st. viator college newspaper, 1927-05-28

THE VIA TORIAN PUBU SHED BI-WEEKLY BY THE S TUDENTS OF ST. VIATOR COLLEGE. ENDOWMENT ISSUE No. 14. SATURDAY, MAY 28 , 192.7. VOL 44 PLANS COMPLETED FOR ENDOWMENT DRIVE THE ST. VIATOR EXTEN SIO N CLUB BOURBONNAIS REV. PRESIDENT MAKES APPEAL TO THE ALUMNI ITS PURPOSE, AIMS AND AD- ASKS OLD STUDENTS TO AS- VANTAGES SIST IN ENDOWMENT OBJECT-The development ot St. VIator CoJiege Jn buildings, equipment and t.aculty and also the establishment or an endowment and other tund8. MEM13ERS--Fonner etudenta and nther tr Jend.e: or the COllege who contri· bote to the Extension Fund. MEAN8-Each rncmb<> r oC the Club a donation either annually or every eix montb.a preterably In April and October. There Is no aet amount; It is purely a tree-will of! erlng !or the gOOd c lt thf' cause. Each donor may apply hi8 to nny one () ( the tour Ex..teni!lon F'unds,. namely: The Endow. ment F·und, Th e Building Fund, The Student Activity J f'und, The Student Ahl Fund, or he mtly the Club tree to dhH>OHC or It Cor some other College ADVAN'T'AGES-Thc Extension 'lui> provJdctt tor the growth or the College. H promotes the Indepen dence ot th e College. lL protects tho dignity or th e (.!o11t•ge-. lt vrPventH the obtrusion ot busln ·BB matters Into the social a ftalrs ot the College and the Alumni. It en· abi CJt lh(> to sh are In the good work.B ot the CoJJ.-·ge und Jn the prayers and other t!lplrltual bene tlt e o! the Via· todan Order. MO'I."fO--Be o. builder o! Vlator- Joln thf- 1-; .t:t(.'nt.-lon CJub. WORK. Dear Sons ot Viator:- You have always been a source ot encouragement to the teachers who have been a source ot Inspiration to you. Chiet ly through your generosity has Viator grown trom the little sc hool !ounded in 1865 by Father Beaudoin and Brothers Bernard and Martell and sup- ported by their meager earnings, to u magnt!Icl ent Col1ege with a group Qt upon a beautitul la nd sca1:>ed campus o! spacious acres, well-manned s.nd equippe-d to care Cor its tour hun- dred students. Your inves tment has yielded a thousandfold. Success urges us to gr eater e!forts and hence toda y we come to you Alumni and fri en ds ot St. Viator College an d ask you to endow your Co ll ege . In this practical age tt Is not necessary tor me to advance r easons to prove the needs an d advan· tages ot an Endowment. Th e dally papers announce government approprla· lions to State Universities a.mounUng annually to several millions !or current expenses and also tabul o us sums ! rom private pbUanthropy tor th e support and endowment o! Non-Catholic denomnational schools. Our CathoUc Colleges wlth tew exceptions ba ve bad to worry along through a p recarious existence, burdened wttb debt, doomed to failure WE're it not for the help which Is DEEDS ARE THE TEST OF trom time to time by thO<Ie ot the LOYALTY. clency, ne ver t or an lnstnnt, h oweve a ·. L J oin th o St. Vlutoa· CQII C"gc· l;:xt en· f orgetllng that the b asis ot the perma· slo n Club. nent wealth o! ou r Cat holi c 1nst1tut1ons 2. Donnl<' C.Mh. is th e consecrnted lives o! the men n nd 3. lJonttt(l f:::tond rc 01 · Stocke. women who have given their all t or 4, nonnto Insurance. thls n ob le cnuse. I n eed not ask !rom 5. Donate Rent you In Fath er beha l! ll G Make n llet!U(•Ht In ! nvoa · ot th e h earty re.1wo n se to a ppeal ! o r a.n En · f'oll('gl'. dowment tor you kn ow his l ove ! or '1'. Spr<-ad th<> nwfilas.'lf:f• o r tho endow· VIator And 1 l<no w yo u < l evo tlon to tr'l i! ment IJy talkin g nbou t it o. nd by old schoo•. lt old Pray ing God to bless our e ffo rts nnd StUdt'nUt yo u kn OW. 9 · n. nd St. Vi at or oll ege In parti cu lar. I J. P. O'MAHONEY FACTOR. WILL MANAGE THE CAMPAIGN SPECIAL APPEAL MADE TO ALUMNI AND STUDENTS 1\'lif:f'l Anna M. Vutty. a liCe l ong !rie nd and benefactor o! St. Viator Col· l ege <11ed at her home In Kankakee on May 17t h, and was buried beRide I1 e1 · parents in the Sacred Hea rt cemetery. CampuH. Illin ois. Solemn High M ass was o!fered tor the r epose o! her soul on May 19th at St. P'ick's c hurch. Kankakee. by tlle pastor. Rev. E. B. McNally nssistcd by Rev. vr·. J. Steven- aon. c. s. v .. deacon. and Rev .. J. VV. R. Maguire, c. s. ''·r sub-deaco n. The very .ke ,·. T_ .J. R :ce , .c .v., Fathors Aft er a very!ul st udy ot C()ndi· lions in the ed u cational world. n.nd In par t icul ar o! the position whi ch St. Vialor College occupies therein. the nuthoriUes or the College and the mc:n· hers ot the Alumni Association h nvo decided that the time has come to work ! or the establishment o! an Endow- ment Fund. Be!ore entering upon this ent erprise cer tain plans wer·o discussed at the l nst two annual of tho Alumni Association, nnd at severn! meetings ot the executive committee \If the Alumni Association an d the ot the College held dut·ing tho l nst six months. Th ese plans n.s t o•·m ul at(' d a nd adopted are: l. The objectiYe is an adenuo.te en· dowment. 2. Th e perpetuity o! th e endowment will be secured by the ment o! a trust fund. 3. St. Viator College Extension Club as incorporated by th e or Illtnols, (Charter applied to ,). will co ll ect , control and place In Trust the !unds !or St. Viator Coll ege. .J . The Treasurer o! tho Club will b :3 the Business Manager o! the t.:n· d owmen t campaign. 5. The Trust will be legally es tah· li!:lhed and the !unds placed there- In k ep t lnto.C't V.Ef a pe-,·petual en· Uowmt:mt . U'Mahoney, French, Mnrsono, Thomas 6 . The revenue rmm the endowment L ynch. John Lynch, O'Connor and will Ue used !or a thr ee Cold pur · l< c ll y tr om the College were present In pose: the t:Janctuary. Th e beauti ful lesso n ot a. D ev elopment of the In her d evout u llgious lite was very g rn Faculty. equipment, bulhllngH Cully a nd to uchin gly reh ea r s d to th e and grounds. congrega ti on by h er pastor. b. To promote nthleti CR and other Duffy was born at Ca mpus, Til.. student activities. September 14th. 188·L and a!ter co m- c. Student ald. pletJn,:: the co urse &1ven In th e l ocal 7. The ann ual distributi on o! the sc h ool she entered St. Xavier 's Acdowment •·eve nue will be'· dPmy, Otlawa, Illinois, to prepare her- min ed at th e b egi nnin g" ot th o yen r t or her life 'vork ot t eac hing. She by n mnj orlty vote or the Ronrd (J ( made her normal a nd university coursea Dlrectonc of the St. Vlntot· In Indl anrt an d af ter a. rew years· Extension Club. lng In Crunpus she accept ed a pofSillon 8. In di s tributin g the r eve nun thP. In the c·lty of Kankakee, 1111· Board wi ll a lways scrupulouHiy rLd· nola. She was closely lden tltl ed with here to the wishes or the cessivelr. His expel'lencl', ns w e-ll n::J the hlgh in which he is held by the- Alumni. m ost t whom Eu·e his lntl· mate fr iends or personal acquaintn.nccs. excelle ntly quall!ics him. tot• th v<w Important and dl!ticult work or lishtng nn Endowment !ot· tho College. In addition to expel'ience and cl ose with the Alumni, FathN· O'Mahoney brings to his new wo t•k n l ove tor St. Viator's all ege whi ch gt·own into a tho nn abiding- ra.ith in tho cducH.t iO· nn .. l oC an thn.t h os hy sixty ye-ars ot fruitf ul service provNl Its wot·th : and tho <.'on· !lden cc ot f\. con!h·mcd optimist In tho ultimate triumph of the Al umni In tlwlr dovote<l to give tv th('k Ai m!\ M n.ter nn endowment thAt will mnko her In tho !ul tilhnent ot nobl es t wol'i;:, tho relig-Ious C'ducn.tlon ot youth. A ttN· r eceiving his n.ppol ntmout .fi"alher 0'1 \lahon('y d edlctttNl thC' wol'k o! tho Endowmcnt nt th o In the Coll eg-e Chapel on i\fay tho ttrst to our BICS5!ed Lady or Perpetu n l ] l C' Ip and pla.ced It also undo •· tho pntrona,!.ro of St. JosE>ph, the G.-ent Provkl(' a ·. Pl an of Action . 10, l nUH"Ntt lnlllvttlunlM and or gan!· remu.ln. z.utlorut In thbt wotk. 11 . Ke<-p lthrn tur {'. tbf' J-;n . Ev(' r grntetull y yours, J thf' prog r es6 and activities o! school d onors whenever th ere IH an ng t·ce- T. J. lUCE, c. s. v. 11!1:' In thf1t clty duri ng th e past twenty ment to that etrect. "Ac·{·OT '<.ling Lo pr el'lcnt It wi ll tnkt: tw11 to lny l h (i fo u n(lol'lonH or tho endowment. " \<Ve h llV<' tllrcndy six monthR t ho wa ys nncl m enn l:'l to assure SllCCOFIH. A com mltt t•o or tiCtcon nt thO Hnna·CI o! of lho St. Vlntoa· FJxt (l nAI(ln C' lub nn d tho tlv e Committee or tho A lumni tlo n hnve taken up EwPry aet.nll or l. h iM nn<l outlln o(l n. piau whkh It (W('T1 ror those l )! m ea nH to have ft. aht•r o In gr e-a t n(·hlcveml\nl. Acroi'Ciing •o pl n. n It wi ll bf' ]JI'O PO{'Nl to membC>r::4 or tho A lumni whn n.r(t j uf!t ('Hiabllshlng- th (' n'IHfliVPH cll h l•l' In th (' l) rOf('88IOnH Or th e WOrld to takct out lnM urnn eo In t a.vor ot th o nccor(llng to Lhf" un lllml plnn f"XJ) l nlnNI el AOW In thlH hHtu o or: th o Vlo to ri £ Ln. Thl H m et h ot l nd not hf' rN!lrl('t.ed to tho yo un g(lr tnc mhfl l 'H hut mftY ho (WOn J,y fli('.fl 11r rrwn ,, H It thfly IH'Ci f Or It l() f t. dQr'l ftliOn oC <-Mh, t, o n<I FI, o ,• rNd f'-" tn.t o. \Vh!l r! \lu4 will hn k(lpl Jntn..r t tuc flrll lllW· monlH th o r·ov"nu(" rrum th on t \1( , A. pprrlprl n. tN I ro u ny uti I) thrt--l th1 1 (l nno r OltlY 8 p(•C"Iry, Thi H p,-IV'NI 0 11 t 1p JI OI 'tun lt y ll• grou nH () ( tl onunt to IJ(11Wllf• thf' m('.tn(li'.Y or n tt·nrht1r, ·r rt•lntiVfJ, or ! rlt<n tl hY ('(Jmblnln g <l ona tl f,nH to PRtnhlitth In hl H nfl rru • n burHI"l to PI'OVIflfJ rn r t ht) f!dUf'.JI ti()n o( fL ch·llf·rvlnir lftlUI('.nt fL c·halr to rc. "',-•rtnln f'li UrfHl; fl. r ounl ifJ.Ll fHt to rrnVIflil ( (Jr #10m(; Hflf•cln_J J)UI'fUIM(I MU(' h (t.iol prlZI<J4 or Ntlth tr•r Ncrr,llf•nt·l\ In l'ltutllf'M, M' tv.-.n rt t,ull(llnK by n.l/c.wln ,:.c thtt() until It llut f lf'lf1nt. Not on ly grn uo"'- hut ,.v,..n nn,-. dont•r may th" ttllhrTrLir• Ultf' ,-, ( hilt fn11Urltrlf''1 to N•lollrlhth ft. Wf•mnrJttJ. r-:xtr·ru•hn'l ('hJh w ill Jelv#\ nn ""'UU.rftO t N• thnt ;111\JI•h lrrlf•n will t1o rrtlth fiiii Y rNtll7.-"'' thl.-! r;urlll.tfo!ft tht,y wi ll ld·H·r, rtH' l n-.!lr In cl r cula.lton. 12:. Mrtk\· Vtotor ('olleK know n. 13 . tH ud(\nltt to St. Viator's. H. lt1 IOut•h wltl1 Vln.tor un d Vlnt ur nwn. 1' 111 >1 I.WM"IW IN Oul(' 8t \"h.t.lUl ( 'ullt·g-1' f::xt OtliOO luh, H"u' bunn.d!-t [ dt·iflrl• .. •rtothll) hl Ht YIHtur 1.. 'oil 1: t.:'lub, nnd 1 promhtf> tu ('\)n tr lbuh· to thfl tlf'\"f'lopment or the flo.:t.·ortling tht· ruh· ,,r thf< Cluh 1 rt.._lu,· t ,.,ju w rt>tnlntl m1· tlf thl t11 \ prH .tntl t"' w ·r n! ,-lt·h ) c :ott'""•( Pr es id ent sea r t1. 9. Funds will be raised DonEXTENSION CLUB B ACKS NEW PLAN OFFICERS AND COMMITTEES ACTIVE IN WORK OF EXTENSIO N Tht> St. In the lleath o! Miss Dutfy, St. Via· lions, and rn surnncc. tor's College mo urns th o losa or one ot 10. Thnt th e Dlrtctors of tho Club n.n d Its most ac ti ve She gave the o Ctl ce rs o! th e Coll ege wil l 11old the Coll ege u bi g shal'<> In th e grea t 't Joint meeting at lf'nMt onco ... . IOV(' which r:the had t or ever-y ca use yeo.r to discuss ot mulu< tl th11 t JH"Omoted th e g l ory ot (:(t(! lind the Interest. Father O'Mahoney Ap p oin ted o! th e young In tht" truth !t ot r eUgio n. Tnh er profession as schoo l Jn the city 8Chools or Kankakee during th e past twenty years 8he manl f e:tt t ed In WCi rd ftnll <h•f' d ancf by her V(1ry lifro :L h1gh appreclatlon ot her exalted callfng. A1J a conxeq ue-nce a he was loved by tb6 young and appreciated by th t: school o tt tctni.EI u a t eac her. After au:hool hours Bhe gathered the Itt tie onel!l who had no one to teach them lawa ct God and the love ot Jt!IUII. Day alter day she we.ot about among th.:o poor without c1letinctJon oC m.t'P- or C'4>lor to reUeve poverty and eu tterlng, to r-emovfi" tg-nor ance and pr) Udl('•· . l11 l'IJH"r-ad happtnc•l!i fn d..'lrk piMt-.!J ot Ute She had no tlmt• fur ar . )da1 t urtctJona: her da.YI were After th e En<lowmenl movement took t orm the Superlor fl o r th e ViatorlanH de lded that the Importance ot the work ca.llf•d t or one member or the order to give hliJ whole time and e-n,.rgy to mote it. For thhJ rE"ason they Fu.ther O'Mahoncy un(J appointed him as manager o! lhe P.ndowment nctlvJ . a l tE-r r el!evtn,:r him or all nther re,.ponelbllillf"B JCO that he might fOnC'f·n·'l all his enP r glee upon an a.chi.-.v . mbnt whtch rall8 t or undlv\df<d tlon anfl tr-ained,r O' lfahoney ha.H a.ctlvlf>ly for ov('r & fJUartf!'r ot a. C{·ntury In prr, motlng thf'> ot St. Vln.tor cr,J - tn the c.apadty tJ ! Olrf·Nt•r {I( .StL.dif'll, PrceliJAnt and •rrt'£Uiun·r •ur . f\11·-ol ""Hh thF- o! th""' dl 11 r oom truth g-tvln« f"ndowme.nt whtch 1h6 ptu• t hi- countlea oC mercy wht<:h tabllaht-d at St. Vtator'a (...'.r>UI"tre tor the •htt added Joyfully to th,. duttu at bl"n4"' (1t ot Cathollc l"ducatton ThrOU'Ch t@ htl'r. I Nor munttk nt gHt or t!'lghty h! :-1 M 11 PI'OiLJCd r·f h .. r m,. •nl'l a• dch f arm W.nd trom tlu! t a.rnUy e tate •b• ..-..,. oC hrr tlme w do thin&' nea.r BucklnC"ham, lJIJnot• ahe not onJ.r thAt CGUl'H ft•r f!'tf'TnUy. Wu tMre an dytn tnjunt f.f,,n• tha &Jtu beaatftt d. chapel to bf! I ,cTH.t pion r ot CatholiCity In KankA 4"1 l'' J lTlJl to be< t um.t. h k: t•' HlntY. b#'r aalntly tathllll' Ja.frl4l!l td t- h r to t,. bMu-'ht o hom,.111 Ou! but h.u "' l vot'n n ril rtcl d.rfoary. Ann '• p ,..., m I ' lfJ th f:nriiJ11fm,.nt nv>vetn#!TH ot St J bee and I'll her \'l&tnr 1 CniJ"SA whl(' h h:u N.\r"r"14M tr t r to ward lUI untmar rfoallzu.U,.Jn . 'M'J, A 1"1 Ot iffy rt undd.Uon tM t,..n tH tJ/ th r .F;d•li"•tlf>n wtlJ t... oJ b tlttln« In lh..- t \- ,. Uir'Jt all41 fhull t.J,th •he t t.ll ll)thto!r (){heY a-mJJy t W'lth r.M C'1M1. \-' lolecW' bJ ' & fP h.- f!a ll • o :ut. '- 'r A the1 U bnth I f,. t t.h •hal'• in lt -lMiftfl not "r · Y•r- hat 4.1'4 1"1Tttoti , nt·t· pOI1t"y Jn n. tru-.t jojh I hat th•t Jrrt f•H tlnn "r•f•l'l ( f,-·11 hv th1• """('r rtHtY rtordi?:NI wht-n U/f• pf,J1t•y f" , ,rdrl Publicity Plana. r .- , ad (! ,..._., f.,ftll/,'fllf ..,... Ttl tty fl'JII')r" -" ., the (w&/tr

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The Viatorian, Vol. 44, No. 14


Page 1: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1927-05-28






OBJECT-The development ot St. VIator CoJiege Jn buildings, equipment and t.aculty and also the establishment or an endowment and other tund8.

MEM13ERS--Fonner etudenta and nther trJend.e: o r the COllege who contri· bote to the Extension Fund.

MEAN8-Each rncmb<> r oC the Club a donation either annually or every eix montb.a preterably In April and October. There Is no aet amount; It is purely a tree-will of!erlng !or the gOOd cl t thf' cause. Each donor may apply hi8 ~"itt to nny one () ( the tour Ex..teni!lon F'unds,. namely: The Endow. ment F·und, The Building Fund, The Student Activity Jf'und, The Student Ahl Fund, or he mtly the C lub tree to dhH>OHC o r It Cor some other College vu.rpo~re .

ADVAN'T'AGES-Thc Extension ' lui> provJdctt tor the growth or the College. H promotes the Indepe ndence ot the College. lL protects tho dignity or the (.!o11t•ge-. lt vrPventH the obtrusion ot busln ·BB matters Into the social a ftalrs ot the College and the Alumni. It en· abiCJt lh(> rn(>:rnbf·r~ to s hare In the good work.B ot the CoJJ.-·ge und Jn the prayers and other t!lplrltual benetlte o! the Via· todan Order.

MO'I."fO--Be o. builder o! Vlator­Joln thf- 1-; .t:t(.'nt.-lon CJub.


Dear Sons ot Viator:-You have always been a source ot

encouragement to the teachers who have been a source ot Inspiration to you. Chiet ly through your generosity has Viator grown trom the little school !ounded in 1865 by Father Beaudoin and Brothers Bernard and Martell and sup­ported by their meager earnings, to u magnt!Iclent Col1ege with a group Qt bulldJngt~ upon a beautitul la ndsca1:>ed campus o! spacious acres, well-manned s.nd equippe-d to care Cor its tour hun­dred students. Your inves tment has yielded a thousandfold. Success urges us to g r eater e!forts and hence today we come to you Alumni and fri ends ot St. Viator College and ask you to endow your College. In this practical age tt Is not necessary tor me to advance r easons to prove the needs and advan· tages ot an Endowment. The dally papers announce government approprla· lions to State Universities a.mounUng annually to several millions ! or current expenses and also tabulo us sums ! rom private pbUanthropy tor the support and endowment o! Non-Catholic denoml· national schools. Our CathoUc Colleges wlth tew exceptions ba ve bad to worry along through a p recarious existence, burdened wttb debt, doomed to failure WE're it not for the hel p which Is ~lven

DEEDS ARE T HE TEST OF trom time to time by thO<Ie ot the

LOYALTY. ~~un~; ~ t:h~a~~:~:b:r s~~~~ ~ ~~n t~~~~~ clency, never tor an lnstnnt, howeve a·.

L J oin tho St. Vlutoa· CQIIC"gc· l;:xten · f orgetllng that the basis ot the perma· slon Club. nent wealth o! ou r Catholic 1nst1tut1ons

2. Donnl<' C.Mh. is the consecrnted lives o! the m en n nd 3. lJonttt(l f:::tond rc 0 1· Stocke. women who have given their all tor 4, nonnto Insurance. thls noble cnuse. I n eed not ask !rom 5. Donate Rent Est~tlt>. you In Father 0'1\•J ah~mey's beha l! ll G Make n llet!U(•Ht In ! nvoa· ot the hearty re.1wo n se to 1:1~ a ppeal ! or a.n En ·

f'oll('gl'. dowment tor you know his love ! or '1'. Spr<-ad th<> nwfilas.'lf:f• o r tho endow· VIato r And 1 l<no w you :· <l evotlon t o tr'l i!

ment IJy talking nbou t it o.nd by old schoo•.

lt ~un~!le~!n~1 ~\.{'1 ~{'~oc:: ~~P~~1~; old Pray ing God t o bless our e ffo rts nnd

StUdt'nUt you knOW. ~~u~:n7~V C~~~~~~~e~~~l~~at~~~alf~ ~~net~~ 9

· %~~0(1\~<"t"'nd;::;::;:n~~ll~~oat~ecLL~{'t~ n.nd St. Via tor ollege In particu la r . I




1\'lif:f'l Anna M. Vutty. a liCe long !rie nd and benefactor o! St. Viator Col· lege <11ed at her home In Kankakee on May 17th, and was buried beRide I1 e 1· parents in the Sacred Hea rt cemetery. CampuH. Illinois. Solemn High M ass was o!fered tor the r epose o ! he r soul on May 19th at St. P'ick's c hurch. Kankakee. by tlle pastor. Rev. E. B. McNally nssistcd by R ev . vr·. J. Steven­aon. c. s. v .. deacon. and Rev .. J. VV. R . Maguire, c. s. ''·r sub-deacon . The very .ke ,·. T_ .J. R :ce, .c .~ .v., Fathors

After a very!ul study ot C()ndi· lions in the edu cational world. n.nd In part icular o! the position which St. Vialor College occupies therein. the nuthoriUes or the College and the mc:n· hers ot the Alumni Association hnvo decided that the time has come to work ! or the establishment o ! an Endow­ment Fund. Be!ore entering upon this enterprise certain plans wer·o discussed at the lnst two annual m~tlngs of tho Alumni Association, nnd at severn! meetings ot the executive committee \If the Alumni Association and the ot!icer~:~ ot the College held dut·ing t h o lnst six months. These plans n.s t o•·m ulat('d a nd adopted are:

l. The objectiYe is an adenuo.te en· dowment.

2. The perpetuity o! the endowm ent will be secured by the establi~h · m ent o! a trust fund.

3. St. Viator College Extension Club as incorporated by the or Illtnols, (Charter applied t o a·,). will collect, control and place In Trust the !unds !or St. Viator College.

.J . The Treasurer o! tho Club will b :3 the Business Manager o! the t.:n· dowmen t campaign.

5. The Trust will be legally es tah· li!:lhed and the !unds place d there­In k ep t lnto.C't V.Ef a pe-,·petual en· Uowmt:mt.

U'Mahoney, French, Mnrsono, Thomas 6. The r evenue rmm the endowment L ynch. John Lynch, O'Connor and will Ue used !or a threeCold pur · l< c ll y trom the College were present In pose: the t:Janctuary. The beauti ful lesson ot a. D evelopment of the Colle~ In h er devout u :·llgious lite was very g rn e· Faculty. equipment, bulhllngH Cull y a nd to uching ly rehear s d to the and grounds. congrega tion by h er pastor. b. To promote nthletiCR and other Mi~s Duffy was born at Ca mpus, Til.. student activities.

September 14th. 188·L and a!ter com - c. Student ald. pletJn,:: the course &1ven In the local 7. The ann ual distributio n o! the <· n · sch ool s h e entered St. Xavier 's Aca· dowment •·eve nue will be'· dPmy, Otlawa, Illinois, t o prepar e h er - mined at the beginning" ot tho yen r ~elf tor her life 'vork ot teaching. She by n mnjorlty vote or the Ronrd (J (

made her normal a nd university coursea Dlrectonc of the St. Vlntot· Co lle~(' In Indlanrt and a f ter a. rew years· Extension Club. lng In Crunpus she accepted a pofSillon 8. In dis tributing the r eve nun thP. In the c·lty ~chool s of Kankakee, 1111· Board wi ll a lways scrupulouHiy rLd· nola. She was closely lden tltled with her e to the wishes or the ol'i~lnnl

cessivelr. His expel'lencl', ns w e-ll n::J the hlgh c~teem in which he is h eld by the- Alumni. m ost t whom Eu·e his lntl· mate friends or personal acquaintn.nccs. excellently quall!ics him. tot• th v<w Important and dl!ticul t work or c::~ to.b~ lishtng nn Endowment !ot· tho College.

In addition to expel'ience and c lose ns~oclo.tlon with the A lumni, FathN· O'Mahoney brings to his new wot•k n love tor St. Viator's allege whic h hn~ gt·own into a pns~lon t h t'O tt~h t h o nn abiding- ra.ith in tho cducH.t iO· nn .. l mh:;~lon oC a n ln::"~tl t utlon thn.t hos hy sixty ye-ars ot fruitf u l service provNl Its wot·th : and tho unconquf:'n~blo <.'on· !ldencc ot f\. con!h·mcd optimist In t ho ultimate triumph of the A lumni In tlwlr dovote<l etro l't~ t o give t v th('k A im!\ M n.ter n n endowment thAt will mnko her rlourl~h In tho !ul tilhnent ot Ood'~ nobles t wol'i;:, tho r e lig-Ious C'ducn.tlon ot youth.

A ttN· r eceiving his n.ppolntmout .fi"alher 0'1\ l a hon('y dedlctttNl thC' wol'k o! tho Endowmcnt nt tho studcn t~· M n...q~ In the Colleg-e Chapel on i\fay tho ttrst to our BICS5!ed Lady o r Perpetun l ] lC'I p and pla.ced It also undo•· tho pntrona,!.ro of St. JosE>ph, the G.-ent Provkl('a·.

Plan of Action.

10, l nUH"Ntt lnlllvttlun l M and or gan!· r emu.ln. z.utlorut In thbt wot•k.

11 . Ke<-p lth•rn tur {'. rN;nrdln~ tbf' J-;n .

Ev('r grntetully yours, J thf' progr es6 and activities o! school donor s whenever there IH an ngt·ce-T . J. lUCE, c. s. v. 11!1:' In thf1t clty duri ng the past twenty ment to that etrect.

"Ac·{·OT'<.ling Lo pr el'lcnt P I'0$1pcct~ It wi ll tnkt: tw11 YNtt't~ to lny l h (i fo u n(lol'lonH or tho endowment. "\<Ve h llV<' tllrcndy con~umcd six monthR d iacu ~sln.~: t ho ways nncl m enn l:'l to assure SllCCOFIH. A com mlttt•o or tiCtcon (·onsi~tl ng nt thO Hnna·CI o! Direc to r~ of l ho St. Vlntoa· C'ollo~o FJxt(lnAI(ln C'lub nnd tho l •:x fwu~

tlve Committee o r tho A lumni Aflt-~Octn· tlo n hnve taken up EwPry aet.nll or l. h iM unde1·tnkln~ nn<l outlln o(l n. piau whkh make~ It po~lblo (W('T1 ror those l )!

modc~t m ea nH to have ft. hi~ ah t•ro In thl ~ g r e-a t n(·hlcveml\nl. Acroi'Ciing •o thi ~ pln.n It wi ll bf' ]JI'O PO{'Nl to IIH~

youn ~('l' membC>r::4 or tho A lumni whn n.r(t j uf!t ('Hiabllshlng- th('n'IHfliVPH cllh l•l' In th(' l)rO f('88IOnH Or the bUHhWto~H WOrld to takct out ln Murn neo In ta.vor ot tho Coll f'~(' nccor(llng to Lhf" un lllml plnn f"XJ) lnlnNI e lAOW In thlH hHtuo or: tho Vlo to ri£Ln. ThlH m ethotl nN·d not hf' rN!lrl('t.ed to t ho yo ung(lr tnc mhfl l'H hut mftY ho u~NI (WOn J,y fli('.fl 11r rrwn ,, H

It thfly IH'Ci f Or It l() ft. dQr'l ftliOn oC <-Mh, t,o n<I FI, o ,• rNd f'-" tn.t o. \Vh!l r! r~ll \lu4

nntlon~ will hn k(lpl Jntn..r t tuc flrll lllW·

monlH th o r·ov"nu(" rrum thon t m1~y \1( , A.pprrlprln.tN I ro t· u ny uti I) thrt--l th1 1 (lnno r OltlY 8p(•C"Iry, ThiH p,-IV'NI 0 11 t 1p

JIOI'tun lt y ll• g r o unH () ( tlonunt t o l•~·r­IJ(11Wllf• thf' m('.tn(li'.Y or n tt·nrht1r, ·r rt•lntiVfJ, or f~ !rlt<n tl hY ('(Jm blnlng tt. ~~ if' <lonatl f,nH to PRtnhlitth In hlH nfl rru • n burHI"l to PI'OVIflfJ rnr t ht) f!dU f'.JI ti()n o( fL ch·llf·rvlnir lftlUI ('.nt fL c·ha l r to ln ~run rc. "',-•rtn ln f'liUrfHl; fl. rounlifJ.Ll fHt t o rrnVIflil ( (Jr #10m(; Hflf•cln_J J)UI'fUIM(I MU(' h (t.iol prlZI<J4 or Ntlth rtwr~rclfl t r•r Ncrr,llf•nt·l\ In l'ltutllf'M, M' tv.-.n rt t,ull(llnK by n.l/c.wl n ,:.c tht• rt• vf·nu~ t() ftrc· umulr~t~, until It I~"~ llut f lf'lf1nt. Not on ly grnuo"'- hut ,.v,..n nn,-. dont•r may ll~>tt·rmlnfl th" ttllhrTrLir• Ultf' ,-, ( hilt fn11Urltrlf''1 to N•lollrlhth ft.

Wf•mnrJttJ. ~l'h" r-:xtr·ru•hn'l ('hJh w ill Jelv#\ nn ;~b-.olutf• ""'UU.rftO t N• thnt ;111\JI•h lrrlf•n Ut~nH will t1o rrtlth fiiii Y rNtll7.-"'' l•~t,r thl.-! r;urlll.tfo!ft tht,y will ld·H·r, rtH' l n-.!lr

flowm~;>nt In cl r cula.lton. 12:. Mrtk\· ~t. Vtotor ('olleK know n . 13 . S~nd tH ud(\nltt to St. Viator's. H . K~p lt1 IOut•h wltl1 Vln.tor un d

Vlntur nwn.

1-1 ~; .\' u 1'111 >1 I.WM"IW I N


8t \"h.t.lUl ( 'ullt·g-1' f::xt OtliOO luh, H"u' bunn.d!-t Jlllnol~t

[ dt·iflrl• mt-~mh~ .. •rtothll) hl Ht YIHtur 1.. 'oil ~·· 1: t~<nfllvn t.:'lub, nnd 1 promhtf> tu ('\)n trlbuh· to thfl tlf'\"f'lopment or the \~Ollt-at«" flo.:t.·ortling tr~ tht· ruh· ,,r thf< Cluh

1 rt.._lu,· t ,.,ju w rt>tnlntl m1· tlf thl 1'~1'0Dihtt" t11 \ prH .tntl t"' w ·r n! ,-lt·h ) c


President sea r t1. 9. Funds will be raised throu~h D o na·




Tht> St.

In the lleath o! Miss Dutfy, St. Via· lions, Beques t~. and rn surnncc. tor's College m ourns tho losa or one ot 10. Thnt the Dlrtctors of tho Club n.nd Its most ac ti ve benefactor~. She gave the o Ctlcers o! the College wil l 11old the College u big shal'<> In the great ' t Joint meeting a t lf'nMt onco .... IOV(' which r:the had tor ever-y ca use yeo.r to discuss problem~:~ ot mulu<tl th11 t JH"Omoted the g lory ot (:(t(! lind the Interest.

::!tn~e ~~)t::~:te~h 1u;c ~hP ~:~~~~~!~ Fath er O'Mahoney Appointed o! the young In tht" truth!t ot r eUgio n. Tnh er profession as school te~her Jn the city 8Chools or Kankakee during the past twenty years 8he manlf e:tt t ed In WCi rd ftnll <h•f'd ancf by her V(1ry lifro :L

h1gh appreclatlon ot h e r exalted callfng. A1J a conxeq ue-nce a h e was loved by tb6 young and appreciated by th t: school otttctni.EI u a mot~t auccet~.e·tut t eacher. After au:hool hours Bhe gathered the Itt tie onel!l who had no on e to teach them th~ lawa ct God and the love ot Jt!IUII. Day alter day she we.ot about among th.:o poor without c1letinctJon oC m.t'P- or C'4>lor to reUeve poverty and eutterlng, to r-emovfi" tg-nor ance and pre· ) Udl('•·. l11 l'IJH"r-ad happtnc•l!i l.tO•Il'IUn~thJnf" fn th~ d..'lrk piMt-.!J o t Ute She had no tlmt• fur ar.)da1 turtctJona: her da.YI were

After the En<lowmenl movement took torm the Superlor fl o r the ViatorlanH de lded that the Importance ot the work ca.llf•d t or one member o r the order t o give hliJ whole time and e-n,.rgy to pro~ mote it. For thhJ rE"ason they ~lerted Fu.ther O'Mahoncy un(J appointed him as manager o ! lhe P.ndowment nctlvJ . ti~'>S, al tE-r r el!evtn,:r h im or all nther re,.ponelbllillf"B JCO that he might fOnC'f·n·'l all his enPr glee upon an a.chi.-.v . mbnt whtch rall8 tor undlv\df<d ft.Ll~>n tlon anfl tr-ained lf'o.dt~rsthlp.,r O 'lfahoney ha.H ~en a.ctlvlf>ly r,ngflgf'~J

for ov('r & fJUartf!'r ot a. C{·ntury In prr, motlng thf'> tnt~re-"u. ot St. Vln.tor cr,J ­ tn the c.apadty tJ ! t~arht·r, Olrf·Nt•r {I( .StL.dif'll, PrceliJAnt and •rrt'£Uiun·r •ur .

f\11·-ol ""Hh thF- ('&tfi'~ o! th""' dl 11 r oom truth g-tvln« f"ndowme.nt whtch 1h6 et~~ ptu• t hi- countlea a~t• oC mercy wht<:h tabllaht-d at St. Vtator'a (...'.r>UI"tre t or the •htt added Joyfully to th,. duttu a t bl"n4"' (1t ot Cathollc l"ducatton ThrOU'Ch t@ htl'r. I Nor munttk nt gHt or t!'lghty ac.rtu~~ h !

:-1 M • 11 PI'OiLJCd r·f h .. r m,. •nl'l a• dch farm W.nd trom tlu! t a.rnUy e tate •b• ..-..,. o C hrr tlme w do t~ thin&' nea.r BucklnC"ham, lJIJnot• ahe not onJ.r thAt CGUl'H ft•r f!'tf'TnUy. Wu tMre an ! ultlJI~ tb-~ dytn tnjunt f.f,,n• tha &Jtu beaatftt d . chapel to bf! I ,cTH.t pion r ot CatholiCity In KankA 4"1 l'' J ~ lTlJl to be< t um.t.h k: t•'HlntY. b#'r aalntly tathllll' Ja.frl4l!l td t- h r to t,. bMu-'ht o hom,.111 Ou! but lh~ h.u "' l vot'n n lm~~'J

ril rtcl d.rfoary. Ann'• p ,..., m I ' lfJ th f:nriiJ11fm,.nt nv>vetn#!TH ot St J bee P~""~ and I'll her \'l&tnr 1 CniJ"SA whl('h h:u N.\r"r"14M tr

t r to ward lUI untmar rfoallzu.U,.Jn . 'M'J, A 1"1 O tiffy rt undd.Uo n lt~r tM t,..n tH tJ/ C· th ~ r .F;d•li"•tlf>n wtlJ t... ~fl)

oJ b • tlttln« LAb~( "'r•~"t<r-t In lh..­~ t \-,.Uir'Jt all41 fhull t.J,th •he

t t.ll ll)thto!r rnt,..~ (){heY a-mJJy IJnJc~~~:d t r•'t~l' W'lth r.M C'1M1.

• \-' ~·• lolecW' bJ ' ~ & ~ fP h.- f!a ll • o ft,.fhrV~ :ut. ~tiD '-

'r A r.~ the1 U bnth I f,. ~ t t.h •hal'• t:f~ntfaua.Uy in lt -lMiftfl not "r · Y•r- hat 4.1'4 ~ 1"1Tttoti ,

nt·t· pOI1t"y Jn n. tru-.t jojh I hat th•t Jrrt f•H tlnn "r•f•l'l ( f,-·11 hv th1• """('r rtHtY t o~· rtordi?:NI wht-n U/f• pf,J1t•y f" ,,rdrl

Publicity P lana.

t~~t r .- , ad t~M ~~:-:~~~ ~ (! ,...,.~ "'',.~'/

,..._., f.,ftll/,'fllf ..,... Ttl tty fl'JII')r" -" ., the (w&/tr

Page 2: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1927-05-28

Vl.'f . .ttJrStm a r 'lrr. ulstfftm


at J<>~:.- -·--u~ J. R l)(':h . ·z1

WUUa m Si,..bert, '2' ·· -~ John T. Elllfl, ·n

__ warren J . )JlcCJeUa.nd, '2~

J . Allen N olall, '28 JarLa..tb W aiAon . '3.(}

____ Franc1" Bell. ·~7

Robert 0 Barnet , '20

A VIA TOR STUDENT ON THE ENDOWMENT Dayo a t college are glori ous and happy days, days of hope filled

with noble nthuoiiUlll and fired by the splendor of high idealism. they a re days in wh ich the student builds within his mind the palace wherein to treuure the ins p iration that will guide him adown th e labyri nthian w ays o f th e futur e. It is a time in which th e re come to him argooies, laden with knowledge, sailing out of the past, ready to un load at hie feel what prophets have seen in vision and poets in dreom. To him , in the valley, they d escend from the mountain of contempla tion ; where they h ave read the secret scri p ture of the w e. rid and have seen in to the mystery of life and eternity, men bearing the varied gifts of wisdom to enrich and to give dignity to his life. Up from the bowels of th e earth there come to him men who have quar­ried a midst the deep s of na tur e bea ri ng in their volumes the imar,es of Himself that God has flun g abroad upon the world. A ll th ese th e student can ha ve, if in the h a n d s of his college there is placed th e key with w h ich to open the door, that wou ld lead h er students into

th e la nd o f K nowled ge.


In College, h e comes in c ontact with men , h is teach ers, w h o have wa lked in thi s wo rl d, m en w h o h ave m a d e th eir own lives n oble by commu nion with th e real greatn ess o f th e wo rld. The a llure­ments and tin sel of th e world a re by th em set asi d e because th ey h ave dedica ted the ir lives to be the bri n gers a nd th e hera lds o f li ght a nd knowled ge, pure a nd und efiled, out o f th e chaos and con fli ct o f the ce ntu ries to th e acceptance of th eir studen ts. These m en touch th e fountain of kn owledge so that it assu mes for the stud en t a p u ri ty a nd a power giving to h is life the crown of real Knigh thood in th e tourna ­m ent o f lea rnin g . They a re Kn ig h ts exempla ry who take we s tud ents

by th e h a nd a n d walk wit h u s ab road thr ough th e world sh owing us the lord ly kingdom s o f science, th e h omes w h ere t ruth r esid es, and th e castl es inhabited by th e seers of th e world . B etween u s a nd thio sub tl e land o f knowled ge th ey stand simp lyli ng it s m ystery and breaking th e b read o f tru th to us. th ei r children . H eaven sent men


"In determining upon a n Endowment as the next step In t he progress ot St. Viator College, the authorities ot the College and ot the Viatorlan order show that they are me n ot vision, whose hor izon embraces the marvellous deve· lopm ent tha t has taken place in the Col­leges or A m erica a nd a lso that they a re determined to keep pace ·with great Ins titutions ot lea t·nlng that a re leading ever Increas ing numbers ot the youths ot this g reat la nd Into the hig her realms ot ed ucation. St. Viator will not

th ey a r e who, in th e h o u r o f you t h ' s m e nta l a n g ui s h , sati sfy th e hun - lug bohl nd. H er place is In the van-

ger o f his soul f o r truth . Th ey s h o uld w a lk in th e ir w o rld free men, =~a;ndo!w~~~~-e~. lnJe~PJ~~~~b~e~ 1• there

eman cipated fro m worldl y care a nd wo rry, a n x io u s o nly t o e nrich By selecti ng m e to direct this g reat

th ei r m ind s in t h e o nly la n d of real free d o m - th e shinin g land of :n~~-:!~1S:o:o~ ~~~~r~t~s :naa"~~~~ t=~~=~ k nowled ge. U nt roubled th ey sh ould live, a lways ready to lea d their me an opportunity ot concentrati ng my

stud e nts into th e up la nd s, th e r e t o see m o r e b eautiful v is t as. ~~::sth~£~snde~~:r ~::;~~~~n~Yo:er~ But today th e storm a nd stress o f th e world h ave ent ered the li!e. In St. Viator ollege an d all that

s p h e r e of e d ucat ion ; w-ith th e r esult th a t th e fi nan cially fi ttest a lone ' ~~:s~;r~ti!~r 0

: !~v~n~~~nndd ~; ;~~~~!~ can su r vive. Weal t h is so con c 'e ntra t e d that e ducatio n a l ins titut ions I have lived a nd dreamed t or Viator

m u st grow a p a ce "vith t h e e x pansio n o f th e country, o r else s tudents ~~:nn~~~h a:dod~~rl~~~~ ior s~:all "~~ta~; will n o t seek safe h a rborage there. No m a tt e r wh a t th e p o wer of I have but one ambition a nd tha t Is

th e t each ers may b e, n o m atter wi th wh a t e ffectiven ess th ey c an ~~:t~u~;:rsm~~~~~~t~~- n~mhb:~!dr:i~~~~ teach , w i t h o ut educa ti o n a l facilities, s tud e n ts will not com e t o them ." t he old College which has weat hered

If th e co ll ege h a s no t th e bu ild ings a nd th e m a teri a l, its teachers ~h~e~t;~~s ao;d "!":i:h t~:• .~~:~~;~ ~~ m ay b e k ings in in~ell ec t . yet their e ff o rts will b e cra mped a nd en- the flesh and blood, the minds and

~lav ed, b ecau se th e d esp o t , p overty, moc k s th e ir a tt e mpt. They ~~~~: o:h~~o~~~~s ~ttvf~1~~g s~~nne t~~ m ay b e kings read y to r oam th e realm o f infinite sp ace only to lind hu manity. th e m selves c ramped within t h e wall o f a nutsh ell. To shar e this g rea t work with others.

It is t o l iberate h e r teach e rs a nd t o b etter h e r s tud e nt s tha t St . =~~-ei"u';t~r ~~;lra~~b~~~~ceen t~~tm,~.:n!:~ V iator un dertakes th is end owment. - Not wo rldly h o no r n or selfish en ds prompt h er in this app eal. A ll sh e asks is to b e g iven th e m ean s w hereby to live a life worthy o f h er ideals fo r h e rself a nd to ful fi ll h er h opes fo r h er stud en ts. This end owment will a ll ow h er to becom e young agai n. r eady to a ttain th e 1 in teg ri ty o f her early dreams. It will enable h er to see the coming of tha t di vine hour when sh e w ill be lifted up into complete h a rmony with h er educa­tion a l ideals. so th a t sh e can lead h e r stud en ts into tha t life that is now b eyond her p ower to achieve, and h om which she can write the w o ndrous story o f h ow, fo r h er stud en ts she mad e this world into the liken ess of th e K ingd om o f H eaven.


One of th e m ost unusua l a nd v a luable a d van tages offered to the students o f St. iator Co llege is the Self-Help d epart ment w hich wns established in 1920. During the six and one-h alf years that this department h as been in operation students have been enabled to help themsel ves financially to the extent o f $132 , 338.72. T h is means that each student who h as taken a d vantage o f the op p o rtu­nities which tator a ffords has been able to earn an average o f $205 .82 annually by devoting about two h ou rs daily to the particu­lar duties that were assigned him.


On June 5th Rev. R onald J. Frenc h, former student and old fr iend ot V iator wiU be ordaJned. He wtii celebrate bls f irst solemn Mass at St. Philip Ner-i Church, Chicago. Rev. E. V. Cardinal, c. s. v., w1Jl deliver the sermon on the occasion. We extend ou r hearties t con­gratulations to Father Fre nc h .

"''e a re the recipients oC a n announce· ment ot the ordination of the Rev. J oseph Francis F eehan. who ts an old Viator student. Father F eehan will be elevated to the sacred priesthood a t the Cathedral or St. Vibiana on May 25, and will sing hls first solemn High M ass at the church ot St. Thomas on May 29. We are happy to extend to Father F ei!han our congiatulaUons and it is our hope that his lif e within the sanctuary will be one ot supreme happi· ness.

Mr. Bob Langton, '23, came down trom Peoria last wee.k to spend a t ew days with some ot h is old friends at Viator. Bob seemed delighted with the many changes and the new buildings. and gave us h1s approval with great

car ry o n tor God and country ; we In vi te men a nd women of leisure to give U!t

ot their lime and labor tor this great accomplishment; w e Invite men and wo­men ot fai th to give us ot their courage and praye1·s for a victor y which is !or God and humanity. It In time o f war we were prodigal In pouring out o ur treasures ot blood a nd m oney t o t· the works of destructio n, s ho uld we not In times ot J)eace s how at least a like e nthusiasm In our contributions to a prog ramme that Is constr uc ti ve.

The g lo1·y that Is VIator 's belongs ln g reat part to he t· ! a ithtul sons w ho have genero us ly s hared wi th her the g ltts which God has bestowed upon them. T he Viator Spirit has orte n in the J)RSt t urned de!eat into vict ory; today the Viator Spirit is the tultlllment ot the prophecy that St. Viator College will soon rejoice in the conscio us ness ot the greater power w hich wil l be hers throug h a n edequate Endowment.

I am enthusiastic about the outcome ot this movement but I shall not allow my optim ism to blind me to the tact that this is a big undertaking. F or this r eason I have asked my S uperio rs to allow m e to give my uncUvlded a lle n· lion tor two years to the inauguration ot th is work. I shall be ve r y happy in that tlr.'1c If :1 good solid toundatiCI] s ha ll be laid !or a permanent endow· m e nt upon w h ich other s will continue to build. I am deepl y g ra teful to the m a n y real !rlends ot Viator who have shared its tria ls and made possible ltl:l triumphs and have, t hroug h their loyal assistance, unshaken con fidence In the ultimate s uccess ot our noble cause. ·•

ot congratula ting Mr . Komln lk in the high scholastic honors that he recelvec1 this year .

The Vla torian Start wishes to an· nounce to the student body that Mr. D on Summers, ' 17, and Mr. Thomas Finnegan, '17, have opened up a clean· lng, repalring a nd pressing shop 1n K ankakee. The ''Service S hop" Is lo­cated at 145 S. Schuyler street. and It is hoped that the students witl not tor· get to give Don and Tom a boost In their new undertaklng.

Gus Dundon, '26, is .spending a t ew days with hls fri ends at the College. Everyone recalls the days wben "Crooked Arm'' cast the old pellet around the Viator lot. H e was o ut with the boys Umbering up the old soup bone and !rom the way the Va; sity were, he stUI seemS t o have much o r his old stu!!. Gus bas just completed his !lrst year or seminary wor k at St. Paul.

A be-ribboned, embossed card an· nounced the arrival ot a new member o1 the Rainey ta.mily. Frances T herese was born b-!ay 16th. We wtshthat the new arrival were a boy so that same day there would be another po-pular Frank Rainey at St. Viator's.

Under the terms of the proposed Endowment this department 'viii be further augmented a nd m a de more serviceable to w o rthy students. It has been arranged tha t a certain part of the End ow­m ent " ; ll be resen·ed in a special fund h om wh ich students in attend­ance may borrow to meet their imn1ediate needs. Arrangemen ts will be made whe.reby the students who avail themselves of this fund may p th~r debt after they have left school by helping another worth · student or by contributing to the Endowment. •·gusto". We were mig~t)· glad lo see R e \.·. Floyd ''Pat-::-Creel was ordained

you, Bob. so come I to the holy priesthood by the Bishop o! The advantage of this plan is readily apparent. 1any students

wh thenn>e would need tc ";thdraw tt<:>m school becau<e of finan­cial d ifficulties will be able to complete th~r education by drawing up n this fund.

The " ;sdom. charity. and forethought that has prompted those in ch<Ul!e to m, ·e this prO\;sion is exemplary of the interest and soli­citude that iator has alway3 manifested in the welfare of deserving students who stand at her gates, aruiously awaiting theii oppor­tunity to continue the deYelopment of th~r intellects.

- Siou:x Falls on Ascension Thursday, lli. Emmanuel K ominik. · ~ s . came to :\lay ~ 6. All ot his Y latortan trle:ld.-s

Yiator last Sunday to show us bow extend their sincerest. congratulations

~~c~,!e a~m~~ i~Y th:::U, ~=d ~ to Reverend ''Pat" ~ h1s attainment.

Steiner. '!S. Both o! these young 1 Otb~r new-s comes from St. Paul gentlemen are just completing their mln.a.ry that Tommy .Jordan . .Johnny Freshman year at the Lniversi ty ot' Barren and Eue-ene ''Red'• Y.a.c:Laln. Dlinois. We pleased to ha¥e them graduates ot 19!4, are to recel¥e sub­.spend the day with us and 110e wen: I deaconship a t the close of the p-reseni especially glad to tuwe the opporlun.lty term.

which w f'f'

M agu.lN". c. ll. ' •

hating t m hl be tUIN In dt'tn\Y'" th• great ex~n.tW that "M n tl tn.l by tbe: e:xtendNI tour tba.t '''lUI m.ade b}- the tNUl\ th18 Y r

The followtn~ l<'tler @('nl to c ry member by r::uznt><-lh M RnJ h •· ma.n ot the Knnkn.kN.' bro,nch. eoxpre ' qutte weJI the ldN\J~ and tht'l a.lms o.t the orgn.nlau.titm. The tin ttptrl t ttml prompt{'d thls Catholic club to dt:'mNl· stnttl' tht.~ l r coaJ-.c-nttlon In tiU<'h u, "ub· ~u\ntlu l milnnc.•r ll'l J: t'f'a lly 1\PJ>rt'Cio.tetl by the Faculty n.nd !!lUd<'ntt4, n.nd m~l eepeclal1y by the Debating tMm and their estet'mt."d nnd res~ted h.

Knnk.ak e, Mo.y 20, 1027.

Dear thollc Daughter ot Al'nerlcn.: "The bnttlee ot the Church wUl be

!ought ond won In the next gcnm·a· tion chletty In the tield o r u thoHo cducnt lon. ln helping tho Cntholtc schools we do n. s up1·emc service t o the Ch urch-and to the nation ae well lot· lhcrc Is no lntluenc.c rnol~es tor rc • d cl tl zcnsll! r 11 constantly nnd truly Lhn.n the t mln­ing ot o. Catholic school."

Such Ls the tho ught given ue by the noted J esuit, r On.rcsche. and tt Is thle thought tha t all ~ to us to gather under our bn.nncr em·

•blazoned with thOAe word" ot polg· nant meaning to the nthollc Dn.ugh­ter-"Unlty and Charity".

'Ve are n il well aware ot the s p1on· did work ot education t hat ls being done by the St. Viator College; we are alao t ot the g reo.t .sue· cess ot the St. VIator College Dcba.l· tng T eam under the direction oc the Reverend J. "\V, R. Maguire, wbo you wil l remember wne o u r f oJth· tul Chaplain ! or a n umb r ot years. Ills ot courH f' n w ell -known ! £Let thtLt It takes a g r·cat amoun t ot money to t ino.nce such a n enterprise as Father Maguire undertook In send· Jng fo rth his young men to debate with the great E as te rn colleges. The money received during tho trip did not m eet the var ious expenses n.nd It Is only right and j ust that the Catholic Daug hters ot Amerlcl. s hould c me to the nld or Father Maguire.

Therefore , on May 27th the Catho· lie D a ughters ot America will spon· sor a card party wh ic h will permit us to make a generous donation to this wo t·k or education. May we ask your s up Dort In t his unde rtnklng? Pe rsonally , I ree l SL'I'C tha t the ask· In~ Ia a mere formali ty tor you will unl..ioubtedly want to help In such a good ca use and I a m therefore Inclosing tickets Cor this p u bUc card par ty. You m ay makg your returns to Mrs. D . M. Raiche, 454 w . Court s t., or at the K. ot C. Hall the evening ot the party. S hould you be able to dispose or more tic· ke ts, I shall be glad to t urnhfh you wi th them.

With kind personal regards and tbanklng you In advance tor your cooperation In a.eelsting us to make th is a splendid succeee, we a re

Sincerely yours , CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS

OF AMERICA Elizabeth M. Raiche,



The t ollowlng repllee to the InquJr· lng Reporter are r eproduced ! rom the Vlatorian ot May 12th, 1927. Ql:ESTION:.--Wha.t features mlght be added here at St. Vla.Wr to lnerease.

st"Udent enr ollment! H .-'IES P . FITZGERALD, S OPHO­

MORE-I belJeve the enrollme"Dt ot St. Viator College would be lncrea.sed i! they would enlarge the Curriculum including more advanced COUJ"BeiJ.

Many more would come here ft they were able to pursue the coursee that prepare them t or their chosen walk ot lite.

}!A.RIO CH. -'IASCARil'O, ITALIA->; PR,QFE SOJ<-.In order to improve enrollment I would wggest Just one thing, and that In the ears o! a mUllonarie: Donate a,b(Jut one million dollars to St. Viator CotJege. 'Ib:f..s fll: thf::: only thing that St. '\-"''a.tor reafh: needs. I t has an the rest : a beautl1ol pe:a.cetul and healthy lrltoallon. ample space tor many new bufldf:n£;:1!1 and men aL lUI head who are rea.dY vrtt.h a def'illlte plan tor Improvement.!!, tun CJf. tine up-to-date 1de:a.3 wldcb cannot be put lnto pra.ctlce wltbont a generous pecnniary aJd.

Page 3: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1927-05-28

Saturday, May 28, 192 7.

------------·-....,._._.---------·-----THE YIATORIAN





Page Three


SENIOR CLASS Oberlin Furniture Co.


The A n n ual F r eshman Dan ce, which

l was held In the Co l1ege Gymnasium, Wednesday evening, M ay 18th, con-

t ~~~~~ ~~~le:~cl~~u~u l:O~d~~e o~c~~~as~:~




Leo Fitzgerald or Seneca, Jlllnols, haa been chosen by his classmates to direct their Cl eslln les dw·lng the last year o! ~=======-============-=-===========-:-: year of 192 6-1927. Had tt not been for • the adver se weather cOndltfons, the

,..... ..... ______ .. ..,_ ...... .._..,, .. , ..... ,..._... ...... , ........ ,._,...._ __ , .,._.,,. ..... , .. , ... __ ,_, ...... ~ dance would undoubtedly hav e been the At the last meelln g of the College Since his arriva l Club for the schola s tic year of 1927, thei r co llege career .

D. J. O'LOUGHLIN, M. D. Practice Limited to

EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT Bell Telephone 253

602 City Nat'! Bank Bldg. KANKAKEE, ILLINOIS


Phone 922

Oscar (Foxy) Byron Phone g2!

TAXI Rates to Kankakee: One passenger, 76c; three passengers, $1.00

Bourbonnais, Ill. Phone Appointments as Early as Possible

,.....__._...... __ . ..........__ ___ ...._.,..___ ...... _ ..... ___________ ... Hotel Kankakee


A Hearty Welcome Awaits The Students and

Friends of Saint Viator College


. _ ... _ ... _

We are glad to extend to you the conveniences ot our store. We expect you to buy only when you want the goods and are satisfied ot our values­you are welcome at all times.

THE WINNER Correct Apparel For Men

Bostonian Shoes Mallory Hats

PLANT-KERGER "The H ome of Kuppenheimer Clothes in Kankakee."


RIEL Y & RICHERT ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS and DEALERS Electric Washing Machines, Ironing Machines, Sewing Machines,

Lamps and Supplies Motors, Vacuum Cleaners, Fixtures, Appliances

Electricians for St. Viator College 370 EAST COURT STREET •



Students Are Especially Welcome

121fzc per Mile Ford Sedan 15c per mile Overland 18c per mile Hertz

Gas and Oil Included.

America's Largest Distributors NO. 10 CANNED GOODS

For forty years specialists in supplying quality food products to Chicago's fore­most Hotels, Restaurants and Clubs.

John Sexton & Co.

outstanding eVe nt of the year. How­ever a st eady downpour of r a in through­out the entire day climaxed by a severe storm in the vicinity of the College brought on unfa vorable circumsta nces to disappoint both the s pOnsors and the .Pa trons .of the dance. D espite the in· clemency of the weather, the da nce com­mittee proceed ed with a ll the prepara· tiona. A t 8:00 P. M. a long-dis tance telephone call from Paxton I llinois in· form ed t he committee tha t the orchestra

the Qffi cers for the ens u ing year were here th r·ce years ago, Mr. Fitzgerald has manifested keen Interest In the various act ivities of his class and hi~ selection Is the crowning g lory of his loyal efforts.

which ha d been engaged for t he evening was una ble to come any further because of the deep water on the r oad to K a n ­kakee. The last train out of Paxton ha d pulled out of t h~. town a ha lf hour before so It was impossible for the orchestra to get to the College. After a frantic search for mus icians an orchestra was fin ally secured in Kan­kakee t o s ubstitu te for the widely heralded Bill Donohue 's orchestra of the Univer sity of Illinois.

The gymnasium was beautifull y decora ted for the dance. Crepe paper of various color s was used to form massive s hades for the lig hts. Potted plan ts, ferns a nd pa lms added much to the a ttractiveness of the setting. The beauty ·of the gymnMium was fur ther enhanced by t he a rtistic orchestra plat­fonn . A large fl owing drape for med the background for t he platform, w hile large baskets of flowers a long with the palms and ferns formed a comple te ef ­fect of unus ual beauty.

A r ecord crowd attended the dance a nd almost everyone was g racious enough to wait patiently while the im· provised orchestra was 19eing assembled. A very enjoyable evening followed t he a rriva l of the orchestra.

e lec ted . Wnrren McCiellaml, w ho wlll be a senior next year, was chosen by the assembly to pres ide in t he chair left va cant b'Y Presiden t Dalrymple. Mr. McClella nd, who claims Blooming­ton as his very own, has long been a n active and e nergetic m ember of the Coll ege Club a nd he has done much to f os te r the many activities that ha ve taken place in that body during the last three years. His selection carries with it an acknowledgm ent by his fe llow clu bmen of his req.l worth a nd their confidence in his ability to perform the duties of of!ice in a very commendable m a nner . Mr . McClelland was installed in office immediate ly afte r the ballots had been counted a nd be had been d.;l­clared winner . '£he reti ring president, Mr. Dalrymple, presented Mr. McClel· land with the gavel, s ig nificant of the office of preside nt and congratulated his successor for the s igna l honor that had been conferred upon h im. After thanking the members f or their confi· dence in his a bllity, the n ew p resident graciously declined to assume office at tha t time a nd asked Mr. Dalrymple to r em ain in the cha ir.


John Smith of Manteno will officiate in the office of Vice-President next year. Mr. Smith has a lways manifested g r eat in t erest In the College Club af­fairs and his selection is a fitt in g­recognition of his fine work.


SPEICHER BROS. I The office of Secretary was awarded to William Siebert of Springfield,

I! Illinois . Mr. Siebert is a most capable

man for the office that has been con· f erred upon h im and the members are

f confident that he will keep a n accurate


Complete Line of J ewelry H igh Grade Repairing

127 So. Schuyler Ave. ! .. ~ record of thei r activities during the ~ear 1927·28 .

DOYLE TO HAN DLE MONEY I KANKAKEE, ILL. 1 The very important office of Treas· .L.._ ___________ _.1 urer has been g iven to Thomas Doyle,

•··--- ... -------------- a m ember of the class of '30. Mr. Doyle

DE'IAND - ~ is a man of recognized probity and in· 1, tegrity and the m embers are confident

ARSENEAU'S UNIFORM that their accounts will be kept In tine

I condition. Mr. Doyle has the unique

BREAD I distinction of being the firs t sophomore "Its Quality Satisfies" to h old office, in the College Club.

RETIRING OFFICERS SPEAK G. Arseneau Bakery After the new officers had been an·

Bourbonnais, m. i nounced and each had spoken a few I• words of a ppreciation , the r etiring 1 officers of the Clu b were called upon.

..... ..----------·-....... _ ... _ Mr. Dalrymple , retiring president, ..... . ·-··-.. - --- -•-·-·---·-•-··•-•- praised the m embers for their interest

! in the Club activities and t heir prompt

I! N L. MARCOTTE attendance at m eetings. He outlined

• the work that they could accomplish tn future years and wished them the best of luck in performing it:.

C ha r·les Conway was e lected Vice· President, and Zen is Lemna was chosen for the oUice ot. Secretary-Treasurer.

CLA SS OF '29 ELECTS Don L eanhardt of Chicago will direct

the activities of the Junior c lass next year . Michael Delaney, a lso of Ch i· cago, wlll offi ciate as Vice-President. J. AJlen Nola n was elected Secretary· ~.rreasurer. Mr. Nola n Is a Rockford m a n .

S OPHOMORES CHOOSE LEADERS Edward Campbell was elected Presi­

den t of the Sop hom ore class. Mr. CamP­be ll is a Chicago man. r.rhomas Dunne of Peotia was chosen Vice-President. Murray Provancher of Rockford w ill act in the capacity of Secretary and Gera ld Pauli o f VVyoming , Ill.. was chosen for the office of Treasurer.




The scholastic year of 1926·1927 has seen t he innoVation of many ne\v feat­ures into the curr iculum of St. Viator College. A recent an nouncemen t brings another new event to the College. The first swimming meet w ill be staged in the new tank in the gym­nasium tonight after c ha pel. This par­ticular event is limited to the College department only. A meet for the Academy wil take place some time next week.

Mr. Paul Leary is m a nager of the event a nd has a rranged an extensive set o f contes ts. T eams representing classes wil consist of four men for each class. Tbe events w ill in clude fa ncy diving, plunging for distance, under­water swlm :tor d istance, twenty-five yard dash free style, two- hundred yard relay , and other contests.

The enti re student body is invited to attend this m eet and it is hoped that more en thusiasm for the great aqua tic s ports w ill be c reated in the College da­pa rtment through thiS event.


The Barber James T . Connor, retiring secretar y ,



Directly Opposite Majestic Theatre


expressed his a ppreciation Or the op- t portunity to record t he activities of the ~I Club during the previous ye-ar, because they were significant of real progress and he closed with t he wish- that this --o----·--·-----.. _ , ........ ;--- prog r·ess would be even more marked ----::;::;.-;::,:::;:::..-:::.:.:::::.:::::

--------·----------• ...... in future years. ----• ... -• ...... ___....

I• The next speaker was Mr. Gallahue, l Bell Telephone 407

Einbeck's Photo Studio A satisfied patron is our best a.d· vertisement--We guarantee satis­faction-Makers of portraits that

please 143 North Schuyler Avenue


retiring treasu rer. Mr. Gallahue pointed J ou t t he unfinis hed work tha t awaited Groceries Confectione17 ~

I the Club next year a nd expressed the

the present officers had lett . Amedee J. Lamarre B ou rbonnais, ID. I



j ish tha t the Club would carry on after I t Cigars N ollona

---------------- f ~-- Safet;-·Fi;;;~~·--~f i -----·-----·---·--------STAR CLEANERS

I CAL"~' z. ~.:AX! II ~or Your P r otection I !


Work Cs.Iled for and Delivered

YELLOW CABS 167 No. Schuyler Main 283

,._. ___ ._ .. _______ _ 'o1ake the H ome of

Legris Trust and Sav· ings Bank

Your Banking Home

105 Court Street II ----..... .... --.......... ----.~--.-- ! ~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~ -------·.......-.., ~.----~--.---===--------·-·


Chas. w ertz Co. Printing, Engraving, O!lice S upplies, Loose Lea l Forlllll, Blnden, ete.

Lumber, Cement, Brick, L ime , THE FRANKLIN PRESS CO.


ware Plas ter, Glasa,

and Coal 264 East Merchant Stree t

Telephone 406 KANKAKEE, ILL. ---------------------------·- ----------·----·-. ~· ::·;:·-:::.:;-:;:;::::.;:--:::.:;·::;;::::.~;:--:::.::;;::::.-:::.::::=::::.:::.:;: _ ............ ----·-· .. ·----t B. L. FITZGERALD

Wholesale Grocers


Book and Furniture Store Chicago Insurance, Loans and Bonds

Everything fn Books a nd t •,_ _________ ..... ~P-h~on·e-S~u,_pe_ri•o•r•1~3,_8,_0 ___________ .:.i _____ ... Fu_ rn- it_u ... re _____ ..; 1 311 City National Bank Bu!ldlng

... - -------

Page 4: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1927-05-28

Dr. f. R:. Jones (Dentist)

Pbon.e : Maio 437 311-312-314 Cobb Build ing

rno G~'IES ol.. "·· J -- J~~ ~ I> "'

TRIP TO ORTH ~bo :_, T bop- llan.i' ..:·.: __ ory whe-n lbey ov.~ a ntD

H GA AGGIES KALA wbicl> """' T K.tJam.a. I MIC J - . . ,_, m tbe t ~b. •tuv 1> ~~~ J

MAZOO Wl FROM V1A TOR t , blo..., a.n a. ..., u.. • hlh.

E..\ER< ' .lSI:!~ "'ILL BEHELDMA 30 1.E5 T. CO OR 7 TO

~Vt-·r pla)"tng ~rf~t O&ll I hind ~::, ~e=~ =; ~ t~ Pete HarTin i)O ( r .!l ,.-en iontn the cR >inc f.ra...lnloo ..Uowl!'d 1\•lam.a-.;,o to

~===::=========================~ llltlll(,IIOth running Yia.tor tntield •hlcb turn t.b@ wtnntng run ac~ without --; halt been r- turnttd the \·ictor In .sJ:r benefit df •n. He.rbert .IIo••rr.-«t )ll ... mnrt . .\1 Du.r "W btt: tiltln..:h \tb


stra..i,gbt contest~ end~ t only three btngles in t.hE- nlnf' t'ra.mtio 1 ~n l b th ~tu t nt.~ ~ t · ,,t ;~t!~et~n~~:s~~b ~~ofv~~ ~~~ ~~d~:~:u!!,::;et::dnit;::b~vtc~~r; ,-l::-: ~t. Ylah•r CoU~ on~ ~'1'4&1 t lb. ~·abble8 a.llnw-ed live Michigan be.L•me.n bats w-en acu' . Ben 1 ding tbe With f'n\) nli r 4 th n '""' d "' to round the born and e :.abl.i.Bb a N>t=.l- png \\·tth a double and two !,gl <~ ~o In~: t'\( the nd 1 trlot~add

PAULISSEN MFG. CO. rna.ndlng lead that .. ~·iator ''n\.8 unable tour times at the ph.Le. E·vant and by a me.rn~r uC tb Stnh"r Ct~ ln th

I to overcome. Although Ha.rrtogton t-.a.d Campbell both had a fi ld d..'\Y. ET'&..rd mornln~. ~·hu~ th.:o a.ttlt1'.nloon "m t..

~.;Jn':~~e!.o~h=~ v.~~::.efl~ ~t~~~ !~~tt~~:e~~t~~t:~~(l~u~~:: I ~h·' ~llf'd t~ \ ~~ 1 tl n',~ll\lvn lt1 'i~l· and !allcd to produce run.!!' The fi,.e mple ~·ho had ~n spiked In the Ytcht ton. rn.arker~ l•cn~t up 1n thf" f>fg-bth w~re gan Late t:"a.m<", fUied In handily ""' ~U.S(' llf hU, .sp.lt1ndi\l 1.Mn- ~ (l(

~=============================~ the r~ult •·f t\'-·o h''" ('(Upled with the three' and tb..ree put out.s. On~ wc1('('101 to t.he vt~lting ~\ lumnt d\lrlrut


So. W uhiugton Street


252 South Eut Ave. KANKAKEE, ILL.


o.lorementloned ml.!lplays. Tolles of of the bright lighLs vt the d..'\y w a th<' dedlcauon o.t the- new huUdlnl'!!- ~ Mlchtgn.n 'tate pitched excellent ball remarkable <'atch o! a. foul fl}~ by ouu.tandln~ work u a. nwmbcr of thtt and fi elding his poe:iUon pertectl)-, thus Benda.. The loss doe! not alter Ylator'" saving himselC a lot of unnecessary standings ln either c;on re~n('e t\!!1 she Debath.\l'i Teo.m. Jamt>s T. C\lnnor. 'li. worry. The VJ.ator bnt~ v.~ere active, stilt remain! undefeated by any lnter· h~ been c:-hoscn to dli"llH~r th~ AlN)l\) and more tallies might have been regis· state or Little Nineteen schooL Thi!1 rtn.l Oration. This vtmt is on or thr tered on several O<'Casions. VIator v.·eek Yiator meets Bradley nnd Ya.lpn- outatn.ndlng reatures of' St. \'J&t,,r·,.. tK:.Ored one In the sixth~ ln what looked rn iso In the two closing conference school yetlr IH"t....,gr--amme clHefly Uuo llJ llkt- the beginning ot the end ot Mr. games. Bradley is still stinging under Tolles and Co .. but alter o·M::tlley had a series or defeats o.dmlnl.stered In both the (net thnt o. number ot her s~m~ lU'1"

Acored. Costigan wa.s called out on a baseball and basketball, and the regl$tercd on The Amcrlcnn Roll L1f close decision at the plate thus e-nding on the twenty·elghth on the borne lot Viator's scoring aclfvilles. should be o. treat tor the tans of Ka.n·

The box score Is as follows. knkee. The tormn.l closing o c the l'l'e..:l.·

MICHIGfu'i AGGlES AB R H !"Oil will tnke place at Notre Dame on --·------------- Zimmerman , rl ......... ··· · .... 4 1 1 June 4th. Viator havtng been selected

Rowley, 3rd ···--···-· ............. 4 0 0 to !urn ish the opposition tn the Annual

Honor. Yer-y Rev, T. J. Hie('. Prceltlent ot the ollt:'gc, annou.nccU th t\t May !JU-lb would be visiting do.y tor n• latl\1('8 n.nd friends ot the studeota, and tbe mem· ber-s ot tho Collego ttCJ>a.rtmcnt wnt ct aa guides to Lbo !ricm~ ot tho Collcgo who arc lnvite<.l to ln8pcct th(' new JOHN J. DRURY


Vacuum and L<H'f Pres!ure System H eating

Both Tele phonoe 71 KANKAKEE. ILL. 154 S. Schuy ler Ave .

NOTRE DAME CONVENT Accredited to Dll11 ois University

A Select Don.rdln~: School for Girls a nd Young La.d:lee

Thi JoJ tne tltutlon Is conducted by t he Sister s or Notre Dame. orre rs eve ry opportunity to young ladles Co r a thor ough ChrtstJs.n 8 e educat.lo n . Prices reasonable. F or cata logu e address

SIS'rER SUI'ERIO R, Notre Dame Convent Bourbonnais, Illinois

and and

Always drink pasteurized milk. Our wagons pass your door every morning b efore you have breakfaot


Both Phonee ·C

nULH-CRE/I.M Bulgarious Dutt-er l\lllk

306 South Schuyler Avenue.

CENTRAL PHARMACY Corner Court nnd Schuy ler

The Store That Service Built ERICKSON and RUECKERT

E. and R. Pharmacy 122 East Court Streel Opposite I. C. Depot

Drink l :Ulk.

Davis. ct ................... ---- ··-····· 4 0 2 spring Alumni acttvitJcs. Notre- Dame Barrett, It .............. ····· .... -- ....... 4 0 0 barely nosed o ut B rad ley 4 to 3 In n n Baynes, 2nd .............. - .................. 4 1 2 eleven inning con test, and Viator bas caruso, c ........................ ······ 4 0 0 trounced the Tra tot· aggre~alion 15 Eggerts, ss ........... ·····--·· ....... 4 1 1 to 1. It the old dope means a n yth ing, - ..... ..-..- - ----------· - -· Tolles, P ................................ · · ···· 3 1 0 Viator t ans can look forward to a vic· Hoisington. lb ....... --·······---·- -····· 4 1 2 tory In the June !ourth contes t.

- - - The box score as f ollows: Totals ................. ················ ······ 36 5 S KALAMAZOO AB R H

VIATOR AB R H Nester. 3b ...................................... 4 1 1 Dalrymple, as - ···-· ····· ·· ······· 4 0 ° M cCarthy, c ................................. 3 1 0 E 'Vard . 2b .............. · · · -·--···· · 4 ° 3 Schrump, 1b .......... . 4 0 1 Leanhardt, lb -········· ....... ·····--· ··· 3 ° 2 Brotherson, 2b ............................. 4 0 1

~~~~·ey~b cf ................ · · ·::::::.::~·::::: : ~ ~ J o hnson, ct .................................. 3 o o

Costigan, rt ·:::.::::::::·.: .................. 4 0 1 g~;~~;./slt ··:.:::.:::::·::.::·::::.:~:::·::::::::: ~ ~ ~ Slstecky, l! · 4 0 1 Roe, rt .......................................... 3 0 0

ii'a~:~o~t~n, P ····--·::: ... :::::·:.:::::::::: ; ~ ; Beauchamp, p ............... ··············~ ~ ~

T otals ········ 3'.! 1 9 Totals ..................................... 30 2 2

V IATOR AB R H Evard, 2b ..................................... 4 0 0 Campbell, ss ............................... 4 1 1 Leanhardt, 1b .............................. 2 0 0 Benda, 3b ...................................... 4 0 3 O'Malley, 1! ................ ............... 4 0 1 Costigan, rt: .................. ····-·--······· 4 0 1 D elaney, c! ................................... 3 0 0 Bell , c ............ ...... ........... ..... ......... 4 0 1

'l' At

Philip T. Lambert's 1-Ierbe rt, p ...................................... 3 0 1 Slstecky, ct ....... .......... . .......... 1 0 0



\Velcorne YQur Banklnr BWilneee

Cor. Court St. tlnd Schuyler Ave.

Amedee T. Betourne


Agent for Eastman Kodaka

Prompt Developing and PrinUnc

119 Court St., Kankakee, nL

- -- ~.--~~ -~---~.-~~~ _ Totals ............................ .. ····~~ • ...:_!__..._... __ -.-.--~---~.--~-~ GOOD SERVICE HARDWARE

1 Z9 E. Court St., Hanlur.kee

~ "---·-----·--·-·~

Mrs. D. H. Hamman, D. H. Kamman

D. H. Kamman & Co. Manu!acturers of

Hl g h Life Ginger Ale and Grape

and all Kinds or Solt Drinks



Kankakee, lllinois.


j-·-DR. L. w. CREEK I Manufacturers of

Edwin Pratt Sons Co. IDEAL "THAT GOOD'·


DENTIST t Suite 412-414 Cobb Bldg. !

Manufacturers ot everytbtnw In Wire and Iron Work, Fire Es­capes, Wire and Iron Fencee, Store Fronts , Stai r Ralltng:s, Steel Stairways, Ven t Guards, Structural Stee l Work. Phone Main 304 ! j


Wholesale Confectionary and Fountain Supplies


The LUNA BARBER SHOP For Years The Tonsorial Headquarters


St. Viator College Students

Everybody Likes


F. 0. Savoie Company DISTR.IB TORS

i WILLIAM P. CANNON, M. D. Attending Surgeon to Stodenta and Fa.culty ot

St. Viator ColJ ege

Standard Hardware c::f !'

Both Phone8 15~ I!, O!!lce H ours :

Use Our Hardware-It Stand! fl 2 to 4 p . m.

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Page 5: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1927-05-28

Saturday, May 28, 1927. THE VIATORIAN Page Five


Rev. T. E. Shea, '18, Bloomington, Ill. REALM OF DEEDS Rev. John P . O'Mahoney, c. s. v., Director of Endowment Acbvtbea.

St. Viator 's outlook! \Vhu.t Is it ? Had 1 the Inspiration and skill or an artist, I would pa.lnt I t in colol·ful splendor for the eyes o! you t hful dreamers. Had I the vision a nd girt ot a poet, I would sing it In rapturou s cadence for the ears of a ppreclati ve listeners. Had I the language a nd thought of an ot-ator, I would speak it in eloquent pleaclin g t o t he hearts ot. devoted alumni. To none of these can I lay c laim a nd so \Ve s ha ll look to St. Viato r as she Is In the reality a nd p e1·haps you shall ft n d thE:we, in mortru: and brick and men, the dreams of artist,­the sons of poet, the plea of orato1·.

The outlook of an institution, like the outlook of a n individua l, depends upon its opportunities, a nd opportuni­ties are lifeless- a r e worse than life less, are tragedies-if the m eans of realizing them are wanting. A m a n m ay have talent and genius abounding but if the opportunity for that tale nt and genius and the m eans of r ealiz ing it n ever pre­sent themselves, h e is but a nother gem , mayhap "of purest rays serene, that dark unfathomed caves of ocean bear." And so with the institution that has the genius and desire to fulfill a g reat mission, what a pity if no fie ld is r eady for it; but if the fi e ld is open , the op­portunity is present and yet the means to go into that fi e ld , the means to l'ea­lize tha t opportunity is denied, w h a t a tragedy. Genius smothered! The multi­tude starved because the r e was no phil­anthrophy interested enough, n o loyalty true enough to a fford the m ean s!

one new building and that n eed m ust be met within Lhe n ext two o t· three years.

Gentlemen of the Alu mni, is it not evident the great development, that is possible to our A lma Matm· if only s h e is given t he m eans'! Is it not p lain t h e golden opportunity that is h e rs I! only s he is given a c hance to grasp i t? Within a few years her student body doubled ; a nd, f1·eed from em barras lng encumbrances, St. V iator's rise to the proud posi tlon of the gTeat est s m a ll co ll ege in the Mid-~'est.

Gentlem e n , this is not the wild ex­travagance o! misguided imagination. It is not the fantastic dream of idealis­tic pt·ofessors. Asl< those men, those men of St. Viator's f aculty who have grown gray in a noble service, who h ave given their brain and hearts and souls to her building-ask them about their opportunities and n eeds. They are not impractical vis ionaries : they a r e m en w h o f or years have wrestled with the mos t practical side ot the material world, and with obstacles, r everses and fa ilures. They are the m en who have acted while we theorized, who have done the things we talked about, w ho have p layed the ha r d game while we sat on the sidelines and a pplauded. And this vis ion of a n ew o utlook Is not m erely a mimge tanta lizing a w a nder­ing mind; it is a r eality seen with the undimmed eyes of clear v isioned, practi­cal men ·whose very souls a 1·e at re mble lest they have not the mea ns to rea lize it.

The firs t serious but Informal dis· c ussion of an Endowment for St. VIator College took place a m ong the AlumnJ a nd friends who had gathered at the College for the celebra tion ot Father Mars lle 's Golden J ubllee. Ot the m a ny enthusias tic supporters o f the idea there w ere two who faithfull y p racticed the sc1·iptura l injunction. "Be ye doers of the word, a nd not hear e rs on ly." They were the R everend Joseph V. LaMarre, President of the Alumni As­sociation, a nd Miss A nna M. Duffy, a teacher tn the city schools ot Kankakee. The former r equested the Treasurer of the Exte nsion Club to dra w up a n En· dowment pledge immediately, a nd start the good work. No othe r pape r was available, but a telegram bla nk, on this was written the pledge, as follows:

I have grown so accustomed a ll my life to dream dreams and to .see visions t hat for me my dreams are reo.lltie.s a nd my visions are palpable. Those dreams are centered In Viator and like n il dreams they gather t he fairy gossn­m e l· whic h constitutes their warp and woof from the actlualitles of. the p~t a nd the hopes of the future. In my v ision Viator is a growing yo uth, a comely youth, a youth with a predes­tined future. Born in poverty, cradled In adversi t y, nurtured in the sorrow of struggling hope, he ha.s waxed strong Into the proportions of an ath­le t e prepared to do battle in the world 's a r ena. Throbbin g with life a nd activity, with vigorous blood pulsating throug h his veins. v italized with tha t spirit wi\Ich begets energy, he is fitted to reach the full stature or true manhood. Ye t he is but a youth-a promising youth It is true-yet merely a you th and he needs to grow. The e lem e nts which gave him birth, sustained h is life , and which enrich h is being t oday, a r e the same elements w h ich must be pou red out in abundance upon his f lesh If he is to step forth in to fixed exis­tence with a soul that shall never die.

leges Is Imparted an education whlch Ia complete, which jlleglect.s nothing that Is essential to the full developmen t ot the physical, the intellectual and th~ moral man; a n education which floods the mind with the light of truth w hile tllllng the heart with the sublime prin­c iples ot r e llglon a nd morality as the mainsprings of. noble deeds, heroic action, and g lorious achievement ; an education In which the elements are so perfectly blended tha.t It draws f orth a nd develops the latent powers of. hu­man nature and infuses into them strength , vigor, life, energy, until these transmuted into character, present tor the a dmiration of the world the noblest work of God-honest u pright men, modes t vi rtuous women.

"To the greater glo r y ot God, we establish a n Endowment for the a d­vancement of Catholic education at St. Viator Co11ege."

By Ad Memoriam

Father LaMarre signed this p ledge and took steps at once to turn over t o the Extension Club, for the Endowment, an Insurance policy for $10,000, to the m emory of the LaMa r re and Ma 1·sile families .

What is St. Viator's outlook? W hat are h e r opportunities? S he stands out one of two Cath olic boarding Colleg~s in the g reat state of Illinois ; for u s, s he stands out a lone. T h e great common­wealth of Illinois is h er almost un­div ided field , the teeming Catholic popu­lation of this state t he material upon which she may stamp her mark . Sh·~

need have no anxie ty for material to work on , for the yo·uth c! this and the other states of the miJdle West wm crowd her halls if Hht can but r cc ~ive them .

This outlook they a r e facing now and in a short time they must decide whe t· h e r St. Viator's shall take her place in it or whether s h e shall turn back from it a nd le t it fade forever.

The character of that decision, Fel­low Alumni, is ours to make . If the opportunity of St. Viator's as a Catho­lic Educational Institution is g reat, the responsibility of us, h er alumni, i~ equally weighty, will we accept and measure up t o tha t responsibility? That: is the question she asks u s, and

As laborers in this fertile field she we answer, as we act , h er course is has a faculty of which no othe r college made. She does not ask us for any­her size and very f ew la rger than she thing that s he might have glory before can equal, a teaching staff brilliant the world; m agnificent buildings, stately with the personnel of illustrious men , halls m ean nothing to h e r b u t a means and these men burning with one desire, to accomplish a noble mission; without engaged in one task that comes nearest that mission h a lls and buildings are the Divine . God creates souls but to m eaning less m onuments . These men of these men a nd others like them-to the tha t Fourth order of royalty do no t teacher-God gives those sou ls He ask for the appla u se of the wo1·!d or any created to be moulded and form ed and comfort for them selves; these t hings fashion ed. they have forsworn long ago when they

These are the men who in their won- buried themselves tn religious life; al l drous vocation constitute what Ruskin they a~k from u s Is t he means to enn.b!e calls, a Fourth order ot l<lngs. T hree them t o d o God's work , t o mould men oth e r orders ot kingship there a r e , t or God and country. They place their Moth-kings who lay up treasures for cause before u s, the sacred cause of the moth; Rust-kings who lay up trea- Cath olic education for young men and s ures fo r the rust; Robber-kings who it t heir cause does not merit our con­lay up treasures for the robber. '"Braid· sideratlon, if their theme does n ot grip ered robe, on ly to be r e nt; helm and our very hear ts, they do not want our sword, only to be d immed; jewel and s upport for any less worthy motive. gold , only to be scattered; there h ave They ask not tor ins piration , t h ey ask been three kinds of ldngs who have not tor genius; the one they have gathered these." Suppose there should snatched from the light o! heaven; t h e ever arise a F ourth order of kings, who other they have acquired in treasure had reaU in some obsc1.11'e writing of r ich amon g the rags of poverty from long ago that there was a Fourth kind patient t oil of student 's labor. These of treasure \Vhich jewels and gold could things we could not give even i! we not equal-a web made fa ir in weaving, would. All they ask is the mea n s to by Anthena's shuttle; an armor forged use them without desire of compensa­in the divine f'il·e by Vulcanian force; a Uon.

gold to be mined in the very sun 's r ed Th 1 mni of St. Viator's have been heart, where ~e sets o:er t~e _Delphia n lo ale a~~ devoted in the past, but the

c~ifs; d~e:r· p~c~~t~~e tl:~~;.'~1~pet~~.~~ re:l t est of. loyalty and_ de':otlon is at ~re~t arange,Is of Conduct: Toil and hand. The time for ta~m; lSa~:si~ ~~= Th ht s till calling to u s , and waiting time of prophecy is go e, e.

at ~~: p~st of our doors to lead u s, with daif 0~h~~~0:·r:h~nda[h~f ;~~~~~m~~t.our their w inged power, and guide u s, w~th A lumni a thousand m en, a hundred, if their unerring eyes, by the path w hich 1 th re are t en , tall men, sun no :owl knoweth , a nd, which t~eki~u~ ~~o~ned,e m en who llve above t h e fog , ture s eye has not seen. Suppes g whose !aith in the noblest cause s hould ever rise, who heard a nd be- ~;~er the sun is firm, whose loyalty lieved thjs word, and at last gat_h ered [ a nd devotion to the Knights of the a nd b roug h t forth treasures of ~lsd~m cause are uns haken, le t each one of --:-for their people? This Four or e r them Individua lly go to our Alma Mater of kings, gentlemen, you kno;, you a nd lay at her fee t his ta lent whatever ha~e sat under t he~h~~ ~~~~~~e r~~: it m ay be, his time wha~ever he can wh1le you caught g ive, his material possession s, what -

sc~~~;,e~e~U~~~n. is St. Viator's Out- ever he can spare and s;;Y to h e r : "they look! An Order of Kings with treasure are yours to comm a nd. rare to scatter: the opportunity at hand, a multitude waiting for the royal d l!:l· pension ; but the means to bring t~e two together is wanting. St. Viator s Out· look is no longer a dim v ision of the hazy future, no longer an imaginary world of the stuff tha t dreams are made of. It bas s haped itself into a reality, tt is close at hand and must very soon be given existen ce or relega ted forever



With the r em a rk, that this gave h er a s plendid opportunity to carry out a promise which she had made to he r father upon his death·bed, Miss Du ffy signed this pledge, r eser ving to h e rself the rig ht to determine late r on the form ot h e r contribution. Some months la t er she, tn fulfillm ent of this pledge, gave the deed to forty acres of la nd, near Buckingham, Illlnois, to the College as a m em orial to her parents.

Thus, the Endowment was s ta rted and it s h a ll be foreve r commemorated in the halls of St. Viator by a bronze tablet, on which sh a ll be inscribed the words of the Endowment pledge, with the names of all those contributors who shall deserve to be considered founders of the St. Viator College Endow m ent Fund.


CATECHISM Q. W hy is 1 h~ E ndowment Insurar,ce

pla n an ideal method of helpin g a colle~;e:·

A. Because it is the most certain way of iJe rformlng a good work, with the mlnim\l m of tJ ·~... uble and ex­penditur e.

Q. Why is Life Insurance a ce rtain way of performing a good work?

A. Because it pays immediately upon approval of the c laim, and is n ot s ubject to the vicis si tudes of legal processes and distributions.

Q. How does it affect the small col­lege?

A. It opens up a n ew field for de­ve lopment for the s m a ll coffegP. , making it possible f or an edu catio­n a l in sti tutions t o ins tall the mos t m odern equipment. It a lso can be made a n aid t o students, both from the standpoint of s h ort-time loans and self h elp.

Q. Why should the Endowment plan appeal to a ll college graduates?

A. Because it will enable t h e coming generation of boys and gi rls to ad· vance themselves, morally, men­t a lly and physically.

Q. How does it excell as a m e thod of contributin g to College s upport?

A . In the fi r s t place it Is a gift n ot burdensome to the giver, cal ling for only a small annual premium, say $4 5.00 a t the age of 35, while at the sam e time insuring the pay­ment of $1,000.00 to the college upon the decease of the insured party. Then if the payments con­tinue the ben eficiary, "in this case the College", on the twentieth year , without litig ation, can collect the face of the policy plus accumu­lated dividends.

Q . How many types of Endowment Ins urance can be employed b y a

college? A. The most common types a r e group

Insura nce a nd Individual Insur· a nce.

Q . What Js group Insurance?

"In beauty c la d , 'With health in every vein, And reason throned upon hiH brow."

Those forces which will perfect and perpetuate hi s life a nd which w ill multiply a nd enrich the fruit s thereof a r e : that mountain-moving taith which w ill draw m en from every generalion a nd walk of li fe to dedicat e themselves to His service to do the d eeds of learned, high-minded, God-fearin g m en; that ever-increasing discipleship which will enshrine loya lty , scintillating with deVO· tion , tn student hearts t hat n ever grow old; that friendship true and una lloyed which by deeds of loving generosity will extend the sphere o! his activities. Give Viator these and h e w ill go forth at the bidding of the Lord with the in tre­pid courage or a David to confound the P hilistines and to lead the children of God through the paths o! knowledge in to the Promised L and o! truth.

All who can thus visualize the worth of s uch an institution as St. Viator College unite with those who are inti­mately connected with its destiny in expressin g their appreciation of the need of Catholic higher education. They are a live to the needs of the times a nd realize that unless the mighty forces which are now so active in shaping human destiny are t empered with the staying influen ce of religion the ideals of America are endangered and the progress of Christianity in terrupterl.. Never rnoreso than today in the social and poli tical life ot our count1·y was there n eed of men and women imbued with the principl es of sound m orality and the ideals o! true patriotism; men and women not only of ideals but with the virtue aud courage of their convic· tions. Never was there a louder call for the leadership of s u ch men and wo­m en: never a greater n eed of enligh t· ened leadership, intelligent strategy and courageous action. VVe Cath olics can­not stand aside and let events s hape their course nor can we be content with servile following of blind leaders of the blind. God through the inspired voice of a L eo, a Benedict, a P ius, calls upon us from the eternal bills w hereon His throne on earth is es ta blished. la ity as well as clergy, to s trugg le wi t h might and main until Justice s h a ll rule the hearts of men, the parliments of the world a nd t he councils of t he mighty. Pe~ce! Peace! there is no peace in the world today but the peace of starvation and death ; of g r eed, r a pine and plunder; of humanity enfettered, enslaved in its hundreds of millions crus hed beneath the c runching w heels of the Jugger­naut of might; and there will be no peace as long as the mass ot huma nity in s u pine indolence passively tolerate the blasphemy of their leaders who banish God from their deliberations. W h er e can 've find m en and women with the ability , the training and the virtu e to concentrate the mighty forces of sood which need only organization and leadership to win the battle of A rmageddon? Our Officers' training Camps are the Catholic Colleges of the land. There the leaders of Catholic thought, policy and action are to be m oulded. T hrough th e broad a n d humanizing influence of a liberal edu­cation v italized by t h e spirit of r e ligion there is growing u p in o ur Colleges a manhood and a womanhood which war­rant us In making the assertion that w e are doing our s hare to help our country solve the mighty questions

Are our Colleges sut!icient ! or the task? Are they efficien t ? They w ill be su!ticlent, they wlll be efficient w he n the Catholic wealth of the country a de­Ctuate ly supports them. Then and not tlll then in the ti tanic s truggle of jus­tice agalnst injustice w ill the Cathol1c Church of America take the p lace which Is h e r s by right inherent a nd by the guaranteed rights of the American Con­stitution. We need men to man o ur Colleges, men of noble instinct who by nature and grace are fitted to meet the sacrifices which will make them worthy to dedicate their llves to the glorious cause of religious education. As long as the religio n of Jesus Christ retains its div ine charm to draw the hearts of man to the service of love, so long shall the consecrated efforts of the Christian rostrum lead men thr ough the enchant­ing vistas of science into the realms of lig h t supernal. God will do His part, He will supply the men, but indispens­able t h ough this e lem ent is, yet It is not s ufficient fo r the triumph of. Christ­ian education. We ·n eed men to fight battles but it would be perfidious treach­e ry to send them f orth to meet t he enemy without arms a nd ammunition; so likewise i! we desire the triumph of Christian ideals we Catholics must forge the weapons and contribu te the m eans which will make our Catholic educators valiant in God's holy cause. We want our Co11eges to stand in the forefront of scientific progress, we want their equipment to meet the exacting test of modern standards, we want them to lead, not to follow. For this we need w ealth and need it badly to supply the s inews of war. The paltry pittance of tuition f ees but mocks our poverty. Bor· rowed funds and mortgaged estate en­slave in entangled finance those who turned their backs upon the marts of trade that by sacred vow they might renounce earthly pursuits so as to give their emancipated souls free and un· divided to a work which dem ands the whole heart, the whole mind, the whole body, the whole soul, the entire man. Their sacred and exacting vocation en ­joins upon Catholic educators the stand taken by the Apostles when they said to the multutude: · " It is not reason that we s hould leave the word of God to serve t ables. 1Vhere!ore, brethren, look ye out a mong you-men-whom we m ay appoint over this business. But we w ill give ourselves continually to prayer and the ministry of the word." The material n eeds of our insti tutions of higher learning then must b e pro­vided for by those whom God has blessed w ith weal th for no other pur­pose than to use its surplus in p r omot­ing the welfa r e of their fe llow-men'. T he r e must be in this land of ours, ~o rich in its r esources, so m agnificent in Its en terprises, so bounteous in its op­portunit ies, an awakening faith which will make our Catholic people rival thei r a ncestor s who delighted in crown­ing hills and sanctifying valleys with schools and monasteries thus exemplify­ing to the world that human life even here in th is world is glorified by con­secrated effort. Wealth should rejoice In the opportunity of doing good a n d what g reater work can we do than mantull y to do the part which God throu g h the circumstances of life h a s ass ig ned t o u s in the unceasing battle which the forces of good are bound to wage agains t the forces o! evil until the Great Arbiter shall close the gates of time and g~ther into the blissful r ealms of eternity t h ose who have fou g ht the good fight and kept the faith. In t hi s g lor iou s conflict f or the t riumphs of right some are to give their lives. some their ser vice, others their substance; a ll are bound to do their sh a r e according to the gifts which the bounteous Creator pours out into ever y human li fe wit h a profusion far beyond the merits of even the mos t deserving. to the r egions of hopeless Impossibili­

ties. Here are the facts. St. Viator' s

The following excerpt from the r egu­lations o! the North Cent ral Association , a r ecognized standardizing author ity, shows the need of an endowment tn order that a College such as St. Viator's may continue to be accredited.

A . There are two forms of g roup in­surance. One in whtdi' the indivi­dual members of a class take out policies of the same amount, a n d all contribute equally to the pay· m ent of premiums; a nd the oth e r, a system of premium rota tion, whereby each c lass pays part of the premium on a large individual policy, throughout four years of college attendance. Not e. Such a plan has been outlined and passed u pnn by the College Club of St. Viator College.

which pe rplex he r and to solve them --------------­as an educational institution has forged her way to the front where s h e hn.s earned r ecognition of tirst rank. Some yea.r s ago her high school course was accr edited by the University of Illinois and within the past year the State Uni­versity placed he r college department on the r ecognized list ot accredited col ­leges, with two of her courses singled out for special commendation by the Univer sity inspector because of the ex­cellency of the course and the remark­a ble efficiency of the professors. With this advance in standards has gone a steady increase in student enrollment until now the college is ove r c rowded. 'Vhile big outlays have been made , th.e equipment a,nd uppa ratus n eccss::u·y IS

by no means adequate, and the housing of the student body has become a very alarming problem. There Is not a room in the r esidence building that has not in It two :Jtudents and In m.'\n Y ther e are three. In such crowded conditi~ns as these ma..ximum e!ficlency and htgh scholarship are next t o impossible . There Is an urgent need !or at least 200.

"The College, if a corporate insUtu· tton, shall have a minimum a nnual in· come o! $50,000 f or its educational pro­gram, one-halt' of which shall be from sources other t han payment by stu­dents, and an additional annu a l income ot $5,000, one-halt of which shall be from sources other than payments by students, for each 100 students above 200. Such college, 1! not tax-supported , shall possess a productive endowment etfective for the first accrediting In

1924 and 1925 of. $400,000 and in 1926 ot $500,000 and for all accredited instttu · tiona ot this class in 1927 or $500,000, and an addition a l endowmen t of $50,000

for each additional 100 students above

Q. What does the plan of Individual Insurance suggest?

A. The Individual Insurance plan calls for a campaign among the Al umni of the College to secure policies, to the amou nt that the Individua l ,wishes ·to ~ive, with the college named as the benert­clary.




too not in theory merely but to solve them in flesh and blood. In our Col-

(Continued on Page Six)

cfain t Piator (~o//<_fe {iy";!•AJ~#'M .s.-rf~<J~" ~·:.~.o,e. •

Page 6: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1927-05-28

( t,-r- ,.,., .. ,


~Uiffkln Sr f1 r

'TtJr,.. I''" ~u 1•,. t,.Jbl .-.,,..,., :ll4'"rv~ up kl 1/_,_,.kt.At by th'Jl VtalfJr r.n()und.&­rnAVJ, who M*I"DM1 lt1 h.!!iVf!' r:'-'""' l,.rable tH111f'UJty In fJ ndlniiJ th~ ()')rn--ra at the pla.t~o, tWtl •tr1k•ft &niJ t.hf"n thP fVUrtJi &nO tr ~IJ"'· <.: Ltm11J, •nnlhllat.e4 M-.bttktJiflt •lth It tt,.UJ,-·r • choler but Kllth. lt• "Jfr,...a.ll--"'f •thiPtP"' ,rlnlfled .,.ndJnt!f IAn,- to thlrlJ (Jn th., next Dlay WaJJJko made a bad lhrow to ~an­AArt1t, wht_, In t ur-n thr,.w wHd V1 \Val· akl"J, pcrrnllllng two ruma to crou the ph,t~" Andr Wl!f w('nl out to Leanha.rtlt hut Ch kJ IJinglr-d putttng Barns Wh9 ha.lJ bef"'n p,.-evtoui!IIY hit by Pete on third A dout,IP 8t,..a.l wne put on. IJaJrympl,. (·uttlnr;t the throw to J(>cond, rtnt1 Ha,.-nf'" Willi an NIRY out Da.lry· rnpl '! to Wo.lltko . 'fhn.t vra.cllcnJiy • nt1ul th,• Millikin MT•·ru1IV(', 11.8 PN•' U,;rhtfl"nlld ond held h r• rno.l!ltN hl\nd thrOUKhoul. fi'rom tho 'ICCOnd Inning to tho ae v nth, o.L which limo It had b'*n o.greod to call th~ gnme b<'ca ue:e o f thn cold weather and lnte,.-mlttlng aownpoun, llarrln gton Rtru<'k out ll rnon

VIator'" 5th



fo"alth In IM Anbdl')(-' fJC ",. 1 ..... thPr \'An(ll"na.cb,.UPrf"tl t-" a, JNU.t mi.Mlonary rP.("~>ntly r turn~J trom lndJa ..-h,·r" thtt pa.n torty-thrt:e )'t'"arll

l.Jf hl.s Iff bad ~n apPnt In th~ labor-a or th<!! Maat~>r.

f-"'•th' r HQ lJUr'"lth" lmrnedlatf' pur· r.Kl~ o.t thf" Coll,.ge wo.a tQ thank tho llUtJ£·ntA of St. Viator·!'ll and t1f _:o..ootre (}" ("OO\Pnt f•Jr lhPir ~enerous do·'J08 t11 the ProPQg.ttlfJO o! the ¥atth. Aftf'r (l ehort eir,rc#U~Ion or his B.fJIJrt•datlon h(' lntrodul"f>() f'ather Van­dcMK:bf'uf'r£>n. 1-VIth his tlr!'lt fll'ntem.:e 1-"'n.ther Vnnden..c·heuercn t'~~'l hlB a.udl· f'n(t' at 1·a,.e nnd gnlnf'() ev£>ryone's at· tentlon nnd intE"rPl"'t. 114" !Jill (\ man of "urprlfllnl(ly tall l!ltAture, erect carriage. nnd ruddy fea.ture1'J. Oel'lplt£> hie a.d· vnnced nKe he 111 acUve In body and Vf'ry young at heart. HL'II lecture wa.e both Interesting and Inspiring. The wonclcrful adaptability ot thP Church; the undcnluble universality ot Its ap­peal: the dauntless courage ot itM mlnlstPrll; wt>rc clearly lllm~troted In l-"n.ther Vandererheuer£>n"#IJ lecture. The clco.r. ea..y. vivid atylc o t the ml~slon­ary wo..e mol!lt enjoyable. The habits. {'URtom!ll, re1Jg1on, a nd peculiarities Q {

tho nntlvel!l o! India were interestingly portra)•cd.

ACtor Clnls hlng hl.s review o ( the nctlvlty o r the mleslo ns In lndln. Father \'nndcrecheueren o rtered to r elate some l!lto l·leA ahout India.. Since th m ajor portion ot his audience was m ade up o r lwyl"t, he chofle the subject he knew would lntt>rcet them most: that or wild benstH tUld adventure. Before long h e had everybody "shaking In their boots"' with the thrlllln~ n<'counte o! his ex· pcrlences ::md tho~e ot his Ccllo w mls­elonnrleH.

m t top r S1m1 n. the pr

rg nU:atinn ''P'l" t th dJnn r tt~M"' t nkJn ~ th fa llJ" ot th Coil t r pr •ntin!il' t~ \\ltb an opportunity oC '\·te-w1n~ th cull•• d.Jnlng·pJant undE'r eu h Ca.vorahl ctr-cUJT>.eta.nCH: .Aft r tbJ.!I: w I m the gath ring as t'ntfor\Alned by th<- 1

Th4" first ,.tf'p tn thf' ~"l'ltahliah.lnR" or le-g orch . trn. A tlU&rh t, .1r. f:llll!. the 4'-ndowment 1.111 an ln!luranct" cam- Mr. Shea. ~r Rt>nd~ • ~r. £lQ.Jn·mplt>. ~nd prt Q( th v nln • nt paJ!fn conductt>-d by :\Jr Fred rick Pf.'r then sans:- f'\era.J n"<:'('nt m,r Ill~ A8 charmln.«. Plt"rr t (ltnpr-t'n,~1tu \' Ml rttt, Director ~t Endowmt'ntlll, John a closln.- liOn.- numh---.r th tru illid" I by S yboh..l WM th m t \1 l_..hllvl Hancock :\tutual Lite Jn 111 ur~i.nC'"E" com-~ joined with the studt.~Ot$ In ~lnJfln,:- tb~ hie lecllon . pa.ny Durin~ lhe n(>Xl f~w months VIator Loyult}. FrHh('r HIC'E' th~n Px. Th gold mWal r.,r mf'rlt tn must Mr. Pe-rritt, Plthf.'r pe-NM)ns111y or tended a \'\flrm welcome to the membN1! was won by llr R oiCQ o through the coree at hi.fJ comm.and Cor ot the Rotar-y Club. and uutllned the OJK"n ilh <' ho~tn v work wfll C..."'l-11 on every alumnu2! hl~tory o! St. YaJtnr Colh.~~t">. and the (Opus 6-t, No. Jl. Th.le " V c" nll tbe In rJJtnols and expla.ln th<' dNaU~ ot work that It has ~n dotn~ Cor the "Dan&e Ne re" cs-.otn d mo tral thl8 plan. Promptn in g-ranting ln· past ~lxty )'t>an. He a:! urNt the bu~l· Mr Oa.rsa.'e pr-ec-i l ·bntqu whll tU..s tervfews and !rankness in dlscuMlng ness and protes tonal mf'n o r Kn.nka.k(!oe lnte.r-pretatlv o.btllty wu th l>Qtto.r the project will t'ncllltnte the big la.8k that VIator wae nl"waye read)• to receive 1l1uatrated In the popular ";\ lt· \Vt n" whJch le Mr. Perritt's. He has had them. and that Vla.t r would look Cor- (Oodowakyl. Paul ~b. the la.a tb very cxlen~tve experience in the In· wurd to th('lr helo and {'t"M.)Jl('rntlon competitor tor the medl\1, p ntt-d surance tleld and ho.s d.Jrect d several He pointed out the tact thn.l VIator hnd two well prepar d 8(1-le<:-thlU!t ,;'h ..ttl­endowment runpalgn l!l. A few years carr ied on dN'liJlt£> two larg(' Hre-!11, nnll rtcult Sorulla. (Opue 36, o. 6) by C1 . ago he conceived ttnd established an that the lndomnltable ~Spirit or the Vlu.- mentt WR.S well done Insurance Endowment t or a. new parieh tartans would carry the inetltutton for- Tho lr at ot the ev nlnl" follow Mr. In Chicago. \Ve reel con fid ent that ward through many more years o! de· Louts B. Vallely, a. former atud ot o c our Alumni wUI gJve him a gentlemanly velopment and progrE.'es. Sp~?Rkinf{ tor the College who won tho mu,.to medd hearlnK anrl a generous reepon~e. the students o f the College. \\'arren ln 192(. nnrt hn.s continu~ hta etullt



ENDOWMENT PLAN Th Colleg stll({t:nl!'l o r St. Viator

Coll ege, realizing the ueed oC an an· dowment and undPrstandtng the ad· ,·unt._"lge>!i thal an endowment ofTe rs tor

.McCicUea.nd then greeted the Rotarlnns. uninterruptedly 111lnce. plnyed th v ry and spoke o t the appn•C'io.tlon tiL'\t beau tttul n.nd extrem ly dlttl ult every student ot Viator fe lt for th-.· ''F1ower \--Vo.ltz" by Tchn.Jkovf!ky. 'tho \tmlnln~ received In he 1· hall~. Several crtu~ hlng octaves and brllllnnL protrres· matters o t unoiTicJal busln~s were stone wero kept In perfe t control by a. the n presented by the vorlous members well trained pedul. ott, co.rt'estng at the Club. and after they had been pla.nleelmoe and Cl ourlehlng c r (' ndo agai n Invited to spend the a fte rnoon were hnndled with equal p rfeclton nnd with the college boys, the meeting was ~kill. Mr. Vs\Jh.•b·"~o~ lnt('rprt•tHtl4•1l c->f tht' adjourned and the members made n. t our "Flower Waltz" wae excelhmt. Tho o t the buildings. It l.s tho hope o r the hurried program denlc(l tho llJUtembly students nnd Faculty o f the College tho pleasure o.C henrtng nn oncor num­that many such gatherings will be he ld ber trom Mr. Vallely. In the fu ture, a nd that n. new feelin g Mr. orbett concluded lh(' program of intimacy will spring out o! thts first with three very tlno selection&. The Rotary Viator ban(Juet. eomewho.t grotesque ··ootllwogg's ke­

.~-\nrln·~AIJ, who uluyfiJ lhP rlouhl1• role o f f lrfllt ' "'-"'' mn.n o.nd fllta..r p itcher a nd wht, hnlH WI.'IJ un In th(l lin('up hn.d a c-unning thnt WIUI moat pecullor. There WI\.M little tcJ hi e faltt hnll, hiJ!I c urves w 1•ro hnrdl y bn~nklnK. hut his Alow ball h{•ld o 11 th~ tn(lglc uf l l Thun4tOn Some· how or other It would 11nll up hnrm· ICl'llf iY nnd whrn ll lruck nt inva.rlnbly mot thf."1 but cloiK' to the hn ndle, with the r cttultn.nt J)Qil 1.111 or <'nsy lnCteld f ly. .M cAIIII!Itt'r did hl l!l beMt to eolve the tJiluntlon by dlrPCtln!(" hiR men to lnke 1 ho ru ll count b fo1·c go InK a fte r any­thin g- not particularly ault<'d to the bn.t­h,r, and th<' c han8"<' ubout r rom the roeL heovy ""''"I n~ to tht· elow tap style or lmLlln,:c. But two round~t o f the bn.t · ling order f nJI<"d to produce lhf'l de81red result

the tuture o f the In stitution, have FORMER VIA TOR pledged themsel\·es to policies totaling ACADEMY CLASS


~Vo.Jk" provided n. pleMn.nt. varto.llon to tho en tire progro..m.

Rev. R. J . Fr(•nc-h, ('. 111. v , WI\.'-~ chair man o r the conte-t1l. Tho jud o were Miss Helen A. Hogan and M lee Ca.rolyn Wheeler. both ot the St. Mary of tho Wood's Conservatory o r Muelc; o.nd Mr. Leonard A. Cohen o f tho A meriCJLn Conser vator y ot Music, Chicago. Tho

Rln~les In t"'ourt h

'25.000 In the new Ins urance Endow­STUDENT WINS mcnt Plan Cor the College.

Fl!teen members oC lhe en lor grad-Ill llw fnurth lnnln)C r'tlMliJ.tnn got a ILLINI HONORS un.tina: lasH ot '27 have promised to

::1~~~t·~nS~t~~~r. ;~~sk~n P~:~d ~~ttl~~ take out Endowment policies In favor ot th College within one year atter

:~':l~~~~''01~t~~ep~~:e ~;~~1

1',~~to~s~:::; J n a letter received fro m the Unl- thel!· ~rndua tl on. Fltteen thousand of

to third. DnJr)rml)le came through with ~~~~~·eaos!cc~l~~,~!:.r~c~~n:~~ ~~~o~~c~~ the pledge wtll be made up In this man· hi" f lntl c lcnn single, an eo8y poke over were confer r ed upon ~ l r. !;;manue l ner. The remaining UO.OOO will be In s ho rt , t•;vnrd hcd hie nerform once Komlnlk. Acad. '26. At the University the Corm or a twenty-year endowmen~ with n. ,:rrMs cutter over third. a.nd ther Is a. chapter of the Phi Eta policy tnkcn out by the Co ll~ge C lu Lcnnhn.rdl pli\.C<"d on(' b{'ltwecn center ·Cor which each member will be assessed 1\n<l l('ft field . Mean whil e, Oalr·ymple Sls:c-mn, l;-t"{>Shmnn honOt' HOClety and It ·during the !our years o f his attendance n nd E\'O.l'd min ced In IL pz·etty double Is Into thl ~ socl€'ty thnt. ~J.-. Kornlntk • at st. \ "iator College. r.rhe Jlayment s t '-'td. •rhero were two out wh€'11 Lcnn- hns won lnltlnllon. Thl' membership i":1 will be taken on by Incoming c lasses

hllrttt put In hi s lic k : In roundln~ the ~,~\~~~~~s:n~~~~~~~·,~ez~~J::"~'':~l~lc:-~Piso~q~hl~:~ thro ug h out the years until the policy is

lnltlaJ t~nc l( he fJ II pped, rC'gnJned his le nt to one-halt A and onc·halt B. Mr. pa~c~elll;~nd raised through the income

~~~~c~~~~nd ~lld~~\~tt~~:e~~sn~r~l~~c f~~ Komlnil<'a average Is 4.70. from the policy taken out by the Col­tho (hull out. It wns jU!!t fortunate Tht> fac-ulty n.nd the Ylntorlan stu!! lege Club wilt be usecl to further Stu­thnt Viator. flque~~ed through the e...'(trn I" isll to <' Emanuel_ fo•· th~ dent Acth·itles in the College. The run In thnt Inning tor n.Hhough they rlnt:' dl:dlnction that h(' hR.S eat neo:J Co! College Club has taken advank'lge o r thrcn.tent'd later to get n. t ew more. a 1 hlm~C'If nnd for t. 'latot College. the Jl!'lvllege ot specifying the use to '-'ht\TI~C1 ot plt chert~. Hankin for And· which the fund crcuted by the on:;-ani· row•. Co•·stn llod tho good In ton lions or WHY ENDOW ST. VIA TOR'S? zatlon • hall be put. St. vrntor.

The box- score: Mllllkln St. Vlnto•· MI LLIKIN­Hnbt'knoAl, tr A, l..on~ . ~b Kif!: h , 3b (lt~omb. <'! IJarnl's. &s

t\Jrow~. n Ch~t.eskt, rC

.... Lon~. 11.' . Henehnw, c

1'ott\l ST. VlA TOR-1)n,lryml'le. M Evoro. 2b l...i.\nnhnrdt . lb Bendn... Sb O'Mnlh.~,·.

t~tl_f;t\n. rf Ststt't'ky, It \Yl\[email protected]. c­Hn.rr~-nn. p C\mpb'-~11. cf


300 000 0-3 000 400 0--1 '"To \\'hom mu c h is given ot them much

A B H E :-~hall be Ec'XJ)Ec'<"ltc'd.'' Those, there!ore, 2 o o who~e fields. whose mines. whose rae· 4 1 0 tol'ics. whose bonds. whose stock!J have

1 been enrl('hed by the dews o r heaven

.. s

... 8 s

o e,·en mon~ than by their own labors 0 are cn.lled by Our Fnthe1· \\'ho is ln 0 heaven to 00 he1·e on Nlt't h the ad· 0 mJnistrotors or Il ls wealth to r n il thos~ 1 benC' fi lent enterprises wh.Jch are tht! 1 instrumentalities through which fai th

.. 26 4 3 nnd hop\:' and chat;ty make the Spirit AB H E ot the Father lh·e. flourish. n.nd reign

3 1 1 in the joyf ul hearts o f His ch11dr en. 3 2 Today'~"~ gift wm fructify a hundredfold

. 3 2 In time nnd OOyond nll measure In eter·

.. _3 nlt:r both Cor the recipient o.nd the 3 g!Yet· lx>cnuse it ls prompted by the

.. 3 spirit of faith. By the sllmuln.s of good ! exampl(' It will add to tts own fruit

.. 3 1 the multiplied ef:torts ot the g-ood deeds 3 o C those generous natures thnt r~pond

... 0 to thEe' ~l o....;;;.ter's injunction: "Go thou !6 nnd do likewise."




The V oyageur. St. Ylntor Academy Annual. Is Cast nearing completion. The stat! , under the able direction or James P. Corbett. editor. has been working hard ror some time so that the major portion at the material will soon be ready Cor the printer .. \II ot the photo· gru.phy \VOrk was completed last week and n.s soon as the engraving operations are finished the Annual will go to press. It 1~ expected that the Issue will appear about July first.

As an expression or their esteem and appreciation o! the Yery Rev. T. J. Rice, c. s.. v .. President o f the College,

I the Academy students ha\'e dedicated the Yoyageur to him. This Is the high­est act o! b'Tatitude and homage that is wlthln the power of the student body

'to render to anyone. Father Rice h!LS

I ever suc-ce-eded In being as sollicltous tor the weU being and advancement or tl:e Academy department he bas for ~ the College department and it is in recol'!nltion of th tact that the Acad· emy~ students ha\·e dedicated the An· I nual to him.

YO 'L\ GElR O~l.Y AX~L.-\J~ I

decisions o r the judges were una.nlmou!'· REV. L. 0 . O'CONNOR TO ly cast In rnvor o ( Mr. O:trm o.n(l Mr.

RECEIVE FLAG sa;,~~reseor Leelle J . Roch o ( the Plnno

Both the College and Academy ~p·a<t·

uatlng- clnsses o f each yea 1· tca,·e some m emorial to the College that w111 per­petuate their memory at the ln~tltutlon. Three yenrs ago tHe enth-e Acudemy depaz·tment ntered Into an f1Frt"C£>ment to gather tunds tor a mtc'mol"iul en· tnLnce to the carnJ>US which would be e1·ected after the graduation or the four classe~ then attending the college.

The Academy class o r '27 Is the t.hlrd ot the graduating classes ~lnce thf" agreement was mad The officers o! the class are hard at work am:l.Rslng the necessary Cunds tor payment or the share o r the Class o f · ~7 .

The approach to the College grounds will be much enhanced by the artistic entrance that is planned. Construction, hO'i\Te,·er, will not begin Cor some time to come tor there is Mtill another class after the c lass or '2i lnclutled In the total paymen t tO\V:lrd the memorial.

P 1·ese nt F1.a.g to College. In accordance with the nged tradition

at lit. VIator College. the Ac."ldem:r graduating class h.:"ls completed ar­runE:ements to present the Colle~e with a large nag which shall '"''ave from the stately pole on the campus durlnJ; the ensuin)::" year. For many year!i past the graduating clnss of the Academy detxtrtment has upheld this cu8tom. Father Louis 'Connor '06. has been ap­pointed to receive the Oag In the name ot the Co11ege. Thl.s appointment also follows in the line ot the tradition for lt has alway~ been the custom to have some well known Alumnu-8 ot the insti­tution reprf'~nt the College at thl8 function. Father O'Connor distlngull'!hed hlm~l! In his gervlce a.~ an Anny rh.ap­laln during the "\Yorld \Yar.

Department must be highly commended on the work and skill o f hl8 puplh'­The lr e xce llent coachin g reflf'cUI Mr. Ro h' s own extended etudy o.nd tine abili ty. lt Is c lr·nrly evlaent thn.t Mr. Roch understands a nd m eets the indl· vidual rE-Qulr('mentli oC o r hlv pupils. During the pMt four Yf'l\.l""M the music departmen t o! St. VIator College­has seen a r emarkable development under the guldnnce o! the young pro· tessor . The annual r cit.als whic h he instigated are anxiously n.ntlctpo.t.--.d and the gold m edal. o r which ho I,. tho donor. Is keenly sought and contll~ttcd tor by h l.e l!tudente.




E . .M. Roy, ~enlor Mtud(•nt :t-t Ht Via· tor College won the NaUt)nu.l I~""lt-Y contest held by the Ca.thc,llc \Vo,.-Jd. ThtiJ wa..s a crowning achlevf'mf"nt fJ(

years ot eucc~M In literary f' rftJr t.ll; and renects g-reat credit to the 14<"hool ana to the scholar.

Tbe magntludf:" of lhlf· victory in· when we know ~hat the cbntPJOt was natJon-wld,. and WM corH1ueWJ by one of the lead.Jng Catholic Llte.rarY magazine~~. and th..,_"l.t th., 11ub~ct ws&M optional. Th"' \"tatorian. aJJ tbP ~<%· prest~ton of the f'ntlre Faculty a.nd ~u d~>nt body. "Xt,.ndll to the vtcwr h~·y nnd ~lncer('" con~tulationa UIH"-"" thill ven· outst.andlng achlev,:.m~nt.

I The Yo:rns:-eur is the only Annual f - publication of St- Yiator College and

Academv-. Grear care and pr-eci£ion ln the makeup of the Annual has alwa} been exer-c~--ed... Last :rear "'""as the tlrst. year that th.,. year-book appeared under the new- name ''The Yoya;reur-·· as for-

:::!~ ~hs~~:m0~o~.:he Lhe~:o::: ~\7:~~hj-gin~n ov-i?"r to t_hr Academy student.:!.. TM Voyageur. bo-we,-er. is a- great tm-

pron•m.::nt O\-er the old style pubUca- -~..K.=u~s~?/.:•:/..:'/~"""=~-~~~~~~~ tion. and Lhe in._~tution a -whole. both a.5 a College and an .-\.eademy. ca.n pumt to l t with ~t p.r'.dc..