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THE ENTERPRISE, AITAMONT, N. Y., FRIDAY, JULY 17, (942 I "t-m it * JUNIOR COMMANDO TRAINING COURSE FOR DEJJAR YOUTH Prepares Boys, Men For Mili- tary Service; Dewire Holds r , Local Record Lorraine Patterson And Dr. Sinith Wed Bites Held In Trinity Metho- dist phurch, Albany, On * * July 4th A, iiimoi commando tiaiinng course oh Douglas joad, Delmai, built by boys 4t ho cost foi matenals oi labor, was pointed out this week by >Di Hiram 'A. Jones, State iWai iCouncil physical fit ness diiector as an example of home made obstacle couises which are being built throughout the state -due to in jceasfed inteiest m physical Citness Br. Jones' office has launched a* five point piogram to * piepare High school boys a,nd men foi militaiy -serv- ice through field and tiack events, obstacle laees, combati\e spoits, ewimming and life saving and team games !Di Jones said that the Doug- las wad comse is typical of commando •couises being constiucted thioughou't tile aiea, although it is not undei ,the sinpei vision of the War Council Ijocal Wai Councils will make awaids in supei vised obstacle iace& on such couises * The Douglas road course is a little more difficult than the aveiage, at was disclosed It is located in a thick,- Jy wooded lot and is about 300 teet long with more than 30 obstacles These «all for skill in jumping, climb- ing, runiiing, tumbling, dodging and balancing {Jeoige Dew ue, 16 one of the buihi- er% holds the recoid for negotiating the course in three minutes, fifteen seconds —— -Buy War Savings Bonds In and About Town O-len Morton, son of Mi and Mrs^ Glen H Morton of Borthwick Ave has returned from Syracuse wheie he has been 1 visiting his i grand patents, the Eev. iNichalas d-e Stefano arwji Mrs. f d«* Stefano, who accompanied Glen> home and are now the house guests •of the Jfortoiis Miss Loname Patteison niece o[ Mr ajid Mis' Oiville H "Vloshei, 22 Elm, Delmai, WAS raiiiwd Tuly 4 at Tunity MetlTodist chuicn to Di Mei win G. Smith, feon of Mi and Mis Mei win <R Smith, 122 Gio\e The Rev Di W Earl Ledden officiated The bride wore white Alencon lace over ^vhite satin designed in pimoess lines with a full sknt, long train, Gib son sleeves, and sweetheait neck out lined, withj seed peails An embioid eie'd thi6<3 quartet length veil ot bydal 'illusion fell from a seed peail coronet and she cariied v,hite iose% i Miss^Lorraine Story, Yonkeis, maid of honoi, wore pink maiqmsette trim med with lace and earned Johnanna Hill roses a,nd J ^lelj)hinia 1 Robert Bairows was best man and Kenneth Malaiy and Richaid Pattei son ushers,, Following a leception at the home of*Mr ahd Mis Moshei, Dr and Mis Sm'ith left on a wedding tup thiough jNew 1 England Mis Smith woie a gr.ay ensembje with green accessories/I tor, traveling "YIiS Smith is a graduate of Coey mans High school and Albanv Busi ness Colege and attended State Col lege toi Teachers Di Smith is a giadtmte Ot Eastwood High school at Syracuse, and Cornell "Univeisity Buy War Savings Bonds 50 TRI-VILLAGE CHILDREN BELONG TO READING CLUB Known As Delmar Wings Cluib, Is Sponsored By Delmar Public Library The Slingerlands BULLETIN , E<Kte<J by E. R. Van Wormer Save Fats Mr. and Mrs Paul A Barcelow, Ir, formerly ; of Delmar, announce the' birth of a daughter, Susan Jayne, *a-tV the Northwestern, hospital, in 'Minne apohs, Minn , » Mr and Mrs Robert Seward Banned 'j'ejarrfjed, may "bemadded to la7d"or fcTeic are suggestions foi saving and Using fats in the home Meat tummings Make the "best use of fats bought as pa it ot meat, save and use any fat tummings fiom roasts, steaks, and chops They can cut down on the puichase of cooking fats and thus make more fits avail able to the aimed forces and the Allies. Meat duppings Duppings aie the resdiue obtained fiom cooking meats •vyifh diy m roasting oi bioil inc. r'Fiesh poik duppings can be used'to season vegetables to make gravy," oi may be elanfied and used as'lard - *IBe«f'fat or duppings, if fiesh and of iFeiabank Ave announce the/birtftiother, soft fat^and used as the^hoiten of a son,''Robert jMooie Bamed, at/the* »n« m^muftlns, spice cake, foi giavies Albany .hospital July 8 .. } *ad*Jn puddings Sausage, v ham, and ,,bacon fats* may be used They aie lor Mrs John 4 Jones of >the JFeura Bush road with her 'bro'thei, Kenneth ^ Ahoe, of Minneapolis, Minn , are spend- ing a "week in Ne>y Yoxk ^ Mr and Mrs William A Fiazier of Nathamai Blvd announce the fcirth of J a daugh'tor on July J Z WiIMjun Hewett of Needham, Mass" is Spending the week at the home of WfcAp&iei-mlaw- and sistei, Mr and SfiW-Twilter P R. Pembei, of Adams Place Mr and Mrs James Jacobsori of <3anton> are visiting at the home of J4% t J,Mobson's parents, Mr and Mis. .iWiJlacQ 1> Jacob son, Kenwood Ave ' } iMfs. Andrew Hntz and daughter, faille, of Delaware Ave and Mis. G. JV Bibens and sons, Bobby and Dean, spent last week at the summei home >jipf Mrs Bibens' paients, Mi and Mrs '».r<!h Trevor, at Sfacandaga \ !MIS, Frank A JDenmaik of Delaware *%xe tos t returned fiom the Albany JfrospiQtl V h e i e she lecently undei- *^jvjent an operation for goitre -? jMiss. Joyce Terwilliger of Welhng- jqn Road has returned ciom Wash- Snrgton, wheie she visited hei sistei, j|eah. " ' frying and warming foods Mild bacon fat that has r not >been allowed to smoke caiiijbej used IR muttins, cake, and cookies. ' i Iamb fat is. best used spaungly or jnr combination with othei fats be 'piuse of its stiongfavoi Chicken tat may be *used in cooking m place of butter „aad in cieam sauces, cake copkjes, and bi ead Oil in canned fish, such as samon, tuna, saradmes, and othei fish, should also Jbe saved and used, Canned tuna has salad oil added, but the others hive the natural fish oil that contains valuable vitamins Seive it with fish or use it in cieam sauce to seive with Jjhe fish oi in cooked salad dressings for fish salad, oi to moisten the fish for sandwich fillings Buy War Savings Bonds Domestic Rye Grass . : Over '.5.0 'children/ pf ,th.e : Tri-V-i}lage •are's/ -fare: •mem'bers' •'..of..:; the',, ;J)einiaa i: Wings' club'which is S'pbn'soredhy.fthe- ;i)'elmay ; Public .j/ibftir'y-.. as ; a ;:, st!mmiei; aeadlaiif',.cluto;.;' •' ' ; :'"-'•>' •;••' ' 'The library'bulletin boaiKl, d'eipoi'atecl 'to^'ni'ble' an''air, 'por.t, as e'pVere'd' •With', yellow," •green], .red-.-iaind '•...sjiv'ej; paber'. aa^planesi .w-hlc'li tlie. cMldreiiwaa ! .e ; flying, /The .•n'.um'frer' .aiii;d'.''-lo'catipn ';of pfahes; each.. child. Mas', on.. the. board. ''-i'es'/'with' tihe hunib^r of; ; book's ; 'he! Kas. read;/ The'.'pJ^fe .started 1 , Ju'rie'|22: and. will' .con^iiiue until the 'latter; paii| of. August',/.:The. ;eliinax/of. th^, i'lb'^aSPK *ea'd)hg program 'will 'be' an; aiiiplane;' •pai'tyY"".'; All• .Qhrldren 'v?hp';have read;; ;'tge-''''sp,e!afi^d',7in : iiifilJer "Of approved: .books;'on; theji: ..'grade level. will,.bel 'invited/gtiests', ; at/ this''i'-'library; r'entertainiii'ent..,. •/ • '. ../•' • " . ,•'-•'• ..'.; • '•Anio^ig ..theZ-phildreiL. who- are;, en-; ithusiastic suinnier read;ei;s -kre;: .Praiik-T-j iyn'.Aanesv; 3i;., Marffia'A^wood/SuSaii; Atwopd, Jimm^'Bia'kpiv Robert' '.pamr-; •ei'dh, jr., Robert /'.'Ganiphell; Brnjj.e^ OphrPe, -Garyl ..-;.do*e; /Df»iis'cilla. ,B.e •Ba.un, .tiura pe.'BiiinpGei;a ; id;' Denniss t6n; ; i«ran:cy. ®.e. : Rohde, 'Tpm';Droppers^ ;Ma/a'cy ; itoii' FrSd^riks',' Dpn'ny 'Green/ 'W.opdv Kich'ard'-.iBa/ggreni/ Jt^ffefc Heisfr,;! 'Dohald. ••• ' Hehdersphv'/. Judy- Jdhnston;; Betty Jane.. JOhes,-/Bd'bby- ••Jones', Kavi .Kendall,; Bob Ktinz,. FtatiK - a/e;- Ffevei;,- : ltency 3/ewis', iNesta. Xjewls, ' Rpber-t iMclfary,,-.-.Philip Miller,, .Bajhd. MooVe,' Jiinmie Myers,;Marion' 'Ph>ar,' 'Wiliiani Saykin^ : Muiatay iS'eagearsi. Tom Spay jgearsy- Billy- Smi'tih': Suth- Smithi: B'a-vid'. igpatz, .infancy iStinei Flora Stpdart, Bob: -Street, •-Calyiii .iSiitliftf,':>Rogee Suth'M, : He'helin Thaeher, -lio.iiisCrn.*i-gM,. Jacki"i ie' %faThpr,/ Shirley;•Whitii«y,.' •Hai«l'd ; i Wjlliairisi, •'vvally 'Wlnegaid, -Ma:rjori:e1 Wood',' Anne -Wood-head, ROnnae-'Oiafk; ahd'Garoi.Ciarfc. _.••>••,..; •'-r-^- Bliy \A<3r' Savings Bonds —~-. ; M e W i s t Church Notes Rev DeJbeitB Smith, ^pastoi Sunday, July 19th il a m. Chunch seivice 12 noon. Chou ieheaisal A nieeting- oi all niembeis of the chuich will be lield in the Fellowship House on Fndaj evening, July 17, at 8 o'clock A discussion of the lman cial structuie will take place and the chuich piogram wall be ieviewed ,^ Buy War Savings Bonds Personals and Brevities CO. WOMEN'S GOP CLUB P U N S PARTY AT SLINGERLANDS Ev«nt Will Be Held At Miss Miner's Home Saturday Afternoon * Bsmere ST. STEPHEN'S EPISCOPAL CH'URCh Rev John J Paulsen, lectot Sunday, July 19th' 8am Holy communion 9 30 A HI Morning prayer and ser mon Mrs. Eva Biandt of Wellington Rd •wall leave this week for a visit with relatives -at Asntolo and -Oneonta i<Mj?. ^n^'Mr^'Murray O. Klingaman' of Roweland Ave" 1 , ^ith^tlielr chlldfen, Katharine, Susan and Richaid, have returned fiom 1 the vacation in Ver- mont *' - Mrs. Andrew A Hiitz of (Delaware Ave' entertained at a budge paity last -week for Mjrs. George A Bibens of Gardner Terrace who will move August 1st to Rocky Rivei, Ohio The J guests included Mesdames Donald S Dewire, Elton. R de Shaw, Har,old T W For Vineyard Cover .Domestic rye glass seeded at the rate of '15 pounds per acre between August 1 and IU5 shows much promise as a cove; ciop foi New Yoik \ine yarijs, aocoidmg to Pro! T A Mei nll,~gjape specialist of the state et- penment station at Geneva Trials of ^thist^j^ss m'a number of ..vineyaitis thfoughout / ,the Chautauqua giape belt hajye been most piomiiing and ltis'le heved' to be adaipted to New Yoik state .vmeyaids m geneial ^fanroe, V^il]jam/A rferpn, Claude W IVorWn, Bnierson 3 Hessler Mr. and Mrs Thomas Hall of Al bany Jhave moved into 'their home on Wellington Road, recently pui chased f-rom Mr "ahd Mrs'..Waltei B Stiope mm Tebbutt Ftinferal Service Established 1850 James G. Tebbutt -Marshall W. Tebbutt, J r . ' James.G. Tebbutt, Jr.,}A*sociate OOD AVE, -i T«L 0-^|2 «T. Tel. 3.?1T9 : DELMAR ALBANY COMMUNITY NOTES F, Leonaid Ottman of Kenwood, Ave is an Oklahoma this week wheie he is visiting his son, Pvt James Ott man, who is an mstructoi at Foi t Sill Mi and Mis Aitmn Van Hoesen and sons, Cail and Don, ot Kenwood Ave, aie spending then vacation at Schioon Lake 'Mi and Mis E E G-iffoid of Cleve land, Ohio, weie week end guests at<] the home of Mi and Mis P L/Ott man of Kenwood Ave Mis Gifford is Mis Ottman's sistei Last week the Ottmans had as their guest Mis W li Foddei ot Schenectady Mi and Mis Joseph J Andres of Ridge Road spent the week end at Blue Mountain Lake Re\ J Howaid Kmgdon of Elsmere Ave will be guest pieachei duung Jul} at the Fust Baptist chuich ot Albany. Mi and Mrs Hairy W. Dixon and two sons of Bedell Ave aie spending their vacation at Lake Geoige Mi and Mis Hairy J Hoffman of Euclid Ave', with then' son and daughter, will leave Satuidav foi a thiee weeks' vacation at Arnold's Lake The Hotfman family was en- tertained lecentlj at a picnic dinner; at the home of Mi and^Mrs^R S Cromley ot Gaidnei Terrace Mi and Mis Harold W- Manroe of Euclid Ave have letuined trom Vic toiy where* they visited Mi Mamoe's mothei, Mis Armond Manroe Mi and Mrs Deik V Tieszen of Euclid Aye aie in Columbus, Ohio, | where t'hey, will lemain unti^L Septem- bei Mi Tieszen is woiking foi a degi ee Mi and Mis Allan Mackinnon and tamily of Euclid 'Ave are spending the summei at then cottage^at Lake Geoi ge ' ' Mis Ralph, Smith of Ridge Road spent four Mays last""week! with lela fives in Boston She took with hei hei young mece, Oail Jen'kenq ot Binghamton, who with her mother and •bi other have ibeen visiting iat the Smith home Mis Jenkens and hei son are powi iiii Hempstead, L f, visiting hei brother and family, Mi and Mis Hugh llalsey Mi and Mis Waltei H Obenauf oi Ridge Road had as their dinnei guests last jpatuiday CDi and Mrs E L Cheatum, Mi and Mrs Stephen Foul liam and Mr and Mrs Ralph Smith Mr and Mis David Oats, who haie been visiting their son and tamily, Mr and Mrs Ed-ward Oats, of Ken J wood Ave, for two -weeks, have ie turned to then home in Chicago Mi and Mrs E J Adams, Ji , or 'Ellswoith Ave announce the birth di a daughtei on July 3 1 Buy War Savings Bonds Mrs. William D ,Di'ake and son, Billy, who have been staying the past six months with hei paients, Mi and Mis Ralph A Gktmson, have gone to Colorado Spnngs, Colo Hei husband, Lieut William D Diake, has com pleted training at Foi t Benning, G-a , and is no%stationed at Camp Caison The Slingeilands Kouple club weie entei tamed by M; and Mrs Elwood J Nicholson at then camp on Thomp son's Lake',' "Satuiday aitemooni and evening. Those attending weie Mi and Mis Walter Batcher, Mr and Mis Robert Stillwell, Mr ana Mrs Aithur Eustance, Mi and Mis Mei ntt Converse, Mis James Coughtiy, Mi and Mrs Claude Reynolds and Mi and'Mrs Ralph Reynolds of Slin- gei lands, Mi and Mrs John Hotal ing, Mi and Mis Edwaid Bennett and Mr. and Mis John Renek of Del mau Paul Halsdorf has moved to Albany. Bids for the bonds for payment of the new fne tiuck weie opened by the Fire Commissionei s last Tuesday The ManufaWueis and Tiadeis Tiust Company of Buffalo weie low bidders with an interest rate of 2 6 pel cent. Residents -of Slingeilands have foim ed pionic parties -and. gone to the Helderbergs to pick hutklebemes They lepoit .having enjoyable times, with the berries quite plentiful Mis. William W Giant ot Geneva is the guest of her son-m law and daughter, Ml", and Mis John D Raw son lf Mr and ,Atrs. Ai thui M Mam at tended the s outing ot the^Maiy E Purvis cjub ot the Oidej bl the East ern Star at Dunsbaoh Ferry on Sun day Mr and Mrs Lewis Clark and son, Jackie, aie passing the week at Ly sander visiting relatives and friends On their f^tifin they will reside in AlHiaflsf ?> l&£r-j<i«> •>-<. 'r'^.i,,,,,,,, ' Mi andflMrs. Fiedenck Wertman. and daughters, Evelyn, Carol, Gay and Baibaia, of<^Albany, weie quests ot Mi, and Mis Francis Wakefield Ma and .Mis Fied Adams-of Albany Schenectady» Road have leased the Moat apaitient on New Scotland Road Sgt F Foid Dodge of Camp Bel von, Va, passed a five day fuilough visiting his parents, Mi and Mis Ai mon Dodge Mrs. Dodge, who lesides near the camp, ^accompanied hei hus band PFC Donald, F Aithui of Fort Jackson, S C, is spending a week's rut lough at the home of his parents, Mi and Mis Ray F Aithui Mis Andrew Gaul is visiting her son in law and daughter Mi and Mrs Edmund (B Thompson, at Windham, Conn She will also visit Mi. and Mrs Judson I, Mathei at Jordan's Cove, Wateiioid, Conn, betoie leturn- ing home Coip Technician R Biadford Aith- ur ot Pine Camp passed the week end at his home here. , , Mis William D Drake <hn.p 'an in Wodtfcfoiy>Tti«le,^endorsediby Mis. Franklin D, Roosevelt, m the July issue ot 'Baby Talk" magazine Mis, Diake is the former Vngmia Gamson, daughter of Mr and Mis Ralpli ,A Gamson' o£ iSlmgeilands Mis John Bilyieu and Mis Kenneth SmLth visited M|rs Mary McVeigh at Lake Placid over the week end BuyjWar Savings Bonds Suggests Ways To ' Keep Milk Flowing Card of Thanks I wish to extend my sinceie thanks to all who bent caids, Howers and gifts during my stay at the hospital, and at my home. MJS Alfied Paagbuin Buy War Savings Bonds —— New loik homomakers interested m making a moth-pioof, gas tight closet for stonng clothing and other woolens may send >foi Cornell bulletin B-327, Address lequests to the Office of Pub lication, Roberts, Hall, Ithaca, N. Y. help keep, the milk flowing ,tbis summer aie su-ggested to fanners by Prof W T iCraMdall of the New Yoik State College of Aguculture. "It is easier to maintain a normal daily milk flow in winter than sum- mei," he says, "because in summei hot weather effects production and usually there is a lack of teed " He says many danymen have used the following practices successfully Keep the cows- comfortable by pro 'vidmg shade and an ample sitpply of clean, cool water In pastures Keep milking barns cool and free from flies; use old bin Up, it available, ovei open windows and doois; use fly spiays- Supply all the feed that cows need, give them ajl the roughage they will eat Only on flush pastuie will cattle get enough loughage, at other times it must be fed to them Feed palatable hay jn racjss wheie cows can eat it any time they wish Feed coin •and glass silage in the bam dining milk time. Turn the heard out to pastuie on suclan grass, miliet, meadow aftei math, iye, or any tempoiaiy gieen crop that fits info cioppmg possibili- ties of the faim and that will stand pasturing —« In addition to all this, give cows enough gram evejy day to keep them in. good condition *nd to hold up the milk flow. Buy War Savings Bonds Uncle Ab says there are two sides to eevry question — on which we haven't taken sflaea. ... .Menvber^.of. ( tli-.e'• Altoaiiy Couirty, ;Wo- men's : - • vft'ep u Mieatft •' Sltib' • Wift i-'' ai a v e • 'a ^Arii-ipanty.-and .'bailee '.sale 'at- t'he"'S.lin.- ^i^nd^.^onie'-^fr Mfefe'-ftiM 'Mitteii jaunty; V i e ^ 2 ^o.5.,Pi «m; ••'<•' ••.••:•.•'.•.•,•.•'"••'''•' - . . ' . V > - . . . ;•" .-; .-Miss. Mfaiide teaste'iijy," ciub pres'ident;i : annou'hVed\''.c'ohini:i'Jitee'• eli!airm : en and; 1 |wor;kei , & f lh'© ; .:B!ai;ty,. '.'-'-.i'v•'."-?"•• '•.••'. : w ;•'; ivifsC "feVy,'.Jane. Tyfaijf hed-ds, $k§ 't•i ^ ck'et^. : •cdhlmiiitt'ee, -assisitVd .•by'.' Mrs.-! [Jessie;'; JGjli'ent,..-". Mrs, -M&ttiQ&/.&ixyin i : Mils, ''C-haries 1 '&roib : er,'Mn-s". -,' James;: J'.' ;©0wd : ,'' Mi«i.. iLi'iia B;a-li;pr.t;•iM.fs,''' 'Ellen jGoiipt'o.nV'$fis's:.VGW'aiJott'e-.'A'ljen,, .%.s:' !j!artte's" HA Wllard',.: Mrst' William;, pe'l-. : yea,- : 'Mrs'v AYil-liaih -SoosV'Mrs. '.Peter Part,' .Mrs;; 'Hii'iahi. A. .'SchindieE.- '' •. .'.T^abfes. \yili i^)'e in .Chaiige pf .-.Miss fd^-.-^^gner 'aii.d'tej ; ' 'cqminljttiee. of Mrs; ^Carrie, Hemmer, .-.Mi'§.. A-lden-. P-.. ,0o'as6,e%,„, l^i'ss. .Carijie .'All ien ; .Mr-s;---Ha-r;- riet'JCroniii;- Mrs;'. Alfred- W.- 'Pfuiiiter',-.- $j«sV Grace M^rs;hnian,. ,;•., . .. ... -...,_. •••.; ;, : .;Mrs, Em'mk'.'M'prey is .chairman/of ifillles'.-'an-.d •.lcailds>.- and* wall bfe;:ai.s:isited fby ;Miis;.-: Esith^f' W^filting',,- Miss :.:Jo^ep.h'-.': i : ne..^:- ; Joh'6sto'n> Mi's. .William-.- Glqecfi- •her,'• MvS'> ^hmm$, &-i'&% '.M-i:?' ; .. D;"Heii-; s'hue ? -an;d''•Miss.'-EoiS'.Waii'as.-' -. ". •- '• •.;-, ''•":fe'sv.' E'dg^r A... yafde'r'.'-Veev heads.:! the •prize' icommittee,. .lyh'felr"' Snolud'es.. Iraitllolersi and Srdei; >,-:"':-"'- '-v'.-p^^'GAiyifes •• :}'• •'•'..- : ' "'-®m pi:i'ri)ose."of the; Viotqi'V iGftVden prq|i-am ; 'iiis' to maintain"anoi'a;>le. -'Pi*p- ;ei'. i\ec'reatip;ii -fiii'ii-ighert 1 : i)y gaine.a. its jvell a's ..garcieni.ij'g, have .their .place Oh- - fee program..- . '- •. Lawn aieas may he -used >as recre- ation ,cehtei's.,-"Most lawns aie- eaatlj adapted to deck tennis, volley liallj'-as howling- \yi(;h •fr.-crqguet set.- -. . .i.: , g?fep.'nl§.:-i , .egiii-j'es a fairly, large, lawn; •area,.'-With ! eiHi-^Qiies,.'tli'3 space re.; : <flUir.e'd'.i-,s. 60' >li,y' i'20'.-j'eefc- i'br one- fflqtiM.- The saJme ai'e.a oan.-ie-ijsqd: fqi:,:s ; pft balli'-paddle tenftisi- tether .tennis, •bas- ketball,--'aii'd other, spo.its.. ' '--, •• •!-.'If'/the-;)aw3i' -space; : is-long"and n.aj;- i^PWj'^t'-ni'a^'be used'' fpr ai-'chery,-' ,i?o.i; .p'egiiine'i'S'; - a dawn-.' "2,5,. yarcTs., lqtt'g; -is : .suf'fitei'e'nt,'' ..(For lijore stlvaiiced; -.plivy- ers-the. je'hg'ta.m'ayybe e'xteri.ded ,to-S5. yardM.' •: 'The lawn- area, used: ifp'r- arch-- •ery. may also-be used for the old;game. 6f';bo'wisv'.'••'•/••.'•;-- ; '.'/• •'•• :,"•• •;'".- Sand- ibpxes,, swings, tee'tei'Sj'horjzdh- tai--ba'rSi;'ladders,-to. ,eli-mb, ; -..and'.Bli-des-; mayibe; ere'qted ipr the .cWldrei);; Many pie|es--o.fplay'equipment'can he madis-- 'at'!honi'e i ;wi-tiL'-5ite'.Q:6at;--'--''; : -,-.-.- ';.' ••.]•• '•..For-'vMiirther-'entertaiiimerit• -a'- hie- Place' .-.njay'- toeibiiiltr in -the , .gard'en^, •yyher'e weiner . .roasts .'are., populaJr .he^ foi'e or -after the lawn games,-r-T. J. Baird,;Cp.rneil.- • • . fielmalt^tuolfe l i b a r y V;v Sells ;>-liif;.;';§^ift5 - l3efense;. sav)'n|». staiiais.; nj;e ii'pw tohf 'Sol'cl .a't.tlie'jaeim'fi'r P.u'bW'6. ! Ta|.' b.rai'y,,. -A .^pecia-l defense -bodtli', •%$& hem deeorai-'ed in',;i.;ed, yh.ite' and ',hlii^ vqinjiteei'S in •cpsjiime aro .enooivi'iigii^g tpe sale qE-stAmps, The l-i-brtey- lia'ls; taken,, for Its slogan: "Return-' ypit-V books', on time! ..Say-eon fliies! 1 'Buy Derenae'Staptp's. lierel." ' • • •'••' ^4!~;.^H^-';V^8P\S'a.vln^8.;iB(?'n.4sV^HT: ' '•' •' m^i Jwrii^d; €ter|li fc . ^ e i ^ a r e l d - ' W ' . - .-§'elt, pt Pfi'tfec •M'ontclair,' Ijf.' J., 'guest privaolrei:.' " "•'' ,,. ; Supday, v 'juty : ' iSt'h:.' ; ; • - '' "-.'"- i.ij jtj'.in..' Nursery scJi.pqi, '•; -'_ '• *-' • '.:i'i' -ji" ;rtii, .-Sfijrnih'gr.:- ivot'stj'p,-: .'•-"•-.:'•• ;' ; .'Sundaiyi' July '2(i,; -the' R.ev. ;Cpriieitu'K pylcliuizen.. oi' Schqfiai'le *fll ; b'4 .'th(* i'oest..j)f;ertchgr;,/'.';':.- '.' .' ,•:•/•• }' , SatitKlay, ...•fifly .48... the rnqnibe,!^" of the-Lad-ies'-'Aic^.sbcie'ty' .•wni.-^he.'ehj.ei^ tairied at -..a vp'ionicy at ..the'- lipme^- b'f; Mr, -land'Fiji's.., "Wtilliam If, f'e'nfflaiiigeV' at SpVf.ilg 1 -.Lake; ..i'lr's. Fen.niiige'ivi'is president t qi;'fie' : '.s.oc'iety..'.-'. "•••-;•.::-.--. , -~:'.Buyv'.y/iap:. 'Savi,ng>.- ; Bo'nas Aj^- '",v :^TiKs.' : -A'l'exahdei' EdEwahy;.Mi's..: Allen H. ,Mopre, "Miss - .Grace Wpostei:,, Mrs. :,&,,..A.:,Sw,eet,; 'Mrs'. J-farriel Rpss'; -M.rS; Irene Eempsey and M^s. Maspp .Hutclr- ins:.-, ••..••'•• •";•• ' . ' - " . :' : : .•'-.M'Charge- ,of baked-good's, are Mrs, Emma- 'Class;. 4ml. her commi'ttee-oC ili'si.' : G'eorge.i'. 'Oliver,' -'Mrs'.: Siiirolcl "J,. : •;an,-.Mrs'. -Perla.Ellrtg, M-rs,; j-qhn-'- Caine; Mrs.'. : D.ais.y O'-Brieii,- MJ:S. Ifai;- 'bl'd.teta'ft'and:• ^vfj?,'James'-'CatTdll; Mrs;.'--:Ehima- iSteliheidei'- heads 'the' corhmitte'e'iQn- gaine'%-which includes; Ma-s. Uanqah .Schi.lHng, Mrs. Mary ®is)fect, Mrs. Theresa',,Wagner,'.'Mis.,\ Jph.ii-Ki'rinicutt a'iicl, Miss'.Rriia Kdirt-! : zaioff. . •.:•• ' • • •-•' : •••'-'.•.- , The ''Deln : !OT.'--'unat'. ef,..'tpe/ flqnxe B\ire ,;ylted..!'aH hoinem.iak : eiB L '';inttei'r egted .in' ! n;qme' : icanniiig .to'.-kttena; ;a- flemon^tratipii:. :,t'd.'be. .given, '-hy ''•ll'iss',', jfp'rma .Edwards': Jiil-y.'---.27 'at-' 1 J)'.. ;m!. j^.bh'e. krbchen;.oi: the Delm&r .Meth'qV d'is't-^cirurch..' 'This -will be a ..practical d'einpn.strait;iqii,:pt'. the new.est and' be'?t .methods *to-,-be...use'di in; food'avai.lfubie- at t'his'-.-.s,e 1 a.sen...- .-•'-.;-• >'•.'.'•:• 7?—^,,;VVaK Sayings,BondS'^ir Fufejiises Delnjar; fonie \ vijr. ''.Aimer T;..';Geprge-- and ' Mrs.' .Carpiyn,-. K. George .-of Albany .ji.ay.e- jiiVchasett'a 'home..'in' Weljihitpn:^ .$&>> Peimar,'-frpm, Geprge' .W.. .Yunck'.''•'•• '; ~r-. Bliy^Wa^'.Savings Bonds -^-^r.'," • T'lie-'Dist'ei'-- comity 0-1 servie'e fla-g i:shpws;.3'S 'boys.-ho-v?' in. the serviee, and '. oiie'.igirl' ;in : a..- : ih6s;pifal>iiiiit'.-. ';','• YOUR LOCAL FOOD SHOP S A L B A N Y 2,9717 SCHENECTADY 6-8932 GU1LDERLAND ALBANY .9811 SLINGERLANDS SO. BETHLEHEM 2748 CLARKSVILLE 2632 FEURA BUSH Boneless Beef Roast. Lb. 35c Lamb Legs ...Lb. 37c Hamburg 2Lbs, 55c Shoulder Beef Roast. Lb. 29c Assorted Cold C u t s . . Lb. 35c Frankfurters Lb. 31c Bacon lb. 38c Ham, Whole or Shank, Lb. 37c Wheaties 2 Pkgs 21c ^VICTORY BUY UNITED r WAR 'BONDS AND .STAMPS Babo 2 For 21c TOMATO JUICE, 20 O z . . . 3 For 27c PINEAPPLE JUICE, 2 No. 2 Cans 33c PRUNE JUICE, Gold Seal ... Qt. 21c APPLE JUICE, S n i d e r ' s . . 3 For 29c SWANSDOWN CAKE FLOUR ... 23c DAVIS BAKING POWDER .. 13c REDXTOWELS 3For 25c IVORY SALT p k g. 9c OLD DUTCH CLEANSER 3 For 23c LUX SOAP 3 For 21c CHIPS0 Pkg. 23c OXYDOL Large 23c 3 Small 25c C O C O A Mohawk 2 Lb Box 20c MACARONI or SPAGHETTI, 3 For 25c CRACKERS 2 Lb. Box 21c WAX PAPER 125 Ft. Roll 21c LARD Lb. 15c PAPER NAPKINS.' Pkg. 10c Assorted Cookies Fresh 2 Lbs 35c Mother's Flour 24Ub Sack $1.11 PEACHES, Georgia 2 Lbs. 27c CANTALOUPE, Large .... Each 15c WATERMELON, Large, Market Price ORANGES, California .... Doz. 37c LEMONS..., . .... Doz. 31c MMMMMMMMMMfMlfMiMIMIMMM^^ These , Prices Until July PRICE SERVICE Hf"" 2 Qts. 15c CABBAGE.. m?'in CARROT?.:: 2 i i • ? c POTATOES..:::- ••&»£ 18th QUALITY Quantity Limited ONEXOELLED

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Prepares Boys, Men For Mili­tary Service; Dewire Holds r,

Local Record

Lorraine Patterson And Dr. Sinith Wed

Bites Held In Trinity Metho­dist phurch, Albany, On

* * July 4th

A, iiimoi commando tiaiinng course oh Douglas joad, Delmai, built by boys 4t ho cost foi matenals oi labor, was pointed out this week by >Di Hiram 'A. Jones, State iWai iCouncil physical fit ness diiector as an example of home made obstacle couises which are being built throughout the state -due to in jceasfed inteiest m physical Citness

Br. Jones' office has launched a* five point piogram to * piepare High school boys a,nd men foi militaiy -serv­ice through field and tiack events, obstacle laees, combati\e spoits, ewimming and life saving and team games !Di Jones said that the Doug­las wad comse is typical of commando •couises being constiucted thioughou't tile aiea, although it is not undei ,the sinpei vision of the War Council

Ijocal Wai Councils will make awaids in supei vised obstacle iace& on such couises *

The Douglas road course is a little more difficult than the aveiage, a t was disclosed It is located in a thick,-Jy wooded lot and is about 300 teet long with more than 30 obstacles These «all for skill in jumping, climb­ing, runiiing, tumbling, dodging and balancing

{Jeoige Dew ue, 16 one of the buihi-er% holds the recoid for negotiating the course in three minutes, fifteen seconds

—— -Buy War Savings Bonds

In and About Town O-len Morton, son of Mi and Mrs^

Glen H Morton of Borthwick Ave has returned from Syracuse wheie he has been1 visiting his i grand patents, the Eev. iNichalas d-e Stefano arwji Mrs.f d«* Stefano, who accompanied Glen> home and are now the house guests •of the Jfortoiis

Miss Loname Patteison niece o[ Mr ajid Mis' Oiville H "Vloshei, 22 Elm, Delmai, WAS raiiiwd Tuly 4 at Tunity MetlTodist chuicn to Di Mei win G. Smith, feon of Mi and Mis Mei win <R Smith, 122 Gio\e The Rev Di W Earl Ledden officiated

The bride wore white Alencon lace over ^vhite satin designed in pimoess lines with a full sknt, long train, Gib son sleeves, and sweetheait neck out lined, withj seed peails An embioid eie'd thi6<3 quartet length veil ot bydal 'illusion fell from a seed peail coronet and she cariied v,hite iose% i Miss^Lorraine Story, Yonkeis, maid of honoi, wore pink maiqmsette trim med with lace and earned Johnanna Hill roses a,ndJ^lelj)hinia 1 Robert Bairows was best man and Kenneth Malaiy and Richaid Pattei son ushers,,

Following a leception at the home of*Mr ahd Mis Moshei, Dr and Mis Sm'ith left on a wedding tup thiough jNew1 England Mis Smith woie a gr.ay ensembje with green accessories/I tor, traveling

"YIiS Smith is a graduate of Coey mans High school and Albanv Busi ness Colege and attended State Col lege toi Teachers Di Smith is a giadtmte Ot Eastwood High school at Syracuse, and Cornell "Univeisity

Buy War Savings Bonds —


TO READING CLUB Known As Delmar Wings Cluib,

Is Sponsored By Delmar Public Library

The Slingerlands BULLETIN ,

E<Kte<J by E. R. Van Wormer

Save Fats

Mr. and Mrs Paul A Barcelow, I r , formerly ; of Delmar, announce the ' birth of a daughter, Susan Jayne, *a-tV the Northwestern, hospital, in 'Minne apohs, Minn , »

Mr and Mrs Robert Seward Banned 'j'ejarrfjed, may "bemadded to la7d"or

fcTeic are suggestions foi saving and Using fats in the home

Meat tummings Make the "best use of fats bought as pa it ot meat, save and use any fat tummings fiom roasts, steaks, and chops They can cut down on the puichase of cooking fats and thus make more fits avail able to the aimed forces and the Allies.

Meat duppings Duppings aie the resdiue obtained fiom cooking meats •vyifh diy m roasting oi bioil inc. r'Fiesh poik duppings can be used ' to season vegetables to make gravy," oi may be elanfied and used as'lard -

*IBe«f'fat or duppings, if fiesh and

of iFeiabank Ave announce the/birtftiother, soft fat^and used as the^hoiten of a son,''Robert jMooie Bamed, at/the* »n« m^muftlns, spice cake, foi giavies Albany .hospital July 8 .. } *ad*Jn puddings Sausage, vham, and

,,bacon fats* may be used They aie lor Mrs John4 Jones of >the JFeura Bush road with her 'bro'thei, Kenneth Ahoe, of Minneapolis, Minn , are spend­ing a "week in Ne>y Yoxk ^

Mr and Mrs William A Fiazier of Nathamai Blvd announce the fcirth of J a daugh'tor on July JZ

WiIMjun Hewett of Needham, Mass" is Spending the week at the home of WfcAp&iei-mlaw- and sistei, Mr and SfiW-Twilter P R. Pembei, of Adams Place

Mr and Mrs James Jacobsori of <3anton> a re visiting at the home of J4%tJ,Mobson's parents, Mr and Mis. .iWiJlacQ 1> Jacob son, Kenwood Ave ' } iMfs. Andrew Hntz and daughter, fai l le , of Delaware Ave and Mis. G. JV Bibens and sons, Bobby and Dean, spent last week a t the summei home

>jipf Mrs Bibens' paients, Mi and Mrs '».r<!h Trevor, at Sfacandaga \ !MIS, Frank A JDenmaik of Delaware *%xe tost returned fiom the Albany JfrospiQtl Vheie she lecently undei-* jvjent an operation for goitre -? jMiss. Joyce Terwilliger of Welhng-j q n Road has returned ciom Wash-Snrgton, wheie she visited hei sistei, j | eah. " '

frying and warming foods Mild bacon fat that hasrnot >been allowed to smoke caiiijbej used IR muttins, cake, and cookies. ' i Iamb fat is. best used spaungly or jnr combination with othei fats be 'piuse of i ts stiongfavoi Chicken tat may be *used in cooking m place of butter „aad in cieam sauces, cake copkjes, and bi ead

Oil in canned fish, such as samon, tuna, saradmes, and othei fish, should also Jbe saved and used, Canned tuna has salad oil added, but the others hive the natural fish oil that contains valuable vitamins Seive it with fish or use it in cieam sauce to seive with Jjhe fish oi in cooked salad dressings for fish salad, oi to moisten the fish for sandwich fillings

Buy War Savings Bonds

Domestic Rye Grass

. : Over '.5.0 'children/ pf ,th.e :Tri-V-i}lage •are's/ -fare: •mem'bers' •'..of..:; the',, ;J)einiaai:

Wings' club'which is S'pbn'soredhy.fthe-;i)'elmay; Public .j/ibftir'y-.. as ; a;:,st!mmiei; aeadlaiif',.cluto;.;' •' '; :'"-'•>' •;••' '

'The library'bulletin boaiKl, d'eipoi'atecl 'to 'ni'ble' an''air, 'por.t, as e'pVere'd' •With', yellow," •green], .red-.-iaind '•...sjiv'ej; paber'. aa^planesi .w-hlc'li tlie. cMldreiiwaa!.e;

flying, /The .•n'.um'frer' .aiii;d'.''-lo'catipn ';of pfahes; each.. child. Mas', on.. the. board. ''-i'es'/'with' tihe hunib^r of;;book's;'he! Kas. read;/ The'.'pJ^fe .started1, Ju'rie'|22: and. will' .con^iiiue until the 'latter; paii | of. August',/.:The. ;eliinax/of. th^, i'lb' aSPK *ea'd)hg program 'will 'be' an; aiiiplane;' •pai'tyY"".'; All• .Qhrldren 'v?hp';have read;; ;'tge-''''sp,e!afi^d',7in:iiifilJer "Of approved: .books;'on; theji: ..'grade level. will,.bel 'invited/gtiests', ;at/ this''i'-'library; r'entertainiii'ent..,. •/ • '. ../•' • " . ,•''-•'• ..'.; • '•Anio^ig ..theZ-phildreiL. who- are;, en-; ithusiastic suinnier read;ei;s -kre;: .Praiik-T-j iyn'.Aanesv; 3i;., Marffia'A^wood/SuSaii; Atwopd, Jimm^'Bia'kpiv Robert ' '.pamr-; •ei'dh, jr., Robert /'.'Ganiphell; Brnjj.e^ OphrPe, -Garyl ..-;.do*e; /Df»iis'cilla. ,B.e •Ba.un, . t i u ra pe.'BiiinpGei;a;id;' Denniss t6n;;i«ran:cy. ®.e.: Rohde, 'Tpm';Droppers^ ;Ma/a'cy; itoii' FrSd^riks',' Dpn'ny 'Green/ 'W.opdv Kich'ard'-.iBa/ggreni/ Jt ffefc Heisfr,;! 'Dohald. •••' Hehdersphv'/. Judy- Jdhnston;; Betty Jane.. JOhes,-/Bd'bby- ••Jones', Kavi .Kendall,; Bob Ktinz,. FtatiK - a/e;- Ffevei;,-:ltency 3/ewis', iNesta. Xjewls, ' Rpber-t iMclfary,,-.-.Philip Miller,, .Bajhd. MooVe,' Jiinmie Myers,;Marion' 'Ph>ar,' 'Wiliiani Saykin^: Muiatay iS'eagearsi. Tom Spay jgearsy- Billy- Smi'tih': Suth- Smithi: B'a-vid'. igpatz, .infancy iStinei Flora Stpdart, Bob: -Street, •-Calyiii .iSiitliftf,':>Rogee Suth'M,: He'helin Thaeher, -lio.iiisCrn.*i-gM,. Jacki"i ie' %faThpr,/ Shirley;•Whitii«y,.' •Hai«l'd;i Wjlliairisi, •'vvally 'Wlnegaid, -Ma:rjori:e1 Wood',' Anne -Wood-head, ROnnae-'Oiafk; ahd'Garoi.Ciarfc. _ . • •>•• , . . ;

•'-r-^- Bliy \A<3r' Savings Bonds —~-. ;

M e W i s t Church Notes Rev DeJbeitB Smith, ^pastoi Sunday, July 19th i l a m. Chunch seivice 12 noon. Chou ieheaisal A nieeting- oi all niembeis of the

chuich will be lield in the Fellowship House on Fndaj evening, July 17, at 8 o'clock A discussion of the lman cial structuie will take place and the chuich piogram wall be ieviewed ,^

Buy War Savings Bonds

Personals and Brevities


AT SLINGERLANDS Ev«nt Will Be Held At Miss

Miner's Home Saturday Afternoon *


CH'URCh Rev John J Paulsen, lectot Sunday, July 19th' 8 a m Holy communion 9 30 A HI Morning prayer and ser


Mrs. Eva Biandt of Wellington Rd •wall leave this week for a visit with relatives -at Asntolo and -Oneonta i<Mj?. ^n^'Mr^'Murray O. Klingaman'

of Roweland Ave"1, ^ith^tlielr chlldfen, Katharine, Susan and Richaid, have returned fiom1 the vacation in Ver­mont *' - Mrs. Andrew A Hiitz of (Delaware A v e ' entertained at a budge paity last -week for Mjrs. George A Bibens of Gardner Terrace who will move August 1st to Rocky Rivei, Ohio The J guests included Mesdames Donald S Dewire, Elton. R de Shaw, Har,oldTW

For Vineyard Cover .Domestic rye glass seeded at the

rate of '15 pounds per acre between August 1 and IU5 shows much promise as a cove; ciop foi New Yoik \ine yarijs, aocoidmg to Pro! T A Mei nll,~gjape specialist of the state et-penment station at Geneva Trials of ^thist^j^ss m'a number of ..vineyaitis thfoughout/,the Chautauqua giape belt hajye been most piomiiing and l t i s ' l e heved' to be adaipted to New Yoik state .vmeyaids m geneial

^fanroe, V^il]jam/A rferpn, Claude W IVorWn, Bnierson 3 Hessler

Mr. and Mrs Thomas Hall of Al bany Jhave moved into 'their home on Wellington Road, recently pui chased f-rom Mr "ahd Mrs'..Waltei B Stiope


Tebbutt Ftinferal Service Established 1850

James G. Tebbutt -Marshall W. Tebbutt, Jr . ' James.G. Tebbutt, Jr.,}A*sociate

OOD AVE, - i T«L 0-^|2 «T. — Tel. 3.?1T9 :


COMMUNITY NOTES F, Leonaid Ottman of Kenwood,

Ave is an Oklahoma this week wheie he is visiting his son, Pvt James Ott man, who is an mstructoi at Foi t Sill

Mi and Mis Aitmn Van Hoesen and sons, Cail and Don, ot Kenwood Ave, a i e spending then vacation at Schioon Lake

'Mi and Mis E E G-iffoid of Cleve land, Ohio, weie week end guests at<] the home of Mi and Mis P L/Ott man of Kenwood Ave Mis Gifford is Mis Ottman's sistei Last week the Ottmans had as their guest Mis W li Foddei ot Schenectady

Mi and Mis Joseph J Andres of Ridge Road spent the week end at Blue Mountain Lake

Re\ J Howaid Kmgdon of Elsmere Ave will be guest pieachei duung Jul} at the Fus t Baptist chuich ot Albany.

Mi and Mrs Hairy W. Dixon and two sons of Bedell Ave aie spending their vacation at Lake Geoige

Mi and Mis Hairy J Hoffman of Euclid Ave', with then' son and daughter, will leave Satuidav foi a thiee weeks' vacation at Arnold's Lake The Hotfman family was en­tertained lecentlj at a picnic dinner; at the home of Mi and^Mrs^R S Cromley ot Gaidnei Terrace

Mi and Mis Harold W- Manroe of Euclid Ave have letuined trom Vic toiy where* they visited Mi Mamoe's mothei, Mis Armond Manroe

Mi and Mrs Deik V Tieszen of Euclid Aye aie in Columbus, Ohio,

| where t'hey, will lemain unti L Septem-bei Mi Tieszen is woiking foi a degi ee

Mi and Mis Allan Mackinnon and tamily of Euclid 'Ave are spending the summei at then cottage^at Lake Geoi ge ' '

Mis Ralph, Smith of Ridge Road spent four Mays last""week! with lela fives in Boston She took with hei hei young mece, Oail Jen'kenq ot Binghamton, who with her mother and •bi other have ibeen visiting iat the Smith home Mis Jenkens and hei son are powi iiii Hempstead, L f, visiting hei brother and family, Mi and Mis Hugh llalsey

Mi and Mis Waltei H Obenauf oi Ridge Road had as their dinnei guests last jpatuiday CDi and Mrs E L Cheatum, Mi and Mrs Stephen Foul liam and Mr and Mrs Ralph Smith

Mr and Mis David Oats, who haie been visiting their son and tamily, Mr and Mrs Ed-ward Oats, of Ken J wood Ave, for two -weeks, have ie turned to then home in Chicago

Mi and Mrs E J Adams, Ji , or 'Ellswoith Ave announce the birth di a daughtei on July 3

1 Buy War Savings Bonds

Mrs. William D ,Di'ake and son, Billy, who have been staying the past six months with hei paients, Mi and Mis Ralph A Gktmson, have gone to Colorado Spnngs, Colo Hei husband, Lieut William D Diake, has com pleted training at Foi t Benning, G-a , and is no%stationed a t Camp Caison

The Slingeilands Kouple club weie entei tamed by M; and Mrs Elwood J Nicholson at then camp on Thomp son's Lake',' "Satuiday aitemooni and evening. Those attending weie Mi and Mis Walter Batcher, Mr and Mis Robert Stillwell, Mr ana Mrs Aithur Eustance, Mi and Mis Mei ntt Converse, Mis James Coughtiy, Mi and Mrs Claude Reynolds and Mi and'Mrs Ralph Reynolds of Slin­gei lands, Mi and Mrs John Hotal ing, Mi and Mis Edwaid Bennett and Mr. and Mis John Renek of Del mau

Paul Halsdorf has moved to Albany. Bids for the bonds for payment of

the new fne tiuck weie opened by the F i re Commissionei s last Tuesday The ManufaWueis and Tiadeis Tiust Company of Buffalo weie low bidders with an interest rate of 2 6 pel cent.

Residents -of Slingeilands have foim ed pionic parties -and. gone to the Helderbergs to pick hutklebemes They lepoit .having enjoyable times, with the berries quite plentiful

Mis. William W Giant ot Geneva is the guest of her son-m law and daughter, Ml", and Mis John D Raw son lf

Mr and ,Atrs. Ai thui M Mam at tended the s outing ot the^Maiy E Purvis cjub ot the Oidej bl the East ern Star at Dunsbaoh Ferry on Sun day

Mr and Mrs Lewis Clark and son, Jackie, aie passing the week at Ly sander visiting relatives and friends On their f^tifin they will reside in AlHiaflsf ?> l&£r-j<i«> •>-<. ' r ' ^ . i , , , , , , , , ' Mi andflMrs. Fiedenck Wertman.

and daughters, Evelyn, Carol, Gay and Baibaia, of<^Albany, weie quests ot Mi, and Mis Francis Wakefield

Ma and .Mis Fied Adams-of Albany Schenectady» Road have leased the Moat apai t ient on New Scotland Road

Sgt F Foid Dodge of Camp Bel von, Va, passed a five day fuilough visiting his parents, Mi and Mis Ai mon Dodge Mrs. Dodge, who lesides near the camp, ^accompanied hei hus band

P F C Donald, F Aithui of Fort Jackson, S C, is spending a week's rut lough at the home of his parents, Mi and Mis Ray F Aithui

Mis Andrew Gaul is visiting her son in law and daughter Mi and Mrs Edmund (B Thompson, at Windham, Conn She will also visit Mi. and Mrs Judson I, Mathei at Jordan's Cove, Wateiioid, Conn, betoie leturn-ing home

Coip Technician R Biadford Aith­ur ot Pine Camp passed the week end at his home here. ,

, Mis William D Drake <hn.p 'an in Wodtfcfoiy>Tti«le,^endorsediby Mis. Franklin D, Roosevelt, m the July issue ot 'Baby Talk" magazine Mis, Diake is the former Vngmia Gamson, daughter of Mr and Mis Ralpli ,A Gamson' o£ iSlmgeilands

Mis John Bilyieu and Mis Kenneth SmLth visited M|rs Mary McVeigh at Lake Placid over the week end

BuyjWar Savings Bonds

Suggests Ways To ' Keep Milk Flowing

Card of Thanks I wish to extend my sinceie thanks

to all who bent caids, Howers and gifts during my stay at the hospital, and at my home.

MJS Alfied Paagbuin Buy War Savings Bonds ——

New l o i k homomakers interested m making a moth-pioof, gas tight closet for stonng clothing and other woolens may send >foi Cornell bulletin B-327, Address lequests to the Office of Pub lication, Roberts, Hall, Ithaca, N. Y. help keep, the milk flowing ,tbis summer aie su-ggested to fanners by Prof W T iCraMdall of the New Yoik State College of Aguculture.

"It is easier to maintain a normal daily milk flow in winter than sum­mei," he says, "because in summei hot weather effects production and usually there is a lack of teed "

He says many danymen have used the following practices successfully

Keep the cows- comfortable by pro 'vidmg shade and an ample sitpply of clean, cool water In pastures Keep milking barns cool and free from flies; use old bin Up, it available, ovei open windows and doois; use fly spiays-

Supply all the feed that cows need, give them ajl the roughage they will eat Only on flush pastuie will cattle get enough loughage, at other times it must be fed to them

Feed palatable hay jn racjss wheie cows can eat it any time they wish

Feed coin •and glass silage in the bam dining milk time.

Turn the heard out to pastuie on suclan grass, miliet, meadow aftei math, iye, or any tempoiaiy gieen crop that fits info cioppmg possibili­ties of the faim and that will stand pasturing —«

In addition to all this, give cows enough gram evejy day to keep them in. good condition *nd to hold up the milk flow.

Buy War Savings Bonds Uncle Ab says there are two sides

to eevry question — on which we haven't taken sflaea.

... .Menvber^.of. (tli-.e'• Altoaiiy Couirty, ;Wo-men's:- • vft'ep u Mieatft • •' Sltib' • Wift i-'' ai a v e • 'a ^Arii-ipanty.-and .'bailee '.sale 'at- t'he"'S.lin.-^i^nd^.^onie ' -^fr Mfefe'-ftiM 'Mitteii jaunty; V i e ^ 2 ^ o . 5 . , P i « m ; ••'<•' •• .••:• .• ' .• .• ,• .• '"•• ' ' ' • ' - . . ' . V > - . . . ; • "

.-; .-Miss. Mfaiide teaste'iijy," ciub pres'ident;i :annou'hVed\''.c'ohini:i'Jitee'• eli!airm:en and;1

|wor;kei,&'©;.:B!ai;ty,. '.'-'-.i'v•'."-?"•• '•.••'.:w ;•'; ivifsC "feVy,'.Jane. Tyfaijf hed-ds, $k§ 't•i^ck'et .:•cdhlmiiitt'ee, -assisitVd .•by'.' Mrs.-! [Jessie;'; JGjli'ent,..-". Mrs, -M&ttiQ&/.&ixyini: Mils, ''C-haries1 '&roib:er,' Mn-s". -,' James;: J'.' ;©0wd:,'' Mi«i.. iLi'iia B;a-li;pr.t;•iM.fs,''' 'Ellen jGoiipt'o.nV'$fis's:.VGW'aiJott'e-.'A'ljen,, .%.s:' !j!artte's" HA Wllard',.: Mrst' William;, pe'l-. :yea,-:'Mrs'v AYil-liaih -SoosV'Mrs. '.Peter Part,' .Mrs;; 'Hii'iahi. A. .'SchindieE.- '' •. .'.T^abfes. \yili i )'e in .Chaiige pf .-.Miss

fd^-.-^^gner 'aii.d'tej ; ' 'cqminljttiee. of Mrs; ^Carrie, Hemmer, .-.Mi'§.. A-lden-. P-.. ,0o'as6,e%,„, l^i'ss. .Carijie .'All ien;.Mr-s;---Ha-r;-riet'JCroniii;- Mrs;'. Alfred- W.- 'Pfuiiiter',-.-$j«sV Grace M^rs;hnian,. ,;•.,. .. ... -...,_. •••.; ;,:.;Mrs, Em'mk'.'M'prey is .chairman/of ifillles'.-'an-.d •.lcailds>.- and* wall bfe;:ai.s:isited • fby ;Miis;.-: Esith^f' W filting',,- Miss :.:Jo ep.h'-.': i:ne..^:-;Joh'6sto'n> Mi's. .William-.- Glqecfi-•her,'• MvS'> ^hmm$, • &-i'&% '.M-i:?';.. D;"Heii-; s'hue?-an;d''•Miss.'-EoiS'.Waii'as.-' -. ". •- '• •.;-, ''•":fe'sv.' E'dg^r A... yafde'r'.'-Veev heads.:! the •prize' icommittee,. .lyh'felr"' Snolud'es..

Iraitllolersi and Srdei; >,-:"':-"'- '-v'.-p^^'GAiyifes •• • :}'• •'•'..-:' "'-®m pi:i'ri)ose."of the; Viotqi'V iGftVden prq|i-am;'iiis' to maintain"anoi'a;>le. -'Pi*p-;ei'. i\ec'reatip;ii -fiii'ii-ighert1 :i)y gaine.a. its jvell a's ..garcieni.ij'g, have .their .place Oh-

- fee program..- . '-•. Lawn aieas may he -used >as recre­ation ,cehtei's.,-"Most lawns aie- eaatlj adapted to deck tennis, volley liallj'-as howling- \yi(;h •fr.-crqguet set.- -. . .i.:,g?fep.'nl§.:-i,.egiii-j'es a fairly, large, lawn; •area,.'-With !eiHi-^Qiies,.'tli'3 space re.;: <flUir.e'd''.i-,s. 60' >li,y' i'20'.-j'eefc- i'br one- fflqtiM.-The saJme ai'e.a oan.-ie-ijsqd: fqi:,:s;pft balli'-paddle tenftisi- tether .tennis, •bas-ketball,--'aii'd other, spo.its.. ' '--, •• •!-.'If'/the-;)aw3i' -space;:is-long"and n.aj;-i^PWj'^t'-ni'a^'be used'' fpr ai-'chery,-' ,i?o.i; .p'egiiine'i'S'; - a dawn-.' "2,5,. yarcTs., lqtt'g; -is: .suf'fitei'e'nt,'' ..(For lijore stlvaiiced; -.plivy-ers-the. je'hg'ta.m'ayybe e'xteri.ded ,to-S5. yardM.' •: 'The • lawn- area, used: ifp'r- arch--•ery. may also-be used for the old;game. 6f';bo'wisv'.'••'•/••.'•;--;'.'/• •'•• :,"•• •;'".-

• Sand- ibpxes,, swings, tee'tei'Sj'horjzdh-tai--ba'rSi;'ladders,-to. ,eli-mb,;-..and'.Bli-des-; mayibe; ere'qted ipr the .cWldrei);; Many pie|es--o.fplay'equipment'can he madis--'at'!honi'ei;wi-tiL'-5ite'.Q:6at;--'--'';:-,-.-.- ';.' ••.]•• '•..For-'vMiirther-'entertaiiimerit• -a'-hie-Place' .-.njay'- • toe ibiiiltr in -the , .gard'en^, •yyher'e weiner . .roasts .'are., populaJr .he^ foi'e or -after the lawn games,-r-T. J. Baird,;Cp.rneil.- • • .

fielmalt^tuolfe l i b a r y V;v Sells ;>-liif;.;';§^ift5

- • l3efense;. sav)'n|». staiiais.; nj;e ii'pw tohf 'Sol'cl .a't.tlie'jaeim'fi'r P.u'bW'6. !Ta|.' b.rai'y,,. -A . pecia-l defense -bodtli', •%$& hem deeorai-'ed in',;i.;ed, yh.ite' and ',hlii^ vqinjiteei'S in •cpsjiime aro .enooivi'iigii^g tpe sale qE-stAmps, The l-i-brtey- lia'ls; taken,, for Its slogan: "Return-' ypit-V books', on time! ..Say-eon fliies!1 'Buy Derenae'Staptp's. lierel." ' • • •'••''

4!~;. H -';V 8P\S'a.vln 8.;iB(?'n.4sV^HT:''' '•' •'

m^i Jwrii^d; €ter|li fc . ^ei^areld- 'W' . - .-§'elt, pt Pfi'tfec •M'ontclair,' Ijf.' J., 'guest privaolrei:.' " "•'' ,,.;Supday,v'juty:' iSt'h:.' ; ; • - ' ' " - . ' " -

i.ij jtj'.in..' Nursery scJi.pqi, '•; -'_ '• *-' • '.:i'i' -ji" ;rtii, .-Sfijrnih'gr.:- ivot'stj'p,-: • .'•-"•-.:'•• ;' ; .'Sundaiyi' July '2(i,; -the' R.ev. ;Cpriieitu'K pylcliuizen.. oi' • Schqfiai'le *fll ; b'4 .'th(* i'oest..j)f;ertchgr;,/'.';':.- '.' .' ,•:•/•• } ' , SatitKlay, ...•fifly .48... the rnqnibe,!^" of

the-Lad-ies'-'Aic^.sbcie'ty' .•wni.- he.'ehj.ei tairied at -..a vp'ionicy at ..the'- lipme^- b'f; Mr, -land'Fiji's.., "Wtilliam If, f'e'nfflaiiigeV' at SpVf.ilg1-.Lake; ..i'lr's. Fen.niiige'ivi'is president tqi;'fie':'.s.oc'iety..'.-'. "•••-;•.::-.--. , -~:'.Buyv'.y/iap:. 'Savi,ng>.-;Bo'nas Aj^- '",v

: TiKs.':-A'l'exahdei' EdEwahy;.Mi's..: Allen H. ,Mopre, "Miss - .Grace • Wpostei:,, Mrs. :,&,,..A.:,Sw,eet,; 'Mrs'. J-farriel Rpss'; -M.rS; Irene Eempsey and M^s. Maspp .Hutclr-i n s : . - , • • . . • • ' • • • " ; • • • ' . ' - " . • :' • :

: .•'-.M'Charge- ,of baked-good's, are Mrs, Emma- 'Class;. 4ml. her commi'ttee-oC ili'si.' :G'eorge.i'. 'Oliver,' -'Mrs'.: Siiirolcl "J,.: •;an,-.Mrs'. -Perla.Ellrtg, M-rs,; j-qhn-'-Caine; Mrs.'.:D.ais.y O'-Brieii,- MJ:S. Ifai;-'bl'd.teta'ft'and:• ^vfj?,'James'-'CatTdll;

Mrs;.'--:Ehima- iSteliheidei'- heads 'the' corhmitte'e'iQn- gaine'%-which includes; Ma-s. Uanqah .Schi.lHng, Mrs. Mary ®is)fect, Mrs. Theresa',,Wagner,'.'Mis.,\ Jph.ii-Ki'rinicutt a'iicl, Miss'.Rriia Kdirt-! : z a i o f f . . •.:•• • ' • • • - • ' : • • • ' - ' . • . -

, The ''Deln:!OT.'--'unat'. ef,..'tpe/ flqnxe B\ire,;ylted..!'aH hoinem.iak:eiBL'';inttei'r egted .in'!n;qme':icanniiig .to'.-kttena; ;a-flemon^tratipii:. :,t'd.'be. .given, '-hy ''•ll'iss',', jfp'rma • .Edwards': Jiil-y.'---.27 'at-' 1 J)'.. ;m!. j^.bh'e. krbchen;.oi: the Delm&r .Meth'qV d'is't-^cirurch..' 'This -will be a ..practical d'einpn.strait;iqii,:pt'. the new.est and' be'?t .methods *to-,-be...use'di in; food'avai.lfubie-at t'his'-.-.s,e1a.sen...- .-•'-.;-• >'•.'.'•:•

7?— ,,;VVaK Sayings,BondS'^ir

Fufejiises Delnjar; fonie \ vijr. ''.Aimer T;..';Geprge-- and ' Mrs.'

.Carpiyn,-. K. George .-of Albany .ji.ay.e-jiiVchasett'a 'home..'in' Weljihitpn: .$&>> Peimar,'-frpm, Geprge' .W.. .Yunck'.''•'•• ';

~r-. Bliy^Wa^'.Savings Bonds -^-^r.'," • T'lie-'Dist'ei'-- comity 0-1 servie'e fla-g

i:shpws;.3'S 'boys.-ho-v?' in. the serviee, and '. oiie'.igirl' ;in: a..-:ih6s;pifal>iiiiit'.-. • ';','•




ALBANY .9811




Boneless Beef Roast . Lb. 35c Lamb Legs . . . L b . 37c Hamburg 2Lbs, 55c Shoulder Beef Roast . Lb. 29c

Assorted Cold C u t s . . Lb. 35c Frankfurters Lb. 31c Bacon l b . 38c Ham, Whole or Shank, Lb. 37c

Wheaties 2 Pkgs 21c





Babo 2 For 21c

TOMATO JUICE, 20 O z . . . 3 For 27c PINEAPPLE JUICE, 2 No. 2 Cans 33c PRUNE JUICE, Gold Seal ... Qt. 21c APPLE JUICE, Snider ' s . . 3 For 29c



LUX SOAP 3 For 21c

C H I P S 0 Pkg. 23c

OXYDOL Large 23c

3 Small 25c

C O C O A Mohawk 2 Lb Box 2 0 c MACARONI or SPAGHETTI, 3 For 25c CRACKERS 2 Lb. Box 21c WAX PAPER 125 Ft. Roll 21c LARD Lb. 15c PAPER NAPKINS.' Pkg. 10c

Assorted Cookies Fresh 2 Lbs 35c

Mother's Flour 24Ub Sack $1.11

PEACHES, Georgia 2 Lbs. 27c CANTALOUPE, Large .... Each 15c WATERMELON, Large, Market Price ORANGES, California .... Doz. 37c LEMONS. . . , . . . . . D o z . 31c M M M M M M M M M M f M l f M i M I M I M M M ^ ^

These , Prices Until July PRICE SERVICE

H f " " 2 Qts. 15c CABBAGE.. m?'in CARROT?.:: 2 i i • ?c

POTATOES..:::- • • & » £ 18th QUALITY

Quantity Limited ONEXOELLED