st. patrick a "saint" in "name only"

Post on 04-Apr-2018




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  • 7/31/2019 St. Patrick a "Saint" in "NAME ONLY"



    DoRomanCatholics KNOW

    the truth about

    Saint Patrick(theSaintin nameonly)

  • 7/31/2019 St. Patrick a "Saint" in "NAME ONLY"



    St. Patrick was never canonizeda saint

    by the Catholic Church!

    People and PoliticsbyPatrick Roberts

    It has been said that St. Patrick (c. 389-c. 461) performed a thousand miracles andas many as 39 resurrection wonders during his lifetime. Thirty-three of these miracles arementioned in one specific report:

    "For the blind and the lame, the deaf and the dumb, the palsied, the lunatic, the leprous,

    the epileptic, all who labored under any disease, did he in the Name of the Holy Trinity

    restore unto the power of their limbs and unto entire health; and in these good deeds was

    he daily practiced. Thirty and three dead men, some of whom had been many years

    buried, did this great reviver raise from the dead, as above we have more fully recorded."

    YetSt. Patrick has NEVER been granted the official title ofcanonized Saint by the Catholic Church!

    One day St. Patrick came to a place called Fearta. On the side of the hill two women hadburied. Patrick ordered the earth removed; in the Name of Christ, he raised them up. The
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    two proclaimed that their idols were vain and that Christ was the true God. Along with thewomen, many bystanders were baptized. As the ancient writer observes, Patrick not onlyrevived these two from a double death (both temporal and eternal death), but by this

    miracle he gave spiritual resurrection to many other souls.

    When Patrick came to Dublina he prophesied how great that small village wouldsomeday become. He also caused a fountain to spring up there. It happened that in the regionnearby, the young son of the king lay dead in his chamber. The sorrow over his death wascompounded when it was learned that his sister, who had gone to bathe in the neighboring river,had drowned in midstream. Her body was finally found resting on the riverbed, and was laid outbeside that of her brother. Tombs were prepared for both according to pagan custom. At thissorrowful time the rumor spread that Patrick of Ardmachia (Armagh), who in the Name of theUnknown God had raised many that were dead, had arrived in the village. The king, Alphimus,promised that he, his nobles, and the whole "city" would be baptized into the new faith if

    his two children were restored. Patrick, seeing the opportunity for a great gain of souls,

    raised them both to life.

    YetSt. Patrick has NEVER been granted the official title ofcanonized Saint by the Catholic Church!

    By the physical resurrection of the prince and princess, the spiritual resurrection of thewhole area from the darkness of paganism and idolatry was accomplished. And the temporaryresurrection of bodies (that is, until they died again) gave a promise of eternal life in Heaven andof the resurrection of the body on Judgment Day. After the raising of this royal brother andsister, churches were built and tributes appointed to Patrick as their patron, that is, as the

    first Archbishop (or Bishop) of Ardmachia. It is reputedly from the revived Princess

    Dublina that the present great city of Dublin got its name.

    In the country of Neyll, a King Echu allowed St. Patrick to receive his beloved daughterCynnia as a nun, though he bewailed the fact that his royal line would thereby end without issue.The king exacted a promise from Patrick not to insist that he be baptized, yet to promise him theheavenly kingdom. Patrick agreed, and left the matter in the hands of God. Sometime later KingEchu lay dying. He sent a messenger to St. Patrick to tell him he desired Baptism and theheavenly kingdom. To those around him the King gave an order that he not be buried untilPatrick came. Patrick, then in the monastery of Saballum, two days' journey away, knew ofthe situation through the Holy Spirit before the messenger even arrived. He left to go to

    the King, but arrived to find Echu dead.

    YetSt. Patrick has NEVER been granted the official title ofcanonized Saint by the Catholic Church!

    St. Patrick revived the King, instructed him, and baptized him. He asked Echu to

    relate what he had seen of the joys of the just and the pains of the wicked, so that his

    account could be used for the proving of Patrick's preaching. Echu told of many other-world

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    wonders and of how, in the heavenly country, he had seen the place that Patrick promised him.But the King could not enter in because he was unbaptized.

    Then St. Patrick asked Echu if he would rather live longer in this world, or go to the

    place prepared for him in the heavenly kingdom. The King answered that all the world

    had was emptiest smoke compared to the celestial joys. Then having received theEucharist, he fell asleep in the Lord.

    YetSt. Patrick has NEVER been granted the official title ofcanonized Saint by the Catholic Church!

    There was a prince in Humestia who was baptized. Later he expressed unbelief about thedoctrine of the Resurrection. After St. Patrick quoted various texts from the Scriptures, theprince said that if Patrick would raise his grandfather, by then buried many days, he would

    believe in that Resurrection which Patrick preached.

    Patrick signed the tomb of the grandfather with his staff, had it opened, and prayed. Aman of very great height, but not as big as a "giant" who had recently been raised from a

    huge tomb by Patrick, came forth from the tomb. He described the torments that went on

    in Hell, and was baptized. He received the Eucharist, and retired again to his former

    sepulcher and "slept in the Lord." After witnessing this miracle none doubted the truth of

    the Resurrection.

    YetSt. Patrick has NEVER been granted the official title ofcanonized Saint by the Catholic Church!

    On another occasion a band of men who hated St. Patrick falsely accused him and hiscompanions of stealing, and sentenced them to death. Patrick raised a man from a nearbytomb and commanded him to witness to the truth of the case, which the resurrected man did.He protested the innocence of Patrick and his companions and the deceit of the evil ones. In thepresence of all, the resurrected man also showed where the alleged stolen goodssome flaxwerehidden. Many of those who had conspired for the death of St. Patrick now became his converts.

    It is interesting to note that each of the miracles related here was aimed at establishing

    truth, besides doing good to various individuals. Here is a final example.

    YetSt. Patrick has NEVER been granted the official title ofcanonized Saint by the Catholic Church!

    An evil man named Machaldus, and his companions, who placed on their heads certaindiabolical signs called "Deberth," signifying their devotion to Satan, plotted to mock St.

    Patrick. They covered one of their group, Garbanus, with a cloak as if he were dead.

    Garbanus, though in perfect health, was placed on a couch as if laid out in preparation for burial.The men then sent for Patrick, asking him to raise the covered Garbanus from the dead. This

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    was a fatal mistake. St. Patrick told them it was with deceit, but not with falsehood , thatthey had declared their companion dead. Disregarding their entreaties, Patrick went on hisway, praying for the soul of the derider. Then, uncovering their friend, the plotters foundGarbanus not feigning death, but actually dead! Contrite of heart, they pursued St. Patrick;they obtained pardon and were baptized. At their entreaty, St. Patrick also revived the dead


    Patrick also once raised to life a dead horse belonging to the charioteer of Darius.

    He also restored to the charioteer the health he had lost after accusing Patrick of killing the


    YetSt. Patrick has NEVER been granted the official title ofcanonized Saint by the Catholic Church!

    St. Patrick was a great missionary bishop who converted a whole land from paganism,overturning the religion of the druids. He consecrated 350 bishops, erected 700 churches, andordained 5,000 priests. In less than 30 years the greater part of Ireland was Catholic; St.Patrick so consolidated it in the Christian faith that during the Protestant Revolt Ireland wasalmost unique in its preservation of the Faith. Even today, people speak of "the faith of theIrish."

    YetSt. Patrick has NEVER been granted the official title ofcanonized Saint by the Catholic Church!

    While millions around the world celebrate St. Patrick's Day on March 17th,the sad fact is thatPatrick hasnever been canonized by the Catholic Church

    and is a saint in name only.

    As writer Ken Concannon stated: "There was no formal canonization process in the

    Church during its first millennium. In the early years of the Church the title saint was bestowed

    first upon martyrs, and then upon individuals recognized by tradition as being exceptionally holy

    during their lifetimes. Consequently these Irish saints, including St. Patrick, were never actually

    formally canonized -- save one. The exception was Fergal, also known as St. Virgil of Salzburg,

    an 8th century missionary scholar who was officially canonized in 1233 by Pope Gregory IX.

    Virgil is one of only four Irish saints to be canonized by Rome. There was no formal process for

    canonization in place when Patrick died. He was proclaimed a saint by popular acclaim, probably

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    with the approval of a bishop. The official process for canonization did not come until about the

    12th century."

    Patrick was the grandson of a priest back when marriage for clerics was not frowned on.

    His genius was bringing together the old pagan traditions and the new religion together in Ireland

    in the 5th century. Patrick was the first major figure to reject slavery harmony in Ireland in the

    5th century. St. Patrick started his life far from being a saint (similar to Saint Augustine). Born

    with the nameof Maewyn in Wales, he thought of himself as a pagan, and was sold into slavery

    by vandals who robbed his native village.

    Maewyn was only 16 at that time; while he was in captivity he started his path of

    becoming closer to God. Six years after being in captivity, he managed to run away and his

    destiny brought him to the Gaul monastery, where he began his Christianity studies under the

    supervision of bishop of Auxerre. Twelve years passed and Maewyn, a solid scholar by that time,

    felt that his destiny lied in going back to Ireland and converting native pagans to Christianity.

    His wish was only fulfilled after another two years when St. Palladius who was doing this job,

    was transferred from Ireland to Scotland. Maewyn adopted a Christian name Patrick and was

    given the post as second bishop to Ireland.

    Background of St. Patrick

    St. Patrick was born in the late Fourth Century. His Father was Calpurnius, a Briton and a

    Deacon; his mother, Concess, was a Frank and a close relative of St. Martin of Tours. At sixteen

    years of age, St. Patrick and many others were kidnapped from the family estate near Bannavem

    Taburniae by the seven vengeful exiled sons of a king of the Britons. This happened after Rome

    required that all Briton soldiers under Roman authority go to Rome to defend that city from

    barbarians, leaving Britain without any army or police, as recorded by St. Bede. Many acts ofviolence and greed were recorded at that time.

    St. Patrick's father was killed; his sister disappeared. St. Patrick was sold into slavery in

    Ireland. He was a slave, but obeyed his master. He would not depart until given leave to do so.

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    St. Patrick's escape from slavery was accomplished with miracles. He was visited in a

    dream by an angel in the form of a bird, Victor, the conqueror, who arranged a miraculous

    escape. Patrick said that he needed his master's permission to go home, but his master

    required a ransom of gold as large as his head. The angel told Patrick to follow a boar. The

    boar's rooting turned up the gold which was to ransom him. The angel took him to the

    seacoast sixty miles in one day to meet a ship, but instead the lord of the port sold Patrick to

    others. Then the fee, a set of brazen cauldrons, tormented the betrayer and his family. When they

    were admiring the cauldrons, their hands stuck to the metal. The lord of the port repented, was

    forgiven by Patrick. He converted to the will of God, ransomed Patrick from the slavers, and sent

    Patrick home. He was baptized by Patrick later, when St. Patrick returned. St. Patrick had been a

    slave six years.

    YetSt. Patrick has NEVER been granted the official title of

    canonized Saint by the Catholic Church!

    St. Patrick, travelled through Britain convincing people to turn to God, throwing out the

    false priests of Pelagius known as snakes. St. Bede records in his Ecclesiastical History of the

    English People that this was accomplished by great miracles of healing. St. Patrick suggested

    fasting to turn a city from their heresy, but it would not turn, and at nocturns the third night theearth swallowed the city. Later, the same place that St. Germanus and St. Patrick had fasted with

    their company became the location that clerics went to fast. St. Patrick, who obeyed God's will,

    defended reverence for God's grace which is necessary for Salvation.

    St. Patrick told St. Germanus that he had often heard the voice of the Irish children

    calling to him "come St. Patrick and make us saved." St. Germanus said that St. Patrick must go

    to Pope Celestine (Bishop of Rome from 422 to 432), to be consecrated, because it was proper to

    do so. But another had been sent to be Bishop of Ireland before him (Bishop Palladius), and St.Patrick had to wait. Bishop Palladius began missions, but he did not live very long.

    St. Patrick went to the island of Alanensis in the Mediterranean sea (in the Lerins district,

    known as St. Honorat near Cannes in France) to pray, and was given Jesus Christ's own staff on

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    Mount Arnum to hold him up. (An engraved stone on the side of the main monastery of the

    island records that St. Patrick, Apostle of Ireland, came there to study in the fifth century the

    sacred sciences in preparation for his mission to Ireland. The staff of Jesus Christ was publicly

    burned in Dublin in 1538 during the reign of king Henry VIII of England.) In 432, St. Patrick

    went back to St. Germanus, telling him of the vision and the staff. St. Patrick was then sixty

    years old. He was sent back to Pope Celestine, who had heard that Palladius had died. The chief

    consecrator of St. Patrick was Bishop Amatorex of Autissiodorens. Pope Celestine lived only a

    week after St. Patrick's consecration, and was succeeded by Sixtus III (432-440). Celestine gave

    St. Patrick relics and many books. At the moment of Patrick's consecration, the Pope also heard

    the voices of the children calling out: Crebriu and Lesru, two daughters of Glerand, recorded as

    Saints by St. Fiacc. Patrick later baptized the children.

    Patrick had a dream that he must preach the Gospel to the Irish, but Victor had told him

    to seek an education first. He found his education under St. Germanus of Auxerre, who lived

    close to the southern part of Gaul which is next to the Mediterranean sea. (St. Fiacc does not

    record other miracles. The town of St. Patrice near Tours in France claims that it was visited by

    St. Patrick in midwinter. He was tired and cold, and the frost-covered thorn tree he slept under

    burst into soft warm blooms above him. In December every year until the tree was destroyed the

    "flowers of St. Patrick" bloomed there. French archaeological and agriculture societies testifiedto the truth of this phenomenon into this century.)

    YetSt. Patrick has NEVER been granted the official title ofcanonized Saint by the Catholic Church!

    St. Patrick was called by the Lord and sent to Ireland. He taught that the Trinity is ever

    with us to sustain us, even when all is misery. He taught that God loves us, despite the buffetings

    of the world. St. Patrick dispelled iniquity. He preached, he baptized, he prayed, he

    constantly praised God with Psalms, he sang one hundred Psalms every night, he slept on

    bare flagstone with a wet quilt about him, and his pillow was a pillar stone. He preached for

    three-score years (including the time before his consecration as bishop when he was a Priest

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    under St. Germanus). St. Secundinus records in his hymn that St. Patrick bore the stigmata

    of Christ in his righteous flesh.

    YetSt. Patrick has NEVER been granted the official title of

    canonized Saint by the Catholic Church!

    St. Patrick was preaching Christianity with passion and faith and converted many pagans

    throughout the country. Celtic Druids of native pagans were not happy with St. Patrick's

    converting "their" people and arrested him many times, but every time Patrick managed to

    escape and continue his job with establishing new Christian monasteries along with new schools.

    His goal was to make the whole of Ireland a Christian country. His mission went on for thirty

    years and showed great progress never achieved by his predecessors. Patrick died in retirementon March 17, AD 461, and this day has since then been known as St. Patrick's Day.

    St. Patrick uses shamrock in an illustrative parable

    Legend (dating to 1726, according to the OED) also credits St. Patrick with teaching the

    Irish about the doctrine of the Holy Trinity by showing people the shamrock, a three-leafed

    plant, using it to illustrate the Christian teaching of three persons in one God.[68]For this reason,

    shamrocks are a central symbol forSt Patricks Day.

    The shamrock had been seen as sacred in the pre-Christian days in Ireland. Due to its

    green color and overall shape, many viewed it as representing rebirth and eternal life. Three was

    a sacred number in the pagan religion and there were a number of"Triple Goddesses" in ancient

    Ireland, including Brigid, riu, and the Morrigan.
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