show observer helirussia 2013-05-17

2013 Российские приборы для вертолетов Bell . . . Turbomeca хочет быть частью российского рынка . . . . . . . . . . . Ми-34 ищет иностранный двигатель . . . . . . . . Rosoboronexport has hefty backlog of helicopter orders . . «ЮТэйр» расширяет парк . . Phazotron-NIIR offers radars for helicopters . . . . . . . AgustaWestland расширяет продажи в России . . . . . . . . . Ka-62 approaches first flight . . . . . . . . Перспективные двигатели от «Климова» . . . . . . . 4 8 10 12 13 14 16 18 6 ПЯТНИЦА, 17 МАЯ ОФИЦИАЛЬНОЕ ИЗДАНИЕ Читайте Show Observer через мобильное приложение Read Show Observer through mobile application ЗАГРУЗИТЕ НА Плацдарм для развития First contracts for Russian-assembled AW139s B первый день выставки Heli- Russia 2013 произошло со- бытие не особо заметное, но весьма важное. Председатель Авиационного регистра Межго- сударственного авиационного комитета (АР МАК) Владимир Беспалов (на фото справа) и ге- неральный директор Главного управления гражданской авиа- ции Перу Рамон Гамарра (на фо- то слева) подписали соглашение «О взаимопризнании докумен- тов летной годности». Этот доку- мент облегчает выдачу экспорт- ных сертификатов летной годно- сти и делает беспрепятственной процедуру регистрации новых вертолетов российского про- изводства в авиационном реест- ре Республики Перу. Как заявил Рамон Гамарра, среди стран Латинской Амери- ки Перу первой начала эксплуа- тацию российских вертолетов и сейчас она занимает первое ме- сто по их количеству. По словам присутствовавшего на церемо- нии гендиректора авиакомпа- нии «ЮТэйр» Андрея Мартиро- сова, соглашение позволит рас- ширить рынок и улучшить уро- вень обеспечения безопасности перевозок, поскольку сейчас все взаимодействие между авиа- ционными властями двух стран будет проходить в рамках стан- дартных процедур. Благодаря соглашению компа- ния Helisur, которая входит в группу «ЮТэйр», сможет разви- вать коммерческую эксплуата- цию российских вертолетов се- мейства Ми-8/17. Сейчас в парке авиакомпании 19 вертолетов этого семейства, а в начале июня 2013 г. будет поставлено еще две машины Ми-171 и Ми-8АМТ. Для обслуживания и ремонта вертолетов в 2012 г. в Перу был создан филиал «ЮТэйр-Инжи- ниринг». Как сообщил Show Ob- server гендиректор «ЮТэйр-Ин- жиниринг» Рашид Фараджаев, сертификация центра по обслу- живанию российской вертолет- ной техники авиационными вла- стями России и Перу завершится в ближайшие месяцы. Ожидает- ся, что в августе из компании Helisur на плановый ремонт по- ступит первый вертолет. Алексей Синицкий T he first Russian-assembled AgustaWestland AW139 medium twin helicopter will be delivered in June 2013, representatives of the Anglo-Italian company told Show Observer at HeliRussia 2013. The undisclosed private customer has ordered two of the type; the second delivery is expected to follow in early autumn. Both helicopters will be VIP-configured and will have the Full Ice Protection System (FIPS) instal- led for all-weather operations. On the first day of the exhibition, the AgustaWe- stland/Russian Helicopters joint venture HeliVert sig- ned another contract with the Russian AgustaWestland dealership Exclases Holdings for five Russian-assemb- led AW139, which includes a mix of VIP and utility- configured helicopters. The AW139 assembly line was built from scratch in Tomilino outside Moscow under the HeliVert agre- ement of November 2008. HeliVert flew its first AW139 in December 2012. Two airframes have been assembled to date. It will take the factory five years to reach the design annual output of 20 aircraft. The Tomilino AW139s will be marketed in Russia and the CIS. Several foreign-built helicopters of this type are already operated in Russia, with more than 20 orders in total. Ekaterina Sorokovaya This first Russian-assembled AW139 is to be delivered in June Marina Lystseva

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Post on 22-Mar-2016




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Official media of the International Heli Show: news, interviews, photos


!"##$%#&$' ()$*")+ ,-./')0"-'0"/ Bell . . .

Turbomeca 1"2'0*+03 24#035)"##$%#&"6")+7&4 . . . . . . . . . . .

8$-34 $9'0$7"#0)477+%,/$640'-3 . . . . . . . .

Rosoboronexport hashefty backlog ofhelicopter orders . .

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Phazotron-NIIRoffers radars forhelicopters . . . . . . .

AgustaWestland)4#=$).'0 ()",4>$/ !"##$$ . . . . . . . . .

Ka-62 approaches first flight . . . . . . . .

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Read Show Observerthrough mobile



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First contracts for Russian-assembled AW139s

B!"#$%& '"() $%*+,$-. Heli-Russia 2013 !#/.0/12/ */-

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The first Russian-assembled AgustaWestlandAW139 medium twin helicopter will be delivered

in June 2013, representatives of the Anglo-Italiancompany told Show Observer at HeliRussia 2013. Theundisclosed private customer has ordered two of thetype; the second delivery is expected to follow in earlyautumn. Both helicopters will be VIP-configured andwill have the Full Ice Protection System (FIPS) instal-led for all-weather operations.

On the first day of the exhibition, the AgustaWe-stland/Russian Helicopters joint venture HeliVert sig-ned another contract with the Russian AgustaWestlanddealership Exclases Holdings for five Russian-assemb-led AW139, which includes a mix of VIP and utility-configured helicopters.

The AW139 assembly line was built from scratch inTomilino outside Moscow under the HeliVert agre-ement of November 2008. HeliVert flew its first

AW139 in December 2012. Two airframes have beenassembled to date. It will take the factory five years toreach the design annual output of 20 aircraft.

The Tomilino AW139s will be marketed in Russiaand the CIS. Several foreign-built helicopters of thistype are already operated in Russia, with more than 20orders in total.

Ekaterina Sorokovaya

This first Russian-assembledAW139 is to be delivered in June





HeliRussia 2013ShowObserver


ПЯТНИЦА | 17 МАЯ 2013

Новости выставки HeliRussia 2013 на сайте

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6"+"#3;#9". K;', 5" *-/#/ 3;';+ !/*+,$2"(%!"#$%" '$, '$;G'$.9,+"2)(%G $"#+/2"+, Bell-429 $ 4"'.8.(*-/& -/(@.9;#,8... «</**.BB$2B"+*B /E"() $,5(%4 #%(-/4 '2B Bell He-licopter. :% $.'.4 0'"*) /+2.E(%" $/04/5-(/*+. -,- '2B -/#!/#,+.$(%G . VIP-4,1.(,+,- . '2B 4"'.8.(*-.G $"#+/2"+/$», — /+4"-+.2 ;!#,$2BIM.& '.#"-+/# -/4!,(.. !/ R$-#/!" 6,+#.- :;2F&. > !/'+$"#5'"(." F+.G*2/$ !#/.0$/'.+"2) !#"'*+,$2B"+ (, $%*+,$--" Bell-429 $ VIP--/(@.9;#,8... T, !/*2"'-(." ("*-/2)-/ ("'"2) Bell Helicopter !/*+,-$.2 $ </**.I $/*"4) *$/.G $"#+/2"+/$, $-2I-E,B !B+) Bell-429.<,*+;M.& *!#/* (, 4"*+(/4 #%(-" 0,*+,$-

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Russian Helicopters looks abroadfor a new Mi-34 engine

Russian Helicopters says itmay reopen the program

to re-engine the Mil Mi-34light helicopter, this timewith a foreign-designed po-werplant. The effort to deve-lop the Mi-34S1, was suspen-ded in 2012, after the compa-ny’s failed attempt to secureproduction of the M9FV pi-ston engine at VoronezhMechanical Plant. The Mi-34’s original M14V26V po-werplant is considered to beobsolete.

Roman Chernyshev, depu-ty general director for pro-grams and projects at RussianHelicopters, says the compa-ny is currently in talks with aforeign piston engine manu-facturer. Talks are also onwith an investor over a launchorder for the Mi-34S1. Finalagreements may be anno-unced this summer.

Chernyshev says the idea touse the Turbomeca Arrius 2Fgas-turbine engine has beenscrapped following last year’s

announcement that RussianHelicopters would be develo-ping a 2.5-ton light single he-licopter jointly with Agusta-Westland. According toChernyshev, Russian Helico-pter expects the new design,whose development timefra-me has not been defined yet,to go into production at theHeliVert JV in Tomilinooutside Moscow. This helico-pters is expected to be certifi-ed in 2016.

Maxim Pyadushkin

Jet T



HeliRussia 2013ShowObserver


ПЯТНИЦА | 17 МАЯ 2013

Новости выставки HeliRussia 2013 на сайте

B!"#$%" (, $%*+,$-" HeliRussia 2013 (,*+"('" -/4!,(.. Eurocopter !#"'*+,$-

2"( $"#+/2"+ EC145 (BK-117C2) $ 4"'.8.(-*-/& -/(@.9;#,8... D-*!2;,+,(+/4 F+/&4,1.(% $%*+;!,"+ A/*;',#*+$"((/" -,0"(-(/" ;E#"5'"(." «:/*-/$*-.& ,$.,8./(-(%& 8"(+#» (:7V) * 3,0/& $ C*+,@)"$/.=#/4" +#"G 4"'.8.(*-.G EL145 $ !,#-"8"(+#, !#/+.$/!/5,#(%" 4,1.(%: +#. =,-226, /'.( :.-26, , +,-5" /'.( Bell-429.:7V F-*!2;,+.#;"+ EC145 * 2007 9., *#"'-("9/'/$/& (,2"+ !#"$%1,"+ 1500 E. T,1"*+) 2"+ 3%2/ *!,*"(/ 3/2"" 2500 E"2., $+/4 E.*2", -,- *//3M.2 Show Observer '.-#"-+/# :7V =.#.22 L$B+"(-/, $ !#/12/49/'; — 866 E"2.6/ *2/$,4 $#,E,-#",(.4,+/2/9, L"#9"B

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6"#$%& *#"'(.& '$;G'$.9,-+"2)(%& $"#+/2"+ AW139

#/**.&*-/& *3/#-. 3;'"+ !/*+,$-2"( 0,-,0E.-; $ .I(" 2013 9. C3F+/4 $ #,4-,G $%*+,$-. HeliRus-sia 2013 .0',(.I Show Observer#,**-,0,2. !#"'*+,$.+"2. -/4-!,(.. AgustaWestland. O4B -2.-"(+, (" #,092,1,"+*B, /'(,-/ .0-$"*+(/, E+/ F+/ E,*+(/" 2.8/, -/-+/#/" 0,-,0,2/ '$, +,-.G $"#+/2"-+,. >+/#,B 4,1.(, '/25(, 3%+)!/*+,$2"(, $ (,E,2" /*"(. 2013 9.>"#+/2"+% 3;';+ !/'*+,$2B+)*B $VIP--/(@.9;#,8... C(. +,-5"/*(,M"(% -/4!2"-*(/& *.*+"-4/& ,(+./32"'"("(.B FIPS (FullIce Protection System), -/+/#,B!/0$/2B"+ $%!/2(B+) !/2"+% !#.

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HeliRussia 2013ShowObserver


ПЯТНИЦА | 17 МАЯ 2013

Новости выставки HeliRussia 2013 на сайте

86%960() :146, ),%$6";$6 7,<)=- /7-"/#4%/ 56%%(&%$(& 5=)6$ 0"/ Turbomeca?

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Одним из наиболее заметныхучастников HeliRussia 2013 станетфранцузскаядвигателестроительная компанияTurbomeca, входящая в группуSafran. Накануне выставкикорреспондент Show ObserverHeliRussia побеседовал с ФилиппомКуто, вице-президентом Turbomecaи генеральным менеджером поработе с авиапроизводителями, опланах компании по расширениюприсутствия на российском рынке.

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3$,4#5(), '656$67,/

HeliRussia 2013ShowObserver


ПЯТНИЦА | 17 МАЯ 2013

Новости выставки HeliRussia 2013 на сайте

The new Mil Mi-38 transport helicopter hasdemonstrated the best performance for its

MTOW class (10,000 to 20,000 kg) in the courseof the on-going flight test program. According tothe Russian Helicopters, prototype OP-2, powe-red by a pair of Pratt& Whitney Canada PW127/5engines, climbed to 8,620 m without a payload.Other records registered during the 14th FAIworld helicopter championship in August 2012included climbing to 3 km in 6 minutes, and to 6km in 10 minutes and 52 seconds. In Septemberlast year, OP-2 climbed to 7,895 m with 1-tonpayload and to 7,020 m with 2-t payload duringthe certification tests at Mil Moscow HelicopterPlant. All these results have been entered into theofficial FAI register of world records.

The Mi-38 has been under development sincethe 1980s. The first Pratt&Whitney-powered pro-totype took off in 2003. The second prototype�smaiden flight did not take place until 2010. Apartfrom the Canadian powerplants the Mi-38 maybe fitted with Russian-made TV7-117V engines,which will be installed on the third flying prototy-pe. The Mi-38 can carry more than 5 tons of fre-ight internally or over 7 tons externally. The ma-nufacturer aims it at the search-and-rescue, of-fshore, air ambulance and VIP markets. Seriesproduction should begin in Kazan in 2015.

Ekaterina Sorokovaya

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Eurocopter X4 # ,/$640'-'ATM800 ()$,'0 74 #A'7C

#'A'%#0/C Dauphin

Mi-38 series productionis to begin in 2015



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Mi-38 setsnew records

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HeliRussia 2013ShowObserver


ПЯТНИЦА | 17 МАЯ 2013

Новости выставки HeliRussia 2013 на сайте

H ow would you assess Russia�spositions on the international

military helicopter market?— International demand for

Russian military helicopters isgrowing steadily. Last year, Roso-boronexport alone saw a 40% in-crease in deliveries, to the total ofover $1.5 billion. This is the bestevidence of Rosoboronexport’ssuccessful performance as the de-dicated arms exporter, and also ofthe popularity and high quality ofRussian rotary-wing aircraft amidever-increasing competition. Ourprospects for years to come are ve-ry solid.

— What is Rosoboronexport’scurrent rotary-wing backlog?

— We have a hefty backlog oforders worth in excess of $5 bil-lion. The export contracts alonewill keep our production plantsbusy for several years, let alone themajor orders placed by the Russi-an Defense Ministry. All this pro-vides us with serious resources fordeveloping new products, whichwe will eventually start offering toforeign customers.

— What is the secret to thisgrowth? Can we expect the flow oforders to continue?

— Helicopter exports will con-tinue to grow in years to come.We expect a further 30% increasein deliveries this year. Rosoboro-nexport is currently working onmajor contracts with our histori-cal partners China and India. Atthe same time we remain verymuch active on new markets,such as Latin America. That is avery promising region for the MilMi-35M combat transport andthe Mi-17 military utility rotorc-raft. We are actively promoting

our other products to Latin Ame-rica, including the Mil Mi-26T2heavy-lifter and the Kamov Ka-226T utility helicopter.

We are paying special attentionto developing our relations withBrazil, where our Mi-35M helico-pters are flying successfully. Oneof the airframes was displayed atthe LAAD exhibition in Rio de Ja-neiro this past April, and proved tobe among the most visited exhi-bits, including by the top brass ofmany Latin American nations.Moreover, as part of our offsetagreement with Brazil, a servicecenter for Russian-made helico-pters should be opened in that co-untry by 2015. This will be anothersignificant achievement on theway to further expansion of ourcooperation.

I believe that we will maintainthe high rate of deliveries in thefuture, thanks both to our geo-graphic expansion and the intro-duction of new models. In parti-cular, we are actively marketingthe Mil Mi-28NE and Kamov Ka-52 combat helicopters, whose ex-port potential is very high.

— Is Latin America the only pro-mising export market left to Russi-an military rotorcraft, or are thereothers?

— There certainly are othermarkets. It is just that in LatinAmerica, we are close to enteringa whole new level of cooperation.We certainly continue to work ac-tively with our historical partners.For example, we very much hopethat our Ka-226T bid will win inthe major Indian tender for 197

light helicopters. Apart from thehelicopter deliveries under thattender, we are offering to set up li-cense production of the type inIndia. This would become anothermilestone project in the history ofarms trade between our two co-untries.

I would also like to mentionthe CIS countries, many ofwhich continue to operate signi-ficant numbers of Mi-8, Mi-24,and Mi-26 helicopters. Most ofthese airframes are approachingthe end of their operational life

and will have to be replaced so-on. Given that the pilots andground personnel in those co-untries know Russian-madeequipment well and the requisiteinfrastructure is already in place,procurement of new cost-effecti-ve Russian helicopters would bea logical choice.

I should name another regionof growth that may not be so ob-vious to many. That is Europe.Due to the overall reduction inmilitary budgets, many Europeancountries have seen their nationalhelicopter R&D budgets slashed.This is why even NATO membersare increasingly turning to Russiafor their rotorcraft procurementneeds. In addition, most formerWarsaw Pact nations, includingthe Czech Republic and Poland,continue to actively operate Rus-sian helicopters. They need spa-res, associated weaponry, and up-grade solutions, especially wheresuch aircraft are involved in ope-rations in Afghanistan and otherhotspots.

This interview was preparedby Valery Ageev

Helicopter sales remainamong the most rapidlygrowing segments inRussia’s arms exports.Grigory Kozlov, head ofthe helicopter equipmentand services exportdepartment at the state-run arms exporterRosoboronexport, toldShow Observer about thecurrent status and futureprospects of this market.

“Internationaldemand forRussianmilitaryhelicopters isgrowingsteadily”

Grigory KozlovHead of Helicopter Equipmentand Services Export Department,Rosoboronexport





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12 Новости выставки HeliRussia 2013 на сайте

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HeliRussia 2013ShowObserver ПЯТНИЦА | 17 МАЯ 2013

HeliRussia 2013 ShowObserver


MAY 17, 2013 | FRIDAY

Новости выставки HeliRussia 2013 на сайте

Phazotron offers helicopter-based radarsEffective application of helico-

pters is impossible today wit-hout specialized radars. With oneon board, the rotorcraft can beoperated day and night, in any we-ather, detecting and safely avoidingweather hazards and turbulence,considerably improving its obser-vation capabilities and extendingthe effective range of its weaponry.

Phazotron-NIIR Corporation isactively working in this sector. Thecompany has created a number ofhelicopter radars for Kamov andMil helicopters. These include theFH01 radar for the Kamov Ka-52attack helicopter and the FHA ra-

dar for the Ka-27 ship-based ro-torcraft.

The FH01 is a Ka- and L-bandcoherent-pulse combat reconnais-sance radar. In the observationmode it provides elevation and azi-muth scanning to ±60° off center inthe forward hemisphere; in the an-ti-missile mode, its azimuth scan-ning covers 360°. The radar hasground-mapping capability; it candetect and identify ground, sea-surface, and aerial targets, protectthe platform from enemy missiles,and support onboard electro-opti-cal targeting systems. It helps thepilot detect obstacles in low-level

flight, avoid weather, and adjustthe navigation data.

The Ka-27’s FHA radar, mo-unted in a ventral radome, provides360° azimuth scanning. It is inter-faced with the helicopter’s naviga-tion equipment and anti-submari-ne sonobuoy system. The data pro-vided by the radar are fed onto acolor LCD monitor at the naviga-tor’s station.

The FHA radar can operate inany weather and sea state. It provi-des 360° or selective observation;seeks and detects sea-surface, aeri-al and ground targets; supportsmoving target selection, coastlinedetection, and high-resolution gro-und mapping; enables discretetracking of aerial and sea-surface

targets while simultaneously sup-porting the observation function;detects weather hazards; and adj-usts the navigation data.

Phazotron-NIIR is working todevelop an upgraded version of theFH01 radar, which will additional-ly have X-band capability. Thecompany’s chief designer for heli-copter-based radars AlekseiShvachkin says the new band willhelp the radar detect various gro-und and aerial targets in differentweather. It will also enhance theradar’s resolution and accuracy,increase its detection range, enableit to operate in any weather condi-tions and improve its ECM immu-nity.

Maxim Pyadushkin








l Nov


HeliRussia 2013ShowObserver


ПЯТНИЦА | 17 МАЯ 2013

Новости выставки HeliRussia 2013 на сайте

86%960() .6)4(, $,$(# 7#546"#4)=# 956-B5,--= /7"/G4%/ %#&D,% 95(65(4#4)=-(

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Англо-итальянская компанияAgustaWestland не толькопоставляет в Россию своивертолеты, но и развиваетпромышленное сотрудничествос местным производителем —холдингом «Вертолеты России».О приоритетныхвертолетостроительныхпрограммам компании иперспективах расширениявзаимодействия с российскимпартнером изданию Show Observerрассказал региональный менеджерAgustaWestland по России и СНГАльберто Понти.

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HeliRussia 2013ShowObserver


ПЯТНИЦА | 17 МАЯ 2013

Новости выставки HeliRussia 2013 на сайте

O ne of the central exhibits atthe previous HeliRussia was

a full-size mock-up of the new6.5-ton Kamov Ka-62 mediumutility helicopter. This year Russi-an Helicopters is planning toshowcase the first prototype,which is one of the two currentlybeing assembled at the ArsenyevProgress production plant.

French powerplant specialistTurbomeca has already delivered1,680-hp Ardiden 3G turboshaftengines to Russia to power the firstKa-62 prototype. Russian Helico-pters says the engines have been su-ccessfully tested to validate theircorrespondence to the design spe-cifications. The first transmissionsystem, designed by Austrian spe-

cialist Zoerkler, is expected to bedelivered in May.

Russian Helicopters hopes theKa-62 will join the flying display atthe MAKS exhibition outsideMoscow this August; this would bethe first public demonstration ofthe helicopter in flight. “The Ka-62 will be flying at MAKS if we arecompletely satisfied that it can per-form a spectacular sequence,” saysgeneral director Dmitry Petrov. “Itis important that we demonstrateto our current and future customerswhat the new Russian helicopter isactually capable of.”

Russian Helicopters applied fornational certification of the Ka-62in late 2012; the process is expectedto be completed by the end of 2014,followed by deliveries beginning in2015.

The Ka-62 seats 12 to 15 passen-gers. Its roomy and comfortablecabin makes the helicopter idealfor VIP and shuttle services, freighttransportation, emergency medicaloperations, and various otherforms of aerial work.

Among the launch customers, isthe Brazilian operator Atlas T,xiA"reo, which should receive thefirst of its initial two aircraft in thefirst quarter of 2015; deliveries willlast until 2017 and may comprisea total of 14 airframes. Under thecontract, Russian Helicopters andits regional partners will help setup an aftersales maintenance cen-ter for Russian-built rotorcraft inBrazil.

Alexei Sinitsky

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Ka-62 approachingfirst flight

?"-7")4IA')7+% A4&'0 @4-62,'*50$)"/4- 74 HeliRussia 6", 74I4,

A full-size mock-up of the Ka-62 wasfirst unveiled at HeliRussia last year


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HeliRussia 2013 ShowObserverMAY 17, 2013 | FRIDAY

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ShowObserver HeliRussia 2013

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HeliRussia 2013ShowObserver


ПЯТНИЦА | 17 МАЯ 2013

Новости выставки HeliRussia 2013 на сайте

A "#$%#& I",0(-(567(D, $,$ ( "GA,/ 64-5,%"#7,/ 7=%4,7$,, HeliRussia /7"/#4%/

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F)4#57;G 960B6467(", !)), >,J,567,

Прошедший год стал дляпетербургскойдвигателестроительной компании«ОАО «Климов»», дочернегоподразделения Объединеннойдвигателестроительнойкорпорации, во многом прорывным:началась полномасштабная работапо созданию новогоперспективного вертолетногодвигателя. О том, какиеконцептуальные и техническиерешения будет иметь этот, похоже,прорывной продукт, а такжео работе над другимивертолетными силовымиустановками в интервью ShowObserver рассказал генеральныйконструктор ОАО «Климов» —заместитель генеральногоконструктора Объединеннойдвигателестроительной корпорациипо вертолетным двигателямАлексей Григорьев.

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