1i1b i piters, -...

~rj— ^m^ m ^^w s ^^^'' mv ^^^^^. «~j.—— *~ r~iFr*jgi$ fm^cami^rwe- ihcrshd, an* with the -patter of-bare feet'gaining on as I thought This one could nav0 no end at all. Of oonrso the boys eou$ charge up it qpjri.tor tliiui we could peffai, out I- evcir JMftira Uift voice of their stout , Wslifted the* plucky fellow into RSf- ties' place .in the pantry, iock&J tne, door on hini and put the key through thejjanel, Now was: tig rnofneutLfdr. -thlniKiHg of ourselves, and again that infernal mask which Raffles swore by '•. came near being the undoing of us. ment to ifle TV^H Iris dear cool voice -ifeil like a delicious, draft upon my ears, "but its effect upon the" others is.-rnpr-e- 1 lnte^sting_iffl.j®eall r —BJD&Jhduur the crammer had the center of the stage, but at this point Raffles usurped a place which #as. always his at "will. first on xine^foj^juid^then-ajj-tlae-othejv rgifliipod~at rtamcp. ;.|T»I fn flic- wMt"- llght of Ills, torch he was doing "it all with his ankles, exactly as though he -iuafl been ridin« in a gyipkbana. '•- "It's thB-TOosir&Trtrttbg-fciiase I was : 6WVJIk"-.a»Mhe i .-_'. r^-^V-faulU"-- _ .. -_ -.z-':'--. "My dear Bunny,-1 wouldn't ha've missed it for the worldV' - ^_, 5-"tfgr.~woiild he - forge aliead of' me, though jre could have done so in a mo ment, he wh7y"frorrr his boyhood -had done everything of the kind so mud) ~~-r~ f.~-- KVW »*t* uuuy^u^^ui u&iMi^a ;^^~^^^ - .. : ,T' better than anybody else. No, he must ^t-y^mmmam steps when t£*™^rj*^^ ^ffi^S^rom^thTn-^O^rE^^^^'^ 5 ' 1 -^ just thne to- tear the accursed 'thing —-frprn. Raffles? face before he turned stout man with a blond' mustache ~WB?s' on the stairs., in his pajamas 'like tht hoys. "What "are you doing here?" said ha •^ r-bertr-hinr-lJeen"^!! atteiipt upon . yo^ir house." said I. still spni.-mamiin Co*. ^3Ee„night -and still on the wings of in- _gpl ration. —L .— Siaited_nQwfor ^e-sltoplesIr-aTrd^mssi-^^ the worlds "One moment!" he~had: tjegun." » •*-*• —'Werr?"-~said the crtiEnner, relieving' me of his eyes at last. "I "don't want to lose any of the fun"— '" '- -' "Your sons"-^ • "".--• ' "My pupils.!' "Indeed, Well,- they heard Hr-drm-p off-the-tiriergrTfffdTiave given chase." "And where do you come in?" in- quirejLJLbe^stout man, descending. "We were bicycling past, and I. ac- tually saw one fellow come head first JJmnjghjour jiantry window—-I-think he got over the wall." >• Herea~bfeathiess hoy returned. "Can't see anything of him," he -gaspedr L- "It's true, then," remarked the cram- nier. _ _ "T.onk at-that door," said~lT~~ But unfortunately the breathless bo; looked also, and now he was bein; joined by others equally short of wind. "Where's' Beefy?"' he screamed "What on e a r t h ' sJ n t p p e n e d to__BefifyX "Jl^go"6Tl"T3oys?~exclaimed the cram mer, "will oiie of you be kind enough to tell me- what you've been doing and what these gentlemen have been do- ing for you? Come in all before you get- yrtnr -IIPJTHT •' 7 <-nn Hgftfe—fn—rtTF classroom, and more than.lights. Can these be signs of a carouse?" "A very innocent one, sir," said a ' well set up youth with more mustache than I have yet. "Well, Olphert, boys will he boys. Suppose you tell me what happened before we come to recriminations." The bad old proverb was my first warning. I caught two of the youths exchanging glances under raised eye- brows. Yet their stout, easy going mentor ±ra.d"gireTFme sucn a reassuring glance of sidelong humor as between man- of the world and man of the . world_tliat--it-^-as--diffle«lt—to-susped- -him of suspicion. I was nevertheless ' itching to be gone. Young Olphert told his story with en- gaging candor. It was true that they had come"down for an hour at nap and cigarettes. Well, and there was no denying that was whisky in the glasses. The boys were now all back in their classroom, I think entirely for the sake ~ of Ivamffh, but Raffles and I were in —Jaaiekerboekers - and Norfolk—jackets and very naturally remained wifhoutT while the army crammer, who wore —bedroom qlippoi i v-t*tood-oii ihn tiu'ejStF old, with an eye each way. The more —I-saw of-the man the "better I likedlmd the more I feared him. Ifis chief an- noyance thus far was that they had not called him when they heard the noiser that they had dreamed of leav- ing.him out of the fun. But he seem- ed more hurt than angry about that. "WeU-,^_sir," ^concluded Olphert, "we 16ft old Beefy Smith hanging on to his hand and this gentleman with him.'so perhaps he can tell'us whq,t happened next'?"* "I wish I could." T oriofl, with nil —"NunnTJst yQAj'^' said" the crammer. with emphasis. '• _ _ ' VBut we've left-our bikes outside... APd, T ,mi,ne's a vuluabjo imp" fonrr, i ued...Raffle». "If you don't"mEBXwTe'll bring 'eiii in before these fellows get away :OOJthem."— . . _Ajid_out he w e n t wltTiouTTi~loxrlc--to- see the effect of-4HS-^«ordsrf-a'freT r him With a determined imitatfkui-Of his self control. But I would have givenjome.- tbing to tm^TOmjiliTjIJaeileAi^aJSr- onejnoment the,shrewd inst-r'uetor-nvas- taken in, but as I reached the steps 1 heard him asking his pupils whether any of them had seen any bicycles out- side, •_ „That -moment, however, nntde the instructor growing loudp through, \)ie wiist. "Oh, to think I've let you Jn for 1 BU > a ho in a tone Ijaei'ei' jahall Wget. 4tts*--f-gTnT»nea', i " _ "in7'"1jea"u f ''bvierTflic handle bars, every ounce of my weight and now we could not ^bipy hear tne boyF ^itoii5^~lnjt^jjr^thjn^iJso._^ai.d^ of a sudden r.saw^affleTTjnrTayTigfft" jJMiittgjvJtljuhJs_tor4Alu A face-fieAv-out. Of the darkness to meet the thick glass l>ulb s with the glowing wire inclosed; it was the face 6f the- boy. Olphert, jrath bisusffviable mnstacheT-but itwair ished. with the, crash of glass, and the imteed wlrw tlrickeiieu - England'* Punper "Cferarymen,. No "case* can be more touching than that of theJmJLovertehed. clergyman Jti- Eiigland,- stragglhirif foT:eep np social appearances, while he and-his family want bread. Ten cases are reported of deaths of clergymen in the work- house, one of the.nunjber, we are told, hayhig once been wealthy and spent 4#g&jyujMin_eh4rjty^ TpsJakes place in a land where luxury is at its great- " ^ h S i K h t , where-ftrbutouBrTOm^ffr ; ergL& 1 l en for baubles and evCn for rare post- "age^Btamps, a.ffd~Tt ik said "that ~tulF $500,000 a day "changes hands at bridge* While millions untold'are expended on the forces' requted to purchase^ the mental luxury of thinking imperially and to pay the cost of unnecessary a-tumng~forlTT:mick req not I saw no more of that. One of them bad--crept -up- on niy side also. As I looked, hearing h;m pant he was grab- bing at my left handle, and I nearly 'StBtrir-f'^itljp^Juto the hedge by the sliarp. turn I tookto the rlghTrr-His -RTteeTT length saved him, but my boy could -m^ir-was-ovCThgnling maiigajn. seemed ??! Ji k i' - Jvars^-The-besefit of Hm-rmmm-mr "^t 4 ^ "certain of me'this time, when all at once the' bicycle ran" easily-; every ounce .of my weight with either foot once more, and I was over the crest of the hill, the gray road reeling out from -undei^me^as—I -felt—for-^nv'-biuk^. 14-gaaldH^ardly-t)e-leffc4onrtarve; looked back at Raffles. .JJfiJiad-gifcttit: ^e^Sujccrr: Tueir eyes upon me, tor l nati Iiati - tinle" to think. • '"Some of you must have heard me .say I'd fetch nty friend in' from the road?'.' .. ' ' . "Yes, I did," piped an innocent from \vithin. "Well, and wh^u I came back with "IslbTTfihigs were exactlj' -a«—yoti-jee- - them now. Evidently the man's strength was too much-for the boy's, but'whether, he ran upstairs or outside I. know no more than' you do." . '?rt wasn't like that boy to run either .way," said the crammer,, cocking a clear blue eye on me. "It wasn't like him even to let go," ___ __"J. don't beiie-ve-BeeAv ^ver-WxiuId.!L put in Olphert. "That's why we gave him the billet.". "He may have followed him through the pantry jwindow,"^ I _ suggested- wildly.." "-.';'Jut the'door's shtit," put in a boy; ^ —iiWtlwwar-lo©'t-a44tt^a4dr4he-Gr-a ; BK men AncL-the Icey no lohgefc iii- the Jock - and the. insensible youth within! The Tkejr w o h l d he missed, the door kicked in. Nay, with the man's eye still upon me, I thought I could smell the chloro- form, l thought I could, hear a moan '"ahd^epTife''d'"7or either any moment. ATtd 'how- he-did-stai;oMlrha*e-detest-- ed teiue!ejtes ever si'ncer.and-plond-mus- taches and thB-whole^touft. easy going type that is not, such a fool as it looks; - -l-lmd-hraze'ned lit out with- the boys, but the- first .grown man was too many -^-^ornn^rTnftriM^raoSa-'i'an .out of my" heart' as though there was no .Raffles »t'"tfr" ba?ls. Indeed, I had forgattett ' yni'i'" 1 had so longed to put this thing ,lhf§ugh B^lrSyioif!" EveiiJn. m j fix- fetfllt^' it was almost a disappoint QUT OPL THE DARKNESS TO MJ2ET. GLASS BULB. THICK difference. We w£re in the shrubbery. Raffles with his 'electric -torch drawn and blazing, when we heard them, kick- ing at the pantry door, and in the drive with our bicycles before man and boys : poured pellmell down the steps. _ -. , We rushed our machines- t.o_th«~nea-r- er gate, for both were shut, and we got through and swuiia it home behind us in the nick of tid\e. Even I could mount before' they could reopen the gate, which Rafflesheld_agj}.inst them for bail an iustnnfwitli 'unnecessary gallantry. ' But he would' see me in front of him, and so it fell to me to lead -tibe-wayr— ~ ~ ^~ A T ow. I have said that it was a very misty .night (hence the _whole thing), and also that these houses -were on- a- hillr^but^'her^vere^wjM^rJy—pjijhe. top Ot the hill, ana""! "did what I firmly believe that almost everyl»djr_would^ nTTW*tlo-ne-Tn7t0y place.,"Raffles; indeethr sald^b.e^would'yhin-e do"ue it hihiself, but that was his "seuwoHltyv'n-hcl he was tne bi»e man who would not. . What I did his feet. I screwed my head round still farther, and there were the boys in their pajamas, their hands npon their knees, like so many wicket keepers, nnd a"big man shaking his list. There JEJas-.a. lainp—posfe-oa-r-tlii hillfop;""';in'd"' that was the last I saw. We sailed down to the river, then on through Thames bittomas-far as.Esher station, when we turned sharp to-'the right, and from the dark stretch by Imber court came to light in Mjlesey. ituu u cj'e^soun pedaling luce gentlemen of Ieisiire~tlirotigh Bushloy , p a r k , ou-r.-i -lij^rts-l^Brned-ttprtije. broken torc-h put oat and away.. The big gates had long heen shut, but you can maneuver a !>.':- eycle-tbjtoiTgh-th-e others.^ We had no bob. ~"BTrt - !^t-Tul""Tt's an occasion for Sul- wasfb turn in the opposite direction to, the other gate, where we might so eas- ily have been cut off, and to pedal for tny.life—up'iiill! • "My GOd!" I shouted when I found it Qut^ ~~~~--~-~y-~-•—•~—~ s ^- z _-- '"Can you tdt 1 !) in yotir own'length?" asked Rflfiies, following loyally. * "Not.eertain." ' ' •' "Then stick to it. You* couldn't help -livausr"- said Traffics," wno now kept thstn-fOi^suchr—""By-ail my^ftasiTBnn^ ny, it's been the .most sporting night We ever had in our lives! And do you knoW' Which was the most sporting part of it?" "That uphill rjde?" "J wasn't thinking of it." • ^E^Lsafeltfiicah into a trjinch- •'-'Antl here they come!" "Let 'em!" said Raffles .and bran- disltecl his electric torch, xrar ohly light ris yet, ., •;' A hill seems endless in the dark, for "My dear" Bunny, a gallant lad! f a 'The way you got hated hitting him.' 1 "I jinow," I said. ns out of the house!" "NO) Bunny," said -Raffles, blowing rings. "It came before that, you sin- ner, and you know.it." "You don't mean anything I did?" said I self couseipti'sly, for i began to sec that this was what he^ did mean And now at latest it will also be seen why -thts story 'has "been told with un- due, and inexcusable gusto. There is. none other ]'ike_it--fnj-.me--to tell,,- It ewe lamb in all these an^ Raffles had a ruder name js my' one rials. But for it Vv . "It was the apotheosis of the Bunny, I hardly knew what I was doing or saying," I said. M The whole thing Was ._ ..._.._ .. ._ fl-ftufee^- ~ —(-^irter-BW-La^yepte-Sv-Senig.neLtadv N— Y- "-Then." said Ritffle9r7rw"as the kind Of a fluke I always trusted you to make when runs were wanted." And he helij out his dear old band. JHE-«SD^ —— —" ., .... •„; # ronr the j)arent whose child goes to school Without breakfast to the clergyman whose son, wlieu warned of the din- ner hour, replies. "It is no? my turn for dinner today." Think of the lot of "the p a u p e r clei'UA man's- wife!—Depfe^" ciation of tithes and of the rents of glebe, with increase^ of the cost of' liv- ing, with overcrowding of this, as of the ' other learned professlons/ls THT doubt the immediate cause, but If the faith of the people in the doctrine were unshaken the preacher and his family b&HGOns * ..ayEGAi. I . - _ rfiEE PEOPLE V ©JP-'SPHE STATE OF NEW 1 YOHK--Bytlie Grace of God free ana todspwdent. To "William T. Bee*>?, Dunns- vttk^ Albany oorinty. N, Y ; Melvin Beebe, Calvin Beebej fiuldah B Hahenbeek Alide Bfcker, Mary VS. Fredcn^al], Huldah A, flftllehbeck and Ernest A. Hallenheck, Altamdnt N Y.:L_wmiftm_H_Jefbc. M-»ry Hallenbeck, Edward Carhart. Atira Flaaler and Anna Brashaw. Albany, N Y.; Htnrj T geebe, 8.H52•?»*Jrie Av^, GMeago, JU , Eva Leah-mckBiiBBP—3886~"Wiifi"ington Ave., 8l Loulf, Mo ; Jacob P, Beebe, Dunnsvllle, Aibat y county, N. Y ; Almlra Smith, 35 Mc- Donoujrb St.; Brooklyn, 71. Y., 8arab Jane- Eryerj. Gjffojds, Schenec'sdy county, N. Y.; Margaret-A, Baker, 751 Gnerrfro S t , San •Francisco, O'al.; Ellep -Near, "95-^HrmiHoir Aye..,,Patter«on, N. Si Henry PajBaee, Nat- lopal Military Home. Barton, Ohio; William Pasfa^eTTGffovenoTB CofBers. N Y.; M«_gd»L. Jens-7owler Kipjtsvllle-, Ontario, U5n_JSargh. -A^Mce"r 1 l-7b--PiDiwee"ti've^T)e6rbTt, Sfich : Emellne C. 8a»e, Lakeland, Florida; Mary L. GroIeuB, 703 15th St., Detroit Mich.; M. Elizabeth Decker, Corruna, Mich.; Oacar B WillianiB aDdEtf. B. Wllliairis, Omaha- Neb.r Margaret W. Tripp and L B. Williams, San Diego, Cal.: Anna B. Barney, Indianapolis, K d s against John H. aeven,on, late of ?be to*n of Gailderland, in «a»a c W y , d« ceased, that ibey are «quired to «ljtb"WM> to the .subscriber, the mnuUot tbe IM will and testament of t a d deceased, »t 1 « place of transacting business as iwh execu TSo »ii State street, Albany, ». X., »»T m ' fore the 2nd day of July next. Dated Altamont. N. T , this 19,TJ a»7 Ol Depember, A. D., 1905. a —o.«» Att'j for Executrix, T Executrix, etc. 93 State atreet- Albany. N. X, V OTICE-TO-CRBDITOBB.--By order ot li_George-B. ]CItUtJmrrg«aU-Otthe connty oTAIb«ny=rSotlc«4» B***?-**™*'^^!?**;" 7ng to law, to all peraoM hwln» ,fl«» m » « demands against John H. Saddlemlre, late of the town ot Knox, In said county, deceased, that they are required to exhibit the same, witrrthe vouchers In rapport-thereof, * ? _ » • subacriber.theadmlnlstratrlrof tte goods, *yic BU , v»i.i^u U . o. w > , ^uui-u-K—o, chattels and credits of said deceasedjatijer Ind. Aniali^tberB-Interetted in-the-esUte- -place o«r»nsacanK^stoej^^-roclr^m«n^ of Holdah VanAernam, late of the county ' Tsr^DSrianyrTN'. X., deceased, as credltorsr legateeB. next of kin, or otherwise, send i^pBift You and each of yotf are hereby cHed anrf reqnlred pernorjallv to be and jppear before onr Surrogate ot the county" of Albany, N. Y., at the Surrogate's Court In the citv of Al bariy, on the 18th day of June, 19CC, at ten O'clock in the ioreBoon of that_day, then_and- there to >tterid the Judicial settlement of the account ofproceedings of Albert C, Hallen- beck and 'WWiara_1%J!s6he,--a&-erecutoTH of emamtnt of the said Hul dah VanAerTjam. rlfipfaceii nnH thnw at ynn- wbo are under the aee ol twenty one years J OTICE TO CREDITORS—By order of -GeorKe-H-Fitt«rSurrojta«e-of=tlie*onnty-" or Albany. Notice Is hereby Riven, accord- ing to law, to all persons having claims or BHIHI Wom:in Sorts Colors. airs._S.. JU.^Klrk- of-Forest-Valley- Okla., who has been'blind for many years, has acquired a sense of feeling^ that is remarkable. She prepares the meals for the family, with little as- sistance, and ,in paring potatoes can pick out tbp imperfections with as much skill as if she could seei She make* all the dresses for her two little girls -sad rem" put all' the different pieces together without getting one of them wren;?.- -Oa&jOf- ttaynost-j^mark:- - able thing's is in sewing carpet rags. Slie can pick out all those of the same color and Jack them together without a miss, and In threading a needle she does It as well and quickly as if her eyesight were pel-feet. Mrs. Kirk has never spent a day In a school for the blind, but has learned to do all things •m-her-owrrtnnae and altogether by ap- plication.—St. Louis Republic. General Rpsieccans' Uncle. A lady once called upon General Rosecrans for the purpose of procuring a pass, which Was politely refused. Tears canje into the lady's eyes as she remarkM that Joer uncle was very dl! and might not recover. "Very sorry, indeed," replied Rosfe_^ crans. "My own uncle has been indis- posed for sometime. As soon as Uncle Sam recovers a little you shall have a pass to go where you please." i The Family Hero. - A soldier in one of. the Union hospi- -r|~ta-ls w h o had loit.an arm was rejoicing "MjT graudfalter, "lie" "lost a leg in the Revohttionary aboutTTt ever since. That storyjs an old Oie.now. andl-am going to be the familj' hero after this." a= F. T. BRUNK, Berne, N. Y. Undertaking and Embalming-in all its branches.' Rig furnished free for pall bearers. Livery attached. Tel. Not 20, will call me night^or day; . - - - " "' ' ' e had no ^ _^g]i^s__opije.iaas7--yeis---tk)Trt" have to wait for your lenses Proper Fitting- , of Glasses should nevex be guessed at. We" have skilled opticians in,-.a,rR.flQT amine your eyes and supply you-with the needful glasses... And being manufacturers as to be-ffiade; -'; : WeMake tlie5n0ur~ . selves thereby saving you much icr convenience and expense. I _4£?'Oj#'eeaa.^S't., 16 Si Pearl SMIbanyy 1I1B I PITERS, .' JEWELER «MI Oi»T<CIAN, | <~' : '- ) Taf are required to appear by your guardian, if yon have one,J.f .you havenoge, thaty.pu- appear Sffirappi^-for one to be appointed, or in t i e evenTSbl your failure or- neglect- to do BO, a guardian will be appointed by the Sarrogate to represent and act for yon in -tbese-prceeedincs. —; : In testimony whereof, we K«.-ve <caused the seal of office of oar *aid' .Snrrojiate to be- hereunto affixed* Wit Lifi, ness, Uewton B. Vanderzee,. , Surrogate of our said county at the city of Albany, the 25 h day of April, A. 1)., * 1900. L. QUENTIN S. MeNEIL, uemand7335BlJnir8eiieca JPrJu^, late oi tne town of Knox, N. Y„ In said county deceas- ed, that they are required, to exhibit the _ rsaine,with;thevoucher^n-support"thereof, " tothe. .subscriber, the_ez.ecutor of-the_Iast- wlll and testament of said deceased, at his place of transacting business as snch execn- tor, at hisdwelling house in the town of -Jfcnox; coun^n>f Albany, JH?vron-or-before - the 25th day of Jnne next. Dated Albany, this 8th day of December, A D 1905' '' 'WIIXIAMFRINK, Executor. .Jobn'D.TVhlte. Attorney. Cjeik t»j ihe-tetrogaie's-tjonrtT o * . JBALLBOADS. ^DEIiAWAEE A1SD HUDSON B . R Commencing Cct. 2nd. 1805, trains will run as •£• follows between Albany and Alt8mont,4eaving Albany' st the Union depot. §"Rnns Sungaysjonij; ' t Stops oh signal. If Runs Dailyi •irtops only to let off passengers. Train 23 runs to CoblesMll. tyTrainsl2,20,.22,24, 26, 28 going east and trains 11, 21. 28,25, 27, 29_going between istratrlx'at the law office of Edward O. Stur^ MS7-NOT83 fltate 8treetrAlbany,_N,_i:.,-On- of before the 80th day otfJane next. "-DatearWertrTowMhJp, y^-Y-^-tbla «th day- a"December. ArD^Wib; LPUJSA-A..-APUI-EMIBJE, Edward C. Sturges,- -Administratrix. Att'y for Adm'x. 93 State St., Albany, N. T. VJOTIOE TO CREDITORS.—By order of ll_ Newton B. VanDerzee, Surrogate of the eennST of"Albany. Notice Is hereby given, ( according to law to all persons having claims Sjr4-«JMndaigaln6tJM/tatA— Btonerlateotthv - ^"^ towiS of"'Ifew Scotland, in said county, de- ceased;,, that they are required toexhiblt the, 8ameOElthj"the vouchers In «upport thereof, to the fubscriber, the admioistratrix of said deceased, at her place of transacting business as snch administratrix at t h e office of Frost, Daring jtrid Warner. 93 WtatejtoeeLJB-the city of AlrJany, N". y , on or before the 10th day ol'AuBust, next ~ Dated, thiE 31st day of January, A. D. r 1906 «'• BERTHA E STOKE, Adml'x. Frost. Daring & Warner, Atty's for Adrn'x, .-. Albany,-N.-Y. "VTOTICE :TO CBEDITOB8—By order of J i Kewton-3,-VanDer2ee, surrogate of the county Of Albany Notice le hereby given, according to law, to ail perEOn6 having ,claims-or-demands against Wellington Bbu- -tan^atM*'—thejLQwjLof^WeiiterlpjJn. said . county, deceased, that tbey are required to eshiblt the same with the voucheis in tup- port thereof, to the subscriber, the sdmlnis- tiatrix of the goode, chattels-and~credlts of of_said;defieased, at hct-pIace-otJianaaotlng- W6lueis3s such administratrix at her fesl- dence In jald town, on or before the 30th. day of^S'eptember next Dated this 5th day of March A D , IflOS". MAKEIETTE BGUTON", Geo.- L. RJienburth Admltistratrij, etc. ^Attyjtor^Admlnlstratnx, - Office and P. O Address, Osb Hill. JU. T "VfOTlua TO CKEDITOke-By order of ±A Newton B VarTTIerzee, Surrogate of the fourity of A Ibany Notice is iereby given, according to law to all persons hav- _ ing claims or demands against Harriet For- "J* syth Hall late of the town of Berne in_said _ county, deceased, that they nre reqn.red to exhibit the same, with the vouchers m sup- port thereof, to the subscriber, the executor of the last will and testament of said de- ceased, at his place of transacting business as siichjexecutor at te store^f-C-E- Deitz SHonatBerne, ttforpaai^j^im-or-before^the^ 8th_day_of_Sfiptember next. Dated,this 27 day of be t9Tj6T- : " CHARLES E DETT7, rnaryr-A,-!)-,- '-V-A. B-irfman, T*Tf'y T idr~Ex>cn tor, Berne, N . Y^ _ Executor,-eto,- west, are local trains running —- v , ^ ,. Altamont_and Albany and-st«pj«t^ElB-J l fi L T fl 5^ 0 rll an ^ at -' B ^ busta j e6O T as t **"* -^^v^wTS* ra.^o nr, iirtd executrix, at the l.w ,,oJ3tae_of—Lester-g- .mere and FontjKrfiTf on slpnal- Suifday. trains; Going east, No. U, No. 46. No. 14. No. 34. going west No. 19, No. 45, No. 47. Tiine tables showing local and through train service may beobtained at all D, & H. ticket Offices. ABEL J. ODLVER, J. W. BTJEDICK. I j2na Vice^resident Pass-. Traf. Hlgr. .AVi. BEABD, General Passenger Agent 19D5, trains as follows; Commencing Sunday; Nov; 6. will leave tFrjion Station, Albany SOUTH' ' ' '• al.25 A, M.-^rNational Express. *3.35 A^M^^AtlantlcJExpresSi —saST^Tlsn^Hudson Kiv'er Local Express. *7-.00 A. H.- ;; N'ew"YorS local 9:50 A. M.—Hudson Klver Local Express. *EDB6 X: St.—Continental Limited. *2.80 E..M.>N. Y. Local Exnresk- -Tf5U5'P.'M;.—N. Yi 1 Local. •.*9US P, a.^Bavena:Local; *11.25 P. M.^~Baveha Local.. ' _•_•' ,w£st. *7.45 A. Mi^BjrMo-Locair~t8eg"note c.; TOca Local. *Rm P. M.,i;^CcjtlneMtattitaitted^- XfOTICE 10 CREDITOBS-By'" order of iV Newton B Van^Dcip-ee, Surrogate, of the Comity of Albany Notice is liereby , SiVen, accpr{ilng to law to all persons, hiylus -clairns-or-dcmands aeclnst Eliza Anri WedeV men late of'the town of New Scotland, la ' said c'lunty, deceased, that thiy aie tequfred to exhibit the eime, with the vouchers In support thereof, to the subscriber, the ex- ecutor of the last will and testament of said as Miqh executor at Clarksvidp, Albany County, N-. Y on or before the flrit aay of Lit-cembfr.next #ggj Datea, this 18th day of M*v A D , 1900 nr' a ,r o „ . M ^? N , B EA - KL Executor. B. S JfcCall Att'y for Extcutor- *91« Pi M.—Chicago and St. Louis Limited *11.25 P; M.--Paclfic fixpressi , . Local train for Utlca leaves Voorheesville 4:lS'Ei M. daily exiSeptfiuhday, Local ti-ain for-NewYoxk, leaves Voorhees- ville 9:44 A. M. except Sunday, and express tralnat4:S5P.l!4.dami- ,.""'. ' v ' *Dallyi a Dallv excep>t iMohday; " ins^^NyfeG|^oiia*rlrii ' rrr^Celephories^Wwteott^aggage Traris, 85: -Cha^'WestcottrlCarriffeW^ Agents otWestcotit.ExpreiSs ifeoaipany.are on •ft through trains »p Chec^ibjggtee atid '<&, gage cab or carriage;, ebs. Thr£uglt tickets; time tables and farther information at Union_ ^tatipni——— ~- —.-"'- ' "•••••'—i-*-"--^^ >H A. Ei BBAINARD, Gen. Apt;, C. F. DALYf\ gtomMmMitt&r -" ; UfimaiJentral Station, ....... J; ^-i.Ja&x-3£ork-i MOTICE^TO CBLD1TOBS —By order_of J-" Newton B "Van Derzee Surrogate,©*the eQunty.of Albany Noticeisjherebyglven, ac- cording to law to all persons hiving claims or demands lagainrt John Heeb, late of Delmar, in the town^f Bethlehem In said county, de- cease.!, that they are required to exhibit the same, with tbe vouchers in support thereof, to the .subscriber, the extcutrii otthe last will and teitatoent of said deceased at unooara, in the Waterman bu'li'ng £67 Broadway-in the citv of Albany, X. Y., on or b_Bjfj3Mubhej£tday_of-Dpcember next —— DaWd. Albany, "M Y , this 4th day of May A..D. 1906; , Lester ('. Hubbard, CATHSRIJ,E HKBU, Att'y for Bteciitrix Executrix Waterman Building, _ - 467 Bfoadwiy, Albany, >I Y~ v , - hereby v Jiyfija^acCording to-law-to-all pBrsoas-ESvTng ' claims or,rdemandsugam<!t Charles E Bar- »fr'.fote oX the town of GnilderJiu^-Jn 8a id ^ m - deceased, that they are required to' exhibit the same, with the vouchers in sup-* porHherfeof, to the subscriber, the adininfa.-i tr ?^ix,o| the goods, chattels and oredits ot^ Said dSceased, at her place of transacting? business as such administratrix at her rest-L, d?no6 in the village of Altamont, Albanvll LcmMy-^^Y-r^nrordbefor^b«-3flrt<^ijy^^ November next. -J-v. * \1 •™B|t^-VAJbany, this 18th daj of May AT. » HEldJEN PikBEn, J.I ... „— . iidrninistratil*.-' John P. White,_A tt-ly,-. ^™—w HAM YOr as . , k CLIRPEWL I^2Silfe"Ji We< Sen< * M " «»* Postal brtegf wUtperotornea,postagePjOTDJS_J» ' [ ^5 ^ ""-".. "O.-yrBEEBE, ALTAMONT, N. Y. j'j^SiiiSw 1 *?'

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^m^m^^ws^^^''mv^^^^^. « ~ j . — — * ~


fm^cami^rwe- ihcrshd, a n * wi th the -patter o f - b a r e fee t 'ga in ing on as I thought This one could nav0 n o end a t all. Of oonrso the boys e o u $ charge up it qpjri.tor tliiui we could peffai, out I- evcir JMftira Uift voice of their stout

, Ws l i f t ed the* plucky fellow in to RSf-ties' place .in the pan t ry , iock&J tne, door on hini and put t he key through the j j ane l , Now was: t i g rnofneutLfdr.

-thlniKiHg of ourselves, and again t h a t infernal mask which Raffles swore by '•. came near being the undoing of us.

ment to ifle T V ^ H Iris dear cool voice -ifeil like a delicious, draft upon my ears, "but its effect upon the" others is.-rnpr-e-1lnte^sting_iffl.j®eallr—BJD&Jhduur t he crammer had the center of the stage, b u t a t this point Raffles usurped a place which # a s . always his a t "will.

first on xine^foj^juid^then-ajj-tlae-othejv rgifliipod~at rtamcp. ;.|T»I fn flic- wMt"-llght of Ills, torch he was doing "it all with his ankles, exactly as though he

-iuafl been ridin« in a gyipkbana. '•-"I t ' s thB-TOosir&Trtrttbg-fciiase I was

:6WVJIk"- .a»Mhe i . -_ ' . • r ^ - ^ V - f a u l U " - - _ .. -_ - . z - ' : ' - - .

"My dear Bunny , -1 wouldn' t ha've missed it for the worldV' - ^_,

5-"tfgr.~woiild h e - forge aliead of' me, though j r e could have done so in a mo ment, he wh7y"frorrr his boyhood -had done everything of the kind so mud)

~~-r~ f.~-- K V W »*t* uuuy^u^^ui u&iMi^a ;^^~^^^ - . . : , T ' better than anybody else. No, he must

^t-y^mmmam steps when t £ * ™ ^ r j * ^ ^ ^ f f i ^ S ^ r o m ^ t h T n - ^ O ^ r E ^ ^ ^ ^ ' ^ 5 ' 1 - ^ j u s t thne to- t ea r the accursed ' thing

—-frprn . Raffles? face before he turned stout m a n with a blond' mustache

~WB?s' on the stairs., in his pajamas 'like tht hoys.

"Wha t "are you doing here?" said h a •^ r-bertr-hinr-lJeen"^!! a t t e i ip t upon

. yo^ir house." said I. still spni.-mamiin Co*. ^3Ee„night -and still on t h e wings of in-_gpl ration. —L .—

Sia i t ed_nQwfor ^e-sl toplesIr-aTrd^mssi-^^ the worlds

"One moment!" he~had: tjegun." » •*-*• —'Werr?"-~said the crtiEnner, relieving' m e of h i s eyes a t last . •

"I "don't want t o lose any • of the fun"— '" '- -'

"Your sons"-^ • "".--• ' — — — "My pupils.!' "Indeed, Well,- they heard Hr-drm-p

off-the-tiriergrTfffdTiave given chase." "And where do you come in?" in-

quirejLJLbe^stout man, descending. "We were bicycling past , and I. ac­

tual ly saw one fellow come head first J J m n j g h j o u r j i an t ry window—-I-think h e got over the wall." >•

Herea~bfea th iess hoy returned. "Can' t see anything of him," he



" I t ' s t rue, then," remarked the cram-nier. _

_ "T.onk a t - tha t door," sa id~lT~~ B u t unfortunately the breathless bo;

looked also, and now h e was bein; joined by others equally short of wind.

"Where ' s ' Beefy?" ' h e screamed " W h a t on ear th 's Jntppened to__BefifyX

"Jl^go"6Tl"T3oys?~exclaimed the cram mer, "will oiie of you b e kind enough to tell me- wha t you've been doing and w h a t these gentlemen have been do­ing for you? Come in all before you get- yrtnr -IIPJTHT •' 7 <-nn Hgftfe—fn—rtTF classroom, and more than. l ights . Can these be signs of a carouse?"

"A very innocent one, sir," said a ' well set up youth with more mustache

than I have yet. "Well, Olphert, boys will he boys.

Suppose you tell me w h a t happened before we come to recriminations."

— The bad old proverb w a s m y first warning. I caught two of the youths exchanging glances under raised eye­brows. Yet their stout, easy going mentor ±ra.d"gireTFme sucn a reassuring glance of sidelong humor as between man- of the world and man of the

. world_tliat--it-^-as--diffle«lt—to-susped--him of suspicion. I w a s nevertheless ' i tching to be gone.

Young Olphert told his s tory wi th en­gaging candor. I t was t r u e that they had come"down for an hour a t nap and cigarettes. Well, and there was no denying that was whisky in the glasses. The boys were now all back in their classroom, I think entirely for the sake

~ o f Ivamffh, bu t Raffles and I were in —Jaaiekerboekers - a n d Norfolk—jackets

and very na tura l ly remained wifhoutT while the army crammer, who wore

—bedroom qlippoiiv-t*tood-oii ihn tiu'ejStF old, with an eye each way. The more

—I-saw of-the man the "better I l ikedlmd the more I feared him. Ifis chief an­noyance thus far was t h a t they had not called him when they heard the noiser that they had dreamed of leav­ing.him out of the fun. B u t he seem­ed more hur t than angry about that .

"WeU-,^_sir," ^concluded Olphert, "we 16ft old Beefy Smith hanging on to his hand and this gentleman with him. 'so perhaps he can te l l 'us whq,t happened next'?"*

" I wish I could." T oriofl, with nil

—"NunnTJs t yQAj' ' said" the crammer. with emphasis . '• _ _ ' VBut we've le f t -our bikes outside...

APd,T,mi,ne's a vuluabjo i m p " fonrr, iued...Raffle». "If you don't"mEBXwTe'll bring 'eiii in before these fellows get away :OOJthem."— . . _Ajid_out he went wltTiouTTi~loxrlc--to-see the effect of-4HS-^«ordsrf-a'freTr him With a determined imitatfkui-Of his self control. But I would have givenjome.-t b i n g to tm^TOmj i l iT j I Jae i l eAi^aJSr -one jnoment the,shrewd inst-r'uetor-nvas-taken in, bu t as I reached the steps 1 heard him asking his pupils whether any of them had seen any bicycles out­side, •_ „That -moment, however, nntde the

instructor growing l o u d p through,\)ie wiist.

"Oh, t o think I 've let you J n for 1 BU>a h o in a tone Ijaei'ei ' jahall W g e t .


handle bars, every ounce of my weight

and now we could not ^bipy hear tne boyF

^ i t o i i 5 ^ ~ l n j t ^ j j r ^ t h j n ^ i J s o . _ ^ a i . d ^ of a sudden r.saw^affleTTjnrTayTigfft" jJMiittgjvJtljuhJs_tor4Alu A face-fieAv-out. Of the darkness to meet the thick glass l>ulb swith the glowing wire inclosed; i t was the face 6f the- boy. Olphert, jrath bisusffviable mnstacheT-but i twair ished. with the, crash of glass, and the imteed wlrw t lr ickeiieu -

England'* Punper "Cferarymen,. No "case* can be more touching than

that of theJmJLovertehed. clergyman J t i -Eiigland,- stragglhirif foT:eep np social appearances, while he and-h i s family want bread. Ten cases a r e reported of deaths of clergymen in the work­house, one of the.nunjber, we are told, hayhig once been wealthy and spent

4#g&jyujMin_eh4rjty^ T p s J a k e s place in a land where luxury is a t its great-"^hSiKht , where-ftrbutouBrTOm^ffr;ergL&1l en for baubles and evCn for r a r e post-"age^Btamps, a.ffd~Tt ik said "that ~tulF $500,000 a day "changes hands a t bridge* While millions unto ld 'a re expended on the forces' r e q u t e d to purchase^ the mental luxury of thinking imperially a n d t o pay the cost of unnecessary

a-tumng~forlTT:mick req n o t I saw no more of that. One of them

bad--crept -up- on niy side also. As I looked, hear ing h;m p a n t h e was grab­bing at my left handle, and I nearly 'StBtrir-f'^itljp^Juto the hedge by the sliarp. turn I t o o k t o the rlghTrr-His -RTteeTT length saved him, but my boy could -m^ir-was-ovCThgnling maiigajn. seemed

??! J i k i ' - J v a r s ^ - T h e - b e s e f i t of Hm-rmmm-mr " ^ t 4 ^

"certain of m e ' t h i s time, when all at once the' bicycle ran" easily-; every ounce .of my weight with either foot once more, and I w a s over the crest of t h e hill, the gray road reeling out from -undei^me^as—I -felt—for-^nv'-biuk^. 14-gaaldH^ardly-t)e-leffc4onrtarve; looked back a t Raffles. .JJfiJiad-gifct t i t : ^e^Sujccrr:

Tueir eyes upon me, tor l nati Iiati-tinle" to think. • ' "Some of you mus t have heard me .say • I 'd fetch nty friend in ' from the road?'.' . . ' ' .

"Yes, I did," piped an innocent from \vithin.

"Well, and wh^u I came back with "IslbTTfihigs were exactlj ' -a«—yoti-jee-- them now. Evidently the man ' s

s t r e n g t h was too much-for the boy's, but 'whether , he ran upstairs or outside I . know no more than ' you do." . '?rt wasn ' t like tha t boy to run either .way," said the • crammer,, cocking a clear b lue eye on me.

" I t wasn ' t like him even to let go," ___ __"J. don ' t beiie-ve-BeeAv ^ver-WxiuId.!L

pu t in Olphert. "That 's why we gave h im the billet.".

" H e may have followed him through the pan t ry jwindow,"^ I _ suggested-wildly.." "-.';'Jut the 'door ' s shtit," put in a boy; ^ —iiWtlwwar-lo©'t-a44tt^a4dr4he-Gr-a;BK

m e n AncL-the Icey no lohgefc iii- the Jock -

and the. insensible youth within! The Tkejr wohld he missed, the door kicked in. Nay, with the man's eye still upon

• me, I thought I could smell the chloro­form, l thought I could, hea r a moan

'"ahd^epTife''d'"7or either any moment. ATtd 'how- he-did-stai ;oMlrha*e-detest--ed teiue!ejtes ever si'ncer.and-plond-mus­taches and thB-whole^touft. easy going

• type t h a t is not, such a fool a s i t looks; - - l- lmd-hraze'ned l i t out with- the boys,

bu t the- first .grown man was too m a n y -^-^ornn^rTnft r iM^raoSa- ' i ' an .out of my"

heart ' a s though there was no .Raffles »t'"tfr" ba?ls. Indeed, I had forgattett

' yni'i'" 1 h a d so longed to p u t this thing ,lhf§ugh B^lrSyioif!" Evei iJn . m j fix-fetfllt^' it was almost a disappoint



difference. We w£re in the shrubbery. Raffles with his 'electric -torch drawn and blazing, when we heard them, kick­ing a t the pantry door, and in the drive with our bicycles before man and boys

:poured pellmell down the steps. _ -. , We rushed our machines- t.o_th«~nea-r-

er gate, for both were shut, and we got through and swui ia it home behind us in t h e nick of tid\e. Even I could mount before' they could reopen the gate, which Rafflesheld_agj}.inst them for b a i l an i u s t n n f w i t l i 'unnecessary gallantry. ' But he would' see me in front of him, and so it fell to me to lead -tibe-wayr— ~ ~ ~

ATow. I have said tha t it was a very misty .night (hence t he _whole thing), and also t h a t these houses -were on- a-h i l l r ^bu t^ ' he r^ve re^wjM^rJy—pj i jhe . top Ot the hill, ana""! "did what I firmly believe tha t a lmost everyl»djr_would^ nTTW*tlo-ne-Tn7t0y place.,"Raffles; indeethr sald^b.e^would'yhin-e do"ue it hihiself, bu t that was his "seuwoHltyv'n-hcl he was tne bi»e man w h o would not . . W h a t I did

his feet. I screwed my head round still farther, and there were the boys in their pajamas, their hands npon their knees, like so many wicket keepers, nnd a"big man shaking his list. There

JEJas-.a. lainp—posfe-oa-r-tlii hillfop;""';in'd"' that was the last I saw.

W e sailed down to the river, then on through Thames bi t tomas-far as .Esher station, when we turned sharp to-'the right, and from the dark stretch by Imber court came to light in Mjlesey. ituu u cj'e^soun pedaling luce gentlemen of Ieisiire~tlirotigh Bushloy , park, ou-r.-i -lij^rts-l^Brned-ttprtije. broken torc-h put oat and away.. The big gates had long heen shut, but you can maneuver a !>.':-eycle-tbjtoiTgh-th-e others.^ We had no

bob. ~"BTrt-!^t-Tul""Tt's an occasion for Sul-

w a s f b turn in the opposite direction to , the other gate, where w e might so eas­ily have been cut off, and to pedal for tny.life—up'iiill! • "My GOd!" I shouted when I found it Qut^ ~~~~--~-~y-~-•—•~—~s^-z_-- —

'"Can you tdt1!) in yotir own ' length?" asked Rflfiies, following loyally. *

"Not .eer ta in ." ' ' •' "Then stick to it. You* couldn't help

-livausr"- said Traffics," wno now kept thstn-fOi^suchr—""By-ail my^ftas iTBnn^ ny, i t 's been the .most sporting night We ever had in our lives! And do you knoW' Which w a s the most sporting part of i t ? "

"Tha t uphill rjde?" "J wasn ' t thinking of i t ." •

^E^Lsafeltfiicah into a trjinch-

•'-'Antl here they come!" "Let• 'em!" said Raffles .and bran-

disltecl his electric torch, xrar ohly light ris yet, ., •;'

A hill seems endless in the dark, for

"My dear" Bunny, a gal lant lad! f a

'The way you got hated hitt ing him.'1

"I jinow," I said. ns o u t of the house!"

"NO) Bunny," said -Raffles, blowing rings. "It came before that, you sin­ner, and you know.i t ."

"You don't mean anything I d id?" said I self couseipti'sly, for i began t o sec tha t this w a s wha t he^ did mean

And now a t latest i t will also be seen why -thts story 'has "been told with un­due, and inexcusable gusto. There is. none other ]'ike_it--fnj-.me--to tell,,- I t

ewe lamb in all these an^ Raffles had a ruder name

js my' one rials. But for it Vv .

"It was the apotheosis of the Bunny,

I hardly knew what I w a s doing or saying," I said. MThe whole thing Was ._ . . . _ . . _ .. ._ fl-ftufee^- ~ —(-^irter-BW-La^yepte-Sv-Senig.neLtadv N—Y-

"-Then." said Ritffle9r7rw"as the kind Of a fluke I a lways trusted you to make when runs were wanted."

And he helij out h i s dear old band. J H E - « S D ^ — — — "

., .... • „ ; #

r o n r the j)arent whose child goes to school Without breakfast to the clergyman whose son, wlieu warned of the din­ner hour, replies. " I t is n o ? my turn for dinner today." Think of the lot of "the p a u p e r clei'UA man's- wife!—Depfe^" ciation of t i thes and of t h e rents of glebe, with increase^ of t h e cost of' liv­ing, wi th overcrowding of this, a s of the ' other learned p r o f e s s l o n s / l s THT doubt the immediate cause, bu t If the faith of the people in the doctrine were unshaken the preacher and his family


* ..ayEGAi. I . - _

rfiEE PEOPLE V©JP-'SPHE STATE OF NEW 1 YOHK--Bytlie Grace of God free ana todspwdent. To "William T. Bee*>?, Dunns-vttk^ Albany oorinty. N, Y ; Melvin Beebe, Calvin Beebej fiuldah B Hahenbeek Alide Bfcker, Mary VS. Fredcn^al], Huldah A, flftllehbeck and Ernest A. Hallenheck, Altamdnt N Y.:L_wmiftm_H_Jefbc. M-»ry Hallenbeck, Edward Carhart. Atira Flaaler and Anna Brashaw. Albany, N Y.; Htnrj T geebe, 8.H52•?»*Jrie Av^, GMeago, JU , Eva

Leah-mckBiiBBP—3886~"Wiifi"ington Ave., 8l Loulf, Mo ; Jacob P, Beebe, Dunnsvllle, Aibat y county, N. Y ; Almlra Smith, 35 Mc-Donoujrb St.; Brooklyn, 71. Y., 8arab Jane-Eryerj. Gjffojds, Schenec'sdy county, N. Y.; Margaret-A, Baker, 751 Gnerrfro S t , San •Francisco, O'al.; Ellep -Near, "95-^HrmiHoir Aye..,,Patter«on, N. Si Henry PajBaee, Nat-lopal Military Home. Barton, Ohio; William Pasfa^eTTGffovenoTB CofBers. N Y.; M«_gd»L. Jens-7owler Kipjtsvllle-, Ontario, U5n_JSargh. -A^Mce"r1l-7b--PiDiwee"ti've^T)e6rbTt, Sfich : Emellne C. 8a»e, Lakeland, Florida; Mary L. GroIeuB, 703 15th St., Detroit Mich.; M. Elizabeth Decker, Corruna, Mich.; Oacar B WillianiB aDdEtf. B. Wllliairis, Omaha- Neb.r Margaret W. Tripp and L B. Williams, San Diego, Cal.: Anna B. Barney, Indianapolis,

K d s against John H. aeven,on, late of ?be to*n of Gailderland, in «a»a c W y , d« ceased, that ibey are «qui red to «ljtb"WM>

to the .subscriber, the mnuUot tbe IM will and testament of t a d deceased, »t 1 « place of transacting business as iwh execu

TSo »ii State street, Albany, » . X., » » T m' fore the 2nd day of July next.

Dated Altamont. N. T , this 19,TJ a»7 Ol Depember, A. D., 1905. a — o . « »

At t ' j for Executrix, T Executrix, e tc . 93 State atreet- Albany. N. X, —

V OTICE-TO-CRBDITOBB.--By order ot l i_George-B. ]CItUtJmrrg«aU-Otthe connty oTAIb«ny=rSotlc«4» B***?-**™*'^^!?**;" 7ng to law, to all peraoM h w l n » ,fl«»m» « demands against John H. Saddlemlre, late of the town ot Knox, In said county, deceased, that they are required to exhibit the same, witrrthe vouchers In rapport-thereof, * ? _ » • subacriber.theadmlnlstratrlrof tte goods,

*yicBU, v » i . i ^ u U . o. i » w > , ^uui-u-K—o, chattels and credits of said deceasedja t i jer Ind. Aniali^tberB-Interetted in-the-esUte- -place o « r » n s a c a n K ^ s t o e j ^ ^ - r o c l r ^ m « n ^ of Holdah VanAernam, late of the county

' Tsr^DSrianyrTN'. X., deceased, as credltorsr legateeB. next of kin, or otherwise, send i^pBift You and each of yotf are hereby cHed anrf reqnlred pernorjallv to be and jppear before onr Surrogate ot the county" of Albany, N. Y., at the Surrogate's Court In the citv of Al bariy, on the 18th day of June, 19CC, at ten O'clock in the ioreBoon of that_day, then_and-there to >tterid the Judicial settlement of the account ofproceedings of Albert C, Hallen-beck and 'WWiara_1%J!s6he,--a&-erecutoTH of

emamtnt of the said Hul dah VanAerTjam. rlfipfaceii nnH thnw at ynn-wbo are under the aee ol twenty one years

JOTICE TO CREDITORS—By order of -GeorKe-H-Fitt«rSurrojta«e-of=tlie*onnty-"

or Albany. Notice Is hereby Riven, accord­ing to law, to all persons having claims or

BHIHI Wom:in Sorts Colors. airs ._S. . JU.^Klrk- of -Fores t -Val ley-

Okla., who has been 'bl ind for many years, has acquired a sense of feeling^ that is remarkable. She prepares the meals for the family, with little as­sistance, and ,in paring potatoes can pick out tbp imperfections with as much skill a s if she could seei She make* all the dresses for her two little girls -sad rem" put all' the different pieces together without getting one of them wren;?.- -Oa&jOf- t taynost-j^mark:- -able th ing ' s is in sewing carpet rags. Slie can pick out all those of the same color a n d J a c k them together without a miss, and In threading a needle she does It as well and quickly as if her eyesight were pel-feet. Mrs. Kirk has never spent a day In a school for the blind, but has learned to do all things •m-her-owrrtnnae and altogether by ap-plication.—St. Louis Republic.

General Rpsieccans' Uncle. A lady once called upon General

Rosecrans for the purpose of procuring a pass, which Was politely refused. Tears canje into the lady's eyes as she r e m a r k M t h a t Joer uncle w a s very dl! and might not recover.

"Very sorry, indeed," replied Rosfe_^ crans . "My own uncle has been indis­posed for somet ime. As soon as Uncle Sam recovers a litt le you shall have a pass to go where you please."

i The Fami ly Hero. -A soldier in one of. the Union hospi-

-r|~ta-ls who had lo i t .an a r m was rejoicing "MjT graudfa l te r , "lie"

"lost a leg in the Revohttionary

aboutTTt ever since. Tha t s t o r y j s an old Oie.now. a n d l - a m going to be the familj ' hero af ter this ."


F. T. BRUNK, Berne, N. Y.

U n d e r t a k i n g and Embalming- in al l i ts branches . ' R i g furnished free for pal l bearers . L ive ry a t tached. Tel . Not 20, will cal l me night^or day; . - - - " "' ' '

e had no ^ _^g]i s__opije.iaas7--yeis---tk)Trt" have to wait for your lenses

Proper Fit ting- , of Glasses

should nevex be guessed at. We" have skilled opticians


amine your eyes and supply you-with the needful glasses... And being manufacturers as

to be-ffiade; -'; :

WeMake tlie5n0ur~ . selves

thereby saving you much icr convenience and expense.

I _4£?'Oj#'eeaa.^S't.,

16 Si Pearl SMIbanyy


<~':'- ) • Taf

are required to appear by your guardian, if yon have one,J.f .you havenoge, thaty.pu-appear Sffirappi^-for one to be appointed, or in t i e evenTSbl your failure or- neglect- to do BO, a guardian will be appointed by the Sarrogate to represent and act for yon in -tbese-prceeedincs. —; :

In testimony whereof, we K«.-ve <caused the seal of office of oar *aid' .Snrrojiate to be- hereunto affixed* Wit

Lifi, ness, Uewton B. Vanderzee,. , Surrogate of our said county

at the city of Albany, the 25 h day of April, A. 1).,

* 1900. L. QUENTIN S. MeNEIL,

uemand7335BlJnir8eiieca JPrJu^, late oi tne town of Knox, N. Y„ In said county deceas­ed, that they are required, to exhibit the _ rsaine,with;thevoucher^n-support"thereof, " to the. .subscriber, the_ez.ecutor of-the_Iast-wlll and testament of said deceased, at his place of transacting business as snch execn-tor, at hisdwelling house in the town of -Jfcnox; coun^n>f Albany, JH?vron-or-before -the 25th day of Jnne next.

Dated Albany, this 8th day of December, A D 1905'

' ' 'WI IXIAMFRINK, Executor.

.Jobn'D.TVhlte. Attorney.

Cjeik t»j ihe-tetrogaie's-tjonrtT

o * . —

J B A L L B O A D S .

^ D E I i A W A E E A1SD H U D S O N B . R

Commencing Cct. 2nd. 1805, t r a in s wil l r u n as

•£• follows between Albany a n d Al t8mont ,4eaving A l b a n y ' s t t h e Union depot .

§"Rnns Sungaysjoni j ; ' t Stops oh signal. If Runs Dailyi •irtops only to let off passengers. Train 23 runs to CoblesMll. • t y T r a i n s l 2 , 2 0 , . 2 2 , 2 4 , 26, 28 going

east and t ra ins 11, 2 1 . 28,25, 27, 29_going between

istratrlx'at the law office of Edward O. Stur^ MS7-NOT83 fltate 8treetrAlbany,_N,_i:.,-On-of before the 80th day otfJane next. "-DatearWertrTowMhJp, y^-Y-^-tbla «th day-a"December. ArD^Wib;

LPUJSA-A..-APUI-EMIBJE, Edward C. Sturges,- -Administratrix. Att'y for Adm'x. 93 State St., Albany, N. T .

VJOTIOE T O CREDITORS.—By order of l l _ Newton B. VanDerzee, Surrogate of the eennST of "Albany. Notice Is hereby given, ( according to law to all persons having claims Sjr4-«JMndaigaln6tJM/tatA— Btonerlateotthv -^"^ towiS of"'Ifew Scotland, in said county, de­ceased;,, that they are required toexhibl t the, 8ameOElthj"the vouchers In «upport thereof, to the fubscriber, the admioistratrix of said deceased, at her place of transacting business as snch administratrix at the office of Frost, Daring jtrid Warner. 93 WtatejtoeeLJB-the city of AlrJany, N". y , on or before the 10th day ol'AuBust, next ~

Dated, thiE 31st day of January, A. D. r 1906 — —

«'• B E R T H A E S T O K E , A d m l ' x . Frost. Daring & Warner,

Atty's for Adrn'x, . - . Albany,-N.-Y. "VTOTICE :TO CBEDITOB8—By order of

J i Kewton-3,-VanDer2ee, surrogate of the county Of Albany Notice le hereby given, according to law, to ail perEOn6 having

,claims-or-demands against Wellington Bbu--tan^atM*'—thejLQwjLof^WeiiterlpjJn. said . county, deceased, that tbey are required to eshiblt t he same with the voucheis in tup-port thereof, to the subscriber, the sdmlnis-tiatrix of the goode, chattels-and~credlts of of_said;defieased, at hct-pIace-otJianaaotlng-W6lueis3s such administratrix at her fesl-dence In jald town, on or before the 30th. day of^S'eptember next

Dated this 5th day of March A D , IflOS". MAKEIETTE BGUTON",

Geo.- L. RJienburth Admltistratri j , etc. ^Attyjtor^Admlnlstratnx, -Office and P . O Address, Osb Hill. JU. T

"VfOTlua TO C K E D I T O k e - B y order of ±A Newton B VarTTIerzee, Surrogate of the fourity of A Ibany Notice is i e r e b y given, according to law to al l persons hav- _ ing claims or demands against Harriet For- "J* syth Hall late of the town of Berne in_said _ county, deceased, that they nre reqn.red to exhibit the same, with the vouchers m s u p ­port thereof, to the subscriber, the executor of the last will and testament of said de­ceased, at his place of transacting business as siichjexecutor at te s to re^ f -C-E- Deitz S H o n a t B e r n e , ttforpaai^j^im-or-before^the^ 8th_day_of_Sfiptember next.

Dated,this 27 day of be t9Tj6T- : "



'-V-A. B-irfman, T*Tf'yTidr~Ex>cn tor, Berne, N . Y^

_ Executor,-eto,-

west, a re local t ra ins running —- v , ^ , . Altamont_and Albany a n d - s t « p j « t ^ E l B - J l f i L T f l 5 ^ 0 r l l a n ^ a t - ' B ^ b u s t a j e 6 O

T a s

t **"* - ^ ^ v ^ w T S * ra.^o nr, i i r t d executrix, at the l.w ,,oJ3tae_of—Lester-g-.mere and FontjKrfiTf on s l p n a l -

Suifday. t ra ins; Going east, No. U, No. 46. No. 14. No. 34. g o i n g west No. 19, N o . 45, No . 47.

Tiine tables showing local and th rough t ra in service m a y beob t a ined a t al l D, & H . t icket Offices. ABEL J. ODLVER, J . W. BTJEDICK. I j2na Vice^res iden t Pass-. Traf. Hlgr .

. A V i . B E A B D , General Passenger Agent

19D5, trains as follows;

Commencing Sunday; Nov; 6. will leave tFrjion Station, Albany

SOUTH' ' ' '• al.25 A, M.-^rNational Express. • *3.35 A^M^^AtlantlcJExpresSi

—saST^Tlsn^Hudson Kiv'er Local Express. *7-.00 A. H.-;;N'ew"YorS local •

9:50 A. M.—Hudson Klver Local Express. *EDB6 X: St.—Continental Limited.

*2.80 E..M.>N. Y. Local Exnresk--Tf5U5'P.'M;.—N. Yi1 Local. •.*9US P, a.^Bavena:Local; *11.25 P. M.^~Baveha Local..

' _•_•' ,w£st. *7.45 A. Mi^BjrMo-Locair~t8eg"note c.;

TOca Local. *Rm P. M.,i;^CcjtlneMtattitaitted^-

XfOTICE 1 0 CREDITOBS-By'" order of i V Newton B Van^Dcip-ee, Surrogate, of the Comity of Albany Notice is liereby , SiVen, accpr{ilng to law to all persons, h iylus

-clairns-or-dcmands aeclnst Eliza Anri WedeV men late of ' the town of New Scotland, la ' said c'lunty, deceased, that thiy aie tequfred to exhibit the eime, with the vouchers In support thereof, to the subscriber, the ex­ecutor of the last will and testament of said

as Miqh executor at Clarksvidp, Albany County, N-. Y on or before the flrit aay of Lit-cembfr.next #ggj

Datea, this 18th day of M*v A D , 1900 nr' a , r o „ . M ^ ? N , B E A - K L Executor. B. S JfcCall Att'y for Extcutor-

*91« Pi M.—Chicago and St. Louis Limited *11.25 P; M.--Paclfic fixpressi , . Local train for Utlca leaves Voorheesville 4:lS'Ei M. daily exiSeptfiuhday,

Local ti-ain for-NewYoxk,leaves Voorhees­ville 9:44 A. M. except Sunday, and express t ralnat4:S5P.l!4.dami- , . " " ' . ' v '

*Dallyi a Dallv excep>t iMohday; " ins^^NyfeG|^oiia*rlrii '

rrr^Celephories^Wwteott^aggage Traris, 85: -Cha^ 'Westcot t r lCarr i f feW^ Agents otWestcotit.ExpreiSs ifeoaipany.are on •ft through trains »p Chec^ibjggtee atid '<&, gage cab or carriage;, ebs. Thr£uglt tickets; time tables and farther information at Union_

^ t a t i p n i — — — ~ - — . - " ' - ' "•••••'—i-*-"--^^>H

A. Ei BBAINARD, Gen. Apt;,

C. F . D A L Y f \ g t o m M m M i t t & r -" ; UfimaiJentral Station,

....... J; ^-i. Ja&x-3£ork-i

MOTICE^TO CBLD1TOBS —By order_of J-" Newton B "Van Derzee Surrogate,©*the eQunty.of Albany Noticeisjherebyglven, a c ­cording to law to all persons hiving claims or demands lagainrt John Heeb, late of Delmar, in the town^f Bethlehem In said county, de­cease.!, that they are required to exhibit the same, with tbe vouchers in support thereof, to the .subscriber, the extcutr i i otthe last will and teitatoent of said deceased at

unooara, in the Waterman bu'li 'ng £67 Broadway-in the citv of Albany, X. Y., on or b_Bjfj3Mubhej£tday_of-Dpcember next ——

DaWd. Albany, "M Y , this 4th day of May A..D. 1906; ,

Lester ('. Hubbard, CATHSRIJ,E HKBU, Att'y for Bteciitrix Executrix

Waterman Building, _ - 467 Bfoadwiy, Albany, >I Y ~

v , - hereby v Jiyfija^acCording to-law-to-all pBrsoas-ESvTng ' claims or,rdemandsugam<!t Charles E Bar-»fr'.fote oX the town of GnilderJiu^-Jn 8 a id ^ m - deceased, that they are required t o ' exhibit the same, with the vouchers in sup-* porHherfeof, to the subscriber, the adininfa.-i t r ? ^ i x , o | the goods, chattels and oredits o t^ Said dSceased, at her place of transacting? business as such administratrix a t her rest-L, d?no6 in t he village of Altamont, A lbanv l l LcmMy-^^Y-r^nrordbefor^b«-3f l r t<^i jy^^ November next. -J-v. * \ 1 •™B|t^-VAJbany, this 18th daj of May AT. »

HEldJEN PikBEn, J . I . . . „— . iidrninistratil*.-'

John P . White,_A tt-ly,-. ^™—w


as . ,k CLIRPEWL

I ^ 2 S i l f e " J i W e < l « Sen<* M " « » * Postal brtegf

wUtperotornea,postagePjOTDJS_J» ' [ ^ 5 ^ ""-".. "O.-yrBEEBE, ALTAMONT, N. Y.
