skeletal muscles

Skeletal Muscles Skeletal Muscles are also referred to as striped, striated, somatic or voluntary muscles these muscles are attached to the skeleton. Skeletal muscles respond quickly to stimuli they are capable of fast contractions and they therefore get fatigued easily and they help in the in adjusting the individual to external stimuli. Skeletal muscles give the body a frame without the skeletal structure the body would be guts and flesh with no form. The human skeletal system is perpendicularly symmetrical and it consists of the axial skeleton and appendicular skeleton. The Axial skeleton is made up of 80 bones. The main function of the axial skeleton is to protect organs like the brain, heart and lungs and maintaining the upright structure of the body. 633 skeletal muscles are axial. There are 26 vertebral column and 12 Thoracic Cage There is 1 pair of ribs, 1 sternum and 29 skull. The Appendicular Skeletal is made up of 126 bones and is attached to the axial skeleton. It protects the reproduction, excretion and digestion organs. The body is able to move because of these muscles.

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Post on 01-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Skeletal muscles

Skeletal Muscles

Skeletal Muscles are also referred to as striped, striated, somatic or voluntary muscles these muscles are attached to the skeleton.

Skeletal muscles respond quickly to stimuli they are capable of fast contractions and they therefore get fatigued easily and they help in the in adjusting the individual to external stimuli.

Skeletal muscles give the body a frame without the skeletal structure the body would be guts and flesh with no form.

The human skeletal system is perpendicularly symmetrical and it consists of the axial skeleton and appendicular skeleton.

The Axial skeleton is made up of 80 bones. The main function of the axial skeleton is to protect organs like the brain, heart and lungs and maintaining the upright structure of the body. 633 skeletal muscles are axial.

There are 26 vertebral column and 12 Thoracic CageThere is 1 pair of ribs, 1 sternum and 29 skull.

The Appendicular Skeletal is made up of 126 bones and is attached to the axial skeleton. It protects the reproduction, excretion and digestion organs. The body is able to move because of these muscles.

Appendicular skeletal bones consists of Pectoral girdle9shoulder portion) 4, Upper limbs (arms) 60, Pelvic girdle (hip portion) 2, and lower limbs (legs) 60.

The human skeletal gives a shape to the human body. It supports body organs and muscles.

The joints that are present between different bones are responsible for body movement.

Page 2: Skeletal muscles

Stem cells are produced in the bone marrow; the bone marrow is part of the skeletal system. Without bone marrow a lot of patients with leukemia would die.

Osteocalcin is the hormone which regulates fat deposition and glucose. This hormone is released by bones.

Protection is the most important function of the human skeletal system.

The organs that are protected are the brain, lungs, heart, shoulder, knee, elbow, wrist and ankle.

The bones that the skeletal system protects are the skull, rib cage, clavicle, scapula, patella ulna, carpals, and tarsal.

There is a difference between the female and male skeletal system. The pelvis (bone in hip portion) is large and flat in females to make childbirth possible. Bones in females are rounder and smaller than they are in males.