solar thermal energy for buildings – current ......current state in solar thermal energy use •...

SOLAR THERMAL ENERGY FOR BUILDINGS – CURRENT STATE AND PERSPECTIVES Tamara Bajc 1 , Milan Gojak 2 Faculty of Mechanical engineering, University of Belgrade 1 [email protected], 2 [email protected] 50. Me unarodni kongres i izložba o KGH, Beograd, 4–6.12.2019 đ 50th International HVAC&R Congress and Exhibition, Belgrade, 4–6 Dec. 2019 1

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Page 1: SOLAR THERMAL ENERGY FOR BUILDINGS – CURRENT ......Current state in solar thermal energy use • According to the data from Solar Heat Worldwide Report, total global solar thermal


Tamara Bajc1, Milan Gojak2

Faculty of Mechanical engineering, University of Belgrade1 [email protected], 2 [email protected]

50. Me unarodni kongres i izložba o KGH, Beograd, 4–6.12.2019đ50th International HVAC&R Congress and Exhibition, Belgrade, 4–6 Dec. 2019


Page 2: SOLAR THERMAL ENERGY FOR BUILDINGS – CURRENT ......Current state in solar thermal energy use • According to the data from Solar Heat Worldwide Report, total global solar thermal

Table of contents

50. Me unarodni kongres i izložba o KGH, Beograd, 4–6.12.2019đ50th International HVAC&R Congress and Exhibition, Belgrade, 4–6 Dec. 2019


1. Introduction

2. Current state in solar thermal energy use

3. Perspectives of solar thermal energy use

4. Conclusions

Page 3: SOLAR THERMAL ENERGY FOR BUILDINGS – CURRENT ......Current state in solar thermal energy use • According to the data from Solar Heat Worldwide Report, total global solar thermal

50. Me unarodni kongres i izložba o KGH, Beograd, 4–6.12.2019đ50th International HVAC&R Congress and Exhibition, Belgrade, 4–6 Dec. 2019


1. Introduction• Last decades global climate has changed significantly, with a 1.5°C higher temperature than in XIX century. [1]

• In order to reduce the global warming as much as possible, it is necessary to reduce use of fossil fuels.

• Solar thermal energy is considered to be the cleanest carbon reduction technology.• With the yields of 388 TWh of solar thermal energy in 2017, reduced amount of CO2 worldwide was 134.7 million tones. [2]

• Solar energy potential, together with an economical solar system production gives the opportunity for cheep and environmental friendly energy exploration.

[1] Hoegh-Guldberg, O., D. Jacob, M. Taylor, M. Bindi, S. Brown, I. Camilloni, A. Diedhiou, R. Djalante, K.L. Ebi, F. Engelbrecht, J. Guiot, Y. Hijioka, S. Mehrotra, A. Payne, S.I. Seneviratne, A. Thomas, R. Warren, and G. Zhou, Impacts of 1.5ºC Global Warming on Natural and Human Systems. In: Global Warming of 1.5°C. An IPCC Special Report on the impacts of global warming of 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels and related global greenhouse gas emission pathways, in the context of strengthening the global response to the threat of climate change, sustainable development, and efforts to eradicate poverty 2018, In Press.[2] ***,, W. Weiss, Solar Heat Worldwide Edition 2018, 2018.

Page 4: SOLAR THERMAL ENERGY FOR BUILDINGS – CURRENT ......Current state in solar thermal energy use • According to the data from Solar Heat Worldwide Report, total global solar thermal

50. Me unarodni kongres i izložba o KGH, Beograd, 4–6.12.2019đ50th International HVAC&R Congress and Exhibition, Belgrade, 4–6 Dec. 2019


2. Current state in solar thermal energy use• Total final renewable energy consumption in Serbia in 2016 was 70993 TJ. • The share of used solar energy in Serbia was less than 1% [3].

50477 (71%)

6354 (9%)


13252 (19%)

560 (1%)

Final renewable energy consumption [TJ]


Figure 1. Final renewable energy consumption in Serbia in 2016 by sectors [3] [3] ***, International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), IRENA statistics -, 2016.

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50. Me unarodni kongres i izložba o KGH, Beograd, 4–6.12.2019đ50th International HVAC&R Congress and Exhibition, Belgrade, 4–6 Dec. 2019


2. Current state in solar thermal energy use• According to the data from Solar Heat Worldwide Report, total global solar thermal capacity of water collectors increased from 62 GWth in 2000 to 472 GWth in 2017 [4].

Figure 2. Global solar thermal capacity in operation and energy yields in a period from 2000 to 2017 [4][4] Weiss, W., M. Spork-Dur, Solar heat worldwide Global market development and trends in 2017, n.d.












2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Capacity [GWth], Energy yield [TWh]


Yields 82.3% is installed in China and Europe, 17.7% is shared by US and Canada.

Page 6: SOLAR THERMAL ENERGY FOR BUILDINGS – CURRENT ......Current state in solar thermal energy use • According to the data from Solar Heat Worldwide Report, total global solar thermal

50. Me unarodni kongres i izložba o KGH, Beograd, 4–6.12.2019đ50th International HVAC&R Congress and Exhibition, Belgrade, 4–6 Dec. 2019


2. Current state in solar thermal energy use• According to the data from Solar Heat Worldwide Report, annual solar thermal energy yields increased from 51 TWh in 2000 to 388 TWh in 2017 [4].

Figure 3. The share of installed type of collectors in Europe in 2017 [4][4] Weiss, W., M. Spork-Dur, Solar heat worldwide Global market development and trends in 2017, n.d.




Flat plate collectors

Evacuated tube collectors

Unglazed water collectors

Page 7: SOLAR THERMAL ENERGY FOR BUILDINGS – CURRENT ......Current state in solar thermal energy use • According to the data from Solar Heat Worldwide Report, total global solar thermal

50. Me unarodni kongres i izložba o KGH, Beograd, 4–6.12.2019đ50th International HVAC&R Congress and Exhibition, Belgrade, 4–6 Dec. 2019


2. Current state in solar thermal energy use• The most common water solar heating systems worldwide are small installations for single family houses, with about 90% of installations annually [4].• In Europe, large-solar thermal systems for district heating are installed in Denmark, Sweden, Austria, Germany, Spain and Greece.

Figure 4. Number of installed solar district heating systems in Europe in period from 1983 to 2017 [4][4] Weiss, W., M. Spork-Dur, Solar heat worldwide Global market development and trends in 2017, n.d.










1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Number of instaled DH systems

Outside the Europe, China is a leader by the number of large solar DHS.

31 new solar DHS in Denmark

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28 2824

17 14 13 13 11 10 9 83 2 1 1 10











Number of systems and its capacities [MWth]

Capacity [MWth]

Number of insta lla tions

Up to 910.4 MWth

50. Me unarodni kongres i izložba o KGH, Beograd, 4–6.12.2019đ50th International HVAC&R Congress and Exhibition, Belgrade, 4–6 Dec. 2019


2. Current state in solar thermal energy use

Figure 5. Large systems for solar district heating worldwide [4,5][4] Weiss, W., M. Spork-Dur, Solar heat worldwide Global market development and trends in 2017, n.d.[5] ***, ESTIF, Solar thermal markets in Europe, 2016.

Page 9: SOLAR THERMAL ENERGY FOR BUILDINGS – CURRENT ......Current state in solar thermal energy use • According to the data from Solar Heat Worldwide Report, total global solar thermal

50. Me unarodni kongres i izložba o KGH, Beograd, 4–6.12.2019đ50th International HVAC&R Congress and Exhibition, Belgrade, 4–6 Dec. 2019


2. Current state in solar thermal energy use

Figure 6. Shares of total installed solar thermal applications by 2016 in Europe (left) and World (right)[4]

[4] Weiss, W., M. Spork-Dur, Solar heat worldwide Global market development and trends in 2017, n.d.




Swimming pool


Smaller DHW and heating systemsLarge DHW systems

DHW for single family houses

6%1% 2%



Swimming pool


Smaller DHW and heating systemsLarge DHW systems

DHW for single family houses

• The highest percent of installations goes on DHW systems for single family houses.• The smallest shares – solar district heating, cooling and process heat systems.

Page 10: SOLAR THERMAL ENERGY FOR BUILDINGS – CURRENT ......Current state in solar thermal energy use • According to the data from Solar Heat Worldwide Report, total global solar thermal

50. Me unarodni kongres i izložba o KGH, Beograd, 4–6.12.2019đ50th International HVAC&R Congress and Exhibition, Belgrade, 4–6 Dec. 2019


2. Current state in solar thermal energy use –Solar thermal cooling

Figure 7. Installed systems for solar cooling worldwide [4][4] Weiss, W., M. Spork-Dur, Solar heat worldwide Global market development and trends in 2017, n.d.








Insta lled ca pacity [kWth]

Collector size [m2]

Cooling capacity [kW]

Page 11: SOLAR THERMAL ENERGY FOR BUILDINGS – CURRENT ......Current state in solar thermal energy use • According to the data from Solar Heat Worldwide Report, total global solar thermal

50. Me unarodni kongres i izložba o KGH, Beograd, 4–6.12.2019đ50th International HVAC&R Congress and Exhibition, Belgrade, 4–6 Dec. 2019


3. Perspectives of solar thermal energy use

Figure 8. Solar thermal energy advantages and perspectives of usage [7][6] ***, European Solar Thermal Technology Platform, Solar Heating and Cooling for a Sustainable Energy Future in Europe, n.d.[7] ***, International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA),, Renewable energy in district heating and cooling, 2017.

• According to vision 2030, a future strategic goal is to supply a 50% of heat demand for building heating and cooling through the solar systems [6].

Environmentally friendly: -Less air pollution -Meets emission targets

Fuel independence, sustainable energy for an affordable price

Suitable for urban areas

Interaction with existing DHC systems: -cost-effective -relieves electrical grid

Solar thermal energy

Page 12: SOLAR THERMAL ENERGY FOR BUILDINGS – CURRENT ......Current state in solar thermal energy use • According to the data from Solar Heat Worldwide Report, total global solar thermal

50. Me unarodni kongres i izložba o KGH, Beograd, 4–6.12.2019đ50th International HVAC&R Congress and Exhibition, Belgrade, 4–6 Dec. 2019


3. Perspectives of solar thermal energy use

Table 1. Prices of solar thermal energy today and projection for 2030 [6]

[6] ***, European Solar Thermal Technology Platform, Solar Heating and Cooling for a Sustainable Energy Future in Europe, n.d.[8] Ge T.S., R.Z. Wang, Z.Y. Xu, Q.W. Pan, S. Du, X.M. Chen, T. Ma, X.N. Wu, X.L. Sun, J.F. Chen, Solar heating and cooling: Present and future development, Renewable Energy, 126 (2018), pp. 1126–1140.

• Perspectives of solar energy usage can be also shown through the competitive prices of heat.• The costs of solar thermal energy will decrease around 60% with a development of technologies and market [6].• PBP for SHS from 3 to 15 years, while the PBP for cooling systems varies from 8 to 12 years depending on the type of collectors, size of the system, location and local feed-in policies [8].• It is estimated that the specific investment cost of small solar thermal systems in Europe will be six times lower by 2030.

Energy source Today [Euro cent/kWh] 2030 [Euro cent/kWh]

Solar thermal 5-16 2-6

Natural gas 8,5-29 17-58

Electricity 7-33 14-66

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50. Me unarodni kongres i izložba o KGH, Beograd, 4–6.12.2019đ50th International HVAC&R Congress and Exhibition, Belgrade, 4–6 Dec. 2019


4. Conclusions According to the Directive EU 2018/2001, it was proposed that the share of RES consumed in EU by 2030 should be at least 27%. In addition to achieve EU 2030 goals, it is also suggested to include solar thermal technologies in accordance with a national potential and strategies. Solar energy provides a large scale of benefits towards EU goals regarding energy savings, fossil fuels reduction, CO2 emission reduction, RES implementation in existing DHC networks, a growth of new, innovative technologies and markets, sustainable development and healthier urban environments. A special attention should be dedicated to development of solar cooling systems, having in mind the availability of solar energy in period of highest cooling demands. Sustainability of solar thermal energy is a significant factor in future energy strategy, providing a lower dependency from fossile fuel import. With an installation of solar plants as a sub-system in an addition to existing plants, it is possible to achieve savings during whole year. Initial higher costs for solar systems can be compensated by low operation costs end free solar energy.

Page 14: SOLAR THERMAL ENERGY FOR BUILDINGS – CURRENT ......Current state in solar thermal energy use • According to the data from Solar Heat Worldwide Report, total global solar thermal

50. Me unarodni kongres i izložba o KGH, Beograd, 4–6.12.2019đ50th International HVAC&R Congress and Exhibition, Belgrade, 4–6 Dec. 2019


Thank you for your attention!


asst. prof. Tamara Bajc, [email protected]. prof. Milan Gojak, [email protected]
