starter – spot the difference try and pick out as many differences between these castles as you...

Starter – Spot the difference Try and pick out as many differences between these castles as SAM PLE

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Post on 16-Dec-2015




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Page 1: Starter – Spot the difference Try and pick out as many differences between these castles as you can in the back of your books

Starter – Spot the difference

Try and pick out as many differences between these castles as you can in the back of your books


Page 2: Starter – Spot the difference Try and pick out as many differences between these castles as you can in the back of your books

Lesson Title:What are the features of a

Stone Square Keep?

Know the different parts of Stone Square Keeps

Understand how these features offer the castle


Skills: interpreting information, matching,



Page 3: Starter – Spot the difference Try and pick out as many differences between these castles as you can in the back of your books


Offered the archers on the wall an area to hide in front of

This gave them more protection


Page 4: Starter – Spot the difference Try and pick out as many differences between these castles as you can in the back of your books

Murder holes

Allowed defenders to shoot down at or pour things on to attackers below should they breach the outer defences


Page 5: Starter – Spot the difference Try and pick out as many differences between these castles as you can in the back of your books

Arrow slits

These were holes in the walls where arrows could be fired at enemy attackers


Page 6: Starter – Spot the difference Try and pick out as many differences between these castles as you can in the back of your books

Spiral staircase

These allowed defenders to quickly get up onto the castle walls


Page 7: Starter – Spot the difference Try and pick out as many differences between these castles as you can in the back of your books


This was a drop down gate which could block access to the castle entrance


Page 8: Starter – Spot the difference Try and pick out as many differences between these castles as you can in the back of your books

Wall walk

This allowed archers to stand high on the walls to fire at any enemy attackers


Page 9: Starter – Spot the difference Try and pick out as many differences between these castles as you can in the back of your books


This was a room where captured enemies could be kept securely


Page 10: Starter – Spot the difference Try and pick out as many differences between these castles as you can in the back of your books


This was a physical barrier

A large trench filled with water which surrounded the castle


Page 11: Starter – Spot the difference Try and pick out as many differences between these castles as you can in the back of your books


This bridged the moat

The bridge could be raised and lowered, allowing men to access the castle


Page 12: Starter – Spot the difference Try and pick out as many differences between these castles as you can in the back of your books


• Cut out and stick down the pictures showing the different features of castles

• Cut out the name and description of each feature of the castle and match them up to the pictures

• Stick the matching picture with the matching feature description in your exercise book

• Fill in the gaps on each of the feature description cards using the words below:

Words to use:

fired quickly gate room

holes archers moat water

murder holes crenelation


Page 13: Starter – Spot the difference Try and pick out as many differences between these castles as you can in the back of your books


Out of the nine defensive features of a castle we’ve looked at today, which do you think is the best defensive feature and why?

Discuss this question in your table pairs

Write down the three most effective defensive features in the back of your book

Be prepared to justify your choices!


Page 14: Starter – Spot the difference Try and pick out as many differences between these castles as you can in the back of your books


• Look at the homework sheet

• You are going to plan your perfect castle

• But you’re not made of money, you have 70 shillings to spend!

• Which of the features would you add to your castle and why?

• You must have a square keep, so that’s 20 shillings spent straight away

• Write out your shopping list and then explain why you have chosen the features you have for your homework

• Make sure you make it clear how much you have spent and how much you’ve got remaining too