pl^i^^lp -...

. ; 7 ff *i£-gk- $M&m$?- • 0&$^m.. '•&B3&J3;- SJdEA&t^EEiDj imifZCmJ MM •': .,!Ette pttiiqipkija';i»titatQ$ sx^pi: seven timesWrameti water-as ^ttKer certtGr 6a^j.:;|a st#OT4,tf is a fqoi in a-3'ate of mueh greater aaafloa*. Analisls proves Mat &4m: if. ffie= ^urapJdiir . ^bifta-%./^eW •&61&' Ita- i=& per-' . centaggt'df witer^ 'ppm-; frntf bfe re- . jmaitti^cfejMpje.Wilable as feeding' . stoBgr.v ^l^hflg; ^nmpkiEtS ; 2aaiioi'"be ' dv&s&jg; 'qa-a&ihiSi aacihaia;*. eiieipJy IraiseAJma^.%.eou»£eji tHJ-valuabfe fpptl for mlie% Ppw&^NVY, ^oria. .: •• 32rs vMsce of- potatoes as a» article. . of f<M$,&rkftir¥i^Is h#& baaa.yarioHSiy , ^sfitBStateS?: : ^tiot opiii< l !iis d;£jfcr r i.ifci?diJfieqfelto;give;tBpgfe'£aaa''fto ;\jijg ; s'iatejae|tii-h;as ; n=*maeeeptpi; by , good; ..aafeojlties "fe'j.eoisl^ soma-'- ^ter§'Be^l6© tifttll s- ;fit Jbflshel of potatoes, if |u^Ici«Usiy-fedio'aailttiala ..: pf- iaaatreeaV' prsfiasja pif beef.rroffl • paifej i'fe.SppaadS?.~-pSMl; : M-t&"^0. . ppuol^^^ba^T^."'fe;^ : ''^.taiS3•' , ." ;•'. Of eoiajse tbese ^IsuUfease .oStajfled', • opiy -^w&es t&e poipSJes are M& in -=• . c«EsbitiSifQH mfb <j|li&r TBaterMia,-^ - i&y-egavfng .C5i.ici«>ai=t for jJsfrSEefc -Hipiagr; ?n%S;Semei ^pea-leaps' &i i&a^fcett:%<3bl^fe«£¥-J: "jfrave'-ioumf it •ioMng po&itsj-In^^efie;fli^ti> ; 3s Tjesf not 'iff:ffiyp' »efei#k«fi' •a'.fiea.vy 'feeii :fpj?. ten: at Mel-tP; days-feMora. Jailing*'. -If ffie Ia^@6es : -are. net. %mpry:'afc' -tfaatiaie pf- Isliliig'' thetf , aeld ferteffi|atlor| fends-; to. pause 4& e^ps3ii|o^r-:. ^ s i t t e r : siippM ,tfr& ^fealttPrsfleim^^Istteij'SteJppsd' off';; ,-fef ff ;MW' bfepC fe'stSI fl«M it:PFjil: rseftlirmIha^ifile' Vfsieie at'Sr^Jbase' '•pi- tbe ; ilat&ery. tops- wyusk': a sppfety. lorefcio.-tfte^riav. j.'V"M atfdiSo«.ro. itoese piecaiifipafj..' a, few'' ;'pfeees."of' beJiR.Ti.iSd;qfe^iSpa fa'vfceep'as.'i^ta.^ \33 Siestaip- ©f,ibS'"W?#ber tp^naSfs, •PMeaClSiT, #brl4; . : \ •' A'Btasib fcrM father "caliecf bis son jiilotbe library the other day, and .gaid;? *'Harr.y, t 'you are now- VT years .pid.^* "Tes,'latber*" "I have gi^eij lypamon&y' froiM'titoe. tp titne, bat yotiha^e 'hajj no stipulated allow- ;an.ce,- Begannjpe; wiik nextweefcl shall allow; you $6. per weefc," "That WiB belspieadSdi. SWare one of the besV 'fathers., in Detroit?" "Yea, $6 per week, and. as you are now old enough' to pay board | ghaii charge yop^ $5: per week L You- can always depend- "upon tbPrdoHax*. mmlug to •yo« each S&tuiQa&.'^JDetiMi .JFre& I¥ess,\. •;.-. ••.•'.'"-•' ''.. ;'.-- - ... •'.•'•' '-.XAKJa'JJLI^BKE . . . . . . ' & Liver .Me^lMJljae^ Furifiers, Rem«t5ses. THIXtB HTOOk -OF- SUMMER GOO.D8! BpeBSia ,JkMd ^IndagestioK Cures, Jkgm> And BiJioHS Specifics. ' JFee«». tl»e Oats,;' ; ""'pat ferop; of '^iiedpualry' is an' •'ttnn^allyigdaii' otj?,;- P r i c ^ a r e .-low. "for IMs^aini"-•;'.-' £<et : u§ bope%bat- diie ':.0£&- i effept. •' o'f r '.' ; ; tfi& ^stai^- -. of. ; "affairs wiit ^eibai : 4aritter^' genef-' ^aiiy^:.*!!! ; _.n3a6©\OGtoreiS0, bfipafet-ia IbeiirowpIfe'edlngi .;.'-' We do"VpoS be* : lievftiQ ail tbe.bgd;lb!iUga s'aid/abp&t Vja^^;'t*r|^^tl|--&^0(id^4;'bsft» ' '•fQaa46r^QEsesv-eaS^ £6gg .or po^itry;ffia#ife spm : ^6%ea : gSMcye<St' {. >r ? -bMli ; pugh$ tp- -hgibs pielo%. ;§we gfaiiji fpodj if oa^; ^rs.abiiadani :; ajjd low-pxleed.•';'; \Wi>x ~SGOd^.stQ(ik~r~] - coitSj^ea^ves'and lamM-ioatej.biriier, ; "TCboJe;: Pi- gipprid^- -ar^ab adjrtirabl& feedV'v•• Tbe<valie' ©f'tbisgr^in.' |pr> ; ,dri«4n*'iic>ise3 i s ^nerfcliy;-|idajiifted;. '• :Why Qboi*^4 : ;.. iiot-. farm 401303 ha^e tfieift^jeely a \Ye miieb; lifceatleast .aaog^iPnatlfeeiS-pf^^^oat^iu Qxesbeaf Mrntfebpows..ixi wrnter,'aiid-..bavp :found; pa|s answrec capKaBi'as. fopd fpr^faMng-steer?;.' In masy'pafts' of 'M&rW&t -psts v?M Mot. .be.-*p^{b. m .jEhW. fa*ms,> oyer":- p'nerhaif to tbree ;. fourths, of a csnt per' pound,- At tbese;prleas.tb6y certainly, ean be fed ' ":t<ji?itd¥aE,tage..: W-eH-saved.oat straw is (afood .of Very veonsideraDle ^a&e, .;:^*^^mt"."ifcpae of .the'disadyantages of Pto'PHBiatB4haf,.we? iaueii of the -;potfiitryj .pur 'somyaets,'ioo: bpt ; -ftbiddry.fcxikefress ^ey^opnaj&ni;M : : ^be;oat erbp>;;';. : 'Tbe season: ibat best : : '• salts' the epfit ecop. if aofe e^Ieplkte. d ' i a ^ a ^ a l a i r g e yjteld;=bf bea ^mts.-^' XV . .>' -;.. 3Pa1| «Er»*6 dfisitoeic. : ;-; ;.••'.' -, r ^'•"-'.^'.;;'.'{5 ! &;^ertS'i4^oeatei'."/" .-,"-. -•'• ' ^4tb&fap ; -Pf^^tb%year-t&ere fe-fhi>re' ' dari|^'pf;slEpe& ; befbg'.aegl : eete'd.%b^ :mP3t^riipers.&inS;^--;^e%aasifc^ .-• %pm-:tbe: :Wa*ta : mghhto.the copi : ,aiid:; &pm ih$ sbceiiien't.'' g^as^ea; of•- !h» .waiarie*;rflobtbavto.tb«. tailfiarbkge> •;fia? fjuifean. Iff^ctpa ifie epaq^tipti.of' -st€M5fci- In -peribfebent ,.paafeire3 . the' .grasaeS; ;is.-.d£ie& bp aad": jsrone.r.aad' '.pnly'»n.'secbbd-^rp'^fh Tjlo^erVand' .' .gra^'^abbte L .:b®Ws.eaa.'. aby "Mia'dof - proper fogd Se "obtaaTied,, .... jlence be4; ,: t^eea.t&P aataajb gxass aipd thecom- . itoiiCBaiertfcoi's0nt8r*rstall feedibg",: •stQe£ bra ; l%bie : toSH#*r Jr«aaa tao keaHfrdiet< •• L ^beu.tbia istae..easp^ sfioefcporttbie'aeeiix the face'of a bard; Tenter inj^pp&beartj' abdytbey- Bpbse-, v-^bgbtly ite^er. gain up and .there-iaa. cpn^qaeni fess. r '.Sff% are fuliy^ of"the'. .bpi^teb'tbattheV,ne*feB6 of'prbber; j^aaa»emsat'pf'#oBk-Iti the f/tll'iibf •"jabreibipprtaftce-t&n^an^^ "otiter : 's.e.a- Sppbr^feyeatr* -When tbepisfureS- • are. getfetp^'bare'eyety- farcaer should ' ; '^V^'a"wi^p^'^f;^^^i'*aad['"_wSteb :ifa&C0^v.p%btepoib4' eapeei-ilfyia' ' .tfip; ease of Tbilcb epws, they abbuid ;bevpxttib>mnifpi:tableyaird br"stabie "a^ ipt.afioWeaife.'^ " #njp,^as?.-: ; ;," $Ufe ba3 a babefui ef. :€ej^ abd.&.a.^bUore'har'& '': | f i i n g e 6 & T Besifeipbttibg ateefe.'iri.' . .comfortable adariprsi :tbe ^Btej©fre7. .-' iqfbirea.lo M i:ept;ttp: ;fey iiberat feed- . ?Jbgt» aad:-'-bt>ire is "wbbjeb the. aoiSng'= ;,syaie.n3 : .wpbIa^^!%v'mtoeEE'(?ce-. ;if ponipdodatidna £li iKe. stab^s for ail "•" 'tbe% iJto'efei iet tbepi hayp a sbeltered ;.^j^^ ; ahMj-'. l ^d;b6a'it^i^^aft^SD- ;-tba*' the, a»axa»ls baay - ba^ry'•• 'at 7;n%b^i ^iips noi:^ ••• .'Tmadb-:ksrafor.tabl^. bat..tbey.areear-iy- ;. coaoaipneibg; |bP- %brfclof- tBaittirp- ' ;tta^ag rr ;0ii^ .^batfarinsi •i'atfbecpws^ib^'stkbte ^ybrj^ara;b%colS.rtigbts, -attd give thppa ; • a geod feed;pf iafeifo^R. epirrf, rye,' b^ •Yyetebesv '.'afc : ; aigbl ••^beb ;;yd.a. fafep: ;^henj in.| abp£her fee^^iB>tbe.^p^rij- '••.3bg«-Vy'B«0ey-%rbief' ta^'hay^a/few" • acres of.tbisygareen fodder; '"aBdKW-e •;. jEuaranieb tp^say : tbafe b n i i P r e PfffrlS vil}; -aia^ea '• ^reateE' : ipJbrn-•'. irf fe«d .^abd p?ye : acres^^in SQifegr-feetibii.p&e • bnftdred"- Mpsst waald' fcesp ML'tbb'.- vsfee^: ;ie'ftaippd:-ba tbafe 'p:nabtity,"of : ! -')a^'fm~fh&. : fa$i nibarh&V' b e t f e tbarr: : twpttty'fer&- sores- - of' pa^tarer..'• Df; - touiset&ib :wbajd.b.e' a.iittlP.*^^ LWPrk'fbt" tbpbieri,- bbt-i*' would-be ; »bsply rppaid by tbfr«2fia ! Ba'aQuie'so ' :mueb- neededf Md'tbp:pbnssquent ia* •cre^ : bfmi&".abdfefefi; : ' ."-•,• Fdt«.e.I5'eTives*S. .Eestdress. m.SHO-^p; TAKE ALt Tip; B5E3T ctuaUJief of aR'tliesfe^a.iid *Jie bgsfe dttitJittes of ali'tlis; •best aietltctaes of tii^-W;0!;)^ ajagi 50u,:-will .Sttd tlratffOE. BiarriiESt iiave the fiest-eUra- iike iuanaes andp.owers• of ali-cijBcajittaiDed. Inttieia, aiitfthey'Tn.lf dtu'e.when any 6$ all' stiiglj- or efimbiiied.,. faili' A. tUqrbBgh. -triat wiligtyis pesitfws proof of tb-'S.. '-. O c t - .." .".. •.-.'..'' -'•OK— ; '---.-. 1 Ke^pab'.fc'iads.oi"cbotee... ^ '•-'•-. ..' - •'•- ' AiilJ.SBlA.AT TItE-'. . ' .LfWSSf;.'£I1^W;. I ' l ^ S g ; ."•- "'• .oAsaPAJEp-F-OK. ;• ••'••".'' • ' " I J T T E AJS:»" IET LITE," ' ' ', - K'o'ofeirbTTO,, ' " : ' MOR.^J' PRO'S.. Low^ille, N.Y. E.•#! AKTHUli <S& QO«, Dealers In , FXiPtTB, POEfe, BDTCBS,. liABB, EGGS, ;aryl aH J6a»cTa ; of .pio^ isioas'ana. gfopekesj Fresli.'go'oas always- oil- hand and prioes-»' . ' l i a n a s t^te'JQqjTrest, '! W6 -oaer.fe^tra-bargains.ln ,,- - . ';. : \. '&M£S,:C0FgJ!!ks^JX&8tt;Ci$Z.. '.AMgooda. warrantea.. 'Store in ih&.Sforse Modfc* next dooriio Keller's.laai-ness shop. . ' .". ...-•. >Bi;fn.a'trae6,, LO.WyiL&E, &.X; - '-' s^AU peM'c«s- : iBdeJjfceil iv Qie'ia.tefi'Ma are recxtt-esteft to 0an"»n'd'settle. '•• . ,-"•".. - •.'•-''•• •'.'•''-- '•••'••- -E. J. ABJratrB," ^gjffjL^&TEMJast,' .A'MiiHasojsr i I'^Ailias^foxsatetliia fallaliin'itei nna- : J}srof: '•-.•"•..-'• : : . •"*-.•:'! !' / ••'" 6o801$ i &' ZMPIs;.&y4r). Plymouth '.Moek 'Strain of Fowls ! .All wssa.&n^etl itpae't'o nariie.- Early orders •.•_-• • . sec'aS!6.first, ..choice." .'' '-• . " ' T tan. agent roe tbs follosrtjig jiatitWy foul- try magazine's, postage.gald', at tb:e followiag •prices,-;, .- : : . ." •;' -.••',;-: .- -./. -.-• • •..- ii}6'-A*prlc'a.ii Ponlt.iT~jQiifnal,.i„-„.._L*l.Si-. The Patfttry - AVoEld;.'.,.'..,.,'—_^ c : - -Tdp Poultv jytontftiy .„ is _j •fijn - Poultry AIo-Ditor—- t_ TIieEotti-tocj JSatiQix. atta a %-eeMy aewsi>apie.r r - •-TBe Ameticab, :P<«}-U*y Ta»2. 1 mi , l : oo . 9.75 :-5mS-; ..Hv.G>-tEO-SA^BvtO>yyxt;i,S:. Sf, Y... '3PSS- / ; Areibe.finest-Iji-FO^B.- -- . ^e.the.ftnestlnlis^I&W, _'••Wtftefljestm"^©^^^^?..'...- ' •SeEtf-roi-.eatelPg^ifitli MUSIC- tEEK. 6l)S VfaspiiSgtoB St., BostpB, Mass ; 13wl I..."'-'.*Wfe' -have. .'b.eea ib*rrie;ft' bPw 2S ' years,^:said; m Abstia.iad^'afsortie-, : srh^tyiEe^8sy-di^p'fMtibbj :i 'iet^«go : ' t o "PbafPbtQ-dyy. iibd" fcbante-Crbd."' -. ^¥btf cartity^ jf^' tosweted-berbts^ ;: b»brf.;.' -."^e jreasoflvto" db'so / Ibyfrm't,? it ; :f eelebr*t& tto* day ^E- ; ;aB; 3PIf finnt »p spfee Mc^plofcb atid aabeail''ir$exte: SMtiPgSi -". • • -.. -' Ladles aiia' iiPDMemstt 'WawteiJ- to introduce ffniT<imnb1 : f(»<S: ? n ^^teina-t aiii thorough •T'fSiW&'&W f b s t a e -topJCs, cotripriaiiia 4ji.55^4.ttSi X,. -.}.-. Jiomestlc Cookery fowr (M'awy y-0!?s-ta, i.V 1:0® i'e.efp'e'sj,.-'Hi>ns'e Wsnv . JiistoJwc ttnd 'JHaoauenri'eHt,. Interior abd Ex- tertpr BeeoraMon<Sotfte-0"6p'ort*;ebj».(&Ames, A^fflUsei»'eatsvSmM^piicies r Gare.ofPHilclr(iu, .•4fccid«n*.8 >nd'. gBitpral. iimtft. oa- m»ny sub-- .{peteof yitat irrfe'rest' to home and. if* nappt- ueiis..'BeaiiHtutfc'KJuSitfated.-.- A royai cor-d .;*»<<:twefiil boolf';'. Vertj: cheap. WtU-sel' itix-. riaeaSeiis:-'. •-'tyirtB tor-mil p\ii-r.tca.larn t f t f i n a . 3ABB. BB03„'PnliBsaers;:EWia'ae'ipaia, Pa. •'-" '.. ' '. '":' -'•"- •': V. 1 . '"'. ' 1'STOl .".THE XmmVh $QMP&mOWr ^ aEfe'aWK, ,-W.©ar|fe •& -lHapii^ne_g,s., :. , Mauii^Seciue.and ifefo&t HSienx... •' Ett'e.'' »ad:,aa\'top..ift.m t£ie'.e7<-*rtirJerjce of Msat ettTti-aeat- pbysieJaBSi^Bf} iaeven -.Rrieces8- fet- Imsliiess a?pa;"A. treasarj:. of tlie rcra'st valn.ab!elaf<iriuatlap.« Pi:ie'6 50eettt&,. Mailed ppstpaldoB re<iefpt of pMce,.' Faataie-ST-ampR,' .: '• -. .:'.Tayl«rSca*...Pi»D.-;.Roobeat"er-'..'iT. Y . '• VOElEMiEa., -%j.«u'oiee!.-t--lit'erainre of the wow.di .iW-paae-Gataioswefreij. Lowest prices OTW•lettO!*^l,;• '.Kot mbl by dealers.- :• HSn t- for exanisiMvr.hiij,-b.ef<*re ! payiitfintonevidence oX' good falthi -"-. • '. - '.- ." - • ' P; : 0, Bqs'a2S,.'- 13*4' i$ vtsey'St^ K . T . WATERS & CO., Have yisited New York for. the third time thisSeasoa la order to be presen t at the Great CUwluffSBlesof the Mai-ulaethrers smijon- ber's. at the cldseof the-season., a'nd also t>> seenre the btnefits caused by the recant ehaage ia the Tai'itfJ The opportnalty to se- care-goods at . Estreniely tiQW Pyiees .Was neyer better, aad we are fully prepared to offer a great laaay id-Siimmer Bargains, HAEDWARE, STdVSS, &c. £.t Waters & fo, fou€aa Buy NicesnnjmerSLl6:s,at4B, 50,65 aad-75e. SUIss. 81, l.3-> IM. H a a d Hpvtn S l l t e Si.Ta. 2m. 2 50 The Best.4S.S0 -6S and7Se. Cashmeres. All WDdlB^^eigesand'Sun's'Oloth, . • • BuatiO!*. 12,1% »' a»d 25c. Dress cioorts, 5,-io i-JK. 15, W a n d S o . The Best Dress Satfne; So. ' ' 'ainluic? S, 10 and 1 J^c.. Lawns, 8.S.. 10 aad 158^0, •• • . . At Waters & Co. ¥tm Can Buy The Best 4, Sand 6c. calicoes. T h e Bes> 6;SanalUc. Giagbams,- The.RestS. llraodfe. Hh. et*, g- • 'The. Best 7, S and 10c. B cached, • • Tae Best 6. S. lO.aad 12',£e. TO.weliag. The Best st)..25. So >u d S«c.-l'ab'e.LiDea. The Best 3-5v 50 aad 65c Bed Daaiasfe. . .The Best 25. 8TJ '6tt'atnt-75S Ca'-s-imei - e'>; " Tbe.BestfiOe. Si;tKtaad.ii23Saotaags.' .. . . . A&'Waters & Co,- ¥oa Can: Buy The Ohoicesttacps sad "Embroideries. P. ft. i.'Orsets, 25.45,'55 and 7cC. . Lis; e Gloves, S, 10,15, 20 and 2oc. . KidGloyes 50,'75C.aiidSJ. Shetland iS'bdwis, 75o. $100 1,55 and 1.59. Crishmere Shawls, jl'.5H. 2.00. .2.5ftand 3.00 Passementerie. 15; 20-25 : and 35c. Hos'e'..B.8,10«I>K Iff a n d 20c '. Indies' «D.d Mis-sesVCollars and Ruehlngs, Handke> chiefs. 3. 5 10,12} £ and15c. yelling,25,85.andi0c. ;.' .-;... At •Mski^vs.'k.dd.. XovL.Qan Buy: Fijnsati.2,3,S,i0aadl5a. jiptoSZ. ' silk ^arasola. f 1, go, 1.25, 1.50-and 2:(h). : Rab'her.'IrCBtars, gl.00.1. 20- a a d 1:25. farjpts 22.25,30 and 5% ". • A"tl'WrooiGn£pst-s.65,.75'and'.9 , )c. - " 3J i'Ce B n r t a i n s . 10; 15C. u p t o S7, ' : i'loor Oil CTlo'tVSO, 35". .40-aiid.50o. Bes"t.Ijtye Geese- Feathers. .7So; pe? pound. Ladles Kid Warkrag^hoes.Sl.OO. -' f.adles.-Srt.ppe'rs, SI 0D,'.'1.2oah'dl.50. &attbn:Galters, 51,25,1.50 aud'.ZOO. -Mens'Shoes:SI.S5,1.50aad2iOO.' ''.'"• >I.ens' BootSrSaOQ and #50." -.' Saad-JSladeBoots,53. . " ...'.- •At''Wat«r| ! '&-Cd., IPou- Can-.-Buy, The Best in a nd I23^c, Coffee. Tea, 15 2D. 25,35 antl.SOe. Sa:erttfas,.5aiid.Sc.. -";-"-. • • ' • .' Gpod Molasses, i5 ; aad 50c. "- . The Best Canaed Goods; . Starch, 6'and'Sc. - Soaa-,5c, Bat Snap, 4, a OandTc. .Warnick-Mifc B r o w n e B e s t S m o k l a g - , 25 and 27c. Flne'Oat. 40a"nd5uc. , Lamps. Ofockery,. Glassware, Eaiyes and Forks, Plated Ware and other Goods Very CHEAP, - .••.'•"•.'• TJdLE MXJTXJal X.ZFB INSUR4NCE GO., ., . .. CWB\SHW, YORK. ' . . '.""-••• 1VB-W YORK, F«.».- WIl , «•ST«a , , "FresKieiit. : ASBSTB O.'YKE Ratiges, ("icB.deSj'' the best madeQ Gook SloYes, : . ("Utica Stat," 'fCreedmoQr,'' ajad otliers.) JParfer' Coal Stoves, ("Splendid," and."Red Gross.". Par- . lor Wood Stoves,. (^Utica Top/' and "Ba^e/ and others:) Box Stoves and Agricultural Furnaces. ID GAETOH COAL FUEMACE. Builders? Bardvs^are, Carpenters' .Tools,.Tinware, Bar Iron, Nuts-and Washers, JMails, Barbed Wire,. FAIBB^HK^EB i rAHB^Bl3 S€A£lB Pmnps, Coil. Chain,. Rope, Universal.".Clothes Wi"ing.ers, Parniing Tools, -, . •. Lara I.eather, Ruhher and Soap- Stone Pacltiag, Lead/ and Iron. Pipes,, bteam Fittings, Machine; Waste, Babbitt Metal,. Etc., Etc'.' Vforkers." in -Tih,. Sheet Iron, Copper and Lead.- Iiarg^est Stock in Xiewis Ooiantsr, at 15 G10. W. FOWLER & SONS., LowviUe, N. X. JON. & ®B£3C;iKr:Kr: -NOWFOBTHEPAI.LTKADE A'* THE--i- ,. IiOWVILLE BOOT Mfl SHOE EMP8RM. We have had dnr closing oat dale of Summer goods, and :are now patting i n a iaam- moth stock of - •- . ..;.. ..,•,'•': •••;•' ; °- ' .EtOQTSA^ - ..; f e are.haviag maaafac'tarea expressly for as soaift'of thebest.",-.' ^ •' .- - : " - •- •-.- v .." " a p ^ A J s r ^ . a v c ^ a L ^ s B O O O J . S , • -•'".-•.-.-" Por Parniers wear, ever.hronsht Into Low ville. which we shall sell remarkably. Cheap. .we have rhe largest stock Qf •-";•'..-,.- '•.'.• ••'.:. •.'. ..:'•.-.•' "'••.- ' v "K^rate3Bt^ In Lewis county. Iociadii>g.ill't.h'e new.styles'of Ladies.' and Gentlenrea's Enbbers, a n d t h e latest improved Boots—both 'wooi.and: JJubb.e>: Lined.. Oar line of • . (jeirtlemeii's, Carles 5 .and;jp#S: Hue Sfe6s:ani Slippers; are snperlp'r t6.any hefpre shown' in th's place: Wes'haH bay&snme of-tbe leading styles on exhlBltioa at, tlje Cohiit^;' Fair,' EVery one-coming iQ-ttfefair sh'Qaid.n'Ot'rail t'o'see them.atid to visit our stove before leaving Low vii(e.. Oa.-SD endidass6rtaiC!is.of goods aad extremely lo\vpriceswiU'bean'a.ttracCloai;,^.ofthe. ; ; :. . .••••- .••'.- .... ---;'-.. -.'..• ..: "."".'- ' " • B I G - B O O T i --J:d-Pfe^ r At.&''feEPWB^ : . •' •'"--• .-"•'-: .-"''. . ,\._." '•:• ' : '''.-".. '•• ...JOTSEB.&'SKiJSlNEB,,;. X T <r?e-Pre'sideb H. BARTLRTT. AiM'siar'v. . . - TMM LOWYTLLE TIMES, IMEPAPEB . Fo*' wtsm jif. peopitf are atwaya- on the look-• .. JCJQ'otit.fpr (Shanee.*, to, increase their -eatnJBjjs -andlutiai:© become weal this*; m-.-ad- ' Who do "not-impro-sre bhlilr oppr>rtii«'Hi»KrG- niaia-in povert?. \yeotff.r.a greatuhauce to :aiak«nj'-fney. - W"o waBt'ta'arty:aaea, Women, *f*ys,-a» f J rjlrl.S' t'o work for .asyiaht In their <swti- lo'cati-tie^. "Aoy- daft can do> ilia' -work , p'wp.erljt froiii'thii ikst slart. -'. The business- -will pay «6rR than ten litaes ordinary wages. Expxastve. eafflt fh : rni-=bt ; d' free No one who- enKajsesf Bjake! m"'>,ney-rapidly, . Yt>«. can a-evo.{eyoiit' wh»l«!'-*anie .fo,ta?j vv'ork, or' only yoar RRitfeift'eiatpata.:- Full wfoT-haarton= iarnd ajlthat i'a.n-eeaefl seat'free. Address SUa- Boh^'Cdv.pHroimtf Maine. .- . ., . . rj-t, 1118 is 'Weeping by.go.and . .. . dftTe-.bgfcfl'p y-in. di.e, soaM'thiag ;>ia>M!»it'<' '&*& sublim-e If av'Y.bijl-uad' in contjtipr tlriiie. SKS'st'weefe 'i't-youv<'>TCn i b w t t , ' S5 : oaiitSt .-frcp'.- Ho: rfoit .EveryfWntf h-PW. }"i»pi'tar'nftt •'r'^ai-red. . "gfe wiM tnnaiKa. ynu..Hveryi'hini', : .JMTairiy kfe-Hiaki tig ror-thaes. Lartle« mafte a? .mach^aMteai' aad boys sad gtete.niafce great p«'yjal r the.Ujne, write for partiQaia*s to &. f HaUo'tfc*co„.Poi-tiand,.Mai3ae. ; ' :-••;. s^A.MXBti'Eif,'/ Beat 'itetaie, in^fiiran-ce; aad '.' ifietierai jBugiuesi!!. Ag-pttcy.-".'' •FOB. SAJLE 0-B.iExCHAl»€J)ES.. I' represent the following Hrst-class. cp-pa- ftatiies: ' .... •.,.•'." LiVEBPOOL & LONDON & GLOBE, GEKilANIA, LANbASatlta . VmOlS A-CITlZ'lfiNS, Q.tJBBIS', IMPERIAL, COOTINENTAL, . LO^IBON & LABpASHIRE, GLEN'S FALLS, PHOENIX, LONPO^.ASS.nR'ANOE.'A'ND.'. .'-" .. . . TBAyELEBS,'Lri?E.& AOOfPENT "-. - . . INS-JJitAJSeECOMPAiSl''; BAILEBAD '.TICJKETS .Sold to any pai't of tiie. ~, ••' . WESTERSf COUSfySLtr,, " |TSAMSHIFT|0l3iS- to and, ftsoa FOftfatGl* COU'WTBJES Ascheap as aa-y. other llae.- '•----• S. A..SI3CBtlBt.L!iWV*nie K.Y'.-' diseases- 'n'nd : dera-a^emeai® of 4he body ea^h Js-as.a separate' caiif,e or' osigi'q r ,.and tliateaen h-*eds:adifl&renbiheia»<jd>or-ireafeni<>rit rjj ur- <i«-r.-titj e a e o t - % " c n r . « ; » n d - f t j a 6 : ehPsle!8e(y- lAott-.most o-'ayi«.ce':i(bat aiiyof f'ije anaee" Bostruroa foisfea apian.the Rublieisiatoiag' to onreaii ofa nnraber Qfdlam'etneaay dHfer*-ili. diseases ai'ast pt^ye-faiim-es, ev«H if we do pin, ;call.lfieBJ.,hLi-(abj-tgs, , . ' . •_ "•-..; • .; : -.' - . PfWir P'fl-nfil*»" ^°^ People bf.-bo-la'stei X uui.-. Ai-emuv jaeaajr, ana even-pj-ope well to do-itf ft-ealthy 'lad tihat the'eho*ha"ciiis- clmrses bf pf'icttN'ing.ji'tiy-'-JC ans are-» serionS- i buyden lo Jh«n a',nrt alio find -thai.- after paj"-! lag ttenl'SflJ-i%s\-)'Qor.-ttt'at' r-.o-li'etteflilias'ac- V proe'it0irn?in..1tinl in.faci l.h*y.havetteo'"n tbeir money .Uwayi To ovaroome'tbese-evlls- we offer Wheeler's No 9K'S'va'eR9m--4-5esto'.tteB ' fsick aud sira-erihgi'CBe: Bjenledy .i"or.eacb;aiS' «ISB, wlthontTor'a m'omeai-.cWmlng tbaip'iie ieihedy wifjl ctre aay./afher-dfsert*e fliaruthe 'OEie r e.laitpta-i'or it- -a.Bd;as-.i-he'se'renie'dfes;haS'e staofl I'htt.te'siK'fif-y.ears'•ij'ithoat .a : siijgleiart- nr«. we agree" lo; .refund-''ney bawi.-la: eyexy instanj"? wKere*'c'ur's.iB riot iibsitiv«)y. efle'cte'd. The'If-medles' »re eaitrBly'v«geia-'. ble, c*o d'm'ho h a r m , and .will pnsitw.efy cura every disease for "which they aareprescflbe'd.. '.• '*^,tf»>'^.^*§ Steam Hsnifif'3IIIL ' ^owYihiM, u'riWTS- 6o; is - .', Y. The Sabscribers w6nld give aotlce to the people of Lewis coabty, thf' they, have al> the appm-teaancea-'.a'aa .t>*-hinery for..the. taaaniftctujeof. ' . , '. SASH, BLINDS, bO. A BS . TyiotrLBrNGs.*.; , ' BBACKKT.'-* And can'supply tHjena withaajr-tb ~mg ltt "t3ieir line on. ttsmia tcooTOpeMiwlth., sSny other »hQp. ". :. '-•'- ' . ' -'- : . . . • . ' Sailders wlllfiadtbe B^c^ldltlg^ : flalshed a the b e s t fPfta-'.-w. and •**• prlw>B t h a t ^sXH Give, them from 25' to 50 per cent, over %tif^". .-vr&itv.'Z Band. • • . Sa-9?iijg, : PiaaUtg, .W*i-jMii&., : ." And any ot'ijr •« jr!s i n oonne^'ioti- vil n *b> business perforoiad' to ths iaost -ionaplete. s'atisfaetipii, ' , ' ' . - ' - : •- Oi-trsho-Ti's-Wppt'ieS with/the best, class of machinery, 3.nn. the piosi.' co.nrsetea't. wosk- mea; •', ;.' .' . ' - ' ..' '• All kinds of Pita.<sl aad Cls.pboara "SaWr ing;3S well as Girca'ar and Scroll .Sa.'>yin| dofieoa:8hor| hntlos... ": '.Tarlied •tnd'S'latod'flad.Sifew^ll" Ppsfec6nsia,atl# on htnd, or made'to order, Ta?ai'u%. nf.a'l kl&ii*.o-i.p--;--rte<:Un g d o d s t y J p NehrUlsl'a art. -"reHeved -at once atid' fOKi'tt vety jjn'i'eir by the' asfe of "Wheeler's Ko. a(i'Hbeuni{r.tlc'B, j aledJ-.. We sav bwdiV that in the worst'cafes : .' iriatter bow'long •s'andfi'g how per.intifiorh'iw painfm weea" not o*iy-give Te' , te:. bat posltn"-ly cij-re fur sill .time Failing to do" ih'-fr we'w-.i.U-p>.!s-itfv:tlv { rel.u. d th« •roo'vey'palfi for lie ti'eatmeat,:'Ud", it j6ar.MiaVri"«sas-e -am positively .stopped. frm all tlrufe-yoa have not .thT'owayciir iaoar: e'r away.'aa 2'f>1i..-waul.a\uh any'- other than 'th'--se gaa/raateed.-.r'empdies- The- price- of "S'h*eier , -sXfo.S8-'l*hi»i''.matt'c flehi«-dy is oajy 50 -e.nla. obtiitaable fffah. druggists or seat free -by mall .oa. receipt- of. price: stanip;s' tar. •kea." - -.: •'*.. ; - .-v. '.. : . .••.."-""'--. ' ••-. wii'V* a pretty, face, hemtlfnl ffgutfi. fauitless coiu-pfFxion. as ueTi as tbe swe^tesf (tf leter pmaaf.l.'fira'tlep& thfinfal 'ctuaii'Ies grows pre- a»a ! ure'y. ottl; gray- j'-jid w-Snkled; hei. .foria iost-s Ite'pertpct; contohr, 'ihe c 'ibpleston da- comessaltow., 'he brightness -le'aves;"aie' eyej' a feeling of ianghftr'takes the-pJace .of t h e once bpayaat- spiri-s'. an- irrtiiahle aervpug fracftonsoess aiakes lSJ ; -'a. baTden.thiirigs that, on-eewefe.trjflejs' w •rry. her.MH life be. o-mes'' aahearaMe; .A-M- this' being cahsjed' by ibe ..physical .dera^fgeaie-»tsi<o.;«finiai."-ih lo-w:'(>! ffie.a.', which'ttie.iua-.ite injjfie'sty 61 fenilMne' aarureprevpststn'tir-aiafcifig; kno-fim aiid-'of .whichTlie-igt!-ofavnce;of the . m*-dhial profess* Soft p f e v e a t s ' a' ears Lady refadur,' -• nd consider.'.tis a riaty yoa QWeybWi-elf '.yosr family nart j-onr .<£. d, fhtyt -y-.a sh .hid care yoBJ-self v-f .(-nise '.ft«u-iiies njwfefeei' flie glow of. pcri«n.lJealtn.aai'i spirits-Chat-aa-. tare" ateaded for yon '. 'Wi.eeler's'So:'86>Pre-'. scriptious are'pleasant d paiaiable t'o .tefce, .ecjDtata,aothiag 01 au.tfljar.ious natare,- aad- aiay he taken by .al.l'ag' s at ail limes and in al f eonciitio.nswithout possibilii yftf ill effects. and'Wi'l pasltively ca«-e any of.4b«peculiar diseases to.w.h^Hi h-maieRare'sabject; - Fall^ lug to'prv dnce a'per:«-ct care the pr-<p r ietors wilt wfund tttPttt-jae.Y pBjid'{orihe tr^iitnipat, I f M H h«v»-' a s'a -tow fiomple'sioa.'adnstaat-or' hilpr'miitrttt •i^ad«c.bes,"b'acks«;a"e. rest'JeSBf -ifusj'ioss of appetite,'so pressonS'bf hKsnih-. l y fl^ti:, mr iri-*gjTjari'tie« th'ereef accompanied by headache^,, aers-'onsrifrsa, ' hysterics •. nafl staiilar synaptcaa's, .'vChee.ter's.No.-SBP'rescr'iu^ tlon "B" will p >-iti,vfrVy rt-'store yoiito^health If yoa h a v e a'.KeBs-->ti>n o f h e r t *nd.thr<,b' bl-ngln' the back. : frectiien> 'fainting Spells;, : Lpaeorrhea. or.whW'-ttiS'-liarge. paiitfal or. snadirig sensation in •:tirin at'iflg. .reddish or white dpp.isil ih arthe 'hot and dry «kln, •"WtoeleT.': Bfor. SG •re-ct ! ion "G''''Wii1 ^tve im'mediatv and lasti'g lefief. Ths price of Whe'-'ier'sNo. 96. Pres-Bvipftpha ••«''- and •07* ari-«*e<-ritf.-,• teh. •!•(ai.ti»b l; t-enl by mail sca'i* Ifaaa "bierv^aoa piist- aa'id on re"e<i!.ptl t i t - ' j r l c e . •' Postage stamps, ta ,'keh.' ;".. :•' . .. •' ' .' • .'-. -•-" •' . '. - Q'^i'Sfj H^iiroaa TPitae^Tit'iable, mm §m>mK : ®yiiR,E (PMe: fable of i*a3seiia:er Trains.; 1883.' FALL ABRANGE^NTS, ' 188^ Dai tf EsLceptsuadays. BTOVTETB WOBTH-, Leave JTtica i. Bopa'5iIIe i ... • Port Leyden. Ijyoa's Falls. Glenda'e. .,..„ Arrive Lowvill" Leave Lo.wville^-.i Pastorland . Deer Rivw ' ' parthagc. ,.. Arrive. Wa*f rt^wa. •SacbetsHai^.r Leaye 'Philadelphia A r r i v e„ .' -M-orristown— Ogaensbarg— 5 Ite,: 610 :ft'SS- ! 7 ns 7 23. 7 40 Sins R 15 «2S at&. '•9-SJ5 .' ip .t^. . IJ2<?' h)25 . ll'il : . 1140' 3sep.M ! §; rsr 21S' ? -M 212 8-urt. 3 in S'>7 3 37 . 35l> 4 35 fl 00 4-M. " 7 at. .7^5 7 SS- S15 8 36 V-iCf. S5S . -9 0S . 9 IB WOO *--„ it is nee-aloes'taaK'scrihe'.the^ •S.-iti svii'.p.ioms- hi. ".ihfe aa-aseoa-s-, diR^a^e tbat.-i.J~^yi»^ii;i£ f b e l-if^. a m i sti^ng'lA of • nl-y ff>o luany" ot-.'tbe ihtresi '»a.d be',st of Urith seSt-x; oiii- tmd-youug',. iatl't>t*iirg'a!ii.e iVnra thi- poisimotis dripping in ih'e J,iir«a;',ihe' i <>l<ntu6iis >K<^H! djsch.arKes. the.J^tjd bi'es'h 'a, d general w< : ikh'tsM debility andlaugaor. Hfci'de tV'-nt It e'a ftr kafft-rj g*,ot •thi«i,disease' 'wbic'-iiifn-t'ehw-feedca 1 'only es-d-iji'los 'of palate, hoarM-netiS,- weakened'.s-ignt.-lo.-s of. memory, dwfB'fs" "id pre'da-.tari death-- if- n<it. ca.eefefd bePire-'.it is too lafp. .-Labor •alndy and research ia'A.meriea,.Earop*»'ai-tl 'Eif-lcfo la'n 's haverefuHed So W h e e l e r ' s 2?-bV Sii-Iu«"ta.n» 'Beilfcf s<ad ^Bi'e Cafe for p.-!,te.rfD;-a.. •remedy whtcn. contains ail, tia.t'tafa.''.iaMreds^- -eat-<' and' th'4 is gatrag.te' to- care „e.yery case of acnt'B or-C'. : f,oi!. : «5'<' : atar> i h'.or m/.'riey re-" "fii>' d(-d. •tyb:e.e , ''''s: yo 116 lastarit EelWaad' SUTe-Cnre for i'atarrrh win -cure- every case of catsrrh. h yfev^r orasthaaa,, j'Sice-'^Ijipper pafkwge,. from d'agsl-itsdr senj, by snail post' paid on receipt of price.- . ' .-. -. ' -..• "Wheeler's f-?o.'9S- Sure Care, for .Sidney aad' Liver Trbbbles cu-cs .all weakness and sore-, •aess bf.jjidaeys,,inflamiaa."tioD,;of Sadaeys or liver, pticcSi,0'o; - - .'.'.•.•.'•'. \ '""'•'"; ••• :'. "W-iieeler's Vegetjible-PUi's-are the oaiy'rem* edy .that, care's cprortipatioir, giving hatnral ac"tioM'.<if tiic- a?>wels wjt'hoat.ahystcinSi p**s- teg, gripirie-.or-paiJij yriceSS.eeats, of diag-« .gists or by. mall. •••.'.'. • . •; ._.•-" Wheelei''s T>TfirvlneTba5<S-.for-meBta;i4epres- sipa loss o'f manhood." iangnor, weakness or over taxation of the, brain i& lavamable,price, 25..eenls.. , . . . •-• .. .. ,•'... -, •. .-„-.-•-. : Pifres^ in every-case or. . . . .'wi'l '.Tefand- niohey" paid - We blace our price for-th.esn remedies.. nt'leSsthah*"one-'tw.-ntieth'o'f the-pHce asked: by. ofheis for^remeaies i].Po'awbich..yaa.-:t'ake all 'tlie eliaji-egSi and'We specially incite :the palronage of the maav persa.'S '^v'ho = haye triea'.otb'er remedies wUhoateSfectcir fteplet-' •ed theit' parses by paying dodtijr bills' thalt. be'aeat.ted.thenanot..: • . '. ' Hf^^%t&;'^fflSa# a* for i-hem." If'they nave-not got-Mem; write' at. once to the proprietor:-,, eric oslng the price i-a-m-Oiwy m- stiimps, and'they' w 1 !!,! b e st-att y .-a at Once by mail .post paid-" ©or-. respondenee solicited.- address'plainly, ;. •• :L,'W"HEElrBB«'CQ;,'- '• - : .-:'- ". Ko. 86 W» Baltimore «*.,- •' Wyl ' - BALriilORB, Ml), ': Twisfe'apd;.'Twlfg'sg, _ t 605.. 635- MOVUKJ SOaTH. LeaveOgdehsbarg^ 3fiot>.jsi..'$35A.'si;, ; : : -F0R THE.FAI^^RABEj';.:. '- : :';'' •. '•:" •. . and : ui©t*iiiji;g. &V&T siiawii m, . Prices within the reach of all. Buyers shoiald /exaniine this, stock'before makingfheir'.'pttrchases/ 'Satisfaction, guaranteed. L Q W y i L L E HEPTTKfl£BEE,'lS><3..' ' ••.."..-.. '--'•". ' / J. MTEB. KBIOES But every artlale sol d a t a very -small mar-. ?in from its.actual cast. I inn a taXl-iXtte-at PEOiSSf : TOIXE: EOSFS^ And.the best way to do. this Is by aslng ;PIXES;^0OJS« TpprYfBr, AfKS* Twenty-Tears on the"WroagSidVof '" Life a Virgiaiaa Tiir-as the'Tables. 'JHoWfoBgdidyouMiy?*' ^ . ' "Twenty yeaw, J silu, up to the' tin?* r meatiQaeU.1 batiBaffered from diseased- tf v e r fortwentyyeM-rs.' 1 »aid.Mr. S• T,HTaneoes:• of" Riehmoaa V».„ half sadi^, aa thimgh uu n k- ing of-that. dHatiidated iiection 6t bis life. .'Ait Mines I ..almost .<vish«d it had pleasedi» rov'l- deace tb.omtt the liver fronxthe hnma» anat- omy,". '.. : •.,."'. • . . ••-. •'Bad eanugh—tsventy years of tbj.t-sort of thla-',.". respondnda-iistensr. "WhH' t was the a*s13otbr^t?'-• , ' - \ ... <"»»=™t> ' Th»' ttpsbot was that some time ? go I went down to -scoti's dni". stpre )n thi>' oltv and boaiSivt.-om.-of B E ^ S O ^ ' S OA PC'F N K-POR- {3-0H.PLASTER,H; ar-piied it a n d was relieved :In~af«rw in.u!•«.-.?<ad aia s o * a s soa-utl aslho' jay Bver was-made rjftirrtlKirttlibe-j'," . Bebfcm's—a.nliketlie old fl-Khio/iedkind-of planters— et prompfiy. Look lc,r the worct GABOIHE, which Is eat in the Ke'nuiae.'Pstce 25oeats i Seabury & Jfohasbn, fjhgmist. New York.- •._-• ..--'-- - . _ is-sr* .. •Drugs and ' Patent MedieineS, Crockery, Grlass and, Stone; Ware, a full stock of Groceries a?ad Provisions, Toys and No- tions, Tobacco, Cigars and Pipes, Fruit and Confectionery, .;;,•:.-;^4$j^;•••'-;.;•'""• The Only Rjeiiahieproieetton for Preserving ' ;.-.- . "; theShiagle Jlciofs' of ' -•'-.''.,'- .; . »WeMB£,tfouspsV «arnsi" ' " Chufcttm, Etc.f •'•.; i n * tiiaklnj them - Fireproof against Sparks fl-nfl- Cinder's from ehimaeys aad Baraihg Bulldiags, ' • • - .•-.-'-. -' - " • £e- M y ftgares are low and not to be beaten by , any olbrar live house in.Ne* York Mat« Colwe aad see mBlfyojl pleflse^aadseaif It. doa'tfillChebUlevery time. , , J . J-< A. 3«A.BB.KESS. I iKJwvuie,Aftg.xsvi8S3. ..: Our Elastie '• Waterproof rami,':Mf m MoM, IS Superior tor Anythiflg In Use for "Wear aad ..Btop.pihfpf-Leak?. . Ft is warranted not to Crack or Scale, as it Eipaads amd'eoauacts by Eteataad Cold. Tile proprietors ot the Bonf Ooaf.lag are ap- jitying tlie "covet'ini? 'to m a u y .b.tnlclings ia •»i d'"iiboa.t ! Kbonviiif.. Wherever -Messrs Keiiey ,t- Obv iiave- wiirkea the coating bas «i"ea" the best of satisfaction, composed. of ins*edie'ats noted for taelr'-preservative qualities. • • .-•-._.. PR0P1RTY OWNERS 'who.haWimlWingic'ovef'ecl svi'tii tin. orshin* gle roofs should cousait with the proprietors of the Boor Coating.- In the Bert few weeks operations wlil be oommeaced at Lowvllle. •' Orders proaiptiy atte.ucled toi" ... 61w4 d o a ^ ala t^ALESSIETST "WA-NTEB—To sell 'Surgery ~ stock. Pull line ,Of n e w aadvuluahle Sp*.elttlUes^ Pe.riafl*ent employment and good salary .to sucCesynl .agents- Address giving age aad ieiershoes, TheGeo, A,Stone KuriBerrOoaBdoheiiter,^. %• MyrsiBtowu CTayt-m ,-„.- ArrivePht ladelphia Leave'Sackefs Har, , . '• -Watertown-... ."-. - GarWage. '. Deer. Biv'er„. .,.- PasIorl«h,"d_: "Arrive Lowvtl.le..^ Leave.'Lowvnie-- '... -Giead'-il.e' i 1-. " Lyo'u^s-.TaUsc; .P0rt.L.e.Y4§n'- Boobvllie- i .^i Arrive UCica-—;.,„_ 3; 335- •a«J H50 ' S-tfl 5 45 5 5* ' WT 1125" 'IS -10' 6'59' f.a5 7'45 . 915 903 •&40 10 # '•8.fl0 1035 . .1120:= 1130 .1147 -. 12 0.- ' 1215 '1'2 31 : 1252' 1.I.H) .' 120 2 53' ; 8ftl -'• S09 -8:18 8.3S' '"•..$S7" ' -9 18 9-2-1 ' ftli' 'M 15 ' " S l y ' b r e t h r a h , " s"hnut=?d Cr.- Tj=amas-e one bright auiu'mnai, Sunday, -"he,re ls-".a ies.=on from the eprBflCidV. Gad..'.h'i»4 arranged t h a t 7 tlip e a i a a d . t h e niiS'k..sB.all,be"payt'e<i,- -.Ey«ry { rheamatacpaib is buta thrust-of the hasklug | peg, and ever neuralgic twi'age is..oni.y; a twist •of the.oas'ktsr;J' "•'•. .... •.-'..-''•.' ' .Pbss' biy;' bttt. nobody, -wants t o b e Masked-' for ail- tbat,aiid nutnre teaches a s t o resist .the process- Therefore, WK accent wit=h sratii tide. whatever •heins' us to .suppress those very. twists sad'twinges,;' ' [- •_ .;..'. " .. ... -'' . From htsjaiea's'ast iaome, Gregamoat.-hea:! - Siag.Siaa if-, ¥ , ; in.. Alfred faoiv a FreHCh gentleman,, writes;...'_ • .' - .-' -.='.'. . .. "I ha'vja; suffered almost.''r- ..mehts'frhm..rfeetVmaii?,m'foir m a i y yeai^.- .OC .'the numerous remedied '.iihich-Eitri^d, ijoa^ benefitt-eri me. Bat PajSef's'TTO'legaTe me great satisfaction. | eei'ti'fy. w;ita. pieasn'te that ftrei=tored aiyhMitU.- .You'are wildome •Wa.v freight,- with passenger car a'tacued j tb.pabUsh this'iandasftmy'.ltamei":. ' .'.. leaves •Cawviire. g-ung;'north; at ISSO'P m:-. t aisco-S-i Co., beg to'ca-i public attention to arrt-WS -Watertow.-l -Vs- p, m /. Wnyfriifht, . - fe-t^atfierea-fter Parkas•atieiar'Ttrti-ie. g o i n g s n a t h , l e a v e s I,™w.vj'l<>,*".>a w p i r r i v a M1P Uict.v at nereattei rai Ker s. Vj,tpger i=oaic, Cftica S;!5 p. irtj,' Accom="odatinn train leaves- will be ad'- attist-u and s=b"!d i-irii-ply u n d e r tut Carthage-i0 li.i.,arri"Vfs ^'AtedowH u.l'ua m. uume/of'PaTise^rooic'We.make thjsohaage tm fa'?nytrdartfale!4«tp S S " ^ ° ^ :^. . '«? : tMi*Wa «jal aapnucipW.deaim. a M '"iSro c l i a r g ^ ^or tetegi'.'iphiue' for.Rifcpi.nsr or ' con'staiitiy .deceiving "their .customei^'.hy. nrawi* g"/Boon> .'Car aeeomhiod ttoas from SU bstitHtiog. inferior pi-eparutioh's under tat aa.^ the raer-e lS'ap cbange,. "however, in. the prepiwatKU! Itself, and alt bo'-f.i'es in ibe IWTIK of, (ti-aleys, .^Rippf-d nafaer the name of .Parker'sGi user Tobi'e, contain the-jseaaiiie mftdicf'n'e if thefae^-simile sijkhatnre of ffis'cbs *. COi, is at th« bottom 6J the outside wro-a-; p e h " . ' • - ' . - : October. ^est. Through lime scbp'Hite, or LO'-at Time Table.' List ot Con ec-ting Linfei and farther- Information- apply to station agents or to- Sisbary & Heslerj Agen ts at .Lowvuie. . : - :. • j l a MAYKA'Rb, Gea.Sa,p't,". T'BEBO. Bo'WEi=wiBt.ti,- Scuerat .Passenger Ageat,-.tJtic»,.jS'..;y.; "' ••. • • • .-:';."...'' -, ' •', A ^eefrttT6: to Itomg; Mea; •-' Oil tll»< lu.oSs'.n'JT.' '• A Tjeotdrf on.-f,be'15atuie,'Treat eat a d =Kadicai eure-of.Seminal «r.eakuess -nr Sper- ma'orrhoea. 'ndttcad-by Self- *'b.use,I'nvoJnai=- "tary. Emi-sioh" •IiaP'rteoev', Nervous fiei>ii,- %y. an.d Imp'edime'uts fo Mstrriage geaeially.; Consumption, Fpllepsv,and. Fits..;' Mpp.fal and •-'bysica'I.JEacap;icit-y.A'c ^By.ftOBBK'H.Ji .C-TJ-' V K - B W E L ' L . H.J3 .author of-the 'i-Green B'obk," -£0, .; .'.,.- = -; "•'- - •' .. •"- '.'..'•• ..' ••• The w*ld-re'uowned aathor, ia th is admir-: al>te- Jiceiure, .ctea.rl.y-"proves- ff^m' hls.'.owa experience "that-the "s wful eOJis'.ciuenees of Self .Ahu-e maiy-be-'flfeclually i".niovH'i vvHh- out dangerous surgical operations bougies, instrutuents riogs,' or 'cordials.:?'..poia't- ing . o u t a', mo'cie ot ; bare- .at- once ceriaia, '• ••>»&-'• effectual,;;: by Which" e v e r y su-ffin'erV -ao - mutter what his icon- dirioa: may be, may cvu'e .himself cheaply, prtfa'tely a;nd i'arllcttlt'?.'. •: •"..-. .- • • ']rKiLThls,Leci,u , »,wlH' pr.d've a haoai'to thouisv' ah/sanit.-thon^iads ..'.":.. •.-'•-."'•".- ' Seatander seal t .in plain envelope, t o a n y .•Kjdfess, po"sJt,-p*id;.oai'p.c'eipt of six cents or, two'po's.tagft ifkjmps Ad dress;' :• ;'"-•• "T'aBd.pLyEBVVp.LLME'pldALCO , . ' 41 AaaSt-i r?eiv York j.PO-stofee box. 4S0.iy=l-, THE:'WILT>EB^ESS' or^e^ "Pioto-rJ»...Hi.sto-:'- ry" of't8ieIil f e atid".Tira>s of fbe'PfoneerSei' an*l"" Heroines Of. America, -bv : -Col. Fratffc' Trijpl,et:t.»200.Sa'Tierb.-Eogravj»gi=!.. Cov-', era the Three'. Em's .of pioaeer. progress.. (!). FTOm'the-'AHegWaales t o t h e .Mtsslsslppt; (?) | From-tb.e.»!ississ-i.pp1 -to. tbe'Boctt.y. Moxin-. ' taifi.s: j3) Cati-forala .and the' Pacific S'Owe.-' «CT", Goniblnes graphic; tljrilMug.narrative,pr.ofu'nencsr,. of ..elegant .iliastrai.l'm,. b y . ca-ibentarsists, hearty 100. personal poi-traits... dmbraciag-ali i.he'.P,ios.E«a. I « A D K B S , b'sidfiw - f scares' of -l-nciden-ts.- A PtoTttBB-GAi.i.KiiT of-, a4-K» iNtfBKHST;' 'A trae I istorical- ivorls of! thriliiagadyf.oiui'A:-i»' roreal.' -ulatas. aioaa- : tiUn and stream:; covers-wstera progress and: Civiliza'tioh. Pls'ht'witblpdiam:; jD.esperttte Ad«efirures ;..Narow Escapes i, Wl.d.Ljfe-pn. the. Bofder,-• A-grahd bubk' 'prngeats Out-; SPI B everythl'ngt' 720 octavo pagesi. t.oW JS •Pltisfc,- "In ' reach of -the" -MASSES. -Agent's. (Jt>mr»lete Oatiil 75 een.ts. 4®- Wwt.e. .at once- fdf ronttdentiai Tei'-msand Illustrated Be- scrititiwh^ .Aftiiress, : ' - • JN, D . T t t O M P S Q v * CO., Pahs., .gt, Louis. Mo , ot N Y»=Clly. Uwi. i l l BEsflminE lit $3. lO'-FUH 3S-CEXTS, STAM-l-S OB SJtVBB, . . Any tie sending me fae : address of 10-mar- ried ptr.s-ojiR, and 8R cetits will reo-ive by r e - t u r n raail a p'ach-Jge of ftoods t h a t net SMIO, Ibctailitig an extra heavy said-p'ated' ring' worth SI I have a Hire varjety of gnodi, and make this sacrifice to secure future or.aers.on whtdli I expect my p'votits A n y o n e c a n make a bushel of -money tiy .acting BOSV. Address, J/'O: Henry," Box lL=7,Sn8tao. it. Y; " . ; H y l . Thi3catsiWTCsthe.' .' Upward Electric agaeticShMS. ' as, applied over the' K-Jd- neysawt*Houf.vo--e:itaJ| . centers.. -. Tne". oaly ap. . pliaBCe .'-made 'that fits' -.every p a r t "of tUe.'body,-autl $hm only* OB6- needed' to POSH=IVEE? . oaaK K:itlney3>is«ase Jatlieunjatismi -p. y a •pevalu, Hte,-wai'st-,CaBes bt Seliiiiiacl TFfiate a'ess, KxJsivus- .tioii^' cyj'.sMft all -SHs-: -e.a6efeand" , 6 , S r ealc- k "nessbf'thelirtiio . ff (G-em-tal OrgaiitS. -. patented Pebr25,187.9.J-.' i-;~ t-^hivmiita^ YOtrtSG MjiX : froib early". iaciisereSoiir lack tee-rye forpe. and fail to at'tahj Btreagtli. ' inDDLB-At^ED BtBN'oiteulaekVIgor.'attHont- inj!*it to the progress of years. . •=> •. .7 : Tlie"M.pTB13B,Wi3? , Band ^rAII),saffleringfrom "Female. Weakness, Nervous Debility and other ail- jaents, willffnd it the Only cure."'- .. . . •" :/ To one-and'till we say that the S,Uield giveB a aat- urai : aid'uia..aatnriilway •• -.' ;-. '."-.. ' w r T H O r y B K U S G I N G T3JB...STQJIACB;..;, ' Wairante'd One ITesr,- and the. ibest ajipljajiee'inatde.' illastrateaPaiapMet, TSBBB TYPES OF SiBSf, also Pamphlet, for Ladies only, sent on receipt of Qi.-.'Ebalfidransestie'dj.i'FjBBli!. '.' ."''..•-.•":"'..- ."«>%. :; ':f^S' * - -"- i , - - * - " - > ^ , ' « * " 3±. .;--i^J'4.'"C^,#>'^'"ji=^^'ir^i)#? , =a , *8 jm;.-.- ,w^..?T%~-.*^ 3 "^? i ^ WHO IS «N»e'QUAlS.tED'•V»fTfa THE -6&8g02-Pm-tt^ffl&<&VMT^y*f^". = ;" ,. -;;,;•••-••,.';.'sfE.?V'p:.jAf3MiK.crr^^ ;-.,:". -*..._ ~ p9^'^i?^i^^^i^^:;ii^ ; - •.^e>"hs==tRe Q r e a t - p s h t r a ! . p n s v a f f o r d grapBld^gesjtioft^.'tlieBliOriEs^Jin'S tlprti^eslst andi eoutheafeti.airro: i$v&W£§i, Worihw^t^haj Sotithwe^ti ' u ' :'-•". '•'.' :•-'- v V .' v. it is ift^raily andCstricfly %ru6j' that ita c&nnect(dhS=iai»Siicirf:tml tirinctpaiJiaes- o^toafi^^be,tweea'the; Atlan.*i'3^fiti tHssPacifife. = '••'• '. f ..~-'--"•'.". '••-:':-'• ''"•:••'• C ' - - , Sy<'!=&',•*»)!?$e-..<anti 'bfatiehes,it r e a v e s Chioag^V 3ollet, pieatrla, Ottawa, ; l a Salle, e'eii0.set>v-;i«aiin'3' and H6ok'"i9(anil, 'minors-? ' MveiiporS, -SV!us«atine, ; : wasfila'^on,; KSok'akfV^ 6e^- Moines, West Ubortr, .!oWa..Citifj Atlantib, _^voto> r'Audubpny.^^^ fti rov,-a.| .Caifatfrt, fcfGtitpni,^ piitiaefdii^nd ifSnga«.City»% MfssOari, aitd £aav^n«.: -^ortteaod A1eh,is6n.ln;=Rah^s#^ahd'the^ "••{ntermediate,: Tb'si'.'. :."'- \. -.'•:•"•'•-'','.' .'"'->; -.'-'."~- : '-'•"" •'••,"•'•-•• '-"'.'-. .'..:." -'"'-. -". \: ^'-fiuriiliarly.- eailsdi.-difers to.-1^^ . = Ihcmetit tp^-EJw^;6tfe.traekj^sa=£e. ^ &ridgeB,,:Uftiai^'0^ S.-aSt mipratsT^^Si'^oi^^^MtGQmMGtiiOiJSi^miU VSftXmfitMOt WELL : HEATED; FR*gLif UsKOfcSTEHEO and EtEGAKf e?AY COAOKES j a line of th«t. mosr.mMsKftiGestrHojjTOHBECfciKiHo e*iAiR CARa^vir miitf PULLMAWS > iaieSfc aeslgned: aria- SaiVdsomest eftUACS, SLEEPING .GARS," ail* D1W1MC CARS .-*hafc are aekrtov4e;dged ^ .'HSJA'B JM Ti=3H-03Ui5 ; i.'!!R5G,at?^" infjirhicftBuberlor meals aT^s'ier*6a4o.tra»e{er»t«'.' the low. rate of SSVSKTV.-^iV.E-.CEWT^.JEAiBHi''-:--:- :C. :'i': : "-.-.- : '.:-,'."' -=-••'...:.-/-" ... T a a s E •T'ftRjfeS-=eacb.way-;bet*.een' CftsCAGi*- and: th'e-MISiSOmifc-RIVEH;. " ' TV/O TKft.ttJS "eaoii way bpiWee'if PHfOAXSO ma&.MiSSEftPOJ.iS and =S=T. PAUL, Via.the fatrtous- 'V. •':-::-'.' "• '..".:•'--.".-••••"••- '...-•--.?•"'-• r . •-.' " : "- .'.•".," m January l,I8g2ia.neW^^litiev.wiir&eOpenjed,.ylaSeneca.and'Ifarikakefe.'b^twoori' *Jewport-Newsj Richmopdyplncihnaty *lnd.rana^ils-.aad'.L^'Fayette>,,and.:Cbunbli Bluffs, St. Paui,-Kaaae'^<^iBan^'interiViea^ •;•'• : '.' "•- . '.• '-..-.:• AilThtoas'h.iPa^sanseraearrlod:.•6b Fastfepreis TraihS.. - : . For.tMoredetaimd in"fprmatiQnVske.^ weH as Tickets, t aifcal! pHncipaJvTtc*et:0^"ejs:Jn.t^ BkR^.<JjKB^ f :o':-/.VV^".''^" : i ^Vl'oe-Pres'ir & CeWI Maniager, . ;Cea>L T'fc't'A-fawfir A * ^ - C "GraiirTSfid EaintSeedlttanaats^^^H3,*|t.^neffioasf A W--r-it\bl^galtare'-bf GramiSi'BOT^Orops, OtasseSf "goadfrCrops.Ti^er mml . I ¥ : /--JF'feaaEnff, .etc. 6ril7\qciB.^nmml^eaialogueana.^mce:i,ut or.'=jQQR_SKWk'. esfca*^—A B i^B^seTCiol'tTjoHs=ma'varii=itie5, E K E E . . . > --'-^ ' , " , . -',.;-,,:•. A,••'-''-"'"- : «ii'- ^Ef^SEEDl"' H*f? AM '§*B0UEy^' .CO, ;Ro.chf3Sfef, S.,-Yi,, ;C|n^o ( :lJJf- : -.'•: •'-' -Jft-' ^'•pl^i^^lP ;.-^'.:-:-^^=^S. y* *^>,-: m yiiu^!! g&H&HS ! 'rd^PB'for ^y'txod^'j^^ Mi E 5S; 0 Ctti--i'3*.M=adSnoai, St„. GMeagdi t-al i%OSCli.ii$tfrai 381., S?i»!iai •mmO' %s -yt H' --?M"VfcH'-5' M M !&•»=) &i m p# ,•'*« ...1 B.'iious Ccnipfaijiis ar« ri.iivi-.tJ by tmu-ng V"n«-?«i r s JHtiia-a tegctoWe Pais. :.. •.,• - tf.l.'SH iis atiyiag. Mis 2=3o. Alt Srug^lstis '•'.'.'' J5w4 ge siSc#: &S Ep|sq0ial gr^KF m I ' - •'•_. - Ip&U e,4Sf.p, '. . On p.tid after Novetu3«>r fcf, JS82. m> shall »'M JHyat nu'y W- '"A*H. W<> M p a y Cash for <sur Fat Cattle.. Lambs and 0ogs,aaa caunot loager d o a cVBtllt bnsiasss. MOUSE BROS; .Lowy«le,Oot,S«HiaS82i:.- '..-•:' -'. .--• , Ml SfiflM Paper Ha3ftgiiiis Glotli and: B&per "TOpAow ^SJa^e% selSj at IJ0#^HC©S, ml ;;.^-

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Post on 06-Sep-2019




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. ; 7

ff *i£-gk- $M&m$?- • 0&$^m..

'•&B3&J3;- SJdEA&t^EEiDjimifZCmJ


•': .,!Ette pttiiqipkija';i»titatQ$ sx^pi: seven timesWrameti water-as ^ttKer certtGr 6a^j.:;|a st#OT4,tf is a fqoi in a-3'ate of mueh greater aaafloa*. Analisls proves Mat &4m: if. ffie= ^urapJdiir

. b if ta-%./^eW •&61&' Ita- i=& per-' . centaggt'df witer^ 'ppm-; frntf b f e re-. jmaitti^cfejMpje.Wilable as feeding' . stoBgr.v l^hflg; nmpkiEtS ;2aaiioi'"be

' dv&s&jg; 'qa-a&ihiSi aacihaia;*. eiieipJy IraiseAJma^.%.eouȣeji tHJ-valuabfe fpptl for mlie% Ppw&^NVY, ^ o r i a .

.: •• 32rs vMsce of- potatoes as a» article. . of f<M$,&rkftir¥i^Is h#& baaa.yarioHSiy , ^sfitBStateS?:: tiot opiii<l!iis d;£jfcrr i.ifci?diJfieqfelto;give;tBpgfe'£aaa''fto

;\jijg;s'iatejae|tii-h;as; n=*maeeeptpi; by , good; ..aafeojlties "fe'j .eoisl^ soma-'-^ t e r § ' B e ^ l 6 © tifttll s- ;fit Jbflshel of potatoes, if |u^Ici«Usiy-fedio'aailttiala

..: pf- iaaatreeaV' prsfiasja pif beef.rroffl

• paifej i'fe.SppaadS?.~-pSMl;:M-t&"^0. . ppuol^^^ba^T^." ' fe;^ : ' '^ . taiS3• ' , ." ;•'. Of eoiajse tbese ^IsuUfease .oStajfled', • opiy -^w&es t&e poipSJes are M& in -=•. c«EsbitiSifQH mfb <j|li&r TBaterMia,-

- i&y-egavfng .C5i.ici«>ai=t for jJsfrSEefc

-Hipiagr; ?n%S;Semei pea-leaps' &i i&a fcett:%<3bl fe«£¥-J: "jfrave'-ioumf it

•ioMng po&itsj-In^^efie;fli ti>;3s • Tjesf not 'iff:ffiyp' »efei#k«fi' •a'.fiea.vy 'feeii :fpj?. ten: at Mel-tP; days-feMora. Jailing*'. -If ffie Ia^@6es:-are. net. %mpry:'afc' -tfaatiaie • pf- Isliliig'' thetf

, aeld ferteffi|atlor| fends-; to. pause 4& e^ps3ii|o^r-:. s i t te r : siippM ,tfr&

^fealttPrsfleim^^Istteij'SteJppsd' off';; ,-fef ff ;MW' bfepC fe'stSI fl«M it:PFjil: rseftlirmIha^ifile' Vfsieie at'Sr^Jbase' '•pi- tbe; ilat&ery. tops- wyusk': a • sppfety. lorefcio.-tfte^riav. j.'V"M atfdiSo«.ro. itoese piecaiifipafj..'a, few'' ;'pfeees."of' beJiR.Ti.iSd;qfe iSpa fa'vfceep'as.'i ta. \33 Siestaip- ©f,ibS'"W?#ber tp^naSfs,

•PMeaClSiT, #br l4 ; .:\ •'

A'Btasib fcrM father "caliecf bis son jiilotbe library the other day, and .gaid;? *'Harr.y,t'you are now- VT years .pid. * "Tes,'latber*" " I have gi^eij lypamon&y' froiM'titoe. tp titne, bat yotiha^e 'hajj no stipulated allow-;an.ce,- Begannjpe; wiik nextweefcl shall allow; you $6. per weefc," "That WiB belspieadSdi. S W a r e one of the besV 'fathers., in Detroit?" "Yea, $6 per week, and. as you are now old enough' to pay board | ghaii charge yop^ $5: per week L You- can always depend- "upon tbPrdoHax*. mmlug to •yo« each S&tuiQa&.'^JDetiMi .JFre& I¥ess,\. •;.-. ••.• ' . '"-•' ' ' . . ; ' . - - - . . .

• ' .• ' • ' • ' - .XAKJa 'JJLI^BKE. . . . . . '

& Liver .Me^lMJljae^

F u r i f i e r s ,



- O F -


BpeBSia ,JkMd IndagestioK Cures,

Jkgm> And BiJioHS Specifics.

' JFee«». t l »e • Oats , ; '

; ""'pat ferop; of '^iiedpualry' is an' •'ttnn^allyigdaii' otj?,;- P r i c ^ a r e .-low. "for IMs^aini"-•;'.-' £<et:u§ bope%bat- diie ':.0£&- i effept. •' o'fr'.';; tfi& ^stai^- -. of. ; "affairs • wiit ^eibai :4aritter^' genef-' ^aiiy^:.*!!!;_.n3a6©\OGtoreiS0, bfipafet-ia

IbeiirowpIfe'edlngi .;.'-' We do"VpoS be* : lievftiQ ail tbe.bgd;lb!iUga s'aid/abp&t

Vja^^ ; ' t* r | ^^ t l | - -&^0( id^4 ; 'bs f t» ' '•fQaa46r^QEsesv-eaS^ £6gg .or

po^itry;ffia#ife spm:^6%ea:gSMcye<St' {. >r?-bMli;pugh$ tp- -hgibs pielo%.

;§we gfaiiji fpodj if oa^; rs.abiiadani :;ajjd low-pxleed.•';'; \Wi>x ~SGOd^.stQ(ik~r~] - coitSj^ea^ves'and lamM-ioatej.biriier, ; "TCboJe;: Pi- gipprid^- -ar^ab adjrtirabl& • feedV'v•• Tbe<valie' ©f'tbisgr^in.' |pr> ; ,dri«4n*'iic>ise3 is ^nerfcliy;-|idajiifted;. '• :Why Qboi* 4:;.. iiot-. farm 401303 ha^e

tfieift^jeely a \Ye miieb; lifceatleast .aaog^iPnatlfeeiS-pf^^^oat^iu Qxesbeaf Mrntfebpows..ixi wrnter,'aiid-..bavp :found; pa|s answrec capKaBi'as. fopd fpr^faMng-steer?;.' I n masy'pafts' of

'M&rW&t -psts v?M Mot. .be.-*p^{b. m .jEhW. fa*ms,> oyer":- p'nerhaif to tbree ;. fourths, of a csnt per' pound,- At

tbese;prleas.tb6y certainly, ean be fed ' ":t<ji?itd¥aE,tage..: W-eH-saved.oat straw is (afood .of Very veonsideraDle ^a&e,

.;:^*^^mt"."ifcpae of .the'disadyantages of Pto'PHBiatB4haf,.we? iaueii of the

-;potfiitryj .pur'somyaets,'ioo: • bpt ; -ftbiddry.fcxikefress ^ey^opnaj&ni;M : :^be;oat erbp>;;';. :'Tbe season: ibat best:


'• salts' the epfit ecop. if aofe e^Ieplkte. d ' i a ^a^alai rge yjteld;=bf b e a ^ m t s . - ^ '

XV . .>' -;.. 3Pa1| «Er»*6 dfisitoeic.:;-; ;.••'.'

-,r '•"-'. '.;;'.'{5!&;^ertS'i4^oeatei'."/" .-,"-. -•'• ' ^4tb&fap;-Pf^^tb%year-t&ere fe-fhi>re'

' dari|^'pf;slEpe&;befbg'.aegl:eete'd.%b^ :mP3t^riipers.&inS;^--;^e%aasifc^ .-• %pm-:tbe: :Wa*ta: mghhto.the copi:,aiid:; &pm ih$ sbceiiien't.'' g^as^ea; of•- !h»

.waiarie*;rflobtbavto.tb«. tailfiarbkge> •;fia? fjuifean. Iff^ctpa ifie epaq^tipti.of' -st€M5fci- I n -peribfebent ,.paafeire3 . the ' .grasaeS; ;is.-.d£ie& bp aad": jsrone.r.aad' '.pnly'»n.'secbbd-^rp'^fh Tjlo^erVand' .' .gra^'^abbteL.:b®Ws.eaa.'. aby "Mia'dof - proper fogd Se "obtaaTied,,.... jlence be4; ,: t^eea.t&P aataajb gxass aipd thecom-. itoiiCBaiertfcoi's0nt8r*rstall feedibg",:

•stQe£ bra;l%bie : toSH#*r Jr«aaa tao keaHfrdiet< •• L beu . tb ia istae..easp^ sfioefcporttbie'aeeiix the face'of a bard; Tenter inj^pp&beartj' abdytbey- Bpbse-,

v-^bgbtly ite^er. gain up and .there-iaa. cpn^qaeni fess.r '.Sff% are fuliy^ of "the'.

.bpi^teb'tbattheV,ne*feB6 of'prbber; j^aaa»emsat'pf'#oBk-Iti the f/tll'iibf

•"jabreibipprtaftce-t&n^an^^ "otiter:'s.e.a-Sppbr^feyeatr* -When tbepisfureS-

• are. getfetp^'bare'eyety- farcaer should ' ; '^V^'a"wi^p^'^f;^^^i'*aad['"_wSteb :ifa&C0^v.p%btepoib4' eapeei-ilfyia' ' .tfip; ease of Tbilcb epws, they abbuid ;bevpxttib>mnifpi:tableyaird br"stabie " a ^ ipt .afioWeaife. '^

" #njp,^as?.-: ;;," $Ufe ba3 a babefui ef. :€ej^ abd.&.a.^bUore'har'& '': | f i inge6& T Besifeipbttibg ateefe.'iri.' . .comfortable adariprsi :tbe ^Btej©fre7. .-' iqfbirea.lo M i:ept;ttp: ;fey iiberat feed-. ?Jbgt» aad:-'-bt>ire is "wbbjeb the. aoiSng'= ;,syaie.n3 :.wpbIa^^!%v'mtoeEE'(?ce-. ;if

ponipdodatidna £li iKe. stab^s for ail "•" 'tbe% iJto'efei iet tbepi hayp a sbeltered ;.^j^^ ;ahMj-'. l^d;b6a'it^i^^aft^SD-;-tba*' the, a»axa»ls baay- ba^ry'•• 'at 7;n%b^i ^ i ips n o i : ^ ••• .'Tmadb-:ksrafor.tabl . bat..tbey.areear-iy-;. coaoaipneibg; |bP- %brfclof- tBaittirp-' ; t t a ^ a g r r ; 0 i i ^ .^batfarinsi •i 'atfbecpws^ib^'stkbte

^ybrj^ara;b%colS.rtigbts, -attd give thppa ; • a geod feed;pf iafeifo^R. epirrf, rye,' b ^ •Yyetebesv '.'afc:; aigbl ••^beb ;;yd.a. fafep:

;^henj in.| abp£her fee^^iB>tbe.^p^rij-'••.3bg«-Vy'B«0e y-%rbief' ta^'hay^a/few" • acres of.tbisygareen fodder ; '"aBdKW-e •;. jEuaranieb tp^say:tbafe b n i i P r e PfffrlS

v i l } ; - a i a^ea '• reateE':ipJbrn-•'. irf fe«d

.^abd p?ye:acres^^in SQifegr-feetibii.p&e • bnftdred"- Mpsst waa ld ' fcesp ML'tbb'.-vsfee^: ;ie'ftaippd:-ba tbafe 'p:nabtity,"of :!-')a^'fm~fh&.:fa$i nibarh&V' b e t f e tbarr: : twpttty'fer&- sores- - of' pa^tarer.. '• Df; - touiset&ib :wbajd.b.e' a.iittlP.*^^ LWPrk'fbt" tbpbieri,- bbt-i*' would-be ; »bsply rppaid by tbfr«2fia!Ba'aQuie'so ' :mueb- neededf Md'tbp:pbnssquent ia*

•cre^:bfmi&".abdfefefi;:' ."-•,•


.Ees td r e s s . m.SHO-^p; T A K E A L t T i p ; B5E3T ctuaUJief of aR'tliesfe^a.iid *Jie bgsfe dttitJittes of a l i ' t l i s ; •best a ie t l tc taes of tii^-W;0!;)^ ajagi 50u,:-will .Sttd t l ra t f fOE. Biarr i iESt i i ave t h e fiest-eUra-iike i u a n a e s andp .owers • of ali-cijBcajittaiDed. I n t t i e i a , a i i t f they 'Tn. l f dtu'e.when a n y 6$ a l l ' stiiglj- o r efimbiiied.,. faili' A. tUqrbBgh.

-triat wil igtyis pesitfws proof of tb-'S.. '-. Oct -

.." .".. • . - . ' . . ' ' -'•OK—

; '---.-. 1 Ke^pab' .fc ' iads.oi"cbotee. . . ^

' • - ' • - . ..' - •'•- ' A i i l J . S B l A . A T T I t E - ' . . '

.LfWSSf;.'£I1^W;. I ' l^Sg;

. " • - "'• .oAsaPAJEp-F-OK. ;• ••'••".'' •

• ' " I J T T E AJS:»" I E T L I T E , "

' ' ', - K'o'ofeirbTTO,, • ' " : '

MOR.^J' PRO'S.. Low^i l l e , N . Y .

E.•#! AKTHUli <S& QO«, Dealers In

, FXiPtTB, POEfe , BDTCBS,. l i A B B , E G G S ,

;aryl aH J6a»cTa; of . p i o ^ i s ioas 'ana . gfopekesj

Fresli.'go'oas always- oil- h a n d a n d prioes-»'

. ' l i a n a s t^te'JQqjTrest, '! W 6 -oaer.fe^tra-bargains.ln ,,- - . ';.

: \. '&M£S,:C0FgJ!!ks^JX&8tt;Ci$Z.. ' .AMgooda. war ran tea . . ' S t o r e i n ih&.Sforse

Modfc* n e x t doori io Keller's.laai-ness s h o p . . ' .". ...-•. >Bi;fn.a'trae6,, L O . W y i L & E , &.X; -'-' s ^ A U peM'c«s-:iBdeJjfceil iv Qie'ia.tefi'Ma a r e recxtt-esteft t o 0an"»n 'd ' se t t l e . '•• . ,-"•".. - •.'•-''•• • ' . ' • ' ' - - '•••'••- - E . J . A B J r a t r B , "

gjffjL &TEMJast,' .A'MiiHasojsr i • • I'^Ailias^foxsatetliia fallaliin'itei nna-

: J } s r o f : ' • - . • " • . . - ' • : : . • " * - . • : ' ! ! ' / • • ' "

6o801$i&' ZMPIs;.&y4r). Plymouth '.Moek 'Strain of Fowls !

.All wssa.&n^etl itpae't'o nariie.- E a r l y o rders • . •_-• • . sec'aS!6.first, ..choice." .'' '-• .

" ' T tan. a g e n t roe t b s follosrtjig j i a t i t W y f o u l -t r y magazine 's , postage.gald' , a t tb:e fo l lowiag •prices,-;, . - :

: . ." •;' -.••',;-: .- -./. -.-• • •..-

ii}6'-A*prlc'a.ii Ponlt.iT~jQiifnal,.i„-„.._L*l.Si-. T h e Patft try - AVoEld;.'.,.'..,.,'—_^ c : -

-Tdp P o u l t v jytontftiy .„ i s_j •fijn - Pou l t ry AIo-Ditor—- t _ TIieEotti-tocj JSatiQix. atta a %-eeMy aewsi>apie.rr-•-TBe Ameticab, :P<«}-U*y Ta»2.

1 mi , l:oo . 9.75

:-5mS-; . .Hv.G>-tEO-SA^BvtO>yyxt ; i ,S: . Sf, Y...


/ ; Are ibe . f ines t - I j i -FO^B.- - -

. ^ e . t h e . f t n e s t l n l i s ^ I & W ,

_ ' • • W t f t e f l j e s t m " ^ © ^ ^ ^ ^ ? . . ' . . . - '

•SeEtf-roi-.eatelPg^ifitli MUSIC- tEEK.

6l)S VfaspiiSgtoB St., BostpB, Mass; 13wl

I..."'-'.*Wfe' -have. .'b.eea ib*rrie;ft' bPw 2S ' years,^:said;m Abstia.iad^'afsortie-,


' t o "PbafPbtQ-dyy. iibd" fcbante-Crbd."' -. ^¥btf cartity^ jf^' tosweted-berbts^ ;: b»brf.;.' -."^e jreasoflvto" db'so / • Ibyfrm't,? it; :f eelebr*t& tto* day ^E-;;aB; 3PIf finnt »p spfee Mc^plofcb atid aabeail''ir$exte: SMtiPgSi - " . • • -.. -'

Ladles a i i a ' iiPDMemstt 'WawteiJ- t o i n t r o d u c e ffniT<imnb1:f(»<S: ? n ^^teina-t a i i i t h o r o u g h

•T'fSiW&'&W f b s t a e -topJCs, cotripriaiiia 4ji .55^4.t tSi X,. -.}.-. J iomest lc Cookery f o w r (M'awy y-0!?s-ta, i.V 1:0® i'e.efp'e'sj,.-'Hi>ns'e Wsnv . JiistoJwc ttnd 'JHaoauenri'eHt,. I n t e r i o r a b d E x -ter tpr BeeoraMon<Sotfte-0"6p'ort*;ebj».(&Ames, A^fflUsei»'eatsvSmM^piicies rGare.ofPHilclr(iu, .•4fccid«n*.8 >nd'. gBitpral. iimtft. oa- m » n y sub--.{peteof y i ta t irrfe'rest' to h o m e and . if* n a p p t -ueiis..'BeaiiHtutfc'KJuSitfated.-.- A roya i cor-d

.;*»<<:twefiil boolf';'. Vertj: c h e a p . WtU-sel ' itix-. riaeaSeiis:-'. •-'tyirtB tor-mil p\ii-r.tca.larn t f t f i n a . 3 A B B . BB03„ 'Pnl iBsaers ; :EWia 'ae ' ipa ia , P a . •'-" '.. ' '. '":' -'•"- •': V. 1 . '" ' . ' 1'STOl

.".THE XmmVh $QMP&mOWr ^

aEfe'aWK, ,-W.©ar|fe •& -lHapii ne_g,s., : . , Mauii^Seciue.and ifefo&t HSienx...

•' Ett'e.' ' »ad:,aa\ ' top..ift .m t£ie'.e7<-*rtirJerjce of M s a t ettTti-aeat- pbysieJaBSi^Bf} iaeven -.Rrieces8-fet- Imsliiess a ? p a ; " A . t r e a s a r j : . of t l ie rcra'st valn.ab!elaf<iriuatlap.« Pi:ie'6 50eettt&,. Mai led p p s t p a l d o B re<iefpt of pMce,.' Faataie-ST-ampR,' .: '• -. .:'.Tayl«rSca*...Pi»D.-;.Roobeat"er-'..'iT. Y . '•

VOElEMiEa., -%j.«u'oiee!.-t--lit 'erainre of t h e wow.di .iW-paae-Gataioswefreij. Lowes t pr ices OTW•lettO!*^l,;• ' .Kot mbl b y dealers.- :• HSn t- for exanisiMvr.hiij,-b.ef<*re!payiitfintonevidence oX' good fal thi -"-. • ' . - ' . - ." - • '

P ; : 0 , Bqs'a2S,. '- 13*4' i $ v t s e y ' S t ^ K . T .


H a v e yisi ted New Y o r k for. t h e t h i r d t i m e t h i s S e a s o a l a o rde r to b e presen t a t t h e Grea t CUwluffSBlesof the Mai-u lae thrers s m i j o n -ber's. a t t h e c ldseof the-season. , a'nd a l so t>> seenre the btnef i ts caused by t h e r ecan t ehaage i a t h e Tai'itfJ T h e o p p o r t n a l t y t o se-care-goods a t

. Estreniely tiQW Pyiees

.Was n e y e r be t te r , a a d we a r e fully p repared t o offer a g rea t l a a a y

id-Siimmer Bargains,


£.t Wate r s & f o , f o u € a a Buy

NicesnnjmerSLl6:s ,at4B, 50,65 aad-75e. SUIss. 81, l.3-> IM. H a a d Hpvtn S l l t e Si.Ta. 2m. 2 50 T h e Best.4S.S0 -6S and7Se. Cashmeres . Al l W D d l B ^ ^ e i g e s a n d ' S u n ' s ' O l o t h , . • • BuatiO!*. 12,1% » ' a»d 25c. Dress cioorts, 5,-io i-JK. 15, W a n d S o . The Best Dress Satfne; S o . • • ' ' 'a inluic? S, 10 a n d 1 J^c.. L a w n s , 8.S.. 10 a a d 158^0, •• • . .

At W a t e r s & Co. ¥tm C a n B u y

T h e Best 4, S a n d 6c. calicoes. • T h e Bes> 6;SanalUc. G i a g b a m s , -The .Res tS . llraodfe. Hh. et*, g- •

'The. Best 7, S a n d 10c. B cached, • • Tae Best 6. S. lO.aad 12',£e. TO.weliag. T h e Best st)..25. So >u d S«c.-l 'ab'e.LiDea. T h e Best 3-5v 50 a a d 65c Bed Daaiasfe. . .The Best 25. 8TJ '6tt'atnt-75S Ca'-s-imei-e'>; " Tbe.BestfiOe. Si;tKtaad.ii23Saotaags.' .. . . .

A&'Waters & Co,- ¥ o a Can: Buy The O h o i c e s t t a c p s s a d "Embroideries . „ P. ft. i.'Orsets, 25.45,'55 a n d 7cC.

. Lis; e Gloves , S, 10,15, 20 a n d 2oc. . K i d G l o y e s 50,'75C.aiidSJ. She t l and iS'bdwis, 75o. $100 1,55 and 1.59. Crishmere S h a w l s , jl'.5H. 2.00. .2.5ftand 3.00 Passemen te r i e . 15; 20-25 :and 35c. Hos'e'..B.8,10«I>K Iff a n d 2 0 c '. I n d i e s ' «D.d Mis-sesVCollars a n d R u e h l n g s , Handke> chiefs. 3. 5 10,12} £ a n d 1 5 c . ye l l ing ,25 ,85 .and i0c . ;.' . - ; . . .

At •Mski^vs.'k.dd.. XovL.Qan Buy:

F i j n s a t i . 2 , 3 , S , i 0 a a d l 5 a . j ip toSZ. ' s i l k ^arasola . f 1, go, 1.25, 1.50-and 2:(h). : Rab 'her . ' I rCBtars , gl.00.1. 20- a a d 1:25. f a r j p t s 22.25,30 a n d 5% ". • A"tl'WrooiGn£pst-s.65,.75'and'.9,)c. - " 3 J i'Ce Bnr t a in s . 10; 15C. u p t o S7, ' : i ' loor Oil CTlo'tVSO, 35". .40-aiid.50o. • Bes"t.Ijtye Geese- Fea the r s . .7So; pe? p o u n d . Lad le s K i d Warkrag^hoes .Sl .OO. -' f.adles.-Srt.ppe'rs, SI 0D,'.'1.2oah'dl.50. &at tbn:Gal ters , 51,25,1.50 aud'.ZOO.

-Mens'Shoes:SI.S5,1.50aad2iOO.' ' ' . '"• >I.ens' BootSrSaOQ a n d #50." -.' Saad-JS ladeBoots ,53 . . " . . . ' . -

•At''Wat«r|!'&-Cd., IPou- Can-.-Buy,

T h e Best in a n d I23^c, Coffee. Tea , 15 2D. 25,35 antl.SOe. Sa:erttfas,.5aiid.Sc.. - " ; - " - . • • ' • . ' Gpod Molasses , i5 ;aad 50c. "- . T h e Best C a n a e d Goods; . S t a r ch , 6'and'Sc. - Soaa-,5c, Ba t S n a p , 4, a OandTc . .Warnick-Mifc B r o w n e Best Smoklag-, 25 a n d 27c. F lne 'Oa t . 40a"nd5uc. , L a m p s . Ofockery,. Glassware , E a i y e s a n d F o r k s , P l a t e d W a r e a n d o t h e r Goods V e r y C H E A P , - . • • . ' • " • . ' • TJdLE



., . . . CWB\SHW, Y O R K . ' . .

'.""-••• 1VB-W Y O R K ,

F«.».- WIl,«•ST«a,, "FresKieiit.:


Ratiges, ("icB.deSj'' the best madeQ Gook SloYes,:. ("Utica Stat," 'fCreedmoQr,'' ajad otliers.) JParfer' Coal Stoves, ("Splendid," and."Red Gross.". Par- . lor Wood Stoves,. (^Utica Top/' and "Ba^e/ and others:) Box Stoves and Agricultural Furnaces.


Builders? Bardvs^are, Carpenters' .Tools,.Tinware, Bar Iron, Nuts-and Washers, JMails, Barbed Wire,.


Pmnps, Coil. Chain,. Rope, • Universal.".Clothes Wi"ing.ers, Parniing Tools, -, . •.

Lara I.eather, Ruhher and Soap- Stone Pacltiag, Lead/ and Iron. Pipes,, bteam Fittings, Machine; Waste, • Babbitt Metal,. Etc., Etc'.' Vforkers." in -Tih,. Sheet Iron, Copper and Lead.-

Iiarg^est Stock in Xiewis Ooiantsr, at

15 G10. W. FOWLER & SONS., LowviUe, N. X.

J O N . & ®B£3C;iKr:Kr: - N O W F O B T H E P A I . L T K A D E A'* T H E - - i - ,.

IiOWVILLE BOOT Mfl SHOE EMP8RM. We have had dnr closing oat dale of Summer goods, and :are now patting i n a iaam-

moth stock of - •- . . . ; . . • ..,•,'•': •••;• ' ; °-

' . E t O Q T S A ^ -. . ; f e are.haviag maaafac'tarea expressly for as soaift'of thebest.",-.' ^ •' .- -:" • - •- •-.-

v.." " ap^AJsr^.avc^aL^sBOOOJ.S, • -•'".-•.-.-" Por P a r n i e r s w e a r , e v e r . h r o n s h t I n t o Low vi l le . which we s h a l l se l l r emarkably . Cheap.

. w e h a v e rhe l a rges t s t o c k Qf •-" ;• ' . . - , . - '•.'.• ••'.:. •.'. . . : ' • . - . • '

"'••.- ' v "K^ra te3Bt^ I n L e w i s c o u n t y . Iociadii>g.ill 't.h'e new.s ty les 'of Ladies. ' a n d Gen t l en rea ' s E n b b e r s , a n d t h e latest i m p r o v e d Boots—both 'wooi.and: JJubb.e>: L i n e d . . Oar l i n e of • .

(jeirtlemeii's, Carles5 .and;jp#S: Hue Sfe6s:ani Slippers; a r e snperlp 'r t 6 . a n y hefpre shown' i n t h ' s p lace : W e s ' h a H b a y & s n m e of-tbe l e a d i n g s ty le s on exhlBl t ioa at, t l je Cohiit^;' Fair, ' EVery one-coming iQ-ttfefair sh'Qaid.n'Ot'rail t'o'see them.a t id t o v i s i t o u r stove before leaving Low v i i ( e . . Oa.-SD endidass6r ta iC!is .of goods a a d e x t r e m e l y lo \vpr iceswiU 'bean 'a . t t r acCloa i ; , O a l l a t t h e . s j ^ . o f t h e . ; ; :. . .••••- .••'.-....---;'-.. -.'..• . .:

"."".'- ' " •BIG-BOOT i - - J :d -P fe^ r At .& ' ' f eEPWB^ : . •' •'"--• .-"•'-: .-"''. . ,\._." '•:• ' : ' ' ' . - " . . '•• . . . JOTSEB.& 'SKi JS lNEB, , ; .


H. B A R T L R T T . AiM'siar'v. . . -


I M E P A P E B .


wtsm jif. peopitf are atwaya- on the look-•

.. JCJQ'otit.fpr (Shanee.*, to, increase their -eatnJBjjs -andlutiai:© become weal this*; m-.-ad-' Who do "not-impro-sre bhlilr oppr>rtii«'Hi»KrG-niaia-in povert?. \yeotff.r.a greatuhauce to :aiak«nj'-fney. - W"o waBt'ta'arty:aaea, Women, *f*ys,-a»fJ rjlrl.S' t'o work for .asyiaht In their <swti- lo'cati-tie . "Aoy- daft can do> ilia' -work , p'wp.erljt froiii'thii ikst slart. -'. The business--will pay «6rR than ten litaes ordinary wages. Expxastve. eafflt fh:rni-=bt;d' free No one who-enKajsesf Bjake! m"'>,ney-rapidly, . Yt>«. can a-evo.{eyoiit' wh»l«!'-*anie .fo,ta?j vv'ork, or' only yoar RRitfeift'eiatpata.:- Full wfoT-haarton= iarnd ajlthat i'a.n-eeaefl seat'free. Address SUa-Boh 'Cdv.pHroimtf Maine. .- . ., . .

rj-t , 1118 is 'Weeping b y . g o . a n d . .. . dftTe-.bgfcfl'p y-in. di.e, soaM'thiag ;>ia>M!»it'<' '&*& sublim-e If av'Y.bijl-uad' in contjtipr tlriiie. SKS'st'weefe 'i't-youv<'>TCn ibwt t , ' S5:oaiitSt

.-frcp'.- Ho: r foi t .EveryfWntf h-PW. }"i»pi'tar'nftt • 'r '^ai-red. . "gfe wiM tnnaiKa. ynu..Hveryi'hini', : .JMTairiy kfe-Hiaki tig ror-thaes. Lartle« maf te a ? . m a c h ^ a M t e a i ' a a d boys s a d gtete.niafce g r e a t p« 'yjal r the.Ujne, w r i t e for part iQaia*s t o &.

f HaUo'tfc*co„.Poi-tiand,.Mai3ae.; '

:-••;. s^A.MXBti 'Eif , ' /

B e a t ' i t e t a i e , in^fiiran-ce; a a d

'.' ifietierai jBugiuesi!!. Ag-pttcy.-".'' •FOB. SAJLE 0-B.iExCHAl»€J)ES..

I' r ep resen t t h e fo l lowing Hrst-class. cp-pa-ftatiies: ' . . . . • . , . • ' . "


G E K i l A N I A , L A N b A S a t l t a •

. VmOlS A-CITlZ'lfiNS, Q.tJBBIS',

I M P E R I A L , C O O T I N E N T A L ,

. LO^IBON & L A B p A S H I R E ,

G L E N ' S F A L L S , P H O E N I X ,

LONPO^.ASS.nR'ANOE. 'A'ND. ' . .'-" .. . .

T B A y E L E B S , ' L r i ? E . & AOOfPENT "-.

- . . INS-JJ i tAJSeECOMPAiSl ' ' ;

BAILEBAD ' . T I C J K E T S .Sold to any pai't of tiie. ~,

••' . W E S T E R S f COUSfySLtr,, "

|TSAMSHIFT| t o and, ftsoa

F O f t f a t G l * COU'WTBJES

Ascheap as aa-y. other llae.- ' • - - - - •

S. A..SI3CBtlBt.L!iWV*nie K.Y'.-'

diseases- 'n'nd: dera-a^emeai® o f 4he b o d y ea^h Js-as.a separate ' caiif,e or' osigi'q r,.and t l i a t e a e n h-*eds:adifl&renbiheia»<jd>or-ireafeni<>rit rjj u r -<i«-r.-titj eaeot-%"cnr .« ;»nd-f t ja6: ehPsle!8e(y-lAott-.most o-'ayi«.ce':i(bat a i i y o f f'ije a n a e e " Bostruroa foisfea apian . the Rubl ie i s i a to iag ' t o o n r e a i i o f a n n r a b e r Qfdlam'e tneaay dHfer*-ili. diseases a i 'as t p t^ye-fa i im-es , ev«H if w e d o pin, ;call.lfieBJ.,hLi-(abj-tgs, , . ' . •_ "•-..; • .; : -.' - .

P f W i r P'fl-nfil*»" ^°^ People b f . - b o - l a ' s t e i X uui.-. Ai-emuv jaeaajr, a n a e v e n - p j - o p e w e l l to do-itf ft-ealthy ' l a d tihat the'eho*ha"ciiis-c lmrses bf pf'icttN'ing.ji'tiy-'-JC a n s are-» serionS- i buyden l o J h « n a',nrt a l i o find -thai.- af ter p a j " - ! l a g ttenl'SflJ-i%s\-)'Qor.-ttt'at' r-.o-li'etteflilias'ac- V proe ' i t0irn?in. .1t inl in.faci l .h*y .have t teo ' "n tbe i r money .Uwayi To ovaroome ' tbese-ev l l s -we offer Wheeler ' s N o 9K'S'va'eR9m--4-5esto'.tteB ' fsick a u d sira-erihgi'CBe: Bjenledy .i"or.eacb;aiS' « I S B , w l thon tTor ' a m'omeai- .cWmlng tba ip ' i i e i e i h e d y wifjl c t r e aay./afher-dfsert*e fliaruthe 'OEiere.laitpta-i'or it- -a.Bd;as-.i-he'se'renie'dfes;haS'e staofl I'htt.te'siK'fif-y.ears'•ij'ithoat .a :si i jgleiar t-nr« . w e agree" lo; .refund-''ney bawi.-la: eyexy instanj"? wKere*'c'ur 's.iB riot iibsitiv«)y. efle'cte'd. The ' If-medles ' » r e ea i t rBly 'v«ge ia - ' . ble, c*o d'm'ho h a r m , a n d .will pnsitw.efy c u r a every disease for "which they aareprescflbe'd.. '.•

' *^ , t f»>'^.^*§

Steam Hsnifif'3IIIL ' ^owYihiM, u'riWTS- 6o; is-.', Y.

T h e Sabsc r ibe r s w6nld g ive a o t l c e t o t h e people of Lewis c o a b t y , t h f ' t h e y , h a v e al> t h e appm-teaancea-'.a'aa . t > * - h i n e r y for..the. taaaniftctujeof. • ' . , '.

SASH, BLINDS, bO.ABS . TyiotrLBrNGs.*.; ,


And c a n ' s u p p l y tHjena withaajr-tb~mg l t t "t3ieir l ine on. ttsmia t cooTOpeMiwl th . , sSny o t h e r » h Q p . " . :. '-•'- ' . ' -'- :. . . • .

' Sa i l de r s w l l l f i a d t b e B^c^ldltlg^ : flalshed a t h e b e s t fPfta-'.-w. a n d •**• prlw>B t h a t ^sXH

Give, them from 25' to 50 per cent,

over %tif^". .-vr&itv.'Z h« Band. • •

. Sa-9?iijg, : P i a a U t g , . W * i - j M i i & . , : . "

And a n y o t ' i j r •« jr!s i n oonne^ ' io t i - vil n *b> bus ines s perforoiad' t o t h s i a o s t - ionaple te . s 'atisfaetipii, ' , ' ' . - ' - : • •- Oi-trsho-Ti's-Wppt'ieS w i t h / t h e bes t , c l a s s of m a c h i n e r y , 3.nn. t h e piosi. ' co.nrsetea' t . w o s k -m e a ; • ' , ; . ' . ' . ' - ' . . ' '•

Al l k i n d s of Pita.<sl a a d C l s . p b o a r a "SaWr ing;3S well a s G i r c a ' a r a n d S c r o l l .Sa.'>yin| do f i eoa :8hor | hntlos... ":

' . T a r l i e d •tnd'S' latod'flad.Sifew^ll" Pps fec6ns ia , a t l# o n h t n d , o r m a d e ' t o o r d e r ,

Ta?ai'u%. nf.a'l kl&ii*.o-i.p--;--rte<:Un g d o d s t y J p

NehrUlsl 'a • a r t . -"reHeved -a t o n c e atid ' fOKi'tt vety jjn'i'eir b y t h e ' asfe of "Wheeler's Ko . a(i'Hbeuni{r.tlc'B,jaledJ-.. W e sav bwdiV t h a t i n t h e wors t ' ca fe s : .' i r iat ter b o w ' l o n g •s 'andfi 'g how per.intifiorh'iw painfm w e e a " n o t o*iy-give Te',te:. b a t posl tn"- ly cij-re fur sill . t ime Fai l ing to do" ih'-fr we'w-.i.U-p>.!s-itfv:tlv { rel.u. d th« •roo'vey'palfi for l i e t i 'eatmeat , : 'Ud", it j6ar .MiaVri"«sas-e -am posi t ively . s topped . frm a l l tlrufe-yoa h a v e n o t . thT'owayci i r i aoa r : e'r away . ' aa 2'f>1i..-waul.a\uh any'- o the r t h a n 'th'--se gaa/raateed.-.r'empdies- T h e - pr ice- of "S'h*eier,-sXfo.S8-'l*hi»i''.matt'c flehi«-dy is o a j y 50 -e.nla. obt i i taable fffah. druggists o r s e a t

• free -by m a l l .oa. receipt- of. p r ice : s tanip;s ' tar . •kea ." - -.: •'*.. ; - . - v . ' . . : . . •• . ."-"" ' - - . ' ••-.

wii'V* a pretty, face, h e m t l f n l ffgutfi. faui t less coiu-pfFxion. a s ueTi a s t b e swe^tesf (tf leter pmaaf.l. 'fira'tlep& thfinfal 'ctuaii'Ies g r o w s p r e -a»a !ure 'y . ottl; gray- j'-jid w-Snkled; hei. . foria iost-s Ite'pertpct; contohr , ' i h e c ' i bp les ton da-comessal tow. , ' h e b r igh tness -le'aves;"aie' eyej ' a feeling of i a n g h f t r ' t a k e s t he -pJace .of t h e once b p a y a a t - s p i r i - s ' . an- i rr t i iahle a e r v p u g fracftonsoess a i a k e s lSJ;-'a. baTden.thiirigs t h a t , on-eewefe.trjflejs' w •rry. her .MH life b e . o-mes'' a a h e a r a M e ; .A-M- t h i s ' be ing cahsjed' by i b e ..physical .dera^fgeaie-»tsi<o.;«finiai."-ih lo-w:'(>! ffie.a.', which' t t ie . iua- . i te injjfie'sty 61 fenilMne' aa rureprevps ts tn ' t i r -a ia fc i f ig ; kno-fim aiid-'of .whichTlie-igt!-ofavnce;of the . m*-dhial profess* Soft p fevea t s ' a' e a r s Lady refadur,' -• n d consider . ' . t is a riaty y o a QWeybWi-elf ' . y o s r family nart j -on r .<£. d, fhtyt -y-.a sh .hid c a r e yoBJ-self v-f .(-nise '.ft«u-iiies njwfefeei' flie glow of. pcri«n.lJealtn.aai ' i spirits-Chat-aa-. tare" a t e a d e d for yon ' . 'Wi.eeler 's 'So: '86>Pre- ' . sc r ip t ious a r e ' p l e a s a n t a » d pa ia iab le t'o .tefce, .ecjDtata,aothiag 01 au. t f l jar . ious natare,- aad-a i a y h e t a k e n by .al.l'ag' s a t a i l l i m e s a n d in a l f eonciitio.nswithout possibilii yftf i l l effects. and 'Wi ' l pas l t ive ly ca«-e a n y o f .4b«pecu l i a r d iseases to.w.h^Hi h-maieRare ' sabjec t ; - F a l l ^ l u g to'prv dnce a'per:«-ct c a r e t h e pr-<p rietors wi l t w f u n d tttPttt-jae.Y pBjid'{orihe t r^ i i tn ipa t , I f M H h«v»-' a s'a -tow fiomple'sioa.'adnstaat-or' hilpr 'miitrttt •i^ad«c.bes,"b'acks«;a"e. rest'JeSBf

-ifusj ' ioss of appe t i t e , ' so pressonS 'bf hKsnih-. l y fl^ti:, mr iri-*gjTjari'tie« th'ereef accompan ied b y headache^ , , aers-'onsrifrsa, ' hys te r ics •. nafl s t a i i l a r synaptcaa's, .'vChee.ter's.No.-SBP'rescr'iu^ t lon " B " wil l p >-iti,vfrVy rt-'store yo i i to^hea l th I f y o a h a v e a'.KeBs-->ti>n o f h e r t *nd.thr<,b' b l -ng ln ' t h e back. :frectiien> ' f a in t ing Spells;,

: Lpaeor rhea . or .whW'- t t iS ' - l iarge . pai i t fa l o r . snad i r i g sensa t ion i n •:tirin at'iflg. . reddish o r wh i t e dpp.isil i h a r t h e ' h o t a n d d r y « k l n , •"WtoeleT.': Bfor. SG •re-ct! ion "G'' ' 'Wii1 ^ t v e im'mediatv a n d l a s t i ' g lefief. T h s price of Whe'- ' ier ' sNo. 96. Pres-Bvipftpha ••«''- a n d •07* ari-«*e<-ritf.-,• teh. • •!•(ai . t i»b lvfoai.dit tgsists .ar; t-enl by mai l s c a ' i * Ifaaa " b i e r v ^ a o a piist-aa'id o n re"e<i!.ptl tit- ' jrlce. •' Pos tage s t amps , t a

, ' k e h . ' ;".. :•' . . . •' ' .' • .'-. -•-" •' . '. -


H^i i roaa TPitae^Tit'iable,

mm §m>mK: ®yiiR,E (PMe: fable of i*a3seiia:er Trains.;

1883.' F A L L A B R A N G E ^ N T S , ' 188^

Dai tf EsLceptsuadays.


Leave JTtica i. B o p a ' 5 i I I e i . . .

• P o r t L e y d e n . I j y o a ' s F a l l s . Glenda 'e . . , . . „

Ar r ive L o w v i l l " Leave Lo.wville^-.i

Pas to r l and . Deer R i v w

• ' ' p a r t h a g c . ,.. Arr ive . Wa*f r t ^ w a .

•SacbetsHai^.r Leaye 'Ph i lade lph ia A r r i v e„ .'

-M-orristown— Ogaensbarg—

5 Ite,: 610

:ft'SS- ! 7 ns 7 23. 7 40

Sins R 15 «2S at&. • '•9-SJ5 .'

ip .t^. . IJ2<?' h)25 . l l ' i l : . 1140'

3sep .M ! §5te . i t ; rsr 2 1 S ' ? -M 212 8-urt. 3 in S'>7 3 37 . 35l> 4 35 fl 00 4-M.

" 7 at. . 7 ^ 5 7 SS-S15 8 36 V-iCf. S5S

. -9 0S . 9 IB WOO

*--„ i t is nee-aloes'taaK'scrihe'.the^ •S.-iti svii'.p.ioms- hi. ".ihfe aa-aseoa-s-,

diR^a^e tbat.-i.J~^yi»^ii;i£ fbe l-if . a m i sti^ng'lA of • nl-y ff>o luany" ot-.'tbe ih t res i '»a.d be',st of Urith seSt-x; oiii- tmd-youug' , . iatl't>t*iirg'a!ii.e iVnra thi- poisimotis d r i p p i n g in ih'e J,iir«a;',ihe' i <>l<ntu6iis >K<^H! djsch.arKes. the . J^ t jd b i ' e s 'h 'a, d general w<:ikh'tsM debility a n d l a u g a o r . Hfci'de tV'-nt It e 'a f t r kafft-rj g*,ot •thi«i,disease' 'wbic ' - i i i fn - t ' ehw-feedca 1 ' on ly es-d-iji'los 'of p a l a t e , hoarM-netiS,- weakened'.s-ignt.-lo.-s of. m e m o r y , d w f B ' f s " " i d pre'da-.tari death-- if-n<it. ca.eefefd bePire-'.it is too lafp. .-Labor

•alndy a n d research ia 'A.meriea, .Earop*»'ai-t l 'Eif-lcfo la'n ' s have re fuHed So Whee le r ' s 2?-bV Sii-Iu«"ta.n» 'Beilfcf s<ad ^Bi'e Cafe for p.-!,te.rfD;-a.. •remedy wh tcn . con t a in s a i l , tia.t'tafa.''.iaMreds^--eat-<' a n d ' t h ' 4 is gatrag.te' to- c a r e „e.yery case of acnt'B or-C'.:f,oi!.:«5'<':atar>ih'.or m/.'riey re-" "fii>' d(-d. •tyb:e.e , ' ' ' 's: y o 116 l a s t a r i t E e l W a a d ' SUTe-Cnre for i'atarrrh win -cure- eve ry c a s e of c a t s r r h . h y f e v ^ r o ras thaaa , , j 'Sice- '^Ij ipper pafkwge,. from d ' a g s l - i t s d r senj, b y s n a i l pos t ' p a i d o n receipt of price.- . ' .-. -. ' -..•

"Wheeler's f-?o.'9S- Su re Care, for . S i d n e y aad ' Liver T rbbb l e s cu-cs .all w e a k n e s s a n d sore-, •aess bf.jjidaeys,,inflamiaa."tioD,;of Sadaeys o r l iver , pticcSi,0'o; - - . ' . ' . • . • . ' • ' . \ '""'•'"; •••

:'. "W-iieeler's Vegetjible-PUi's-are t h e o a i y ' r e m * edy . t h a t , care's cprortipatioir, g i v i n g h a t n r a l ac"tioM'.<if tiic- a?>wels wjt 'hoat .ahystcinSi p * * s -teg, gripirie-.or-paiJij y r iceSS.eea t s , of diag-« .gists o r by. m a l l . • •••.'.'. • . •; ._.•-"

Wheelei ' ' s T>TfirvlneTba5<S-.for-meBta;i4epres-s i p a loss o'f manhood." i a n g n o r , w e a k n e s s o r over t a x a t i o n of the, b r a i n i& l avamable ,p r ice , 25..eenls.. , . . . •-•.. .. ,•'... • -, •. . - „ - . - • - .

: Pifres^ i n every-case o r . . . . . 'wi ' l ' .Tefand- niohey"

p a i d - W e b lace o u r p r i ce for-th.esn remedies. . nt'leSsthah*"one-'tw.-ntieth'o'f the-pHce asked: by. ofheis for^remeaies i].Po'awbich..yaa.-:t 'ake a l l 'tlie eliaji-egSi a n d ' W e spec i a l l y i n c i t e : the p a l r o n a g e of t h e m a a v pe r sa . 'S '^v'ho = h a y e triea'.otb'er r emed ies wUhoateSfec tc i r fteplet-' •ed theit' parses by paying dodtijr bills' thalt. be'aeat. ted.thenanot. . : • . '. '

Hf^^%t&;'^fflSa# a * for i-hem." I f ' t h e y n a v e - n o t g o t - M e m ; write ' at. once t o t h e proprietor:-,, eric os lng t h e p r ice i-a-m-Oiwy m- s t i imps, a n d ' t h e y ' w1!!,! b e st-att y .-a a t Once by m a i l . p o s t paid-" ©or-. r e s p o n d e n e e solicited.- a d d r e s s ' p l a i n l y , ; .

• •• :L, 'W"HEElrBB«'CQ;, ' - '• - : . - : ' - ". Ko. 86 W» Ba l t imore «*.,- • '

Wyl ' - B A L r i i l O R B , Ml), ': Twisfe'apd;.'Twlfg'sg, _

t 605. . 635-


L e a v e O g d e h s b a r g ^ 3fiot>.jsi..'$35A.'si;,

; : :-F0R THE.FAI^^RABEj ' ; . : . '-: : ' ; ' ' •. '•:" •.

. and :ui©t*iiiji;g. &V&T siiawii m, . Prices within the reach of all. Buyers shoiald /exaniine • this,

stock'before makingfheir'.'pttrchases/ 'Satisfaction, guaranteed. L Q W y i L L E HEPTTKfl£BEE,'lS><3..' ' • • . . " . . - . . ' - - ' • " . ' / J . M T E B .


B u t e v e r y a r t l a l e sol d a t a ve ry -small mar-. ?in from i t s . a c tua l cast. I inn a taXl-iXtte-at


And.the best way to do. this Is by aslng


-9t . f i« TpprYfBr,

AfKS* T w e n t y - T e a r s on t h e " W r o a g S i d V o f ' " Life a V i r g i a i a a Tiir-as t h e ' T a b l e s .

' J H o W f o B g d i d y o u M i y ? * ' ^ . ' " T w e n t y y e a w , J s i l u , u p t o the ' t i n ? * r

meatiQaeU.1 batiBaffered f rom diseased- tf v e r for twentyyeM-rs . ' 1 »aid .Mr . S• T,HTaneoes:• of" R i e h m o a a V».„ half s a d i ^ , aa th imgh u u n k -ing of-that. dHati idated iiection 6t b is life. .'Ait Mines I . .almost .<vish«d i t had p leased i» rov ' l -deace tb .omt t t h e l i v e r fronxthe h n m a » anat­o m y , " . ' . . : • . , . " ' . • . . • •-.

• 'Bad eanugh—tsventy years of t b j . t - s o r t of thla-',.". r e spondnda- i i s t ens r . "WhH' t was t h e a*s13otbr^t?'-•,' - \ ... <"»»=™t>

' Th»' t tpsbot w a s t h a t s o m e t i m e ? go I w e n t down t o -scoti 's dni". s tp re )n thi>' oltv a n d boaiSivt.-om.-of B E ^ S O ^ ' S OA PC'F N K-POR-{3-0H.PLASTER,H; ar-piied it a n d w a s rel ieved :In~af«rw in.u!•«.-.?<ad a i a s o * a s soa-utl a s l h o ' j a y Bver was -made rjftirrtlKirttlibe-j'," . Bebfcm's—a.nliket l ie old fl-Khio/iedkind-of

planters— e t p rompf iy . Look lc,r t h e worct GABOIHE, which Is e a t i n t h e Ke 'nu iae . 'Ps tce 25oea t s i S e a b u r y & Jfohasbn, f jhgmist . N e w York.- •._-• . . - - ' - - - . _ is-sr* ..

•Drugs and ' Patent MedieineS, Crockery, Grlass and, Stone; Ware, a full stock of Groceries a?ad Provisions, Toys and No­tions, Tobacco, Cigars and Pipes, Fruit and Confectionery,

. ; ; , • : . - ; ^ 4 $ j ^ ; • • • ' - ; . ; • ' " " •

The Only Rje i iah iepro iee t ton for P r e s e r v i n g ' ;.-.- . "; t h e S h i a g l e Jlciofs' of ' -•'-.''.,'- .; .

»WeMB£,tfouspsV «arnsi" ' " Chufcttm, Etc.f •'•.;

i n * t i i a k l n j t h e m - Fireproof a g a i n s t S p a r k s fl-nfl- Cinder's from e h i m a e y s a a d B a r a i h g B u l l d i a g s , ' • • - . • - . - ' - . -' - " •


M y ftgares a r e low a n d n o t t o b e b e a t e n b y , a n y olbrar l ive house i n . N e * York M a t «

Colwe a a d see m B l f y o j l p l e f l s e^aadsea i f I t . d o a ' t f i l l C h e b U l e v e r y t i m e . , ,

J . J-< A. 3«A.BB.KESS. I iKJwvuie,Aftg.xsvi8S3. ..:

Our Elastie '• Waterproof rami, ':Mf m MoM,

IS Super ior tor Anyth i f lg In U s e for "Wear a a d ..Btop.pihfpf-Leak?. .

Ft is wa r r an t ed n o t to Crack o r Scale , a s i t E i p a a d s a m d ' e o a u a c t s by E t e a t a a d Cold .

Tile propr ie tors o t t h e Bonf Ooaf.lag a r e a p -j i ty ing t l ie "covet'ini? 'to m a u y .b.tnlclings i a •»i d'"iiboa.t! Kbonviiif.. W h e r e v e r -Messrs Ke i i ey ,t- Obv iiave- wii rkea t h e coa t ing b a s «i"ea" the best of satisfaction, I t . l s composed. of ins*edie 'ats n o t e d for tae l r ' -p reserva t ive qua l i t i e s . • • . - • - . _ . .


'who.haWimlWingic 'ovef 'ecl svi'tii tin. o r s h i n * gle roofs should cousa i t w i t h the p rop r i e to r s of t h e Boor Coating.-

In t h e B e r t few weeks opera t ions wlil be o o m m e a c e d a t Lowvll le . •' Orders p r o a i p t i y atte.ucled toi" . . . 61w4 d o a ^ a l a

t^ALESSIETST " W A - N T E B — T o sell 'Surgery ~ s tock . P u l l l ine ,Of n e w a a d v u l u a h l e Sp*.elttlUes^ Pe.riafl*ent e m p l o y m e n t a n d good sa la ry .to sucCesynl .agents- Address giving age aad ieiershoes, TheGeo, A,Stone KuriBerrOoaBdoheiiter,^. %•

MyrsiBtowu CTayt-m , - „ . -

A r r i v e P h t ladelphia Leave 'Sacke f s H a r , , . '• -Watertown-...

."- . - G a r W a g e . '. Deer . Biv 'e r„ .

.,.- • PasIorl«h,"d_: "Arrive Lowvtl . le . .^ Leave. 'Lowvnie-- ' . . .

• • -Giead'-il.e' i 1-. " Lyo'u^s-.TaUsc;

.P0rt.L.e.Y4§n'-• Boobvll ie- i .^i

A r r i v e UCica-—;.,„_

3 ; 335-• a « J H50 ' S-tfl • 5 45 5 5* ' W T 1125" 'IS -10' 6'59'

f.a5 7'45 . 915

903 •&40 10 # '•8.fl0 1035 . .1120:= 1130

.1147 -. 12 0.- ' 1215 '1'2 31:

1252' 1.I.H)

.' 120 2 53 ';8ftl -'• S09 -8:18 8.3S'

'"•..$S7" ' -9 18

9-2-1 ' ftli' 'M 15

' " S l y ' b r e t h r a h , " s"hnut=?d Cr.- Tj=amas-e o n e b r i g h t au iu 'mnai , S u n d a y , -"he,re ls-".a ies.=on from t h e eprBflCidV. Gad..'.h'i»4 a r r a n g e d t h a t

7 t l ip e a i a a d . t h e niiS'k..sB.all,be"payt'e<i,- - .Ey«ry { r h e a m a t a c p a i b is b u t a thrust-of t h e h a s k l u g | peg, a n d ever neura lg ic twi 'age is..oni.y; a t w i s t

•of the.oas'ktsr;J' "•'•. . . . . • . - ' . . - ' ' • . ' ' .Pbss' b i y ; ' bttt. nobody , -wants t o b e Masked-' for ail- tbat ,a i id n u t n r e t eaches a s t o res i s t .the process- Therefore, WK accent wit=h s r a t i i tide. w h a t e v e r •heins' u s t o . suppress t h o s e very. t w i s t s sad' twinges, ; ' ' [- •_ .;..'. " •.. ... -'' .

F r o m htsjaiea's 'ast iaome, Gregamoat.-hea:! -

S i a g . S i a a if-, ¥ , ; in.. Alfred f a o i v a FreHCh • gen t leman , , writes; . . . '_ • .' - .-' - . = ' . ' . . . .

" I ha'vja; suffered a l m o s t . ' i n t o l e r a b l e . t o ' r -..mehts'frhm..rfeetVmaii?,m'foir m a i y yeai^.- .OC .'the n u m e r o u s remedied ' . i ihich-Eitri^d, i j oa^ benefitt-eri me . B a t PajSef ' s 'TTO' legaTe m e g r e a t sat isfact ion. • | eei'ti'fy. w;ita. pieasn ' te t h a t ftrei=tored a iyhMi tU . - . Y o u ' a r e w i l d o m e

•Wa.v freight,- w i t h passenger car a ' t a c u e d j t b .pabUsh th i s ' i andas f tmy ' . l t amei" : . ' .'.. leaves •Cawviire. g -ung; 'nor th ; a t I S S O ' P m:-. t a isco-S- i Co., beg to'ca-i p u b l i c a t t e n t i o n t o arrt-WS -Watertow.-l -Vs- p, m /. W n y f r i i f h t , . - fe-t^atfierea-fter Pa rkas •a t i e i a r 'T t r t i - i e . going s n a t h , leaves I,™w.vj'l<>,*".>a w p i r r i v a M 1 P Uict.v a t nereattei r a i Ker s. Vj,tpger i=oaic, Cftica S;!5 p. irtj,' Accom="odatinn t ra in leaves- will be ad'- attist-u a n d s=b"!d i-irii-ply u n d e r t u t Carthage-i0 li.i.,arri"Vfs ^ ' A t e d o w H u . l ' ua m. • u u m e / o f ' P a T i s e ^ r o o i c ' W e . m a k e t h j s o h a a g e

t m f a ' ? n y t r d a r t f a l e ! 4 « t p S S " ^ ° ^ :^. . ' « ? : t M i * W a « j a l a a p n u c i p W . d e a i m . a M

'"iSro cliarg^ ^or tetegi'. 'iphiue' for.Rifcpi.nsr o r ' con'staiitiy .dece iv ing "their .customei^ ' .hy. n r a w i * g"/Boon> .'Car aeeomhiod t t o a s from S U bst i tHt iog . infer ior pi-eparutioh's u n d e r t a t

aa.^ t h e

raer-e l S ' a p cb an g e , . " h o w e v e r , in. t h e prepiwatKU! Itself, a n d al t bo'-f.i'es i n i b e I W T I K of, (ti-aleys, .^Rippf-d nafaer t h e n a m e of . P a r k e r ' s G i u s e r Tobi'e, c o n t a i n the-jseaai i ie mftdicf'n'e if thefae^-simile sijkhatnre of ffis'cbs *. COi, i s a t t h« bo t tom 6J t h e ou t s ide wro-a-; p e h " . ' • - ' . - : Oc tober .

^ e s t . T h r o u g h l i m e scbp'Hite , o r LO'-at T ime Table. ' L i s t ot Con ec-ting Linfei and farther-Informat ion- a p p l y t o s t a t i o n agen t s o r to-S i s b a r y & Heslerj Agen t s a t .Lowvuie .

. : - :. • j l a MAYKA'Rb , Gea.Sa,p ' t ," .

T'BEBO. • Bo'WEi=wiBt.ti,- S c u e r a t .Passenger Ageat,-.tJtic»,.jS'..;y.; "' ••. • • • .-: ';."... ' ' -, ' •',

A eefrttT6: to Itomg; Mea; •-' Oil tll»< lu.oSs'.n'JT.' '•

• A Tjeotdrf on.-f ,be '15atuie, 'Treat e a t a d =Kadicai eure-of .Seminal «r.eakuess - n r Sper-m a ' o r r h o e a . 'ndttcad-by Self- *'b.use,I'nvoJnai=-"tary. E m i - s i o h " •IiaP'rteoev', Nervous fiei>ii,-%y. an.d Imp'edime 'uts fo Mstrriage geaeia l ly . ; C o n s u m p t i o n , F p l l e p s v , a n d . Fits..; ' Mpp.fal a n d •-'bysica'I.JEacap;icit-y.A'c ^By.f tOBBK'H.J i .C-TJ-' VK-BWEL'L. H.J3 . a u t h o r of-the 'i-Green B ' o b k , " -£0, .; . ' . , . - = - ; • "•'- - •' .. •"- ' . ' . . ' • • . . ' •••

T h e w * l d - r e ' u o w n e d a a t h o r , i a th is a d m i r - : al>te- Jiceiure, .ctea.rl.y-"proves- ff^m' hls. ' .owa exper i ence " t h a t - t h e "s wful eOJis'.ciuenees of Self .Ahu-e maiy-be-'flfeclually i".niovH'i vvHh- „ o u t dangerous surg ica l o p e r a t i o n s bougies , i n s t r u t u e n t s r iogs, ' o r 'cordials.:?'..poia't-ing . o u t a', mo'cie o t ; b a r e - . a t - once ce r i a i a , '• ••>»&-'• effectual, ; ; : b y Which" every su-ffin'erV -ao - m u t t e r w h a t h i s • icon-di r ioa: m a y be, m a y cvu'e .h imsel f cheap ly , prtfa ' tely a;nd i'arllcttlt'?.'. •: • " . . - . . -

• • ']rKiLThls,Leci,u,»,wlH' pr.d've a haoai ' to thouisv' a h / s a n i t . - t h o n ^ i a d s . . ' . " : . . • . - ' • - . " ' • " . -' S e a t a n d e r s e a l t . i n p l a in enve lope , t o a n y .•Kjdfess, po"sJt,-p*id;.oai'p.c'eipt of s ix cen t s or, two'po's.tagft ifkjmps Ad dress; ' :• ; ' " - • • • " T ' a B d . p L y E B V V p . L L M E ' p l d A L C O , . ' 41 A a a S t - i r?eiv York j .PO-s tofee b o x . 4S0.iy=l-,

THE: 'WILT>EB^ESS ' o r ^ e ^ "Pioto-rJ»...Hi.sto-:'-ry" of ' t8ieIil fe atid".Tira>s of fbe'PfoneerSei' an*l"" H e r o i n e s Of. America, -bv :-Col. Fratffc ' Trijpl,et:t.»200.Sa'Tierb.-Eogravj»gi=!.. Cov-', era t h e Three' . Em ' s .of pioaeer. progress. . (!). FTOm'the-'AHegWaales t o t h e .Mtsslsslppt; (?) | From-tb.e.»!ississ-i.pp1 -to. tbe'Boctt.y. Moxin-. ' taifi.s: j3) Cati-forala .and the ' Pacific S'Owe.-' «CT", Goniblnes graphic ; t l j r i lMug .na r ra t ive,pr.ofu'nencsr,. of ..elegant .iliastrai.l 'm,. b y . c a - i b e n t a r s i s t s , h e a r t y 100. personal poi-traits... dmbrac iag-a l i i.he'.P,ios.E«a. I « A D K B S , b'sidfiw -f scares' of -l-nciden-ts.- • A PtoTttBB-GAi.i.KiiT of-, a4-K» iNtfBKHST;' 'A t r a e I istorical- ivorls of! thrili iagadyf.oiui 'A:-i»' roreal.' -u la tas . a i o a a -:tiUn a n d s t r eam: ; c o v e r s - w s t e r a progress a n d : Civiliza'tioh. P l s ' h t ' w i t b l p d i a m : ; jD.esperttte Ad«efirures ; . . N a r o w Escapes i, Wl.d.Ljfe-pn. the. Bofder,-• A-grahd bubk' ' p r n g e a t s O u t - ; SPI B everythl 'ngt ' 720 o c t a v o pagesi. t.oW JS •Pltisfc,- "In ' reach of -the" - M A S S E S . -Agent's. (Jt>mr»lete Oatiil 75 een.ts. 4®- Wwt.e. . a t once-fdf ron t t den t i a i Tei ' -msand I l lus t ra ted B e -scrititiwh^ .Aftiiress, : ' - •

JN, D . T t t O M P S Q v * CO., Pahs . , .gt, Lou i s . Mo , ot N Y»=Clly. Uwi.

i l l BEsflminE l i t $3. lO'-FUH 3S-CEXTS, STAM-l-S OB SJtVBB, .

. A n y • t ie s e n d i n g m e fae : address of 10-mar-r ied ptr.s-ojiR, and 8R cetits will reo-ive by r e ­tu rn raail a p'ach-Jge of ftoods t h a t net SMIO, Ibctai l i t ig a n ex t r a h e a v y s a id -p ' a t ed ' r ing' wor th SI I h a v e a Hire var je ty of gnodi , a n d m a k e t h i s sacrifice to secure fu ture or.aers.on whtdli I expec t m y p'votits A n y one can m a k e a bushe l of -money tiy . a c t i n g BOSV. Address , J / ' O : Henry," Box lL=7,Sn8tao. i t . Y; " . ; H y l

. Thi3catsiWTCsthe.' .'

Upward Electric

agaeticShMS. ' as, applied over the' K-Jd-neysawt*Houf.vo--e:itaJ| . centers. . -. Tne". oaly ap.

. pliaBCe .'-made 'that fits' -.every • par t "of tUe.'body,-autl $hm only* OB6- needed' to POSH=IVEE? . o a a K K: i t lney3>i s«ase

J a t l i e u n j a t i s m i -p. y a •pevalu, Hte,-wai'st-,CaBes bt Seliiiiiacl TFfiate a ' e s s , KxJsivus-.tioii^''.sMft all -SHs-: -e.a6efeand",6,Srealc-

k "nessbf ' the l i r t i io „ . ff (G-em-tal Orgai i tS.

-. p a t e n t e d Pebr25,187.9.J-.' i-;~ t-^hivmiita^ YOtrtSG Mj iX : f ro ib early". iaciisereSoiir lack

tee-rye forpe. and fail to at'tahj Btreagtli. • ' inDDLB-At^ED BtBN'oiteulaekVIgor.'attHont-inj!*it to the progress of years. . •=> •. .7 : Tlie"M.pTB13B,Wi3?,Band ^rAII),saffleringfrom "Female. Weakness, Nervous Debility and other ail-jaents, willffnd i t the Only cure."'- . . . . • " : / To one-and'till we say that the S,Uield giveB a aat-urai :aid'uia..aatnriilway •• -.' ;-. ' . " - . . ' w r T H O r y B K U S G I N G T3JB...STQJIACB;..;, ' W a i r a n t e ' d • O n e ITesr ,- a n d t h e . ibest a j i p l j a j i e e ' i n a t d e . '

i l lastrateaPaiapMet, T S B B B TYPES OF SiBSf, also Pamphlet, for Ladies only, sent on receipt of Qi.-.'Ebalfidransestie'dj.i'FjBBli!. '.' . " ' ' . . • - . • " : " ' . . -

."«>%.:;':f^S' * • - - " - i , - - * - " - > ^ , ' « * "

3±. • . ; - - i^J '4 . ' "C^,#> '^ ' " j i=^^ ' i r^ i )#? , =a , *8

jm;.-.- , w ^ . . ? T % ~ - . * ^ 3 " ^ ? i ^ WHO I S «N»e'QUAlS.tED'•V»fTfa T H E - 6 & 8 g 0 2 - P m - t t ^ f f l & < & V M T ^ y * f ^ " .

= ;" ,. -;;,;•••-••,.';.'sfE.?V'p:.jAf3MiK.crr^^ ;-.,:". -*..._ ~

p9^'^i?^i^^^i^^:;ii^ ;-•.^e>"hs==tRe Q r e a t - p s h t r a ! . p n s v afford grapBld^ges j t io f t^ . ' t l i eBl iOr iEs^J in 'S t lprt i^eslst andi eoutheafeti.airro: i$v&W£§i, W o r i h w ^ t ^ h a j S o t i t h w e ^ t i ' u ' :'-•". '•'.' :•-'- v V .' v. it i s ift^raily andCstricfly %ru6j' t h a t i t a c&nnect(dhS=iai»Siicirf:tml t i r inc tpa iJ iaes -o^toafi^^be,tweea'the; Atlan.*i'3^fiti tHssPacifife. = '••'• '.f..~-'--"•'.". '••-:':-'• ''"•:••'• C ' -

- , Sy<'!=&',•*»)!?$e-..<anti ' b f a t i e h e s , i t r e a v e s Chioag^V 3ol le t , pieatrla, O t t a w a , ; l a S a l l e , e'eii0.set>v-;i«aiin'3' a n d H6ok'"i9(anil , \£'minors-? ' M v e i i p o r S , -SV!us«atine,;

: w a s f i l a ' ^ o n , ; KSok'akfV^ 6 e ^ - M o i n e s , W e s t U b o r t r , .!oWa..Citifj A t l an t ib , _^voto> r'Audubpny.^^^ fti rov,-a.| .Caifatfrt, fcfGtitpni,^ p i i t i a e f d i i ^ n d i fSnga« .C i ty»% MfssOari , a i td £aav^n«.: - ^ o r t t e a o d A 1 e h , i s 6 n . l n ; = R a h ^ s # ^ a h d ' t h e ^ •

"••{ntermediate,: Tb'si'.'. :."'- \. -.'•:•"•'•-'','.' . ' " ' - > ; -.'-'."~-:'-'•"" •'••,"•'•-•• '-"'. '-. . ' . . : . " -'"'-. -".\:

^'-fiuriiliarly.- eai lsdi . -di fers to . -1^^ .= I h c m e t i t tp^-EJw^;6tfe.traekj^sa=£e.^&ridgeB,,:Uftiai^'0^ S.-aSt mipratsT^^Si'^oi^^^MtGQmMGtiiOiJSi^miU VSftXmfitMOt WELL

: HEATED; FR*gLif UsKOfcSTEHEO a n d E t E G A K f e?AY COAOKES j a l ine of th«t. mosr.mMsKftiGestrHojjTOHBECfciKiHo e*iAiR CARa^vir miitf PULLMAWS

> iaieSfc ae s lgned : aria- Sa iVdsomes t eftUACS, SLEEPING .GARS," a i l * D1W1MC CARS .-*hafc a r e aekrtov4e;dged ^ .'HSJA'B JM Ti=3H-03Ui5;i.'!!R5G,at?^" infjirhicftBuberlor m e a l s aT^s ' i e r*6a4o . t ra»e{er» t« ' . ' t h e low. r a t e of SSVSKTV.-^iV.E-.CEWT^.JEAiBHi''-:--:- :C. : ' i ' : :"-.- .- : ' .:-, ' ." ' -=-••'...:.-/-"

. . . T a a s E •T'ftRjfeS-=eacb.way-;bet*.een' CftsCAGi*- a n d : th'e-MISiSOmifc-RIVEH;. " ' • TV/O TKft.ttJS "eaoii way bpiWee'if PHfOAXSO ma&.MiSSEftPOJ. iS a n d =S=T. PAUL,

V i a . t h e f a t r t o u s - ' V . • ' : - : : - ' . ' " • '..".:•'--.".-••••"••- ' . . . - • - - . ? • " ' - • r . •-.' ":"- .'.•".,"


J a n u a r y l , I8g2ia.neW^^li t iev.wiir&eOpenjed, .ylaSeneca.and'Ifar ikakefe. 'b^twoori ' *Jewport -Newsj R i c h m o p d y p l n c i h n a t y *lnd.rana^i ls- .aad ' .L^ 'Fayet te>, ,and. :Cbunbli • Bluffs , S t . P a u i , - K a a a e ' ^ < ^ i B a n ^ ' i n t e r i V i e a ^ •;•'•:'.' "•-

. '.• '-. .-.:• A i lTh toas 'h . iPa^sanse raea r r lod : . •6b F a s t f e p r e i s Tra ihS . . - : . For . tMorede ta imd in" fp rma t iQnVske .^

weH a s Tickets, taifcal! pHncipaJvTtc*et :0^"ejs :Jn. t^

• BkR^.<JjKB^f:o':-/.VV^".''^" :i ^Vl'oe-Pres'ir & CeWI Maniager, . ;Cea>L T'fc't'A-fawfir A * ^ -

C "GraiirTSfid EaintSeedlttanaats^^^H3,*|t.^neffioasf A W--r-it\bl^galtare'-bf GramiSi'BOT^Orops, OtasseSf "goadfrCrops.Ti^er mml. I ¥ :/--JF'feaaEnff, .etc. 6ril7\qciB.^nmml^eaialogueana.^mce:i,ut or.'=jQQR_SKWk'.

esfca*^—ABi^B^seTCiol'tTjoHs=ma'varii=itie5, EKEE. . . > --'-^ ' , " , . - ' , . ; - , , :• . A,••'-' '-"'"- :«ii'-^Ef^SEEDl"' H * f ? A M ' § * B 0 U E y ^ ' . C O , ;Ro.chf3Sfef, S.,-Yi,, ;C|n^o(:lJJf-:

-.'•: •'-' -Jft-'

'•pl i lP ; . - ^ ' . : - : - ^ ^ = ^ S .

y * * ^ > , - :



g&H&HS !


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0Ctti--i'3*.M=adSnoai, St„. GMeagdi t - a l i%OSCli.ii$tfrai 381., S?i»!iai


%s -yt H' --?M"VfcH'-5' M M !&•»=) &i m p # ,•'*« ...1 B.'iious Ccnipfaijiis ar« ri.iivi-.tJ by tmu-ng

V"n«-?«irs JHtiia-a tegctoWe Pais. :.. •.,• - tf.l.'SH iis atiyiag. Mis 2=3o... Alt Srug lstis

' • ' . ' . ' ' J5w4

ge siSc#: &S Ep|sq0ial gr^KF m

I ' - •'•_. - Ip&U e,4Sf.p, ' . .

On p.tid after Novetu3«>r fcf, JS82. m> shall »'M JHyat n u ' y W- ' "A*H. W<> M p a y Cash for <sur Fa t Cattle.. L a m b s a n d 0 o g s , a a a c a u n o t loager d o a cVBtllt bns i a s s s .

M O U S E BROS; .Lowy«le,Oot,S«HiaS82i:.- ' . . - • : ' -'. .--• ,

Ml SfiflM Paper Ha3ftgiiiis Glotli and: B&per "TOpAow ^SJa^e%

selSj at I J 0 # ^ H C © S , ml

; ; . ^ -