st gregory s college lagos 2018/2019 academic...

St. Gregory’s College, Lagos. Holiday Assignments. 1 ST. GREGORYS COLLEGE, LAGOS. 2018/2019 ACADEMIC SESSION 1 ST TERM 2019/2020 SCHEME OF WORK OUTLINE AND HOLIDAY ASSIGNMENT SS 2 S/N SUBJECTS Week Topics 1 Chemistry 1. Revision/Periodic Table Electronic configuration leading to group and periodic classification. 2. The periodic trend: The periodic properties of elements i.e. atomic size, ionic size, ionic size, ionization energy, electron affinity, electronegativity down the group and across the period. 3. Elements of the 1 st transition series. Periodic gradation of elements in group, i.e the halogens F2, Cl2, Br2, I2. 4. Types of reaction: i. Combination reactions ii. Decomposition reactions iii.Displacement reaction iv. Double decomposition reactions v. Catalytic reaction vi. Reversible reaction vii. Thermal dissociation 5. Oxidation and Reduction (Redox reaction) i. The use of oxidation numbers. ii. Balancing of redox equation in acidic and alkaline medium. iii.Identification of oxidizing and reducing agents. 6. Electrolysis: Definition of the term i. Effects of electricity on matter. ii. Electrolytes and non-electrolytes iii.Conductors and non-conductors 7. i. Ionic Theory ii. Preferential discharge of ions during electrolysis. iii. Electrolysis of specified electrolytes. 8. i. Faraday’s law of electrolysis ii. Faraday as a mole of electrons 9. i. Calculations based on these laws ii. Uses of electrolysis, e.g. Electroplating etc. 10. Electro chemistry: Electrolytic and electrochemical cells with their differences. The relationship between Gibb’s free energy and E.M.F of a cell 11. Revision 12. Examination

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Page 1: ST GREGORY S COLLEGE LAGOS 2018/2019 ACADEMIC … Electro chemistry: Electrolytic and electrochemical cells with their differences

St. Gregory’s College, Lagos. Holiday Assignments. 1


SS 2

S/N SUBJECTS Week Topics

1 Chemistry

1. Revision/Periodic Table Electronic configuration leading to group and periodic classification.

2. The periodic trend: The periodic properties of elements i.e. atomic size, ionic size, ionic size, ionization energy, electron affinity, electronegativity down the group and across the period.

3. Elements of the 1st transition series. Periodic gradation of elements in group, i.e the halogens F2, Cl2, Br2, I2.

4. Types of reaction: i. Combination reactions ii. Decomposition reactions iii. Displacement reaction iv. Double decomposition reactions v. Catalytic reaction vi. Reversible reaction vii. Thermal dissociation

5. Oxidation and Reduction (Redox reaction) i. The use of oxidation numbers. ii. Balancing of redox equation in acidic and alkaline medium. iii. Identification of oxidizing and reducing agents.

6. Electrolysis: Definition of the term i. Effects of electricity on matter. ii. Electrolytes and non-electrolytes iii. Conductors and non-conductors

7. i. Ionic Theory ii. Preferential discharge of ions during electrolysis. iii. Electrolysis of specified electrolytes.

8. i. Faraday’s law of electrolysis ii. Faraday as a mole of electrons

9. i. Calculations based on these laws ii. Uses of electrolysis, e.g. Electroplating etc.

10. Electro chemistry: Electrolytic and electrochemical cells with their differences. The relationship between Gibb’s free energy and E.M.F of a cell

11. Revision 12. Examination

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Holiday Assignment 1. a. Define pH and POH. Calculate the pH of 0.01 mol/dm3 of H2SO4 solution. b. Explain destructive distillation of coal. c. Mention the products of destruction distillation of coal and

state their uses. d. Mention 5 trioxocarbonate (IV) salts that you know. Describe

the laboratory preparation of one of them. 2.a.i. Describe the periodic table. ii. State the periodic law. iii. Classify the periodic table into blocks and families. b. Explain the following terms down the group and across the

periods: i. Atomic size ii. ionization energy iii. Electron affinity iv. Electronegativity v. ionic size

2 Physics

1. Concept of position, distance and displacement in relation to XY plane

2. Scalar and vector quantities: concept of scalar and vector quantity, vector representation, addition of scalar and vector. Resolution of vectors and resultant

3. Derivation of equation of linear motion: motion under gravity, calculations using these equations

4. Projectile and its application 5. Newton laws of motion: conservation of linear momentum and

conservation of energy. Collisions 6. Equilibrium of forces: principle of moment, condition for

equilibrium of rigid bodies under the action of parallel and non-parallel force.

7. Equilibrium contd: center of gravity and stability, couple. 8. Simple harmonic motion: definition, explanation of simple

harmonic motion, displacement, acceleration, period, frequency

9. Simple harmonic motion: energy of SHM and forced vibration and resonance

10. Machines: types and examples 11. Machines: calculation on machines 12. Revision/Examination Holiday Assignment

1. A lawn-mower is pushed with a force of 50N. If the angle

between the handle of the mower and the ground is 30°, calculate

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the magnitude of the force that is pressing the lawn-mower

directly into the ground.

2. You have a 30cm ruler and a knife. Balance the ruler on the

knife and record the balance point G. place two small objects of

different sizes (say a small padlock and a small stone) and try to

balance the ruler on the knife.

Record the distances of the objects from the balance point G. Use

this to explain the concept of equilibrium of forces.

3 Commerce

1. Revision of SS1 work/Public Enterprises: - Public enterprises meaning, formation and management of

public enterprises - Sources of capital - Reasons for Government ownership of public enterprises,

advantages and disadvantages 2. Limited Companies: Meaning, types, formation (Legal

requirements) a. Memorandum of Association b. Articles of Association 3. Limited Companies continues: Sources of capital: shares,

stocks, debentures, retained profits, loans & overdraft, trade credits, leasing factoring. Advantages and disadvantages.

4. Cooperative Societies: Definition, history, characteristics and types of cooperative societies

5. Co-operative societies continues: - Advantages, disadvantages and problems of cooperative

societies - Similarities and differences between cooperative society and

company - Service provided to members - Sources of funds to cooperative societies 6. Money: Meaning, evolution, functions, qualities and

characteristics, forms/types of money 7. Banks: meaning and history, types of banks - Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN): Origin, functions - Commercial Banks: meaning, functions of commercial bank - Types of account: current, savings, fixed deposit 8. Modern Banking Service for payment - Automated Teller Machine (ATM) - Western Union, Money Transfer - Money Gram, e-Banking (on-line) the role of each in business

transaction 9. Savings and specialised banks e.g

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Savanna Banks, Federal Saving Bank, Mortgage Banks, Building Societies.

- Specialised Banks e.g Nigeria Industrial Development Bank e.g Nigeria Agricultural Cooperative and Rural Development Bank (NACRDB)& Merchant Banks

- Micro Finance Banks 10. Cheque: Meaning and features of cheque, advantages, parties

to a cheque, types of cheques, dishonoured cheque and reasons why banks dishonoured cheques

11. Revision 12. Examination

Holiday Assignment 1a. What are Public Enterprises? b. Explain five reasons for government ownership of Public enterprises. 2a. Mention and explain the two types of limited companies. b. Mention five advantages and disadvantages of each limited companies. 3a. What is a Cooperative society?

b. Mention five characteristics of a cooperative society.

4 Government

1. Franchise 2. Election- meaning , purpose/functions,, types,

merits and demerits of types. - Types of voting, free and fair election.

3. Voting systems 4. Electoral commissions 5. Public opinion 6. Civic service 7. Public corporation 8. Local government 9. Hausa/Fulani pre-colonial system 10. Igbo pre-colonial system 11. Yoruba pre-colonial system 12. Colonial administration Holiday Assignment 1. Discuss the merits of universal adult suffrage. 2. Discuss the conditions necessary for eligibility as a candidate

for election.

5 English


Week Topic 1 Spelling: doubling consonants; words commonly misspelt 2 Structure: review of nouns and pronouns

Comprehension: Introduction to comprehension writing Essay: Introduction to essay writing

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3 Summary: Introduction to summary writing Vocabulary development: library Speech work: monophthongs Mechanics: punctuation (full stop/ quotation marks)

4 Structure: review of verbs/ adverbs Comprehension: skimming and scanning Essay: types of essays – narrative

5 Summary: A written exercise Vocabulary development: Agriculture Speech work: diphthongs/ triphthongs

6 Structure: review of adjectives/ prepositions/ conjunctions Comprehension: figures of speech Essay: descriptive

7 Structure: introduction to phrases/ phrasal verbs Vocabulary development: Fisheries Speech work: voiced consonants Mechanics: punctuation ( the comma)

8 Comprehension: writing skill Structure: Kinds of sentences according to structure Essay: introduction to letter writing - informal

9 Structure: definite/ indefinite articles/prefixes /suffixes Vocabulary development: Religion Speech work: voiceless consonants

10 Revision 11/12 Examination

Holiday Assignment 1. Read the drama text Sons and Daughters and extensively

discuss the themes of Conflicts of Values and Breach of


6 Igbo


1a. Mmeghari ihe ndi e mere n’afo b. Mpuru edemede (Abidii) na nkewa 2. Mmubaokwu, uru na oghom din a ya. 3. Mkpuruokwu a. Otu mkpuru Abidii b. Nke nwere otu nkejiokwu c. Agumadu – nchikota akwukwo ahoputara 4a. Mofim na mkpuruokwu b. Nkenuudi na njirimara mofim 5a. Omenala – Egwu onwa, Igba mbga b. Nkejiasusu – njuajuju ntimkpu, njaike 6a. Omenala – Otu nzuzo: Nkowa, uru na ogbom

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b. Ndiiche di na ya na out nkiti 7a. Nkejiasusu – Ngwaa na udi ya di iche iche b. Edemede – Leta na udi ya 8a. Nkejiasusu – mgbakwunye na nsokwunye b. Agumagu – Nnyocha Akwukwo 9a. Ahiriokwu – Ahiri nha, Ahiri nkwe na Ahiri nju b. Uto asusu – Pesin na nga 10. Omenala – Dibia Odinaala, udi oru, uru na ogbom 11. Mmughari ihe ndi a muru 12.Ule 13. Ule na mmechi Holiday Assignment EDEMEDE LETA Degara enyi gi leta, kooro ya maka njem nleghari anya ndi klaasi gi gara taam gara aga.

7 French


SEMAINE:- 1EME - La revision de l’examen passe et l’introduction du cours 2EME ET 3EME – L’imparfait/comprehension 4EME ET 5EME – L’ADJECTIF QUALIFICATIF ET LA COMPARAISON 6eme et 7eme – le participle present et la gerondif, les forms d’interrogation et position 8EME ET 9EME –Les adverbs

- Formation et position 10EME ET 11EME – Les expressions avec le verbe ‘’Avoir’’

- La comprehension - La reviasion - L’examen.

Holiday Assignment ESSAY :- QUESTION- Parlez de la ville que vous aimez le plus. PLAN:- [A] Introduction - Titre : ’’ La ville que j’aime le plus’’ - Le nom de la ville - Dans quell pays se trouve-t-elle? = [1mk] [B] Le corps - Le statut de la ville , exemple ville capitale etc - Les infrastructures [batiments,hopitaux, rues ecoles] - Les habitants [hopitaliers, travailleurs]

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- Est- ce qu’elle est calme, bruyante, peuplee, etc.] - Les langues parlees - Comment est la vie la? - Comment est la developpement? - Les metiers, etc. = [3mks] [C] LA CONCLUSION - Dites pourquoi cette ville est la ville que vous aimez le plus. = [1mk]

8 Literature -in

- English

1. Revision on last term work 2. Introduction to August Wilson’s Fences Background/setting 3. Synopsis, Scene one-two 4. Themes of the Fences 5. Dramatic techniques 6. Major character 7. Minor Character 8. ‘Raider of the Treasure Trove’ by Lade Wosomu. African

Poetry 9. “Do not go gentle into that good night by Dylan Thomas 10. Theme Holiday Assignment Examine the background and setting of the Fences by August Wilson.

9 Financial


WEEK 1 –Revision of last Term Examination Question WEEK 2 – Provision of Bad and Doubtful Debts:-

Meaning, Factors, Differences between Bad debts and Doubtful debts with Working exercise

WEEK 3 – Bad debts and Provision for doubtful Debts recovered with working exercise. Provision for Discount received and Discount Allowed.

WEEK 4&5-Prepayment and Accrual Accounts: Definition, Prepaid Income and Expenditure. Accrued Income and Expenditure, Distinction between the Two terms and Ledger entries

WEEK 6 – Preparation of Final Accounts with Adjustment: - Trading, Profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet

WEEK 7 – Manufacturing, Trading, Profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet:- Introduction, Definition of

Terminologies and format WEEK 8 – Manufacturing, Trading, Profit and Loss Account and

Balance Sheet: - working Exercise with market value.

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WEEK 9 - Departmental Accounts: - Introduction, Purpose, Treatment of adjustment, Allocation of expenses and format

WEEK 10 – Departmental Accounts: - Trading, Profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet: - working exercise.

WEEK 11 – Revision WEEK 12 – Examination Holiday Assignment a. Define the following: Accruals, Prepayments, Bad debts,

Provision for bad debts. b. Define Manufacturing Account c. List five bases of apportioning expenses in a departmental

accounting d. State five advantages of departmental account e. Explain five costs analysis of manufacturing account.

10 Economics

1&2 Agriculture. 3. Basic Tools for Economic Analysis (Grouped Data) Calculation of Mean and Median of Grouped Data 4. Calculation of Mode and Range for Grouped Data Measures of Dispersion 5. Theory of cost 6. Theory of Consumer Behaviour 7. Theory of Demand – Meaning, Law, Schedule & Curve,

Types, Factors affecting Demand. 8. Changes in Quantity Demanded, Changes in Demand, Types

of Demand 9. Exceptional or Abnormal Demand. 10. Revision. 11&12 Examination. Holiday Assignment 1(a) Explain why farmers’ incomes are unstable in West African Countries and suggest ways of improving the situation. (b) What measures can be taken to encourage Agricultural expansion in West Africa? (c) Examine the objectives of Agricultural policies undertaken by the government of your country. What measures are being taken to fulfil these objectives?

11 Data



Definition of Data Model Types of Data Models

WEEK 3 & 4

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DATA MODELLING Creating Tables, Forms, Queries and Reports Significance of Data Model Examples of Standard Data Models


Examples of Tables in First normal forms Tables in Second and Third Normal Forms Problems of Table in First Normal Form Determinant of Normal Forms Foreign keys

WEEK 7 & 8 ENTITY-RELATIONSHIP MODEL Entities, Attribute and Relationship Additional features of Entity Model


Creating and Modifying Relations using SQL Integrity Constraints over Relations Enforcing Integrity Constraints Querying Relational Data

Holiday Assignment 1. Explain the following: Normal Form Foreign Key Data Model Field Record Table Sql 2. State types of Data Models

12 Geography

1. Revision of last term’s work/soils 2. Soil continues 3. Earth quake 4. Volcanicity 5. Action of underground water (Limestone Regions) 6. Weathering 7. Action of Running water 8. Action of wind 9. Action of waves 10. Graphical representation of geographical data.

Holiday Assignment

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Study Nigeria Transport and Tourism under the following


i. Definition of transportation

ii. Types & means of transportation e.g. Land, Air, Water and

Pipeline etc.

iii. Importance of transportation

iv. Problems and Solutions


i. Meaning and factors e.g. Wildlife, highlands, good

accommodation, good road network etc.

ii. Tourist centres e.g. Yankari Games Reserve (Bauchi), kainji,

Olumo Rock (Abeokuta), Bar Beach (Lekki & Badagry) ,etc.

i. Importance of tourism

ii. Problems and Solutions





1. The sovereignty of God (God the creator of the universe Gen 1 and 2)

2. God the controller Gen 1:26-31, Amos 9:5-7, Isaiah 45:9-12 3. The covenant: God’s covenant with Abraham. Gen:12:1-9,

17:1-12, 21:1-8, 25:19-26 4. God’s covenant with Israel Ex. 2:23, 19:20, 24:1-11, 32:1-20,

30-34 5. The new covenant Jer. 31:31-34, 32:36-41, Ezekiel 36:25-28 6. Leadership: Joseph as a leader. Gen. 37:1-28, 41:1-57, 45:1-15 7. Moses as a leader. Ex. 1, 2, 3, 4:1-17, 5:1-5, 2:23, 6:28-30, 7:1-7,

14:1-31, 32:1-14, Numbers 13:1-13, 14:1-19 8. Joshua as a leader. Number 13:16-33, 14:1-10, 27:15-23,

Joshua 1:1-15, 6, 24:1-31 9. Deborah as a leader: Judges 4:1-24 10. God cares for his people a. Guidance and protection Ex. 14 b. Provision Ex. 16:1-22, 17:1-7 11. Parental responsibility: a. Example of Eli and Samuel. 1Sam 2:11-36, 3:2-18, 4:10-22,

8:1-5 b. Example of Asa. 1Kings 15:9-15, 22:41-44 Holiday Assignment

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chapter 1and 2 on the topic “The Sovereignty of God as the

Creator and Controller of the Universe”.

14 Biology


(a) History of cell and Definition of cell. (b) Cell structure and function (c) Cell theory

2 Cell as a living unit- Forms in which cell exist. 3 The cell and its environment (a) Diffusion, Definition. (b) Demonstration of Diffusion (c) Importance of diffusion to plants and animals. 4. Osmosis – (a) Definition, process and demonstration. (b). Haemolysis, flaccidity, turgidity. 5. Cellular respiration- (a) Definition (b) Process of aerobic respiration. 6 Growth- Basis of growth, Growth curves. 7 Irritability- Response, types of Response. 8 Reproduction- Definition, types and forms of asexual

reproduction. 9 Sexual Reproduction. 10 Reproductive health- Female genital mutilation. 11 Revision 12 Examination Holiday Assignment READ UP THE FOLLOWING:

a) CELL b) forms in which cells exist: colonial and filamentous organisms.

15 Civic


1. Democracy & National development –(a) Capital democracy (b) Characteristics of capitalist democracy (c) Power; political

apathy 2. Poverty – Causes, Types and Solution 3. Achieving popular participation 4. Responsible parenthood 5. Growth & Development 6. Nation Building 7. Inter-personal relationship 8. Nationalism 9. Cultism 10. Citizenship 11. Revision

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Holiday Assignment Holiday Assignment 1 Give a detailed explanation of five pillars of democracy. 2 Highlight five reasons why Nigeria practices federalism.

16 Foods &


1. Revision of last session’s works/meat cookery - Types of meat from different animals - Nutritive value of meat - Methods of cooking meat - Types and cuts of meat use for meal - Meaning of offals - Advantages and disadvantages of each methods of cooking

meat 2. Poultry Cookery

- Types of poultry e.g. children, turkey etc. - Nutritive value of poultry and game - Factors to consider when choosing poultry and its

preparation for cooking - Methods of cooking poultry e.g. grilling, roasting etc.

3. Practicals on meat and poultry cookery 4. Eggs – Identification of different types of eggs

- Nutritive value of eggs - Factors to consider when choosing eggs and test for

freshness. - Uses of eggs in cookery

5. Milk and Milk Products Definition and types of milk - Animal types i.e. Fresh – pasteurized, homogenized,

sterilised evaporated, condensed, dry powdered, culture –Nono.

- Plants milk source – soya beans - Types of milk products – Wara (local cheese) - Uses of milk

6. Practical of Eggs and Milk 7. Sea Foods

a. Types of fish in local and sea waters. b. Nutritive value of sea foods c. Classes of sea foods – fin fish, lean and fat fish, shell fish e.g.

oyster and molliots. d. Methods of cooking fish and sea foods e.g. baking, grilling,

frying etc. 8. Practicals on sea food 9. Condiments & Seasoning – Types of herbs and spices.

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a. Local herbs e.g local curry leaves, scent leaves (Yoruba – Efinrin, Igbo – Nchuawu) uzizi leaves etc.

b. Foreign spices – curry powder, thyme etc. c. Uses of herbs and spices in cookery.

10. Food flavourings and colouring – types, uses in food cookery.

11. Revision of work 12. Examination 13. Examination

Holiday Assignment a. Define meat. b. State 5 types of meat from different animals. c. List 5 nutritive value of meat. d. Explain 3 methods of cooking.

17 Visual Arts

1. Revision –Nature drawing and painting 2 - 3. African Traditional Arts – Cameroon, Ghana, Ashanti, Fante

etc. - Types of art works, location, media and characteristics. 4. Imaginative Composition – Family meal, marriage ceremony,

traditional festival, people at work, etc. 5 – 6. Nigeria Contemporary Artists e.g. Bruce Onabrakpeya, Aina

Onabola, Ben Enwonwu, etc. – Their biography, Works, and effects on modern art society.

7. General art Design and Illustrations 8. Art Terminologies under all areas of arts specialization. 9. Introduction to modelling – Definition, types, media, and

process involved. 10. Introduction to ceramics – Definition, types, techniques - Pottery – terminologies. 11. Revision 12. Examination Holiday Assignment Read up everything on Sculpture.

18 Mathematics

1. Logarithm of numbers less than 1 Simple equation with logarithm

2 &3. Circle Geometry 1. Chords and arcs Angles in a circle Cyclic quadrilaterals

4. Test 1 5. Quadratic Equations 6. Word problems on quadratic equations 7. Mid Term

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8. Approximation & Errors 9. Trigonometry The Sine Rule 10. Revision 11. Examination Holiday Assignment Practice logarithm of numbers less than 1 and Circle Geometry.

19 Agricultural


1. Agricultural laws and reforms 2. Farm Machinery and implements 3. Tractor coupled implements 4. Surveying and planning of farmstead 5. Environmental physiology 6. Anatomy and physiology 7. Plant nutrients and nutrient cycle 8. Factors influencing nutrient availability in the soil 9. Farm practices 10. Irrigation and Drainage 11. Revision 12. Examination 13. Examination Holiday Assignment Read the following topics: a) Environmental physiology b) Agricultural laws and reforms

20. Technical


1. Development 2. Intersections of solid material 3. Conic section (parabola hyperbola eclipse) 4. Auxiliary drawing projection 5. Conventional symbols of materials 6. Revision Holiday Assignment 1a. Define development, types of development/method with their diagrams. b. List (5) purpose of development. 2. Define true length of line in technical drawing and give five (5) example with sketches.

21 History

1. Revision of last term work 2. Neo-colonization & political development 3. Neo-colonization and economic under-development, unequal

development and instability within state 4. The military in African politics 5. Boundary disputes and threat to Africa unity. 6. Revision of O.A.U.

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7. Six Geographical zones of Nigeria 8. Centres of ancient civilization Nok culture & Ife 9. Centres of ancient civilization Nok culture & Ife 10. Centres of ancient civilization e.g. igbo Ukwu and Benin 11. Centralised and non-centralised states e.g. Kanem, Bornu,

Hausa and Igala 12. Centralised and non-centralised states Oyo, Benin, Igbo,

Urhobo and Itshekiri Holiday Assignment 1 ‘The JANUARY 15, 1966 coup was an Igbo plot to take over the

country.’ Highlight FIVE reasons to either justify or disagree with

this statement. (Please, either agree or disagree. Do not do both).

2 List EIGHT military coups in different countries of Africa, except

Nigeria, between 1960 and 1980. (Mention country; date; leader

of coup; leader overthrown)

22 Yoruba


1. EDE: Gbolohun Eleya Oro-ise, Ihun gbolohun eleyo oro-ise. Apola oruko ati Apola ise.

ASA: Itesiwaju lori Eko Ile: Eko Imototo, Itoju Ara, Ikini abbl. LITIRESO: Itupale Asayan Iwe Litireso ti Ajo WAEC/NECO yan. 2. EDE: Ankoo ati Ijeyopo faweli ninu ede Yoruba. ASA: Itesiwaju lori Eko Ile. LITIRESO : Itupale Asayan iwe ti Ajo WAEC/NECO yan. 3. EDE : Oro Ayalo. (i) Ona ti a n gba oro lati inu ede miiran-

Afetiya, Afojuya ASA: Igbagbo ati Ero Yoruba nipa Oso ati Aje. LITIRESO: Ero ati Igbagbo awon eya orile ede Naijiria ati Orile ede miiran nipa Oso ati Aje- Agbara Oso ati Aje. 4. EDE: Apola ninu Gbolohun ede Yoruba ASA: Ipa ti agbara Aje ko ninu ise isegun ati iwosan LITIRESO: Itupale Asayan iwe tiAjo WAEC/NECO yan. 5. EDE: Isori Gbolohun Olopo oro-ise ASA: Egbe Awo Orisirisi egbe awo ti o wa ni ile Yoruba.. Alaye kikun lori ipa ti awon egbe yii nko. Eewo to wa ninu egbe awo. LITIRESO: Itupale Asasyan iwe Litireso ti Ajo WAEC/NECO yan. 6. EDE: Awe Gbolohun ede Yoruba. ASA: Eto eni si ogun jije. LITIRESO : Itupale asayan iwe litireso ti Ajo WAEC/NECO yan. 7. EDE: Isori oro- Oro Aponle ASA: Aroko – Oriki Aroko. LITIRESO: Itupale Asayan iwe ti Ajo WAEC/NECO yan. 8. EDE: Oro Agbaso- Ilana oro agbaso.

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ASA: Ojuse eni lawujo LITIRESO: Itupale Asayan iwe ti Ajo WAEC/NECO yan. 9. EDE: Itupale iso/Oro ti Iparoje ati aranmo ti waye ojuse eni ni awujo. ASA: Ojuse eni ninu ile, laarin ebi, egbe, aladuugbo abbl. LITIRESO: Itupale Asayan iwe ti Ajo WAEC/NECO yan. 10. EDE: Awon isori gbolohun gege bi ise won. ASA: Eto oselu abinibi alaye kikun lori ipa ti bale ile, iyaale ile abbl LITIRESO: Itupale Asayan iwe ti Ajo WAEC/NECO yan. 11. EDE: Aroko- Leta-Kiko. ASA: Igbagbo elesin ibile nipa orisa gege bi alarena laarin eleda ati eda. LITIRESO: Itupale Asayan iwe ti Ajo WAEC/NECO yan. 12. Akanse idanwo lori eko ede ati litireso. 13. Akanse idanwo lori eko ede, asa ati litireso. Holiday Assignment Ko ogun oro (20 words) ti a le ya lo lati inu ede miiran wo inu ede Yoruba.0

23 Further


Week Topics Objective 1.

Coordinate geometry (conic sections) - Circles: Equations of a circle

given centre and radius - General equation of a circle - Equation of tangent to a

circle - Equation of normal to a


Derive equation circle passing through a point (x,y). Calculate tangents and normal to a circle.

2. Equation of parabola-General equation. Equations of tangents and normal to a parabola

Derive the equation of a parabola, from general equations of a parabola. Calculate the tangents and normal to parabola

3. Conic Section: General equation of a hyperbola. Equations of tangents and normal to hyperbola.

Derive equation of a hyperbola. Find the tangents and normal to hyperbola.

4. Equation of an Ellipse: General equation of an ellipse.

Derive the equation of an ellipse, find the tangent and normal to an ellipse.

5 First organised test

Page 17: ST GREGORY S COLLEGE LAGOS 2018/2019 ACADEMIC … Electro chemistry: Electrolytic and electrochemical cells with their differences

St. Gregory’s College, Lagos. Holiday Assignments. 17

6. Mappings and functions: concepts of mapping and functions. Domain and Codemain of a function - Types of mappings - Invest of a function - Composite mapping

Define mapping and function, domain and codemain. Define and illustrate types of mappings/functions. Illustrate inverse of a mapping.

7 Permutation and combination – concepts, difference between permutation and combination -solving problems on permutation and combination

Define permutation and combination observe and state differences between them. Solve practical and real life problems.

8. Second organised test 9. Permutation and combination

continues Solve practical and real life problems on combination and permutation.

Holiday Assignment 1. The function f and g on the set of real numbers are defined by

f(x) =2x-7 and g(x)= 𝑥−4

2𝑥+1(𝑥 ≠ 1

2) find (a) go f(x) and (b)

fo g(x) 2. Find the number of ways of picking 8 marbles consisting of 5

red and 3 green from a basket which contains 9 red and 6 green marbles.