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0 Strategy for Implementing IMO Instruments 2016-2021 Republic of Azerbaijan State Maritime Administration

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Strategy for

Implementing IMO



Republic of Azerbaijan

State Maritime Administration


Table of Contents

Abbreviations 2

Foreword 3

State Maritime Administration 4

Cooperating for a safe and environmentally-

friendly maritime sector 5



Incorporating maritime conventions into

national legislation effectively


Maintaining maritime safety


Prevention of pollution from ships


Ensuring vibrant and progressive

maritime sector




EMSA European Maritime Safety Agency

EU European Union

GISIS Global Integrated Shipping Information System

IALA International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and

Lighthouse Authorities

IHO International Hydrographic Organization

IMDG International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code

IMO International Maritime Organization

INTERTANKO International Association of Independent Tanker Owners

ISO International Organization for Standardization

ISPS International Ship and Port Facilities Security Code

LRIT Long Range Identification and Tracking

MARPOL International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution

from Ships

MENR Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources

MES Ministry of Emergency Situations

MoD Ministry of Defense

PSC Port State Control

RO Recognized Organization

SAR International Convention on Maritime Search and Rescue

SASEPOL Development of Common Security Management System

and Cooperation in the Area of Maritime Safety and Ship

Pollution Prevention for the Black Sea and the Caspian


SOLAS International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea

SMA State Maritime Administration

STCW International Convention on Standards of Training, Certifi-

cation and Watchkeeping for Seafarers

TRACECA Transport Corridor Europe-Caucasus-Asia

UN United Nations

VTS Vessel Traffic Services



aritime transport plays a significant role in the economic

development and prosperity of Azerbaijan. It is also worth noting

that the maritime transport tends to be more cost-effective

compared with other modes of transport. While over 90% of world trade is

carried by sea, in the pursuance of guaranteeing competitiveness and

sustainability of the maritime transport of Azerbaijan a relevant policy

including the strategic goals and crucial areas of action is developed. The

established framework leads to strengthen the quality of shipping and is

crucially important in implementing international regulations effectively. Due

to the strategic geographical location of Azerbaijan Republic in the Silk

Route, oil and gas resources, shipping companies as well as tradition within

the maritime training of seafarers, maritime sectors are essential drivers for

growth of economy. Damaging impact of the economic growth urged UN to

develop a concept of Sustainable development and a set of specific

Sustainable Development Goals that focus on establishing the fundamental

criteria that need to be applied for ensuring the world continues to develop

sustainably. The drafted policy is focused on developing safe, secure and

efficient Sustainable Maritime Transportation System and minimise

pollution, maximise energy efficiency and ensure resource conservation. By

virtue of increased globalization, formulated policy on maritime transport

emphasizes the role of the Republic of Azerbaijan as Flag, Port and

Coastal States and determines the methods of the accomplishing entitled

rights and assumed responsibilities under the international conventions.

Azerbaijan borders the Caspian Sea which sprawls for nearly 1,200 km

from north to south, and has transport links through Volga-Don Canal to

high seas. Convenient geopolitical situation and fairly well-developed

transport infrastructure allow Azerbaijan to tune to the needs of transit

services, as it appears to be the mediator between East and West. In order

to use the transit potential of the country more extensively and effectively

The Coordinating Council on Transit Freight was established by Decree №

655 dated 21/10/2015 of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The

main tasks of the CC are coordinating of the activities between carriers and

state bodies, ensuring transparency, facilitation and improvement of transit

procedures, implementation of fully convenient system in the area of transit

transportation, enhancing cooperation between the countries and

promotion of transport corridors passing through the territory of the country.


The purpose of this Strategy is to present the main strategic goals to ensure that the Republic of Azerbaijan meets its international obligations and responsibilities as a flag, port and coastal State. Action plan for quality shipping and quality operators will contribute to the success of the maritime transport. This strategy identifies the strategies, activities, and the projects and programmes we will focus on in response to our challenges, and in pursuit of our goals.

Transit map of Azerbaijan


I. State Maritime Administration

Established as a Central Executive Power in 2006 by Decree No. 395 of the

President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the State Maritime Administration of

the Republic of Azerbaijan is an authoritative body on executing and

regulating maritime transport policy of the government. Course of activities of

the SMA include the following:

To take active part in formulating the maritime transport policy and

ensure the effective implementation of this policy;

Ensure the development of the maritime transport sector.

Administration plays a principle role in drafting maritime laws and regulations

on safety, security and environmental protection (includes but not limited to

Merchant Shipping Code, Regulations of navigation in the territorial waters of

the Republic of Azerbaijan, Law on Seaports and Maritime security strategy

of the Republic of Azerbaijan) for the effective functioning of the merchant

shipping, enforces compliance with national legislation and international

instruments as well as aims at maintaining safe and effective navigation.

While implementing maritime policy SMA ensures enforcement of state

programs and development concepts within its authorities, besides checks

the quality of ships by carrying out flag state control of the ships flying the

flag of the Republic of Azerbaijan and port state control inspections of foreign

flagged ships operating in the territorial waters of Azerbaijan, promotes and

manages the ship register (excluding small sized vessels) and takes

measures to minimise environmental impact of shipping.

In accordance with the Presidential decree №1271 dated 6 February 2006,

as a central executive power implementing the State policy in the maritime

field, the authority to enforce and ensure compliance with international

maritime conventions, and collaborate with International Maritime

Organization and other international organizations functioning in the maritime

field was granted to the SMA.

The Republic of Azerbaijan aims for reaching its targets of assuring maritime

safety, security and marine environmental protection through international

instruments agreed at the IMO as well as aligns itself more closely with EU

maritime guidelines, enhances its competency by the European Projects

such as TRACECA, SASEPOL and Twinning Project on Improvement of

Maritime Safety, Security and Marine Environment Protection. In conformity

with the decision 2011/517/EU dated 25 August 2011 of EU Commission the

assessment and evaluation of Azerbaijan in accordance with STCW

Convention demonstrated that all the requirements of training and

certification of seafarers are followed and Azerbaijan was recognised as

regards the systems for the training and certification of seafarers (notified

under EU document C(2011) 6003).


Safer lives

Safer ships

Cleaner seas


Ensure safe navigation of


Prevent pollution from


Control the compliance of

ships with international



Apply our efforts in

response to changes and

future trends in shipping

Continuously enhance the

effectiveness of our


Improve survey and

inspection operations

Implement maritime

conventions effectively

Have strong and confident

strategic partnerships with



II. Cooperating for a safe and environmentally-friendly maritime sector

State Maritime Administration and other authoritative bodies cooperate witihin a framework on

enhancing the implemenation of the monitoring and information system for maritime traffic and

efficient communication links between the authorities. SMA constantly takes steps towards

developing an effective and efficient coordinating system for monitoring and tracking

mechanisms used for maintaining maritime safety, maritime security and protection of the

marine environment.

Working Group involving related ministries and the representatives of maritime cluster was

constituted with the purpose of cooperating on monitoring technical and legal dimensions of

maritime activities and services as well as reflecting international developments and programs

in the domestic maritime sector (see Table 1). The Working Group regularly controls the

implementation of the Strategy and when the need arises, submits proposals for addendums

and amendments.

Meetings and Decision of the Working Group The meetings of the Working Group are held biannually at the administrative premises of the

SMA. The agenda is determined pursuant to the recommendations of the members 15 days

before the meeting. At the meetings decisions are made on consensus. If the consensus is not

reached at the meeting, a second meeting is organized in order to hold a detailed debate on

contradictory subjects. In case of disagreement in the second meeting, decisions are approved

through majority vote. All the proceedings of the meeting are minuted. If necessity arises

extraordinary meetings can be organized in order to discuss and deal with the urgent issues.

Targets of the Working Group Collaborate on constantly reviewing and fulfilling the liabilities of the Republic of

Azerbaijan in relation with maritime activities;

Within their authority improve the performance and implementation capacity in order to

enhance the competitiveness of the Republic of Azerbaijan in maritime sector;

Cooperate and coordinate effectively among each other with the aim of maintaining a

stable regulatory framework.


Table 1. Members of the Working Group


Cooperate on abiding by IMO

Instruments and implement maritime

conventions within their authorities

State Maritime Administration

Ministry of Emergency Situations

Ministry of Finance

Ministry of Economy

Azerbaijan Caspian Shipping

Company and other shipping

companies Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Ministry of Justice

Ministry of Ecology and

Natural Resources

Ministry of Defence


Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources is an executive body that is, among other

obligations, responsible for protection of marine environment of Azerbaijan sector of the Caspian

Sea where pollution arises from various sources as a result of human activities, including the

discharge, emission and disposal of harmful and hazardous substances, wastes and other

pollutants. In pursuant of preventing pollution from ships, MENR and SMA agree joint actions on

taking measures within their authorities for protection of marine environment.

Ministry of Defense is an authoritative body, among others, for conducting hydrographic

surveys and preparing nautical charts and documents. MoD and SMA set joint priorities for safety

of navigation and the protection of the marine environment, publication of notices to mariners in an

effective way and complying with recent developments in the field of hydrography. The two

ministries are collaborating on accession of the Republic of Azerbaijan to International

Hydrographic Organization.

SMA and Ministry of Emergency Situations, a central executive body responsible for civil

defense and protection of the population from natural as well as man-made disasters, team up on

providing search and rescue service for ships in distress. In accordance with SOLAS Convention

SMA shares accurate LRIT information about the ships in distress in a timely way as well as the

ships which can lend assisstance. MES which is in charge of safe transport of dangerous goods

and SMA as a responsible authority for the certification, also join forces for the effective

implementation of the IMDG Code. SMA cooperates with EMSA within the frame of TRACECA on

receiving CleanSeaNet service which sends regular reports on possible discharges of harmful

substances into the sea from ships. On its turn, SMA sends the received information to the Crisis

Management Centre of MES which is a responsible authority for the fulfilment of International

Convention on Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and Cooperation. SMA and MES are

developing an Action Plan on mutual cooperation in anticipating emergencies and dealing with the

consequences, ensuring safety of ships as well as exercising effective government oversight in the

Azerbaijan sector of the Caspian Sea. The main purpose of the mutual cooperation is rescuing

people in the sea and coastal areas, addressing the consequences of the marine casualties and

improve coordination and effectiveness of the joint acvtivity of involved workforce and devices.

Ministry of Economy is an executive power on implementing economic policy and prepares

economic and political prognosis, apart from maintaining the development of different fields of

economy whereas The Ministry of Finance is a central executive power body carrying out the

state financial policy and organizing the management of state finance. In the same way, Ministry

of Justice is a central executive body with a law-enforcement status implementing state policy and

control in accordance with the activities determined by the legislation. As regards the Ministry of

Foreign Affairs, as a central executive body it carries out forign policy of Azerbaijan, and

represents the state in other countries or international organizations.

“Azerbaijan Caspian Shipping” Closed Joint-Stock Company is the biggest shipping

company in Azerbaijan which, along with merchant fleet, owns offshore support fleet, shipyards,

and seaports. SMA together with “Azerbaijan Caspian Shipping” Closed Joint-Stock Company

and other shipping companies provides a cohesive platform for future strategic development. SMA

continually engages with stakeholders through consultation on a wide range of matters, they can

speak directly to our staff, discuss their specific concerns, and make direct contact. Close

involvement of stakeholders facilitates efficient industry discussion and the process of better

understanding their problems as well as engaging them in the most effective manner.


III. Tasks

Incorporating maritime conventions into national

legislation effectively

Maintaining maritime safety

Prevention of pollution from ships

Ensuring vibrant and progressive maritime sector


Task 1: Incorporating maritime conventions into national legislation


The Republic of Azerbaijan became a member of the International Maritime Organization on

15 may 1995. Since then Azerbaijan has ratified key marine conventions on vessel safety

regulations, protection of marine environment, improving human factor and promoting safety of

life, property at sea and safe construction of ships such as SOLAS, MARPOL, STCW and

other conventions and codes. When transposing IMO instruments the aim is to avoid going

beyond the minimum requirements of the measure being transposed. State Maritime

Administration complies with mandatory reporting requirements specified in the IMO

instruments through the routine transfer of data into the GISIS.

Our primary goals for effective implementation of the ratified or acceded conventions


Setting clear objectives, frameworks for implementation and regulatory environment for

commercial vessel industry;

Assess the impacts and conduct a review of regulations systematically to ensure that

they meet their intended objectives efficiently and effectively;

Ensuring that regulatory processes are non-


Carrying out a review and where necessary

enhance the scope, effectiveness and enforcement

of policy on the competitiveness of the maritime

industry, enhance regulatory process that

strengthens economic efficiency and


Develop a framework for approving IMO

supplementary instruments for enabling the

effective implementation of regulations.

Main duties for achieving our goals:

Have effective legislation and standards in place;

Effectively engage with industry on new legislative and operational arrangements;

Draw up a penalty system in order to take legal action against ships which have been

identified as not being in compliance with the international instruments;

Develop effective systems and methods of dealing with and accelerating the process of

incorporating amendments into the national legislation.

Accurate inspection is a main

factor of effective implementation


How we deliver improvements:

Category Targets: Time limits



Enforce high standard of compliance with international and national rules and standards for ships flying the flag of Azerbaijan as well as support the quality shipping objectives derived from international maritime conventions;


Conduct an analysis of national fleet with an inspection scheme which includes target factors, such as age;

Every 3 years

Ensure that the ship’s crew can effectively: o Co-ordinate their activities in an emergency situation; o Perform functions vital to safety; and o Prevent or reduce pollution.

1-2 years

Update/renew the formal written agreements with recognised organisations and systematically monitor the work performed by ROs that act on behalf of the Administration;

1 year

Improve the efficiency and productivity of ship survey and inspec-tion services through changes to working practices and better prior-itization;

1-2 years

Provide impartial, adequate and consistent port state control over the ships in order to meet the objectives of the inspection;


For safer and environmentally friendly shipping constantly develop procedures for overcoming shortcomings in the performance of port state control officers and promote integrity, professionalism and transparency among them;

1-2 years

Improve the inspection database by keeping records and statistics which assists in identifying the risk areas to be checked at each inspection;

1-2 years

Avoid undue delays to the ships by effectively implementing rules and procedures for port state control inspections, including criteria for the detention of ships;

1-2 years

Comply with mandatory security regime on maritime and port-related security requirements outlined in SOLAS and ISPS Code by granting certificates and verifying security plan of ships and port;

1-2 years

Consider amendments to Merchant Shipping Code, Code on Administrative Offences and underlying regulations.

1-2 years

Performance measurements:

1. Proportion of regulations that adequately addressed net benefit to the community.

2. Communication with regulated entities is clear, targeted and effective.

3. Actions undertaken are proportionate to the regulatory issues being managed.


Task 2: Maintaining maritime safety

The priority within maritime safety regime of Azerbaijan is to develop regulations on maritime safety

and environmental protection. State Maritime Administration as an executive power on implementing

maritime policy, is willing and prepared to promote fundamental and sustainable phasing out

procedures of substandard ships. Additionally, in order to address the problem of human error, which

remains the main cause of accidents, it is equally important to meet the international standards for

training and qualification of the seafarers. State Maritime Administration intends to formulate a

balanced maritime policy that keeps pace with technological advances in pursuance of meeting

economic, social and commercial demands.

Our primary goals for enhancing maritime safety:

Ensure that ships entitled to fly the flag of the Republic of Azerbaijan comply with the

requirements of the applicable international instruments and national legislation;

Provide effective marine aids to navigation;

To promote and communicate, through human element principles, a maritime safety culture,

and heightened marine environment awareness.

Main duties for achieving our goals:

Exercise effective oversight over recognized organizations performing statutory certification and

services on behalf of the Administration;

Identify and deter unseaworthy and substandard ships;

Conduct a thorough investigation of marine casualties, determine casual factors and take

preventive measures;

Regularly review the effectiveness of navigation and identify opportunities for improving the


Discourage violation of international conventions with penalties of adequate severity;

Consider IMO, IHO and IALA guidelines when planning, operating and managing aids to


Take appropriate measures in order to ensure that the flag state performance is at high level.


How we deliver improvements:

Category Targets Time limits

Inspection Controlling performance of ROs and carrying out unscheduled on site monitoring;

Every 3 years

Conduct expanded inspections on the vessels with a high ship risk profile, i.e. gas or chemical tankers over 10 years old, bulk carriers over 12 years old, passenger ships over 15 years old and oil tankers of more than 3000 gross tonnage and over 15 years old;


Develop an information system (Ship risk profile) to facilitate port state control authorities on which ships are due for an inspection as well as build a database on flag state control and port state control;

3-5 years

Verify that the marine equipment carried on board ships comply with safety requirements that have been developed by IMO with regard to design, construction and performance;


Analyse the inspection results that took place on board ships flying the flag of Azerbaijan in other countries;


Instruct flag state control officers to conduct flag state control effectively, investigate the drawbacks of foreign port state control officers with regard to inspections carried out on board the ships flying the flag of the Republic of Azerbaijan and take appropriate action. Look into who is responsible for (shipowner/ROs) the root causes of the existing deficiencies on board the ships flying the flag of the Republic of Azerbaijan; Monitor the building process of new ships which are going to fly the flag of the Republic of Azerbaijan.




Evaluating and monitoring the performance of national LRIT centre, de-termining damaged or broken lights, fog signals, buoys and navigation-al aids that affect main shipping lanes. Use risk assessment techniques to identify hazards and risks and put in place suitable risk control measures to ensure that the appropriate emergency plans are in place and well-practiced;


Keep VTS operators’ qualifications up-to-date and ensure they are based on the international standards; organize trainings on operating emergency situations for the VTS personnel;

1-2 years

Ensure that operating procedures for routine and emergency situations are established in a timely manner, provide mariners with full details of the requirements to be met and the procedures to be followed in the VTS area;



To build a database on detained ships in case of disclosed deficiency that are clearly hazardous to maritime safety, health and environment;

Introduce appropriate measures on recognition of digital nautical publications carried on board the ships by flag states;

2-3 years

1-2 years

Verify a routing system and submit the proposed routeing measures, including traffic separation schemes to IMO for adoption;

1-2 years

Take practicable steps to remove a wreck that poses danger or impediment in the territorial waters of the Republic of Azerbaijan with high traffic density;

Assess qualifications of the pilots in order to ensure pilotage services are efficient, safe and in appropriate level.

2-3 years


Hydrographic issues

Cooperate with appropriate organizations on becoming a member of International Hydrographic Organization;

1-2 years

Issue all changes of navigational situation in Caspian Sea on the nautical charts and sailing books.


SAR Organize trainings for Search and Rescue Officers in accordance with SAR Convention;

Every 1-2 years

Draw up a Search and Rescue Operations Plan; 3-5 years

Exchange practice and experience in SAR operations as well as organize trainings in the territorial waters of the Republic of Azerbaijan with littoral states of the Caspian Sea;

Every 2 years

Develop a SAR Co-operation Plan between SAR services and the passenger ships.

1-2 years

Human factor Following IMO guidelines for managing human factors such as fatigue; 1-2 years

Inspect ships to ensure seafarers are provided with adequate working and living conditions;


Administer and monitor the compliance of training and course programmes provided for seafarers with IMO model courses and ensure they meet the requirements of STCW;


Combat unlawful practices associated with certificates of competency and equivalent endorsements by keeping validity dates under control and ensure the certificates and endorsements are provided in accordance with the STCW;


Cooperate with experts assigned by State Marine Academy and training centres in analysing and studying IMO instruments on STCW;



Performance measures:

The measures for monitoring the effectiveness of compliance

with maritime safety instruments are as follows:

1. Navigational safety performance (it is an expression of safe

navigation and absence of navigational deficiencies)

Navigational deficiencies (counts the number of

navigational related deficiencies including any

substandard practice or condition recorded during


Navigational incidents (counts any navigational incident

resulting in a collision, allision or grounding). 2. Operational performance (it is an expression of the opera-

tional efficiency of the ship)

Number of flag state controls over high and medium risk


Number of conducted port state control:

o Number of PSC inspections resulting in a detention

o Number of PSC deficiencies

3. Improvements in the standards of Azerbaijan-flagged ships are determined by:

Number of received prevention and infringement notifications;

Number of reported incidents involving national ships;

Number of measures taken by the Administration with regard to violation of regulations.

Take appropriate measures in case of breach of maritime transport provisions in the Code of Administrative Offences.

1-2 years

Marine Casualty


Develop a database for marine casualties and marine incidents; 1-2 years

Study best practice of other countries on conducting investigation into marine casualties;


Ensure that investigators receive trainings for acquiring the necessary knowledge, understanding and proficiency in marine safety investiga-tion.

Every 2 years

Lankaran Lighthouse


Task 3: Prevention of pollution from ships

The maritime policy of the Republic of Azerbaijan focuses on high level environmental protection and formulated on general perception that ships used for the transport of goods by sea abide by the applicable international and national rules. State Maritime Administration takes appropriate measures to combat and reduce the contamination by ensuring that ship-generated waste and cargo residues are not discharged into the marine environment but delivered accordingly. The compliance with the international regulations is monitored through targeted inspections and improved enforcement regime that will discourage infringement of applicable laws. Considering Sustainable Development Goals 13 - Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts and 14 - Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources, State Maritime Administration aims at prohibiting and diminishing releases into the maritime environment to ensure that there are no significant impacts on or risks to marine ecosystems, human health and legitimate use of the sea.

Our primary goals for preventing pollution from ships:

Prevent and minimize the pollution risk from ships - both accidental and from routine operations;

Improve pollution preparedness and response capabilities;

Implement MARPOL Convention appropriately, share the responsibilities with the entities concerned and formulate guidance and procedures for effective implementation;

Develop and encourage effective ways of raising public awareness of environmental protection amongst maritime stakeholders.


Main duties for achieving our goals:

Ensure the reception facilities are complied with national and international regulations on efficient delivery of ship generated waste;

Making every effort to considerably strengthen the weak emission standards in MARPOL Annex Vl, both for existing and new ships;

Maximise technological advancements to improve pollution preparedness and response capabilities;

Enlighten maritime stakeholders on minimizing the residue/waste generated on board ships;

Strengthen sanctioning policy against those responsible for causing pollution.


How we deliver improvements:

Category Targets Time limits

Port Reception Facilities

Ensure the availability of adequate port reception facilities that meet the needs of users and of the environment, without causing undue delay to the ships using them;


Develop regulations on port reception facilities;

1-2 years

Encourage port reception facility operators stick to the guidelines (such as International Safety Guide for Oil Tankers and Terminals (ISGOTT) or IMDG Code related to noxious liquid substances and other dangerous goods;

1-2 years

Stimulate the use of reports on alleged inadequacies of port reception facilities.

1-2 years

Contingency Plans

Finalize the Caspian Sea Plan concerning Regional Co-operation in Combating Oil Pollution in Cases of Emergency with littoral states in accordance with Aktau Protocol;

1-2 years

Submit National Contingency Plan for Combating Oil Pollution Incidents for approval.

1-2 years

Operational measures

Develop a systematic database to simplify and harmonise use of data on ships sailing in the territorial waters of Azerbaijan, including ships carrying dangerous or polluting goods;

2-3 years

Continue close cooperation with EMSA within the frame of TRACECA on receiving CleanSeaNet service that will help to develop technical solutions and benefit from technical assistance in actions such as detecting discharges by satellite monitoring and surveillance;

1-2 years

Raise awareness of the correct use of, and entries to, the Oil Record Book, Cargo Record Book and the Garbage Record Book and considering practical guidance on the correct use of such record books provided by INTERTANKO and International Chamber of Shipping;

1-2 years

Promote the usage of cleaner fuels or techniques needed to ensure a distinct reduction in emissions;

1-2 years

Ensure flag state personnel conducting IMDG Code related duties are trained accordingly;

Every 2 years

Consider introducing operational measures which can improve efficiency on shipboard garbage handling and storage procedures and minimizing the amount of potential garbage which is provided in the “2012 Guide-lines for the Implementation of MARPOL Annex V”. Additionally, pro-mote the application of ISO standard for the management and handling of shipboard garbage (ISO 21070:2011) as guidance;

1-2 years


Urge the availability of fuel oil in the ports that meets the requirements and verify that bunker delivery note accompanied by representative sample of fuel oil is delivered accordingly.

1-2 years

Legislative measures

Introduce measures against fuel oil suppliers that deliver fuel oil which is not consistent with the stated details on the bunker delivery note.

1-2 years

Performance measurement

We will monitor our performance on prevention of pollution from ships through the following


1. Number of environmental deficiencies recorded during ship inspections.

2. The ratio of serious ship pollution incidents compared to the total number of ships navigating

in the territorial waters of Azerbaijan.

3. The number of severe (above one barrel) spills of liquid and releases of substances:

Number of severe spills of bulk liquid.

Number of releases of substances to the environment (The number of releases of

substances covered by MARPOL except bulk liquid).

4. Number of ballast water management violations (The number of times where prevailing

regulations regarding management of ballast water have been violated and recorded).

5. Number of reports received on alleged inadequacies of port reception facilities.


Task 4: Ensuring vibrant and progressive maritime sector

Employees are of paramount importance in fulfilling the vision and mission. High

velocity of technological advancements, fluctuations in demographics, employment

market and the flow of global economy drives building and maintaining

internal capacity for meeting the challenges before maritime sector.

As a central executive power implementing maritime policy, SMA’s vision

is driving progress towards safer lives, safer ships, and cleaner seas,

along with contributing to the implementation of the UN

Sustainable Development Goal 4 on ensuring inclusive and

equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities

for all. This vision is supported by the four key values of safety,

professionalism, innovation and excellence.

Primary goals for ensuring vibrant and

progressive maritime sector:

Provide an effective decision support

and insight into stakeholders’ requirements;

Focus on having a proficient, cooperative

and responsible personnel and effectively

manage them;

Develop a long-lasting relationship

with the international



Main duties for achieving our goals:

Ensure that international standards demonstrate the governments intentions and are

expressed nationally;

Assess the performance and improve administrative procedures on provided services;

Build strong relationship with other countries to improve maritime safety, marine

environment protection and to agree on recognition of seafarers documents;

Adjust our actions to priorities of IMO and International Labour Organization.

How we deliver improvements:

Category Targets Time limit

Future Commitments

Employ people with the relevant experience, consistently determine competence of present workforce, discover gaps to deal with and organize systematic, periodic and formal training programme for increasing proficiency and updating knowledge of the employees and keep appropriate records;


Cooperate with port state control regimes and international organizations and participate in seminars and trainings organized by them for developing and enhancing the applied procedures;


Analyse and update/renew formal written agreements with ROs to reflect the developments of the applicable international instruments as well as systematically issue instructions to ROs on the procedures to be followed when carrying out statuary certification and services;

1-2 years

Promote high quality employment in line with the STCW Convention to meet current and future worldwide demand for qualified seafarers;

1-2 years

Consider ratifying the International Conventions of IMO on the Interna-tional Maritime Satellite Organization, Control and Management of Ships' Ballast Water and Sediments, 1992 Protocol to the International Conven-tion on the Establishment of an International Fund for Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage;

1-5 years

Continue to demonstrate full and complete effect to the provisions of regu-lation l/8 of the 1978 STCW Convention;

1-2 years

Encourage the signing of Memorandum of Understanding on recognition of seafarers` certificates with countries such as Switzerland, Turkey, Italy, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Vietnam, Iran, South Korea, United Arab Emirates and Serbia;

1-5 years

Conclude treaties to cooperate in the maritime transport field with Russia, Turkmenistan and Lithuania;

1-5 years

Continue providing effective LRIT services to the ships flying the flag of Georgia;

1-5 years

Finalize arrangements for determination of limits of port water area in the Republic of Azerbaijan;

1-2 years


Establish an online registry of seaports;

2-3 years

Approve port facility security plans of registered ports and consider appropriate measures for the certification of ports;

1-2 years

Determine safety zones of mobile and fixed offshore units in the territorial waters of the Republic of Azerbaijan;

2-3 years

Control effective implementation of the Twinning Project “Support to the State Maritime Administration to Improve Liability in Maritime Transport in the Republic of Azerbaijan”.

2 years

Performance measurements:

1. Number of trainings conducted to the employees of the administration per year and the

number of employees attended the trainings per year.

2. Number of HR related deficiencies.

3. Engagement with international counterparts.

4. Number of documented policy and procedures.

5. Time to respond to and correct non-compliance.

6. Degree of compliance, number of corrective actions which have been resolved or


7. Internal and external audits on an annual basis.

8. The level of interorganizational cooperation.