shew isb^t, fcijigk, the .brest german reni€oy for pain....

fl^.,-^- 7. W ^W^pjf^p; ;:>' f ^;i:^biite : : mm - • yiift fiollar aada-ttaH per year, if paid la /advance. If'flat paid within i he year, afty caite UddltWaai wrQ >>t> cltarge't. -- iSfo p a p e r d i s e o n t u m s d except at. tlte.op- /tian of- as p h t Usher-, i n l l t all strrearaget -; /rsjiaj.d". "•..-. •";•.• _ poetry #pd ohBlary re»arkswiU be charged - SEarriage- »hd> Death Notices freer Mdonasuary •oairts perline. dye * - . •v SHEW ISB^T, fciJIGK, •- ' JeSfiT OftfiUE is" aaaai COtfNTY. Twelve/tines <n !«».• m a k e o n e ' I n c h . iyr " ^ _ _ _ Isff! 4 *>' 6 oft! u w -nw 4fll}fff'Oft-9fiOJM0B| IS 00 35 00 sos s ui>ia w.'as eo. 35 « s « lo-utt] i* »y us-flttias oo| su 00-1 IOO-OO- : Bnsines&Garte.SSpeiyear ftrSve lines or lessj-'SI per year fey- every addition?! ine, ". KoticesiS. ?eadtag matter, 2&efatsper line first insertion; 10 cents for each subsequent, insertion. \ Marriage ahd. Death Notices free; poetry f and obituary remarks will be charged five [ -«ents per line, f Special NoUces*{ieade«i nonpareil will be j charged lOper cent, in addition to regular ( rates. "15asrz>.&s=s J D i r e c i o r j ' . fJ0*ace Bwsfc* PragMst audiAnotheesry.aind General Deal- er-to eTOrythiajr pert-an'ng *> cue b a s i n , >ss> $* 'State s&eeti tow-site, J$, Y. • • .©ehttst. towwUle, 8. X. Teeth extracted Withoutp«ta *l*& SUr.oOsWe GH^ All work TVatra,ni<Sl. Offlo*,' Rnso© Block. -Mala teh V ."fhysieiah aaaSntgeflp., Ctteigt N.. Y. 36 AISOR^Y'ASfo c&EfsSBrwjf^Aai LAW. and Gen&al Insurance Agent. Sapeclal at- cedtsbaaitett torffrawing .Sh.d;eeds,m.o-rtgag6s,- , J l S t S a S , &c„..PORT |,%p W- T- ' -HoHsiJ'iiJsriNa', eralairigt aaalng, K&J.- 4K*ndnihg. -Gaos»£% ftnd Papering done la ,4he best/series;. .Torms-.liberal.. Sfitrn.. an* -•T8si;4«no«iJSo» Sf, HtfbbardiSferSsfc,. n « a r S t o n e TO0BStEsa3mfe^?jRiNfa!S'& ..'." -.' • :JS ••':• - '". X!f.SES*STSKE,.. ';--•...- ' •••-.•. . ."••.• " .^and ' • .• • . . . ' ' ; ' •-• -^ . TskmSid^vrviiiBTiMiiaOiMOB' -;'•-''»»©*«**-..'' -"-".-'„••' ; - • ; . •.'•-••• •:\ * t , t p a B 3 0 S S * f f 0 .WKBC#f> T I S I T - . H •: •.' . ' J i t t kajaard** R» t'try- Departawnts. are- re ; «weqted ; to'caIl weefc' nob Sundays . .^tiye>yaoaamittauoe : OTSond /.-;'\S.o : wYii;le,.M*y.4-«.iss9. ;..?•'-.' -• 3 *V.- B#iiH»ffwn..tb.a,t Ve.Robert P. 'Ktaftantt .iaiarew^Eing of^EQwyffieAawIstiOtta^,IE Y. a»T6obtainedtetSerspateittof oa£ aelebrat^ iedbncibbaEdi*ag6n ; ;andwaereby glyediie • iBotice. that inftingeia.ents, ana-alIper.son| "qmarinla'otaritJg or .«singtb:B- aboye patenC »#IH Tie dealt with, according tcfl ikw; &M parj • -tles-wio b««;eh'eretofdrete&i5aged qntntf-said: patent eitberjjj'niakjngiasing areaotiaed ta -oiSU and settle^ 3uo#yaie, Jan; 2518^;- ':-: i«i«s:a; ;MrA»izi2iES. ; 3SE*SPAPEBS, •^^nayesibnaiiiasa ariangenienl .TyitHtlie ; •;'•' '-: iAJBGi^tBgoMcSxjmjssT '•' -MnXfilcti;86^inatTfee are&Dle^to get aELl)indl3ig. : .fione3itAneat:and; - ;"•:', ::'-'• '•:" •••; Wof^tiniffie MtinMr; to SeH att'Wndi offiTfAtCgS' at the; lowest ^ripheii, ftve?" j^'tots Brow's . i,a*n?iTl& «:Y. . .. •Ajt"iiB6 i *-.: , a»'.' -,1atesl lttfirst-*tess«tyfc-EictnreS pf.all feiads •• jB-7pled..!i*l enfasggJI.- pdr&aJts.finished. Us- ' "• Indi*irck;<jrayoni 5yatereQlot3'«ii'f : ai*.'aSs* ' »fitia',asaortnisnt; of Saines, easets,.ete., for.- mle. .-"- •••-.'• -> .-•'' : -'. .'•"•'..>, rayl.-.- YIiI % KG. 6. ; iiQ^fiLjbi,^K;fe^ ; tiM: THE .BREST GERMAN RENi€OY FOR PAIN. Believes-and-cures Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, BACKACHE,- HEADA0IE.T0OTBACHB, SW?£ THROAT, QTJiKSt, SWELLESTGS, SpttAINS, Soreness, Cuts. Bruises, FBOSTBITJES, BIJJRXSf, SCAfcDS, And all dthpr hodily cehes and pains. FIFTY CEMTS A BOTTLE. -SoldbynU JlraKEfetsand languages. t h e CKarlesft.Vogeler Co. <Sia«5Sot3 taA. V0GEL£3J4C0-J Baltimore, aid., C. S. A. m #ieatest ••mm Tusifii •-.-• "V-6srEAB3?jEr.-'-.-.' . •'.";". , lEJj&'fiieatGeiimrtSteaioaieisconir ;posed of Yello-w Bock, Mandrake, iSShtianiOBandelionj Jiiniper-£er*j ries,: etcU coriSbin'ed. 'wilh the 3T traofe ot Snlphinvfrliich nmkes thS'.'-Greatest '3316bd. Pin"" kncrtnii Donbtevef take.' dr'arseiifc, their «»" deaaiy.^So^ I?id .Place-. jpnS. tmt.M:SU&MM^,t.zs\ Sest-sisa^besftinedlcineeyer/SSl; |?i-El Lmade,.; - '"" M ' 1 '' 1 '— a- t m & a/yelloir stioKy, MfenbstancOi'" la yonrr asbreathferaland'" ^_. KIT EEES. If yon re sick, no Wtterirfiatjaas use ryop, ISaj-Bitel M e ?'tt^^wia*l?eyo€ -Siui,nw 5Bilsyouna-th'a"ase4ana to4- ;ernigare; B6ba>iM6vrcll by [01: Ingh; dred? JH? IS Titansei. Eemeniber.Trbat ybtr 1 .here,. iS'ihay. Mre your »i 16 .has- SaSed finndredSi UJon-'t-^timtatQ-nJotrq-w, . Try "a ^bttfe To-bay.l •'Are yonLlOWrapirit'ed'aria weaE,.or snffertoswora'UieexoessesofyontliJ; If-so,, SDiPHDIi BISTBIHS Trill curt your-' - •"" - -•-::•- • - •-••"•: Erics, tweaSr-flTe'cei.tfc. - •"•••'• - . . - ••. -•-'•-• : $M($b: : - :-•-.:--.• -.'.. .i.-.'-.-- ' • " . . - ^wiifi^arf: ;•";..;'- :; ;;-.-|[ : - tsr-^mkm^fi \ ; - - -. -.;._ \ . " .-,' 'Wip;|taye heard of , . : - . 'B$SSSa3"5SS3SSSSSSSS3SSSSSSS$.SSSSSS^' QMS, Les, ; 4n4.6iAer;^e5ilcIeSf^teqa'estedtQ call at ''ielr/'/ " '.-'" -. : '.'. " , " ; : Siaiiniidtli aistttnfactqryj .,." Ctoyner"-of fiSitanditfaln.streets,.. •"' '. :_']• •••-(do-wntown,) _ .' . ' ; T&"uessEaaaiae- tkeii; Israieage ....-- .Sfe^A<yw'^ ea %^.^ 0 * Safe. , -.Bheiv worfc'-ls not; fiasteitt t r a s h , bnt all >H6^-H'&I>B,.finl8&ed;&Oni ! .top tobottoim. :|n their-own shijp.. " . . . . ' .. VBjt tit* Sest WoitJanent . . *. - : : 't0- ^riier at liiees•-. to salt, •. the , - •^amBtA(3-E "TRIMMING •" ThlsSdeparJmenli' fa ; now in readiness to do -iaiistjidsof^isiiiiingby #& ^esb of work- '. met},' ...... r * %- •'IPAINT SHOP,". -Wa- *ifi**fl.",t«% : rBe'Palat «bos where xwa do «ti teindit wnik at the most T e p r i e s - <^tiz^««Wl»«c&-strtnEr in otrt. ^?e defy " bnipellfieni qdf faelltfies for bnaSnesa me - tftjBii-riasftedi'. ';•' "'•" -.-- •;'•' - - -••:"•-". - 5?e tfc&stcrefttof our brow. - 3rioi*3'.*'siiyffteilng;»' Onriiidttois"Iii7eand . <«;'* •' •''•' "'" ':.,"-'•' ' . ' " . -:."- J M r ^ o t t r o u b l e to- show, goods whether yon "'/'l^ytOB,-Sro«r^.l8Stt/ - ' " , F r t Af-.wpeK « i » ' ' « af hom?h-cH>p;i«diis . S S ^ K h w « * » ^•oTte-fm-t.* Wnwfc^+'^f- '--:*efc.«««tfer«--««w'r'h.<W!9*aP>y< ':-ASa?fe»s' > R'n (, .' E lili(« #g! ^fef CHOt-gRA MOBBtMS ' • ' ' GHOLfRA INFANTUM ASfATie CHOLERA, . ALDCHPtERA DISEASES '.' \ •-' . YIEfcD fP tHE mFUJpiQU-OF I -J ; - ; S'..-J«t!fHt:--' ifaiM ill i'fii'2 Ca.ptain Ira "B. Fofe, of Coldsborough, EDUDBJ sayii <• ©ne of my siilofcs vis stHck-\ -ed'.gevi^ly. with, cholera. rr.™b'us.. .^read- 'iftinisfergd' Bain KiUer; and savid Etim.** - -"' Jv W.Simdnd5, Erattlcbofb, Vi.,sa'ys:, "In ^ases of cholera-mott«r>"aTitr sudden atjtac-ks of suronler curaplaiuti, 1 have xjiverfound it jtofiul." '•-•.. ' ' . ' . •- ALL THE BRUGGISTS'SELL IT.. MOSS'S 'Stearafhnhu? MilL ' kOWVLLLB, Mi WIS CO. N . Y . The S^bscribere. w»a!<i giye co>tp<» tft the peop!»irf L<^rlsco«>!i'.y, It "* *hfv bftife all the ap-pnrtensuices'and na hihery for the manafectureoi? . . . SAKE, BUS'BS. OOi ES iiHAOKETS A*4ca,n supply them with anyinlfig to- thstr ttop on terras Jo ciJEipefe: p'th any other *twp» - - . Bitilders-wifl find-thp B i.b,e best rxtaa; er..-n,j mr-nidings anlshJ'd . -.! ;irice,s- thsit iy) tl Give them from 25 to' 50- per ee«f, Sewtagt.Visaing, SfetojaBg. and any.o-ther.'warS: i bijsittpss. periot»ned aatisfai-'i<>a. i tsoarsootioa to th"- wont wlthttie r.-.-.-npJet.e Oaf-shop is sttppiied'^Hth tbe best class ol •maehinery k aikl ts^.iZHMt i riutiataat' wor.fe- men. ^!I kijads of P*neIoDcT H-irboard Saw- tri3,,as well a s ' Oireffilar and Seroi-i Sa-wir>g dona oa short notice. • Tnrn«i and FSuted. iSaaisters and jieweU Postsi'eohgtantt?- ia hand',""'*'' m a - ' e to order. •Ehrntn^ otaiHilfl^iRexsouted lagood ai&ir WatertowE. Woolen &% Siziss and Cfolors 5 • is-swtrrantedtobemarfefrGm nothing but - , Piire Fleece Wobl ? and.conceded hy alt:us«sto be the . -Best and llostteaUp Eni*ting Yarn nwdfl. P yourmraehant does -not k*ep it, send TBS cents torSampIe Skelni sta wng size add color wanted to 3e(k&. Iissefty Mamifacto?&% WATf RtOWN» N. Y* Wi'l oit-'tjnatton Street, just above Suspen- sion Bridge. Every Skein.hss-niy tag in. No others-are gft' iii'ne.' Also make ail kinds of Pl.AN- *• Kfc, 4«m6 CtFSXOK' E Q I I , OAKDXfra AND SPINKIStG. CASH *»Ai» FOR WOOl.. rfi^ LQWYWtE TIMMS, THE PAPEB >^-'fO'^. :•' - "' ' - • • • • ,* ; BSf.V«*--"WiV''*- --.'-'-'- *- - ' HIRAM sis&sgr ^;c,^,.,, ••«f48»iiftf**Tit^;:;.- 1 -^4gftfi3«^sh»«::- :: -- BIISJEISIES OJF. jaoS«tBITO TIME. They bite at '.night with peati'dp* light, and put most people, in a rier^- vous fright. Their b'iua th«y stick with poisonous prick iff cbiidren'ia flesh and mafca them aiefe. On buz- z i n g ^wingr the insects sing, before jn- sBrtins their wicked sting. Victims com plain of cruel pain, and would rather not bo bitten agrain. Th* pain to stop, apply one drop- of PEajtY DAVIS'S PAIN KHJIJEE from the druggist's shop. . Thp grpatest events of an age aro in bt>st thoughts. It is the nature of thought to find its way into action.— Boice. The best tonic med icine—one that is riot i-mupiwod moMtly t>f nicohol f»r whMey-^-is BroWn's Iron Bitters, it isgraaranfe^d to be non*intoxicating and will abS"lut<*iy.ldU all desire for whiskey and other intoxicants. It has been thoroughly tested and. prov- PH itself in every instance . a never failing cure for dyspppsia.irii igestion, ftii!iOH«ness, weakness, fTebility,ovpr- work, rheurqatjsna, neuralgia, con- sumptive disease, liver, coin plaints, kidney troubles, etc. IT?" you nave built casties in the air, your work need not: be }6it. That 'is •where they should' be; but pirt foun- dations under thera.-^Thofeau, WHil IS THE Umi.. -- - of buying worthies?- niedieines, and spending money on qnaek doctors, .whose only idea is to gull the public. Is it. not bett'er, to buy reliable medi- cine like'Sulphur Bitters? X think 'so, -as they pured m e Of Gate'rrh-aftef suffering three years.—F. P. OI*rk,: Manchester . ...... -6w2, , ; . One of tbe illusions is' tna't the pres-' eat'hour is not the' critical'; deeMyft; hour. Write it on your.'..heart that, every day is the beat dajr in the. year. —Emerson. .." ". Ttoe Meadows Of »faryiaii.d. SPBINGSTfiKD. PBlirCB- '©BQEGE'S Oo. t iVl-D Mr. Ohas. B. 4^ddfednVaf the.above *«I sprained- pay. right knee eansing-.inte.nse snff«rr - i'ng, and th,e use of CTUtebes-for sever- al w'peks*' I fund nb rp.lipfinVithiir remedies and finallv MM the miracle, of eurevSt. -. j:»» C obs.Ofl;.. In• a short, time I could bend ,m^ knee-rrwhich had•'beeri-.asS.tiirVas an iron xod- laying aside my Crutches and was "able to •w*lkaswell'-a i 'P'ver;'*' The renowned Br. Olendennine ..says one-third of. all, his dissections Showed Sierfm of Heart Disease.; if yon have it in any form, use Dr. tJraves''Heart Regulator,'SI per bat- tle of druggists. 6m2' • -Oharactei isnot.cnt in'tearble.<rritis not something • solid and unalterable. Itissomethingliyineand ichtangipg, and may become 'diseased -as our bodies do.^Gkorge Miot. . Scrofula. , .... . A medicine thatdesiroys the germs ofScfofula and has^the power to root if ojrfc is .appreciated by the., afflicted. ThP:'rem»rkabTp''ure i 5 :pf meii:, ; women and;iel).i1;dren as described by *estim0? : nialkf prove BEood's SwsaparHla a for liable hfjedicine cont#nii.nsr..rAmedial agents which eradicate gefofola from t h e binnd- Writes mm,''feM.W •sM^ealea*s. t3,"I» e « o H ' € e o . , i i O W e 0 , ;.Mass. :• ---- v- ..'.:•-: •• •••-••••'. •';.-.•.--:.-- - ;.."% fo^Ri a correct judgmeftt- con- cerning, the. tendency of any do&trjaf,. We should look at.the bears in ihe disciples rather, than .in theteaeher. for he.orily.niade it—tbjey are made by. it.^-T^ate,' ; Bt'Ogf.w*s fclyerwjiHrt an:d..Tatr.. Ts-onaof the.most reKanle cough inedicines iypr prepared.' I t ' has" brought thousands back from death's door, wbo ha<i been 'giv^n «p to die of con sumption. Dr. J&oger's 8-yr.up of Divierwort, .Tar and Canchalagua, has a reputetiop second to no .other coneh mpdifin.e.'in the world. Tl is a specific for Asthnna,' Bead this: Mrs .0. A. EliiSiPf Washington, D. 0., writes: "This is to eertify that I'Used Dr.'s liiver wort .Tar and Gatieha : la-? gua for Asthmai.and' consider-it.'.the.- best r p medy T ever mefc .1 have suff '. erpd. alt my life,witft it,.'tjlfX used the. Livprwort and Tar. i t is "nature's, own Bemedy." - Mathew's Hair Dye Gives .-a natii- rat color to the hair or whiskers, and does not crock. .'''•'.- Spalding's Cephalic Pills, Celebra- ted remedy forh,eadache,andfor con- stipation, indiges.flon,&c. The lowest' ebb is the turn of the tide.-^-LongfpIlow. ' " -' XJEtESGAItEORdrt. " S y CHSBEBS TS... OBBBy. ''The wows are ptillin-'iip the ooi'n "'••'- Upon the plain,"- said beacon ©ore,--; "A huadnrd hillsali'eady gohe,-r , We'll try the skeerofow plan once more," " and bring tnjr tratein' suit, And w.HhitfetoU tay.beU tapped hat-> .. Kig np the old chap real cute And makd him party mittiin'©t." a " \.nd I'll load up tne old French gun- Si x augers:! won't it m»kesQtne noise! We*Hhayea Ieetlff extra fiin." H*' said with cHuekiu to the boys. WliRn night came on with sable reign. They inruessedup theoid whitemai'e ..... Andbore the image to the piala. with greatest care." ' ^- .•'.--'.-. And thei sought ont a place to hide . - ,' •The he'st day, ere. the niornlng's Sawn Shonid call ta'epareats-to n'rovide Their callow young -with stolen corn. And sui-e etiongh. before the crows the Esacbu and his boys were the're,- srarwajliBdloog'toheai' tbelrToe's' * : ' "•"."' .With angry, eawings fill the airv '••• The boys peered through'the mossy wall,. Then held their side's with mirth' sup- pressed,- "-"..- : .'-•- .,.'.'-" '.'.'. One crow.was put'ingatAsefawl. = • -.- ."Of-hair'outsidethesearecrow's^yestV,•.. -'• Two others on-the grotihd below ,..Were;.c«kUt»g ln..a sxney-way-;.. .. - The p.jiicoa sa»-' tha hated foe - ..:_'; And cocked'his gun without delay, .. ' Kerwbang-HT ah'& d u s t e d feathers tfew: . .White echoes .answered -fir and wide,-^>'. ;The Ite&cQto harfliy/^itharey?'"'. •' ain maiine'r"nbtso dlgniftsdi'. " ' . '•' A grand, display of. shooting stars .-..-. -. •' '.Jil'eihts.asto»'' S t, . WhtTe'shouts were heard mid loud hurras, . "fir jthks,! v -the old, shebang has"'b'o.*ti ,> "" The boys.huag up their, ragged, crows Aii'tPi'h and ridat'ed.mtti the shot,.. While Beacon Gore- with bloody'no?« Iitiaped. homeward -talking of-th's plot. - - 'T bought that gun Of* E h s i g a O i a y . ' . . .•.._•. Somfeforty years agOormoie, '[' But never knewtne'riWJhlng play'' .' ^esttch.a^arnaltrtqk-.afoEfe" '• .:. " ThS'secret, so ffie story'r^h... -' . . "Was'this—the-'lo'ad-at'first. was : l'arge, Bhtafterward the hired-hjaa-. - - • ••. Jut iflauothei' rousing charge. $ ef. Ou Sunday .heaven's gates open.—George. Herbert. stand Gilmore's Aromatic Wine is more highly recommended by.physicians" and medical societies than.any other: remedy in the wor!d> It is warrant- ed to cure all diseases peculiar to Wo-' men. llbrrison <fe Moore, Ijowville, N. Y., D. L. Tiffany, Grlendale, 46yl $iM?f>ti£wc* A politician*pf the next elec- tion j a statesman of the next genera- tion • a politician looks for the suceess of his party ; a statesman for ihatof' 'Thestateschan washes to steetf,: while the politician "is satis- fied to ; dirift.-^-James Ereeman Olarkei, Some nnprlbcipled dealers, because tbey eauld see a Jew '-enls more profit- ha^e been gu'fty of offpting worthless substitutes.- for. the only original and aprrainPSaipbtir Soap —Gtt>n»)'« by n>rse. 'rhercfore..lhe .public ah«nl.r guard ssraioa' this dp-'ec'ion andal*' ways ask for O-IiBUN'S "SUI.PHTJfi. S0AF-, by its full name, arid tike no other; . Read tbe foiiowiug evidence flfona a hlghlv respecteblp source: •- •: Q KT CBtTTSJJTON.Esa. •••'.-"'. BpnrSi r : I bayo frnve'ed for three years for' Me-sYs Chnrlfs Scribner's Hona. Publish- ers New Y -rk, and desire to I-hTbrm yon ihat I Iiav» ns«i vonr incora parable GTjEtvTN'S K'rrLPHTJR.s< >A r> .excfuaiwj.y for anout four: years;, also have i'ecomnieni*e.d !l to very marty persons; my ennsmnt experience .has been-rba" it 'p'-snesses all the niedicaU£d«an- lages tba' you claihi for it. Ail fo whom I have recommended it say as w'ei J as .hi'self, t-at it deserves -its established reputatl6n' as iht' best, and most f-fficaoious Sulphur Soan thatcaa'beus.i:-!l vveU as totlpt nurposf-K. Home unprincipled' drug- gists ha^e endaavored. : to substlute otlier kindK of Kulphur'Roan for 0ienn's—saying. thev were "Ju^t as good," but'having.myself t-lerl other Jtlnris I ttrtd NOJH3 so goad or so bmif-fli«ia.t as-the Oeuuine ttulphtfv Soap stomped "GLISMN'S," and. this I have ob. served always bears tbe na.rne of "O. iT. Ciittenton. Proprietor," on thapacliet,. Yours, truly, 0. T. Z. mrBANB. . Hill's Hair and Brown,50 cents Whisker Dye,.Black or Do not throw your lit* away by neglecting a chronlo oouah which HAiB's HOtNSV. OB. BtoKsHOBKfi AK-» TAK- would cure in a few da-yB. • :• -.-.'.-.••:. - - " Pike's Toothache Drops ours In p n e roinnte. JBf ligis>a-givea -part of its. reward in naad, the present comfort of having done our duty j. and .jfer the rest, it offers us the best security Ihati^eaYen fjan; g i y e » : ^Utptsoiii T -' ; .' , At the: ead ofthe garden path Iead^ ingftotntBe r^etory statida a •'. Itfctle- vitte^ebverpd arbor. This'; is Olive Wesley's i^vorlte- reftreat; " neafly every ;stipimer; atternpQu. "fintis- her here»^gaged with a book or a' "dainty :bitof fetnbraidary. "'-••'- She; issitfth^: here tbiVbwghf Aa*', hms&lf k&m 'Tjos* afternoon,' a sraftil fiieM^fi &<&&& f in eyeairi*'rtiiMm'afeJjf n^b6n^,V'&ar v -ifim.-pt 'Wt.nrfiwVyW, a we»&&'sf^^'rffrpting' hrnnie' ftaifr,' *itft riny'' rmgletB on: briSw a'n«'ne'%, k &©witcMng P*?ure in fftp.eyes of'S.^lph : Brestior, who is ieaning lazily against the-3oor post," with Msbat in Ms hand.' ' H^ is handsome" and Well-dressed^ bjit there Is something, iii bis., dark face that suggests lack of purpose, a. ^Wavering decision. ' ." He is well aware' that be has ttd right to' visit "the rectory soPften,to monopolize so much of Olive Wes- ley's society,'. to brmg ner-gifts, and express In tone and glance that Wbich he dare not speakr yet it is all wnjoyable to him, and he will' not give it up. ' " il l came up' in the" carriage," he says^ ''Perhaps you Wpiild like to ride this' afternoon to Boyntbn and -back'?' 1 ; " M e siftiles d'elfghtodly and-ties oil her pretty, flower, wreathed hat. "Of cPurse I would,"" she aBis'wersJ "W-e'll. stop at the nottse for ". my wraps, it will be cooler when we return:'*' _.* •'•• '-• - • "Yes, yon must take good - eare'of yourself," he says,'with a glancei±iat brings a deeper tint to her cheek. The words' ' are eommonp'%ee enough;, but the tone signifies a : great deal; "for my sake;"' his-eyes say. driving through the village'they stop at .ihe postoffice' and Ralph goes In for the mail; -thei'e is only one let- ter for himself, Oliveinsistg upon his reading itjso giving her the reins, he leana back agains't.fhe cushions and breaks' the" seal, •'•' . . . . ..tec.-;" Sh.0'w9'seByou.soQa, %alph-?V. ;'>*iwii : i;be wi : th.^.b^V':di;r9etiy•,' , he ajhsweia, and; raiding.. Ma-Jiat, dxives m , '-;...-_.'•'".•- - .... '- '" •-"••. - ; •" ;..."Uxsi. "Eeesaor femonsticates.-with h e t sfin op. the morraw.. l_ (1 :yott : .mustbe very cajEefal, Ralph," she saysj "you . jfcaow.hpw jealous; : jiorence is, and if yaa baye.ludulged i n any. .summer-ffirfeafeioas, I beg of you%o.fefc jt,end now,'* •"-" ; . • • ..';.-. "Siss Wesley isaa-Qsteemed friend. i : sareiy have the privileg:e of treating : her ..courteously," .Balph answers .haughtily. '. , • .'••OfedursBj.but retn-Qmbc« you can't aff wd to lose Florence flaylor's good will.".'."' .', . - •Ili.tph winces: at^this,' .hedo^ pot. like to have.tiis naottier :.refer .to-3iiss ^&^ylor , s,.fortuae aad his owa depend- ence-; -it. tnake3. : htm feel mean and mercenary,;. •,•--:.-. ..].- For a-wbrteiie avoids•-QliyS'-Weatey.' ©nd'4^-Bac^r,^;.iheir : -tjE9ypI,4 5B»tre proves too stEoaJ^jr-hli^tod.iegard- le3S of- .Florence G ?yiojHp..lie.r- 'jeat ousy, he •makesvMa'-way.ope-after- : noon tp the. little arbpi at the end of 1 walk. : . •" ' ". . ..' -. .-- "• ••' •. .Oliveia there-, with her work:; :She looks, at hi'tt; witii. calm-eyes,- and .-^eetY^M-ttt'-q.qi§tty r ;• .. -••-..- .-,. . i'-t-h^i.iad-'.flwe-'^-a'acQ.'-tp'see- you,Xtiiyq, 1 ?-Xxe saysj apoiogstically., .,.;. "Mather-and .Miss Gaylor monopoT Iizieali;mytin3,e. ? f -. ,,..-. .-. --.. . . "0? course,"' she answers,, and he -knbws.-by hSEtpnethat she has-learn-. ed/fehe-tpith.... .. .'-.;..-.-.-. .. -. ; "0^ve,:"..--heVsays gently,-. ?' :yery sorry.'.; I fShou.ld : haye told you sQQhefrbufc.i was so.&appy here with you.-- -Bo.youQ^Bite,despise me?".. /. .'• . ^ disappointed,", she/;,1: sadly. -, *'I-,thpugp.t:-you .so true'and * honorable... % could nbt -believe, that you were deceiving me," , . t'l let.-you:±hink that-1-. Was free; that was;tny onfv d,eeeption,'?: heex-r. claims, passiqnafeely. •^Whatever' else I said,- Ottvej,. I.:truly meant.. Even-- now.'yottare-dearer to nSethan any*. oneelseinthe.WQEM.;.-y.Ou^-,"..', .: -.,- ; "Then yon -are. deceiving- her,, too*" ; she iaterrcsptSi. "Bilph,JBilphs you : ar&baser'-evea--thap -I: thqaghty-ott. I aui. sorty that you eame here at all;, you must.not-coni'eagain.". ..,-'.. ,._•'•" . He stands'silent, .with--moody-. re- gretful'face,.then, moved by sudden. |.mpuise,' step^iorward a'ncl-clasps her hands in his,- looking d.own.into.h3jr •sadjbrawn eyes..,.; . -. •- ••'-. -. ::'"Sbii.will-forgiv^m©,, Olive?'^ . ; She answers with.. a> little aob; " v, l;,wilitry ! : , ?.'.^; -.'. •;''.••.-' -.,--- • Then sud4epty., hia arias, are -about her Qheek v an4'btbWi / • While s&e:,feeai©43«&viag.'.toli'e£: his grasp, there, -$s a: "MY DBA<R B-Aipa:'—Your -pleas- ant descriptions of ISaston havo made me quite eurious to see. the place, apd. the invitation frota judge Hollings-- worth In ypuy last letter, decided m:e.: I returned from Brighton, yesterday wijHx Mlgs Gaylor,and you : will dpub t- less he/pleased to hear that she ; wiii aceompahy me. You may, expect us. Friday evening. Your affectionate mother/ '.'•.-'•-.'-..- '-"'' - 'BERTHA BB3BSNO;B. Baiph clenches the latter in* his hand abd site.'with moody face arid darkening eyesi This is, 'indeed,-a surpriee, and SGarceiy a pleasant pnei He lobkS'askance at his companion and oites .his lips With' vexation. When FlorenceGaylpf arrives things, will be' quite different j his.yiSits to the rectory, big s u m m e r . affeFnocihs. in the little arbor, his drives with Olive and walks in the modnlit gar- den, all. these'things that he. has en- joyed so much must end. Florence wears his betrothal'.ring, and he owes his allegiance to her; - It is; lato .in the afternoon when they return from Boynton. ' The six o'clock train has just arrivel, and on' the platform stand two, ladies j one stout and elderly, "with eyes like Ralph's, the other, a' tall,,, stately Monde elegantly attired, With a mar- vel of lace and pink rosebuds perched on her light, yellow etimpg, .; ; ; '.. -" Judge. ^H'ollingswbrth,. whose bajr- oucha stands near the .steps, is -eathu-. siastieally greeting |iiem. ;:They : h«ye just eptore^ the ^carriage as Balph. drives up and recognizes theoii.. --.He draws., retaandpaaaesy white t h e ...Gold, b l u e : eyes,pf his.befcrothed scan Olive wtths^axehing.glances^ "" ."ithpughti'd surprise you,".,says J^s..,Bie^pqri "j jwiepte. % : J u d g e S p B i ^ ^ w o i t o f ^ s e M i p ^ y o M iefr*,, masiid ma- y«llpa^ha;tii*j- •mMmenm Baylor sweeps down. - waifc, with flushing face and brilliant .eyes.-. ..-.-. ;. : . : .,- "For the' last time, 01ive 4 " he : whispers, "good-bye.?:' . . , Then he opens his arms and lets, her-go.- . • ..''•• /.-, When diaper is over at Judge Hol- lingsworth's, mansion,. Bdph and Florence go out for their usual stroll in the . . . - - She is veiy quiet, and ftngerslier light worsted shawl nervously; her long*blueg-irmsnts are,trailing be-- .hind L her on .the dewy walk, but she. does not -even gather- them up. Ralphy glancing at her face* sees that it iscoid andhard, and her lips are. fiompyessed unpleasantiy. .. "You are annoyed at something,'? "Have I displeased you,. Florence ?" She turnsaadJBiees him with- darkr ening eyes.. - . . . "DQ ; you think-, I. Was pleasedj Balph Bresrior, to. see you lavishing- car-sseson the reefeor^s- daughter'-?'.' she asks, stowiy. . *'I called at the •jeotopy.- for you this. afternoon, • .a»d Witnessed- the pretty ilittle tableau in thearbBirj. .I'distrus.teri that .girl'the -first ,tinie-1 ever gawherv" •• •, , .. • ."For.thfe-nxst.Mine Balph.resents he>r Words., .'., ..... -,.. ?'Ijeeture me," he says, '^but-do not say a .word.against Q tiye .Wesley.. ."She is as imre and innocentasa- child..'''-..-';.• .-. ----.'.'' • -'^Indeed," with ,a sneer. '.'Well, let us understand each, ofhop now, Mr. -Bresnor.-. J will not countenance such things in :a- man who pretends to he loyal to m;e. I do notshare;lov0 nor' affections, with :other4 ,.. if you: cannot be faithful,:.,ife is'best that our engagement should now.end.. Will you decide"Mr.. Bfe.snQr-? J '.-'-.-. . "Bai-ph;hesitates, afcmonths'.ago he would haye.takenSis angry. gW. in his' arms.,,, and ".Wop - her softer moOdby caresses andfonipromises; Butnow hiscohgeiencetrJjubies himi he is hot ready to . perjuts himself withalie. -•'•"...•..•-. . ' ''• "••'." For-, an instant he wavers, then turns to his conipaniph With a deter- mined face.. . ."Let us part, then," he says, with-, out a regret for' the fortiiae he is' re- .linqaishitig. "We cbuifj neyer be happy together,, and it will be better to separate now thaii by-and-by.'' Without, a word, |she slips the jeweled ring from tar fingetr.and gives it'to him; then,, tiprning, goes slowly-back to the housei without once looking bas*. . Mrs^ Bresnor -and Florence Gaylor returned tO.the cityp& the following day. The latter shakes.hands'with parting, but he .knows that" she wilinever forgivehim".' ; When they are gone, Bnlph goes to 'thexeetoryVhels frets, now; arid-Ol- ive receives hfm' gladly. In the fcatumn they are married, Eles'aut PeiiiiiiHiship. Ministers are about.the tv:orst writ*, era that newspapers have ? to contend Withi One time a tninister proniisea to give, us an abstract of a particularf Iy able Sunday sermon, ; He started to put in his study on a large shefet of paper, and. just sis he got a few lines written the hired gi^i carpe .and called hirh to go down, into the' parlor to marry, a couple froni Sfc Georgfe. Being somewhat absent minded the minister forgot this ab- stract, and after the. ceremony put on his hat and went down street to buy two pounds of lard for his wife. A big ••b-Iae.bQttle.'rfty- was •'.bu'zzing arOu'M iii the stad'y,- an^ preSRjifly. plu m perl do WQ Into the ink-well. With great effort the fly ; matiaged to oxtrieato:- hinaself. frorp his. dangers ,ous position, and gaining the edge/of the ink-wiellt fell oyer exhausted xi®?. on the.,clean sheot-of paper that had' been left % : t h e 'minister'.'. After a season, the fly's stEength. graduaHy. jeturhing^ it crawled back and forth, over tiie'hiOierto unsullied; paper ttn : . •til frejgd,:."from. its load, of -In.k,. and 'then spreadlpg.Ife Wings With a joy- ous b-uzz, flttW' Window,. and felt;to'•' Carrying a b.*idiieadeci •.mapnext,'dbor,^h'owastryiiigtp go' .to sleep in a hanifiao'ek.. 'JThe minis- ter: retttrned sooii: after, noted the. paper,.^aw. as ."he supposed, that the absti^et was'.n-aishedt though "he did-: n't Clearly recollect having cqniplet- edit,,ahdp'rought the j -for ourdeieptatibttt/; We. gave'It to a compositor wljo hasi.the .dyspepsia and Is used-to seeing fiiightmares, and' the • struggle began;; ,We' were-'.fre; quently'.interrupted by groans .and sp'Uhds.a^. : Q'f ? su.pptes'sed raying froin. the composing' rqona, and;..occasional- ly the.copapositpr would come down in: tears to ask if a daub ap^danebpi ; ous trali-asrpss: the. p a g e .•me.ant-.V Je- rusalem;''' bv "utilitarianism," or a hoie in the sheet ahd'a',2igzag track ehdihg in an exclamation.point stoad for "telephonic Cp.mmunlcatipn'' or ''tranBubstantiationi'' and' we invar- labiy sai-3 according to our b.est judg-- meht it'ilid.': The^ hilhigter. went oat Of tpwn.atid.couliin't'.see. the proof, .a'nds.Q-'the ^labstract'?'went, ih wlth- but-xevislpn,. We thought It wopld. make'trouble^ bBtthe minister came' in next day and'compilnaenfed us on the correctness of,, saying that there were only, one pi twp.ery rors, ahd : they .were too'.jtrifling to mention. •'. IJext to a minister y e r -is the worst Writer known to modem". science.. A. .lawer one time %Tfqte . t o ; a brother member of .his prpfessipn J.eijufesting the: loan of the tenth . volucae of' a, certain r#po.Tt. fhe brother aaembet kept the wriK jngtor.a y^rand'then /Inforuied.%« ftr.>t lawyer that, he hpid his n o t e tt>r A hundred and tiye dollars and it:.wjp* ri„o: .TJJJQ ^j. i^yej indignaBt^y CnrSiisf» JBalfeyltlojcse. , On Thursday a map came into the' Sun ofjuce. with the 'worst. iboMng. ,head on him that ever was seen but- sidepf Ocpnomowoc.; His «yes were both blackened, there was a cut across; his hose, one. ear was stucltv oh with; -court plaster,;one.arm. Wasin,asling, and he used a pair of . crhiches,. . He. 'hobbled in the door pfthebiue:r:dbtn,, and asked, if the editor was inland. ori being told/that the great^preyarii cater stood befpire him,, he. spit op 'hf^ due. denied the charge, and the case we-s Carried into... court. The .note Wiis .produced and the judge looked'at it and said' that it seemed all straight enbugh.: ; Then i< himself, and at once said that lir withdrew his defense.. He begged the pardon of the court aqd aim of his brother lawyer, : and asserted vv;iih such -solemnity that he had no recolledtion of ever.havipg given, the iiote,. that the whole bar wa^aSfeeted to tearSi including the lawyer who held the note, and who was'so. touch- ed by the other's emotion that be p03r itiyely refused to ac'cept aiiy inter&5t, ; and Would take, only the face of the note.' We could coyer this page/ with true-stories, for children life these re gardi'ng instances of;faulty writing that'^haye.cnme'.under our h'otlee, but enough hasalready beep told to proye that what is needed.ln our. midst is a renaissahce inthe matter of pe.nmaii'- •ihip*-'MoeMand. (Me.) (himer-,G:a~: zvlie- - " . ".'. . • ".•'-•• .. . "-. a clpb, Jqojked wild;, apd accepted-an jhvifatio;n fd^f^d'o^n^r^tW'sbSi. !He ' sat - down reluctappy, ; as'- thp't|gh it ' huit, and; after iayiag 1 - ..his *,crut6hes, ; on the floor, and'fe'elin'> of Sis ; ear to' see#.'lt'w as on yet^ he said:.. "^bout.'three weeks ago you had an. item iplyour paper .telling about/a new sbheme for curing balky horses.. It was an electric battery to be placed; in the buggy, vjiih wires' rhnning to the >boive j s ..blt T aBd when a horse balked the instructions. Were to touch a button, with the foot, when the elee< trie'current.would., go to the horsets ^mauth, take .his attention from- ,his balkiness, and he would go along all right... DO you'remember such an. .Item?" ' : .-."'. "'.-. •-- : '/-;'-/ ' V •'}. .. The editor.seratehed.the. haid.spoi- On his head^. looked wise, and said he did. remember, something about it,, and asked the visitor, if he hadpur-, chased a battery and tried it.- "Tried It i" said he, as he picked up! one of the crutches "and .fixed the splints" on his sprained arm. -/''Iipp-k' at me!. Don't I. look as though I had fried i t ! . I fell you these newspapers. Me doing more to populate pur cemer feries with .their, lies 'aboutscientific, matters, than all.'the doctors. Yes, sir,' I tried it, and it is a wonder that .lamspafed to come in here and maul you; I live out pear Fagie,ahd- have got an oid.mare that has. been- balky off and pti. foi- sixteen years, "1 have traded her eff.more than twenty times, and had to fake'her back .each tl'me'or have a lawsuit, and.' the first four lawsuits. I had about'her I got. b'eat^sol,had cbncluded not to trade her oft any'more, Ijread'about. that batery, and:.sent.tq Chicago "and got one, and rigged it. up in the bottom of a democrat wagon, jmd fixed the Wire in the bit jugt .as yousaid. morning, about a-'week ago, X bitched up. the old mare fq fake a few e#ns..of : milk to' the cheese factory, and'f was afraid she wouldn't balk so I' cquld cur;e"'hsr:.. i h a d ' h l Q r e confidence in t he electric cuj:'e than anything"' in the World, ;fb"r t w o Reasons; - "First,; I have always, found, your paper a truthful one,, and second^ electricity cured, me of inflammatory rfiepma- ifenit whitfh was wmm than any haiky horueyofi! ever .saw. Well, 1 got almost to the cheese factory, and the old mare., balked. Shehad balk-, ed there before, and all the neighbors: and the hands at. the factory ca-ueont' t o tell me how to' start her. I told %h4m to all stand back, and I. would, show them hpw'tq'starta.bilk.y horse, fhey stood back and laughed .arid .1: tqupfaed thebptfepn fhqt,'and.:'• I.'could see that the old niaxe' got-;th.e shock, because she stuck up her ears aadshook her head, '•'•'.. "Just as t stepped on the button again, to give her. the second dose, she switched, her tail .around and caught the wire, which "was .quite slack, and wound it around her tail' about four times, aad'my'foqt was op the button." Oh.towshe.kicked,' I forgot to'taije my foofcoff'jthe•button,, in the excitement, and kept the elee- Jit.oji^ns'-Oji'xiie-atissjssippi.--^^t» iftci:- ' : '--' .,den*Vttt1EJS.'fe f^ftaa.-;.-"...\y-'--/. ,';A*Iast ifbegattjto^xq^llght lit the dlTeetiqii'ibfthe' ^femSsiplii;shore\ap.d presfetttly the .•bb&aiffPf ffiSfrliihg iiin i l l u m i n e d the^-vast^^^ V a ' s t e p f R a t e r s ; ;:'• - - Th6;.se^tte"prese'Hted.t'o!thega?^ one of dpsqlafioh indeed^; :ih' Jeyery difeeflpn the turhidcurientih^uhded: the horizon.;; For all/oae .could;,^iee to i Gulf-of Me^$c^, ] Or ieven in %lie j v e r y .. :; -S«iBiieV-.»t- T«"ri>»r : '^airtM»ir: */J -./;/'-.- S t H i e J t e n A n r t l e n e e Tt ;" :; Sr^a^qiE^*W Jttiy as.~-*A&( ; %^mb0i//WeM!«^: •*-&$&&* ' ;t#een fbuir thousand *odfiw»- stn'li-. '-",-tne'ni V : womeac'i^l- itfce:paed;the eihioHiqn "Pf SF»t .tJQ's/cl^usV ^--'.AaEter;: tbe,] h^oopimehced i&ew^i : bloV^ulte he^vilyi : x«B able : mWQtti8p.tX>i\the - ,. irpwd^ ^OwoferVremainoft ^ fipugh'th^y/ - watched at ' " ~ large^^i*pf JrVhich had be^t the >canyM by the Wlnd» handsjgr^bed:acruf^^hne : Wou3d ^ n ^ ; '^ ? f ' -^'•••'.•.S^^sy.-i.-W^. ' ^£3^^b r :v^.^4'-'##'-^a|m^'-'-ey^' the; AmmtSks:; - ^oisi^^oag; sjxoie - w^-dniBT WM&.. ; ', v(/ : z:-) •;;?':' ^<<f "_ A long ^dfttahe^'fo^fe^stwtr^ #as a'group of eabins:"flpafio-g diqw-p- ward - togetheJF,.:io'okiha'-''?is M u c h as Hiaythihg like a,"flock qt crqws'sailing across.' the sky.' Thiy hndOiiptediy had once "composed a-yIllHge' the buiMings .of which had stated; ' for'the Gulf With singulkr unanirdltyi 'People eqtddhe pMiniy B'|ap•''6h the. tb'ofs; On o n e ' a£ of todies.; and cows Weire grbupedj.^hlte^otn-;; 'several others smqke was"' rfslngv showing that" the beeuparits' had rig'^ ged upsonie' sort of cooking arrange- "(ne'nts.;'-/,V , "'"••'•''!••• •^"'^•,' •-.';-":-,' Tb'the "eastward were, six'or eighl Other cabins, the most ' of Which n'ad people on t o p s a i l " fiegiqes.,".; ThqJ nearest house seemed to have .fully' d dozehl A. fire : was burning,;'.and : while pae—a la^ge,. fyt "negcess,,wM: "a red handkeritehieftied -about,bet" neRd^was. prepailpg tli'e haat break-, fast ^h'e could underfeecfrcu.mStaVcgs, the others were' singihgand'dancing as they used to'.oh the old plihtitiOna' bpfore the .'war; : ' " '."'.".• :-•:; There" Were musical yOiees arpbng/ them j which carne floating pleasiahtly across the Waiter, and 'aitqgether the. scene" Was a strange ohe.".'Between, each verse;-a -couple of ^ barefooted darfe'esrs, Wearing immense flapping straw hats, danced a *'dodble shufile" with fremenadus vigor; whif.e the. brethren and .sisters'san^'-and swayed, their bodies- by way' qVaccompani meht, even the cookj. torgStfihg :.her culinary duties lot ih© 'moment, jom^ Ihg-in the chorus, ifc/ seemed".as tfaOiigh"there might be danger .of t h e whole of them breaking through the roof| but i t ' i s doii offu;l. if ey§h the; certainly Of such a bafestjophe Wpuid have Checked the. negroes wb'eh ohee they were. fairly launched 'upon the flood-tide' of "their song. - : \ \\.. A Sasaei«us Shei>he*a Bog;. .. T&e Tiillesi Tree itx t l i e Wonsfdl. - It seems that Anaeric'a,after all, is tiua'ftle fo matiegobd her claim to the and" Balpn'n.pyer' ; .regrets. the time when he gave up wealth and luxury fox love's, sweet sake. - possession of the tallest .and.-largest bee la the world,''.'Flvery ode. ha« read of' the marvels of Yosemite Yalley, and of, Yeliqwstohe. Park-,thp huge'national sporting ground of the United States.' '"Bur what are,:the. giants of California, in a-tree'wMeh has lately been diseoyer- «din Australasia? It h a s , l o n g .fae^n: known that in Tasnaania there ' eucalypti measuritig 200 feet from.the. grduhd to the" first, brarichj apd' wtife than- 35Q feet.lri' total-•height j'aW there" is,'. or lately was, Oh ' MoiVrtf Weliingt&n, near Hobart To"";*rrV i. treeof thisspf cies the trunk ot'fe r,, ,-.<• was eighty-six feet in clr'cumfe^enfce. But a still more gigantic Thon&refaf of- the Woods has- been recently dwexht- ered in Victoria. It is a:well-p.rop.yr- tioned speoi : men of the - Mmutypfus amyg'datina, .and its top is neater', to the sky than the cross Of -St. Eiitjd's Cathedral, for. It. Is" no less"than .140 feet; above 1 the 'ground.—St. 'James Gazette. . • -." . •••" •" .. ' •' .'• A Fayorito Climl>i»st PItfnt, CaiWstrihi., a French scientist, has •yut off the heads of flies,' ants, grass- hoppers and butterflies, and observed thatdecapitated .iBs^ets .retain their, sensibility . for a long time.. Flies oalmly^r.abbea'theiT.bod!es ! with. their legs c a.nd" hehaved asjf'^nothing., un- Bsdalhad ba.p&ene'd. Jg.ut'terflieS cqn-v :tinued..to4f fd r eighteen ..days, and grasshoppers kiclted thirteen days a?, tejcbein^del^pitatea, ". , ; , It 13 a pity that the favorite climb- ing plant known (or It shOuld'be ^knowh). as the Wistaria should not perpetuate the name of:th4 'man to whom .we owe its. development and cultivation. Dr. Casper Wistar of 'Philadelphia, was an eminent sur- geon, physiologist, chemist and -botv artist.' •. He made the native Aiperi- ,can and Asiatic plant that bears his na'ine;a study; ' N.uttall,. in ISISj d.e- ; fined a hew. genus, and dedicated it to •#r;.Wisteiv NevprthPiess,seedsmen : and gardehei's advertise "wistaria" and "weaterk." .Even so well in- formed an observer as Dr. Dresser, in his Work oh/"The af ts of Japan," re^ fersip this plant,as- the ."wesseria.?* If they; who desire that .justice shall be done to .the memory.; of.a..useful ihan wfll only recall She fact that the. Wistaria was named for Dr. Wistar., ahdfor'uobody else, they will readily'. rememb>r the true name of the grace- ful,flowering .climber that' adorns so noahydity homes: " : t'rjc current going, and I hopetodie if the air was not full of'heels, and pieces. of Wagon, and milk eang,'and me. She aeemed to have the strength of a hundr"©! horses, and it seemed to . me as though the whole conveyance, •horseand aIl,.wehtovef the. treesas .though carried by a'Cycloae.- ' l a u d the wagon came down first, apd th<jn if.b'egaa' to hail" milk ean3- "and rain pailk, and' the pld rhare, stood-there. S^ith theeppber wire around her tall, 'kicking and pawing-inilk 'eans,*and tipping pieces'of Wagon on ine,' The . bbssofthe cheese .factory one leg. and pulled me out of the. ivieek, and one of the neighbors got' .hold of the battery and pulled the wire off from around the coare's tail, and she eating grass, and drinMng some the milk'that had'col- lected in. a.hole in. the rqad, arid they got me hbpie; and I have' beehih bed ever since till this morning..- tcame in onthq traih'tO seewhatyqu would give to settle. I'dqh't want to be : Hard on any man that. ls:strugglihg' along to build, up a. busioess," but by gaul, if does seem to ma- there ou^ht to be a responsibility : somewhere for such, outrages." . • - - The editor looked wise some more,: and.finally told.the ajan-- that if he had not paid a royalty , to Bdisoh fox the use of the electric horse persuader,,, he was liable to be arrested by a United States'Marshal and -taken to Hew Jersey forj' trial Oh "a eh'atge.of. infringomentdfa patent,and it would cost htm thousands of dollars;, so he concluded to keep.still about-it if the editor wouldv and 'he- went off, after laying that he. still had faith in.;the battery, if they could keep the wire from getting around the tail"of .the horse, and as he-was going to.-take; city boarders at his farm this sum- mer, he- would, get some ;bf them- to practice oh the old mara with the electric' current—Peck's Sim. '- OneeaPpbt always be a,,hero, but one cap always hea man^-r-Goethe, . There, is a shephqrd; dog, "owned oh the Carthage "pike, ne&Mmwpqd,, Which for saga'clfy^ntitkiShiui to the. honor of _fe' pEofes3or,' : £ |ew.„ days sinee a gentleman,. faraiHAX \yith. the writer, was coming dowh...Spring G-rove avenue, "just .above' Chester park, and obse^eda.little/cb^motiOp at the north end of the'large cbyered/ 'wooden avenue bridge, which/ spans; MHlcreek a mile or so, abpy&.Cbester p'ark.'A"pprqaehipg"nearexhedi'seQver^ ed a'flbek of.sheapthat had»biocked. the' Ifffrth e^ ; fche Mdge; ^Their. "owner"was pattently^eated,in a Wagon .behind ttoem apparently. ito.c6ji«.erhed, A. : large shepherd dog hadbeeastrug^.; gling;fbxseveral minatgs-tai Ih.duce' : th& : 'sheep to.ehfex the"hridge ahd:-go pa..," But they. #exe evidently' -s'dspicious- : and;did not, into- the fbrbldalngplace* 'feightehed'.at the"' dbg's.btoking. and .urgingjtho; hind- most sheep-kept crowding dp wJiiie .thei leaders obsitoatelyh-eld-baek." ; As intimaied.above", the ownir r WflS/.ttn- coheeriiedv evidently-, confident 'that his sagapious; dog- would iolve" the: problem..-,Fres;ently; jhue"dog,; djs-, epuragedat'his' unsueeessfal; efEirt & drive,'leappp; .the .backs: of the sheep^ which,;ih: •rhe.teerow^ded;cdhdI-' i3pn r .16qked like 1 ode expansive fi.obff ran along to thebrldgeentrMce, leapif ed.n>an : the floor, and, sei^thgiii'. his.; mquih'the. wBQl#y'neek of one 7 .pf ;the ewes,- dragged her [along onteihO,: bridge, ..Otiqe' on ;ihe floor -qf. the' bridge theoid ewe's- suspicloirf were; aliayeclj au'd..she' trotted, da aorqss, followed by the whbla;|['6cfc/jyhite;; Shep; stepped one side, ief them;^il pass, and fheh..%otted alpngaffer.;;.; .'' .And : 'yet tfaexea're''men;silly : eh6agh t > insist that-dqgs dp not thihki,--70'ai cinrihU EnQuir&)\-."' " i . " ' ':.;.•'.; "]... canvas bierngyery olirl. AJ htougjifcqfc-fer; $h<i osj&ofi T&areback; -pexfoitoers, a a d i .piodnted;Mm: r afcd;#item wiGbf h f s j p a r t o f ; i ^ p j K r f o t theibf4e#|ehied3^/pj *#««•;; &p0hdiirg/ danger and :s s &y;'ln;tbi-fitig,-'. -.0.< : ; tdre^t/;*toEHrt»i^r' iwiffi gxWt ^IblenceV <• '.yasftqm theifeenfee piafell^f .^uttainl ;«nd.ijaiisi^r jjotea" ;|qftAi.;^ iSiet/ JCanpte p a n i c - s t r i c k e n roah^fbr: '• the enlxanee desyoiteiescape. / [^oo^^^s^W^^ire '&•> a b o y e ; tfife sjreamfc'of: :childien, : and ths./shoij'ts of '• '*&&$}$ '~the.panle sfric-keb^efpwd becs3Dfi<e.J fectly-daliHous: with texrolr; - iS^ •lampsini;;-the tinjg^had^set.tghe^ .on Sm, a,nd;it Wa* huxiSngfujeioiirij vhuta.dBlugftpf^ * -iBg ; a^'^.^pnjpl-alsit^'.-i^vft^ -after'Jih%- , feRt wa^sboiltlii&dle : edi Women: xand.. c'hlMjeft knocked doyy&andiun/pyer^.j -ah:<J^^"'Jniothers;' .^ere"-sepafated./. their clhildren^aPd; rih, abdiit IS i direcMGni'balling'-bn^^ W£&. i few Men only /pxoyai. equal to 1 'casloh,a1ad^^ stood bxa'vely'flsStfi flames'riahd assisting, the. yt<$ <^Idrehbhf;*rbsi^^ ainong;ther... ;eith% fey te'arihgor cuttihg 'Sid y^./r^^dA'^^^'^Eteu^^O^^ reaping,^all-^hq;^^emergfed.oa .oSiei qf the test w^re5udd§aly.'prfelpit into ;a: ditch, abqutl5ye : fqet:deep,, grown :d^'. with.;; '.• briars;/ Bfere ; . ladies.,, chiidreh^ad; .wftje; in:^inextricEFble-^on^siqnj'-aad-lS»3i -males -;were almost : denuded/of* ihg* ;'-^o'.add: to'-the.'terxSxiall i bells cotomedeed. -toj/ring:.awft".* steam,; w-hfeties.,-fo^signai'' alafca throwing the ijity into: gfeat. PX'Sa| ment and tttrhmg put the whole poj alatioii;. '-;.'• A: < great'mahy peoplei Wfi badly hiixt;an^ no one waskiijed oup-ight.- r B e a t l i .jpjr-ii Trw%le«i :J5ifepi»aa»t,^ ;IPrinee^. th^e'pet. elephahf of PuWsgr^t-shbiwi died <«J Mo G^rgev^rstiagstaiij -'"thevolej keeper^; y^hp has been.2$ years &; •|)hsihj^s-,-says;that;^ ihg. theiaxgeif elephant ifcBarn^ h.erd,;.was' one of the^'est elept *' ;he.eyer,had In eharg«.; ; ,H*,vB:g said thai;-" they-had.-iaa.y4ied. si(y fogether "that; heipok^I; itj Onie of ;his';famlly^,; : . Ift.."i=8?t,3 -(.jffir'.Bailey):waS dprs;4fethei| ;tors. Of Coop'# : i"B*|Siey%; "%lied 'rrqi«i;San i'ra^ciacq .i for .Aftsijailas;: -fheirjee '.Jaya'/ahd j'apah.'.|4h^ii : thl ia,gd;iitaia to JJfeiv Z%l«Bd,^ they ..feayeied to P%ru,:I>eIpif i days at sea in a'sattngyessel^ iPeru; they 'wenti-te''Chili "':**&:, ; around the/Horn, through th© Bf .of'Mageliah/to.tonte^ they.weht'to Buenos ^yxes^apd^loi^^i;^ the coast/pf Brazil : to'Bahiii,apa;Pffl»^-4p This<tou5;|a3tedffli:|sW^ : ^tx^^ duxihg 'which': -Piiaee '/-traveled 7#»0ffH.:: miles;'"- ^H^-wasihe besf trayeler jby" "waler; I:! ttyet---dpsS^V;/cphtmu'ea; 'JEr* J* ' Bailey;'-, .«Wheu w| Were af, sea^aad \ a; Stofni Canie qn^^^ he\wduld ^i^ it staheboh and roll withlh% ship;is(^i;/ allt^egEacleofanold; sailpri; Be wag \ _ %~ higbiyiptelligentanimai ^l£i$i;.pl hadn't a kind •yqrdior:«y-er^y'ohe^h.e : hadm- kind caress..;. Why,',iE dd.noi. .icno W. What I-wo aid have^ d o i » flratk- quf him• ;whqn;X 1&0 .trayeSajf* dld;&e yfe^of ^Inty-inepjyadil^; :^; and.anloadlng.- pUsnin^ and p^ijIingi , ;: Tjjt'y were aug-sjiii'sr Eaeu Oiiieir. , '"Mary Carroll and SarahFtiuniyou are. ebarged With being drunk and fighting in fhe-slreetgi -Whathaye you to say?" said the Justice- at the Tombs- Saturday,. as two female wrecks elung to the failing? .'...' "¥e wu'z only-huggin'each other, Iaiht.seed Mary since -she kemdo/wtt : last,- ahd I was pl'pased to see hi*.« . ' f Thrf%' months," said the Juslace, and-their footsteps echoed- sadly on the iron stair.' . The highest form .of Christian life Is settdehial for the.goodof others.— Bey. Dr, Park. .. . ~. afrs;-t5aiaB.e|«l sti Jl<>i»e, •• llrs. /Garfield hei-self is' a changed woniah^ who saw-'.her:.two- years agOj-burdend-wiih the; respoij-: sibllltiesofalife she .never-cared'ibr.,; would scarcely recogni'zs her;so : iriuch- : is she improved. The deep- lines that once naarked her face, .are gone;,, and: in their stead is; longs only to ode whois weH cbhtent With the - world!:-' .She. manages /.her affairs seeraipglyfoJ?getfur-bf and uiimindiul pfihe iutute-and: yet to on© knowingher it is apparent that .shehasf. regard for bafchv When ask- ed by a yMtor who wa|: paying; her a visit Of eondaienfie.if. she. was; pot eomtorted by:the fact that tlxe,.entire world"- moni-oed- with- hex, she- re-; plied; VYeSi whep;I-think a'b'oaf.ii.i* To her Mends Mrs.- G«rfield. seldbm speaks.ofher .late-. hu^ban<i ; as dead, but makes use of the present tenseih her allusions: to hims- In-hex .drawing; is a, fine portrait of General- Gar- field, taken in hisi, uhiform -: -iqn- the, piano-tests th©-picture pf-Qtteeh -^ic-, torla Which «he.senate -Mrs, iGaTsfleld, and on a table/are a 'fow'bbqks,mos(ily; classic authors. It is.undefstoo^thaf. no member .of the-family, wtli.-gb- to ; WasWngtoqi :.duiiog. the 'present'' A;d- miWstrfttIon:,and,Ms.Garfleid ; douhti§ -if she can «ver bridg herself to .visit; the seepeS'-of the saddest niotQeats pf' her lift".—Cleveland ZeiteriO; jPiKslJiii'g. G6mm&rcUtl.' •'.' '.'-•'•;-••' ; •; '.'•"' •!-.-• "''--•^jra'i»fe-TiesU;e>Pdp'tof»^M*Bth^ -: ICECS-.Ajigost,;hhtoberi5.rfin^rk^blft-: for--fie yarieiy a d d ;exfleilsisie«' of .fl*e ; cqntenteij ^mbhg';;fhe._lea*Jifi^'^-^^^ fu3eLy^^ illustrated /ir-tlcies. afe i: "ffe Homo-'oE^pluS^ate.d-'^iea^B?e?*.:--{*' : ; ' sketeh/. of JjEstjE's, estahi&hafent^^ 'tAu Aldyen^ire .withyTwd-^^tleU? toeh'-of Verqna^;'^^^he :;<Saxdea'• io Epgiahd/v. by :S,v.;B^bin.sp!n j' ^'Th*; : Hiato'ry-of a-,playhouse,'?; by Hejary^ 'Tyrxeitf ^Tfle Sbr^naftoh'of £he^fjz if^ " Aleicapd^r^^'jp>'i"ThaBeal'tbr-d$j«- v : : rbn,:^'b'y -Alfeedi -HvGnBrnsRyj- ete.V , Thelnter^s'fipg spriat T'The. B^aoiifiQrt; ;Qbuntes'3,bf 0Miryllle^;- & Ciiniinaedi •m€ " itierB^ -"are -delfghifBl', s t o r i ^ ; i skiefches 4 Mic.:iby : j-mahdalM:. i)isng|as». : 1Suia-ey;Wyaiii^n. ,B;.;G^iP«efc':i%a'; W. "^leireei eb&-. There are «o.m© ;«"x-./ ; •eeUehfc.. pqems-^ssvexal.;. admixabiy';. iltustra|e"dy-.and;. a ^naost ;'^qMpi^en>',.. sivej;./lentertatnlngy ;and:-insteuets,ve-. misceilany.:.,Thev'puiiibfirV-iiootaihS/ .128, pages quarto,. ; WQ 'l&ietra- ; ' tioii^, a'nd'-a-haau^ful ^forestiflr^Btlflk piece ,"A;;P^iarA^ .p'riiiais only 3$.cants.a pumbsi? i$t &,' yeaT.-postpatb% ; - .-:;• >/- .--• r-; : ;' / v;;; .: : ;,,/ Z-.'" - : 'Addxess-,;- Mrs.; - F^AJSK. "DESBES^-: : P-uhiishsri ft; So. a n d 57 '/.PlacfF,: Kow^.". Xo>k^ v '.-:'"'. ;.v"-; >'-;.^"; :: ^ v :.'v-••.:. A son of .Srfn,; who tried;-to:cqnjt. suicide by the all-water.xonte, ijji receiving tn.% full sentence imposed by.laWj'xepaaxked: , "Sure, Judge, you: wouldn't giye ihe the full' pmalty.- i w^s aliye: W-hen they;, dragged' me ashore, and; wasn't that; only drqwhin' in the'sec- *pnddegxeii yet'Honqf? ';.'-. ;H» ,' ;We ! :wahfra''rellgIoh.that.^s^ . MM and ttiiies:ihe : yploejto melodyj ,and'-. chee'te the ^mpatieritj.exetoma^.' tion. arid bar.Sh reh;ake^'a xellglpn fha|, is„poiiteV#^rehtlai-tQ : superiox3,'3^^ 'eonsidefcatelo.ff , ienjj8^ : ie^^ goes' into'the^^ ;and" keeps the. husband; fmhci' being; cross-when/ dhW hef Is.late^ ahd j^fes;;tke. wife^from; .fretting; when the "'husband. tracks.: the"nSwiy-rWashed&pi?^^with;hls".m.ttd-:;: dy.-. boots, ;ap.d::.makes' the "husband:. .mindful of th*) sera'pex ahtfth^-. ddox?'." mat; keeps ^e/mokhpc patifent-when. the baby; ircrpss^and amuses the:ihil*.-.: dxefi as ..^^-ras v iimtm^.s-"ta^f.--^ai;es'.' fbxthesetyaniij'besldes' paying', fheai; - 'promptly j : pxoj^ts; ithe iioheyrjaooB -" : ihto\tfte" haryestaiaonv and: Bnakfei the: iappy r h.oip^:J^A^©.^isterij" "figiree,"-; bearing'in- p& .bpsqna. at ohee. the lieauty-ofits. tender'blossoms and ih& gibfyoffhe xipehed 'feutt. ; ; W«:wahfe -a:te.ygioh;tlrai shall^^ihterposabetweeja'/. the -JEUJS' and' gullies and rdcks r M 0 i % highway qflifetodth&*t-i.v6sodls.' that^aretra^lih'g'qysx.lhem'.;.;; " .Thexeate twoPlassesof naen.ihthe .- elerieal. 0o/esslbh~-th§xa:are th8 Men'". Who suataift" the ; puipit,vahd : -theMea : ; .whom the pulpit sustaihs;. 1 ^ ^ Aife-":;". tih^heips.. •.-;.:.'-"'.' "; "•,;.- y -:- r/-.' - ; v •!**••,

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Page 1: SHEW ISB^T, fciJIGK, THE .BREST GERMAN RENi€OY FOR PAIN. m, · 2009-02-02 · fl^.,-^-7.W ^W^pjf^p; ;:>' f^;i:^biite::

fl^.,-^- 7. W ^ W ^ p j f ^ p ; ;:>'

f^;i:^biite:: mm

- • yiift fiollar a a d a - t t a H p e r yea r , i f p a i d l a / a d v a n c e . I f ' f l a t p a i d w i th in i h e y e a r , a f t y

c a i t e Udd l tWaa i wrQ >>t> cltarge' t . -- iSfo p a p e r d i s e o n t u m s d excep t a t . t l t e . o p -

/ t i a n of- a s pht Usher-, i n l l t all strrearaget -; /rsjiaj.d". " • . . - . • " ; • . •

_ p o e t r y # p d o h B l a r y r e » a r k s w i U b e charged

- SEarriage- »hd> D e a t h N o t i c e s freer Mdonasuary

•oairts p e r l i n e . dye

• * - .

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•- ' JeSfiT O f t f i U E i s " aaaai COtfNTY.

Twe lve / t i nes <n !«».• m a k e one ' Inch . i y r " ^ _ _ _

Isff! 4 *>' 6 oft! u w -nw 4 fll}f ff'Oft- 9 fiOJM 0B| IS 00 35 00 s o s s ui>ia w.'as eo. 35 « s «

lo-utt] i* »y us-flttias oo| su 00-1 IOO-OO-: B n s i n e s & G a r t e . S S p e i y e a r ftrSve l i ne s o r lessj-'SI p e r y e a r fey- eve ry a d d i t i o n ? ! i ne , ". K o t i c e s i S . ?eadtag m a t t e r , 2&efa tsper l ine first i n s e r t i o n ; 10 cents for each s u b s e q u e n t , i n s e r t i o n . \

• M a r r i a g e a h d . D e a t h Not ices f ree; poe t ry f a n d o b i t u a r y r e m a r k s wi l l b e charged five [

-«en t s p e r l i n e , f Spec ia l NoUces*{ieade«i n o n p a r e i l wil l b e j

c h a r g e d lOper c e n t , in a d d i t i o n t o r egu l a r ( r a t e s .

"15asrz>.&s=s J D i r e c i o r j ' .

f J 0 * a c e Bwsfc* P r a g M s t audiAnotheesry .a ind Genera l Deal­

e r - to eTOrythiajr p e r t - a n ' n g *> cue b a s i n , >ss> $* 'State s&eet i t o w - s i t e , J$ , Y. • •

.©ehttst. towwUle, 8 . X . Tee th e x t r a c t e d W i t h o u t p « t a *l*& S U r . o O s W e G H ^ All w o r k TVatra,ni<Sl. Offlo*,' R n s o © Block. -Mala teh

V . " fhys ie iah a a a S n t g e f l p . , Ctteigt N . . Y . 36

A I S O R ^ Y ' A S f o c&EfsSBrwjf^Aai L A W . a n d G e n & a l I n s u r a n c e A g e n t . Sapeclal a t -c e d t s b a a i t e t t torffrawing .Sh.d;eeds,m.o-rtgag6s,-

, J lS tSaS, &c„..PORT | , % p W- T-

' -HoHsiJ'iiJsriNa', eralairigt aaalng, K&J.-4K*ndnihg. -Gaosȣ% ftnd P a p e r i n g d o n e l a ,4he b e s t / s e r i e s ; . .Torms-. l iberal . . Sfitrn.. a n *

-•T8si;4«no«iJSo» Sf, HtfbbardiSferSsfc,. n « a r S t o n e

TO0BStEsa3mfe^?jRiNfa!S'& ..'." -.' • :JS ••':• - '". X!f .SES*STSKE,. . ' ; - - • . . . -

' •••-.•. . . " • • . • " . ^ a n d ' • .• • . . . '

' ; ' •-• -^ . TskmSid^vrviiiBTiMiiaOiMOB'

- ; ' • - ' ' » » © * « * * - . . ' ' - " - " . - ' „ • • ' ; - • ; . • . ' • - • • •

• : \ * t , t p a B 3 0 S S * f f 0 .WKBC#f> TISIT- . H •: •.' . ' J i t t ka j aa rd** R » t ' t ry- Depar tawnts . are- r e

•; «weqted ; to 'caIl weefc' nob S u n d a y s • . . ^ t i y e > y a o a a m i t t a u o e : O T S o n d

/.-;'\S.o:wYii;le,.M*y.4-«.iss9. ; . . ? • ' - . ' -•3*V.-

B#iiH»ffwn.. tb.a, t V e . R o b e r t P . 'Kta f tan t t . i a i a r e w ^ E i n g of^EQwyff ieAawIs t iOt ta^ , IE Y. a » T 6 o b t a i n e d t e t S e r s p a t e i t t o f oa£ ae lebra t^ i e d b n c i b b a E d i * a g 6 n ; ; a n d w a e r e b y g l y e d i i e

• iBotice. t h a t inf t ingeia .ents , a n a - a l I p e r . s o n | "qmarinla'otaritJg o r .«singtb:B- a b o y e pa tenC »#IH Tie d e a l t with, a c c o r d i n g tcfl ikw; &M p a r j

• - t les-wio b««;eh'eretofdrete&i5aged qntntf-said: p a t e n t e i t b e r j j j ' n i a k j n g i a s i n g a r e a o t i a e d t a -oiSU a n d s e t t l e ^ 3uo#ya ie , J a n ; 2 5 1 8 ^ ; -

':-: i«i«s:a; ;MrA»izi2iES. ; 3 S E * S P A P E B S ,

• ^ ^ n a y e s i b n a i i i a s a a r i a n g e n i e n l .TyitHtlie

; •;'•' '-: iAJBGi^tBgoMcSxjmjssT • '•' -MnXfilcti;86^inatTfee are&Dle^to ge t aELl)indl3ig.

: . f ione3i tAnea t :and; - ; " • : ' , ::'-'•

'•:" •••; Wof^tiniffie MtinMr;

t o SeH a t t ' W n d i offiTfAtCgS' a t the; l o w e s t

^ r i p h e i i , ftve?"

j^ ' to ts Brow's . i,a*n?iTl& « : Y .

. . . •Ajt"iiB6i*-.:,a»'.' -,1atesl l t t f i r s t -* tess« ty fc -E ic tn reS pf.all feiads

•• jB-7pled..!i*l enfasggJI.- pdr&aJ t s . f in i shed . Us-'"• Ind i* i rck ;<j rayoni 5yatereQlot3'«ii 'f :ai*. 'aSs* ' » f i t i a ' , a saor tn i sn t ; of S a i n e s , easets, .ete. , for.-

mle. .-"- •••-.'• -> .-•'':-'. . ' • " • ' . . > , rayl.-.-

YIiI% KG. 6. • ; i i Q ^ f i L j b i , ^ K ; f e ^ ;tiM:


FOR PAIN. Believes-and-cures

Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago,




Soreness, Cuts. Bruises, FBOSTBITJES,

BIJJRXSf, SCAfcDS, And all dthpr hodily cehes

and pains.

FIFTY CEMTS A BOTTLE. -SoldbynU JlraKEfetsand

languages. t h e CKarles ft. Vogeler Co. <Sia«5Sot3 taA. V0GEL£3J4C0-J

Baltimore, aid., C. S. A.

m #ieatest ••mm Tusifii •-.-• "V-6srEAB3?jEr.-'-.-.' . •'.";".

, lEJj&'fiieatGeiimrtSteaioaieisconir ;posed of Yello-w Bock, Mandrake, iSShtianiOBandelionj Ji iniper-£er*j ries,: etcU coriSbin'ed. 'wilh the 3T traofe o t Snlphinvfrliich nmkes thS'.'-Greatest '3316bd. P i n " " kncrtnii D o n b t e v e f take.'

dr'arseiifc, their « » " d e a a i y . ^ S o ^ I?id .Place-. jpnS . tmt.M:SU&MM^,t.zs\

Sest-sisa^besft inedlcineeyer/SSl; | ? i - E l Lmade,.; - • ' " " M ' 1 ' ' 1 ' —


t m & a/yelloir stioKy, MfenbstancOi'" l a y o n r r a s b r e a t h feral a n d ' "

^ _ . K I T EEES. I f yon r e sick, n o

Wt te r i r f i a t j aas use ryop,


M e ? ' t t ^ ^ w i a * l ? e y o € -Siui,nw

5Bilsyouna-th'a"ase4ana to4-;ernigare; B6ba>iM6vrcll by

[01: Ingh; dred?

JH? IS Titansei. Eemeniber.Trbat ybtr

1 .here,. iS'ihay. M r e your »i 16 .has - SaSed finndredSi

UJon-'t-^timtatQ-nJotrq-w, .

Try "a bttfe To-bay.l •'Are yonLlOWrapirit'ed'aria weaE,.or

snffertoswora'UieexoessesofyontliJ; If-so,, SDiPHDIi BISTBIHS Trill cur t y o u r - ' - •"" - - • - : : • - • - •-••"•:

Erics, tweaSr-flTe'cei.tfc.

- • " • • • ' • - . . - • • . - • - ' • - •

:$M($b: : - : - • - . : - - . • -.'.. .i.-.'-.-- ' • " . . -

^wiifi arf: ;•";..;'-:;;;-.-|[:- tsr-^mkm^fi \;- -

- . -.;._ \ . " .-,' ' W i p ; | t a y e h e a r d of , .


QMS, Les, ; 4n4.6iAer;^e5ilcIeSf^teqa'estedtQ call at ' ' i e l r / ' / " '.-'" -.: '.'. " , "

; : S i a i i n i i d t l i a i s t t t n f a c t q r y j

• . , . " Ctoyner"-of fiSitanditfaln.streets,.. •"' '. :_']• •••-(do-wntown,) _ .' . ' ;

T&"uessEaaaiae- tkeii; Israieage ....-- . S f e ^ A < y w ' ^ e a % ^ . ^ 0 * S a f e . ,

-.Bheiv worfc'-ls n o t ; fiasteitt t r a s h , b n t a l l > H 6 ^ - H ' & I > B , . f i n l 8 & e d ; & O n i ! . t o p tobot to im.

: | n t he i r -own s h i j p . . ". . . . ' ..

VBjt tit* Sest WoitJanent . . *.

-::'t0- ^riier at liiees•-. to salt,

•. the , -

•^amBtA(3-E " T R I M M I N G •" ThlsSdeparJmenli ' fa; n o w i n read iness t o do

- i a i i s t j i d s o f ^ i s i i i i i n g b y #& ^esb of w o r k -

'. me t} , ' . . . . . .

r * %-

•'IPAINT SHOP,". -Wa- *ifi**fl.",t«%:rBe'Palat « b o s w h e r e xwa do «ti teindit wnik a t t h e m o s t reiiso.nabTe p r i e s

- • < ^ t i z ^ « « W l » « c & - s t r t n E r in otrt. ^ ? e defy " bnipe l l f ien i q d f faelltfies for bnaSnesa me - tftjBii-riasftedi'. ';•' "'•" -.-- •;'•' - - - • • : " • - " .

• - 5 ? e ears .or t r . i j tfc&stcrefttof o u r brow. - 3rioi*3'.*'siiyffteilng;»' O n r i i i d t t o i s " I i i 7 e a n d

. <«;'* •' •' '•' "'" ':.,"-'•' ' . ' " . -:."- JMr^ot t r o u b l e to- show, goods w h e t h e r y o n

"'/'l^ytOB,-Sro«r^.l8Stt/ - ' " ,

Fr t Af-.wpeK « i» ' ' « a f hom?h-cH>p;i«diis

. S S ^ K h w « * » ^•oTte-fm-t.* W n w f c ^ + ' ^ f -

'--:*efc.«««tfer«--««w'r'h.<W!9*aP>y< ':-ASa?fe»s'>R'n(,.'E

lili(« #g! ^ f e f

CHOt-gRA MOBBtMS ' • ' '




. YIEfcD f P t H E mFUJpiQU-OF

I -J;-;S'..-J«t!fHt:--'

if aiM ill i'fii'2

Ca.ptain I r a "B. Fofe, of Coldsborough, EDUDBJ sayii <• ©ne of my siilofcs vis stHck-\ -ed'.gevi^ly. with, cholera. rr.™b'us.. .^read-'iftinisfergd' Bain KiUer; and savid Etim.** - -"'

Jv W.Simdnd5, Erattlcbofb, Vi.,sa'ys:, " I n ^ases of cholera-mott«r>"aTitr sudden atjtac-ks of suronler curaplaiut i , 1 have xjiverfound it

j tofiul." ' • - • . . • ' ' . ' . •-


MOSS'S 'Stearafhnhu? MilL '

k O W V L L L B , M i W I S CO. N . Y.

T h e S^bscribere. w»a!<i g iye co>tp<» tft t h e peop!»irf L<^rlsco«>!i'.y, It "* *hfv bftife a l l t h e ap-pnr tensuices 'and n a h i h e r y for t h e m a n a f e c t u r e o i ? . . .

SAKE, B U S ' B S . OOi E S i i H A O K E T S

A*4ca ,n s u p p l y t h e m wi th any in l f ig to- t h s t r t top o n te r ras Jo ciJEipefe: p ' t h a n y o t h e r *twp» • - - • • •

. Bitilders-wifl find-thp B i.b,e b e s t rxtaa; e r . . - n , j

mr-nidings an l shJ 'd . -.! ;irice,s- ths i t iy) tl

Give them from 25 to' 50- pe r ee«f,

Sewtagt.Visaing, SfetojaBg.

and any.o-ther. 'warS: i bijsittpss. per iot»ned aatisfai-'i<>a.

i tsoarsootioa to th"- wont

w l t h t t i e r.-.-.-npJet.e

Oaf-shop i s s t tpp i i ed ' ^Hth t b e bes t c l a s s ol •maehineryk a ikl ts^.iZHMt i r i u t i a t a a t ' wor.fe-m e n . •

^! I kijads of P*neIoDcT H - i r b o a r d S a w -tri3,,as wel l a s ' Oireffilar a n d Seroi-i Sa-wir>g d o n a o a s h o r t n o t i c e .

• T n r n « i a n d FSuted. iSaa i s te r s a n d j ieweU Postsi 'eohgtantt?- i a hand',""'*'' m a - ' e t o o r d e r .

•Ehrntn^ o ta iHi l f l ^ iRexsou ted l a g o o d ai&ir

WatertowE. Woolen

&% Siziss and Cfolors5 • i s - swt r ran ted tobemar fe f rGm n o t h i n g b u t -

, Piire F leece Wobl ? and.conceded hy a l t : u s « s t o be t h e

. -Best and llostteaUp E n i * t i n g Y a r n nwdfl . P y o u r m r a e h a n t does -no t k * e p i t , send T B S cen t s torSampIe

S k e l n i s t a w n g s ize a d d color w a n t e d t o

3e(k&. Iissefty Mamifacto?&% W A T f RtOWN» N. Y*

Wi'l oit- ' t jnatton S t ree t , j u s t a b o v e S u s p e n ­s ion Br idge.

E v e r y Ske in .hss -n iy t a g i n . N o o thers -a re gft' iii'ne.' Also m a k e ai l k i n d s of P l .AN-*• Kfc, 4«m6


C A S H * » A i » F O R W O O l . .

r f i ^ LQWYWtE TIMMS,


> ^ - ' f O ' ^ . :•' • - "' ' - • • • • ,*;BSf.V«*--"WiV''*- - - . ' - ' - ' - *- - '

HIRAM sis&sgr ;c,^,.,, ••«f48»iiftf**Tit^;:;.-1-^4gftfi3«^sh»«::- : :--

BIISJEISIES OJF. j a o S « t B I T O T I M E .

They bi te a t '.night wi th peat i 'dp* l ight, and pu t most people, i n a rier^-vous fright. Their b'iua th«y stick with poisonous prick iff cbiidren'ia flesh and mafca them aiefe. On buz­zing ^wingr the insects sing, before j n -sBrtins their wicked sting. Vic t ims com plain of cruel pain, and would rather not bo bitten agrain. Th* pain to s top, apply one drop- of PEajtY D A V I S ' S P A I N K H J I J E E from the druggist 's shop. .

Thp grpatest events of an age aro i n bt>st thoughts. I t is the nature of thought to find its way into action.— Boice.

The best tonic med icine—one that is r io t i - m u p i w o d m o M t l y t>f n i c o h o l f»r whMey-^-is BroWn's Iron Bitters, i t isgraaranfe^d to be non*intoxicating and will abS"lut<*iy.ldU all desire for whiskey and other intoxicants. I t has been thoroughly tested and. prov-PH itself in every instance . a never failing cure for dyspppsia.irii igestion, ftii!iOH«ness, weakness, fTebility,ovpr-work, rheurqatjsna, neuralgia, con­sumptive disease, liver, coin plaints, k idney troubles, etc.

IT?" you nave built casties in the air, your work need not: be }6it. Tha t 'is •where they should' b e ; but pirt foun­dations under thera.-^Thofeau,

W H i l I S THE Umi.. • -- -of buying worthies?- niedieines, and spending money on qnaek doctors, .whose only idea is to gull the p u b l i c . Is it. not bett'er, to buy reliable medi­cine l ike 'Sulphur Bi t te rs? X th ink 'so, -as they pured m e Of Gate'rrh-aftef suffering th ree years.—F. P. OI*rk,: Manchester. . . . . . . -6w2, ,;.

One of tbe illusions is' tna't t h e pres- ' ea t 'hour is not t h e ' critical'; deeMyft; hour . Wr i t e i t on your.'..heart that, every d a y is the beat dajr in the. year. —Emerson. .." ".

T t o e M e a d o w s O f » f a r y i a i i . d .

SPBINGSTfiKD. PBlirCB- '©BQEGE'S Oo.tiVl-D Mr. Ohas. B. 4^ddfednVaf the.above *«I sprained-pay. r ight knee eansing-.inte.nse snff«rr -i'ng, a n d th,e use of CTUtebes-for sever­al w'peks*' I f u n d n b rp.lipfinVithiir remedies and finallv M M the miracle, of eurevSt. -. j:»»Cobs.Ofl;.. In • a short, t ime I could bend ,m^ knee-rrwhich had•'beeri-.asS.tiirVas an iron xod- laying aside m y Crutches and was "able to •w*lkaswell'-a i 'P'ver;'*'

T h e renowned Br . Olendennine ..says one-third of. all, his dissections Showed Sierfm of Hear t Disease.; if yon have i t in any form, use Dr. tJraves ' 'Heart Regulator , 'SI per ba t ­tle of druggists. 6m2' •

• • -Oharactei isnot .cnt in'tearble.<rritis not something • solid and unalterable. I t i s s o m e t h i n g l i y i n e a n d ichtangipg, and m a y become 'diseased -as our bodies do .^Gkorge Mio t .

. S c r o f u l a . , ....

. A medicine tha tdes i roys the germs ofScfofula and has^the power to root if ojrfc is .appreciated b y the., afflicted. ThP:'rem»rkabTp''urei5 :pf meii:, ;women and;iel).i1;dren as described by *estim0?:

nialkf prove BEood's SwsaparHla a for liable hfjedicine cont#nii.nsr..rAmedial agents which eradicate gefofola from t h e binnd- W r i t e s mm,'' feM. W •sM^ealea*s. t3,"I» e«oH '€eo . , i iOWe0 , ;.Mass. :• ---- v- • ..'.:•-: •• •••-••••'. •';.-.•.--:.-- -

; . . "% fo^Ri a correct judgmeftt- con­cerning, the. tendency of a n y do&trjaf,. We should look a t . t h e f o r m s . i t bears in i h e disciples ra ther , t han .in t he t eaehe r . for he.orily.niade it—tbjey are made by. it.^-T^ate,' ;

Bt'Ogf.w*s fclyerwjiHrt an:d..Tatr..

Ts-onaof the.most reKanle cough inedicines iypr prepared . ' I t ' has" brought thousands back from dea th ' s door, wbo ha<i been 'giv^n «p to die of con sumption. Dr. J&oger's 8-yr.up of Divierwort, .Tar and Canchalagua, has a reputetiop second to no .other coneh mpdifin.e.'in t he world. Tl is a specific for Asthnna,' B e a d t h i s :

Mrs .0 . A. EliiSiPf Washington , D. 0 . , wr i tes :

"This is to eertify tha t I 'Used Dr.'s l i iver wort .Tar and Gatieha:la-? gua for Asthmai.and' consider-it.'.the.-best r p m e d y T ever mefc .1 have suff '. erpd. alt m y life,witft it,.'tjlfX used the . Livprwort and Tar. i t is "nature's, own B e m e d y . " -

Mathew's Ha i r Dye Gives .-a nat i i -rat color to the hair or whiskers , and does not crock. . ' ' ' • ' . -

Spalding's Cephalic Pills, Celebra­ted remedy forh,eadache,andfor con­stipation, indiges.flon,&c.

The lowes t ' ebb is t h e t u rn of t h e tide.-^-LongfpIlow. ' " - '

X J E t E S G A I t E O R d r t . "


' ' T h e w o w s a r e pt i l l in- ' i ip t h e ooi'n "'••'-Upon t h e plain,"- s a i d b e a c o n ©ore,--;

" A h u a d n r d h i l l s a l i ' e ady gohe,-r , W e ' l l t r y t h e skeerofow p l a n once m o r e , "

" J o h n . r u n a n d b r i n g tnjr t r a t e i n ' su i t , • And w.HhitfetoU tay.beU t a p p e d ha t -> ..

Kig n p the old c h a p real c u t e • A n d makd h i m p a r t y m i t t i i n ' © t . "

a " \.nd I ' l l load u p t n e old F r e n c h g u n -

Si x augers:! w o n ' t i t m » k e s Q t n e n o i s e ! W e * H h a y e a Ieetlff e x t r a fiin."

H*' said wi th cHuekiu to t h e boys .

WliRn n igh t c a m e o n w i t h sable reign. They i n r u e s s e d u p t h e o i d whi temai 'e . . . . .

A n d b o r e t h e i m a g e to t h e piala. Ar r ang iog . i t wi th g rea t e s t ca re . "

' ^ - . • ' . - - ' . - . And t h e i s o u g h t o n t a p l a c e to h i d e . - ,'

•The he 's t day , ere. t h e n i o r n l n g ' s S a w n Shon id cal l t a ' e p a r e a t s - t o n ' rovide

Thei r cal low y o u n g -with s to len c o r n . •

A n d sui-e etiongh. before t h e c rows t h e Esacbu and his b o y s w e r e the're,-

s r a rwa j l iBd loog ' tohea i ' tbelrToe's' * :' "•"."' .With angry, eawings fill t h e airv '•••

The boys peered t h r o u g h ' t h e mossy • wall , . T h e n he ld the i r side's w i t h mi r th ' s u p ­

pressed,- "-"..- : .'-•- . , . ' . ' - " ' . ' . ' .

One c r o w . w a s p u t ' i n g a t A s e f a w l . = • - . -."Of-hair 'outs idethesearecrow's^yestV,• . . -'•

T w o o thers o n - t h e g ro t ihd be low ,..Were;.c«kUt»g ln..a s x n e y - w a y - ; . . .. -The p.jiicoa sa»-' t h a ha t ed foe - . . : _ ' ;

A n d cocked 'h is g u n w i t h o u t de l ay , .. '

Kerwbang-HT ah'& d u s t e d fea thers tfew: . .White echoes .answered -fir a n d wide,-^>'. ;The Ite&cQto harfl iy/^i tharey?'" ' . •' a i n mai ine ' r "nbtso dlgnif tsdi ' . " ' . '•'

A grand, d isp lay of. s h o o t i n g s t a r s .-..-. -. •' ' . J i l 'e ihts .as to»is t tedgaze.a t .a ' 'S t , . WhtTe'shouts w e r e hea rd mid loud h u r r a s , . " f i r jthks,!v-the old, s h e b a n g has"'b'o.*ti,>""

T h e boys .huag u p their, ragged, crows Aii ' tPi 'h a n d r ida t ' ed .mt t i t h e shot, . .

W h i l e Beacon Gore- w i t h bloody 'no?« Ii t iaped. h o m e w a r d - ta lk ing of-th's p l o t . - -

' T bought t h a t g u n Of* E h s i g a Oiay.' . . .•.._•. Somfeforty y e a r s agOormoie , ' [ '

But n e v e r k n e w t n e ' r i W J h l n g p lay ' ' .' ^ e s t t c h . a ^ a r n a l t r t q k - . a f o E f e " '• . : . "

ThS'secret, so ffie s to ry ' r^h . . . -' . . "Was'this—the-'lo'ad-at'first. was : l ' a rge ,

B h t a f t e r w a r d t h e h i red-h jaa - . - - • ••. • J u t i f l auo the i ' rous ing c h a r g e .



Ou Sunday .heaven's gates open.—George. Herbert .


Gilmore's Aromat ic Wine is more highly recommended by.physicians" and medical societies than.any other: remedy in the wor!d> I t is warrant ­ed to cure all diseases peculiar t o Wo-' men. l lbr r i son <fe Moore, Ijowville, N . Y., D. L. Tiffany, Grlendale, 46yl


A politician*pf the next elec­tion j a statesman of the nex t genera­tion • a politician looks for the suceess of his party ; a statesman for i h a t o f his- .country. ' 'Thes ta teschan washes to steetf,: while the politician "is satis­fied to ; dirift.-^-James Ereeman Olarkei,

S o m e n n p r l b c i p l e d dea le rs , because t b e y eau ld see a Jew '-enls m o r e profit- h a ^ e been gu ' f ty of offpting worthless substitutes.- for. t h e only or ig ina l a n d ap r r a inPSa ipb t i r Soap —Gtt>n»)'« b y n>rse . ' r he r c fo r e . . l he .public ah«nl.r guard ssraioa' t h i s dp- 'ec ' ion a n d a l * ' ways a s k for O-IiBUN'S "SUI.PHTJfi. S0AF-, by i t s full n a m e , arid t i k e n o o the r ; .

Read t b e foiiowiug ev idence flfona a h l g h l v respecteblp s o u r c e : •- •: Q KT CBtTTSJJTON.Esa. • • • ' . - " ' .

B p n r S i r : I b a y o frnve 'ed for t h r e e yea r s for' Me-sYs Chnrlfs Sc r ibne r ' s Hona. Pub l i sh ­e r s New Y -rk, and desi re t o I-hTbrm yon i h a t I Iiav» ns« i v o n r incora pa rab le GTjEtvTN'S K'rrLPHTJR.s< >A r> .excfuaiwj.y for a n o u t four: y e a r s ; , a lso h a v e i'ecomnieni*e.d !l t o ve ry marty p e r s o n s ; m y e n n s m n t exper ience .has been-rba" i t 'p'-snesses a l l t h e niedicaU£d«an-lages t b a ' you claihi for i t . A i l fo w h o m I h a v e r e c o m m e n d e d i t say a s w'ei J a s .hi'self, t - a t i t deserves -its es tab l i shed reputa t l6n ' a s iht ' best, a n d mos t f-fficaoious S u l p h u r Soan thatcaa'beus.i:-!l f a r n i l a k l h c l e a n s t a g . a s vveU as tot lpt nurposf-K. Home unpr incip led ' d r u g ­gists h a ^ e endaavored . : t o s u b s t l u t e otlier kindK of Kulphur 'Roan for 0 ienn ' s—saying . thev were "Ju^t as good," b u t ' h a v i n g . m y s e l f t-lerl o the r Jtlnris I ttrtd NOJH3 so goad o r so bmif-fli«ia.t a s - t h e O e u u i n e ttulphtfv Soap s tomped "GLISMN'S," and. t h i s I h a v e o b . served a l w a y s bea r s t b e na.rne of " O . iT. C i i t t e n t o n . P r o p r i e t o r , " on thapac l i e t , .

Yours , t r u l y , 0 . T . Z. mrBANB.

. Hi l l ' s H a i r a n d Brown,50 c e n t s

Whisker Dye,.Black or

Do not throw your lit* away by neglecting a chronlo oouah wh ich H A i B ' s HOtNSV. OB. BtoKsHOBKfi A K - » T A K - wou ld c u r e i n a few da-yB. • :• - . - . ' . - . • • : . - - "

P i k e ' s Too thache Drops o u r s In p n e roinnte.

JBf ligis>a-givea -part of its. reward in n a a d , the present comfort of having done our du ty j . and .jfer the rest, i t offers us the best security Ihati^eaYen fjan; giye» :^Utptsoii i • T - ' ; . ' ,

A t the: ead of t h e garden pa th Iead^ i n g f t o t n t B e r^etory statida a •'. Itfctle-vitte^ebverpd a rbor . • This ' ; is Ol ive Wesley 's i ^vor l t e - reftreat; " neafly every ;stipimer; atternpQu. "fintis- her here»^gaged wi th a book or a' "dainty

:b i to f fetnbraidary. " ' - • • ' -She; i ss i t f th^: here tbiVbwghf Aa*', hms&lf k&m

'Tjos* afternoon,' a sraftil fiieM^fi &<&&& f in eyeairi*'rtiiMm'afeJjf n^b6n^ ,V '&ar v -ifim.-pt ' W t . n r f i w V y W , a we»&&'sf^^'rffrpting' h r n n i e ' ftaifr,' *i tf t r iny ' ' rmgletB on: briSw a'n«'ne'%, k &©witcMng P*?ure in f ftp. eyes of'S.^lph :Brestior, who is ieaning lazily against the-3oor post," with M s b a t in Ms hand. ' '

H ^ i s handsome" and Well-dressed^ bjit the re Is something, iii bis., dark face t h a t suggests lack of purpose, a. ^Wavering decision. ' ."

H e i s well a w a r e ' t h a t b e has ttd r ight to' visit "the rectory s o P f t e n , t o monopolize so much of Olive W e s ­ley's society,'. to b r m g ner-gifts, and express I n tone a n d glance tha t Wbich he dare not speakr yet i t is all wnjoyable to h im , and he wil l ' not give it up. ' "

ill came up ' in t h e " carr iage," he says^ ' 'Perhaps you Wpiild l ike to ride this ' afternoon to Boyntbn a n d -back'?'1 ; "

M e siftiles d'elfghtodly and-ties oil her pret ty, flower, wreathed ha t . • "Of cPurse I would,"" she aBis'wersJ "W-e'll. stop a t t h e nottse for ". m y wraps, i t wil l be cooler w h e n we return: '*' _.* •'•• '-• -• "Yes, yon must t ake good - eare'of

yourself," h e says, 'with a glancei±iat brings a deeper t in t to her cheek.

The words ' ' are • eommonp'%ee enough;, b u t the tone signifies a :great d e a l ; "for m y sake;"' his-eyes say.

d r i v i n g through the vi l lage ' they stop a t .ihe postoffice' and Ralph goes In for the m a i l ; -thei'e is only o n e l e t ­ter for himself,

Oliveinsistg upon his reading i t j s o giving her the reins, he leana back agains't.fhe cushions and breaks' the" seal, •'•'. . . .

..tec.-;" Sh.0'w9'seByou.soQa, %alph-?V. ; '>*iwii :i;be wi:th.^.b^V':di;r9etiy•,', he ajhsweia, and; raiding.. Ma-Jiat, dxives m , ' - ; . . . - _ . ' • '" . • - - . . . . ' - '" •-"••. - ; •"

;..."Uxsi. "Eeesaor femonsticates.-with h e t sfin op. the morraw. .

l_ (1:yott:.mustbe very cajEefal, R a l p h , " she saysj "you . jfcaow.hpw jealous;

: j iorence is, and if y a a baye.ludulged i n any. .summer-ffirfeafeioas, I beg of you%o.fefc j t ,end now,'* •"-" ; . • •

..';.-. " S i s s Wesley isaa-Qsteemed friend. i : sare iy have the privileg:e of treating

: her ..courteously," .Balph answers .haughti ly. '. , •

.'••OfedursBj.but retn-Qmbc« you can ' t aff wd to lose Florence flaylor's good wi l l . " . ' . " ' .', . -

•Ili.tph winces: a t^this , ' . h e d o ^ pot. l ike to have.tiis naottier :.refer .to-3iiss ^&^ylor,s,.fortuae aad his owa depend­ence-; -it. tnake3. :htm feel mean and mercenary,; . •,•--:.-. ..].- For a-wbrteiie avoids •-QliyS'-Weatey.' ©nd'4^-Bac^r,^;.iheir:-tjE9ypI,4 5B»tre proves too s tEoaJ^ j r -h l i^ tod . iegard-le3S of- .Florence G ?yiojHp..lie.r- ' j ea t ousy, h e •makesvMa'-way.ope-after- :

noon tp the. little a rbp i a t the end of the.garden1 walk . • : . •"'". . ..' -. .-- "• ••'

•. .Oliveia there-, with her work:; :She looks, a t hi'tt; witii. calm-eyes, - and .-^eetY^M-ttt'-q.qi§ttyr;• . . -••-..- .-,. . • i ' - t-h^i . iad- ' . f lwe- '^-a 'acQ. '- tp 'see-you,Xtiiyq,1?-Xxe saysj apoiogstically., .,.;. "Mather-and .Miss Gaylor monopoT Iizieali;mytin3,e.?f -. ,,..-. .-. • --.. . . "0? course,"' she answers,, and h e

-knbws.-by hSEtpnethat she has-learn-. ed/fehe-tpith.... .. .'-.;..-.-.-. .. -. • ;"0^ve,:"..--heVsays gently,-. ?' :yery sorry. ' .; I fShou.ld: haye told you sQQhefrbufc.i was so.&appy here wi th you.-- -Bo.youQ^Bite,despise me?". . / . .'• . ^ I . am- disappointed,", she/;,1: sadly. -, *'I-,thpugp.t:-you .so t rue 'and * honorable... % could nbt -believe, tha t you were deceiving m e , " , . t ' l let.-you:±hink that-1-. Was free; tha t was;tny onfv d,eeeption,'?: heex-r . claims, passiqnafeely. •^Whatever' else I said,- Ottvej,. I.:truly meant.. Even--now.'yottare-dearer to nSethan any* . oneelseinthe.WQEM.;.-y.Ou^-,"..', .: -.,-; "Then yon -are. deceiving- her,, too*"

; she iaterrcsptSi. " B i l p h , J B i l p h s you :ar&baser'-evea--thap -I: thqaghty-ot t . I aui. sorty tha t you eame here a t all;, you must.not-coni'eagain.". ..,-'.. ,._•'•" . H e stands'silent, .with--moody-. r e ­gretful'face,.then, moved by sudden. |.mpuise,' s tep^iorward a'ncl-clasps her hands i n his,- looking d.own.into.h3jr •sadjbrawn eyes..,.; . -. •- ••'-. -.

::'"Sbii.will-forgiv^m©,, Olive?'^ . ; She answers with.. a> l i t t le aob ; " v,l;,wilitry!:

,?.'.^; -.'. •;''.••.-' -.,---• Then sud4epty., hia arias, a r e -about

he r Qheekvan4'btbWi / • Whi le s&e:,feeai©43«&viag.'.toli'e£:

h i s grasp , t h e r e , -$s a:

• "MY DBA<R B-Aipa: '—Your -pleas­ant descriptions of ISaston havo m a d e m e qui te eurious to see. the place, apd. the invitation frota j u d g e Hollings--worth In ypuy last letter, decided m:e.: I re turned from Brighton, ye s t e rday wijHx Mlgs Gaylor,and you : will dpub t-less he/pleased to hear t ha t she ;wiii aceompahy me . You may, expect us. Fr iday evening. Your affectionate m o t h e r / ' . ' • . - ' • - . ' - . . - '-"''

- • • ' B E R T H A BB3BSNO;B.

B a i p h • clenches t h e la t te r in* his hand abd site.'with moody face arid darkening eyesi This is, ' indeed,-a surpriee, and SGarceiy a pleasant pnei

He lobkS'askance at h i s companion and oites . h i s lips With' vexation. W h e n FlorenceGaylpf arrives things, will be' quite different j his.yiSits to the rectory, big s u m m e r . affeFnocihs. in the l i t t le arbor, his drives wi th Olive and walks in the modnlit gar­den, all. these ' things tha t he. has en­joyed so much must end. Florence wears his betrothal'.ring, and he owes his allegiance to her; - I t is; lato . i n t h e afternoon when they re turn from Boynton. ' T h e six o'clock train has j u s t a r r i v e l , and on' the platform stand two, ladies j one stout a n d elderly, "with eyes l ike Ralph 's , the other, a' tall,,, stately Monde elegant ly at t ired, With a mar­vel of lace and pink rosebuds perched on her light, yellow etimpg, .;;;'.. -"

Judge. ^H'ollingswbrth,. whose bajr-oucha stands near the .steps, is -eathu-. siastieally greeting |iiem. ;:They :h«ye jus t eptore^ t h e ^carriage as Balph. drives up and recognizes t h e o i i . . -- .He draws., r e t a a n d p a a a e s y white the ...Gold, blue :eyes,pf his.befcrothed scan Olive wtths^axehing.glances^ "" . " i t h p u g h t i ' d surprise you,". ,says J^s..,Bie^pqri " j jwiepte. % : J u d g e S p B i ^ ^ w o i t o f ^ s e M i p ^ y o M iefr*,,

masiid ma- y«llpa^ha;tii*j- •mMmenm B a y l o r sweeps down. - waifc, wi th flushing face and brilliant .eyes.-. . . - . - . ;.:.: .,-

" F o r the ' last t ime, 01ive4" h e : whispers, "good-bye.?:' . .

, Then he opens h i s a rms and lets, her-go.- . • . . ' ' • • / . - ,

When d iaper is over at J u d g e Hol-lingsworth's, mansion, . B d p h and Florence go out for t h e i r usual s t ro l l in the . . . - -

She is ve iy quiet , and ftngerslier l ight worsted shawl ne rvous ly ; her long*blueg-irmsnts are , t rai l ing be--.hindL her on .the d e w y walk, but she. does not -even gather- them up . Ralphy glancing a t her face* sees tha t it iscoid a n d h a r d , and her lips are. fiompyessed unpleasantiy. . .

"You are annoyed a t something, '? " H a v e I displeased you, . Florence ? "

She turnsaadJBiees h im with- darkr ening eyes.. - . . . " D Q ; y o u think-, I . Was pleasedj Ba lph Bresrior, to. see you lavishing-car-sseson t h e reefeor^s- daughter'-?'.' she asks, stowiy. . *'I called a t the •jeotopy.- for you this . afternoon, • .a»d Witnessed- the pret ty ilittle tableau in thearbBirj. • .I'distrus.teri t ha t .girl 'the -first ,tinie-1 ever gawherv" •• •, , .. • ."For.thfe-nxst.Mine Balph.resents he>r Words., . ' . , . . . . . - , . .

?'Ijeeture m e , " he says, '^but-do not say a .word.against Q tiye .Wesley..

. "She is as imre and innocen tasa -child. . ' ' ' - . . - ' ; .• • .-. - - - - . ' . ' '

• -'^Indeed," with ,a sneer. '. 'Well, let us understand each, of hop now, Mr. -Bresnor.-. J wil l not countenance such things in :a- m a n who pretends to h e loyal to m;e. I do notshare ; lov0 nor ' affections, wi th :other4 ,.. i f you: cannot be faithful,:.,ife is'best that our engagement should now.end.. Will y o u decide"Mr.. Bfe.snQr-?J'.-'-.-. . "Bai-ph;hesitates, a fcmonths ' .ago h e would h a y e . t a k e n S i s angry. gW. in his' arms.,,, a n d ".Wop - her softer moOdby caresses a n d f o n i p r o m i s e s ; B u t n o w hiscohgeiencetrJjubies h i m i he is hot ready to . perjuts himself w i t h a l i e . -•'•"...•..•-. . ' ' ' • " • • ' . "

For-, an ins tant h e wavers , then turns to his conipaniph With a d e t e r ­mined face.. .

."Let us part, t hen , " h e says, with-, out a regret for' t h e fortiiae h e is' re-.linqaishitig. " W e cbuifj neyer be happy together,, and it will be better to separate now thaii by -and-by . ' '

Without, a word, | she slips t h e jeweled r ing from t a r fingetr.and gives i t ' to h i m ; then,, tiprning, goes s lowly-back to t h e housei wi thout once looking bas* . .

Mrs^ Bresnor -and Florence Gaylor re turned tO.the cityp& the following day. The latter shakes .hands 'w i th parting, but h e .knows that" she wi l inever forgivehim".'

; When they are gone, Bnlph goes to ' thexee toryVhels frets, now; arid-Ol­ive receives hfm' gladly.

In the fcatumn they are married,

E l e s ' a u t P e i i i i i i H i s h i p .

Ministers are about. the tv:orst writ*, era tha t newspapers have ? to contend Withi One t ime a tninister proniisea to give, us an abstract of a particularf Iy able Sunday sermon, ; H e started to pu t i n his s tudy on a large shefet of paper, and. ju s t sis he got a few lines wr i t ten the hired gi^i carpe .and called hirh to go down, into the ' parlor t o marry, a couple froni Sfc Georgfe. Be ing somewhat absen t minded the minister forgot this ab­stract, and after the. ceremony pu t on h is ha t and went down street to buy t w o pounds of lard for his wife. A big ••b-Iae.bQttle.'rfty- was •'.bu'zzing arOu'M iii t h e stad'y,- a n ^ preSRjifly. plu m perl do WQ Into t h e ink-wel l . Wi th great effort the fly;matiaged to oxtrieato:- hinaself. frorp his. dangers ,ous position, a n d gaining t h e edge/of the ink-wiellt fell oyer exhausted xi®?. on the.,clean sheot-of pape r tha t had ' been left % : t h e 'minister'. ' . After a season, the fly's stEength. graduaHy. jeturhing^ i t crawled back and forth, over tiie'hiOierto unsullied; paper ttn:. •til frejgd,:."from. its l o a d , of -In.k,. and ' then spreadlpg.Ife Wings With a j o y ­ous b-uzz, flttW' Window,. and felt; to' •' Ca r ry ing a b.*idiieadeci • .mapnext , 'dbor ,^h 'owast ryi i ig tp go ' .to sleep i n a hanifiao'ek.. ' JThe minis­ter: retttrned sooii: after, noted t he . paper, .^aw. as ."he supposed, tha t the absti^et was'.n-aishedt though "he did-: n ' t Clearly recollect having cqniplet-ed i t , , ahdp ' rough t the manuscript . in j -for ourdeieptatibtt t / ; We. g a v e ' I t t o a compositor wljo hasi.the .dyspepsia and Is used-to seeing fiiightmares, and' the • s t ruggle began;; , W e ' were-'.fre; quently ' . interrupted by groans .and sp'Uhds.a^.:Q'f?su.pptes'sed ray ing froin. the composing' rqona, and;..occasional-ly the.copapositpr would come down in: tears to ask if a daub ap^danebpi

; ous trali-asrpss: t he . page .•me.ant-.V Je­rusalem;' ' 'bv "u t i l i t a r i an i sm," or a hoie in t h e sheet ahd 'a ' ,2 igzag track ehdihg in an exclamation.point stoad for " telephonic Cp.mmunlcatipn'' or ' ' tranBubstantiationi ' ' and ' w e invar-

l a b i y sai-3 according to our b.est judg--meht i t ' i l i d . ' : The^ hilhigter. wen t oat Of id.couli in ' t ' .see. t h e proof, .a'nds.Q-'the ^labstract '? 'went, i h wlth-but-xevislpn,. W e thought I t wopld. make'trouble^ b B t t h e minister c a m e ' in nex t day and'compilnaenfed us on the correctness of,, saying that there were only, one p i twp.ery rors, a h d : t h e y .were too'.jtrifling to mention. •'. I Jex t t o a minis ter­y e r -is • the w o r s t Writer k n o w n to modem". science.. A. .lawer one t i m e %Tfqte .to; a brother m e m b e r of .h is prpfessipn J.eijufesting the: loan of t h e tenth . volucae of ' a, certain r#po.Tt. f h e brother aaembe t k e p t the w r i K jngtor .a y ^ r a n d ' t h e n /Inforuied.%« ftr.>t lawyer that , he hpid his note tt>r A hundred and tiye dollars and it:.wjp* ri„o: .TJJJQ ^ j . i ^ye j indignaBt y

C n r S i i s f » JBalfeyl t lo jcse .

, On Thursday a m a p came in to the ' Sun ofjuce. with t h e ' w o r s t . iboMng.

,head on h i m tha t ever was seen bu t -s idepf Ocpnomowoc. ; His «yes were both blackened, there was a cut across; h i s hose, one. ear was stucltv oh w i t h ; -court plaster,;one.arm. Was in , a s l ing , a n d he used a pair of . crhiches,. . He. 'hobbled i n t h e door pfthebiue:r:dbtn,, and asked, if t h e editor was i n l a n d . ori being told/that t he great^preyarii cater stood befpire him,, he. s p i t op 'hf^

due. denied the charge, and the case we-s Carried into... court. The .note Wiis .produced and the judge looked 'a t it and said ' t ha t i t seemed all s t ra ight enbugh.: ;Then i< himself, and a t once said tha t l i r withdrew his defense.. H e begged the pardon of the court aqd aim of his brother lawyer, : and asserted vv;iih such -solemnity that he h a d no recolledtion of ever .havipg given, t h e iiote,. t h a t the whole bar wa^aSfeeted to tearSi including the l awyer who held the note, and who was'so. touch­ed by the other 's emotion that be p03r itiyely refused to ac'cept aiiy inter&5t,;

and Would t a k e , only the face of the note.' We could coyer this page/ with true-stories, for children l i fe these re gardi'ng instances of;faulty writing that'^haye.cnme'.under our h'otlee, but enough hasa l ready beep told to proye tha t what is needed. ln our. midst is a renaissahce i n t h e matter of pe.nmaii'-•ihip*-'MoeMand. (Me.) (himer-,G:a~: zvlie- - " . ".'. . • ".•'-•• •.. . "-.

a clpb, Jqojked wild;, apd accepted-an jhvif atio;n fd^f^d'o^n^r^tW'sbSi. !He ' sat - down reluctappy, ;as '- thp't|gh i t ' hu i t , and; after iayiag1- ..his *,crut6hes, ; on t h e floor, and'fe'elin'> of Sis ;ear to' see# . ' l t 'w a s on yet^ he s a i d : . . • • "^bout . ' three weeks ago you had an. i tem iplyour paper .telling about/a new sbheme for curing balky horses.. I t was an electric ba t te ry to be placed; in t h e buggy, vjiih wires' rhnn ing to the >boivejs ..bltTaBd when a horse balked the instructions. Were to touch a button, with the foot, when the elee< trie'current.would., go to the horsets ^mauth, t ake .his at tention from- ,his balkiness, and he would go along all right... DO you ' r emember such an. . I t e m ? " ' : .-."'. "'.-. •-- : ' / - ; ' - / ' V •'}. .. The editor.seratehed.the. haid.spoi-On his head^. looked wise, and said he did. remember, something about it,, and asked the visitor, if he h a d p u r - , chased a bat tery and tried it.-

"Tried It i " said he , as he picked up! one of t h e crutches "and .fixed the splints" on his sprained a rm. -/''Iipp-k' a t me! . Don' t I. look as though I had fried i t ! . I fell you these newspapers. Me doing more to populate pur cemer feries with .their, lies 'aboutscientific, matters, than a l l . ' the doctors. Yes, sir,' I tried it , and i t is a wonder that . l a m s p a f e d to come i n here and maul you; I l ive out pear Fagie,ahd-have got an oid.mare tha t h a s . been-balky off and pti. foi- sixteen years, " 1 have traded her eff.more than twenty times, and had to fake'her back .each tl'me'or have a lawsuit, and.' t he first four lawsuits. I had about 'her I got. b ' e a t ^ so l , had cbncluded not to t rade her oft any 'more , I jread'about. that b a t e r y , and:.sent.tq Chicago "and got one, and rigged it. up i n t h e bottom of a democrat wagon, jmd fixed the Wire i n the bit jugt .as yousa id . morning, about a-'week ago, X bitched up. the old mare fq fake a few e#ns..of:

milk to' the cheese factory, and ' f was afraid she wouldn ' t balk so I ' cquld cur;e"'hsr:.. i h a d ' h l Q r e confidence in t he electric cuj:'e than anything"' in the World, ;fb"r two Reasons; - "First , ; I have always, found, your paper a truthful one,, and second^ electricity cured, m e of inflammatory rfiepma-ifenit whitfh was wmm than any haiky horueyofi! ever . saw. Well , 1 got almost to the cheese factory, and the old mare., balked. S h e h a d balk-, ed there before, and all the neighbors: and t h e hands at. t h e factory ca-ueont ' to tell me how to' s tar t her . I told %h4m to all stand back, and I . would, show them hpw'tq'starta.bilk.y horse, fhey stood back and laughed .arid . 1 : tqupfaed thebptfepn fhqt,'and.:'• I.'could see that t h e old niaxe' got-;th.e shock, because she stuck up her ears a a d s h o o k her head, '•'•'..

" Jus t as t stepped on the button again, to give her. t h e second dose, she switched, he r tail .around and caught the wire, which "was .qui te slack, and wound i t around her tail ' about four times, aad 'my' foqt was op the button." Oh. tow she .k icked , ' I forgot to'taije m y foofcoff'jthe•button,, in the excitement, and kept t h e elee-

Jit.oji^ns'-Oji'xiie-atissjssippi.--^^t» iftci:-':'--' .,den*Vttt1EJS.'fe f^ftaa.-;.-"...\y-'--/.

,';A*Iast i fbega t t j to^xq^ l lgh t l i t t h e dlTeetiqii'ibfthe' ^femSsiplii;shore\ap.d presfetttly t h e .•bb&aiffPf ffiSfrliihg i i in i l lumined the -vast ^ Va 's tepf Ra te r s ; ;:'• - - Th6;.se^tte"prese'Hted.t'o!thega?^ one of dpsqlafioh indeed^; : i h ' Jeyery difeeflpn the turh idcur ient ih^uhded: t h e horizon.;; F o r al l /oae .could;,^iee to i

Gulf-ofMe^$c^, ] Or ieven i n %lie jvery

.. :;-S«iBiieV-.»t- T«"ri>»r : '^airtM»ir: * / J -./;/'-.- S t H i e J t e n A n r t l e n e e 1 « T t

;":; Sr^a^qiE^*W Jttiy as.~-*A&(

; % ^ m b 0 i / / W e M ! « ^ : •*-&$&&* ' ; t#een fbuir thousand *odf iw»-stn'li-. '-",-tne'ni V: w o m e a c ' i ^ l -itfce:paed;the e ih ioHiqn "Pf SF»t .tJQ's/cl^usV --'.AaEter;: tbe,] h ^ o o p i m e h c e d i & e w ^ i :

b l o V ^ u l t e he^vilyi:x«B able:mWQtti8p.tX>i\the - ,. irpwd^ ^OwoferVremainoft ^ f ipugh ' th^y/ - watched a t '" ~ large^^i*pf JrVhich h a d be^ t the >canyM b y t h e Wlnd»

h a n d s j g r ^ b e d : a c r u f ^ ^ h n e : W o u 3 d ^ n ^ ; ' ^ ? f ' -^'•••'.•.S^^sy.-i.-W^. ' ^ £ 3 ^ ^ b r : v ^ . ^ 4 ' - ' # # ' - ^ a | m ^ ' - ' - e y ^ '

the ; AmmtSks:; - ^ o i s i ^ ^ o a g ; sjxoie

- w^-dniBT WM&.. ;', v(/: z:-) •;;?':' ^<<f "_ A long ^ d f t t a h e ^ ' f o ^ f e ^ s t w t r ^

# a s a 'g roup of eabins:"flpafio-g diqw-p-ward - togetheJF,.:io'okiha'-''?is Much as

Hiaythihg like a,"flock q t crqws'sailing across.' t h e s k y . ' T h i y hndOiiptediy had once "composed a-yIllHge' the buiMings .of which h a d s t a t e d ;

' for'the Gulf With singulkr unanirdltyi 'People eq tddhe pMiniy B'|ap•''6h the. tb'ofs; On o n e ' a£ of todies.; and cows Weire grbupedj.^hlte^otn-;; 'several others smqke was"' rfslngv showing that" the beeuparits' had rig'^ ged upsonie ' sort of cooking arrange-"(ne'nts.;'-/,V , "'"••'•''!••• •^"'^•,' •-.';-":-,'

Tb ' the "eastward were , s ix 'or e i g h l Other cabins, t h e most ' of Which n'ad people on topsa i l " fiegiqes.,".; ThqJ nearest house seemed to h a v e .fully' d dozehl A . fire :was burning,; ' .and :

while pae—a la^ge,. fyt "negcess,,wM: "a red handkeri tehieft ied -about,bet" neRd^was . prepa i lpg tli'e haat break-, fast ^h'e could under fee cfrcu.mStaVcgs, the others were ' s ing ihgand 'danc ing as they used to'.oh the old plihtitiOna' bpfore the .'war; : ' " '."'.".• :-•:;

There" Were musical yOiees arpbng/ them j which carne floating pleasiahtly across the Waiter, and 'aitqgether the. scene" Was a s t range ohe.". 'Between, each verse ; -a -couple of ^ barefooted darfe'esrs, Wearing immense flapping straw hats, danced a *'dodble shufile" with fremenadus vigor; whif.e the. brethren and .sisters'san^'-and swayed, the i r bodies- by • way' qVaccompani meht , even the cookj. torgStfihg :.her culinary duties l o t ih© 'moment, jom^ I h g - i n the chorus, ifc/ seemed".as tfaOiigh"there m i g h t b e danger .of the whole of them breaking th rough the roof | bu t i t ' is doii offu;l. if ey§h the; certainly Of such a bafestjophe Wpuid have Checked the. negroes wb'eh ohee they were. fairly launched 'upon t h e flood-tide' of "their song. - : \ \\..

A S a s a e i « u s S h e i > h e * a Bog; . ..

T & e T i i l l e s i T r e e itx t l i e Wonsfdl.

- I t seems tha t Anaeric'a,after all, is tiua'ftle fo mat iegobd her claim to the

and" Balpn'n.pyer' ;.regrets. the t ime when he gave up wealth and luxury fox love's, sweet sake. -

possession of the tallest .and.-largest bee l a the world,' '. 'Flvery ode. ha« read of' t he marvels of Yosemite Yalley, and of, Yeliqwstohe. Park-,thp huge 'nat ional sporting ground of the United States. ' '"Bur wha t are, : the. giants of California, in a-tree'wMeh has lately been diseoyer-« d i n Australas ia? I t h a s , l o n g .fae^n: known tha t i n Tasnaania there ' eucalypti measuritig 200 feet from.the. grduhd to the" first, brarichj apd' wtife than- 35Q feet.lri ' total-•height j ' a W there" is,'. or lately was, Oh ' MoiVrtf Weliingt&n, near Hoba r t To"";*rrV i. t r eeo f thisspf cies the t runk ot'fe r,, ,-.<• was eighty-six feet in clr'cumfe^enfce. But a still more gigantic Thon&refaf of-the Woods has- been recently dwexht-ered in Victoria. I t is a:well-p.rop.yr-t ioned speoi:men of the - Mmutypfus amyg'datina, .and its top is neater', to the sky than the cross Of -St. Eiitjd's Cathedral, for. It. Is" n o less"than .140 feet; above1 t he 'ground.—St. 'James Gazette. . • -." . •••" •" .. ' •' .'•

A F a y o r i t o C l i m l > i » s t P I t f n t ,

CaiWstrihi., a French scientist, has •yut off the heads of flies,' ants, grass-hoppers and butterflies, and observed tha tdecapi ta ted .iBs^ets .retain their , sensibility . for a long t ime. . Flies oalmly^r.abbea'theiT.bod!es!with. their legsca.nd" hehaved asjf'^nothing., un-Bsdalhad ba.p&ene'd. Jg.ut'terflieS cqn-v : t inued. . to4f fd r eighteen ..days, and grasshoppers kiclted thirteen days a?, tejcbein^del^pitatea, ". , ;

, I t 13 a pity tha t the favorite c l imb­ing p lant known (or I t shOuld 'be

^knowh). as the Wistaria should not perpetuate the n a m e of:th4 'man to whom .we owe i ts . development and cultivation. • Dr. Casper Wistar of 'Philadelphia, was an eminent sur­geon, physiologist, chemist a n d -botv artist.' •. He made the nat ive Aiper i -,can and Asiatic plant t ha t bears h is na'ine;a s tudy; ' N.uttall,. in ISISj d.e-;

fined a hew. genus, and dedicated i t to •#r;.Wisteiv NevprthPiess,seedsmen :

and gardehei's advertise "wis tar ia" and " w e a t e r k . " .Even so well in­formed an observer as Dr. Dresser, in his Work oh/"The af ts of J a p a n , " re^ fers ip this plant,as- t h e ."wesseria.?* If they; who desire tha t .justice shall be done to .the memory.; of.a..useful ihan wfll only recall She fact tha t the . Wistaria was named for Dr. Wistar., ahdfor 'uobody else, they will readily'. rememb>r the t rue name of the grace­ful,flowering .climber that' adorns so noahydi ty h o m e s : " :

t'rjc current going, and I hope to die if the air was not full of'heels, and pieces. of Wagon, and mi lk eang,'and me. She aeemed to have the strength of a hundr"©! horses, and it seemed to

. m e as though the whole conveyance, •horseand aIl , .wehtovef the . t r eesas

.though carried b y a'Cycloae.- ' l a u d the wagon came down first, apd th<jn if.b'egaa' to hail" mi lk ean3- "and rain pailk, and' t h e pld rhare, stood-there.

S^ith theeppbe r wire around her tall , 'kicking and pawing-inilk 'eans,*and t ipping pieces'of Wagon on i n e , ' The . bbssof the cheese .factory go tn i e .by one leg. and pulled m e out of the. ivieek, and one of the neighbors got' .hold of t h e battery and pulled the wire off from around the coare's t a i l , and she wen t . i d . eat ing grass, a n d dr inMng some t h e mi lk ' tha t had'col-lected in. a.hole in. t h e rqad, arid they got me hbpie; and I have' b e e h i h bed ever since t i l l this morning..- t c a m e in o n t h q traih'tO s e e w h a t y q u would give t o settle. I ' d q h ' t want to be :

Hard on any man tha t . ls:strugglihg' along to build, up a. busioess," b u t by gaul, if does seem to ma- the re ou^ht to be a responsibility : somewhere for such, outrages." . • - -

The editor looked wise some more,: and.finally told.the ajan-- tha t if h e had not pa id a royalty , to Bdisoh fox the use of the electric horse persuader,,, h e was liable to be arrested by a United States'Marshal and -taken t o • Hew Jersey forj' tr ial Oh "a eh'atge.of. infr ingomentdfa patent,and i t would cost h tm thousands of dollars;, so h e concluded to keep.still about-it if t he editor wouldv and 'he- went off, after laying tha t he . still had faith in.;the battery, i f they could keep t h e wire from getting around the tail"of .the horse, and as he-was going to.-take; city boarders at his farm this sum­mer, he- would, get some ;bf them- to practice oh the old mara wi th the electric' current—Peck's Sim. '-

OneeaPpbt always be a,,hero, but one cap always hea man -r-Goethe, .

There, is a shephqrd; dog, "owned oh the Carthage "pike, ne&Mmwpqd,, Which for saga'clfy^ntitkiShiui to the. honor of _fe' pEofes3or,': £ |ew.„ days sinee a gentleman,. faraiHAX \yith. the writer, was coming dowh.. .Spring G-rove avenue, "just .above ' Chester park, and obse^eda. l i t t le /cb^motiOp at the north end of t h e ' l a r g e cbyered/ 'wooden avenue bridge, which/ spans; MHlcreek a mile or so, abpy&.Cbester p'ark.'A"pprqaehipg"nearexhedi'seQver^ ed a'flbek of.sheapthat had»biocked. t he ' Ifffrth e^;fche M d g e ; ^Their. "owner"was pattently^eated,in a Wagon .behind ttoem apparently. ito.c6ji«.erhed, A. :large shepherd dog hadbeeastrug^.; gling;fbxseveral minatgs-tai Ih.duce':th&:

'sheep to.ehfex the"hridge ahd:-go pa..," But they. #exe evidently ' -s'dspicious-:

and;did not, into- the fbrbldalngplace* ' feightehed' .at the"' dbg's.btoking. and .urgingj tho; h i n d ­most sheep-kept crowding d p wJiiie .thei leaders obsitoatelyh-eld-baek." ; A s intimaied.above", the ownir r WflS/.ttn-coheeriiedv evidently-, confident ' t h a t his sagapious; dog- would io lve" the: problem..-,Fres;ently; jhue"dog,; djs-, epuragedat 'h is ' unsueeessfal; efEirt & drive,'leappp; .the .backs: of t h e sheep^ which,;ih: •rhe.teerow^ded;cdhdI-' i3pnr.16qked like1 ode expansive fi.obff ran a long to theb r ldgeen t rMce , leapif ed.n>an : the floor, and, sei^thgiii ' . his.; mquih' the. wBQl#y'neek of ; the ewes,- dragged her [along onteihO,: bridge, ..Otiqe' on ; ihe floor -qf. the ' bridge t h e o i d ewe's- suspicloirf were; aliayeclj au'd..she' trotted, d a aorqss, followed b y the whbla;|['6cfc/jyhite;; Shep; stepped one side, i e f them;^ i l pass, and fheh..%otted alpngaffer.;;.; .''

.And : 'yet tfaexea're''men;silly :eh6agh t > insist that-dqgs dp not thihki,--70'ai cinrihU EnQuir&)\-."' " i . " ' ':.;.•'.; "]...

canvas bierngyery olirl. A J htougjifcqfc-fer; $h<i osj&ofi T&areback; -pexfoitoers, a a d i .piodnted;Mm:rafcd;#item wiGbf hfsjpartof; i^pjKrfot t he ib f4e# | eh i ed3^ /p j *#««• ; ; & p 0 h d i i r g / danger and

:ss&y;'ln;tbi-fitig,-'. -.0.< :; tdre^t / ;*toEHrt»i^r ' iwiffi gxWt ^IblenceV <•

'.yasftqm theifeenfee piafell^f .^uttainl ;«nd. i ja i i s i^r jjotea" ;|qftAi.;^ iSiet/ JCanpte panic-stricken roah^fbr: '• t h e enlxanee de syo i tei escape. /

[ ^ o o ^ ^ ^ s ^ W ^ ^ i r e '&•> aboye; tfife sjreamfc'of: :childien, :and ths./shoij'ts of '• '*&&$}$ '~the.panle sfric-keb^efpwd becs3Dfi<e.J fectly-daliHous: w i t h texrolr; - i S ^ •lampsini;;-the tinjg^had^set.tghe^ .on Sm, a,nd;it Wa* huxiSngfujeioiirij vhu ta .dBlugf tp f^ * -iBg; a^ '^.^pnjpl-alsi t^ ' . - i^vft^ -after'Jih%-,feRt wa^sboil t l i i&dle : edi Women: xand. . c'hlMjeft knocked doyy&andiun/pyer^.j

-ah:<J^^"'Jniothers;' .^ere"-sepafated./. the i r clhildren^aPd; r ih, abdiit IS i direcMGni'balling'-bn^^ W£&. i

few Men only /pxoyai. equal to 1 'casloh,a1ad^^ stood bxa'vely'flsStfi flames'riahd assisting, the. yt<$ <^Idrehbhf;*rbsi^^ ainong;ther... ;eith% fey te'arihgor cut t ihg 'S id y ^ . / r ^ ^ d A ' ^ ^ ^ ' ^ E t e u ^ ^ O ^ ^ reaping,^all-^hq;^^emergfed.oa .oSiei qf the test w^re5udd§aly.'prfelpit into ;a: ditch, abqutl5ye :fqet:deep,, g rown :d^'. with.;; '.• briars;/ Bfere ;

. ladies.,, ch i id reh^ad ; .wftje; in:^inextricEFble-^on^siqnj'-aad-lS»3i -males -;were a l m o s t : denuded/of* ihg* ;'-^o'.add: to'-the.'terxSxiall i bells cotomedeed. -toj/ring:.awft".* steam,; w-hfeties.,-fo^signai'' alafca throwing t h e ijity in to : gfeat. PX'Sa| ment and t t t rhmg put the whole poj alatioii;. '-;.'• A: < grea t 'mahy peoplei Wfi badly h i i x t ; a n ^ no one waski i jed oup-ight.- r

B e a t l i .jpjr-ii T r w % l e « i :J5ifepi»aa»t,^

;IPrinee^. th^e'pet. elephahf of PuWsgr^ t - shb iwi died <«J Mo G ^ r g e v ^ r s t i a g s t a i i j -'"thevolej keeper^; y^hp has been.2$ years & ;

•|)hsihj^s-,-says;that;^ ihg. the iaxgei f e lephant i f c B a r n ^ h.erd,;.was' one of t h e ^ ' e s t elept *'

;he.eyer,had In eharg«.; ;,H*,vB:g sa id thai;-" they-had.-iaa.y4ied. si(y fogether "that; h e i p o k ^ I ; itj Onie of ;his';famlly^,;:. Ift.."i=8?t,3 -(.jffir'.Bailey):waS dprs;4fethei| ;tors. Of Coop'# :i"B*|Siey%; "%lied 'rrqi«i;San i'ra^ciacq .i for .Aftsijailas;: -fheirjee '.Jaya'/ahd j'apah.'.|4h^ii: t h l ia,gd;iitaia to JJfeiv Z%l«Bd,^ they ..feayeied to P%ru,:I>eIpif i days a t sea in a ' s a t t n g y e s s e l ^ iPeru; they 'wenti-te''Chili "':**&:, ; around the/Horn, t h rough th© Bf .o f 'Magel iah / to . tonte^ they .weht ' to Buenos ^ y x e s ^ a p d ^ l o i ^ ^ i ; ^ t h e coast/pf Braz i l : to 'Bahiii ,apa;Pffl»^-4p This<tou5; |a3tedffl i : |sW^ :^tx^^ duxihg 'which': -Piiaee '/-traveled 7#»0ffH.:: miles;'"- ^ H ^ - w a s i h e besf trayeler jby" "waler; I : ! ttyet---dpsS^V;/cphtmu'ea; 'JEr* J* ' Bailey;'-, .«Wheu w | Were af, sea^aad \ a; Stofni Canie qn^ h e \ w d u l d ^ i ^ i t staheboh and roll wi thlh% ship; is(^i ; / a l l t ^egEac leofano ld ; sailpri; B e wag \ _ %~ h i g b i y i p t e l l i g e n t a n i m a i ^l£i$i;.pl hadn ' t a k i n d •yqrdior:«y-er^y'ohe^h.e:

hadm- k ind caress. . ; . Why,',iE d d . n o i . .icno W. What I-wo aid have^ d o i » flratk-quf him• ;whqn;X 1&0 .trayeSajf* " ® dld;&e y f e ^ o f ^ I n t y - i n e p j y a d i l ^ ; :^; and.anloadlng.- pUsnin^ and p^ijIingi ,;:

Tj j t ' y w e r e aug-sj i i i ' sr E a e u Oi i ie i r . ,

'"Mary Carroll a n d SarahFt iuniyou are . ebarged With being d runk and fighting in fhe-slreetgi -Wha thaye you to s a y ? " said the Justice- at the Tombs- Sa tu rday , . as t w o female wrecks e lung to t h e failing? . ' . . . '

" ¥ e wu'z only-huggin 'each other, Ia ih t . seed Mary since -she kemdo/wtt :

last,- ahd I was pl'pased to see hi* .« . 'fThrf%' months , " said the Juslace, and-their footsteps echoed- sadly on the iron s ta i r . '

. The highest form .of Christian life Is settdehial for the.goodof others.— Bey. Dr, Pa rk . . .

. ~. afrs;-t5aiaB.e|«l s t i Jl<>i»e, ••

l l r s . /Garfield hei-self is ' a changed woniah^ who saw-'.her:.two-years agOj-burdend-wiih the; respoij-: s ibl l l t iesofal ife she .never-cared'ibr.,; would scarcely recogni'zs her;so:iriuch-:

i s she improved. The deep- lines t ha t once naarked her face, .are gone;,, and: in their stead is an.expressipnthat .be; longs only to ode w h o i s weH cbhtent With t h e - world!:-' .She. manages /.her affairs seeraipglyfoJ?getfur-bf and uiimindiul p f i h e iutute-and: ye t to on© k n o w i n g h e r i t is apparent t h a t

. shehasf . regard for bafchv • When ask­ed by a y M t o r who wa|: paying; her a visit Of eondaienfie.if. she. w a s ; po t eomtorted by:the fact t h a t tlxe,.entire world"- moni-oed- with- hex, she- re-; pl ied; VYeSi whep;I- think a'b'oaf.ii.i* To her Mends Mrs.- G«rfield. se ldbm speaks.ofher .late-. hu^ban<i; as dead, bu t makes use of the present tense ih her allusions: to hims- In-hex .drawing; is a, fine portrai t of General- Gar­field, • taken in hisi, uhiform -: -iqn- • the, piano-tests th©-picture pf-Qtteeh -^ic-, torla Which «he.senate -Mrs, iGaTsfleld, and on a table/are a 'fow'bbqks,mos(ily; classic authors. I t is.undefstoo^thaf. no member .of the-family, wtli.-gb- to ;

WasWngtoqi :.duiiog. t h e 'present'' A;d-miWstrfttIon:,and,Ms.Garfleid ;douhti§ -if she can «ver br idg herself to .visit; t he seepeS'-of t h e saddest niotQeats pf' h e r lift".—Cleveland ZeiteriO; jPiKslJiii'g. G6mm&rcUtl.' •'.' '.'-•'•;-••' ; • ; '.'•"' •!-.-•

" ' ' - - •^ j ra ' i» fe -TiesU;e>Pdp ' to f»^M*Bth^ •

-: ICECS-.Ajigost,;hhtoberi5.rfin^rk^blft-: for--fie yar ie iy a d d ;exfleilsisie«' of .fl*e ; cqntenteij ^mbhg';;fhe._lea*Jifi^'^-^^^ fu3eLy ^ i l lustrated /ir-tlcies. afe i: " f f e Homo-'oE^pluS^ate.d-'^iea^B?e?*.:--{*':;

' sketeh/. of JjEstjE's, es tah i&hafent^^ ' tAu Aldyen^ire . w i t h y T w d - ^ ^ t l e U ? toeh'-of Verqna^;'^^^he :;<Saxdea'• io Epg iahd /v . b y :S,v.;B^bin.sp!n j ' ^'Th*;:

Hiato'ry-of a-,playhouse,'?; by H e j a r y ^ 'Tyrxeitf ^Tfle Sbr^naftoh 'of £he^fjz if^ " Aleicapd^r^^'jp>'i"ThaBeal ' tbr-d$j«-v

::rbn,:^'b'y -Alfeedi -HvGnBrnsRyj- ete.V , Thelnter^s'fipg spriat T'The. B^aoiifiQrt; ;Qbuntes'3,bf 0Miryllle^;- & Ciiniinaedi •m€ " itierB^ -"are -delfghifBl', s t o r i ^ ; i skiefches4Mic.:iby: j-mahdalM:. i)isng|as». :1Suia-ey;Wyaiii^n. ,B; . ;G^iP«efc ' : i%a' ; W. "^leireei eb&-. There a r e «o.m© ;«"x-./;

•eeUehfc.. pqems-^ssvexal.;. admixabiy';. iltustra|e"dy-.and;. a ^naost ;'^qMpi^en>',.. sivej;./lentertatnlngy ;and:-insteuets,ve-. misceilany.:.,Thev'puiiibfirV-iiootaihS/ .128, pages quarto,. ; WQ ' l & i e t r a - ; ' tioii^, a'nd'-a-haau^ful ^forestiflr^Btlflk piece , " A ; ; P ^ i a r A ^ .p'riiiais only 3$.cants.a pumbsi? i$t &,' yeaT.-postpatb%;- .-:;• >/- .--• r-;:;' / v;;;.::;,,/ Z-.'" -: 'Addxess-,;- Mrs.; - F ^ A J S K . "DESBES^-:

: P-uhiishsri f t ; So. and 57 '/.PlacfF,: Kow^.".

Xo>k v '.-:'"'. ;.v"-; >'-;.^"; : :^ v:.'v-••.:.

A son of .Srfn,; who tried;-to:cqnjt. suicide by t h e all-water.xonte, ijji receiving tn.% full sentence imposed by.laWj'xepaaxked: ,

"Sure, J u d g e , you: wouldn ' t giye ihe the full ' pmalty.- i w^s aliye: W-hen they;, dragged' me ashore, and; wasn' t that; only drqwhin ' in the'sec-

*pnddegxei i y e t ' H o n q f ? ';.'-.

;H» ,' ;We!:wahfra''rellgIoh.that.^s^ . MM and ttiiies:ihe : yp loe j to melodyj ,and'-. chee'te the ^mpatieritj.exetoma^.' tion. arid bar.Sh reh;ake^'a xellglpn fha | , is„poii teV#^rehtlai- tQ :superiox3, '3^^

'eonsidefcatelo.ff ,ienjj8^ :ie^^ goes' into'the^^ ;and" keeps t he . husband; fmhci' being; cross-when/ d h W hef Is.late^ a h d j^fes ; ; tke . wife^from; .fretting; w h e n t h e "'husband. tracks.: the"nSwiy-rWashed&pi?^^with;hls".m.ttd-:;: dy.-. boots, ;ap.d::.makes' the "husband:. .mindful of th*) sera'pex ahtfth^-. ddox?'." m a t ; keeps ^ e / m o k h p c patifent-when. t h e baby; ircrpss^and amuses the:ihil*.-.: dxefi as ..^^-rasviimtm^.s-"ta^f.--^ai;es'.' fbxthesetyaniij 'besldes' paying', fheai; -'promptly j : pxoj^ts; ithe iioheyrjaooB -" :ihto\tfte" haryestaiaonv and: Bnakfei t h e : iappy rh.oip^:J^A^©.^is ter i j" "figiree,"-; bear ing ' in- p& .bpsqna. a t ohee. t h e lieauty -ofits. tender 'blossoms a n d ih& gibfyof fhe xipehed 'feutt. ;;W«:wahfe -a:te.ygioh;tlrai shall^^ihterposabetweeja'/. t h e -JEUJS' and' gullies a n d rdcks r M 0 i % highway qf life tod th&*t-i.v6sodls.' that^aretra^lih'g'qysx.lhem'.;.;; "

.Thexeate twoPlassesof naen . ih the .-elerieal. 0o/esslbh~-th§xa:are th8 Men'". Who suataift" the ;puipit,vahd :-theMea :; .whom the pulpi t s u s t a i h s ; . 1 ^ ^ Aife-":;". t i h^he ips . . •.-;.:.'-"'.' "; "•,;.-y-:- r / - . ' -;v

• ! * * • • ,