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  • 8/14/2019 SocialScience


    10 vgUw PpAi U vgUw PpAi U vgUw PpAi U vgUw PpAi U

    Sample Items of 10th Standard Question Bank


    gd Pt Azs v vg w ESgd Pt Azs v vg w ESgd Pt Azs v vg w ESgd Pt Azs v vg w ESA.4, 100 Cr v g , APj 3 AvA.4, 100 Cr v g , APj 3 AvA.4, 100 Cr v g , APj 3 AvA.4, 100 Cr v g , APj 3 Av

    AUgAUgAUgAUg---- 560 085560 085560 085560 085

  • 8/14/2019 SocialScience


  • 8/14/2019 SocialScience



    (RESEARCH & TRAINING) - (DSERT)No.4, 100 ft.ring road, BSK 3rd stage, Bangalore-85


    IInd Block, Jayanagara, Bangalore -11


    r.J.E.Dg.n Aig gdz Pt Utl a n g..E. P AzsvPV 8 v 9 vgUwUU

    wPU ga, Aifg jPtU, CU , Pv U wgz. F jPtU Jgq sUUz sUIg DAi U, sU- IIg Qg Gvg / W GvgU(2-3 CAPU) AgAv gaz. Ezg ; sU sU

    1 v 2g AaP 50:50 Cvz Dzg, Pg AiU 60:40 Cvz AaP DVgvz. 8 v 9 vgUwU FUUizj wPU F gZAiiV DAi U (P fU) AiVPV q s zgwz.

    v gd Pt Azs ESAi zPg Dzz g Ag 2006 J.J.J. jPU CPUAvsAi 50:50 Cv U 60:40 (Pg Ai) z Dzsgz PpAi vAiij uUjP g.. JdP

    PnAiA CjU zg. F n PpAi U J AiU 10 vgUwU CUtV gaVz.

    Pp gu:

    g aAv sPpAi Gv U sAqgUz. Ezg jPtU Aiv, Adv U QvAiDzsgz oAiUUUtV erz. F jw erPAi P DzsgU iqz. w UAiv, Adv AztP CAU Ev vQPU av CAQ CAUAVgP. CAzg Ez gAvgV qAi

    PAi U M iq PAi JAz wAivz.

  • 8/14/2019 SocialScience


    1. PpAi GzU:

    P zst, GU APAqAv AiU U AUP.

    Ai, U Cxtz jPtU xzsjv erP. zs lz PpvUUtV U equ.

    gAvg jU Mr CP AgPVz.

    2. PpAi ggS:

    Ai u - AiU AaP wWlPz Gg AaP - xg AaP

    Ai zs AaP

    - DAi (1 CAP)- Qg Gvg (2 CAPU)- W Gvg (3-4 CAPU)

    PptvAi l - (s, P, zsgt)

    DAi Gvg n, U t Gvg v W GvgU CAP vgu.

    3. PpAi GAiUU:

    WWWWPV wPU vAiij PPjU g.

    zs Utl az.

    zs GzUUUtV Pp vAiijP (Gz: zs, DAi, U v jzs, Ev).

    Ai uAi PAPV CxtV iqzg PPjU U zyUU AiP.

    PPg v Y zsP aP Pj.

    EAz CPvUg PpU AWn MAi U ervUz rP.

    AiiAi jPtU AP AiP.

  • 8/14/2019 SocialScience


    4. MAi U Dj F CAU Uzqz P:

    U PV AiiAUU AaP DVzAi?

    AiiPUtz UVAi? gg P x vU Jw vjz?

    Ai s PU wAiAwzAi?

    DAiU AdVAi?

    Azs U Czg ZU VzAi?

    PU vzAiPVzAi?

    5. Gv DAi jPtz PtU VgP:(q:r.J.Az)

    F U PA(stem) / JA z sU U F U av 4 DAiU Eg. Ai PA Ai gzgz j. P CAt Pgz, VzU CAtz Pz

    PAi EgP. 4 DAiU / GvgUVz MAz iv Ad GvgVgAv gaP. 4 DAiU ZgUU

    Aggz. F DAiU EU / CAPU gAizzg Cz KjP Cx EP PzgP. U PAz DAig PVggz U Cw Gzggz. P Aia GvjAv Cg

    UPUUtVgP. DAiU : : MAz AUw Cx g ggz. Utvz U P GvgU DAiAiiV Pqgz. DAiU , PgtPj sUgP. avU Cx PU DAiU z. (Dzg AdVgP). DAiAi izj P Ugw Cx j x iv jQvz Jz v P. sU sP jQ ovg AiPl UP v CQv jQvPz.

  • 8/14/2019 SocialScience


  • 8/14/2019 SocialScience


    F PAiP jAiiz Mv Pl, Azr wg r.J.E.Dg.n zPgz r.dUxg U PlP jPAq zPgz .n.Ji. Pig gjU vP CAzU U AzU. Ez jw r.J.E.Dg.n AiPbjAi Dg Dz w. jAitg v ZAzRg gg U J gZ w zgUU F P

    AzU v.

    q:n.P.dAiQq: r. J.Az


  • 8/14/2019 SocialScience


    List of Abbreviations UsedPart I Multiple Choice Questions

    Part II Short and Long Answer type Questions

    Abbreviations Meaning Item Number



    Languages KF Kannada First Language

    L.No Lesson Number KS Kannada Second/Third Language

    PR Prose EF English First Language

    PO Poem ES English Second Language

    Gr Grammar HF Hindi First Language

    Comp Comprehension HT Hindi Third Language

    Core Subjects SF Sanskrit First Language

    Ch.No Chapter Number ST Sanskrit Third Language

    B Biology U UrduSocial Studies Ma Marathi

    H History Ta TamilC Civics Te Telugu

    G Geography M MathematicsE Economics SC Science

    SS Social Studies

    Obj Objectives U Uz

    K Knowledge zLanguages G G

    C Comprehension Y Y

    A Appreciation s s

    E Expression U UP

    Core Subjects A

    U Understanding C CQ

    A Application P.l PpvAi l

    S Skill sDiff.level Difficulty level zsgt

    E Easy P P

    A Average G G

    D Difficult

  • 8/14/2019 SocialScience


    D.S.E.R.T#4, 100 fT ring road, Banashankari III stage, Bangalore 85

    Sample Items of X Standard Question Bank Subject: Social SciencesUI-Part I




    Ch.No Obj Key



    SS001 s Dq MAz QAiv P Pnz Gz

    A. Cgg Cg zAz zgq B. zQt K rPC. g Az j D. diUz gz vnAz

    Francisco Almeida built a strong navy with the purpose of:

    A. keeping the Arabs out of Arbian sea B. conquering S. East Asia

    C. carrying on trade D. gaining control over sea trade H 1 K A E

    SS002 sgvz Ewz AiU Aiizz:

    A. sAZg v v UU PzPAqz B. lPg PlAn rPAqU

    C. q U diU PAq rzU D. qZg vU sgvAzz zU

    A new era started in the history of India when:

    A. the French lost their possession B. Turks occupied Constantinople

    C. Vasco-da-gama discovered a new sea D. The Dutch diverted their attention from India


    U C A

    SS003 sgvz sAZg CwU Pgtz Aiz :

    A. JgqAi PlP B. DAii GvgPgz C. P D. gAi PlP

    The war which led to the downfall of the French in India was the:

    A. Second Carnatic B. War of Austrian succession C. Seven years D. Third CarnaticH 1 U D A

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    Ch.No Obj Key



    SS004 sgvz ng CPgz Ai 23 d 1757 Cw Rz . EzP Pgt, Cg:A. g esg zg B. AUz U zgC. g SA zZvUzg D. AU ng DPU MnvEstablishment of June 23rd, 1757 is an important day in the advent of the British power in India because they:A. denthroned Mir Jafar B. established their trading centre in BengalC. dethroned Mirquassim D. Bengal came under the control of the British H

    1U D A

    SS005 j MqAig vz Cg g F PV Cg g Czzg:A. g B. dAiUgz C. gog D. egThe wodeyars of Mysore were the subordinates of:A Bahamani Sultans B. Vijayanagar C. Marathas D. Nizams H 2 K B E

    SS006zgAi tUAi gog vqAi DU. KPAzg:A. zgAi egq MAz irPAq B. g tm Pzz gog wzg

    C. gojU ng g U D. gog qAiq Pzlz vqVzgThe Marathas could not check the rise of Hyderali as:A Hyderali entered into an alliance with Nizams B. Marathas were defeated in Third battle of PanipatC. Marathas could not get the support of the British D.The Maratha forces were busy fighting against Dupliex H

    2U B E

    SS007PApgAi t JAzg :A. g gd MqAig grz az t B. gd MqAijAz ZgAitU rz Qjl

    C. zqzgdg PApg D. aPzgd z Kantiraya Panams means:A. gold coins issued by Narasaraj Wodeyar B. crowns offered by Raja wodeyar to ChaluvanarayanaC. the necklace of Doddadevaraya D. tax levied by Chikkadevaraya H

    2U A A

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    SS008 n gAi DAU g Aiz Uzg C:A. sAZjU v Czs gd Pqwg B. lQAi ev ivPv AzjwgC. AiP zwAi Pjwz D. g gdAz ng Nrwz

    If Tippu Sultan had won the third Anglo Mysore war, he would have:A given away half of his territory to the French B. discontinued negotiations with the Sultans of TurkeyC. accepted Subsidiary alliance D. driven the British out of Mysore Kingdom H 2 A D A

    SS009 AiP zwAi MPAq z zg,

    A. wgAPj zg B. go C. Czs D. zg e

    The first ruler to accept the subsidiary alliance was:

    A. Raja of Travancore B. Maratha Peshwa C. Nawab of Oudh D. Nizam of Hyderbad

    H 3 K D ESS010 fgAi AiP zwAi CAVPj Pgt:

    A. gg v Azsgg Ai AiAvt Aiw wzg B. Azs v gg EAVggz Aiz rzg

    C. gg v Azsg zg D. UAiPq v gg v Przg

    The critical condition that made Peshwa Baji Rao to accept the subsidiary alliance was:

    A.Holkars and Sindhias tried to establish control over Peshwa B Sindhias and Holkars declared war against the English

    C. Holkars defeated the army of the Peshwa and Sindhia D.Gaikwads and Holkars fought among themselves H3 U C E

    SS011 vAeg v CPl Ai rP Pgt:

    A. B. zv Pg zw C. Dqv Pv D. AiP zw

    Wellesley could annex Tanjore and Arcot because of :

    A. the presence of a weak army B. the doctrine of lapse C. maladministration D.subsidiary alliance H 3 U C ASS012 WlUUgV jAiiV erl MAzU

    A. . gv, , Cv g B. , Cv g, , gv

    C.gv, , , Cv g D. Cv g, , , gv

    The treaties in the correct order of their occurrence were:

    A. Salbai, Surat, Bassein, Amritsar B. Bassein, Amritsar, Salbai, Surat

    C. Surat, Salbai, Bassein, Amritsar D. Amritsar, Bassein, Salbai, Surat H 3 U C E

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    SS013 Lg EwPgg 1857g zAUAi U Pgzg.

    A. zAU B. AqAi C. sgvz z vAv g D. sgvz vAv gl

    The revolt of 1857 was called by the British historians as :

    A. Sepoy mutiny B. Sepoy revolt C. The first war of Indian Independence D. Indian freedom struggle H 4 K A ESS014 Pg : zq Nrz :: g hi : _____________

    A. Q zzP Nrz B. Q guz

    C. Q Aizz Pl D. QAi UUj v

    Kanpur : Nana Saheb fled to Nepal :: Jhansi : _____________

    A. Lakshmibai fled to Madhya Pradesh B. Lakshmibai surrendered

    C. Lakshmibai was killed in the battle D. Lakshmibai was hangedH4

    U C A

    SS015 Pz zAU CAvU gPz Wl:

    A. fz D grAiv B. dgv P Nrz

    C. EAVg fz D C P PAzg D. P U QU gq ghiU vgzg

    The incident that led to the quelling of the revolt in Lucknow :

    A. Nawab Wajid Ali Shah was captured

    B. Hazrat Mahal fled to Nepal

    C. Minor son of Nawab Wajid Alishah was killed by the British

    D. The sepoys of Lucknow moved out to Jhansi to support Lakshmi-bai.

    H4 U B A

    SS016 18 v19 viz U U Png PUjPU z 1857g zAUAi gzVz DyPjuAzg:

    A. EAVg PgP U Dz irPwzg B. dgg P PU wzg


    EAVg v U sgvP gs iqwgD

    . P PU1857

    g zAUAi wgIf our cottage industries had not declined during 18th and 19th C the economic impact of that on 1857 movementwould have been:

    A. the British would have imported our hand-made goods B. Zamindars would have exploited ourcraftsmen

    C. the British would not have exported their goods to India D. Our craftsmen would not have joined the

    movement of 1857 H4 A D D

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    Ch.No Obj Key



    SS017 dg P Pgz Jzj R Pgt Azg:A. Pgz v JAz , WPAq B. guVz n CPjU PAz

    C. zAUAi gVz D. Cz v g hi UU Aqwz

    General Havelok attacked Kanpur primarily because Nanasaheb had:

    A. declared himself as Peshwa at Kanpur B. killed the British officers who had surrended to himC. been the mastermind of the revolt D. supported the rulers of Avadh and Jhansi

    H4 U B A

    SS018 zv PU Q JA wAi Dr qq rPAq gdU jAiiz UA

    A. vg, ghi, eg U Ag B. vg, ghi, Czs U GzAig

    C. GzAig, Ug, Czs U z D. gPg, Ug, Ag U GzAig

    The states annexed by Lord Dalhousie under the policy of Doctrine of lapse were:

    A. Satara, Jhansi, Jaipur and Sambalpur B. Satara, Jhansi, Jaipur and Udaipur

    C. Udaipur, Nagpur, Avadh and Delhi D. Barrackpur, Nagpur, Sambalpur and Udaipur H4 U A E

    SS019 1857g ng ejU vAz ifP zsguU sgwAig gzg . EzP Pgt:

    A. Av AvV sgv wPjvg JA AAi

    B. zsP ZgU ng P iqwzg JA s

    C. v zsP AU Uvg JA w

    D. sgvz CPvAi d vvg JA AAi

    Indians opposed the social reforms introduced during the 19th century as they feared that the British would:

    A. Westernize India B. interfere in religious matters

    C. destroy their religious institutions D. divide the people of India H4 K A A

    SS020 sgvz DAU Pt zwAii ejU vg sg irz n z :

    A. AiA AnAU B. q P C. qPd D.Z q

    The English man who recommended the introduction of English education in India was:

    A. William Benetick B. Lord Macaulay C. Lord Curzon D. Charles Wood H5 K B E

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    Ch.No Obj Key



    SS021 sgvz z v wP : . AU Uem :: PlPz z v wP : __________A. PlPz zP B. AUg iZg C. g gPqg D.zsgP

    The first newspaper of India : The Bengal gazette :: The first newspaper of Karnataka : ___________

    A. Karnataka Pradeshika B. Mangalura Samachara C. Mysore Recorder D. Sudharak H5 U B ESS022 dP PUj (PAiV) ESAi DgAz GzAzg:

    A. Pt AU z B. diUU C Uz

    C. gj svAi MzVz D. g U uThe Public Works Department was established with the purpose of:

    A. starting educational institutions B. developing water ways

    C. providing irrigation facilities D. laying and maintaining roadsH5 U D E

    SS023 UAU gz z:

    A. Pj B. Az C. VAU D. AU Ujhm

    The word which does not belong to the group:

    A. Kesari B. The Hindu C. Moegling D. The Bengal Gazettee H5 U C ASS024 Wg sPAzAi wAi gd P Ai ejU vAz Pgt:

    A. zgzU Dqvz AiAvt PPgVv B. PAzAiz CPjU sZg

    C. PgP CP PAzAi PVv D. PgP PAzAi wU AgAAiPg CPv Ev.

    The Moghuls introduced the system of auctioning the revenue collection as the:

    A. administration of distant areas became difficult B. the revenue collectors were corrupt

    C. the government wanted more revenue D. there was a need for hereditary collectorsH5

    U A E

    SS025 sgvP vAv Awjz ng Ug dg :

    A. Zi sq B. Am C. q iAm l D. q

    The British Governor General who transferred independence to Indians was:

    A. Chelmsford B. Minto C. Lord Mountbatten D. Lord Wavell H6 K C E

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    Ch.No Obj Key



    SS026 F EArAii PAAi n gPgz Z PmU Mrz :A. 1935g sgv Pgz B. m EArAi C. Am i zsguD. iAmU Z sqzsgu

    The Act which imposed greater British control over the East India company was:

    A. India Council Act of 1953 B. Pitt's India Act C. Minto Morley Reforms D. Montague Chelmsford Reforms H6 U B ESS027 : P Ds m :: P : ______________

    A.i s

    B.Al fn CA

    C.PAz s

    D. AvAi s

    Upper house : Council of States :: Lower house : _______________

    A. General Assembly B. Central Legislative Assembly C. Central Legislative Council D.Provincial Legislative Council H6 U B ESS028 1909g Jgq zU U A rv, UAzg; F z P

    A. Jgq vAv zU it irv B. wAi Dzsgz Zu PvU it

    C. dj Pgz DgAs D. sgv Czs QP AvU q

    1909 Act laid foundation for two nation theory as it provided for the:

    A. creation of two independent states B. separation of communal electorate

    C. establishment of responsible government D. merging of states with India and PakistanH6 U B A

    SS029 gd g gAig sgwAi gfz v JAz PgAi Pgt

    A. AzAi U gzV zAUAizg B. Ai arv qzg

    C. wP vAvz glUgg D. ifP zsgu ZAi z gAzg

    Ram Mohan Roy is regarded as the father of Indian Renaissance because:

    A. he revolted against followers of orthodoxy B. he attained mastry over many languagesC. he was a champion of the freedom of press D. he was the first person to lead the social reforms

    H7 U D E

    SS030 "zUU AgV" J PgAi Plg:

    A. PAz B. ge gA gAii C. zAiiAz g w D. Fg ZAz zUg

    The call for "Back to Vedas" was given by:

    A. Swamy Vivekananda B. Raja Ram Mohan Roy C. Dayananda Saraswati D. Ishwar Chandra Vidya Sagar H7 K C A

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    Ch.No Obj Key



    SS031 z UAz gq Cg qz "ifP "z Gz:A. ifP U Ugwz B. ifP U Za CUU jg PAq Pz

    C. J ifP AU MlUrz D. gAi ZAi iqz

    The purpose of organising social conference by Mahadeva Govinda Ranade was to:

    A. identify social problems B. discuss and find remedies to social problems

    C. unite all social organisations D. organize a national movementH7 U B A

    SS032P PAig v zAvUU izjAiiU PUAq PAi:A. AijUV ztU AUzg B. J. J. r. n. zAi zg

    C. uAi zsAijUV wU zg D. AzAi U gzsz qAi zsAizAiiVz

    Keshava Karve stands as a role model for his principles by:

    A. collecting endowments for women B. establishing SNDT University

    C. establishing a widows home in Poona D. marrying a widow inspite of opposition from orthodox people

    H7 U D A

    SS033 sgvz qvP ng DPAi Pgt Az wzg:A. U P UR B. q. . f C. J. N. D. zz gf

    "British rule alone was responsiable for the poverty of India." This was stated by:

    A. Gopala Krishna Gokhale B. W.C. Banarjee C. A.O. Hume D. Dadabai Navaroji H8 K D ESS034 "gd Pz AiPg Ugw:

    A. Pv C - z C B. avgAd z - w g

    C.sUv AU - ZAzRg Dez D. dv gAii - UAUzsg wPIdentify the leaders of the Swaraj party:

    A. Shaukat Ali Mohammed Ali B. Chittaranjan Das Motilal Nehru

    C. Bhagath Singh Chandrashekar Azad D. Lala Lajpat Roy Bala Gangadhar TilakH8 K B E

    SS035 A U Aiiz :

    A. Q.1919 B. Q.1905 C. Q.1906 D. Q.1907

    Muslim league was founded in the year:

    A. 1919 A.D B. 1905 A.D C. 1906 A.D D. 1907 A.D H8 K C E

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    Ch.No Obj Key



    SS036 2005Aii WlAi dvz EAiiVz?A. Zj Zg Wl B. dAi U zgAv C. zAr vU D. Qm EArAi Z

    The year 2005 is the diamond Jubliee year of:

    A. Chourichaura incident B. Jallian Walabagh tradegy C. Dandi March D. Quit India Movement H8 K C DSS037 PrUg ifP U gdQAi PU U eUw r Pgtz A:

    A. g e w s B. g zsd vU w

    C. g gd PAU D. g Z Z A The body that was responsible for awakening social and political rights among the Kannadigas was the:

    A. Mysore Representative Assembly B. Shivapura Dhwaja Satyagraha Committee

    C. Mysore state congress D. Mysore chalo movement organisation H9 U A ESS038 vAv glz Fg MAz R qAivz, PgtAzg :

    A. F j eU AwAivV gtUAi qzg B. Lz djU U PAiiv

    C. Eg Pj CPjU PAzg gPj PgjU F UP vqzg U v vAvg JAzWzg

    The people of Isur find a special place in the freedom movement because:

    A. they led peaceful demonstration B. five people were hanged to death

    C. two government officers were killed D. they checked the entry of government officers by declaring themselves freeH9 U D E

    SS039 FU sgvzg Ml gdU AS:

    A. 14 B. 16 C.28 D. 29

    The number of states in India at present are:

    A. 14 B. 16 C. 28 D. 29 H10 K C ESS040 F PVU Aiiz AZg v DVg:

    A. ArZj B. gv C. i D. ZAzUg

    The territory that did not belong to the French:

    A. Pondichary B. Surat C. Mahe D. Chandranagore H10 U B E

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    Ch.No Obj Key



    SS041 gz PAwPjU s jz zAvz Q :A. UZ B. PiP C. D.

    The Russian revolutionaries were influenced by the ideology of :

    A. Gorbachev B. Karl marx C. Lenin D. Stalin H11 K B ESS042 iv AUg qz AwP PAwAi Gz:

    A. dAig AZjAiiAz gzqz B. AZgdg DPAi PUt z

    C.z zAiU r z U ejU viqz

    D. evP ZAi CqV z

    "Cultural Revolution" carried out by the followers of Mao-Tse aimed at:

    A. driving out the Japanese from Manchuria B. over throwing the Manchu rule

    C. destroying the Buddhist temples and massacring the priests D. suppressing the prodemocratic movement H11 U C A

    SS043 1905g d Ug U WvAi az Aiz Aiig gz qv:

    A. PjAii B. a C. g D. CjP

    Against which country in 1950 the war increased the prestige of Japan :

    A. Korea B. China C. Russia D. U.S.A H11 U C ASS044 Pz AzsvAiz gz 1914 jAz1918g gU Pzrz gU UA:

    A. CjP, EAUAq, g B. CjP, EAUAq, s C. EAUAq, El, g D. EAUAq, s g

    The group of nations which fought against the Tripple Alliance between 1914 and 1918 were:

    A. America, England, Russia B. America, England, France C. England, Italy, Russia D. England, France, Russia H12 K D ESS045 "g" U AAz Wl:

    A.DAiiz gdPig v

    B.Aig Jgq UAUV Mqv

    C. dAi gvgvV guv D. lQ dAi dv gnv

    Sarajevo is associated with:

    A. the assasination of Austrian prince B. division of Europe into two groups

    C. Germany's unconditional surrender D. Turkey joining hands with Germans H12 K A A

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    Ch.No Obj Key



    SS046 dAi mAi JA qU V zg :A. CjP C wAi C j wv B. dAi Aiz Uv

    C. Z jwAi A s wg D. ElAi EAUAq g wg

    If Germany had not sunk the ship Lusitania then:

    A. America would have remained neutral B. Germany would have won the war

    C. Large scale destruction would not have taken place D. Italy would not have joined England H12 A A A

    SS047 lg Dvv irP Pgt:A. dAi AiAAz gzrz B. EAUAq v s dAi Aiz jz

    C. g dAi zsirz D. v PU dAi rPAqz

    Hitler committed suicide because:

    A. The German army was thrown out of Belgium B. England and France declared war on Germany

    C. Russia attacked Germany D. The allied forces occupied Germany H13 U D A

    SS048 1945g Jgq Aiz PU Pgtz WlU AAz CA

    A. lg Dvv B. Ai

    C. gi U UQ A zs D. d Aiiz gv Ez guv

    The event that brought an end to the second world war in 1945 is attributed to:

    A. Hitler's suicide B. death of Mussoloni

    C. bombing on Hiroshima and Nagasaki D. unconditional surrender of JapanH13 U D A

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    Ch.No Obj Key



    SS049 A Ai aAi Ugw:

    Identify the Emblem of the U.N.O:

    H13 UA


    SS050 v g JAzg:

    A. z zU qz g B. Aig U CjP gU qtz z

    C. Jgq QtU qtz v D. gU qt PUAq v

    Cold war refers to:

    A. the war fought in the polar regions B. the hatred between Americans and European nations

    C. the rivalry and tensions between the power blocks D. ending of rivalry and tension among the nations H14 U C A

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    Ch.No Obj Key


    levelSS073 PlPz dzv Gvz PAzg :

    A. g B. jVj C. PAii D. PThe important power generating project of Karnataka is at:

    A. Sileru B. Shabarigiri C. Koyna D. KaliG4 K D E

    SS074 g s t AiP AiUV, Pgt Azg:A. er t PtU B. m v t CPVzC. ePA v gdP Pr itzz D. Pt, t, VAiA, P m CPVzDesert soil is not suitable for cultivation because:

    A. it contains fine clay particles B. the soil is rich in potash and limeC. the soil is poor in nitrogen and humus D. it has plenty of iron lime and magnesium carbonates G4 U C E

    SS075 AZz, svz GvzAi x qz z:A. sgv B. a C. g D. APThe country which is the largest producer of paddy in the world is:_A. India B. China C. Russia D. Srilanka

    G5 K B E

    SS076 Sjs : sv :: g : ___________A. w B. U C. e D. tKharif : Paddy :: Rabi : ____________

    A. Cotton B. Wheat C. Jowar D. JuteG5 U B E

    SS077 v v VP C DAiU z v Ai Pgz:A. CAP g B. A C. UAii D. v PtThe first oil well drilled by ONGC is at:A. Ankaleshwar B. Bombay high C. Digboi D. Brahmaputra valley

    G6 K A E

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    Ch.No Obj Key


    levelSS083 PZ U z UV jw PUjPU UAz PgAig:

    A. Gvz PUjPU B. PZ Dzsjv PUjPUC. v PUjPU D. t itz v U PUjPUThe industries which convert raw materials into finished products are termed as:A. manufacturing industries B. raw material oriented industries

    C. large scale industries D. small scale and cottage industries G7 U A ESS084 sgvz DP UwAi zuAi Azz wAz C wU vg Rz CA:

    A. d AS PApv B. ' AP" Az CyP g

    C. PUjP C D. Pgv zgz KjPThe factor responsible for changing India's economy from an under developed status to a developing status is:

    A. reduction of population B. financial assistance from the World BankC. industrial development D. increase in the rate of literacy G7 U C D

    SS085 zz v d AS zz DPvAi PApzg P UjP CU AiPVz. F jwU RVPgtVgz:A. v PAiz B. PUjPz UU igPm C. PSU Z D. vjU qg AS

    Large population weakens our economy but supports industrial development. The reason attributed to thisdevelopment is the presence of a large:A. work force B. market for industrial products C. number of industries D. number of tax payers G7 A B D

    SS086 Pgz DzAi PUjPU ASAi KjPAiq Kjv . KPAzg:A. Pg dU PSUU ijzjAz, B. d KjzjAzC. PSU vjU v APU w zjAz D. PgP PSU q UgzsAzThe revenue of the government increases with an increase in the number of industries because:A. the government sells land to the industries B. the land value increases

    C. industries pay duties and taxes D. industries pay royalty to government G7 U C A

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    Ch.No Obj Key



    SS087 PlPz PUz PSU vVg zU:A. zAq, szw v nmUg B. Aq, Ug v szwC. nmUg, zAq v Aq D. szw, Aq v zAqIn Karnataka paper mills are located at:A. Dandeli, Bhadrvati and Titagarh B. Mandya, Nepanagar and Bhadravati

    C. Titagarh, Dandeli and Mandya D. Bhadravati, Mandya and Dandeli G7 K D E

    SS088 Ai Dzsjv PUjPU ZV zs UAU Ai vV.. KPAzg F z:A. Ai AAz gVz B. zv GvzAi gVzC. g igPm s Az D. CPPg AiUt AzA good number of Agro based industries are located in the central gangetic region because this region:A. is rich in agricultural resource B. is rich in power resourceC. has good marketing facility D. has a favourable climate G7 A A A

    SS089 g UgU, QlPU v Ud vAiijP PU g Aii PUjPAi CAz?

    A. JAfAijAU B. zv Dzsjv C. gAiP U D. jUThe production of fertilizer, insecticide and glass depends upon which of the following industries?

    A. Engineering B. Electrical C. Chemical D. TransportG7 U C A

    SS090 sgvz CP g Ug PSU Ezg E g UgP rP ZUwz KPAzg:A. GvzAi EP B. PZ U PgvC. gj PAiPV CP itz sAi P D. Aiz DzsPgtThough there are many fertilizer industries in India, the demand for fertilizer is increasing because of :

    A. decreasing production B. shortage of raw materialsC. utilising a larger land area for irrigation D. modernization in agriculture G7 U D D

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    Ch.No Obj Key


    levelSS096 Pv Azj DUU vd Cx Ptz CPv Egvz, KPAzg:

    A. CP qUU CAiP MUUv B. Ju ZzC. V Ai Rjz g v t vUAi D. V Ai D PrDredging is required at Kolkata Harbour because:A. many ships get damaged B. of the oil spill

    C. To clear the deposited sand of river Hoogle D. the deposit of river Hoogli is less G8 U C A

    SS097 zt izs Z dAiU Pgt:A.

    U PrB.

    D P v Yt vU ZgC. Pgv itz KjP D. d AS KjPThe increasing popularity of the print media is because of the:A. lowering of costs B. presence of interesting and sensational newsC. increasing rate of literacy D. increasing population G8 A C A

    SS098 P AiiAwPv PAzP Gv Gzgu:A. DUg B. ZArUg C. gvUg D. rUg

    The best example of state mechanized farm is at:A. Aligarh B. Chandigarh C. Suratgarh D. Dibrugarh E1 K C ESS099 s qU PrPgt JAzg:

    A. s qU Cz z irPz B. qU gqAv iqzC. qU sf z D. AZl qU MlUr zConsolidation of land holdings refer to:A. exchange of land holdings B. scattering of land holdings

    C. dividing of land holdings D. bringing together scattered land holdings E1



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    Ch.No Obj Key



    SS100 sAi svvAi G CPVg gj :A. vAvg gj v P gj B. gj v gjC. vAvg gj v gj D. gj v P gjFertility of soil can be retained by:A. sprinkle irrigation and canal irrigation B. drip irrigation and well irrigation

    C. sprinkle irrigation and drip irrigation D. drip irrigation and canal irrigation E1 K C A

    SS101 P GvU P R Pgt:A. C B. CYP Rgu C. Cw D. QlP v QPU PAgricultural produce gets destroyed mainly due to:A. lack of rainfall B. unscientific method of storage C. excess rainfall D. use of insecticides and pesticides E1 U B A

    SS102 s gvjU EzPV CUv.A. Cg DP wAi zsguUV B. sAi P AiPVC. U z Az gvg giq D. gvg t G Ai iqCrop insurance is necessary for farmers to:

    A. improve their economic condition B. help them buy landC. compensate for failure of crop D. help farmers save money E1 U C A

    SS103 gv MAzz gU dzgg Cx zsP gvg qz Pz gU CjUV zrAizw:A. Ai zw B. fv zw C. vlz zw D. UtzwA contract under which a farmer takes loan from a rich landlord and agrees to work for him for a certain period is called:

    A. agricultural labour B. bonded labour C. farm labour D. landless labour E1 K B DSS104 gAi t PUjP Uz U Pgt:

    A. GvU igl B. vAwP Ai qzC. PUjP PvU iqz D. t itz PUjPU CThe reason for setting up the National Small-Scale Industries Corporation is to:A. market the products B. provide technical help

    C. organize industrial estates D. promote small-scale industries E2 U C E

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    Ch.No Obj Key


    levelSS105 U PUjP v t PUjPU sgvz Cx Ai CAi R v Pgt:

    A. EU GvU Gv Utl Agz B. Z z Ai U v

    C. EU GvU CU D. E djU AiA GzUP P vCottage and small-scale industries play an important role in the development of the Indian economy because:A. the goods produced by them are of better quality B. they earn a lot of foreign exchangeC. the goods produced by them are cheap D. they provide self-employment to people E2 U D E

    SS106 Ai PUjPU DU F P Ai:A. Aq MzV z B. PUjP GvUU igPmAi MzV zC.

    P iq PPjU Dg zgQ zD.

    PUjPU U PqzAgriculture helps in the development of industries by providing:A. capital to industries B. market for goods manufactured by industriesC. food for people working in industries D. land to set up industries E2 U B E

    SS107 gz R Gz:A. Pz B. igz C. Pz v igz D. The important aspect of trade is:

    A. Buying B. Selling C. Buying and selling D. Service E3 K C ESS108 U tP Ai irzg Cav g ___________ PgAivg.

    A. GzU B. Ai C. g D. ggIf goods are exchanged for money such a transaction is called:A. business B. exchange C. trade D. barter

    E3 K C ASS109 B MAz PU CAUrAi2-3 PU MAz PP z PAqg, F jwAi

    g zwAi _______ JAz PgAivg.

    A. Ai B. Ai C. g D. P gSuppose you exchange two or three old books for one new book in an old book stall, such a transaction is called

    ______ system.A. barter B. exchange C. trade D. free trade

    E3 A A A

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    D.S.E.R.T#4, 100 fT ring road, Banashankari III stage, Bangalore 85

    Subject : Social Science

    sUII GvjzP Z

    Instructions for answering Part II

    PVU, ZUUvPAvGvj:

    Answer the following question as directed:




    Ch.No Obj Key



    SS001Answer the following questions in two or three sentences:F EArAii PAAi g SAg zZvU g esg V iq Pgt?The East India Company dethroned Mir-Kasim and brought back Mir Jaffar. Why? H1 K 2 E

    SS002 sgvz ZVg CPg sU PgtU?What are the reasons for the decline of the Portuguese power in India? H1 K,U 1+1 E

    SS003 zgAi 1761 EAi U CPgP Kjz?

    How did Haider Ali rise to power in 1761? H2 K 2 ESS004 sgwAi Pg DvAi Ai AiPz CAU Aii?

    State the factors that developed the feelings of superiority among the Indian soldiers. H4 K,U 1+1 ASS005 dj U gvj zwU qt Jgq R vU gj.

    Write the two major differences between Zamindari and Ryotwari systems. H5 K,U 1+1 ESS006 vAv ZAi w wPU v?

    What was the role of the news papers during the freedom struggle? H5 U 2 A

    SS007 sgvz Azsz tUAi 1853g MAz U JAz KP PgAiVz?Why was the charter act of 1853 considered a milestone in the history of our constitutional development? H6 K,U 1+1 A

    SS008 sgwAig JZgU gz iv jPU Aii?What were the Western concepts that awakened the Indians? H7 K 2 E

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    Questions Ch.N

    o Obj Key


    levelSS009 sgvz gAi PAU R GzU?

    What were the predominant objectives of the Indian National Congress? H8 K 2 ESS010 sgv vAvqz Pq J AU MUr CPv K?

    What was the importance of achieving integration of princely states immediately after gaining independence? H10 K,U 1+1 ASS011 U g MAz Aiv zV irz?

    How did Stalin make Russia powerful? H11 K,U 1+1 ASS012 g AWz sv Jgq Aiz DgA sU Pgtv . ys.

    The failure of League of Nations was responsible for the out break of the Second World War. Substantiate. H13 K,U 1+1 A

    SS013 D ZAi GzU?What were the objectives of the Non Aligned movement? H14 K 2 E

    SS014 PlP Pg xP Pt wPgt iq PArg PAiPU?What are the projects taken by the Government of Karnataka for the universalization of primary education? C1 K 2 E

    SS015 szv wAi SAiA U AU z g PUg v U w.Differentiate between the rights of permanent member and temporary member of Security Council. C2 K,U 1+1 A

    SS016 sgv GRAq JAz PgAi Pgt?

    Why is India called a sub-continent? G1 K 2 ESS017 sgv GAi v v Aiz grz. PAi gz F PAi Pj.

    India is situated in torrid zone and temperate zone- explain the meaning of the statement with the help of a map of India. G2 U,S 1+1 DSS018 sgv PqU AgPu iq zsjgzP PgtU?

    Why has India adopted a policy to preserve its forests? G3 K,U 1+1 ASS019 sgvz gjU KP Rv q Vz?

    Why is irrigation important for India? G4 K,U 1+1 E

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    Questions Ch.N

    o Obj Key


    levelSS020 v w:-

    Dg zsU v z zsU.Distinguish between:Cereals and Pulses

    G5 K 2 A

    SS021 Pm CZjAi Jvg. KP?Why is bauxite called wonder metal? G6 K,U 1+1 A

    SS022 P zU PUjP UAU ag Pgt?What are the factors responsible for the cluster of industries in certain regions? G7 K,U 1+1 E

    SS023 ""E-"" JAzg ? Cz U PAiiUvz?What is E-Mail? How it is used?. G8 K,U 2 A

    SS024 Utzgg wAi zsguAi iq PV g Pgt?Why was there a need to improve the condition of tenant farmers? E1 K,U 1+1 A

    SS025 ag jU U?

    What are the services rendered by retail traders? E3 K,U 1+1 A

    SS026 DgAi AZP AidAi U djU ifP Ai MzVv?How did the Sixth Five Year Plan provide social justice to the people?Answer the following questions in six to eight sentences: E4 K,U 1+1 A

    SS027 Dm i lPg PAn r PAqz v t WlUU Pgtv . F P.

    "The capture of constantinople resulted in important developments". Justify the statement.H1 K,U 1+3 A

    SS028 JgqAi DAU S Aizz Pgt v juU nir.State the causes and results of Second Anglo Sikh War. H3 K,U 2+2 E

    SS029 1857 g zAU sU PgtU?

    What were the reasons for the failure of 1857 revolt? H4 K,U 2+2 E

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    Questions Ch.N

    o Obj Key


    levelSS041 sgvz P r PVU Ugw.

    (C) vz U (D) g sAi U (E) iAU PqU.Draw an outline map of India and mark the following:(a) Mountain Vegetation (b) Desert Vegetation (c) Mangrove forests. G3 K,S 2+2 A

    SS042 sgvz sl r PU Png U UgwA. Czs B. P C. UAig D. UgOn an outline map of India mark the following placesA. Avadh B. Kabul C. Gwalior D. Nagpur

    H3 S 1+1 E

    SS043 sgvzz zs jwAi Ai zswU C guU PgtVg Aiizzg CAU ( AQV)j.Explain briefly any four factors responsible for different types of agriculture in India. G5 K,U 1+3 E

    SS044 sgvz PAi r F PVU Ugw.a. g l Wlz Ct zZQ PAz b. Gvg sgvz gQAi vt c. Rd zzv PDraw an outline map of India and locate the following:a. Disputed nuclear power plant of the Western ghats. b. Solar energy centre of the north

    c. Oil deposits of the deltaic regions

    G6 K,U,S 1+2+1 ASS045 PUjP C U zP zju GAliqvz?How has industrial progress adversely affect the country? G7 K,U,A 1+2+1 D

    SS046 sgvz Mr d jUAi V CUAr. Pgt Pr.Inland water transport system has not developed much in India. Give reasons. G8 K,U,A 1+1+2 A

    SS047 Pj igl AWU gvjU U Ai iqv?How do co-operative marketing societies help our farmers? E1 K,U 1+2 E

    SS048 g PAw JAzg ? Ez U zsv?What is green revolution? How was it achieved? E1 K,U 1+2 E

    SS049 U PUjP v t itz PUjPU q v j:-Distinguish between cottage and small scale industries. E2 K,U 1+2 E

    SS050 sgvz z gz tUAi j.Briefly trace the development of India's foreign trade. E3 K,U 2+2 A


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    gZ vAq

    Kannada Hindi

    Sri.B.S.Gundu Rao, Deputy Director , Gandhi Centre for Peace and

    Human Values Bangalore

    Sri. M.L. Dakhani, Advisor, Dr. B.D. Jatti COE, Belgaum

    Dr. Ispak Ali, Lalbahudar Sastry B.Ed College, Bangalore

    Sri.C.S. Banashankariah, Bangalore Sri. Abdul Nazir, Q.Islam HS, Bangalore

    Sri. P.Dharukaradhya, Basaveshwara Girls High School, Blore Sri. G.H. Balakrishna, Bangalore

    Sri.N.Gopal Krishna Udupa, Bangalore Smt. Shyalaja H.Naidu, DPH HS, Bangalore

    Smt. Prema H.Tahsildar, Bharati Vidyalaya, Khasbag, Belgaum Smt. Urmilla Nahar, DPH HS, Bangalore

    Smt.Bhuvaneshwari.G.S, Womens Peace league, Bangalore Sri. Anand.S. Kalasad, KC PU College, Hirebagewadi, Belgaum

    Smt. Bhagirathi Bhat, GHS, Ketamaranahalli, Bangalore Sri. Ashok.H.Balunnavar, MM Comp. PU College, Belgaum

    Smt. Vasundhara M.G, Bharatamata Vidyamandir, Bangalore Smt. Geetanjali.P.Yogi, Bensons HS, Belgaum

    Sri. V. Krishnaiah, Sir M.V. Comp. PU College, Bangalore Dr.Bharati T.Savadattu, Govt. Saraswathi PU College, Belgaum

    Smt. S. Padmavathi, Vidya Vardhaka Sangha, Bangalore Dr. K.L.Sattigeri, Principal, Dr. B.D. Jatti COE, Belgaum

    Sri.Nagaraj.S, Vivekananda Vidya Kendra, Bangalore Urdu

    Smt. Kannika, Sri Aravind Vidya Mandira, Bangalore Sri. M.L. Dakhani, Advisor, Dr. B.D. Jatti COE, Belgaum

    Smt. Srilata G.S, MES Kishore Kendra, Bangalore Smt. Shaheda Perveen, BRP, Shankarapura, Bangalore

    English Sri. Bahadur Khan, MO Girls HS, Bangalore

    Prof. G.S. Mudambadithaya, Bangalore Sri.S.G. Deshnoor, Al-Ameen HS, Belgaum

    Sri.A.P. Gundappa, Attibele Sri. F.A. Yallur, Islamai Girls High School, Belgaum

    Smt. Umadevi, R.V.Girls High School, Bangalore Sri.D.M. Momin, Bashiban High School, Belgaum

    Smt. Maya Ramchand, Bangalore Marati

    Smt. Shobha Kulkarni, Govt. Sardar HS, Belgaum Sri. M.L. Dakhani, Advisor, Dr. B.D. Jatti COE, Belgaum

    Sri.Sathya Prakash, Vidya Vardhaka Sangha HS, Bangalore Smt.Shaila.V.M, Mahila Vidyalaya HS, Belgaum

    Smt. Asha, Saraswathi Vidya Mandir, Bangalore Smt. Sunitha.D. Mathad, Ushatai Gogate Girls HS, BelgaumSmt. Prameetha Adoni, HM, GHS, KR Puram, Bangalore Sri. P.T. Malege, MM Comp. PU College, Belgaum

    Sri.G.N. Deshpande, HM, BN Darbar GHS, Bijapur Sri. C.Y. Patil, Talakwadi HS, Belgaum

    Sri. Shankaranarayana Rao.P , SS High School, Kadandale, DK Sri. A.L. Patil, MM Central HS, Belgaum

    Smt. Lata Rao, HM, SJR High School, Bangalore Smt. Sheela Deshpande, LBS B.Ed College, Bangalore

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    Sanskrit Science

    Dr. Satish Hegde, R.V. Girls High School, Bangalore Dr. Sameera Simha, Vijaya Teachers College, Bangalore

    Sri. Shridhar Hegde, National High School, Bangalore Dr. S. Srikanta Swamy, R.V. Teachers College, Bangalore

    Sri. Narayan Ananth Bhat,Govt PU College, Chamarajpet, Blore Sri.P.G.Dwarakanath, Vidya Vardhaka Sangha, Bangalore

    Sri.Venkataramana D.Bhat, Govt Jr. College, Vartur, Blore Dr.R.Mythili, Associate Director, RVEC, Bangalore

    Sri.Narasimha Bhagavat, Janaseva Vidya Kendra, Chennenahalli Smt. Shantha Kumari.B.S., Bangalore

    Smt. Shylaja.V, Chamarajpet Jr. College, Bangalore Smt. Vasanthi Rao, Bangalore

    Sri. Krishna V. Bhat, Vasavi Vidyaniketan, Bangalore Smt. Rekha Hegde, Vani High School, Bangalore

    Sri. Mahesh Bhat, PTA High School, Bangalore Smt. K.S. Shyamala, HM, Vasavi High School, Bangalore

    Sri. Balasubramanian, Methodist HS, Kolar Smt. R. Geetha, Vasavi High School, Bangalore

    Smt. Geeta B.S, Seshadripuram GHS, Bangalore Smt. S.K. Prabha, Retd. Lecturer, DIET, Bangalore

    Telugu Smt. Bhagyalakshmi, Stella Maris School, Bangalore

    Dr. T.K. Jayalakshmi, Director, RVEC, Bangalore Smt. V. Padma, Vidya Vardhaka Sangha HS, Bangalore

    Sri. Nagesam.C, RBANM High School, Bangalore Social Studies

    Sri. G. Venkata Rama Reddy, Telugu Pandit, Bangalore Prof. G.P. Basavaraj, Retd Director, NCERT

    Sri. P.Hema Chendra Babu, Telugu Pandit, Bangalore Sri. P.A. Kumar, HM, Vijaya High School, Bangalore

    Tamil Prof. B.R. Gopal, MES Teachers College, Bangalore

    Prof. Susheela Sheshadri, Principal, Amrita Shikshana M.Vidyala,Mysore Smt. Lorna Pinto, SAM High School, Bangalore

    Sri. Pulavar V. Vishwanathan, Bangalore Smt. Radhika.S, Hymamshu Jyothi Kala Kendra, Bangalore

    Sri.S.Ramalingam, Seva Ashram High School, Bangalore Smt. T.R. Sandhyavalli, Basaveshwara Jr. College, Bangalore

    Sri.G. Sampath, Bangalore Smt. R. Vijayavalli, Nirmala Rani GHS, Bangalore

    Mathematics Smt. Shamala Prasad, MES Kishore Kendra, Bangalore

    Dr. D.S. Shivananda, Bangalore Smt. Sukanya.N.R, Sardar Patil HS, Bangalore

    Sri. Kailash Nekraj, HM, Jnanamitra HS, Bangalore Smt. Meera, Vidya Vardhaka Sangha HS, Bangalore

    Sri.N.C. Satyaji Rao, Bangalore Smt. N.S. Vyjayanthi, Vidya Bharathi Eng. School, Bangalore

    Smt. K.S. Susheela, Bangalore Smt. Lakshamma, Bangalore

    Smt. Subhadra.M.S, Bangalore

    Smt. C. Nirmala, HM, MABL HS, Doddaballapura

    Dr.T.K. Jayalakshmi, Director, RVEC, Bangalore

    Dr. R. Mythili, Associate Director, Bangalore