specification for the book of coursesold.elfak.ni.ac.rs/downloads/akreditacija-2013/oas/bsc...v....

6 Course status (obligatory/elective) obligatory Prerequisites Course objectives Course outcomes Theoretical teaching Practical teaching (exercises, OFE, study and research work) 1 2 3 4 5 Lectures Exercises OFE Study and research work Other classes 3 2 1 Teaching methods points Final exam points 10 писмени испит 20 10 усмени испит 20 40 0 Mirković D. Dejan, Dimitrijević A. Marko, Đorđević D. Srđan, Andrejević- Stošović V. Miona Pre-exam duties Grade (maximum number of points 100) Number of ECTS Students will be able to recognize schematics, understand the principle of operation, and to understand the application of basic electronic circuits: amplifiers, oscillators of sinewave signals, rectifiers and voltage regulators. Basic amplifier stages; Applications of operational amplifiers, Negative feedback, Oscillators, Power amplifiers, Rectifiers, and Voltage regulators Acquiring basic knowledge of electronics, amplifying techniques, oscillators, rectifiers and voltage regulators. Course outline Diodes and diode circuits. Bipolar transistor, operating point and and load line. Model of bipolar transistors. MOSFET transistor,operating point and and load line. Model MOSFET transistors. Basic amplifier stages with bipolar and MOSFET transistor. Multistage amplifiers. Amplifier with direct coupling. Differential and operational amplifier. Application of operational amplifiers. Negative feedback. Oscillators. Large-signal amplifiers. Rectifiers and voltage regulators. Specification for the book of courses Lectures, Problem solving; Labs; Consultations. Textbooks/references V. Litovski, Osnovi elektronike – teorija, rešeni zadaci i ispitna pitanja, Akademska misao, Beograd, 2006. Number of classes of active education per week during semester/trimester/year A. Sedra, K. Smith, Microelectronic Circuits, Oxford University Press, 2009, ISBN-13: 978-0195323030 Presentation and notes of lectures (pdf), http://leda.elfak.ni.ac.rs/?page=education/elektronika/elektronika.htm M. Radmanović, Osnovi elektronike, Elektronski fakultet Niš, 2013 (to be printed) V. Pavlović et.al., Laboratorijski praktikum iz predmeta Osnovi elektronike, Elektronski fakultet Niš, 2012. Electrical Engineering and Computing Petković M. Predrag, Pavlović D. Vlastimir, Milovanović P. Dragiša, Radmanović Đ. Milan Lecturer (for lectures) Lecturer/associate (for exercises) Lecturer/associate (for OFE) activity during lectures exercises colloquia projects Mirković D. Dejan, Dimitrijević A. Marko, Đorđević D. Srđan, Andrejević- Stošović V. Miona Electronic Devices and Microsystems BSc Basics of Electronics Study program Module Type and level of studies The name of the course

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6 Course status (obligatory/elective) obligatoryPrerequisitesCourse objectives

Course outcomes

Theoretical teaching

Practical teaching (exercises, OFE, study and research work)





Lectures Exercises OFE Study and research work Other classes

3 2 1Teaching methods

points Final exam points

10 писмени испит 2010 усмени испит 2040


Mirković D. Dejan, Dimitrijević A. Marko, Đorđević D. Srđan, Andrejević-Stošović V. Miona

Pre-exam dutiesGrade (maximum number of points 100)

Number of ECTS

Students will be able to recognize schematics, understand the principle of operation, and to understand the application of basic electronic circuits: amplifiers, oscillators of sinewave signals, rectifiers and voltage regulators.

Basic amplifier stages; Applications of operational amplifiers, Negative feedback, Oscillators, Power amplifiers, Rectifiers, and Voltage regulators

Acquiring basic knowledge of electronics, amplifying techniques, oscillators, rectifiers and voltage regulators.

Course outline

Diodes and diode circuits. Bipolar transistor, operating point and and load line. Model of bipolar transistors. MOSFET transistor,operating point and and load line. Model MOSFET transistors. Basic amplifier stages with bipolar and MOSFET transistor. Multistage amplifiers. Amplifier with direct coupling. Differential and operational amplifier. Application of operational amplifiers. Negative feedback. Oscillators. Large-signal amplifiers. Rectifiers and voltage regulators.

Specification for the book of courses

Lectures, Problem solving; Labs; Consultations.

Textbooks/referencesV. Litovski, Osnovi elektronike – teorija, rešeni zadaci i ispitna pitanja, Akademska misao, Beograd, 2006.

Number of classes of active education per week during semester/trimester/year

A. Sedra, K. Smith, Microelectronic Circuits, Oxford University Press, 2009, ISBN-13: 978-0195323030

Presentation and notes of lectures (pdf), http://leda.elfak.ni.ac.rs/?page=education/elektronika/elektronika.htm

M. Radmanović, Osnovi elektronike, Elektronski fakultet Niš, 2013 (to be printed)

V. Pavlović et.al., Laboratorijski praktikum iz predmeta Osnovi elektronike, Elektronski fakultet Niš, 2012.

Electrical Engineering and Computing

Petković M. Predrag, Pavlović D. Vlastimir, Milovanović P. Dragiša, Radmanović Đ. MilanLecturer (for lectures)

Lecturer/associate (for exercises)

Lecturer/associate (for OFE)

activity during lecturesexercisescolloquiaprojects

Mirković D. Dejan, Dimitrijević A. Marko, Đorđević D. Srđan, Andrejević-Stošović V. Miona

Electronic Devices and MicrosystemsBScBasics of Electronics

Study programModuleType and level of studiesThe name of the course

6 Course status (obligatory/elective) obligatoryPrerequisitesCourse objectivesCourse outcomes

Theoretical teaching

Practical teaching (exercises, OFE, study and research work)





Lectures Exercises OFE Study and research work Other classes

3 2Teaching methods

points Final exam points

10 written exam 30oral exam 20


Pre-exam dutiesGrade (maximum number of points 100)

Number of ECTS

Acquiring theoretic knowledge and practical skills; Handling of mathematical methods and applying in problems solution.


Acceptance of basic knowledges necessary for implementing programs for interactive modeling of free form curves and for fractal modeling

Course outlineSeries. Numerical series. Positive series. Alternative series. Finctional series. Potential series. Fourier series. Ordinary differential equations. First order differential equations. Differential equations of first and higher order. Systems of ordinary differential equations. Multivariable functions. Limiting values and continuity. Partial derivatives and differentials of first and higher orders. Local extrema. Conditional extrema. Global extrema on closed domain. Integrals. Curvilinear integrals. Double and triple integrals. Complex analysis. Complex variable functions. Cauchy-Riemann conditions. Complex integration. Cauchy basic integral formula for functions and derivatives. Laurent series. Residues and Heaviside method for partial fraction expansion. Laplace transform.

Specification for the book of courses

lecturing using blackboard, practical exercises

Textbooks/references Stefanović L., Ranđelović B., Matejić M.,Theory of series for students of technical faculties, Student Cultural Centre, Niš 2006.

Number of classes of active education per week during semester/trimester/year

Stefanović L., Matejić M., Marinković S., Differential equations for students of technical faculties, Student Cultural Centre, Niš 2006. Stefanović L., Matematics for students of technical faculties –Vector analysis; Integrals: curvilinear, double, triple, surface; Vector field theory, Prosveta Niš, 1997; Petković M., Milovanović G., Matematics for students of technical faculties. Part V, University of Niš, Facultuy of Electronic Engrg., 2000.

Đorđević R., Milovanović G., Differential equations – Ordinary differential equations, University of Niš, Facultuy of Electronic Engrg., 2006.

Kocić Lj.,Multivariable functions, University of Niš, Facultuy of Electronic Engrg., 2008.

Electrical Engineering and Computing

Kocić M. Ljubiša, Marjanović M. ZvezdanLecturer (for lectures)Lecturer/associate (for exercises)Lecturer/associate (for OFE)

activity during lecturesexercisescolloquiaprojects

Marjanović M. Zvezdan

Electronic Devices and MicrosystemsBScMathematics 3

Study programModuleType and level of studiesThe name of the course

6 Course status (obligatory/elective) obligatoryPrerequisitesCourse objectives

Course outcomes

Theoretical teaching

Practical teaching (exercises, OFE, study and research work)



Lectures Exercises OFE Study and research work Other classes

2 1 2 0 0

Teaching methods

points Final exam points

10 written exam 2010 oral exam 2040

Simić M. Milan, Miljković S. Goran, Dinčić R. Milan, Jocić V. Aleksandar, Lukić R. Jelena

Pre-exam dutiesGrade (maximum number of points 100)

Number of ECTS

Training and capability of students for solving of practical problems from area related to measurement of electrical quantities, on the basis of good knowing of measurement methods and techniques, with proper use of modern instruments and equipment for measurement of electrical quantities. Also, important segment is training of students for lather application of acquired knowledge about measurement techniques in engineering professions from areas of electrical engineering and computer science.

Computational, laboratory and demonstration exercises: training of students for solving of computational tasks from measurement of electrical quantities, also for practical use of measurement methods and measuring instruments, over engagement on laboratory and demonstration exercises. According to the Manual for work on laboratory exercises, students submit appropriate report about each completed laboratory exercise.

Education and introduction of students with basic theoretical and practical knowledge from area of metrology and measurement of electrical quantities.

Course outline

Basics of measurement theory - metrology. Electrical quantities and measurement units. Standards of measurement units ampere, ohm and volt in MKSA system (etalons and norms). Structural schemes of process for measurement of electrical quantities. Methods for measurement of electrical quantities. Processing of measurement results and measuring uncertainty. Metrological characteristics of electrical measuring resources. Analog and digital measuring instruments. Instrument with moving coil. Expansion of measuring range for ammeter, voltmeter and ohmmeter. Measuring converters of electrical quantities. Oscilloscopes.

Specification for the book of courses

Lectures (theoretical teaching) with graphical presentation of material in the form of slides. Computational exercises with solving of tasks related to measurement of electrical quantities.Practical teaching in the form of laboratory and demonstration exercises.Everyday consultations of students at teachers or associates. Individual work of students in the form of homework tasks.

Textbooks/referencesB. Dimitrijević, “Electrical measurements“, intended textbook, Naucna knjiga, Belgrade.

Number of classes of active education per week during semester/trimester/year

S. Tumanski, “Principles of Electrical Measurements”, Taylor & Francis Group, 2006. Material for lectures on the faculty website: Lectures MEV.ppt and Lectures MEV.pdf (www.elfak.ni.ac.rs).

P. Pravica, I. Bagarić, “Metrology of Electrical Quantities - General part“, Nauka, Belgrade.

B. Dimitrijević, D. Denić, G. Đorđević, “Electrical measurements - Collection of tasks with Manual for work on laboratory exercises“, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Niš.

Electrical Engineering and Computing

Denić B. DraganLecturer (for lectures)Lecturer/associate (for exercises)

Lecturer/associate (for OFE)

activity during lecturesexercisescolloquiaprojects

Simić M. Milan, Miljković S. Goran, Dinčić R. Milan

Electronic Devices and MicrosystemsBScMetrology of Electrical Quantities

Study program

ModuleType and level of studiesThe name of the course

6 Course status (obligatory/elective) obligatoryPrerequisites

Course objectivesCourse outcomes

Theoretical teaching

Practical teaching (exercises, OFE, study and research work)


Lectures Exercises OFE Study and research work Other classes

2 1 2Teaching methods

points Final exam points

5 written exam 255 oral exam 25


Stančić Z. Goran

Pre-exam dutiesGrade (maximum number of points 100)

Number of ECTS

Theoretical and practical knowledge about the characteristics of signals and systems. Knowledge of procedures for the analysis of systems in time and frequency domain.

Transformation of the independent variables: displacement operations, reflection, and scaling. Odd and even functions. Analysis of the car first and second order. Signali.Predstavljanje elementary functions through elementary signals. Laplace transform. Laplace transform and its calculation. Convolution. The calculation of the convolution in the time domain. Calculation of the convolution using the Laplace transform. Fourier series. Developing periodic functions in Fourier series. Determining the output of the system for a given input using Laplace transform.

Acquiring basic knowledge of signals and systems. Introduction to the methods of systems analysis in the time domain. Laplace transform and its application to the analysis of the system. Fourier series. Convolution calculation and output of the system for arbitrary excitation.

Course outlineThe concept of signals and systems, signal types, classification. Stability.Impuls response. Characterization of continuous systems by differential equations. Fourier series. Discretization of continuous signals. Real and idealized measurement time continuous signals. Sampling Theorem. Impulse response in the time domain. Convolution. Laplace transform. Relation between Laplace and Fourier transformations. Application of the Laplace transform to solve differential equations. Linear transfer function of the system. The stability of the system. Response of linear continuous system to an arbitrary excitation.

Specification for the book of courses

Lectures, auditory exercises, laboratory practice

Textbooks/referencesMiodrag Popović, Signali i sistemi

Number of classes of active education per week during semester/trimester/year

Видосав Стојановић, Дискретне мреже и процесирање сигнала, 2004Simon Haykin, Barry Van Veen, Signals and systemsSteven T. Karris, Signals and systems with Matlab applications

Electrical Engineering and Computing

Nikolić V. SašaLecturer (for lectures)Lecturer/associate (for exercises)Lecturer/associate (for OFE)

activity during lecturesexercisescolloquiaprojects

Stančić Z. Goran

Electronic Devices and MicrosystemsBScSignals and Systems

Study programModuleType and level of studiesThe name of the course

6 Course status (obligatory/elective) obligatoryPrerequisites

Course objectives

Course outcomes

Theoretical teaching

Practical teaching (exercises, OFE, study and research work)


Lectures Exercises OFE Study and research work Other classes

2 2 1Teaching methods

points Final exam points

5 written exam 2520 oral exam 2520


Paunović V. Vesna

Pre-exam dutiesGrade (maximum number of points 100)

Number of ECTS

Students acquire the necessary knowledge about the types and basic properties of materials for electronic components and devices. The obtained knowledge is important for further successful study of several subjects at BSc and MSc studies.

Practical and laboratory exercises concerning conducting, semiconducting, dielectric and magnetic materials.

Introduction to the micro and macro structural properties of inorganic (conducting, semiconducting, dielectric, magnetic and superconducting) materials as well as organic electronic materials.

Course outlineIntroduction. Electronic materials vs. electronic products. Conductors: definitions and general properties, metals, alloys, non-metallic conductors, application. Semiconductors: definitions and general properties, semiconducting elements, semiconductor compounds and alloys, application. Dielectrics: definitions, mechanisms of polarization, the static and dynamic properties, special dielectrics, application. Magnetic materials: definitions and general relationships, types of magnetic materials, applications. Superconductors: phenomenology of superconductivity, applications. Organic materials and application.

Specification for the book of courses

Lectures, consultations, laboratory and practical exercises

Textbooks/references Power Point presentations on: materijali.elfak.ni.ac.rs

Number of classes of active education per week during semester/trimester/year

S. O. Kasap, Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices , McGraw-Hill, 2002

Electrical Engineering and Computing

Pešić M. BiljanaLecturer (for lectures)Lecturer/associate (for exercises)Lecturer/associate (for OFE)

activity during lecturesexercisescolloquiaprojects

Paunović V. Vesna

Electronic Devices and MicrosystemsBScElectronic Materials

Study programModuleType and level of studiesThe name of the course

6 Course status (obligatory/elective) electivePrerequisites

Course objectives

Course outcomes

Theoretical teaching

Practical teaching (exercises, OFE, study and research work)




Lectures Exercises OFE Study and research work Other classes

2 2 1Teaching methods

points Final exam points

10 written exam 1520 oral exam 153010

Paunović V. Vesna

Pre-exam dutiesGrade (maximum number of points 100)

Number of ECTS

Students develop the capacity to understand the relationship between the structure and properties of materials and the ability to combine various methods and devices for a detailed, precise and inventive materials characterization.

Computational and laboratory excercises in SEM and EDS analyses; electrical characterization of materials.

Gaining basic knowledge on materials characterization methods. Interlinking theoretical knowledge and its practical application in materials characterization. Gaining knowledge about the latest methods and devices for materials characterization.

Course outline

Modern materials analysis methods. Structural properties of materials. Technology (synthesis) – structural properties – materials correlation. Symmetry and crystallography in the structural hierarchy of materials. Modern characterization methods: SEM, TEM, EDS, XRD, SPM, laser spectroscopy, NMR spectroscopy. Stereologiacal methods (quantitative metallography). Application of fractals in the structural analysis of materials. Materials structure in the function of high integration of electronic components and parameters within electronic devices. New measurement technologies of materials' electrical and electronic properties at the microstructural and nanoscale levels. New characterization methods for nanomaterials. Pushing the limits of scientific knowledge in the field of structural hierarchy and analysis of advanced materials.

Specification for the book of courses

Lectures including video presentations, laboratory exercises, consultations, seminar papers.

Textbooks/references M.T. Dove, Structure and Dynamics, Oxford master series, 2005.

Number of classes of active education per week during semester/trimester/year

M. L. Frame, B.B. Mandelbort, Fractals, Graphics and Mathematics Education,The Mathematical Association of America Inc., 2002, Washington DC

M. Wilson, K. Kannangara, G. Smith, M. Simmons, B. Raguse, Nanotechnology-basic science and emerging technologies, Chapman&Hall, 2004

Electrical Engineering and Computing

Mitić V. VojislavLecturer (for lectures)Lecturer/associate (for exercises)Lecturer/associate (for OFE)

activity during lecturesexercisescolloquiaprojects

Paunović V. Vesna, Mitić V. Vojislav

Electronic Devices and MicrosystemsBScMaterials Characterization

Study programModuleType and level of studiesThe name of the course

6 Course status (obligatory/elective) electivePrerequisitesCourse objectivesCourse outcomes

Theoretical teaching

Practical teaching (exercises, OFE, study and research work)





Lectures Exercises OFE Study and research work Other classes

2 2 1Teaching methods

points Final exam points

10 written exam 2030 oral exam 2020

Electronic Devices and MicrosystemsBScComponents for Telecommunications

Study programModuleType and level of studiesThe name of the course

Manić Đ. IvicaLecturer (for lectures)Lecturer/associate (for exercises)Lecturer/associate (for OFE)

activity during lecturesexercisescolloquiaprojects

Danković M. Danijel

Specification for the book of courses

Lectures, exercises, laboratory exercises, consultations

Textbooks/referencesPrinted matter – lecture texts and PowerPoint slides, problems with solutions and instructions for laboratory exercises

Number of classes of active education per week during semester/trimester/year

S. Dimitrijev, Understanding Semiconductor Devices, Oxford University Press, New York, 2000, ISBN 0-19-513186-X

T.S. Laverghetta, Microwaves and Wireless Simplified (2nd ed.), Artech House, Boston, 2005, ISBN 1-58053-943-2

Electrical Engineering and Computing

Danković M. Danijel

Pre-exam dutiesGrade (maximum number of points 100)

Number of ECTS

Understanding of electronic components and comprehension of their applications in telecommunications

Auditory exercises cover the areas of transmission lines, passive components, bipolar and MOS transistors, CMOS circuits, memories and SMD components. Laboratory exercises include realization of basic circuits with rectifying, Zener, Schottky diodes and LEDs, measurements of bipolar and MOS transistor and CMOS inverter characteristics, realization of basic amplifying and oscilatory circuits, frequency multipliers, filters, amplitude and frequency modulators and demodulators, basic arythmetic operation circuits, and photodiode and phototransistor based remote control units.

Introduction to most important passive and active devices and components for transmission, processing, amplification, receiving and emission of signals in telecommunications

Course outline

Peculiarities of components for telecommunications. Transmission lines. Classification of transmission lines. Connectors and sockets. Passive electronic components. Ferrite and combined components. Semiconductor materials: Si and III-V compounds. Diodes. Bipolar transistor. MOS transistor. LDMOS transistor. FET. Integrated circuits. Digital circuit technologies. CMOS. BiCMOS. Dynamic RAM cells: capacitive cell, FLASH, FeRAM. Low noise receivers. Components in SMD technology.

6 Course status (obligatory/elective) electivePrerequisites

Course objectives

Course outcomes

Theoretical teaching

Practical teaching (exercises, OFE, study and research work)



Lectures Exercises OFE Study and research work Other classes

2 2 0Teaching methods

points Final exam points

written exam 25oral exam 25


Electronic Devices and MicrosystemsBScFundamentals of Quantum and Statistical Physics

Study programModuleType and level of studiesThe name of the course

Ristić S. GoranLecturer (for lectures)Lecturer/associate (for exercises)Lecturer/associate (for OFE)

activity during lecturesexercisescolloquiaprojects

Nešić T. Nikola

Specification for the book of courses

Lectures, calculation exercises, and consultations

Textbooks/referencesG. Ristić, Fundamentals of quantum and statistical physics, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Niš, 2008

Number of classes of active education per week during semester/trimester/year

Electrical Engineering and Computing

Pre-exam dutiesGrade (maximum number of points 100)

Number of ECTS

Mastering methods to solve the problem of electron tunneling through the potential barrier and finding potential energy of electrons in the pits. The possibility of application of quantum statistics for solid bodies, with special emphasis on semiconductors.

Practical work is carried out through calculation exercises in which address specific problems. It allows students to successfully master the areas to be treated in lectures.

Basics of non-relativistic quantum mechanics and the principle of quantum components. Introduction to classical and quantum statistics and their application to photons and electrons.

Course outline

Limitations of classical physics. Introductory Quantum Mechanics settings. Wave-particle dualism. De Broglie hypothesis and Heisenberg Uncertainty principle. Wave function. Stationary and non-stationary Schrödinger equation. Potential step, potential barriers and pits. WKB approximation. The tunnel diode. Quantum microstructure. Quantum transistors. Maxwell-Boltzmann, Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac distribution. Statistics electrons and photons.

6 Course status (obligatory/elective) ElectivePrerequisitesCourse objectives

Course outcomes

Theoretical teaching

Practical teaching (exercises, OFE, study and research work)



Lectures Exercises OFE Study and research work Other classes

2 2 1Teaching methods

points Final exam points

5 written exam 205 oral exam 30


Cvetković M. Aleksandra

Pre-exam dutiesGrade (maximum number of points 100)

Number of ECTS

After passing the exam the students will be able to: 1) perform spectral analysis of deterministic and stochastic signals; 2) learn the basic principles of analog amplitude and angle modulations; 3) learn algorithms for digitalization of analog signals; 4) know performance of pulse code modulation and different variations of delta modulation; 5) know basic principles of digital signals transmission in baseband and passband.

Exercises in classrooms (solving problems) and lab exercises using equipments, as well as computers for MATLAB exercises in all topics from lectures.

Gaining basic knowledge in the field of analog and digital telecommunications.

Course outlineSpectral analysis of deterministic and stochastic signals. Survey and description of systems for signal transmission. Transmission of signals over linear and nonlinear systems. Amplitude, frequency and phase modulation. Sampling. Quantization and compression. Coding. Frame synchronization. Delta modulation. Pulse code modulation. Baseband digital signal transmission. Passband digital signal transmission (ASK, FSK, PSK, QAM). Basics of information theory. Examples of optical, wireless and satellite telecommunication systems.

Specification for the book of courses

Lectures, exercises in classroom, lab exercises, consultations, homework, project.

Textbooks/referencesM. Dukić, Principles of telecommunications, Akademska misao, Beograd, 2008.

Number of classes of active education per week during semester/trimester/year

S. Haykin, Communication Systems, 4th ed., John Wiley & Sons, 2001.Z. Nikolić, Basics of telecommunications, Čuperak plavi, Niš, 1994.

I. S. Stojanović, Basics of telecommunications, Naučna knjiga, Beograd, 1990.

M. Dukić, Principles of telecommunications – Collection of solved problems, Akademska misao, Beograd, 2009.

Electrical Engineering and Computing

Đorđević T. GoranLecturer (for lectures)Lecturer/associate (for exercises)Lecturer/associate (for OFE)

activity during lecturesexercisescolloquiaprojects

Cvetković M. Aleksandra

Electronic Devices and MicrosystemsBScTelecommunications

Study programModuleType and level of studiesThe name of the course

6 Course status (obligatory/elective) obligatoryPrerequisitesCourse objectivesCourse outcomes

Theoretical teaching

Practical teaching (exercises, OFE, study and research work)



Lectures Exercises OFE Study and research work Other classes

2 2 1 consalting 1Teaching methods

points Final exam points

5 written exam 155 oral exam 15


Nešić T. Nikola

Pre-exam dutiesGrade (maximum number of points 100)

Number of ECTS

Necessary theoretical knowledge for studying of higher courses (optoelectronics) at technical faculties.

Practice teaching will be realized through exercises (audio and laboratory) and tutor works, which enables that students successfuly ovrcome the theoretical material.

Introducing to basic characteristics of light and optical laws.

Course outlineBasic characteristics of light. Geometrical optics. Electromagnetic theory of light. Interferention, difraction and polarization of light. Passing of light through isotropic and anisotropic media. Corpuscular theory of light. Rentgen's rays. Photodevices.

Specification for the book of courses

Lecturers, exercises, tutor work

Textbooks/referencesМ. Pejović, General Physics (Optics), Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Niš, 2006.

Number of classes of active education per week during semester/trimester/year

Germain Cartier, Introduction to optics,Springer Science+Business Media, 1997М. Vučić, Basic Measurements in physics, Scientific book, Belgrade 1990

M. Pejović, S. Golubović, G. Ristić, A. Jakšić, General Physics - Solved problems, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Niš, 2003.

Electrical Engineering and Computing

Golubović M. SnežanaLecturer (for lectures)Lecturer/associate (for exercises)Lecturer/associate (for OFE)

activity during lecturesexercisescolloquiaprojects

Golubović M. Snežana

Electronic Devices and MicrosystemsBScBasics of Optics

Study programModuleType and level of studiesThe name of the course

6 Course status (obligatory/elective) obligatoryPrerequisitesCourse objectivesCourse outcomes

Theoretical teaching

Practical teaching (exercises, OFE, study and research work)




Lectures Exercises OFE Study and research work Other classes

2 2 1Teaching methods

points Final exam points

5 written exam 2030 oral exam 20


Pešić M. Biljana

Pre-exam dutiesGrade (maximum number of points 100)

Number of ECTS

Theoretical knowledge on a number of technologies for microsystem realization.

The exercises showing same technological processes

To obtain the basic knowledge on materials and technological processes used in fabrication, assembly and integration of various microsistems.

Course outlineDefinitions and classification of microsystems. Materials for microsystems. Technological processes: film deposition, doping, lithography, etching, specific processes. Bulk micromachining technology: processes flow, structures and applications. Surface micromachining technology: processes flow, structures and applications, LIGA technology: processes flow and applications. Assembly and integration of microsystems.

Specification for the book of courses

Lectures, practice work, consultations

Textbooks/references Power Point presentations on: www.elfak.ni.ac.рс/predavanja/Tehnologije mikrosistema

Number of classes of active education per week during semester/trimester/year

V. Vardan, K. Vinoy and S. Gopalakrishnan, Smart Material Systems and MEMS , John Wiley, 2006

N. Maluf, An Introdution to Microelectromechanical Systems Engineering, Artech House, 2000

Electrical Engineering and Computing

Pešić M. Biljana, Paunović V. VesnaLecturer (for lectures)Lecturer/associate (for exercises)Lecturer/associate (for OFE)

activity during lecturesexercisescolloquiaprojects

Pešić M. Biljana, Paunović V. Vesna

Electronic Devices and MicrosystemsBScMicrosystem Technologies

Study programModuleType and level of studiesThe name of the course

6 Course status (obligatory/elective) obligatoryPrerequisitesCourse objectives

Course outcomes

Theoretical teaching

Practical teaching (exercises, OFE, study and research work)



Lectures Exercises OFE Study and research work Other classes

2 2 1 0 0Teaching methods

points Final exam points

5 written exam 2515 oral exam 2530

Prijić P. Aneta

Pre-exam dutiesGrade (maximum number of points 100)

Number of ECTS

The knowledge of basic semiconductor devices structure, operation principles, and characteristic parameters. Ability to select appropriate semiconductor devices for versatile applications on the basis of their datasheets. Capability to design basic discrete electronic circuits and analyze their sensitivity in a view of semiconductor devices electrical tolerances and temperature stability.

PC and laboratory exercises on the topics: Current-voltage characteristics of diodes; Diode rectifiers; Voltage level clipping and setting diode circuits; BJT as a switch; BJT as an amplifier; Constant current sources with a JFET; NMOS and CMOS inverter.

The study of basic semiconductor devices structure and operation principles and introduction to their electrical characteristics and main applications in the electronic circuits.

Course outline

Introduction. Overview of major semiconductor devices types. Basic semiconductor properties. Structure, operation principles and characteristics of major diode types. Diode applications. Structure, operation principles and characteristics of bipolar junction transistors (BJTs). BJT as a switch. BJT as an amplifier. Basic amplifying circuits with a BJT. Structure, operation principles and characteristics of junction field effect transistors (JFETs). Constant current sources with a JFET. Structure, operation principles and characteristics of metal-oxide-semiconductor field effect transistors (MOSFETs). NMOS and PMOS FETs. NMOS inverter. CMOS inverter. Multi-junction and other semiconductor devices.

Specification for the book of courses

Theoretical teaching - using slides; Demonstration teaching - using curve tracer and parametric analyzer; PC exercises; Laboratory exercises.

Textbooks/referencesLeactures handouts

Number of classes of active education per week during semester/trimester/year

PC exercises manualLaboratory exercises manual

Stojan Ristić, "Discrete Semiconductor Devices" - in Serbian, Prosveta, Niš, 2002.

R. Boylestad, L. Nashelsky, "Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory", Pearson Education, New Jersey, USA, 2009.

Electrical Engineering and Computing

Prijić P. AnetaLecturer (for lectures)Lecturer/associate (for exercises)Lecturer/associate (for OFE)

activity during lecturesexercisescolloquiaprojects

Prijić P. Aneta

Electronic Devices and MicrosystemsBScSemiconductor Devices

Study programModuleType and level of studiesThe name of the course

5 Course status (obligatory/elective) electivePrerequisitesCourse objectivesCourse outcomes

Theoretical teaching

Practical teaching (exercises, OFE, study and research work)


Lectures Exercises OFE Study and research work Other classes

2 2 0Teaching methods

points Final exam points

written exam 35oral exam 35


Pre-exam dutiesGrade (maximum number of points 100)

Number of ECTS

Competence of students to apply knowledge gained in professional work in the conditions of higher levels of radiation, as well as a successful problem solving in the dosimetry

Practical classes will be conducted through calculation exercises. Solving concrete problems allow students to gain some practical knowledge

Learning basic knowledge of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation, dosimetric quantities and units, as well as the introduction to the basic types of radiation dosimeters

Course outline

Theoretical study will be conducted through lectures, within the following areas: Sources and types of radiation, radiation division. Ionizing radiation: particle and electromagnetic, radioactive decay law, dosimetric quantities and units, radiation interaction with matter, the effect of radiation on living organisms, detection of radiation. Principle of operation and description of the various types of ionizing radiation dosimeters. Non-ionizing radiation (radio-frequency and optical): properties, quantities and units, and measuring instruments for measuring radiation fields, biological effects.

Specification for the book of courses

Lectures, calculation exercises, and consultations

Textbooks/referencesG. Ristić, Dosimetry and dosimeters (script), Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Niš

Number of classes of active education per week during semester/trimester/year

Electrical Engineering and Computing

Ristić S. GoranLecturer (for lectures)Lecturer/associate (for exercises)Lecturer/associate (for OFE)

activity during lecturesexercisescolloquiaprojects

Živanović N. Emilija

Electronic Devices and MicrosystemsBScDosimetry and Dosimeters

Study programModuleType and level of studiesThe name of the course

5 Course status (obligatory/elective) electivePrerequisites

Course objectives

Course outcomes

Theoretical teaching

Practical teaching (exercises, OFE, study and research work)





Lectures Exercises OFE Study and research work Other classes

2 2Teaching methods

points Final exam points

10 written exam 20oral exam 20


Pre-exam dutiesGrade (maximum number of points 100)

Number of ECTS

The student is trained to be able to solve basic engineering problems that require knowledge of electromagnetics and to understand the principles of operation of devices based on the properties of electromagnetic fields, which are of great importance in modern technologies.

Simulation on a computer, using a software package for the calculation of the EM field, is provided

The aim of the course is that students learn to use the most commonly applied methods for calculation of electromagnetic fields, and to become familiar with current regulations and standards in the field of electromagnetic reliability of electronic devices.

Course outline

Electric and magnetic field. Static and dynamic fields. Traveling waves. Sinusoidal waves in a lossless medium. Transmission Lines: Transmission line equations. Wave propagation on a transmission line. The lossless transmission line. Voltage reflection coefficient. Standing waves.Electrostatics: Maxwell’s equations. Coulomb’s law. Electric scalar potential. Poisson’s equation. Dielectric boundary conditions. Image method. Magnetostatics: Magnetic forces and torques. The Biot—Savart law. Magnetic field due to surface and volume current distributions. Maxwell’s magnetostatic equations. Gauss’s law for magnetism. Ampere’s law. Magnetic vector potential. Magnetic properties of materials. Magnetic permeability. Magnetic boundary conditions.Plane-Wave Propagation: Definition of plane wave. Dispersity equation. Polarization of plane wave. Phase and group velocity. Snell’s laws. Fresnel refraction and diffraction coefficients. Bruster’s angle. Metamaterials. Radiation and Antennas: The short dipole. Far-field approximation. Power density. Antenna radiation characteristics. Antenna pattern. Antenna directivity. Antenna gain. Radiation resistance. Еlectromagnetic Compatibility: Conductive and radiation interferences. Interferences caused by analogue and digital signals. Signal distortion. Screening. Grounding.

Specification for the book of courses

Besides board work, multimedial presentations, photographs and video clips are presented.

Textbooks/references8. F. T. Ulaby, E. Michielssen, U. Ravaioli: Fundamentals of Applied Electromagnetics (6/E), Prentice Hall, 2010.

Number of classes of active education per week during semester/trimester/year

J. V. Surutka: Elektromagnetika, Građevinska knjiga, Beograd, 1966. D. M. Veličković: Elektromagnetika - prva sveska, Elektronski fakultet, Niš, 2004.

D. M. Veličković, F. H. Uhlmann, K. Brandisky, R. D. Stancheva, H. Brauer:Fundamentals of Modern Electromagnetics for Engineering, TU Ilmenau, Germany, 2005.

D. M. Veličković i saradnici.: Zbirka rešenih ispitnih zadataka iz Elektromagnetike, Elektronski fakultet, Niš, 2000.

Electrical Engineering and Computing

Raičević B. Nebojša, Cvetković N. NenadLecturer (for lectures)Lecturer/associate (for exercises)Lecturer/associate (for OFE)

activity during lecturesexercisescolloquiaprojects

Rančić P. Milica, Ilić S. Saša

Electronic Devices and MicrosystemsBScApplied Electromagnetics

Study programModuleType and level of studiesThe name of the course

5 Course status (obligatory/elective) electivePrerequisitesCourse objectivesCourse outcomes

Theoretical teaching

Practical teaching (exercises, OFE, study and research work)



Lectures Exercises OFE Study and research work Other classes

2 2 0Teaching methods

points Final exam points

10 written exam 30oral exam 40


Pre-exam dutiesGrade (maximum number of points 100)

Number of ECTS

Theoretical knowledge. Background for the advanced courses in microsystems devices and technology.

Computer simulation of semiconductor phenomena.

Introduction to the prenomena essential to the understanding of semiconductor device physics.

Course outline

Energy bands in semiconductors. Dopants in semiconductors. Carrier concentration. Electroneutrality equation. Degeneration of semiconductors. Carrier transport. Boltzmann kinetic equation. Scattering mechanisms. Transport equation. Carrier mobility. Diffusion and recombination processes. Continuity equation Diffusion current. Poisson's equation. Carrier lifetime. Continuity equation. Einstein's relation. Conductivity at high-fields. Hot carriers. Tunneling and avalanche breakdown mechanisms. Contact and surface phenomena. Homogeneous and heterogeneous P-N junction. MOS structure.

Specification for the book of courses

Lectures; Computer simulations; Consultation.

Textbooks/referencesCourse Website

Number of classes of active education per week during semester/trimester/year

Selected Chapters from: S. Zee, M. Lee, „Semiconductor Devices - Physics and Technology“, 3rd Ed., Wiley, 2012, ISBN 978-0470-53794-7.

Electrical Engineering and Computing

Nikolić S. Zoran, Pantić S. DraganLecturer (for lectures)Lecturer/associate (for exercises)Lecturer/associate (for OFE)

activity during lecturesexercisescolloquiaprojects

Nikolić S. Zoran, Pantić S. Dragan

Electronic Devices and MicrosystemsBScSolid State Electronics

Study programModuleType and level of studiesThe name of the course

5 Course status (obligatory/elective) electivePrerequisites

Course objectives

Course outcomes

Theoretical teaching

Practical teaching (exercises, OFE, study and research work)


Lectures Exercises OFE Study and research work Other classes

2 2 1

Teaching methods

points Final exam points

5 written exam 25oral exam 25


Aleksić M. Sanja, Jovanović D. Igor

Pre-exam dutiesGrade (maximum number of points 100)

Number of ECTS

The course is organized so to combine the theoretical and practical knowledge in that way to designe and use the system for the conversion of renewable resources into electricity or thermal energy, and improve their applicability.

To demonstrate familiarity with the topic and ability to communicate concepts across discipline boundaries, each student in the course is expected to give a short oral presentation on a topic related to his/her own research interest to Renewable Energy.

The adoption of basic knowledge and understanding of the importance of renewable energy. Introduction with the types of renewable energy technologies and other types of conversion of energy into electricity. Studying the characteristics of components and systems, and software tools used to design the system.

Course outlineIntroduction - energy and environment, global supply and use of energy, concept and types of renewable energy sources. Conditions in the global market and examples of implemented plants in Serbia. Wind energy: resources, wind power, wind generators, wind farm. Hydropower: resources, utilization of water power, an assessment of available energy, types of turbines and systems, small hydro (types and structures). Geothermal energy: types of geothermal resources (water, hot rocks, earth), resources, technology and systems of exploitation. Biomass: features, technologies and systems for biomass, dedicated biomass production for energy, the biochemical processes of production (ethanol, biodiesel and biogas). Nuclear Power: The process of obtaining nuclear power, nuclear fuel. New technologies: fuel cells, compressed hydrogen. Energy Storage: hydropower reservoirs, electrochemical energy storage (batteries), the process of electrolysis, stored energy of compressed hydrogen. Solar energy. Solar thermal and photovoltaic energy. Types of solar cells and their basic electrical characteristics. Modeling and simulation of manufacturing processes and the electrical properties of solar cells. Types and components of solar photovoltaic systems. Stand-alone

Specification for the book of courses

Teaching methods are lectures and exercises with active student participation through discussion on a given topic, and the analysis of different solutions in the area of renewable energy sources. Independent student work is presented through the development and presentation of seminar.

Textbooks/referencesCourse Website

Number of classes of active education per week during semester/trimester/year

Miloš Radaković, Renewable Energy and Economy, AGM book, 2010.Ljubomir Mandandzić, Renewable Energy Sources, Graphis, 2011.

Electrical Engineering and Computing

Pantić S. Dragan, Mančić D. DraganLecturer (for lectures)Lecturer/associate (for exercises)Lecturer/associate (for OFE)

activity during lecturesexercisescolloquiaprojects

Aleksić M. Sanja, Jovanović D. Igor

Electronic Devices and MicrosystemsBScRenewable Energy

Study programModuleType and level of studiesThe name of the course

3 Course status (obligatory/elective) obligatoryPrerequisitesCourse objectivesCourse outcomes

Theoretical teaching

Practical teaching (exercises, OFE, study and research work)



Lectures Exercises OFE Study and research work Other classes

2 0Teaching methods

points Final exam points

20 written exam 2020 oral exam 201010

Electronic Devices and MicrosystemsBScEnglish Language 1

Study programModuleType and level of studiesThe name of the course

Stojković M. NadeždaLecturer (for lectures)Lecturer/associate (for exercises)Lecturer/associate (for OFE)

activity during lecturesexercisescolloquiaprojects

Specification for the book of courses

lectures, consultations.

Textbooks/referencesSlađana Živković, Nadežda Stojković, English for Students of Information and Communication Technologies, Elektronski fakultet, 2012.

Number of classes of active education per week during semester/trimester/year

Electrical Engineering and Computing

Pre-exam dutiesGrade (maximum number of points 100)

Number of ECTS

Theoretical and practical knowledge on English language for electro technology.

Work on verbal tenses, passive, if clauses, exercises on expert vocabulary, relevant areas of syntax and morphology.

Acquiring knowledge on English Language for electro technology.

Course outline

Work on language units related to basic aspects of electro technology. Introduction to professional and scientific vocabulary, specific and characteristic syntax structures and basic morphological processes that are most frequent in expert English language for electro technology.

6 Course status (obligatory/elective) obligatoryPrerequisitesCourse objectivesCourse outcomes

Theoretical teaching

Practical teaching (exercises, OFE, study and research work)



Lectures Exercises OFE Study and research work Other classes

2 2 1Teaching methods

points Final exam points

20 written exam 3020 oral exam 30

Danković M. Danijel

Pre-exam dutiesGrade (maximum number of points 100)

Number of ECTS

Theoretical knowledge. Ability to use of analog circuit simulator. The ability to realize simple analog circuits in practice.

Computer simulation of circuits with analog microelectronic components. Selection of analog components on the basis of the technical specifications (datasheets). Practical implementation of circuits with discrete components and integrated circuits, on a breadboard level.

Introduction to basic analog microelectronic circuits and their practical implementation.

Course outlineDC voltage sources: integrated rectifiers, switching power supplies, DC voltage filtering. Basic amplifiers: amplifiers in bipolar technology, amplifiers in MOS technology, constant current sources, differential amplifiers, multistage amplifiers. Analog microelectronic circuits: integrated CMOS operational amplifier, voltage reference sources, comparators, oscillators, multivibrators, operational transconductance amplifiers, integrated stabilizers and DC voltage converters, voltage level shifters, battery chargers, A/D converters.

Specification for the book of courses

Lectures; Computer simulations; Practical laboratory work; Consultation.

Textbooks/referencesCourse Website

Number of classes of active education per week during semester/trimester/year

A. Sedra, C. Smith, „Microelectronics Circuits“, International Sixth Edition, Oxford University Press, 2010, ISBN 978-0199738519.

Electrical Engineering and Computing

Prijić D. ZoranLecturer (for lectures)Lecturer/associate (for exercises)Lecturer/associate (for OFE)

activity during lecturesexercisescolloquiaprojects

Danković M. Danijel, Pejović M. Milić

Electronic Devices and MicrosystemsBScAnalog Microelectronics

Study programModuleType and level of studiesThe name of the course

6 Course status (obligatory/elective) obligatoryPrerequisitesCourse objectivesCourse outcomes

Theoretical teaching

Practical teaching (exercises, OFE, study and research work)




Lectures Exercises OFE Study and research work Other classes2 2 1

Teaching methods

points Final exam points

10 written exam 2030 oral exam 2020

Manić Đ. Ivica

Pre-exam dutiesGrade (maximum number of points 100)

Number of ECTS

Theoretical knowledge on device and microsystem characterization techniques and ability to use the specific measurement equipment and apply the particular characterization techniques

Auditory exercises cover the areas of device electrical characterization, screening techniques, characterization of electrical and physical parameters, analytical techniques, and chip topography and surface analyses. Laboratory exercises include: manual and automatic (using a computer and appropriate software) measurements of electrical characteristics and breakdown voltages, as well as determination of static and dynamic parameters (resistance, threshold voltage, gain, transcoductance) in different types of diodes, bipolar transistors, MOS transistors, thyristors, JFETs, CMOS inverters and sensor devices by means of curve tracer, parameter analyzer and specific source-measure units.

To understand the most important techniques of characterization of electronic devices and microsystems, as well as to master the practical application of specific techniques

Course outline

Еlectrical characterization techniques. Measurements of transfer and output I-V characteristics. Application of curve tracer and electrical parameter analyzer. Characterization of the encapsulated devices: application of test sockets. Characterization on the chip: screening techniques. Characterization of electrical and physical parameters: CV technique, charge pumping, I-V techniques. Analytical characterization techniques. Detailed analysis of various device datasheets: device parameters and their meanings. Criteria of device selection depending on circuit application.

Specification for the book of courses

Lectures, exercises, laboratory exercises, consultations

Textbooks/referencesPrinted matter – lecture texts and PowerPoint slides, problems with solutions and measurement manuals

Number of classes of active education per week during semester/trimester/year

D.K. Schroder, Semiconductor material and device characterization (2nd ed.), John Willey & Sons, New York, 1998, ISBN 0-471-24139-3

The Parametric Measurement Handbook, Third Ed., March 2012, Agilent Technologies.

Electrical Engineering and Computing

Manić Đ. IvicaLecturer (for lectures)Lecturer/associate (for exercises)Lecturer/associate (for OFE)

activity during lecturesexercisescolloquiaprojects

Manić Đ. Ivica

Electronic Devices and MicrosystemsBScCharacterization of Electronic Devices

Study programModuleType and level of studiesThe name of the course

5 Course status (obligatory/elective) obligatoryPrerequisites

Course objectives

Course outcomes

Theoretical teaching

Practical teaching (exercises, OFE, study and research work)



Lectures Exercises OFE Study and research work Other classes

2 1 1Teaching methods

points Final exam points

10 written exam 2020 oral exam 202010

Electronic Devices and MicrosystemsBScAdvanced Materials and Technologies

Study programModuleType and level of studiesThe name of the course

Mitić V. VojislavLecturer (for lectures)Lecturer/associate (for exercises)Lecturer/associate (for OFE)

activity during lecturesexercisescolloquiaprojects

Mitić V. Vojislav

Specification for the book of courses

Lectures, consultations, computational and laboratory exercises

Textbooks/references M. M. Ristić, Principi nauke o materijalima, SANU Posebna izdanja, knjiga DCXVII, (1993).

Number of classes of active education per week during semester/trimester/year

W.D.Callister, “Materials Science And Engineering an introduction, John Wiley&Sons Ltd, 2003

D.Raković, Fizičke osnove i karakteristike elektrotehničkih materijala, Beograd, (1997)

Electrical Engineering and Computing

Paunović V. Vesna

Pre-exam dutiesGrade (maximum number of points 100)

Number of ECTS

The subject seeks to develop the capacity to understand the structure-properties-application relationship and the ability to design materials with controlled properties for energy applications.

Laboratory and computational exercises in relevant fields

Gaining basic knowledge on materials for modern energy components and systems. Linking theoretical knowledge and its practical application in the technological processes related to the exploration, development and production of modern materials for the energy sector. Gaining knowledge about the latest developments in the field of new materials for electronic components and systems of modern forms of energy production.

Course outlineGlobalization of research and development of advanced materials and technologies. Structure, symmetry and hierarchy of materials. Crystallography. Physical chemistry, thermodynamics and statistical physics of advanced electronic materials. Theory of phases and phase transitions. Processes at boundary surfaces. Influence of the microstructure on the electrical properties of ceramic materials. Fractals. Characterization of materials. Polymeric, composite and non-crystalline materials and technologies. Liquid crystals. Electrically conducting ceramics. Ceramic materials for condensers. Piezoelectric, ferroelectric and pyroelectric properties, NTCR and PTCR effects. Dielectric and magnetic materials and superconductors. Optoelectronic ceramics. Optical fibers. Ceramic materials for microwave components, quartz oscillators and filters, and MEMS components. Electronic and photonic materials. Ferrites and other ceramic materials with magnetic properties. Nanomaterials and nanotechnology. Carbonaceous materials. Materials for new and alternative sources of energy and fuel cells. Fusion materials and technology. Bioceramics. Electronic materials and technologies in space exploration. EU strategy in the field of new materials and technologies.

6 Course status (obligatory/elective) electivePrerequisitesCourse objectivesCourse outcomes

Theoretical teaching

Practical teaching (exercises, OFE, study and research work)




Lectures Exercises OFE Study and research work Other classes

2 2Teaching methods

points Final exam points

10 written exam 30oral exam 40


Pre-exam dutiesGrade (maximum number of points 100)

Number of ECTS

Theoretical knowledge. Mastering the use of statistical quality control methods.

Application of statistical quality control methods.

Mastering the basic knowledge in statistical quality control methods.

Course outline

Elements of probability theory. Random variables. Distribution function. Some important types of probability distribution. Central limit theorem. Fundamentals of sampling. Sample characteristics. Empirical distribution. Theory of estimation. Testing statistical hypothesis. Tests of homogeneity. Elements of correlation and regression analysis. Theory of decision functions. Stochastic processes. Quality control methods. Procedures and acceptance sampling. Acceptance plans.

Specification for the book of courses

Lectures; Consultation.

Textbooks/referencesB. Popović, Obezbeđenje kvaliteta proizvoda, Nauka, Beograd, 1992.

Number of classes of active education per week during semester/trimester/year

E. L. Grant, R. S. Leavenworth, Statistical Quality Control, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1988.Derman Cyrus and Sheldon Ross , Statistical Aspects of Quality Control, Elsevier, 2006.

K. Sarkadi, I. Vincze, Mathematical Methods of Statistical Quality Control, AkademiaiKiado, Budapest, 1974.

J. J. Petrić, М. М. Јevtić, V. Stojanović, Analiza pouzdanosti, Savremena administracija, Beograd, 1979.

Electrical Engineering and Computing

Nikolić S. ZoranLecturer (for lectures)Lecturer/associate (for exercises)Lecturer/associate (for OFE)

activity during lecturesexercisescolloquiaprojects

Nikolić S. Zoran

Electronic Devices and MicrosystemsBScStatistical Methods for Quality Control

Study programModuleType and level of studiesThe name of the course

6 Course status (obligatory/elective) electivePrerequisites

Course objectives

Course outcomes

Theoretical teaching

Practical teaching (exercises, OFE, study and research work)





Lectures Exercises OFE Study and research work Other classes

2 2 1Teaching methods

points Final exam points

5 written exam 2015 oral exam 2040

Electrical Engineering and Computing

Maleš-Ilić P. Nataša, Pronić-Rančić R. Olivera

Electronic Devices and MicrosystemsBScMicrowave Technique and Electronics

Pre-exam dutiesGrade (maximum number of points 100)

Number of ECTS

Acquire knowledge of the theory of EM wave propagation by transmission lines.Ability to use Smith chart in analysis / design of microwave circuits.Acquire knowledge of the wave parameters and ability to use them in the analysis and design of microwave circuits.Understand microstrip lines and acquire the ability to analyse, synthesize, and implement microstrip lines in microwave devices.Understand semiconductor components and learn the basic principles of the design of active microwave devices.Ability to use specialized software tools for analysis and optimization of microwave circuits and components.

Auditory exercises. Practical work in laboratory. Homeworks. Consultations.

Course outline

Introduction. Characteristics of microwaves. Propagation by transmission lines. The characteristic parameters of transmission lines. Smith chart and its application in the analysis of microwave circuits. Techniques for impedance matching of microwave circuits. Microstrip lines. Wave matrix. Introduction to microwave semiconductor devices. Microwave diodes. Microwave transistors. Hybrid and monolithic microwave integrated circuits. RF and microwave transistor amplifiers and oscilators.

David Pozar, MicrowaveEngineering, third edition, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 2005.

O. Pronić, V. Marković, N. Maleš – Ilić, B. Milovanović: "Mikrotalasna elektronika", u štampi, 2013.


Joković J. Jugoslav, Dimitrijević Ž. TijanaJoković J. Jugoslav, Dimitrijević Ž. Tijana

Specification for the book of courses

Lectures. Auditory exercises. Laboratory work. Homeworks. Consultations.

Textbooks/references B. Milovanović, V. Marković, N. Maleš - Ilić, O. Pronić - Rančić, "Mikrotalasna tehnika - I deo", Unigraf, 2009.

Number of classes of active education per week during semester/trimester/year

Bratislav Milovanović еt al., Mikrotalasna tehnika – zbirka zadataka, Elektronski fakultet u Nišu, 2002

Study program

Acquiring theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of microwave technique, semiconductor components and active microwave devices.

ModuleType and level of studiesThe name of the courseLecturer (for lectures)Lecturer/associate (for exercises)Lecturer/associate (for OFE)

activity during lecturesexercises


6 Course status (obligatory/elective) electivePrerequisitesCourse objectivesCourse outcomes

Theoretical teaching

Practical teaching (exercises, OFE, study and research work)



Lectures Exercises OFE Study and research work Other classes

2 1 2Teaching methods

points Final exam points

0 written exam 5040 oral exam10

Electronic Devices and MicrosystemsBScSimulation and Modeling of Microelectronic Components and Circuits

Study programModuleType and level of studiesThe name of the course

Janković D. NebojšaLecturer (for lectures)Lecturer/associate (for exercises)Lecturer/associate (for OFE)

activity during lecturesexercisescolloquiaprojects

Pejović M. Milić

Specification for the book of courses

Auditorial teaching, Laboratory exercise, student tutorials

Textbooks/referencesA. Vladimirescu:The SPICE Book,Wiley (1993)

Number of classes of active education per week during semester/trimester/year

The use of Internet

M.Damjanovic i drugi,"Praktikum laboratorijskih vezbanja iz Projektovanje i testiranje elektronskih kola i sistema", Elektronski fakultet Nis, (2000) (in Serbian)

Electrical Engineering and Computing

Pejović M. Milić

Pre-exam dutiesGrade (maximum number of points 100)

Number of ECTS

Students obtain practical and theoretical knowledge in simulation and modeling of electronic devices based on the employment of SPICE software.

Practice teaching refers to the laboratory exercises using SPICE software and solving various practical circuit simulation assignments.

Acquiring the knowledge in simulation and modeling of electronic components including integrated devices, sensors and circuits

Course outlineIntroduction to SPICE software. DC,AC and transient analysis. Static models of electronic components. Small and large signal models. Model accuracy and simulation convergence. Modeling of temperature and self heating effects. Noise models. Frequency domain simulations. R,L,C element models. Models of active devices: diode, BJTs, MOS transistors and power devices. The use of SPICE model libraries. Model parameter extractions.

6 Course status (obligatory/elective) ElectivePrerequisitesCourse objectivesCourse outcomes

Theoretical teaching

Practical teaching (exercises, OFE, study and research work)




Lectures Exercises OFE Study and research work Other classes

2 2 1

Teaching methods

points Final exam points

5 written exam 2020 oral exam 202015

Electronic Devices and MicrosystemsBScReliability of Microelectronic Devices

Study programModuleType and level of studiesThe name of the course

Pešić M. BiljanaLecturer (for lectures)Lecturer/associate (for exercises)Lecturer/associate (for OFE)

activity during lecturesexercisescolloquiaprojects

Pešić M. Biljana

Specification for the book of courses

Theoretical part of teaching (performed by combination of Power Point presentation and using standard blackboard), consulting, exercises, practical lab exercises (package opening, electrical analysis, microscopy), seminar works, home works.

Textbooks/referencesPowerPoint presentation, instructions for lab excersises and homework, available at Faculty site: www.elfak.ni.ac.rs

Number of classes of active education per week during semester/trimester/year

J. W. MsPherson, Reliability Physics and Engineering , Springer, 2010M. Ohring, Reliability and Failure of Electronic Materials and Devices , Academic Press, 1998

F. Jensen, Electronic Component Reliability , John Wiley, 1995

E. Amerasekera and D. Campbell, Failure Mechanisms in Semiconductor Devices , John Wiley, 1987

Electrical Engineering and Computing

Davidović S. Vojkan

Pre-exam dutiesGrade (maximum number of points 100)

Number of ECTS

Necessary theoretical and practical knowledge on testing and prediction of microelectronic device reliability.

Students become familiar with techniques for electrical characterization and failure diagnostics (by curve tracers, probers and optical microscopes), as well as with techniques for package opening and failure analysis (by electron microscope) of microelectronic devices. Also, students perform the Burn-in experiments at high temperatures.

Receiving the basic knowledge in the field of reliability, failure fisics and diagnostics of microelectronic devices

Course outline

Degradation and failure of microelectronic devices. The terms: failure mode, failure mechanism and failure cause. Elements of reliability theory. Graphical reliability modelling (bath-tub curve). Screening of reliable devices. Accelerated reliability testing: high temperature, humidity, bias and mechanical stress tests. Reliability prediction and failure modelling (reliability models for discrete devices and integrated circuits). Failure physics: failures due to mass transport (at contacts and metalization), failures due to charge transport (dielectric breakdown, hot carriers transport, high electric field stress, electrostatic discharge), failures due to external effects (influence of moisture, ionizing irradiation). Failure diagnostics, non-destructive examination (radiography, SAM microscopy, PIND testing), electrical testing, structural characterization (optical, SEM and TEM microscopy, X-ray and Auger spectroscopy). Reliability of devices for telecommunications, MEMS and solar devices.

6 Course status (obligatory/elective) electivePrerequisitesCourse objectivesCourse outcomes

Theoretical teaching

Practical teaching (exercises, OFE, study and research work)



Lectures Exercises OFE Study and research work Other classes

2 2Teaching methods

points Final exam points

5 written exam 2015 oral exam 2040

Pre-exam dutiesGrade (maximum number of points 100)

Number of ECTS

Students' capability to apply numerical algorithms in the profession.

Practical teaching conducted through solving problems and tasks that are within the scope of theoretical lectures. It is intended for better knowledge acquireing and understanding, and its transformation into serviceable knowledge.

Providing the basic concepts in Numerical Mathematics

Course outlineNumerical methods for solving the systems of linear equations. Direct methods. Iterative methods. Ill-conditioned systems. Nonlinear equations and systems. Newton method and modifications. Secant method. Bisection method. Algebraic equations solving. Newton-Kantorovich method for systems of nonlinear equations. Approximation of functions. Lagrange and Hermite interpolation. Least-square approximation. Numerical differentiation and integration. Newton-Cotes and Gaussian quadrature formulas.

Specification for the book of courses

Предавања; Аудиторне вежбе; Консултације

Textbooks/referencesG.V. Milovanović: Numerical Analysis I, Naučna Knjiga, Belgrade, 1991. (Serbian)

Number of classes of active education per week during semester/trimester/year

G.V. Milovanović, M.A. Kovačević: A Collection of Solutions for Problems in Numerical Analysis, Naučna knjiga, Belgrade, 1991. (Serbian)

G.V. Milovanović: Numerical Analysis II, Naučna Knjiga, Belgrade, 1991. (Serbian)

Electrical Engineering and Computing

Kovačević A. MilanLecturer (for lectures)Lecturer/associate (for exercises)Lecturer/associate (for OFE)

activity during lecturesexercisescolloquiaprojects

Marinković D. Slađana

Electronic Devices and MicrosystemsBScNumerical Mathematics

Study programModuleType and level of studiesThe name of the course

6 Course status (obligatory/elective) electivePrerequisitesCourse objectivesCourse outcomes

Theoretical teaching

Practical teaching (exercises, OFE, study and research work)




Lectures Exercises OFE Study and research work Other classes

2 1 1Teaching methods

points Final exam points

20 written exam 20oral exam 20


Electronic Devices and MicrosystemsBScStatistics and Probability

Study programModuleType and level of studiesThe name of the course

Petković S. Miodrag, Milošević M. DušanLecturer (for lectures)Lecturer/associate (for exercises)Lecturer/associate (for OFE)

activity during lecturesexercisescolloquiaprojects

Petković S. Miodrag, Milošević M. Dušan

Specification for the book of courses

Lectures, exercises auditive, computer exercises, consultation

Textbooks/referencesM. S. Petković, G. V. Milovanović: Mathematics for students of technical faculties Part V, University of Nis, Faculty of Electronic Engineering in Niš, 2000. (in serbian)

Number of classes of active education per week during semester/trimester/year

PDF presentation

M. Merkle: Probability and statistics for engineers and engineering students, Academic Thought, Belgrade 2006. (in serbian)

Electrical Engineering and Computing

Milošević M. Dušan

Pre-exam dutiesGrade (maximum number of points 100)

Number of ECTS

Theoretical and basic knowledge in probability and statistics .

Working in software package SPSS.

Mastering basic knowledge of probability and statistics.

Course outline

Definitions of probability. Random variables. Discrete and continuous random variables. Function, the law of probability and probability density. Multivariate random variables. Conditional distributions and independence of random variables. Numerical characteristics of random variables. Mathematical expectation, moments, dispersion, standard deviation. Chebyshev inequality and the rule of "three sigma". Characteristic function. Properties of characteristic functions. Distribution of random variables. Central limit theorem. Basic concepts of statistics. Population, random sample. The Central Statistics Theorem. Distributions important in statistics. Chi-square distribution, Student's (t) distribution, Fisher's (F) distributions. Estimate of parameters. Dotted ratings. Efficiency ratings. Confidence intervals. Hypothesis testing. Tests of significance. Parametric tests. Nonparametric tests.

3 Course status (obligatory/elective) ObligatoryPrerequisitesCourse objectivesCourse outcomes

Theoretical teaching

Practical teaching (exercises, OFE, study and research work)



Lectures Exercises OFE Study and research work Other classes

2 0Teaching methods

points Final exam points

20 written exam 2020 oral exam 201010

Electronic Devices and MicrosystemsBScEnglish Language 2

Study programModuleType and level of studiesThe name of the course

Stojković M. NadeždaLecturer (for lectures)Lecturer/associate (for exercises)Lecturer/associate (for OFE)

activity during lecturesexercisescolloquiaprojects

Specification for the book of courses

lectures, consultations.

Textbooks/referencesSlađana Živković, Nadežda Stojković, English for Students of Information and Communication Technologies, Elektronski fakultet, 2012.

Number of classes of active education per week during semester/trimester/year

Electrical Engineering and Computing

Pre-exam dutiesGrade (maximum number of points 100)

Number of ECTS

Advanced theoretical and practical knowledge on English language for electro technology.

Practicing basic principles and kinds of spoken and written communications for electro technology. Enhancement of knowledge of grammar, syntax, morphology, and of communications skills.

Acquiring advanced knowledge on English language electro technolgy.

Course outline

Work on advanced linguistic units related to basic areas of electro technology. Enhancing the knowledge on expert terminology, specific and characteristic syntax structures and morphological processes that are most present in expert English language for electro technology. Introduction to the basic principles and kinds of spoken and written communications for electro technology.

6 Course status (obligatory/elective) obligatoryPrerequisitesCourse objectives

Course outcomes

Theoretical teaching

Practical teaching (exercises, OFE, study and research work)



Lectures Exercises OFE Study and research work Other classes

2 2 1Teaching methods

points Final exam points

20 written exam 3020 oral exam 30

Electronic Devices and MicrosystemsBScDigital Microelectronics

Study programModuleType and level of studiesThe name of the course

Prijić D. ZoranLecturer (for lectures)Lecturer/associate (for exercises)Lecturer/associate (for OFE)

activity during lecturesexercisescolloquiaprojects

Danković M. Danijel

Specification for the book of courses

Lectures; Computer simulations; Practical laboratory work; Consultation.

Textbooks/referencesCourse Website

Number of classes of active education per week during semester/trimester/year

T. Floyd, „Digital Fundamentals“, 10th Edition, Pearson Education, 2008, ISBN 978-0138146467.

Electrical Engineering and Computing

Danković M. Danijel

Pre-exam dutiesGrade (maximum number of points 100)

Number of ECTS

Theoretical knowledge. Ability to use of digital circuit simulator. The ability to use digital circuits in practice.

Computer simulation of circuits with digital microelectronic components. Selection of digital components on the basis of the technical specifications (datasheets). Practical implementation of digital circuits, on a breadboard level.

Introduction to basic digital microelectronic circuits and their practical implementation.

Course outlineBasic logic gates: gates technology - CMOS logic circuits, TTL logic. Combinational logic circuits: a universal logic elements, combining the functions of logic - adders, comparators, encoders and decoders, multiplexers and demultiplekseri. Bistable memory unit: latch, flip-flop, flip-flop types and implementation. Counters: asynchronous and synchronous counters, counter design, cascading counters. Shift registers: types of registers, shift registers as counters, other applications of shift registers. Memory: RAM, ROM, flash. D/A conversion.

6 Course status (obligatory/elective) obligatoryPrerequisitesCourse objectivesCourse outcomes

Theoretical teaching

Practical teaching (exercises, OFE, study and research work)





Lectures Exercises OFE Study and research work Other classes

2 1 2Teaching methods

points Final exam points

10 written exam40 oral exam 50

Vračar M. Ljubomir

Pre-exam dutiesGrade (maximum number of points 100)

Number of ECTS

Students obtain the knowledge about device fabrication, operational principles and practical implementation of integrated sensors and actuators.

The laboratory exercises include courses on sensors operation and electrical characterisitcs found in practice. Especially, the introductory cource is aimed to educate students with programing micorcontrolers for data processing from different snensor devices.

Acquiring the knowledge for understanding and practical application of modern sensor components and their application in Microsystems.

Course outline

Information-processing systems. Measurement and control systems. Actuators. Sensor definitions and classification. General sensor characteristics and limitations.. Parameters definition. Sensor calibration methods. Error corrections. Fabrication technology. Reliability issues. Sensors for radiation, mechanical, thermal ,magnetic , chemical and biological signals. Sensors design and operation. Applications. Smart integrated sensors and actuators. Functional blocks. Micro-electro-mechanical sensors (MEMS), technology, components and systems. Integrated sensors and MEMS components.

Specification for the book of courses

Auditorial teaching, Laboratory exercise, student tutorials


M.Popovic, "Senzori i merenja", Zavod za udzbenike i nastavna sredstva, I.Sarajevo, 2004 (in Serbien)

Number of classes of active education per week during semester/trimester/year

N. Jankovic , Authorized teaching and lecturing course material available at the school web pages.

N.Jankovic, "Practikum iz predemta Senzori i pretvaraci", Elektronski Fakultet Nis, 1995 (in Serbian)

Electrical Engineering and Computing

Janković D. NebojšaLecturer (for lectures)Lecturer/associate (for exercises)Lecturer/associate (for OFE)

activity during lecturesexercisescolloquiaprojects

Vračar M. Ljubomir

Electronic Devices and MicrosystemsBScSensors and Actuators

Study programModuleType and level of studiesThe name of the course

3 Course status (obligatory/elective) obligatoryPrerequisites

Course objectives

Course outcomes

Theoretical teaching

Practical teaching (exercises, OFE, study and research work)


Lectures Exercises OFE Study and research work Other classes45

Teaching methods

points Final exam points

written exam70 oral exam 30

Pre-exam dutiesGrade (maximum number of points 100)

Number of ECTS

Improving student's responsibility, professional approach, and communication skills in a team. Using the experience of experts from the company to extend the practical knowledge and motivation of students. Gaining a clear insight into the possibility of applying the acquired knowledge and skills covered by the study program in practice.

Content of professional practice is in full compliance with the goals of practice. Students describe their involvement in projects and provides a critical review on their own experience, knowledge and skills they have gained in practice.

Getting acquainted with the organization of the company. Getting to know the team and the project in which the students are involved. Understanding the business processes, participate in the design of products, documentation and quality control, in accordance with the company's possibilities.

Course outline

Specification for the book of courses

Student selects the company from private or public sector for practice. Professional practice can be also carried out abroad. Upon completion of practice, on the basis on student's reports and certificates signed by the authorized person from the company, the student will be awarded by 3 ECTS points.


Number of classes of active education per week during semester/trimester/year

Electrical Engineering and Computing

Professional practice does not have numerical grade. Grading is descriptive (pass/fail)

Prijić D. ZoranLecturer (for lectures)Lecturer/associate (for exercises)Lecturer/associate (for OFE)

activity during lecturesexercisescolloquiaprojects

Electronic Devices and MicrosystemsBScProfessional Practice/Team Project

Study programModuleType and level of studiesThe name of the course

5 Course status (obligatory/elective) electivePrerequisitesCourse objectivesCourse outcomes

Theoretical teaching

Practical teaching (exercises, OFE, study and research work)





Lectures Exercises OFE Study and research work Other classes

2 2 1Teaching methods

points Final exam points

10 written exam 30oral exam 40


Nikolić S. Zoran

Pre-exam dutiesGrade (maximum number of points 100)

Number of ECTS

Theoretical knowledge. Mastering the use of methods for testing, analysis and calculation of reliability.

Modelling and calculation of reliability parameters.

Mastering the knowledge and methods for testing, analysis and calculation of reliability.

Course outline

Fundamentals of sampling. Sampling by attributes. Sampling by variables. Sequential sampling. OC curve. Acceptance plans (AQL, LTPD). Theory of reliability. Reliability parameters. Reliability models (static, dynamic). Failure analysis. Failure distribution. Failure causes and failure mechanisms. Failure mode and effect analysis method (FMEA). Reliability testing methods. Life data analysis (Weibull analysis). Normal life testing. Accelerated life testing. Reliability computation. Monotonic systems. Series and parallel configurations. Standby redundancy. k-out of-n Configuration. Network structure. Delta-star technique. Reliability optimization. Software tools.

Specification for the book of courses

Lectures; Consultation.

Textbooks/referencesJ. J. Petrić, М. М. Jevtić, V. Stojanović, Analiza pouzdanosti, Savremena administracija, Beograd, 1979.

Number of classes of active education per week during semester/trimester/year

Finn Jensen, Electronic Component Reliability: Fundamentals, Modelling, Evaluation, andAssurance, John Wiley & Sons, 1995.

R. M. Ramović, Pouzdanost sistema - elektronskih, telekomunikacionih i informacionih, Katedra za mikroelektroniku i tehničku fiziku, Elektrotehnički fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu 2005.

Electrical Engineering and Computing

Nikolić S. ZoranLecturer (for lectures)Lecturer/associate (for exercises)Lecturer/associate (for OFE)

activity during lecturesexercisescolloquiaprojects

Nikolić S. Zoran

Electronic Devices and MicrosystemsBScReliability Analysis

Study programModuleType and level of studiesThe name of the course

5 Course status (obligatory/elective) electivePrerequisitesCourse objectives

Course outcomes

Theoretical teaching

Practical teaching (exercises, OFE, study and research work)




Lectures Exercises OFE Study and research work Other classes

2 2 1 0 0

Teaching methods

points Final exam points

20 written exam 2020 oral exam 2020

Lukić R. Jelena

Pre-exam dutiesGrade (maximum number of points 100)

Number of ECTS

Training and capability of students for solving of practical problems from measurements in area of microelectronics, on the basis of good knowing of measurement methods and techniques, with proper use of modern devices and equipment for measurement and testing of microelectronics components and circuits.

Laboratory and demonstration exercises: training of students for practical use of measurement methods and devices for measurement and testing of microelectronics components and circuits, over engagement on laboratory and demonstration exercises. According to instruction for work on laboratory exercises, students submit appropriate report about each completed laboratory exercise.

Education and introduction of students with basic theoretical and practical knowledge related to measurement of analog and digital components and circuits basic parameters.

Course outlineRole and importance of microelectronics components and circuits parameter measurements. Metrological assurance of measurement process and accuracy of measurement results. Hardware components of system for measurement of microelectronics components and circuits parameters. Testing of DC and dynamic parameters of ADC and DAC circuits. Equipment for automated testing of microelectronics components and circuits (АТЕ). Using of virtual measuring instrumentation and LabVIEW software in the process of microelectronics components and circuits parameter measurements.

Specification for the book of courses

Lectures (theoretical teaching) with graphical presentation of material in the form of slides. Practical teaching in the form of laboratory and demonstration exercises.Everyday consultations of students at teachers or associates. Individual work of students in the form of homework tasks and making of seminar papers.

Textbooks/referencesGordon W. Roberts, Friedrich Taenzler, Mark Burns, “An introduction to mixed-signal IC test and measurement, Second Edition”, Oxford University Press, 2012.

Number of classes of active education per week during semester/trimester/year

Amir Afshar, “Principles of Semiconductor Network Testing”, Elsevier Inc., 1995.

S. Tumanski, “Principles of Electrical Measurements, Chapter 6. Computer Measuring Systems, Virtual Measuring Systems”, Taylor & Francis Group, 2006.

Electrical Engineering and Computing

Živanović B. DraganLecturer (for lectures)Lecturer/associate (for exercises)Lecturer/associate (for OFE)

activity during lecturesexercisescolloquiaprojects

Simić M. Milan

Electronic Devices and MicrosystemsBScMeasurements in Microelectronics

Study programModuleType and level of studiesThe name of the course

5 Course status (obligatory/elective) electivePrerequisitesCourse objectives

Course outcomes

Theoretical teaching

Practical teaching (exercises, OFE, study and research work)




Lectures Exercises OFE Study and research work Other classes

2 2 1Teaching methods

points Final exam points

10 written exam 3010 oral exam 2030

Electronic Devices and MicrosystemsBScDigital System Architecture

Study programModuleType and level of studiesThe name of the course

Đorđević Lj. GoranLecturer (for lectures)Lecturer/associate (for exercises)Lecturer/associate (for OFE)

activity during lecturesexercisescolloquiaprojects

Jovanović D. Milica

Specification for the book of courses

Lectures, exercises, laboratory exercises, homework, consultations

Textbooks/referencesGoran Lj. Đorđević, „Microsystem аrchitectures“, Faculty of Еlectronic Еngineering, Niš, 2009. (in serbian)

Number of classes of active education per week during semester/trimester/year

P.P. Chu, „RTL Hardware Design Using VHDL, Coding for Efficiency, Portability, and Scalability“, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Hoboken, New Jersey, 2006.

V. A. Pedroni, „Circuit Design with VHDL“, MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2004.

Electrical Engineering and Computing

Jovanović D. Milica

Pre-exam dutiesGrade (maximum number of points 100)

Number of ECTS

At the end of this course, students are expected to use techniques, skills and modern engineering tools for digital systems design including: a) simulation of hardware description language-based digital systems designs through electronic design automation software; b) synthesize digital systems designs suitable for implementation on programmable device technologies.

1) understanding FPGA design flow; 2) design entry using schematic editor; 3) VHDL simulation and synthesis; 4) using concurrent statements; 5) using sequential statements; 6) VHDL design of finite state machines; 7) structural design in VHDL; 8) using packages and libraries; 9) using functions and procedures.

The course objective is to teach students with basic principles of digital systems design with emphasis on a hardware description language approach.

Course outline

Introduction to principles of digital circuits and systems design. Overview of design implementation technologies. Programmable device technologies: PLA, CPLD, and FPGA, design flow, electronic design automation software and development tools. Introduction to VHDL: VHDL code structure, design styles, VHDL design units. Lexical elements and objects: data types, signals, variables and arrays, data conversion, operators and attributes. Concurrent statements: WHEN, SELECT, and GENERATE, conceptual diagrams, and synthesis of concurrent code. Sequential code: process, sequential statements IF, CASE, and LOOP, synthesis of sequential code, sequential code for combinational and sequential circuits. Finite state machines: state diagram, algorithmic state machines, state coding, VHDL design of finite state machine. Package and components: statements PACKAGE and COMPONENT, structural and hierarchical design. Functions and procedures.

6 Course status (obligatory/elective) obligatoryPrerequisitesCourse objectivesCourse outcomes

Theoretical teaching

Practical teaching (exercises, OFE, study and research work)



Lectures Exercises OFE Study and research work Other classes

2 1 2Teaching methods

points Final exam points

5 written exam 2515 oral exam 25


Aleksić M. Sanja, Jovanović D. Igor, Jovanović D. Milica

Pre-exam dutiesGrade (maximum number of points 100)

Number of ECTS

Students adopt the necessary knowledge about solar components and systems.

Practical classes are organized by exercises and design of solar systems by using the different software packages. Practical exercises that involve characterization of the different types of solar modules, as well as measurements of basic electrical parameters of solar cells. Visits to solar power plants, where students are introduced to practical construction problems.

Introducing students to the principle of work, the main characteristics and development of solar cells, as well as the design and construction of photovoltaic systems.

Course outlineThe photovoltaic effect. Generation of carriers by the absorption of light. Absorption in direct and indirect semiconductors. Solar cells. The basic mechanisms of energy conversion. Current-voltage characteristics, short-circuit current, open circuit voltage and efficiency Illuminated pn junction. Photocurrent, the saturation current and the ohmic resistance of real solar cells. High efficiency solar cells. Electrical and optical losses. Structures and manufacturing processes for high efficiency solar cells. Materials and technology for the production of Si solar cells. Si solar cell technology. Modern technologies Si solar cells. New materials and future developments. Types of solar cells. The solar cells on crystalline Si solar cell concentrator, MIS, polycrystalline, and multilayer thin-film solar cells. Thin-film solar cells on amorphous Si, Ga-As, Cd-Te, Cu-In-SE2. Analysis and characterization of solar cells. Current-voltage characteristics, spectral response and PCVD measurement techniques. Modeling and simulation of solar cells by using TCAD software packages. Generalized PSpice models of solar cells. PV systems. Components of PV systems. Types of PV systems. Stand-alone PV systems and grid connected PV systems. Applications of PV systems and their installation. Small PV systems for power mobile devices. Efficiency and characteristics of PV systems.

Specification for the book of courses

Textbooks/referencesCourse Website

Number of classes of active education per week during semester/trimester/year

Planning and Instaling Photovoltaic Systems, Eartscan UK&USA, 2008.

D. Pantić, B. Pešić, S. Ristić, Z. Prijić, T. Pešić, A. Prijić, Design of PV Systems, Report, Faculty of Electronic Engineering Niš, 2004.

Electrical Engineering and Computing

Pantić S. Dragan, Mančić D. DraganLecturer (for lectures)Lecturer/associate (for exercises)Lecturer/associate (for OFE)

activity during lecturesexercisescolloquiaprojects

Aleksić M. Sanja, Jovanović D. Igor

Electronic Devices and MicrosystemsBScSolar Devices and Systems

Study programModuleType and level of studiesThe name of the course

5 Course status (obligatory/elective) electivePrerequisitesCourse objectivesCourse outcomes

Theoretical teaching

Practical teaching (exercises, OFE, study and research work)



Lectures Exercises OFE Study and research work Other classes

2 2 1

Teaching methods

points Final exam points

10 written exam 2015 oral exam 202015

Electronic Devices and MicrosystemsBScAutomotive Electronics

Study programModuleType and level of studiesThe name of the course

Petrović D. BranislavLecturer (for lectures)Lecturer/associate (for exercises)Lecturer/associate (for OFE)

activity during lecturesexercisescolloquiaprojects

Nikolić S. Goran, Đorđević D. Srđan

Specification for the book of courses

Auditory teaching using computers and projectors. Basic examples of simulation systems. Practically showing implemented automotive embedded systems. Lectures, exercises, labs, homework, colloquia, seminars and consultations.

Textbooks/referencesLectures in the form of scripts available in electronic form on the website of the Faculty, http://es.elfak.ni.ac.rs

Number of classes of active education per week during semester/trimester/year

PowerPoint presentations for all lectures, http://es.elfak.ni.ac.rs

Electrical Engineering and Computing

Nikolić S. Goran, Đorđević D. Srđan

Pre-exam dutiesGrade (maximum number of points 100)

Number of ECTS

Knowledge of electrical and electronic devices in the car. Application and analysis of data of the diagnostic devices

Basic methods of measurement for automotive engines. Measurement of torque. Temperature measurement. Pressure measurement. Measurement of air flow. Electronic ignition. Diagnostic devices. Analysis of diagnostic protocols. PC connectivity.

Introduction to the general structure of the car and the electrical system in the car and the engine control principles. Introduction to modern methods of diagnostics of the vehicle.

Course outline

Automotive fundamentals: engine, drive train, suspension, steering brakes instrumentation. Electronic engine control: exhaust emission, fuel economy, engine performance terms, engine mapping, control strategy, electronic ignition. Sensors: air flow rate sensor, angular position sensor, engine speed sensor, timing sensor, throttle angle sensor, temperature sensors, exhaust gas oxygen sensor, and knock sensors. Actuators: fuel infection, exhaust gas recirculation actuator. The computer ECM: adaptive operation strategy, vehicle network systems. Diagnostic techniques: DTC, OBD. Design example: Development and using OBD diagnostic tools.

5 Course status (obligatory/elective) ElectivePrerequisitesCourse objectives

Course outcomes

Theoretical teaching

Practical teaching (exercises, OFE, study and research work)




Lectures Exercises OFE Study and research work Other classes

2 2 0Teaching methods

points Final exam points

10 written exam 30oral exam 30


Pre-exam dutiesGrade (maximum number of points 100)

Number of ECTS

Knowledge of the broadcasting systems archutecture. Understanding of standards for satellite, cable and terestrial transmission, as well as network planning for TV sygnal distribution. Knowledge of the basic technical detaills and functionality of equipment for production, transmission and receiving of TV signals.

Auditory exercises.

Introduction to basic principles of production, transmission and reception of TV signals in a satellite broadcasting systems.

Course outlineBroadcasting systems – types, frequency ranges, DTV system architecture. TV studio production – generating TV signal, additional services, ТS, interfaces, TV programs multiplexing. Digital TV transmission (DVB) – satellite/cable/terrestrial - primary and secondary distribution, microwave links, transmitter architecture, parameters of TV transmission. Terrestrial broadcasting network planning - MFN and SFN, gap fillers, calculation of EM field level and service area of digital TV transmitter. Reception of digital TV signals - receiver architecture, quality of service and measurement of TV signal parameters.

J.C. Whitaker, Standard Handbook of Broadcast Engineering, McGraw-Hill, NY 2005.

Specification for the book of courses

Lectures. Auditory exercises. Consultations.


H. Benoit, Digital Television - Satellite, Cable, Terrestrial, IPTV, Mobile TV in the DVB Framework, Focal Press 2008.

Number of classes of active education per week during semester/trimester/year

E. P. J. Tozer, Broadcast Engineer’s Reference Book, Focal Press, Oxford, 2004.

W. Ficher, Digital Video and Audio Broadcasting Technology, Springer, 2010.

U. Reimers, DVB - The Family of International Standards for Digital Video Broadcasting, Springer, 2005.

Electrical Engineering and Computing

Milovanović D. Bratislav, Maleš-Ilić P. Nataša, Pronić-Rančić R. OliveraLecturer (for lectures)Lecturer/associate (for exercises)Lecturer/associate (for OFE)

activity during lecturesexercisescolloquiaprojects

Joković J. Jugoslav, Atanasković S. Aleksandar

Electronic Devices and MicrosystemsBScBroadcasting Systems and Technologies

Study programModuleType and level of studiesThe name of the course

3 Course status (obligatory/elective) electivePrerequisites

Course objectives

Course outcomes

Theoretical teaching

Practical teaching (exercises, OFE, study and research work)


Lectures Exercises OFE Study and research work Other classes

2 0 0 0 0Teaching methods

points Final exam points

10 written exam 20oral exam 20


Electronic Devices and MicrosystemsBScEngineering Education and Sustainable Development

Study programModuleType and level of studiesThe name of the course

Bojkov S. VančeLecturer (for lectures)Lecturer/associate (for exercises)Lecturer/associate (for OFE)

activity during lecturesexercisescolloquiaprojects

Specification for the book of courses

Lectures, consultations.

Textbooks/referencesБојков, В . (2013): Образовање за инжењере и одрживи развој (у завршној припреми)

Number of classes of active education per week during semester/trimester/year

Ђукановић, М. (1996): Животна средина и одрживи развој, Београд, ЕлитДелетић С./Пејчић М. (2007): Друштво и одрживи развој, Ниш, Електронски факултет

Electrical Engineering and Computing

Pre-exam dutiesGrade (maximum number of points 100)

Number of ECTS

The expected outcomes include knowledge on principles on which the concept of sustainablity is based, the implementation of moral norms in the formation of critical evaluation of strategies for the protection of environment and sustainable development in the specifc spacial, social and cultural conditions in which engineering acting is done.

The aim of the subject is to present the dynamics development of ecological issues and the sustainable development in the contemporary world, as well as their influence on the theory and practice of engineering; to allow students to gain knowledge in the field of education for engineers, engineering, engineering ethics and sustainable development; to stir understanding of their mutual dependance and to help students master the principles of sustainable development and to recognize the relevance of ethics and education for engineers in the fields of technology and society.

Course outlineThe origin of the term and the historical development of the idea of education. Education of engineers in Serbia. The concept of contemporary society. Technological changes, knowledge and new materials. Engineering, engineering ethics and the relevance of ethics in technics and society. Sustainable development. Philosophy, principles and practice of the sustainable development. Visions and approaches to sustainable development. The role of the interantional community in the formation of 'planetar' politics of sustainable development policy. World forums and strategic documents on establishing priorities, aims and the policy of sustainable development on both global and local levels. Sustainable development as an alternative to traditional political and economical paradigm. The role of technology in the sustainable development. Sustainable development and the technology changes. Dependence on technological changes, the failure of techonological improvements and the failure of adopting alternative technologies. Preventive engineering and sustainable development. Instruments for ecological politics. European programs, funds and projects. Ecological consequences and scientific technological revolutions.

3 Course status (obligatory/elective) electivePrerequisites

Course objectives

Course outcomes

Theoretical teaching

Practical teaching (exercises, OFE, study and research work)



Lectures Exercises OFE Study and research work Other classes

2 0 0 0 0Teaching methods

points Final exam points

10 written exam 20oral exam 20


Pre-exam dutiesGrade (maximum number of points 100)

Number of ECTS

The readiness of engineers of electro technology to organize and indipendently make decisions in contemporary corporate business with gained communicational skills with the practical application of modern technique of planning.

The aim of the subject is to introduce future engineers of electro technology with the role of business communications in business strategy, communications aspects in business relations, communication skills, as well as with didactics principles in practical business and electronic communications.

Course outline

Basic elements of communications.Structure of communicative process. Types of communications.Communicative aspects of business relations. Basic rules and principles of business negotiations. Technique of business negotiations. Basic characteristics of business communications. Public relations. Press conference. Leadership. CV. Business etiquette. Internet and electronic business. Forms of e-commerce. Risks and safety of e-commerce. Influence of the Internet on the shaping and development of contemporary society. European law regulations for e-communication. Legal and ethical problems of commerce on the Internet. Privacy protection.

Specification for the book of courses

Lectures, consultations.

Textbooks/referencesДелетић, С/Пејчић, М. (2008): Пословне комуникације, Ниш, Електронски факултет.

Number of classes of active education per week during semester/trimester/year

Томић, З. (2006): Комуникологија, Београд, Чигота штампа.Смит Пол (2002) Маркетинг комуникације, Београд, Клио.

Станковић, Љ./Аврамовић,М. (2006): Пословно комуницирање, Ниш, Економски факултет.

Electrical Engineering and Computing

Bojkov S. VančeLecturer (for lectures)Lecturer/associate (for exercises)Lecturer/associate (for OFE)

activity during lecturesexercisescolloquiaprojects

Electronic Devices and MicrosystemsBScBusiness Communications

Study programModuleType and level of studiesThe name of the course

6 Course status (obligatory/elective) obligatoryPrerequisitesCourse objectives

Course outcomes

Theoretical teaching

Practical teaching (exercises, OFE, study and research work)





Lectures Exercises OFE Study and research work Other classes

2 2 1 0 0Teaching methods

points Final exam points

5 written exam 2015 oral exam 2040

Danković M. Danijel

Pre-exam dutiesGrade (maximum number of points 100)

Number of ECTS

The knowledge of the structure, operation principles and the basic parameters characterizing the microsystems. Implementation of microsystems computer aided design. Ability to design and practically verify prototypes of microsystems.

PC exercises on the topics related to the design and analysis of microsystems: monolithic and bimetal cantilever beams; micro-mirrors array; piezoresistive sensor; electro-thermo-mechanical actuator; electrostatic comb actuator.

The study of the structure and functioning of the microsystems components. Introduction to the basic principles of design, verification, and fabrication of microsystems.

Course outline

Introduction. Microsystems design workflow. Initial design considerations. Conceptual design analysis. Design verification. Microsystems Computer Aided Design for microsystems (CAD). Working principles of microsensors and microactuators. Materials for microsystems. Microsystems fabrication processes. Mechanical design of microsystems. Thermo-fluid dynamic in design of microsystems. Scaling laws for microsystems. Analysis of the microsystems based on the pressure sensor and micro-Peltier element.

Specification for the book of courses

Theoretical teaching - using slides; Demonstration teaching - presenting realized microsystems; Exercises using PC.

Textbooks/referencesLeactures handouts

Number of classes of active education per week during semester/trimester/year

Nadim Maluf, Kirt Williams, "An Introduction to Microelectromechanical Systems Engineering", 2nd Edition, Artech House, Norwood, Massachusetts, USA, 2004.CoventorWare - Software Documentation and MEMS Design and Analysis Tutorials

Ville Kaajakari, "Practical MEMS: Analysis and design of microsystems, MEMS sensors, electronics, actuators, rf mems, optical mems, and microfluidic systems", Small Gear Publishing, 2009.

Tai-Ran Hsu, "MEMS and Microsystems: design, manufacture, and nanoscale engineering", 2nd Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey, USA, 2008.

Electrical Engineering and Computing

Prijić P. AnetaLecturer (for lectures)Lecturer/associate (for exercises)Lecturer/associate (for OFE)

activity during lecturesexercisescolloquiaprojects

Danković M. Danijel

Electronic Devices and MicrosystemsBScMicrosystems Design

Study programModuleType and level of studiesThe name of the course

5 Course status (obligatory/elective) obligatoryPrerequisitesCourse objectives

Course outcomes

Theoretical teaching

Practical teaching (exercises, OFE, study and research work)


Lectures Exercises OFE Study and research work Other classes

2 2 1Teaching methods

points Final exam points

10 written exam 2540 oral exam 25

Electronic Devices and MicrosystemsBScPrinted Circuit Boards Design

Study programModuleType and level of studiesThe name of the course

Prijić D. ZoranLecturer (for lectures)Lecturer/associate (for exercises)Lecturer/associate (for OFE)

activity during lecturesexercisescolloquiaprojects

Danković M. Danijel, Pejović M. Milić

Specification for the book of courses

Lectures; Computer simulations; Practical laboratory work; Consultation.

Textbooks/referencesCourse Website

Number of classes of active education per week during semester/trimester/year

C. Coombs, „Printed Circuits Handbook”, 6th ed., McGraw-Hill, 2008., ISBN 978-0071467346

Electrical Engineering and Computing

Danković M. Danijel

Pre-exam dutiesGrade (maximum number of points 100)

Number of ECTS

Theoretical knowledge. Knowledge of the design and production of printed circuit board technology. Knowledge of electromechanical design principles. The ability to realize single- and double-layer PCBs in practice.

Computer simulation of circuits with analog microelectronic components. Selection of analog components on the basis of the technical specifications (datasheets). The practical implementation of circuits with discrete components and integrated circuits, on a breadboard level.

Understanding the design of printed circuit boards. Introduction to the basic principles of electromechanical design.

Course outlineTechnology of production of printed circuit boards. Components mounting techniques. Single and double layer PCBs. Multilayer printed circuit boards. Electromechanical design. ECAD and MCAD packages. 3D modeling of components, printed circuit boards and enclosures. Design rules. The layout on the board and electromagnetic compatibility. Routing topologies. Design rules checking. Data exchanging between ECAD and MCAD packages. Harnessing. Design for manufacturing. Creating and maintaining technical documentation.

6 Course status (obligatory/elective) obligatoryPrerequisites

Course objectives

Course outcomes

Theoretical teaching

Practical teaching (exercises, OFE, study and research work)



Lectures Exercises OFE Study and research work Other classes

2 1 2Teaching methods

points Final exam points

5 written exam 2015 oral exam 202020

Electronic Devices and MicrosystemsBScDesign and Simulation of Microelectronics Devices

Study programModuleType and level of studiesThe name of the course

Pantić S. DraganLecturer (for lectures)Lecturer/associate (for exercises)Lecturer/associate (for OFE)

activity during lecturesexercisescolloquiaprojects

Aleksić M. Sanja

Specification for the book of courses

Textbooks/referencesCourse Website

Number of classes of active education per week during semester/trimester/year

J.D. Plummer, M.D. Deal, P.B. Griffin, Silicon VLSI Technology, Prentice Hall, 2000.

Dragan Pantić, Tatjana Pešić, Elva Jovanović, Modeling and Simulation in Microelectronics, Faculty of Electronics Engineering Niš, 2005.

Electrical Engineering and Computing

Aleksić M. Sanja

Pre-exam dutiesGrade (maximum number of points 100)

Number of ECTS

Students are introduced to the most important technological processes for the production of integrated circuits and is capable of independently using commercial software tools (ISE TCAD Silvaco and) for the design, simulation and optimization of the technological process and the electrical properties of microelectronic devices.

In the computational exercises, one independent project (essay) and 4 planned exercises that are done on the computer, students are trained to independently use commercial software tools for design and simulation of technological process and the electrical properties of semiconductor devices.

The adoption of basic knowledge of the methods and procedures of simulation and optimization of technological processes for the production of integrated circuits and procedures of design and optimization of microelectronic components and simulation of their electrical properties.

Course outline

Introduction. Simulation and modeling of technological processes. CMOS technology. Modeling of ion implantation. Analytical 1D and 2D models. BTE. Monte Carlo. Modeling of thermal processes. Diffusion equation. The diffusion of impurities and point defects. Segregation of impurities. An analytical model of the process of oxidation. Deal-Groove model. Numerical models. Modeling of lithographic processes. Modeling of deposition and etching. Simulation and modeling of electrical characteristics of the components. The system of basic semiconductor equations. Mobility. Generation and recombination. Scaling. Simulation domain and boundary conditions. Discretization. Solving PDE system TCAD software packages. ISE TCAD Silvaco and packages. Design of experiment (DOE).

5 Course status (obligatory/elective) electivePrerequisitesCourse objectives

Course outcomes

Theoretical teaching

Practical teaching (exercises, OFE, study and research work)




Lectures Exercises OFE Study and research work Other classes

2 2Teaching methods

points Final exam points

5 written exam 20oral exam 20


Pre-exam dutiesGrade (maximum number of points 100)

Number of ECTS

By the end of the course students will be expected to demonstrate a basic knowledge of the physical principles and understanding of some of the most common applications of nano-scale phenomena and how these relate to the solution of nanotechnology problems in industry.

To demonstrate familiarity with the topic and ability to communicate concepts across discipline boundaries, each student in the course is expected to give a short oral presentation on a topic related to his/her own research interest to nanotechnology.

Nanotechnology is designed for students who wish to learn more about the foundations of nanotechnology, technological advances and the applications enabled by nanotechnology.

Course outlineScientific revolutions. Types of nanotechnology and nanomachines. Surfaces and dimensional space – top down and bottom up. Forces between atoms and molecules.Opportunity at the nano scale. Length and time scale in structures. Influence of nano structuring on mechanical, optical, electronic, magnetic and chemical properties. Electronic transport in quantum wires and carbon nano tubes. Magnetic behavior of single domain particles and nanostructures. BULK NANOSTRUCTURED MATERIALS: Quantum wells, wires and dots. Size and dimensionality effects, Carbon nanotubes (CNTs). Single walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs), Multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs), graphenes, fullerenes. Metal/oxide nanoparticles, nanorods, nanowires, nanotubes, and nanofibers. Semiconductor quantum dots. GAS SENSOR MATERIALS: Criteria for the choice of materials. Discussion of sensors for various gases. Gas sensors based on semiconductor devices. BIOSENSORS: Principles. DNA based biosensors. Protein based biosensors. SEMICONDUCTOR NANODEVICES: Single electron devices. Nano scale MOSFET – resonant tunneling transistor. Single electron transistors. Nanorobotics and nanomanipulation. Nanocomputers. Optical fibers for nanodevices. DNA based nanodevices. Micro and Nanomechanics. Nanotechnology for sustainable energy.

Specification for the book of courses

Lectures, consultations, exercises, exercises on the computer, term work, homework.

Textbooks/referencesCourse Website

Number of classes of active education per week during semester/trimester/year

M. Kohler, W. Fritzsche, An Introduction to Nanostructuring Techniques, 2005.L.E. Foster, G. Allen, Nanotechnology: Science, Innovation, and Opportunity, Prentice Hall Professional Technical Reference, 2005.

1. Charles P.Poole Jr and. Frank J.Owens, “Introduction to Nanotechnology”, Wiley Interscience, 2003.

S. Kelley, T. Sargent, Introduction to Nanotechnology: The New Science of Small, The Great Courses, The Teaching Company, 2012.

Electrical Engineering and Computing

Pantić S. Dragan, Paunović V. VesnaLecturer (for lectures)Lecturer/associate (for exercises)Lecturer/associate (for OFE)

activity during lecturesexercisescolloquiaprojects

Pantić S. Dragan, Paunović V. Vesna

Electronic Devices and MicrosystemsBScNanotechnology

Study programModuleType and level of studiesThe name of the course

5 Course status (obligatory/elective) electivePrerequisitesCourse objectives

Course outcomes

Theoretical teaching

Practical teaching (exercises, OFE, study and research work)




Lectures Exercises OFE Study and research work Other classes

2 1 2Teaching methods

points Final exam points

10 written exam15 oral exam 50


Vračar M. Ljubomir

Pre-exam dutiesGrade (maximum number of points 100)

Number of ECTS

Theoretical knowledge. Knowledge of the design and technology of autonomous microsystems. Knowledge of optimization techniques for power consumption in autonomous microsystems. Ability practical realization of. The ability to design autonomous microsystems.

Computer simulation using the ECAD package. The choice of components (low-power, micro-power). Demonstration of the application realized using microsystem on a PCB level. Practical design of the autonomous telemetry microsystem using a development kit.

Introduction to the design of autonomous microsystems and their practical implementation.

Course outline

Autonomous microsystems - definition and classification by application areas. Architecture of autonomous microsystems. Battery-powered systems. Types of batteries. Battery-charging circuits. Energy Harvesting systems: thermal, solar, chemical, mechanical. Optimization of the power consumption. Design principles of autonomous microsystems. Energy harvesting block. Energy storage block. Sensor block. Telemetry block. Embedded software for autonomous microsystems.

Specification for the book of courses

Lectures; Computer simulations; Practical laboratory work; Consultation.

Textbooks/referencesCourse Website

Number of classes of active education per week during semester/trimester/year

Application notes from the manufacturers of electronic devices

Shashank Priya, Daniel J. Inman. Energy Harvesting Technologies. Springer, 2009., ISBN 978-0-387-76464-1

María Teresa Penella-López, Manuel Gasulla-Forner. Powering Autonomous Sensors (An Integral Approach with Focus on Solar). Springer, 2011., ISBN 978-9400715721

Electrical Engineering and Computing

Prijić D. ZoranLecturer (for lectures)Lecturer/associate (for exercises)Lecturer/associate (for OFE)

activity during lecturesexercisescolloquiaprojects

Vračar M. Ljubomir

Electronic Devices and MicrosystemsBScАutonomous Microsystems

Study programModuleType and level of studiesThe name of the course

5 Course status (obligatory/elective) electivePrerequisitesCourse objectives

Course outcomes

Theoretical teaching

Practical teaching (exercises, OFE, study and research work)




Lectures Exercises OFE Study and research work Other classes

2 1 2Teaching methods

points Final exam points

10 written exam 020 oral exam 30



Integrated Circuits Design

P. Petković, Lectureing notes http://leda.elfak.ni.ac.rs/?page=education

П. Петковић, et al., Praktikum laboratorijskih vežbi izProjektovanje elektronskih kola i Projektovanje digitalnih elektronskih kola, Elektronski fakultet Niš, February 2010.

(1) Introduction: design styles, criteria for choosing the appropriate design style. Standard and submicron CMOS process. Design rules. Power line tracing. Packages and pads. Floor planning. (2) Standard cell based design; cell libraries, data formats. VHDL for synthesis. Synthesis, verification, place and route, post-layout verification, parameter extraction. (3) Full custom design. Transistor sizing. Drawing MOS transistor layout. Stick diagram. Schematics, simulation, LVS, parameter extraction. Cell characterization. Adding a new cell to the library. (4) Documentation, reporting.


Adoption and systematization of knowledge necessary for semicustom design based on standard cells and for full custom integrated circuits design (ASIC).

Course outline

Mirković D. Dejan

Study programModuleType and level of studiesThe name of the course

Petković M. PredragLecturer (for lectures)Lecturer/associate (for exercises)Lecturer/associate (for OFE)

activity during lectures

Specification for the book of courses

Lectures, Auditive exercises, Practice exercises, Consultations, Individual and group projects

Textbooks/referencesP. Petković, Projektovanje CMOS integrisanih kola sa mešovitim signalima,Elektronski fakultet, 2009, ISBN 978-86-85195-86-0

Number of classes of active education per week during semester/trimester/year

Allan Hasting, The art of Analog Layout, PRENTICE HALL, 2001, ISBN 0-13-087061-7MentorGraphics ASIC Design Suite documentation

Electrical Engineering and ComputingElectronic Devices and MicrosystemsBSc

Petković M. Predrag, Mirković D. Dejan

Pre-exam dutiesGrade (maximum number of points 100)

Number of ECTS

Student will be competent to: 1. Choose the appropriate design style; 2. Use CAD tools for digital circuit design (a) using standard cell libraries, (b) draw layout of own cell; (3) Learn LINUX/UNIT operating system; (4) Improve skills for writing documentation and for result presentation.

Theoretical knowledge for integrated circuits design students will practice using Mentor Graphics ASIC Design Suite under LINUX/UNIX operating system. Intensive practical laboratory exercises. During the first part of the course students will pass through standard cell design flow. They will solve a problem from the practicum. Thereafter, they will get individual project to design a digital module. The second part of the course is organized in the similar way but related to full custom design. Positively marked projects are prerequisite for final exam

5 Course status (obligatory/elective) electivePrerequisites

Course objectives

Course outcomes

Theoretical teaching

Practical teaching (exercises, OFE, study and research work)


Lectures Exercises OFE Study and research work Other classes

2 2 1Teaching methods

points Final exam points

15 written exam 2515 oral exam 25


Electronic Devices and MicrosystemsBScElectronics Materials Design

Study programModuleType and level of studiesThe name of the course

Paunović V. VesnaLecturer (for lectures)Lecturer/associate (for exercises)Lecturer/associate (for OFE)

activity during lecturesexercisescolloquiaprojects

Paunović V. Vesna

Specification for the book of courses

Lectures, consultations, practice exercises and seminars

Textbooks/referencesWeb presentation of lectures and exercises

Number of classes of active education per week during semester/trimester/year

S. O. Kasap, Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices, McGraw-Hill, 2002 W.D.Calilister, Materials science and engineering an introduction, Wiley&Sons, 2003.

Electrical Engineering and Computing

Paunović V. Vesna

Pre-exam dutiesGrade (maximum number of points 100)

Number of ECTS

Students become familiar with the basic scheme of materials properties prognosis, starting with the structure of materials, modern electronics requirements until the appropriate technology. Sufficiently theoretical and practical knowledge to design a material with pre-defined characteristics.

Practical exercises that are specific presentation of properties, structures and technologies for most widely used materials in modern electronics and microelectronics.

Introduction to the principles prognosis of the material properties with special emphasises on the design and production of materials for electronics and nanomaterials with desired properties

Course outline

Prognosis of the materials properties (relationship between structure, properties and materials technology). Selection and design of electronics materials. Database of electronics materials.The basic and supporting electronics materials. Prognosis and design of metallic, ceramic and polymeric materials. Design of noncrystalline and organic materials. Composite materials. Superconducting, supermagnetic, semiconducting, optoelectronic and piezoelectric nanomaterials.

5 Course status (obligatory/elective) ElectivePrerequisites

Course objectives

Course outcomes

Theoretical teaching

Practical teaching (exercises, OFE, study and research work)



Lectures Exercises OFE Study and research work Other classes

2 2 1Teaching methods

points Final exam points

10 written exam 2540 oral exam 25

Electronic Devices and MicrosystemsBScSensor Networks Protocols

Study programModuleType and level of studiesThe name of the course

Milić N. DejanLecturer (for lectures)Lecturer/associate (for exercises)Lecturer/associate (for OFE)

activity during lecturesexercisescolloquiaprojects

Cvetković M. Aleksandra

Specification for the book of courses

Oral teaching in the classroom, laboratory exercises.

Textbooks/referencesHalid Hrasnica, Abdelfatteh Haidine and Ralf Lehnert: Broadband Powerline Communications Networks-Network Design, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2004.

Number of classes of active education per week during semester/trimester/year

J. Anatory,N. Theethayi :Broadband Power-line Communication Systems, WIT Press, 2010.

Electrical Engineering and Computing

Cvetković M. Aleksandra

Pre-exam dutiesGrade (maximum number of points 100)

Number of ECTS

Knowledge of sensor networks and their properties. Understanding the basic concepts of sensor networks. Knowledge of the most important protocols for sensor networks and their use in practice.

Laboratory exercises related to the sensor networks protocols.

Acquiring the basic knowledge related to the wireless sensor networks architecture and protocols. Creating a knowledge base for training in the analysis and design of wireless sensor networks.

Course outline

Introduction. Single-node architecture. Hardware components. Energy consumption of sensor nodes. Operating systems and execution environments. Network architecture. Sensor network scenarios. Optimization goals and figures of merit. Design principles for sensor networks. Gateway concepts. Physical layer. MAC protocols. Fundamentals of (wireless) MAC protocols. Low duty cycle protocols and wakeup concepts. Contention-based protocols. Schedule-based protocols. IEEE 802.15.4 MAC protocol. Link-layer protocols. Error control. Framing. Link management. Naming and addressing. Address and name management in wireless sensor networks. Assignment of MAC addresses. Content-based and geographic addressing. Routing protocols. Gossiping and agent-based unicast forwarding. Energy-efficient unicast. Broadcast and multicast. Geographic routing. Mobile nodes. Data-centric and content-based networking. Data-centric routing. Data aggregation. Data-centric storage.

6 Course status (obligatory/elective) obligatoryPrerequisites

Course objectives

Course outcomes

Theoretical teaching

Practical teaching (exercises, OFE, study and research work)





Lectures Exercises OFE Study and research work Other classes2 2 1

Teaching methods

points Final exam points

10 written exam 2020 oral exam 2030

Electronic Devices and MicrosystemsBScPower Devices and Circuits

Study programModuleType and level of studiesThe name of the course

Manić Đ. IvicaLecturer (for lectures)Lecturer/associate (for exercises)Lecturer/associate (for OFE)

activity during lecturesexercisescolloquiaprojects

Manić Đ. Ivica

Specification for the book of courses

Lectures, exercises, laboratory exercises, consultations

Textbooks/referencesS. Ristić, Discrete Semiconductor Devices, University of Niš, 1990, YU ISBN 86-7181-001-2

Number of classes of active education per week during semester/trimester/year

B. Jayant Baliga, Modern Power Devices, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1987 ISBN 0-471-81986-7

V. Benda, J. Gowar, D. A. Grant, Power Semiconductor Devices – Theory and Applications, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester (UK), 1999, ISBN 0-471-97644-X

Printed matter – lecture texts and PowerPoint slides, problems with solutions and instructions for laboratory exercises

Electrical Engineering and Computing

Manić Đ. Ivica

Pre-exam dutiesGrade (maximum number of points 100)

Number of ECTS

Theoretical and practical knowledge for understanding of power device functions in the circuit and proper choice of power devices for given applications and reliable operation of electronic circuits

Auditory exercises cover the areas of breakdown voltage, power diodes, bipolar transistors, thyristors, power MOS transistors, IGBTs, power circuits and reliability of power devices. Laboratory exercises include: measurements of output and transfer characteristics, on-resistance, threshold voltage and breakdown voltage in n- and p-channel VDMOS transistors, realization of current direction control circuits (H-bridge) with bipolar and VDMOS transistors, realization of VDMOS transistor circuits for temporary activation of the relays by means of push button, light pulse effect on photoresistor and touch sensor, as well as realization of triac-based circuit for power supply voltage phase control aimed for use in light dimmers.

To acquire basic knowledge on the structure, technology, principles of operation, characteristics and applications of specific power semiconductor devices and integrated circuits

Course outlineIntroduction. Definition, types and applications of power devices. Carrier transport and lifetime. Semiconductor breakdown: avalanche breakdown, punch-through. techniques to minimize edge effects, thermal (secondary) breakdown. Power diodes: PIN diode, Schottky diode. Bipolar transistors: gain and breakdown voltage, high current density effects, safe operating area (SOA), switching characteristics, Darlington couple. Power thyristors: operation regimes, turning off the thyristor, thyristor types, triac, photothyristor. Static induction power devices: static induction transistor, static induction thyristor. MOS power devices: structure and principles of operation of LDMOS and VDMOS transistors, parasitic elements in VDMOS structure, electrical parameters, dynamic characteristics and SOA. MOS controlled thyristor (MCT). Insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT): structure and principles of operation, dynamic characteristics and SOA. Power electronic circuits: principles of integration, power modules and hybrid circuits, monolithic ICs, high-voltage ICs, smart power ICs and SOC (System-on-a-Chip), isolation techniques. Reliability of power devices: power device packages, heat dissipation, overload protection.

6 Course status (obligatory/elective) obligatoryPrerequisitesCourse objectivesCourse outcomes

Theoretical teaching

Practical teaching (exercises, OFE, study and research work)



Lectures Exercises OFE Study and research work Other classes

2 2 1Teaching methods

points Final exam points

30 written exam20 oral exam 30


Electronic Devices and MicrosystemsBScOptoelectronics

Study programModuleType and level of studiesThe name of the course

Stefanović Č. DimitrijeLecturer (for lectures)Lecturer/associate (for exercises)Lecturer/associate (for OFE)

activity during lecturesexercisescolloquiaprojects

Stefanović Č. Dimitrije

Specification for the book of courses

Classical lectures, consultations, oral presentations term papers, presentations and review of the original presentation from the Internet.

Textbooks/references Цвијетић, М. Дигиталне свјетловодне телекомуникације, Научна књига, Београд, 1989.

Number of classes of active education per week during semester/trimester/year

Chartier, G., Introduction to Optics, Springer, 2005.

Лукатела, Г; Драјић, Д.; Петровић, Г., Дигиталне телекомуникације, Грађевинска књига, Београд, 1978.

Electrical Engineering and Computing

Stefanović Č. Dimitrije

Pre-exam dutiesGrade (maximum number of points 100)

Number of ECTS

Increased knowledge and practical mastery of optoelectronic techniques and technologies of optoelectronic components and systems

Design, construction and development base excitation optoelectronic circuits.Tours of companies that produce and / or use optoelectronic components, devices and systems. Development of reports in the form of term papers and business plans

Introduction to the light properties, light sources and detectors, and optoelectronic circuits and systems.

Course outline

Optics, electronics, classical and quantum electrodynamics and statistical physics as the basis of optoelectronics. The dual nature of light. Emission, propagation and absorption of light. Prognosis and design of optoelectronic materials and discrete optoelectronic components. Quantum optoelectronics. Spontaneously and stimulated emission of light. Masers and lasers. Electro-optic and piezoelectric materials and components. Optoelectronic devices in the computer (liquid crystal and TFT displays, readers and scanners, storage units, copiers) and telecommunications (cathode ray tubes, switches, semiconductor, ceramic and other special displays, modulators and demodulators) devices and systems. Nanomaterials and optoelectronic technology