st. viator college newspaper, 1927-04-07

THE VIA TORIAN PUBLISHED BI-WEEKLY BY THE STUDENTS OF ST. VIATOR COLLEGE, No. 11. THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1927. VOL.44 NORTHWESTERN OPPOSES VIA TOR DEBATERS TONIGHT JUNIORS AND SOPHOMORES ENTERTAIN IN CLUB ROOMS WEEKLY SMOKERS OF LENTEN SEASON MUCH ENJOYED The Sophomores st e pped forward l ast Anoth er link was added to the series Saturday even ing, April 2nd, and ac- o! s easonal e ntert a inme nts l ast Satur- cepted the ir turn ::ts ent e rtainers !or day ni g ht when the Junior Class en- te rta in ed the College Clu b at a "s moker" g iven in the Club Rooms. That the season in great style. The entert ainment opened with a short address by Fa th er Maguire in which he told o! the present ob st acl es confronti ng our dilige nt and ins pired debating team in re gard to their eastern tour and asked that th e college young men, as a unit, would contribut e the ir undi v ided suppo rt to the team. He es- pecially stressed th e fina ncial difficulties th at had ari se n fr om th e withdra w a l o f two of the eastern c oll eges from the de- bating catalogue. In c onclu s ion, Fa ther Maguir e, in a de pr ecatory fashion st ated that he was not compl e te ly adverse to accepting mate ri al contributions from the college stude nts if they continued so strenuously to in s is t upon giving. I mmecli ately followin g the very inter- talk , th e "bi g-g unners" a mon g the five hu ndred. br idge a nd euchre players swun g the ir card decks in to ac· t ion, and the ga m es we re o n. The very noticeabl e preferen ce for five hun dr ed proba bly res ulted fr om.. th e g eneral de- sir i! for hi gh scores (w h e ther in or out of th e hol e di dn't seem to ma ke a great Cifl"t·rt.lJCe with th e majority ), and th e added zes t a ff ect ed by a few , nobl y a te mpting to capt ure either th e hi g hest honors or th e con solati on prize. When the sch ed ul ed fi ve games of five hundred had b een played, the win- ner, Har old "Teats" Cos ti gan, was a.wa r ded fir st pri zt:l . Je tTy V\ 7 hile, a spl endid rewa rd for hi s nobl e and co n- sistent losses . gain ed p ossession of the cove ted "booby" p rize, a ha nd some ten cent p ac kage of " Beechnut." On the h eels of the prize awards, the magi c wo rd "lun ch" was h eard a nd a concert ed ru sh for the lun ch c ount er took pl ace . Stacks of ham a nd peanut butt er sa n dwic h es , aided in th eir do wn- ward co u rs e by cups of steamin g coff ee, and top ped off by coold es of ch oice var- iet y, qui c kl y di sap peared. After t he bounteous feas t th e gu es ts d epart ed for Roy H a ll l eavin g the h os pita bl e sophomor es to th e cl ean-up ta sk. "s mok e r" is a n e ff ective m ea ns for do- in g a w a y with dull a nd lame Sa turday night, s h as been ampl y proven b Y' the two thu s far gi ven. Cards, mus ic , ! ood, and ch atter were aga in the unders cor ed features of th e pt·ogram. None of th ese pas times, how- eve r, could match with the illuminating a nd marvel ou s demons tration given by the notorious "Dut c h. 1 ' ; phr e nologist, Doc H-a rmbruste who w as quite ably ass isted in his unca nny work by the g lib -tongued p sychi a tri st, W. Cut cheon M cCi e lland. Doctors H-nrmbt ·u s ter a nd McClell and, b oth :full o:t de vil ish divina- tio n, astoundecl me mbe rs in the au- di en ce by pene tra ting into the very pene tralia of the minds of th ose present, informin g ever yone wh at e nigmatic t hou g ht s were lurk ing ther e. The doc- to r' s m ys tic p owers c over the past, pr esent a nd futur e. It is onl y at a con · s idera bl e ex pen se th a t h is servic es can be obt ai ned but as h is s ubj ects proved so unus u a ll y Int er es tin g, the doctor re- fu sed to take any re mun eration . Doc 1-1-armbru ster 's d iagn osis r evealed the fa ct th at nin e ty nin e pe ce nt of the audien ce were e ither para noids, or mo- rons. A ccording to hi s esti mate he and his ass is tant were the onl y no rmal per· sons pr esent. E very one w as gr eatly s urpriss ed and plea sed when Jimmi e Dalry mple took oc casion to pr esent th e qu ondam an d th e futur e capta in s of th e basketball s qu a d. Jo hnn y Be nda, th e r eti ring cap- ta in, r eceived hi s r ound of applause wi th customary n ochalan ce. Popular "Duck y" O 'Mall ey , the cap tai n-elect, was ap pare ntl y ove r come by t he cheers th at gr eeted him for when he w as call- ed upon to sp eak, h is nos t rl ls sh ivered a nd q uive red as if in e xpecta ti on o:t ne xt y ear 's r ace. E veryone was highly pl eased with th e cho ice m a de. Coach Sam Mc Alli ste r ' vas called upon to say a few wo rds -which he did in hi s t y pi cal sombre a nd earn es t s tyle, CLUB ESPAGNOLE CERVANTES FIRS'l' HELD IN COLLEGE VLUB The first yea r Spa ni sh Class recently enjoyed a lect ure on Ce rvantes, outstandin g figu re in Spa ni3h lit erat ur e, given by P1·of. J. J. Pe r ez . Th e prin ci- pal ph ases of the w rit e r' s lif o were touc- hed upon, hi s b ir th in Al ca la He nar es tt! 1547 , h is studies at the Uni ver sity of Salaman co a nd hi s atte ndan ce at Sevill e, hi s frien dship with Ca rdinal Aq u avl va. An int ere st- ing passage was an account of hi s br av- ery in th e b at tl e of Lepa nto in which he lost a n a rm a nd ga in ed the name "El Man co de Lepa nt o"-the one -a rmed m an of Lepanto. H e was . for a ti me held pri s on er in Algiers. It is thou ght that. · durin g thi s time , h e wrot e some of hi s immo rt a l li n es. La Galat ea . a p astoral p oem; No vel as Ejemp la r es a nd the m os t famili ar to American r eaders. Don Quixote Y San c ho Pan za are hi s gr eat es t work s. Prot . Perez e xpl ai ned to hi s class in Cervant es occ upi es so hi gh in the world of a rt, and Is fr e quen tl y ca ll · ed the Sh ak espeare or Sp ai n. In an age when roman ces of c hi valry were so much In vog u e, Cer vant es to ok it upon himsel f t o c ombine the reali s tic with th e e nth·ely im agi nat ive and to make the c hl va lresque seem so to tally ridi c ul o us th at th e po pul a r t as te wo uld cha nge. H e s u cceeded to such an ex- te nt that writ ers of other lan ds foll owed his exampl e, N as h, Le Sage a nd others. Pto! Perez closed hi s l ecture with a comparison of the dat e of Ce rvantes and Shak es p ea r e-Ce rva ntes 1547 - 161 6, Shakespea re 1564-1616 . The Club Espanol Cerva nt es he ld its initial mee ti ng In the Coll ege Club rooms on Sa turday m oi- ni ng . Fa ther Plante and Father Marza no were gu ests or the Club . The m eeting was open ed with th e roll cal l a nswe red by a Span- Ish prove rb . Th e pr ogramme consis ted or a Spani sh poe m "Es tudia ," Sr. S I- mon Leg ri s; a S pan is h s to ry "Ca per- cuita R oy a," Seno ri ta M . L ui sa Bea u- cler c; a p iano sel ection " La P alo ma ," R. Gan:a ; o. Spanis h game in which th e en tire cl ass joi n ed ; p iano sel ecti on, R. Garza. AN OPEN LETTER TO Tlill SP A.t"ISH CL UB PROF. JOSEPH J. PERE Z It h as b ee n with s- reat pleas ure and in te r es t that I h ave wel comed the fu l- fillment of the long cherish ed wish of h av in g a Spa nish Club in which the st u de n ts of thi s la n g u age m ay find the b es t way of se lf exp r ess ion . I f eel it my du ty to r espond to t his ca ll, e ncour- age th e e ffo r t s of m y pupil s in th e ir stru ggle for pe rfec ti o n . and k ee p alive th e spilit o:t St. V iat or tllat we of ten h ear e xpres sed in th e Loya lty Song: '"St rive, s tri ve with mi g ht a nd main, Loya l h ea rt s b ea t tor you." The int er es t fo1· thin gs S pa ni sh is be ing fe lt e.very wh ere now in a way neve r before ex perien ced, a nd the heri- t age of Spa in in Ame ri ca, w hi ch in the days of y ore led her to th e climax of her glor y, is n ow a wa ke nin g with a ne w for ce an d ins pi ra tio n. Th e differe nt nn · li ons of th is Con ti ne nt , the m a jority of wh om sp eak th e langu age or Ce rva nt es, feel th e necessi ty of givi ng each ot her a he lping h an d in orde r to effect a be t- ter und Pt-st:l.n cll ng nmon g th emsel ves . In th is ne wl y Co1 ·med Cl u b , o ur ef - to ns shall be di1 ·ec ted, not only towa rd th e m as te ry o:t th e langu age itse lf, but m ore over we sha ll try to ge t Into clo!ier co nt ac t with the hi s tory, lit e rature, cus- toms , a n d traditions or the S panish p eo ple. In th is mann er we will <'Orne to a be tt er und e rstandin g or th ese peo pl e a nd pe rha ps come to the reali- zatio n that we have mu ch in co mmon wi th the m. It is th is lac k o:t u ndersta nd ing that has enge nder ed .so ma ny pre judices , and has prevent ed th e growth ot a s uf - ficiently e nli g ht ened publi c o pin ic;.n In th e United in referen ce to LatJn . America n affa ir s. Ve ry much can be accompli shed wi th good -w Jll and co- ope rat ion , a nd I si n ce rely congratulate m y s tude nts tor th e ir a ttitude, and I enco u rage them to be J oyal- Joyal t o th e ir dut ies- to their teache rs- and to the ir Alma Ma te r. MONSIGNOR QUILLE, '98 TO CELEBRATE TWENTY - FIFTH ANNIVER- SUBJECT IS "RESOLVED THAT THE 18th AMENDMENT BE REPEALED" SARY OF ORDINATION VISITORS WILL UPHOLD THE AFFIRMATIVE SIDE St. Vi ator h as ev e watc hed with a hea rty joy the pri es tl y and even tful car ee r of the Ri g ht R ev. Monsignor Quil le, 98. On Thursday, March thirty- first. Monsi g nor Qulll e cele br ated the twe nty-fifth a nniver sary of hi s ordintl on to th e pri es thood , and on that day St. Vi at or looked down upon her noble son w i th a trul y matrnal s mil e or sat - Isfa ction a nd ha ppin ess. Mon signor Quill e 's life a!-l a priest has been one of e xtr eme cha rity. He has a lways che ri shed the idea of doing some thin g for th e "boy of th e st r eet," and hi s hop es were fu lfilled wh en he w as a ppoint ed to the care of the Mls· sion of Our Lady of Mercy and the Wo rkin g B oys' Home in Chi cago. Nor h as Mo ns ig nor Qullle n egl ected the n eeds of the Catholic working g irl. Al- ready he has added to h is cred it the foundation of the three Rita Clubs that have proven to be such a bl ess in g to Ca tholi c worldng girl s wh o have an a b- solut e n eed of a home among thos e of th e ir own ! aith. Since it is so univer sall y lmo wn it will be quit e unnecessary to retell Monsig- nor Quill e's su cce ss as ge neral sec etary of th e In tern a tion al Euchar is tic con- gr ess. Th e o ff icial motion pictur e of the Con- gress th at Is now be ing sho wn in a l- m os t every pa rt of the world w as also prepared und er h is direction. It is for t hi s r eason that the ,cele bra ti on of hi s S il ver Jubil ee had ... !t o \be p ost poned for three mo nths. . T he fac ult y, al umni. and st udents of St. V iato r Coll ege ar e in the ir wish es for Mon signor Qullle's h ap· piness a nd s uccess in a ll of his chari- table en d eavors for man y year s to come. COACH BARRETT BANQUETED BY ACADEMY TEAM GOLD ROOM OF HOTEL KAN- KAKEE SCENE OF EVENT On th e eve nin g of March 28t h the Ac.:'l.demy graduati ng cl ass a nd me m- bers of th e A cade my bas ke tba ll squad ten de red a ba nquet to Coach Ba rrett in a ppr ecia ti on of his work during the past s eason. Am on g the gu ests of the eve- nin g were Re v. J. W. R. Mag uire, c. s . v . a nd Rev. L. Phili ps, c. s. v., as re presen ta tives of the fa culty a nd Dor- othy a nd Mrs. Earl Math ews of Ka nka- l< ee , m o th er of Ed Ma th ews, a member of th e t eam. Th e dinn er was served in th e Gold R oom of th e Hotel Ka nkak ee. The ta bl es were ar ran ged in the tr ad it ional "V" with accommoda ti ons !or for ty-fi ve din ers. Mu sic :t or th e occasion was fur- ni shed by th e A cademy Or ch est ra. T he '' gra nd e en semble" of floral d ecorations, Orch es tra, gl eaming c handeliers and snowy li n e n produced a very pleasing effe ct. 'With the compl e tion of the meal. Toa s tmas ter Jos e ph Meitzler ext end ed a bri e! wel corne to th e asse mbl ed guests and immediately introduced John Daly, ca ptain of the ba s k e'tba ll tea m a nd pres- ide nt of the Acade my clas s o :t '27. In a very in te r es tin g ta lk, Mr. D a ly as- s ur ed Coach :Ba rret of the hi g h estee m in whi ch he was held by th e m e mbers ot the s qua d a nd the ir a ppr ecia ti on :tor his e ffort s in the ,ir behalf. The ne xt sp ea ker to take th e fl oor was James Co rbe tt of the Gra dua tin g Class who br oached th e s ubjec t of the Me morial Ar ch to be er ected ove r the e nt ra n ce to th e ca mpu s. A very gra tifyin g com· me nd a ti on of th e ba nqu et w as ne xt in or de by Fa th er Ma guir e wh o among oth er t hings told the s t ude nts of his effo rt s to brin g .the Cat holic St ate Tour- nam ent to St. Vi ator 's ne xt year. Se- l ecti ons by th e or chesta. formed an im- po rta nt part of th e a fter - dinn er enter- tainme nt and with th e close of Coach Ba rr e tt' s speech of a ppr eciation th e ba n que t came to a ve ry sati s factory cone! usion a mi d ch ee rS a nd th e chorus ot ' ·Ye Fi g htin g Men ot Vi ator ." Th e V iatoria n st aff l oses a very cap - a bl e sport edit or when W illiam J. Cas- si dy '29 w as forced to di scontinu e his s tud ies las t mo nth . Bill' s d isconttnu· an ce was due to a variety of compllca- ti on s. c hi ef among th em c hr oni c ear t ro uble. We' re hoping tha t he w ill agaJn r es ume bJ s place on the statf when the aut umn sem es ter open s, w hil e w e wish h im th e bes t of su ccess in t he m eantime. Arter a pr ol onged a nd success ful tour field, th e Viat or men were met by Mr. in w hi ch some of th e b est colle ges in James Peif er, a gra duate of last year. the middle west have b een m e t a nd d e- "Jim" c onduct ed th e t eam to his home feat ed, the Northweste rn Un ive rsity where a deliciou s di nner await ed the De batin g t eam fr om Evanston, Illinois, youthful Demos then es . Aft er spe nding w fll m a tch the ir wit s a gai nst the local a delightful hour as the g u es ts ot Mr. trio In an att e mpt to arrive at a proper Peifer, th"e t eam pr oceeded to the K. C. un derstanding of the Prohibition h a ll wh ere t hey were gr eeted by the Amendme nt. The Eva nston t eam has Pr eside nt of the Cathollc Daug hters of a lready def ea ted the s tr ong Mi c higan Amer ica and the Grand K n ig ht or the te:;; S prin gfield Coun cil of the Knig hts of in the debate this e vening. Columbus. He ld in K. C. Hall . ·A large audi en ce re presenting mem- Th e debate will be held In th e Knights bers of both soci e ti es that were span - of Columbu s h Q.ll In Ka nkakee and soring the deba te w as In a tte nda nce Judge D eselm w ill a ct as cha irman. Th e1:e will be no decis ion re ndered after the ar gumen ts have been prese nted but th e audien ce w ill be all owed to in te rr a- gate the de bat ers on a ny point tha t conce rns th e ques tion as presented. Stafford Will Op en Ne gativ e. The case for th e n egati ve , whi ch the Viator t ea m will defe nd, will be opened by Mr. Jo hn St a fford. H e w ill be fol· lowed by Mr. Jam es Conn or. Mr. J. All en Nolan wm conclude the c onstruc- tive for the locals . Int en!iive work has b ee n put on the d ebate during the last few w ee ks in or de r to stren gt h- en the positi on of th e Vi a tor t eam as much as possi bl e. Althoug h R ev. J. W. R. Maguir e, c. s. v. , th6 d ebate c oach, is greatly occupi ed with other matt ers of a v ery imp orta nt natu r e, he h as en- and all were ve ry much pleased with the evening's en t ertainment. Mr. J. Allen Nolan ope ned the d ebate for the affirmative. He was followed by Mr. Maurice LeClair e ,th e first speake r :t or the negative. Th e ne xt s peake rs were Mr. J ohn Ell is and Mr. J o hn Stafford. The case for the affirma ti ve w as closed by Mr. James Connor a nd that o! the negative w as concluded by Mr. Warren Mc Clella nd . Af te r the r eb uttal speech es h ad b een deli vere d, the teams we re dismiss ed for a few minutes while an op en forum vote was take n. The sma ll margin whi ch dete rmjn ed the victory is significant of the compa ratively equal strength of the opposing sides and speaks well for the presenta tion of the indi vidual membe rs of the teams. gaged in several len gt hy s essi on s with Before r etur ning on Wednesday, Rev. h is tea m In preparation for the comi ng J. w. R. Mns-uir c con ducted the t eam season wh ich w111 be the most e xten· through the Capitol. Here the team sive that St. VIator h as ever a tt e mpted. was afforded the oppo rt unity to meet Springfield Hears Debaters. Governor Sma ll in his office, and also Tuesday eve ning, Ma rch 22nd at the the Lieut en an t-Governor. Later the K. C. building in Sprin gfie ld, the s ix House of Re pr ese ntatives was visited men who wtll carry the colo rs of St. while in session and the Speaker in- Viat or in th e inte r-coll egiat e deba tes vited th e debate rs to lis te n t o the hear· thi s y ear m a d e their las t a ppea rance in gs fr om hi s d ai s. Aft e r v isiting all the points of int erest in the State House, F ather Mag uir e s howed the team coac h ot the t ea m, had m ade ar ran ge- through the Ce nt e nn ial Building. A!ter me nts for the t eam in th e cap ital c ity lunching with the . !Pr esident of the and the e nthu sias ti c r ece pti on a ccorded Ca tholic Daug hte rs or America, at the the for e nsic a rti st s in some m eas ure re- famous St. Nicholas Hotel, the m em· b ers or the team visit ed the Lincoln monume nt befor e l eaving the city. On ciologis t. the return trip, a short stop was made As th e trip was made in Rev. T. Har - in Bloomington at the home of Mr. and rison 's motor car, it wa s poss ible to re- Mrs. McClella nd, par e nts or Mr. War· main ove r ni g ht in the capital in order r en McCl ella nd. to go o n a s ig ht- seeing to the follow- ing day. Upon th eir a rrival in Spring- (Co ntinu ed on P age - Two) NEW BEING IMPROVED CLUB Durin g th e p as t t w o week s a corps of wo rkers under the direc ti on of F at her French h ave been bu sy with the ann ua l "sp rin g clea nin g." The wo rk on th e g rounds is mu ch more exte nsi ve than it has eve r b een In the p as t. S pecial attention is be ing pa id to pr ovid e suit - ab le scene ry a nd ba ckground for the t wo new buildin gs ; flower beds and plots are a lr eady b eginning to ta ke form and inte rve nin g -spaces are be in g ra pidl y s odded . Th e un sig htl y tru ck that fl a nk ed th e railroad t rac k duri ng the a utumn a nd w inter months has b ee n re m oved. Th e shacks tha t s hut off th e v iew from th e north side of th e re fr act ory have b ee n either junl<ed or r emoved a nd the h ig h dilapidated b oa rd .'fen ce (redole nt of quondam V iator) that joi ned in c ur ta in - ing th e vi ew h as been re pl aced b y a neat low wir e a ff a ir. Old tl ower bed8 are be in g t ur ned ove r, leaves a nd rubbi sh rak ed up, seed sown , and s od la id. Fat her French is a tru e lover of thin gs b otan ical a nd is g ivin g much of hi s time t o the b eau ti f yi ng of the campu s from thi s a n g le. Art Pro- vanch er and Ed Do nah ue, his immdiat;_e ass ista nts, handl e the ir in s tru- ments wi th a rti s ti c ni cety and seem to de ri ve mu ch pleas ure !rom their refin ed wo rk . At the same time w e observe a crew o! hus ki es d evoting int e ns ive work to the revamping of the sen i or l eagu e basball dia mo nd . An ticipating a strenuous roun d of basebaJl act(vi t y, Fat her Har- rison is takin g precauti on to h ave hi s cli amond in excell e n t sh ape a nd with th is purpose In mind he Is ha ving the sod rem oved. This happens to be very opportune as good u se is fou nd for the s od on t he lawn s a round the two n ew buil d ings. In a ll it's q ui te a st re nuous "sprin g cl ea ning.'' TWO "''EW MEDALS OF HONOR Through th e influ en ce of our teacher, Prof esso M. Mascarlno Chano ux, th e Dan te Alig hi e rl Society of Rome bas e ndowed the Italian depa rtme nt or St. V ia tor Coll ege with two b eautiful gold meda ls ,-on e for the coll ege I talian cla ss a nd th e ot her for the two high school clas ses. One s ide of the medals bears th e l iken ess of Da nt e, and the other pi ctu1·es th e city of Florence, birthpl ace of the g r ea t p oe t, and cradle of the Ita lia n la n g uage a nd a rt s. The med4ls wi ll be bes towe d, not at gradu- ation , but at th e cl osin g of eac h year' s s eco nd sem es te r. "NON NOVA, SED NOVE" A ccordin gly, ne xt June , a m e mber of the ·Ita lia n Ge neral Cons ul ate of Chi · cage wm pr esent the t wo medals to the coll ege and hi g h sch ool s tude nts wh o h ave m os t di s tin gu is h ed th em sel ves In the s tud y o! the Ita li a n Ja n g u ag u e. The t wo m edals of honor will be ea ge rly co nt es t ed by the fift ee n st ud en ts of cot- lege an d h igh sc h ool. L. MARTOCCIO.

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The Viatorian, Vol. 44, No. 11


Page 1: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1927-04-07


No. 11. THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1927. VOL.44



The Sophomores ste pped forward last Another link w a s added to the series

Saturday evening, April 2nd, a nd ac- o! seasonal enterta inments last Satur­cepted their turn ::ts entertainers !or day nig ht when the Junior Class en-

~~:r ~~!e~~h~u~~notke~o~~ ~:e i_~~~~~ te rta ined the College Club at a " smoker" g ive n in the Club Rooms . That the season in g rea t style .

The entertainment opened w i t h a short address by F a ther Maguire in which he told o! the present obstacles confronting our diligent and ins pired debating team in regard to their eastern tour and asked tha t the college young men, as a unit, would contribute the ir undivided support t o the team. H e es­pecially stressed the fina ncial difficulties t hat had arisen from the withdra wa l of two of the eastern colleges from the de­bating catalogue . In conclus ion, F a the r Mag u ir e, in a deprecat ory fashion sta t ed that h e was not comple te ly adverse to accepting m a t e ria l contributions from the college students if they continued s o strenuously t o ins is t upon g iving.

I mmeclia t e ly followin g the very inter­~sting talk , the "big-gunners " a mong the five h u ndred. b r idge a nd euchre players swung the ir card decks in to ac· t ion, and the gam es wer e on. The v e r y noticeable p r e fe r e n ce fo r five hundr ed probably resulted from.. the g eneral de ­siri! for hig h scores (w h ethe r in or out of the hole did n ' t seem to m a ke a grea t Cifl"t·rt.lJCe with the m a j ority ), and the added zest a ffect ed by a few , nobly a t· t empting t o capt ure eit h e r the hig hest honors or the con solation prize .

When the sch edul ed fi ve gam es of five hundre d h a d been played, the win­ner, Harold "Teats" Cos tigan, was a.wa rded firs t pri zt:l. J e tTy V\7 hile, a~ a splendid r ew a rd for hi s noble and con­sistent losses. gained p ossess ion of the cove ted "booby " p rize , a ha ndsome ten cent p ackage of " Beechnut."

On the h eels of t h e prize awards, the magic w o rd "lun ch " was heard a nd a concerted rus h for the lunc h counte r took place. Stacks of ha m a nd peanut butter san dwich es, aided in their down­ward cou rse by c u p s of steaming coffee, and topped off by cooldes of choice var­iet y, quic kl y disap peared. After t he bounteous feast the g uest s departed for Roy H a ll leaving t h e h ospita ble sophomores to the clean -up ta sk.

" s moker" is a n e ffective m ean s for do­

in g a w a y with dull a nd lame Sa turday night,s h as been amply prove n b Y' the two thus fa r give n .

Cards, mus ic , ! ood, and c h atter were a ga in the unde r s cored features of the pt·ogram. N on e of these pastimes , how­eve r, could m a t c h with the illuminating a nd marve lous d em ons tration given by t h e notorious "Dutc h.1 ' ;phre nologist,

D oc H-a rmbrust e x· who was quite ably ass is ted in his unca nny work by the g lib-ton g ued p sychia tri s t , W. Cutcheon M cCielland. Doctors H-nrm b t·us ter a nd M cClelland, both :full o:t devil ish divina­tion, astoundecl m embers in the au­die n ce by pe n e tra ting into the very pe n etra lia of the minds of those present, informing ever yon e wha t enigmatic t houg hts w e r e lurkin g the r e. The doc­to r' s m ystic power s cove r the past, present a nd future . It is only at a con· sider a ble e x pen se tha t h is ser v ices can be ob tain ed but as h is s ubjects pr oved so unus ua lly Inte r esting , t he doctor r e ­fu sed to ta k e a n y r emuneration . Doc 1-1-armbrus te r 's diagn osis r evealed the fact tha t nine ty nine pe t· c ent of the a u die n ce were e ithe r paran oids , or mo­r on s . A ccordin g t o hi s estimate he and his assis tant w e r e the only n ormal per· s ons present.

E ver y one w as g r eatly s urprissed and plea sed whe n Jimmie D a l r y mple t oo k occasion t o present the quondam and th e future capta ins of the basketball squa d. J ohnny Benda , the r etiring cap­ta in, r eceived his r ound of applause w ith customa ry n och a la n ce. Popular "Duck y" O 'Malley, t he cap tai n-elect, was appar ently over com e by t he cheers that g reeted him fo r w h e n he was call­ed upon t o s peak, h is nost rlls s h ivered a nd q uive red as i f in expecta tion o:t next y ear 's r ace. E veryon e was highly pleased with the choice m a de.

Coa c h Sam M cAllister ' vas called upon to say a few w ords-which he did in his t ypical sombre a nd earnes t s tyle,



The firs t year S pa nis h Class recently enjoyed a lecture on Ce rvantes, th~ outstanding fig u re in Spa ni3h lite rat ure , given by P1·of. J. J . Per ez. Th e princ i­pal p hases of the w rite r' s lifo w e r e touc-hed upon , hi s b irt h in Alcala d~ H enares tt! 1547 , h is su ppo3~d studies at the Univer sity of Sala m a n co a nd his attenda n ce a t Seville, hi s f r iendship with Ca rdina l Aq uavlva. An inte rest­ing passage was a n account of hi s brav­ery in the bat tl e of L e pa nto in which he lost a n a rm a nd gained the name "El Man co de Lepa nto"-the one-a rmed m an of Lepanto. H e was . for a tim e held prisone r in A lg ie r s . It is t hou ght that. · during this time , h e wrote some of his imm orta l li nes.

La Ga la t ea. a pastora l poem; N ovelas Ejempla res a nd t he m ost familia r to American r eade r s . Don Quixote Y Sanc ho P a nza a re hi s g r eat es t works .

Prot. P e r e z explain ed t o hi s class in Cervantes occupies so hi g h ~ place in the world of a rt, and Is freque n tl y call · ed the Sha kespear e o r Spain . In an a ge whe n r om a n ces of c hivalry w e r e so much In vog ue, Cer vantes took it upon himsel f t o combine the r eali s tic with the enth·ely im agi na t ive and t o make the c hl valres q u e seem so to tally ridi c ulous tha t the popula r t as te w ould cha nge. H e s u cceeded t o s u c h a n ex­tent tha t write r s of ot he r lands followed his example , Nas h, L eSage a nd othe r s . Pto! P e rez c losed hi s lecture with a comparison of the date of Ce rvantes and Shakespeare-Cerva ntes 1547 -161 6, Shakespeare 1 564-1 616 .

The Club E s pa n ol Cerva ntes he ld its initia l mee ting In the College Club rooms on Sa turday m oi-n ing. F a ther Plante and Fathe r Marzano w er e g u ests or the Club. The m eeting was open ed with the ro ll cal l a nswer ed by a Span­Ish prove rb. The p r ogramme consisted or a Spani sh poem "Estudia ," Sr . S I­mon Leg ris; a S panish s to ry "Caper ­cuita R oya," Se n orita M . L uisa Bea u ­clerc; a p iano se lection " La P alom a ," R. Gan:a; o. Spanish game in which the e n tire class joi ned ; p iano selection, R. Garza.


PROF. JOSEPH J. PEREZ It h as bee n w it h s-r ea t pleasure and

in te r es t t ha t I h ave w elcom ed the f u l­

fillme n t of the lon g c he ri s h ed wish of hav in g a Span ish Club in which t h e

studen ts of thi s la n g uage m ay find the

best way of self expr ess ion . I feel it m y du ty to r espon d t o t his ca ll , e ncour­

age the e ffo r ts of m y pupils in their

struggle for pe rfec ti on . and k eep alive the spilit o:t S t. V iator tllat we often hear expressed in the L oya lty Song: '"St ri ve , s trive with mig ht a nd main, Loya l heart s bea t to r you."

The inte r es t fo1· thin gs S pa nis h is be ing fe lt r ywhe r e n ow in a way never be fo r e expe r ien ced, a nd the heri­tage of S pa in in A m e rica, w hich in the days of y ore led he r t o the climax of he r g lo r y, is now a wa ke ning with a new force and ins pi ra tion. The d iffe r ent nn · lion s of t his Con ti nent , the m a jority of whom s peak the la ng uage o r Cerva ntes, feel the necessi t y of givi ng each othe r a he lpin g h and in orde r to effect a be t­te r undPt-st:l.n cll n g nmong t hemselves.

In th is n e wl y Co1·med Cl u b , our ef­tons s ha ll be d i1·ected , n ot only towa rd the m as tery o:t the la ng uage itse lf, but m oreover w e s ha ll try to ge t Into clo!ier contact with the hi s tory, lite rature , cus­toms , a n d traditions or the Spanish people. In th is manne r w e will <'Orne to a be tte r unde rstanding o r these people a nd perha ps com e to the reali­zation that we ha v e muc h in common wi th the m.

It is th is lack o:t u nderstanding that has engende r ed .so man y pre judices, and has prevented the growth ot a s uf­ficie n t ly enlig hte n ed public opinic;.n In the U n ited Stat~s in r e fe r e n ce to LatJn . American affa irs. V e ry much can be accomplis h ed w ith good-w Jll and co­opera t ion , a nd I sin cer e ly congratulate m y s tudents tor their a ttitude, and I encourage the m to be Joyal- Joyal t o the ir duties- to their t eachers- and to the ir Alma Ma ter .





hea rty joy the pries tly and eventful ca reer of the Rig ht R ev. Monsignor Quil le, 98. On Thursday, M a r ch thirty­first. M onsig nor Qullle cele bra ted the twenty-fifth a nnive rsar y of hi s ordina · tlon to the priesthood , and on that day St. Via t or look ed down upon h e r noble son w ith a truly matrnal smile or sat­Is fa ction a nd h a ppiness.

Mons ig n or Quille 's life a!-l a priest has been one of extre m e c ha rity. H e ha s a lwa ys c he ri s h ed the idea of doing som e thing fo r the "boy of the st r eet," a n d his h opes w e r e fu lfill ed whe n h e was a ppointed to the care of the Mls· sion of Our L a dy of M e r cy and the W orkin g B oys' H om e in Chicago. Nor has M onsig nor Qullle n eglected the n eeds of the Catholic working g irl. Al­ready h e has added t o h is credit the foundation of the three Rita Clubs that h a ve proven to be s u ch a bless ing to Ca tholic worldng girls who h a v e an a b­solute n eed of a home amon g those of the ir own !aith.

Since it is so univer sally lmown it will be quite unnecessary t o r e te ll Monsig­n or Quille's s u ccess as gen e r a l sec t·eta r y of the Interna tiona l E u c ha r is tic con­g r ess.

The off icia l m otion p icture of the Con­gress t hat Is n ow be ing s hown in a l­m ost ever y p a rt of the world w as a lso pre pa r ed under his direction. It is fo r t his r eason that the ,cele bra tion of his S il ver Jubilee h ad ... !t o \be postponed for three m onths. .

T he faculty , alumni. a n d stude n ts of S t. V iator Coll ege are unanimou~ in t h eir w is hes fo r Mons ig n or Qullle's hap· piness a nd s uccess in a ll of his chari­ta ble en deavor s for many years to come.



On the evening of Ma r c h 28th the Ac.:' m y graduatin g class a nd m em­be rs of th e A cademy bask e tba ll squad te n der ed a ba nque t t o Coach B a rrett in a pprecia tion of h is work during the past s eason. A m ong the g uest s of the eve­ning w e r e R e v. J. W. R. Maguire, c. s . v . a nd R e v. L. Philips, c . s . v ., as r epresen tatives of the fa culty a nd Dor­othy a nd Mrs . Earl Mathew s of K a nka­l< ee , m othe r of Ed M a thew s , a member of the t eam .

The dinne r was served in the Gold R oom of the H ot el K a nka kee. The ta bles w e r e arra n ged in t he trad it ional "V" with accommoda tion s !or fo r ty-five dine r s . Music :tor the occasion was fur­nis h ed b y the A cadem y Orc h est r a . T he ''g r a nde e n semble" of flo ra l decorations, Orc h estra, g leam in g chande lier s and snowy li ne n produced a ve r y pleasing effect.

'With the comple tion of the meal. Toastmast er Jose ph Me itzl e r exte nded a brie! w elcorne to the assembled guests and immedia tely introduced John Daly, ca ptain of t he bask e'tba ll tea m a nd pres­ide nt of t he Aca demy class o :t '27. In a ver y in te res ting ta lk, Mr. D a ly as­s ured Coach :Barret of the hig h esteem in whi c h h e was h e ld by the m embers ot the s qua d a nd t h e ir a pprecia tion :tor his e ffort s in the,ir beha lf. The n ext s peake r to ta k e the fl oor was James Corbe tt of the Gra dua ting Class who br oach ed the s ubject of the Me morial Arc h t o be e rected over the entrance to the campus. A ve r y g ra tifying com· m e nda ti on of the ba nque t w as n ext in o r de 1· by F a ther Ma guire who among othe r t hings t old the s t udents of his effort s to bring .the Cat holic Sta t e T our­na m ent t o S t. Via t or 's n ext year. Se­lection s by th e orch esta. f ormed an im­p orta nt part of the a fter-dinne r enter­tainment and with the close of Coach Ba rre tt' s speech of a ppreciation the ba nque t cam e to a very satis factory con e! us ion a mid c heerS a nd the chorus ot ' ·Ye Fig hting Me n ot Via to r ."

The V iatorian s taff loses a ver y cap­a ble sport editor when W illiam J. Cas­sidy '29 w as forced to discontinue his s tudies last m onth. Bill' s d isconttnu· ance was d ue t o a va r iet y of compllca­tion s. c hie f among them chronic ear t ro uble. We' re hoping that h e w ill agaJn r esume bJs place on the statf w he n the a u t umn sem este r open s, w hile w e wish him the best of s uccess in t he m eantime.

Arter a prolonged a nd successful tour field, the Viator m e n were met by Mr.

in w hic h some of the b est colleges in James P e ifer, a gra dua t e of last year.

the middle w est have been m e t a nd de- "Jim" conducted the t eam to his home

feated , the Northwes t ern Unive rsity where a delicious dinne r awaited the D ebating t eam from Eva n s t on, Illinois, youthful D e mosthe n es. After s pending

w fll m a tch the ir wits a gain s t the local a delightful hour as the g uests ot Mr.

trio In a n attempt to arrive at a prope r Peifer, th"e t eam proceeded to the K . C.

understanding of the Prohibition h a ll where t hey were g r eet ed by the Amendment. The Eva nston team has Pres ident of th e Cathollc D a u g hter s of a lready de feated the s tron g Mic higan Ame r ica a n d t h e Grand K n ig ht or the

~:t;~;s~~~n t:~:e~~da te: ; ; ~str~~g d:~~ S prin gfield Counc il of t h e K n ig hts of

in the deba t e this evening. Columbus. H e ld in K. C. Hall . ·A large audie n ce r epresenting mem-

The deba te will be h e ld In the Knights bers of both socie ties that were span­of Columbus h Q.ll In K a nkakee and soring the deba te w as In a ttenda nce Judge D eselm w ill a ct a s c ha irman. The1:e will be no decis ion r e nde r ed after the a r gument s have been presented but the audience w ill be a llowed to in terra­gate the debate rs on a ny point that concerns the question as presented.

Stafford Will Open N egative. T he case fo r the n egative , whic h the

Viator t eam will de fe nd, will be open ed by Mr. J ohn Sta fford. H e w ill be fol· low ed by Mr. J a m es Connor. Mr. J. Alle n N ola n wm con clude the construc­tive ~peeches fo r the locals . Inte n!iive work has been put on the debate during t h e last few w eeks in order to stre n gth­en the position of the Via tor t eam as much a s possible . Althoug h R ev. J. W. R. Mag u ir e, c . s. v. , th6 debat e coach, is greatly occupied with othe r matter s of a v ery importa nt natur e, h e has en­

and all were ve ry muc h pleased with

the evening's entertainment. Mr. J.

Allen Nolan opened the debate fo r the affirmative . H e was followed b y Mr. Maurice LeClaire ,the first speaker :tor the negative. The n ext s peakers were Mr. J ohn Ell is and Mr. J ohn Stafford. The case f o r the affirma tive w as c losed by Mr. James Connor a nd that o! the negative was con cluded by Mr. Warren McClella nd. Af te r t he rebutta l speech es had been deliver ed, the t eams wer e dismissed for a few minutes while an op en forum vote was take n. The small margin whic h de te rmjned the victory is significant of the compa rative ly equal strength of the opposing sides and speaks well for the presenta tion of the in dividual m embers of the teams.

gaged in s e ve r a l le n gthy s essions with Before r etur ning on Wednesday, Rev. his tea m In preparation for the com ing J. w. R. Mns-uirc con ducted the t eam season w h ich w111 b e the most exten· through the Capitol. Here the team sive that St. VIator has eve r a tte mpted. was afforded t h e opportunity to meet

Springfield Hears Debaters. Governor Small in his office, and also Tuesday e vening , M a rch 22nd a t the the Lieuten an t-Governor. Later the

K. C. building in Springfie ld, the s ix House of R epresentatives w a s visited men who wtll carry the colors of St. while in session and the Speaker in­Viato r in the inte r-collegiate de ba tes vited the deba te rs to lis ten t o the hear· this y ear m a de their las t a ppearance ings from his dais . Afte r v isiting all

~:~~~~ ~:aeso~o-rm;!v~i~n;~ R~f Mt:geui~:: the points of inte r est in the Sta t e House, F ather Maguire s howe d the team

coach ot the team, had m ade arr a nge- through the Centennial Building. A!ter m ents for the t eam in the capital c ity lunching with the . !Pr esident of the and the enthus iasti c r eception a ccorded Ca tholic Daug hte rs or America, at the the forensic a rtists i n some m easu r e re- famous St. Nicholas Hotel, the m em·

~l;c~~r\~~~!fdh ~:~e:~o~h~~;h;a;:~~~e~~ bers or the team visited the Lincoln monument before leaving the city. On

ciologist. the return trip, a short s top w a s made As the trip was made in R e v. T . Har- in Bloomington at the home of Mr. and

rison 's m ot o r car, it was pos s ible to re- Mrs. McClella nd, parents o r Mr. War· main over nig ht in the capita l in orde r r en McClella nd. t o go on a s ig ht-seeing tom· the follow- ---=-=-===~--------ing day. Upon their a rriva l in Spring- (Continued on P age - Two)


During the past t w o week s a corps

of w orke rs unde r the direc tion of F athe r

Fren c h have been b u sy with the ann ua l

"spring cleaning ." The w ork on the g rounds is muc h m or e exten s ive tha n

it h a s ever been In t h e pas t. S pecial attention is be ing pa id to provide suit­ab le scen e ry a nd ba ckground fo r the two new buildings; f lowe r beds and plots a r e a lready beginning to ta ke form and inte rvening - s pa ces a re bein g ra pidly s odded .

The unsig htl y truck that fl a nked the railroad t rack duri ng t h e a utumn a nd w inte r months has been rem oved. The shacks tha t s hut off the v iew from the north side of the r e fract ory have been eithe r junl<ed o r r emoved a nd t he h igh d ilapida t ed board .'fen ce (redolent of quondam V iat or) tha t jo ined in c urta in ­ing the view h as been re placed b y a neat low wire a ffa ir.

Old tlowe r bed8 a r e be ing t urned ove r , leaves a nd rubbis h r a k ed u p , seed sown , and s od la id. Fath e r Fre nc h is a true lover of things botan ical a nd is g iving much of hi s time t o the beau ti fyi ng of the campu s from this a n g le. Art Pro­vanche r and Ed D onahue , his imme· diat;_e assis ta nts, handle the ir ins tru­ments wi t h a rtis tic nicet y and seem to de rive muc h p leasure !rom thei r r e fin ed work .

At the sam e time w e observe a crew o! hus kies devoting intens ive w ork to the r eva m pin g of the senior league base· ball dia m ond . An ticipating a strenuous r ound of basebaJl act(vi ty, Fathe r H a r ­r ison is taking precaution t o have his cliamond in excelle n t s hape a nd with th is purpose In mind h e Is ha ving the sod re m oved. This happen s t o be ver y opportun e as good u se is fou nd for the s od on t he lawn s a round the two n ew build ings. In a ll it's q ui te a s t renuous "spring clean in g .''

TWO "''EW MEDALS OF HONOR Throug h the influe n ce of our teache r ,

Professo1· M . Mascarlno Cha no ux, the Da n te A lig hierl Socie t y of R ome b a s endow ed t he Ita lia n de pa rtment or St. V ia tor College with two beautiful gold m eda ls ,-one for the college I talian c la ss a nd the ot he r for the two high school class es. On e s ide of the medals bears the like n ess of D a nte , and the other pic tu1·es the city of Florence, birthplace of the g rea t p oe t, and cradle of the Ita lia n la ng uage a nd a rts . The med4ls wi ll be bes tow ed, n ot at gradu­ation , but a t the c losing of each year' s s econd sem es te r.


A ccording ly, n ext June , a m ember of the ·Ita lia n Gen e ra l Con s ula te of Chi· cage wm present the t wo m eda ls to the college a n d hig h school s tudents who have m ost di s ting uished them selves In the s tudy o! the Ita li a n Ja n g uague. The t wo m edals of hon or w ill be ea gerly contes ted by the fifteen students of cot­lege and h igh school.


Page 2: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1927-04-07

Paze Two THE VIA TOR.IA.; '


I A fe.,. cl:iS1o ago en: OCCIUT\'d & • John T. t IO U.. T

e.ra.1 ln tb& ViCinity ot Roy ~ to A h 'rr l'dl«!d'uJ The ntnth reguJar meeung o! tbe Hall. It was son at e.xate.m:e.nt u dUOWl M<:.reb.rial dut.ltl:~ a.n Un~n

College club w-a.a h~d tn the Club room tendant upon a ~t -.1~ oa a ~lan!h.lp e.x;a.m, and otbu dUll .. lie. on lbe e\""ening ot :\1a.r(:.b ! th. Afte:r .l.tonday morntns- in a loop depan:m:e.nt John T~ El.1.:t:, Ms. C"Ou.nd it lror*.mU\'1t . the minutes ot preY10tl! meeting bad st:ore. Some o! lhe worldly w ise sopbo- t.bat be up bts 'W'CU"k ln lb., t'-'"'n .. ..,. been voted upon t-wice ln order to se- mores concluded that the only way t o !!Jc fl ld. Durin~ th ma.ny lintlna,.n'" cure approval of them. the bu:atneas of sell Uckets !or the daSlJ dance !!; on d bates • Elli~ d mon.s.t.rnt td h.t.s tal· the meeting was begun. Preaide.nt DaJ. the modern pLan of inten.s.i,·e o.d'f"ert.i~ ent as a. public I!~ on numero\l!l rymple U]>lained to the me.mbers the ing. So t.he rumor ~prea.d a.round the occat'Yon.s and hb po-pular pf"tOl "-'lU. cause of the long lnterYal that bad campus lhat. immediately atter dinner t..remendou.!.. Hls 1088 w111 be t •ll k~n~ elapsed since the last regular meeting. th·e tickets t or the poet·F..aster Sopb~ ty nn4 ~t c:.\rl'its with tt h t h.1ntarr He assured them, howe .... ·er, that tbe more dance would be throw-n trom t.he rt't\J.sal to nu.ko the much CO'\ ted ~t· meetings would be held a t regular week· cast std.c third corrJdor w-ind.O~"'l!l ot Roy C'rn trip.. ly Intervals tn the tuture. HaLl. Xeedles.s to say a wtld scrnmble Bostoo Colle Here ptil 1!.

An Important resolutlon con cerning followed. Among lbe j0$tllng crowd Just n. week ~!or& tbclr d p.:: rtu" the property ot the College club room were seen "Nig" Dunne. Leo Larkin tor the (>A!!lf}rn tour, the team will meet was Introduced b}~ Mr. 1Varren McClel· o·Gr-ady. BleUL Ward, Ch!l.r Uo LeW'ls Boston CoUe~G here on tbc que:aUon land. Coupled with resolution was "Boob·· E'-"UJ"d , Brown, and SLstlckey "Re'solved that the Elght~nth Amend· another one ot equal tmportance. A A.t least these were tb.e more B.rdent ment Should 00 Rt:!~nled tmm~tcty~·· prolonged discussion o r the resolutions fighte rs among the "Sale Seeking Suc.k In thls debate. Y1ato.r wU1 dctond lbe was held and since no definite action ers." The little red card·boo.rd!! were n..trirmative &Ida and wtll be "-'Pn! nled could be decided upon, the matter was tossd to tbe winds: n wild sc..-unble tol by ~rr. J ohn StnJTord nnd lr. "\\·a..rt"('n

THE NATIONAL CATHOLIC TOURNAMENT referred to the Ad,·lsory Board tor con· lowed. ..Letty·• Lnenbardt nnd Nelson McClelland. Thl• enstern t >m \viii sideratlon. President Da.lrytnple l ot the turnlp·heartcd phltnntbroplsts meet Viator M o. po.r t or n. tour or thu

Th e fourth a nnu a l m eeting of the representative Catholic Hi~h tonned the club that a meeting ol the w::Ltched thoir prey trom the upper win west during which mo.ny ot the l('o.dlng f h U · d St t held at Loyola gym In above mentioned Board would be held dows. Great expectation spread over co11c""es ot the middle-western stntet S h I b • k e tball teams o t e n•te a es "

c oo a m ·Jn e the n ation a l c h ampion has been relega ted to the during the week and a report would the crowd walting below !or the law oC will be cnocountercd. 'Vben tha St. ordeT to defter t However it is not true that its beneficial be rnnde at the next meeting so that the gra...,1ty to be tulftllcd. But lo! The VIator tell.Jll o.rrlves In BQ8tQn on AprU category o p as t even s. k .d bl t" t enu resolutions mJgbt be again reterred to tables were turned. Some one !rom lho 27lh they will dobn.te Boston Colle;'!

ff ts h ave been 80 fl eeting. It would ta e c ons1 era e lme . 0 f the College club as a body, at the next Courth corrtdar windows threw a bucket again. e ec 1 th e many r eally fine results that emanate from meetings O regular meeting. ot water on the would· be phHnntbro m era e h h f · t ·n the tournament as Since there was no furth er business, plsts' heads. More water !ell on the REY. F. A. HERIDA th " kind· som e app ly to t ose w

0 par IClpa e

1 h Mr. McCarthy of R ocktord en tertained scramblers below , who, in spite or the News reaches us rrom the ReT. F. A . · d. ·d ~l s others a pply to the teams as units, and even

1 e SP';"~ the moUon tor adjournment. This WM drenching, picked up the prizes. Oh! Sheridan ot Columbus College, Sioux 10

JVI u ' worthwhile benefits from the spec tacle of well-tram . seconded by Mr. J ohn Bendn ot Duluth. What a Joke! The much taught tor Falls. South Dakota. W hen Ftlther t~r~the:~r~~~~ th e colors of his sch ool into t~e fray of an a thletic Motion was C::L rrled and enacted. tickets Proved to be hang-overs fmm Sbe1·idan was n Jlrotessor n.t St. Vlnt or

Ycontest. To this y ou n g a thlete, his sch ool and 1. t s honor rep res~nt ahn Advisory Board !\l oots . the pre-Lenten Junior dance. A ll t or he used to speak before large nudJe.n+ d l ll d d 1 a n 1s t e P resident James Dalrymple cal1ed a na ught. The ducket seekers received cc!! , but they were more or lese Umltcd.

idea] Th e preserva tion of this i ea unsu Je a n c e. H meeting of the Advisory Board o:t the only a duckin g. lle has now en la rged the field of hi~ thou~ht th a t dominates every ac t of the ydo~ngd ~omp~_ttt~r.. ~ College club on Sunday morning, April oratorical endeavors with the n.salsta.nce ho es to h eap more g lory upon hi s school, an

1n mng .t

1s e

15 ~0 3rd. The purpose or the meeting was At the recent debate In Springtleld. ot tho microphone. Father Shcrlda.n co~cemed with th oughts of self but is satisfi ed to have himself buned to consider the resolutions which were a tragedy a lmost occurred when Maur· h as taken to the ai r, and It you will h d proposed a t the las t regula r meeting ot tee LeClaire had a slight hemmorhnge pick up your earphones you will hear

in t h e g lory o f t e g r eater goo · . · the College club by Mr. Warren Me· at the hotel atter winning the debate. him broadcasting his lectures, that One lookin g on from the outside is able to dete~mtn_e WJth con· Clelland. All members ot the Board The tensi ty with which he put over hls becomi ng extremely popular, or one ol

siderab]e accuracy jus t h ow much success each compfetLJ:of r m Lt~af t ~on~ were present except Mr. Eugene Sam - final rebutta l overstrained the tissues the many athletic games tha t are bolng

test will u l timately achieve in th e larger arena o l e . 1

e IS a mon who was detained unavoidably. around the nasal cavity, but before t he -::P:;'":;Y:;e;;;d;:;l;:n;:;th:;e:.:,w;:e;:s;:t.:;:;:;..:;;:;::;:;::;:;:;:;;:;::;; b tile for

'·deals-it calls for loyalty a nd tru. th a nd p erseverence. At'ter the resolutions had been read doctor was called, he recovered very ..

a d ft h d agaJn, a number or important changes quickly from his Indisposition. Sometimes it happens th a t the ideal is not attame eve'? .a e r a ar were made and the approval ot the and d e te rmi ned stru ggle with opposing f o rces. Oppo(sttlon _was ~et members or the Board was placed upon What is the matter with the sopho-­a nd overcome-and if n ot overcome, no thought o unfalr means !them. They were then lett 1n the care mores? We only recentl y heard tha t e ntered th e competitor's h ead. We cannot s~~ that sue~ a noble ot the Secretary ot the club who will they have been functioning a ll year Contest Was a failure . It is not a lways the fruJtton of_ a n 1deal that present them a t the next meeting. without the proper quota in official dtg­

h f 1 Some other important affairs were men- nitaries. Either a spring awakening, hold s the most joy and pleasure-ve.ry ? ft en it is t e su ccess ~ prep tioned at the meeting but since many or the necessity of a duly a uthorized a ration for th e batt le that m akes one s· ltfe a real _success. Thts p~ep~ ot the members had other engage- careta ker for the receipts of their a p­a ra tion con sists in s tric t se lf ~discipline, self-demal, and the culhva- men ts, H was decided to postpone a dis· preaching dance disclosed to them the tl.on of good h abits of conduct. . cusslon o! them untU a later date. tact that t or seven months they have

fi d been In vesting their funds without a


Book and Furniture


Everything in Books and


M any of these lesson s are learned in a sig ni cant way unng treasurer. To meet the emergency they the progr ess of a tournament such as tha t r ecently h e ld a t Loyo la I I elected James AJien Nolan to fi ll th e -----·-------1 University in C hicago. The competition was . kee n, the contest was OBITUARY chair left vacant by Floyd "Red" Strom· £ long, and the laurels were a ttractive. ! o surv rv:e meant a pro~er co~ berg , treasurer-elect, who did not return Groceries Confectlone1")'" ordination of muscl e and brain and will. Y et t t would b~ ~nJust to L----M- R- S-. -1\IA_ R_ Y_D_ E_E ____ ~~e~~~~~~l ~~s~~~:~t:~b:;~d.~~t~=~r~~~ accuse those teams w h o were not su ccessful in the compehtlon, of a It is with feelings ot deep regret bad that such exertion was necessary. lack of e ffort. They undoubtedly p layed as well as they were able tha t we record the death or Mrs. Mary Amedee J. Lamarre

Bourbonnais, Ul.

l Cigars Notions

and tha t is a ll that a ny one can do. We wou~d not d_etra.ct any of th e De'e, at her home In Bloomington, Ill - Arthur Armbruster displayed some or g lory from the winner-we have enough secti onal pnde I.n ~s to e;en !~~~~h. onMr~~~:~ ::: t~i;h~~;~:r ~; his laten t power as a "Crystal Gazer" g lory in the success of o ur n e ig hboring institution- yet lt 15 posst~le :Mr. Leo Dee, '26·, who is pursuing his ~::ty~at~~~n~!~h~o~etho~ Jt~:io~nr:;~ tha t even the l east successful team in the t ournamen_t from_ th e poin t studjes tor the priesthOOd at St. Pa ul edge acquired from Fa ther French's of view of scores, carried h ome with it a lesson ~n for_htud e a nd Semina ry in Minnesota. '.ro t he ber- psychology class remained in the sub­sportsma nship that n o troph y no matter what its dtmenstons, could eaved famil y or Mrs. Dee we extend conscious mind. Added to this , his re- .. -. .. --... ·----

he nacvleosaen. eTduhcaat 1~1s0 nafatl· evraallul eth0ef rfeaarl ma~~=ni~gp~~~~~~\h~:t;h~\el~~~~ ~u\s';.cere sym:a:hy • and condolence. :~ite~i~\t~e~~1ee ·;~e:\~j~~; ~~0~~~ 1 Mrs. D. H. K amman ,

poise. However , to quote his own words , m eri t s of th e a thletic prowess of th e competito rs. . ~m. FRIL'ICIS KLAUS. his s tudy or the mind .. covers every· ~

Those w h ose la b or and p e rsevera n ce h ave made th1s a nnual The Viatorian staff was grieved t o thing ! rom the sublime to evolutionistlc tourney a possibil ity, a nd even now a looked-for event, des~rve a learn of the death or Mr. Francis Klaus, with a dabbling in psychoanalysis. He

vo te of thanks,-not only from those who actua lly compete In the ~.~~e~t~:r t~~ ~~~;g;a:e~a;;!:n";a~:~i ~7~ la~~. wrC:rt~1i~h:~~~s~~n%::;r~~ ~he~ J

D. H. K=

D. H. Kamman & Co. Manutacturers ot

e vent, not only f ;om t h ose schools th a t a re represented~but also February. The deceased passed a way crysta l, psycho-s uggestion, and personal


from everyon e w ho apprecia tes successful e~or~s made t o Inc ulcate at his home in GlencOe, Minnesota on cleverness, a tew minutes ot pleasant - ~ sound princip les of fa ir-play and sportsmanship Into the youth o f our Friday, March the twenty-second. Mr. laughter.

Klaus was one of Glencoe's most re·

country. spected and trustworthy citizens. The It is rather amusing at these card ~=============~

High Lite Ginger Ale and Grape

a nd all Kinds ot Sot t Drinkll


ON 11JRNING CORNERS ~~~~=~~~\:~i:~~:d 0tro t::e f:~~~i~ :~~ f:;u:~etor~'~e ~iet::~~m;~r~:;sopt~~~ ~ -Once u pon a time a g rea t mathematic ia n arriv~d a t th e some- relatives who mourn his loss. R. I. P. are a!raid that they will be obl!ged to

wha t s t a rtling fact that a straight line is the shorte~t dist~nce betw~en throw the b id in the upperclassmen's two Pol.nts. Tested from a scienti fic point of vtew, hts conclusion favor i! they mix ln. Or maybe there

h d I l r I·s method in their actions. At any was quite correct. Considering th e fac t that th e world is not 8 a pe THE INQUIRING ate, the Seniors a re taking home the lik e a monkey cage, even though i t does contain any number of that prizes. Break it up, Freshmen. species o f being it would seem tha t no accura te_ appl~cation coul~ be REPORTER Burke Monahan and Gene H offman made relat ive to the axiomatic rule of the s tratght hne. In a g iVen !..._ ____ =-_:....________ ::~edfo;o:~1ce t~~:e;~~e. co~~ a~~ case o n o ur own campus, however, if the d estina tion of the pedes~ QUESTION proaching they saw J oe Harrington trian h appens to be Marsile h a ll '.'nd h is startin g point R oy h a ll, one base.llall standing by the net waiUng t or an op.

trip will convin ce the observer t h a t there is o n e a pt, yet h a rmful ~l~ur;ube tl~i:!~is l~::t inu;~!~~ of track pBounreknet .. ·· oThheyGe"e\.opwpeed. -doGn~tnewSaian.dt tt oo ·~ method of d e monstrating the straight line theory. The first demon- as a major sport?


BREAD 1'It.B Quality Satisfies"

G. Arseneau Bakery Bourbonnais, ID.

strati on will undoub ted ly occur at the drinking fountain, th e second WHERE ASKED ~~:.':. w~~eJ~:In:~~ct.!:~~tu~.,;,o l~n:;a:~ j a t th e mai l box, and the third at th e last rig ht tum. Undoubtedly R oy Hall . tough. Byron Evard gave blm a ter·l N. the reason why one is so seldom disappointed in watching for this th~~h~ B~u~~a~l~;;;~·g;t ii: ~;:_;v~~!~~ rible trirruning a week ago Sunday It a pplted m a thematical truism is perhaps due to the a d vanced (and happens that good trac~k mater:al is un- you don't believe it, ask him. righ t ly so too) con d ition of th e s tud e nts' m ental acumen. They are available and a track team in this case

h · b ·1d· th Signs of Spring. fully a\-vare that the distance b e twee n t e vanous ut tngs o n e WOlllcl be only mediocre at best. Al- Larry O"Shea is sporting a. brand t campus can be traver sed in much fas ter time if the sm iple .expedient t! .o~gh many schools in thls secticn new cream color suit.


The Barber

Bourbonnais d~~c~~t!~i~:~~h~;s;r::~::~rte~ ~so~ g~!:~rti%'e :~~e!ho~~~n s~;~l~ •s:~ !:~~:~1\~~~~~f~:?:~si~:{i~~!:~:a! ch<;!~~gher Is a ll dr~ssed up !<>r a

average s tu ent is so occupte Wlt ts utles a e mus e e baseball team than an interior track heavies away In moth balls. d · d · h h · d · th t h t b v ry Tom Dillon has care tully packed his ::::::::::::::::·=--===·===~ solici tou s con cernincr the a llotment o f the periods of the day. On no aggregation.

account should h e be eo"<pected t o forego th e pleasure which he d e- Here at St. VIator such a change rives from t h e four or five hours that he spends in heated and some· would certainly be unadvisable. We al­

times sen seless controversy '\vith his fellow s tudents in an attempt to ~~~~~al~~=e~~ ~~'"!~b~er:e~~~tfZ:s~ determine which one of them h as t h e strongest lungs. And there In track and drop baseball. It would. be are other functio ns of equal importance that simply must be arranged several years be!ore anything like a for- Economy, if nothing else, prompts a short delay after the bell representative team could be produced. has sounded for class in order t o enjoy the last dregs of a favorite J ohn "P ete" Harrington, Junior: In

The ! ollow:ing contributions to this f column came from a mysterious some· J

1 bod_y who delights in slipping their masterpieces quietly under the door :

brand ; then follo,vs a regular marathon a c ross the campu s in an a~: ~~e~P~;o~~:~l s~o:~le~~~ ~ ~~~ tempt to arrive before roll call. The net result is more .. applied jar sport. Baseball is the oldest game mathema tics. that is played in America today and we

To those who h ave been so faithful in a ttempting to fin d the should not a bolish it merely because shortest distance bet'\veen the various building s on the campus we trom a financial point o! '\iew It is not

admit recognition of thei r vast contribution to the advancement ~rf ~:~.lebu~~s;~ ~!e ~~;e;r:etsn~~ the science which deals with plane figures. We admit too that th~ tor the profit that is derived. but tor demonstrations have resulted in a double proof- first that .. cutting" the physical and mental development ot shortens the distance and lessens the time--and secondly that unfor- the man. Track would be as costly a tunately. lhe practice is disastrous to the grass '\l,thich a beneficie.nt s-port as basebalL This Is not a fitting God endowed an a ptitude to grov~r and flourish:- ..- lime to commerc!alize the Ameri~

Fear not the consequences of staying o n the side walks. The sports. authorities have ample guarantee from those who made them that Where ha>e we beard this be!ore? they wi ll endure many many more .~ears. Give the v.t;-rdure a chance ''Say, J ohn. Why did you throw and l et the first sign of Spring be Turn the C o mers . those things?"

"John Ellis has been told so o!ten that he excels all the other members ot the debating team that he Is now beginning to believe it himsel!. In tact, It is said t hat the lack o! com petition compelled him to wttbdraw !rom the team..''


Complete Une ot: J ewelry High Grade Repalrlng

ll7 So. Schuyler Ave.


"Someone said that the McClelland- ~===::======::==~-Armbruster act at the Junior Smoker i should be entitled "Mind and :Matter". j

St. Viator should be in line t or an· ! other championship. So tar the debat· ing team has won every con test."

! !

I McCarthy: "Say Koch, have you some

new dish washers? · Koch: "Yes, Why?" McCarthy . uThere are naw and

strange fing~r prints <1n the plates "

Edwin Pratt Sons Co. (lne.)

M.a.nutacturere ot eve;"Ytlrl-nc In Wire and Iron Work, Fire :E. capes, Wire and Iron Feneea, Store Fronts, Stair Rallinp, Steel Stairways. Vent Owora., Structural Steel We>rk.


Page 3: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1927-04-07


Congratulations VIATOR SPORTS Nice Going O'Malley Delaney




Nothing is so gratifying to a young coach, especially one so young as our own Sam McAllister, than to place one of his players tn the top rung of the All-State choice. But this same individual not only placed Michael J. De­)a.ney with the greatest 1JG:te but sent the young Evard &nd his buddy O'Malley up for honore on the second t eam, and placed captain J ohn Benda, l ead­er of the third team. Moreover Jim Dalrymple got honorable mention in a field literally teem­ing with crack forwards, and in add~tion was chosen in the All­Western choice of basketeers. All this · reflects great credit on the present coach, and with him at the helm next year and six letter men to work with , basketball at St. Viator seems destined to re­gain the former high position it once held.

Great Record. T oo much credit cannot be

given to the individual members or the team. Out or eighteen games played, fourteen were vic­tories, and t w o of the losses were

With one of the best and earliest springs in the past several t o help things along, Old King Baseball is ready to ascend the throne. Western State Normal, known generany a •; Kalama­zoo, will be trimmed up tor the festive occasion, which is to take place -Wed· nesday, April 20th, immediately follow· ing the Easter vacation.

It has been a rather difricu1t task to induce other colleges to meet St. Viator, and out of the volume ot letters that first found their way into the mall De­cember 17th last, t he following sched· ule is t he result :

April 20-Western State Normal, here. April 21-Chanute F ield, Rantoul. April 22-Concordia, St. Lollis. April 23-St. Louis, St. Louis. May 2-West Virginia U., h ere. May 3-Bradley, P eoria. May 4-111. State Normal, Normal. May 6:--Valparalso, here. May 11-:Millikin U., home, (tentative) May 13-Cbanute Field, here. May 20-Michigan Aggies, Lansing. May 21-Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo. May 25, Valparaiso, Valparaiso. May 28-Bradley, here. June 4, Notre Dame, Notre Dame.

by a single point. Practically Standing, Left to 'Right: McAllister, Coach ; Delaney, Lae nbardt, Costigan, O'Malley, Bielli, Harrington, Manager. quences of this game, even though it every game was a thriller, and Seated, Left to Right : Dunne, McCarthy, Dalrymple, Bend a, captain ; Evard, Campbell, Herbert. comes so early in Viator's · schedule. the cl.i:max. of them all was the c__ _________ _::__ _ _____ ----:--::----:--:-=-----=----=-----:--;:::;~;;:::~;:;;:::-:;;;-;;;-:;;::;--:;:~~~-- Then another spot that is indeed high s·ensatlonal victory over the Kankakee out a brilliant year. It was in the St. O'Malley tO Lead SCHEDULE FOR range is the John Carroll University A. A .. made up of former Viator stars Xavier game, when Benda's tireless game at Cleveland. There are sport and ex-Little Nineteen players. It was racing around the court, playing a mar- 1928 BasketeerS FOOTBALL LOOKS writers throughout the State w h o are in this game- that the great t t.lent in the velous offensive game with an equa11y enthusiastic about the great work o! ranks of St. Viator reached its superb defensive game gradually taxed INTERESTING St. Viator as a football machine. It is highest point. D elaney, who started 'the last limit o! his endurance, and tho · high time that Viator were branching this year as runner-up for the he was willing a nd anxious to continue John Austin "Hooks" O'Mall~v. the out, and if the coming Season measures guard position against Campbell and to the final whistle, the Coach sent in a ~~1~k~;~b;,n~7s i:ho~~~ ~~· ~~:t;:e ~~~: St. Viator College has a big chance up to the expectations of the Faculty Herbert , came through with the best relief. Only a superman could stand ketball machine during the year 1928_ 0splocrltimnbewinsgtih·n


.stoFtahlel bfroecanuts0


fetsheolvtehrye Athletic Board, the policy of accepting performance of a year that was filled the terrific dash o! the Viator captain invitations from distant and more wit h wellnigh perfect workmanship that night. It was a case ot personal !~vee: ~~~te~~a~n r~:~~stow~~: ~:~~~s~~ high class schedule that has been ar- prominent Universities will be pursued. Benda was already established, as were glory being subordinated to t h e glory ranged. The game ot games should be The schedule follows: Dalrymple and "Hooks'' O'Malley, but o·! the t eam. Benda's supreme effort ~~o:a:v~~u~~k~h~e~:e~e:o~h~~~o~ee~ the battle that will be staged in Sox Marquette University, :Milwa ukee, a new light broke into the picture in that night was more satistyin.; to him· 4 to 3. The vote showed the high es- ptoabrekralgsati.nbsut tDtehPearuel aUreniv


tebresirstyeoqnuaJOJcy· Sept. 25. the person of Byron Evard, the Fort self and to tl:ose who know him than Eureka, at Eureka, Oct. 7. · Wayno !lash, who turned the tables at a h1gher place on the State Tea m. Had leern awl affecllonate loyalty the team great, and in some respects great er, Millikin, a t Decatur, October 16. Valparaiso with 22 points in the second Benda known his work in the St. Xav- has tor .the tw? outstanding candidates spots on the cat.Q.. For instance, Mar- Columbia (Homecoming( Oct. 21. hal!, at a moment when Viator was ler game would be a deciding factor in for the JOb. Mike made All·State 1 ~ his quette University, whiCh will meet the Bradley, P eoria, ·oct. 29. trailing, 14 to 7. It is t oo much to ex· t he final summary of honors h is eon· sophomore year, a feat whlch is hlghly .Anny on October 1st wi ll face St. Via. Illinois State Normal, Normal, Nov. 6. poot a better showing next year, but duct would not have -been changed. praiseworthy, and "~oaks" ran sec- tor's s ta lwarts the V:eek previous No John Carroll, Cleveland, Nov. 12. It is not a vain hope that the team of Such is Viator spirit. ond only to the great Anderson, of II- need to mention the posstbl ~onse· DePaul University, Sox Park, Oct. 1.

1928 will come through with a perfect linois Wesleyan, who is one of the best, =============e=================:-:.:;,;:-: season . Only the uncertainties or bas· • G . rr·b t jf not the best center, ever developed in .. ketball will prevent this achievement. v Iator aiDS I u e the Little Nineteen. "Hooks" has an i fl... I Gold Footballs and Monograms Awarded From Notre Dame E·ven and amiable disposition, his talent =,: ... r A . ' ~L t D. t .b t I

Captain John Benda and six team is undisputed, and his loyalty nevec u- ', · merrca s" arges lS rr u ors mates were awarded white monogram c.;l~ed; he should make a fitti~g leader i .:a.

sBwoaeartdero~ aC~~~;ol~e~~~~·a':s ~~oA!~~~~; The baseball game scheduled at South ~i:1;:~~~~~~~ld bo an _ undefeated St. l NO 10 CANNED GOODS f ~ Bend for June 2nd has been transferred •

this honor were: Captain John Benda, to June 4th, by r equest ot Tommy Mills, Viator Track team w ill meet DeP'aul i James Dalrymple, Jobn O'Malley, John new baseball coach at the Rockne University, Saturday, May 14th, at De- F f t ' 1' t ' 1 ' ~ Herbert, Michael Delaney, Byron Evard schooL It seems that June 4th has or or y years spec1a IS S In SUpp ying and Edward Campbell. The award is been set aside as National Alumni day, ~~~h ~~~~~:S1~en~~~a~ho~~d :~:~:~; quality food products to Chicago's fore-giTen to men who play at least one quar· and Viator's reputation as one of the H 1 R d Cl b I ter of the official sch edule, or who may leading diamond clubs in the mid-West within our ranks. most ote s, estaurants an U S. otherwise prove of outstancllng value prompted the engagement to fill out It is not only illeg8.I to wear un-to the team. It is sufficiently note· fitting ly a program of entertainment s c

t L ha dt C earned varsity sweaters, but it is bad J h t worthy to mention tha aen r • os- for the returning "grads." We know & 0 • . I tigan, Dunne, Bielli, and McCarthy, Viator will fulfill its obligation that day; taste as well. ' 0 n eX 0 n work in the Western-Interstate con~ entertaining committee. were other members of the squad whose let's hope they exceed t he hopes of the THE BASKETBALL LEA'GUE I testa helped to bring the first champion· WAS GREAT-HOW ABOUT ship to St. Viator in several seasons. LET'S GO! VARSITY! BASEBALL? ~ Wholesale Grocers Chicago

Young Commends Viatoria.ns.

''In a con:terence as large as t he ·---------·---· .. ·-------·---·--·----·-- l Phone Superior 1380 "Little Nineteen" it is a tremendous Phone 92! task to single out five outstanding men. Phone 922 Mike D elaney of St. Viator is given the Oscar (Foxy) Byron guard position for his consistent work al l season. He never ha d to take time out, waa the mainstay ot the strongest team St. Viator probably has eYer ha d, and was equally strong offensively and defensively. St. Viator men will t ell you hls work was outstanding on a quintet that ranked right along the side of the championship Wesleyan outfit. O'Malley, the Viatorian 's pivot man is the strongest riv<.. l tor Anderson's place on the first squad. He carne with l

TAXI Rat es to Kankakee: One passenger, 75c; three passengers, $1.00

Bourbonnais, Ill. Phone Appointments as Early as Possible

leaps and bounds this year, and will CHAS. C. RIEL Y WALTER J. RICHERT Telephone 995 make a. strong bid for the first five next

year. He can go at tull speed forty minutes, is a dangerous shot , and a de· fenslve man as well.

Evard, St. Viator·s pony forward, who was all-National Cathol!c choice a t Loyola a - year ago, is one ot the cleverest boys in the conference. Cap· tain Benda or Viator is another bril· lta.nt guard whore work at times was the ttaahiest tn the conference. He is smart, powerful and a dangerous shot, but his inability to go the pace the tun route relegates him to the third team thlB year.. Dalrymple was probably as good a defensive forward as was to be found in the conference, but forwards are not picked C;n defensive work, as great b. factor as is defense in modern basketball."

B enda's case is one or the peculiar!· ties o! basketball. No man was better t'\t , no man on the Viator team adhered to the rtg1d rules o! a bstention as did the Duluth en :y. The one un!ortuna.te game that dls.q ucJitled him t or n. place on either or the first two teams ..-as per­haps the best game he played H..rough·

RIEL Y & RICHERT ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS and DEALERS Electric \Vashing Machines, Ironing Machines, Sewin g Machines,

Lamps and Supplies Motors, Va.cuum Cleaners, Fixtures, Appliances

Electricians for St. Viator College 370 EAST COURT STREET


D. J . O'LOUGHLIN, M. D. Practice Limited to

EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT Bell Telephone 253

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COME IN AND SEE US We are glad to extend to you tne conveniences ot our store. We expect you to buy only when you want the goods and are satisfied of our values­you are welcome a t all times.

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Students Are Especially Welcome

12lfzc per Mile Ford Sedan 15c per mile Overland 18c ·per mile Hertz

Gas and Oil Included.

Page 4: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1927-04-07

Th For Years Th Ton - I H dqu

_--;--• ~: - - -(< . Ul" for ... t- Viator Coli tud t:s !( ·u.ucm:, rt-r, LAF A YETfE CAFE

STAR CLEANERS - K ~ - ------- ' I POJ>LLAR u; ~~ H. E COn::ft L. BEAVY .US

TH£ CITY BANKS 0 W r~ c r &Dd

f c:l

I OTn:E OP Al y drink Wl.led Our ' i e¥ery monung before u h br f ·u KU. nL. u • &biO'Ier . .. ~

K.A KAK.££ PURE ILK co. W•lo>m l'<lllr :ll&llkh> g B

I ~UI...K-<'RF \'I f

I llulcarl.> 6 itf'.l" hlk . c.-t . aoa & Jo11J'w A"'· The Palace ' ~Y r ~

Doh p n ~- Or \(

Amedee T. Beto-urne CLOTHIE.RS

252 South E.ut An. l 'JMJl.)fA (,'Y K.ANKAJ<£E, ILL

Dr. F.R.Jones WHER£ SOCIETY BRAND CLOTHES ARE SOLD ~~nt l t;r fl:M<man I<ollalo

Prompt O.•elop1nc &-nO Pr1nUn• (Dentist) Ill urt S, ,, Hanlu.kee, nL

PAULISSEN MFG. co. Phone : Main 437 311-312-314 Cobb Building



Olreell7 Oppoolte MaJMUo Accredited to TIHnol~ nJveNt;r Tb.,.tre

SPECIAL RATE TO Seled BO&rdlng School l or Girl and Younr L&dlee

VIA TOR S11JDENTS WILLIAM P. CANNON, M. D. Thls lnsUtuUon \s conaucted by the fllaters ol. Notn Dam•. ud otrel'8 every opportunity to young Jn.d.lea Cor t\ thorouJh ChrJ Uan

Al1eodin ~: Su~eon to Stud•nte and FO<:uJty or u cular education. Prices rea.sonnble. For catato ue attdre !!I ~ 8 1. Viator Colle&'O

Otttef) Houn : SISTER SlTT'E IUOR., otra n ame Conv('.Jlt \lake tb~ Home o r 2 to 4 p , m. Bourbonn..U, Illinois

7 to I p . m.

Legris Trust and Sav- Phone Phone OW co, loloJn 137 H ome, Malo 8073

ings Bank 302-303 Cobb Bldg. -KANKAKEE, ILLINOIS Your BIIJJ klng H ome . Prh>lio{, Eocravlng, OUico SuppUe• , Looso ual Fo....,, Blud..,, ""· -



26-l East Merchant t rae t Chaa. Wertz Co. Insurance, Loans and Bonds

I Telephone 406 KANKAJCEE, lLL.

-____ .., ___

J ... umbor, Cemen t. BrlcJc , Lime, 311 City National Bank Bulldl ng

San (I, Sower Pipe, Hard· -- --wart'l Plnalar, Olnse. ,, ----Everybody Likes and Coni

I - --- McBROOM BROS. !

CANDY Boll T e l('cphono 407 I Einbeck'a Photo Studio I A MU80od pt>lron I• ou r bost ad· FIRST CLASS RESTAURANT AND CAFE

I i vcrtlscmcut--\Vo guara.ntoo AAtia· ra.ctlou--1\falt. rs or port.r&lta t hat

Kankakee, Illinois. WE SUPPLY ST. VIA TOR COLLEGE plooso i 1<3 North Schuy le r Avenue


- F. 0. Savoie Company Standard Hardware Co.


Dot.h Pboo oo t5P

U~ Our Hnr dw1Lre-lt Stttn<U HOT WATER REi\Til\"0 Hard Wear

and Low Pressure System R eatlng i Va.cuum Blue a.nd \Vhicc En&Jllt~l R.a.nges I

l Both T elephones 71 KA.'<KAKEE, It.L. 154 S. Schuyler Ave. I IDEAL SWEETS COMPANY E x l>Clr t Furnace Men

Manufacturers of


~m Corner Court and Sch uyler ICE CREAM Buy 1.'h~lr Clot.h~s a.nd Furnish- The Store That Service Built

f Wholesale Confectionary and lllj;O sl


t I E. and R.

! KANKAKEE, ILLINOIS I!! E.Mt Court S tree t IUNK.-\N . ILL. OpposH e I. C. Depot

II !

Safety First DR. L. w. CREEK I i ! CALL 76 TAXI l I ERZINGER'S DENTIST !

0 ur Cabo IN UN<! I I Suite 412-414 Cobb Bldg. l f'or I \Htr Prot«:.Uon ! YEUOW CABS ll Phone Main 304 f PURE FOOD i !

! !

! It Oberlin I 1! STORE

TN.d<.'l AI . I I !

Philip T. L11..1Dbert's ! I

Co. l I KANKAKEE, ILL GOOD \>Oi H.UU>W~ Furniture i i

i ' 306-24 £. Court Street ~ c " ~ !