short-lived ( < 10myr) radioactivities in the early solar system (ess). collaborations: (1)r....

Short-lived ( < 10Myr) radioactivities in the Early Solar System (ESS). ations: llino, Department of General Physics, University of Torino – Italy Wasserburg, Department of Geological and Planetary Sciences – CALTE Nollett, Argonne National Laboratories – Chicago, IL (USA) raniero, INAF, Teramo Observatory Busso – Department of Physics, University of Perugi

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Post on 02-May-2015




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Page 1: Short-lived ( < 10Myr) radioactivities in the Early Solar System (ESS). Collaborations: (1)R. Gallino, Department of General Physics, University of Torino

Short-lived (< 10Myr) radioactivities in the

Early Solar System (ESS).

Collaborations:(1) R. Gallino, Department of General Physics, University of Torino – Italy(2) G.J. Wasserburg, Department of Geological and Planetary Sciences – CALTECH,(USA)(3) K.M. Nollett, Argonne National Laboratories – Chicago, IL (USA)(4) O. Straniero, INAF, Teramo Observatory

M. Busso – Department of Physics, University of Perugia

Page 2: Short-lived ( < 10Myr) radioactivities in the Early Solar System (ESS). Collaborations: (1)R. Gallino, Department of General Physics, University of Torino

Dalle prime speculazioni di Urey (1955) in poi, si sa cheper formare i pianeti terrestri, rocciosi, bisogna far fondereprimi agglomerati solidi (grani). A causa della massa troppopiccola, infatti, i pianeti terrestri non passano MAI attraverso la condensazione di una nube gassosa (protopianeta), maderivano dall’urto anelastico di sottosistemi già solidi(planetesimi), in orbite (o correnti a getto, Safronov 1969)simili agli attuali anelli di Saturno.

Questo deriva in ultima analisi dal valore della Massa di Jeans:

M = 2x1035 T3/2/n1/2

Gli elementi radioattivi che, decadendo, producono righe gamma (26Al, 60Fe) sono le uniche potenziali sorgenti di energia interne alla materia che si siano potute escogitare

All that is solid melts in the air (Karl Marx)

All that is solid doesn’t melt very easily: it requires an energy source of radioactive type.

(Evidence from the solar system)

Page 3: Short-lived ( < 10Myr) radioactivities in the Early Solar System (ESS). Collaborations: (1)R. Gallino, Department of General Physics, University of Torino

Formazione di ammassi (HST)

Page 4: Short-lived ( < 10Myr) radioactivities in the Early Solar System (ESS). Collaborations: (1)R. Gallino, Department of General Physics, University of Torino

Regioni oscurate dalla polvere

Nelle zone fredde nuove stelle si formano anche singolarmente, manon per pura contrazione gravitazionale, e dopo un processo complicato in cui ha grande rilevanza l’azione del campo magnetico B. La diffusione magnetica contribuisce ad abbassare la massa che può restare in equilibrio gravitazionale (Massa di Jeans) fino avalori accettabili (2-20 M). Nel sistema solare (n molto elevata) siformano FORSE per gravità Giove e i pianeti esterni. Non certo Marte,la Terra, gli asteroidi ecc…

Page 5: Short-lived ( < 10Myr) radioactivities in the Early Solar System (ESS). Collaborations: (1)R. Gallino, Department of General Physics, University of Torino

Il meteorite di Allende (Messico)1969

Page 6: Short-lived ( < 10Myr) radioactivities in the Early Solar System (ESS). Collaborations: (1)R. Gallino, Department of General Physics, University of Torino

Il meteorite di Murchison (Australia, 1969)

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[Wasserburg ,Busso, Gallino,Nollett 2005(WBGN05);Misure di Lee et al. 1978]

Da Allende

Page 8: Short-lived ( < 10Myr) radioactivities in the Early Solar System (ESS). Collaborations: (1)R. Gallino, Department of General Physics, University of Torino

Un po’ di fisichetta• Ricordate la regola di Dulong e Petit? Il calore molare della maggior parte

dei solidi è prossimo a 25 KJ/K. Per fondere una mole di materiale fatto di elementi intermedi (Al-Si) (T = 2000K) ci vogliono 50000 KJ. Per il C molto meno (/4)

• Prendiamo un composto ricco di Al, e.g. Al2O3. Campioni estremamente antichi di questo solido sono presenti in inclusioni di Ca e Al (4.56 Gyr) che furono trovati (da Lee et al. 1978) essere estremamente ricchi di 26Mg dal decadimento di 26Al.

• Ogni decadimento produce 1.8MeV. Se fate un po’ di trasformazioni di unità e considerate l’abbondanza misurata (26/27 = 5x10-5) ottenete proprio alcune decine di migliaia di KJ.

• Nell’ESS i solidi non evaporano nell’aria, richiedono un sacco di calore e solo la presenza di enormi quantità di isotopi radioattivi permette di liquefare le aggregazioni eterogenne iniziali (fino a qualche grammo di massa).

• Questi liquidi poi risolidificano in rocce compatte e formano i pianeti terrestri.

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Evidenza della presenzadi 41Ca in composti ricchidi Al (Srinivasan et al. 1995)

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Page 11: Short-lived ( < 10Myr) radioactivities in the Early Solar System (ESS). Collaborations: (1)R. Gallino, Department of General Physics, University of Torino

ESS record of radioactive isotopes• Live 26Al recognized to have been present in the earliest ESS compounds in

huge amounts: (26/27) = 5x10-5 in C.A.I.s (Lee et al. 1978).• Due to the short lifetime, this constrains the timing of the solar nebula

formation (t ~ 1Myr ~ 2 x free fall time of the protostar)• Hints exist for Mn (Birck & Allegre 1978). • Now measurements also for 41Ca, but indicating a lower abundance (41/40 in

CAIs ~ 1.5 10-8 Srinivasan et al. 1994; Sahijpal et al. 1998) and for 10Be.• Records in compounds formed later (t = a few? Myr) for 107Pd (Kelly &

Wasserburg 1978), 60Fe(Shukolyukov & Lugmair 1993), 53Mn (Lugmair & Shukolyukov 1998), 182Hf (Lee & Halliday 1995), 36Cl (Lin et al. 2005).

• Hints (not firm experimental evidence) for 135Cs (McCulloch & Wasserburg 1978) and 205Pb (Kelly & Wasserburg 1987).

• For longer-lived radioactivities many measurements: 129I (Reynolds 1960); 244Pu (Rowe & Kuroda 1965); 146Sm (Lugmair & Marti 1977), etc..

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Measured radioactivities, lifetimes, abundance ratios in ESS




Ref. (S)




Observ. Ratio
















2.3x10-6 – 6x10-5




4x10-9 (PD)








10-4 146Sm



0. 005










Page 13: Short-lived ( < 10Myr) radioactivities in the Early Solar System (ESS). Collaborations: (1)R. Gallino, Department of General Physics, University of Torino

Experimental data not at the same time!

Present understanding suggests 1 about 1 Myr or less,2 a few Myr, so that plausible values at t=0 may be:(26/27)0 = 8-9 10-5 (Busso et al. 1999; Gallino et al. 2004)(41/40)0 = a few x 10-6 (Sahijpal et al. 1998)(60/56)0 ~ 10-6 (Lugmair & co 2003-2004)

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Tools for an interpretation..

(Wasserburg et al. 1996; Busso et al. 1999)

Page 15: Short-lived ( < 10Myr) radioactivities in the Early Solar System (ESS). Collaborations: (1)R. Gallino, Department of General Physics, University of Torino

Previous conclusions on short-lived isotopes in the ESS.

• Old supernova nucleosynthesis models (Woosley and Weaver 1995) and r-process systematics imply that most nuclei with ~ (10-100 Myr) come from equilibrium abundances in ISM established by SN explosions of massive stars (Wasserburg et al. 1996). •This works also for 53Mn, despite its short lifetime. •129I and 107Pd are however excessively abundant for this interpretation: they may come from a continuous production by a rarer (10x) SN type. •Pd might come also from the s-process (AGB stars)•26Al, 41Ca and 60Fe have too short half lives for the continuous process to be sufficient: they require prompt enrichment (equilibrium ISM abundances are insufficient). •26Al, 41Ca and 60Fe are produced also by AGB stars, with lower efficiency and different 26/60, 26/41 ratios (Wasserburg et al. 1994, 1995).

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•COMPTEL data imply 3.1 ± 0.9 Mof live 26Al, of which up to 2.2 ± 0.4 Mcome from massive stars (Knodlseder 1999).A further contribution of up to 1 Min a diffuse background (from AGBs and novae?) cannot be excluded (Lentz et al. 1999; Jose 2003).The ISM 26Al/27Al ratio is 3.1/(2 1010 5.8 10-5) = 2.7 10-6.This is 20 times smaller than in the ESS. It would be insufficient to formterrestrial planets. These last MUST BE extremely rare. (What about extra-solar life?)•This datum confirms a late contamination by a local source, in the collapsing cloud (e.g. stellar winds from the early Sun) or very close to it (e.g. a close-by nucleosynthesis event in a dying star). Understanding the nature of the source (SN or AGB) requires a detailed analysis, started long ago (Cameron & Truran 1981).•Scenarios for the ESS contamination by fast solar particles seem to be in troubles, except for Be & Cl (Sahijpal et al. 1998).

Measurements from COMPTEL

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Nella Galassia, oggi cominciamo a conoscereanche l’abbondanza relativa di 26Al e 60Fe,che può essere stimata dalle misure degli esperimenti COMPTEL (GRO) e RHESSI.

La distribuzione è molto irregolare,e rivela concentrazioni nelle zonepiù dense, sedi di copiosa formazionestellare e di numerose supernovaenell’ulimo milione di anni.

La media (assai rozza e incerta)è 60/26 = 0.16. Secondo vari modelli di nucleosintesi in stelle massicce(Limongi e Chieffi 2003, WW95 ecc) questo sarebbe in sostanziale accordo con le previsioni di una SNII ‘tipica’ (20-22 Mo)

(Non più ora, dopo variazioni delle sezionid’urto: vedere Limongi a questo meeting)

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Un calcolo più completo, checonsideri il contributo di tuttele SN, includendo una funzione iniziale di massa e integrando la produzione fino ad una massa limite, rivelava che solo includendoanche le stelle più massicce,che evolvono con altissimi tassidi perdita di massa (Wolf RayetStars) si ottieneva una previsione‘integrale’ accettabile.

Le nuove sezioni d’urto e nuovi modelliin generale peggiorano molto lecose (60/26 > 1: Limongi)

Page 19: Short-lived ( < 10Myr) radioactivities in the Early Solar System (ESS). Collaborations: (1)R. Gallino, Department of General Physics, University of Torino

Nell’ESS: 26Al/27Al = 5x10-5

60Fe/56Fe = (1-2)x10-6

da cui:

60Fe/26Al = (2-4)x10-3

Se si tiene conto dei diversi tempi di dimezzamento (2.2.Myr il Fe, 1.05Myr l’Al), qualsiasi intervallo temporale tra la produzione stellare e la formazione dei primi meteoriti renderebbe questo rapporto, nei venti stellari, ancora più piccolo.

Una SN NON può spiegare queste ‘radioattività fossili’

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An AGB Source?

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Page 22: Short-lived ( < 10Myr) radioactivities in the Early Solar System (ESS). Collaborations: (1)R. Gallino, Department of General Physics, University of Torino

(Straniero et al. 1997; Busso et al. 1999)

TP: thermal pulses

thermally pulsing model star

Low-mass thermally pulsing stars

Trento, ECT: May 24-28, 2004

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•Low T8 (=0.9) for 13C(,n) source: it operates in radiative He-rich zones, during shell H-burning phases

•Low nn (107) expected, hence low production of n-rich isotopes (86Kr, 87Rb, 96Zr)

Time (y)

Trento, ECT: May 24-28, 2004


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Needed for:-C isotopes-O isotopes-26Al in grainsBUT: 2 free parameters!

Probably similarphenomena at TDU,below the H shell (estinguished) yieldproton mixing and formation of 13C

Nollett et al. 2003

see also Lugaro et al. 2003Trento, ECT: May 24-28, 2004

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Strutture nelle zone di mixing

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Page 29: Short-lived ( < 10Myr) radioactivities in the Early Solar System (ESS). Collaborations: (1)R. Gallino, Department of General Physics, University of Torino

SE NON E’ VERA E’ BENE TROVATA!(Forse Roberto ricorda chi l’ha detto)

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Page 31: Short-lived ( < 10Myr) radioactivities in the Early Solar System (ESS). Collaborations: (1)R. Gallino, Department of General Physics, University of Torino