altamont enterprise -...

Half-A-Hundred <Compiunities have their newq 'Items in the Enterprise. Join the big family of readers. ' Altamont Enterprise A Cdsinty Paper The Enterprise is a county p per, published in this county, by Albany County people. FORTY-FOURTH YEAR. AL'TAMONT, N. Y., FBIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1927. (TWELVE PAGES} ALTAMONT VILLAGE TO HAVE A COMMUNITY TREE | pfans are ' going forward for the' community Christmas tree and carol singing on Christmas eve, Dec 24th, at Altamont The success of last year s observance prompts the vil- efeppedon the track, in front of the passenger train. _ .The, body was badly cut. The re- • mains were brought to Delanson last ' nighi by Undertaker White. Ar- rangements for the funeral have not been made as we\go to press. Events . .. r ,—„, .December 14—Minstrel show, at Firemen's hall, Schoharie. Friday an'd Saturday,- December 9 aiid 10t-A play .''Lost; a. Ohaperbne" at school auditorium, "Delhjaiv .'•Saturday,*"December 10-v-Oyster supper ' at Jieiornied-church, West 'Bepne. ^'•WeUnesday; ' December' - 14—Pancake t6Upperi Reformed church hall, Berne. -.Friday, Decembed 16—A play "The Time of His Dife" Will he given at M. •E..-church.hall, VoorheeSviUe. ' i-Friday December 16—A play. "The •Christmas tree and exercises. Odd Fel- lows, .'''Haill, Yoorheesville. '' Friday December 16—Three act drama *'Ari. Old Fashioned Mother" at Luther- an i.'church -hall, Berne. Saturday,. December 17—Concert a 1 3Tireiheri!3 hall, ^Delanson. Union Co) Sege Glee Clnb. 20—Christmas op- Ghr4stmas eye festival. wmssB^atBf-" . ' . T . - : . " * - - " f . 1 ^ ^ . . ' ' - ' : ' .'• 'Dennis. iSmith',, ,pf. pelanspn, .was ia- v t itnatjly' ,-k'ilted. Thursday ' night ""at' ^'•^wes 1 ."Catif'when he was'. run aown * ;i by.'a Jassenger train on.the. D. &.H. ,;%ei !: jKas";an employee" p.f...the / .,'r,ail.r.o4.a Jcoijnpariy on the "pick-up" freight, and -' .yfte|...out. with flag fpr.,his train vrhlle ip,'yf.a,& .^^itcliins: at thefCa've station. ^rlin^Nb,: r 3li, leaving, the Cave at '9:40, was sent around tne freight on Vte'f® fgk,^djU^ouMt^J ^Hiau7;mbe' here .to* give' the- Mr, Smith did not anticipate this^&ndJdiGs candy. ' Enterprise C Add Names To list New to tlie Enter Guernsey Jfrejiders Of Albany Co. Organize Guernsey breeders of the Capital thousand'' plan, which shows that Al- "AN OLD FASHIONED MOTHER" „. J.T-O, BE GSVgN -A* BERNE*- - < A dramatic parabje of a mother's love, "An Old-fashioned Mother/' wJU be three acts by the Hel- en Moore class of Belleyue Reformed church, S'chenectady, at Lutheran ing, Dec. With the co operation of all a great bany county folks want the Bjltel joyous time can be had that will pnse andwant theiT £rienQS to en30y drive 'dull care" to the hills and l t t 0 0 I t lg a n endles ,, cham of ^p to" n the community Back up thTse Py f ° lkS wh ° rea<3 th<S Bater *>" se and at 8 o'clock. The cast „„ .„ ing, Dec. 16tti, a t 8 oclock. The cast office in Albany, Tuesday, and set; of characters speaks well for an ex-. . _-. Lup an organization to promote this i ee iient show. They Invite the public I ers in Albany county populai bleed ot cattle (Guernsey) | to e n j o y the play and hear the vil-[in the annual membi , . .,- , MTit on, and our big family reaches who have .the celebration, an hand, Across the continent and from Can- help air you can, and let us make merry and the young folks glad: San- to be known as the Capital District (Guernsey Breeders association. (Chas. A. Whitney was elected tempor- ary chairman, lage choir sing -as it was done twen- ty years ago.' This is a benefit per- formance, and s the charge for admis- i i l 35 t I d I WQT*Q the publishers are going to tell j were you more about our. subscribers away j Edward Christmas Mission Gifts Are Asked For Here We have had no floods -to sweep away our property. We are not ask- ed to help fill any local community chest. We have few. people in Alta- Albany has have always yu m ut subcrers away | from' the home counties, ~ in distant (points, and ( we know-you will be in- terested, but at present we are in- terested in adding to the number. mont that are needy. many. "The poor ye with you." bet us, residents pf Altamont, r-0- after wnich by-laws j a ion : is , O nly 35'cents. Ice cream and permanent officers ; ca k e Will be on sale. Alarge attend- ance is looked for. ViCe- secre- Klelnke, Elsmere; To all paid-up subscribers we offer to extend their subscriptions three additional, months for securing for us a new. subscriber at $1.50.- The same' privilege is available to you, if you president, John Bates, Troy; tray-treasurer, Earl Pangburn, Alta- mont. A brief discussion of the possi- bilities of holding winter and sum- mer meetings of interest to breeders : sselaer and Schenectady counties ter- Union fljen's Cfab Met At The Reformed Church The Scheneetady Classis Following, the annual Farm Bureau meeting, and a series of twelve com- munity meetings, hundreds of farm- county are taking part membership campaign which is scheduled to be completed by December 15 with a goal of ribt less than --750 members. This year 665 665 members joined, . and this was about one quarter of all the farmer* in the county. There is a committee- man in almost every school district- who visits the farmers and brings them their membership sign. When members join they indicate their chief interest and are placed on mail- ing lists divided according to their Union ' ehief source of income, such as poul- Men's elub held its regular^ quarter- j trymen, dairymen, fruit growers, year's subscription " to someone not! now receiving the paper. If your paper is" now due for the coming year, send in the $3.00 and get your own paper for 15 months and the new m a and ly meeting at the Altamont Reformed to canvas's all [church on Thursday evening, Thi an oppor- spond generously, to this apijpeai.- for.jone will 'be sent to the name you des- Jielp for the AlbanyMission vork asiignate Jielp for the Albany-Mission diitd t h h T i i j . asiignate. t! tunity to join the association if they are interested in Guernsey cattle. The members present who joined the association were as follows: Ed- ward J. Bedell, Delmar; W. S. Van- derzee, Selkirk; Henry K. Kleinke, Albany R. D.; Edward F. Kleinke, administered through Tirinity Inst.i- I, Use the coupon found on page 10 of tution and the City Mission.'-.Gifts"ithis issue, in sending us your "One- Glenmont; Paul D. Ives Valley Falls; ' - • ' ' " - new subscription i Andrew T. Fox, Albany R. D.; H. ' Judd;., Ward, Troy road, Albany; Oscajs W, Kinney, North Chatham; usable clothing, provisions, fruit, j in-a-thousand vegetables or money are all most ac- ' —• ceptable. This year St. John's Lutheran Bible school will again collect these mis- sion " gifts for others as a part of its Masonic Notes , Noah Lodge, No. 754, F. & A. It, Christmas^celebration andits pro- • a t .jt s regular communication tomo> gram of WWte Gifts for the King ( S t d ) i ill b C ^ r n d ts p o a t .jt s regular communication tomo> gram of WWte Gifts for the King. row (Saturday) evening, will observe All members of the congregation and th All members of the congregation and _other citizeas_ of thfiL village, jstha •jflireetiori'- .of Miss Rose Doyle. • Tuesday December 20=DF£Hli aneri's hall,' Delanson; by senior class. . -\.j '/Wednesday, December 21—Community (Christinas tree and entertainment at. De- aansoni . ' 1 ......"^turdtay, December ' 24—Community ~ ji^i.-'i-i _ £ ree ^ Altamont, with carol ly and Thursday December 28 act d'ranra, Lutheran ;K; Berne, entdteled •of Joy." ..;•'• J - The Winning EIS; -' ;*Tenaii;dsjt Mil' Jia^e, 'slides with tlie ^bW*^^^!^K&^«BY«^M* iS'' iiTfeenffe' Mnvitea ? to'-"iSleiMIlV^lbodi'; StuMay school'i"tlO-a. in, -Morning••-«»=»•'*'»*«'" »*•- ii*'ri £:• ll St al m. are interested are urged to nelp is-caitse; —-. ; On Thursda>y afternoon and event- ing, Dec. 22nd, the basement of the, bhurch, open and a committee- in charge to receive these gifts. . If you cannot bring your gift kindly: no- tify.,, the coni'mittee andi.they will.see that it is eail?<J for at. your .nome. Frida^ mprnjng jlje collection o/'gifts will Ife: t^^a"' by truck to Albany, there'^o bWiffis.fributed and brighten sonfe .=' ^nfort|mat i e homes on. this Ghri?||tiSs;"diy ••.•,•.• the 1 - donations 'r'e- Mthi^i the anniversary of the Am- ager, Altamont; John H. Earl Pangburn,' Lape, This is a group of ministers and lay- men organized for the purpose of pro- moting inter-church fellowship. At the meeting Thursday evening, 81 men were present, including seven ministers. The speaker for the evening was John A. Ingham, D. D., secretary of the Progress Council of the Reform-' ed Church. He spoke on the topic, "Harnessing Our History." The Re- formed denomination is planning the Amos' Slingerland, Delmar; Buena i celebration of the 300th year of con- Vista. Farms, William J. Smith man- U: —""' ' mont; J5a,rl B. Colliton, Delanson; Jay V d l ^ J . Revena; Charles L. Whit- tinuous existence on American soil, during the. month of June, 1928. Dr. _AJta-j In gham's address outlined some of 17th ? .for the. purpose-' of'" conferriHg-j the ;|rd CMaster'Maspn^^iegree ^h?af X&6minittee. ^Tirii'iiL' -«fii Slli^HiJffufet^g. ••t&eatefc siriter: $§S8!Ssi8S8K™ '-"SP.iraw™r?S®i' - rfs-S the |rd (Master ; Masi meeting if d " **"'"' ter£" nignt, cenferre^entirely J -.of. " '" "' always; ,-nnds a* way.; The' play lot a. young'man -ysfhb jbecpmes weali' l; ;thy ,'bn.?ihe, death" of vhis Ja'ther.. Hig; i'siiah; J jEin > ae ; kvpr- ; -,at;* 6f30, p: m^-i^; ",.-2"i^ & T a ^ n"": J " < ^ « w ««»»«• i ' ( &m^ Mottbs ; forvCnristian^y.^;te °sath-of 'Ms- |a;%r.. Hi S ; ! ;."• •John:9.;>4 1 ;.EJc0i'es'ftSJuAO.|J ealtl i'f f 5 ei!S him. aavantage, cpnven- ihay •'•^^d&a-a.m^o'' •.ael#W01?M e r.' ana /.:,,,,-',a.U, of ^hich- <M : may is Jla£s^";|i^aer,, Mrs; OL-_.__... ^^«v|riin&1lefv:ice/'at #:#'t p!' i'i.''^_-^_ f . T 'iii.i-VAi«.-L. .^Ti* ''Tii!n-JS-m^^''ni oh ;^edxiesaay; evi the Methodist' ' 1 ; issue) -to:; ''I ,,y, < l ;: Tjbien a -heated: argUme^t ,ip love,o He claims h^ thi" l t h t ^ge5feJj?iFrb|Bi?"i f,icSm£ '%;«" /£^l?'<°>*i ^ ? ^^p)^^^e ; ^se?ofeHdaiey;.-Rb^' 'Sallies'Jjphlstpn, ••ih/'-iot WcVl :ill has 'Veen sai«sE.^^agdV jun|ej|i, '^j ie%; «f%M #;. '.^^-; iL', 1 i'j *;'-h lfc : ' •^bseh' iconfineiS^ 0| .-aisfjrWndsjhppef ^ r "i&''-'*:&--2^^ •- 'A *-i'. y'itvvi^i^ik, "jaLviiu^.'! ilpnary . ^.-"^ m. •w ^jjatfjife •fi\00^Hl^ilp --a; ^_l^c^pne|#H*; tf^eibiikfMl fopdt; m«et.' endall," Eriery A- 'H^iilblixu The full FeUpwcrdtft degree, team' will also assist!ffl-'ifts' Tprfe- •.-:,'•:•<";•.'• r r ". A complete, .'tejigansai of ^ the third de'gfef Ma%' .tee^n 4 » i i e i a ^ r i Monday e'v.e'njn-gt D ^ ^ i i b e i 1$-'&£$:£&o'clock ,a£r \-^&onic£-temMe. "i'^Jte'p'ast mas- ters ^rho are fo;.pj^i|cipa||,invtliie:".^e ^e-'TO^ : pn,?a > aii; : :Ma|teTe NigJit," l ; :all' .... -mi?in'b.ejrs Of .^!; f :'3B?eJlo^:craft •d i egrei(.;-te"ani,' ate urged :to\- ;h'e;' ; ""^i»» ^nt,-v'..•;•'.;;,•: , \ \ . • .-,VO;:•*.••<'«•••<'••..',/•. ("'The''annual. .coivocaiiipn;. bf Noah li'JSiiii^+nU' "Mr-" OOJI "rt" *•-".'%>"" «/>-'"*4'T«i ^tb; : iinrieni' ; ®fi&'~$pefhf)iiI . 1965.00 . at Ms ; .- a-.-iew 1 up 'to hia ..home,, purchased s;^-' ' - •* ' ~ J * "taxi r meet me ^P^tft^'W the' anaJ^iherV^ft"]^^^^^;^-''^'* men's 7 Hall where an appropriate prv ,-.g^in; ifjili" -Ife. :jj!Veiii^oh',.J l r}aay; 'ima* ^?^*6feto%;|iif&'.. ••- - ; " • ' • • - ej5L_flag_^a,.giaJroBi. the past masters to the fodge will be presented by Rt. W,or. Edwin L: Po"w-.J ler, past district deputy grand mas^ ter, Dr. Jesse CTOunse, past master of Noah lodge, will deliver an ad- dress on the history of the "Star and Stripes" and of the Revolution. A large attendance is expected at tnis. 1 meeting, which promises to be iln- usually. interesting. A special communication of Noah Lodge, No. .754,.^ &A. TSL, has " "* "' called for Saturday onville; J. . D. King, county fconlJ-'Rensselaer county, and Kels#y,^ACOunty agent from Albany cpuntyi'jjaiso assisted :in organizing •tijis.\iaV^b.ciat'ion. The next meeting will be j^alled on January 17, 1928 in th;e VSfjm Bureau olnce, Albany. The mtembsrsV- and all other Guernsey b%gders|%r;e requested' to" attend. GfRL ^^pIGELlSTS- AT UNION- !<?' rs " S being d ler as junior wafaen; ifacbbySn Aejrl nam. as- treasurer; W<alter . Seveisson as secretary; Leo B. WiesKafall as .sen-' ssefnioik inaster -of;;' cef'emonieS; - Earl'. as junibr : ,ma'stfer of &eye- i J C b ' h l i g . j , y monies; Jesse Crbunse' as phaplaui-; Mfc W-or. Albert 3. jMancnester 4s marshal'; Harold..£K Bent as pianist. lOtier; 'East niast*ers-.:assistinM •'in-.-tihe brpughj;-i^prtbn' >] .^ Harry iPr:ed- Masonic •l»Hi* : ^. ; ... pu||p|e--jo|-;.ieie 15, at p. &-S., .of. officers hiittiflay o'clock., of Noah :f will t< business. it 8 Church Notes a. m. p. -in.;. B 6i g•: worship. , .'praise dd v .;.Tn6\mifti*ee an^pfayifer 4B, ^a^0it.ii^y:^},x: The Bible BChobi .ass In prepara- tion a Cbja«tma8:#ro«ram to be ren- dered on Ghri^tmM «Tening. The :V' \>}:lj|f^.^fc'-Vp\|*:^"v-^;-4 ':. Luuduu villt: j the history of the denomination, and pointed) out ways in which this hJs- should furnish holp-and—msplrg r agent L. D.| sheep men, hay and grain, or bees and vegetable gardening. These- mailing lists are used to send out' timely information throughout the year which is well worth while from the standpoint of the grower. The membership fee in the Albany County Farm Bureau is only $2.00,. and has included with this a sub- scription to the Albany County Farm Bureau News and the Bureau Farm- er. These two publications alone are worth the membership fee but there are many other services in the way of the information.and technical assistance which can be obtained by the farmers wHo wish to use the facilities of the Farm Bureau. Judging from the excellent feeling that is shnwn in at__the _recent series of meetings, it or the Reformed church, ^ nn z, !„„* „„„,..„ . - ' t fille r o a s t P°* dinner popped last exceed Iwt ^ ^ p ^ y ^services'- all next -week except Mon- day "nigtt. . A laTger attendance is .Wbked for during the remainder. of o ti Mi B i duig a . theories of meetings^ Miss. 1 Brain- ard'Speaks>the..wbrdi with power, ana Miss ijMpQh. is an afcle assistant, leaa- ing tafe -singing. " " ; as g tafe singing . . ; To-night (Friday) is what Is known "T>^«.i*al."" 'M-jri-H't »»" irrWh o fnsnlof Dis-nct 19, Duanesburgh Butchering seems to be ' the' chief occupation at present" in this vicinity. '^^SS^J^^!!^ FARM BUREAU HAS CONSTRUC- TIVE PROGRAM Ella, called at the Westfall homeSun- day afternoon. Adolph Larson has returned to his home here after spend|ng a few weeks to Montana. Mrs; Mary Larson and Mrs. Henry Schuyler, spent a day last week .in 1 .Sc^teriectady,. ;slibpping. In a recent report submitted to the- Federal government by County Agent L. D. Kelsey of the Albany ~ Farm Bureau, the eonstructive r .work were set forth, showing that ches. of- agriculture are being' and every connriodityr produpel' the county is considered among Aha* activities of this organization. VJtir™*- more than 600 members th$te 283 interested in .dairying,- M$% ested. in Jriiiti '300 interested 4 in" table •'•gaidening, 160 1 in_Jpbjitt|^ S<to;^h$^^oi&j^G]Sffl«r<,.: i; r'' ; '-' : ^-7" -will, cbnflhuef 'm^.'axtt- Mrs'.,:6mer Westfali oi- . - • "s ^Church entertained Wednesday' ^ t l ^ S L eventog^tha ' dinner in honor h h : g her, father, . .Herbert, ay !Past * off T?le Tne f^ y * such as the h occasion was his birthday. Those |™-^ ^ W S J X , "n,^ presM^ere,^. and Mrs. HerbeH I S S f f l ^ d ^ S S S A ^ p s t e r Nigfit/'.iwith a -special ^jatm; and \n4ii Friday evening, I £ :., 16t^six young Jadies will dram-' atize: ,a' hy^in, making almost im- presfeive: service." >'"•'-. The puijlie is urged to attend these. services and.hgcome'interested' in -the Gospel as sincerely these two•yo.ung^oin'en. 'Seetinga;'all>the j week except Monday evening... The. closing' service will be jon Sunday, Dec. 18th. and Horold The comnq[Tinity tjhfistmas tree will be held in. the.i. O. O,, F,, hall, Fri- d 'ej^g;;' I)e 23d The enter day ' ;;' I)ec, 23rd. The ,.enter- i 0 tainmehf^ill-begin at 7:30. Every- nylted. '. " " :. and; Mrs. P. C. Hinman and Stahlman spent Tuesday Parslbw is very low ' Pij^^iStahlman. receiyed, -wora i .at. •w&aiLr •30%.,.. Saturday •%C ; Hi" spent .1 Mi0f> Sunday there 9- at Schoharie. iij$cneneci»d3c. ,-.- ilMTSjV-i^ebster Dillenbeck y - ' sr spent Walter.! •bpm-; Rb^fe0''|iyt;.§ife&i\Mi^ster. " • " Services fbr Sunday, 'December 11, a'/l&jflbvaY'"'• " -> v :'•'.':'•. ' * 16:30 a. m; Morning worthip. 11:45 a; ni: Sunday school. 6:30 p. mLGhrlBtian-EndeaT|ror meet* Union . service at m pleasant evening weye- enjoyed by alL 71 xweive issues ._ _.-.,__ ""•News^haye been publishedi eulated among 800 readers each?' R S ISOPIFTV wriTcs I Tlie agent has given . R. ^. 1. SOCIETY NOTES tim e to the .preparation Of areas suck ' The Tegular mpnthiy meeting of *:- R. S. I. . society was held Friday evening, 3Che-Segfetary*S 'report Vas read and approved; (The prpcieeds from y &e enteriainniM.t'.held last from -the enferiginnieiff.t' held last month Were;$lS.7|>: instead; Of ijib.75 as v before stated). . Th<? jaiotioh. was. time to te prp as the town- of Berne, for '. tfie.iwbfltr" of eradicating ibovine^ijubecculbsflfe which has..made, stead^ prbjgrsiiUite der the work of JJf.."^. g. county -veterinarian.- * : p l ' d lflf wait y p A closer' and alfalfa campaign started in the fall and. about/' 2(Mi made and seconded that we send a i soil samples were taken on 49 sum of money'tp help the state carry" 0 -"-—•" •'*•- J~«»»- ~«o^ m out the good work it has been doing g for several; ; y^ , Several; x^iicles were; read ana discussed from a little paper known as "The IJittie fted School House;" published by N- % State R. S.II so- ciety, whi<?ii after a long' hard .fight. for its rights lias, at last been char-' tefted. Aik eacbr, viittle ; ired scbapl t t b i ' tefted. Aik ea, d p house," still,on its feet, has been in-' yited Jt^ -write the paper concerning! its work,jfor,-Several, years, the yoife. was, carried "to send them a record -of.] our jsv'p^k. - Th^ school children then demonstrated several phrases of their 1 school work. This was enjoyed by ail. as w/e are deeply interested lit thelt progress. the- agent- 1 at j meetings and. farnji: vfc» the been hefa; with aance, rMth '427 "farin; yisifc FAIR ASSOCIATION TO HOLD ITS ANNUAL MEETING The annual nieelng, of stockhoiaers of sthe Albany County Agricultural place at the society's Office it fin- ;terBrtae haii,;* Aitattontj.s -S&ttoday^ De^i'ijlhti Th4^Je'ctibtt*bf direistprs ^ ^ 8 | w a $ t a | » F pljice at this time, f^i^;|?it6':j|j^.ai..>.. - :-v ... . . " .".. •''"•'• ; ^he : '' : - : preleh|;.''iiwe'ctpra are: Barl BSr^hniifi ^eSIiieM;- Mltiard •**-••«- B;Tpf#fiii^Wiii.^niam,' Bdwin J. Pl«nk,MiUart'J. Pangburn ana A. ^i|li|jtfc' ' : Altamont Rod and Gun Club . -— fpliowini ««ores were .mad? *t the -week-end shoot of the Gun club: ^ Mot at Broke 75 68 75 71 75 #7 feiwpfrfBtietaan Oetalon JBipwu Adam* •i followed {by .definite reccommenda tions .regarding the establishment 'ott. these> ; i >. dpp !m;; >: visit service for »Matk«te l t to .-Jrair!m;;visit service for Matk«te gardeners was made - supplement to tfie;< Service letfters 1 mentioned .aboytBL Specialists 'froi^ the Colleg S Specialists ilt e the . College: dis* k . Specialists f r i ^ t . leg Agriculture in plant .diseases,* i yegetable: gardening ^ ^ S i t , " . . lteepim.g, tfba|^? p^y. p r'bying. ana B other: subjects y^ bred; assistance 1 'In Mbany .county, agent 1 at j meetings and fa'ruji- v mm I'V »>^'i* estation probiems, .Vigilance ana' tective wbri, lbng jterm credit'" farmers, and a variety.of miscell eous services have been demanae* through the office... -; {,¥'>'' Number of days-in the office 185^ in the field 129. Number"M (Hipi&a^ tion letters 64, with a cirfiulatioti ofi 1 11,947. Number of pet^bnal lettei*« 1355- ... ..I. ','• . •'..; ". - 1 COLONEL WATKINS T,O LEGX0R&. /j __^ _. " 1 • On Monday night, Dec:. 11th/"pep-*» pie of Altamont and vicinity wflt have ah opportunity attend ^.ian; f" histrated lecture on the ttoiy; 7 *'^^ at« the Lutheran church h^EU'; .lecture is given by ColoneJl.S^ail kins, who was with General Allen during the Holy- Land-, campaign the "World war. He was - iii?t " i h e Wtorid war. He was wi£li British forces at the captiire;.o| J saiem. . '•• •'''^ . With the aia of' stereoptican illustrating hiBlerta^ ~ ' ' " 1W ft but the .1>e!ient ot l _,&fr is glren 47 'the AnU-Crttft c l i i f of 1 -- I ,-•—-•. 'jsiuuliri^b . t«- ever hoar*-oo' "''«\ ; «' '^Vfr.'^"?.''^}.' „'--, *' .•'S-'i". '%.'•. '•*."'•

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Half-A-Hundred<Compiunities have their newq'Items in the Enterprise. Jointhe big family of readers. ' Altamont Enterprise A Cdsinty Paper

The Enterprise is a county pper, published in this county,by Albany County people.



pfans are ' going forward for t he 'community Christmas tree and carolsinging on Christmas eve, Dec 24th,at Altamont The success of lastyear s observance prompts the vil-

efeppedon the track, in front of thepassenger train. _

.The, body was badly cut. The re-• mains were brought to Delanson last' nighi by Undertaker White. Ar-

rangements for the funeral have notbeen made as we\go to press.

Events. .. r ,—„, .December 14—Minstrel

show, at Firemen's hall, Schoharie. •Friday an'd Saturday,- December 9 aiid

10t-A play .''Lost; a. Ohaperbne" atschool auditorium, "Delhjaiv.'•Saturday,*"December 10-v-Oyster supper

' a t Jieiornied-church, West 'Bepne.^'•WeUnesday; ' December' - 14—Pancaket6Upperi Reformed church hall, Berne.-.Friday, Decembed 16—A play "The

Time of His Dife" Will he given at M.•E..-church.hall, VoorheeSviUe. 'i-Friday December 16—A play. "The•Christmas tree and exercises. Odd Fel-lows, .'''Haill, Yoorheesville.

'' Friday December 16—Three act drama*'Ari. Old Fashioned Mother" at Luther-a n i.'church -hall, Berne.

Saturday,. December 17—Concert a1

3Tireiheri!3 hall, ^Delanson. Union Co)Sege Glee Clnb.

20—Christmas op-

Ghr4stmas eye festival.

wmssB^atBf-"• . ' . T . - : . " • * - • • - " • • f .

1^ ^ • . • • . • • • • ' • • ' • - '

: '

.'• 'Dennis. iSmith',, ,pf. pelanspn, .was ia-vt • itnatjly' ,-k'ilted. Thursday ' night ""at'^'•^wes1 ."Catif'when he was'. run aown*;iby.'a Jassenger train on.the. D. &.H.,;%ei!:jKas";an employee" p.f...the/.,'r,ail.r.o4.aJcoijnpariy on the "pick-up" freight, and-'.yfte|...out. with flag fpr.,his train vrhlle

ip,'yf.a,& .^^itcliins: at thefCa've station.^rlin^Nb,: r3li, leaving, the Cave at

'9:40, was sent around tne freight onVte'f® fgk,^djU^ouMt^J ^Hiau7;mbe' here .to* give' the- u£Mr, Smith did not anticipate this^&ndJdiGs candy. '

Enterprise CAdd Names To l i s t

New to tlie Enter

Guernsey Jfrejiders OfAlbany Co. Organize

Guernsey breeders of the Capital

thousand'' plan, which shows that Al-


A dramatic parabje of a mother'slove, "An Old-fashioned Mother/' wJUbe three acts by the Hel-en Moore class of Belleyue Reformedchurch, S'chenectady, at Lutheran

ing, Dec.With the co operation of all a great b a n y c o u n t y f o l k s w a n t t h e B j l t e l

joyous time can be had that will p n s e a n d w a n t theiT £ r i e n Q S t o e n 3 0 ydrive 'dull care" to the hills and l t t 0 0 I t lg a n e n d l e s , , c h a m o f p

to"nthe community Back up thTse P y f ° l k S w h ° rea<3 th<S B a t e r *>" s e a n d

a t 8 o'clock. The cast„„ . „ • ing, Dec. 16tti, a t 8 oclock. The castoffice in Albany, Tuesday, and s e t ; o f charac ters speaks well for an ex-. . _-.

Lup a n organization to promote th i s i e e i i en t show. They Invite the public I ers in Albany countypopulai bleed ot catt le (Guernsey) | t o e n j o y the play and hear the vi l - [ in the annual membi

, . .,- , MT— it on, and our big family reacheswho have .the celebration, an hand, Across the continent and from Can-help air you can, and let us makemerry and the young folks glad: San-

to be known as the Capital District(Guernsey Breeders association. (Chas.

A. Whitney was elected tempor-ary chairman,

lage choir sing -as it was done twen-ty years ago.' This is a benefit per-formance, and s the charge for admis-i i l 35 t I d


the publishers are going to tell j w e r eyou more about our. subscribers away j Edward

Christmas Mission Gifts AreAsked For Here

We have had no floods -to sweepaway our property. We are not ask-ed to help fill any local communitychest. We have few. people in Alta-

Albany hashave always

y u m ut s u b c r e r s away| from' the home counties, ~ in distant(points, and(we know-you will be in-terested, but at present we are in-terested in adding to the number.

mont that are needy.many. "The poor yewith you."

bet us, residents pf Altamont, r-0-

after wnich by-laws jaion :is ,Only 35'cents. Ice cream andpermanent officers ; c ake Will be on sale. A large attend-

ance is looked for.ViCe-

secre-Klelnke, Elsmere;

To all paid-up subscribers we offerto extend their subscriptions threeadditional, months for securing for usa new. subscriber at $1.50.- The same 'privilege is available to you, if you

president, John Bates, Troy;tray-treasurer, Earl Pangburn, Alta-mont.

A brief discussion of the possi-bilities of holding winter and sum-mer meetings of interest to breeders

: sselaer and Schenectady counties ter-

Union fljen's Cfab Met At TheReformed Church

The Scheneetady Classis

Following, the annual Farm Bureaumeeting, and a series of twelve com-munity meetings, hundreds of farm-

county are taking partmembership campaign

which is scheduled to be completedby December 15 with a goal of ribtless than --750 members. This year665665 members joined, . and this wasabout one quarter of all the farmer*in the county. There is a committee-man in almost every school district-who visits the farmers and bringsthem their membership sign. Whenmembers join they indicate theirchief interest and are placed on mail-ing lists divided according to their

Union ' ehief source of income, such as poul-Men's elub held its regular^ quarter- j trymen, dairymen, fruit growers,

year's subscription " to someone not!now receiving the paper. If yourpaper is" now due for the comingyear, send in the $3.00 and get yourown paper for 15 months and the new

m aand

ly meeting at the Altamont Reformedto canvas's all [church on Thursday evening,

Thian oppor-

spond generously, to this apijpeai.- for.jone will 'be sent to the name you des-Jielp for the AlbanyMission vork asiignateJielp for the Albany-Mission

d i i t d t h h T i i

j. asiignate.t!

tunity to join the association if theyare interested in Guernsey cattle.

The members present who joinedthe association were as follows: Ed-ward J. Bedell, Delmar; W. S. Van-derzee, Selkirk; Henry K. Kleinke,Albany R. D.; Edward F. Kleinke,administered through Tirinity Inst.i- I, Use the coupon found on page 10 of

tution and the City Mission.'-.Gifts"ithis issue, in sending us your "One- Glenmont; Paul D. Ives Valley Falls;' - • • ' ' " - new subscription i Andrew T. Fox, Albany R. D.; H.

' Judd;., Ward, Troy road, Albany;Oscajs W, Kinney, North Chatham;

usable clothing, provisions, fruit, j in-a-thousandvegetables or money are all most ac- ' —•ceptable. •

This year St. John's Lutheran Bibleschool will again collect these mis-sion " gifts for others as a part of its

Masonic Notes, Noah Lodge, No. 754, F. & A. I t ,

Christmas^celebration and its pro- • a t .jts regular communication tomo>gram of WWte Gifts for the King ( S t d ) i ill bC ^ r n d ts p o a t .jts regular communication tomo>gram of WWte Gifts for the King. r o w (Saturday) evening, will observeAll members of the congregation and thAll members of the congregation and

_other citizeas_ of thfiL village, jstha•jflireetiori'- .of Miss Rose Doyle.

• Tuesday December 20=DF£Hlianeri's hall,' Delanson; by senior class. .

-\.j '/Wednesday, December 21—Community(Christinas tree and entertainment at. De-aansoni . '

1......"^turdtay, December ' 24—Community~ ji i.-'i-i _ £ree ^ Altamont, with carol

ly and Thursday December 28act d'ranra, Lutheran

;K; Berne, entdteled•of Joy." . . ; • ' • J -

The Winning

EIS; -'

;*Tenaii;dsjt Mil' Jia^e, 'slides with tlie^bW*^^^!^K&^«BY«^M* iS''

• iiTfeenffe' Mnvitea ? to'-"iSleiMIlV^lbodi';

StuMay school'i"tlO-a. in,• -Morning••-«»=»•'*'»*«'" »*•- i i * ' r i


llStal m.

are interested are urged to nelpis-caitse; —-. ;

On Thursda>y afternoon and event-ing, Dec. 22nd, the basement of the,bhurch, open and a committee-in charge to receive these gifts. . Ifyou cannot bring your gift kindly: no-tify.,, the coni'mittee andi.they will.seethat it is eail?<J for at. your .nome.Frida^ mprnjng jlje collection o/'giftswill Ife: t^^a"' by truck to Albany,there'^o bWiffis.fributed and brightensonfe .=' nfort|matie homes on. thisGhri?||tiSs;"diy • ••.•,•.•

the1- donations 'r'e-Mthi^i the

anniversary of the Am-

ager, Altamont; John H.Earl Pangburn,'


This is a group of ministers and lay-men organized for the purpose of pro-moting inter-church fellowship. Atthe meeting Thursday evening, 81men were present, including sevenministers.

The speaker for the evening wasJohn A. Ingham, D. D., secretary ofthe Progress Council of the Reform-'ed Church. He spoke on the topic,"Harnessing Our History." The Re-formed denomination is planning the

Amos' Slingerland, Delmar; Buena i celebration of the 300th year of con-Vista. Farms, William J. Smith man-U: —""' '

mont; J5a,rl B. Colliton, Delanson; JayV d l ^ J . Revena; Charles L. Whit-

tinuous existence on American soil,during the. month of June, 1928. Dr.

_AJta-jIngham's address outlined some of

17th? .for the. purpose-' of'" conferriHg-jthe ;|rd CMaster'Maspn^^iegree ^h?af

X&6minittee.^Tirii'iiL' -«fii

Slli^HiJffufet^g. ••t&eatefc siriter:$§S8!Ssi8S8K™ '-"SP.iraw™r?S®i' -rfs-S

the | r d (Master ;Masimeeting if d " **"'"'ter£" nignt,cenferre^entirely J

-.of. " '" "'

always; ,-nnds a* way.; The' playlot a. young'man -ysfhb jbecpmes weali'l;;thy ,'bn.?ihe, death" of vhis Ja'ther.. Hig;i'siiah;JjEin>ae;kvpr-;-,at;* 6f30, p: m^-i^; ",.-2"i^& Ta^ n " " : J " < ^ « w ««»»«•

i '(&m^ M o t t b s ; f o r v C n r i s t i a n ^ y . ^ ; t e °sath-of 'Ms- |a;%r.. HiS;!

;."• •John:9.;>41;.EJc0i'es' ftSJuAO. | J e a l t l i ' f f 5 e i ! S him. aavantage, cpnven-ihay •'•^^d&a-a.m^o'' •.ael#W01?Mer.'ana/.:,,,,-',a.U, of ^hich- <M:

m a y •is

• Jla£s^";|i^aer,, Mrs; OL-_.__...^^«v|riin&1lefv:ice/'at #:#'t p!'

i'i.''^_-^_f. T'iii.i-VAi«.-L. .^Ti* ''Tii!n-JS-m^^''nioh ;^edxiesaay; evi

the Methodist'' 1

; issue)


' ' I

, , y , < l;: Tjbien a -heated: argUme^t

,ip love,o He claimsh^ t h i " l t h t

^ge5feJj?iFrb|Bi?"i f,icSm£

'%;«" /£^l?'<°>*i

^ ? ^^p)^^^e ; ^se?ofeHda iey ; . -Rb^ '

'Sallies'Jjphlstpn, ••ih/'-iot WcVl

:ill has 'Veen connried-.tosai«sE.^^agdV jun|ej|i, ' ^ j



#;. ' .^^-; iL',1i'j *;'-ht£


•^bseh' iconfineiS^ 0 |.-aisfjrWndsjhppef

^r"i&''-'*:&--2^^ •- 'A*-i'. y'itvvi^i^ik, "jaLviiu .'!ilpnary .

^.-"^ m.•w


--a; _l^c^pne|#H*;

tf^eibiikfMl fopdt;


endall," Eriery A- 'H^iilblixu The fullFeUpwcrdtft degree, team' will alsoassist!ffl-'ifts' Tprfe- •.-:,'•:•<";•.'• r r".

A complete, .'tejigansai of ^ the thirdde'gfef Ma%' .tee^n 4» i i e i a^ r i Mondaye'v.e'njn-gt D^^ i ibe i 1$ - '&£$:£& o'clock,a£r \-^&onic£-temMe. "i'^Jte'p'ast • mas-ters ^rho are fo;.pj^i|cipa||,invtliie:".^e^ e - ' T O ^ : pn,?a>aii;::Ma|teTe NigJit,";:all'....-mi?in'b.ejrs Of .^!;f:'3B?eJlo^:craft•diegrei(.;-te"ani,' ate urged :to\- ;h'e;';"" i»»

^nt,-v' . . • ;• ' . ; ; , • : , \ \ . • .-,VO;:•*.••<'«•••<'••..',/•.

("'The''annual. .coivocaiiipn;. bf Noahli'JSiiii^+nU' "Mr-" OOJI • "rt" *•-".'%>"" «/>-'"*4'T«i



; ®fi&'~$pefhf)ii I . 1965.00 . at

Ms;.- a-.-iew1 up 'to

hia ..home,, purchaseds ; ^ - ' ' - •* ' ~J*

"taxi r


me ^P^tft^'W the'

anaJ^iherV^ft"]^^^^^;^-''^'*men's7 Hall where an appropriate prv

,-.g in; ifjili" -Ife. :jj!Veiii oh',.Jlr}aay; 'ima*^ ? ^ * 6 f e t o % ; | i i f & ' . . • ••- - ; " • ' • • -

e j 5 L _ f l a g _ ^ a , . g i a J r o B i .the past masters to the fodge will bepresented by Rt. W,or. Edwin L: Po"w-.Jler, past district deputy grand mas^ter, Dr. Jesse CTOunse, past masterof Noah lodge, will deliver an ad-dress on the history of the "Star andStripes" and of the Revolution. Alarge attendance is expected at tnis.1

meeting, which promises to be iln-usually. interesting.

A special communication of NoahLodge, No. .754,.^ & A. TSL, has " "* "'called for Saturday

onville; J. . D. King, countyfconlJ-'Rensselaer county, andKels#y, ACOunty agent from Albanycpuntyi'jjaiso assisted :in organizing•tijis.\iaV^b.ciat'ion. The next meetingwill be j^alled on January 17, 1928 inth;e VSfjm Bureau olnce, • Albany. ThemtembsrsV- and all other Guernseyb%gders|%r;e requested' to" attend.

GfRL ^^pIGELlSTS- AT UNION-!<?'rs" S


ler as junior wafaen; ifacbbySn Aejrlnam. as- treasurer; W<alter . Seveissonas secretary; Leo B. WiesKafall as .sen-'

ssefnioik inaster -of;;' cef'emonieS; -'. as junibr :,ma'stfer of &eye-

i J C b ' h l ig . j , y

monies; Jesse Crbunse' as phaplaui-;Mfc W-or. Albert 3. jMancnester 4 smarshal'; Harold..£K Bent as pianist.lOtier; 'East niast*ers-.:assistinM •'in-.-tihe

brpughj;-i^prtbn' >] . Harry iPr:ed-


• l»Hi* : ^ . ; . . .pu||p|e--jo|-;.ieie

15, at

p. &-S.,.of. officers

hiittiflayo'clock.,of Noah


t< 8

Church Notes

a. m.p. -in.;. B 6i

g•: worship., .'praisedd

v .;.Tn6\mifti*eean^pfayifer 4B,^a^0it.ii^y:^},x:

The Bible BChobi .ass In prepara-tion a Cbja«tma8:#ro«ram to be ren-dered on Ghri tmM «Tening.


:V' \>}:lj|f^.^fc'-Vp\|*:^"v-^;-4 ':.

Luuduu v illt: j

the history of the denomination, andpointed) out ways in which this hJs-

should furnish holp-and—msplrgr

agentL. D.|

sheep men, hay and grain, or beesand vegetable gardening. These-mailing lists are used to send out'timely information throughout theyear which is well worth while fromthe standpoint of the grower.

The membership fee in the AlbanyCounty Farm Bureau is only $2.00,.and has included with this a sub-scription to the Albany County FarmBureau News and the Bureau Farm-er. These two publications aloneare worth the membership fee butthere are many other services in theway of the information.and technicalassistance which can be obtained bythe farmers wHo wish to use thefacilities of the Farm Bureau.

Judging from the excellent feelingthat is shnwn in

at__the _recent series of meetings, itor the Reformed church, ^nnz, !„„* „„„,..„ . - 't

fille r o a s t P ° * dinnerpopped laste x c e e d Iwt

^ ^ p ^ y^services'- all next -week except Mon-day "nigtt. . A laTger attendance is.Wbked for during the remainder. of

o ti Mi B id u i g a .

t h e o r i e s of meetings^ Miss.1 Brain-ard'Speaks>the..wbrdi with power, anaMiss ijMpQh. is an afcle assistant, leaa-ing tafe -singing. " " ;


g tafe singing . . ;To-night (Friday) is what Is known

"T>^«.i*al."" 'M-jri-H't »»" irrWh o f n s n l o f

Dis-nct 19, DuanesburghButchering seems to be ' the' chief

occupation at present" in this vicinity.



Ella, called at the Westfall home Sun-day afternoon.

Adolph Larson has returned to hishome here after spend|ng a fewweeks to Montana.

Mrs; Mary Larson and Mrs. HenrySchuyler, spent a day last week .in1

.Sc^teriectady,. ;slibpping.

In a recent report submitted to the-Federal government by County AgentL. D. Kelsey of the Albany ~Farm Bureau, theeonstructiver.workwere set forth, showing thatches. of- agriculture are being'and every connriodityr produpel'the county is considered among Aha*activities of this organization. VJtir™*-more than 600 members th$te283 interested in .dairying,- M$%ested. in Jriiiti '300 interested 4in"table •'•gaidening, 1601 in_Jpbjitt|^

S<to;^h$^^oi&j^G]Sffl«r<,.:i;r'' ;'-':^-7"-will, cbnflhuef 'm^.'axtt- Mrs'.,:6mer Westfali oi- . - •

"s Church entertained Wednesday' ^ t l ^ S Leven tog^ tha ' dinner in honorh h :

gher, father, . .Herbert,

a y ! P a s t *off T ? l e

Tne f ^y* such as thehoccasion was his birthday. Those | ™ - ^ ^ W S J X , " n , ^

presM^ere,^. and Mrs. HerbeH I S S f f l ^ d ^ S S S A

^ p s t e r Nigfit/'.iwith a -special^jatm; and \n4ii Fr iday evening, I £:., 16 t^s ix young Jadies will dram-'

atize: ,a' hy^in, making a lmos t im-presfeive: service." > ' " • ' - .

The puijlie is urged to attend and.hgcome'interested' in -theGospel as sincerely thesetwo•yo.ung^oin'en. 'Seetinga;'all>the jweek except Monday evening... The.closing' service will be jon Sunday,Dec. 18th.

and Horold

The comnq[Tinity tjhfistmas tree willbe held in. the.i . O. O,, F,, hall, Fri-d ' e j ^ g ; ; ' I)e 23d The enterday ' ;;' I)ec, 23rd. The ,.enter-

i 0tainmehf^ill-begin at 7:30. Every-nylted. '. " " :.and; Mrs. P. C. Hinman and

Stahlman spent Tuesday

Parslbw is very low

' Pij^^iStahlman. receiyed, -wora i




• % C ; H i "spent .1



9- at Schoharie.

iij$cneneci»d3c. ,-.-ilMTSjV-i^ebster Dillenbeck

y - '

sr spentWalter.!


Rb^fe0''|iyt;.§ife&i\Mi^ster. " • "Services fbr Sunday, 'December 11,

a'/l&jflbvaY'"'• " ->v :'•'.':'•. •'*16:30 a. m; Morning worthip.11:45 a; ni: Sunday school.6:30 p. mLGhrlBtian-EndeaT|ror meet*

Union . service



pleasant evening weye- enjoyed by alL

71 xweive issues — ._ _.-.,__""•News^haye been publishedi

eulated among 800 readers each?'

R S I S O P I F T V wriTcs I T l i e agent has given .R. ^. 1. SOCIETY NOTES t i m e to the .preparation Of areas suck 'The Tegular mpnthiy meeting of *:-

R. S. I. . society was held Fridayevening, 3Che-Segfetary*S 'report Vasread and approved; (The prpcieedsfrom y&e enteriainniM.t'.held lastfrom -the enferiginnieiff.t' held lastmonth Were;$lS.7|>: instead; Of ijib.75asv before stated). . Th<? jaiotioh. was.

time to t e p rpas the town- of Berne, for'. tfie.iwbfltr"of eradicating ibovine ijubecculbsflfewhich has..made, stead^ prbjgrsiiUiteder the work of JJf.."^. g .county -veterinarian.- * : p

l ' d lflf waity p

• A closer' and alfalfa campaignstarted in the fall and. about/' 2(Mi

made and seconded that we send a i soil samples were taken on 49sum of money'tp help the state carry"0-"-—•" •'*•- • J ~ « » » - ~«o^mout the good work it has been doinggfor several;

; y ^, Several; x^iicles were; read ana

discussed from a little paper knownas "The IJittie fted School House;"published by N- % State R. S. II so-ciety, whi<?ii after a long' hard .fight.for its rights lias, at last been char-'tefted. Aik eacbr, viittle ; ired scbapl

t t b i 'tefted. Aik e a , d phouse," still,on its feet, has been in-'yited Jt -write the paper concerning!its work,jfor,-Several, years, the yoife.was, carried "to send them a record -of.]our jsv'p^k. - Th^ school children thendemonstrated several phrases of their1

school work. This was enjoyed byail. as w/e are deeply interested litthelt progress.

the- agent-1 at j meetings and. farnji: vfc»

thebeen hefa; withaance, rMth '427 "farin; yisifc


The annual nieelng, of stockhoiaersof sthe Albany County Agricultural

place at the society's Office it fin-;terBrtae haii,;* Aitattontj.s -S&ttoday^De^i'ijlhti Th4^Je'ctibtt*bf direistprs^ ^ 8 | w a $ t a | » F pljice at this time,f^i^;|?it6':j|j^.ai..>.. - :-v ... . ." ."..•''"•'•;^he:'':-:preleh|;.''iiwe'ctpra a re : BarlBSr^hniifi ^eSIiieM;- Mltiard •**-••«-

B;Tpf#fiii^Wiii.^niam,' BdwinJ. Pl«nk,MiUart'J. Pangburn ana A.^ i | l i | j t f c ' • ' :

Altamont Rod and Gun Club. -— fpliowini ««ores were .mad? *tthe -week-end shoot of the Gun club:

^ Mot at Broke75 6875 7175 #7


• i

followed {by .definite reccommendations .regarding the establishment 'ott.these> ;

i>. dpp!m;;>:visit service for »Matk«te

l t to.-Jrair!m;;visit service for Matk«tegardeners was made - supplement totfie;< Service letfters1 mentioned .aboytBL

Specialists 'froi^ the CollegS

Specialistsi l t

ethe . College:d i s * k

. Specialists f r i ^ t . legAgriculture in plant .diseases,*

i yegetable: gardening^ ^Sit ," . . lteepim.g,tfba|^? p ^ y . p

r'bying. anaB other: subjects y ^bred; assistance1'In Mbany .county,

agent1 at j meetings and fa'ruji- v




estation probiems, .Vigilance ana'tective wbri, • lbng jterm credit'"farmers, and a variety.of miscelleous services have been demanae*through the office... -; {,¥'>''

Number of days-in the office 185^in the field 129. Number"M (Hipi&a^tion letters 64, with a cirfiulatioti ofi111,947. Number of pet^bnal lettei*«1355- . . . ..I. ','• . •'..; ". -1

COLONEL WATKINS T,O LEGX0R&./j __^ _. " 1 •

On Monday night, Dec:. 11th/"pep-*»pie of Altamont and vicinity wflthave ah opportunity t° attend .ian; f"histrated lecture on the ttoiy;7*'^^at« the Lutheran church h EU';.lecture is given by ColoneJl.S^ailkins, who was with General Allenduring the Holy- Land-, campaignthe "World war. He was - i i i ? t "ihe Wtorid war. He was wi£liBritish forces at the captiire;.o| Jsaiem. . '•• •'''^. With the aia of' stereopticanillustrating hiBlerta^ ~ ' ' "

1Wf t

butthe .1>e!ient ot

l_ ,&fr is glren47 'the AnU-Crttft cliif of 1- - I ,-•—-•. ' js iuuliri^b . t«-

ever hoar*-oo'


'^Vfr.'^"?.''^}.'„'--, *'

.•'S-'i". '%.'•. ' • * . " ' •