sons ., s ike in london , curtain...

N IlSHING RS ; :Jvy t, DL 5 ( GOO T SPECIALS SPECIAL ltt 5 . .,.. o.ND BROUSE WE SELL ••• ROarN-'8N I: COltf'ANY Uwmb - ":Ie ..." MONARCH HARDTOP power ItH,ing, radio, etc. R.g. $1750.00 ICE PRICE $1100. 00 THE DAILY NEWS . c?'" .• L. f .. •• DO •• ' ra Nova Motors Ltd. Vol. 66. No. 185 51. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND FRIDAY, ,AUGUST 28, 1959 (Price: 7 Cellls) Charles Hutton & Sons ., Southeast Asia S ituatiolR ... I Campaign cgainlt Communists is bringing ltability OIICI disorganized country. Economy steadily improving. Cold war is hat in this landlocked country as pro- rtgime fights Red rebels. U,S, aid isvital to economy, Nation still under martial law since coup in IISI. A!li·Co",munilt. Political, economic situation sound. WoIIODIA: Go,ernment claims a policy of strict neutrality, o<C!pttC needed-from both U,S, end Reds. :\:" is one of the most important battle- ideological struggle between the West world, In some places, "battle· de;.::bes in a literal sense the present ... ·1..;0-. where the ilnli·Communist go\'ern- Ers Feudal ting System VIET NAM: like KOlca, it is divided - Communisfl in , north and republic in south, which is kcpt under pressure., J MALAYA: British protectorate until 1957, potentially rich Federation has launched extensive development program. INDONESIA: Political situation is muddled' as army con. tinues as real. force behind Sukarno's 'guided democracy.' Graft and corrupfion, shaky alC big ISSues In .. , lim! ment is battling rebel UpnslllgS in its northern provinces; and South Viet Nam, victim of constant Red tel'rorist acli"itics, Newsmap above focuses on this ilrea \\'here East and West \'ie for the support of millions of Asians, ---_._------------- Split In Labour ,1i1p l'OUU:,I' officcr!. , Charles of Killkora, re, C : officer for Prince, Raid ongress noli's I CP I - that thr convener o! each poll hlanders lolc: up an individu,,1 volcrs list . a !)'slem which: by "only for their oll'n pri\'ate the province's' reference," I \\'j"NIPEG CP A' l't 1'h t' h t ' th : ih colon Some· , ' ," .' -:- - sp I I ellIS IIlC IOn c e , ,. 16! For the publIc, the rc,ulls arc IS evident wlthm the CanadIan I two terms may be tnflmg on I 0 \ as I compiled in an election headquar· Labor Congress over the pro·: the surface, ut it will take some I Ii. tel's set up at the Island Tele· ,]Osed affiliation with the CCF i CCF disliking labor leaders all· It'erans and lerny.: phone Company here by The In a nelV polItical party, .the hook. both ,.1 Guardian El'cni:1g Patriot While a liaison will be ap,: in each of dally nCII'spapcrs, and CFCY ra'· proved at a threc·day meeting :'0:0 FINAL DECISIOS :1 b: ridbgs, Those I dio and television, all of Char· I by the CLC and CCF i However, no final decisions! ile.ed catcnory Ilottetown, starting today, Informants said Ihal'e been reached by the· for the I REVISION PLANS Thursday It will be a, loose I back·room brigade, More witl is nn distinction in I The Liberals have promised to one, 'l'hese sources saId the be Sunday, , I sc' up a committee to inl'cstigate 1,100,OOO'membcr Congrss 1S StIli 10 doubt, Informants - wh,'n the 1\\'0 I re;'ision of thc lodged to be about 65 11er say, are! . Iwoplc if rc . elected, The committec In fal'or, hooking up with. 1, How much If any, • Dy Ihe ass em· would Ill'esu1l1Hhly illlrod\\ce leWl the , SOClaI"t pnrly 35,the well·heeleu (,LC ,tblows lQ' J ?'O .... rlie, classes liy isilitioll' auoli,lling the mlltlilpc ,ag;',lllsl. , ,;to the new purty s kItty, : ,(,e,nn!. properl,I' A per,'on with! I up.hut Is IIkel)' to hc. 2, What to the party, lID', :,,' cou1citlors property in all the 1;; voting dis, mdll'luual uniolls in the. There has lieen much. specula· :\elnod World War, Iricts ciJllld casl 15 votes plus one, CLC will be invited to gil'e .tion on how many union memo n\'(('E for in his home dis· to the neW poliliial: bers' dues dollors the Con· 1,1'0 Houses, Ihc triel. The problem lIould be to ioutfit. But they will not be I might spend on the P?!i· i lr.t Ihrone was read I pressed, 'Ileal tle·ln, Best InformatIOn chamber made to all the 249 bet wee, i Aller preliminary bock·room at Ihe momcnt is that the, rr,tct:og of the faJh, (he I'oting hours of 9 a,m, 10 ;; I meeting herc, informants said 'Conress, such, will not throw: I;on in :he 1111i()s, p,m, AST. iThursday it secms the Congress in any bllt, that some of its I , there "and the CO' will have R tie·. CG',fal'ol'ing unions will proh·. , and then heard it Full ,Iates of havr ,Ull but that it will he associ· :obly hdp out the impecunious: Ike In London , Curtain Raiser By ALAN HARVEY I winter and spring prepared U1e: millan to discllss, 'temporarily with the U,S, and Canadian Press Stall, Writer I way for the Eisenhower.Khrush· 1 MARKED ; British ,announcement that their LONDON tCPI-Presldent Els, chev talks, , In contrast to thc hal" moratorium on nuclear tests will enhower's visit is seen in London "We have pressed the bullon i rack, room language which Eisen, ; cO:1tinue past the Oct. 31 expira· mainly as a to the -now we're going to sit and I hower is hare used on: tion date of the or!ginal one·year bIg two meetings m September. watch the machInery work, one: former prime mmlster Sir Anth·1 halt of test explOSIOns. There has a tendency here British official said, . ony Eden during the 1956 Suez I to regard Prime Minister Macmil· There are no pressing problems crisis, relations Bril:iin I TRADE IMPRESSIONS Ian as the "ice'breaker" whose of specifically Anglo· American· and the United States now are ex' The meetings also gil'e the two lOUr of diplomatic capitals last interest for and :llac· . tremely intimate, ,leaders a chance to trade per· --- .... :.----.::.----------------' Eisenhower mal' encounter a! sonal imp res s ions of Nikita less cordial atmo;phere in Paris i Khrushchel' gathered by Macmil' early next month, French Presi·! Ian and by Vice· President Rich· denl de Gaufle has cau,ed sOll'e: ard ).Iixon on their trips to heart'searcl1ing within the Atlan'l cow, possibly providing Eisen· tic alliance by his insistencc Dn a . hower wi:h a few poi:lters for his big'power rolc for France, and afl exchangc of \'isils with the Rus· Eisenhower's vaunted 'charm will sian leader. Queen Enjoys Balmoral Ball Il)' EDDY GILMORE 'rtowns Il'rtI'c thrir m"rk, nn Ihl' Scotland - AP be,'t of men, incil',rilllg Prince '-The Quecn threw I h"lI for Philip, Ihe Queen's hu,i)anr!, 'hcr servanls Thursllay "I know," Ihe po,t· i It 11'''5 the traditional gillies'· "lilY mother :lnd Lllhcr '[,all, a happy, fa,lt·dancing IIsed to attenri th,'m," highl"nl !ling ,'tarted hy Quren . Victoria, Hos!.s for the gillir,' parll It was the Queen'! first lIere the (jl1ren <Inri Ihe ,partl' since Ihe <lnnounccmrnt Femil)', Prinel',-.' : earlicr this mouth th,! she lI'a; .. \l"rprpt. (;ur"ls \\We til!' "cr· I expecling hab;' in lale J<lnu, . ranis or Ihe 1l:lln1l1ral e""tr or eal'l)' February, : pillS officers .,ld men of Ihc "Thc granrl to go ro,'ol gU<lrrl, Ihe Rllyal Hi;:h, through with the ball," Fusiliers, Albert Thomson, the local post· : master, "but it's really hal'cter, In Quppn Vidori,,', day" Ihe on Duke of Edinhurgh," . d;l11cr was hcld oflrl' an rxcrp· Gillies' dances are tional do)' of stag "hooting" affairs and these Highland hoe· The sl:tin slags were placer! in ------ a hugc circle on the palace Skipper's Problem \!o:\TRF.AI. ICP} - Ahoard OCe[lll liner:) it is for the to illl'ile prominent t(l dine al Ilis lahle, lawn, In those rial's, torche; madc of dried fir branches soaked ill resin illuminatcd thc sccne <IS the gillies-or male attend<lnts -and their be· . tween drinking Rnd dancing within the slag ring, ,'IOIlE SEll,\TE nt;_dll"s :lfLtir W;l" :11111'C sed""" It W;b h"ld ill the lal'e Iw I\room, I JimnlY Shand'" iJonr! :!lld 10l'al plp,'r, furnish",' th(' be needed tD case tr,e ,Irain, The presidcnt is expected tn Specific \I orld issucs likely brief on llie he uppel'mo;t in the or his disl'llssions lIilh Chanceilor ,J':isenlioll'cr are the Adenauer at Honn, pro'Jlem5 of Berlin and dll'ided' On economic ,ide Eiscn· Ger:nan,I', left i:l abC)'aiH'e after hower prohahl,v Ihe ineonc:u"ire ror· will rCI'iclt' the progre,s of tile rign niinislcrs' at Ge· program for cco:lOmic intcrrlp· nrl''', . I penrlencr ,<el in motion "ftel JI"c' On rli,;;rl1l"l1lcnl, the 1Il0>l 1111I1an'> I'i,il 10 in ti:e ... jr.;.e:'.lc WilS of (.ummer nf Bank Of Canada Lessens I nterest n," AL,\7o; IJOS\ELLY , weeki\" ,ale of go\'crnme]t 11',a· Press Staff Writrr sur)' bill" OTTA\\,A 'CPI - Ti,e Bank of Thllrsrlay that al'erage yicld- Canada i:1lel'cst rate turned down, on sales of S!I.i,OOO,()()1I in 9J.ct.,I' 1'.;lI'[ls sharply ThuLlda)", app;1\'" bills-lI'a, 0,33 pel' cent ent:y reflecling easing in lI'ith "n yield of 6,01 Ill'r the money which ha,\ \1'01'· cent 1"51 ThUl'sd;IY, ried eeonomisls and poiitic"ns \onnaiiy Ihc o:f,r' $lL1.000.0(}{) 0: these bil1'i Thc rale reI! hy ,71 per cenl '.Icck, for .<a:e by lender. Bu: lalt to j,"B-'he large,1 decline i:l at week Fleming rejeced . .;; t)lP govern' of trx. "as teo hl-.:h melll fllr Ihe second 511cecsliH'· Illlel'e,t rate.'" and ,old 0111.1' wel'k \ll'\ow·nnrm;11 amoH1! ),ilOOO of the Hr ur t!'l':I:-III'Y [Jill:-.. ('rnll1C:lt felt lhDt the III Tnl' Ct'iltl';ll lll1t'I'(''''! riltt' tile lrC,hllr\' \Jill rt1tc : ... III lht' :l\t'I'.I':P inkrl' .... t \'tone "I'cltht'r 31ld Ib:J!1 "il'll! ;)11. "L.,l'l':-:I,\' of l'ot1d:till'l:- \',":llT:Ut." .111'1' bill, ,old hI· lelldol. ,\., 'tleli. :\1 Ih" 1;111e Fiel'" 1': i:. \'l'f,:,I, (Ollti:liI1l1' in ,o'd OIl!Y 0: the ,:'11" rhl' : .. hon term motley nOll,noo til trpJ. .... ul'y ill!l..; Hilt whol would you do if your Included n ca\linet minislcr and a former Liberal minisler both w c I com e rI aboard by the prc,sident of l'(lrls 111111 L'Olll\- tr,' d:lllcl'S were Ihc ordl'r, Dancin" Ihem as Ihel,' ,hotlld The ,11;II'P drill' in Ihe rate ;lp· P',I: lip fol' I!'nder, and ?,lll0llnCcd . "our h bc dallcer! lakes a 101 oU: of ,,<ll'pnll), ',la, at lea.". ill lllill Il1i, ·lOlle of tile That was Ihe problem thai man should he he a prillcl' Ol' :0 the 11101('s la,1 1\ rei; tCI:11 I\olll:i be tendeled. faced Captain J0111l Soame o! I ;1I1d :h;, \I hI,' F,n""ce \1111, 'j';Hll·,j,II' JII' ",, the Canadian Pal'ific lincr Em, 'gil ie, : ... ',15 in \)OlTo\\ :e:- ... · lIlJu:H:cd Il'_'\t I' {'r>.; q In, or Fra:1CP. pa!'scn· than . f11!r)!11 (1'1[1 ,'.:! -; 111YI,1I4):l "el's inl'llldcn \lini" the .',1'111(1,11\\1' 11: ,,"l., " 1 1·1 I bill.;:, lIe '1 n (llllll'!' d 11\ bl'II') Hil: be I'd! Ill,) 101' IeI' Hers Hnd former Liheral "Ol1g IIC Del'SI(" \I "'" ,'lit 0 . . I I' I.hi:- mi)\.e \11\ h(' Il' TIl;t: 1'.1': Ill,f!r;i, I:'" transporl Lionel ChCI" I'nnce Phihp - [01' e:lr ,I· 111" . h . I :w.\t '.', cC'i-;, ()f hilL" tile-II rier, Bo',ll \1'" r e wclcomrd e 11:11,( rise al\d :'11 e c OT!IEH SIC\S cllIr aboard bu :-.;, R. Crllmp, CPH thc 80 up :l1Il1 ,; llr)\\'C'I.l':', II;l\'P hern E,Hlk (j,: l'JIldd;" 1'- P resident. . dOll'lI milcs irom herc 10 !'L"ewilcre of a:1 III '.h(' !-::rc-:l rail'. at .),.i:l P','!" cent. 1-- Captain Soame nrcidcd that ,Aberdeen to mcet Prcsidenl I r money' Silll":101I l't1,1t twu .83 per ce"t hela'l I'\e prJ,' n Mr, Hee," as Ihe cabinet mini" •Eisenhower, coming 10 tile C;!,· 'I" :'I wceK.; ;1;0 --('nl Ihe Rank of Can- il·H I"l'<'lcllcd two nc ler rated th • first l'nvI'ta'.ion . lie for a 24,hour informa! I'i,it. ' I r II c - , "ria inlcres: rate to a rccord li.41 decline ha, Wlpe( OU'. 0 1e and he' approached him and I plane will tOllch pc, cellt. I'ise Df l.1.i per cent tha'. asked him to di:1e at the cap· I down at Aherdeen's Dyce Air., Prices of bonds, in Ihe prel'ious six week-, tain's table during the voyage: port at 10,15 a,m, . "articularl,' . IeI'm issues,' Tha'. incrca,e reflect cd , to Britain, I The Queen will mcet a: Bal, 'havc in Ihe last demand for 10M, "Do you ha\'c any friends you i moral to grret \\'eek with 'inlerest I'ieid, neclin- which slrelched tile lending allil would care to im'ite?' asked . That should gil'c her a litlle somewhat. ." I ity of the charlered hanks, Tw', Captain Soame, 'more time to catch up on her: As \\'en, t:1e Bank of Canada is· weeks ai!o Ihe hcad of the Carc "I undcrstand the Cheniers sleep. succi figures Thursday showing an dian Banker, Assoria'ion said tr arc trm'elling," said Mr, Hees" increase in the cash r(',ervcs of banks' would have to clirlai, h" "How about asking them?" chartered banks _ the basis of ther in their lend!r "An excellent idea," beamed Would Drop Iheir lending abililY, . policies, Captain Soame, Tilis has come abaw Il'ith the: Latest figure; ,haw that in tt' ,"The Ch e v r i e r 5 are old ' of Cannda apparently stick.: week following Ihat statemc:': fricnd,," added Hecs, _I Grand Jurl"es I ling 10 ils policy of al'oiding nn I thl' bank, increa'" - ; illflationary in (' r en' e i:1 the' their 10311, by 521.00,00: : money figure . .;; i-;- I lheir (ot,l\ i'1 gem·r; ",ed 'l'hUI'.,dav ,liuwed llip i loal's IIlIl,tanding to Flying HALiFAX ,('1') _ \ol'a Seolia . ',Ipply - d,,'posits in charlere;l: al This was an iJcrea' I Snprcmc Court Jus t i ce .John honks pIns eurrene,' held bl' Ihe of $21,;,()()O,OOO sincr ,July I, a' I Doull of Halifax said in a letter pubiic-declined sligh:l)' by $9, .. ,ome Iii p;r cenl Ingber thall 0 to Ihe Chronicle. lierael Thurs' 000,000 belween Aug, 12 and 19 10. April 1 linen Ihe natIOnal reo." . d dav Ihat he fal'ors Ihe discontin· . a Iota SI3,37I,OOO,OOQ, . amy ,Iarted on its prcsent bool11 P : u3'nce of grand juries from the: This figure sholl'S anI)' R minor: The 'nallk,' problem was sholl'l Y ra m I ! province's judiCia!, syslem, : from on ,July :3rller Ihls II'he:\ t,hm Ir, "I ca:11101. , ' thwk of anv case 1 the rate II, ,al c.l,h Irsenes - refl,lIreci I" whei'e the grand ju!'y 11<\; pre" six·wcek climh that culminated, back Ull (Ieposil - fc:: ,ycnlerl a of jll5tice' two wrl'b belo\\' Ihe mini, Speaker. The; heen enetered by thc Liberals and ;ation rather than an af[iliation, :socialist borty, :'0 readin"s i still PC" The CeF SRld In a state· h\' thp ,s, t. ment ,hortly after Ihe elcctlon LO:--'DO:-l I Heiliers) - British my a,'sociatio;] Hth the Th" centt'al hank inlere,t rate 011101 "hlcll. by 1:11\' Ihe, hank., - scientists Thursday unveiled de· , ." he said, ' is sct onc·quarler of one per crnt must maintain on a aI', signs fol' a two,man "flying pyra·: Douli scn·ed for a time ,ahore the yielr! 00 Ihe, . leu.enan I d Itt Id b the other bv thc was ca Ie t la no ry wou e . made [or seals, , May Eliminate Polio Alex ", , , Many of our would,he sup' I , n' as a coun, porters hal'e not yet realized that I ' ' Progreso in order to hal'e a people'R party I XS, ICPI-A RIIS'j ologlCRI and weapons Leader Waller b the field, they mllst RllPportl sIan sCIentIst !hursday expressed could be used III seat in the last It with a Jlltle work and money," hope that poho would eventually I pracllccs, The SCIentist, who running for a COlin. a statement said, be eliminated through the use of asked thaI his name be withheld, in First Queens, He a live polio virus vaccine, outlined the methods in a lecture !or election In Third The Conservatives, promising Prof, A, A, Smorodinzcv, head to the 25 scientists attending the impro\'ements In a g r iculture, of the Ins:itute of Experimental , I fisblng and education and closer Science at L€ningrad, Is direct· He snld advanced technological official I'oters' co . operallon with Ottawa, are Ing oral Innoculatlons of Ihe studv had made !t possible for thlrr electoral officer' seeking 10 end 25 of Lib, Stales-<llscovered vaccine to rr50rt to new - type p.rol'i:lce, era I whIch began In in several Soviet countrle5, The for sabotage methods, tnrre c.ounlles Is, a 1935 when the party swept the SO vaccine Is taken through the Such like IntrDducing ,electIOn day WIth seats, mouth. To date 6,000,000 RII;slan germs Inlo air sys· mlo the of AMAZING RECORD children have been Innoclllated, or The Liberals, who have never Prof, Smorodlnzev saId the nllm' might or smHll . lost more than 10 seats to the ber of polio cases has sInce de· epidemics, I I th creased. "How simple would It be to PCs a nee 1935, are chas ng elr The RussIan scientists said In t d' t t • t seventh consecutive mandate on sage 8 coup e a In a coun ry their record and a program of an that he was not too while government leaders are Improvements In the province's optimistic about Salk·vaccine be- with the disease," mid" that could be brought back: :\ol'a SCDlia's attDrnl'Y . genrral rrDm outer space and a ramjet i and ha; been on tile Supreme engine capable of speeds of more I COllrt for 2,) years, than 3,000 miles an hour in the I He said tho. grand jury system upper atmosphel'e, could be "aboUshed with no The designs were announced at harm to the proper functioning of the Commonwealth space flight our judicial system," Laos Fits Into Communist Pattern symposium which opened Thurs· Mr, Dou11 said the juries are day with some 200 scientists at· costly and often an tending, The symposium wilt be burden on witnesses, By JOSEPH I\hcSWEEN ,of Red China, is mure impart, followed next week by a six,day Canadian Press Staff Writer • "nt f"ctor, Laos touches on International Aslronautics Feder THE COUNTRY PARSON For a small war, the fighting Cummunist China, CUlnmlnlist ali on Conference for scientists in the far·off kingdom of Laos :controlled \orth Viel Nam, from al! OVer the world, i.< raising a big cloud in East· Cambodia alHl Thail""n, The flying pyramid was de., West relations 'RHOAD I'LA:"i ,igned bv at Armstrong GOl'crnmcnt spokcsmen in, SOlne observers sec the l'un1· Whitwor'th Aircraft Limited who IAlndoll and Washington h3\'C I munist activity in as I'art they hare soll'ed the prob. Icommcnted in serious terms on of a plan by ned (hllla to sill' lem of the heat generated when the pro,Communist rebellion in up troub!e in bordcr slates UI er an object re,enters the earth's st· the obscure southeast Asian a I'ast area, They point to the mosphere from outer spact, country, !l's frecl)' predicted; sllppression of tibet and FIERY METEORITE I that the chaos in Lalls will have i threats and subverSion agaln"t This heat normally would turn, la bearing on the fOrth· such places as Burma, Bhutan, a:1y space craft and its oecupants coming conferences between Assam and Nepal. to a fiery meteorite. President Eiscnhower and Pre· Although there is sprc· , main Industries of agriculture and cause It was "not effective fishing, free text books for pre' enough," Salk antl·pollo vaccine hIgh school students and !il!nslons Is the type used In Canada and KNOWN TO WORLD The pyramid would be proteeted mier Khrushchev, Why hru; ulation, solid facts are elusive lie such practices are by its deltn·sheped base which Laos become so important? in the struggle for Laos, which 7t .... 1.'1. .... 60 59 ... !\'% I ... :" 87 83 65 70 N '/1) for unmarried women and widows the United States, THREE RUSSIANS at eo, Prof Smorodlnzev Is one of Twenty·seven of the 30 !eats three Russian scIentists attending were won by the, Liberals In 1955, the week 10:11( conference on One 10 t to the ConservatIves chemical and biologlcul warfare b • by - election, leaving the here, atal\dinRs at dis50lutiOll Llb'I' Earlier Thursday. British -_ ...... __ .'J Inll and lour Pea. . entiale Gutllned several ways bl· " known 10 the world, It was the would deflect the heat generated The map gives one clue, until a comparatively few years general public that should be into the surrounding air, Laos, not much more than half ago was little known in the warned of their danger; Cyrus The ramjet enginc has been de· the size of Newfoundland is West and then only as the Eaton, Pugwash·born Industrialist signed-but not built-by sCien'l .Iandlocked bllt lies along' the least' developed of the· three who is conference host. Monday tists at the Hawker Siddeley Air., "A like a buzz' :big nil'cr, one of the provinces making up Indochina ashd Ihe ;cientist to tell the craft Company, ,It lI',ould be SUit· lIce, can make a tellow water highways of the cast. along with Cambodia and Viet world of Ihe dangers war· able for propulSIOn In thc IIPPther uncasy without ever slinging i The strategic posilion of thc Nam, fare "howcl'er they I atmosphere at I!I'C c hl'm," I tr' ex osed to the might (Continued on Page 16) may be," speed or sOllnd and Ol'er. coun p . ., I, I r,

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Page 1: Sons ., S Ike In London , Curtain · , and then heard it Full ,Iates of c~ndHlates havr ,Ull but that it




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ra Nova Motors Ltd. Vol. 66. No. 185 51. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND FRIDAY, ,AUGUST 28, 1959 (Price: 7 Cellls) Charles Hutton & Sons


Southeast Asia S ituatiolR ...


Campaign cgainlt Communists is bringing ltability OIICI disorganized country. Economy steadily improving.

Cold war is hat in this landlocked country as pro­rtgime fights Red rebels. U,S, aid isvital to economy,

!H~IlAND: Nation still under martial law since coup in IISI. A!li·Co",munilt. Political, economic situation sound.

WoIIODIA: Go,ernment claims a policy of strict neutrality, o<C!pttC ~id-much needed-from both U,S, end Reds.

:\:" is one of the most important battle­'~::le ideological struggle between the West

Co;nm~lI1ist world, In some places, "battle· de;.::bes in a literal sense the present

... ·1..;0-. where the ilnli·Communist go\'ern-

Ers Feudal ting System

• VIET NAM: like KOlca, it is divided - Communisfl in , north and republic in south, which is kcpt under pressure., J

• MALAYA: British protectorate until 1957, potentially rich Federation has launched extensive development program.

• • INDONESIA: Political situation is muddled' as army con.

tinues as real. force behind Sukarno's 'guided democracy.'

• ~HILI~PINES: Graft and corrupfion, shaky c~onomy alC big ISSues In U?':C::1in~ t!cc!i~r .. , I~o!;";: i~ lim! b"d:~.~ ~f .~ ,~. ~

ment is battling rebel UpnslllgS in its northern provinces; and South Viet Nam, victim of constant Red tel'rorist acli"itics, Newsmap above focuses on this ilrea \\'here East and West \'ie for the support of millions of Asians,


Split In Labour

,1i1p l'OUU:,I' r~:urnin; officcr!. ~ , Charles ~ll'Cardle of Killkora, re, C : l\I1'ni:1~ officer for Prince, Raid ongress noli's I CP I - that thr convener o! each poll

hlanders lolc: makc~ up an individu,,1 volcrs list . a !)'slem which: by "only for their oll'n pri\'ate

1~ the province's' reference," I \\'j"NIPEG CP A' l't 1'h ~'t' t' h t ' th : ih colon Some· , ' ," .' -:- - sp I I ellIS IIlC IOn c ",\e~n e , ,. ma~', 16! For the publIc, the rc,ulls arc IS evident wlthm the CanadIan I two terms may be tnflmg on I

D~': ~~\' 0 \ as I compiled in an election headquar· Labor Congress over the pro·: the surface, ut it will take some I Ii. ~:l es~aten yw~~teh: tel's set up at the Island Tele· ,]Osed affiliation with the CCF i CCF disliking labor leaders all·

It'erans and lerny.: phone Company here by The In a nelV polItical party, .the hook. f~' both ass~mb\ ,.1 Guardian a~d El'cni:1g Patriot While a liaison will be ap,:

in each of t~e! dally nCII'spapcrs, and CFCY ra'· proved at a threc·day meeting :'0:0 FINAL DECISIOS :1 b: ridbgs, Those I dio and television, all of Char· I sp~~ored by the CLC and CCF i However, no final decisions! p~ ile.ed catcnory Ilottetown, starting today, Informants said I hal'e been reached by the·

for the asse~hl~" I REVISION PLANS Thursday It will be a, loose I back·room brigade, More witl is nn distinction in I The Liberals have promised to one, 'l'hese sources saId the be kno~n Sunday, , I sc' up a committee to inl'cstigate 1,100,OOO'membcr Congrss 1S StIli 10 doubt, Informants - wh,'n the 1\\'0 I re;'ision of thc elcctor~1 ~ystem lodged to be about 65 11er c~nt say, are! . Jr.~r~l'd-Ihe Iwoplc if rc . elected, The committec In fal'or, ~f hooking up with. 1, How much ~no;\e)'" If any, •

Dy Ihe ass em· would Ill'esu1l1Hhly illlrod\\ce leWl the , SOClaI"t pnrly ~lId 35,the well·heeleu (,LC ,tblows lQ' J

?'O .... rlie, classes liy isilitioll' auoli,lling the mlltlilpc ,ag;',lllsl. , ,;to the new purty s kItty, : ,(,e,nn!. Ve~erans properl,I' \'o~p, A per,'on with! I h~ up.hut Is IIkel)' to hc. 2, What to c~lI the party,

lID', :,,' cou1citlors property in all the 1;; voting dis, :th~t mdll'luual uniolls in the. There has lieen much. specula· :\elnod World War, Iricts ciJllld casl 15 votes plus one, CLC will be invited to gil'e .tion on how many union memo

n\'(('E for as,emblyma~ in his home dis· ~support to the neW poliliial: bers' dues dollors the Con· .~! 1,1'0 Houses, Ihc triel. The problem lIould be to ioutfit. But they will not be I ~,ress might spend on the P?!i· i

lr.t Ihrone was read I pressed, 'Ileal tle·ln, Best InformatIOn chamber made ~pt to all the 249 poll~ bet wee, i Aller preliminary bock·room at Ihe momcnt is that the,

rr,tct:og of the faJh, (he I'oting hours of 9 a,m, 10 ;; I meeting herc, informants said 'Conress, ~s such, will not throw: I;on in :he 1111i()s, p,m, AST. iThursday it secms the Congress in any bllt, that some of its I

, rr~n ~athered there "and the CO' will have R tie·. CG',fal'ol'ing unions will proh·. , and then heard it Full ,Iates of c~ndHlates havr ,Ull but that it will he ~n associ· :obly hdp out the impecunious:

Ike In London , Curtain Raiser

By ALAN HARVEY I winter and spring prepared U1e: millan to discllss, 'temporarily with the U,S, and Canadian Press Stall, Writer I way for the Eisenhower.Khrush· 1 MARKED CO~TRAST ; British ,announcement that their LONDON tCPI-Presldent Els, chev talks, , In m~rkcd contrast to thc hal" moratorium on nuclear tests will

enhower's visit is seen in London "We have pressed the bullon i rack, room language which Eisen, ; cO:1tinue past the Oct. 31 expira· mainly as a curta~n'rai~er to the -now we're going to sit bac,~ and I hower is ~aid t~ hare used on: tion date of the or!ginal one·year bIg two meetings m September. watch the machInery work, one: former prime mmlster Sir Anth·1 halt of test explOSIOns.

There has bee~ a tendency here British official said, . ony Eden during the 1956 Suez I to regard Prime Minister Macmil· There are no pressing problems crisis, relations bet\\'ee~ Bril:iin I TRADE IMPRESSIONS Ian as the "ice'breaker" whose of specifically Anglo· American· and the United States now are ex' The meetings also gil'e the two lOUr of diplomatic capitals last interest for Eise~hower and :llac· . tremely intimate, ,leaders a chance to trade per· ---....:.----.::.----------------' Eisenhower mal' encounter a! sonal imp res s ions of Nikita

less cordial atmo;phere in Paris i Khrushchel' gathered by Macmil' early next month, French Presi·! Ian and by Vice· President Rich· denl de Gaufle has cau,ed sOll'e: ard ).Iixon on their trips to ~105' heart'searcl1ing within the Atlan'l cow, possibly providing Eisen· tic alliance by his insistencc Dn a . hower wi:h a few poi:lters for his big'power rolc for France, and afl exchangc of \'isils with the Rus· Eisenhower's vaunted 'charm will sian leader.

Queen Enjoys Balmoral Ball

Il)' EDDY GILMORE 'rtowns Il'rtI'c thrir m"rk, nn Ihl' B,\L~IORAL, Scotland - AP be,'t of men, incil',rilllg Prince

'-The Quecn threw I h"lI for Philip, Ihe Queen's hu,i)anr!, 'hcr servanls Thursllay ni~ht. ~ "I know," ~aid Ihe po,t· i It 11'''5 the traditional gillies'· m~,':pr, "lilY mother :lnd Lllhcr '[,all, a happy, fa,lt·dancing IIsed to attenri th,'m," highl"nl !ling ,'tarted hy Quren . Victoria, Hos!.s for the gillir,' parll

It was the Queen'! first bi~ lIere the (jl1ren <Inri Ihe no~·,1 ,partl' since Ihe <lnnounccmrnt Femil)', ;nclllrlin~ Prinel',-.' : earlicr this mouth th,! she lI'a; .. \l"rprpt. (;ur"ls \\We til!' "cr· I expecling ~ hab;' in lale J<lnu, . ranis or Ihe 1l:lln1l1ral e""tr ar~ or eal'l)' February, : pillS officers .,ld men of Ihc

"Thc Qileen'~ granrl to go ro,'ol gU<lrrl, Ihe Rllyal Hi;:h, through with the ball," ~~irl la~d Fusiliers, Albert Thomson, the local post· : master, "but it's really hal'cter, In Quppn Vidori,,', day" Ihe on Duke of Edinhurgh," . d;l11cr was hcld oflrl' an rxcrp·

Gillies' dances are vi~orofts tional do)' of stag "hooting" affairs and these Highland hoe· The sl:tin slags were placer! in ------ a hugc circle on the palace

Skipper's Problem

\!o:\TRF.AI. ICP} - Ahoard OCe[lll liner:) it is <:u~tom:tI'Y for the cap~ain to illl'ile prominent ~us;engrrs t(l dine al Ilis lahle,

lawn, In those rial's, torche; madc

of dried fir branches soaked ill resin illuminatcd thc sccne <IS

the gillies-or male attend<lnts -and their girL~ al!~rn~ter! be·

. tween drinking Rnd dancing within the slag ring,

,'IOIlE SEll,\TE Thlll'~day nt;_dll"s :lfLtir W;l"

:11111'C sed""" It W;b h"ld ill the p~ lal'e Iw I \room,

I JimnlY Shand'" iJonr! :!lld 10l'al plp,'r, furnish",' th('

be needed tD case tr,e ,Irain, The presidcnt is expected tn Specific \I orld issucs likely ~o brief ~Iacmillan on llie hi~hli;:illS

he uppel'mo;t in the ~lacmiflan· or his disl'llssions lIilh Chanceilor ,J':isenlioll'cr rli.~cus,\ion5 are the Adenauer at Honn,

pro'Jlem5 of Berlin and dll'ided' On tll~ economic ,ide Eiscn· Ger:nan,I', left i:l abC)'aiH'e after hower ~nd j!acmill~n prohahl,v Ihe Irn~th,' a~rl ineonc:u"ire ror· will rCI'iclt' the progre,s of tile rign niinislcrs' meetin~ at Ge· program for cco:lOmic intcrrlp· nrl''', . I penrlencr ,<el in motion "ftel JI"c'

On rli,;;rl1l"l1lcnl, the 1Il0>l 1111I1an'> I'i,il 10 l\"a~hin;tn:1 in ti:e p:-('.~ ... ill~ jr.;.e:'.lc WilS rli\po~ed of (.ummer nf 1!)·~,~.

Bank Of Canada Lessens I nterest

n," AL,\7o; IJOS\ELLY , weeki\" ,ale of go\'crnme]t 11',a· Cal1a~lan Press Staff Writrr sur)' bill" OTTA\\,A 'CPI - Ti,e Bank of Thllrsrlay that al'erage yicld-

Canada i:1lel'cst rate turned down, on sales of S!I.i,OOO,()()1I in 9J.ct.,I' 1'.;lI'[ls sharply ThuLlda)", app;1\'" bills-lI'a, 0,33 pel' cent e~mparrrl ent:y reflecling ~omc easing in lI'ith "n al'l'r"~c yield of 6,01 Ill'r the money s~lIeeze which ha,\ \1'01'· cent 1"51 ThUl'sd;IY, ried eeonomisls and poiitic"ns \onnaiiy Ihc ~orenmcnl o:f,r' a1i~..;e. $lL1.000.0(}{) 0: these bil1'i c~~'h

Thc rale reI! hy ,71 per cenl '.Icck, for .<a:e by lender. Bu: lalt to j,"B-'he large,1 decline i:l at week ~Ir. Fleming rejeced ~ul11e leJ~-: ~I! ye~l!·~-;1 . .;; t)lP govern' of trx. hid~ "as in\·ol\'i.'~ teo hl-.:h melll fllr Ihe second 511cecsliH'· Illlel'e,t rate.'" and ,old 0111.1' S~l, wel'k ~uld ~ \ll'\ow·nnrm;11 amoH1! ),ilOOO of the bi:t~. Hr sai~ I~l~ ur t!'l':I:-III'Y [Jill:-.. ~O\ ('rnll1C:lt felt lhDt the I'i~e III

Tnl' Ct'iltl';ll h;ll'l~":-. lll1t'I'(''''! riltt' tile lrC,hllr\' \Jill intl:l'('~: rt1tc h~d : ... ~t·~lrl·d III lht' :l\t'I'.I':P inkrl' .... t \'tone "I'cltht'r 31ld fa~trl' Ib:J!1 "il'll! ;)11. "L.,l'l':-:I,\' oti!'riI1~~, of ~:'(,<l" l'ot1d:till'l:- \',":llT:Ut." .111'1' bill, ,old hI· lelldol. ,\., 'tleli. :\1 Ih" ,'~ll1r 1;111e ~r,· Fiel'" 1': i:. ~(':\[,I';"I.\' \'l'f,:,I, (Ollti:liI1l1' in ,o'd OIl!Y SI~,OIlO,OU~ 0: the ,:'11"

rhl' : .. hon term motley m~]'l\('l. nOll,noo til 182'da~' trpJ. .... ul'y ill!l..;

Hilt whol would you do if your pa;,,'~gl'l'.1 Included n Co~sel'\'atil'e ca\linet minislcr and a former Liberal cahinc~ minisler both w c I com e rI aboard by the prc,sident of

mllsi~. Sc()tti~h l'(lrls 111111 L'Olll\­

tr,' d:lllcl'S were Ihc ordl'r, Dancin" Ihem as Ihel,' ,hotlld The ,11;II'P drill' in Ihe rate ;lp· P',I: lip fol' I!'nder, and ?,lll0llnCcd

."our compar.\,'~ h bc dallcer! lakes a 101 oU: of ~ ,,<ll'pnll), ',la, at lea.". ill 11~I'I-a lllill Il1i, \\pe~ ·lOlle of tile 10n~:I'· That was Ihe problem thai man should he he a prillcl' Ol' ~ l'eacti~'1 :0 the 11101('s la,1 1\ rei; tCI:11 bil~, I\olll:i be tendeled.

faced Captain J0111l Soame o! I ;1I1d :h;, \I e(~k hI,' F,n""ce \1111, 'j';Hll·,j,II' JII' 1":""l1:1~ ",, the Canadian Pal'ific lincr Em, 'gil ie,

: ... ',15 Fll'lr,:n~ in \)OlTo\\ !l"~ :e:- ... · lIlJu:H:cd ~:l:Jt Il'_'\t I' {'r>.; ~IU q In, g.l'e~~ or Fra:1CP. Hi~ pa!'scn· than . ~1O"1l1~.\ allHH1I1t~ th:"I'.'~:l f11!r)!11 l!J·d~l\· \llL~ (1'1[1 ,'.:! -; 111YI,1I4):l "el's inl'llldcn Tra~sport \lini" ,~11 the .',1'111(1,11\\1' 11: ,,"l., " 1 1·1 I tl'l:;t~.I1·\,· bill.;:, lIe ~l '1 n (llllll'!' d 11\ ~11~.r!.ly bl'II') Hil: be I'd! Ill,) 101' IeI' Hers Hnd former Liheral "Ol1g IIC Del'SI(" \I "'" ,'lit 0 . . I I' T1!',ll'ql~l~' I.hi:- mi)\.e \11\ h(' Il' tl~lld('r. TIl;t: 1'.1': Ill,f!r;i, I:'" transporl mil1is~er Lionel ChCI" I'nnce Phihp - [01' e:lr ,I· 111" . h . I 1)c~ltl'd :w.\t '.', cC'i-;, :'!1l()~l'l' ()f ~l!.(i.:~y hilL" tile-II ~d.l· rier, Bo',ll \1'" r e wclcomrd mOrnll1~ e 11:11,( rise al\d :'11 e

c OT!IEH SIC\S ::II~ cllIr aboard bu :-.;, R. Crllmp, CPH thc 80 1\l'islill~, tlll'l!lll~, up :l1Il1 ,; llr)\\'C'I.l':', th~rf' II;l\'P hern ."i~n,:- T;".li·.~d~l.y·.::: E,Hlk (j,: l'JIldd;" 1'-President. . dOll'lI milcs irom herc 10 !'L"ewilcre of a:1 ('a';lll~ III '.h(' !-::rc-:l rail'. at .),.i:l P','!" cent. 1--

Captain Soame nrcidcd that ,Aberdeen to mcet Prcsidenl I r li~hl money' Silll":101I l't1,1t twu .83 per ce"t hela'l I'\e prJ,' n Mr, Hee," as Ihe cabinet mini" • Eisenhower, coming 10 tile C;!,· 'I"

:'I wceK.; ;1;0 --('nl Ihe Rank of Can- il·H I"l'<'lcllcd two \\,(>nk~ <!~o. nc ler rated th • first l'nvI'ta'.ion . lie for a 24,hour informa! I'i,it. ' I r II

c - , "ria inlcres: rate to a rccord li.41 decline ha, Wlpe( OU'. IlIU'~ 0 1e and he' approached him and I Eisenhower',~ plane will tOllch pc, cellt. I'ise Df l.1.i per cent tha'. occurl'~:! asked him to di:1e at the cap· I down at Aherdeen's Dyce Air., Prices of ~o\'ernmenl bonds, in Ihe prel'ious six week-, tain's table during the voyage: port at 10,15 a,m, . "articularl,' ,h~r: . IeI'm issues,' Tha'. ~apid incrca,e reflect cd , to Britain, I The Queen will mcet a: Bal, 'havc strcn~:hened in Ihe last tr('me~dolls demand for 10M,

"Do you ha\'c any friends you i moral to grret Ei.lel~hol\'er, \\'eek with 'inlerest I'ieid, neclin- which slrelched tile lending allil would care to im'ite?' asked . That should gil'c her a litlle in~ somewhat. ." I ity of the charlered hanks, Tw', Captain Soame, 'more time to catch up on her: As \\'en, t:1e Bank of Canada is· weeks ai!o Ihe hcad of the Carc

"I undcrstand the Cheniers sleep. succi figures Thursday showing an dian Banker, Assoria'ion said tr arc trm'elling," said Mr, Hees" increase in the cash r(',ervcs of banks' would have to clirlai, h" "How about asking them?" chartered banks _ the basis of ther expa~siDn in their lend!r

"An excellent idea," beamed Would Drop Iheir lending abililY, . policies, Captain Soame, Tilis has come abaw Il'ith the: Latest figure; ,haw that in tt'

,"The Ch e v r i e r 5 are old ' I\"n~ of Cannda apparently stick.: week following Ihat statemc:': fricnd,," added ~!r, Hecs, _I Grand Jurl"es I ling 10 ils policy of al'oiding nn I thl' l'llar~[,l'ed bank, increa'"

- ; illflationary in (' r en' e i:1 the' their ~elleral 10311, by 521.00,00: : money S\lp~ly. L~lest figure . .;; i-;- I brin~:ng lheir (ot,l\ i'1 gem·r; ",ed 'l'hUI'.,dav ,liuwed llip 1ll0n~I' i loal's IIlIl,tanding to S,i,10~,OOO,nc Flying HALiFAX ,('1') _ \ol'a Seolia . ',Ipply - d,,'posits in charlere;l: al :\u,~, I~. This was an iJcrea'

I Snprcmc Court Jus t i ce .John honks pIns eurrene,' held bl' Ihe of $21,;,()()O,OOO sincr ,July I, a'

I Doull of Halifax said in a letter pubiic-declined sligh:l)' by $9, .. ,ome Iii p;r cenl Ingber thall 0

to Ihe Chronicle. lierael Thurs' 000,000 belween Aug, 12 and 19 10. April 1 linen Ihe natIOnal reo." . d dav Ihat he fal'ors Ihe discontin· . a Iota SI3,37I,OOO,OOQ, . amy ,Iarted on its prcsent bool11 P : u3'nce of grand juries from the: This figure sholl'S anI)' R minor: The 'nallk,' problem was sholl'l

Y ra m I ! province's judiCia!, syslem, : ~aln from SI1.30~,(){)(),(){)() on ,July :3rller Ihls mOI~th II'he:\ t,hm Ir, "I ca:11101. , ' thwk of anv case 1 ~I'hcn the b~:1k rate heg~n II, ,al c.l,h Irsenes - refl,lIreci I"

whei'e the grand ju!'y 11<\; pre" six·wcek climh that culminated, back Ull (Ieposil ~iabililics - fc:: ,ycnlerl a misl'a!'ria~c of jll5tice' two wrl'b a~o, belo\\' Ihe cl~i1,·pcr·ccnt mini,

'l~cir Speaker. The; heen enetered by thc Liberals and ;ation rather than an af[iliation, :socialist borty, :'0 readin"s i still PC" The CeF SRld In a state·

h\' thp I~ ,s, t. ment ,hortly after Ihe elcctlon

LO:--'DO:-l I Heiliers) - British d\l1'in~ my a,'sociatio;] Hth the Th" centt'al hank inlere,t rate 011101 "hlcll. by 1:11\' Ihe, hank., - ~~------ ~ scientists Thursday unveiled de· cour~s" , ." he said, ' is sct onc·quarler of one per crnt must maintain on a mo~ll1ly aI',

signs fol' a two,man "flying pyra·: ~II', Douli scn·ed for a time <l~ ,ahore the ~rer"ge yielr! 00 Ihe, rra~r. . leu.enan I d Itt Id b the other bv thc was ca Ie t la no ry wou e ~aker, . made [or seals,

, May Eliminate Polio Alex ~Iathe~on ", , , Many of our would,he sup' I

, n' as a coun, porters hal'e not yet realized that I ' ' Kin~s, Progreso in order to hal'e a people'R party I ,PUG~VASH, XS, ICPI-A RIIS'j ologlCRI and ch~mlcal weapons

Leader Waller b the field, they mllst RllPportl sIan sCIentIst !hursday expressed could be used III :e\'~lutlonary ~o seat in the last It with a Jlltle work and money," hope that poho would eventually I pracllccs, The SCIentist, who

running for a COlin. a statement said, be eliminated through the use of asked thaI his name be withheld, in First Queens, He a live polio virus vaccine, outlined the methods in a lecture !or election In Third The Conservatives, promising Prof, A, A, Smorodinzcv, head to the 25 scientists attending the

impro\'ements In a g r iculture, of the Ins:itute of Experimental se"io~s. , I fisblng and education and closer Science at L€ningrad, Is direct· He snld advanced technological ~o official I'oters' co . operallon with Ottawa, are Ing oral Innoculatlons of Ihe studv had made !t possible for

thlrr electoral officer' seeking 10 end 25 year,~ of Lib, U~ltcd Stales-<llscovered vaccine radlcal~ to rr50rt to new - type ~mallest p.rol'i:lce, era I governme~t whIch began In in several Soviet countrle5, The germ~ for sabotage methods,

tnrre c.ounlles Is, a 1935 when the party swept the SO vaccine Is taken through the Such practice~, like IntrDducing ,electIOn day WIth seats, mouth. To date 6,000,000 RII;slan germs Inlo air condltionin~ sys· mlo the off1ce~ of AMAZING RECORD children have been Innoclllated, tem~ or ~ol'ernmcnt bl111din~s,

The Liberals, who have never Prof, Smorodlnzev saId the nllm' might trlg~er or smHll . ~cale lost more than 10 seats to the ber of polio cases has sInce de· epidemics,

I I th creased. "How simple would It be to PCs a nee 1935, are chas ng elr The RussIan scientists said In t d' t t • t seventh consecutive mandate on sage 8 coup e a In a coun ry their record and a program of an l:1ter~lew that he was not too while government leaders are Improvements In the province's optimistic about Salk·vaccine be- strlcke~ with the disease,"

mid" that could be brought back: :\ol'a SCDlia's attDrnl'Y . genrral rrDm outer space and a ramjet i and ha; been on tile Supreme engine capable of speeds of more I COllrt ~nch for 2,) years, than 3,000 miles an hour in the I He said tho. grand jury system upper atmosphel'e, could be "aboUshed with no

The designs were announced at harm to the proper functioning of the Commonwealth space flight our judicial system,"

Laos Fits Into Communist Pattern symposium which opened Thurs· Mr, Dou11 said the juries are

day with some 200 scientists at· costly and often an u~necessary tending, The symposium wilt be burden on witnesses, By JOSEPH I\hcSWEEN ,of Red China, is ~ mure impart, followed next week by a six,day Canadian Press Staff Writer • "nt f"ctor, Laos touches on International Aslronautics Feder THE COUNTRY PARSON For a small war, the fighting Cummunist China, CUlnmlnlist ali on Conference for scientists in the far·off kingdom of Laos :controlled \orth Viel Nam, from al! OVer the world, i.< raising a big cloud in East· Cambodia alHl Thail""n,

The flying pyramid was de., West relations 'RHOAD I'LA:"i ,igned bv scientist~ at Armstrong GOl'crnmcnt spokcsmen in, SOlne observers sec the l'un1· Whitwor'th Aircraft Limited who IAlndoll and Washington h3\'C I munist activity in ~aos as I'art ~Iicl'e they hare soll'ed the prob. Icommcnted in serious terms on of a plan by ned (hllla to sill' lem of the heat generated when the pro,Communist rebellion in up troub!e in bordcr slates UI er an object re,enters the earth's st· the obscure southeast Asian a I'ast area, They point to the mosphere from outer spact, country, !l's frecl)' predicted; sllppression of tibet and FIERY METEORITE I that the chaos in Lalls will have i threats and subverSion agaln"t

This heat normally would turn, la bearing on the fOrth· such places as Burma, Bhutan, a:1y space craft and its oecupants coming conferences between Assam and Nepal. to a fiery meteorite. President Eiscnhower and Pre· Although there is mu~h sprc· , main Industries of agriculture and cause It was "not effective

fishing, free text books for pre' enough," Salk antl·pollo vaccine hIgh school students and !il!nslons Is the type used In Canada and

KNOWN TO WORLD The pyramid would be proteeted mier Khrushchev, Why hru; ulation, solid facts are elusive lie ~aid such practices are by its deltn·sheped base which Laos become so important? in the struggle for Laos, which

7t .... 1.'1. .... 60

59 ... ~" !\'%

I ... :" •

87 83 65 70 N '/1)

for unmarried women and widows the United States, THREE RUSSIANS

at eo, Prof Smorodlnzev Is one of Twenty·seven of the 30 !eats three Russian scIentists attending

were won by the, Liberals In 1955, the week • 10:11( conference on One wa~ 10 t to the ConservatIves chemical and biologlcul warfare b • by - election, leaving the here, atal\dinRs at dis50lutiOll ~ Llb'I' Earlier Thursday. ~ British ~ci' -_ ...... __ .'J Inll and lour Pea. . entiale Gutllned several ways bl·


known 10 the world, It was the would deflect the heat generated The map gives one clue, until a comparatively few years general public that should be into the surrounding air, Laos, not much more than half ago was little known in the warned of their danger; Cyrus The ramjet enginc has been de· the size of Newfoundland is West and then only as the Eaton, Pugwash·born Industrialist signed-but not built-by sCien'l .Iandlocked bllt lies along' the least' developed of the· three who is conference host. Monday tists at the Hawker Siddeley Air., "A eo~sricnce, like a buzz' :big ~!ekong nil'cr, one of the provinces making up Indochina ashd Ihe ;cientist to tell the craft Company, ,It lI',ould be SUit· in~ lIce, can make a tellow water highways of the cast. along with Cambodia and Viet world of Ihe dangers ~f ~erm war· able for propulSIOn In thc IIPPther uncasy without ever slinging i The strategic posilion of thc Nam, fare "howcl'er ternfYln~ they I atmosphere at I!I'C tlme~ c hl'm," I tr' ex osed to the might (Continued on Page 16) may be," speed or sOllnd and Ol'er. coun ~, p .

., I, I


Page 2: Sons ., S Ike In London , Curtain · , and then heard it Full ,Iates of c~ndHlates havr ,Ull but that it

3 # .. -,4


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, '




ONLY $12.60









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'PHONES 6911 or 2151


Grandma Has Her Place In This Home


One of the reasons mother·in· law jokes are so common proba· bly is the lac! that they satirize situation that are immediately recognized by so many America~ families,

• I And as the eldcrly population'

01 the Unitcd States !teadily grow~. those very real hcart·tug· ging "confJict~ of interest" that ROml FOR EVERYBOI'lY: Thl~ wide nlne·room r~nrh pro\lde~ I !ecJuded hrtlroom (or an elrled) pH,nn.

form the basis (or compdi.1ns" full baths, big recrcatIon room and wide rear lerrace . jokes are ~preadil1g to more and more households, i ractil'c lerracp w:th .liding' The exterior of :'1:-73 I~ rl1ir.~lp~

'glass dnors, The lar~e living. ,\ho\\'n in hrick. wood "hingl~' The n', "j'",'1 ,I n'c". 0"< "~'.\.I:, ,C" :.,.:,

An abilit\' 10 laugh Rt the 15 b 24 f' ' and vcrtical hoards wilh h,dtcns,! Ai [rr' '.':i,je I,,' 40 fr-~t ,:rrr problcm he'lps, hut the frirtion room, .)' cc .. occuple~ a Roof could be a,phalt or wood:The baSIC h"u~e has :,102,462 In the ',\0 <aI'

. position in front of the fecrea' , set up by three gcnerations IiI" ing under one roof demands A tion room, A bolV window over· ; more praetical -and permanent ,Iook~ the Iront yard. i - solution. Architect Herman: I

H. York proposes one in this' The rtinin~ room lies to the' design. X-73 In the House of llle[t of the lil'ing room connec.: the Week series, ted to the kitchen witl; a short:

It's besically a .. hall. home. with a fourth bedroom Entrance In Stages and bath set on the opposite side of the house from the main sleeping wing,

The house has a covered main entry. which leads first to • vestibule with coat closet and

Thi, arrangement would allow then to an inviting foyer. Arch· a .mother or father·in·law ~he ; ways lead from the foyer either priceless advantage of ,llI'Ing into the Jiving room or straight with the family, but prol'lde the ahead to the bedroom hall. separation that both old and young require to keep from get All three of the bedrooms ting in each other's hair,

In addition to this separarc e[¥:lave. X-i3 offers ~ !uxuri, OU& amount of room elscwhere,

Room to Work

'bal'~ cro" \'entilation and two, or more dosels. The master I

b~drnnm h;1s its own bath and, " ",,,Ik,in rln,~t. An alcol't in : ~his room can he used ei:her for,

'a l'Anily. R writing desk or book! 'hell'es, •

Th~ din~tte and kitchen are· Launrl,,' on Ground Floor lar~e and open. with a cambin,·. 1h~ washer and dr~er are ed length of more than 20 f~et .Iocaterl on the f1r~t Ooor nrar The room~ are flooded with' the ~eT\'lce entranre In the Tl'ar light from the bow lI'inno ..... of the house. The stalrwa:r 10· overlooking the rear terrace, i th~ Imement I~ In the kitchen,

i If the house Is built I'oithout, A m!!~\ve fireplace wall 8ep.· ba5emenl, the heating plant I ~f the dinette and >\",h~n. -ilh

!rates kitchen from the recrea'l would be located In the area I \lon room, connected to the at· I shown as stairwell.

f1oor·to·celUng bow window bringing In view of terrace. .. Send this coupon for Your STUDY PLAN

YOU CA.lIi GET • ~ t-uliy plu lor The ROII!( o! The W~k ~ filling in your Dame and ad· drtl5 on the eoupon on thil ~g. Ind W]dinr It witb 35 cen\( ~ thll newspaper.

Th!J .rody pl.o.n st.oW5 each floor e<f the bOUse \ogether with each of t:!Je four elevation., froIIt, rear and Ildes Of the hoUIe. It \J Acaled at ",·acb per foot. It includes a guide on ''How to Get Your Bou~e !lull!"



YO'I ean take thl! study pin 10 ,our ba nk or other m '1M ~ ~ 2'1 !endilr &Ild \() YOUr builrler and get I'O'Jih utimat!s on t'e rort 01 eoII5tr1!ctiol In this are~, .. , wel! II an ide. of the rost In reiatlon 10 Y'1iIII' budg£'t.

With t h I. information YOU

will Imow whether you wil.J wallt to proceed with construc­tion by ordering working blu&­~rintl direct from the architect Ind alk1nc for ~ds for tn, work.


11 Donnl1ol)\lIt1 e.ilinQ' t. 11 coiling 01 quiet

beouty. Th. thou.",,,iJI 01 tiny lib ...... lls In tht. sound I1boorbing til. trl1p not.. b.lor.

It can rebound I1nd I1m~li!y. It t. modem,

smart in "ppoc1J'Imco .. nd com .. with .. lOft

,.hit. IInLlh thl1t flu Lnto "lmolt 1111 colour

och.m ... U .. Lt Ln tho homo, ollio •. pll1I\t D/t Ichoo!. L.t UI ahow you If11I'Ipl ..

I1I\d lihrl1tul'l.

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fib,. II cool.d with an alphalt .mullion

for .xtra IIr.nglh and wealh.r prol.ction.






~ITTL.E sou R Toronto Tel.grll AUgust 21st.

Smallwood SI

victory in land election

but he didn't get looking for.

ervath'es tool the Liberals seat to a LI

the United party. which

rn"'SeI:valil'e di is Libera:

Conscn'atil Since 1956 il

32. P.C. ,

treasury, were needed

Smallwood put


. Clthlrine's Stl August 21st.

expected has hap Joseph Sma

has vIctory in thl election, n

phasi7.ed his i of "betrayal" ,

Minister Diefe on ancl loun

Consen'atil'e Hollett io tl,.

, ing, The fall ridin~s in til, . nail,' C0r

cia! capllal " indical i~1I nf


Ontario cail August 21st.

of :\'ell'fOl Premier

in his displ baker GOI'(

They did him a reSOll nn

the el,'l'lilJ'

feature of the complet.

Newfoundlan( Party to get al

a mushroo by labor

oday cidel

. Score ,


Page 3: Sons ., S Ike In London , Curtain · , and then heard it Full ,Iates of c~ndHlates havr ,Ull but that it

, J

" 'r

--~ --~--


: ~'?On



" . ~ ..









ainland Comment Toronto Telegram

I thing he and his party had In character. T"I suit Rcainst the' fight agaInst' Hallet!. Ottawa for breach of R.C.:\!.P,

:'i'ot only did l\!r. Smallwood' contract is not affected by an

Mother Of Twins Now In Pepperrell Mrs. Jud~' Ann Stivers, who gaye birth to twin &irh

on Wednesday morning aboard a Pan American tram. Atlantic plane, was airlifted from Gander to Torbay by Military aircraft yesterday afternoon.

Polio' Count Still Creeping Higher

fall to Increase his standing election. Interpretation of the In the legislature, he also suf· terms of union with Canada

rietory in fered the' greatest loss of Is not to be made by the

~Irs. Stivers, who was from Binningham, Eng. land, was on her way to the States to join her husband and gave birth to the babies just half an hour before the plane landed at Gander •• The twins weighed five pounds and 3~ pounds and nre reported to be doing

. There are .. now 53 polio cases. the present time. : was a 17 year old SI. Pierre In the prOI me and one. suspec· 1 St John's has been in the j resident vacationing in St.

I t?d case, Dr. J.W. Davies,. AS' I spotlIght recently with two! John's. The girl was admitted' election yes· popular support of his career. voters; It 11'111 be settled only " rlidn't get what He had 66% of the vote in at the conference table. The :n~ lor. 11156 and 65% yesterday. Op· election has not altered these

mtant Medical Health Ofhcer, i cases of. polio being reported I'to the, Fever HospItal In serious t\lld the New. late yesterday lin the CHy. One of the victims condition. afternoon. I --------------.:~ ___ _ . took two posItion votes were P.C. 28%, Issues.

. I~r Liberals while I U.K.F. 10% Rnd Democratlc But tJ1e solid faot of the ,,'3t to a LIberal 6%. In 1956 the P.C. \'ote was election result Is that Mr. Ihe United ",ew· 31% and yesterday the com· Smallwood has a fresh man·

p:,r:Y. which rel:ls· blned P.C. Rnd U.N.P. vote d~tc to purSUe the course he . <.'n3til·e dissent. was 36%. has chosen.

fine. '

The young mother and her babies are now at the Base Hospital at Pepperrell. They have' been in the Banting Memorial Hospital since Wednesday,

ye;:eol~u~b~~~e~r:~s~~~i:gl~l~r; B . b M A h ~~et~:~m~~~~~~ t~~ll ch~~;fl~~s I a r a ra c rt u r caught the disease. The examlna· tion report will be known this , .• i~ LIberals 31. One consequence of Small· The main Issue yesterday

r \t1n~er\'ati\'e 3; wood's attempt to drive out was Ottawa's decIsion to ex· ~':11 r 1956 It had a labor union by passing a tend special aId of $8,000.000

: 32. P.C. ~. law agaInst It. hns been to annually, as recommended by . ~\'\\' :llr. Small· create a C.C.F.·afflllated 6% the McNaIr CommIssion, only

To Unveil Artillery . ," " it. this cannot party in :"ewfoundland, where to 196; Then It wl\! review M · 1

.i ~, the nestrllct· I the C.L'.F. had difficulty scar· 1 :\'ew(oundland's needs. Behind emona In· Ottawa

I morning. Twenty casC5

been treated In of polio are Iron lungs at

Briefs In The "News"

Wins Scholarship .. l·.'·,'N,·atiYc Part)' . iug up 700 I'otes in 1056. I this, the Issue on whIch illr. I . ".und. a prol'ince' :\11'. Smallwood dissol\'ed; Smnliwood was silent was the A A l'll ~. .

. ":, rr bcen Con· tllC legi,latl1re thnt would not I record of his 10 years of arl. . n r I cry. cmoml, hon.: Reg~ment. SI. John's, or by I \,"'rrd~~· its "olers do his biddiul: 100<;;'. Ills 11eW 1 mInistration which has leftlourll1g the offIccrs and m,en of I wntlng the ,Secretary, Artillery .,"'O'Po,lti(ln )'otcs . Icgislature has marc 110n· the province at the lowest the 1l0)."1 Regiment o[ Canad· ~lemoTlRI Comlttee, P.O. Box!

I Libcral sentiment. Dcsplte poinl in the scale of Canadian ll~~ Artilicry w~~ gave. thm 1133, Station "D", Ottawa i

rlcfcatcd this damage to his eredentlnl~ 11I'lng standards. ,1IVCS 10 the sen.'tc, of (.anada i 4, Ontmo. ,. r :r.~rr :IIaleolm he is ~oin~ to stump' the As recent parliamentary de. lis t,o be. erccte~ I~ OttalVa s ~Ia" ,._":::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;;;;" __ •

. ~: .Inhn·s \\'c~t by mainland from roast to coast. hates revealed, Ottawa's full 1 Jor s Hill ~ark, In t~c .shadow I '~I: :hr surprise Is He ('an hardly be takcn qulle plans for Newfoundland arc of the Parlia~ent Bulldlngs. :

:~ col stamp out as seriously os he expects. part of the general reorien. The Memo.nal, 31 feet long: r" which ~Ir. Hoi· What next fot' PremIer tation of Domlnlon.provincial a.nd 9 feet high, wlll be of po· ~

d. He sRid he Smallwoori? The :-l'ewfound· relatlons. If Newfoundland lished grown granite, surround· I




I Curtains Afirt

land Ic!:islation outlawIng the has special needs, the), will ed by a paved patio, It will ge I .,,: c' defeating :'Ir. International Woodworkers be met. But In general, New' unveilcd this Fall. I Monday 171h 10 Frillay %lst .~:; ;:~cl)' nel'er be union, which led to the crisis foundland wlll b- treated llke The announcement of the I. - Collisions . ~" II drained the wllh Ottawa over the provo any other pI·ovlnce. Confeder· unveiling was made Wednesday I

.. .13

"1~I' ~rrJ~ury of dol· Inee's contract wIth the Royal, atlon can rest on no other by Lt. Col. E.A. Harvel', Com· I Personal Injurie.l .... I

Hit and·Run ........ _. _. 1

I A resident of Gower Street : had 10 call tne Fire Department I yesterday .whcn her curtains I caught fire. No damage result· : ed.

II o:~~t nerded else· Canadian "Iounted Pollee. principle, regardless of pro· mending Officer of the 166th.:

i.~ll\~ ood put el·ery· I loses none of its controversial vlnclal elections. (Nfld.) Regiment RCA (M) ! The Memorial was paid for 1Ft r .

from the RCA :'tIemorial Fund I a a Illes ." ............. 1 Harbour Quiet Catherine s Standard created by voluntary subscrip' tions from all ranks of the Re· This has been a very quiet I

SMALLWOOD I Now that the election h!s VICTORY ended, Parliament Hili ls

Cltharin.', Standardl waIting for the next round In .'u~~: ~I~t. I the battle between Newfound·

has happened. I land and the federal govern·

giment who served during week In shipping circles In St failed to carry out his threat IWorld War ll. A 25.poundc.r W II D , Jo)m's harbour. Only R frw of eliminating the Conser·, gun and the colors of the Regl·. e one I coasters and fishing trawlers vatlves from the House of: ment will be located on the • i were tied up Thursday. I Assembly, he did receive the! patio of the 1I1emori31. ,Chief Electoral Officer, N, \IISS BARBARA A. ~IcARTHl;R

Jo~crh Smallwood I mnt. Premier Smallwood has . . land has ..... on R: announced that he will take

litlor,. in the XCII'· hIs campaign to the nation, rlt,tlOn. The Pre· , attempting to force the fed· .I',wl his ferl'ent i eral governmen~ to contlnue

support hc requested to Carry Artillery unit commanders. Short ha~ sent a not. of apprec. I ~~thIS running feud with the from coast to coast, both militia, ialion to all returning oHiee" : Tuna Fishery A 15·year·old St. John·s;tu· school career. Barbara noll'

awa 1I0vernment. and regular. will attend unveil· II for the excellent reportinl of __ . dent, Barbara A. ~LcArthur has plans 10 take a m3thcmalic5 It must be borne In mind . " .. .. '. that the Issues which whip. Ing ceremony.. .. I the count on polling day. . TOUrISt Director O. L. Vrtrdy , 1I'0n .an Impenal Oil scholarship eour;e leading to the BA dc·

. d th All gunners. sened and relir I He laid that \tie Canadian i, optimistic OVH thi. l·ear·s· pro\,ldlng $2800 [or unil'cl>itv ~ree pe up e pcople of :"ew.1 d '.' db· . .' ~ I . ..:" .

~! ·~rlr.)·al" a~ainst I an S8 million a year payment I~:~:'lrr Die(enbaker! to lhe prol'lnccs recommend·

foulldiand into Iheir over. Ie ,are,I~~lte. to e Pres~ I'as ~ble to concede Ihe tuna fishery and expects more study 01'CT' a four year period.. " . whelmln~ demonstration of the unl ellmg 111 Ol\a\\a at .1.30 i electIOn at 9:18 p.m., one hour' big bilir. fins to br. boated be. I She wa.' among 12 such Win· 1 he ci1mman o[ thc ~clccllM 10v"lty for Pr' S II I p.m., ~londay, Sept. 21st. 1959. ami eighteen minutel after the [or. the 'fR,on d I neds Across Canada .,elected last committee, Dr. Leon Lortie o[

"" Inn ~oundly de· 1 cd hy the ;llcNair Royal Com· C."'en atiYe leader I mission., Th~ ~ol'ernll1ent has Hol;rll In th~ lallcr's i allnouncell that lhe ~8 mil· " TIIr fall of this' lion annual payment will

• n emlcr ,m~· I (. d' k f . . en .•. I tl U' 't f \] l ' wood II' r I I Ill'lta IOns All lic 'ets or ,polls closed. week by a five·man committce, Ie nIVcrSI YO. ontrca . ~alri ere mo e or ess pro· . d t' b I •• I, I I d h b . vlncial. seatIng an reccp Ion may e I ThiS I! a recorrl for Nell'. o( .ducator~ appointed h;' Ihp.·e ec Ions are mae on t e aSI~

The Indh'lduAI charadcr o,btamerl by contaeling 1.1. Col. . f~ulHlland, if not 101' all Canada, Wulff Film . Kalianal Conference of C~na-· of scholastic .\tan~II1~, elmarler,

-i'"'' in th, form· CCMP. hut that ;o;pwf(lunrllan,l 1'1." Conserval· wil obtain R nrw rlcal whcn

"1'11 r~l'ltal \\'a~ the lh~ maIler nr fpdrrill R'li~l· ::'' ... , 'Oil of the in· al1c~ to prol'incP! h (urther

',''l''.. \p" f(lImdland· ~turlied.

and fee\ln~ of the :":ewfo\lnd. ~.A. Har\'~)'. CommAlldlll~. Of· and Mr. Short congrallllat~d th~ I olan 1.Inil'er,itie~ ~nrl Collfge~ "l1ri ~p~ml aplllllriP'. Tho. chll lalln peopl! also 5P.t~ them (Ic~r o( the 166th (Nfld.) Field relurning officer! on ?oin~ !. r"e~ Wulff. famoll' !port~man : and th~ ~~mp~ny, ; rlr~n ~l1d warrl, of [mppml em apart tram other Canadian -_._-- truly maj!nlfl~ent job In reporl . and photo.uaph~r. ~ presentl';" : rlo~·eo,. annllll?I'.:', 01' rioc."o'l ,"oler5 Unl'on 1\'lth r'llarl' A' Ing : d -,. ... B?rhH~ I~ th~ aaIJi!f!tor of ~mlolo\Pol.'.rO oll~lb!f to apnl\'.

I,: ". man who led There i~ ~IM the far.! thRI

• " n t t' ~n2alle maKing a motion PiC': ., .'. . , . hal brouilht tn the peorl- "' ppoln men t· I I'f d .~!. A. McArthur. manHer af tb· other "Inner.' are: ~Iar~ Gor·

. c - ure 0 I e ~n cllstom! on 1 " N of dl d ' . d thel 10

1 th prOVince' A c!o~e ~~. p' Anion Penln,ula. :'oIl'. Wull!' ckomtPan:d.51 . P\\ OF un atnh marl'; ~";. \ ~r Bun. Q'lLo.,_ ~],SS LOUise

r',federation 10 Ihp principal rpason. ]IIr.

'nap electlon Pre· a\lwood not only

?eople of ~ewfound·

Smallwood 15 batlllng for the annual payment of $8 m1l110n from the government ls so he can use 8 promIsed payment as ~ollateral upon which to borrow money to fInance pub­Hc works. It Is doubtful If that poInt was made clear to the people of ~ewfoundland.

!OC at on and new. responsi· F G aVI ng I e Ing II' 51On. or. e pas - rr an" -rnCf .t. Orr. )Ion· bliltles which thousand! fInd or erry ~.~~~~~d~a~J,:t a~~~:ador fa~. year ~he nas repn ~ttending the. treaL DaVld.f Dunlop. jll'5 distasteful. They have 1\ back. .. . mg ;m Holy HFart of ~Iary Rpglonal: ,r~nnlf~r SPEI1C~. and James A. ground of Independence. un. The Minister of Highway~, ~ame haling made ~e\eral films High School in St. John's. She' S, ~1ar!hall of Toronto; :III,s

hIm a resoundIng con!ldence. he !all'

completel,' re­:.':~ bid or organized !,,~rr the field of pro·

known to other provlnc!!. Ottenheimer Han. Dr. F,W. Row~', announced I ~n1h g1v:~ t many lectures on had previollsly ~ltended other' Barbara A. Con'table of Orilla, And In the snap election Thursday that work Is now pro.' a su lec s. !chool~ in St. .John'~. Montreal, Ont.; jliss Andrea Xeme\. LA

they were fed distrust on the The MI Iste f Ed \' ceedlng, on paving B1.2 miles of Saint John, N.B., and Halifax. ~ratthel\'5. and ~!iss Diane Wil· Issue of aid from the federal th Ho • Dn Gr A 0 F ~ca lon, Waterford River toward Salmon· Omissions In A student II'ho has attained son of Calgary; and ~Iichael government. No other re~ult i e ~. t ~ .' th 't ~ec ~r, a~ ler Line under rontract with ollt~tanding marks during her Griffin of Vaneou\'er. was expected than that whlch nounce. o· B} a r. era McNamara Construction of Nfld Scholarships .--------.. -----~---

While Premier Smallwood has been recorded Oltenhelmer, of SI. John's, has Ltd d h . , bit d D' t f ., an t e work h also pr()- I In the list of Confederation een appo n e Irec or 0 d' h . . ' Judith Robinson · dOt D -Z St Adult Continuation Clnsses with· eee mg on t e c.onstruchon of I Scholarship! pUblished in Thurs·

l n sor n a if y ar In the Department of EducatIon. i a road from Blrchy Bay to i rla~·a. "News", there were two _" M ott I I !. d hI I Ga}~lde by GoodyeRr Construr· I omissIon!.

r. en Ie mer rece H S lion Limiterl . Al C I eBrl~ edllcalion at SI. Bonaven· , .' I namel Pudrle~ter, ~Iacphrrson I so t

SMALLWOOD I took issue with jlr. Small· baker called off their feurl ture',s Coli eRe St John's Rnd' In addltlol1, eOl1tractll hal'e' .\cadem)'; 111man Garbe, 51., 0111nlel1 S d. h rI (I . . , .• .. been awarded 10 Weslern Con· Bo . t 'c II

VINDICATED 'woo s an ling 0 t le \;0' Canadians want 10 see their I the G~orgetolVn Preparatory: . I na,en ure ~ 0 ege. , " Ontario D.ily Stir) I lent woodworkers' strike. This newest province happy, con' School in the State of ~Iaryland. ~truCI10~ Co. Ltd. for the, pAV· , , .1l1~lth Robinson I aronto IS no lon;;cr rl'.hcl' In the pub·

.'c~ust 21st. ! party took. trouncIng even tented and prosperous. Po. I In Septcmber of 1952 he enroll. ling of 1.7 miles of Trans.canR'. I fele~lam coillmn~st 10 her col· ,hc hfe .or tne Consenatlle par· 0' \'ewfoundland' In ridmgs where the Labor liticalll' :'IIr Dlefenbake d t F dh U' . d da Highway from the Stephen' Cabinet Today I umn of August .1st. entitled ty of hiS nalive pro\'lnce. Again , . . . ric A or am nivcmty an '11 d S ' "J 'R'd A'" 'rl J . 'h k • k .. Premier Joseph I element Is strong doesn't now need to II'orry ft t h d' d VI e cro!Slng roa to outh oc~ I cs gain sal OC) c an's .0 ~]r Dlcfenba 'er . She . a er \I'll years e was a mltte HI (B k d d -- 'd t . f h f . .

." hl~ dispute With I ~ow that the election 15 aboul support ln NCl'found t th F dh U' . H rYes roo, an to Goo veal', The first rahmct meeting: rI es again cour se~ 0 Jo n G was re ernng to James D. Hlg· . . It I II I •. 0 e or am nil'erslt\' on· l' -'r lction I' 't d ( . t"', "I n~aker Go\'ernmen~ over wou d be we f ~!r'lland. The ~Ime ma)' come 'ours Programme. His third ),ear: L,:,I I ,Iml e or, "e· ,ince the election Will be held DirfcnbakPr. :"or is that the ,. ns.

I I hI') did thiS b) 'Smallwood and ~lr. Dlclen· When he Will. I of ~tudJ' was .~pel\t at the Uni. I' ~al II\~ oC 1~ mdies ~ro~ ]l;orm Ihls mortling. It IS belie, cd worst. The worst IS th.t Ihr ~I", Rob,moll ~oes on to : ~ I resou~rilOg VIC'. I 'versllv o( Paris undfr the ails .. ' rc~ lol'atr(.~f ,enthlloo . ,. Ihal I heavy agenda \\ill face aile mall ill llie IIlIhlll' life of _\av thaI "all Ihe I~,cton' John I"~ .lertIOIIS. lie,s II' d . I all rae s or ese WOI',S I \1 c ••• '1 ". Id . '. . . . . . rna woo Not pleps o[ Ihe Fordham lIonolirs I I f II . Ie l1IenlutlS IIIC u"lI1g sollie 0 .";.I\'folilltiialid who ('ould h", P uplltlll!l~ as a Prime \lini'\I"

1G .. · .• r. In III~ att~mpt I were awarr ~I 0 oWing ad\'er· I I I.·.. .. .' '. " . t \I C . Pr()~ra1l1me. H~ relurllfd to I \', I I 't' t rt I I' Jlil lomf IIPW uIISIiI~" .. II In- ·Ia'ell 1111 .1 lit· SIII;dh\'l)(Ii1 lia' IIf ('''lIaria t'l'er Irt hllnsclf be ,. 1IIIIIa r If on For 11 ~m r \1 ")' I t I. ell.lell ~ IIVIII1M en er~ II IIUIIIl('fmelll IlIH also lie nlade' ~'<II """'rtl olil of 'II'. Sliull l'i..rrllbJ~"· ha, 10 show lor

Panl from the pn. I. I. ~r I S II a year ani Iht )lIbllC preIS. I .. . . .:... ,. . I t

. r~eelvprl lils Hnclwlor of Art~ of llie IIU(~",nr to HUll. S .. 1.. wond, \\J)'. lht' uue Inn' 111111 ill • ''lIlJldJlr "' IIredle,.' Sill! :11 tin pl'ol'l!ll'e. . II If t '1"'1 f '" II' '1 I' . . "pon which the A S G Degrer with hOllours In frenll1 " er all, n 1111, er a "r are, I JI,I 1 Wil 10 rletlale J,)r) 'lilt IJllt:lilir. lIilll Jilt' Sill:' I I 1'.'0" iI

called was the ccurate ays . ree' ne In 1~56. The following year Mr. A - \lno Is resigning. tht'~~~~I~_I~_~J~lId lip 10 hlll1 Ir:.p~<rt illlo." of Term 29 of Oltenheimer commenced grarlu· PPolnt ... ------.,-- ..

upon which ate studIes at the Memorial Un· . and entered the Reports flied by Progreso dinners, as Mr. I\Ialcolm Hal. iversity towards a ~~aster'! De·

federation. ~Ir. Dief· slve Conservative ~andldates lett so aptly termed it-will glee In English Literature. In S· f ra:hrr.8bruptly BUg· across the province Rnd lnter· never take place. The people 1~6 he was awarded ~, scholar· a ety

(lnanclal aId to views wilh candidates, who of mainland CRnAdR have !hlr by ~he llal!Rn Go:ernment ~ would end have returned to St. .John's been very quick to size up and con!lnuerl hiS studies at the

. "h·re~' ~'r. Small· , have shown the Progressive the election result In its true I UnIversity of Rome. . thl< wa§ rencg· : COI1~ervatl:e party that the per~pectlve, as has been indl· i Mr. Ottenh.eimer workcd (or Inspector h! Irrms of feder.; 1Iltcl'pretatlOn placen on the cater! by the tenor 01 editorial I ~om~ time Wlt~ the Ncw[ound· ,

I. .. .: election results by Mr. Small· r comment In newspapers from : l~nd llroadcastlng Comrany. HI! . '. j,,.- ond put hiS per· I woor! i~ far Crom' accurate,; one end of Canada to the i duties, wl1ich includcd broad· I

',Il tortunes on the . ,Jamc~ Greene. Leader of the other. Almost unanimously,: casting. Iilterviewing and Ipe·' James R. (Red) JamH !m :n~ hiS 5a[e can· I Opposition. said last evenIng. editorial comment has borne: cial events covera~e, carried' been appoinled as Safety In·; . of Bon3vista ~orth I Far from representing an out the progressive Conser· i him to I'arious communities, speclor for the Newfoundland

I on Conservative. overwhelming mandate for the vatlve' contention that Mr. i throughout Newfoundland. I District of the CNR. The an· \Ialcolm Hollett In Premier on his Te 29 Issue Smallwood failed miserablY to' He i. married to the formrr : nouneement was made by E.J. Pc IVan a fine per· ' rm, hI th f hi h ,. 1 C k' d G '. 1 the candidates unanimously ac eve e purpose or W c I Alma Cullimore of Trinity and, 00 e, .,]anRger an eneral

there. I ~ reported that to the great hlY calleli the election. He I they have one daughter Superintendent 01 the CNR in 'l~:a~~~ f:t~h~ai~ucr~ I majority of people, Term 29 failed to annIhilate .the Pro· In his capacity as Director, Newfoundland.

'iewfounJand Demo- 1 was not an Issue at all. "'tany gresslve Conservative pa;ly Mr. Ottenheimer will oversee Mr. James was born and ed· of the candldales reported In Newfoundland; he faLed Ih k f Ih Ad It Ed ucated in SI. John's. He began

to get anywhere tit It e entation e wor a e u uca· . that not once during theIr 0 w pe ou s repr s t' C I St J h ,- d th his career as an Express ~Iess· a mushroom party In the HOUse of Assembly' he Ion en re, . 0 n s, an e . , hy labor, which nearly three weeks of cam· failed to establish his h~nd. various institutional classes op· enger ~Ith the l'ewfoundland

oday's -dent

Score -

2 o

p,'I~nln!1 was the subJeet of' erated under the aegis of the railway In 1942 and was shortly Term 29 even ral~ed. In view p:~r~dl OPPosltlrn partr as ~~e former Adult Education Dlvl. afterwards promoted to potition uf these report." the pre- 0 c a f °ros bOln h nf 11 de sian Tn adrlltlon he will be of clerk. In 1944 he transfer· mler's 1:llem' t tl t th House 0 .. ,'scm y; eRe· , d t th tl d t t : s, ~n la e ere t maintain the percent. re.~ponslh!e for promotln~ ann rc 0 e opera ng epar men. elccl10n results represcnt II n fa h I 1 which r'tahHshin~ ni"ht schools at and subsequenllr served as ~n mandate for hi~ stand on ~ge hO r! t e p~p~ ar v~II~R On ~arioll~ ccntr~' lhroll~hnllt'Ncll" 1 operator at Clarenville, Brigu5 !

'ferm .2~ Is. both Inaccurate the a onrtre~reylVe he n lost' two (ollndl'and and Labrador .. Hi! i Junction,' Terra Nov~, Gander nnd mislendlllg e en, . . d N I D J I' S· .. LiberAl scats to P.C. candl. Appointm~nt became effective an . 0 re ame une Ion. IOce

;llr. GrecJfe .~Airl that the rlates, one on Bcll Island And August 24th. Apnl 195~ he has been .a can· Premier himself that the othcr In Barhom ~Iain; ,table WI\ti the Investlgatoln he has failed to achieve the the leader oC the hand·plcken A .• Depnrtme.nt... support he sought Is evldcnc. opposilion splinter part;' IVAS .ppreCla lIon . A quallflerl .. 'ellior II1Slruct~r ed by the fact that he has defealed by his Conservative 10 first alrr With the St. John 8

postponer! Indeflnltely the opponent· and the Liberal SPANIARDS, BAY - The Amhulanee. Mr. James has been eross.Canada speaking tour popular Vtlte showed 8 can· family of tne late Mrs. Julia active in safely and first aId which he promIsed he would tinued and marked decline, Ann Chipman deeply ap· work throughout his railway make after the election In now repre~entlng I bare ma' preclate all the kindnes.q per· career. He Is aillo a member of orrlrr to ncql1alnl the people jorlty. formed for them ,luring the Ill· the Knlghla of Columbus and is' of Canaua with the "unanl. ness' of and after the death of a past CommIssioner 01 the Boy mous" stand taken by the Jurlged by the standard of a loving mother. Friends and Scout Association of Newfound·

I people' of Newfoundland In achIevement which he sel for neighbours at Gander and at land. . I support of his pOsition. hImself, the election rcsulL~ Spaniard's Bay were thoughtlul Mr. James is married to Ihe

It now seems more lhan represent'R defeat for Mr. and hclpful by word and deed lormer Sheila Marry of SI.. likely that this pl'npo!ed Smallwood In more WBY8 than and 10 all 01 them they oHer a ,John·s. They have [our children i lecture-lhi! round of chicken one, Mr, Greene oonc1uDed. . ~incere thank you. Iwo boys and two iirh. ;1


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4 ~~~~~~~~~~~_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~TH~E~DA~I~LY~N~~~S~.~ST. JOHN'S NFLD., FRIDA~ AU~T 28, 1

THE DAfL Y NEWS ,Shoo! NewfoJnd/and/sOnlyMornJngPa~r .' In The NetAT~,," \ - .~ ,


Tht DAIU N~W8 It • murnilll V V '-I'


Canada 51200 per annum IJIl1led Klrl£dllm sr d

,11 foreign CI'unLrles 51400 per DltltUm Authorized as, !ecund ciass mall. POlt Qlllce. Dellarlment, Oltawa

paller eillbllabed lD t§t, Illd publilhecl al the New. Bulll1lnl H~ ~U Duckwur~ Street, St. John.. N.wfoundlalld bJ Robinlon " Com pin,. LimIted

.~MBER ot TOll LANAfIlAN P811:811

Th, Clnidiaa Prl'.Jll II Ilclwlvel, entitled to the UI' lor republicatioD 01 a!l news dfl.'lpatche! In this piper eredit. ed to it or tu tbe Associated Pr.eJ' or P~uteTi Ind Ilso lb. local new. publilli­ad thereIn,

All !'re.u lervlrr Idd future artlclea In this paper are coPyrlibled Ind their reproduction III protllhlted

• 01 ClrculatioDI.

Ml'mber Audit Bureau

FRIDAY, AUGUST 28, 1959. -------What We' Get 'From Ottawa

The tiresome repeli lion of the fimmclal bounties conferred on l\{:\\'foundland by Ottawa since confederation h<l5 never included comparative figures.

It might well be imagined in the circumstances that Mr. Fulton, Mr. Diefenbaker and i\Ir. Browne. each in his own \\'a~', was postulating Ihat Newfoundland is specially f,l\'Ollred above all olher provinces,

To counter that belief, Liberal members asked for comparative ~tatements. The request was made long before the Newfoundland Additional Grants Bill came before the House of Commons. It was un­rloubtedly accidental that the cam­pa rat ive fIgures could not be ;;applied until after that Bill had been debated and pnssed into law.

For the veal' 1957-58. in which \'e~r the C~mel'\'ati\'es bad enjoy­~rl nine months of office. some of the figures show the following re­sult".

i\e\\'foundland received a grand total of S38 million in payments to individuals in the form of old, age pensions. famil~' allowances and unemployment insurance bene­fi t s.

1nthat same year and under the;;e same heads, :\'ew Brunswick recei\'Cd 553 million, Nova Scotia S59 million and Ontario $430 mil­l iOIl.

I:nconc1itional grants to the three Inrr;est Atlantic provinces in that saJ~e \'ear were Newfoundland S19 mil1io~. New Brunswick $23 mil­lion and Nova Scotia $28 million. These unconditional grants con­sisted entirel:, of statutory sub­sidies and tax rental payments.

Conditional grants in the same \'ear were Newfoundland $6 mil­iion. New Brunswick $91;2 million and Nova Scotia $8 million, Con­ditional grants are principally those amounts that are available on a shared cost basis and it de­pends on each proYince as to its willingness to enter into an agree­ment to receive any or all of their allotment.

It will be noted, however, that in all the heads of expenditure that have been compared Newfound­land has received an amount approximately equal to the ratio of her population to the populations of the other provinces.

In the present fiscal year we shall have OUr' proportion raised

by the amount of the McNair award which will be the only pay­ment we shall receive that l will not be given proportionately or specif­iea!!y to any other province.

But while we only get our pro-. portionate share of federal grants, we have made a tremendous con­tribution to the wealth and prestige of Canada. The other provinces grew up with confederation. They shared its benefits as these were developed, We, coming new. to union to 1949 and without having participated in the great era of federal contribution to provincial economic and transportation ser­vices, brought a rich dowry of which no special acknowledgment has ever been made.

We rounded off the nation on a strategic and geographic basis; presented Canada with a captive market that has increased main­Innd trade by about $200 million a year; brought her vast hydro, iron and other potentials of Labrador; gave her a readymade defense sys­tem that has saved the Canadian treasury at least a billion dollars; made it possible through her own­ership of Gander airport to procure important concessions from the United States; and added more than S100 million a year to her forei gn trade.

But the sorry aspect of our re­lations ;,vith Canada Is the necessity of drawing up this kind of balance sheet.

It has been required for two principal reasons, One is to make it plain that Newfoundland is not a preferred child in the Canadian family and resents the suggestion that she is. The other is that con­federation is a two-way street and few on the mainland seem to real­ize it.

O'ler and above all this is the necessity of emphasising that we are a major contributor to the Canadian economy and that the kind of aid we really want is of a kind that will enable us to make a still larger contribution. But one would not think that Newfound­land should be required to point out to the government of Canada that constructive aid to this prov­ince must inevitably constitute an act of enlightened self interest on the part of the policy-makers in Ottawa.

The Labour Vote It has been reported that New­

foundland delegates to the C,L.C.­C.C.F. seminar on the question of' creating a Canadian Labour Party will discuss the labour vote in the provincial general election.

Three separate factors were in­volved. The appeal of the Demo­cratic party was made to trade unionists, an additional group con­sisting of members of loggers' unions, and fishermen. The latter may be eliminated from the present analysis.

Apart from the loggers, there" are about 22,000 trade unionists in Newfound\and so far as we can ascertain. The loggers may num­ber 12,000 or more but we may reasonably accept the 12,000 figure. And the basic appeal of the Demo­cratic party was to trade unionists who resented the restrictive legis­latjon passed last' winter in the House of Assembly and to those loggers who have remained basic-ally loyal to the I.W.A. '

These tWo 'groups form a potent­ial, of about 34,000 pers01'ls and it may be assumed that at least one other person, a we or mother or

some other adult relative, would match each individual member of the labour movement to double

. the potential vote. This suggests that there is a minimum number of 68,000 persons 'associated or sympathetic with the labour move­ment apart from fishermen.

The total Democratic vote was about 10,500 and it is probable that this would have been increased by a thousand or, more if candidates had been nominated in every con­stituency. No large )l.llowance can be made on the basis of the very small Democratic votes in such centres of labour as Bell Island, Placentia East, Grand Falls, and st. John's South.

Thus it may be reasonable to contend that in spite of the two large issues of the controversial

.labour legislation and the I.W.A., barely one-sixth of those who might be considered the minimum , potential labour vote supported the. Democratic party. We offer no comment other than the fair in­ference that at the moment no major interest exists in the' pro. motion of • labour party.



A motor journey across Newfound· land can be a nightmare for those visitors who are accustomed to pal'ed roads, good resiaurants and comfort­able motels, We have talked to some who have made the trip, We have heard reports of others who have com­plaIned bitterly of the du~t, the roughness of the road In some areas,. the damage that was done to tllelr cars, and the paucity of' good accom·

'ITIodatlon along the way. We know of cases where people drove across the island to St. John~s and put their rar! on -\he first available ship rather than drive back the way they had come, But We hare also bern t'leI by Newfoundlanders Who have ~ade the journey that it is so wonderfui to be able to drIve across the island that the drIving conditions did not bother them at all.

+ + +

At Gander Itsel!, the great deficien· cy Is In hotel accommodation, The' two converted barracks known as Jupiter and Saturn were I'easonably comfortable for an overnight stay when they were only across the street from the terminal building. But now they are four or five miles from the new terminal and this imposes addi­tional incom'cni<>nce and cost upon travellers. The only proper solution is a termInal hotel and since Gander is 8 Department of Transport town, the obligation to provide this f~cility most assuredly rests upon that de-' partment. The fact is that the ter­minal Is itself Incomplel'c without an adjoIning hotel and the obiigation falls \'eI')' clearly Upon the Dcpart­ment of Transport either to build the hotel or to make some reasonable concessions to either C.N.a. or prl­late enterprise to. pro\'ido one. The lack of initiative so far shown In thIs connection suggests an extraordinary complacency which is quite unjustl· fied.

+ + + By and large, however, we are not

yet ready for Il)otoring visitors. In a sense, it is shocking that there is not yet a paved hIghway between SI. .Tohn's and Gander. ThIs road would bring the airport within five hours of comfortable driving from the capital. But even When present road opera· tions have been completed, no more than hal! the dislance will be paved. The paved sections will be between SI. John's and WhitOourne, from Charlottetown to TrBytown, and Gam· bo to Gander, The total mIleage will be less than 110 in a total dIstance of 22~ miles,

It may be added that the possibility of any major contrIbution in the im­mediate future hy the provincial gov­ernment to the Impr{)vement o[ thl highway scems seriously llmltcd by I

shortage of capital funds. The cost of raising a loan Is today almost pro­hibitive but Hen worse than that is the limited public interest In the bond market. Until the pUblic has been as~ured that there is no danger of Inflation, interest In bonds or any other fixed interest Investment Is likely to be small. We shall have all we can do to meet the stcadily rIsing costs of our public services and while our credIt may be gO{)d enough to stand a much larger debt, that is of little use If dcbenture Issues are hard to sell.

-==--'~----=--==-::.-'.:.....:..----------~,-~- -- ---.::

+ + + The worst section He.1 between Whit·

bourne and Charlottetown. From Whltbourne to Bellevue, the road Is dangerous because It is narrow and wIndIng, sklrtlng the coast and bor· derlng often on steep cliffs. There is Httle room for manoeul're and any­thing more than a modest speed Is perilous. The dusty, gravel road to Clarenvllle and on to Lethbridge is wider and safer but still tlncomfort· able, To reach the other sIde of Clode Sound from B.unyan's Cove calls for either a ferry crOSSing whIch often in· volves IncolI\'enient walts or takIng 8 narrow road through port Bland­ford. There Is, In short. little sat is· faction in taking this journey for pleasure or convenience.

+ + + The situation is complIcated more·

o\'cr by the grave deficiencies that still exist in our capital establishment. Three yearS ago the RevisIon Com· missIon estimated the requirements, including the completion of the Trans· Canada Highway. at not less than $130 million. It Is greater than that today because of both rising need and in· crcasing cost. These are possibly the gral'cst problems likely to con' front the new parliament when It meets next winter,

•• 4 . ".

Edson In Washington


By PETER EDSO~ NEA Washington Correspondent

WASHINGTO?l - (NEA) - Legisla· tion to aid chronically depressed indus· trial and rural areas seems to be a dead duck for this s~ssiDn of Congress. It is largely a victim of too much prosper· ity and too high employment.

Half a down senators and congrpss· men called a press conference the other day to drum up support for their area rede\'elopment bills. They announced that 80 leading economists across the country had endorsed the idea for what they called a "Domestic Point Four" progr3m.

r What Others Are Saying I They didn't get a line 01 pUblicity,

r'or on the same day, the Department of Labor announced that 14 major mar· ket ards had just been removed from the list of those ha\'ing surplus labor supply,

STORY OF PEACIIES Owen Sound Sun·Times

The peach, now again making iu ap­pearance In frui, and grocery stores, has been known for 4,000 years, Actually the peach tree was first cultivated in China for firewood only, '1hey spread from China io Persia to Greece to southern Europe. Spaniards brought peaches to ~1exico, and In ihe 18tb cen· ttury, peaches were brought to On· tario.

BIG BUYER Comercio Exterio~ de Mexico

jobs, But it has forced a maJor" This cut down to 46 the number of change in the labor picture-the need areas having over 6 per cent uncmploy· for unskIlled workers has been reo ment. Twent)' more areas reported a duced and the demand for better rise in employment. Just a year ago, 89 trained, well educated workers 1n' out of the 149 major employment areas creased, "Last spring," Fraser reo showed above average unemployment. calls, "we had the anomaly of high In a survey 01 smallcr industrial cen· unemployment even in well· developed ters, the Department of Labor's Bureau industrial regions, whUe at the same of Employment Security removed 29 tlme employers were feverishly can· more from the of those with lower vasslng high schools and business col· labor surpluses, leges for competent clerical help," The bureau's sUr\'e)' of employer hir·

He adds: "The chances are We shall ing plans lhrough September points to Just go on 8S e've been going, at least continued employmenl gains for 80 per until the next recessIon brings unem· ccnt of the labor market areas.

According to figures released in the middle of July by the Canadian Em­bassy; Canada has become the third largest buyer of Mexican goods after the United States and Western Ger· many. Canada Is also the fourth largest supplier of goods to this country, sur· , passed only by the United States, West· ern Germany and Great Britain,

ployment back into the news," Though unemployment in June rose

Letters To The Editor


by nearly 600,000 to just under 4 mil· lion, this increase was attributed to the normal, seasonal entrance of college graduates into the labor marke!.It is expected they will be hired in the next few months and that employment will rise to a new high.

In the face of generally optimistic reports like these, and with total em· ployment already orer the 67 million mark, it is difficult to get anyone ex· cited about the poor people Who don't lJave jobs in the depressed areas.


One most encouraging bit 01 news on the price front in recent times is the announcement of a SUbstantial price reo duction in rayon and nylon tires, This II not only important in ItJtell but im· portant if it be a precedent followed by other major indu.stries. The trend In III this postwar period has been higher and higher prices. It certainly iii good to find one major industry which is do· Ing something on it! own to hring prices down,


Maclean's Magazine Recession or no recession, Canadi­

ans 'mlght as well get used to the Idea of supporting thousands of "perma· nent unemployed," says the current Maelean's, ottawa editor Blair Fraser writes that Its unlikelY Ottawa will take any steps to change the situs­llon. "It Is apparent to polltlclllns of.

'all' parties," he writes, "that Canad!­aris don't really want to know about unemployment. No part of the coun­try want! to be !ndentlfied as I de· pressed area. Nobody wants to be required to learn a new skill. Nobody wlnt! hi, motives challenged when he appUel for unemployment illsurance, and not many seem to mind if the fund is being robbed."

Although the recession is unmis' takeably nver, says Fraser, some 234,000 registered as being unem· ployed In June-about 3,7 per cent of the tabor force. But, he reports, many

. of thlJ country's jobless are that way throug)! choice. Some are seasonal workers content to work In the sum· mer months and live off their savings and unemployment Insuranci benefit! in the winter. !ltUl other., Fruer claims, refuse to leave depressed areas for work i other parla of Canada, thereby unnecenarily, .wellinl the ranka of the unemployed.

Thewrlter doubt! whetber automa· tion hu lott many Canadians their

Editor Daily News, Dear Sir-One of the SUrprises of

the re<:ent provincial election was that a quarter of the voters favoured the weak Conservative party. It is un· thinkable that these voters would favour the abolitlon of a right due us under Term 29 for a mere promise. The only conclusion one can judge Is that "red herrings" and side issues must have obscured the real issue, Indeed, the people in the District of Harbour ~fain, in their bewilderment, would appear to have voted on person­alities rather than party policies,

Among the side Issues obscuring the election would appear to be anti· Smallwoodlsm, extravagance, prom· ises, the recent labour legIslation and Senator Bradley's statement. Some could not vote for what they believed to be correct because of a personal hatred of Mr. Smallwood, Others talked extravagance but at the same time saw no harm in the big spending spree of the Federal ~vernment. Many voters did not realize that Mr. Hollett could easily promise the abo· Iltion of the sales tax knowing that he wouldn't be in power to reap the reo suits, Others could not see the illogi­cal InconsIstency behind the Conser· vative blocking of attempts to amend the recent labour legIslation and their sudden change of mind recently. As to Senator Bradley, that gentleman has never previously been known to speak thr()ugh Mr. Hollett,

It is interesting to note the drop in the Conservatlve vote at St. John's, Grand Falls, Corner Brook and the West Coast. Thill is no doubt due largely to the Term 29 issue. How· ever, the large Conservative vote on Bell Island and in Harbour Main may be attributed to the personal influence of Federlll member James McGrath,

WhUe thinklng Newfoundlanders will have no objection to the Olnser· vativel formIng the Jeadinll oppnsi·

: Uon party in normal circumstances, it !A rather dilAppolnting that thole who would IUpport the Dlefenbwr

Last year, even thou~h the recession was still going strong, President Ei.sen­hol'ter vetoed an area redevelopmcnt bill passed by Congress in the closing days of the session. It called for two 1oo·million·dollar revolving funds to aid depre55ed Industrial and rural areas, The federal gOl'ernment was to bear 65 per cent of the costs. The President considered this excessive.

In January President Eisenhower presented his own program to Con· gress-for Ihe fourth time.

It called for a 55·million·dollar BU·

thorization and approprialion of 10 mil· lion for the first year.

The President wanted local areas to bear more of the responsibility for their own redevelopment. He limited the federal share to 35 per cent. The program was to be run by the Depart· ment of Commerce.

. Ignoring these recommendations en· tirely, the Senate in ~[arch passed a new bill of its own. It had bipartisan support from Democrats Douglas (Ill.) and Clark (Pa.), Republicans Cooper (Ky,) and Beall (Md.).

Total federal costs of the Senate· passed bill would be 390 million dol· ars, incuding 100 million in grants. It proposed a new Area Redevelopment Administration to run both urban and rural programs. The latter would in· fringe on tbe Department of Agricul· ture's present rural development pro· gram whicb is trying to Improve the economics and raLse standards of living in low·income farm areas,

The HouBe Banking' and Currency Committee, under the sporuorship of three Democrats, Chairman Spence

Interpretation and action on Term 20 should now be In the House.



Auguries Of A By BRt:cE BIOSSAI

Twice in thi! century, AUiuSi fatal month. World War 1 beg" . August of 1914. Twcnty.filP later, in of 1939, Ihe Soviet pact preparen Ihe lalt work for World War !l.

It is ;lOW 20 years since thaI fateful August. This time tbe clouds of menacing lIar no not over us. Some can be leen . on the horizon, but they leem stationary,

This time we suffer in Ie sions which ~re every b:: as those which led to Ihe tw, fllets. Yel we also hale uPlin straints agaill.5t precipitate artiOD did not exist then.

Chief among these are the nuclcar weapons, posle;eed by sides, which appear to prom~e

with no winners. Even Ihe ' gre550r wants to preside em 5 .

more than radioactil'e rub::e Preparations thcre are, again, in

August of 1959. But no', the) a unique exchange of Ils',1s the President of tbe tnite~

the premier of the SOl'ie: great adversary,

No one dares be bri~hlly

these personal meeting.' ~1~'

ease this century's third big tension. Too often bdore. been lifted, only to be biackness,

N evcrtheless, the slmr,e these approaches are 10 take dicates. among other Ihi~].i, I

sides understand the gm it)' of that dangles over manhll~d th~

Talk. even at the hi~he;t

prol'e futile. Futility, hUlleler, careful defining in thiS ter.e Negotiation which prllduces to is surely fruitless. But 15 till futile when it postpones the lion of a nuclear war:

Bettcr to talk around the days of the year than 10 obliterating, cOlltaminaling force at ihe fingertips of the the present struggle for world

We on this earth dare net other August like tho5e of I 1939. For if the die should em be cast for combat, as it wa; could not safely predict the survival of the buman race,

SOAPY'S BUBBLE IlCRSTS Nearly all obsen'ers rem

change. The "boy" was gone, his place siood a man,S all of a sudden, and Hcmingly teredo

The man was Gov. G. ~[ennen Williams of Michigan, the governors' meeting in Puerto

For 12 years one of the D shining young liberals, WiJliaIrJ

man of talcnt and amhllion, wanted to rise to higher peatedly the chance has been him. At presidential time, h~ sought more moderate closely identified with labor,

As if these rebuffs were nol Williams was struck this year by financial crisis, It grew largelr. recession's heavy effects on bu t Williams has been badly

He knows many key politicli already have written him of! for because of it, LieutenantJt of bJl gone about the country financial facts-to little avail.

Today the boyish smile iJ seen. The prc.!idential parade , ed him by, Most think of II .,uI come his way again.

(Ky.), Patman (Tex.) and (Pa.) reported out a revi.sed bill. It cut proposed federal lore! to 251 million dollars.

Tbis blll Is noW botlled up House Rules committee, It will ;Jbly remain there l1li no grell III has developed to get it onto ' and get it passed.

Even If the Howe should lila there il every prospect that dent would agalll Ippl1 • ,elD,

'( NFWS_ ST.

(j~, ~:':~-. "" "

\',~ . ~if':;~ "


Page 5: Sons ., S Ike In London , Curtain · , and then heard it Full ,Iates of c~ndHlates havr ,Ull but that it

::'G~ST 28, 1

, ,~ BIOSS,\1

..... !TUnaUn.& -, 0' the CVII WJUIOI

__ : t for 1I'OI'1d

• "d a III bi tiOll. -- ;" hiJbrr -_;r~ UJ btU , r -. :W liaIe. ...

'''! rfirdJ 011 ~" bfe badl1 - 'c.' ~ po1iti£2l • c _ ::f'Il biDI off u~tnaDti r4

.• C'Ol1II trY _ :,' little avail

,c.-all smile II r -" ~ntial ,.racJI ..... l;)lt tIaiJIII of 11 -1Pin. _-""::'J



• c 00 I

Lunch Tins Dictionaries








Bloomers .. -6x


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9 -11


Exercise Books Onlv


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- ----------------.-...-_-...

Page 6: Sons ., S Ike In London , Curtain · , and then heard it Full ,Iates of c~ndHlates havr ,Ull but that it

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...... ----------------~--------i THE DAILY NEWS, ST, JOHN'S FRIDAY, AUGUST

Doctor Jordan Says HUaIUM TREMENS GIVES Often this takes the form o[ ONE GlUM OF ALCOHOLISM small movinc creatures such as

B7 EDWIN P. JORDAN, M.D. spiders, beetles, S:laH:es, mice,

MAINLY, FOR WOMEN Chitw • rats or the like. A fel'er and ex'

Uncontrolled drinkbc of alco- ccsslve sweatlnc, often associ at­holIc be\'erages 16 one 01 the ed with other symptoms and mo.t colossal problems c.xisting signs, are common, tOday There are many dif- An attack often lasts [or three ferent sides to it. but today I or four days. E\'entually, a want to discuss one 01 the \er- good long' sleep Is likely to set in rIhle consequences 01 too·hea\,y, after which mental and physical long continued drinki~g known Improl'ement rapidly take place. as delirium temens, Delrium tremens is danger-

This is no condition to joke I DUS, It C8:1 usuaUy be cured, a~d about, and the person who has I I'iolence In an attack is more It and complains of seeing pink likely than not. Complete absti· elephants or s~8kes under the ncnce from alcohOl is In order, bed is more to be pitied than Although this Is only one of the laughed at. complications from long heal'Y

l:l the person who has delir' drinking. it is one of the most lum tremens the poisonous ef· rrighte~ing,

Fashion Tips On tap for lall: tapestry hand·

bags, many with leather handles and trim, Trim, in black, brown Or beige, can be matched to' shoes or gloves,

Those el'er'popular cage veils now come with feather trim lor autumn, They're done In ma~y dillerent colors, of course.

If you put your [all clothes away without looking them over last spring. now's your chance to make amends, You've sti11 time to make minor repairs and get them to the dry c1ea~ers.

Gough-Power Wedding

feet· of prolon-ed excessll'e The effects on the victim 85 dricl-in" have re;ched the stage. wel1 as on the relatives are little

.01 seri;u; dal1ger, Delirium tre·· sho!'t of t1:agic, The nU~berjo0f Nothing dates " " " " " mens ul usl1y comes In aHacks, people who have lost thelr bs as much as an outdated hat. So These lake diffcre;1t 10i'ms in, al1d entered "skid row" from do~/t economize by carrying dl:iercnt pe~ple, Some'imes the I thi, and other cffects o[ execs· I ol'er last fnll's styles, Hat bar \' ~t 01 cbecon',es \'iolent and I si\'e alcohOl 15 almost Incalcul· I ha~s are excellent, inexpensil'e \'ictim became; dolent a~d ,able, Anyone ~ho has seen ,8. al1d chic, threatens anyone and CI eryonc 1'01';011 With dellrlum tremcns IS _

• 'arbund, ,\1 other timrs 311 a~., likel,' to del'eloP R nCII' rcspectl Fur trim is bi~ this fall for; tack ma~' not in\oJl'c aC,t,ual \'~~: for the hazards of alcoholism, . both da)'~ime and el'ening, So I ,ii,

lcnce h~l: l11erl'I~' ,CCln~ , aUolI' fOOI11 in your clothes bud. t!ling, ',1I1Ich arc no: IbNc, On E· . "et for at least one fur·trimmed I the \\'hole, thc disea,e thoi'ou~h' Venln~ ~ostume, suit or coat. h' dc;ene, 11, 10;1~ time nol11~ u of "shaking mactnc~<', ,:\ight lalls ' For an appealing and inte!'c,[, I

An attac~ o[ "DT S I, a mo,t To llrape a tired land in robcs ing satad cut a slice of canta, I unpleasant cxparie"ce for all' of pcace: : loupe crosswise and place on let. con~ernl'd. Symptoms come on And twilight calls I tuee teaf. Then add a mound of q~ickl)' o\,er a period of tll'O or: )1), soul to rest and bids its I cottage cheese and sprinkle wi~h th~ee days, u;ual1y ~:lrIng 0,: I striving cease, chopped ~uts. irr.mediately after a bender, I watched the sun _..:...:. __________ . The ,lee? bfcom~; bro~u. 3?' Sink down behind the mist's soft NIght puts to 5hame

" , t\ ' ' .

" , '

< .~ ,

" , .'

pf::!e i; 10;;, ~nd. Intc:,:.ra~le purple shroud, The noise of day, liCe's dash,

rei:le;;l1ei; dc\'c,op" Frl)ll.n ... ' one bl' one Ihp frctflll moan. I' f Ell 'I floor length gown with 5cal'l ing accessorIes Rnd carried I '.. i" . OCC'Jr ard allen .,' " , " I TIc mnTnage 0 en .' ary lr.,. ,.BIr., ' ' d [)a,-]Igbt':, pale fll1):crs ,Iole 1\1,ht hid, me sre , 1'(11',1'1', dllll~hll'l' of :,Ir, and loped neckline setting off its bouquets of white c,,:'nation' .. ,,',··E :~e l'I:tlm Irom ~olln. ' a\"al' "Ild ea'ch cloud 'fh"t "llint ,IO\,'S, of .• ollluue - I' I b d' i 'th t 'I t hI i 'tl • ~" n n " ' ~lr', Thomas )'011 or to ,John pm lI'ol(lered ace 0 Ice all( WI ral ers 0 en( WI 1 !1E-t:.p I I' pl'a,"cr'!; lhronr- I I b ff t k' fIe I FI rrirl [ r the • "c' ., "ar,c!nl" 'I,C '''m" , Ro( lallt Jcrome ; I'atl'irk G{lugl1. ~nl1 01 ~ 1',. a ou an S Irt 0 ace ov 1', e resscs, 'ower ~ a

Tne rD- C' ".' ," " , I' ht \ rnnt for Ill" I I' I II II h ld I 'I J I' :.,.:; ;. c'~~I';'~, ~; tho ?celn: of In glorioll\ huo" to I~ up I re In .. " : and ~ll's, FI'l1i1k G(l\,~h, hoth I I'll Lee til e, er s ou er orcas on was .' .HY ane ow., to .... , ,c, " '. , ' HeRI'eo's domp, Georfrey Allan, Corp,s Cadet. I of Ihis cil\' IO(lk 1'10('1' on .Ill I)' . !cn~lh I'cil was held in place cr, sistcr of the bnde, She •·O:1ie!~m_I.;'" "11!ch l~ lI"l rp.1I., I h d [

---,~-- 11th at ~,:1II a,l11, at the ~lariall, \\'itI1 a dainty tiara of tear dro;1 lI'ore a street engt rrss 0

Burton -Price Wedding

, , , '

. .. ~

.. ','

matching gowns 01 shrlll1i1 nylOn tl'll'('O uallerinn length. full skirt kllottlng the capti· vatlng back boll' with stream· ers, and picture hats to match. They carried bouquets of mauve and white mums,

Cllnpc! nf the lln'i~i('a 0[' pC<1rls .lnd lace, She carried :rmon silk org;)nza anet car, Soint Jolln the fiaplisl with a white prayer book decorat :'ied a basket with pastel rar' :\uptial ~lass, The double cd with sweetheart roses and nations ann baby mums, The ring ceremony was perform cd trailers entwlnen WIth sweet· I duties of hest man wa; pel', bl' Rcl'. Father Lewis, hea:'t roses and lern, i former! by Fr;\I1els (,ou~l1. -With the strains of the ar, The bride 11'0' altended hy' while Thomas Power, Patmk

propriatc wedding mus~e I :'Iliss ~Iargaret Power as maid Barron and Gerald Powel' act, player! by Prolessor Brown, of honour And b,'Jriesma1ri, cd as ushers, the bride enterr[i the Church' werc :'I1ISS ,"clmo Cough, SIS, Altcr the eCl'emUny th~

on the Arm of 11el' fatiler. :'IIi" leI' of the groom, ~ll's, Lor· bridal part,l' pr(J('ccried, to ,1udv Fitzgerald \l'as the so·· raine BarrOn and ~llss A\I·, BIdgood's \\'here the ll1'lde s loi,t, dl'ey Field, The,l' wore irlen· mother rc('ciled, wC;]Jil1~, a

The bride Irlllkcd r~r1iant. ticOlI strect length (h'e,,'cs of n,,.·,\, blrle 1",'1' dl'css WIth , in ~ r'aptil'atill~ \'I'in('c,',' Jine aqll;] silk org;]nza with m,1tch· white Rr('c,,'nrics ;])lci R rot·

Greeley -Miller' Wedding

. ~ ., , ,~.,"

." ' ~ - ' .>:'

The Basilica or Sl. John I silk cloud taffeta, hand cllp· thr Baptist was the s('cne o[ i ped chantilly tace, emuellisll' a very pretty wedding June: Ing the bodice anti entire skIrt, 24th, at 9,30 a,m" when :\lary i chapel train and sabrina n~k­Ruth, only daughter of :'IIr, , line, Her headpiece was a and :'I!rs, Augustlne J, Bur· Julette cap studded with se· ton, became the bride of WlI1· quins and pearls with a finger iam James, eldest son of :'Ilr, tipped vel! of pure silk lllu· 8nd ::ITrs. Luke Prtce, The slon. She carried a bouquet double ring ceremony was. of red 'and white roses, performed by Rev, Father: The matron of honour \l'8! Conroy with :\lIpl1al ~Iass, I Mrs, John Kennedy and the

Given in marri<lge bv her I bridesmaids, 111155 ,rune Rug. 'father the b!'in~ looker! b~<lII' • sell And "lIss Carol Cantwell, tiful in a full len~th !lown of I cousins of the bride, wore

The Jr. bridesmaid, Miss Elizabeth Coles, cousin of the groom, wore A 50ft green dres8 of chiffon Rnd tulle, with matching head band, ~he carried 'a bouquet of yellow ann white mums.

The duties of best man was capably tRken care of b~ Thomas Price, brother of the groom, while the ushers were ,John Kennedy, Robert Burton, brother of the bride and Ocr· molt Russell, cousin of the brrde.

. "

She tried to borrow my AVOSET! '

" Women will do almoBt anythi!lg for AVOSET. it make. RUch beautiful, taBty

denerte. ~f8de from real cream, it'. i1urh-~tcrilize,l. 't~y~ /II'cet for

montlu, whil" '1uicklr'

, . ".


The reception was held at Bidgood's for some one hun· dred guests. The bride's mother received, and looked charming in a gown of dusty rose pure sl1k taffeta street length dress, sheath skirt with drape lace yoke and sleel'es, she 1I'0re a rose pic· ture hat and bel~e accessol'JCs with a brown fur stole and a corsage of red and white roses,

The groom's mother also looked \'ery attraclive In, a gown of Dior blue, chanltlly lace over laffeta With nylon tulleptealed Inserts on thc fulJ skirt, strapless dress with a baiera, she wore a white picture hat and white acces· Borles with a grey fur stole and 8 corsage of pink and white roses. ,

For going awny, the brl~e chose a mauve printed SUIt, with white accessories and a corsage of pink and white roscs,

?-Ir, and Mr~. Prlre arc now residIng at 22 Freshwater Road, '

Tile Angliean Cathedral of I :'Iliss Jean pcnnel1 as brides· I formed the rlutics of toast· St, John the Baptist was tile maids, At! four attendants I mastcr and CanOn J, A, F, scene of a I'ery pretty wedding looked very attractive in Slade proposed the toast to June 17th at 6,30 p,m, when identical ballerina length the happy couple. Elizabeth, daughter of 1\lr, gowns 01 aquamarine nylon. • the bride

\ G G 1 Nylon rosettes of the same Filr travelling and ::III'S, \', , ree ey, chose a two piece Dan River Freshwater Rd. was united color complimented the /UII dress of pale blue with white In Holy Matrimony to Eugene, fllare~ SkTir~s ~'~~e p~;:ged accessories and a corsage of son of Mr, and Mrs, R, J, s ee\es" ey I h < e pink and white carnations, :'I1!ller, Camphell iwe, Canon ~hite plCture hats II' t match· I The honeymoon was sPent at ,J. A, F~ Slade IIlfiei"ted' nt I lila shoc,s and alol'es, and car· , .\!ackinson's, Gnnrier, Grand the 1I0ubie ril1l: cNemony, Incrl garden baskets o( plilk F tl d ('h "E t 'I I I' tl a s an ;]mpnc~ s as, Given In m~l'rli!ge bv hcr imri 1I'1ite l' 1r, ,;]n lcmums father the bririr looked \'Pry anri l11ilirien h;]ir (ern, Out of tfl\l'n gllPsls indud. lo\'el.\' in a pr,nl'es, stvle i Attending Ihe ~room 11ilS. rd: :III'S, Edgar rennc;', Eng. pOl'tr;]it ~IJ\I'II of frcnch lal'e : his brother ('aidn il,S best: Iish HI'" ~lrs, l.'larcne·e "'Ioorp,. anri nylon net willl chapell man, while Bili (;reele,\', ,Jr" l'1;]rke's fieach, ann :Ill', Bill train, The ,I.'t'~ bodit'c fen· I Roland ~liller and Louis ~lil , Greeley, .JI·" Grand Falls, tured a Sillll'lna ncckllnc, Ie!' ushered. ! IIII', .md :\lrs, j\llller afe now sprinkled lI'ith sequins 11nr! I After lhe l'CrC1110n,l' a rreep· : resldin~ on ~Ia.l'or Avenue. wide lace p;ll1els and lace ap, tion for 1 \.5 ~lIrsls was held nt ~ pliques highligllted the full the Crystal palace" The bride's skirt. Her soft fingertip \'ci! mother rerell'ed In a street Correction feI! from a glistening Capri len.:th dress of grey tace over hat of nylon trimmed with pink silk with pink aceessor- An item appearing in the sequins pearls which matched ies and a corsage of pink ~nd August eliition of the "Daily her gown. She carried a willie carnntions, • ASSisting :"-lews" on the Wom,lIl's Page bouquet of red roses, white her was the groom s mother said that three Grace Hospital carnations and maidenhair in a street length dress of I Id b tt ndl'n- •

'Ik 'th nurses wou e a ~ "a fern soft brown lace ovcr Sl 11'1 I' I" 'N Y ,. hould " ' l' 'd po 10 c IIlIC In CIV or"s Attendil1l: the bride was her wllte acce.llones an a cor· I d 1"1'" ~ 'Y k' sister Sandl'a as mAili of hon./' sage of pink and while carna, t'ea aspo)' C

b I 111('2' ln

d -t el~. bor j'

. , .., t' , from. eptcm er 11 0 L e ru· our, with ~lrs, Annie ~lIl1er, Ions, I n

~IlS3 Lorraine Lawrence 8ndl\!r, R, 'F, ~!artin ably per· ary ~8th., .. _.


Mrs, S, C. Di Saturday by T.eAI an extended hOlidav daughter, ~lrs, .1\., • In Montreal, --LEAVES ON SATU

Mrs, E, C. Saturday hy TC,A, an extended nOlidal' dau~hter, ~lr', A, ' in ~lontrea1. --LEAVES FOR

~lrs, p, J, H' ant Stree\. will Brooklyn, :'icw gust 29 to attend the of her granddaughte garet Bru If. Whith place September S I)'n, :'Ilr" Hickel' in BrooklYn fo; a

VISITING :llrs, }brr:.' !IO\\'~II

two son" Hal'r .. ,lr of Lon~ I'lond, ' are in St. ,Iohn', Ho\\'ell', rol'cnt" ~lr', II' "lIar'e Sim husb"nd \\111 arril'e city 011 ~"lurda\' 29th, Tire,' ',II!, b~' to \'ell' York o~ 10th,

RETURNS HOME :\lis5 .\. Ruckle\'

MUnn '" Co .. Ltd, ovcr the \\'cck corl

! I'rrv plea,ant sage of pink roses, the groom's :'lo~tre:l1. :nother wore a light blUe lace:

.,I.'C5S with pink accessories ANNIVERSARY lild ;; corsage of pink carna· . ions, :\11'. Stephen French acted as toastmaster for the happ)' occasion, Approximate· ly 85 guests attended the reo ('eption,

C ong;" 'lila \i or,! ed to :llr, and ,If!, Porter, "011nt Pearl the occasion of wedding were married at of the Ascension"

Following the reception tbe Park .. \fI~lIst ha;:>py eouple left for Karll'oo(1 tile ReI', It. n, C;]bins where the hone,'l11oon , o[ Saint ~Iu .. the was spent. For tra\'ci!ing the: .10hn"" al1f! Thc 11I'ide chose a prinled hlue thp .\scc:IOino, ,Iwalh drcss \\'itl1 duster ~nd . Park, ",bite ac('cssories and a cor" 'age of pink carnations,

~rr anct ~rl'" Gou~h a:'c nllll' lc'icti)l~ at HS P;]tlitk Street.

Daily Recipe .JEL1.Y ,~,\J.~tn~ ,~.\I.,\n

1 :1), li~ or ,';:lll1nl', fl~krrl 7 11Rrri,eroKori r~:" ('hop pod " rlfp chnpPed rrler)' I!, ("'11!1~ hqiiil1b \~ ~I~I'

I~ hr, ,'OIl 2 thsps, \ illegal' I p~~, lemnll jell,' po',\'rlo, 2 th,IPS, chopped pickle or

relish, draincd Dis501\,e jelly powder with

boili:1g water, stir in salt, and \'inr~il" Chili mixl'lre, 51;:'I'il1·: occ"'ionalv, IIntil it hr~ns In thi"<rn, Foln in tcc flill;,.r! ,,"I, mon, celery, chorprr! r::s ""ri relish or pre!;:.. Tlfl n mixtllre in~o indi\'idual molds or onc Ilrge mold, (~Iolds should be b,\lshcr! lightly wilh salad or i coo:,hg oil or rhsed with coid l I\'''lo.r ror eo'e h remO\in~ Ihe I

! n1n'rI(lO s81ari whrn ,!:iell, I rhlll unlil fil'l11. Turn the mol'. I drrl salarls 0111 on cri,p letilice. I lea\'o., al1d ~al·ni,,1J with olilc;, ! r~rli5h('s, carrot or cclcrv curl~ . I to taste, Whe', rreparing the' i lr.:'uce fa:- scr\'in,:;, a £cw drops " I of lemon jlliee in cold waler

J( "Olllr,ll,r ;l:~,

pl~~' hrHI:r ;;j;·i :.r'l'j ;-I~k ,:l,~'1 rI: fl l1ii::i: :hr Ill:JI,i'l;:: ;; ,'::::';,": \ i lie'. .. I h.l' rl " , t mr

\(1 r' r r,"1

'.~(]rk"l ·,I .. p'r:. III'~'

rrr...:l1 fri--II :r'IIf\n~_: -,: \lal cl'i"'11I1r" rd ,c':-






Church 0;



th Sunday Trinity) Holy Com

Holy COml un" Matins (SI

Choral Eu( : The Rp.v.

, B,A" L,Th,; 6, and Sermo

Services: Communion, Thursday 10,

daily al dally at ~,3( 7,30,

!IT. TH(ntAS' Sunday

Trinity), I,m., Holy Con

Morning Rev. Wm.

Holy !iapti~ ; 6,30 p,rr

Preacher, , Broadca

CHl'RCn OF ASCEl'SIOI' Mount Pe~rl

I,m" Holy Co· Matins; 7 p,



nn, \lnl'l'lni "\l,~klk

or' Ih" nl: \I n in~ \.

\',0,\\' 11



Page 7: Sons ., S Ike In London , Curtain · , and then heard it Full ,Iates of c~ndHlates havr ,Ull but that it

• ut-


H .'er,· HOllell " lI u tl' Jr.

i ... land. ..... .1('1hn·~

~;arrnt ... ":'ar~ Sim 1 "III lrri\'~ , , satU!'1U~

P'ry Ilill lit' , York on

-~NS HOM! \ Euckl~~

" Co_ LId,. -r ""~1I: end ~ra<J.nt


-" -

a nnrrs Fricn



rc'3 ~OLAND'S




Best Hymns . \ ! A Y 'SERVICES Loved

ChJlrch of

Leaders To Visit St John's

Happy the home when God is there,

Anglicans To Elect New i

Primate Bishop Sheen And love fills every breast; . ,

ST, ANDREW'S-"TIIE KIRI" When onl! their wish, and one their praver, J Toronto - The Electoral Co!

I ~inister: Rev, A. ~l Old, And one their heavenly rest. lege 01 the Anglican Church or "-------- : M,A, Canada will meet b SL George';

DLASD 11 a.m., :I!ornlng Service, Happ" the home where Jesus' Name Church, Ste. Anne de Bellcvuc. C'THEDRAL This service will be broad· J Que., on the morning 01 Salllr.


Writes EIIgland

~111 Sund3Y after cast ol'er Radio Stallon C.E. Is sweet to every I!ar; day, Septemb€r 5, to 5eiect or.c Trinity, : X, You are Invited to Wor, \Vhl!re children early lisp His fame, of the 28 diocesan Bishops to be' YOKL:S I women who submitted to the Holy Communion; ship with us. thl' new Primate. BY FULTOS J, SHEEN e!ictstes of some i~visible, aDony' H~l~' Communion;. ST, DAVID'S And parents hold Him dear, The Primate i! the chief Bis· Ther@ are two ways of kil1iI'Ji( mouS', all·powerlul authority, and

\1Mlns (said1; 11 i Elizabeth Ave, at Portugal hop 01 the Anglican Church of Ireedom: one ~ to deny its re·' immediately put themselves into Ch.'r~1 Eucharist;,. Cove Road Happy the home where prayer is heard, Canada. He has the title of lalion to law; the other i! to gowns they would nol be burled

The R@\'. E, R.: Minister: The Rel'erend J, A. Ad" t t ' Archbishop and takes prece· deny its reiatio:! to spirit. The' in ten months leter, 11 the, n praIse IS won 0 Tlse; d 1l h BI h d I k d h h ~. "~. L.Th.: 6,30 p.m" 'Goldsmith, ence ol'er a ot er sOPs an first attack sometimes appears. were 8S e w y t ey put 11ft .....

~nrt s~rmon, Hal>' I 11 a.m" Mornln, Worship, Where parents love the sacred word Archbishops, He presides over in democracies; the escond is i fit.-; that fitted like lacks, their The evelling serl'ice Is dis, And live but for the skies, the House of Bishops /l.1d ol'er always present In Communism,: answer would be 'They are wear·

5m'lcB: continued until further notice, the Church's gOI'ernlng body, FalSE ltberalism destroys Iree· Ing them this year .. .' Who are communion. Wednes· On Tuesday, September 1st, the General Synod. He is the dam by making it something' THEY? Was the authority evf'l' Thur~dRY 10.00. At 8 o'clock, the Presbytery Lord, let us In our homes agree chief spokesman IQr Canadian floating firmly in mid air: a idc:1tified? \\,h~1 m~dp the IU'

daily at 7.30, of :-"ewfoundland will Induct PresIdent Edger B, BrO!Sard This blessed peact! to gain', An~licans, He has no pastoral pendulum without Ii clock; M. I"orily In'e his pre.ltige ,;X • 3 t h G Id I h I and his wife wlll be i:I SI. John's jurisdiction outside his own diD'! infant will,out porrnts: a free· '. monills I;l\er: da:!\' at ". 0 excep t eReI'. J, A, 0 sm t nto t d' ' I " Unl'te our heart 'I t Th I · __ 'I 0 can uc. a specla mee.lng 5 In ove 0 ee, ce,e. ' dom Irom somelh'~~ w,thout R The .'"me i, tnlP fll Inl,.l1!cot-

I: ,.,n. the ~n5toral Charge of SI. August 31, 7:00 p,m, at the And lOI'e to all IVI'I! rel'gn- Am~n, The /ortMcomtr,g n. rlmatinl ele-I :reedom Inr ~omolhh~. Free· \1<11 fa.,h:ons: mMry th~ ~pirl;.' 01 -- D~dcls. The public h cor I \" I ' H II II i" d t - " Of TIIF. F.rIPR.\S',· dii111\' Invltcd, tlCI,nrdla a, I aN! mite 0 --.-----------------.---.---- ctir.n \., occDsinnrll hv th~ retire' I dom wilho'"t !RW is actually no the ,;;~e. and \'011 will h~ ~ wldn~

h R d · I rn mC1t from oH,cP la,: December Ireedom hll[ hcrn'c. ,n Ille :Icxl onc. Freud ~ III M ~tr .... 'I~r\ OB) WOI',hip with 1I!, It :11 bit t' f Th F" t Babl N . I 1-. Ho·.\' lonllnllnlUn ST \WAS'S WI e n eres mg or many e Irs Ie' urse of the \Iost Rcv. W. F. Barfoot, On the other hi1od, Conunllni<rll a, fnr~nltpn in Iwenty yeul a\

"0 q It Rd' 't C· n' lIh ,io knoll' that President E,I~ar B,' who l:n, retaincd his Jurisdiclion . ~'I'ovs freedo'n h)' c1p~yin~ thaL Wuncll i.' todav. Yel •• eh h".1 p. a ,a ammo Ilea Bra',ard has served In GOl'ern· ~s Biohop of the d:ocrsr of' m"l1 i; nnv idffrrenl irnm a l,ad Ihe;:' iJrief hOllr IIpon Ih~ . ,Avenue ment servIce lor 42 years, 3~ 01 BY REV. DR, FRED ,S,\55 : ning as does that 01 nursing, A: Rupert's LDn~ And Arc!lbi.,hop of, Ihin~, ~\lch 'R' a lead p,uc. a ,."ge The :,he"R~ ""hn wnl',hipp· '

,pp-:n ~unda)' After MII1Jsler: Mr, H, T, Elll., which have been with the Umted The first nUr!e mentioned In. SllIcere word from God's Book, I the ecclesiastical prol'ince 01 i don\;el' or • ri~"rO'l:~. Thine; ect Arlom SlIIith in Ihe I~,t £~n. I Trm1Y1, I Student ;\\lnlster, States Tariff Commission, where I the Bible had the very sugges:ive 5poke~ out of the fulness of the Ruoert's Land, , I hal'e 'no freedom: f,re mil". he f'r,r:ion. has A ~on loda~' who II

11'1. Holy Commun on; I 11 a.m., ~lorning Worship. 1:1 recent years he has served as name 01 Deborah which means nurse S ow~ experlence, is often The Electoral College consists i hot, ice must be co:d: obJcc)s In rr"ctlOn to 111P. lRst lorm 01 · \!or",n~ Prayer. I ReI', F, G, Weir, Chairman and on April 30th, 1959 "a b€e", Names in Old Test· the means 01 restoring the wan· 01 at! the active and retired Bis·· heavier than air n'lllSt fall to ~he . lIh,',·,,:;;m.

ReI'. Wm, Chard;' Come and Worship with Us, he retired Irom this long and de' ment times very often were ex, derlng and also of winning th~ 'hops of the Church, plus the ground. But ma3 i; different. Hence there will always be ~~. Ho!~' Baptism and 1 voted period of service. He reo pressive 01 the people, and the who have never known Christ as ' cler~v and lavmen in equal num· than these things b€cause he: pendence on a:ld a recD~nilion of

630 p.m .. Even· Sa VQJtlion .1 rmy cently was appointed by ~a\'ld 07cup:tlnos to whom they Were their personal Saviour, A bom; bers"' who r~prc;cnt their di~'1 has 8 soul or spirit which makes.i authority,. Mfn differ from onp Preacher, Rev. E. 0, McKay who Is the Presldenl given; It may have b€en, so again :1Urse can exercise thiS, ceses on the General Spod s him, to same extent, free from, ano:her In rhe authOrIty th~y BroRdrast,' c.J. 01 the Church 01 Jesus Christ 01 with this first nurse; the char· ministry not oniy among the i Executive Council. matter, The moment a human: accept is good, they are happy,

TE:tIPLE CORPS Latter-day Saints to preside ol'er acterislics 01 a b€e are Incessant patients but among· the friends I On the day of the elect,ion the being is educed to the status of. As a dog is happ r with a mast Springdale Street the New England MI5slon which toil, !weetness and music. We of patients, for the nur,se con-' Colicge meets for 1101), Com· matter, he can b€ used as a' er than without O:1e, a child ip

II\RY lHf. \'IRGIS Senior .illajor and ~In, B i includes this area. are nottold.much about Deborah: tacts them at a. time when SIr:!· munion and lor prol'cr lor .the I thing. When a man is used like happie: when he accepls the .~"." ,.""ria\' alter Hallett, Corps OHlcers, I Mormon~ as they are e~l1ed, and this IS m keep,"~ With her, fCrlng and lonelt~ess hSI'e been, ~\lidance of the Holy 5plrll.' a ,all' or a hammer or " Sickle, , "uthorlly of the lather than when

1 1':1 :~ , 1 LOO a.l1I .. Holiness Sen'lce; , make !lllite a claim In Ihe world. profession. A n~r.'c" \\'Ol~ rare-I uscd of God to soften the heart. Then it divides inlo two bodies. ' he i, no longcr free. There is he can get tired so QUickly 0' ~ H~!r Communion; 11 230 p.m, Sunday School; 7~' stating that they are :1eilher a I)' ..:cts publicity, but tlen Ihe, THE PLACE: OF DIIEA~IS The Bishop~, known A~ the Cr-. con"del'ahle symbol sm in e nAG 'doin~ what he lIan:,. Tile scien· ',:.',,,. :; t;i p.m .. Com·' p.m., F.l'angelistir Sen'iee, Cat~oli~ or I P,ro!e~IRnt Or, ~ew thing~ told us ahout Deborah' The last reference to this lirst per HOllse .. nami,,,te three or, con,idrr"hlr s)'mboli~m i:1 a flag lisl . is h"rpier a,d hecomc!

'" ~HI'ICe 'n the, CITADEL CORPS ;:antZatlon, bllt claim to he the Illumine her callmg. . Bible nurse IS very Mlg~cstIH. more of the:r 1'.1mber. ;lnd the I which has stars 01 It 10 r~pre- more learner! when he ~cn~n',' · ~ ,0 r.m .. ""emong. Allam." ,henllP at PrInce of Restored Chllrch 01 ,1.SU5 Christ, ROOTEn I~ LOVE lYe nre told that she was buried c1erg)' And laymen. kno'l'n as, nl man, and a flog has ol~lv Ihe alilhori:)' 01 n,,\llre and II.,t

. Walu Street : hal'in~ a prophet as II's earthly I Tilis fir,t Bihle nurse milke.- b€neath Bethel. under an oak the 1.ower Ho\\;e, IotA' hy b,,\:o: ' lools on it which makes man a ens to its laws than whe~ i1e cnrRen or THE Sr. Capt. ann ~lr~, A. Prit" leader who receil'e~ continued I her appearance as an unnamed 'Genesis 3;:8' :'iOll' Bethpi IS. on thelP nominr~~. ,~ mftjorily: 'lave. n n (ries 10 impose his ideas on nat· A~rE~~IOS ' chett, Corps Oificen, : rr.l·elation fMm ,I~stl~ ~I!ris\ person in one Of. the grealesl. \Ie learn from Genesis 28, was 01 hoth rler~.v "~n ~ai:y, "oting: Hence there i~ iln intnn,ic rr ure ... Beyond ,ait the f1eetin~ all M~unl P.ul 11 a.m" Hol!nes~ Sen-Ice:! Himself to dlr~ct the aff~Jrs of 101'P lYric.'! 01 all lime, Abraham the place of dreams, th~ place ,rparntely, I~ requIred for an l"lio~ b€tween freedom a~rl reo thonops of tIme, there IS th'

I ~ !lol~ Communion; Subject: "God'~ P~1try for: the Church. Ye~, Ind~d they had sent his old Serl'a.1t Elieze where God had done great hllsi· i election. • • ligion. The exile of God from a Didne Authoity \\'h!ch said Ir '!I':'l, 7 p.m, Even, I Christians:" 230 p,m" Sun· I say: "God continues to ~peak to to seek R wile lor IsaAC. (Gen. ness with Jacob. The ~uggestive I If no el~ction results on the· nation always ends in the tyr"n-' men: '~Iy yoke is sweet ami

I day School; 6 p.m" Open Alri I man on earth 8nd invite a11 to esis 24:2,4.) When at last the ness was doubled, howel'et, b: first billiot, the Lower HOllse nilation of man. When the re-: j!y burden light" The Idea .0J 7 p,m, EV8ngeHBtic Sen'lce; I investigate," They preach 8 serl'ant met Reb€kah by the welt that Deborah not ?nly died at I may take a Sl.!eond, or ask, the ligious temperature g~ down,: yoke i~p1ies a burde1, a "PI',

.1l1C'1.~EL'S AND ALL Subject "Our Unll~r5al Re· message of u:llty and maintain at sunset, firmly cOnl'lnced that Bethel, but wa burled under an I Upper House for 8dd11t0~31 political oppression Increases: The YOKe wa' n~I'pr for ~n' h'J, ,~\GELS latlonshlp." that the world too divided In God had prospered him in his oak tree, Here Is something, names. Aftcr two Inconclu,j". whcn the rdi~!ons trmn p rot1'.rc fnr twn. H. ~o\ipd it '~fo: YnkF .

'51 C"'rl A.,nuI) DUCKWORTH ~TREET It's ~1I~lou5 beliefs, HRrmony mission. among~t olh~r thin~!,· 'hat !enrls the heart and mind h2:!0:, on ~hp ~11\l li;l. thr nomi . r:,," pnllt,,·~j nrnr~,,:on ric· or ollthrrity, "'hicb V'P ":e'" or 'n-', ~unc\a~' 81t~r CORPS on! with anoth!r wilt bring he .-ain to Ihe YOlln~ woman.' sin~ing to Call or)" The r f nnr er('e:I'inc Ihe 10110<1 nllill Crr"iCS. (lnp con'·.n! on Ihe nnr \I~f'rl 10 shorp. :\! in th~ ode!

TrinitYI Sellior ~1~j"r alld Mn, W. I peace In the worlrt and make "I heing in tile way, the Lord! eh:'ist died on a tree-trradialon I her of drnpper! from the. h;111'1 ."W :h;): mAn j, mec'y a of :l;":,Jr. Ihe l'ok~ I' r"" "'i,," H"!~' Communlnn: 11 Watt5, Corpt OHicerJ, \ thi., earth 8 heaven in \\'hich to led nIC'. When he lather a~n. I:a~ it thai Ihe Iree Wi's 8n oRk. hR\lnlin~. This renredllre :~ cnmhio<l:io:1 o! chemicRls, ~nd p,w!, ox he:)r; il ehe", :.," 'I'

':: ElIrh~ri't; 2 p.m., 11 a.m., Hnline" Service', ilvp. . brotllrr henrd :h: story Ihey' -hllt tradition or ~o trRdilion. COI1:i'Hled, if. ne(r',~r~': alll'r On 'he n:r.,'r ""'1d Ilphoirl Tf- Iho'" I"no fol!ow ~'''!nP.\', '~II~m. ~ 10 p.m .. Ev~n' ~ ~n p.m. ~11l1ct~.I' Sr11001; 7 Thp r,hllrch. 01 .Ie.I'.!! .Chrlst 01, were no les.1 deflOllo., they said, Ihe .~lonoll~ fRCI I~ thilt when II" <"woCII:1, he:I,,:, '.In:'l. 1'10 nUI:I· 'i,r(". fnr hi, .i:~nl:\· 'n~ \'ler·. Il~' fonri that th! 'iolLe 1\ "i:

C ~ern:nn. p,m" Sail·"t i'"1 )lertin~, Latler·dRY SAlnt~ h~\ IOr\'r<1\~n: "The thing proceedelh fl'oll1 the die al that pnint to the nlrl:llr: • IPl' of cJ1rlidil:e~ I, reduced to: '00,,:,1),. .~I ":A COJl1mltnl'l, in With lo'·e. ':rlil.' 7.30 ~.m.. Hol.v. ~tl':\!lY PO;\P i!" mrm\)l'I'!hifl tn almall 2 ml!' I l.<1rd". When the hour c"me {or Ir,en 'he lIol)' Srid. Ihrough tl:< )'.10. . i I1 ""I" .'''' "I Iheir. dic·,:,:.",.: "'n Sccrol1d 1.irlltenRnt D. Snook, Iton. people L<1st )'cal' there, flchckAh to go with Ihe .'tnant ,al'rlfICe of Jr.sll', gives 1I.1 R 1I,c rro( .. ril:n~, "p ,wid In; "You jIl5'. C<ln.' he;p l!"'n~ nl11,: 1 ;:n rt '1. Hoi,. (-om- . COI'Ps OHic,·r. wel'r ol'er R.lOOO new mrnlhen'i 10 l~aac, We al'p told lhal hp.r: l1ew iife rich in 1'!I:on, and camera. "nn no inf"rm,l',ion i~' lie fies """ if '0.1 <\,111':." ~ ~o r m. El'en;on~: II.On _.In .. Holinrs.' \Yrrting; A, R Church Ihe), lI~ire tn e!o i nllJ'~e \\'~nl ,\ilh thr'm. Tlli5 w",. rlreams. In'HI. p:ohlic ofr"·,,Il!y r~'l'cc:illg ,f'omn1llo:;I11, 1",,011'. il is mil'·

2 " ~ I ... hi", n"thill~ hili goorl in the world. : ~on~ olhcr Ihan DrhoJ'ah. Thlls. '[l1i.I i.1 thp WR.r of life for :;,e I1nI11'11'~'C~ or :hr \n:;"~ f':~" ",,;i,li<', \1", no lell'I'CO,'P for' Faith

. ",0 p.m .. ~lIl1r " .. ,r 00 ; ) , ~ I I' 'I tl ~1i'~:'in,:l~rlE'," repl'("'~ntin~ ~ 1e thp. n\lrsi:1~ profession a'\11ears C\'l'r."onc \1r'nn wOllld he the nlflXI ~·r~. hi!: il j ... ~cnt'l';1',',\' ~'I(I ... '· , I:W 1H'!"011 :-,,!:ci :1(1 hn~:.( r~'r frr\?·

'.' ~r"IC:I, I' p.m, ,~R "a I~n .' cc ng, "'I~" 'II h _________ 1 - ... - Church In t\1l, area. are r_lI~r'~ first in the Bible in a3 atmos··l1\um 8.1 a nllrse, To gil'e one I:'al .1t Iii. :,,;1 1':·i:11.,:i:o' c"c' I .'lIn', Th'.1 io "':1~' ,\'111'11 i: I."',", ,.1nI1',1 ;ee throuih a t. e

J'.r.ed Ch~ Ilrch ~OU!'l'T PEARL CORP~ Wittiam T, Wayment and Newel phere charged with lo,e. It Is sel! to Jesus is to opcn th~., :ion a~ Vic:ori~, Pc. 'n SC":I. 0,C! a 'olIH'. iI' il ICC""::\' d".',

Jorgensen, unner 5uch conditions that every b€ing to the river 01 His Lov!', '1' ber, 19,1, when Dr. B:Idool '.1.", ,!id in COiln: the penl':· 01,'" Til,: "C' t,.: b~ EnI'oy A, Mansell, B,A, and P 'd t B dill be I t b ed I H' H . f' d b h "'~ :'ttrs, Mansell, Corps Offlcera, resl en rossar w . n true nurse must enter upon her a e us n IS servi~ as a' elec~ed the Lower 01". Irst corered that the t~a ers or' .\Iy Hea1 ep:) f~t rr "O,"! m;

search lor land on which to bUild caning. Deborah must have soul wbner and to have the I: voted 'inconclu.sil'€I\" on three rowed their pots to cook their I hand, 11 a.m" Holiness Meeting: h h I

S h 1 7 a nell' L.D,S. C apet ere, lOVed Rebekah with a great love mind stirred with dreams of name~, then received two more, goose, And He can see; • i 2.30 p,m., und"y Sc 00; h' fbi . Rel' .. R. \\. Bra D~, I p,m" Sall'alion l'Ileeting, to have made such 8 vemtJre. great trop les a grace. "De 0- and finally Bchie"ed an e ~tlon One the side of dcmocracy, , So should the road be rough

.• nl ~hl1l~trr: ReI'. \\. F Oth it entailed heroic self,denlals, rail", as we pointed out, means on the ,i,th haltot. when the: nothin.g is more lalle than to say' ahead ~"' .. B D l1in'ctor of: V,','st Bapt'is' or ers lelling her home and klndrc,l, "a bee". Lt'arned mn tell 11.1' ~umher of nominees hnd b€en rr IllIal fre,'dam mrJn, the ab'ClIl'e By firmer clasp His chiidis led., " f ,lurJtlon' ~(r. A F.. I'. 'Co How man), teed~ of kindnes~ seltillg IIer lace for a ~Iunge' that bees were all, at one tim!', tllIl'r,t to tll'O. .01 3',llllOrily, or b\\'. nnd 10 W .

'.: (1r'.lIl>t alld l'holr iand, urged :101 by ~II)' love she wa~ps. Sometillng has happen·, ga:d el"!')' la", as all illfri·1.~"· .. lnllol kllod what .torms may nOIl.,I~j O,JOOllll,: C.1"'I'cll 101111 had lor thai ItmJl2e land but. ed, howel'er, and their nHlllrr! P R I . lI1eJ1h the aU.ienl'e of "'.lIhonly, brl'ak

. At clo,e of this new day ra\'er O(~· , 'r bl - I th ath II' tread n,e IOl'e ~ite had lor the one IIave been changed. '[h,s is an, , \ ! or law. Jnd to reg:mt ,'1"'\ !:lit" I'f o os 'om n e p e Aroulld In" I e, ~JI,d",.· School: ------------. B t' thl II' I' . whose IHe lIad been entruiled to' experience IlIat Christ ollers to'· : ;<, all i~fl:lIgemelll oi r,~iJl'. It He u'I'11 II O:Ice we pass I ~" ') R ,. "I II \. 'I f H d HI' R ° . h I I Hul ,11'>lIS kuows and ~ f' ,:. "·orlllip. Preach· IO~ PIIRTI";AL fOrt: RD, HoI\' manv times a little tight. ler, eue.a 1. t I~re IS one. 8, a UI. e an e 8,o~e can' C\\Tltten I is ill'e!",t:n~ I al IIO,e II III .,'ep

~ II' Kr"'lie. SubJcct 11.1'. r. C. Fenert)', B.A, mal' trace some 'unknown 11'8\'" prn{e\SiOn 1II0re thun il,IO!hc: chun~e ollr natllre~. ll'llOeler: 'hr('31; llie 131\' of Ihe 1'<1111/0'\' 11 is dlilli lU 'Irife; .,',d LIII'.'· Sacra· H.45 8.111" Sunday ,StilO,ol, To 'walk with the burdPn bearei" t!:at deman~~ love of th.e 1~I~he~: receIve! Christ I, Sal'iour bc . ,.wre Willi rlwir [a:,e itic'3 01 So thro\l~h Ihe hillu"ls rage

.'! :,.:.111 Bapli,m; 7 11 am., :'>Iorning \\ orshlp; :'-lot one mile, but all the way, q,mllty, It ~I the nur·,lI1 o pr?, co~e! a nell' "creation" - a TURO:\TO - '1'11'0 01 Ihe six! freedom. inl'oke tflP "uI11J:'ily of alld roar. J'. ,r,r II'nr,hip. Preach· ,7.1:1 p.m" Hymn Sing 8nd I How manv time~, 8 happy .mile fesslon, Ur~ed by II deep 101e. nell man ,and ~ new.,",oman. :llId a half of the 20th seosion i the Fifth Amenctmrnt 10 prolect

J lI'oolfre~', Subject:· Evenlnl( Wor~hip: 8.30 p.m" i Like sunshine 8t mid,dav lor suffering hums:1lt)',. the nurse I Lord, ,may I dIe t.o sin and self of the General Synod of the An. i their false Ire,ed?l11. ,TI1C pom:: ~Iy ba~ky' ssl~aol;/rach the heaven· (onYiction:' Youn!! People's Felloshlp. I Wilt drv the mist ollollilness must ~ome to her calltn~ and In I And ltve anew WIth Thee" glican Church of Canada will be." that 30boo) IS .lIlthout all

Wedn~sday: 8 p.m, Mid·: To see' the brighter way, t~at love she must contJnue to That, all may kno\\, where er t occupied wilh examination of I :!lo~:1t~~/i~er6~~d~h~('!o~~e ,,"h:i'

:~:l~ ~~~~i~e for prayer and! ~ow manyltlmes, t~ I~nd a hand ~~~ean~h~on ~~r~'an;~~ Thy I~~e ha~ ~et me free. I the fIrSt complete rem~on AO! authoritl' will we accepl: ,. B ~.\' ~~g~~~i ~~~ 0\. warm ~'e1come Is extend, pome rrac ou~ w~f Sto 0 ;:~ the- only love that can readily meet By day a:!d night make me 8 the pra~~r B:Ok since t de n' One 01 the most papillar all-\)l:~tor: Dr. Da\'id K. ' our :1 some 0 , the situation is the 10l'e of God light : g\Jcan C urc accompane . the lhorities is fashion, either in

ranllOt comprphrnd the star ThJt ~hilles Oil high

The firmament that stretches far

1. I'd to all, wounds as rel'ealed and made al'ailable To gUide the wanderfng rou!. ,early settieI1! from the Bntlsll clothes or in ideas. Fashion has Beyond my eye T.C.L, Director of Chn0 -t:nn SC;nH~ But on~ we pass Ihl5 way. , in Christ Jesus, At Caivary the To brins the broken, bruisec- . Isles to Canadla~ shores. b€en described as a kind of des· tdJ;catior and Del' _ "I'W ,,~""~ How many Umes, we too ha,e bellel'bg nurse has an over. heart I The Synod meeting wlil be held pot which the wise ridicule .and

~!:!I Edith Bolton, failed flowing reservoir 01 divine love To Thee Who makes~ whole, . at Ste. Anne de Beilcl'ue, Que." the fools obel'. A short 11me Will q ~~o~~~,~. ~vorshIP. t:orner Rennie', MllI Road and IO seek the fl~r7w ;;: ot to draw upon, This Is the kind Make me I nurse WJth one do. . from September 1 to Sep'~ember I .,~o, .... hrn .Ie,·k rirrs'e' WHe In,

But, He who made the planets bri;;ht,

guide with 101'e H!5 ~hild aright.

p,rn.. . Empire Avenue ' W Jla~e 1t~n ,e, or d or of nllr~e the world of 8ufferln~ sire- 9. I "'.I·le. think "I the m!l!,ol',s of I I 11.00 a.m., Slinday sen'ke., 85 wr M~~f~:,\e~,aYBUTLER npens, the nlll',e who can say: To ~erl'e Thee €I·C[.I' hOllr- . A lmlial rel'ision of th~ Eng ,---------~--~---- .

WESLEY : Suh.leet 01 I.r"on Sermnn; Topsail. He lovee! me, Md HIS iOl'e A nurse ~'hose Inner . thoughts II,h Pr"""r !lonk u£,16G2. oeguu ,mini,tr)' 10 the ~'rk IlIrlllrle,: Rn- " !1 R~)", "C'hn,t ,Ie'll ... · 11 A.m., Sun-I I tho\l~h mc . ,. are nCh. ,.10 I~tl, tIas hern III lISe ,b~ ,forms fnr I"vlngon-of-hanrls ~n<l p,n nr~anl'!. ,I. d~,· Srlinol fnr rupils up to C' d Well S 1.: TI'I1~'I.lgures all ~ do al1C~ ,ce, \\Ith Imp rltllne, Mn pO'ler. :C~n".'i1~n ,\ngl,('"ns Since 1~22, :"noil1lir.~. Brllle.ll1a lal1£or h"lr.

, thr ogr of ~O .vr"I'~. ~yno 1 I.. tUt "i In kitchen, Lheat,le and liard ibut J\ wa~ reclI~1117erl III"t ,hI' , .. 10 promise 10 ohry their hilS

--Robina ~!.ary Amo!.

Pra Vel' Sonnet . \Inl nlo;: Wor<h:p \\'rdllcsdny R 1'.111 .. \Ieeting. • I ,e~se the glor~ of my lAIrd. CIIUrcll In . firsl ("lna,\Jan cd,llon of Ihe: hanrl,.

. \I.kkl!;nkc The • 1'1 StO d SOUL IVINN1:'l1G • !look of Common l'rR~'er was on· 1 A"I the l~~ (;"l1rr.1 Synlld C' S,';icur, let me en! wall, Of tit. 'I'or.t:',: Church {Jf jesll,IIjI" er~y .. Ipen S 'The next Billie referenc¥ .tn :Iy .'i·,r fir.<t .~tcp tOIl'<1rds pro· it was sll~~e"l'd.!h:I1 A ch"nc~ lIilh Thee

;\.ni".~ Wnr·hip. ~~r·: , 'r t 'I tl d r Deh~rah releals, her a~ bemg Canada Recelo,res y)(\Jng lI'orsh,ppN5 wllh a leI ~in dOI':nl:c was Implied h,' Ihr Aioll; 11:(' '\'Indll1O; WJ,' 'A'herl: ~rrn '. 1'1" B ~ I oron n - plesen s pen s ,or II d f "od to win back a II'OM. . ' \. t I" . . UlnR .IP. rOR,,·, '/ • ('1 .) ,. I d .' f se a \J '''' .IICC hook SUII,,"P. 0 llI[)rlrn· lIsc of cert'I'n rh"oe-in IhCt'l1l1 ;~II1:,IDl'e Iron.

\0\\'.11, 'I C ,nsf :J (),.,nrm i 1"Il'dVe ct?r~d)' ani 1 hPen~lOnsd °dr del'in~ ~OlJl to lailh. Debor<1h B l'k Of F d I·timcs. s~er"lilJn ~~,,)'er' in the (0111' Su Ih~1 Ihe hrrr\1r<s, h"pel~!l lOse re Ire WI e conS! ere served Rehekah In the land of U' lIn s . 'B k"

q. JA:IIES I OF' ,in reporls t~ he mnde to Ihe 2f'1th ~ , . She sa\\: the two ' i Slllce ,IM:l. a 1 r;l,,'r. "u : Inllnion Senlr!', ann h,' th,·. throng m".' see t1lu~th ,\\'~" I'alon St, L,\'rn,R PAY SAlS'IS (;eneral SynOd of the An~lica3 i ~~~s,a~ic~~n~nd Esau, born and Toronto-Sixl)' cellts of cl'pryRvllslon (Onl~lIIl~er has ~lo1\;ed provision 01 "pllclt. optmllill' A palh exis!.s In lead

. ?O'orsh:pping at VICTORIA HALL, Ch1!rch when It meels at ~!~C'! grow liP, Tilen came the great I dollar spcnt by the Missionary 'over the book ,110m COler, t 0 pr.1~·e,rs lor the clearl in the hilCk to C;od. Acld~m~l' Gower Street donRld College, Quebec. the fm!' Lrag~dv recorded in Ge:lesis 27 SociNv of :ile Anglican Cliurch ,COIW, III 195~ an untlnl.hed. hlma, oflicr.


: Rev 11, L, Brown, R.45 a.m., Prieslhood ~Icctlni: week of September. The Synod When Jacob bl' decpit, gal hl~ I of Canada last I'ear was IIs('r! ',Ir,it w~s pre,ellied 10 the I"st, The IjIlCsll"ned pli»cs in Ihe Indiffercnlly In), mes~age do· InLlt: Mr~5 S, Hyne5; i 10.15 ~.m" Sacrament ~leetini; will also hear, 8"detaile.n repnrt brother's bl~ssi·ng. He fled to: f(lr lhe Sllppon ~f Canadian mi~. i GCllel'al Synod: which PI'C ,~. rOl1sccriltion praY'or h"I'P hHn' they hear;

or: nr. C. Cho; ,11.00 I,m" Sunday SchooL of the. Chllr~~ s COl]lml.sslon on the land Irom which his mother sions, despile the fact tilat these' geller,,1 :1pprOl.1. anrl rcferre . allered, but Ihe pr"yers lor the i So m"n, I·oices. with a !tl'ange l nn:ani~t~: :'Iliss~!. TIecrllltment, of men IOto the alld hi" nurse had come, th~ assisted diocc,es h"I'e become It bark to tile cOInmlllce for. dead rem"ln. : appeal,

\11. 1\. BRI:~~, J elwvah's "n~lcan ministry. c land of Laban. His mothcr had sel{,slIpporlin:; a~d !hlre more completiol1 of Ihe work. ! In a slali·I1I,.'n[ 011 l'rtlyer, Tho' l'io:lked nc"th truth, so' '!1. f'uhlic \\'or~hlp SN' }f'l0 Note- thought he \\'ould be away only hope to do so soon. Olerse~1s i The aim of the rel'i,iol1, .1ccord- : Bnok RCI·I.,illn, Hi. Rrl'. llo1l'ilre!' Ihin. a mfrp l·tneCr, Tr .• 'Iinistcr; ~ }l.m.. l(t.lleSSeS "a few days IGenesis 27:43·441; work receil'ed 26 per cent 01 the I ing to the prrbce 01 th~ 19~~ lI_rh, Bi,hop of frlmonton,: Rciitlilr ",,,I Icarh In.idIOU!

:;rhool rlannill~' Pro· • it lengthened inlo month~ aod tolal. , i drRft, "has been to ,el forth an .lI'ho is ch3irnIRn of the Central irlr~L Ii Rurry Hr.iRh~. Larae , .. ' years, Fi1!cd with' co~cern for In figurcs the amounts wel'p 'ordcr which the people may usc, Hcn,ion Sun· l'ommil:er, ~~id

is r~quirrd, ~INGD~M HALL ,~OWER ~TRF~F.T . her boy, lIelwkah. sent her old $520,123 for Canada', and $211,757. with undrr.<tandilll( and which; "III view of Ihe f"vt th"t slIch I This kno",led~e clear is burn ina .

, Harolcl Ivany, ST. I"AUL'S

'1ICkl,r Ann". MIll! DalllJ NI~hole

, Minister; 7 p,m" Str"lre.

'OItT AMHIUT "I~' ~(rs ..... ;\

:n ~l1nt8ter KHIAD' lOAD

p.m., Minister,

7 ' Marr I AVlnul Sen lees of V.orshlp .wlll he I nurse to be ,wllh him. She may for Ol'erleaS, : is agrceable wilh Hoty ScripLure' intercessions are found ill every' on my heart: , .00 P'~" ~U,?1Ie ~ddre~5 hy r~!J1lueted In the mornIng Rnd have had somelhing 10 do with In addition to :lli~siona':Y ane! With th" usagc 01 the pri· 'rCl'cnt revi,ion "Xl'rpt the Iri,h. I Tr:1I1'p;Hr"tl~' sincere & life 'i:

C. F. Ral nc), Do). ou Really , e\enin~ by Rev, R. W, Ilralne Jacob'~ resoll'e to relurn ila9k Soclely ~rants, the \\oman S mitil'c t'hll!ch" _ wilhout mak· 'thrl' mal' bc J:lln;idcred 1I0t ~o must br. '1 Accept the Teachln~! of' and ReI', W, ,I Woolfre" re· h . t r t th r cord All '111 ., t 'h led ' 0 I °1 . . ' ". . . ., ., Ch " I·' .' ome. A any a e, e ~ x m.\ con rt 11 A,m s • 109 an" alteratIOns which 1I'0uid much R chal1"e In ttJe rloclnnc Th~1 shlnll12 thro TIII' IDI'e ma1'

rlst." B p.m., Bible Study: speclll'ely, The Sacramcnt of k 't I ,th t h 1" d ! n'1!' f k' (', d d' . I " . i ". . • 'I "H I S I 'f rna e\ I c cal a s e p H)e a. 11 Ion or war In a.1c a a1 imply :111)' !'hallgr In the docl· o( Ihe Church "' A nel'ploprd In th,l.' Im]J~r: ' OW 5 Your p ritual Ap' In ant Baptism will be admin' part In hll return to God, apart overseas, The WA ha~ a memo , . . - , , '.' !\

petite? Eph. 3: 14-16, htered at the Morning Ser. that cost her her l\£e, In Gt!ne- 'bershlp of almost W,OOO In serr nne of the Church, Its, prac~lce. The lact is thnt· ILumll1,II1(,n lor th~ ~~!kers::, IIpt, II vIce, Mr, Uralne's sermon sis 35 we read, ".Deborah died... lor branches, with another, 6,500 neither In the Church of Eng· alter Thee, I

11,30 p.m" Bible Study: "Re- RUbject will be "A Compilcat. and God appeared unto Jacob teerwgers In girls' branches and 8e~tcet Briefer land, nor In the Anglican Com· storlnll the Sanctuary to' It~ ell Life," In the evening Mr, again and blessed him." Thl~ 18,(I()O younger gIrls in' junior The reVlSlon h88 brought the mumon as .a, whole has there When words 10le all their RiRhtful State" Dan, 9:17, Woolfrey's sermon Bubject makes It clear that the nltr~e branches. language of the Prayer BOOK been A.n offICIal declaration lor I er to attract, (cont'ct.) \VIII be "True To Conviction," had been us,d Dr God 10 \\'i~ Eyery bAptized mo.mher of thp closer to modern el'eryday me. ,or agaln,l such intprcef~iQns." Grant th;;t ~oul! may sliU Thurlll.y, Sept. 3! Visitors wilt be welcnme, The h~ck a wandering snul tn IAilh .. An~Uca1 Church of CaMrl" i" On the whole both regular Rnd, In ffve!;tl ottJer CR'P! chRn~· . won by how men act. Jehol'ah'. Kinidom"-Matt" Sunday SchOOl will meet ,It I Few prole!sion~ provide 10, con!idered a member of the I occasional 5eTl',ices wiil tend to I ~s propo!ed in 19M hIve iM!en· Bramwell S. Baek, 2t:14,~, 10 a,m, . many opportunitie! for Boul win'l Missionary SOciety, be bnefer. The prOVISIon for the I abandoned. J Second·Lieutenant.

Page 8: Sons ., S Ike In London , Curtain · , and then heard it Full ,Iates of c~ndHlates havr ,Ull but that it


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Local Radio And Television Programs 8.1~ThI5 I Believe. 8.30-The Search. 8.~Miracic.! and Melodies. 9.OO-When a Child Asks g.l~unday Choral Concert. , 9.30-The Question Box. I 9.4~hTe Weather Forecast I caN 12.00-Sign Off, 0 Canada; The

ll.(}()-Church Service, lO.30-Flrst Person.. i ·12.4I>-SuperlOnlc . Supermarkel. 7.01-Club 93, 11.30-Natlonal News. II l.OO-Weekend Sports Review. 7.30-News.

2.IJO-News In a Minute. 2.00-News in I Minut., 2.Dl-Sign Off.

and Close Down. FRIDAY, Augult 28th, SATURDAY, August 29th,

'I'.'IO--l:BC News. I ~.M, '7~Top of tbe Mornlns. 7.3I1-CBC News. I.OG--CBC News and Weatber. 7.3~Top of the Mornln~

11.40-Weekend Revie wand l.l5-Newl. , B.OO-News In a Minute. Special Speaker. l.25-Sunday Serenade. B.Ol-Best from the West.

Queen. Heals. 9.00-News in a Minute, 10.30-Eventide Meditation.. 2.00-Rotary. 9.01-What's Cookin'. 6JO-New!.

SUNDAY, August lCth. A.M.

I.~MuslC&J Cloci. a.OO-CBC News and Weath:r

12.00-Sign Off. 0 Canada. The l1.4~HOW Christian Science a.30-News.

10.45-Sportscasl. • 2.30-Sunday .fternoon at~90 9,02-Nlld. Soiree.

- ...... CJ~O=-=N-:--..... CJ~O=-=X---::'TV-- \ WEDNESDAY, Augu~t 26til.!

6.~5-Melodie.s and Memori~s. FRIDAY. August 28th. I '.DO-Mornina Del'olionl. 8.l~-~lusical Clock. U~Proiram Preview. 9.00-~lornlng Devotlolll.

IO.5S-News and Torbay . and News. R.3G-Strolin Tom. Weather. 4.00-Lutheran Hour. , 9.4~Dosco News.

7,Ol-Mantovam a nil hIS 5.30-Discovery.

9.!!O-Piano Playtime. 9.15-Program Pre,iew. II.3G-CBC News. r.20-South c-f the Border.

1l.05-Club ~90. 4.30-Sunday afternoon· at 590 i !'p.OO-News in a Minule. lUI. and Jl/ews.. I 10.OO-High Adventure.

. Orchestra. 6.0~Mighly Mouse Pla)'hou~'. ' 7,30-News. 6.31}-l'iews Headlines. 7.31-The Road Show. 6.35-Summer Thealre.

II.36-Direcl Reports. 9.30-Tops in Review. I.U-Records at Random. IO.30-News.

12.0Q.:.1'lews. 5.15-0utdoors In Newfound· I iO.30-News. 8.3I}-New! and Weather. , S.OO-Local News an,l

IO.~Arthcrs. iO.35-Graftolls Hour. 12.05-Club 590. land.. 1O.45-Sports.

6.OG-Ave Marie Hour. la.55-Houseparly and New,. 8.31-The Road Show. I • Weather.

, O.UO-··l'iews. ! ~. 15-l'iational New5. 10.1;;-lris Power 1l.00-BBC Variety. IOZ-For Comull1er~. 11.30-~lusical Program, IO.:J6--llusic ill the ~Iornilli l1.45--Sacred Heart Program. lO.U-BBC Variety. 1·.~1. 11.l~~lornin~ ~luskale. 12.00-BBC News. 11.~Rcgina :llcBridge. 12.1O-Musical Progra·m.

l1.00-BBC News. 12.l5--Junior Farm Broadcas!. U,lG--AnDouncers Choice. 12.15-Junior Farm Bruadeast u'l~Farm Broadcasl. 12.30-World Church News. 12.~Mid Day Serenalle, 12.4S-Program Resume. 1.~Doyle Bullelin. 1 I.OO-Do)'le Bulletln. Ll~llusical PrOl;ram. , 1.15-~lusical Program. l-»-CBC News and Weather i L3U-CUC News and Weather. l.4S--A LoI'e to Remember. I 2.00-~lusical Pro£ram. l.OO-Words with ~Iusic. 1.4~Camera Club. 2.29-Dominion Obs. Time 2.15-:'lovie Scene.

Signal. 2.29-Dominlon O!1serl'at a r y 2.30-Holiday. Time Signal. %.4S--Tommy Hunter Show. 2.30-Here's Harmony. S.l~Performers Showcase. 2.45-This Week. 3.30-Ncws and Trans Canada 3.00-~!usical ProgrRm,

Matinee. 3.15-Presentation of Colours. 4.JG-Winnipeg String Orch. H5-Bmbali Game of the 5.oo--cBC News. Day. 5:OS-Platter Parade. I 6.00-l'olusicRI PrOl;ram. 1.3G-Fisherie~ Broadea~t I 7.00-CBC News and Weather. 1.~Musieal Proiram. I 7.1S-Hymns 01 Prillse. I.OO-!ntermeuo. . 7.30-~lusical Program. fi.3G-Supper GUe!>t. I 7.45-DoYle BuiietJn. •. 4S--You·\'I' Got to Krep 8.15-Nfid. SporUi RoundUp.

TryinJ:. 9.uI}-Pr~irie Schooner. T.06--CBC Ncl\'~ and Weather. 9.:10-Leicester Square. T.I~)lusical Program. 10.UO-Ca C'est ~Iontrcal.

VOCM FRIDAY, Augult 28th.

6.30-News and Weather. 6.35-Breakfast with Bill 6.55--News. 7.00-Breakfast with Bill.

. 7.30-News and Waterfront Directory.

7.35-Breakfast With Bill 7.55-News. B.OO-Torbay Weather. 8.05-Breaklast with Bill. B.25-News. 8.30-Hit Tune 01 the Day a.35-Sportsea5t. B.40-Breakfast with Bill. 8.S5-News. 9.00-Mornln, Date. 9.15-Linda's First Love. 1I.30-Mornin, Date.

IO.OO-News. lO.OS-Stork Cluh. lO.l5-Juke Box Jamborce. IO.3O-Juke Box Jamboree. 1O.55-News. 11.00-Wilf Doyle Show. 11.55-News. 12.00-~!idday Melodiel. 12.30-New!. 12.35-RambUng with Recorda 12.45--Fisherman's Forecast. 12.50-Rambling with Records

~.30-Twilight Hour. 1230 ' I ' -:-\ews.

7.aO-Spotlight on Memorial . 1!.33~Houscpartl'. Universltv. .

7.15-Sunday Evening at 590. ! tOl-Queen ami Si~n Oll.

B.OO-Take it Crom.Here. i SATURDAY. Augult 29th. S.3G-Sunday Evemng at 590 , i\.~1. 9.?O-Phlltl Viln~e.. 6.30-The Bob Lewis Show. 9.30-Sunday evenmg at 590. 6.30-Nflti. NeIl'S and Weather !l.45-NeIVs. 64 d' N d

100O-Th" S . O-Hea llne ews an . 15 15 my tory. Forecast.

IO.30-Sunday .evening at 590. 7.00-Can. News and Sports. IU.45-Spol'lcast. 7.05-Local Weather. 10.5S-News. 7.15-NlId. News and Sports. 1l.GO-Torbay Weather. 7.30-News and Weather. 11.05-Club 59G. 7.45-News Summary. l.OO-Close DowD.

CJON F R I DA Y, August 2Sth.

B.OG-Nfid. ·News. B.05-Prov. :"\ ews. B.l5-Shipping Report. 8.20-Kiddics Corner. S.30-Nfid. News and Weather

B.30-The Bob Lewis 6.30-Nl1d. -,",ews. 6.35-Weather.

Show. 9.GO-General Provincial News 9.05-The Bob Lewis Show.

IO.OO-Nell's in a Minute. I 6.45-Headline

Wenther. "eli's and IO.01-;'!artin's Corncr.

7.00-\,l1d. News and Sports. 7.05-Local Wealher.

10.15-\'0 Love for Linda. lU.30-Ncws in a ~!inute.

10.31-Who's That Singing. 7. I 5-:";cll's. ,IG.45-Top Twenty·Five Tunes

. 9.27-News, Sporu & Weather.' 8.3D-Shcriff of Cochise. 9.30-Sulld"~' S~huul uf the 9.00-Cross Current.

Air. 10.DO-News in a Minute. 1O.D1-Week in Review. lO.30-News in a ~1inute.

10.31-World's Concert Hour . Il.OO-News in a Minute. ,1l.OI-Chapcl for Shutins. 12.00-News in a Minute P.~t

• 9.3u-Suspicions. : IO.30-Who Knows. : \I.OO-Don ~Iesscr. 111.3D-Cavalcade of Sport.,. lZ.l5-Jim Coleman SllOW.

i 12.31}-~ews and Weather. I

SATURDAY, August' 29th.

12.01-Vera Lynn Show. 12.30-News in a minute. 12.31-Party Line. 12.45-Provincial Ncws Round·;

2.2.)-Ill~ Four Footb~11 ~.Ol}-Rin Tin fin. 6.~tl-llopalong lassidy. 7.0l}-Walt Disney Presents. S.UU-:'Ii ews and \\ cather. up.

1.00-News in a Minute. l.Ol-Longinc's Symphonetle l.30-Provincial N eWI. L45-Business Week. 2.00-Nms In'3 Cllinute Z.01-Road Show. q

2.30-News. 2.31-Road Show. 3.0G-News, Sports & Weather" :l.OI-Road Show. 3.30-Ncws. Sports & \Veath,~r :t31-Road Show.

8.15-:'IIalional :'·IWS. S.30-Ivanhoe. 9.00-Swing Easy.

I 9.30-Perry Presents. .IO.30-:'I/aked City. . Il.OO-Great 1Ilovies. l.OO-~ews and Weather.

SUNDAY. August 30th.

7.30-Hound the \\'urld :,\·cws. tl.OO-:-'ews in a ~Iinute. 7.35-Complete Weathcr I'ore ! 11.Ol-Top 'l'wenty.F·ive Tunes' " e~s!., • ' 12.00-l\ews in a ~linute. 1

4.00-:\'ews, Sports & WeathcJ 4.01-The Road Show.

S.30-Country Calendar. 6.00-Holiday Edition. 7.00-Colonel Flack. j.3U-Uob CllnJmillgs Sholl'. 8.00-Father Knows Best. ~.30-December Bride.

,.50-\\ hal s Cooklll. P.:\!. B.OO-\,fld. \'ews. 12.UI-Top Twenty·Five Tunes.

Artist's Life

G. CLAYTON recently app:inlcd Atlantic Hc~inn of Liquid Air Co . comptelc rr.'ponsi· tile company's ad produetion anci

, lies in the ", I \'cw!aundland. ill c I

plants at tlalifn ;llonctCIl and SI. .John's. roundland. }Ir.\rthev joined Liquid Air as"

i Engineer in 1838. ar.d ',in \'ariou~ co;)3ritics

Compan.l'·s liead Of I \Iolltreal and in : previously \l'a' Ha\itax


9.OO-Rhapsody. 9.30-Ed Suilivan Show.

IO.30-World's Sla: •. 1l.UO-l'layhou," Slag •. J :!/IO-lIi~ )lovir 1~.30-:'ie\\s and ,,'c'ill

. 1~.4U·-Bi~ llilvir

Answer to Previous T.30-Tops Today. I IO.3G-Four's Company. T.~Doyle Builetin. ' 11.30-CBC National New. 1.1~Rawnide. • 11A1l-1.lulic Till Midnite:

1.15-Sportscnst. l.~O-Ramblin, with l.30-News.

8.05-l'rov. Wcnther. I 12.3!J--;o.;cws in a .\linute. Record.! B.IO-The Boh LC\l'i~ SIHIW : 12.~1-Top Twenty·Five Tllnc~

8.15-Shipping neporl. l.GU-Loeal and National Head

4.30-Nell's In a .\llilule. UI-Ilous of Decision. 500-I\'e\\'s III " \lillute. ~.Ol-Seventh Day Adventist. ;l.:lO-LllIl(ll'l'n ~ Stu!',' flllur (jOIl-Nl'\\'

&.3O-Musical Pro~r~ 111 12.05-Si~n Off-O CanadA -I' A.4S--Kitehpn Cornpr. The Queen-Close Down. 1I.00-Repetoirc. I '.3D-Halifax The~trf. SUNDAY, Augult 30th.

lO.OO-El'cntirte. R .. 1G-lllt crlllClc. }().36--Fe~til·al Serip~. J 9.00-CBC News and Weather. U~BC National l"el'l'8 I 9.10-Program Hlghlighta.

Roundup and Talk. 9.15-M<lgic MIllie Box. 9.30-New5.

• 9.35-Post Mark U.K,

1O.00-Maritime Gardener. 10.lS-Neighbourly New •. 10.30-Chamber Music. 11.00-Gower Street United


1.45-Pas5ing Parade (John Nesbitt).

2.00-Music Matinee. 2.55-Newl. 3.00-Dollars OD Parade 3.5~Newl. 4.00-Bob's Bandwagon. 4.05-Western Ji\Il1boree. 4.30-News. l.55-Newl. 5.00-Bob's Bandwagon. 5.30-Superman. 5.4l>-Supper Serenade. 5.SO-Fisherman'l Forecalt. 5.5~NcW5.

8.25--Kiddics Corner. line News .. B.31l-l\fid. :-IcW!. I.tll-l'op Twenty.Five Tunes J G ~U-,'il lh"I1"l~ s L"ureh B.35-Wcalher. 1.05-WeAlher Srrl'll'e 8.40-Bob Lewis Sho". L15-News. 7.30-Pal'liament Hill, a 45 'I . ~lerry Go 14 I 7Ao-The Huad Shuw . -.' ol'mng , . 5-SporL~.

Round. l.45-Art Baker's l\otebook 8.01l-News, Spurt~ & Wealhcl B.55-Just a :'lillule. , 2.00-;-New5 in a ~Iinute.! 8.01-The Hoad Shull' 9.0G-lien. Provincial News. ~.Ul-London Goes Cailing. 8.30-New5 ~purls & Weather 9.05-1.1usic for :'1i11l0ns. 3.00-News in a ~llnute. 8.31-Hoad Show. 9.30-Bob Lewis Show. 3.Dl-London Goes Cailinl(. 9.00-News Sports & Weather:

'"' I .' 9.01-Road Show. . ' 9.45-Prodigal Husband. Provinclal News I 4 0" \" t J b 9.30-News. Sports & Weather IO.OO-News in a :'linute. . d- ,es ern am oree. 9.31-Road Show.

lO.OI-~!artin's Corner. 4.30-News. < 9,45-DOSCU t>ews.

10.1" Made for each other. 4.33-Western Jamboree. or- IO.OU-News in a Minute.

10.33-Wh3t's Cookin' 5.OG--News. I .

5 01 B b L . lO.Ol-FamilY BIble Hour.

6.1~When A Child Ash

12.1~CBC News and Weather. 12.30-~tusieal Program. 12.4~Reglonal Roundup.

6.00-Bul1etin Board. 6.ll>-Sportscast and

,ulde .. 6.3a-Supper Serena d •. 6.45-News.

10,35-Who Am I? . - 0 CWlS Dance Party, lO.30-News. Travel 10.4< Housel"l'I'es Choice. 6.00-News in a ~linute and

or- y lO.45-Prominent Concert. ll.OO-News In a ~linute. Weather.

l.15-Eric Abbott at th. Piano.

l30-BBC News. 1.4~Sunday Miscellany. 2.00-Continenlals. 2.29-Time Signal. 2.30-Satellite Seven. 2.45-Hegional Weather 3.00-Son+l~ of Prai~e.

7.00-Shlllelagh Showtimc. 7.15-Shiilelagh . Showtime. 8.00-Cream 01 the Crop.

, 9.45-News. I to.OO-- VOCM All Time Hit

I Parade. IO.30-Eventide Medita tionl. 10.4S-Sportscast. IO.55-News. ll.OO--Torbay Weather

Il.OI-Rev. Matthew. 6.05-Bul1etin Board. 72~5-News. 11.3nHonour Your Partner. 6.1O-National New.;.

v- 6 15 S 12.20-Houseparty. l2.GO-News in a Minute. . - ports. 123n .

6.25-Provincial News. '. v-News in a MInute 1

12.01-Swift !lIonel' Man. 630 P'I Th 12.3S-Houseparty. " 12.30-Nell'~ in a ~Iinute. . - .n. eatre. 10n N d , 7.t){)-Nrws in a Minute. . v-l ews Rou~ up. 1 12.33-TolI'n and Country. '7.01-Cllib 93. L01-Sign Off.

l.OG-Local and National 7,15-The 1I0metowners. Hcauline News. 7.30-Prol'incial Newl and

l.OI-Towne and Country .• I, Bullelin Board. 1.l5-);cws. BOO" . 'I' t 1.35-1'~(ll·l·orl·al Conlmen!. . -.,eIYS m a .. lnu e. I' . 9.01l-News in a ~linute. SUNDAY. Augult 23rd.

VOWR SUNDAY, Augult 30th.

ACROSS .\~ RosIer 60 He h\'cd 905 I Animal arlist,

h years -Bon cur 61 Gal! mound

5,'lcmhh 6~ Cere.1 I[rains I"inter,

~ir Anlhony DOWN -Dyc~

8 Dutch painler, Frans -

I~ Level 13 Anger 14 Century plon\ 15 Glade

(comb. form) 1~ Grab 171lalian

:;culp:or, L"onc -1

18 Peacefol '20 Solar disk.! 21 Requisite 24 Fat 28 Italian

painter, Santi -

l3 European blackbird

34 Card game 35 Feminine


I Itatian painter. Guido-

2 Above 20 High 3 Sprinkling mount,in 4 Presently 22 Relin"", 5 "Mona Lisa" 23 Dutch

painter, measures L<!onardo 24 Shea! da - 25 Mr. Lugosi

6 Brazilian 26Iroquoian macaw Indian

7 Pen point 27 Thiele slice 8 Lame 29 Demigod 9 Toward the 30 Arabt.n gul! 50

sheltered side 31 Grafted (hrr.) .it . , 10 Diving bird 32 Scottlsh milS 52 Hol'" 11 Oriental c<>ins 34 Raw silk 51 Uroll1t\ 19 sum" weight 55 fml\'

36 psel9ionym o! I-c:--t--t--+-l ClInics Lamb

n Th" .... ~ I;;;-++-r--j~r­,lo\llS



3.30-News. 3.33-Capitol Report. 4.00-ReJigiou! Period. 4.30-Winnipeg Concert. 5.30-News.

1 L!5-:\lu;ic from Old l.OO-Close Down.

~Iili 11..44~ SAPrOtrBIS,:lker's ".'otebook. 9.0t-Sall'ation Army. ,lUI. ..-- ., 9.30-Nell's. • IO.OO-Tpll m a Story. I I

2.00-NelVs in a ~Iinute. 9.31-Let's Sing a Hymn lO.l5-StoJ'ytime Il'ith Nancy

3A Soak< hemp 39 Scott i,h

portra i lL,-t, Sir Henry

5.33-Canadian RecilalisUi. 6.00-CriticalJy Speaking. 6.30-Take it From Here. 7.00-Come AI! Ye Round. 7.31}-~lusic In Miniature. R.OO-New~. B,05-nCj!iol1al News and

Weather. R.1~ln Reply. a,30-Summer StAge. 9.30-Nfld. Program From Lon


9.45-:"iotes and Cumment!. lQ.OO-Chlcho Valee.

PUT YOUR MONEY TO WORK ••• ,,\ \ \ '1' I / J

IA,Irlll", TltUaT co

88li 13 P ~~~:-: ___ ... 8",,8~~. ,,~E'




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Deposit Accounts w.ith chequ­ing privileges, with interest paid on minimum quarterly balance.

Write, Phone or Call today for your supply of Deposit-by-Mail envelopes,


• Brand,., Acroll Canada

SATURDAY, Augult . lUI.

29th. 2.03-Gerry Wiggins Show. 9.45--DOSCO News. Edward~. 3.00-Nell'; In a ~Iillute. . IG.DO-Nell's in a Minute. 10.30-Hymn,; We Lovr.

I 6.28-0n the Air 6.3l}-News .and Weathcr. 6.35-Breakfast lI'ith Bili. 6.S5-Ne\\'s. 7.00-Breakfast With Bill. 7.30-News and Waterfront

Directory. 7.35-Breakfast with BlII. 7.55-Ncll's. B.OO-Torbay WeOlther. 8.05-Breakfast witb BlIi. a.25-Ncws. 8.31}-Hlt 01 the Day. a.3S-Sports Calendar 8AO-Breakfast with Bill. 8.55-News. 9.00-BreJk!ast with Bill. 9.:J!J--llig Six Prugram.

1O.OO-News. 1O.05-Stork Club· 10.15--Jukebox Jamboree. IO.5~-N eli's.

\ 1l.OO-Jukebok Jamboree. 1l.30-Reddy's Varieties. P ,1\1. 12.00-NewB. 12.05-Millday Melodiel. 12.l5-Canoda at Work. 12.30-N elI'S. 12.3~Rambling with Records. 12,45-Fishcrman's Forecast. 12.50-Rambling with Records. 1.1:i-SpOrl~['a~l

1.20-RamblinK with Records. 1.3U-:-iews 1.45-Constabulary Report. 2.GO-Nfld. Bandstand. 2.55--News. 3.00-:'H1d. Bandstand 3.55-News. 4.00-Bob's Bandwagon. 4.55--New5. ~.OO-Bob's Bandwagon. 5.30-Supper Serenade. ~.50-Fisherman's Forecast 15.05-Ne\u. 6.00-Bulletin Board. 6.lS-Sportscast and

Travelogue. 6.3Q-Supper S.erenade. 6.45-Newl. 7.00-Sblllelagh Showtlme. B.OO-Cream of the Crop. 9.4~News.

10.00-VOCM All Time Hi! Parade.

SUNDAY, AUllust 30th. A.M. 6.30-Sunday Breakfast Club

News. 7.30-5t. Anne's Shrine of the

Air. . 7.4~Sunday Breakfast Club

and'New!. a.30-0ral Roberl!!. 9.00-Revival Echoes

lD.OD-News. . IO.OS-Old, Old Story. ID.3G--Frank and 1m. 1O.45-Bihle Talk. 1l.OO--Church Service. P.~.

12.15-Sunday !ier.nad~ . 12.30-News.

3.01-Western Jamboree. 10.01-The Barn Dance. ' 1 0.45-0rgan ~Iusic. 4.DO-Gen. Provincial News. lO.30-National News and .\ll'; . 1l.OO-Church Sen·ice. 4,33-Western Jamboree. sages. '12.00-Selected. 5.00-:\'ews in a Minute. 10.45--The Housep~rty. 112.15-~lusical 'Ioments. 5.0G-Bob Lewis Dance Party II.UO-l"ews in a Minute. ' 12.30-Poctry of Sheiby. R.OO-News in a Minute. 11,Ol-I!ouseparly. 2.45-)lusic for ~leditation. 6.02-What's Cookin' 12.00-News in a Minute. 6.0l}-Music of the 'lasters. 6.05-Builetin Board. A .. \1. 6.30-Hospital and Other Re· 6.10-NatiQnal News. 12.D1-House party. ports. 6.15-Sports. 12.30-Ne\\'s Roundup 6.45-The Art of Lil'ing. 6.25-Ncws. 12.~5-Houseparty. 7.00-Religiaus service from 6.30-P.M. Playhouse. l.OO-News in a Minule. Wesley United Church. 7.00-News in a ~linute. l.Ol-Houseparty. 8.00-Instrumental Music.






I S.pecial Small quantity of plastic SWIMMING POOLS (large sizes) from $49, - up.







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A.deilid. Moton New G01"H' SL

into a positiu 142-pound ; The ~atelli(

te yet lal approach to E



Page 9: Sons ., S Ike In London , Curtain · , and then heard it Full ,Iates of c~ndHlates havr ,Ull but that it

• \ rf'u"",,, ~Urf'

'1 n\ If'

. <


• cAT is ~'our

:':. It J"P to on Motor Oil 0f oil in one, :n l.djusts autQ;: <! the atrelllC

. cr.~De under­c. See us sooa .'C! ~ cns:ine ("1.11

• . 1 . Od Prcmlllln .


NEWS, ST. JOHN'S NFLD" FRI A.uU.G~U~S~T~2~8,:..1!.!9.:!:59~ __________________________________ ~ ______ 9 __

~~~----------------~---- #' . ,

World Events In Pictures £


':'\ '\ \TR.\L. FL.-\.-This is the "paddle\\"h eel" E:-;p\'rer XI satellite, with its paddle·like ,'anes' .:C ;, po.,itiull >Imilar to tbe one it took ill ~pace after its hlunching from Cape Canaveral, Aug.

.. ;~·~'()und aluminum·coated satellite was carried aloft by a three·stage Air Force Thor·Able ::c ,alcllilc achie\'(~d orbit and, if all go (:s well. it will achieve the longest and flattest orbit

.·,<:e \'ct launched, .. 23,000 statute miles at its farthest point (apogee) and 160 miles at its ':'.:,'1 to E'11'1h 'Fcri,~ee·1. The satellite carries 15 major exr:::l'iments which will i:ive scient· ...: : ::iorm3 tion for later probes to :Mars and Venus,·-( UPI Telephoto)

BROOKLYN, N.'I'.-Fire and police emergenc:_ (l'U lb .,land olltsjrJ(' ,ill' ldClu\,: ur the RadiO HcceptoL' ElectroJ1lcs Corp, (at 240 Wythe Ave.) here recen[]\', after cieadh' nitric acid fumes filled the base­ment of the building and escaped into the street. Tll irty·(hree pe~sons \\'(,re injured bv the fumes, with eight of the victims being hospitalized. Police said u truck was empt\'ing its load of ~cid into tanks at the. factory when I lOose connection apparently cau "ed the aci~ to spill from the feed line.-(UPI Photo)

"', ~ ",- ,:;,


. ""', ••••••••••••••

T-Gen. Lyman L. Lemnitzer, U.S. Army C1llef of St8ff examines the uniform and gear ,:lier of the Future," being modeled by Sgt. Donald H, Kinige, of Wacanda, Ill., at the

ing of the Associa tion of the United Sta les Army. Gear consists of infra·red devices, jump he:met and M·14 rifle. Center backbround is model of space vehicle which Boeing Airplane.

be capable of carrying man to other planets,-(UPI Telephoto)

CHICAGO-Fidel Castro, Jr. 10,~·e8.r·olcl son of Cuban Prime I\Iinister, .... ·a\·es to Chicagoans as he arrives here with his friend Nelson Aspuru. 15. Havana. Cuba. Young Castro, accomp:mied by u.~~

security agents, was met b~' local police and detect I\·es. Boy plans to attend Pan-American games opell ing here this week.-(UPI Telephoto)


"-- ---.

Canadian Pianos Open a whole new world of music to YO,ur child, with one of these fine Canadian pianos. Each combines attractive, modern case work with b~u'ifultonal quality and easy-touch action. Model No. 114 has practice pedal. You'll have a lifetime of satisfaction and enjoyment with one of fhese handsome Can­adian pianos in your home. Choose one now at our big trade-in saving.

walnut or mahogany

$ • , '.

and back to • • •

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Trade-in for your old •

plano or. organ ,~. I~

STEERS lTp. ~~ 80021


. (


. , '-:\>.~

.-.: .

Page 10: Sons ., S Ike In London , Curtain · , and then heard it Full ,Iates of c~ndHlates havr ,Ull but that it

. !. , • f. I ,I,:

J. I' JI.


, {.·l .~


'I ,I I

if 1..

! , !



, . , , I: .

, . \

, " .


. ;.



·"Belmont Scores


Quartette Success"


TOP 10 (Contest Entry Form)

(1) WATERLOO ................................. . ., .... . . By DICK KLEINER 1 name", he says. "He'll tell me (2) WHAT A DIFFERENCE A DAY

NEW YORK (NEA) - Rock· ' sometlme5 that it comes from . and·roll may not be every.. the DIonne quintuplets, and (3) body's cup Dr tea, but even ." sometimes helll l8y It'. the longhairs should be happy for last two syllables of accordion. (4)


BIG HUNK OF LOVE Dion. I honestly don't know where

Not yet 20, he's a success. they got it-but I like it." (5) Dian and the Belmonts, his His quartet-Carlo, Fred, vocal group, are a current Angelo and himself, although (6) rage. Their Laurie singles and Angela is currently in the (7) the Ol\f albUm they've made Navy-are all 'Bronx boys. sell records. And 'alt this Dion wanted to call them means, (0 Dian, a dream come .1 "Dian and the 183rd Street. (8) true. . ers", but since 'two of the boys I (9)

He's bought I new house, i lived on Belmont, Ave, he I for hi; parents. away from i was outvoted.' , (10) THERE GOES MY BABY 183rd St. in the Branz. where I ! . he grew up. The new home is . • And they're an odd assorl·: Supplied through the courteollsy o(

Finally we manaked 10 gel.are that everyone present had Igrnde Xl. exam,. I sec that Ell in suburban Ardsley, :oI.Y. I. ment. Carlo is a jazz nut. i OIiI you til pige back on ached· i a wonderful time. So, belated nnd Bern Billard have purchas. "I'm So hRPP :vto be mol", ~mcs. wcre, rough. So nol

w , FTcd goes for stnct rock·and·, ulf. You hive no d.ollbt notic'l birthday rlTeetings to vou, Eliz·' ed & beautiful Vanguard and ing" he says "Where I grew', Inn s ·Iat,ler IS proud y, 11 A 1 t' '" . e' " ' . . . , ." h' t·· I j o. nge o. ,Ie .,a\'\' man, I' rd that in the past two wreks: abeth Marsnall. sure looking smart in it, watch up Is 8 tcmble neIghbor·, II alc,llng IS. Son hi lump 1. n, an opera buH-"lIc kills me". , lhiJ youth page appeared on a' out Girls. Congratulations to the hood. And my fathrr I5 so the same husilless t at demed, says Dinn. "berause his favor.

WHAT DID I SA.Y .................... . ... , ...... " ... THE THREE BELLS ..................... .

'''' ..... ,' LAVENDER BLUE ..................... ..


LONELY BOy .....

Free Record Cont SaturdlY Ind then on last ~Ion·: Dance At Sl. John's senior caps. on Ihe proud of me-I made It, 8nd, 111111. hl~ glory. . I il~ singer Is :\'el,on F.dclv." I d ""- f h' f d" I I r d h didn't" Dian s name Is rcall\' DlDn .... . ." :

IY· Ill" reason or t IS nell '. winn ng 0 the all Newfoun' l e " . ' . D: B 't D' " Don hl!melf grcw up IOI'Ing' iJ bp~.u5e of the occurrence ofl H I' d land senior baseball chnmPion'

l Dian s lather is a proless!O~., Plonou~l~e~ ee on. dUI ~on~ hillbilly mllsie. particularly Come on 2nd II''.' \'flUr lwk ~I Iii'· r

• holiday In the middle of the 0 0 'hip Gerry Critch has a &eeret aI, too. He is one of the Mart n ,~ nonsl e \II n. goo· 00 In . Hank Willinm~' . . ' , n· •• k Ind lobe I th I yro h 't th bId wh h' Brothers a puppeteer team i 11OY, doesn't have the Sli~htestl~ .. record contest. XO stnngs ~Itadlpr\. ;;:1 '~'ll ~« a s eau~~ 0 e ear ro won er a 5 e' , . 1'( f· P t tl II t th ' 1 hi h k 'that alwav~ did faIr Iv well but· Idea 1I'1ere I comes lorn.. u lem a o~e er.· do is identify THE TOP TE:--l TI"\vr . f retlon, ",. c too up qUl\e a --.- I could be, anyone know? Graham i h th d cline of ~audevlile, 1 "~!y father kids about m,' i they !pel! red hot. I .' , . .~'.. .,~ , lot of space and time. However, Each Sunday mght, the rouths I Duffett aure has I cute looking w tee : orlow land you may WJn yOUl'ocl f tlln flee here we are back on our regu· and youthful adults In the dis· steady. Saw Flora MacDonald T . 10 the \'alue of $ donated h\' tlw m;;I1"" lar Friday morning scl1edule lrict of Holyrood and the out· and Melvin Guuwell driVing T' TINe ht At il' . . . CT" \ r' . oE. Ind a very pleannt good morn· lying areas hold a dance In the around town, they sure make II eenage a ent 19 opsa I \.ne Ml'SICAL CLO l\. on \ aler Stipe!.. 1111 to you. new Holy CrOSl School hall, at nice pair. How's our T.V. liar. HERE'S HOW

Rprnre I ~o on, let me ex· Holyrood. Reports are that a (~!ouse) enjoying reading this .~

!~~:' ,~;~'t I~~,II~~;:: :1~~,t~ln:: . ~~r:~,~~~)~ fl~:~~l:1 ~/"~I~~:I~~~~: ~~!O~:!\edMofr~~~~:~ i;a:t~il ~::. By BILL WESTCOTT I .. ' .... '.': .. i .... '.,.,~.""<.,'> .. '.l,. ... · ... ~ .. ~"''''''''*. ""P, .. ,,;r;. J!,¥ <9~:!, •.. th_ 11",1 [0\\ wr,·k,. ai,,, [," I'l'd I"P " I'('pod on it. I in~ trouble with a certain little If there were any real, ~ ~. .. ~n"r ",a,,, fi",· 1'''''''''''111' Th,' I"II'I!' \1':1, ~ull;.II~d by miss Ihose days, ! wonder just truth in the statement, "We p"",.rl our "",'. J """rt' 1I'1',f nll.ll('.< nrdH's:ra au,l some' who she is? Birthday greeti~s had a ball" that's what could ';~: . >\t. . ...r ~n" Ih.·, aro crr"tl~ appre· .70 I" 100 rork 'n rollers allend· 10 Helen ~~cNiven Who is cele. be said by nearly two hundred ',~. ""~>' . 'l':

1 I . . rock 'n rollers Irom St.John's'>'. ., ~ riO 1" ~n,· III''''. rei. ,II had a 'l'ol\llol'ful l,me. ur"ling her Birthday today. '. \("" T Till.' "'rrk f",·col.' ')111' 1':'" .\~IOII~ Ihe man." he ~piedl GOln~ steady Rre: Sandy Gre· ~u:u~~yr~ts~ on Friday night. r <'T"·:,~:c:i'~". '. . .•. "11

~,le nf ,"n,:Il' "'I~ '):Il" :ic.I:'1 1". "Tcr. ,1111', liic~l·)·. TOIll Kielle)·., ely _nd Wally :'lcGrath, Gcrry CAME ONE, CAME ALL ,.' ... ,....... . " .. :~ j , I::~:I ,,·r~I'p·. ,;",. ,,,,,,,,1) I,,'· ~l~""i,'I' lIici;c!'. reg,;.\' \\'nl,h. 1 Pr"dh,~m and Marie Dinn, Bill k , Nearly 250 music lovin' roc. ¥ r'l!'r nf Iii,· "if·.-cl"·!I,';,·>lI.',,,,·' r:1I ('rawlr\, .. rim .Browne, Wil· \\'illiams and Myna KleBy, Liz" '; 'n rollers from St. John's and ' .. ';"..£.' "', ~f \ "01'1, I',"''''!(' li,'rl"~ HII' 111'1': Furl'.\'. ['ric Brrne. Bill Rose and Kip Malone. the various little settlemenls 1. \/.. .. r'"'''''' OI"I'k. I rl', rll,'rl ""I.",, H)Tllr ... \[011 :>["loney, Shc~ln Pe!;gy Is not going around outside even as far as Holy· ~."" ..L . f··w Irt~rr~ frnm )11" ~IIn Ill' ('r,,\\'lc),. Geraldine Hawco, Jim with Birdie any more. rood flocked to the nell', V 'c,,' ~.' . "'ttl .. . r"ilr'~ J,k. 1 -",n brlllrL'. I, '·.1>c)" ~!arie Hawco, Joan Jim Young is spending his Chu~ch of England parish ( ; T P'1\ bc <,HI:.'I'h",c in Ihe· Byrne and Bob ~!orrissey.. annual leave from Camp Peta· hall situated on the old C.LH .• r ...... .. I/·"'~<'·':.':",,; Ilpse 01 111'0 or Ihree night5. So I .These dan~es are a weekly wnwa, with his parenta. grounds at Topssll. Despill' . . .. lalnoeedlYOt:RdhCIPt ankdocco.op:rr· pre,cntadllon and we hlope tiD I glet Oh well'kenoU?h'S enough, ikO heavy rain and wind'blnot onl' ~':";;" .• ' Inn or er a " p C I III are an more news rom 0 y. I'll br bac again next wee wanted to miss the g C('II' --,:-:: '7" ..

goin'o' nc. again 1 aill as" "ou i rood 8S t tsimed


Sthee with lots ansd lots 01 h)'our bits age talent night. Tldle ocl.casi"II,I] . .. ~ "' .•. :,':'Jt'j : ~ ... . you nex un ay mg a e and piece.. ee you ten. 01 course, to awar pr zes ... j ~r ..

I(l send In your listings hi~ danee at Holy Cro~s Hall in any talenled teenager who ...• ,/~ , .helher It be a ~Insle Ren· Holyrood. At Sunshine could perform, danrr, Sing. ~n~t for bits and plece~, or or pl~y anything Irum rork I full ItOry Ibout a party, 'n roll to Porgy 'n Bess.

"'rlner r03,t, naner etc. Bits And Pieces C mp SEVERAL ENTRIES t::'tr)lhing "'ill be Included . a Thi~ contest, sponsored b)'

and \lith lot~ of hplp. our The following 15 ~ list of the Speech Studio, under lile ~oulh parade will be a sue· i Here's a lew more 01 those patienls at the Sunshine Camp I direction of Mr. Fred Davie,: rr~~. ! crazy hils and plcce~ for this I who are reported well and· got underwRY approxlmatrl) All ~ou h;;1 e 10 do i5 drop, week. keep sending them in and happy. Thi~ 'list is submitted: 9 p.m. and lasted lor nearly

'~cm In an rll1riope and ao., \\'ell keep 'er gain. through tile cOllrtesy 01 the one and a hal! hours. There orcs,er.. It. • I wonder who Geraldine HoI· Junior Red Cross: Felix ~!artin, were several entries and com·

A;; I sair!. try your luck ~'1rl ~pp if ic1entlfy the top ten tunes for lhi, ·.':eek. appear below. the are scrambled. Place .?ach, the number which you think they our current hit parade.

When you ha\'e completed nUlll'oering elmp your entry in an envelope and a louth Parace Contest, CO Elll "\. DAILY NE'NS. REi\lEMBER, don't forgel t ~our name, address and phone llUll\'JCr

"aper and attach it to your COUpOI\ .. \1\ lJe in before Wednesday.

Wa trh til is page for next week', Ilil ky· .


'~'~:': .. ':' .. /~?;"~ > .F~,;;;-" '0

~ f1L TIl PARADE. : lihan i~ daling now. or If she st. Vincent's: Edward O'Keefe, petltlon, according to the op· ~. " Bill \\'cscolt. ond ,Terry Kiss are still going Bishop'! Falls: Ivy Blanchard, plause of the audience, was '.' '''''< "" -_.' The Daily :\ew~ : Slrong. ~Iaureen B. and Gerald ~!clvers, Bay of Islands; Gerald I'ery close. There was murh: jl'J:.'; i .:..:;j ""/

,n~ I'll take OHr Irom Ihere. S. are slill ~olng slrong. I won· Barnes Bell Island: Gerald fine talent displayed and )lr.-~ - ,?\': '/.~i"':,t:' ;,>:.), ~o until 1 hear from ~ou.: Orr il ~!argaret ~lcCarthy II s.till Munde~, Bllr~t Island: Linda ~a~less~~s q~~;:n~~~PrlS~o~I~~ JERRY CHAYTOR '>f: '" ~.... . " ,. ,-Q

Ibank~ ~ lot. : ~OIng down to Terrenceville Rowsell, uadlng Tickles; Pius n lid ut oi st. ~leew following the Ihow, that Age Talent Night in !5t."M~. L,:ili;:5 •. [:, :- .. : :'. : a~ain Ihis year, who'~ the big Walsh; Flowers Cove; ~1ichael ~e~p, e n an 0 - was glad to see so many John's, maybe at the Prince' , ~, ' -,. . B irlhd ay Party : atiraction down til ere Marg! Hawco, Holyrood: John Hanna· a C~~ etltion ranged from t~enagers take. a.n interest In of Wale. Arena. ThiA conte~t i't; ;':i,l,:;:=',~,:·. . . : I wonder why she never goes ford, Goulds; Nellie Bryant, I ging p to dancing duel! and I hIS weekly actlVllles Ind he will be run on the same style 'r; ;\""7;1l~'-.· .. - '.0

_~ 'skating now that she's New perlican; Linda Kenned)', 5g~ltar accompaniment and' ~a~~ente~ t~ t~~lr gentle· ~5 rtt~e one at Topsall and., ~ t'+"Lr~~ ~ t, ..

On ~!onda\' AU~lIst 241h. a. from csmp7 Errol Hand and II Lond Pond, Manuels; HlIda even as far as group singing. po t y adn t a tt l e manners u er particulars will be;;S;I1'i-~~};l.;, ~.~; .•...

.. , , " ;~. I

" . - . ...-' t"-. ;J .

1 •

,." \' • . . l_~}; "",-"~ -'" r , ..


birth";,' parl'l: was held in hon'l couple of his friends took I Power, Grand Falls; Isobel There were approxImately H r ~aye a ese activities. carried In tuture Issues of )ii;<tiC~-.!. 'f.." .~ .-,. ~ur of \liss Elizabeth '!arshnll trip to Gander last week by car, Howell, Green's Harbour ,Trin·

I' seven entries, ranging from e opes to organize a Teen· youth Parade.~"; ;"'1 .'. -;..;.., ,., f'- .s;.

01 Sf. John's who celebraled her' thcy really enjoyed it too. DiaD !ty Bay; Jean Young, Flat Bay, group singers. the Jags from ,':f ~ ·4 t.J ,- • bIrthday on Ihat day. I Colebou~ne and Geof.f Levlt~ St .. George's; Frances Ryan, Pepperrell; Duet", Maureen H II d L d '<:'.;' , r':" ;:1 ~l ;--- .

Highlights' 01 the night were Isure ~nJoy the boat rldlng of Spnngdale; Joseph RYle~, Cor· and Sheila Hurley, st 0 ywoo OW own \':-'-i~' .:: fiT- ~-, dancing to the music of Elvis, Topsail Beach. Howard Fequette ner Brook; Anthony. 0 Toole, John's; tap dancing, Joan "', ·:-·i .,; .t"-:' -., ~ .,


\ Fabian Pat Boone. Rickey is gone home for good. Kay Port Au Mal; Ell Luscombe, Brennan, St. John's; Judy 1

Nelson' and lots and lois of! Power is still hard at work. Badger; Camilla Haire, ,Riwr Stase.y, rork and roll singing: HOLL YWOOD-:'I!artha HY'I Ame~ica's naval hero for the ;\'Ir. Bern Tl'icco of Portugal CO\ e other fa mow Rock 'n Rollers. I' aliI' ,ummer ~ollda)'s yet Kay? He~d,. Harbour Grace: r raser Moms Kennedy, r?ck an~, er is lhe latest ~tar signed 20 (J COOO passenger; travel· 1 smiles happily just after he had beer, ;;.".,,' '

Among the man), who allend· I hear th"t Sidney Sweetapple Edison, Botwood; Arthur Mc· roll singing, dlspla): 'tJ~:r~! for Warner Bros. "Ice Pala['e," 1 ing llie canal yearly ... Sam· 'IJair of roller ska les and boots frum tr.e rd were Juri\' Valli~. Derek; like the nurses at the (;race Has· Cann, Gull Island, Bay de (Satchmo) Chaytor, H11I a Ion I screeo version of Edna Fer· ucl Goldwvn Is seeking a fa \·&rd~'. Janet' Pelle~·. Bon I pllal. and I believe therc is one I Verde; Freddy Stuckless, Cor· singing; Abe '~Bylor, displav I ber's nOHl. "'llll'h also will 1 muus ~.;egl'O pel'sonalitl' to ()(ficials. Bern \\'on his prize on TliliIY!;II·. Ololhc) 'Ioore~ .. Jan"t :llurrlock' ,perlal onp giVing him some, ner Brook; Deborah Muglonl, of western singing and yodp!· I star Richard Burlun. Hobert i play Jim in "The Ad"eniure' Congratulations to VOll Bel'l1 ']'r~l':') II Robert Frenrh, 'Iar), ;';o,e· trouble lalely. Wendy l'olbour·: Donovans, Placentia; Rila Mc· 11l1g. Gloria Pack gaH 8 flne i Ryun and Carol:. n Jon('S ... , of Huckleberry Finn." I week for 1110rE' photos of \\'illllt'l, o! :IIe warthI'. Gloria Le~!emlrier, • ne was :lccepted lor ,un,;. and Corm irk. (irand Falls: Lindy, display of rol'k 'n roll sing I . 'I' \ I'" Tom ilalida)'. ~Llr Le~!essurier.1 plan 10 sludy EducaHon. best of Carpenter. Bishop's hlls: Ger. nig and 1>Ial')' Luu l'olllu,' Jack Oakie is retlll'lliug to ~'u!\t'r skatll1~ ('Ullte"! --I t'ITa.";' ,°1:,)'.'" .10hn Green and Elizabeth was I luck Wcndy. Marijarct O'Brien aldine Walsh, Holyrood; Wayne ~ave her quile a contest wilh : 1'31'''11I01inl. where he gut hi>' .. ---'-- .. _ .. --_.- .----

. d b h t d J' nd Margaret Westcott returned Kenway Baine Harbour' Lucy her. display of rock 'n roll' stnrt 30 years "go, tu 1'[:10' a, At TIle S·'tadIOum "'lJ1,'I'"ted "olio III hIS )'.011111 aile! ,Iu\ I I.. \i !ccompanle Y er 5 ea y l.n a . " •. indin" also. Last but not I bartender in "The Hat Race" i ' ., r - I"ome thl·· "'-ek after a long Hurlel' KI'ngston Bay de Verde ., ~ " I' ..... '.' 1111.'IIJle tj'"I·""tl"r \0 ;.,"",\ fUlIlIJill II;:', Looper. ,11 ~ "' . I·" I~ast, rockers. Frank Skiffin~' ... "l.uok Back in Allg!'r." i ", ,. < "

Elizabelh wa, presenled wilh 1 tri~ 011 Ihe ~!.V. I\'orlpern Ran'l Maxine Rodilers, Trinit)', Bona· Ion and Ed Pardy reaJly set Warnel',,' rrlca,S of tile pla.I·: ,.... 11!>IIl'lit fllr al'.1 Il'''~liI ot 1.111< ""d,·1. e .~"". lome "ery fine gifls and reportslger. Sandra Hand passed her vista Bay. the hall In motion with a tre. hIt. premieres in -"ew York ill' Ruller skating I~ fil".l rulllll~.~ WIIIIIlIIl '''ppur! uf SUllie kilitl ::,,:~ .,1, .. " .1,,1

mendou5 display of rock 'n Seplember ... J,re Luuis. ex. full guns ,at .Ihe SI. John' TIlHe. is no duubl. that III. 1111; lI'e,I::,,' :;'




II t'tled "Whv Babv heavyweight champ has [arm· ~remonal Stadium Ihese dn)'s. c3'e II paid the LIlI\ed Sioll'.· ro en 1 .' 'I D' I k [ I . . C'lIIgl'"

1 Why" and "Whol lotta shak'in ed his own recording company. ,Uring ast wee' ul attend.: 10 lure the handicapped. For 1',-,);0 ".' I' " I ance wa.~ wl\nessed each and Imlorm"llOn COllcernlllg the h,r· I" .,). II

g~~R~~' FINAL WINNERS . Th.e Museum of Modern Art I every night a roller skating ses. 1 ing of the handicapped. ~ontarl, e~~ \'h~ [0";:' 'n After the contestants had, In ?>i.ew York has 5c.heduled ,IOn was held. The Stadium of· I "The Rehabilitation Branch".' wesl of ~chre,h,):.

performed the judges eon· shOWings of oUlst~n~lng PIC' flelals were pleased to announce I' Department 01 Hcallh. SI., ,ii, -i1O',\, , .<reel •1

sisting of the members' of the tures dlrke.ctPd"cbY ton BFofrfd, that they soon plan to llart the John's, or telephone 75ti4. i iU~~I·. Commanders Orchestra and 10" for Warners ... Anne 'Ban. unl a~i' slg t 8ebSSIOnl, may e now rna mil ap am u a· S d ~. ht" b I _;;=-:;;;::;;::~~~~~=~===;~~ the management called each fit d t I th ear y n ep em er. contestant out on'the stage be· crOtl fS Bexpedc e ,o"Teave f e Last week we spied Lorraine .... ,,J.,..:::7UIDE"

cas 0 roa way s wo or C k B t S " fore the ludl~nce Ind asked th S " f I i in roc er, e ty ummen, Ada b I dl ~ e eesaw soon or a ea Winslow F . O'B' B tt

their opinion. Y a~p au n~ 20th.Fox's "Seven Thieves". . . ,ranm flen, e y 1

Rnd the J!r~atest Rpp,ame WRS Peter Finch, who scored as the Ry~n, Patsy Duff: Jessy Mur· ,Il!\'en !lrst prl7P And thp npxt , nortor 9 .. ith Aunre)' Hepburn P?'~'. Mary Ham1!n,. Maureen,

For fTidlY, Au~ 28

p,.sent-for You and the seronn and ~o .on. .' ill "The );\In's SIOI),," has ar. \\I~lI"ms, Belty R~blnson. Bah Yours ... Your effort .• will be

The Ihree flnalisls (·ho'rn ri\'cn at "'"mor., from Lon. () Kerle. ,r,lX \I'IlI:r, ,like fruitful if you don't succumb ,,"prp GlOria rack. FI'_nk Sk,l· I t ,t·\" I'll "fla"'l-I ("'lie" I Hooclt. Boh H:1)nrs, n;JVP 'l"il.:· 1"" feelin" of fru,tralion. Don't , ) ,. d (on (), I, ~ \.n . ~ , ,'.' l'J

fln~ton ~nrt I a,dy. nn "unie :llIl r l'h.I··' TV scric, will 101. Ron FOlller, \I,dler O· 1,1 outside influence1 hinder .lerry "Satehmo" (,hay·lnr. have to \\',,~~ lili he dnes U·l's I Keefe. P:lt ll:1rri" .lim Hr"n· you. Smile at trouble and pe<>-

FINAL DECISION "Hellbent for Paradise". .• I bur)" Dick Harve,', Boh nn\\'· c..,d fuU' ~petd ahead. ni, is Aller lrelllrndou~ applall~e,' nen, }.cs Xoscworthv. B"bs You· a Rood day 10 aD,wer corrt5-

the fin_I winner; were se· '" W,lrn('I'S h,M' dcc.ided tn use ',nen, Don L"wlor, Helen 'Ir\'i\·· ; rondtnoe. Try 10 confine im. 1 I rt Ii · l I fall Stor" ,1S title for its "11 Bazil t":1~"n Bud ~l"nson ec e an In no one spo. f'l . . II "".. , " pMI.nt appQinlmCDls I., morn-,Tcrrv Chavtor of St. .Tohn'~' I m Vl'l':ilor: III )1'. Bl' lIa dw<1Y, Bern Trieco, Kitty Elllberlc,·., ing boWL . with' his cti~pl;1\' of imitation I. comeri." hit 11I.·;lcocl ?,~ the 111!P liCl'm Connoll)', JO~.I !fcornr.·

I Louie Sall'hm~ Arm~tron~.: tem pOra,l'Il)' USC(!.., Thc \\';1), ,Kevin Fi,her. K~)' ;\lal'lin, En.

I W()n the ~I'cnlpst applausc lhe B,1L R~l!nr'" . : . l'rorlu· : lIalloh"n. Geoff Snow. Pele e'nn· from the erown. ,Terry then r~r Han:y Kurnltz w!lllIO.k In· 'nell.,·, ,John Perr~· . .lack TricrD. ' ucelver! $2~.OO In e~,h from gild Brlgman and Cal.' Cdallt Shirlr.l· 1'o)'lor. En. Green ~nd I

'Mr. Fred Dal'ie~. Second place In a new l'1.)mod), ,romance like Rlld" Baird all hal'in~ nllite &: . .. their "Inclilcreol' "Th" ." wa~ I/i\'cn to FrRnk !'ikllfJn~' 'r d :, ('1' It" e lime Inr them.lcll'p .•. ';\'aich 'next

Past ... On Aug"'t 2g, 1 R3J, Briti,h P1TIi.ment ban~d slav· ery througho<)l.lM: Emrir~. H.d no! Amuici won htt: indcpcnd· <net earlier, thi. xlion would have treed 1iwI II a_ in Illis t T'd" h d" .rall ers 1;11' on Oil' k I on Anrl 1', Pal'"" 'II' II tcamc h' J." 1 ' . t h h wee' or more new~ from the.

up to sin~ twn rnck 'n roll ~In, .1.s. > or.\ .IllS nu~ t Sidium. I coonlry •. , beauties (mentioned ahnvc\.! b) \I BlnelS, has heen chosen I The~e bol's l!lell received set'· ,a.s a,[onlh Cluh i OTlrl pri7.~s 01 slOOO .. Thirn I' sclewlln ... PatnCla ~Iol'ison " pl"cp' was awal'n~rl 10 pretty wlll .p;ay ~e()r~e Sand in Col· 'lis, Glori" Park of St. John's I ~~b:,~' The Franz Llzt for her dLsplay of "Lipslick I' sir) d' . • 17

II " . . ,an ra Dec ·"ear·old ~tar . on your Co ar n very IlIle f "A S 'p' I ,,' : If It were true. R~ .,nme pee>-J...... I d d d Gl .. . 0 ummer ace, snys 1 • .

vu n ee an alia was I h thi k . I I k '. pIP Appr~r 10 bellew. tllnt on pre~ented with third prile of, ~ ed n s t~lr sl OOt' hPtr~ttlel I individual', potentialities are .~ 00 1.0 resses Ian !1 Ig Jeans I' I d b f'· .... . . , , "The Birdman of Alca. 1m t~ ecausa 0 I phYSical

DANe. ALSO traz," Itory of loni.tlme pris. handicap, then the world would Th.IJ talrnt nliht was hlgh· oner Robert Stroud, Is up not be I~ ~ar advanced u it iJ

Mghted by • big dance which again for filming, this time by lo·day. Mllllons of ~ordi would commenced al 1 a.m. and Harold Hecht for United Ar· be needed to menhon .11 phy·

I· with the Commandoes Orch· tlsla ... Warners has made a sieally handicapped men who ntra Rupplylng tile music, deal with an EgypliRn firm to shared In tile making of history.

,rverythln, just hid to be erect a large billboard by the Fer instance, Franklin Delano

I, nip 'II tuelC. Suez Clnal to advertls~ Ro05evelt, one ~ Ihe l1'~atest Mr. DavieJ said In an Inter· "John Paul Jones." film of of the American President."

Health Hint

Future ... 10, flcio: lh. 1960 I"'I"ic>l tX~ted to t.. fi~c"1 ~nJ ~,"dinl npeeled th>1 th",_ill grOAt.,. h.!iC dl Iween the rort1es.



hillie gis' CANADIAN P Philadelphia'

league ieading G jolt Thursday s'

01 a doublehe.

IDss sliced the idle Los A~gele

two games. Mil\! place Braves. despi by St. LOllis. redl to 31.1: games.

o:1ly ;:ame playe Lea g u e. C

SOll defeated Boslc their lirst place

r) .. 'ellind to a gam

OF HITS usually punchless

in a rash of ex .unatn.g Giant slart,

an~1 Allan I' mound to ;~:

streak. originally \\'[ the Gianls ,

League I Giles ord~red Ihl played loliowing ~'ashout bel ween

Giants, who had Ii game in Pill,nu

nighl. looked hr !ary and m~na~N ~lhcd out ot Giles Ihc ~amcs 10 iJe. pi a night coule,1

snappcrl a I

French Vig receiving end of

night. Chec Blond, iss

10 Vigna!. The tl' will open the g

the Stadium on at 8.30 as they cl of three falis bo

hal'e two rna

has display, rou·;:h and dir

his two appear and fans

lor more of I night. He ;1

"I'm going to win g that Ihil Vi

stop me. !'II b: him into defeal a

what's good [or consede Ihe fighl

111m !;oing to another." baltic bctwcr.

k \\ill oprll lag·lr,m haudle

~loll ~!OU!lt

his 517 poulHl of Y""n r.

Casino in ~ be,1


11, Inrli; game of

linals was pi morning onll

take a II·j Indians. The

game ~rn.·,

League t"!1:\lIlPH

SCOl"'! " Ihe fil,1 JI

Sl'\ tOn II scorL'Il':-i.,,' I

Have YOU a Plan

YourFu man ,,·ith I r

of the Canalll; infantry rc~i Application5 , iccepted lor


NT ' 22e Regime can mert t h, slannard.<. hi

for an e,cci' I gOod future

e, Ir"\'rl an intrrc

man's life. . now at your

Station a

Water SIr John's, Nfle 8-0294,

Page 11: Sons ., S Ike In London , Curtain · , and then heard it Full ,Iates of c~ndHlates havr ,Ull but that it




. !".L:"~ l)~:J:.r ..

-'. ~.

. Your Sign


illies Hand Giants A Jolt gister 7-2 And 2·1 Victories f.\S.\DI.'S PRESS

.," Philadelphia Philtie~

.• ~:Jr 1(,8din~ Giants A ..... Thur>day ~nepinJ: ., oi ~ doubleheader i'~,

! , • '0" ,\icrn lhe Gianls' , " ·.~:r Lo~ ,\~~eles Dod~· I ·.r :antc,. ~'ilwRuke~'s 1 • '( Rr~\e5. desrlte a , •. ~ . ~. ,: \'Olli" reduced its! .. ~: ;amrs. ',.,~ ~amr played in thc I

1. r a ~ u e. Chica~o's' (\,'Iealrd Boston ~1 to I , first place margin 1

.an,' to a game and ! i

..senson but the Phils came back I the ninth. It was Ihe tenth homer with two on a walk to Solly of the season for Williams and Drake, a single, by Kop~, a sac.ri' I the 492nd of his career. He nee~s !tce fly &.1d \\ ally Post s SClll'ln~ only one marc to tic Lou Gehrig

\ single. ,I for fourth place among the all· SECOND STRAIGHT."IN ! time leaders. I

I Ken Boyer drove In four run~ I C[~Clr--.'Nt\Tr (API - ,Jim and Joe Cunningh~m cracked fOII.r O'Toole, 22·year·old rookie soulh' hits to spark the Cards to thm . paw allowed onlv five hits and second straight triump~ ov~r tlle : stru~k out io as 'he pilched Cin· Braves. Lindy McDamcl, In re·, clnnati neds to n 5-0 victory over lief, galn~d his ~4th victory. Hc i Chicago Cubs Thursday night. took over In the Sixth and blanked The game was played under the Braves the rest of ~he WRy. protest from the first innbg, how· Do:! McMaholf, third Milwaukee ever. hurler, was t~e loser. The Cards Cubs' manager Bob Scheffing broke a 4'4 ,he I.n the eighth o,n made the protest after umpire Cunnl~ghRnl s tnple and BO~'er s Frank Dascoli ruled pitcher Art

~r "IT~ sacrifice fly, Boyer also hit a Ceccarelli eo m mit ted a balk ,,~::r ?Itnchlcss Phillics three·run homer, which allowed a Cincinnati run

.-. c. J ra,h of extra ba,e Reserve calcher John Ramnno to scorc. The ball got awol' from ~'.,., (~!Jnt ,Iarler.~ ~Ii~c drove In three runs and right .. Ceccnrelli as he pitched and ...... ,". I Allan \\'orlhin~· S h fr' I' d I't shollld hal'e • .. _ hander Barry Latmon doled Ollt c e mg c ntme .. , ",,),,",\ 10 '1J[I a ,ix· onll' six hits in tlte White Sox been rllied a wild pitch. .


A meeting of the St, John'~ Football League will be held In the studios or CJON to·nlght at 7,30,

Chairman for the meeting will be League Honourary President James n.' Higgins, Team delegates requested ~lr. Hlgg[ns to call Ihe meeting in In effort to finish the teague's schedule,

The League ExC(:uth'e reo signed on Wednesday night after what they cited as a "vote of non· confidence" by team delegates, The Issue Is sttl1 up In the air with • protest by IIlac·Curtis on their 3·2 loss to the Guards proving to be the stumbling block .

Cammercial Bowling

Dick Murphy President F or


Re .. elected Seventh Year

'!'he 37th annual meeting of 'I The 47 trams entered will the st. John's Amateur Com· I ! ha\'e 23 going into Section "A" mercial Bowling League rrturn.! 'of the League l7ith the other 24 ed Dick Murphy as President squads playing in Section "B". ' ,for the seventh straight year at II All games will again be played the SI; Pat', Al1ey! 'last night. at St. Pat's Bowling Aleys . ~Iurphy, who took the leins of The meeting was called to the League for the first time order by Pre.sident Murphy with in 1953 after serving on other the reports of both the Secre· positions of the Execlltive, was ary and Treasurer being pre· returned unopposed. . sented. The financial state·

Jack Adey, who also moved ment showed the Lea~ue to be into the League Executivp in in sound state while the report ,1953, was elected for his, of the Secretary showed an·

i'seventh straight term as Secre·· other active and success[ul tary last night. \season. The opening date of

Other officers elected at the the League was announc'ed witb meeting were Rex Cullmore as . the season slated to start on Vi~e.President, and Bren Fagan ITuesday, September 8th. os Treosllrer, with the Execu· j

,': .',ea~. TEO \\'ILI.IMIS \'iclory over the Red Sox. Ted It cnme aHe: Gus Bell sln~led . ",.~inattl· wa, an off W'll' . d L t ' lut'l and went to third o~ Frank Rob· ",. 'he GianI, and Pilits Ihe sixth inni:lg of the opener I I bl~md~' rhll!~tt~ ahman s s lin I Inson's sin~te . .' I' "AC"t when ,lot' Koppe smastled D home I alIt I ~y I Ing a ome run . 0 •

.... ,J .l a~ue pre:-Iu I, • . , ' . --_ ... - ----

.;(. or,iered Ihe doublc· I nln. Before the Inntng was 1 'II," ("l:owing asl Sun·' thc Phlls had four more runs, tn·, :.,;.,. ~1"leen Ihc two' ctuding a four· baggcr by Ge!le .

With the provincial entry rrom st, John's slated to [eave for Corner Brook and the An·~fld. Football Finals all SlInday the Issue I~ stili fllrther comptkated. Depend· Ing upon the flnat rllling on the Mac·Curtis protest and mely another game either the Guards or SI. Pat's

tive Committee iJeillg Fred 'I Speci;)l votes of "thanks were ,Soper, Hubert ~loolller and .Joe . given during the meeting with 'lo'Brien with the additions of I DICK ~IlJRPIIY IJim Browne of fhe Evening tH1~~'''' Jim Ryall and Cyril Scurry. I . . Telegram and VOCJ[ being

, The League, which has two chcll. Cousins Ltd. A. H. :llur· thanked for his efforts In the i divisions, will operate with two i ray, Adelaide Jlotors, TIcad. Ill;!. He was wished a speedy i teams less than the 1958 ~ea· :Son, \\'al~on & LClth, and John rcco\'ery by all present. Dce son. ~Ine sQu~ds from last Clouston. They will he replaced ~[urph)' and Jack Gr~cn of the

: ycar failed to have delcgates hv A. Stalnev & Son.'. Dominion Daily :"Iews also reccilEd tho. . present while seven new firms ~iachincr:' & Equipment, Rnyal thanks of Ihc teacup ~s r!irl were accepted. Bank of C~n~da. Rnyal Storc,. Rcv. Ar. :\ash. rrincip~1 or st.

• could be Ihe City represen' tatives.

· Frcc;c ,11m Owens Ilcnt the diS' ,; •. ,.1'0 h~n drop[l<'d ~ t~ncc.· gil:in~. ~I[I sevcn hits for 1

';"" '11'i:l,h:tr;h lied· hiS 10lh IICIOI). . ,I

.' ""krd hrdril:~lrd 00:1 CII'(lwrlt olllPltchcd II or· .'," m;lr,~:rr Bill RI~' Ihillglon in thc sceoml ~nnte .fo: '1 THURSIlAY'S GAMES posscs ~nct 7 hits. For thc ... . ' .1! (;llr, for orrl· his rdllh triumph. ;\It tllC SCOI' (Churchill Park) 110,srr~ ~!u1'l'in Rnr! reIir:'cr ... ,"r' in hI' pl~yc~ fpl· In~ lI'a, dO:le 111 the fl.1'11 11\1\11I~ . Lluns 4 Sllnbeant~ 3 . "Ilson struck Ollt p, II alked

: ... ,,,,,!r,1 Willic ~\;tys [lile the Glorts ohr~d· Ler! 1)1' ·til~ 3.hit pitchin~ of' 5, and gave up P hits. .....•.. ,,'~, rl ' 1 I Ii- in . lIi!11 ~ home rlln. his ~2nd or the. 0 d Ch v t.t • ",' n , \\'~I'ne Brodbury, Lions edged: 0 gerl VI. e. ro I

A I SUI;\Jcams 4.3 in th~ first game I Dodgers won thell' sccond at Churchill Park yesterday., ! Ii~lnc of the day as they do.wn;

Walleck Issues arning To Vignal F:tnch \,i~nal was ~ r'

:1:1:1 :~,~ end of a warn· ! ~ .. ;,: (hec W:l!teck,: :r El0nd. issued the i

:, \':.~al. Tile two wrest· : .. , 01'/'1\ the grappling; ·.~r S:adlum on )londay 63-.1 ~; lhe)' clash in a :rrre f~lIs bout. The

t"'·o main bouts i

h.! dl,played noth· · :"~;h and dirty wrest· ::' :1\'0 appearances at "r. and fans will' be I :" more of the samc:

~.lIh'. He slated tast l : c:: ,,-,tn~ 10 win 'Ionday :

.: . ,at Ihis Vignal will ' " ~ me-. I'll batter and !, ..... 0.

:.:: .'.:~ defeat and iI hc : CHEC WALLECK

,~'I good for him he . . lhe fi ht before it allY tlmc thc), Hre able. Only

I . g t' OIlC of thcm Will be allowed In

J'T1 !lams a win onc '. . "'h " .1 thc ring at any t11ne howcver, ,~~,\\~;. betwcen Vignal \ Dean will have slight weight · '11 Ih d Hnl'anta~r. ov~r the olher two

I WI hopedn e car t bllt condition will be Ihe big

IX:, cam an Icap e\'cn . . " \1 t' D I faetor In the fight. ; .' an , Dun aln can I

. m :117 pounds a~ai",1 II Ti(kets lor the hi~ card wi~l 'r;", of Yvon Lesicr alld I he 011 fole to holding ccrtlfj· (.<lnO in a best of three catc owners tD·d;t)' wil h the gen·

" erat sale set [or Satnrday and .,11 !lattte ror the rom·I.'.lollriaY. The StadiuI~ ticket o~. ~""I: while Losier and I flce IS opcn Irom 9 A.m. until .111 he permitted to tag i 5 p.m. daity. .-----------------


Iloth teams werc tied 2·2 at the erl the Chcl'les 6·4 In A \ er, cnd o[ the 4th. inning, Lions thrilling gamc at Banner., scored 2 runs in the top of the man pork. 1l was a pitchers 5th, while the Sunbeams man, duel all the. wo)'-on th~ agcd to score one, and thus the mound and ln the batters game cnded 4·3. box, . d

wtrining pitcher Bradbury Jackman who 'I\'as relieve 'struckout 12 Sunbeam bat.smen by ~ochran.e In the ~!xth, wa: and alloy/ed only 3 bases 011 credited With the Win as h b \t fanned 14 Chevle batsmen,

a s, p 8 walks and only Trickett was charged with. the r!.~e h¥ts On the hili for the

los8. However, he, too, pitch· losers w'as Wilson. He struck ed a good game. He· fanned 12, t t \lowed 7 safeties gave up only 3 hits and 9 walks. oU d en\, a free pass an on y one ..

Winning pitcher Jackman Sunbe~m8 3, Klwanlans 0 carried the heaviest bat as

The e\Cnlng gamo at Chur' l I h d tw hits in 3 trips to chill Park was a very close can· t~C ;Iate ~Vllson pitcher for test when. the Sunbeams shut.! t~~ Chev'les, had' one of the out the Klwanlans 3·0. t . I hits while Vcrld

Top hitters of the game were t \\ 0 ~~ y olhe~ Highlight of Kinsella of the Sunbeams and 1 Ihad e . triple In the

D d f th Kiwan t c game was a Gerry ro ge a e '1 fifth· inning by Edward~ of

ia~heila Bucg~ was credited the Dodgers. I with the win .while Paul O'Ne.ill TelYI VI. Ayredatel :wa! tagged With the loss. Sheila fanned 8, gave up only 2 hits, The final game at Banner· and 2 bases on balls, , man Park had the Ayredales

I on top, as they defeated the

Standing. Bannerman:

Points Sporters ... "" ,," "".... 16 Chevrolets ...... " .. " 14 Dodgers .... "" "" 10 TIeddvA ... ,," "" .". 10 Pepsies .... ,," ,," "" 8 Tely~ .... " .", .... "" 8 Dunlops." .......... ".... 2 Alrdales .. ,'" "" ...... ,. 2

Chllrchl!l: TI~tnS

Half·Plnts Lions .. ' Sunbeams .... ,," KiwRniaru Sporters .... .... ,,"

3~ 32 26 2~ 8 4

1 Tel\'s 10·3. Telys started a

, rallv In the fifth ln~ing, In 'which they scored all three

runs, HowCl'er, they could not keep It up.

Top hlttcrs of the game : were ~ll1rrin of the Ayredalrs · who lInd t\\'o triplrs in three · trips and Cyril CrBnp of the Trl)'s who h~rl a ~ingle and a triple in three t.ries.

Winning hurler \\'~~ Wil~on, who fanned 5. allowed 2 w~l~s

I ~nrl 5 hits. Gerry Drodgc was I ta~~cd with the 1055. lie had i 11 ~trikeont.s, allowrd R Incn ! to reach first base safely and · ga\'e up 5 bAses on balls.

-ony 'R~nAY'S G,UIE I bi~ ~lIn for the Pcppers having Flnah

11. Indians 5 'a single ann ~ double in two I 'I1Ie !inals at Churchill ~nd CHURCHILL PARK Half.Plnts VI, Sporterl ~.:': tame of the Pony I tries. Teammate Bill Davis and· Bannerman park! will begin on

!Ir,.I, WilS played yes· I, third baseman Godfrey ~'auger I Saturday. The first game at Churchill Park had the Sporter. go down In de [eat to the Half· Pints 15·8, Half·Pints tagged pitcher Rowe for .10 hits with

:1(r."'~,~ and saw thr; ~[ lhe Indians b?th had two' The game between ~i.lania~ ·.,.:t J 11·:1 Win orrr I ;\115 out of four tries. I and Sunbeams who tied their

The win puts George Btcrtnick was credit· Ilast ~ame, will be replayed to· O~, pmr up in a best ed with the Pepprrs win as he I day at 2.30 at Churchl1l Park.

pmr series for the fanned 6, allowed 9 bases on' I Dcir getting 3 hits In four

WEUNF.SOAY'S (;:\MES tde.l, Top batsmen for Sport· :-u:r (hJmplOlIship. halls alld 4 hit~. '("I~,I ~1I .1~I·rll, IllIli;llI" h~d thl'er hlll'lers on BANNERMAN PARK el'S were Wiseman an(l. Howe

, .!" 1",1 .1101 )~l',,,"1 j tilt, hill. TUI\I Ilo) I"." n,,11 !lUI\'·

". ,el en llll,. Tlto'l' \ d"11 and Kt'l' ;\t~lwr. Al\1oll~ . '. ,rd",,-" fur the r~· tlll'I'1I I hey f;)nned 5, g~ye up l~ 11\. Innlll~~. The III' lI'al~s and 8 lndian hat.smen

Oodg.rl YI, Ayr.dllu 11'110 c~('h had two hils in 'l'lle flr"t Kal\le of 'Lillie t1ll'~e tries, .

", •. 1 3 rllllS in the: hart hils.

Lroglle hugehalt yesterday Winning pitcher was QUIl~' was at Bonnerman Pork and ley who fanned 4, wal~erl 3, saw the DAILY NEWS Dod· and allowed 7 safeties, Rowe ger~ swamp the Ayredales was ta~ged with the joss,

Ir<! "," In Iht sixlh. I was the i

a Plan

WEDNESDAY'S G,Ufr. 12.4, Dodger~ scored three giving up 10 hit.s .and 7 free Polty LeagUe action yester· runs In the first inning and passes while stnklng out :I.

dav had the pcppcrrell Pep·' kept their lead throu"hout Rime VI, Half·Pinll pe;'s shut.out the Yankees the remainder of the gar:;e. In The second ~ame 01 t~e 12.0. The win gave Peppers the' last lnnln~, Ayredale~ afternoon saw Haj[·Plnts win the ri:::ht to meel league lead· 'made a de~perate attempt to I their second ~atne. by d;ot

. in..: Indl~ns In ~ hcst of three ~et 'hack In the j(ame when, ping the Rams. JO·3. DeS~1 e • ~amr scries for the Pony I "Iurrln, Wiseman, and Sinnott j the Ii[tccn strtkeou~ anf t ~ Lea~ue championship, The singler! and Earles rcached I hit pitching of Rams PltCJI\ first game of the scric~ Is I base on an error, Two runs Pile\RlI, his te~mmate~ us

!j" ~Ilh I ptan: ,Join slatcr! for tod;t\, ilt 10.30 a,m'iscorCd hut the next batsman COUldn't pull through. . n I~' Canadian Arm~"s, ilt tile Ball Pn'rk, struck out, lIlU~ ending the Paul O'~eil1 was cI'ccllte r!

::!lr,lr~ rr,iment! to· fn .l'csterd<1Y mornln~'s Inning and the game, Dodgers with the Win, . as he fa~ans~s

Your Future?

.\prllcation~ He a~ain camr, Peppers slarted their wlrlnlng 12·4. 14, ga\'c up 4 hils and 6 Ictrpled lor enrolment scoring tram the very begin· On the hill for the Dod· on balls.


nlng, as they scored two runs' gers was paul Cochrane who sunbea ml VI •. on hits by third baseman fanned 11, allowed no free Led by the 3·hlt S PI~C Ing Blcdllick and shortstop Know. of Sheila Bugge, un eams les, Fh'e runs in the second, both had two hits In four swamped the Sporters 17-4 In two In the third, two in the trIps to the plate, For the the evening game at Chur· lourth, and one In the fifth Peppers, third baseman Bled· chili Park.

nn mrrt the hi;::h en. I act'oulttcd for tlte rest of the ~!edk twas Ithel big n~un, d~~I~: Leading batsme ~'~re ~\~ ".nrlarn.<, here is ),ollr I scoring. a 11'0 s ng es a no:les had sella and .Harnett, 11"0. 0

I'.r ~n excellent carrO! Top Yankee hatsmen were tin fodur b\rle\ ~our trips to had two hits In four tllPS to ~""~ future • life R. ;'I[al'tin and ,J. l\!artln who 11'0 10\t1 es n the plate. . . . • _ th p a e,

tr~1'r1 a~c! adl'cn., .. --- ~nvls .was c~dlted with Shcila BUj!ge w~s crrditrrl ~~ InlrrestIOR and. the Peppers win as he l:lnned with the win as she allower!

m~n ~ hfe, 4 ailowcd 9 hits Rnd 4 bases ~ hill and 2 hases on balls r,OIl ~I I nur local Arm)' ' b II While fannin~ 9.

~1~II'on at: onWir\l:~S WM tagllcd with Rowc, pitcher for the 10\'

WeIer Slreet, the loss,' glvin~ up 11 t1it~ and I rrs, walker! 8. ,!lave up 6 safc· John's, Nfld., • 5 walks, while fRnning 5, tle.l, And fanned 3.


''1lI'ine me details on (Inldi.n Infantry Corps ~i'<'rtunitic~. lib In Interl'iew at my

' ..............•..••. [1 Ilttultin\l Itation , ••• (}

••••••• •• ' •• 1 ••• 1 ••••• •

••••••• t •• I ••••••••••

•••••• I ••••••••••••

••• •••..•. rhonr. .... \ _ 5T JN51 I

H. c. A •. A. The Regular Meeting of the above

Association will be held' S,unday morn, ing, August 30th. after 10 olclocl< Mass at the School. .

F. J. RYALL, Secretary. •

While no agenda Is known for to·night's meeting It Is eXllecteli that It wm be the tast atientJlt Rt ha"ing the Championship finish lor 1959. If thl' mcetln~ Is • lallurr football will likely be OHr lor this ~ea,on.

Missin~ from last yertr witt he ,1!cDonald Wholc"le Dru~,. [';llrirY, Hall Schonl, and .Top Harri! & Hiscock, A. I. Hick· Chal. R. Ilell, and Cnlonlai qUlnlon, m;111;l~cr of SI. Pat'.

AI1 learns are to have I

del~glte pre.leut lor the 1m· p~rtant meetln~ to· night,

'm.n, Simon Levitz, J. ll. ~lit· Gar.~r. . AowlillC Alleys. ------

Fullmer Takes On Middleweight

i,Basilio For Crown Weekend

Baseball ~AN FRANCISCO AP _ Two weight crown bcfore s(epping, Scoring: lO·point must sy!·

Going into the 8eventh and brawling belte~ who have worn i up a notch, has gone into thc t.em, 10 to winner of each final round of Senior Baseball the I\'orld middteweight crown 1 pro ring 74 tlme~, won 54,' 10un~. B o.r less to .loser. . th F 'ld' ill be treadin~ 'II b ttl t.· ht t .' J3 and fought se\'cn dra\\ s'l OfLclals. Referee and tl\ a

e el lans w . v i "'1 a e a n1g 0 regam I He has knocked out 27 and judgcs to be na~d at nng· on dangerou! ground. Havmg 1 big share of the world title. 'b t p d 'I'de bv Californi' Athletic . th I . . ne' cr een s op e . I - J a topped the league 1Jl e r~u ar. Carmen. Baslilo, th~ craggy i "I believe;" said Fullmer,. Commission. schedule the Feltdla~s ha\e ~ost I faced warnor from Chittenango,' "that this fight will be de· i ------

their two games 1Jl t~e fmt I N.Y., '1nd Gene Fullmer of West cided in the I~st fivc rounds round of a knockout Set1es, Sec· Jordan, Utah, tangle for 15 and 1 expe(t my weight edge and place Holy Cross have spilt rounds or lcss at the Cow Pat· to gi\'e me thc ad\'antage." their two encounters and st. ace. "I like to fight the bigger Bon's who just edged into the The winner gets the National fellow," sayS Basilio who'll semi.finals are sitting on top by Boxing Association blessing as weigh between 153 and 155.


winning their two starts. titlist of the 180·pound division "They provide a !:letter tar·' Saturday night will be do or' a spot declared vacant last )!ay get." '

die as far as the Feildian~ are 14th, when the ruling body with· Carmen probably will enter' LOS A~GELES. AP-"The concerned, They must win to! drew the championship from the fight a slight fa"oritc but big game is coming up Fri· stay in the running. Holy Cross Sugar Rn;' Robinson for not de· the quoted odds have becn day night", said Charles Dres, and the. Doubleblue~ wit! open fending it. swaying. They swung as m~ch . sen. battle·scarcd "eteran of the seventh round at 1 p.m. on Robinson hadn't fought since; as 2·1 in favour of BasIlio' many a ficrce pennant racc Salurday. [n Sunday's b~seball . winning the title from Basilio: and then came back to about. ''If we can take that one l\'t at the Ball Park 51. Bon sand' in a blood" battle :-!ar eh25th. 7·5. . mal' havc 'em on tlle run." Holv Cross will meet and the; 1958. The '\'Car before, Fullmcr' Should the two ruggcri war· 'fhe Dodger coarh lI'a~

. I d' . . . '. tI lImit thc refcree spcakin~ of San Franciscc, final game will be p aye on. had won and lost in a pair with, flOI s ~o Ie,. . ~ ~!ondal' night when SL Bon's. Sug~r Rav. Although the NBA ' and t\\'o Jurl;;cS rule on thc Gi~nts. who put their ~:tt· . '.. I h '.'. . 'basis o[ tlie 10,pOlnt l11ust ional I.c~gllc !c,d on llic andl'cl1dlan~ cas . ., stnpped Robinson oflils laurels,' '1' lc with 10 to the willner hlock lud;lY in UIC flr,t of a

Holy Cross will throw ~!1ke: he'~ still rccngnized a~ champ, s.[s mh d • d I'nc 'ur Ie's . h F' 'IA' S 0 cac !'Oun nn n .. thrrc·~ame ~el'l~'. \l~rtin ~gall1~1 t e el ulan .. in :-\cw York and,aehll· i t tl I . . h D hi llu hope' will t . 0 lr o)er. . ~nd t ~ ou e J es . . sc ts. FACTS AND FIGURES cu;n:1 ,,\ ': I). V' - ('lrlT

resl with DOli>! \\'ool;or. O.n: GOOD GATE EXPECTED . S.\\ FRA:\CISCO. AP 1~1Ir1 tllrilal1'. \I'd) IlIro\\' ilt~ Sunday John power o[ Sl. Ron s i A gate of ~20,OOO wa~ expect· C'a ts I li~llres of 1<lIII"ht\ hr.'t Ihe ... 11,\r Inln ~ IIrd',

. . t . C re" o[ the I . h I ~l-· 0"0 f r r . :>11(, . . ~ WIll go agaln~ JIm a ,er lilt Anot Icr '. Ii). 'I rom C;tfJIIC I Hosilio·CrJlc Fullmcr rill! ~1"1!::lc In lI'J'c,t IiI. Crusader!, " ,television :\IlC for th .. 7 p.nt. :'ialiOn~1 Bnxill~ A"oclatinn .\mcli,·oll l.c~:lIp le~rI frorr. A win for St. Bon s I\'Jit a~Sl1re· PDT II p.m. ADT hout. middlewcight Ii~ht at the CO\\ UII(":" \\,!,;Io ~o,. Ihem of ~ plo)·oH herth \1'lth Basili~ sholllr! get "lIout. Palace: \\,11 rl' 11",. It,e f()ur';:,lII1 P 'pr the hig bottle ~oil1g hrt\\'~e~ the ~140.000 ~s his ,hare with the I'ril1('ipal,: Challcll~rrs Car· Irs hein' Ihe runnerllP. Ind Crusaders anrl Ihe FeJl(l1~ns .. nah ltrOllghoy expectcd to' mcn Ba~i1io. Citittell;lll~o. i;'11< 111 lilc Ica:llc stal1dIl1~' Holv Cros~ necd only one win. grob more than 5100.000. \.Y .. and Gene Futlmer, West it sitculd ~I\r tlte box I)([icr in t'his rounri to drop the Feild· The $175.000 tele\'ision • Jordan, Ctoh. a hi~ boo~1. :->[ore than 60.00( ians from the playoffs. Bul' moncy represents the highcst, Time: 7 p.m. Paci[ie Day" pe:'sons a;c expectcd to pa) should th~ Feildi~ns win both: ilmount paid for a home I'ideo : light Time. thclr \\ av into :'lunlClpa their ~ames and Holy Cros~! boxing show except lor a: Television: ',"IlC net\l'OJ·k. :'t,1(liutn for the f'rst game drop their two then the tables I heal'yweight title bout. pro.: northern Catifornia blacked: of tllC SCrles tonight, and the

'11 be re\'ersed and then the. moter !'iorman Rothescitild of' out for a radius of 250 miles! total for the [our IS expccted ;~i1dians wi11 go In against st. Syracuse, X.Y., estimatcd 60 i Radio: \BC, network. : to top 150,.000; . _". I

militon would watch the Tv.1 TV revenue: $175,000. I LOS A\GELES, AP '"'0 Bon's. production. Gatc: Arena scaled for mc."

Basilio declared he aims to S305,000. 1 Tllat was thc reaction a

Accept ChallenO'e become tlte second man C\'er i Purses: Basllio 35 per cent Dodger roaches Thursd3:' to ; .' f to knock out Fullmer. who ha~: Fullmer 25 per cent of rel·e·· blast by pItcher Don ~r)sdale .

Both St. BOIl'~ and Mac·Cur· won 49 fight.~ and tost fonr.· nue. He ,;tid he's fed up WIth pco , tis senior footboll team~ have Fullmer stopped 21 foes and Seat Prices: S30 to $~, pie second guessing 111m, ant answered the l'llaltenge issnell only Robinson e\'er ~tupped RetllrJI match agreement: left little doubt he meant th! by the Ollt.Timers team on ",eu.


, him, ;.;ronr. Winner agrees to meet coacites. nesd;t)', CARMEN'S RECORD No. 1 ~BA challenger within' Said head coach Charlit Arrangement~ are being made: Basilio, who held the welter· 90 dol'S. Dressen: "While he's talking,

to have the t\l'O clnbs meet the: whv doesn't he name name. , stars ofypster.year with the gate! . _c'all a spade a spade. I don'

. th R t d d' LIS k 6 1 knoll' what he's talkinl receipts gOIng to e e ar e I Children'S Association. . aw or par s .. about."

As vet the site and date of the pitc\ling coach Joe Becker • . ' "1 don't know who he Is re

games have not been announred i d W ferring to. There has neve. hut they are expecterl tD be I Ad- k - D forthcomin~ wilhin the next day I IrOn ac S In hcen anI' friction between ?I


' . ilnr! my;cl! ... in up to hln • or 10. ' 10 sa\'e ~omc"·

I In field roach pecwce Reese A p~ir o( Ihree run inning.1 .. 1 E~ch tram ,ellt 2Q batters 10. "f r!on·t think he was rdcrt

a four hit pitching performallce Ihe pl~te dllrlng the cOIlf,e of ing to me. I'd hate to thlnl The fotlowin~ mcntrr~ o( t~ ... timely hitting ~nd A perfect the ~ame which look only 45 .,

T Softhall Te~m Are a.,ked flctdtn¢ exhlhltlon last night minutes to play. The Rovrrs ,0. toee~:r~t the Bannerm~n Park ga\'e tile Adirondacks a 6·1, Icft nine men stranded whitr. diamond tonight at 6.30 for an '1' triumph over the. Rovers and ~'the Adirondacks left lour on the. .'P-Tcrl wP

J d th S b th Cll1C.\GO., exhibition game:-Orvitle Hong, lone game ~a In .e. cnlor ascpa S. Iiams Thursday ncnied th, Tom Con;"av Leo Drodge, Joe Softball Seelton B seml·ftnals. Don Lawlor g"ve up singles . d t " , I"tc,t report he IS rea y , Dieco DO~ Hong, Ed Bailey, Don Lawlor hurled a strong in the first and second, anothcr ~ , retire,


.; . : , ,

Jimmy Fry, Gerry Owens, Kevin four hitter while his mates bias· in the. filth and Bambrick's. The 40·vear·old Boston Rei Norman, ted Rover star hurler, John tnple m the Sixth. He threw, S utf" IdeI' now in hi,

Bambrick, for three homers three strikes pass five batters: ls0tXh 0 • IeI' league season ha· I~'<m~. d 'f II' d Ik db' ,ma1 0

' goo or. a 'SIX runs., an wa e four. Bam rick was: not rra~hpd top condition thl

P,4actice CO,4ner

The w1l1ners hart two hlJ( Inn· tOllched for SIX hlt<. Fire of \'r~r hccnll~e of a neck ir ing" the first and sixth. In the. Ihese t'ame ill thc two innin~s. jllry in the spring.' , flr.,t Bern ~!arch, tnc second, lil:!t the Adlrol1dacks scurr,r 111. .\ Aoslnn newspaper quote l • ~~tl. h"lter LIP, heltcrl a homcr o\'cr i He walked fOllr alld f:lnllcd \\'illioms as telling a Chicag II the right ficin fence for A ]·0: Ihrre hatlcrs. II'hite Sox player . befor lror!. He 11'0' followed in Ihe, AdirondaCKS All R HE; Thursday's game, "I've hal order hy Lawlor who w~lkrrl. ~ ~L S~uires, Ih .", 3 0 0 0, it.

Holy Cross ,Junior fopthall I 'R ~ I

. k t (Ih B (;Iynnthe next halter prompt ,'. . ,larch, 3h .• ,.,.1 2 1 0, ---e even WIll wor 011 a e r" l d f h f 30 I n I' '1 3 1 • O' --------}' F' Id S t d . ht ,uggc a ollr agger or a . , . ~~\\ or, p .. "'" u' ,ogan Ie on a ur ay nlg f' t' . I d :,.. Gl' " I 1 0 New Cures Are Poss· ible t 700 I Irs Innlnl: ea . I'" ,) nn, 55 , •. ,,' ,,) 0 i

a . . I From the seconrl unlil the i L. Kelly, c[ ..... ".~ 1 2 When Doctors And Clergy Sl. ROil'S Junior footh~l1 sixth Ilamhr

tick ~lhIOlfl:cdt ho nly I Ill' DH~ndn~ford, If ... ~ 01 01 0:

tram will practice at the lone haltcr 0 rear', Jf' .ase.,. owen. c .. , ... ,) a I Work Together Shamrock Field on SUllda~' safely. He .wos ~[Irk SqUlfCs P: ~[urphy. 2h ..... 3 0 1 0, morning at 11.00. who Wolked m the thlnt : R. Hansford rf ., ... 3 0 0 ° i

SI. Bon's Senior baseball squad will practice tonight at 7.00 at the Shamrock Field,

March led of( the sixth and Totals , ..... 2~ 6 6 0 I

walked. Then after Lawlor and Raven AB RilE Glynn were retired Krill' sing· G. ChJ)'tor, cl .. " .. 4 0 I 1 lel1 sending March to second. ,T, Lallgrr, 1'£ .,.,.,. :1, 0 0 I),

HUllnaford, hiHin!l aftrr Kelly. 1 D. ~ikt" I; .. " .. ,. ~ 0 t . Holy Cross Swlor baseball slammer! the first pltrlt for a J. "alsh, Jh ., •••.. ~ 1 0 0

team will hold a workout at the homer and a H·O advalltage. G. ~[aher, Ib ...... 3 0 0 ° City Ball Park tonight. The Jim Walsh reached first In J. Bambrick, p .".3 0 1 0 practice L~ slatcd to get under the last hat[ 01 the sixth when,.T. C·Lcary. ss .... ,.2 0 0 O· way ~t 6.30. All ptayers ~rc h~ Wo' hit hy ~ pilch. B~mhr\ck I K. Hynes, 2h ..•• ,.3 0 1 0: asked 10 make a special eHort I drol'P him home with a triple to I F. Fit~patrirk. c ., .. 2 a 0 0' 'to attend. . right field, .. '. Totals ".,. ,25 1 4 2'


\\'Mt can doctors do when a I' young mother lOBeS her will to,· livo .. , or wben a busine89-i man's conscience actuaUyc8UBet11 physicul paralYAi.' [n Sept>omber l Hemler's j)igt'S~ is the at! ul",1 i ci riP'" rlCWe.tlt aUy (.'olHhm~uljuu of R

... the dr~m"lic ftCCOll

lmly rCmJlrkHble cur •• minist"TII work in the .... il h doc! ONI to mond "nd .oul. Grt your Di today -·38 articlea

ntrrrRI. .. .... -_ .. _......;.-_._-',

~ . , I , .1

Page 12: Sons ., S Ike In London , Curtain · , and then heard it Full ,Iates of c~ndHlates havr ,Ull but that it

: ... -.

[ .

L , ~

1. 1

, I

,I i


, , .. , , ,

II •







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$119·50 CASH .



FEATURES Easy to clean, One piece, high.impact cabinet and liner, Beautifully styled, Thermostatically control. led, Operates on AC or DC, 4 ice cube trays, Weighs only 63 pounds.







R·EFRIGERATOR This masterpiece of European craftsmanship will bring you all the satisfaction and dependabil. ity that you have come to expec1 of the products featured at the Great Easterri Oil. The generous capacity of this modern domestic refrigerator will amaze you, and yet it will fit compactly into the smallest kitchen or apartment .•. it's only 21 inches high and 27 inches wide . • • Come and see it for yourself today.



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Here is madern home refrigeration at its best, These fine new models . are available in your elfoice of modern dual styling and they have all the plus features that have made Roy home appliances a buy-word for real value. They have to be seen to be really appreciated , •• so see them today.


COMP4NY~ LIMITED ,..., . - '.


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NOUR .KB8 .,1072 • 'Q!8 ",A93Z

lAST .Q9 "- J 10 7 53

.K83· +K8

• Q9~H + 87 3a ,.; K 7 '" 8 5 4

rroUTH (D) •. AU .AJ + A 10 5' '" QJI0 8

Both vulnerable South Wesl Norlh b.1 1 N,T. Pall. 3 N.T, Pass Pasa. PaM

Opening lead-"- ~


With 16 points, South has an opening no·trump bid whether he plays 15-17 or 16·18, and North has a raise to three in either system.

Most hands are given the same treatment in both, with the 15·17 having the advantage of a great many more no· trump openings, since there are three times as many 15 as 18·polnt hands.

The play at three no·trump requires a little care. If South ducks the first spade, East will hold the trick .with the queen and shift to \ heart which w!ll beat the hand.

If SOllth wins the trick and takes the wrong finesse first, both finesses subseq~ntjy lose (they do), West will bring in his long spades.

Hence, South must win the I opening trick in dummy and

I take the diamond finesse. I Wtst will win and probably

clear his spades but it won't ~ do him any good, i South will lose the club I finesse to East but East won't

have a spade to lead to his partner and South will be able to make thr~ tricks in each minor suit In addition to his ace of hearls and ace· king of spades.

iCard Sense Q-The bidding has been:

North Eut South Weit 1'" Pas! ?

You, South, hold: ,,-54.863 +KJ62 "'Q943

I Wh/lt do you do? A-bld two clubl. You hlVI

! Ilx polnll only Ind Ihould I Ihow club lupport In prefer·

ence to your four.card dla· mond lult.

TODAY'S QUl!!ST10N Your partner rebid! to two

spades. What do yOU do now? Ant .... r Tomorrow


. Speaking of seat belt! In " autos, some smart alec kids I need them-good and hard.

i·' • I Poor handwriting ~me·

tlmel does a splendid job of covering up mlstake& In spell·

ling. • • • I I Too many tol! are taken to

, a drlve·in movie to fall asleep becaule mom couldn't get a baby .Itter.

• • • At rvery beauU!ul·baby

contest mothers and babies, too, do a lot of squawking.

Tobacco ranka fourth In cash receipts amonc all field cropi 01 the United States.

The Conquistadores were the leaderaof the Spanish conquest of America, especial· Iy Mexico and Peru, in the 10th century.

The longs lung by the Venetian gondoliers have given us the musical term "barcarolle."

Georgia lead~ al1 glates in prodUction of peanuts, paper shell pecans and pimentoes.


HOSTESS Will Knock at Your Door with Gifts and Greetings

from Friendly Business Neighbour. and Your .. Civic and Social

cOn the occasion ofl . New Comer to the City

The Birth of a Baby, PHONE

94865, 6957 or 90943

TH! DAn.'t NEWS, sr . ..{OHN'S NFLD., FRIDAY, AUGUST 2a, 1


fRECKLES AND HIS FRIEND! Iy MERRELL -"...........,-------, 0-------.,. ".---------... r----.. -._-.......... _-_

. I-lMM! SHE MUST Be GETnN6 WISC 7b ~!





1'1 'i<. "" '-K) \:l \ 'N \i:. 'i<S.,<;;' "\ 'i'. 'V ~1N \'t\~ S\t\VS~

. ~,,' -' .~





wind was b: Furlong sad(

gray gelding Fern brat

gUH'~'-- of food Into each of

look at her a! of the yard .

caught Fur slope above:

riding hy Inst less gloom,

abandoned re Bea! and I The place di

to him. llc sal In lntcn'al of 11

n!ng. thcn sco t brush be

{ire. !th a sm~11 t

circle of firel tried to shrug r spprehension- ,

himself that hundred other he had occup

of Fern's ~

his coffec. t Fern-

. she had III the trouble; Ind unchanging

sp~nt a rr.'( he hode ."

after dayhrc"k apprehension

he under! the c~mp that

he said. and 11'0

long it would teo 1

Veto, and hop soon. after noon Fu

Empire roarl appeared to he tracks headed a fresh·m',rlc .'

with center d west.

the huggy', ificanre. Fu







Page 13: Sons ., S Ike In London , Curtain · , and then heard it Full ,Iates of c~ndHlates havr ,Ull but that it

IGUST 28, 1

!y V. T.

B~,· -__ E:E'IZ~: r- ___ -_~

.' i ;~-' _ - - ... -1 ,

~- ... ,.-



Basin ... be It the roundup eamp, he

began a wid, circle, Intendlnll 3 W P · F K h h h' IUS ~er~r~::::C;~:fr~:a~e~ .- ay roo teo 'ctlon or rus c ev n . . By LESLIE. ERNENWEIN north.

'XXX\' concentrated his attention on Studying the tracks and I Refugees, Are Keys to Plan .,: wind was blow. the pony tracks, Twenty or guessing they were no more of Mi ita,), Planes and Troops, Check , "1 Furiong saddled 30 head, he guessed, and was than five hours old, Furlong ." cray gelding late mildly surprised that so many as wholly surprised. What By lERRY BE:'I'NETT I as guards In small cities. AI· the Secret Servlce'a' Special

Fern brought riders would be heading to- few riders hadn't g~ne to NEA Staff Correspondent. 'though Khrushchev's Itinerary. White House Detall which 'rjlr, of food and ward town In one bunch. Then ton would be needed to hold WASHINGTON - (NEA)- has not been announced, State guards the President and Vice

into each of his hc remembered that yesterday the steer herd. Yet. accord· Soviet Premier Nlkita Khrush· Department officials are report· President. was Christmas. Celebrntlng. Ing to this 8lgn, three of che~ wll! ~ave :hree.way pro· ed to be eager for him to see The Special Projects Group

"'0k at her as he Furlong rode toward Em. them had come to the ranch teelion during hIS VISit to the small . town life in the U.S. has. the job of protecting for· :'f ':Ilr yard. pire at a lope. Wlth the crew and later ridden toward the Unlted States. ..... Troops would be used in ciUes eign dignitariea in this c'ountry

r.111~ht Furiong, gone to town he ~ould8ett1e horse camp. Why? Spelled out by the govern· where the pollce force is not and the Secretaary and Assist· .: <k;'e above Sick I' his score today. Veto, he felt Heasonabiy sure that one men! .ecurity offlcials, here's big enough to handle large ant Secretary of State overseas. ,~ SlIre, wouldn't have gone to of them was Clee Veto, Fur· why they hope to prevent un· crowds, The agents are crack ahots and :., r:,iin): by InsUnct ,Junction wlth his men: the long followed the hoofprinta. toward Incident., Maintaining a close check on graduates of Uncle Sam's

:c<. ~loom. hc' foreman would remain at It was coming dark when 1. A detailed bodyguard plan refugee group leaderB who bombs detection and dismant· "r .1'1anrtonrd tan) hradquarters In the manner he' approached the hone u being worked out. might cause trouble. Identltles ling !chool. They are also ex· ,.r:" fIrll and Fyfc of an obcdient sen·nnt. camp. At first, seeing no llght, 2: Protect.ive tricks learned of minority group extremists pert.'l on me prevention and ; nr p1:lrc dinn·t And there was where the he thought the cabin was un. ,whIle guarding Deputy Pre mi· ,WHe learned by locai pollce control. .. '"m. lie ~:1t hi~ I rnn of this would be! occupied-that the trio had ers Anastas Mikoyan nnd Frail and gOl'ernment agents during But it's in the field of security

1_ .:::rn·al of head'l FurlJng crouched on a gone on. But even as he can· KOllov show how it can be :the Mikoyan and Kosiov visi15. strategy that they really excel. ,,' ~:. then ~ro\ltcd : brltsh.frlnged knoll half a templated 'the "elcome done, i It·s expected such persons I Before Khrushchev arrives, they .. ,:: hru,h before, mile from Emplrc's front gate thought of grain for his horse 3. The.tradltlonal hospitality iwil! be cautioned to hold only will select the routes he will use

! ann watched the compound ann a ell·cooked 8upper for of AmerICans, el'en to people orderly demonstrations. when moving through each city , :'1 a ~mall hlMC \Iith an unceasing \'Igllance. himself a faint glow of lamp· they don't. care for, is cou~ted: Plans are also being made by, and across country. Each street ';::,.", of firelight" Thinklnf( hoI\' many times llght appeared at the cabin'S upnn to sh.leid ~h~ushchel'. I a non·government organizatlon and highway will be checked to

:0 ,hrltJ! off a! he had hunted Emplre's fore· one small window. . The. Sovwt chICf 5 date of ar·: to prevent violent crowd dis· pinpoint any !pot where an at· Ic::rl'r~'ion- trird i man ann failed to find him, • • • ,rl\'~l IS scheduled for Sept. ]5. ,9rders. Freedom House, a non· tacker might hide.

~,,:'l'~lf that this: Furlon>! understood that there For upwa~da of 10 minutes, : He s expected to be In the U.S. i profit group dedicated to com· --,,,'::iren otller mis.1 would be no stopping now un· whlle full darkness came and Ifor 13 days. bating totalltarianism through Also studied will be the con· :,' :':1n oc~up!crt. I til he found Vcto. It didn't a cold breeze set up a faint Most details of the Khrush·l educational and cultural ex· dition of the street, the average

.' ", Fern's ~Jnrl. I ocrur to him thnt he might rustlIng In the rundabout chev protection are secret. ,changes, has offered to turn it.<; volume of traffic during specific • ,. ,rorrce. He, 110t slIrl'ivc the outcome of brush, Furlong considered his ~overnment offICials, however. I headquarters building Into B times of day and the number of ,,1AN IN THE MIDDLE: Uniformed police make a

.. rrrn _ hOII'I tl1"t mcctln~. or that It woulrt· chances of tackllng the cabin. lISt the following as speCIal pro.~ite for peaceful demonst~at. traffic lights and stop signs. On· . human sheild for Russian Deput • Premier M'k "'r h~rl hrrn, 11't altrr the tragedy of a lost It would mean opening the cedures that may be adopted IOns. Freedom House offlClals ly routes which promise speed v •. . . . Y . I o~an

, .. " :cflu!llr: hoII" fight "gainst Empire. Facing door and shooting Veto before to insure his safety: explain they will help arrange movements for Krrushchev and uunng VlSlt to U.S., a prevIew of speCIal protectIOn : :.-:·:~:1ne:l\g her \·rto. man to man, was to be those three gunl went into Use of mllltar~ planes to such meeting places in other his traveling companions will be Khrushchev WIll get.

,his passport out of Warrior actlon. transport the RUSSIan leader to cities which Khrushchev visil.!!. ltd , .. ; ~ rr<olutc, !1"sin. He could not leave It was the reallzatlon that various American cities, Mili. Slicking close to Khrushchev se ec e . will be inspected to ensure they \ numher is unknown. n~!f If·

",' ilene 'Dutil.: WitilOUt it. he might fall to klll Veto that tary planes are preferred to throughout his entire trip will The same detailed 5crutlny will support crowds. curity expert.~ inl'oil'ed will be ":- _ ~:\ ~'rr:l); \dl1 i :\rJr noon Edith Pardee finally decided him. There commercial aircraft since their be members of the Special Pro., must be gi\'en to all buiidings Like Mikoyan and Kozlo\'. the: Secret Sen ice agents. Only ,,:,::!,r:l,ion qilll rame Ollt of tile hOllse, cross. would be less chance of. miss· use guarantees agenll complete jects Branch of the State De'lwhich the Soviet Premier will Kremlin chief is expected to i times they will get into the act,

'r udrr,toor\' rel tile compound and went Ing his target tomorrow morn· security control in the air and partment's Physical Security enter. Elevator cables will be bring along a bodyguard team howel'er, is when Ike is present. :,'.: .. "'p tilJt \I'~', Into the cookshack. Her pres· lng, on the ground. Division. This elite group of i checked to make sure that they of his own. So far. the exacl"--'-- ,---- ------

! ence expl:Jincd the wheel So thinking. Furlong rode Use of military troops to act bodyguards Is comparable to I won·t break. Floora of rooms where receptions are schedu,l_ed Statu,tory Notice ., <,.: ;",11 1I'0n,jrr·, track< he ilart seen on the east until he found a rock , '.\ ,'CI:~ t~kr tn I Jllnl'tion roart. outcrop that gave him Rome 'A- Owners and Pilots' Association. \ If you put YO'Jr fall clothes: --

,,,',:1 hoped it ~ Ill' 1I'0ndercd why she had protectlo:t from the wind. Here I r R u I e's "It would seem essential that away without looking them o\,er In the matler .or the WllI and I tra\'rlclI to the ranch yester. he camped, a common syslem of cruising I last spring, now's your chance I ~state of Ene Aubrey BO~T'

I:'" : "'Il F\1:'lon~ i day Instead of having Pardee Some time after midnight altitudes and regulations be· to make amends. You've still' mK late of SI. John·s. Com· ", "" cr rO:1n anel rome into town for his I he dozed off. The fiN! had tween the two countries be es· time to make minor repairs and 1 pany Director, deceasen. !,-r.:I'j 10 he da~'" Christmas dinner. gone out when he awoke. and Cause' M- ,tablished if mid·air collisions get them to the dry clea~ers. ::' ~.' : .. ,,:\r.rd C:1,t,' Presently he atched .Tules he was ao cold thal his teeth IX Up: are to be avoided." All persons claiming to be creditors of or who may have

.:, ::,.-, ~:,~,~~/~~~/ ;~~d~1~~~~r.a~~h~l~e hCl~k:~~oC~: Ch;~te~:~, saddled an hour be- Pl!~ ;r"eco~~li~:~n;e~~~~t ~~:', TE NO E RS ~~~;~: o~n~ri~e~~~~!y uri~;ri~hg~ ,,': pany his wife back to the: lore daybreak. a faint glow of O'ITAWA-CP _ The pres. and united States sir trafflc Captain Rock notes that in the late of St. John's, Newfound· .,,,:~)., po" mJin home. anticipation combating pre- ent nfl! t b t C d' United States two planes fly· ST. JOH!Ii'S - NEWFOU~D· I d C . d Fllrlnl1~ Conl'inced that veto must dawn's dismal C{)ld. The next co c e ween ana Ian regulatio~ i8 ripe for mld·air ing below '29,000 feet along the an, ompany Dlrector. eceal·

,',. r. hour might see the finish of 'colUslons lays a Toronto pilot. same path, but in opposite LAND CIVIL DEFE:'I'CE en are required to present par· Ca tal' F 'I R k f DIVISIO~ li~ulars of the same in writ·

this thing. It occurretl to him Ca · I p n .", oc, a orm· directions, must be separated that there would be no pleas. PitO er pilot for KLM RoY~1 Dutch I'ertically by ],000 feet. Above ing duiy attested to the Royal

p I ,_._-_._-




NING SHOWS: 7 P.M, - 9 P.M.







- ADULTS 75t. - CHILDREN 35c.



NG SHOWS: 7 P.M. - 9 P.M. MATINEE: 2 P.M.



ure In 'his departure, He Airlines .. a~d now chIef pIlot 29.000 feet, the leparation is Seaied Tenders will be reo Trust Company at 247 Duck·

T for Ablt b P d P cei\'ed for the erection of 5·10 'I worth Street. SI. John's the would be leaving a part of omorrow I lower an sper 2 000 feet-double the distance C L· it d '1' H.P. Air Raid Sirens in the SI. executor of the Will of the said hI. Hfe in thll country, The omp.any 1m e • says I PlOt" as a safet~ margin because of . , th i til b' John's City Area, as well as Deceased on or before the 29th best part. And the worst. crossing e n ern at ana or· altimeter inaccuracy caused by

Tying his horse in brush der no. w must put away one set rarefied air. the moving of the 5·5 H.p. day of September A.D. 1959. "SEPARATE TABLES" f fl g I d t k Sirens presently in operation. after which date the said ex·

100 yards from the camp, Fur. 0 ym ru es an a e up an· The same law applies :n Can· In brush 100 yards from the other. . ada, except that here the divid. All specilicalions, designs, ecutor will proceed to distribute

WITH DEBORAH KERR _ ~I k tt h locations and types of ~Iounts; the said e.ltate hal'ing regard camp, Furlong approached RITA HAYWORTH a 109 ma ers wor~e, e ing line is 23,000 feet bv regu· dd I- th f t th t th th ,and other particulars may be only to such claims of which long approached the cabin. as", e ac a WI e 'Ialion, and 25,000 fep.t in prac· (To B. Conclud.d) border not clea;ly defmed by tice when the buffer zone is obtained from Civii Defence the said executor shall then

When Terence Ratt~an'8 sensi· a na~lg8tlonal aId, there I~ un. taken into account. Headquarters, Fort Townshend, bal'e had notice. live, pyschologlcally penetrating certaInty "as to when altItude SI. John·s. Dated at St. John's this 2ith play "Separate Tables" opened changes Ihould take place. and Tenders must be received by day of August A.D. 1959.

h B d TORONTO Since its establish· ~. T d ~ t b Bth R C B 'IERCER Q C on t e oar way and London when the adoption of another "oon, ues ay, ~ep em er.. . ..• ,. . • ..,

Paramount atages, It was halled by critics set of regt;lations should oc. ment in 1957 close to a quarter 1959 at the Office of the Direc· Solicitor for Executor. and audiences with equal enthu. cur." of a million dollars in gifts have tor of Civil Defence. aug28.sep4.1l,18

Now Playing alum. The motion picture verso been received by the Anglican The right is resen'ed to BC' -----------Ion of that engaging drama at SERIOUS PROBLIDI Foundation of Canada. Of this, cept or reject any or all Tend· I NOTICE


tb. Theatre through United Art. "ConfusIng and conflicting' $28,000 has been issued in' ers. !III release, and It i.! good to reo regulations ar~ a serious pro». grants and $166.000 in loans. i (Sgd.) P. J. CASmN. port that Rattigan's sympathetic lem to air safety," he said In Emphasis to date has been ?lac'l Direc,tor of Civil Defence. LAWRENCE BROTHERS probings Into the ravages' of an article In Canadian Flight. A ed on the erectIOn or repaIr of, St. John s, Newfoundiand.

By presenting "Sleeping lonellness was ~iven a splended magazine published every two parish churches In missionary! August 24th., ]959, (In Liquidation) Beauty" for exactly what it is, production by Hecht-Hill.Land. months from the Canadian and outlying areas. 'aug2B,sep3 All persons claiming to be


namely one of the world's caster. creditors of or who have any most poignant love storles, The gUttering individual tal. claim or demands upon or Wait Disney broadens the t th' . 1 d ~ FURNESS RED CROSS LINE 'affecting Lawrence Brothers base of his incomparable ani. en 5 ga erlng m ro es eserv· ' matlon entertainment with In. Ing of their worth include Rita Limited (in Liquidation) are creased appeal to teen.agers Hayworth, Deborah Kerr, David ' FREIGHT SERVICE ONLY requested to send particulars

Niv W d Hille d B t ' of the same in writing. duly and young adults, La edn, ten,: t ~ an lur FROM. NEW YORK, SAINT JOHN, N.B., HALIFAX, N.S. attested, to the undersigned

At ~he IBme time hi •• how. n cas er JJJ I amng ro es, manly iBgaclty provides plen. wlth Gladys Coper, Cathleen TO: CORNER BROOK AND ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND Liquidator on or before the ty of excltement and thrills Nesbitt, Felix Aylmer May Hal. "MANCHESTER PIONEER" 1

15th day of September, 1959, after II'hlch date the said

for the sub.debs and cubs in lalt, Rod Taylor, Audrey Dalton Sailing froml New York, Saint John, N.B., Halifax, N.S., and St. John's the magnificent Technlrama. and Priscilla Morgan heading • Liquidator will proceed to dis·

V 9 Aug 27th Sept 2nd ' tribute the assets of the said Technlcolor production based .tbe 6upporting company. The oyage .. ,......... ..: company ha\'ing regard only on Charles Perrault'l version acreenplay was written by Rat· Voyage 10 ............ Sept. 11th Sept. 14th Sept. 17th Sept. 25th ! to the claims of which he of the stirring fairyland ad. tigan and John Gay. Voyage 11 .......... "Oct. 2nd Oct. 5th Oct. 8th Oct. 14th ., shall then have had notice. venture which now comes to "Separate Tables," which I! let Note Voyage 10 vessel will call at Corner Brook prior to SI. John's. ,Dated at St. John's thi~ the .creen for the first time. in a Imall British seaside hotel Vessel! call at Newfoundland Outpom as Inducement Offen. ! 13th day of Allgllst A.D. 1959.

The beloved lady of legend tells many atories of the seem· For Frelf(ht Rates and other Information contact ; SAMUEL J. HAWKINS, who is ita beautiful heroine ingly 10lt loul. th'at Inhabit' the ! , Liquidator. was only .Ixteen 'When her place but It focusel on the two FURNESS WITHY & COMPANY LIMITED ! ADDRESS: dream prince, himself only I main themes: that of a couple Knight PhPlan & Hawkins, llttle older, found her living wbo find love through their lone S EA ST JOHN'S TEL. 2073 (5 lines) and 5890 Board of Trane Building. llke I peasant maid 'WIth her llneJis, and of. man and woman WATER T., ST, . Water Street, St. John·s.

threep~ecllie~Odhlrle.~oca~tl~e~th~~tbOut~~§~~§~~§~§§§§§§§§§§§§§~§§§~§§§§§~~aU~g~1~7.~2~~~e~p~10~.1~5~~~~~ In a forest hideout to escape each otber and consequently the horrid ,curse which had devote the:nselves to making been threatened by the wicked their llves miserable. sorceress. For psychological understand·

Disney and his artlstJ tell lng, dept of character, mood and the fascinating tal. of Briar letting "Separate Tables," I! Rose, or the princess Aurora unsurpalsed in the way of an as she actually was, and the adult screen drama. vallant Prince who rescued ---her with the awakening kiss of true love In Icenes and de· votlons of immediate heart interest to every romantic teen·ager of this day. .

"Uoung love never changes," I says one of the animation ar· , tlsts who created the celebrat.\' ed pair for the iTeatest of Disney'~ classic entertain· I mennt features, "Only the! garmentJ of the 1<lvers cbange with the times." Every 1m· pllcaUon of tbe picture asaerta that the teenagers of our day, in the tbroes and ecstasies of the great. emotion, differ Uttle fiom any other tim ••

Disney and hundredl of his artlBts and craftamen were' six years in maklnl this cenema· tic masterpiece, It a [)Qst of some $6,000,000. Splendors be­yond anything ever before leen on the movie screens were made possible by new Implements of fantasy .

The pictorial IDagn1flcence is let to the exprellive rythms of Tchalkovsky'. SleepIng Beauty Ballet, and fiYe IOnls, themed to the acore, further enhance thl roman tic thrill· er.

, ' "Sleeping Beauty" il relea8-

ed by Buena Vista,

led centipede. have II m'any II 100 lell.

Maine has more 'than 2,500 mllel of C{)81Ulne and '2,500 laku.

Weekly Sailings


Gloucester, Mass.

to St. John's

and Newfoundland



from Gloucesterl

M.V. Blue Peter Seplember 2 - 3 M.V. Blue Cloud

September 14 - 15 For baokrngs contact:

Blue Peter Steamships

Limited 'phone: 3661 ,

and 4124

7460 i

I .


Available In moccasin and plain-toe Oxford styles in

Black or Brown with sturdily constructed calf leather up­pers. Children's sizes 8th to


$ .95


, ,~, ..... ' .. . , .... .

, ,I.-0-'"

~I '

1 ,

Page 14: Sons ., S Ike In London , Curtain · , and then heard it Full ,Iates of c~ndHlates havr ,Ull but that it

, It ,r



. l

, I I,

i' . i . ,

! ' j I

" \ . , I

f J -'



.. ------------.: CENTRAL MORTGAGE ,--------- -----



IDEAL FOR DOCTOR Well built in excellent condition on LeMar­

chant Road. Has oak and tiled floors. Two and half bathrooms, double living rooms, kitchen, pantry and separate breakfast nook. Five roams on second floor. Full divided basement, Oil furnace, hot-water heated. Double garaQe and spacious grounds at rear.


D. BUTLER PHONE 5198 or 90553





Attention Adults ;\re vou intereste:l in regist·

Renews Garden Party Sunday, Aug. 30th




All stubs for the Special Drawing must be in by SATURDAY, AUGUST 29th.



II' Scalcd Tendcrs, plainb mark·! cd as to content and i1ddresscd to the undersigned, will be re·

I ccived up to 12 o'clock ~oon, ,N.D.S.T. 'TUESDAY, SEPTE~tBER 8th, I 19j9 ,for Major Structural Repairs to ' I Eight Houses or Project Vets.

For Fast Taxi Service

HOTEL TAXI Dial 2424-2410


Open from 6.30 to 2 I.m. l1f1u'~il,lyr ,

1/49 at Tunis Court, St. John's, '_:;::::;:;~;:;;:~~~:;:;~ ,~ewfoundlnnd. ,- -'1 CHESTER DA , Details of work and forms of SHAW ST. and I tendcr required can be obtained, GREAT EASTERN ' For all your ,at the addns. hclow. Requirements I Each tcnder must be mom·' OIL & IMPORT ROIGI_91i1l !Twnicd by a security deposit of CO LTD i ering ~t the Adult Education,

i Centre, ~Iemorial University An'l I nex, :'Ilerrymeeting Road, this I'ear? Here is your opportun·

i 10% thc amount of Ihe tcnder. .,. I

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Such scclirily dcposit shall in. Radio, Tclcyision, Washer,. ~ rlemnify the Corporation against Rclrigcrators, Deep Frcezcrs



FOR SALE <"HOI('£ IIl"1l.D1~G I.OT

:\0 ~9 Frc5hwater noar! with ;,,,proxlmatel)' 33 feCI frol\t,l~e

hy 150 feel rr.lra~r. Situate Ill. orc!lcl;1 rr;lrielltial arca Lar;:e i ~.Ir.:e 0" ;Itr for ~elllo1itlnl1 111

.'rul'r IQ rOIl[nrm 10 huillhng I lr:ula~icru. For further par·. :1l'uIJr~ a:~rl PriCC please

lJ 1;\ L R·~~Oj

Dietitian's Assistant

'it)'! Registration for Elemcnt· 'ary and High School Grades, , Grade XI Commercial and Book· : keeping begins on Tucsday, 1 September 1. Classes will of· : ficially open on Tuesday, Sep· I tember g at 7:30 p.m. I

~lr. Waller ~loore. ~r.:\., , Principal, and his Assistilnt, I ,~In. Dorothy Owcn~, B.Se .. lI'il1, 'intcrl'icw prospectil'e studcnts i at the Adul1 Education Centre,. ~lcmorial Unil'ersity Annex'i ~lerrymeellng Road, Tuesday! ilnd WcnnesllRY, September 1, and 2, from 7:30 to 10:~0 p.m. I and ThursdRY, September 3, I

Applicnlions are Invited rrom '.from ~.OO to 5:00 p.m. and 7:30 I femnlcs aged 18 - 25 year! with Ito 10:30 p.m. ~rade I Certificate. One year I Enroll early, make a good be· In Home Economics is prefer., ginning, and avoid dLsappolnt-

__ ~...; ... _____ able but not essenllal. ment.



~i c 0 - • • till.., 'tt - • , I I

Succes;ful appllcants will be Listen to your radio, re~d I

trained In the superviSion of your newspaper for further I

food semce. Salary rlurlng notice concernlnd special 'training period will b~ S137.50 coums being oflered this year. per month. After training sal·

lary wll! he on the scale $1980· ----------

'100·2200 per anllum. CAIRO, Reulcrs-The Unilerl ! Applications shoulrl be for· I Arah Republic is setting up 65 warded immedi<ltcly to: Super. detechon posts to trace fall·out I Illtenrlent, General Hospital, SI. from the French nuclear tests I'

John·s. ' planned in the Sahara, thc Cairo

LEO~.\RIl ~IlLl.ER. M.D.,

l in and Around St. John'S II Deputy ~!!nlsler 'of Health.

C~eap Reliable Electridl); I aug28.2i.cod

'newspaper AI Kkhbar said Tues' l day. The ne\l'spapcr said that as:

. soon as nuclcar radiation reach· I

: ed a dangerous lcvcl the affect·. cd arca~ would be Hacllatcd.

WANTED (Female Help)

Rcgistered Nurscs for an Accredited 82 bed Hos­pital. Salary $255.00 to $295 00 per month.

'Forty-hour week and no split shifts. Living accommodation in a nurses residence and laundry of uniforms provided for $8.00 to $12.00 per month. We will refund cost of transportation after six months of service. Apply Superintend­ent of Nurses, Canora Union Hospital, Conora, Saskatchewan.




1954 (HE\(. 1954 VANGUARD 1955 STUDE 1955 CHEV BEL AIR



, 1'955 BUICK 1957 CONSUL 1955 AUSTIN 1957 CHEV.












Must .Go We . Drop • In

Are Cutting Get Yourself

Price Like A Bargain








loss in the evcnt of withdrawJI Electric Ranges, of SlIcccssfut lel1dercr slib. Floor Polishers, seqllcnt to acceptance of thc Gr<lmOphOnc5 bid by Ihc Corporation. A certi. Public Address Systems.

LA~lBERT'S . can bp obt .

fied che[jl1e or ne~oti~blc DOln. Tape Rccordcrs " ItEl'AIRS A~D SERVICE

CUJ\:\OIlS DRlG 3~j 1\'.\ TER

DIAL 2206 inion of l'"nada Bonn~ will he t I . ~. 5 I.I:\·ES

o['cep e[ 0.' a SCCllTlty <JCPOSlt DI.\L 3001 10 3005 I :\'.1 chc~lIrs mus~ he mll(le pay, _ WATER STREET ,ahle 10 the order of Central ELECTRICAL

APPLIANCES ~!ortgagc anr! HOll~il1~ Corpor. ation. Thp or any tend· , __________ . cr not nccessarily RcceptecJ. ------

A. "IVIA~, Rranch ~'alla~cr, Ccntr~1

.\Iort~a~e & lIollsin~ Corporatioll . Centre Building. Church Hill, St. Johll's, Newfoundland. aug26,27.2B


Dial 7450 and 60G2

H. R. CLARKE . Topsail ROM

Dial !l2%95

L. HEALEY er- Roads and Waitt 8&

Dial 3026



JOB BROTHERS &: CO I.TD. Waltr Street

Dla~ 2658. '1~

MEEHAN & CO. tA. 1I1dg. Duckwortb SI.

Dial 7046·~047


Temple Bldg .• P.O. HOI 168. 341 Duckwortb 51. DIBI 80370 or 77511



Dial 220.


Cor. Monchy & Empire Aft Dial 90078


104 Duckworth S~ Obi %381


Cor. Mayor Inti }lerrymee1ing R.

DIAL 7388


t:llratJellJ Ihe. J)Idl 9IltO


119 MtJlUary ROlt! Dial sue


I~ Qnldi Vidl Halt


1A5 Pennywell Rod Dial 9293'1


NORMAN DOWNEY 16 N ell' Gower SL

Dial 5727


DIAL 93190



I I I ,

i ! ,

... - - . . . .








Gerry Halley I':

Surveys Ltd. TELEPHONE 90876

I ,

Newfou nd I a nd • Services


CO:,\:-;ECTIO:-; BAY Rt~~ .\:-;n


,\genc), lJepartlll 2~3 W,1tcr St.



Wiring ~laleria1! Cables, ,llotors'

Lamps. SWI:,he;. Flxture.s,



In:ST Rl:~ PLACE~TI.~ !lAY ------Rr~ulJr 810 a.m. train lea\'· HARDWARE 5TO

ing :it. .Iohn·s ~ronday. Augll>t :llsl. will. make connection at R I' & Argentia with ~lotor Vesscl, (or' HA R" ..

· the Bay Run and \\'est Run, GE:-'ER.\\. Distrib'Jtors lei

Placentia Bal'. ! Electric~ CO:-;:-;ECTIO~ GREEl'I' BAY, Sports GOcl.i

SERVICE . wear for ~:,

Train "The C~riboll" leal'ing' DUL , St. John's MOllrio),. August 31st.. -----­will make connection at Lewi.'· ERNEST porte with ~!.V. Nonia fur HgU· McCl..\Ri' lar ports Green B~y Service. WAR~! AIr.




SERnCE i Freight for Southern I abra. I C. A. HUBLEY,

: rior Serl'ice p~rts Goose lla'y pcr : PLU'!BI:'iG aod I S.S. Burge~ and Northern Lab·' rador Scn'lce parts Goose B~y i 6"" R d to Henron for forwarding on' 3 ""ng! oa S.S. Burgeo and transfer to ~f.I------

· V. Trepassey will be accepted, RADIO-TV i at the Dock Coastal Shed to-I _____ _ 'day Friday and Monday, Aug. I

ol,\, anrl Septemher 1st. 9 a.m GREA7 EASTERN · to 5 pm. I COMPANY, LTD. : FHElCllT I.EWI.~POItTF.. REPAIHS TO

II ('OK:,\I:H HKOOK St:ltnn: A:"lD AI.I. :\ 1'1'1.1.;

] l"r,·,.,~IIt fllJ' r"~ld:JJ' fHlrtS· nllt. )uOI 10 '1.t"\I'I~IHlrlr' ('IJI'[kL' UrlltJl; St'l" i

\llr' 101' liJl'\\'JI'Jln~ \i~ l.l·\~i:, i ------1,,,,1,' IlIII! S.S. SplIlIgltale \\'ill i USED CARS

'1,< JI·,·t'plhl .1 till' H:Jilll':I."; ..;;..;..;;...----: I', '·I.,·.IIt Silt'" .\tullda)' 011<1: 1'1It·"la)'. AU~I"I :lIst, In<l i ADELAIDE Sei'lem~bel' 1st. 9 3.m. to 5 p.m. I] YO" .~ CAR


. SERVICE . • "A Complrlr SIOII Yr(,l~ht IS acccptrri d"ll, ~t, IJL\L 30

ilhr Jlai\l\'ay Freight ~hcd fnr · rr~II'"r porls SOllih (oasl srr·l -----__.:-

il'icr hut in orrin tn ~lI~rantr.' FISH STORES .1nOt.mollt h)' Ih:.- trir of the If;S. flu Havcn freicht must be l;1t Ihe Railw,), f'rei:hl :;hpd i nol 1"lor than 1.00 p.n1. TtI •. -·


DIAL ~22! i day. September hI. Service. QUIlity \

NEW R~ ~lB LONDO~. Rellter!

j sunmarinr squ,dron I 19th-will be fornlli I vear and based i~ 'the admir:!1t~ ~"nDll' .' Ir·







I 22 30 23 19 28 17 26 29 16 21 20

. Kin


n., Aug. 3



ANGELI 120! ..




for card will to-doy. Gel

Monday. Tick. 5 p.m. daily


size 22 inches



__ 0



retainin~ Streets.

. Work must be ~"~ICTl"~S availc

must be rked "Tene

.Clnd delivere . WEDNE~

lowest or

Page 15: Sons ., S Ike In London , Curtain · , and then heard it Full ,Iates of c~ndHlates havr ,Ull but that it



'. : R<; 'J"(l

<' .... Lt. >.t'PL

[.1 ". ,..1 "


'" C. .... R :\:.f'~-\D

.. L\lDE ompif'lr ~

DI.\L Jill


',SH SHoP ,. rRf.5COl'f

DIAl :!lI ..,., ~ QllalJlJ .

) P.J.A. ~Nfl6 11LTON



L'·i'" . ~,::-.





I N G 10 22 39 58 64 30 43 55 67 23 .41 46 70 19 37 50 74 28 44 53 68 17 31 56 72 26 38 51 69' 29 42 49 66 16

36 62

21 65 20 71


Kin Help Kiddies

RESTllNG STADIUM , Aug. 31 st at 8:30p.m





ANG::LO CASI~~O (2 of 3 fCllls)




for cord . h)·day,

t.lolldoy. ~ ;l '\ doily

VIGNAL will be on ~ale to holding seat Gent'ral sale let for Saturday

Ticket office open from 9 a.m.


lile 22 inches by 34 inches. 2 h.p. motor.

"V" Belt Drive .



_ Dr WI'. lolltJl/l"


der~ For Retaining Wall Tendm are invited for the work of building crete retaining wall at Victoria and Duck­Streets.

Work must be done Icationl available at !r.

in accordance with the oHke of the City

lids must b.! addreued to the City Clerk marked "Tender for Reinforced Concrete . and delivered at City Hall not later than C.m. WEDNESDAY, September 9, 1959.

The lowest or any tender nbt necessarily

E, B. FORAN, City Clerk.


~.~ ------- ------ -


Well the old boy must have MOVING reasons-but If YOU want to BUILD a fence, then you should be movIng In our direction to get the most ATTRAC· TIVE stuff to do the trick, You wll! be proud of a fence that really dolls up your place. Don't fence around -see us.



Tuna Boat for Charter, experienced Wedgeport






Open 2 p.m. Doily Catering to weddings, private parties, din­ners and dance!. For further informa­tion contact Mrs. Amy Ryan, 22A Golf Ave.

DIAL 90024

BIDGOOD'S Waterford Bridge Rood

Catering Weddings Private

, Parties and Dinners

Dial, 6967

"We'r. plsyinz house. Wilt you be our little boy'?" --- -._-------

Anglican Cemetery (Forest Rood)

Commemoration Services SUNBA Y , AUGUST 30th.

Holy Communion will be celebrated in the \

Mortuary Chapel at B a.m. Services near the Memorial Cros! at 3.15 p.m. "All work on plots must be completed by Friday evening, August 28th, plots holders are asked to co-operate".

. If the weather is unsuitable, the Services will be held the following Sunday.

RAYMOND SNOW, Secretary-Treasurer.





Four FREE Buses Leave George

Street and Post Office Square at 7.45 p.m.

ALL.SALES EQUIPMENT CO. TOPSAIL ROAD­Wanltd to buy-Or renl­A power,dril'en roller. Ap' pry to abon addre3o.

WINDOW BokES, SASHEi­Storm. windows made to order, fist and efflclent lervlce. Phone 48~9·H for Information. jly16,lm

REAL ESTATE - Valuator

WANTED-A female Teacher requires room and board in a piv8te home. prpfer· ably in the vicinit\' of p, W.(" but the Highi'~ Lel'rl~ or West End would be suit· a ble. Please call 92573.

PRIVATE DETECTIVE-What do you want to know? What do you ',fant to find out about, a modest fee ~harged for service. Write or wire to Public Service, P.O. Box F54<JO, St. Juhn's,

FOR SALE By Public


AUGUST 31st 1.30 p.m.


Villa Nova Manuels



FREE Scrap Lumber

for hauling away, also used lumber etc., CIt.

I reasonable prices for

i clean-up. : Hickman Wharf .

i 441 WATER STREET ! PHONE 4340 : i1u;!2G,27.2R , ___________ I

I •

I , .


. '


1 9 5 8 AUSTIN VAN


Baird Motors Ltd.· •


DIAL 80378-9


1952 MODEL I Body in perfect condition, new rings and bearing in engine, new brakes.

Price $4,25.00 Apply to


Nfld. su1127,31 I NEW METBODRUG CLEAN~- Where To Stay

ERS. Ruga <1nd Carpet mad. to look like new. Von Balsam Hotel

WANTED of elty, farm I and outport properties. Ol'er ~o years'

I experience, John p. O'Dris· eoll, Auctioneer ~nd Real : TO RENT Estate Agent. Dial 1Xl312,

! i .j.l~:: _______ . ___ ... _ .. _ I By two working girls, one·. THE CENTRAL RARRER

I f . h d b d . . ~ SHOP. We are now operat· urnIS e e -sIttIng room I' Ing eight chain. You cln be

i or two furnished rooms, a!~ured of the best possible centrally located. l~rI'lce plus the leHt pos·

Ilble waiting. 2~ New Gower Phone 2880-L St., opp. Adelaide Motors.

----- TO I.ET-Suile " offices In


BUNGALOW ~ontaining five roomA ~nd pantry, also two car

Roysl Bank Building, West End. tdMI for Ihippin2 Cirm or cllsloms hroker. Dial 90312, John D. O'Dris· coli, Real Est.ate Agent. jl),8,(tO

iRrage. F CE SrA'" Full ~ize concrele b.spmenl- OF I \of, - Lar~e, Freehold Inlld. Price $10,000.00 newly deeoratcd, heated oC· -TERMS ARRANGED. This Clces available In central

I ' 'I I th" a~ca, Rental reilsonable, proper Y IS 81 liS e on e "ell' '.' bl . A I , d I h d l_ par .. lng no pro em. pp y TranlCans a H II way In LI H.V. Randell Ltd., Spring. practically within the city Umltl. dale and Gilbert Streett. For further particulal'J please "",. ~l

DIAL 9031Z a~~~, 1 BlDEFORD PUCE ---------,-

John D.

Schrader process adds yeara I S to liCe of rugs. Cleaned in : BARNE ROAD home or at our plant. I Situated ill the Heart of th. 'Phone 91033. New ~!elhod City, Rug Cleaners, Freshwater QuId. C6mfortahlc AtmM-

. ..R_oad. .._. __ 1 pnere. _ _ For Reser\'~lIons and In, FOR REST-Fully furni~htd I' (ormation

self . contained modern Aparlment in choice local· Dial 6336 ity, Containin!: livin~ room, I kitch~h, ltinrlle, bathroom, I MRS. JOIfN FACEY

and one bedroom. P~rking I Reald.nt Ma"arere81 spAce available. Heat and m3Uf light incliiden in rent. Suit· '.==~~~==~-==' ahle lor couple with one small child, Phone 5939L. Rug26,3i

------------------FOR SALE-Structural Steel, I B~am; R Belms; Angles; Channels; Plates; Shafting elc., varlou! sizes.. Nfld. Sdlvale .. Salel Co., LId., 11 Patrick Street; 'PIuIBo 1709. mar l~,

. Wall Washing

· I' lh· N O'Driscoll, . se n· e. ews . REAL ESTATE AGENT . I mon,frl,tf

REPAlR8 10 Rldlot, TOllten, Flat Irons, Healers, Vacuum Cleanen elc, Prompt .ervice with lower price~. Corner Electric Shop, 7 Henry St.. Dial 598().H. au(l,lmth

WALL WASRUm - WaUl cleaned by new machIne, Resulll perlect: uvel pllilt -Nelli I!ethod RUi and Wall Cleaners. Freshwater Road, 'Pholle 91OSS.


v. O. W. R. The following dotes have been set for the Annual Events of Radio Station V.O.W.R.

MONDAY, OCTOBER 26: Turkey Teas in Lecture Hall. Official Opening New Studios.


Radio Auction.

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER J 7th .. Home Delivery Turkey Teas.



Junction of CornwClII Avenue and Topsail

Road. Neorest offer $3500.

* Star of the Sea A,ssociation

Membership fees payable on SUNDAY,

August 30, 1959. E. J. MOTTY,



For electrical supply matcriab Requirements include Grade XI education or better, knowledge of materials used by electrical contractors, utilities and ndustrial plant5, ability to plan and work methodically, Previous ;ellin;J experience is desirable and opplicant~ 26 to 35 years of age are preferred. Position involve~ lome trovellil1Q by plane, roil and cor. Salary is high depending on quoli . fications and company benefits ol1d cur are pro­vided.

Apply by letter to;

Canadian General Electric COMPANY, LIMITED

P.O. BOX 942 ST. JOHN'S •

LOURDES GROTTO Flat Rock, 51. John's East

Open Air Rosary, Sermon and ..

TORCHLIGHT PROCESSION If the weather is unsuitable deyotion~ will b. held in St. Mic~ael's Church, Flatrock.


FOR SALE Large residential property conveniently locClted near the Newfoundland Hotel. ContClins four, self-contained Apartments,

For particulars and appointment to view Clpply to:


---------- -


1958 Pontiac Custom Radios PUSHBUTTON TUNING "" .. ,.,.,,$79.50 Installed

MANUEL TUNING ,."", ." ... $59.50 Installed

Also - Delco Batteries, the n'ations foremosl,

Body Sealing Compounds, and complete line of Genuine General Motor~

Factory approved Parts and Accessories


The Terra Nova Motors ltd •. ,

PHONE 5131 - 5 LINES • · -: ·

j. t ,=

--"~~ .~: ~I

... ',,"".,


,',f . , ~".;

~ ~\.~;:li , .<)~:, t .'-'

I: ;,/i; , {'~I

II 0 ';i ,".

I· >



Page 16: Sons ., S Ike In London , Curtain · , and then heard it Full ,Iates of c~ndHlates havr ,Ull but that it

, ;i, , t : I, 1& J .. 1


____________________________ """1"' _______________ THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S NFLD., FRIDAY AUGUST 28, 1

.\i MILLEY'S" tl, ir

• ,1 j


PRESENTS Fresh Stoc:k Arriving Weekly

l , '

.. , I

, {

1 •

'I ,I " , ,

Back To School Togs Gilt Edge fir" grade Can.adian Creamery Buner.

Perfection Evaporated Milk (It's Perfection for Coffee),

Black Diamond Cheddar Cheese Wedges and Sticks (Wh't , I • a,,~

Coloured). I THE FOSSILS OF PIETY Literary Humanism if! Dec/inft - Prof. : GlttLS'


BLAZERS Pa'ul West, Mem- !

orial University ,.,.$3,25·

Perfection First Grade Canadian Creamery Butter.

Grade" A" larg. size Fresh Eggs.



Norman Collins .,,' .3.25


Per last Steamer from New York; LONDON DOCK TOBACCO,

(A Connoisseur's Delight),


$1.90 and $2.20 $4.50 . Pamels Hansford Johnson .... """ .... ,, 3.00


Frances Parkinson

GIRLS' GIRLS' Keyes ........ " .......... 3.25




sup-er RICOHFLEX with Alexander King "" 5,50 1==========:==============; • Needle sharpe 80mm ELIZABETH THE GREAT i foIl G cation, who is at present study· I

TELEPHONES: 5143 - 5144 •

f3.5 matched lenses. Elizabeth Jenkins" 4.251' n reen ing for his doctorate at Cornell I S k A I Unil'ersity, and at present Ex· NOW

Single finger-tip ever THE WORLD pea er t tension Biologist at the 'Depart· that cacks and releases I AROUND US ment of. ~lines and Resources.

$4.50' SI. .J?hn's Rotary Club yesterday


97e. to $3.50



shutter. II Robert Gouy 4.00 : Rotarv ,was the guest speaker al the BAN IS Ricoh fXshutter with; THE ATLANTIC .; and Illustrated his talk with col· accurate speeds from: SALMON .Tohn Green, Bachelor of oured shdes, He spoke on the' GRAY HA 1 1 0 h 1/200 h I

SCirnc in Forestry and ~[aster recreational habits of people on I , t sec. to t " Left Wulff 12 00 .. . th 'I "."''''',,. of SClence In Conservation Edu. e natural and I'lld hfe of a

I co t h " h) From Coral (;ab:", Florid

Removable back per- McGOLDRICKS ! un ry,. 5 O\\tng ow t le hu· SCOTT'S AST1.GR ."

• I man belng can upset the bal·' TONE S. AI mlts user to change the CANADIAN CU'TOMS I I I J. 'lI!pl, 10 U", u Opening ance of nalure when he reo or dr •. No rolour 'M' standard 120 back for 'I AND EXCISE TARIFfS ' moves by hun ling, etc, one of a cr •• my "hll' pom.d. '

h 35 172 An nouncemenl ' th . f' I l' d I'k t e mm or. super " C. E. Racine & Co I e speClCS 0 WIld or plant life. i app ,. ~ •• h",dr .. ~nl

'- I'd b k h' h I L" d ., i S He finished his talk by a de· I fOT a pertod oIl,n daYI ~ S I e ac s w IC are' Im,/e" .. L." .. " 9 00 I ewing Shop monstration showing how all Dfl weeks (depending 011 available at a low price. I • • , ,nature's creatures and wild life IRet!kt."Te.'I lyour shrBir II> '0' k & C L d I Prompt Service giver. i h d t th k' 00 lng eo our, .0T1"S

ONL Y, $29.95 with casc', Ie s 0., t.! : are Dun ogc cr, eeplnt: na· GRAY HAIR TONE i. come In today and see our: to all Alterations and lure In balance and forming a by lb. :run. Will no', s. MILLEY LTD.


STEA.'I1SHIPS LTD. S,S. Gowrie loading at Mon·

treal .-\ugust 29th for Botwood Ind St. John's ..

ll.V. Dundee loading at Tor, , onto Aug. 31st. Hamilton. Sept.

2nd; Montreal Sept. 5th, for I Botwood and St, John's,

:'I I. \'. Zebrula loading In Lakes Sept. 6th· lOth" for St. John's,

;0. T.V. Perth loading at Tor· onlo Sept. I !th, Hamilton, Sept. 121h. :lIontrcal Sept. 151h, for Botwood and St.

John'~. ;\1. V, LOlldon loading at

Toronto about Sept. 11th for St. John·s. NFLD. CANADA STEAMSHIPS

M.S. Bedford II In port, on completion of discharge will sal] for Montren!.

:'tLS, Belle Isle II sail.lng from Halifax September 5th, due St. John's September 7th.

!ItS, Bedford II saillng from Montreal September 3rd, due SI. John's September 7th

CLARKE STEAMSHIP CO. Hlghllner leaving Montreal

Aug. 26" due St, John's Aug, 31, sailing Sept. 1.

°Novaport leaving Montreal Sept. 2n,l, due SI. John'. Sept. 7th. sailing Sept. Bth.

FURNESS RED CROSS LINE complete RICOH line avail- I The Booksellers Repairs. ~I\ebd °b! life". He was intra· :~n ~~~:' ~nnn;:'~!~ I bl 378 DUCKWORTH ST. ,lice y Dr. Cater Andrew~. fully IlAti.fie<l. Tw~

Manchester Pioneer leaving' a e on aur easy terms, Spin 442:i or 2008 or 3191 Opposite aDd $6.60.

Halifax Au!:ust 27th, arriving ~ Slattery's Wholesale. ! St. John's, August 29th, leav- ~ L F' The Conquistadores werc I Bowring Bros, Ltd" Ing September 3rd, for Corner ' aos ItS TELEPHONE 7935 the leaders of the Spanish Pharmacy, Peter 0' Brook, Halifax and New York, (Contimled from Page 1) FLORENCE ' conquest of America, especial· Connors Ltd" lnd Leaving New York September Wh f h . CRANE , Iy ~!exico and Peru, in the Pharmacy-5t. John'l; 11th, Saint John, N.B., Sep. (Division of General films· . en 19 tlng first began in ~~~~~~~~~ .. ~ll0th century, Drugs-Bay Roberts, 'mld·July, the Laotian govern. :: tember 14, Halifax, N.S., Sep· Ltd.) ~ent estimated the rebel forces tember 17th, arriVing Corner .7 ROWAN STREET In ba. tlalions, But current un Brook, September 19th, leal" ff I ' jng September 21st, for st. PHONE 93821 0 lCla esllmates run between I . .2,000 and 5,000-not stagger. John's and leaving SI. John's, Churchill Park area I'in,g in a country of 3,000,000 September 25th for Halifax h and New York. Leaving New Your modern photographic IWlt

.8 royal army of 25,000. York October 2nd, Saint John center. ' ThLS, hoy.oever, doe~ not in· elude remforcements which i

IN STOCK ~,B" October ~th, Halifax ~ might b, waiting across the' October Bth, arriving St. 1l1li ________ ":.1 border, John's October 11th, leaving ---------_ -October 14th for Corner IN MEMORIAM DEATH Brook,

'Gulfport leaving Montreal '


Sept. g, arrl\'e SI. .rohn's Sept. I '"URNESS WARREN LINE I

14. leal'in~ Sept. 16, I ~ ova SClllia, leaving Boston· ° Refrigeration, ' AUK, lol and Halifax Aug. 18, ; GULF AND NORTHER~ due SI. John's Aug, 20, salling!

again same day for Liverpool I



In 101'ill~ memory of Oll1" Dad,'


SO~!ERTON - There passed oway at his residence, Portu~al l'u\"~, on Augu.t 15th David Som~l'ton, aged 68 yeo;'s, Leav-· ing to mourn Iheir sad los5 his I

,wife, Bridgel; fi\'e 50ns I'red-' 'I , '

i erick C and Samuel C,' at




Ii "

, ,

'f. [. ,


PHONE7313 Electronic

Centre Ltd. 90 CAMPBEU AVE.

After hours 'PHONE 6401 A

'Fergus leaving Charlottetown !\ewfoundland, leaving Ltv· , Aug, 2B, due St. John', Aug, erpool Aug, 14, due St. John's 31. salling Aug. 31. Aug, 21, leaving for Halifax

'Fergus leaving Charlottetown I and Boston Aug, 22, due Hal!· Scpt. 4. due St, John'. Sept.. fax Aug. 24 and Boston Aug, 7, sailing Sept. 8, 27, leaving Boston Aug. 28 and

• Refrigeration. Halifax Sept. 1, due SI. John's I BLUE PETER STEAMSHIPS Sept. 3, aall!ng again lame day

COMPANY ' ~I.V, Blue Peter IOldlnil

Gloucester Sept. 2·3rd. :\!.V, Blue Cloud ~oattinll

Gloucester Sept, 140151h,

Georgia lead. III atates In production of peanuts, paper shell pecans and plmentoes.

who passed away lour years ago toda)'.

We loved Dad well, bul Jesus loved him best

Good night, dear Dad, Good night.

-Remembered by dRught. er and lon, Stella and Leveson.

I Portugal Cove, Leo ~lichael and I Andrew Thomas, at Halifax, land Ambrose, at Sprin"hill'

o 'I ,also three brother, Edward i 'John, at Portugal Cove Albert I

: at Port Arthur, and' Ernest: I : TopSOIL Road; two sisters Eliz­i abeth Hammond and Amelia Somerton, at Portugal Cove, And

: nine grandchildren,




" t . , ' . I


ROBERTS In memory of I

beloved husband and father,

WILSON ROBERTS, who entered into

God's care,

: , , ...::

\ . ,

II , . , \


Now 52.95 SPECIAL J


$B.9~ - $10.50 ',\


Reg. $17.95 PEN SPECIAL


$1.00 OR OVER r ,"

HI loving memory of our Dad,

WILSON ROBERTS, who passed away August 29, 1955.

"Asleep In God's garden, no worry, no pain,

God ble~ you, dear Dad. till we meet again",

-Son Leveson B, Roberts, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland. •



four yean ago lo·day.

-Mrs. Roberls, Alice and family.

pound Plaid

Blankets $1.60 lb.




• Highest Quality Sliding G I ,0 I 's Doors.

• Mirrors, all sizes . complete with fit­tings etc.


Ltd. DIAL 9369Q


For a short time we are offering standard Murray - Brantford roofings AT VERY MUCH REDUCED PRICES,

210 lb. Mineralized Asphalt Shingles, all colours $12.50 Sq,

Mineralized roofing ....... , .................................... $

Smooth surface 18" 45 Ib, ................................ $ 3.55

Smooth surface 18" 55 lb ..................................... $ 4,50

Also, a full line of -


K.B. SHEATHING and all Building Supplies,

A. H. MURRAY & Co., Ltd. ST, JOHN'S.

power st.1

Reg, $'



.I-Reuters -arc pushin~ r

Northea_. F fo- 38

the Longju by the Ch

, official night.

message from days ago, sait

withdrawing ~ fire. Since

been heard, about their

ive o! !r party,

declared; of China will back .. ,"

executive cali! to take

make the Ch


as six I youths, "(; contempt

by SpanislHp' tD descrihe

moments !aler boys were

told of .Iceing Irom the par taxie3b,


BA Mal


(CP) -la

proceedin trial of a
