993residence: 8730 Uznachski Club: RiedenHeight/weight: 169 cm/63 kg1st Competition in world Cup:2010 Kreischbergsuppliers: Board: Kessler Boots/Bindings: Deeluxe/F2Helmet: BoeriClothes/Gloves: Outlyne/Snowlifewebsite:

Yvonne schütz

date of birth: 16 September 1990residence: 3762 Erlenbachski Club: ErlenbachHeight/weight: 169 cm/56 kg1st Competition in world Cup: 2007 Nendazsuppliers: Board: KesslerBindings: F2Goggles/Helm: POCClothes/Gloves: Thömus/Reusch

nicole baumgartner

date of birth: 20 February 1993residence: 8730 Uznachski Club: RiedenHeight/weight: 157 cm/46 kgIndividual sponsor: STS Hinwil, Sypobasuppliers: Board: Kessler

Corsin Heim

date of birth: 13 September 1987residence: 3714 Frutigenski Club: AdelboardersHeight/weight: 175 cm/75 kg1st Competition in world Cup: 2007 SöldenIndividual sponsor: kobu.chsuppliers: Board: Kessler Boots/Binding: Northwave/F2 TitaniumClothes/Gloves: Thömus/Reuschwebsite:

64 swiss-ski team guide

b-pool alpIne

C-pool alpIne

silvan Flepp

date of birth: 11 July 1992residence: 7270 Davos Platzski Club: PadrusHeight/weight: 172 cm/70 kgIndividual sponsor: Progeo GmbHsuppliers: Board: Kessler Boots/Bindings: Deeluxe/F2Clothes/Gloves: Chanex/Snowlife

ramiro menghini

date of birth: 12 October 1992residence: 7503 Samedanski Club: SamedanHeight/weight: 187 cm/75 kg

dario Caviezel

date of birth: 12 July 1995residence: 7000 Churski Club: Rätia ChurHeight/weight: 176 cm/77 kgIndividual sponsor: Electroluxsuppliers: Board: KesslerBindings: F2Gloves: Snowlife

rebekka schmid

date of birth: 26 October 1991 residence: 7272 Davos Clavadelski Club: DavosHeight/weight: 165 cm/62 kgIndividual sponsor: Wolfland OUTDOORsuppliers: Board: F2 Boots/Bindings: Raichle/F2 TitaniumGoggles/Helmet: BrikoClothes/Gloves: Phenix/Snowlife

david Van wijnkoop

date of birth: 29 March 1988residence: 7417 Paspelsski Club: Rätia ChurHeight/weight: 175 cm/72 kg1st Competition in world Cup: 2009 Landgraafsuppliers: Board: KesslerBoots/Bindings: UPZ/F2 TitaniumClothes/Gloves: Phenix/Snowlifewebsite:

swiss-ski team guide 65

Carina schmidiger

date of birth: 03 February 1991residence: 6430 Schwyzski Club: DavosHeight/weight: 163 cm/60 kg1st Competition in world Cup: 2008 ArosaIndividual sponsor: STS Immobilien AGsuppliers: Board: F2 Boots/Bindings: Deeluxe/F2Goggles/Helmet: AlpinaClothes/Gloves: Phenix/Snowlife

Janine schwender

date of birth: 17 November 1992residence: 8320 Fehraltdorfski Club: WinterthurHeight/weight: 153 cm/55 kgIndividual sponsor: ASSECOVersicherungstreuhand AGsuppliers: Board: SG Snowboards Boots/Bindings: Atomic/F2Goggles/Helmet: Giro/ TSG

natIonal teamsnowboardCross

emilie aubry

date of birth: 08 April 1990residence: 2563 Ipsachski Club: NeSnowHeight/weight: 165 cm/58 kg1st Competition in world Cup: 2005 Saas-FeeIndividual sponsor: Polydecsuppliers: Board: KesslerBoots/Bindings: SalomonGoggles: RoxyClothes/Gloves: Roxy/Levelwebsiite:


world Cup (Top 10)20115. Stoneham, Lech6. Valmalenco, Arosa

world snowboard Championships2011 9. La Molina

x-Games2011 4. SBX

Junior world Championships2009 7. Nagano2008 20. Valmalenco2007 4. Bad Gastein2006 18. Vivaldi Park

european Cup standings2009 1.

national Championships (Top 3)2010 3. Sils2009 2. Splügen2008 1. Sils

simona meiler

date of birth: 13 September 1989residence: 7017 Flims-Dorfski Club: Flims1st Competition in world Cup: 2005 Saas-Feesuppliers: Board: Kessler Googles: SmithClothes/Gloves: Roxy/Levelwebsite:


world Cup (Top 3)20102. Telluride, La Molina

world snowboard Championships2009 10. Gangwon2007 17. Arosa

olympic winter Games2010 9. Cypress

Junior world Championships2009 4. Nagano2008 4. Valmalenco2007 9. Bad Gastein2006 12. Vivaldi Park2005 6. Zermatt

national Championships (Top 3)2010 1. Sils2007 2. Sils

66 swiss-ski team guide

tania besancet

date of birth: 24 December 1988residence: 2207 Coffraneski Club: NeSnowHeight: 170 cm1st Competition in world Cup: 2011 ArosaIndividual sponsor: Micarnasuppliers: Board: SG Snowboards Goggles/Helmet: Bollé/IXSGloves: Snowlifewebsite:


world Cup (Top 20)201111. Arosa16. Arosa


ruben arnold

date of birth: 12 November 1984residence: 8363 Bichelseeski Club: FlawilHeight/weight: 175 cm/80 kg1st Competition in world Cup: 2005 Saas-FeeIndividual sponsor: Sedrun Bergbahnensuppliers: Board: PalmerBindings: Salomonwebsite:


national Championships (Top 3)2011 1. Silvaplana

Fabio Caduff

date of birth: 12 September 1985residence: 5610 Wohlenski Club: ObersaxenHeight/weight: 167 cm/75 kg1st Competition in world Cup: 2005 Saas-FeeIndividual sponsor: howatec.chsuppliers: Board: OxessBoots/Bindings: Northwave/DrakeGoggles/Helmet: SmithClothes/Gloves: Powderhorn/Levelwebsite:


world Cup (Top 10)20114. Telluride20107. Veysonnaz

world snowboard Championships20099. Gangwon

olympic winter Games2010 13. Cypress

x-Games2011 19. SBX

national Championships (Top 3) 2010 1. Sils2009 1. Splügen2008 1. Sils2007 3. Sils2006 2. Sils

swiss-ski team guide 67

mellie Francon

date of birth: 24 January 1982residence: 2052 La vue des alpesski Club: NeSnowHeight/weight: 168 cm/57 kg1st Competition in world Cup: 2004 ArosaIndividual sponsord: Goldecsuppliers: Board: SG SnowboardsGoggles/Helmet: ScottClothes/Gloves: Scottwebsite:


world Cup (Top 3)20092. Chapelco, Stoneham3. Sunday River2008 2. Bad Gastein, Valle Nevado3. Stoneham, Gujo-Gifu, Sungwoo2006 1. Bad Gastein2005 2. Tandadalen

world snowboard Championships2009 3. Gangwon2007 9. Arosa

olympic winter Games2010 7. Cypress2006 5. Bardonecchia

x-Games2008 5. 2007 8.

national Championships (Top 3)2009 3. Splügen2006 1. Sils2005 1. Zermatt

tim watter

date of birth: 27 December 1991residence: 8906 Bonstettenski Club: IceripperHeight/weight: 171 cm/69 cmsuppliers: Board: RossignolBindings: RossignolHelmet: Free7Clothes/Gloves: Rossignolwebsite:


national Championships (Top 3)2011 3. Silvaplana

miriam wuffli

date of birth: 30 June 1991residence: 8413 Neftenbachski Club: FlumsHeight/weight: 170 cm/60 kg1st Competition in world Cup: 2008 LeysinIndividual sponsor: Flumserbergsuppliers: Board: KesslerBoots/Bindings: Deeluxe/Salomon Goggles/Helmet: GiroClothes/Gloves: Billabong/Swanywebsite:


Junior world Championships2011 4. Valmalenco2010 10. Cardrona

68 swiss-ski team guide


marvin James

date of birth: 27 October 1989residence: 8246 Langwiesenski Club: FlumsHeight/weight: 174 cm/65 kg1st Competition in world Cup: 2008 Leysinsuppliers: Board: Kessler Boots/Bindings: HeadGoggles: QuiksilverClothes/Gloves: Quiksilver/Swanywebsite:

Clemens bolli

date of birth: 11 July1983 residence: 8005 Zürichski Club: NSC SchaffhausenHeight/weight: 175 cm/75 kg1st Competition in world Cup: 2008 LeysinIndividual sponsor: Flumserbergsuppliers: Board: Oxess Boots/Bindings: K2 Goggles/Helmet: cpClothes/Gloves: Protest/Dakinewebsite:

sven aschwanden

date of birth: 08 December 1979residence: 6005 Luzernski Club: Birg BernHeight/weight: 181 cm/78 kg1st Competition in world Cup: 2011 Arosawebsite:

sandra Gerber

date of birth: 13 June 1985residence: 3436 Zollbrückski Club: BelpHeight/weight: 172 cm/72 kg1st Competition in world Cup: 2011 Arosa website:


Jürg adank

date of birth: 14 January 1990residence: 7306 Fläschski Club: Bad RagazHeight/weight: 178 cm/65 kg1st Competition in world Cup: 2011 ArosaIndividual sponsor:B-S-S Baumanagementsuppliers: Board: KesslerBoots/Bindings: Salomon/RideGoggles/Helmet: GiroClothes/Gloves: Westbeach/Levelwebsite:

dominik beer

date of birth: 23 June 1993residence: 5430 Wettingenski Club: BelpHeight/weight: 74 cm/66 kg

swiss-ski team guide 69


laurin Clavuot

date of birth: 13 July 1991residence: 7000 Churski Club: FlumsHeight/weight: 175 cm/80 kgIndividual sponsor: Calanda Beton AG Chursuppliers: Boots/Bindings: Northwave/Drake Goggles: SmithGloves: Level

mark Feldmann

date of birth: 12 December 1990residence: 8867 Niederurnenski Club: SchwandenHigh/weight: 170 cm/69 kgsuppliers: Board: PalmerBoots/Bindings: Vans/Flux Goggles/Helmet: Smith/TroyleeClothes/Gloves: Westbeach/Level

stephanie Gehrig

date of birth: 06 December 1992residence: 7310 Bad Ragazski Club: Bad RagazHeight/weight: 166 cm/54 kgIndividual sponsor: Insurance Pro AG Bad Ragazsuppliers: Board: KesslerGoggles/Helmet: Scott/Giro

Kevin Klossner

date of birth: 23 June 1991residence: 3037 Herrenschwandenski Club: Birg BernHeight/weight: 181 cm/78 kgsuppliers: Skis: Völkl Boots/Bindings: Salomon/Flux Goggles/Helmet: Oakley/ScottClothes/Gloves: Bonfire/Dakine

nicole murmann

date of birth: 07 September 1994residence: 8599 Salmsachski Club: ToggenburgHeight/weight: 179 cm/66 kgsuppliers: Board: Palmer Bindings: RideHelmet: SalomonGloves: Level

debbie pleisch

date of birth: 11 May 1993residence: 7270 Davos Platzski Club: DavosHeight/weight: 171 cm/65 kgIndividual sponsor: Snowlifesuppliers: Board: KesslerBoots/Bindings: Burton/K2Googles/Helmet: Shred/RedClothes/Gloves: Surfanic/Snowlifewebsite:

70 swiss-ski team guide

mario suter

date of birth: 04 July 1993residence: 8005 Zürichski Club: IceripperHeight/weight: 175 cm/68 kg1st Competition in world Cup: 2011 Arosasuppliers: Board: RadicalHelmet: TSGClothes: Mammut

Jenny pleisch

date of birth: 25 October 1994residence: 7270 Davos Platzski Club: DavosHeight/weight: 163 cm/55 kgIndividual sponsor: Snowlifesuppliers: Board: Kessler Boots/Bindings: Salomon/K2Goggles/Helmet: Shred/POCClothes/Gloves: Surfanic/Snowlifewebsite:


timon renfer

date of birth: 21 March 1994residence: 2543 Lengnauski Club: LengnauHeight: 170 cm

stephanie rieder

date of birth: 08 December 1994residence: 3800 Mattenski Club: MattenHeight/weight: 165 cm/50 kgsuppliers: Board: Kessler Boots/Bindings: SalomonGoggles: DragonClothes/Gloves: Bonfire/Level

lucas rüesch

date of birth: 09 December 1993residence: 3052 Zollikofenski Club: ChristianiaHeight/weight: 183 cm/76 kg

Caroline weibel

date of birth: 19 July 1994residence: 6033 Buchrainski Club: IceripperHeight/weight: 169 cm/62 kgIndividual sponsor: Tissot, Baumli Sport Hochdorf, Moto V. Müller, Sedrun Bergbahnen, TSG, Mettler concept & design, Weibel Architekturbürosuppliers: Googles: GiroClothes/Gloves: Holy Wooly/Dakinewebsite:

swiss-ski team guide 71

patrick burgener

date of birth: 01 June 1994residence: 1054 Moorensski Club: Crans MontanaHeight/weight: 172 cm/68 kg1st Competition in world Cup: 2008 Saas-FeeIndividual sponsor: Volcomwebsite: www.patburgener.blogspot.comsee also: NT Big Air/Slope Style


world Cup (Top 3)20113. Arosa20102. Kreischberg, 3. Valmalenco

world snowboard Championships2011 6. La Molina

Junior world Championships2010 21. Cardrona2009 28. Nagano

ttr (Top 10)20108. Canadien Open (5*)

national Championships2010 1. Zermatt

natIonal team HalFpIpe

sina Candrian

date of birth: 21 November 1988residence: 7017 Flims Dorfski Club: FlimsHeight/weight: 163 cm/51 kg1st Competition in world Cup: 2005 Saas-FeeIndividual sponsor: Burtonsuppliers: Board: Burton Boots/Bindings: Burton Goggles/Helmet: Anon/Red Clothes/Gloves: Burton


world Cup (Top 3)20101. SBS Calgary2009 2. Cardrona

world snowboard Championships2009 34. Gangwon2007 7. Arosa

ttr (Top 3)20112. SBS European Open Laax (6*)20101. SBS US Open (6*)2. SBS European Open Laax (6*)3. SBS Canadian Open (5*)2009 2. SBS European Open Laax (6*)20083. SBS Roxy Chicken Jam (6*)20071. O‘Neill Evolution Davos (6*)

72 swiss-ski team guide

Christian Haller

date of birth: 28 October 1989residence: 7530 Zernezski Club: ZernezHeight/weight: 176 cm/71 kg1st Competition in world Cup: 2004 Saas-FeeIndividual sponsor: Swatchsuppliers: Board: Burton Boots/Bindings: Burton Goggles/Helmet: Anon/Red Clothes/Gloves: Burtonsee also: NT Big Air/Slope Style

Ursina Haller

date of birth: 29 December 1985residence: 8037 Zürichski Club: ZernezHeight/weight: 172 cm/58 kg1st Competition in world Cup: 2004 KreischbergIndividual sponsor: Audisuppliers: Board: K2 Boots/Bindings: Vans/K2Goggles/Helmet: Oakley/BurtonClothes/Gloves: Eleven/Snowlife


world Cup (Top 5)20105. Saas-Fee20094. Bardonecchia2008 3. Saas-Fee

world snowboard Championships2011 4. La Molina2009 7. Gangwon2007 19. Arosa

olympic winter Games2010 36. Cypress

ttr (Top 10)20111. O‘Neill Evolution Davos (6*)1. New Zealand Open (5*)3. Canadian Open (5*)9. SS O‘Neill Evolution Davos (6*)10. BA Air & Style München (6*)10. SS European Open Laax (6*)20106. O‘Neill Evolution Davos (6*)7. SBS European Open Laax (6*)8. European Open Laax (6*)8. US Open (6*)20097. US Open (6*)

natIonal team HalFpIpe

swiss-ski team guide 73


world Cup (Top 10)20113. Saas Fee6. Arosa20102. Valmalenco8. Saas-Fee2008 4. Saas-Fee7. Cardrona8. Valmalenco, Lake Placid, Bardonecchia10. Sungwoo

world snowboard Championships2011 2. La Molina2009 17. Gangwon2007 27. Arosa

olympic winter Games2010 9. Cypress

ttr (Top 10)2011 2. Nescafe Champs Leysin (5*)4. O’Neill Evolution Davos (6*)7. US Open (6*)8. European Open Laax (6*)20101. O’Neill Evolution Davos (6*)2. European Open Laax (6*)9. Canadien Open (5*)

national Championships 2010 1. Zermatt

Iouri podladtchikov

date of birth: 13 September 1988residence: 8050 Zürichski Club: IceripperHeight/weight: 181 cm/82 kg1st Competition in world Cup: 2004 Saas-FeeIndividual sponsor: Red Bull suppliers: Board: Santa Cruz Boots/Bindings: Vans/Santa Cruz Goggles/Helmet: Spy/TSGClothes: Quicksilverwebsite: www.ioupod.com1see also: NT Big Air/Slope Style


world Cup (Top 3)20111. Arosa20102. Cardrona20093. Bardonecchia, Cypress2008 1. Saas-Fee2. Valmalenco, Cardrona3. Sungwoo

world snowboard Championships2011 2. La Molina2007 56. Arosa

olympic winter Games2010 4. Cypress2006 37. Turin

ttr (Top 3)20111. New Zealand Open (5*)2. O‘Neill Evolution Davos (6*)2. US Open (6*)3. European Open Laax (6*)20101. O‘Neill Evolution Davos (6*)1. Canadian Open (5*)3. US Open (6*)3. European Open Laax (6*)20093. European Open Laax (6STR)2007 2. O‘Neill Evolution Davos (6*)2. European Open Laax (6*)

x-Games2010 2.2009 9.2008 8.

74 swiss-ski team guide

natIonal team HalFpIpe


nadja purtschert

date of birth: 03 September 1989residence: 6432 Rickenbachski Club: SchwyzHeight/weight: 166 cm/52 kg1st Competition in world Cup: 2006 Saas-FeeIndividual sponsord: Swatchsuppliers: Board: RossignolBoots/Bindings: Rossignol Googles/Helmet: Smith/TSGClothes/Gloves: O‘Neill/POW


world Cup (Top 10)20116. Bardonecchia6. SBS Bardonecchia9. Stoneham201010. Valmalenco

world snowboard Championships2011 15. La Molina

Junior world Championships2009 9. Valmalenco2008 10. Nagano

ttr (Top 10)20114. SBS Nescafe Champs Leysin (5*)6. O‘Neill Evolution Davos (6*)9. European Open Laax (6*)20107. O‘Neill Evolution Davos (6*)

national Championships (Top 3)2010 2. Zermatt

C-poolHalFpIpe & bIG aIr

aurel anthamatten

date of birth: 21 April 1991residence: 3906 Saas Feeski Club: Allallin1st Competition in world Cup: 2011 Bardonecchia

lars bachmann

date of birth: 11 August 1992residence: 6983 Magliasoski Club: TisnowboardingHeight/weight: 187 cm/73 kg1st Competition in world Cup: 2011 Bardonecchiasuppliers: Board: RideBoots/Bindings: Ride Goggles: AdidasClothes/Gloves: Analog

Jan scherrer

date of birth: 11 July 1994residence: 9642 Ebnat-Kappelski Club: DavosHeight/weight: 179 cm/68 kg1st Competition in world Cup: 2009 Saas-FeeIndividual sponsor: Swatchsuppliers: Boots: Vans


world Cup (Top 10)20112. Arosa

world snowboard Championships2011 34. La Molina

Junior world Championships2011 3. Valmalenco

ttr (Top 10)20113. O‘Neill Evolution Davos (6*)7. European Open Laax (6*)8. River Jump Livigno (5*)9. US Open (6*)

swiss-ski team guide 75

lucas baume

date of birth: 27 September 1995residence: 1348 Le Brassusski Club: Champlan-GrimisuatHeight/weight: 175 cm/58 kg1st Competition in world Cup: 2011 BardonecchiaIndividual sponsord: RaiffeisenSuppliers: Board: Nitro Boots/Bindings: Vans/ Raiden Goggles/Helmet: Electric/ProtecClothes: Volcomwebsite:

Jonas bösiger

date of birth: 05 April 1995residence: 6432 Rickenbachski Club: SchwyzHeight/weight: 171 cm/55 kgsuppliers: Board: Salomon Boots/Bindings: Salomon

max buri

date of birth: 15 June 1993residence: 3818 Grindelwaldski Club: GrindelwaldHeight/weight: 175 cm/70 kgsuppliers: Board: Salomon Boots/Bindings: Salomon Goggles/Helmet: Oakley/TSGClothes/Gloves: Oakley/Dakine

leandro eigensatz

date of birth: 06 March 1994residence: 6414 Oberarthski Club: Schwyz

david Hablützel

date of birth: 24 April 1996residence: 8126 Zumikonski Club: IceripperHeight/weight: 160 cm/45 kgsuppliers: Board: Burton Boots/Bindings: Burton Goggles/Helmet: Anon/RedClothes/Gloves: Burton

Yannick Hermann

date of birth: 05 January 1997residence: 8800 Thalwilski Club: IceripperHeight/weight: 173 cm/62 kgIndividual sponsor: O‘Neillsuppliers: Board: Santa Cruz Boots/Bindings: Deeluxe/ Santa CruzGoggles/Helmet: O‘Neill/TSGClothes: O‘neillwebsite:

76 swiss-ski team guide

C-poolHalFpIpe & bIG aIr

Yannick Imboden

date of birth: 16 April 1993residence: 3924 St. Niklausski Club: GrächenHeight/weight: 176 cm/61 kg1st Competition in world Cup: 2011 BardonecchiaIndividual sponsor: ONEsuppliers: Board: Flow Boots/Bindings: Flow Goggles: DragonGloves: Horsefeathers

lucien Koch

date of birth: 02 January 1996residence: 9472 Grabsski Club: DavosHeight/weight: 170 cm/55 kg1st Competition in world Cup: 2011 BardonecchiaIndividual sponsor: O‘Neillsuppliers: Board: Santa Cruz Boots/Bindings: Northwave/DrakeGoggles/Helmet: SmithClothes/Gloves: O‘Neill/Level

Joel staub

date of birth: 09 September 1994residence: 8932 Mettmenstettenski Club: Freestyle Company JumpinHeight/weight: 165 cm/50 kgsuppliers: Board: BataleonGoggles/Helmet: SmithClothes/Gloves: Session/Level

michael schärer

date of birth: 23 December 1996residence: 3700 Spiezski Club: MünsingenHeight/weight: 160 cm/52 kgsuppliers: Board: Nitro Boots/Bindings: NitroGoggles/Helmet: QuiksilverClothes/Gloves: Quiksilver

natIonal team bIG aIr/slope stYle

patrick burgener

date of birth: 01 June 1994residence: 1054 Moorensski Club: Crans MontanaHeight/weight: 172 cm/68 kg1st Competition in world Cup: 2008 Saas-FeeIndividual sponsor: Volcomwebsite: www.patburgener.blogspot.comsee also: NT Halfpipe


world Cup (Top 3)20103. Stockholm

Junior world Championships2010 12. Cardrona

ttr (Top 10)20112. SBS River Jump Livigno (5*)6. BA River Jump Livigno (5*)

20096. Crans-Monatna Champs Open (5*)

swiss-ski team guide 77

Christian Haller

date of birth: 28 October 1989residence: 7530 Zernezski Club: ZernezHeight/weight: 176 cm/71 kg1st Competition in world Cup: 2004 Saas-FeeIndividual sponsor: Swatchsuppliers: Board: Burton Boots/Bindings: Burton Goggles/Helmet: Anon/Red Clothes/Gloves: Burtonsee also: NT Halfpipe


world Cup (Top 10)20096. Stockholm2007 9. Torino

world snowboard Championships2009 33. Gangwon2007 15. Arosa

ttr (Top 10)20119. O‘Neill Evolution Davos (6*)10. Air & Style München (6*)10. European Open Laax (6*)20101. New Zealand Open (5*)20097. US Open (6*)

Iouri podladtchikov

date of birth: 13 September 1988residence: 8050 Zürichski Club: IceripperHeight/weight: 181 cm/82 kg1st Competition in world Cup: 2004 Saas-FeeIndividual sponsor: Red Bull suppliers: Board: Santa Cruz Boots/Bindings: Vans/Santa Cruz Goggles/Helmet: Spy/TSGClothes: Quicksilverwebsite: www.ioupod.comsee also: NT Halfpipe


world Cup (Top 10)20099. Moscow

world snowboard Championships2007 43. Arosa

ttr (Top 10)20116. O‘Neill Evolution Davos (6*) 20104. Air & Style Innsbruck (6*)9. European Open Laax (6*)

thomas Franc

date of birth: 10 October 1988residence: 5430 Wettingenski Club: DavosHeight/weight: 170 cm/64 kg1st Competition in world Cup: 2006 Klagenfurtsuppliers: Board: Head Boots/Bindings: HeadHelmet: Head


world Cup (Top 10)20119. Denver20109. Seoul10. Quebec20092. Moscow8. Stoneham2006 5. St. Petersburg

world snowboard Championships2011 La Molina12. Big Air, 29. SBS2007 54. Arosa

a-poolbIG aIr/slope stYle

78 swiss-ski team guide

Jan scherrer

date of birth: 11 July 1994residence: 9642 Ebnat-Kappelski Club: DavosHeight/weight: 176 cm/63 kg1st Competition in world Cup: 2009 Saas-FeeIndividual sponsor: Swatchsuppliers: Board: ForumBoots/Bindings: Vans/Forum Goggles/Helmet: Anon/RedClothes: Foursquare


Junior world Championships2011 3. Valmalenco

ttr (Top 10)20117. Nescafe Champs Leysin (5*)8. River Jump Livigno (5*)

b-poolbIG aIr/slope stYle

Isabel derungs

date of birth: 17 July 1987residence: 8032 ZürichIndividual sponsor: Core Snowboard Campssuppliers: Skis: Ride Boots/Bindings: Ride Goggles: SpyClothes/Gloves: Eleven/Ride

a-poolbIG aIr/slope stYle

swiss-ski team guide 79


to: K



| Burgerstein | Ovomaltine | RICOH SCHWEIZ AG || RITZ AG Print und Media | RUAG | S0NY | Hilti |

Hauptsponsor Swiss-Ski


Sponsoren Swiss-Ski



National Broadcaster



Swiss Ski Pool

80 swiss-ski team guide


Baumann Jonas 85

Bieler Livio 85

Bucher Silvana 87

Cologna Dario A. 81

Cologna Gianluca 85

Eigenmann Christoph 84

Fischer Remo 82

Furger Roman 85

Hediger Jovian 86

Hösli Corsin 86

Jäger Christa 89

Jäger Martin 84

Käser Erwan 86

Kindschi Jöri 85

Livers Toni 82

Müller Natalia 89

Perl Curdin 83

Philipona Julia 89

Pralong Candide 86

Schaad Fabian 86

Schaad Roman 86

Schnider Ueli 87

Stiffler Tatjana 89

Trachsel Doris 88

Trütsch Franziska 89

Van der Graaff Laurien 88

Vontobel Andrin 87

swiss-ski team guide 81

natIonal teamcross-country men

dario a. cologna

date of birth: 11 March 1986residence: 7260 Davos Dorfski club: Val MüstairHeight/Weight: 179 cm/74 kg1st competition in World cup: 2006 KuusamoIndividual sponsor: Helvetia Versicherungensuppliers: Skis: Fischer Boots/Bindings: Alpina/FischerPoles: SwixGoggles: CascoWebsite:


World cup (Top 3)20111. 4x10 km Relay La Clusaz, Overall Tour de Ski, 20 km M PU Lahti2. 15 km Gällivare, Mini Tour Kuu-samo3. SP F Davos, 40 km Falun20103. SP, 15 km F Canmore, Overall Tour de Ski2009 1. 40 km M Falun, 20 km PU Finale Falun, Overall Tour de Ski2. 30 km F La Clusaz, Prologue Finale Falun

cup standings World cup2011 1. Overall2009 1. Overall

World championships2011 (Oslo)9. SP F, 9. 4x10 km Relay, 20. 50 km F, 24. 30 km M PU, 25. 15 km C2009 (Liberec)4. SP, 6. 15 km C, 7. 4x10 km Relay41. 30 km PU

u 23 World championship2008 (Malles, Val Venosta) 1. 30 km2007 (Tarvisio)1. 15 km, 30 km PU

olympic Winter Games2010 (Whistler Olympic Park)1. 15 km F, 10. 50 km C, 4x10 km Relay, 11. Team SP F, 13. 30 km PU

Junior World championships2006 (Kranj)3. 10 km C, 22. PU2005 (Rovaniemi)23. 10 km F, 29. PU2004 (Stryn)8. Relay, 24. 10 km F

national championships (Top 3)2011 (Les Mosses)1. 50 km C, SP C, 15 km F, PU C/F2010 (Marbach)1. SP2008 (Lac Retaud)1. PU, 3. SP2007 (Steg)Elite Swiss Champion 50 km, 7-times Youth and Junior Swiss Champion

82 swiss-ski team guide

natIonal teamcross-country men

remo Fischer

date of birth: 13 August 1981residence: 2532 Magglingenski club: Arve MolsHeight/Weight: 173 cm/68 kg1st competition in World cup: 2002 DavosIndividual sponsor: Helvetia Versicherungensuppliers: Skis: Fischer Boots/Bindings: Alpina/FischerPoles: KV2Goggles: GiroWebsite:


World cup (Top 10)20111. 4x10 km Relay La Clusaz4. 4x10 km Gällivare20107. 4x10 km Relay, 10. 15 km F Beitostölen2009 9. 4x10 km Relay La Clusaz10. 4x10 km Relay Gällivare2008 3. 30 km F Oslo7. 30 km F Rybinsk10. 4x10 km Relay Beitostölen2007 5. 15 km F Davos7. 4x10 km Relay Davos

World championships2011 (Oslo)9. 4x10 km Relay, 33. 30 km M PU, 37. 50 km F2009 (Liberec)7. 4x10 km Relay, 19. 50 km F2007 (Sapporo)12. Team SP F, 45. 15 km F, 47. 15 km F2005 (Oberstdorf)15. 4x10 km Relay, 16. 15 km F, 46. 2x15 km PU

olympic Winter Games2010 (Whistler Olympic Park)10. 4x10 km Relay, 15. 15 km F, 44. 30 km PU2006 (Pragelato Plan)21. 50 km F, 36. 2 x 15 km PU

national championships (Top 3)2011 (Les Mosses)2. PU C/F, 3. 15 km F2009 (Trun)1. 15 km F2007 (Steg)1. 15 km, 2. 50 km C2006 (Les Diablerets)2. 30 km, 50 km C, 3. 3 x 10 km Relay2005 (Goms) 1. 50 km F, 3x10 km Relay, 3. 10 km C PU + 10 km F

toni livers

date of birth: 02 June 1983residence: 7270 Davos Platzski club: Gardes FrontièresHeight/Weight: 182 cm/74 kg1st competition in World cup: 2003 DavosIndividual sponsor: Helvetia Versicherungensuppliers: Skis: Rossignol Boots/Bindings: Rossignol/Rossignol, RottefellaPoles: SwixGoggles: AlpinaWebsite:


World cup (Top 10)20111. 4x10 km Relay La Clusaz4. 4x10 km Gällivare20104. 15 km F Canmore7. 4x10 km Relay Beitostölen2009 7. 15 km F Gaellivare10. 4x10 km Relay Gaellivare2008 6. 15 km F Beitostölen10. 4x10 km Relay Beitostölen2007 1. 15 km F Davos7. 4x10 km Relay Davos

swiss-ski team guide 83

World championships2011 (Oslo)9. 4x10 km Relay, 54. 30 km M PU, 55. 50 km F2009 (Liberec)7. 4x10 km Relay, 14. 50 km F,26. 15 km C2007 9. 30 km PU Sapporo2005 21. 15 km F Oberstdorf

olympic Winter Games 2010 (Whistler Olympic Park)10. 4x10 km Relay, 12. 15 km F, 22. 30 km PU2006 (Pragelato Plan)32. 50 km F, 40. 2x15 km PU

national championships (Top 3)2010 (Marbach)1. 20 km PU, 15 km C2009 (Trun)2. 15 km F, 3. SP F2008 (Feutersoey) 1. 50 km F

curdin Perl

date of birth: 15 November 1984residence: 7504 Pontresinaski club: Bernina PontresinaHeight/Weight: 180 cm/76 kg1st competition in World cup: 2005 FalunIndividual sponsor: Helvetia Versicherungensuppliers: Skis: Rossignol Boots/Bindings: Rossignol Poles: SwixGoggles: BlizWebsite:


World cup (Top 10)20111. 4x10 km Relay La Clusaz4. 4x10 km Gällivare4. Overall Tour de Ski7. 30 km F Mst La Clusaz20107. 4x10 km Relay Beitostölen2009 9. 4x10 km Relay La Clusaz 10. 4x10 km Relay Gällivare2008 10. 4x10 km Relay Beitostölen2007 10. 15 km F Davos

World championships2011 (Oslo)9. 4x10 km Relay, 44. 50 km F2009 (Liberec)7. 4x10 km Relay, 27. 50 km F2007 (Sapporo)10. 4x10 km Relay, 28. 15 km F PU, 30. 30 km PU

olympic Winter Games2010 (Whistler Olympic Park)10. 4x10 km Relay, 17. 15 km F, 20. 30 km PU

national championships (Top 3)2011 (Les Mosses)2. 15 km F2010 (Marbach)2. SP

84 swiss-ski team guide

a-Poolcross-country men

martin Jäger

date of birth: 20 December 1987residence: 7315 Vättisski club: Gardes FrontièresHeight/Weight: 180 cm/81 kg1st competition in World cup: 2006 DavosIndividual sponsor: TG Hüttensuppliers: Skis: Rossignol Boots/Bindings: Rossignol Poles: One WayGoggles: CascoWebsite:


World cup (Top 10)20114. SP F Rybinsk2009 9. SP F Rybinsk

World championships2011 (Oslo)11. SP F

u23 World championships2010 (Hinterzarten)2. SP F

national championships (Top 3)2008 (Glaubenberg)2. SP F

christoph eigenmann

date of birth: 22 May 1979residence: 9630 Wattwilski club: Gardes FrontièresHeight/Weight: 177 cm/75 kg1st competition in World cup: 2000 LahtiIndividual sponsor: Kägi Fretsuppliers: Skis: Rossignol Boots/Bindings: Rossignol Poles: ExelGoggles: GiroWebsite:


World cup (Top 10)20118. SP F Düsseldorf20104. Team SP Düsseldorf2008 7. SP Canmore2006 1. SP F Tour de Ski 2006/20072006 2. SP Changchun7. SP Düsseldorf10. SP Borlaenge 2005 7. SP Vernon8. SP Reit im Winkl10. SP Nove Mesto

World championships2011 (Oslo)16. Team SP C, 40. SP F2007 (Sapporo)33. SP 2005 (Oberstdorf)29. SP 2003 (Val di Fiemme)28. SP

olympic Winter Games2010 (Whistler Olympic Park)34. SP C2006 (Torino)30. SP2002 (Salt Lake City)18. SP

national championships (Top 3)2005 2. Relay Les Diablerets2004 3. SP F Pontresina2002 1. SP C Campra2001 1. SP C Langis-Glaubenberg2000 1. SP C Val de Travers

swiss-ski team guide 85

B-Poolcross-country men

Jöri Kindschi

date of birth: 08 October 1986residence: 7260 Davos Dorfski club: DavosHeight/Weight: 177 cm/75 kg1st competition in World cup: 2006 Kuusamosuppliers: Skis: Atomic Boots/Bindings: Atomic Poles: SwixGoggles: CascoWebsite:


World cup (Top 15)201112. Team SP C Liberec, Team SP F Rybinsk14. Team SP F Düsseldorf201012. Team SP Rybinsk

World championships2011 (Oslo)16. Team SP C, 38. SP F

Junior World championships2006 (Kranj)6. SP F

national championships (Top 3)2011 (Les Mosses)3. SP C

Jonas Baumann

date of birth: 27 March 1990residence: 7270 Davos Dorfski club: Tambo SplügenHeight/Weight: 176 cm/70 kg1st competition in World cup: 2009 DavosIndividual sponsor: Helvetia Versicherungensuppliers: Skis: Atomic Boots/Bindings: Atomic Poles: LekiGoggles: Casco

roman Furger

date of birth: 10 February 1990residence: 6467 Schattdorfski club: SchattdorfHeight/Weight: 173 cm/67 kg1st competition in World cup: 2009 DavosIndividual sponsor: Helvetia Versicherungensuppliers: Skis: Fischer Boots/Bindings: FischerPoles: SwixGoggles: Casco

c-Poolcross-country men

livio Bieler

date of birth: 15 April 1993residence: 7402 Bonaduzski club: TrinHeight/Weight: 187 cm/68 kgsuppliers: Skis: Fischer Boots/Bindings: Alpina/FischerPoles: KV2Goggles: Adidas

Gianluca cologna

date of birth: 17 May 1990residence: 7532 Tschiervski club: Val MüstairHeight/Weight: 177 cm/68 kg1st competition in World cup: 2010 DavosIndividual sponsor: SMC Universitysuppliers: Skis: Fischer Boots/Bindings: FischerPoles: SwixGoggles: CascoWebsite:

86 swiss-ski team guide

candide Pralong

date of birth: 24 September 1990residence: 1937 Orsièresski club: Val FerretHeight/Weight: 185 cm/73 kg1st competition in World cup: 2010 DavosIndividual sponsor: Migros Valaissuppliers: Skis: Rossignol Boots/Bindings: RossignolPoles: SwixGoggles: Adidas

c-Poolcross-country men

Jovian Hediger

date of birth: 17 December 1990residence: 1880 Bexski club: BexHeight/Weight: 177 cm/77 kg1st competition in World cup: 2009 DavosIndividual sponsor: Helvetia Versicherungensuppliers: Skis: Rossignol Boots/Bindings: RossignolPoles: ExelGoggles: Alpina

corsin Hösli

date of birth: 16 May 1992residence: 7530 Zernezski club: Sarsura ZernezHeight/Weight: 180 cm/70 kgsuppliers: Skis: Fischer Boots/Bindings: Alpina/RottafellaPoles: SwixGoggles: AdidasWebsite:

roman schaad

date of birth: 30 July 1993residence: 8842 Unteribergski club: Drusbergsuppliers: Skis: Salomon Boots/Bindings: Salomon Poles: SwixGoggles: Adidas

erwan Käser

date of birth: 08 June 1992residence: 1881 Les Plans/Bexski club: BexHeight/Weight: 176 cm/65 kg suppliers: Skis: FischerBoots/Bidning: FischerPoles: KV2Goggles: Casco

Fabian schaad

date of birth: 23 January 1992residence: 8842 Unteribergski club: DrusbergHeight/Weight: 177 cm/72 kgsuppliers: Skis: FischerBoots/Bindings: SalomonPoles: KV2Goggles: Casco

swiss-ski team guide 87

ueli schnider

date of birth: 29 March 1990residence: 6173 Flühliski club: FlühliHeight/Weight: 184 cm/75 kg1st competition in World cup: 2010 Davossuppliers: Skis: Fischer Boots/Bindings: FischerPoles: ExelGoggles: Casco

andrin Vontobel

date of birth: 16 June 1992residence: 8498 Gibswilski club: Am Bachtel WaldHeight/Weight: 181 cm/74 kgsuppliers: Skis: Fischer Boots/Bindings: FischerPoles: LekiGoggles: Casco

a-Poolcross-country Women

silvana Bucher

date of birth: 03 February 1984residence: 6170 Schüpfheimski club: EntlebuchHeight/Weight: 164 cm/55 kg1st competition in World cup: 2006 OsloIndividual sponsor: swiss IT-Factory AGsuppliers: Skis: Rossignol Boots/Bindings: Alpina/RossignolPoles: LekiGoggles: Alpina


World cup (Top 10)2011 (Top 20)12. Team SP C Liberec13. Team SP F Düsseldorf15. 10 km F Gällivare20105. Team SP Rybinsk6. SP F Oslo2009 8. Team SP F Düsseldorf2008 7. 4x5 km Relay Davos, Team SP F Düsseldorf9. 4x5 km Relay Falun2007 9. 4x5 km Relay Davos

World championships2011 (Oslo)19. 30 km F, 22. SP F2007 (Sapporo)25. 10 km F

u 23 World championship2006 (Tarvisio)1. 10 km F, 5. 15 km M PU

national championships (Top 3)2011 (Les Mosses)1. 10 km F2010 (Marbach)1. 10 km C, 10 km PU, SP F2008 (Feutersoey)3. 30 km F2007 (Steg)1. 10 km F

88 swiss-ski team guide

a-Poolcross-country Women

laurien Van der Graaff

date of birth: 14 October 1987residence: 7270 Davos Platzski club: TG HüttenHeight/Weight: 167 cm/57 kg1st competition in World cup: 2008 LahtiIndividual sponsor: Inter Cheese AGsuppliers: Skis: Rossignol Boots/Bindings: RossignolPoles: One WayGoggles: AlpinaWebsite:


World cup (Top 20)201112. Team SP C Liberec 13. Team SP F Düsseldorf

World championships2011 (Oslo)40. SP F

Junior World championships (Top 20)2006 (Kranj)19. 5 km C2005 (Rovaniemi)19. SP C

national championships (Top 3)2010 (Marbach)3. SP2009 (Trun)3. SP2008 (Feutersoey/Lac Retaud)1. SP

doris trachsel

date of birth: 27 April 1984residence: 1737 Plasselbski club: PlasselbHeight/Weight: 175 cm/65 kg1st competition in World cup: 2004 BernIndividual sponsor: swiss IT-Factory AGsuppliers: Skis: Fischer Boots/Bindings: FischerPoles: SwixGoggles: AlpinaWebsite:


World cup (Top 10)2011 (Top 20)12. SP C Lahti20. SP C Otepää20107. 4x5 km Relay Lago di Tesero

World championships2011 (Oslo)33. 10 km2005 (Oberstdorf)11. 4x5 km Relay, 47. 10 km F

Junior World championships2004 (Stryn)4. 5 km F, 6. 15 km C, 10. SP F2002 (Schonach)8. 5 km F

olympic Winter Games2010 (Whistler Olympic Park)30. SP C

national championships (Top 3)2011 (Les Mosses)1. PU M, 2. SP C, 3. 10 km F2010 (Marbach)2. SP F2009 (Trun/Zignau)1. 10 km F, PU2. 30 km C

swiss-ski team guide 89

c-Poolcross-country Women

christa Jäger

date of birth: 10 October 1992residence: 7315 Vättisski club: VättisHeight/Weight: 173 cm/62 kgIndividual sponsor: Helvetia Versicherungensuppliers: Skis: RossignolBoots/Bindings: RossignolPoles: One WayGoggles: Casco

natalia müller

date of birth: 15 October 1992residence: 7550 Scuolski club: Sarsura ZernezHeight/Weight: 168 cm/54 kgIndividual sponsor: Caprez Ingenieure AGsuppliers: Skis: Fischer Boots/Bindings: Alpina/FischerPoles: LekiGoggles: AlpinaWebsite: www.mü

tatjana stiffler

date of birth: 10 November 1988residence: 7260 Davos Dorfski club: DavosHeight/Weight: 175 cm/64 kg1st competition in World cup: 2008 KuusamoIndividual sponsor: Amavita Apothekesuppliers: Skis: Rossignol Boots/Bindings: RossignolPoles: LekiGoggles:

Julia Philipona

date of birth: 09 May 1993residence: 7260 Davos Dorfski club: DavosHeight/Weight: 168 cm/56 kgIndividual sponsor: Guyan + Co. AGsuppliers: Skis: Fischer Boots/Bindings: Alpina/RottafellaPoles: KV2

Franziska trütsch

date of birth: 02 February 1993residence: 8842 Unteribergski club: DrusbergHeight/Weight: 164 cm/53 kgsuppliers: Skis: Peltonen Bindings: SalomonPoles: Exel Goggles: Adidas

swiss-ski team guide 91






| Burgerstein | Ovomaltine | RICOH SCHWEIZ AG || RITZ AG Print und Media | RUAG | S0NY | Hilti |

Hauptsponsor Swiss-Ski


Sponsoren Swiss-Ski



National Broadcaster



Swiss Ski Pool

92 swiss-ski team guide

IndexnordIc combIned

Bieri Joel 94

Erichsen Christian 94

Fawre Sven 94

Hess Ivo 94

Hug Tim 93

Hurschler Seppi 92

natIonal teamnordIc combIned

Seppi Hurschler

date of birth: 23 June 1983residence: 8840 EinsiedelnSki club: Bannalp-WolfenschiesseHeight/Weight: 180 cm/67 kg1st competition in World cup: 2002 LahtiSuppliers: Skis: Fischer Boots: Rass/FischerBindings: Rottefella/FischerPoles: SwixGoggles/Helmet: Carrera


World cup (Top 10)20115. GU Lillehammer9. GU Ramsau20104. GU Seefeld7. GU Lahti9. GU Val di Fiemme2008 9. SP Klingenthal, SP Val di Fiemme 2007 7. Mst Sapporo10. SP Sapporo

World championships2011 (Oslo)26. GU LH, 32. GU NH2009 (Liberec)20. GU NH, 22. GU LH, 29. MS2007 (Sapporo)5. Team, 17. GU, 28. SP2003 (Val di Fiemme)35. SP

swiss-ski team guide 93

tim Hug

date of birth: 11 August 1987residence: 4563 GerlafingenSki club: GerlafingenHeight/Weight: 186 cm/70 kg1st competition in World cup: 2008 SeefeldSuppliers: Skis: Fischer Boots: Rass/AlpinaBindings: Rottefella/FischerPoles: ExelGoggles/Helmet: Carrera

a-PoolnordIc combIned


World cup (Top 20)201115. GU Kuusamo2009 18. GU Ramsau am Dachstein, GU Chaux-Neuve

World championships2011 (Oslo)32. GU2009 (Liberec)30. GU

olympic Winter Games2010 (Whistler Olympic Park)33. GU LH, 35. GU NH

Summer Grand Prix (Top 10)2010 8. GU Hinterzarten

national championships (Top 3)2010 2. GU Einsiedeln

olympic Winter Games2010 (Whistler Olympic Park)29. GU NH, 31. GU LH2006 (Pragelato/Pragelato Plan) 22. GU, 24. SP 2002 (Utah Olympic Park)31. SP

Summer Grand Prix (Top 10)201010. GU Hinterzarten2009 7. GU Einsiedeln, GU Oberstdorf10. GU Hinterzarten2008 4. GU Bischofshofen

national championships (Top 3)2010 3. GU Einsiedeln2009 2. GU Einsiedeln2008 2. GU Einsiedeln2007 2. GU Kandersteg 2006 3. SP Einsiedeln

94 swiss-ski team guide

b-PoolnordIc combIned

Joel bieri

date of birth: 30 May 1989residence: 3718 KanderstegSki club: KanderstegHeight/Weight: 172 cm/61 kg1st competition in World cup: 2009 SchonachSuppliers: Skis: Fischer Boots: Rass/FischerBindings: Rottefella/FischerPoles: LekiGoggles/Helmet: UvexWebsite:

Ivo Hess

date of birth: 05 May 1991residence: 6465 UnterschächenSki club: UnterschächenHeight/Weight: 169 cm/60 kgIndividual sponsor: SADA AGSuppliers: Skis: Boots: Rass/SalomonBindings: SalomonPoles: ExelGoggles/Helmet: Uvex

christian erichsen

date of birth: 21 October 1990residence: NOR-0874 OsloSki club: Giswil-MörlialpHeight/Weight: 180cm/68 kg1st competition in World cup: 2010 RamsauSuppliers: Skis: Fischer Boots: Rass/AlpinaBindings: Rottefella/FischerPoles: One WayGoggles/Helmet: Casco

Sven Fawer

date of birth: 11 March 1993residence: 1865 Les DiableretsSki club: Les DiableretsHeight/Weight: 168 cm/54 kgSuppliers: Ski: Rass/SalomonBindings: SalomonPoles: LekiGoggles/Helmet: Uvex

swiss-ski team guide 95


to: S




| Burgerstein | Ovomaltine | RICOH SCHWEIZ AG || RITZ AG Print und Media | RUAG | S0NY | Hilti |

Hauptsponsor Swiss-Ski


Sponsoren Swiss-Ski



National Broadcaster



Swiss Ski Pool

96 swiss-ski team guide


Ammann Simon 97

Anken Olivier 99

Anken Vital 99

Deschwanden Gregor 98

Egloff Pascal 98

Grigoli Marco 98

Kälin Pascal 99

Schuler Adrian 98

Windmüller Sabrina 98

swiss-ski team guide 97

2008 3. Bischofshofen, Zakopane2007 1. Oslo, Lillehammer2. Klingenthal, Engelberg, Kuusamo, 2 x FH Planica3. Bischofshofen, Innsbruck2004 2. Oslo, Lillehammer, Park City2002 1. Oslo2. Predazzo, Engelberg 3. Oberstdorf, Predazzo

Cup standings World Cup2011 2. Overall2010 1. Overall2009 2. Overall2007 3. Overall

World Championships2011 (Oslo)3. LH2009 (Liberec)3. NH, 8. LH2007 (Sapporo)1. LH, 2. NH, 7. Team LH2005 (Oberstdorf)7. Team LH, 8. Team NH, 27. LH, 44. NH2003 (Val di Fiemme)9. Team LH, 19. NH, 17. LH1999 (Ramsau)26. NH

simon Ammann

date of birth: 25 June 1981Residence: 8834 Schindellegiski Club: SSC ToggenburgHeight/Weight: 172 cm/60 kg1st Competition in World Cup: 1997 OberstdorfIndividual sponsor: Helvetia Versicherungensuppliers: Skis: FischerBoots: RassGoggles/Helmet: CarreraClothes/Gloves: Odlo/ReuschWebsite:


World Cup (Top 3)20111. Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Zako-pane, Lahti2. Harrachov3. Kuusamo, Kuopio, Lillehammer, Willingen, Klingenthal, Vikersund20101. Lillehammer, Engelberg, Sapporo, Klingenthal, Lahti, Kuopio, Oslo2. Engelberg, Innsbruck, Tauplitz/Bad Mitterndorf, Zakopane3. Bischofshofen, Garmisch-Parten-kirchen2009 1. Kuusamo, Trondheim, Pragelato, Engelberg, Oberstdorf2. Pragelato, Garmisch-Partenkir-chen, Bischofshofen, Tauplitz/Bad Mitterndorf, Willingen, Kuopio, Lahti, FH Vikersund3. Zakopane, Engelberg, FH Tauplitz/Bad Mitterndorf, FH Planica

nAtIonAl teAmskIjumpIng

olympic Winter games2010 (Whistler Olympic Park)1. LH, NH2006 (Pragelato)7. Team LH, 15. LH, 38. NH2002 (Utah Olympic Park)1. LH, NH, 7. Team LH1998 (Nagano)6. Team LH, 39. LH , 35. NH

summer grand prix (Top 3)2010 1. Hinterzarten, Pragelato, Courchevel2 x 3. Hakuba2009 2 x 1. Hakuba2. Klingenthal3. Zakopane, Courchevel2006 1. Kranj3. Einsiedeln

national Championships (Top 3)2010 2. Einsiedeln2009 1. Einsiedeln2008 2. Einsiedeln2007 2. Kandersteg2006 2. Einsiedeln2005 3. Kandersteg2004 2. Hinterzarten2003 2. Kandersteg2002 2. Les Tuffes2001 3. St. Moritz

98 swiss-ski team guide


pascal egloff

date of birth: 08 August 1992Residence: 9472 Grabsski Club: GrabserbergHeight/Weight: 178 cm/63 kg1st Competition in World Cup: 2009 Lahtisuppliers: Skis: FischerBoots: RassGoggles/Helmet: UvexClothes/Gloves: Odlo/ReuschWebsite:

marco grigoli

date of birth: 27 April 1991Residence: 7500 St. Moritzski Club: Alpina St. MoritzHeight/Weight: 177 cm/63 kg1st Competition in World Cup: 2010 Klingenthalsuppliers: Skis: FischerBoots: RassGoggles/Helmet: UvexClothes/Gloves: Odlo/Reusch


World Cup (Top 10)20119. Team Kuusamo20109. Team Lahti

World Championships2011 (Oslo)10. Team45. LH, NH

World junior Championships2011 (Otepää)5. LH6. Team LH

national Championships (Top 3)2010 3. Einsiedeln

gregor deschwanden

date of birth: 27 February 1991Residence: 6048 Horwski Club: HorwHeight/Weight: 182 cm/62 kgsuppliers: Skis: Fischer Boots: RassGoggles/Helmet: UvexClothes/Gloves: Odlo/Reusch


Adrian schuler

date of birth: 28 October 1992Residence: 6418 Rothenturmski Club: EinsiedelnHeight: 175 cmsuppliers: Skis: FischerBoots: JalasGoggles/Helmet: UvexClothes/Gloves: Odlo/Reusch

sabrina Windmüller

date of birth: 13 October 1987Residence: 7320 Sargansski Club: SSC ToggenburgHeight/Weight: 172 cm/57 kgsuppliers: Skis: Fischer Boots: RassGoggles/Helmet: UvexClothes/Gloves: Odlo/Reusch

swiss-ski team guide 99


olivier Anken

date of birth: 21 August 1993 Residence: 1122 Romanel-sur-Morgesski Club: Le BrassusHeight/Weight: 181 cm/68 kg

pascal kälin

date of birth: 11 January 1993Residence: 8840 Einsiedelnski Club: EinsiedelnHeight/Weight: 178 cm/59 kg

Vital Anken

date of birth: 12 February 1992Residence: 1122 Romanel-sur-Morgesski Club: Le BrassusHeight/Weight: 182 cm/66 kgWebsite:

swiss-ski team guide 101


to: N




| Burgerstein | Ovomaltine | RICOH SCHWEIZ AG || RITZ AG Print und Media | RUAG | S0NY | Hilti |

Hauptsponsor Swiss-Ski


Sponsoren Swiss-Ski



National Broadcaster



Swiss Ski Pool

102 swiss-ski team guide


Bissig Tanja 106

Böckli Claudio 103

Cadurisch Irene 106

Cuenot Gaspard 106

Cuenot Jules 106

Dolder Mario 105

Gasparin Aita 106

Gasparin Elisa 106

Gasparin Selina 103

Hallenbarter Simon 104

Joller Ivan 104

Jost Patricia 107

Meier-Ruge Ladina 107

Russi Kevin 107

Russi Romano 107

Schnydrig Stephanie 107

Schöpfer Kenneth 108

Stebler Christian 105

Thétaz Alwin 108

Volken Flurina 108

Von Riedmatten Tanja 107

Weger Benjamin 103

Wiestner Serafin 105

Wolf Pascal 108

swiss-ski team guide 103


selina gasparin

date of birth: 03 April 1984Residence: 7525 S-chanfski Club: Gardes FrontièreHeight/Weight: 163 cm/54 kg1st Competition in World Cup: 2005 OestersundIndividual sponsor: Rolandsuppliers: Skis: RossignolBoots/Bindings: RossignolPoles: LekiWebsite:


World Cup (Top 10)20115. SP7. PU Oslo,8. MS Antholz-Anterselva20105. IN Antholz-Anterselva, 9. SP Oslo

World Championships2011 (Khanty-Mansiysk)13. IN, 15. RL, 55. SP

olympic Winter games2010 (Whistler Olympic Park)40. IN, 48. PU, 56. SP

nation Championships (Top 3)2011 (Realp)1. SP, MS2009 (Realp)1. SP, PU2008 (Realp)1. SP, PU2006 (Lantsch/Lenz)1. SP, MS

nAtIonAl teAmBIAtHlon

Claudio Böckli

date of birth: 20 June 1984Residence: 8607 Seegräbenski Club: Am BachtelHeight/Weight: 180 cm/76 kg1st Competition in World Cup: 2007 KontiolahtiIndividual sponsor: Realpsuppliers: Skis: RossignolBoots/Bindings: RossignolPoles: Leki


World Cup (Top 20)20105. RL, 16. SP Ruhpolding9. RL Oestersund20095. RL Hochfilzen6. RL Oberhof

nation Championships (Top 3)2011 (Realp)3. SP

Benjamin Weger

date of birth: 05 October 1989Residence: 3985 Geschinenski Club: ObergomsHeight/Weight: 181 cm/72 kg1st Competition in World Cup: 2009 OberhofIndividual sponsor: Raiffeisensuppliers: Skis: AtomicBoots/Bindings: Alpina/RottafellaPoles: LekiWebsite:


World Cup (Top 10)20112. IN Pokljuka, 7. SP Oberhof20105. RL Ruhpolding

World Championships2011 (Khanty-Mansiysk)17. RL, 33. PU, 34. IN, 52. SP

olympic Winter games2010 (Whistler Olympic Park)9. RL

junior World Championships2009 (Canmore)2. SP

nation Championships (Top 3)2009 (Realp)1. PU

104 swiss-ski team guide


2007 (Antholz-Anterselva)29. IN 2005 (Hochfilzen)21. IN, 23. SP, 30. PU olympic Winter games2010 (Whistler Olympic Park)9. RL, 16. SP2006 (Torino) 65. SP, 76. IN

national Championships (Top 3)2009 (Realp) 2. SP, PU2008 (Realp)1. SP, PU

simon Hallenbarter

date of birth: 05 March 1979Residence: 3988 Obergestelnski Club: ObergomsHeight/Weight: 193 cm/89 kg1st Competition in World Cup: 1999 EngelbergIndividual sponsor: Raiffeisen suppliers: Skis: MadshusBoots/Bindings: RossignolPoles: KV2Website:


World Cup (Top 10)20119. SP Ruhpolding20105. RL Ruhpolding6. RL Oberhof8. RL Hochfilzen2009 6. SP Khanty-Mansiysk2008 5. RL Hochfilzen6. SP Ruhpolding7. MS Antholz-Anterselva2007 6. RL Oberhof2006 8. IN Brezno-Osrblie

World Championships2011 (Khanty-Mansiysk)17. RL, 24. SP, 29. PU, 42. IN2009 (Pyeong Chang)8. RL, 9. SP, 17. Mst, 29. PU2008 (Oestersund)13. SP, 22. MS, 24. PU

Ivan joller

date of birth: 24 April 1983Residence: 6370 Stansski Club: Bannalp WolfenschiessenHeight/Weight: 180 cm/72 kg1st Competition in World Cup: 2004 HochfilzenIndividual sponsor: Realpsuppliers: Skis: FischerBoots/Bindings: FischerPoles: Leki

swiss-ski team guide 105


Christian stebler

date of birth: 23 April 1981Residence: 6386 Wolfenschiessenski Club: Bannalp-WolfenschiessenHeight/Weight: 176 cm/75 kg1st Competition in World Cup: 2009 RuhpoldingIndividual sponsor: Realpsuppliers: Skis: Rossignol Boots/Bindings: RossignolPoles: Leki


World Championships2011 (Khanty-Mansiysk)15. RL, 62. SP

mario dolder

date of birth: 22 June 1990Residence: 4495 Zeglingenski Club: RiehenHeight/Weight: 181 cm/73 kgIndividual sponsor: Realp suppliers: Skis: RossignolBoots/Bindings: RossignolPoles: Leki Website:

serafin Wiestner

date of birth: 20 July 1990Residence: 7016 Trin Mulinski Club: TrinHeight/Weight: 186 cm/78 kgIndividual sponsor: Realpsuppliers: Skis: MadshusBoots/Bindings: Madshus/RottefellaPoles: LekiWebsite:


World Cup (Top 20)20106. RL Oberhof8. RL Hochfilzen17. IN Pokljuka2009 6. RL Oberhof10. IN Vancouver18. PU Hochfilzen2008 5. RL Hochfilzen2007 6. RL Oberhof

World Championships2009 (Pyeong Chang)30. PU, SP

national Championships (Top 3)2011 (Realp)1. SP, 2. MS2010 (Les Rasses)1. MS2009 (Realp)3. SP, PU2008 (Realp)3. PU2006 (Lantsch/Lenz)1. MS, 3. SP

106 swiss-ski team guide

elisa gasparin

date of birth: 02 December 1991Residence: 7525 S-chanfski Club: Bernina PontresinaHeight/Weight: 159 cm/51 kgIndividual sponsor: Victorinoxsuppliers: Skis: RossignolBoots/Bindings: RossignolPoles: Leki

jules Cuenot

date of birth: 12 August 1994Residence: 2414 Le Cerneux-Péquignotski Club: La Brévine suppliers: Skis: Fischer Boots/Bindings: FischerPoles: Leki

gaspard Cuenot

date of birth: 30 September 1991Residence: 2414 Le Cerneux- Péquignotski Club: La BrévineHeight/Weight: 173 cm/63 kgsuppliers: Skis: FischerBoots/Bindings: FischerPoles: Leki


Aita gasparin

date of birth: 09 February 1994Residence: 7504 Pontresinaski Club: Bernina-PontresinaIndividual sponsor: Rolandsuppliers: Skis: Rossignol Boots/Bindings: Rossignol

tanja Bissig

date of birth: 29 December 1994Residence: 6490 Andermattski Club: Gotthard-AndermattHeight/Weight: 163 cm/48 kgsuppliers: Skis: Salomon Boots/Bindings: SalomonPoles: Exel

Irene Cadurisch

date of birth: 23 October 1991Residence: 7516 Malojaski Club: SeglHeight/Weight: 165 cm/60 kgsuppliers: Skis: FischerBoots/Bindings: FischerPoles: Leki

swiss-ski team guide 107

patricia jost

date of birth: 23 December 1993Residence: 3998 Reckingenski Club: ObergomsHeight/Weight: 168 cm/55 kgsuppliers: Skis: Rossignol Boots/Bindings: RossignolPoles: Leki

kevin Russi

date of birth: 18 July 1992Residence: 6490 Andermattski Club: Gotthard-AndermattHeight/Weight: 177 cm/64 kgIndividual sponsor: Realpsuppliers: Skis: RossignolBoots/Bindings: RossignolPoles: KV2

ladina meier-Ruge

date of birth: 02 March 1992Residence: 3984 Fieschski Club: ObergomsHeight/Weight: 167 cm/56 kgsuppliers: Skis: Atomic Boots/Bindings: Atomic Poles: Leki

tanja Von Riedmatten

date of birth: 21 May 1994Residence: 3985 Münsterski Club: ObergomsHeight: 170 cmsuppliers: Skis: Peltonen Boots/Bindings: SalomonPoles: Leki

Romano Russi

date of birth: 20 April 992Residence: 6490 Andermattski Club: Gotthard-AndermattWeight: 67 kgIndividual sponsor: Realpsuppliers: Skis: Madshus Boots/Bindings: Madshus/RottefellaPoles: KV2

stephanie schnydrig

date of birth: 06 October 1990Residence: 3998 Reckingenski Club: ObergomsHeight/Weight: 161 cm/53 kgsuppliers: Skis: FischerBoots/Bindings: FischerPoles: Leki

108 swiss-ski team guide


Flurina Volken

date of birth: 07 September 1993Residence: 3984 Fieschski Club: Obergomssuppliers: Skis: PeltonenBoots/Bindings: SalomonPoles: Leki

pascal Wolf

date of birth: 24 December 1992Residence: 6074 Giswilski Club: Schwendi-LangisHeight/Weight: 180 cm/70 kgIndividual sponsor: Raiffeisen

kenneth schöpfer

date of birth: 17 October 1994Residence: 6173 Flühliski Club: FlühliHeight/Weight: 180 cm/70 kgsuppliers: Skis: Salomon Boots/Bindings: Alpina/RottafellaPoles: Leki

Alwin thétaz

date of birth: 19 March 1994Residence: 1937 Orsièresski Club: Val FerretHeight: 182 cmsuppliers: Skis: Fischer Boots/Bindings: FischerPoles: Leki

swiss-ski team guide 109


to: S




| Burgerstein | Ovomaltine | RICOH SCHWEIZ AG || RITZ AG Print und Media | RUAG | S0NY | Hilti |

Hauptsponsor Swiss-Ski


Sponsoren Swiss-Ski



National Broadcaster



Swiss Ski Pool

110 swiss-ski team guide

nAtIonAl teAmtelemARk


Dayer Bastien 110

Echser Martin 112

Meyer Sandrine 111

Michel Nicolas 112

Niederberger Reto 112

Reymond Amélie 111

Bastien dayer

date of birth: 28 December 1987Residence: 1987 Hérémenceski Club: Mouch Pa’ baHeight/Weight: 184 cm/77 kg1st Competition in World Cup: 2005 FissWebsite:


World Cup (Top 3)20111. CL Hafjell2. SP Méribel, CL Espot20102. CLSilverthorne/Keystone3. GS Rjukan, CL Bjorli, GS Rauris2009 1. SP Gaustablikk-Rjukan2008 2. SP Rjukan3. SP Sugarbrush/Lincoln Park

World Championships2011 (Rjukan)5. SP, 8. CL, 18. GS2009 (Kreischberg-Murau)2. CL, 5. SP, 6. GS2007 (Thyon-Région)6. SP, 8. CL, 14. GS

junior World Championships2007 (Thyon-Région)1. SP, 1. GS, 2. CL

swiss-ski team guide 111

sandrine meyer

date of birth: 08 April 1982Residence: 1228 Plan-Les-Ouatesski Club: Status GenèveHeight/Weight: 169 cm/57 kg1st Competition in World Cup: 2009 Les Houches


World Cup (Top 3)20111. GS, CL Espot2. SP, GS, SP Rauris, CL Thyon, SP, CL Méribel, GS, SP, CL Hafjell3. SP Thyon, SC Espot20101. CL Silverthorne/Keystone2. CL, SP La Plagne, GS, SP Gran-pallars/Espot, GS, CL Silverthorne/Keystone, SP, GS Steamboat Springs, SP, GS Rjukan, GS Bjorli3. CL Granpallars/Espot, SP Steam-boat Springs, SP Bohinj, GS Rauris2009 1. GS Valdezcaray2. SP Kobla, CL Bjorli3. SP Valdezcaray, SP Bjorli, CL Thyon-Région, GS Thyon-Région, GS Kobla, GS Gaustablikk-Rjukan

World Championships2011 (Rjukan)3. SP, GS, 4. CL2009 (Kreischberg-Murau)2. GS, 3. SP, 3. CL

Amélie Reymond

date of birth: 18 June 1987 Residence: 1950 Sionski Club: Mouch Pa‘ba/SionHeight/Weight: 165 cm/60 kg1st Competition in World Cup: 2007 TrysilIndividual sponsor: Helvetia Versicherungensuppliers: Skis: RossignolBoots/Bindings: Scarpa/RottefellaGoggles/Helmet: POCPoles: RossignolClothes/Gloves: Descente/LevelWebsite:


World Cup (Top 3)20111. GS, SC Hindelang-Oberjoch, SP, GS, SP Rauris, SP, CL Thyon, SP, CL Méribel, GS, SP, CL Hafjell2. GS, CL Espot20101. GS, SP Rauris, SP Bohinj, SP, GS, CL Bjorli, SP, GS, CL Rjukan, SP, GS, Steamboat Springs, CL, GS Silverthorne/Keystone, SP, GS, CL, Granpallars/Espot, SP, GS, CL La Plagna2. CL Silverthorne/Keystone2009 1. SP Kobla, SP Gaustablikk-Rjukan, SP Bjorli, GS Thyon-Région, GS Kobla, GS Gaustablikk-Rjukan, GS Bjorli, CL Thyon-Région, CL Bjorli2. SP Les Houches, SP Valdezcaray, SP Gaustablikk-Rjukan, GS Caldez-caray, CL Les Houches

2008 1. CL Sugarbrush/Lincoln Park, CL Montchavin Les Coches, GS + SP Pyhätunturi Ski Resort, GS Kobla2. SP Sugarbrush/Lincoln Park, 2 x SP Rjukan, SP Dolni Morava, Kreischberg3. CL Montchavin Les Coches, GS Sugarbrush/Lincoln Park2007 1. CL Bad Hindelang/Oberjoch2. GS Gaustablikk-Rjukan3. CL Trysil

Cup standings World Cup2011 1. Overall, 1. GS, 1. SP,1. CL2010 1. Overall, 1. GS, 1. SP,1. CL2009 1. Overall, 1. GS, 1. SP,1. CL2008 3. Overall, 1. GS2007 2. GS, 2. CL

World Championships2011 (Rjukan)1. GS, SP, 2. CL2009 (Kreischberg-Murau)1. GS, 2. SP, 2. CL

junior World Championships2007 (Thyon-Région)1. SP, 1. CL, 2. GS

112 swiss-ski team guide


Reto niederberger

date of birth: 03 September 1990Residence: 6383 Dallenwilski Club: DallenwilHeight/Weight: 179 cm/64 kg1st Competition in World Cup: 2008 Les Houches


martin echser

date of birth: 07 July 1979 Residence: 6482 Gurtnellenski Club: MaderanertalHeight/Weight: 178 cm/78 kg1st Competition in World Cup: 2007 Trysil


World Cup (Top 10)2009 9. CL Thyon-Région

World Championships2011 (Rjukan)15. SP, 16. GS, 17. CL2009 (Kreischberg-Murau)9. SP, 10. CL, 20.GS

junior World Championships2007 (Thyon-Région)16. SP, 17. CL, 21. GS


nicolas michel

date of birth: 02 February 1995Residence: 1981 Vexski Club: Mouch Pa‘baHeight/Weight: 178 cm/60 kg1st Competition in World Cup: 2011 Bad Hindelang

swiss-ski team guide 113


to: N





| Burgerstein | Ovomaltine | RICOH SCHWEIZ AG || RITZ AG Print und Media | RUAG | S0NY | Hilti |

Hauptsponsor Swiss-Ski


Sponsoren Swiss-Ski



National Broadcaster



Swiss Ski Pool

114 swiss-ski team guide

Indexhead of dIscIplIne / staff

Abplanalp Stefan 119

Ahlbäumer Georg 124

Amgarten Ernest 118

Ammann Fabian 128

Amrhein Patrick 130

Arnold Sven 128

Baruffol Adrian 122

Benselin Harald 123

Berger Hansjörg 123

Betschart Hanspeter 126

Birchler Hans-Peter 131

Birrer Hartwig 130

Boner Christoph 120

Bonny Michel 131

Brill Christian 120

Bruni Marco 124

Brunner Sepp 116

Burgener Michel 117

Bürgi Nadja 129

Burn Toni 126

Candinas Gabriel 119

Clement Pascal 126

De Marchi Luca 119

De Menezes Daniel 124

Delea Ulisse 120

Dettling Willi 117

Domeniconi Juan 122

Dubuis Bertrand 116

Durtschi Andreas 120

Fasser Curdin 117

Fässler Raphael 118

Favre Sergio 126

Finance Lionel 120

Flatscher Hans 117

Flückiger Christian 127

Flury Christian 125

Frauenfelder-Erdogan Handan 126

Frey Walter O. 121, 128, 130

Friedli Martina 127

Furrer Dominik 122

Gamper Bernhard 120

Gamper Christian 120

Gamper Manuel 119

Gerber Marco 130

Giger Denis 124

Giovanoli Franco 123

Gross Cyrill 130

Gubelmann Hanspeter 128

Gussnig Mario 117

Hasler Rebecca 124

Hauswald Steffen 129

Hedlund Janne 121

Heinzer Franz 117

Heldstab Sara 128

Hetland Guri 125

Hetland Tor Arne 125

Hofer Franz 118, 121

Hoppe Christian 126

Huber Pascal 130

Inglin Osi 116

Isenschmid Marco 125

Jaquet Michelle 125

Jaun Pascal 126

Kamber Roger 127

Kempf Hippolyt 125

Kindler Martina 127

Kistler Walter 126

Kommer Steffen 130

König Sascha 129

Kunz Hansjürg 116

Künzle Martin 127

Lecours Etienne 122

Leemann Harald 122

Leusch Martina 125

Llano Roberto 124

Locher Steve 117

Lötscher Gerold 126

Luchsinger Karin 124

swiss-ski team guide 115

Indexhead of dIscIplIne / staff

Manhart Albert 125

Marcolini Gianluca 126

Marti Nicole 120

Minami Atsuo 116

Mona Daniele 122

Müller Manuela 121

Nähler Sylva 122

Neff Andrej 126

Nesa Ivano 120

Noack Patrik 126

Noto Misra 122

Nydegger Reto 117

Oberson Jonny 123

Page Arsène 120

Paolella Alois 122

Pederiva Mirko 120

Pellet Philippe 116

Peranic Tjesimir 123

Perreten Christoph 121

Petrini Daniele 119

Pfäffli Ralph 122

Pflügler Susanne 119

Phipps Eric 118

Pini Mauro 119

Pittet Dominique 119

Platzer Roland 116

Poffet Jaqueline 124

Polesel Robert 121

Regazzi Pietro 124

Regli Markus 129

Rhyner Rafael 123

Rinaldi Andrea 122

Roten Jörg 116

Roth Michel 121

Rothenbühler Simon 117

Rüegg Florian 130

Rufer Christian 123

Schärer Evelyne 127

Scherler Viviane 122

Schläppi Reto 117

Schmid Thomas 127

Schmidiger Erich 118

Schmidiger Raphael 120

Schmidt Frank 130

Schödler Berni 127, 128

Schödler Pipo 127

Schütz Diego 124

Schwab Philippe 118

Segessenmann Markus 129

Simmen Gian 124

Spring Hans 118

Stucki Daniel 124

Tepel Steffen 129

Tettamanti Thomas 118

Thöni Andreas 116

Thöni Stefan 118

Trachsel Simon 126

Trachsel Lukas 129

Treitinger Robert 129

Truaisch Fabio 120

Twardowski Jule 130

Valier Philipp 118

Vallazza Martin 117

Van den Berg René 123

Vidal Veronique 125

Völz Marc 128

Vuignier Julien 120

Wachs Roger 126

Weisskopf Reto 117

Weyermann Michael 118

Wollschläger Jörn 129

Zangerl Joe 124

Zeiter Sarah 130

Zihlmann Edi 125

Zurbuchen Werner 117

Zwahlen Robert 130

116 swiss-ski team guide

staff alpIne skIIng men

head of dIscIplInealpIne skIIng men

osI InglIn

date of birth: 17 April 1968Residence: 7260 Davos Dorf


since 2011: Head Coach Men Alpine Team Swiss-Skisince 2008: Technical Delegate FIS2006-2011: Head Coach Alpine Sport-Gymnasium Davos2005-2006: Head Coach Ladies Alpine Team Swiss-Ski2003-2005: Director of Racing Sports Stöckli AG2002-2003: Coach Green Mountain Valley School Vermont (USA)2000-2002: Head Coach Men Alpine Kombi Group Swiss-Ski1999-2000: Head Coach Men Alpine EC Slalom Swiss-Ski1998-1999: Group Coach Ladies Alpine WC Slalom Swiss-Skisince 1995: Technical Delegate Swiss-Ski1993-1998: Head Coach Men Alpine Young Talents Swiss-Ski1992-1993: Coach Regional Team Ladies

atsuo mInamIfunction: Coach WC 2 + 4date of birth: 19 July 1974 Residence: 9104 Waldstadt

JöRg Rotenfunction: Coach WC 2date of birth: 13 April 1974 Residence: 3954 Leukerbad

sepp BRunneRfunction: Group Coach WC 2date of birth: 05 December 1958Residence: A-8832 Oberwölz

phIlIppe pelletfunction: Physiotherapist WC 1 + 3date of birth: 22 September 1962Residence: F-74340 Samoëns

Roland platzeRfunction: Group Coach WC 1date of birth: 16 December 1978Residence: I-39027 St. Valentin a.d. Haide

hansJüRg kunzfunction: Coach WC 1 + 3date of birth: 16 April 1955Residence: 3627 Heimberg

BeRtRand duBuIsfunction: Coach WC 1date of birth: 25 April 1973Residence: 1965 Savièse

World cup team 1 World cup team 2

andReas thönIfunction: Fitness Coach WC 1 + 3date of birth: 28 November 1971Residence: I-39024 Burgeis/Mals

swiss-ski team guide 117

WIllI dettlIngfunction: Coach ECdate of birth: 23 March 1962Residence: 8840 Einsiedeln

maRIo gussnIgfunction: Fitness Coach ECdate of birth: 14 April 1972Residence: 8902 Urdorf

steve locheRfunction: Coach WC 4date of birth: 19 September 1967Residence: 1991 Salins

cuRdIn fasseRfunction: Fitness Coach ECdate of birth: 24 July 1983Residence: 7252 Klosters-Dorf

fRanz heInzeRfunction: Coach ECdate of birth: 11 April 1962Residence: 6440 Brunnen

sImon RothenBühleRfunction: Coach WC 3date of birth: 31 March 1976Residence: 7018 Flims-Waldhaus

Reto nydeggeRfunction: Group Coach ECdate of birth: 28 October 1974Residence: 3807 Iseltwald

mIchel BuRgeneRfunction: Physiotherapist WC 2 date of birth: 13 February 1979Residence: 3906 Saas-Fee

Reto schläppIfunction: Croup Coach WC 4date of birth: 24 October 1969Residence: 3860 Meiringen

hans flatscheRfunction: Group Coach WC 3date of birth: 08 May 1968Residence: 9402 Mörschwil

World cup team 3 World cup team 4 european cup fIs

WeRneR zuRBuchenfunction: Coach ECdate of birth: 25 March 1981Residence: 3800 Unterseen

Reto WeIsskopffunction: Fitness Coach WC 2 + 4date of birth: 10 September 1971Residence: 4524 Günsberg

maRtIn vallazzafunction: PhysiotherapistWC 4date of birth: 21 June 1983Residence: A-6700 Bludenz

118 swiss-ski team guide

staffalpIne skIIng men

european cup fIs c-kader

Raphael fässleRfunction: Physiotherapist ECdate of birth: 29 January 1985Residence: 6438 Ibach

phIlIppe schWaBfunction: Physiotherapist Cdate of birth: 10 April 1965Residence: 1700 Fribourg

eRIc phIppsfunction: Coach Cdate of birth: 19 August 1963Residence: 3911 Ried-Brig

eRIch schmIdIgeRfunction: Coach Cdate of birth: 10 September 1980Residence: 6110 Wolhusen

hans spRIngfunction: Head Doctordate of birth: 26 June 1949Residence: 3954 Leukerbad

eRnest amgaRtenfunction: Equipment Technician ECdate of birth: 11 October 1952Residence: 6074 Giswil

fRanz hofeRfunction: Responsible Young Talentsdate of birth: 29 January 1958Residence: 6182 Malters

phIlIpp valIeRfunction: Equipment Technician EC date of birth: 22 December 1976Residence: 7187 Camischolas

mIchael WeyeRmannfunction: Group Coach Cdate of birth: 10 March 1980Residence: 3073 Gümligen

stefan thönIfunction: Equipment Technician ECdate of birth: 22 January 1979Residence: 3655 Sigriswil

thomas tettamantIfunction: Equipment Technician Cdate of birth: 01 March 1976Residence: 7220 Schiers

swiss-ski team guide 119

head of dIscIplInealpIne skIIng Women

mauro pini

date of birth: 19 January 1965Residence: 6780 Airolo


since 2010: Head Coach Ladies Alpine Team at Swiss-Ski2009-2010: Head Coach Swiss-Ski kombi group Men Team2008-2009: Head Coach Team Lara Gut2004-2007: Technical adviser Lara Gut2003-2008: Head Coach Spanish Ladies National Team2002-2003: Coach Spanish Ladies National Team2000-2002: Head Coach Junior National Team Spain1998-2000: Coach FIS Team Mt. Hutt (New Zealand)1994-2000: Director of Swiss-Ski and Snowboard School Airolo/San Gottardo1990-2006: Member of Swiss Snow-sports Educational Pool1992-1994: Coach Regional Team Juniors FSSI1986-1992: Coach Regional Team Children FSSI1985-1996: Coach SC Airolo

staff alpIne skIIng Women

gaBRIel candInasfunction: Equipment Technician WC 2date of birth: 20 March 1985Residence: 7173 Surrein

stefan aBplanalpfunction: Group Coach WC 1date of birth: 24 December 1973Residence: 3600 Thun

luca de maRchIfunction: Fitness Coach WC 1 + 2date of birth: 11 July 1984Residence: 7076 Parpan

manuel gampeRfunction: Coach WC 2date of birth: 21 September 1979Residence: I-39016 St. Nikolaus/Uten

World cup team 1 World cup team 2

danIele petRInIfunction: Group Coach WC 2date of birth: 23 September 1975Residence: 6900 Lugano

domInIque pIttetfunction: Coach WC 1date of birth: 23 December 1971Residence: 8132 Hinteregg

susanne pflügleRfunction: Physiotherapist WC 1 + 2date of birth: 24 November 1977Residence: 7076 Parpan

120 swiss-ski team guide

staffalpIne skIIng Women

World cup technique european cup/c-kader

chRIstoph BoneRfunction: Fitness Coach EC/Cdate of birth: 22 June 1983Residence: 5610 Wohlen

chRIstIan BRIllfunction: Group Coach EC/Cdate of birth: 25 November 1976Residence: 3823 Wengen

BeRnhaRd gampeRfunction: Equipment Techniquedate of birth: 22 February 1960Residence: I-39016 St. Walburg

nIcole maRtIfunction: Physiotherapist EC/Cdate of birth: 07 April 1981Residence: 3013 Bern

chRIstIan gampeRfunction: Equipment Technician EC/Cdate of birth: 01 May 1988Residence: I-39016 St. Nikolaus/Ulten

andReas duRtschIfunction: Fitness Coach EC/Cdate of birth: 13 November 1981Residence: 8645 Jona

ulIsse deleafunction: Group Coach EC/Cdate of birth: 29 May 1973Residence: 6372 Ennetmoos

lIonel fInancefunction: Group Coach Techniquedate of birth: 25 January 1967Residence: F-88400 Gérardmer

Ivano nesafunction: Coach Techniquedate of birth: 17 April 1968Residence: 1934 Villette

mIRko pedeRIvafunction: Equipment Technician EC/Cdate of birth: 11 September 1973Residence: I-39011 Lana

faBIo tRuaIschfunction: Physiotherapist Techniquedate of birth: 30 May 1984Residence: 6718 Olivone

JulIen vuIgnIeRfunction: Coach EC/Cdate of birth: 07 December 1983Residence: 1984 Les Haudères

Raphael schmIdIgeRfunction: Coach/Fitness Coach Techniquedate of birth: 26 May 1978Residence: 3122 Kehrsatz

aRsène pagefunction: Coach EC/Cdate of birth: 05 July 1971Residence: 3902 Brig

swiss-ski team guide 121

head of dIscIplIne fReestyle

christoph perreten

date of birth: 28 March 1979Residence: 3074 Muri bei Bern


fascination and involvement with snow sportsince 2004: Head of Freestyle2007–2009: Member of FAKO Ski2005–2009: Swiss-Ski represen- tative on commission for honours2000–2009: In charge of freestyle & telemark2003–2005: Project Manager Allianz Suisse Trophy2000–2004: In charge of freestyle, ski jumping & snowboarding1995–2000: Swiss-Ski pool athlete ski jumping

staff fReestyle

manuela mülleRfunction: Coach ECdate of birth: 07 October 1980Residence: 8824 Schönenberg

mIchel Rothfunction: Head Coach/WCdate of birth: 29 March 1963Residence: 6340 Baar


Janne hedlundfunction: Equipment Technician EC/Cdate of birth: 08 August 1953Residence: 1864 Vers l‘Eglise

WalteR o. fReyfunction: Head Doctordate of birth: 26 July 1957Residence: 8008 Zürich

RoBeRt poleselfunction: Equipment Technician EC/Cdate of birth: 18 September 1964Residence: 7437 Nufenen

fRanz hofeRfunction: Responsible Young Talentsdate of birth: 29 January 1958Residence: 6182 Malters

122 swiss-ski team guide

adRIan BaRuffolfunction: Assistant Coachdate of birth: 14 September 1973Residence: 7260 Davos Dorf

danIele monafunction: Head Doctordate of birth: 02 March 1947Residence: 6924 Sorengo

etIenne lecouRsfunction: Coach WCdate of birth: 16 October 1979Residence:CA-Quebec G2C 2A4

domInIk fuRReRfunction: Coach/PMdate of birth: 06 March 1990Residence:8840 Einsiedeln

vIvIane scheRleRfunction: Sports Psychologistdate of birth: 20 March 1971Residence:4058 Basel

haRald leemannfunction: Doctordate of birth: 30 July 1980Residence:7000 Chur

sylva nähleRfunction: Head Physio-therapistdate of birth: 28 November 1966Residence: 4153 Reinach

mIsRa notofunction: Head Coachdate of birth: 30 April 1983Residence: 8041 Leimbach

aloIs paolellafunction: Coach ECdate of birth: 27 June 1979Residence: 7000 Chur

Ralph pfäfflIfunction: Head Coach/WCdate of birth: 13 May 1967Residence: 2572 Mörigen

andRea RInaldIfunction: Head Coachdate of birth: 15 January 1972Residence: 6802 Rivera

staff fReestyle

ski cross moguls freeski

Juan domenIconIfunction: Acrobatic Coachdate of birth: 01 August 1992Residence:6932 Breganzona

swiss-ski team guide 123

head of dIscIplInesnoWBoaRd

franco giovanoli

date of birth: 29 October 1967Residence: 7503 Samedan


since 1st June 2004: Head of Snow-boarding at Swiss-Ski. Promotion and management of snowboarding as a sporting discipline1998–2002: Responsible for TD training of the International Snow-board Federation (ISF) in Europe, Asia and North America1997–2004: Competition Technical Director, Swiss Snowboard1993–1997: Member of the Board, SSBA1992–1997: Alpine Competition Director, SSBA1990–2004: Technical Delegate SSBA (Swiss Snowboard Federation)1992–1997: Head of the Snowboard School, St. Moritz1990: Snowboard World Cup Masters race organiser, St. Moritz1989–1990: Snowboard teacher at the Ski and Snowboard school, St. Moritz


tJesImIR peRanIcfunction: Equipment Techniciandate of birth: 04 October 1953Residence: D-85221 Dachau

Rafael RhyneRfunction: Assistant Coach NT/Adate of birth: 26 September 1975Residence: 8755 Ennenda

haRald BenselInfunction: Coach NT/Adate of birth: 29 Oktober 1970Residence: 1854 Leysin

René van den BeRgfunction: Coach Bdate of birth: 03 Mach 1965Residence: 8370 Sirnach

hansJöRg BeRgeRfunction: Coach B/Cdate of birth: 14 January 1974Residence: AUT-6020 Innsbruck

chRIstIan RufeRfunction: Coach NT/A date of birth: 11 May 1968Residence: 9642 Ebnat-Kappel

snowboardcross alpine

Jonny oBeRsonfunction: Equipment Techni ciandate of birth: 01 November 1964Residence:1613 Châtel-St-Denis

124 swiss-ski team guide

dIego schützfunction: Fitness Coachdate of birth: 15 July 1980Residence: 6012 Ascona

Joe zangeRlfunction: Mental Coachdate of birth: 23 January 1961Residence: 7550 Scuol

maRco BRunIfunction: Coach NT/A/Bdate of birth: 23 May 1969Residence: 6575 S. Nazzaro

denIs gIgeRfunction: Responsible Young Talentsdate of birth: 29 October 1964Residence: 8026 Zürich

kaRIn luchsIngeRfunction: Physiotherapistdate of birth: 22 February 1983Residence: 7017 Flims

danIel de menezesfunction: Head Doctordate of birth:08 April 1974Residence: 2560 Nidau

JacquelIne poffetfunction: Physiotherapistdate of birth: 24 July 1968Residence: 3012 Bern

pIetRo RegazzIfunction: Coach NT/A/Bdate of birth: 10 October 1968Residence: 6574 Vira

gIan sImmenfunction: Coach Cdate of birth: 19 February 1977Residence: 3704 Krattigen



RoBeRto llanofunction: Doctordate of birth: 03 December 1972Residence:3098 Schlieren b. K.

geoRg ahlBäumeRfunction: Doctordate of birth: 22 December 1964Residence:7500 St. Moritz

danIel stuckIfunction: Physiotherapistdate of birth: 11 August 1967Residence:3800 Unterseen

ReBecca hasleRfunction: Doctordate of birth: 03 June 1982Residence:3007 Bern

swiss-ski team guide 125

mIchelle Jaquetfunction: Physiotherapistdate of birth: 11 July 1977Residence: 2072 Saint Blaise

maRtIna leuschfunction: Physiotherapistdate of birth: 25 December 1972Residence: 9548 Matzingen

veRonIque vIdalfunction: Physiotherapistdate of birth: 08 September 1982Residence: 6945 Origlio

hippolyt kempf

date of birth: 10 December 1965Residence: 3613 Steffisburg


since may 2009: Head of Cross Countrysince 2002: Member of NNSK Boardsince may 2002: Head of Nordic Combinedseptember 2005–december 2007: Fundamental principles of sport and industry at the Federal Office of Sport2000–2002 Head Coach of the Swiss Disabled Ski Team Nordic1996–1998 Co-skier for a visually impaired athlete, Swiss Disabled Ski Team 1995–1998: Chairman National Nordic Ski Centre Kandersteg (NNSK)1987–1994 Nordic skier 1994–1998 University of Fribourg, economics1989–1990 BAFL Innsbruck, basic training as coach

head of dIscIplInecRoss-countRy


toR aRne hetlandfunction: Coach WC Sprintdate of birth: 12 January 1974Residence: 7270 Davos Platz

guRI hetlandfunction: Head Coach/Coach WC Distancedate of birth: 20 July 1974Residence: 7270 Davos Platz

alBeRt manhaRtfunction: Coach B/C-U24date of birth: 03 July 1966Residence: 8885 Mols

chRIstIan fluRyfunction: Coach NLZ Davosdate of birth: 10 September 1976Residence: 7270 Davos Platz

maRco IsenschmIdfunction: Coach of Young Talentsdate of birth: 31 August 1983Residence: 6005 Luzern

edI zIhlmannfunction: Responsible Young Talents/Coach C-U20date of birth: 09 January 1965Residence: 6196 Marbach

126 swiss-ski team guide

seRgIo favRefunction: Equipment Technician WC/COCdate of birth: 01 June 1955Residence: I-11020 Verrayes

gIanluca maRcolInIfunction: Equipment Technician WCdate of birth: 16 August 1968Residence: I-41044 Frassinoro

sImon tRachselfunction: Physiotherapistdate of birth: 12 March 1977Residence: 3008 Bern

WalteR kIstleR function: Doctordate of birth: 03 January 1968Residence: 7270 Davos Platz

hanspeteR BetschaRt function: Doctordate of birth: 24 June 1985Residence: 9008 St. Gallen

pascal Jaunfunction: Equipment Technician WCdate of birth: 11 March 1989Residence: 2543 Lengnau

patRIk noackfunction: Head Doctordate of birth: 03 January 1974Residence: 2532 Magglingen

pascal clementfunction: Equipment Technician WCdate of birth: 26 May 1976Residence: 7522 La Punt Chamues-ch

andReJ nefffunction: Equipment Technician WCdate of birth: 23 November 1981Residence: 9050 Appenzell

RogeR Wachsfunction: Head of Equipment Techniciandate of birth: 08 December 1972Residence: 3294 Büren a/A


geRold lötscheRfunction: Equipment Techni cian COCdate of birth: 07 April 1988Residence:6196 Marbach

tonI BuRnfunction: Equipment Techni cian COCdate of birth: 15 June 1970Residence:3714 Frutigen

chRIstIan hoppe function: Doctordate of birth: 15 June 1966Residence: 7310 Bad Ragaz

handan fRauen-feldeR-eRdogan function: Doctordate of birth: 27 February 1972Residence: 8610 Uster

swiss-ski team guide 127

chRIstIan flückIgeR function: Physiotherapistdate of birth: 08 September 1969Residence: 3078 Richigen

maRtIna fRIedlIfunction: Physiotherapistdate of birth: 26 September1981Residence: 7272 Davos Clavadel

maRtIna kIndleRfunction: Physiotherapistdate of birth: 31 May 1980Residence: 7000 Chur

head of dIscIplIneskIJumpIng

Berni schödler

date of birth: 02 October 1971Residence: 8738 Uetliburg

palmaRessince 2010: Head of Ski Jumping Swiss-Ski2008-2010: World Cup Coach Russia2007-2008: Juniors Coach Swiss-Skisince 2007: Head of Ski Jumping Y+S2007: FIS TD Ski Jumping2002: Swiss Olympic Coach of the Year 2000-2007: National Coach Ski Jumping Swiss-Ski1999-2000: B Coach Swiss-Ski1998-1999: Assistant Coach World Cup Swiss-Ski1998-199: Training Qualified Coach Swiss Olympic1983-1993: Active ski jumper, member B pool Swiss-Ski

staff skIJumpIng

RogeR kamBeRfunction: Coach TG3/ACdate of birth: 17 December 1979 Residence: 8840 Trachslau

maRtIn künzlefunction: Coach TG1/WCdate of birth: 03 February 1980Residence: 9657 Unterwasser

pIpo schödleRfunction: Coach TG2/COCdate of birth: 29 October 1973Residence: 8738 Uetliburg

evelyne schäReRfunction: Physiotherapistdate of birth: 14 October 1977Residence: 3626 Hünibach

thomas schmId function: Physiotherapistdate of birth: 25 November 1979Residence: 3008 Bern

128 swiss-ski team guide

head of dIscIplInesnoRdIc comBIned

Berni schödler

date of birth: 02 October 1971Residence: 8738 Uetliburg


since 2010: Head of Ski Jumping Swiss-Ski2008-2010: World Cup Coach Russia2007-2008: Juniors Coach Swiss-Skisince 2007: Head of Ski Jumping Y+S2007: FIS TD Ski Jumping2002: Swiss Olympic Coach of the Year 2000-2007: National Coach Ski Jumping Swiss-Ski1999-2000: B Coach Swiss-Ski1998-1999: Assistant Coach World Cup Swiss-Ski1998-199: Training Qualified Coach Swiss Olympic1983-1993: Active ski jumper, member B pool Swiss-Ski

saRa heldstaBfunction: Physiotherapistdate of birth: 13 July 1983Residence: 7206 Igis

staff skIJumpIng

faBIan ammannfunction: Equipment Technician/Sience date of birth: 26 April 1979Residence: 5430 Wettingen

sven aRnoldfunction: Coach Ladiesdate of birth: 24 September 1989 Residence: 8840 Trachslau

hanspeteR guBelmannfunction: Psychologistdate of birth: 13 August 1964Residence: 8610 Uster

maRc völzfunction: Coach Air‘Sportdate of birth: 27 March 1974Residence: 8953 Dietikon

WalteR o. fReyfunction: Head Doctordate of birth: 26 July 1957Residence: 8008 Zürich

swiss-ski team guide 129

staffnoRdIc comBIned

lukas tRachselfunction: Head Doctordate of birth: 27 January 1975Residence: 9000 St. Gallen

steffen tepelfunction: Coach COCdate of birth: 13 July 1985Residence: D-79199 Kirchzarten

nadJa BüRgIfunction: Physiotherapistdate of birth: 09 December 1985Residence: 8834 Schindellegi

sascha könIgfunction: Equipment Technician WCdate of birth: 19 April 1978Residence: D-98559 Oberhof

RoBeRt tReItIngeRfunction: Head Coach WCdate of birth: 28 March 1978Residence: A-6020 Innsbruck

head of dIscIplIneBIathlon

markus Regli

date of birth: 06 October 1963Residence: 6490 Andermatt


2006: Competition Manager CISM Ski World Championships in Andermattsince 2004: Head of Discipline Biathlon at Swiss Ski since 2001: Technical Manager winter competitions of the army in Andermattsince 1998: Responsible for army sports centre Andermatt (ASSA)since 1997: TD national cross-countrysince 1995: CISM Head of Discipline Ski (cross-country, biathlon, Alpine)1990–1995: Head of Ski Triathlon national team1982–1990: Coach and then Head of Nordic Skiing at SC Gotthard- Andermattvoluntary activity: Head of Discipli-ne Biathlon at Swiss Ski sports education: Diploma Sports Manager SOA/VMI


JöRn WollschlägeRfunction: Assistant Coach WCdate of birth: 04 March 1978Residence: D-98527 Suhl

steffen hausWaldfunction: Head Coach WCdate of birth: 28 November 1963Residence: D-78141 Schönwald

maRkus segessenmannfunction: Nat. Coach/Head Coach of Young Talentsdate of birth: 30 May 1971Residence: 6491 Realp

130 swiss-ski team guide


haRtWIg BIRReRfunction: Head of National Competitionsdate of birth: 05 January 1964Residence: 6383 Dallenwil

cyRIll gRossfunction: Race Director Swiss Cup/Kidz Trophydate of birth: 10 April 1980Residence: 8706 Meilen

WalteR o. fReyfunction: Head Doctordate of birth: 26 July 1957Residence: 8008 Zürich

patRIck amRheInfunction: Physiotherapistdate of birth: 31 January 1982Residence: 6005 Luzern

RoBeRt zWahlenfunction: Chief KWOdate of birth: 06 August 1950Residence:2504 Biel

pascal huBeRfunction: Head Physio-therapistdate of birth: 17 March 1978Residence:6490 Andermatt

Jule tWaRdoWskIfunction: Physiotherapistdate of birth: 28 November 1976Residence:6463 Bürglen

floRIan Rüeggfunction: Equipment Technician WCdate of birth: 03 July 1983Residence: 8636 Wald

fRank schmIdtfunction: Head Equipment Technician WC date of birth: 17 January 1976Residence: D-98714 Stützer-bach

saRah zeIteRfunction: Coach Cdate of birth: 19 November1982Residence: 3984 Fiesch

maRco geRBeRfunction: Equipment Techni cian WC/IBU Cupdate of birth: 24 March 1986Residence: 8636 Wald

steffen kommeR function: Head Equipment Techni cian IBU Cupdate of birth: 04 September 1972Residence: D-98544 Zella-Mehlis

swiss-ski team guide 131

head of dIscIplInetelemaRk

hans-peter Birchler

date of birth: 20 December 1955Residence: 6313 Edlibach


training:2004: Snow sports teacher with Swiss federal certificate1996: Federation Coach Telemark1995: Telemark instructor1982: Ski expert1979: Ski instructor

Work:since 2004: Head of Discipline Telemark1997–2005: Head Coach Swiss Telemark team1996: Swiss Telemark team coach1989–1995: Manager snow sports school Zug1979–1981: Ski teacher/coach in USA

mIchel Bonnyfunction: Coachdate of birth: 01 May 1969Residence: 3014 Bern


swiss-ski team guide 133


to: R




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Swiss Ski Pool

134 swiss-ski team guide

facts & figures deutsch

gründung20. November 1904 in Olten

adresseSwiss-SkiHaus des SkisportesWorbstrasse 52Postfach 2523074 Muri bei BernTelefon: +41 (0) 31 950 62 14Fax: +41 (0) 31 950 61 12E-Mail: [email protected]:

rechtsformSwiss-Ski ist eine Verein im Sinne von Artikel 60ff. des ZGB

anzahl Mitglieder– Clubmitglieder: 88 152– Einzelmitglieder: 17 365– Jugend Organisationen (JO): 13 521– Total Mitglieder: 105 321– Total Clubs: 790

Oberstes OrganDie Delegiertenversammlung ist das oberste Organ von Swiss-Ski. Sie setzt sich wie folgt zusammen:– Vertreter der Club- und

Einzelmitglieder– Vertreter der Clubs und

Kollektivmitglieder– Verbände

PräsidiumDie Delegiertenversammlung wählt den Präsidenten sowie drei weitere Mitglieder. Die drei Interre-gionen (IR) wählen je einen Vertreter ins Präsidium. Das Präsidium setzt sich wie folgt zusammen:- Urs Lehmann, Präsident- Jean-Philippe Rochat, Vizepräsident- Urs Winkler, Vizepräsident- Eloi Rossier, Mitglied- Florence Koehn, Vertreterin IR

West- Johny Wyssmüller, Vertreter IR Mitte- Roger Fehr, Vertreter IR Ost

geschäftsstelle swiss-ski

geschäftsleitung andreas chr. Wenger, Direktorgary furrer, dierk Beisel, stefan Brütsch, Peter Notter,Mitglieder GLMichelle Barth,Direktionsassistentin

abteilung Kommunikation Lorenz Liechti torre, Leiter Kommunikationdiana fäh,Projektleiterin Kommunikationchristian stahl,Projektleiter KommunikationNora Weibel,Projektleiterin Kommunikation Breitensportsandra heiniger,Contentverantwortliche Internet/Newsletterdavid hürzeler,Medienkoordinator SnowboardNadine hess,Medienkoordinatorin Freestyle/Telemarkchristian Manzoni,Medienkoordinator Biathlon sophie clivaz,PR Praktikantin

Bereich Leistungssportdierk Beisel, Chef LeistungssportMadeleine erb,Leiterin Sekretariat Leistungssportroger hauser,Sachbearbeiter Ski Alpin Damensimone Lüthi,Sachbearbeiterin Langlauf/BiathlonManuel Bucciolini,Sachbearbeiter Skispringen/Nordische KombinationNadja von Büren,Sachbearbeiterin Snowboardchristoph Perreten,Chef Freestylesabine steiner,Sachbearbeiterin FreestylePeter Bloch,Chef Wettkampforganisation

Bereich Breitensport gary furrer, Chef Breitensporthans Bigler,Projektleiter Schweizer Fleisch Summer Trophytanja uhlmann,Projektleiterin Rivella Family Contest/Schneespasstageroman rogenmoser,Projektleiter Grand Prix MigrosNicole Moning-Wild,Projektleiterin JuskilaMariette Brunner,Projektleiterin Dario Cologna Fun Parcoursregine stössel, Sachbearbeiterin Breitensport

Bereich Mitglieder-servicesNadja straub,Leiterin Mitglieder-Servicescéline hauert, Sachbearbeiterin Mitglieder-Servicesalexandra Büchel,Sachbearbeiterin Mitglieder-Services

Bereich Marketing stefan Brütsch, Chef MarketingMireille schmutz,Assistentin Chef Marketingannalisa gerber,Leiterin Sponsoring & Eventschantal rieder,Assistentin Sponsoring & Eventscaroline Kalberer,Sachbearbeiterin Marketing/Sponsoring & EventsOliver Balsiger,Leiter Projekte Marketingdavid hürzeler,Projektleiter Audi Snowboard SeriesNadine hess,Projektleiterin Coop Skicross Tourdominik furrer,Projektleiter Swiss FreeskiNicolas Vuignier,Praktikant

Yvonne Bissegger,Leiterin Swiss Ski Pool

swiss-ski team guide 135

Bereich ausbildung/forschungPeter Läuppi, Chef Ausbildung/Forschungsabrina Meister,Projektleiterin AusbildungPia alchenberger,Projektleiterin Ausbildungsabrina aebischer,Assistentin Ausbildung

Bereich dienste Peter Notter, Chef Dienstechristoph Morandi, Leiter Finanzentanja aegerter, Assistentin Finanzen/LehrlingsbetreuungManfred Liechti,Material/Fahrzeugeurs schneider, Leiter ITJulian Lehmann, Praktikantsarina strahm,Lernende 3. Lehrjahrclaudia reinhard,Lernende 1. Lehrjahr

PräsidentenkonferenzAls Konsultativorgan lässt sich die Präsidentenkonferenz mindestens zweimal jährlich von der Geschäfts-leitung von Swiss-Ski informieren, pflegt den Gedankenaustausch unter den Regionalverbandspräsidenten und vermittelt Swiss-Ski Anregun-gen. Die Präsidentenkonferenz setzt sich wie folgt zusammen:– GL und Präsidium Swiss-Ski– Vertreter der Interregionen

im Präsidium– Präsidenten der Regional-

verbände– Präsidenten der Fachverbände– Präsidenten der angeschlossenen


Jahresabschluss 10/11gesamterfolgsrechnung in chfErtrag 42.9 Mio.Aufwand 42.4 Mio.Jahresergebnis 0.5 Mio.

Weitere angaben zu swiss-skiSwiss-Ski-Athleten: rund 300Trainer, Ärzte und Betreuer: rund 150Mitarbeiter Swiss-Ski: 43 (3580 Stellenprozent)Lernende Swiss-Ski: 2Ehrenamtliche Mitarbeiter: rund 10 000Gönnervereinigungen: 9

regionalverbände und ihre PräsidentenBündner Skiverband BSV Gabriel Casutt Glennerstrasse 22 7130 Ilanz [email protected]

Berner Oberländischer Ski-Verband BOSV Johny Wyssmüller Chalet Sunnried 3778 Schönried [email protected]

Federazione Sci Svizzera Italiana FSSI Enzo Filippini 6804 [email protected]

Giron Jurassien GJ Jean-Michel SchaerBosseyer 102035 Corcelles [email protected]

Ostschweizer Ski-Verband OSSV Nick FeldmannDietlikonerstrasse 28303 [email protected]

Ski-Romand SROMPierre Kaufmann Rue du Village 281214 Vernier [email protected]

Ski Valais SVAL Pirmin Zurbriggen Oberdorfstrasse 136 3920 Zermatt [email protected]

Schweizerischer Akademischer Ski-Verband SAS Urs SchäppiEichenrain 333122 Kehrsatz

Schneesport Mittelland SSM Bruno Heiniger Talweg 6 3150 Schwarzenburg [email protected]

Skiverband Sarganserland-Walensee SSW Reinhard Regli Falknisstrasse 12 7324 Vilters [email protected]

Zentralschweizerischer Ski-Verband ZSSV Hansruedi Fässler Buchenweg 9 6438 Ibach [email protected]

Zürcher Ski-Verband ZSV Helmut Schulz Bergstrasse 61 8953 Dietikon [email protected]

fachverbände und ihre PräsidentenSwiss Grasski SGV Bruno Hüppi Herrengasse 14 8737 Gommiswald [email protected]

Speed SkiPhilippe May La Rintze 21 1947 Versegères [email protected]

angeschlossenene Verbände/Organisationen und ihre PräsidentenLoipen Schweiz Daniel Garbely Furkastrasse 3 3988 Ulrichen [email protected]

136 swiss-ski team guide

facts & figures fraNcais

Romandie Ski de fond RSF Laurent DonzéSous-les-Rangs 2336 Les Bois [email protected]

Verband Schweizer LanglaufschulenMariette Brunner Postfach 671716 Plaffeien [email protected]

Swiss Snowsports Karl Eggen Hühnerhubelstrasse 953123 Belp [email protected]

stiftungenstiftung zur förderung des alpinen skisports in der schweizHaus des SkisportsWorbstrasse 52 3074 Muri bei BernPräsident: Mike von Grünigen gönnerorganisationenCrystal ClubSeeburgstrasse 26 6006 LuzernInternet: www.crystal-club.chPräsident: Damian Hunkeler Pro Skisprung Etzelstrasse 4 8840 EinsiedelnInternet: www.proskisprung.chPräsident: Hermann Kälin

Freunde Skisprung SchweizVia Ludains 37500 St. MoritzPräsident: Bernhard Pöllinger Skijumping.chPostfach 461 6260 Reiden Internet: www.skijumping.chPräsident: Pierre Portmann

Snowboard NachwuchsfondPuoz 12 7503 SamedanInternet: Präsident: Franco Giovanoli

fondation20 novembre 1904 à Olten

adresseSwiss-SkiMaison du skiWorbstrasse 52Case postale 2523074 Muri/BerneTéléphone: +41 (0) 31 950 61 11Fax: +41 (0) 31 950 61 12E-mail : [email protected] :

forme juridiqueSwiss-Ski est une association au sens de l’article 60ss. du CC.

Nombre de membres– Membres des clubs: 88 152– Membres individuels: 17 365– Membres organisation jeunesse

(OJ): 13 521– Total membres: 105 321– Total clubs: 790

Organe suprêmeL’Assemblée des délégués est l’organe suprême de Swiss-Ski. Elle se compose comme suit:– Représentants des clubs

et membres individuels– Représentants des clubs

et membres collectifs– Associations

PrésidiumL’Assemblée des délégués élit le président ainsi que trois autres membres. Les trois interrégions (IR) désignent chacune un représentant pour le Présidium. Ce dernier se compose comme suit:– Urs Lehmann, président– Jean-Philippe Rochat, vice-président – Urs Winkler, vice-président – Eloi Rossier, membre – Florence Koehn, représentante IR ouest– Johny Wyssmüller, représentant IR centre– Roger Fehr, représentant IR est:

facts & figures deutsch

Freunde der Nordisch Kombinierer Schweiz Winkelstrasse 116048 HorwPräsident: Herbert Heer

Freunde der Langlauf National-mannschaft Tobelmülistrasse 208126 ZumikonPräsidentin: Trix Heberlein

Vereinigung Biathlon SchweizUrteilen 68718 SchänisPräsident: Jost Mächler

swiss ski PoolWorbstrasse 52, Postfach 2523074 Muri bei Bern Präsident: Jean-Philippe RochatGeschäftsführer: Stefan BrütschLeiter Swiss Ski Pool: Yvonne Bissegger

Stand: 26. September 2011

swiss-ski team guide 137

département sport de loisirs gary furrer, Chef Sport de Loisirshans Bigler,Chef de Projets Viande Suisse Summer Trophytanja uhlmann,Chef de Projets Rivella Family Contest/Journées «Plaisir de la neige»roman rogenmoser,Chef de Projet Grand Prix MigrosNicole Moning-Wild,Chef de Projet JuskilaMariette Brunner,Chef de Projet Dario Cologna Fun Parcoursregine stössel, Collaboratrice Sport de Loisirs

département administration des MembresNadja straub,Responsable Administration des Membrescéline hauert, Collaboratrice Administration des Membresalexandra Büchel,Collaboratrice Administration des Membres

département marketingstefan Brütsch,Chef MarketingMireille schmutz,Assistante de Chef Marketingannalisa gerber,Responsable Sponsoring & Eventschantal rieder,Assistante Sponsoring & Eventscaroline Kalberer,Collaboratrice Marketing/Sponsoring & EventsOliver Balsiger,Responsable de Projets Marketingdavid hürzeler,Chef de Projet Audi Snowboard SeriesNadine hess,Chef de Projet Coop Skicross Tourdominik furrer,Chef de Projet Swiss FreeskiNicolas Vuignier,Stagiaire

Yvonne Bissegger,Chef de Projet Swiss Ski Pool

département formation/recherchePeter Läuppi,Chef Formation/Recherchesabrina Meister,Chef de Projets FormationPia alchenberger,Chef de Projets Formationsabrina aebischer,Assistante Formation

département servicesPeter Notter, Chef Serviceschristoph Morandi,Responsable des Financestanja aegerter, Assistante Finances/Responsable des ApprentisManfred Liechti,Matériel/Voituresurs schneider, Responsable ITJulian Lehmann,Stagiairesarina strahm,Apprentie 3e annéeclaudia reinhard,Apprentie 1re année

conférence des présidentsEn tant qu’organe consultatif, la conférence des présidents reçoit au moins deux fois par an des informa-tions de la direction de Swiss-Ski. Elle favorise l’échange d’idées entre les présidents des associations régionales et fait part de sugges-tions à Swiss-Ski. La conférence des présidents se compose comme suit:– Direction de l’entreprise et

Présidium Swiss-Ski– Représentants des interrégions

au sein du Présidium– Représentants des associations

régionales– Représentants des associations

spécialisées– Représentants des associations/

organisations affiliées

secrétariat swiss-ski

direction de l‘entrepriseandreas chr. Wenger, Directeurgary furrer, dierk Beisel, stefan Brütsch, Peter Notter,MembresMichelle Barth,Assistante de Direction

département communicationLorenz Liechti torre,Responsable de la Communicationdiana fäh,Chef de Projet de la Communicationchristian stahl,Chef de Projet de la CommunicationNora Weibel,Chef de Projet de la Communication Sport de Loisirssandra heiniger,Responsable Informatique & Newsletterdavid hürzeler,Coordinatuer médias SnowboardNadine hess,Coordinatuer médias Freestyle/Télémarkchristian Manzoni,Coordinatuer médiassophie clivaz,Stagiaire RP

département sport de compétitiondierk Beisel,Chef Sport de CompétitionMadeleine erb,Responsable du Secrétariat Sport de Compétitionroger hauser,Collaborateur Ski Alpin Damessimone Lüthi,Collaboratrice Ski de Fond/BiathlonManuel Bucciolini,Collaborateur Saut à Ski/Combiné NordiqueNadja von Büren,Collaboratrice Snowboardchristoph Perreten,Chef Freestylesabine steiner,Collaboratrice FreestylePeter Bloch,Chef Organisation de Compétition

138 swiss-ski team guide

Ski Valais Pirmin Zurbriggen Oberdorfstrasse 136 3920 Zermatt [email protected]

Schweizerischer Akademischer Ski-Verband SAS Urs SchäppiEichenrain 333122 Kehrsatz

Schneesport Mittelland SSM Bruno Heiniger Talweg 6 3150 Schwarzenburg [email protected]

Skiverband Sarganserland-Walensee SSW Reinhard Regli Falknisstrasse 12 7324 Vilters [email protected]

Zentralschweizerischer Ski-Verband ZSSV Hansruedi Fässler Buchenweg 9 6438 Ibach [email protected]

Zürcher Ski-Verband ZSV Helmut Schulz Bergstrasse 61 8953 Dietikon [email protected]

associations spécialisées et leurs présidentsSwiss Grasski SGV Bruno Hüppi Herrengasse 14 8737 Gommiswald [email protected]

Speed SkiPhilippe May La Rintze 21 1947 Versegères [email protected]

associations/organisations affiliées et leurs présidentsLoipen Schweiz Daniel Garbely Furkastrasse 3 3988 Ulrichen [email protected]

Romandie Ski de fond RSF Laurent DonzéSous-les-Rangs 2336 Les Bois [email protected]

Verband Schweizer LanglaufschulenMariette Brunner Postfach 67 1716 [email protected]

Swiss Snowsports Karl Eggen Hühnerhubelstrasse 953123 [email protected]

fondationsfondation pour le développement du ski alpin en suisseMaison du skiWorbstrasse 52 3074 Muri bei BernPrésident: Mike von Grünigen Organisations de donateursCrystal ClubSeeburgstrasse 26 6006 LuzernInternet: www.crystal-club.chPrésident: Damian Hunkeler Pro Skisprung Etzelstrasse 4 8840 EinsiedelnInternet: www.proskisprung.chPrésident: Hermann Kälin

Les amis du saut à ski en Suisse (Freunde Skisprung Schweiz)Via Ludains 37500 St. MoritzPrésident: Bernhard Pöllinger

facts & figures fraNcais

comptes annuels 10/11Compte de résultat global en CHFProduit d’exploitation 42.9 Mio.Charges 42.4 Mio.Résultat annuel 0.5 Mio.

d’autres chiffres de swiss-skiNombre d’athlètes: environ 300Entraîneurs, médecins et accompagnants: environ 150Collaborateurs Swiss-Ski:43 (3580 pourcent de postes)Apprentis Swiss-Ski: 2Collaborateurs bénévoles:environ 10 000Donateurs: 9

Les associations régionales et leurs présidentsBündner Skiverband BSV Gabriel Casutt Glennerstrasse 22 7130 Ilanz [email protected]

Berner Oberländischer Ski-Verband BOSV Johny Wyssmüller Chalet Sunnried 3778 Schönried [email protected]

Federazione Sci Svizzera Italiana FSSI Enzo Filippini 6804 [email protected]

Giron Jurassien GJ Jean-Michel SchaerBosseyer 102035 Corcelles [email protected]

Ostschweizer Ski-Verband OSSV Nick FeldmannDietlikonerstrasse 28303 [email protected]

Ski-Romand Pierre Kaufmann Rue du Village 281214 Vernier [email protected]

swiss-ski team guide 139

founded20th November 1904 in Olten

addressSwiss-SkiHaus des SkisportesWorbstrasse 52Postfach 2523074 Muri bei Bern

Telephone: +41 (0) 31 950 61 11Fax: +41 (0) 31 950 61 12E-Mail: [email protected] site:

Legal formSwiss-Ski is an association within the meaning of Article 60ff. of the ZGB (Swiss Civil Code).

Number of members– Club members: 88,152– Individual members: 17,365– Youth organisations (YO): 13,521– Total members: 105,321– Total clubs: 790

highest bodyThe Delegates’ Assembly is the highest body of Swiss-Ski. Its composition is as follows:– Representatives of the club members and individual members– Representatives of the clubs and collective members– Federations

PresidiumThe Delegates’ Assembly elects the president and three other members. The three ‘Interregions’ (IR) each elect one representative to the Presidium. The composition of the Presidium is as follows:– Urs Lehmann, president– Jean-Philippe Rochat, vice President– Urs Winkler, vice President– Eloi Rossier, member– Florence Koehn, representative IR West:– Johny Wyssmüller, representative IR Central

facts & figures eNgLish

– Roger Fehr, representative IR East swiss-ski offices

corporate managementandreas chr. Wenger, Directorgary furrer, dierk Beisel, stefan Brütsch, Peter Notter,MembersMichelle Barth,Management Assistant

communication departmentLorenz Liechti torre,Communication Managerdiana fäh, Project Manager Communicationchristian stahl, Project Manager CommunicationNora Weibel,Project Manager Communication Popular Sportsandra heiniger,Website/Newsletter Content Managerdavid hürzeler,Mediacoordinator SnowboardNadine hess,Mediacoordinator Freestyle/Telemarkchristian Manzoni,Mediacoordinatorsophie clivaz,Student apprentice RP

competitive sports divisiondierk Beisel,Head of Competitive SportMadeleine erb,Manager Competitive Sports Officeroger hauser,Staff member Ski Alpine Womensimone Lüthi,Staff member Cross-Country/BiathlonManuel Bucciolini,Staff member Ski Jumping/Nordic CombinedNadja von Büren,Staff member Snowboardingchristoph Perreten,Head of Freestyle

Skijumping.chPostfach 461 6260 Reiden Internet: www.skijumping.chPrésident: Pierre Portmann

Fonds de la relève en snowboard (Snowboard Nachwuchsfond)Puoz 12 7503 SamedanInternet: Président: Franco Giovanoli

Les amis du combiné nordique en Suisse (Freunde der Nordisch Kombinierer Schweiz)Winkelstrasse 116048 HorwPrésident: Herbert Heer

Les amis de l’équipe nationale de ski de fond (Freunde der Langlauf National-mannschaft) Tobelmülistrasse 208126 ZumikonPrésident: Trix Heberlein

Association suisse du biathlon (Vereinigung Biathlon Schweiz)Urteilen 68718 SchänisPrésident: Jost Mächler

swiss ski PoolWorbstrasse 52, Postfach 2523074 Muri bei Bern Président: Jean-Philippe RochatDirecteur: Stefan BrütschChef de projets: Yvonne Bissegger

Etat 26ème septembre 2011

140 swiss-ski team guide

Yvonne Bissegger,Project Manager Swiss Ski Pool

training/research divisionPeter Läuppi,Head of Training/Researchsabrina Meister,Project Manager TrainingPia alchenberger,Project Manager Trainingsabrina aebischer,Training Assistant

services division Peter Notter, Head of Serviceschristoph Morandi, Finance Managertanja aegerter, Finance Assistant/Apprentice supportManfred Liechti,Materials/Vehicleurs schneider, IT ManagerJulian Lehmann, Student apprenticesarina strahm,Apprentice 3rd yearclaudia reinhard,Apprentice 1st year

Presidents’ conferenceAs the consultative body, the Presi-dents’ Conference receives informa-tion from the management of Swiss-Ski at least twice a year, cultivates the exchange of ideas among the regional federation presidents and passes on suggestions to Swiss-Ski. The composition of the Presidents’ Conference is as follows:– Corporate Management and Presidium Swiss-Ski– Representatives of the Interregions in the Presidium– Presidents of the regional federations– Presidents of the professional sports associations– Presidents of the affiliated federations

Year-end financial statement 10/11annual accounts Revenue 42.9 Mill.Expenditure 42.9 Mill.Profit before fund result 0.5 Mill.

More details about swiss-skiSwiss-Ski athletes: approximately 300Coaches, doctors and accompanying persons: approximately 150Swiss-Ski employees: 43 (3580 per cent positions)Swiss-Ski apprentices: 2Voluntary employees: approximately 10,000Patrons’ organisations: 9 regional federations and their presidentsBündner Skiverband BSV Gabriel Casutt Glennerstrasse 22 7130 Ilanz [email protected]

Berner Oberländischer Ski-Verband BOSV Johny Wyssmüller Chalet Sunnried 3778 Schönried [email protected]

Federazione Sci Svizzera Italiana Enzo Filippini 6804 [email protected]

Giron Jurassien GJ Jean-Michel SchaerBosseyer 102035 Corcelles [email protected]

Ostschweizer Ski-Verband OSSV Nick FeldmannDietlikonerstrasse 28303 [email protected]

facts & figures eNgLish

sabine steiner,Staff member FreestylePeter Bloch,Head of Competition Organisation

Popular sports divisiongary furrer, Head of Popular Sporthans Bigler,Project Manager Swiss Meat Summer Trophytanja uhlmann,Project Manager Popular Sportroman rogenmoser,Project Manager Grand Prix Migros Nicole Moning-Wild,Project Manager Youth Ski CampMariette Brunner,Project Manager Dario Cologna Fun Parcoursregine stössel, Staff Member Popular Sport

Member-services divisionNadja straub,Member Services Managercéline hauert, Staff member Member-Servicesalexandra Büchel,Staff member Member-Services

Marketing division stefan Brütsch, Head of MarketingMireille schmutz,Head of Marketing Assistantannalisa gerber,Sponsorship & Events Managerchantal rieder,Sponsorship & Events Assistantcaroline Kalberer,Staff member Marketing/ Sponsorship & EventsOliver Balsiger,Project Manager Marketingdavid hürzeler,Project Manager Audi Snowboard SeriesNadine hess,Project Manager Coop Skicross Tourdominik furrer,Project Manager Swiss FreeskiNicolas Vuignier,Student Apprentice

swiss-ski team guide 141

Speed SkiPhilippe May La Rintze 21 1947 Versegères [email protected]

affiliated federations/organisations and their presidentsLoipen Schweiz Daniel Garbely Furkastrasse 3 3988 Ulrichen [email protected]

Romandie Ski de fond RSF Laurent DonzéSous-les-Rangs 2336 Les Bois [email protected]

Verband Schweizer LanglaufschulenMariette Brunner Postfach 67 1716 [email protected]

Swiss Snowsports Karl Eggen Hühnerhubelstrasse 953123 [email protected]

foundationsfoundation for the Promotion of alpine skiing in switzerlandHaus des SkisportsWorbstrasse 52 3074 Muri bei BernPresident: Mike von Grünigen Patrons’ OrganistaionsCrystal ClubSeeburgstrasse 26 6006 LuzernWeb site: www.crystal-club.chPresident: Damian Hunkeler Pro Skisprung Etzelstrasse 4 8840 EinsiedelnWeb site: www.proskisprung.chPresident: Hermann Kälin

Freunde Skisprung Schweiz(Friends of ski jumping Switzerland)Via Ludains 37500 St. MoritzPresident: Bernhard Pöllinger

Skijumping.chPostfach 461 6260 Reiden Web site: www.skijumping.chPresident: Pierre Portmann

Snowboard Nachwuchsfond(Snowboard young talent fund)Puoz 12 7503 SamedanWeb site: President: Franco Giovanoli

Freunde der Nordisch Kombinierer Schweiz (Friends of Nordic combined skiers Switzerland)Winkelstrasse 116048 HorwPresident: Herbert Heer

Freunde der Langlauf National-mannschaft (Friends of the national cross-country team)Tobelmülistrasse 208126 ZumikonPresident: Trix Heberlein

Vereinigung Biathlon Schweiz(Swiss Biathlon Organisation)Urteilen 68718 SchänisPresident: Jost Mächler

swiss ski PoolWorbstrasse 52, Postfach 2523074 Muri bei Bern President: Jean-Philippe RochatDirector: Stefan BrütschSwiss Ski Pool Manager: Yvonne Bissegger

As at 26th September 2011

Ski-Romand Pierre Kaufmann Rue du Village 281214 Vernier [email protected]

Ski Valais Pirmin Zurbriggen Oberdorfstrasse 1363920 Zermatt [email protected]

Schweizerischer Akademischer Ski-Verband SAS Urs SchäppiEichenrain 333122 Kehrsatz

Schneesport Mittelland SSM Bruno Heiniger Talweg 6 3150 Schwarzenburg [email protected]

Skiverband Sarganserland-Walensee SSW Reinhard Regli Falknisstrasse 12 7324 Vilters [email protected]

Zentralschweizerischer Ski-Verband ZSSV Hansruedi Fässler Buchenweg 9 6438 Ibach [email protected]

Zürcher Ski-Verband ZSV Helmut Schulz Bergstrasse 61 8953 Dietikon [email protected]

Professional sports associations and their presidentsSwiss Grasski SGV Bruno Hüppi Herrengasse 14 8737 Gommiswald [email protected]

swiss-ski team guide 143


to: F


n B



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Swiss Ski Pool

144 swiss-ski team guide

WOrLd cuP 2011/12aLPiNe sKiiNg MeN


October23. Sölden

November13. Levi26.–27. Lake Louise

december02.–04. Beaver Creek10.–11. Val d’Isère16.–17. Val Gardena-Gröden18.–19. Alta Badia29. Bormio

January01. City Event Munich05. Zagreb07.–08. Adelboden13.–15. Wengen20.–22. Kitzbühel 24. Schladming28.–29. Garmisch-Partenkirchen

february04.–05. Chamonix11.–12. Sochi18.–19. Bansko21. City Event Moscow25.–26. Crans-Montana

March03.–04. Kvitfjell10.–11. Kranjska Gora14.–18. Finals Schladming

MaJOr eVeNts

January14.–21. Winter Youth Olympic Games, Innsbruck

March01.–09. Junior World Ski Championships, Roccaraso


October22. Sölden

November12. Levi26.–27. Aspen

december02.–04. Lake Louise10.–11. Val d‘Isère17.–18. Courchevel28.–29. Lienz

January01. City Event Munich03. Zagreb07.–08. Bad Kleinkirchheim14.–15. Cortina d‘Ampezzo21.–22. Maribor28.–29. St. Moritz

february04.–05. Garmisch-Partenkirchen11.–12. Soldeu18.–19. Sochi21. City Event Moscow25.–26. Bansko

March03.–04. Ofterschwang09.–10. Åre14.–18. Finals Schladming

MaJOr eVeNts

January14.–21. Winter Youth Olympic Games, Innsbruck

March01.–09. Junior World Ski Championships, Roccaraso

WOrLd cuP 2011/12aLPiNe sKiiNg WOMeN


december10. Ruka (MO)17.–18 Innichen/San Candido (SX)20. Meribel (DM)

January07. St. Johann (SX)11. Alpe d’Huez (SX)14.–15. Mont Gabriel (DM/AE)15. Les Contamines (SX)19.–21. Lake Placid (MO/AE)28.–29. Calgary (MO/AE)

february02.–04. Deer Valley (MO/AE)03. Blue Mountain (SX)11.–12. Beida Lake (MO/AE)17. Kreischberg (AE)18.–19. Naeba (MO/DM)25. Minsk (AE)25.-26. Bischofswiesen/Goetschen(SX)

March03. Branas (SX)09.–10. Åre (MO/DM)10. Moscow (AE)11. Grindelwald (SX) 17. Meiringen-Hasliberg (SX)17. Myrkdalen-Voss (AE)18. Megeve (MO)

MaJOr eVeNts

January15.–20. Winter Youth Olympic Games, Innsbruck

March20.–25. Junior World Ski Championships, Valmalenco

WOrLd cuP 2011/12freestYLe

swiss-ski team guide 145

WOrLd cuP 2011/12sNOWBOard


October13. Landgraaf 29. London

November02.–03. Saas Fee19. Stockholm

december03.–04. Carezza15.–17. Telluride16.–17. Ruka

January13. Jauerling14.–15. Bad Gastein19. Nendaz22. Veysonnaz28. Sudelfeld

february04. Jasna09.–10. Blue Mountain22.–26. Stoneham

March01.-04. Bardoneccia03. Moscow10. La Molina14.–17. Valmalenco

MaJOr eVeNts

January15.–20. Winter Youth Olympic Games, Innsbruck

March25.–31. Junior World Snowbaord Championships, Sierra Nevada

WOrLd cuP 2011/12crOss-cOuNtrY


November19.–20. Beitostolen25.–27. Kuusamo

december03.–04. Düsseldorf10.–11. Davos17.–18. Rogla29.–30. Oberhof (TdS)

January31.12.–01.01. Oberstdorf (TdS)03.–04. Toblach (TdS)05. Cortina/Toblach (TdS)07.–08. Val di Fiemme (TdS)14.–15. Milano21.–22. Otepää

february02. Moscow04.–05. Rybinsk11.–12. Nove Mesto17.–18. Szklarska Poreba

March03.–04. Lahti07. Drammen10.–11. Oslo14. Stockholm (WC Final)16.–18. Falun (WC Final)

MaJOr eVeNts

January13.–22. Winter Youth Olympic Games, Innsbruck

february19.–26. FIS Nordic Junior World Ski Championships, Erzurum

WOrLd cuP 2011/12NOrdic cOMBiNed


November25.-26. Kuusamo

december03.–04. Lillehammer10.-11. Ramsau16.-18. Seefeld

January07.–08. Schonach14.-15. Chaux-Neuve28.-29. Zakopane

february04.-05. Val di Fiemme11.-12. Almaty18.-19. Klingenthal25.-26. Liberec

March02.-03. Lahti09.-10. Oslo

MaJOr eVeNts

January13.-22. Winter Youth Olympic Games, Innsbruck

february19.-26. FIS Nordic Junior World Ski Championships, Erzurum

146 swiss-ski team guide

WOrLd cuP 2011/12sKiJuMPiNg


November26.–27. Kuusamo

december03.–04. Lillehammer03. Lillehammer (Ladies)09.–11. Harrachov17.–18. Engelberg30. Oberstdorf

January01. Garm.-Partenkirchen04. Innsbruck06. Bischofshofen06. Schonach-Schönwald (Ladies)08. Hinterzarten (Ladies)14.–15. Tauplitz/Bad Mitterndorf14.–15. Val di Fiemme (Ladies)20.–21. Zakopane28.–29. Sapporo28.–29. Szczyrk (Ladies)

february04.–05. Val di Fiemme04.–05. Hinzenbach (Ladies)11.–12. Willingen11.–12. Ljubno (Ladies)15. Klingenthal18.–19. Oberstdorf

March03.–04. Lahti03.–04. Zao (Ladies)08. Trondheim09. Oslo - Midstubakken (Ladies)11. Oslo16.–18. Planica

MaJOr eVeNts

January13.–22. Winter Youth Olympic Games, Innsbruck

february19.–26. FIS Nordic Junior World Ski Championships, Erzurum24.–26. FIS Ski FlyingWorld Championship, Vikersund

WOrLd cuP 2011/12BiathLON


december28.11.–04.12. Oestersund07.–11. Hochfilzen13.–18. Annecy-Le Grand Bornand

January02.–08. Oberhof09.–15. Nove Mesto16.–22. Antholz-Anterselva

february01.–05. Oslo Homenkollen08.–12. Kontiolahti

March13.–18. Khanty-Mansiysk

MaJOr eVeNts

January13.–22. Winter Youth Olympic Games, Innsbruck

february20.–26. IBU Youth and Junior World Championships Biathlon, Kontiolahti

March29.02.–11.03. IBU World Championships, Ruhpolding

WOrLd cuP 2011/12teLeMarK


MaJOr eVeNts

swiss-ski team guide 147

graNd Prix MigrOs 2012

riVeLLa faMiLY cONtest 2011/12


January08. Les Crosets15. Sörenberg21. Les Diablerets22. Schönried29. Grächen

february05. Wengen12. Davos18. Airolo25. Stoos

March04. Adelboden11. Wildhaus18. Lenzerheide24. Nendaz

final saas-fee30.03.-01.04.


december18. Flumserberg – Opening-Event

January08. Wildhaus08. Hoch-Ybrig15. Leysin15. Saanenmöser22. Savognin22. Marbach29. Moléson29. Klosters

february05. Diemtigtal05. Andermatt11. Axalp12. Les Bugnenets-Savagnières12. Visperterminen19. Obersaxen19. Lenk26. Sörenberg26. Pizol

March04. Stoos04. Bosco Gurin11.Thyon11. Braunwald18. Villars18. Kleine Scheidegg25. Meiringen-Hasliberg25. Les Crosets

april01. Arosa

sWiss LOPPet 2012


January08. Attraverso Campra15. Planoiras Volksskilauf22. Rothenthurmer Volksskilauf29. Surselva-Marathon

february05. Kandersteg Volksskilauf12. Einsiedler Skimarathon19. Marathon des Neiges 26. Gommerlauf

March04. Mara Les Rasses sur Ste-Croix11. Engadin Skimarathon


148 swiss-ski team guide

audi sNOWBOard series 2011/12

cOOP sKicrOss tOur 2012


freestyle16.–17.09.11 SM Zermatt, BA/HP18.09.11 Zermatt, Freestyle SM18.09.11 Saas Fee, HP26.–28.10.11 Saas Fee, HP10.–11.12.11 Laax, HP21.–22.01.12 Davos, HP28.01.12 Montana, HP oder SBS29.01.12 Montana, SBS11.02.12 Grindelwald, HP oder SBS12.02.12 Grindelwald, HP24.–25.03.12 St. Moritz, SBS28.–29.04.12 Glacier 3000, BA

snowboardcross14.–15.01.12 Sedrun03.–04.03.12 Zweisimmen16.–17.03.12 Lenk18.03.12 Lenk30.03.12 SM Corvatsch31.03.12 JSM Corvatsch

alpine21.–22.12.11 Samnaun, PSL21.–22.01.12 Davos, PSL28.–29.01.12 Adelboden, PGS04.02.12 Amden, GS05.02.12 Hoch-Ybrig, GS10.03.12 Malbund, GS01.04.12 SM Furtschellas, PSL


January21.–22. Zweisimmen, Open/EC

february04.–05. Verbier 18.–19. Davos, Open/EC

March03.–04. Hoch-Ybrig 24.–25. Silvaplana/Corvatsch, SM/Tourfinale

freesKi OPeN2011/12


October24.–25. Saas-Fee, Halfpipe Europacup

November09. Les Diablerets, Slopestyle Open Qualifier Glacier 3000 Invitational

January 14.–15. Davos, Halfpipe/Slopestyle Open

april31.–01. SchweizermeisterschaftenOpen

swiss-ski team guide 149

heLVetiaNOrdic trOPhY 2011/12

caLeNdar NOrdic cOMBiNed/sKiJuMPiNg

6 Events

caLeNdar crOss-cOuNtrY

december18. Campra

January15. Chasserons

february11.–12. Swiss Championships U14/U16, Zweisimmen

March17.–18. Langis (Helvetia Nordic Games)

Stand vom 26.09.2011