
ir r i~ti —- - " lomcisa D'fiCfiOEnitj

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Post on 19-Jun-2015




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  • 1. ir r i~ti i - - " lomcisa D'fiCfiOEnitj

2. 1 LIBRARY^ OF THE University of California. Class 3. ) MALAY SKETCHES 4. BY THE SAME AUTHOR UNADDRESSED LETTERS Crown 8vo, 6s. Third Edition "Deep gratitude is due to Sir Frank for giving these letters to the world . . . the lazy descriptions of Eastern life, the musings on great scenes, the stories, and the utterances of social wisdom are all delightful, and add body to a book remarkable for a rare delicacy and charm."The Athenceum. ' ' His narrative style is admirable, and his episodes are always interesting. One could read for many hours of the clever mongoose and tigers and croco- diles. ... Sir Frank Swettenham has a pretty humour. . . . The style in which these Unaddressed Letters' is written is excellent."The Pall Mall Gazette. THE REAL MALAY PEN PICTURES Crown 8vo, 6s. "No pen except that of Mr. Conrad has drawn the Malay character so faithfully or so graphically. . . . It is a combination that is very alluring, and we confess to finding Sir Frank Swettenham's book of Malay sketches most fascinating reading. "The Pall Mall Gazette. "Sir Frank Swettenham understands perhaps better than any other roving Englishman ' The Real Malay.' "The Morning Post. 5. BY SIR FRANK ATHELSTANE SWETTENHAM JOHN LANE : THE BODLEY HEAD LONDON AND NEW YORK MDCCCCIII 5r $ $ 9f & OF THE ^ 6. PRESERVATION -,/' l.u/.il/.n -.puil. //I,., will, ;.t tM instance of their owner*, enter into and plague any one whom it may be deeired to injure. These evil :,J,.l.l .... I -.,..//.. ..:: /w/,,///;, /'n/nn,;, I ', ;,||f| Langriior, the last being a female spirit. They are hiIim jiii.niMiii iiM|inif.i i, y ii, f practice of witch- craft, and the way in which their possession it !....,/!. i i, ...... i.. .ii v ". ".i i idr .'immunity U i 'i tie reasonable as the "proof" of the exerciM ..I .-,.,,.,1.,, ,,w. .-..n (In W. I. in will Ji mil . in.iny '.. ',