st. viator college newspaper, 1927-05-12

1: l THE VIA TORIAN PUBUSHED BI-WEEKLY BY THE STUDENTS OF ST. VIATOR COLLEGE, No. ILLINOIS INTER-COLLEGIATE PRESS CONVENTION HELD AT BRADLEY THURSDAY, MAY, 12, 1927. VOL. 44 VIA TORIAN HEAD HAS AUDIENCE WITH POPE PIUS DEBATING TEAM RETURNS FROM SUCCESSFUL TRIP IN THE EAST ST. VIA TOR STUDENTS RE- TWENTY-FIVE COLLEGES WERE REPRESENTED AT FIFTH CEIVE PAPAL BLESSING. EIGHT COLLEGES OFFERED OPPOSITION TO LOCAL FOR- ANNUAL MEET ENSIC TALENT In a c lr cu lo. r lette r which Wll.B r Cups Awarded to Augustana and Northern Illinois Normal. cetvod by tho Chicago Province ot the Cleri cs or St. VIat or C rom th e Very Alumni at Catholic " U" Entertain Vi sitors at Banquet The F'ifth Annual Convention or tho vention was a round -tab le discussion h:: Tho most ambitious schedule ever or the edi tor s ot the vario us co ll ege long aud_ lonce wit h our Holy Father, undertaken by o. St . VIator COll ege; d•· Saturd:l.y, May 7th, was the most sue· Lund , cttor Pope Plus XI which may be o! Interest ba.tlng team came to a Mucccatr Cul cl oso o ugus ana. se rver, orma Y to Viatorlun reader s. Speaking o! his with a victory over Union College on visit to the Vntlcan, Hober gc hold membership in the association sent Tho editors o! the publications then dis· h as this to say: St ates should adopt a uni!orm Marriage del ega t es to the Peoria meeting. cussed the ir various problems, which "On ent ring thi s vns t hal l on e tru ly and Divorce Law." The decision In Mess rs. Connor and No lan r epresented do not differ essentially tn any coll ege ! ee ls that he In th e po.lncc ot a. Sov· favor of the St. Viator College team the Viatorian. In the state. He was followed by ere lgn. An atmosph e re ot respe ct, dig· was unanimous. Opens WitJ1 Busjness Sess ion. '¥11llam Kostka, Editor ot tho Kn ox nlty, nnd gr andeur permeates the v\!:1Althou gh the st. VIator Coll ege de· The convention wn.s called to order Student, on "Make-up Sty les" . A large t or. The Swiss guards In gr and cos · ba.tlng t ea m did not g n.ln the m a jority by Sherman H. Canty, Editor o! the portion ot the afte rnoon mee ting WC LS tume and spc .. tr In ha nd s tand be!01·e of the decis ions on the trip any un- Bra.dley T ech. Commi ttees tor the nex t absorbed in con sidering th e adv1snbi ll ty eac h door. The sevc at wa iting rooms prejudiced observer must admit that the year were appointed and bids wet·e o! faculty super vision. It was the eucceed each othm· and littl e by little team gave an unu sua lly good account made tot· the 1928 convention, which opinion of all the literary coll eges that you come closer to the Vi car or J es us or it self. It Is not o ri ous ly diffi c ult to w as obtained by James Milikin Uni· a faculty advisor at times proved he lp· Christ. At lust wo wer·e in lh c room win decisions In deba tes away from varsity o! Decatm-. Fo ll owing the usual fu l, but tha.t supe rvi s ion defeats tho next to the anle· chamber. Thr·ee gua rds home and it Is doubly so wh en a team cu stom the President of the association purpose of the coll ege publication. o! the nobility In gold trimmed unlrorm Is compelled to take the dry s ide or th e was elected by the delegates or the Conve nti on Adj ourns Following and two chambe rlains with cape and Prohibiti on ques tion In stat es as notor· college securing the convention a.nd the Banqu et sword In brocaded dress and hat to lousl y wet as New York and Rhode Is· secretai\Y·treasurer was appointed by A banquet at the Univer s ity Club match are always s tationed he re a s la nd . Furth ermor e It s hould be borne him. Vi cto r Furman secured the chair ear ly in the even ing closed the program special bodyguards of the Pope. in mind that the St. Viator College deputizing Arthur Dgro!!, also of MHI· o! the day. The k ey note s peech ot the "At th e moment wh en I stood beto re team won a greater propo rti on of Its kin, to act as secretary ot the 1928 con· convention was given by F. S. Siebert the Holy Fa ther tears were In my eye!; debates on th e road tha n a n y oth o t eam ventlon . Mr. Edw. Vickburg of Augu· of De partme nt of of the an Indefinable emollon produced by that was t 1 ·avelling this y ear, a lar ger stana was elected Vice-pr e sident. ?mversity or Illinois. Mr. S1ebe rt was love and happin ess took hold ot me proportion even than the great Uni· Peoria. Newspa pe rs Hosts Judge o! college p.ubllcations competing I and I t hr ew myseLf at th e f eet or the ve rslty ot Sydn e y, Australia. Foll owing a r ecess the delegates were Sove rei gn Pontiff. 1 made the usual Debaters \.YeU Received Observer or Rock Island, Northe rn ge nufl e cti o ns a nd at th e third I wa nt · former editor of the Viatorian, now em- Ill inois State Teacher's Coll ege of De· ed to kJss his but good Plus XI ha nded hospitality a nd ali the colleges ployed by the Peor ia Star , was one of the kalb was awarded the second cup. did not g ive roe Ume; _he extended his vi s it ed did everyth ing in their power committeemen who escorted the as- Honorable mention was sec ur ed by the hand whi ch 1 kiss ed With respect, then to make the v ls lt as pl easant as pos· sembly through the newspaper plant. Decaturian of J ames Mllikin Un lve he sat down and in v lled me to take my sibl e. B dliors Air Views in Round Ta ble slty and the Greenville Papyrus o! place at his right , <luite close to him. The trip ope ned with a debate on An outstanding feature of the co Greenville College. Making mys el f the Int erpreter of the Tues day, April 19th, agalnst St. John's sentimen ts of th e Clerics or St. VIator, Coll ege, Tol edo. Although the St. SPANISH CLUB To FOURTH ANNUAL I otrer ed to His H oliness the homage John's College debaters put up a good or our re•pect, or our filial a ff ection, or argument they were not the eq u al or HOLD ANNUAL RECITAL To BE our unswerving attachme nt to his aug· the Viator men in experience and r e· ust pe rson , and o! our entire submi s- source!ulness and lost the debate by a "FIESTA" MAY 21 GIVEN MAY 13th slon to his pontifical teachings. I also 2 to 1 dec ision. The following evening quoted Articl e :>0\."V of our Stat utes St. xavier College, Cln cinattl, was met. ;;tnd JUade me ntion ot . the Bl)ecl.aJ pTQJJl· A great -deal -0t In-terest wa s- mani!ested UTERARY AND EVENING MUSICAL CONTEST TO BE STAGED AT NOTRE DAME and obedi e nce to Our Mother the Holy year to St . Viator College and had Saturday evening, May 21, t he "Club Eapanol Cervan tes·• will hold its annual "Fiesta." which will co nsist of a variet y of musi cal numbers, recitations and songs . Prof. Perez, moderato of the Club will open the program w1th a speech concerning •·Foreign languages as a means to understand another people". Mr. Swenle, president o! the Club will also speak about th e "Club Espanole Cervantes , its aims and ideal.e.' ' We have been f ortunate in obtaini ng the ald o t: Lui s Barroso, a ! ormer st u- den t of St. Viator , whose musical talent is well known to the f acul ty and stu- dents. He wlll entertain by re ndering some sel ections ot Spanish music. Fol· l owi ng t his, the members of the Club will r ecite co mpositions, stories anU poems in Spanish. There will also be a 5peech on "Cervantes, his li!e and place in Spanis h lit e rature". The aw· ardi ng o! the m edal tor excellence in Spanish w ill also be a f eature ot the p 1 ·ogram. The facu l ty a nd st ude nt s are cordi a ll y invited to atte nd. Spanish Club Entertn.ined by Miss Beaucl erc The !ourth annual recital a nd musl· cal concert wHl be given Friday evening, May 13th at eight o'clock by the s tudents of the Piano department of St. Viator College at Notre Dame Con vent Auditorium, Bourbonnais. Professor Leslie J. Roch, who has been in charge of the music department at St. Viator !or the past i'ou r years , has worked earnestly and d1ligently to develop fn the s tud ents or this depart- ment a high a ppr eciation f or the best musical literature . During this time he has attempted to familiarize them with the mu sical compositions ot all the fore- most composers of pianoforte music f rom Bach down to the modern writers an d to give them a work! ng knowl edge of the characteristics o! the music or each per iod. Among those posSess ing unusual talents as pianists were Ra l ph Garsa, who Is now studying at Notre Dame University , Louis Val lely, now at Loyola Univer- si ty and J ames Corbett st ill a t Viator , a ll of whom have !ormerly won the Go ld medal which Mr. Roc h presents each year to his best st udents. The program was as follows: Bo urr ee (2nd Violin So na ta) . . . . . . . Bach-Saint Saens F antaisie I mpromptu Chopin. James A. Corbe tt. Ch urch. Catholi c, Apos tolic, and Ro· galned a well-deserved 2 to 1 decision man, and to the VIcar or J esus , our here. This time the decision was re· Holy Father the Pope.' Th e Sovereign versed, St. Viator College gaining the Pontiff marked these two citatio ns by verdict 2 to 1 a!ter a very close and repeatin g, 'Ve ry good, ve ry good.' interesting debate. The next morning Att er li s tening to me with att e ntion t he long jump to Washington, D. C., His H oliness said, 'You have a beaut!· was begun and the Catholic Universit y ! ul miss ion to t: ulfill, first or all In· was engaged in forensi c combat on still. then devel op and ros ter In the Friday, April 22nd. The visit to the souls o! the boys o.nd young men. In Catholic University was made very that youth which is so d ea r to us, the pleasant by the Alumni of St. Viator principles or Christian Doctrine, the first seedli ngs o! those virtues which Rev. Charles A. Hart 17 , w ho was a will mak e of th em men of robust and member of the St. Vi a tor College team active faith, solid Chr istians, defenders !r om 191 3 to 1 g 17 arranged this lunch of th e chu r ch, and saints Cor He aven. and was chai r man of the debate in the Tell your religious how much we value evening. The Alumni who attended the th e work to which they are devoting lu nc h were, Rev. Charles A. Ha.rt '17, th emselves and th e zeal which th ey Rev. Fulton J. Shee n, Ph. D., '17, James ar e bringing to it.'" . L. Dou gherty '08, and Paul Cll!tord '24. Arter Fat her Roberge had disc ussed Altho ugh St. Viator College lost the de· oth er matters with the Fope f or- abou t cision to the Catholic University 2 to 1 a half an h our he made hi s departure many o! the audience, including many bearing wit h him the Papal Bl essi ng, a members o! t he !acuity of the U niver· copy o! which is given bel ow. :slty, disse nted from this d ecisio n and THE HOLY FATHER'S BLESSI NG. thoug ht the Viatorians had th e better IT IS W1TH ALL OUR HEART or the debate. Th e following Monday THAT WE BLESS THE I NSTITUTE the Viator team invaded Manhattan OF T HE CLERICS OF ST. VIATOR, College, New York, and were royally THE GENERAL DI RECTION, ITS 80 0 received and entertained by Brother PROFESSORS, ITS 15,000 STUDENTS. Thomas , F . S. C., President o! Manhat· AND ALL THE GREAT WORK OF tan Coll ege. Unfor t unately the quos- CHRI STI AN EDUCAT ION THEy tlon: " Resol ved, the Eight eent h Amen Dennee REPRESENT AND VVH ICH THEY m ent shou ld be repealed," is not a de· batabl e qu estion in th e State ot New York and though most ot th e aud1ence wer e ot the opinion that St. VIator Col- lege had the better of the argument, even thou gh on the nega ti ve side, the j ud ges rendered an adver se declslon. A close deba te was lost to Providence Coll ege at Provide nce, Rhode Island, the next evening on the same subject a.nd on the same unfavora ble side ot the qu es tion. This ended the debates on Pr o hibition ques tion to the great relfet or th e debat ing team who felt that they wer e aga in st insupe rable odds in de- te nding thi s side ot the ques tion In the East e rn stat es . The next evening tho very abl e and polished team ot Boston Coll ege was met on its home floor on Lhe qu es tion: "Resol ved, that the United Stat es s hould adopt a unl! orrn Marriage and Divor ce Law". The Viatorians de· !e nded the af!1rmatl ve side of th is ques-- tion and lost a close decision to the Bos toni a ns . In justi ce to the Boston College t eam It mu st be sa id that on the evening's discussion they deserved the deci si o n. Th is was th e first time th e Vi a tor t eam had debat ed this ques· lion a nd th ey were not quite as sure of themse lves as they had been in the pr v ious debat es. Bost on College enter- tain ed us royally and did everythinr; In their power to make our visit to The Hub pleasant a nd me morabl e. Another close debate was lost the next evening, 2 to 1, to Holy Cr oss College , Worcester, Massachusetts. The Viatorians acquitt· ed the ms elves very much better than they did the previous evening in Boston and Rev. John F. X. Murphy, S. J., Coach ot the Holy Cross debating team, was generous enough to say that he thought that we might, without any injustice , have won the decision. No won13 can describd ade q-ua.-;t-ely -the generous hospitality with which Holy CrOss Col1ege entertained our debaters and the memory of the sumptuous sup- per served after the \debate tn the leading hot el of Worcester to both de- bating teams, will Hve long in the mem- ory of our debaters. The last debate ended in a unanimous decision over Un ion College, Scbnec tady, New York, as already related. The members o! the team who made the somewhat trying trip, going through eight debates In t en days, were John W. Stafford '30, James Allen Nolan ' 29 and J ames T. Connor '27. The alte na te was Maurice L. Leclaire ' 28. St. Viator College has every reason to be proud of it s representative debating team thiS year. Every team that W3.3 met knew that it was in a battle. Pleasant relations have been established with a ll these colleges in the East anU it is quite likely that in tuture years many ot them will send debating teams West . The entire intercollegiate debate schedule and results were as f ollows: Date Opponent Victor Apr, 7 Northwestern U. No decision Apr. 12 Boston College St. Viator Apr. 19 St. J ohn's Coll ege St. Viator Apr. 20 St. Xavier College St. Viator Apr. 22 Catholic U. Catholic U. Apr. 25 Manh attan Co l. Manhattan Col. Apr. 26 Providence CoL Providence Col. Apr. 27 Boston Col. Boston Col. Apr. 28 Holy Cross CoL Holy Cross Col. Apr. 28 Union College St. Viator On Sunday evening, April 24, the Club Espanol Cervantes having accepted t he inYitation of Miss M. L. Beauclerc, one of its most promin en t m embers , enjoyed a very wonder ful evening of music, cards and an elaborate lu nc h eon. Pri zes were awa rded to the winners of the 600 games. Other features we re Spanis h music and songs. The m embers ot the Club appreciate the kind r eception given in their hon or. The H obby Horse Ride Saltar ello Lynes HONOR BY THEIR GENEROUS ------------------------------- Spanisb Club at 1\-lr. S. Legris' Home The social ac ti vi ties of the Spanish CluB have bee n qu ite numerous and successful du ring the past m ont h. Fo l- l owing Miss Bea ucl erc's party the mem· bers of the Spanis h Cl ub were royally entertain ed by Mr. S. Legris at h is home. There was a di splay o! gayety and color, not only in the luncheon whi ch was served, but also m th e agreeable way In which the evening was spen t. The principal featur es of. the evening were card games and prizes awa.rded to the winners. The gu es t.s also en joyed some selections of Span ish music. The Spanish Club wishes to thank their host !or th e kind welcome we h ave received. Miss G. Roy En tertains The kindness wi th which Miss Gene· vieve Roy entertalned the Club Espanol Cervant es, was a striking !eature the Sunday afternoo n or May 8. The ti me was spent singing Spanish songs, play- ing cards a nd dancing. A splendi d 1 uncbeon was ser ved and toasts for the !uture success of the Spanish Club were given by Pro!. Per ez , Mr. Swe nie an d Mi ss L. Drol et. Miss Roy may be s ure that the Spanish Club will a.Iwaya remem ber the wonder!ul afternoon the members enj oyed at her home. Charles Byron ZEAL FOR THE MISSIONS. Pi erne PIUS PP. XI. Eggell ng Serenade Rococco Minu e tt e Vincent Morrissey Valse (Opus 64 No. 2) Alt-Wien (Triakontameron) Danse Negre Rodol to Garza Hungarian Dance No 5 Pi e rrot (Impromptu Valse) . Papillon (Butterfly} Werner G. Salg Sonatina (Opu s 36· No. 6) . Valse Bleue Paul Loeb Chopi n Godowsky Scott Bra hms Seybold Grleg , Clemen ti Margls Paraphase on Tcha nikovsky' s FIO\\'er Waltz Arr. by Grainge r Louis Valle ly Caprice Vlennols Golliwog-g's Cake·Walk Hungarian Rhapsody No. 8 J ames A. Corbett Kreis l er Debussy Li sz t Those cont es ting tor this year's medal ar e: Vincent Morrissey , Rodol !o Ga rza, Werner Salg and Paul Loeb, who are playing selections s ui table to the ir abilities and will be judged accor ding to the technique and interpretation wit h which they play th eir individual selec· lions. Rev. Richard J. French, c. s . v ., will preside as chairman of tho contest and th e judges will be Mi ss Helen Hogan a nd Miss Carol yn Wheeler, both or St. Mary's o! the Woods Conserva· t ory ot Music , Terr e Haute I ndiana, a nd Mr. Leonard A. Cohe n, graduate of the American Conse r vatory of Music , Chi· cago, Illinois. ANOTHER PRIZE ESSAY OFFERED COLLEGE MEN The Alber t a nd Charl es Bon! company ot New York are offeri ng a cas h prize of $150 t or the bes t essay on the lat es t book of Robert Wo lf entitled "S pring- board". Th e length ot the essay Is limited to three thousand words. The prize winne r w Ul be anno u nced Se t ember 15th, 1927, and the essay must be s ubmitted be!ore Ju ly 1, 1927. Further Informati on m ay be obtained from the notice whic h h as b een placed upon the bull etin board in Marslle hall. PROMINENT SENIOR CALLED HOME TO ATTEND FUNERAL Ed. Gallah ue, p romi nent member o! the cl ass of '27, was cal led h ome Tues - day to attend the ! uneral of hJs cousin who died very s udde nly at her home in Piper City . The Facu lty, t he seni or class, and t he student body extend to the f amily th eir h ear tfelt condolence. Rev. J. P. O'Mah oney , c. s. v. , accom· panied Mr . Gallahue and w Ul rep res en t the facul ty at the fun eral. NOLAN TO LEAD . CLASS OF 1927 VIATOR STAFF ELECTS L. J. ROCH - PERMANENT SEC. WILL ASSUME NEW DUTIES IN SEPTEMBER That the Viatorian w111 be directed by capabl e h ands n ext year is ass ur ed by the announcement t hat Mr. Nolan ot Rockford has been ass igned the posi tion of editor -i n-chief. Mr. Nola n was chosen f rom a field of several eligible ca ndida tes aru.l those who k now h is many talen ts are con!ide nt that he will be a most compet e nt edi tor. Th e new edito r has already distin· gu ished hims elf in many other activl· ties since his registration at Viator. Last y ea r Mr. Nolan was awarded the medal In Or atory. This year he was el ected presi de nt or the Ita lian club whose activities have become so pr omi- nent . As ide from this Mr. Nolan was a member of the Debating t eam which just rece ntl y re turn ed from an ext en ded invasion o! many prominen t easter n coll eges. LEST YOU FORGET In just about two weeks the f inal exams. will be in order. Now is the time to begin thinking about them. Leslie J. Roch, for the past t our years a. me mber of the s tat! or the Viatorian, was unanimously elected Permanent Secretary ot th e Class ot'27 at their last r egul a r m eeting. The honor con- f erred upon Mr. Roch by his classmat es culminat es fou r years of active service in executive duti es In h is class. Such an ottice entails ability to arrange r un ions and to keep the m embers of the class in tormed concerning events ot interest occurring at the ir· AJma Mater. In mak ing the announceme nt the Vi at or ian congr atu lat es Mr. Roch and trusts that he may pursue this task as assi duously and successfully as he h as ot h ers in h is collegiate career. FRESHMAN RECEPTION WILL BE HELD MAY 18th Unique and elaborate preparations are being made by the Class of '30 f or th eir annual r eception which will be held in the gymnasium on Wednesday eveni ng, May 18th. Artis tic drapes and colored U ght s will be u sed in order· to produce an unusually br 11liant spectacle. None other than "Bill" Donahu e'.g !amous syncopators will feature

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The Viatorian, Vol. 44, No. 13


Page 1: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1927-05-12


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No. i/1~


THURSDAY, MAY, 12, 1927. VOL. 44




ANNUAL MEET ENSIC TALENT In a c lrculo.r lette r which Wll.B r c·

Cups Awarded to Augustana and Northern Illinois Normal. cetvod by tho Chicago Province ot the Clerics or St. VIat or Crom the Very Alumni at Catholic " U" Entertain Visitors at Banquet

The F'ifth Annual Convention or tho vention was a round-table discussion ~0°;lni;~dM.n. R~:~~~=d c~c~o~~t t~~ro h:: Tho most ambitious schedule ever ;l~i~~-~dl;;l~~~yt~~~~~c ~~1~~~~~~~~ t'p0~~!~ or the editors ot the various co llege long aud_lonce with our Holy Father, undertaken by o. St. VIator COllege; d•· Saturd:l.y, May 7th, was the most sue· i~bll~tlons.t Wen~~ Lund, cttor I~! Pope Plus X I w hich may be o! Interest ba.tlng team came to a MucccatrCul closo

o ugus ana. s erver, orma Y to Viatorlun readers . Speaking o! his with a victory over Union College on



:ty~~~~! i~;1oi~~~;~g!~v~~l~~ ~~~~1 t~1:le~~~~~lngn.n'~ithM~n~~~~~~n~·~ visit to the Vntlcan, l~athor Hobergc ~~~da~a~~e~.~=~o~~~1.1 ;~~~· t;:heU~~t:~ hold membership in the association sent Tho editors o! the publications the n dis· has this to say: Sta tes should adopt a uni!orm Marriage delegates to the Peoria meeting. cussed t heir various problems, which "On ent ring this vnst hal l one tru ly and Divorce Law." The decision In Messrs. Connor and Nolan represented do not differ essentially tn any college !ee ls that h e I ~J In th e po.lncc ot a. Sov· favor of the St. Viator College team the Viatorian. In the state. He was followed by erelgn. An atmosphere ot respect, dig· was unanimous.

Opens WitJ1 Busjness Session. '¥11llam Kostka, Editor ot tho K nox nlty, nnd g randeur permeates the v\!:11· Althoug h the st. VIator College de· The convention wn.s called to order Student, on "Make-up Styles". A large t or. The Swiss guards In g rand cos· ba.tlng team did not g n.ln the m a jority

b y Sherman H. Canty, Editor o! the portion ot the afte rnoon mee ting W CLS tume and spc .. •tr In ha nd s tand be!01·e of the decis ions on the trip any un­Bra.dley T ech. Committees tor the next absorbed in considering th e adv1snbi ll ty each door. The sevcr·at wa iting rooms prejudiced observer mus t admit that the year were appointed and bids wet·e o! faculty super vision. It was t he eucceed each othm· and little by little team gave a n unus ua lly good a ccount made tot· the 1928 convention, which opinion of all the literary colleges that you come closer to the Vicar or J es us or itself. It Is notorious ly diffic ult to w as obtained by James Milikin Uni· a faculty advisor at times proved help· Christ. At lus t wo wer·e in lhc room win decisions In deba tes away from varsity o! Decatm-. Following the usual fu l , but tha.t supe rvis ion defeats tho next to the anle·chamber. Thr·ee g ua rds home and it Is doubly so when a team custom the President of the association purpose of the college publication. o! the nobility In gold trimmed unlrorm Is compelled to take the dry s ide or the was elected by the delegates or the Convention Adjourns Following and two chamberlains with cape and Prohibition ques tion In states as noto r· college securing the convention a.nd the Banquet sword In brocaded dress and ha t to lously wet a s New York and Rhode I s · secretai\Y·treasurer was appointed by A banquet at the Univers ity Club match are always stationed here a s la nd. Furthermore It s hould be borne him. Victor Furman secured the chair early in the evening closed the program special bodyguards of the Pope. in mind that the St. Viator Colleg e deputizing Arthur Dgro!!, also of MHI· o! the day. The keynote s peech ot the "At the moment when I stood be tore team w on a greater proportion of Its kin, to act as secretary ot the 1928 con· convention was given by F. S. Siebert the Holy F a the r tea rs w ere In m y eye!; deba tes on the road tha n a n y otho team ventlon . Mr. Edw. Vickburg of Augu· of ~he Department of Journal~sm of the an Indefinable emollon produced by that was t 1·avelling this year, a larger stana was elected Vice-president. ?mversity or Illinois. Mr. S1ebe rt was love and happiness took hold ot m e proportion even tha n the great Uni·

Peoria. Newspapers Hosts Judge o! college p.ubllcations competing I and I threw myseLf at the f eet or the verslty ot Sydney, Australia. F ollowing a r ecess the delegates were f~::S~u~~Pinw~e ~~~o~sy A:~~ci;~~~~~:!:~: Sovereig n Pontiff. 1 m a de the usual D ebaters \.YeU Received

~~:~al~~~~~~~;~ S~m~rd ~~!~~~~ Observer or Rock Island, Northern g enuflections a nd a t the third I w a nt· w!:e~~~:~;; ,~~~ ~~n;~a~~ra:;b:~=~~ former editor of the Viatorian, now em- I llinois State Teacher's College of De· ed to kJss his sllp~er but good Plus XI ha nded hospitality a nd ali the colleges ployed by the Peor ia Star, was one of the kalb was awarded the second cup. did not g ive roe Ume; _he extended his vis ited did everyth ing in their power committeemen who escorted the as- Honorable mention was secured by the hand whic h 1 kissed With r espect , the n to make the v ls lt as pleasant as pos· sembly through the newspaper plant. Decaturian of J ames Mllikin Unlver· h e sat down and inv lled me to take my sible. B dliors Air Views in Round T a ble slty and the Greenville Papyrus o! place at his right , <luite close to him. The trip opened with a debate on

An outstanding feature of the con· Greenville College. Making mysel f the Interpreter of the Tuesday, April 19th, agalns t St. John's _'_~~::C~~~__:::~~:__::::___.:.:_:::__:::.:::..c..=-:..=c:..::::..:_...::..::==-------- sentiment s of the Clerics or St. VIator, Coll ege, Toledo. Although the St.

SPANISH CLUB To FOURTH ANNUAL I otrered to His H oliness the homage John's College debaters put up a good or our re•pect, or our filial a ffection, or argument they were not the equal or

HOLD ANNUAL RECITAL To BE our unswerving attachment to his aug· the Viator men in experience and r e· ust person , and o! our entire submis - source!ulness and lost the debate by a "FIESTA" MAY 21 GIVEN MAY 13th slon to his pontifical teachings. I also 2 to 1 dec ision. The following evening quoted Article :>0\."V of our Stat utes St. xavier College, Clncinattl, was met. ;;tnd JUade m ention ot .the Bl)ecl.aJ pTQJJl· A great -deal -0t In-te r est wa s- mani!ested


MUSICAL CONTEST TO BE STAGED AT ~·t ;~1~\~h r~~:P~~~~rs.F~~~ ~~b~~ss~~~ :~g!h~Je~:~~ :"nca~~~e~!~tx~_:: f~; NOTRE DAME and obedience to Our Mother the Holy year to St. Viator College and had

Saturday evening, May 21, t he "Club Eapanol Cervant es·• will hold its annual "Fiesta." which will consist of a variety of musical numbers, recitations and songs. Prof. Perez, m oderato t· of the Club will open the program w1th a speech concerning •·Foreign languages as a means to understand another people". Mr. Swenle, president o! the Club will also speak abou t the "Clu b Espanole Cervantes , its aims and ideal.e.' '

W e have been fortunate in obtaining the ald ot: Luis Barroso, a !orm er stu ­den t of St. Viator, whose musical talent is well known to the f acul t y and stu­dents. He wlll entertain by r endering some selections ot Spanish music. Fol· lowin g t his, the members of the Club will r ecite compositions, stories anU poems in Spanish. There will also be a 5peech on "Cervantes, his li!e and place in S panish literature". The aw· ardin g o! the m edal tor excellence in Spanish w ill also be a feature ot the p 1·ogram. The facu l ty a nd students are cordia lly invited to atte nd.

Spanish Club Entertn.ined by Miss Beaucler c

The !ourth annual recital a nd musl· cal concer t wHl be given Friday evening, May 13th at eight o'clock by the s tudents of the Piano department of St. Viator College at Notre Dame Convent Auditorium, Bourbonnais. Professor Leslie J. R och, who has been in charge of the music department at St. Viator !or the past i'our years , has worked earnestly and d1ligently to develop fn the s tudents or this depart­ment a high a ppreciation for the best musical literature. During this time he has attempted to familiarize them with the musical compositions ot a ll t he fore­most composers of pianoforte music from Bach down to the modern writers and to give them a work! ng knowledge of the characteristics o! the music or each period.

Among those posSess ing unusual talents as pianists were Ralph Garsa, who Is now studying at Notre Dame University, Louis Val lely, now at Loyola Univer­si ty and J ames Corbett still a t Viator, a ll of whom have !ormerly won the Gold medal which Mr. Roch presents each year to his best students. The program was as follows: Bourree (2nd Violin Sona ta) .

• . . . . . . Bach-Saint Saens F antaisie I mpromptu Chopin.

James A. Corbett.

Ch urch. Catholic , Apost olic, and Ro· galned a well-deserved 2 to 1 decision man, and t o the VIcar or J esus, our he re. This time the decision was re· Holy Father the Pope.' The Sovereign versed, St. Viator College gaining the Pontiff marked these two citations by verdict 2 to 1 a!ter a very close and repeating , 'Very good, very good.' interesting debate. The next morning Atter li s tening to m e with attention t he long jump to Washington, D. C., His H oliness said, 'You have a beaut!· was begun and the Catholic University ! ul miss ion to t: ulfill, firs t or all In· was engaged in forensic combat on still. then develop and ros ter In the Friday, April 22nd. The visit to the souls o! the boys o.nd young men. In Catholic University was made very that youth which is so dear to us , the pleasant by the Alumni of St. Viator

principles or Christian Doctrine, the ~~!~~~e a7h1~:cn~e~~al_~~~ ~~~l~!:t~o:C~: first seedli ngs o! those virtues which Rev. Charles A. Hart •17 , w ho was a will make of them men of robust and member of the St. Via tor College team active faith, solid Christians, defenders !rom 1913 to 1g17 arranged this lunch of the church, and saints Cor H eaven. and was chairman of the debate in the T ell your religious how much we value evening. The Alumni who attended the the work to which they are devoting lunch were, Rev. Charles A. Ha.rt '17, themselves and the zeal which they Rev. Fulton J. Sheen , Ph. D., '17, James are bringing to it.'" . L . D ougherty '08, and Paul Cll!tord '24.

Arter Father Roberge ha d discussed A lt ho ugh St. Viator College lost the de· other matters with the Fope for- abou t cision to the Catholic University 2 to 1 a half an hour he made his departure many o! the audience, including many bearing with him the Papa l Blessing, a members o! t he !acuity of the U niver· copy o! which is given below. :slty, dissented from this decision and THE HOLY FATHER'S BLESSI NG. thought the Viatorians had the better

IT I S W1TH ALL OUR HEART or the debate. The following Monday THAT WE BLESS THE I NSTITUTE the Viator team invaded Manhattan OF T HE CLERICS OF ST. VIATOR, College, New York, and were royally THE GENERAL D IRECTION, ITS 800 received and entertained by Brother PROFESSORS, ITS 15,000 STUDENTS. Thomas, F . S . C., President o! Manhat· AND ALL THE GREAT WORK OF tan College. Unfor t unately the quos­CHRISTI AN EDUCAT ION THEy tlon: " Resolved, the Eighteenth Amend·

Dennee REPRESENT AND VVH ICH THEY m ent s hould be r epealed," is not a de·

batable question in the State ot New York and though mos t ot the aud1ence were ot the opinion that St. VIator Col­leg e had the better of the argument, eve n thoug h on the nega tive side, the j udges r endered an adve rse decls lon . A close deba te was los t to Providence College at Prov ide nce, Rhode Island, the next evening on the same subject a.nd on the same unfavora ble s ide ot the question. This ended the debates on Prohibition ques tion to the great relfet or the debating tea m who f elt that they were aga inst insupe rable odds in de­tending this side ot the ques tion In the Eastern states. The next evening tho ver y able and polished team ot B oston College w a s met on its home floor on Lhe ques tion: "Resolved, that the United States s hould adopt a unl!orrn Marriage and Divorce Law". The Viatorians de· !ended the af!1rmatlve side of th is ques-­tion and lost a close decision to the Bos tonia ns. In justice to the Boston Colleg e team It mus t be sa id that o n the evening's discussion they deserved the decisio n. This was the first time the Via tor team had debated this ques· lion a nd they w ere not quite as sure of themselves as they had been in the pr e· v ious debates. Boston College enter­tained us royally and did everythinr; In their power to make our visit to The Hub pleasant a nd m emorable. Another close debate was lost the next evening, 2 to 1, to Holy Cross College, Worcester, Massachusetts. The Viatorians acquitt· ed themselves very much better than they did the previous evening in Boston and R ev . John F. X. Murphy, S. J., Coach ot the Holy Cross debating team, was generous enough to say that he thought that we might, without any injustice, have won the decision. N o won13 can describd adeq-ua.-;t-ely -the generous hospitality with which Holy CrOss Col1ege entertained our debaters and the memory of the sumptuous sup­per served after the \debate tn the leading hotel of Worcester to both de­bating teams, will Hve long in the mem­ory of our debaters. The last debate ended in a unanimous decision over Union College, Scbnectady, New York, as already related.

The members o! the team who made the somewhat trying trip, going through eight debates In t en days, were John W. Stafford '30, James Allen Nolan '29 and J ames T . Connor '27. The alte r · na te was Maurice L. Leclaire '28. St. Viator College has every reason to be proud of its representative debating team thiS year. Every team that W 3.3

met knew tha t it was in a battle. Pleasant relations have been established with a ll these colleges in the East anU it is quite likely that in tuture years many ot them will send debating teams West. The entire intercollegiate debate schedule and results were as follows:

Date Opponent Victor Apr, 7 Northwestern U. No decision Apr. 12 Boston College St. Viator Apr. 19 St. J ohn's College St. Viator Apr. 20 St. Xavier College St. Viator Apr. 22 Catholic U. Catholic U. Apr. 25 Manhattan Col. Manhattan Col. Apr. 26 Providence CoL Providence Col. Apr. 27 Boston Col. Boston Col. Apr. 28 H oly Cross CoL Holy Cross Col. Apr. 28 Union College St. Viator

On Sunday evening, April 24, the Club Espanol Cervantes having accept ed t he inYitation of Miss M. L. Beauclerc, one of its most prominen t m embers, enjoyed a very wonderful evening of music, cards and an elaborate luncheon. P r izes were awa rded to the winners of the 600 games. Other features were Spanish music and songs. The m embers ot the Club appreciate the kind reception given in their honor.

The H obby Horse Ride Saltar ello Lynes HONOR BY THEIR GENEROUS ------------------------------­

Spanisb Club at 1\-lr. S. Legris ' Home T he social ac tiv ities of the Spanish

CluB have been q u ite numerous and successful during the past m onth . F ol­lowing Miss Beauclerc's party the mem· bers of the Spanish Cl ub were roya lly entertained by Mr. S . Legris at h is home. There was a display o! gayety and color, not only in the elabora~e luncheon which was served, but also m the agreeable way In which the evening was spent. The principal features of. the evening were card games and prizes awa.rded to the winners. The gues t.s also enjoyed some selections of Spanish music. The Spanish Club wishes to thank their host !or the kind welcome we have received.

Miss G. Roy E n tertains The kindness wi th which Miss Gene·

vieve Roy entertalned the Club Espanol Cervantes, was a striking !eature the Sunday afternoon or May 8. The time was spent singing Spanish songs, play­ing cards a nd dancing. A splendid 1 uncbeon was ser ved and toasts f or t he !uture success of the Spanish Club were given by Pro!. Perez, Mr. Swenie and Miss L . Drole t. Miss Roy may be sure that the Spanish Clu b will a.Iwaya remem ber the wonder!ul afternoon the members enjoyed at her home.


Eggelln g Serenade Rococco Minuette

Vincent Morrissey Valse (Opus 64 No. 2) Alt-Wien (Triakontameron) Danse Negre

Rodolto Garza Hungarian Dance No 5 Pierrot (Impromptu Valse) . Papillon (Butterfly}

Werner G. Salg Sonatina (Opus 36· No. 6) . Valse Bleue

Paul Loeb

Chopin Godowsky


Brahms Seybold


, Clemen ti Margls

Paraphase on Tcha nikovsky's FIO\\'e r Waltz Arr. by Grainger

Louis Valle ly Caprice Vlennols Golliwog-g's Cake·Walk Hungarian Rhapsody No. 8

J ames A. Corbett

Kreisler Debussy

Lisz t

Those contes ting tor this year's medal are : Vincent Morrissey, Rodol!o Ga rza, Werner Salg and Paul Loeb, who a re playing selections s uitable to their abilities and will be judged according t o the technique and interpretation with which they play thei r individual selec· lions. Rev. Richard J. French, c. s . v ., will preside as chairman of tho contest and the judges will be Miss H elen Hogan a nd Miss Carolyn Wheeler, both or St. Mary's o! the Woods Conserva· tory ot Music, Terre Haute I ndiana, a nd Mr. L eonard A. Cohen, graduate of the American Conservatory of Music, Chi· cago, Illinois.


COLLEGE MEN The Albert a nd Cha rl es Bon! company

ot New York are offering a cash prize of $150 t or the best essay on the la test book of Robert Wolf entitled "Spring­board". The length ot the essay Is limited to three thousand words. The prize winner w Ul be announced Sep· tember 15th, 1927, and the essay m us t be s ubmitted be!ore July 1, 1927.

Further Information m ay be obtained from the notice which has been p laced upon the bulletin board in Marslle hall.


Ed. Gallahue, p rominent member o! the class of '27, was cal led home Tues­day to attend the ! uneral of hJs cousin who died very s uddenly at her home in Piper City. The Faculty, t he senior class, and t he student body extend to the family their heartfel t condolence. Rev. J. P. O'Ma honey , c. s. v. , accom· panied Mr. Gallahue and w Ul represent the faculty at the funeral.




That the Viatorian w111 be directed by capable hands next year is assured by the announcement t hat Mr. Nolan ot Rockford has been ass igned the posi tion of editor -in-c hief. Mr. Nola n was chosen f rom a fie ld of several eligible candida tes aru.l those who k now h is many ta lents are con!ident that he will be a most competent edi tor .

The new edito r has already distin· g u ished himself in many other activl· ties since his registration a t Viator. Last year Mr . Nolan was awarded t he medal In Oratory. This year he was elected president or the Italian club whose activities have become so promi­nent. As ide from this Mr. Nolan was a member of the Debating team which jus t recently r e turned from an extended invasion o! many prominen t eastern colleges.


In just abou t two weeks the final exams. will be in order. Now is the time t o begin thinking about them.

Leslie J. Roch, for the past tour years a. m ember of the s tat! or the Viatorian, was unanimously elected Permanent Secretary ot the Class ot'27 at their last regula r m eeting. The honor con­ferred upon Mr. Roch by his c lassmates culminates four years of active service in executive duties In h is c lass. Such an ottice entails ability to arrange r e· unions and to keep the m embers of the c lass in t ormed concerning events ot inte rest occurring at their· AJma Mater. In m a k ing t he announcement the Via t or ian congratu lates Mr. Roch and trusts that he may pursue this task as assiduous ly and successfully as he has others in h is collegiate career.


Unique and elaborate preparations are being made by t he Class of '30 for t heir annual r eception which will be held in the gymnasium on Wednesday evening, May 18th. Artis tic drapes and multi~

colored Ughts will be used in order· t o produce an unus ua lly b r11liant spectacle. None other than "Bill" Donahue'.g !amous syncopators will feature

Page 2: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1927-05-12

lo11t th.,. t•·ncu may t--· O\Jittt"'r 1 ct fW'Oth I upon th• ttttu•lf'! th., atud nt took tnw r\1 th langU*.I"

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Page 3: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1927-05-12



JUNE 4th!


FROM BRADLEY It w as a great comeback for St.

Viator down at B radley last week when St. Viator ran away w ith its third straight game a nd incidentally chalked up another hig h water mark in the total of 60 runs in :four consecutive wins. Someone said that St. Viator was on its way to a Conference Cham­pionship; no doubt it will again have the best cl ub in the league but the tn· ability t o schedule sufficient number ot games may deprive the Green of the much coveted bunting. So t a r the Me· Alliste r c lub has :fo ur games to i ts credi t without a single setback; we must w ai t tor the vlsit o! Bradley here on the 28th before hoisting the Con· t erence penna nt to the t op o! the !lag ­pole.

Bradley Easy It has been a long time since we saw

a. team that was as good as Bradley last year go to seed so completely; what was once a ir-tight, s parkling defense changed into a mls-tire assemblage of good bal l players. Everything seem ed to go wrong !or Bradley, e:z:cept the s tinging clouts o:f Benda and Walsko which sailed direct ly at the garde~ defense: '\oVe favor an impartial chro­nicler whenever the opportunity pre· sents itsel f , so her ewith is the Peoria account o:f the game:

"The usual potency of St. Viator's stick attack in its an nual visit to the hilltop :for battle with Coach Robert­son's Bradley n in e was present in bJl lUI luster Wednesday, and the Indians bit the dust with severe force 15 to 7 Captain Ralph Thompson we~t to th~ knoll to quell the Invasion a t the out-

:~ ~~ ;l~vede~~~cked before he hardly

Hilltop :fans hoping to view a good ball game with the presence of the reputed :foemen in opposition to the un· tamed T echmen were not t reated to what they dared expect tor the combat was loosely played. Ins t ead hopes shifted to the possibiJJty that the Injuns might s trike their stride and overhaul the visitors in the la t er r ounds a nd while the :following r emained taith:fully to the ~~;n t~:1:.emonstratiori o:f loyalty was

Bradley lllispla)"ll The local collegians balanced their

seven runs with as m a ny misplays tn the fi e ld w hich aided malertally i n the progress o! the enemy. Five o! the 14


DAME BATTLE There a r e a f ew more games of con·

siderable import on St. Viator's schedule but none, not even tho trip up to Michigan, looms so imposing ns the annual vi~it to Notre Dame on Alumni Dl.y, J 1me 4th . Not~ Dame has been ourning things up this year , and has a hurling staff that is eq ual to a n ything in college circles the country over. Just who will be trotted out against Viator is hard to say. There is Besten, a three year s tar at the Hoosier school; then Ed VValsh, who critics say, has inherited much o!. the cunning and ta lent of h is famous D a d; and Romer, the lad who relieved Wals h when the Viatorians started poking baseba lls to all corners of the lot, and who incidentally tamed the Viatorians. In addition to the::;e men there is a corking good infield and a heavy hitting outfield, fl eet o:f foot, experie nced and the pick ot some twenty-five hundred students. All of which sounds like so much p r e-game apology from our side ot the fence, but the intent o! this article is j ust the opposite. It a nyt hing we a r e stronger t han last year in the matter of hitting a nd fielding, and Herber t, Sisteck y , Ha rrington or Delaney, w ho , while not possessed of the mortal threat that the great Dundon hurled into the hearts of a ll opposition, have s hown enough talent to warrant that department o! the game being well taken care ot. Last year our infield wen t to bust; this year we look for some heavy clouting on both sides, with timely hitting the chief and all important !actor tn the triumph. No less than eleven m en died on the bases last year; this season we are driving them in with som e lusty mace wielding.

knocks poled out by the tnvaders were for extra bases, including a pair o! ci r cu it smashes by Sistecky and Costi · gan. Da lrymple's work at ba t where he ha d a perfect day, and Evard's e!· forts a!.ield featured :for the f oe. Dal· rymple Is t o get a tria l w1th the Cincin· nati Reds a t the close of the season next month. (Good Luck, Jimmie).

The box score: RHE

ST. VIATOR Dalrymple 4 4 0 Evard .... 2 3 0 Laenhardt 2 1 0

BRADLEY RHE 1 2 1 0 1 0 1 2 2

M,eeske Carlson Bland

I t


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Manufacturers of IDEAL


Wholesale Confectionary and Fountain Supplies


I WILLIAM P. CANNON, M. D. Attending Surgeon to Student" and Faculty of

St. Viator Col!e,;o Office Hours:

I 2 to 4 p. m.


7 to 8 p . m . Phone

O!!lco. Main 3!7 Phone

Home, Main 3073 302·303 Cobb Bid.:.



Kankakee, Illinois.




306-24 E. Court Street




While the gam e Itsel f offered little In the way ot competition, it gave the Viator batsmen another crack a t southpaw pitching, and in addition established the !act tha t "Statlstcs­Murphy-Sisecky" n ot onl y played a bang-up game in the outfield despite his battered a nd muc h bandaged optic, but h it the ba ll with t he same gusto and confidence that m arked his game prior to the crack he r eceived over at Norma l earlier in the week. Someone said on the bench "I'm satlstted jus t to see tha t lad get up there a nd swing the c lub". When "Murp h " meets them on the nose they clear everything but the tall buildings. Sistecky is one of the new crop o! ball players who number among their ranks s uch promising m embers as Ed Campbell, convertible in fi elder and catcher: Bi Eva rd , the r egular second sacker whose work has been mentioned in a nother column; and Tom Ferris whose work at tirst base will keep the veteran Laenhardt step­ping. With these men in the back­g round, and the willingness of Coach McAll ister to work them into the regu· lar lineup whenever favor able opportu · n ity presents itself, baseball prestig e at Viator ls assured t or some time to come.

Delaney Hits Storm In the opening chukker D elaney

stepped rig ht into a big hole; before he could work up enough heat the bases were decorated w ith Valpo m en and none out. Then cam e the steam and ! r lsty Va lpo melted a nd withered right up to the ninth inning; Mike got eleven strikeouts, a nd despi te two misplays by his mates was helped t o s u ff'lcient runs t o salt away a ny game :tor the a rchives. Incidently Mike snapped oft three bingles, one o:f which went tor the round o! the bases. Dalrymple sUpped up on a pla y at second and Costigan's error of judgement marred an other· wise great fie lding game. Jimmie had his man o ut but in altdlng to the bag the Valpoit e's :toot accidently spiked the ba ll and tore It out o! his hand; Costiga n was under a high one when the wind got behind 1t and carreld the spheroid out over his head. The misses didn't materialize due to some :fine pitching by Delaney; so all's well that ends well .

G•·eat Sc01·ing i\'lachine. SixtY runs· against "conference Teams

in t our games and one hundred and eleven runs in nine games is something to shout a bout. B ut we already have a ta rget to bit at; two years ago Viator scored 136 runs in six games, which was broadcast around the country as a collegiate record. Two of these games ha d to be called in the seventh inning w hen the attempt to r etir e the side proved futile. We had Ding and John Winterhalter, Mlck Donnelly and a. few more swatsmiths then.


RHE Denga.n 0 1 0 Garby .. - 0 0 0 J ameson .. 0 0 0 Heathcote 0 2 0 P eterson 0 1 0 Hlnz .... ooo Dahms .. 0 0 0 Boester .. 0 1 0 Donadleu 0 0 0

RHE Dalrymple 2 0 1 Evard 2 1 0 Campbell 2 2 0 Laenhardt 3 0 0 Ferris 1 0 0 Benda .. .. 1 1 0 O"Mal!ey .. 1 2 0 Costigan · 1 1 0 Slstecky .. 2 3 0 Walsko .. 1 2 0 Delaney 2 3 0

B enda 2 1 1 Gingerich 0 0 O"Malley 0 1 1 DeCremer 0 0 Costigan 2 1 0 Shepherd 0 0 Sistecky 1 1 0 Duke .... 1 1 Walsko 1 1 0 Rathovich 2 2 Herbert 0 0 0 Thompson 0 0

Metsger 2 2 Gibson 0 0



"Ito Quality Satis11es"

G. Arseneau Bakery Bourbonnais, m


The Barber



Complete Line o:f .Jewelry High Grade Repa1r1nc

1%7 So. SchtrTier Ave.


0 2 0 2 0 0 0 0


St. Mary's of B loomington cama to Bourbonna is yesterday laden with laurel wreaths i n tribute t o its great work tn and a r ound Bloomington. No t eam had achieved as many wins as the Blooming­ton Busters. And every move t hey made around the VIator campus 1nd1· cat ed that they were cocky and proud over their abillties.

But St. Viator, who was opening its official season under the tu telage o! Coach Barrett, immediately began t o knock ,.the props :from under B looming· ton. McMahon opened with a single, Anderhub scored t he !leet McMahon on another single after t he :former had p ilfered second. Walkoviack crashed out another and Kells got a life on Siever 's second base error; Si Daley and Van Wormer went out on easy :flies. Viator had t aken the lead in the very first inning, 3 to 0.

In t he f ourth Viator a lmost made it around robin tn the batting order, starting with Van Wanner and ending with K ells, just m issing Daley, who in· c identaUy had the m isfortune to crack his hits right a t Bloomington infielders. Four runs came in this inning, and with t he airtight pitching o! T exas Jim Daley, who permitted but one hlt in the first seven innings, it was a :fore· gone conclusion tha t Bloomington had cracked.

They remaJned cocky r ight u p to the last out, and tried valfantly to turn the tide o:f victory but in vain. It was a tine game throughout, and indicated that Barrett has a n umber ot great per· formers who can be d eveloped in to real ball players. St. VIator ..................... 302 010 7Q-13 St. Mary ... ...... ................ 001 001 00- 2


At a r egular meeting ot t he College Board of Athle tic Control the f ollowing players were awarded Academy mono· grams :

E. Matthews, H. Hinton and R . Pombert.

W hile the team as a whole was re· commended :tor its especially meritori· ous work throughout the season, Andcr­hub, Singleur and Van Warmer, were tndlvidual p layer s w hose n a m es were considered !or monogram awards but lacked the necessary time ot actual pla y to come witbJn the limits pre­scribed :for the presentation. Captain Daley and Edward Walkoviack were m entioned as two outstanding u nits in the team, but both have already been a warded a monogram in bask etball.


Spurred on by the conf idence that a victory over Bradley only can give, and t his in the tace of Bradley's tie game with Illinois just a week previous , the bludgeons of the G r een made short a nd businesslike work of the State T eachers at Normal the following day, l!lettlng them down b y the terrific score of 21 t o 9. Dalrymple had a pertect da y at ba t at Peoria, while his running mate Evard r apped out three out ot t our; today Evard got a slngle, two doubles and a homer, w hile hls running m a t e clicked ott two out of three. It's a great Infield combination both ways.

Brick young says: Sam McAllis ter's St. Viator college

ba ll club went a. step nea rer the "Little Nineteen" baseball championship yes­terday at the State Normal fi eld, when the I rish gaTe the Teachers an un· m er ciful beating, 21 t o 9. McAllister's boys clinched the verdict in the very firs t inning , when they scored nina runs, a nd there never was any question about the r esult a.t a n y stage thereafter. The victory was a costly one t or Coach McABis t er, however, ! or Pete Harring· t on , his pitching m ainstay, hurt his arm in the second inning and had to r etire in favor or Webber; while Sis· tecky, another s lab artist, who was perform ing in left fi eld, took a n asty cut just a bove the eye, and H erbert, a third St. Viator a thlete, sustained an injured ankle when a ground ball car· omed tnto it.

""By" ' Evard. St. VIa tor<etball star had a big day with the stick, gathered a s ingle, t wo doubles and n. home run during the cou rse o! the afternoon , whlle Da lrymple, Benda , S is· tecky and Bell all collected two hJts apiece tn the seventh inning combat. Dalrymple a nd Sist ecky both hit home runs.

Not all the glory goes t o the Viator· tans. Richard Tate, Normal's speedy center fielder making a mirac le catch tn the s ixth inning of a terrific wallop ott John Benda's ba t tha t was beaded t or a hole in deep center. The colored boy lett his tee t, made a flying dlTe and came up with the ball. It was one ot the prettiest bits of :fielding ever made on the old N ormal battle ground.

The summary: ST. VIATOR NORMAL

RHE Dalrymple 3 2 1 Myers Evard 3 4 0 Pinksta:f:f Laenhardt 1 0 0 Mohar

Aiello Lindquis t White

Benda 2 2 1 O"Malley Z 1 0 Costigan 3 1 0 Delaney 2 2 0 Tate Sistecky 2 2 0 Allen Bell ~ 2 o Webber 2 1 1 Ha rrington 0 0 0

Reynolds Hacquard Saar Gra ff

RHE 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 2 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 3 1 1 1 1 1 0


Everyone on the campus was p leased Thomas Harrison, t he Senior baseball to hear that one ot the :features of the teague has entered u pon the second Bradley game held in Peoria r ecen tly round o! games. The leagu e this year was the !act t hat Johnny Herbert, has been divided into two sections and hitherto an unknown quantity in the the leaders o! these divisions will p lay r ealm of slab artists, successfully held ott the :final game in order to detennine the T ech-men in tow while his team· the winner. As usua l, Father Harrison mates :forged ahead to a comfortable will present the winners with a ttractive win ning margin . trophies at the end o! the. season.

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Page 4: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1927-05-12

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