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Page 1: STS 2026 Speaker's Kit: Instructions for Preparing … 2016 AUTHOR GUIDELINES SPEAKER’S KIT Instructions for Preparing Papers and Presentations Table of Contents Deadlines 2 Contacts
Page 2: STS 2026 Speaker's Kit: Instructions for Preparing … 2016 AUTHOR GUIDELINES SPEAKER’S KIT Instructions for Preparing Papers and Presentations Table of Contents Deadlines 2 Contacts



Instructions for Preparing Papers and Presentations

Table of Contents

Deadlines ............................................................................................................................. 2

Contacts ............................................................................................................................... 2

File-Naming Convention .................................................................................................... 2

Formatting and Submitting Papers and Presentations ................................................ 3

1 Proceedings Paper Guidelines ................................................................................. 3

1.1 Submitting Papers ................................................................................................. 3

1.2 Mailing Address ..................................................................................................... 4

1.3 File-naming Convention......................................................................................... 4

1.4 Text Format ............................................................................................................ 4

1.5 Tables and Figures ................................................................................................ 9

2 Presentation Guidelines........................................................................................... 11

2.1 Submitting Presentation Materials ...................................................................... 11

2.2 Presentation Planning and Design ..................................................................... 11

2.3 Presentation Projection Specifications ............................................................... 12

3 Instructions for Preparing PDF Files ..................................................................... 13

3.1 General PDF Settings .......................................................................................... 13

3.2 PDF Security ........................................................................................................ 13

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Date (2016)


15 January First draft of paper (Word f ile) due to Program and Session Chairs

4 February First draft of presentation (Pow erPoint f ile) due to Program and Session Chairs

19 February Second draft of paper (Word f ile) due to Program and Session Chairs

28 March Final paper (PDF and Word f iles) due to Program Chair

28 March Second draft of presentation (Pow erPoint f ile) due to Program and Session Chairs

26 April Final presentation (PDF and Pow erPoint f iles) due to Program Chair

2 May Flip-through of f inal presentation (Pow erPoint f ile, videos, and PDF); Session Chairs w ill coordinate.

3 May Speakers’ Breakfast (0730 hours)

3–5 May Submarine Technology Symposium 2016


The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (JHU/APL)

Contact Phone No. E-mail

STS-2016 Program Chair: Brad Wolf 240-228-4803 or

443-778-4803 [email protected]

STS-2016 Arrangements Chair: Bob Sherman 240-228-5213 or

443-778-5213 [email protected]

Graphics Questions (Presentations): Kevin McCafferty 240-228-3489 or

443-778-3489 [email protected]

Editorial Questions (Papers): Dan Portw ood 240-228-6760 or

443-778-6760 Daniel.Portw [email protected]

File-Naming Convention

Name the MS Word, PowerPoint, and PDF files as follows:

Primary author’s last name_ (underscore)

Paper_ or Presentation_ (underscore)

Version: Draft1_, Draft2_, or Final_ (underscore)

Date of version: yyyymmdd

File extension: .doc or .docx, .ppt or .pptx, or .pdf

Example: Sherman_Paper_Draft1_20160115.doc

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Formatting and Submitting Papers and Presentations

The Submarine Technology Symposium (STS) Program and Session Chairs are responsible for the orderly conduct of the Symposium and assisting the authors in preparing high-quality papers and presentations. These guidelines and review procedures have been established to expedite the process for authors and Chairs.



The Submarine Technology Symposium Proceedings will be produced

from publication-ready materials the author must prepare and submit in Portable Document Format (PDF). See Section 3 for information on PDF.


1.1.1 Draft Papers

The first draft of your Proceedings paper is due to the Program Chair no later than 15 January 2016. Please submit a Microsoft (MS) Word file of your paper, including all text and figures, using the format specified in Section 1.4.

Submit MS Word files of UNCLASSIFIED papers to the Program Chair and Arrangements Chair via electronic mail at the following: [email protected] and [email protected]

Send MS Word files of CLASSIFIED papers via SIPRNET to the following: [email protected]

Alternately, you may mail files of CLASSIFIED papers using DoD security

procedures for classified materials. Please mail the file on an appropriately marked CD or DVD. Label the disk with the title of the paper, principal author, file name (as described in Section 1.3), version (Draft1, Draft2, or Final), and classification. Use the mailing address provided in Section 1.2.

The Program Chair will forward the draft paper to the appropriate Session Chair and

to the Commander, Submarine Force, Atlantic (COMSUBLANT) for review and comment. The Session Chair will then return review comments to you for consideration in the final paper. Second drafts are due 19 February 2016.

1.1.2 Final Papers

Final papers (30 pages, maximum) are due to the Program Chair no later than 28 March 2016. Submit the final PDF and Word files using one of the methods described in Section 1.1.1.

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If unable to send electronically (i.e., e-mail or SIPRNET), please send drafts and finals of Proceedings papers and presentations to the following address:

Mr. Brad Wolf, STS-2016 Program Chair Mail Stop 9-150 The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory

11100 Johns Hopkins Road Laurel, MD 20723-6099


Name the MS Word, PowerPoint, or PDF files as follows:

Primary author’s last name_ (underscore)

Paper_ or Presentation_ (underscore)

Version: Draft1_, Draft2_, or Final_ (underscore)

Date of version: yyyymmdd

File extension: .doc or .docx, .ppt or .pptx, or .pdf

Example: Sherman_Paper_Draft1_20160115.doc


1.4.1 Basic Format Specifications

The paper is limited to 30 pages maximum including text, figures, tables, and references. The text and layout of each paper should generally conform to the basic specifications shown in Table 1 through Table 4:

Table 1 – Order of Assembly

Table 2 – Margins and Page Layout

Table 3 – Standard Page Elements

Table 4 – Heading and Title Styles

The specifications are also illustrated in the attached Sample STS2016 Proceedings Paper, which is appended to this guide for illustration and is included as a separate MS Word file

that can be used as a template. You may use your organization’s logos and other style conventions as long as they generally conform to the basic standards presented here. Classification guidance is provided in the Sample STS2016 Proceedings Paper.

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Table 1 Order of Assembly

Section Comments

Title Page w ith Abstract See Section 1.4.4.

Main Text Begins on second page.

List of References See Sample STS2016 Proceedings Paper for format.

List of Acronyms Recommended

Acknow ledgments Optional

Author Biography Include bios of all authors

Tables Place tables and f igures in order at the end of the paper or embed them

in text as close as possible to their f irst mention (Section 1.5.4). Figures

Last Page End paper on an even-numbered page; if blank, add “This page

intentionally left blank.” See Sample STS 2016 Proceedings Paper

Table 2 Margins and Page Layout

Element Margins and Layout

Abstract Indented 0.75 in. left and right from 1-in. margins, justif ied text,

single space, ≤ 500 w ords, f irst page only, UNCLASSIFIED

Body text and page margins 1-in. left and right margins, align text left (aka “ragged right”), single space, single column

Paragraph indent 0.75 in.

First page, top 1 in.

All subsequent pages, top 1.25 in.

All pages, bottom 1.25 in.

1.4.2 Fonts

Use the following fonts:

Body text: 12-pt serif (e.g., Times, Times New Roman, New Century Schoolbook, Century Schoolbook)

Main title: 14-pt bold sans serif (e.g., Arial, Helvetica, or Gill Sans)

Table and figure titles: 10-pt bold sans serif (e.g., Arial, Helvetica, or Gill Sans)

Footer (page number and running session/author ID): 10-pt sans serif, small capitals (caps)

Table 3 and Table 4 provide specific fonts and styles, and the Sample STS2016

Proceedings Paper contains examples. The MS Word template, Sample STS2016 Proceedings Paper, available on the STS website, contains styles with the prefix “STS” for all of the elements listed Tables 3 and 4.

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Table 3 Standard Page Elements

Element Position Font and Stylea

Size (pt)

Comments Style Name

Page Margins 1 in. left and right – – All pages

Corporate logo & address

STS Logo

In header, 0.5 in. from top and left

In header, centered

Arial bold, initial caps


All pages STS Organization Name


Title of Paperb Centered, 2 in. from top of page Arial bold, initial caps 14 First page only. Title should be unclassified

and preceded by (U). STS Title of Proceedings

Author(s) Name(s) Centered below title Times bold, initial caps 12 First page only. Use full name. Include

military ranks but no titles (e.g., Mr., Dr.). List primary author first; alphabetize other authors.

STS Author Name

Author’s Organization Centered below author name(s) Times, initial caps 12 First page only. Official name only. Group authors by organization alphabetically.

STS Authors Company

Abstract Titleb Center the word Abstract Arial bold, initial caps 12 First page only. Justify within 1.5-in. margins. STS Abstract Title

Abstract Textb 0.75 in. L & R justified Times 10 Single-column, single-spaced STS Abstract Text

Main Textb Begin on second page Times 12 Single-column, single-spaced; left-justified

(ragged right) STS Body Text

Page Classification Markings

0.5 in. from top and bottom edges, 1 in. from right and left edges

Arial bold, all uppercase

14 All pages STS Classification Top

STS Classification Bottom

“This Page UNCLASSIFIED” One line above and below bottom and top page classifications

Arial, initial caps,


11 First page only. (Use only if overall classification is higher than unclassified.)

STS TOP This page Unclassified

STS Bottom This page Unclassified

Lead Author’s Address,

Copyright, Distribution, Downgrade

Footnote to title page, left justified Times 8 First page only. aSTS Downgrade Information

Footnotesb After text, separated by a line Times 10 Keep footnotes short Footnote Text

Page Numbers 0.5 in. above bottom edge, centered Arial 10 All pages –

Running Footer 0.75 in. from bottom edge, flush right

Arial small caps, initial caps, right justified

10 All pages. Example: STS 2016, SESSION IV (AUTHOR’S LAST NAME)

aSTS Session # Footer

aChoose one sans serif font for titles and one serif font for body text and use them consistently throughout the document. In this guide, “Times” is shorthand for a serif

font and “Arial” is shorthand for sans serif. b

All titles, headings, and paragraphs require classif ication markings; see the Sample STS2016 Proceedings Paper.

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Table 4 Heading and Title Styles

Element Position Font Size (pt)

Example Style Name

First-level heading


Flush left; title begins at 0.75 in. Arial bold, all uppercase

12 1 (U) FIRST-LEVEL HEADING Heading 1

Second-level heading


Decimal. no., Flush left; title begins at 0.75 in.

Arial bold, small caps, initial caps

12 1.1 (U) SECOND-LEVEL HEADING Heading 2

Third-level heading


Same as second-level heading Arial bold, initial caps 12 1.1.1 (U) Third-Lev el Heading Heading 3



Decimal no., flush left; title begins

at 1.0 in. Arial italic, initial caps 12 (U) Fourth-Level Heading Heading 4



Decimal no., flush left; title begins

at 1.0 in. Arial, initial caps 12 (U) Fifth-Level Heading Heading 5

Figure Title Consecutive no., center under figure

Arial bold, initial caps 10 Figure 1 (U) Title STS TableFigure Title

Table Title Consecutive no., center above table

Arial bold, initial caps 10 Table 1 (U) Title STS TableFigure Title

a If possible, please limit the paper to three heading levels, f ive maximum.

b All titles, headings, and paragraphs require classif ication markings; see the Sample STS2016 Proceedings Paper.

1.4.3 Classification Markings


Because the Proceedings is published on classified media, every page of every paper must display classification markings for the page, headings, text, and table and figure titles, even if the entire paper is unclassified. The highest permissible classification is SECRET.

Add classification markings as follows:

Mark the overall classification of the paper at the top right and bottom left of the first page. See Table 3 for format.

Any required declassification and distribution statement should be placed at the bottom of the first page. See Table 3 for format.

Mark each page with the highest classification of the contents of that page.

Mark the classification of each heading, paragraph, and figure and table title.

Place the overall classification of figures and tables at the top and bottom; see the Sample STS2016 Proceedings Paper for placement.

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1.4.4 Title Page

The title page should include the following elements (see Table 3 and Sample STS2016 Proceedings Paper):

The source organization’s logo and address at the top left

Unclassified title of the paper preceded by (U)

Authors’ full names and organizations1

An unclassified abstract of no more than 125 words

Copyright, distribution, and downgrade notices as a footnote

Classification markings (as described in Section 1.4.3)

A running footer at the bottom right of every page indicating the STS year and session number in capital Roman numerals followed by the lead author’s surname in parentheses [e.g., STS 2016, SESSION IV (AUTHOR)]. See the Sample STS2016 Proceedings Paper.

1.4.5 Main Text Page Limits

Each paper is limited to a total of 30 pages of text, tables, figures, and references. Author biographies are not included in the page count. Section Numbers

Number sections of the paper using decimal subordination (e.g., 1, 1.1, 1.2, 1.2.1) and provide titles for each section or subsection. Section headings should be unclassified (recommended) and must have classification markings preceding the heading. Refer to Table 4 and the Sample STS2016 Proceedings Paper for the subordination scheme for section titles. Reference Numbers

Number references consecutively in the order in which they appear in text using

Arabic numerals in square brackets, e.g., [1]. List references in a separate section after the text. Use a consistent format for citing references. The Sample STS2016 Proceedings Paper includes a typical format for a List of References. Table and Figure Numbers

Number tables and figures consecutively with Arabic numbers. Refer to them in text as “Table 1” or “Figure 1” (not “fig. 1”). See Section 1.5 for details on preparing tables and figures.

1In addition (optional), include the address of the lead author (or designated contact) as a footnote on the title page.

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Number all equations consecutively throughout the paper. Cite equations consistently throughout the paper by number without parentheses, e.g., Equation 1. Center equations and place the equation number at the right margin in parentheses. Define terms used in the equation as shown in the following example:

z = Bwx (1)


B = the first definition

w = the second definition

x = the third definition Acronyms and Abbreviations

Spell out each acronym followed by its definition in parentheses at its first use. If you wish to include a list of Acronyms and Abbreviations, refer to the Sample STS2016 Proceedings Paper for placement and format. You may omit the list if the acronyms are defined in the text. Author Biographies

Include a biography of each author (no more than 125 words each) at the end of the

paper. Please provide full formal name, occupational title, military rank, and professional affiliations. Place the lead author’s biography first, followed by other authors alphabetically, separated by a line (see Biography in the Sample STS2016 Proceedings Paper).


1.5.1 Table and Figure Fonts and Sizing

Table 5 shows the specifications for type in tables and figures. Type must be large enough to be easily read, both on the screen and when printed. Fit figures on portrait or landscape pages and size them to be readable without magnification.

Table 5 Type Specifications for Tables and Figures

Elements Font Size


Body of Table

Column Headings

Arial (san serif)

Arial bold



Notes to Tables or Figures Arial (san serif) 8

Figures Arial (sans serif) 6

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1.5.2 Table Format

Use a consistent format for all tables in the paper. In the recommended format shown

in the Sample STS2016 Proceedings Paper and these guidelines, all rows and columns are ruled, the column headings are followed by a double rule, the font is 10-pt sans serif, and column headings are bold with units of measure abbreviated in parentheses.

1.5.3 Titles and Classifications of Tables and Figures

Number and title each table or figure as indicated in Table 4 and illustrated in the Sample STS2016 Proceedings Paper. Make all titles unclassified (recommended), and mark each

title with the classification as shown in the examples in Table 4. Keep titles brief. Convert long captions to notes placed immediately below the table or figure image area in Arial 8-pt type.

Mark the classification of each table and figure at the top right and bottom left (8-pt Arial bold, all uppercase) as shown in the Sample STS2016 Proceedings Paper.

1.5.4 Table and Figure Placement

Either place all tables in order at the end of the paper, followed by all of the figures

(recommended), or embed the tables and figures in text as close as possible to their first mention. Embedding a few small tables and figures may enhance readability, but if the paper contains many tables and figures, place them all at the end.

If you choose to place your tables and figures at the end of the paper instead of

embedding them in the text, link them to their citations in text as an aid to the reader. Use blue text to indicate navigation links in the PDF (e.g., see Figure 1 in the Sample STS2016 Proceedings Paper). When placing them at the end of the paper, group all tables first, followed by all of the figures.

1.5.5 Figure Production and Resolution

Produce figures using professional graphics applications (e.g., Illustrator, PhotoShop,

PowerPoint); hand-drawn figures are not acceptable. The Proceedings is published as a PDF document on CD to allow both computer viewing and high-resolution color printing. Figure resolution should support full-color printing; a minimum resolution of 144 dots per inch (dpi) is recommended (288 dpi preferred). See Section 3 for PDF guidelines.


Do not submit viewgraphs, slides, computer-generated displays, videotapes, or notes for your Symposium presentation with the Proceedings paper. Submit a separate copy of presentation materials for

the Symposium. See Section 2.

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For the live presentation at the Symposium, authors should submit PowerPoint files, videos, movies, or other presentation materials. For

review and inclusion on the Proceedings CD, authors must submit draft presentations in PowerPoint file format and final presentations in both PowerPoint and PDF format. The PDF of the final presentation will be published on the Proceedings CD. This Speaker’s Kit includes an

STS 2016 Presentation Template in MS PowerPoint.


2.1.1 For Draft and Final Reviews

The first draft PowerPoint file of the presentation must be submitted to the

Program Chair no later than 4 February 2016; it will be forwarded to the appropriate Session Chair and Program Chair for review and comment. The second draft of the presentation is due 28 March 2016.

The final PowerPoint and PDF files of the presentation are due 26 April 2016 to the appropriate Session Chair and Program Chair.

UNCLASSIFIED files may be sent by electronic mail. CLASSIFIED files may be transmitted via SIPRNET. See Section 1.1.1 for electronic mail addresses.

Alternately, you may mail files of CLASSIFIED presentations using DoD security procedures for classified materials. Please mail the electronic file on an appropriately marked CD or DVD. Label the disk with the title of the presentation, principal author, file name (as

described in Section 1.3), version (Draft1, Draft2, or Final), and classification. Use the mailing address provided in Section 1.2.

2.1.2 For Presentation at the Symposium

The PowerPoint files to be used in the presentation at the Symposium may be mailed in advance to the JHU/APL Program Chair at the address given in Section 1.2. Please send the materials in time to arrive no later than 26 April 2016.


2.2.1 For the Proceedings

You must make a PDF file of your presentation for it to be included in the Proceedings. PowerPoint and PDF files are required for the final review. See Section 3 for guidelines on producing PDFs.

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2.2.2 At the Symposium

An electronic (e.g., PowerPoint) slide show is the required format for the presentation at the Symposium. Use the STS 2016 Presentation Template included in this Speaker’s Kit.


Classification markings must be displayed on all slides in all presentations, even if the entire presentation is unclassified.

The first slide of the presentation (title slide) must indicate the overall classification of the presentation at the top and the bottom and must contain the following information:

Presentation title (unclassified recommended) preceded by its classification

Presenter’ name

Presenter’s organization

Sponsoring agency (if applicable)

Overall classification, declassification, and distribution statements of the presentation

If the first slide (title slide) of a CONFIDENTIAL or SECRET presentation is

unclassified, if desired, you may add “This Slide UNCLASSIFIED” under the overall classification of CONFIDENTIAL or SECRET (title slide only). Place the classification

markings at the top right and bottom left of each subsequent slide; each slide classification must reflect the highest classification of any content on that slide.

Place the classification marking before the banner heading on all slides (unclassified recommended). Each subheading, paragraph, bullet, or single sentence must be preceded by its

classification marking. Each table or figure image on the slide must be marked with its classification (at the top of the table or figure).

Use 24- to 36-pt bold sans serif type for the title slide, and at least 18-pt bold sans serif type for the presentation slides to ensure that they are readable at the back of the auditorium. Limit text to 8 lines or approximately 40 words per slide.

Marketing material is not appropriate on presentation graphics. However, slides may display the logos of the author’s organization and the sponsor.


Presentations are projected from the JHU/APL audiovisual control room. Two-screen capability is not available for electronic projection; two screens (not recommended) are available only for manual document and camera projectors.

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PDF files are created using Adobe Acrobat. PDF is a Postscript-based electronic format for viewing and printing text and graphics from any platform. A PDF file preserves fonts, images, layout, and links exactly as they were saved from the source application. Contact for information on obtaining Adobe Acrobat.


When preparing the PDF file, make sure the following settings are enabled:

Embed All Fonts (This includes in the PDF all the fonts you used so the user does not need to have them on his or her computer.)

Optimize PDF (Optimizing the PDF file creates a smaller file.)

Resolution: 288 dpi with automatic, high-quality compression

Default page size: 8.5 x 11 in.

Compatibility: Acrobat 5


Do not assign passwords to your PDF files unless required by your organization.

Do not enable any security settings on your PDF files unless required by your organization.


If you wish to restrict the user’s ability to change the document, extract text and graphics, or add comments to the PDF, please check the security items you want from the following list and send the list to Bob Sherman when submitting your PDF files. The Proceedings staff will add the

security settings to the final PDF file to be included in the Proceedings. Printing will be allowed from all PDFs included in the Proceedings.

Do not allow changing the document.

Do not allow copying or extraction of contents.

Do not allow adding or changing comments and form fields.

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This page intentionally left blank.

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Organization Name 9999 Dev elopment Avenue Ourtown, US 99999





(U) Unclassified Title of a Submarine Technology Symposium Proceedings Paper,

14-pt Arial Initial Capitals, Bold, Centered

Allen B. Primary Widgets International1

Carmine D. East, Frank G. Holst, Jr., Ingrid J. Keppler XYZebron, Inc.

(U) Abstract

(U) Center the title Abstract, as shown, in 12-pt Arial (sans serif) bold font above the text of the abstract. Indent the left and right margins of the abstract 1.75 in. from the edge

of the page. The text of the UNCLASSIFIED abstract is 10-pt Times (serif) font, left and right justified, and ≤ 500 words; limit the text of the abstract to the first page.

Do not begin the main text on the first page. Mark the overall classification of the paper on the title page, followed by “This Page Unclassified,” as shown on this page. In a footnote to the title page, include the primary author’s address (optional) (footnote 1),

copyright, downgrade (including name of document originator and job title, derivation authority and date, and declassification date), distribution statement, applicable warnings, and destruction notice.2 On the left side of the page header, if desired, add the logo or

name of the authoring organization followed by the address. In the page footer, fill in the appropriate session number and primary author’s last name. Each paper is limited to a

total of 30 pages including all text, tables, figures, and references .

1 Author’s address: Widgets International, 12345 Constitution Ave., Washington, DC 22222; e-mail: [email protected].

Include addresses of other authors in their biographies, if desired. 2 Copyright 2015 by The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory

Classified by: Name of document originator and job title

Derived from: OPNAVINST SXXXX.XC-XX.X, -XX.X, OPNAVINST SXXXX.XB-XX.X, -XX.X, -XX.X. [include date]

Declassify on: YYYYMMDD Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to U.S. Government agencies and their contractors; administrative/operational. Other requests

for this document will be referred to ABCDEF (GHI XXX).

WARNING – This document contains technical data whose export is restricted by the Arms Export Control Act (Title XX XXXX), as amended,

Title XX, USC, App. XXXX et seq. Violators of these export laws are subject to severe criminal penalties. Disseminate per the provisions of OPNAVINST XXXX.XXX.

Destruction Notice – For unclassified, limited documents, destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the


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Organization Name 9999 Dev elopment Avenue Ourtown, US 99999





(U) Begin the main text on the second page of the document (12-pt serif type). The first page contains the unclassified title, authors, and abstract only. Indent paragraphs 0.75 in. Include

classifications of all headings and titles before the heading or title. Paragraph classifications are as shown. The Styles menu contains a set of paragraph styles with the prefix “STS” (e.g., STS Body Text); text styles (for use in applying italics, bold, etc.) begin with the “aSTS” prefix. The STS2016 Speaker’s Kit contains details on format specifications for proceedings papers.

(U) Adopt a standard set of style rules for grammar, punctuation, and hyphenation such as those in the Government Printing Office Style Manual, Chicago Manual of Style, or IEEE Editorial Style Manual [1–3]. Refer to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) publications [4 and 5] for standards on units of measure.


(U) Use decimal numbering for section headings, which should be unclassified if possible

but always require classification markings as shown here. Cite references by numbers in square brackets in text as shown in the preceding paragraph. Include the complete reference citation in the References section; use a consistent style for reference citations (e.g, as shown in the References section of this sample paper or IEEE Editorial Style Manual [6]).

1.1.1 (U) Third-Level Heading

(U) Use consecutive superscript numbers for page footnotes.3 Refer to tables and figures

by number in text. Table 1 is an example showing the placement of classification markings, footnotes to the table, and title style. Figure 1 provides an example of the figure format. (U) Fourth-Level Heading

(U) Fourth- and fifth-level headings are indented 1 in. (U) Fifth-Level Heading

(U) Indent numbered and bulleted lists as shown. Classify the paragraph introducing lists with the highest classification of any item in the list. Precede each bullet item with its classification marking, even if all items in the list have the same classification as follows:

(U) Indent bullets beginning at 0.75 in. Indent subordinate items as shown below. Wrap the text as shown in this example.

— (U) Use a consistent subordination scheme for items in bullet lists.

— (U) Another item

(U) This is another example of a bullet item following an introductory paragraph.

3 (U) Provide the classification of each footnote as shown here. Footnotes (except for those on the title page) are 10-pt Times font.

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Organization Name 9999 Dev elopment Avenue Ourtown, US 99999




(Z) Mark each of the items in a bulleted or numbered list individually (as shown in the following items) if you wish to show that their classification differs from that of the paragraph introducing the list, which has the highest classification of any item in the list [indicated in the following numbered list by (Z)]:

(1) (U) This is an example of a numbered list with an introductory paragraph of the

highest classification and individually classified items of classifications, some of

which are different from that of the parent paragraph.

a. (X) Subordinate item in a numbered list

b. (Z) Another subordinate item with the highest classification in the list

(2) (Y) This is another item in a numbered list with individually classified items.


1. United States Government Printing Office Style Manual 2000 , Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2000:

2. The Chicago Manual of Style, The Essential Guide for Writers, Editors, and Publishers (14th Edition), Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press, 1993.

3. IEEE Editorial Style Manual, Piscataway, NJ, USA: IEEE Periodicals: 30 October 2014:

4. A. Thompson and B. N. Taylor, “Guide for the Use of the International System of Units (SI),” National Institute of Standards, NIST Special Publication 811, 2008 Edition (Supersedes NIST Special Publication 811, 1995 Edition, April 1995), March 2008:

5. “International System of Units (SI),” The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty, Internet Site:

6. IEEE, “Editing References,” in IEEE Editorial Style Manual, Piscataway, NJ, USA: IEEE Periodicals: Chapter V, Vol. 8, 30 October 2014, pp. 34–48:

7. K. L. Williams and D. R. Jackson, “A Model for Bistatic Scattering into Ocean

Sediments for Frequencies from 10–100 kHz,” Journal of Underwater Acoustics 47: 795–810, 1997.

8. E. F. Adams-Smith and G. H. Green, “The Beginning of Time (U),” The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, FPD-R-15-999, February 2015, CONFIDENTIAL.

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Organization Name 9999 Dev elopment Avenue Ourtown, US 99999





CD Compact Disk

COMSUBLANT Commander, Submarine Forces, Atlantic

IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

NIST National Institute of Standards

PDF Portable Document Format

STS Submarine Technology Symposium


(U) The Acknowledgments express appreciation to other contributors. Place the Acknowledgments at the end of the main text after the References or Acronyms and

Abbreviations, if included.


(U) Provide the author’s full name, occupational title, military rank, and professional affiliations. Limit each author’s biography to 125 words. Place a marker between authors’ biographies (a simple line or graphical symbol).

(U) Dr. Adam L. Smith is the Director of Research and Development at Widgets, International. He has conducted research in widget development for 35 years and is a member of several boards of directors, including…

Table 1 (U) Table Title in 10-pt Arial Bold Initial Capitals, Centered


Year Development Developera Sound Level (dB)

Depth (kft)



1999 Name of Device XYZ, Inc. 0 00.00 00.00

2000 Development No. 2 LMN Co. 0 00.00 000.00

2001 End of second phase Abe See Associates 0 00.00 0000.00

2002 Start of final phase TBD 0 00.00 00,000.00

XYZ – Define Acronyms Directly Below Table LMN – Letters Mean Nothing TBD – To Be Determined a(U) Original name at time of development.

b(U) In 2013 dollars

Page 20: STS 2026 Speaker's Kit: Instructions for Preparing … 2016 AUTHOR GUIDELINES SPEAKER’S KIT Instructions for Preparing Papers and Presentations Table of Contents Deadlines 2 Contacts

Organization Name 9999 Dev elopment Avenue Ourtown, US 99999





STS – Submarine Technology Symposium (Define acronyms directly below figure.)

PDF – Portable Document Format NIST – National Institute of Standards XYZ – Etc.

Note: (U) Place extended captions, legends, and definitions of abbreviations directly below the figure in 8 -pt sans serif font. Include

the classification of notes. The figure title should be a short, unclassified descriptor as shown here.

Figure 1 (U) Figure Title in 10-pt Arial Bold Initial Capitals, Centered


(U) End the paper on an even-numbered page. If that page is blank, add the following note, centered on the page (use the style named “STS Intentionally Left Blank Page”):

This page intentionally left blank.

The following page provides an example.

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Organization Name 9999 Dev elopment Avenue Ourtown, US 99999




This page intentionally left blank.