soaps, detergents and cosmetics

Soaps, Detergents, nd Cosmetics~ Technical 264 Detergentless Water/Oil Microemulsions: IV. The Ternary Pseudo-phase Diagram for and Properties of the System Toluene/2-Propanol/Water G. Lund and S.L. Holt Meetings ~7~ I FSCC program announced... British Cosmetic Chemists elect officers Calendar ~7~ Industry News ~.~ Cosmetic forecast for Western Europe... McCutcheon's directories published (SD&C 101) JAOCS August 1980 / 263

Post on 16-Aug-2016




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Page 1: Soaps, detergents and cosmetics

Soaps, Detergents, nd C o s m e t i c s ~

T e c h n i c a l 264 Detergentless Water/Oil Microemulsions: IV. The Ternary Pseudo-phase Diagram for and Properties of the System Toluene/2-Propanol/Water G. Lund and S.L. Hol t

M e e t i n g s ~7~ I FSCC program announced... British Cosmetic Chemists elect officers

C a l e n d a r ~7~

Industry N e w s ~.~ Cosmetic forecast for Western Europe.. . McCutcheon's directories published

(SD&C 101) JAOCS August 1980 / 263