southwest united states jeopardy points of interest vocabulary history the colorado river q $100 q...

Southwest United States Jeopardy Points of Interest Vocabula ry History The Colorado River Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy Grab Bag

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Southwest United States Jeopardy

Points of Interest

Vocabulary History The Colorado River

Q $100

Q $200

Q $300

Q $400

Q $500

Q $100 Q $100Q $100 Q $100

Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200

Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300

Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400

Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500

Final Jeopardy

Grab Bag

$100 Question – Points of Interest

The mesas in this location are made of shale and sandstone.

$100 Answer – Points of Interest

What is Monument Valley?

$200 Question – Points of Interest

With a population of more than 1,461,000

people, this is the sixth-largest city in the

United States.

$200 Answer – Points of Interest

What is Phoenix, Arizona?

$300 Question – Points of Interest

The Hoover Dam sits on the border of these two


$300 Answer – Points of Interest

What are Arizona and Nevada?

$400 Question – Points of Interest

This city was settled in one day.

$400 Answer – Points of Interest

What is Guthrie, Oklahoma?

$500 Question – Points of Interest

The Rio Grande forms the border between the

United States and Mexico. It also

separates these two busy cities.

$500 Answer – Points of Interest

What are El Paso, Texas and Ciudad Juarez?

$100 Question – Vocabulary

To change in order to survive

$100 Answer – Vocabulary

What is adapt?

$200 Question – Vocabulary

The image below is an example of a flat-

topped hill.

$200 Answer – Vocabulary

What is a mesa?

$300 Question – Vocabulary

This is a large cave, Carlsbad is an example of


$300 Answer – Vocabulary

What is a cavern?

$400 Question – Vocabulary

Canals, pipes, ad ditches are examples of this system for carrying water from one

place to another.

$400 Answer – Vocabulary

What is irrigation?

$500 Question – Vocabulary

The careful use of a resource.

$500 Answer – Vocabulary

What is conservation?

$100 Question – History

The explorers from this country were the first

Europeans to explore the southwest in 1540.

$100 Answer – History

What is Spain?

$200 Question – History

During his second journey, he made a map of the

Colorado River.

$200 Answer – History

Who is John Wesley Powell?

$300 Question – History

Name one of the two American Indian groups that once made their home in the

Colorado River Basin.

$300 Answer – History

Who were the Abasazis and Hohokams?

$400 Question – Major Cities

This agreement, which divided the Colorado

River Basin into two parts, was reached in 1922.

$400 Answer – History

What is the Colorado River


$500 Question – History

For Texans, this was an important step in their

battle for freedom.

$500 Answer – History

What was the Battle at the Alamo?

$100 Question – The Colorado River

Many smaller rivers flow into the Colorado River. What do we call

these rivers that join other larger rivers?

$100 Answer – The Colorado River

What is a tributary?

$200 Question – The Colorado River

Spanish settlers eventually named

the river, Colorado, which

means this.

$200 Answer – The Colorado River

What is ‘reddish brown?’

$300 Question – The Colorado River

This forms as water backs up behind a dam,

where water is stored for people’s use..

$300 Answer – The Colorado River

What is a reservoir?

$400 Question - The Colorado River

The distance of the Colorado River from it’s source in the Rocky Mountains to the Gulf of California.

$400 Answer – The Colorado River

What is 1,450 miles?

$500 Question – The Colorado River

In 1540 this Spanish soldier led an army north from Mexico.

Spanish settlers followed him to the Southwest.

$500 Answer – The Colorado River

Who was Fransisco Vasquez de Coronado?

$100 Question – Grab Bag

The capital cities of the 4 Southwest


$100 Answer – Grab Bag

What are Phoenix, Arizona

Santa Fe, New MexicoAustin, Texas

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma?

$200 Question – Grab Bag

These were the three “A’s” that changed

people’s minds to move and settle in Arizona.

$200 Answer – Grab Bag

What are Air Conditioners,

Aqueducts, and Automobiles?

$300 Question – Grab Bag

The Grand Canyon is one mile deep. It is this many

miles long.

$300 Answer – Grab Bag

What is 277 miles?

$400 Question – Grab Bag

This is a tiny town, home to about 450 Havasupais. You

can walk or ride a mule down eight miles to the bottom of the canyon.

$400 Answer – Grab Bag

What is Supai?

$500 Question – Grab Bag

This occurred on April 22, 1889.

$500 Answer – Grab Bag

What was the Guthrie,

Oklahoma Land Rush?

Final Jeopardy

The Colorado River flows through these seven states.

The Colorado River

Final Jeopardy Answer

What are Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, Arizona, New

Mexico, Nevada, and California?