p^^nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84035821/1878-04-11/ed-1/seq-1.pdf\ -cotton, yarn...

. : ;X)ay ; ijy p#y : , ;ffae.,.s6Ti} of. Julius EEei<J)i.nger .gxi ^tbbglj hi bpd-y .beptlii ^<?afeij.g#i atid *•' IBijsfeess^eardSj-.^ss.^icaT foriivell&esSjr . Jesa; Slper yeafcifSr-fey'ery aJldittoaxi 4ipe. •• ar^iu *-iTesdli»^inatier,j2&eeD{s^er Uti? J3JUtmeK-JXL ttSHUJJlfct'lIlitfctKr-'j-'-y v.v-"***i;—' ~r--f BiSt inseEtiatt; M ceStsTorJertett subsequent; i n s e r t i o n . - " : ~ ' : - •• • -. MarriaK&^tift Be^tte^ptlcss.-fl'e&i poefc 'aid obituary -reipatks^willfeeebarged; &ro' . ceiitspecIJSe< .---•" '-. - , ' . Special STatfces {leaded nonpareil) -will: -be. cbaJged tOperVcetjt.' In adartion to regular ' K i t e s . . - ; - . '•.-• - - v . ••"••••• " - . - . " ; ". "BEST OFKtdBlJf-CtEB CttoKCYv • .: : INTEW'0'OOBS ! Jn sornntsrits.cif Jarge kad eonipifete as toia^ei •: --Bi-wn SheeMngS. . - . . . BleaohidOottpna ' Vine. Browa fefaeetings - ' - lab.le Linsos.. &li Vki ^heetfngs C r Ct PHIpw.CaseCo . CoytKterpanes. ToWls »isJ-S ' - '. 'Atid JtanlSUed. trtsny qimiJ ^^^M^ ^Fet B&bfc px•'&$%?••.'-'. : / ^ Tfte-gootl jteopje'of Xu&fvtne-aiicEHfj&tiim? •S?}ii : please ta'tqe notice that I, ffcab Jap es; jof: 1 &.e- town tooieSaid, m j*fipaced..pn the stoutest •iit!tifee ; to>.«3d.-a:ltJitods. of^Iftsoa" ^orkiPJasteao":, Kalso.mtetagSiid: Wiiite- •^ashhigf.- lita. wotfiinajiIilvS manbeir.. T- can ixfashxsrt -ttme jmaKePtlLe blackest..wall' as. wjjit^assso\v'.' ••.lii fact.".I can: •whitejteasii Sjfiything ©yen'to a pplltietan. T can al^ayg he -found in iLow^ltle'..'- ©naiges inocterate.- ' ':' '•'":• :•"" ••.•B.aBER'i'-.J.f>NJE<- Sii '" 3%600 . P r e * r f p g Cto£h ; . Shtejlbg:Linens "• " "Ct WCii "B^stl^jFiat^'SCjSeaftBest 5e,peryiuni -" IlaSles' Corsets. .'.'•. ' . Realms . . i' Slade-Up.ayerafls ' ' JSiacfeAlpacas '• . - BtecK Caslmerea ' ' \ -Cotton, yarn .,-•'" s r i f s i j efoa ftre^h Teas,- Sug*i% "coflfee, Ba.is.ins;, i.ppl:es. ; Soibaroos, :?i ; o5asses,.:'l»yrnp. ,yHp. J5utter I4bs.-— tn'Xiiet in the DiV Go6ds.a0d I!Yery.t;liiig;soldAttlie,v^ft rbpts 'Facts:- " e': - Store. -. W&l-Sell-nna Continue toSelf CE. "• -The'foUowinff:.reliable .Companies ctre represented at this ct£/erhei/. ~ •AT A . C H E i i p E H - KA70K taaa otlier •.esta6JJsB.ihe1it- Iff ftas-ar adiaw countieji; "tB&CL strti -mafee. a.JairprofiK. We base : tiese assertions on tlie' ibtlaVHja'g -rea- son's:' '•:.-.* - ..'••• .••-.- '•„ :." ;.' 1st. •W'einajpta'ct-areBeaiajftU'.tbegoods sold by us/awl ! by so doiri^ sawtt)e.pr0ftt thatonnstnecessartiy: f«i into-tbe mawaitc iurer'spoclivtibe>srtle!>sa'viiii;GOS't «r4oW . &.S&i&s?SoakBtQm,:%6vfvti S.-V.. Tlie Elementaty.^eograpliy-t.t ex- change Tor '4S. ceats; Iatrodnetion 6<)e.i (Join- plete, exi-.hange for Isni toilM- Orders will be Sent esj5j*ss pa{di..-.ufd 30 -to 60 day* feiij ln'wbiohtpinaIBe"&anes;JjHe\ol spoclivtibe>srtle!>saviiii;GOSt Of fteg!its. - 2a& .Instead of paying casb, weevebange Puwit-urelur JaB-lainbe*-.usea in.maimao'-- t u * m g . ' . - . . * . . - . ' ' •M. HaitfogiHoaF Factory the-iate.8fto •. proved macbiiiervt and feeing ourselves giaetical workroeii, w-e k«ow tb«.t wit& tfie. advaatages-we. .possess, we qaH- give.-the public Better Qpods and of better, matev.iaj an«tai ajt JLoS>er Prick tha«,eJM* he (wuglii. asewliere,: •-.-.* ;.. •';.' .-.--• "•-. ; Moj.eOVM, as.praetical -workinen," wejio^ how .Fu'rnitar&sh'onld. lie na-ude, -and'as -W-& .use.baiy"thebest tnaterial and :tb6rpngiity. •seasoned' 1'ninbeJ",' we -eaa-.safe-J-y-gparantee eaeti-aii'd-every .attlcle pttronasfed- ai.o^F ... . sense aid just ooe mliteg tliotigntrwjll-sliOAv-.you tb,at wneii'st iaart rnannlactnres bis goods Jie caaget tEiena'ttp; and sell' cheaper tbaji-by' baying-from, otbefs'. •-•::'•- ' - : •""• - '-- : ' . rWeiaveamonster-'stoaK df-Furnibtte'on ' haBd-r-tne..tergest .in Ithe coit-nfy—iv;bicti' sS-- •fc'rds Miyerg ari 'oppprtutiity of• .csbdoslrig d K t t d ' |ty;Ies' ' ' Piipea ; tp.STiit •-JE-vetybue'! Tkj'idt ^elt Oil- It- Exaiirlhe'-p-ixr" xeasdris-'^.tvd ttfFord .tis-a. eha<ace to prove thein..jaots, befoe linrehas tn-g ; ' - . - " ' BT?a>J3RTAKlKeTIrj;.tbis{let>.a contratie to keep a, potoplete s o t b w i l l tobfd reasonable. -.•"29' -"-.-;••". •:•:'•'•"- "HI .Y.,-: y 6ertj»rieatbt)iepti KQsei- <>f to tbe-sfo'fe.'of - rtJis; s : Y; :• : J;B Is BQW "prepared to jnainaiaetaie eVery- i i t K J AT T»E Ko.vr.is "the- tim,etp.snbsea&e for.peripa- ipais.'iior.lSTS. Eo you wyilt the JollovrlBg • niontiillesi'""• ••' . ' ' ' ' • '•" , . Sisritaer, Eallpu, af ' . j- eoiripTetea tile aacOticmtomyae- ' ". £ . . " f f l i t ^ - g i s f e j L . - m e ' b e t . ' t e r / . i k e U i l i e s f o j t •-.--• . • •-••.• ••* - tarning .off wotE,. 1 hope, to be abteto.jau Rrmrlnv Watr WiriAa-aralrA «>?4eisas-tl)^?:aTecane(iitot. B&ying Both* 3UitU.ciiy.iu.dig.. VY lucd.wcUlO, iijg batfirsfc'-cross- xaacnto.eryv wfiich. has ' " " .Seen selected TCJtB great care* and. ao ex-. pense.gpsi.ea4-o- <o£ta& tli& iies'i" In-iKfe Jnar- fcejfc, and' by'ha.yiiig the fnil-oversight of niy own :wdrlsr f T can safely say tbsut. .dan turn ont'as gooa :vrork .as any' other; "siioato*•*— ' —••—" f ajid at IdtFer Bdic£s. I cbjmty;,. an.d at Idtrer Bricfes. I regpeqt- fally solicit yoiirjorders lathe fnture,-> Orders byEaallyrtllreeelseptpniBt akeptlpn^'- My ; Jsctpr^.jgmostcoiraptete,^^'andl &a tejjfa off i l i i t t V t e t l / "'..'•. Shortest afotice. , " 8 P rasa con, do good Wor£ -w-ltfi-iiooi: tools. -ifpTCJUi *i>OQr~wcaEg:KiJari d:d.g<>Qd'w;o?lt'w:itU .any kind of tools v &.% my factory there ptne ": ' - " • ' " the aiaxfeets affords, and I employ" skilled- -. 29- y<>tur orders oi-seaa-bj-malli ". . , t Y, FASHIONABLE CLOAK .••:'. . ••-. AJSB' ' ' ' . DRESS MAKING, 'lte t©ttI tti lActtessalte cat»©tte<I Eta4. ttimineajji lh* latea£,style,.aiidtontbe shprfest possible ,aotlce-by; . - . Mss, 0, A.HORTOU-,' . . jNo, : 10,S&ady AvenuB. •; " .pi,,rc?,l€fi. './ - . Aa: Di&vntHE,,. RjtAi>V AT J&I. fastis. -3ror large lots a s&ortnoHce will be best. JKHPrree'torpestilUlTiis- jiei: load* Wewlll i loiad. ltT^r good tee witfe- intbetJarpprattpaPtliowYiiie atuinesbil- Jtftgtpestea5'AftTF*3*AT5pat» : *CO St. Ear pet's orlit sjie's WeeMy,; TTtica. "W^atertown aad ST. Y, Sttb.scrlptfoijs feceiv^ifet; aaidsinsrleti^tm hera dlway^oa hand of these iip^ all other newspapers and perjodlcais aellyered by «Ii carrier at publlsljer.s price, . . Yotn? Or&er at Giice. C AKISTEHE/ STJls "SEASIDE." AND - LIBfi.AB.IES." The Best aaitnox;safc.raarvelpusly PEX A ooni^lete'>assori6men.tof BOX PAPEE, SEY£R_.A&B , vBioiightin tnis town for tlje pasiihree. yrit and of the veiybest'inSnttfaotHTe, being TaadfrbytheMertdau Prittmia,-.CO.,Kogers Bros., 1847, stsimp.' dn-ajli thegOods.. rjOh't bedeeeiTea- by other .mafes-M- att-jn/erior .quftilty; wten ,yoa.can buy. the best -t.lbe same.priee and iiavfe tbsm engravedfreepf s-Wai-ge. "Also a very fine lineol fjvmeriean and Ktwisi.W«teuis In Gold aad sitver cases, which nr* boualitrpr iiish and wfflte.|old Ueijorflioeijr: Jewelry of. all kiuds-and in oh'baijdaiid ani'vki eonstattUj 1 - abuntianeeohbaijd.aiid anivki- eonstattUj '1'roni np-?? imtn fheboliday.'ewdeispver..-;... ; ©i.OjO-J5.S. ! in .G-reatV jnanafaeturedby theWaterbniiydpokep., wtlet is ep.nsideml .by all jndgesto befsiie most reliable, time piece xnade' - .-•-'.. We bus" all. otvr;goads: of the'.pldest *nd best'Jipuses-in tlse city pf New YorJcanCat pjiesst-ttat will.suit all;eustoiners. Siye us- a call before purchasing' else-whpre,ttiidwe •willconvince y.ort; tliut'wemean Just-what yt.g s.ay. - - - - . Stwe in the Stephens Blgcli neit.door to Haborer Bros . Futfnltaie--Kinj?!«'iuiq.- p^^ .i.svl-U-furnlah tie.school- pubHcatiofis-of A. S." Bamcs '&Co., 'tvison,' Blwlteman, Tay- l<ir & .-CkRi-Jsoripn. Welds * .-(itiacH-.eDbo.ss! <JraninSar.al pnbjfeliers wholesale. pHee«f to boofe sell'civ. ana .'-Jleri'ha'n t« in' Lewi's -^onir-r ly, an4 prepay express: '|;i"e5gii1;s''t>n .paoKages not eyer 5u poTOids foV'23oe»(-s ii;recitiested -Vjr ] .tl&TAMr t R *^'t* t T4? V^*.J^4V^*J- *-* x - 4 ri 4J *' w ^- t '* J -X^ %v "^^*&'* tJ not ei»»r 5u poxiw.ds i"or"2a-oe»(-s ii-;reciuested. la order. . • .-••" ^.. ,H. T?. XjA\V5tEiiCE, . JU; •;. •—C-: ;'• -.-.'..'-.v ;—^-;. : "; i Steam E-oiler' ipo Slorse •wltli 1 two- iaraeffiiies andsteom aome.seeoncl- Han*^ and iu~S : iie condditio.n Bheap. for cash, or-psch.tngea foriuuiper .or. other fetu tting iij&'terial. .--.' .•'"•"-..-•. ' . ' •.•""-. i -35 ! . Hors-e tower-.. eornpiiite .with" all ftstore.%eseeptI.ng.sinoTie s t a c K . ' ' • ' - . ' ' • ' - . " ' . ' . " . ' 0'MOXiSE POJKFjit 3?r*V%,4SX OCO- •>' Mv-ijvit, iKfiJLiLit, : ' ; " Vlth steam dome, •'and. op'toplete exoegt •sni'okestacks'•• . • •."..'• .." - M Q'liSJB' J ' JBQJ 10 JPQWBJt i .JirbC03lGJScr ^m shove*..;' . ^. vftbji- * i3.J^mri:Rfxrt}Vb4.R. sti^ TJ&ilJLJtX CHOU-Sil •FJ.lXORi frOXir E&'. liils.sty leof boiler-is *«iniitete « itoin-- itiself, -inouittt'tl'on sitids, ttnU alreatlyfar firing. This classof. bo.lers are nij.is.t- deBirsi- ble fojv cheese-ftetoTy nsej .aiia are'EttyniSlied:. wHi ..steiiiff "g-aage,: gl^s's ' water'giia'ge, try- pSlw, guffty VaH-e^c-beefe and-^Iobe yalv^-r- 1 vesyiaulg except .snipfce stack". :4 Horse .cn¥efBoiieroi'.ab6Ye,.ile.s8rifitlpTj. •.. •• ..... fat cheese-!actorlea and plihet use;'ftirnished ,oy desired'sfze;"-'..- ,.'.-...:" "."•.., ••*•. -"".."•"• ' ' of all sizes iajd-teiigths., b'ota new sxhh s.6c-' .bird-hand. Kteaat'-Hea.-itig Apparatus, loi' public buildings; d-weirirjgs, taetoiSes' and w'prK-sbdp.s; Of the most Jtripr,pved systemof <teani .heatirig:. -. -Estimates.' iwitl plans .for .eating rnade^t.reasun'a.We.rates. ;. . STJBAMX>nTJ£ix,$S, forilfifuig- lumbar, uraisbed »t short BOHeeV Any specialties- not-nientlonedJn,tMs. eltiierney oi= feeepnd- hantl, wEU befor.ai'slieclonsipp.licatipn. . . t", "' -, " : v>K is; srS er heovJslles'to*pnr'ehas8 or' i ^ ' " ' Parmmg T & "Wea,Ee 5Tanuyac.fu.rers 1 Agents- for, thB'-besfr and Latest Improved "Siachiti'ei'y foi Fair/n;-. > S M C h l naMaan&etarers' use^. and W-heftier .,•& Raltes, Si.fcjel . Plows, Iron- 'Plows, Joliitesl K^iil^erizins ora CiiMivalors,llorSe Hoes, Plow% JSjind CQi'iJi t!s» HR,j. TedAbrs, Fcefl Cutters, 'Covft. SWeSiers,. 'A||l- Baal li.aiies^I16x''Sfl Hay Fox-Its,, Bope and Pulleys, Floor terS.OvreT'.(ro attaeh to rake,} Ci- der. .Slfllsj ".'FaB. Mills-,'' teind Roileis, 3D>og "Po- Cpmbinedio haminer on jEverybneahouItf have one, as the triee is Lew.-. . • Rul>ber and teatlier Belting, and "Climax" Ciotlxes Wringers ^ 4t iboty"& " «t,ovellsi«'. Fain-* ' • .' ilj- Waslter.. All kinds Clothes 'WriBgeis repaired as usual. Prices of fiiese good* reduced for the year 187& .Offldeandsaihple roomvAt No. 81>»y«n StjJCiowvDle ifvY, D. D. ^OOT *S0N, BJnd- wp your fagots, &nd bj!lp|f. tl)ein .Ii5gb.i'(en t h e -svay..as yoji;g6. -ffith a; ! song-; . You'r;llm'6s inay be sUBC; and' tlie road .ina V vhefl.rt,. naa-n^, ,iiiid t h a t is ' .'.en.ot.igte,.- ..... .... S'trlfce with yoiirstong-tlif ancl.th.e big tr«es \ a i } m i ; " " ' ' ititertor. light 'Iflu;»tft#«d, lie Sli.ra.niv frora. the-, ^oinia oi^y^Jider's'yoiee , ^ y , anil quavered -Wi^fe" i*§ii]§ibii tif fi);s f b ' T^lV &t S ;feat3B'e tMf f d - V f l l l cquqiiertiigin. oil-; "Spur aie may ijd dub,-«iJ<t the woottinay be •th ; ' , . . . Bu.t.liave..a.glaf.l heart, man, and tjiat- is --... enoxigH..'.-.... •/ . / .._, . .. . uraged, buttteust-wl;th.va jrtn ; And tliorniest-thietets ftcfcnpwledg» ypiir ; ; i s M j i r : ' ' ••"'• : V ; /";'; "••;' ; isMjir::, ; . V; /;; .; Ypur'clotiies inoy b&torn-by tlie biaimbtes --; •••arid.sfcnff, ••-."-"/•• ' '••--"•'\-i. Biit• haveaglad iieavt, laaii, and : that is ' h '! you- Mo^ hieh.i ..... -- ••... .-.::• -• .... - -,-. Send a glad.spris.tp tiielr as">as as theyfly;/ PklTVintpr.TO*y..grft:¥rt,-ana his ypiee' may . Vbegnifi;'.-- ';-.. ' ••-' . .' '"; .-.•: ' r .' : -;-> •'-' Bin. keep » glad ;liefl.rt, .m&n", aud r ihat.js '..-enowgh...-, '• .. .. '.. •' .... i ' ..' i.tlie »se g«Sng-, : jiii«,.>tvorj;<}rg- vVati.t - yiooinX'i .-•"•':"'-'•--•••••.;"••.•'••: -."' . - - : Sewrsayflle,'' f ?t 1 Q ll S h Che-Srcmfe-inay-iae: Bnt fegep"a'gl,a<t .-Jieaft, jaalij..aiiA.-t-Iiat.ls •' :' eflotigbi. •. . -. •' " ••-.,., ...' . . . -, • •'-.- .WiH. "Wops, .•with' a . y u i j -half' -n-ay .ellorts- Are..fu- Me.r•-••/ '.;''".'-" •". ' V '•.'••. . ..••''/ - a; work is before .you,, -with zeai klt''i ' ; ' ' jr eawiest and.steafly entieayor- ;" Yoti' can; fitly aceonipifsii tiie Object.-in.' ;<irtUi.:a,.-w,lU,' for .o.ag % s: lij,bor: seems iglitet.- ... [. •-.-" . •'-• , . !' -Keinere.y.toiheu"perfprnisunce- ; islent-.'... •.' AsiV&ose vlio purse i a e i C e U I t l ' ." air'tlor; ; .' -. .'• "-. ,, • ". ••' " •" .- JLad tliey'll Jell you. that-.plertsiii.e yr\iti Work .\vl r tli';« -vrlil.;. certalji -fallure's .ttte -. g u f f r d ' o f t '-.'. ' " -• .'-. ••-•• .;...'..- .' - • -••-. d e l a y . - ' . " ' . ' . '•• ;"* " •.-'' Speedtjie pIpwAritii a-stralglit. n.otfi ijevlons. ... -furrow;'" .'- . .I".""" . ' . ... : : , .] . Pjit.Hotoirtift.to-tpoixow.the' tasg of to- ; tlay. ;•;;. '.'•.[ ••"'.;. "•,'.'." •'•'.•• : '-.".' Work; -^isU'a wlllt 'Us.. the. jpalnstak'tog opt of ^bat/ ehftrct&r / ^1 ,'swfferiag \ a> it Jjad'never; ibeea' before,. but It e'TCi'Iiave-led aSdmu'st'Sitfli' lead %\h { . - . - v a n . . " ' . . . ' ; •"•',•.••.•••-.•'.• '--,, Isoliiboi;perfortaeclAVithpareful attention •. .But-i'edoqncts torypttr credit pi' Benefiis' •- , t a a t j ; "-. ;•;'•- >. ; --' '.,••••"•:'< - . ' " ' . ; . - ; . ' Wwk >vi-t-i' a, -wiTl,or.ne.'er iiopfe jfor'<iistinc-\- ... .' t i o n ; : ' .;.-. . -,' - '"• ' '- r - . •••• :'•"•• ' . •; •Tlie. effprt'-.thaf's."soulless -jqttst- ever be- '' taifte'i^ ' " "' •eyes•% r %re.."b?itb'ed'Vin-^eahs"- -but- jfeey- jjiirfoned .-the holy; ljght-'Qf'rthe'heaY-"' .eiis tp'^'biBh -, -th^y^wefie':- .upraised-.': He : -liad .heaftl-yJuJiu* Heidlfeget's' iil story j.he. ha^-pfajiec! ..pat. her-ag": •fob. hiaisel'f/: tjij'cl 'ittadeyapparfcn^to her the-.nofchmgnesS' pfythas' wrjij's. possessioHS,. Ehs-gjx>ry; of-the v *|etaal'.'. No.bOjrors- acorvse to 'the Sluggisli; halt ' Ueartedv •••.•"••.' .' ' '-. ' •' '..-. Their names areite'-er.writ on'tlie bede- .-'•' .roll car Fame,. ,"•"•••• •'. •'.••;-. S'Oflv w i t l i a, wtll, for in llfei there's no sia- tion • -. f\ " ;.- :. S<v lowly Ujat *Btt : astry-caniKit'a<J<rt!3 ; .-•"-•• ."Tfe lidnQred hyaliSvli.Qse esteem-i.s ba>iig; . . . , . ; . -Tfley;<ji'6hon6r fUeiasfelyes .vfiojlare -treat - '.It-TvitliFeom. •. ••' •-• - '.".•.' . •- •",•' ' •:. "'.. .. a.» < Story written. ieacpressl5'» b*'wi>»' ; '' Jt DEW'. BEOPS' j^ "THE ,S3EB- ..'•• XriXOte EABJ-S' 't,-oT}» s . ' is..its4ot'-; . ' " ...• .. •Xn .tfhe greeB shadpitv of'tiry tr-ee, ' [. The s£rdnger : .StndSnp rest. M'l.thtiiee; . • ; " ' -iMr.S,.-iienians. '.''"" '•"' ';" : 'In dhaflge itiidB no jatliway, rneinoiy no trail;.' ' .' ; -' '"• '..--. '-•' : -.- . '- :-" And oh ! b r i g h t v i c t o r y — d £ a t 5 i t& Io*e no -place; '.-. - {- : •:•".•".".•...'.•':". rp.nie,splrHj-to.4i)y,Goii. ' ; ".--... slvan^e; .magnetic pbWer th&t d Boaalyff ''wiel'^dy lja-d:.eYer ffioMded tlie" beauiiful- Zaif e : to his will;'. but, iievei" before had he de- & a d l i ' b d i ^ i .But so. gjreat was Ms sBCsnSa the iaiiiid a)ad heart oFthe' •woman-,for tiiopgE vaeco^ * ZsS'r&vms. eft:._. _ r .... r _ r , .... _ .._.,,„. .„ .... __ his usual placeip, heri afFeeilbhv. Arid fti'apy erid'earaieiit-s-, an3'|>rciiii- h&ha<i Itjfled." ta real', her jealous fears,.' snd she wag- inade; to believe herself safely- ltasJaHed-.as permsiiien');- mistress of his hofaeaiidh^aft. . JBte flattered her yftmt.yj sad ministered foh.er' love offliia dress ahd jewels, by. securing .for: her- some.choie^ triJilsrets siid costly dresses, ana hqld- ng ouJ-'as: aiUiierBents m the futatre tilings h6 wo'.d- g/ . So ttie>gentle: lieaft yrffi ^ against Its fiettet.feelings,.and pre-> parei.'to worX. out ty.Sander's Wei-:' e'st; naostfilodisfa-jiJafls; . . •••' ijtttere. was'aa-agetjcy opposing- them of fHiieh ttie'y Icrjew: nathiag;; at' •whigh' Lyssndfr wpiild hsive snefert #. n i pg s. ws | pious, m a gTopirie,; supeistttioas sort of * ay.; -would have .%tigfted; :. "Jtwas^ the agency of prayer to'^hieij veif- lade. THat,• .to-day;., is ;raiorsfcafliBg hosts of bealitiftit, refiined,.infelie-oEuat women. t& do Rattle on beriaea kisiees, and with; upirfti^. vofe^agaiia&t- : the vice Q^ our i>«ii tfljry, -tbe Qtaie ufoni obi-, land'. Arid;. : is they jf)rivaii: aijdi ate *ietorious to-day, so: i| i«is tit the. past; a: life's tfese reached the throne.; « d:aughte leadlng tears invoked tbeiiiist Ai eiful j. tend.ith/ese bJe»s«di jiri ifrfl^Pjii to. e.Ei|real j tb . Anil.. & mm, promised.' "eire •us. .ffioie'; -fhkfi. 4 sJ|Tedii,. : Ami,'SQ.: .wjith :04 ; beam-ifui\ tropic. .svorl'd:' all,.Yelled-• /iji- # i s i y s.lia4<>-ws,- :^it-iy.every ohjeetfip^tiia^ -aBdiatinci :b.efoie 'pSm, h e ^ a i l e f t .flgspMde.K in:th:e«atS p'fZ^if^i^j^tftTOtiayfe^an _siie i^- rrialTyjealousfoolj' sh'e'd.|ead.|Qe t i - . a life "if «he. tools .a -n.otioBi arid;she'd:fedi;'li&elyt;(>baafee>?o«i'sw^f- •':Arifr'»f.aTins hadijQ.;^6p|)oxttipity-lot. *ojii-^erea't|Wnv--"^r[tlt-;tlie' ' ^aiidsoiije; gieoi^,' -not liriiif after.^yiS.iaiHder*s .der aitee;' '^ktn- she^ went |o-iiis rp^iji fjtb %ivii %iuCdtt%r}U .poGr^h9i|:biiad..nian .jv^sso linffairD.. ly : • geiltjfe and''- ifsigBedv s& s.w&etiy,; pittien t,y .Zaire -; coal#•' not help . th:t> ; ' tjpriHU'jg of pttj :i%t^ttio;dula^ed;bpr s v oij?e, and;--Sled/her.. eyes.\v4bh. teats,. Oneday-s.he'?sp_ejft into her.:pa^tentV; rtfp n( lyteb; set jSffcetuii meif J'ips,- jand a- hard-toofc.-m- Her.• ey.egi-.resolved 1.<> ' <ibey h&i. itia&ter ssv-hct gm?& hej. tht sheltf r.sf his. ; rooff : a«.d. th'.e gio.teettax! of his love,- : ^i-re-'ijatoutoiaye.. cah>fe heritjigfe.. ?..; ;:.. : r. ..-...- :-•:.••,.;-- . Sh e : sa5v:.h'«?i ; s'ei|:fQJ'ffie'.-fiirs'tttaie-jtif.. h ' j ^ttalafetSb'fiti of hei:-TFOiaanno^ciV• no.lomger.'c stigma*-of'her -bjrth,.or.'COLOK -jS -fe! %• a lie'ffi'aaa, divine p&fi'.er'uplirtiB ber.;.she j j y&ii.^ ;..'rh;e.:.beffi«j;ifi%' "d Salen. ba#-bieotne• tfie ; I ;ey^ ogepe'a^idfi,, a.%tf snjiie bn her lips.;/ /-;•/ .'/:'./. V/-'';^- '.."'• " / .._.' Jt •#ats.to-her -ft noy^I- exercise,, this. Lprfiyipg giii of .season,-ya&&!o ap ip- '• visible /SoiBetMtrg,. in..behalf of ajj- iOtheW It ,-^iras- .what : Jalkts ,'had ..learned only, since/that night of hbt- . froBa hJs lioiiie./ ;lh . . e; : eoaJ4 urtdei'stauici: i%d: out his own pejbifeiit jeiaslsetl me,rcy,gui(SaBQe,. r e a ^ h froipiab0Fe i f6r,.4h;is .d,eai" s&vil, elnhg-for the Hghtk.. Host-elo^ueni- ly .he portrayetl. the inpSberlsss -ohildr hodd,: tha% was iighle|t; of/the, proteet- fi)g 3oye : of tfe triie ho l rn& Zaiie. be^ entangled jn.Mi^taeshesofunhaitowed a^e<3tjpi):-; : ln.-the. •H'eb-of woritlttiiesr Sbesfrw--the.. pieeipfce oa wb.iefcsB iiad:' tlsVfiK' s&loflg M eai'^less indc iepce andgage.. '§he'sa^wand fejt.tbe ylsh. tie^ffiat.bouod-Lsaaii^el 1 tis ;htip, Je^e ipf Qo&,: .She fel t-I h;& .measureless its s'tiddeHlipheaxalr,srag ijL'h.er soul; fer, befitef. •: &nj£&1%atehii^g;' •wai'tiT)g ^ hatl^pn her sofll t h a y •:..&jtS : "this'..raaai .jprayin'g^.Vri- hip iiieesj heseeehftjg^-Hteavieii.' for, her ' ^ijte' "-sfrs.arofpg .eyes^-was.-.to- hex %1i; '.a..,Atrag.gai'j::an.d.,.sb.eyw^corj3.- : ibijed"; of., hjpi' ^ose.,w4i i d'.liafl. fi^er 'heel)" yhef ;ia-\sr' t6-.d'o : bjtii mo'sj c(ed<H|.• \Vro6g;' Bhe. -eo.aia -aoir'she .'^bijld oht:tk> it. •• •' ' . ' / ."v : . . '•: ('Hgifac. ;me,: 'faio^ oh,- Lord'.!?.' >Jhi : ex1ed : aB'd:-*ast"h'ers"elrtigoa Sier^toes , ; g ^ beside-- "iTililtis'.''' And"...sfie-. .'offef'eU-.irp: ji-er Keari and life 16"'0od;' ifwr&.thai... ' iioHr^sh& -waa.' ail if n;w.a^e"r-idg file a d-, -[ivoteetress,- -all ; that.''-a..;sister- :aad. jfChte eoiiid ~b^ : tp- her".liithi And .\v(j,eS.ii ; lesye him safely iii her i " i'.be -yrlijcis. mJgb.t- .reniJMtlie. skaes. in'igat'. -'•: ^ s ' u r . , - •'•.- " ! " ' . . - ' . ';.-' ' ; -'.- ' . _ ; - ' 'But -there itbott '*eft—and- still " / ' ' " ' ; todi^ert yotit aiisda ftpn?.. •the sad ^a-o'd- .seTiotia pbrtion'of onr .yto-if,.t^e.l-ak0-,th.fe ; liberty'; of -cairytag you with-us a.'ntlia-btr of munihs: |royj 'thai; scetie last reeortipd;,- bat- t i •mee as; future htispa-Hd of Ma-rgaret. HeJdljDger ' - •••;.: " -• . For p ^ ^ The; TtfOTiised. dVBjjftaid' .t¥4s choseji oiti of Ilis : p\vA ; itoanlth&s^^i i enfail6d . of moral .-daaf&uessc : ' fstiltsj;Bis.errors Irke clead^weigbit'osa .Mssipiir-rf;, ji& puse; |tf:"'hear.t,3S : ,regtfi-ded bis ali ' t o h i s -.maraag&'vow.. -,I;at.> no; jidehiioiis.. induJgeTiee baA y -evex dare^fe lead:biaj ; herefore lie'h?id ib'e -Til'oral : power b?| his uBibletsusbed Biaphopd :1ieiit;^afe : present;- • He g / p t 2 p . f and wifti-tears-aud- sobs .he. eoiifesstd. ISjat his;. ; r.igM. ; hand...dealt-"iixe. b}ow: at'sfin:fe -,ihSs.- -agigd; -raoffiex! ,td -.tliili ; -'turned;; j i t i i - ' i ^ hiio: m shiidd^ring ^tfhorieucei ; 3Epis: asftitixsii^ 4ifleKeni. versioai of i.be tdry;V f ; f6|ri;;.tl(a^;toM by-iysand*x. .A-risj-ving a$-a- fjaiek eoRelusioa, .'wM>' awonian's tmhiaciVig -intuition^.Zaire -"revefsft .Af the-.stqry j wfongedjj .hilt. sti&: held-' her peace . t b e . s e , ; '• '-'•:•:'•'•. ;--" •..'":••'''- ••-'.: . And ;he; had '••'. aV. : •beauU'fpl .yoira^'- dihbt f ' h i i d ' l d tfwh?tt^was e p p r p g ? Sne'.had-; asfeed" : ijui:fjis.-a= diiiectqu.es-': don aboCit'Msyfainily-';^iwhat\couid he riswefhutthe, tarfitS'?.^^ : ;S.be : sai.dv es ; hts eyesf-Twefee 'ibo; dim'toobsf y y hepifftul •?".:"- - , :: •;"• Cribe^'-Her, as &&% stich p^eiiial Ipye could. -X; :: ;'- ;' : ^•'':; : f-:'- : \ -,. :. : •-'•'' '•• "We'.wotiiddali;'Mr Miugvientf, 1 *; Z^iC^^^ W ^ aind •• .. The qjf . could .detee" T&O, .Jealpusyejigeiriies? in ihe tone-:" Why- sij^ujd he not-'tell 'her/A!jaaiters wife3• y..••;'.". '•;•"';'' . BCe -yf$a r : tnjf" 'deaf;~iMyjj Bwt.'iSfftrgatetr-' refuk ifti.HOt Sorry;' fpiip w , §&e j : as a idcls, thjit girl of s inlneV She' will sever .^lter .|ier : #P'^QflV And I'F.believe"Se- bras fpigottenall ' t:t AhP'' said; 2air& het'. oSyn teptii, "i'Baveijre I havie;iti.i'. understand' it. i : ',DQ oMcaat,' not : ^ \jjfo- will yf I* « « i jftthtt, jfclofc ijUat ^ ^ j ^ ' ftl^^oyjtt.W^^^^^er^ $£*#- stood spart IHUulng, hM fine 0jtti;.h«mj)le biit.. inpst. estimabW endy. Bridget;;Tooti,;'.h-a.s mifrated t i e 'eoQhtBryf? and is -'engaged.ID' to tie 'eoQhtBryf? and is -'engaged.ID' tier fg'joHte etapioyiij ent. of' 'milk ifl" 1 £ But".b-h : eis oiily ihh4y ity 1 acd ofce in tlire e". drops, in up,oi ,' .tad -tSily-falfevo ,- aiid stifid.-. teais' •gob eto hex r^st.i a' ; v Wte "would'teeJwT*-.tbst:-Bridget •with,- ijHr..' fetfy^two : yeaTS t liei- ptaifi ,pViii%;.lltt1e'p>Esaii >v.onlil eyevfinda- f'?y"5fi$$h ' th f t d the fact; ; and •sis .extremes'<$q. ..aieet ia,'this..ex : tSaorj:S-. iia-ry. arranged; 'S'QJfld of otjrs, [ Bridget's-adniipei;iivas.a : tall, " ved VQerijiaii; .baeheloiof.. ;fifty, i;'U y ^ ; VRQotng;,;:li{f{j 'pot sp:ed well tphife^ ^asWithl^s.'' 3eidlji}gg.r aridVMa gareti:• yBFid^vhad;, literalIfy- pvhey-isdse aff*fre honest- groeerv. and" «l4y|ii^i ; gi;!ifiiy;to"go honie ta Qe'rr aay;in|he : ne^'.steeragg passeBger '^ei^an' git a gBri ; .as und.ei'standt . pygp , . jaebto. Bv>rpiiggser . jterseVeiexl iri- riiyfng. to:, tneit th4 dbdurate 'b^art of the irtMeibaii jris.hwofkan;; ..He. met. ; Tier'"Wjth ; -prpgents of:.chocolate abd •lea.vPiiTeieyer 4tie eaine'to tow'n.-abd- fusisted'dii patiiiig.-sngar iiid- spteeiii ftpi'&EHt.d. whecEsKe -%as;fe£idy tp.de- •part.;-.'.B|i<ise(i"h£tcl 'fette.d mjJ& .over, tlie -total' silejjee of' her best'friends.;. £na:toldEd#ina t'ailse'ialsdMdence' she- neyei - obuldj.be" happy, 'dnder- neath:. of 'any*.:"l-iviH?'-.soul. ,but'.. : h.4r. VLeat: folfes,.' iahfl Edtrra^ had advised. n ; ^r to. Marry if mob., Bridget ijacJ. told, that good n±a.B pee day,: that sjie eoutd'iit abide..theCfeim.aus.for oue.. ^ " : y ' v " : mg;.y,;..- / , .''A.tit vat may;dottje?' deferejatla;!- Mjd h f i ]jf j y ; g / , . ?y. yeai^Residence Ip Am'ejica itaiinot: tHvested4f s'tfongfeernaan aeoent a'iid. t y ' 'Yoy guzzie-.Tio'yFn. too miieh lager wine,,' an'/fajFahdy,. du' all pf] the r^st of misgrabJe.' stiifi.'. Ybvj ail' 4ri;rjlt. ipse aflsbjao*' smoke worser. nojr.ft chimbly.., Jt ^always spaces my Irightoutj^ithdut pary cireorm libaia^y *: -..>. •' -.;'• ;/•-•-.• : -',-- ••; p y ;ts^dat ap.?' said t*»e Gei-min ador- er, smjifeg;delightedly. : *I$IB.& Him- nael! bia .'niiiiht txoi,. vat you-call ^iW^er'giafi.'^Mees; jritc6&t,:Igif.s' you winesoliemnvord^aii^ I shwares' ftoti der 'faiajcles-'hiples; 't'iiot'dfh^'k" tiafer/at.'ajl.. Xoil se© her.e,'ve'n I.^as niiB ;l#etle J>oy/inirie goot fader he got diU?i;feon':derbr£infc^rf'n-^oriiutlyil and der'sefeappB^attt vaty'ofl eall jjtd'ein tingsvvat goes' inter hed : s'iitinafeea ipeebles . foois. Veil, dat voi iu d « fadeElaiidj.jBBa'variaj ani. xim& go'ot old Mlffcrbe drinks Mraself; into dei graft;;"•'.•(Q*R.*€rO i And niy njodder she-'bfe ^lessed' in h^wen,: ,;Sh0 saj? to ;me -sreH"sli^'die;, "now ^ie0.b,.yoa" gif ,mfe it i b d ^ p y . i ^ -Srantweiu op thine wJa)e,6r sehiift «Btrdie.li»p|iy, Ant I iglf h^r dfx i m.xalm k-nees, 4&t I aefe l il up. tpo. Mee& JPritebet, I dJinfes y mine.cafe, .ant iniHe.'tayj 'a;nt'iiiiiie 'cups «f schoeolate, ant der eleai.vatei'. I eats njlne IjimWrger. eh6ese, hut if you do.n'1; life'e der selimell of hlni, I .jgif hitri oup., .Aat I don't sehhaokS, l one j.setl« pipe after liiy 3Jn-' ' " " ' ' " ' M y ;: . , . Bridget smiled/graciously,,.'-.- 'You arie a better inaij than I g. ye credi t for,' she SEiid, .'"That's right,; 'sthlek. to it "an? y.e^ll piver' fill a d£o9tika¥d*8 gfpv' Me own blessed. fatliei 1 . kilt,himself.eotirely^Mph' the. Iiqw6ivau jfe bEoK^me. mother's heart inter flinders^'it. dill.' j—1.' hsiin'l lW t rndnneriabf jeetion ioyertiiolbesger oheese^though yfe ean seh'toell.it three tjiiles off, when the. ^14)3 blows that way | ever? qm. to. tfiefi." ;taste,' s a ^ I; . j^iikes so.iii fecout.'an' sasige's-; I'm in for' eoa-fish balls siii' 2f«W" Ejjgl.aiid yh gi uodhe hpwi iifithln 3 ^ia ^ey. about-. j-Pair glad -'yer teE ance, ^listher- Bottgasserj" aiad gayeMm'Her han4 ' '-."..'•'•' . "Ihis was a fayor neverneeorded iie- fore. on.'y stparfiMadythe ';.QaU"'iae; Jacob, oaiine; •''Ifo,.T-vr'oft?t,?' ; sa;id:shesteraly, ( you ^ g , .dQp a P.-jp-.ior. a' B. '•' Carfl aie ^Bridget jiu» .'ijlleoii.deses!nd;toeajli ye 'Jijco^.'*."- ' ; ihe'diriiittii. a.lmo^t-^ni do^rn tip-. OR-hia :knees'b.efaxe her.. '•-.-.'• '"';.'• ••"• ' *Y6ii-berone abgei,* jaVesrelaijiied; •. 'Mow; Jacob/d,dn 1 t you-be : siij : i woxld ever- heard' of :an"angel forty- twpyeaif :6fdeorninj. (^liristiHas, an' with "tbw : CQloied haij 't 'nose ¥.'••' •• -' •". ' •':' - * Ttie" suitoi! sat;'aljashed ;x>efpre her;; itf of-ventuifeg upon another i i t ; ' ' ; tTeii- :rne : ho'jf.' ye Vhtliem'frh "ate with/to• fe driair 1 ?; ..I- gya.^ay-s¥oulql. as. ilef do -.wil^'out his lager, .as: a.fish, be- dad jvkh'ou.fc 1«8 water, Tell ;nie about i f J a e d b - . ' ' • . - " • ' . • • ' .'••-.;/.- .'.•.•••...•' -, eestaey. - ; ' 'Ten m does" ded, I c6raes .'•c : aiit I vaspuJy; aspuJy;«.|fpG? poj, but'I keefss -ord foir t. tints d&r -same <afott h i d fdld &es'me here in de;r faderland* •Vetl.;"'itos.mjT.4ups and.jdowaaj'ant I iFo-^sto pe a»Uaii : ; : an.fey py-^aiit. py 1 -ers Upy-pisnesB far .mine'oivn self, D'eti dei v oder• fellefs'dey.mafee?&^ji becase I viLt ijot dhi'ink, ant itey calls me stingy.- '. Mine ' hfenielvd-a,t b.Wt aie-.pad." But I gife oce ?oopei\ aiit rnvites ten 'of .^erti.-yonfig fools to .oorne-anteat ; Priiehet, niy ;dear, I had tinea-post saeising'.iieekj eattw^. : tine. pig- toorkies,, an .half' dozen schicbena, anx-.pig rant leetle flshe^,- &til vegetables, 'apt. DO- eitf of'fruitj' aat thyefi kint.s-cif pi'ead'; iye anli.vite' fiop.iV apt, yat'.yOT x$$0i. him, fikliau, arut.-pieSi-.apt'eakesi .ai-t..p'eekle^i.an'l preserfe^anftay,ftnteaifej an ; fschoe bloke., iiriJt-Tiice.- colt vatev. •'Aat ven. ihaf eat aad diH.n& def.'M, -I ' jolly, old soxil,.'twen- ,...,, ... ea'ehpBrs©a wffldo; 5 Den I takes oqt." uxy, Pallet', aut:j spealfs.' 'jfoij^e'tienyi'.mafe'eselijfeD- i wro .tollarsjiiit sefettty.-lifa.eents f#.a rreat, eh? Here Is"te.n. tnllars I gift •tQ-Jbe. poeu- of der- city-; but s.cihelp me der hitaiQelt uot. one.farthing, for. lagerheer.t 1 ' \4Jrt tinee datd'ayfliey' .rimip-AnV-l Tri'ft ai-i-ri'frv 'Jnf>.ri\^'' '". *• she #as'\f£^t"-. iel'eiitiBgriH • life, She sa'Dg- fb'i*"kiia ; tbe-_'Be>atifui 'Ssks "of''tb"ey'^j';' 1 an^%;^ittrnf*vvwed; y ^ ; tier svlth.-soniey pj. ; the in •laomesoDgs of fadetlaiyd." This please ant conversfttioB'' had' i^ijn place:-ia' ygi-ocery's' Baek parley;, wheteiie- invited (Miss..Bridget ahdL.Ker .friend Miss Jaaiie":: "With ,pej€ect candor Jacob Bbngasser parried- oii light could be doneatee folfesas h '.bn-going.honae with iEdupn'a iBa:t evening, Bridget almost' .raii svgainst. tt, and.uftefed aja exciani.-. !• .but V-ve :>j smashed nie bonijei, beg yev s i r : J - . . : . . . . ' ' ' . ' . ' .The nest; .momept-her afoJ graspe<3 sAd held,antt A yoiQie she had liear.dbefore,.said-. •/. • • . . .'Is this Bridget. Tqoie V . " .'ThesBQie.Sir..'- .. ./..-'' . Bridget droppetl. her b^st biptirtes'y, .' "Where dp.yflu ii.ye,/gp.odywoaian ^ . /Ia.Westeh.ester.e6ii.:nty, sir.'. . . 'But \yhei'i3 are you. JMJS?.? . . . f At ".the" laisthress ; Brown's, be sbure, .sir, a stoppta* wltli '^tisi Ed- wiija. LaiKe,' . ' " . . y l 0a,. I. cannot "see yoa.tliere. YOQ remecpher me ?'-. " . "-_. "..""' "I do up#, sir,' .. . . . ': Tbe-Msht frbnj-a street latu;p shone. on Ms fiicsi • '. • y 'itls MMlier BfiSbiyix, je be..' : 'The game; keep a qjiiei tongue ill heafiL Not a ward to- Miss . 'She had passed oh oat of. hearing; and.th.e . polit&.groeei' 4 sfeeingihis. h&; loyed engaged in eopjve^atiou with'.a fine .gentiemaa qMreqtly passedoa ^pu /wish to hear from Hiss pg , , Lord save ns; in course, sj?; •do-you- know where fhe be? is she l me darlin'jm.ifethtess Reitl- nge^ . . ... Poor Bridget almost leaped for joy;. 'Sih composei Tfc t b i ^ •• •• -• ..- ' . ' . ' . . . -. - -Me thrnst sooje 4ooney into, her liapd "la Ojie inonfh'sttinB y«W shall .%etr She3? -*ell #nd happy, «iiv,. wv is her mother, JSFot a word of lumag \'ttoeftxtoe,to any one« do. your andet* t 1MM?6 tuy J*Mens, Ia * now I will send for you., grife gave himthe' ^IJreetions, trera- tVnng with h'qpe, desif&us ofaslsing a "hundred questloks.; ' " "'Beiaenibep,' he said wargingly, 'if r yoir want to see yotir youna; ' again, not a "word of thfe meetiiig Avitb tne.Ao a'l.ivlng"soul. r •' Ajxd he moved qgicilyavFay. 'Ai' is'it the.liyin'aid seiatehm ole Belzeljubet he bej-cs 1 a ibrueMnd to them arter all '^ the ' he"wilderetl .Bridgei.asied herself. /' .... •;'" ..it/was fbrtuaate., for herself that honest Jacob was.not jealbnsi-she savfesueh eon£radlV2t6fy""an<JConfused answers to hirn.. And" -when she rd- joiiied Edwiha, with the iBJuhetion tp seeieey .wei«lVii3g heayily ©n her sC'ivl, that guileless young person'3s? cp'hed her flflshed anci exeiied s^tate to'1^6 ten-3et' attehlions of the gxocen /. .Bfitigst -.Tqoie "was ...the haiiible inoaae ;hM<Jing~ in fiiitMul hands ^or mu&iw$ say. pawa?) .an,."ettd. of the net £hat beiii iniori^dbed the cjueeiily li toess! 'SbBB tier feeble strength sut* fleeto-gnaw' ftsnntier tM meshes of artifiee si,n(3 tSlsehOpd ? .'"V?fi shfiH " . . • : TO- H E : at . pf above, title' lp in',, says ke. A-t & e .same time 1 , puttia' •sometblxi' ."feai'.ouicl .picks?, g had gey iia iiifii. the- fraat liftle -febxl' .. t'lSFo^' imtiiJ.,*' yshe., -'tloij't stqt," ^h' 3 wifi'that' lie iurn'd-.-his -hgcfe art''.begun to :COft'nt for Jiis. life, -Ftir I md see plajio 'enough", .thatjhe l;augjj wa^a't oat SX Mni yrt'. Xleh, ia,y»-nje aldae, but:I-kpe>v ebougfe.&nb't let tba-pj- hate' irie out ay anythin'- this iime'i- .d'ye.inlnd.f ^o-J jist p;faiited mVsil Btjipt fpvttsQt and: eSttk^ij-to^.two eyes>. i•a.l!•b^ : &.&U;atv^.yI^8•, 'AD 1 troth-. .quite =epbiigh~to<-k&phme lax i y a ^ateh-iB^ tii«iittle:.sthl.Gk-an# &e.-boXi-.-'jffl* ; h*s'.o.S?n- back, d'ye wmfi.? ."That'll 1 (3o. forthe pfrski^' 1 ' says IKS "but rem^d:where:$& %xe*~ .tot I ai;ay ftav? to-• tailte . yoa ovli' .agfe."•''j^tf- wM-;fMt'life haflcled : a: .rjii &v asi»te .to %itd; 'sbifiny : itkgs, .sj!n',6e -jwbip'd'wid It.In-tU his:little- din. Puffy soon KeTkeja-out r .ant T tfed'. >a. p o i u e , %n "I..hav.' ihe piigttiT'e av yb.«' &r$v?' says •'b^;"'.''Qtv]bas far y h.qw,-'©&r$v?'. says •'b^;".'Qtv]bas far tobre'.tliita belongs-.to ;ye;;bat I'll' show it to ye to .eonyiHee yeVtbat. hi V y yV we war; not ehaliB' ye out aV eyfSv.uHywayV' . An' f . WhitiEL oc'Ii, WMnDy, aeushlaJ IT. via&is't iB^silf .wtd. four eyes au T v&*> tBfiutiis in the face &y m a , A}}- Qtt' er -ways as iaatural as life, top skirt atf'ftli..- ' '•• ' •• '" ; ' / • " ft ; "I'm jjpt. wiiHn^'tQ giy'-yeso. mueli for th^ .price, 1 '- says'he,-"an' if ye'tl. just loo.k at a i u y l y Ilittlfe bard-that-' I'H' BpuBl' ift: my: hand: •iqtfJI CQunt a.urty,. I'll.j|#t fake. two ay yer .eyes. Qtrt afa'ciaa" 'ttii iatil toe'porfiit.feTeiMqlber -ye '.So .%Hd-.il.at -the 6uld' fairy gev Mm .-the 'slate -TjaeK 'agin,, an'' h4 elajiped it- ihtil the box4-fised me ovir,.' avieKj hel^: up bits little feure fdfme toiouk at, Etn* be jabbers;! h'e aiyfef "tufc his two 6y«s off rae fis.ee, this;tnne, aa?him f csutffin^ss epl' tarn povYss an. ouift.Jndgc r reaflin 1 tfie ditii SJutincfe'; •&&?• wbi'athey got. throftgb', this- wiis : .what- 'they brang to me;; aaa'• iV'yj.e'doQ't-say its %$•' good-alooM-a g^rril asl-VbS'le-ft.tbe ^Ottnty Connausht—heath, Pm sure ja 1 ^-mother '^ill, wbia ste'sees it. Oseb, : iQofc'it there f Isn't- it tire daz- iler-?/,/y .. y. A.'..,, >..\. ••:-.•".; " %QGP. : it, pwSefltt- Iff Sqrib-ner fpr. #111. ue- preserved-; : as : . jp anct books, n.ow-8-vk.: yTbte.f fj'f. grea't speakers- ancj.slnget'?• yntl ttierebe "Kept foT.a thouaaod ye'sSrs* lii these "gatle-rtes ?pplrenyiajagyasres Hl'. be preserved TiiOn'•efn tuvj to ^atiiry wiiball fhgi>BeriliaTitiies « l fg iBeia.T p j :d}alect of ' b As we gp aj0Sv.-te see. £be stesedpti- :Cpn x w^y^halL go. to. i)u-blie-'Iiall8to liea^ tliese. treasures of "ppeecli. and' soog breaght biit.aBiJ.reproiiocefl as liDUai.or louder, than'wbeD;first.spa- i e n orBuDfT by the truly grpat ones of earth. .C( itainl-y, wttbia.9. dozen.- yea.rs, -sooieflf..the great..islng;©?* .will be- itj<Jaeed-to sing..intd-t.b.e ear ofthe.phonpgvWph, and-the ete(%a- typed eyliBcrer* thenete ^btaiae"d : will be ptit Into'ths hiin.d" brgsais' of the street,, and w©-*ba;lt ; ^e:9r.th.e aC- tcial voice of €teistine Mlgsoa or HissQavy .groujad out at every cor- ner. : " . ";.''. - ; ' ".Iff j»ablic exMbit'Ojas; fifeo;-we .shall, ba*e" re'p.?pdtfetio'ns of tiie S0UB^'S Of-natiirei ^pd of. noises -fa-, istliar. ajjd: unfioiiti.MBi 1 . .. Nothing: willba easier' ihmx. Jto. eateb the squods of .the waves on the .b'eaeJv .'tibe.rojtr of SMgaTg.,' the dtseorcyyof the ; 'St^ee.te r .fchfenoises qf, animals,-, the pilMi5k«ncl rush of "the railroad ttaindbhs tolling of thunder, -or even the tumult ©Jta-baltte. •:-,-- ... •- . When popular airs aa"e S.UB^ Info th.epbop ! ()grgph r ;arid "the aottsaire Uietx repraiaeed ija. d very otiridus- and be effects a*# pfteptimes pq^y Jng' ho .'-apparent ••regeroMahee' fa taose coijtaloefl in ttif ir. origTaffls. TJb&insttufflent imy. thus 5e used as a soti or musical 'kaieiQoKcbpe, by iDQ'eangijf whteh sn tofinife variety of tje\v GbHJbinatiqfliS -msty-- be pro- dqced frota .:the.;musieai ' i tlousnow'in existeiiee The pfe c3ou>Hess r ;pp pjjh es, clocks, eoiaplaiiiif. boxes iu.piirj- Mc 'ebuveyanfies $B<$ to toys of all ^in'ia. ; . It will su»etseo!e;the short, baud writer la taking: lBlteretoy<&& tatdonaadTn thetakinsbf testluio- ny before 'referees* ^boiiiigfapbic tetters wall be seat By tnail, the foil beifls wpUH<l o.n pHpercyJinaeiB l&e sisseof iiApger. . It will reeitfepo-'- erns In thje yoiee of the author, aaid eproajiee Ihe sp^^ches <jf:ieel«b.rft» is. ptatsas will 5phleh:aB4;heparts kea^'felthjeoodaec *eU spqefelthjeood good dfseretian ; w the flri0tialmm rice beiftt prepared OBone maehine ptoyisf^a with several mt)«thpteoes: and Madame tussaad'a agtfres wjif hereafter talk, m wen IB loek, lifce tHefif|freRt ^(jotypes! ^me^lait 1*85i d a ini^r me auspfc^jrf ftie American Tem- perafic^ pdion iji Tammany Hill yesterday. affomoGo. : AJbout ^,000 persons ft'erfipr^en'C M& Win. -E,-""- Dodge pr€&id<Bd, aitd in^penihjg the meetip^. said-that Jre thought thve ofsath in^tiogao'i Hutidsy 1 - #n.tagqniatac. 40-the spirit oif iifty Chief Jusjiee. jf^ah aiiJ .Pfv!s,.waoywapftaieteci«Jia s$r verecold, was the iiejstBp.esa,k.er. He was warigiy xeeeived", and- spoke for half an hour. : He mid M had come ii> the nSeeticg aMiaated by a little aatui-al eurlbst*y.i-. He rmlly. wanted, to see how. a ; temperaBee meetiag wotjla ioak -In .'£&mEqany" Hall. iAijpJaase.] He knew th'afifi. the overvvh^itmiHg: pbxver of Tfea^ fflaiiy cc»aldybe;«nHsted-OB'the. of -terbpferane© the -great : 'sp wGTild feawlihdTh , aGcowplished.;.Th^.tehi perance people were fightingagaMs erimeaadIa,wles3%iess.' When yo'S' could falpe up y.out newspaper Sad •flad in it flo-korle^otiaai5der^,bf- wives beatentoydranfen-hnsbatids.,. of ehlldreafcttpnedadrtftto beg,tliat woiild . be. simply ytemperaheeU--- "No^,I am' aoi .'and never ha^e' professed to be «• total ab^KaeHce smft) n said Judge'DayiSj^aiM-1 neyey ajade a temngiauee speech % rny life BRtil the other higlit>'. but 1 hi^ve been for 21 yearealivtB^'wit-. nqss ia fayo.i* bf, lemperatoe^ -He . wpqb on' t o : speak of the number of L'.ases ,of- crinje Tesultifeg from, the use of Hitqxicafiag' U^uoW. ^ % 8o7j. .lustjee c»f g^ Cdtofc. -that jnan |;did:6o.tegrettingy . that"T had -not the poiFerfefaj'- fche hand of the law .ftpon. jsv^ry man- •iyho soid..Mm..t-hat"iiq.aqt.^' :'Jle . Hpoke.qf tfie cobsplaint-tit•• Certain. .pprsoos'that.to"depri.ye.the"<4^qf its 'ilgucjiv.-stqreS--wouid.^be-to iob- cliaritable.iaetrtutibjQa of taejicerise, •moue^. ^"JEhey :tbi.,lr-'?.lie-added; "only -of the. small .stjyer, thread. that ruB3':tetqtteii i treasury i 7 hu2ti . / lii Senbner.yfer'. p ^ . Breaks--piiritiJ a number : ,oi niiW ' necdatea of, Lineqlii,;eJici.te'd by Bis. Lincoln .rpniaiieeBces In ihe'ISI^rch' "ridir!b y ing.is.oiieqf;>. ."A yoiiiiig' kentleaiiininTeimts- •jiee'/^yas oace,-tKty.e.Mhg a toaffitry Prad/njOBttdohafieblacfir^cing horse *>f grea.t- '- ci)ti)'paB.idn vv'a&asmewdbld.lellow v?ht> was known ih tbose-p^ts as?I ¥ k d a J b ' bb^ to ban-; , .... ,. . Ms feet. -/Thfe ..,_.__._ ._. _. .'t&re'cl- -. five Syuthern-er for. a., horse .tcatJe,-%hieli' ©f c.ourseyth§ Souths gp^ They hpsvever iiaslSted that.bfe... ^ ypry. rraaariabte-yhor^H-.'ofi what ifasUiioTJfTi iisth^setter breed,; Ma- Qf Uifss:. hieed- ar-p . . . ^ ^ horse was-••apcorfingiy Tbe Yratifcee' s©9afiatl..a nity (6flei3i«.Dstratetlie : truirh*ofhis ^b-VJepaeat, its his hor^v bad: taa.^ jie- c.uliiiriiy. of dropping. ern- -all fours wjgea touclaeS .ia aeerJai-ii spot by •me- spur or heel-sif^ 1 '-"•"" •^'-~ setaiig a ; ^ g uotfaraway, touched.h}srtay;:bDhes. in..tbefendCT'Spotand"&ureeQdi!gb p, , : dd be went on alt "fours, assuris^ t-he Stmtberiter that-ifaere'Atas gajhe ^hitail.' .Thew«Uldb«jlibrse-tra<ier- told the Southerner th%t -there;must we game near, byj forlais horse -sever'• 'o-ef f& : t&^t way "except wiienqrt the yce&t of ga$B«»:•'. ItanJedfetetyafter,.' 'd^er made iW.aptJ^aFaace t>> tli6 § t j s Bg do.WB,ands6aibehpleased . was hS with tliewondfet-fai -inatih^t' of t tie horse-that.. he. -iiamediately ,sivapped:With'tbe"Yankee,, on e.sreh ' terms. Sopo.after. they.feaine.io: a .vtfea.in, wbi<^ the. Yaakee, -moirat- ird on. t ; he" Sonthernef % :Siie"- hprjje, t;EdSs'e<3 In;gooc! styles then. staii&Irig:. dn tb© ^ppbsite. "frasfc,. -.jftfr leeted back after /his companlopV Tlie" 'sett^r laoise'•'had'giinkV-h/ia- head ' bfiiafhardly abo^ii Israter.; hisaider >vas.disifl&U:ated,a'Hii aiearJv ed, /|lea<-Mng thei-baa-kandMow, ing- the water fri>iny;h"isyB^.u-tli, he eselaioaed.: '• -'-Here, you•".infernal-" ; Yaokee3 what' kina. of .'a/horse' & ' .tMs- to-.drop on hy-feigeest.in.- the middlesf.astrjeamV *ijuj-iiihushR'. ltor.fish y&u . The dtspr; a-ndl tell -peiisiou ^lSf: lias .beeii; ..p.a^ed, i*y bsjfth -. hpuses'-of Congress, and'haa been sigiitd by the. F r - e ' s i d e n t :•';•':•"'• .'-•..;. .'..-.'. /"-.". lie, "aird'.be is ..hereby ,-^iitiioj=Jzt;d. an5 tlire<jte.clto : p|aeeGfn the..pensjpi) roils, the aaames el-.liie sarvivfag oifl<?eis tttid.enlisted aad-drafted wen, 5Vitti-i oaC r.eg&rcl Jo eoku'; ixicfijdtog militia liuiJ- S'olqhJepisV of "tae; mii'irafy '•ia'&d-' •Kji'ui R^uieg o f the"Jluited.Statfe4'-. .. tot. fbtHtee.n day3 -inthe .Cfreat Britain"pf-'lsja,-or. who were in" any. ettgageEO^Ht, ar•'' Wtire oonorab-Iy" ^ i ~~ 1 ^ .i--~^ ' - - ^'» to p ging.a^eiw . ffa'fthe rate of $8.per "ajustfa ot"-. j n t f i ' ujOTjjj.norto-anypereoa reeefyinga, pension qf Jess .than SSyper loctech,. "^seVptftrtbe''difer(?nfie -be'tw^entbe' peiitfion HOW XHSfiveQ t*6.iess-tliaa' gSS tiermotfch) aiad" $S p«r-QK>oih; $ee- siqn.ttud.erthis.aei*.Jiaii bie-aith*'tai&. rtffs per'.BQoiito,.. ekwpi.as fierein .pra^iaEd, apd sbaB tie paid-te iiife j>fe "- stjiis'entitjed '.thereto, iraia. and' after, L&<? passage of thisaety for and au$jt»g- tMir Bti-toHil liysst Prqvidei,' Thit&' -krtj. to vyidow,? .•pioyidiid. ior hJl h i h l sH«{ shaJ maiTj again/" y -•...-.-• " Sec. t, tta't before tlif ^ajiie of any person sh^H toe'.pJaqed upon. tbe;peK- sou toils; ua'd;er this ae|, ".'piodf aiia.ll "- Oe made, uuder Sjih rules an:d regii- • lat-ions as the Com'tniss.ioue^ofPec- sioB's, \vitfa ihj' : .a|>pr»'vralof Secretajy. oi ttse"'Intefittr, shall ptes-erihs flmt- the applicant. Isentsr^dtqapetistori- auder fcbisat-t;.and. imy pe3s^ft-?wb : <a sbatt-ialssily-tatee an tfe i ' d tie tafeea jiuder the aet4srj.ll baj^uiifyof.Jjegvaryj arn : d%hie Seeretal-i* <if 'this lukeeiot, sfaail^eause ia he s^iek-en fcaia tii*.*i}l*.tiie;"iiai»itt of auy -persoij. "w&?o.ii.sirt^T-".aiiDesa» *>£ pfowf 5Mfefe<4qr-y ;to'JfcjiM "tSat aaeh liatnfe •wksputoQ oribmiigh .felsptjf' fcaepr .SK.ntattoos, 'or by ;|iil^take as to the' right <Vf such $«rsqns.-tui a-• peiistoa aader tMs ft«t" Td*?k.ss oplac5^f : "a eerttttette qyasehSEge/Hlijaj e lbs-applicaiitqf the iLi ^aet butofMerprqtifof h ^'oi^d of 'b at;, if saMsraetjcs and: when &f age,ytb^. appltctet .teay, by : other satistwiWi-j te*ti- Oiopj?.; Pfo*fd!6rf; Thai when ..-Mr- peTSi>Qh : ais been- gtstatea; a, tanii-.iatf* i is<s ; : fur of. i&ta if living. rhis*irfo»« if te»fe iffead.toaj*eu iqo uader-.tjla.is' aet^ batvsneli-*yl»-" «»5e s itii apt ihcls*fr*n4 asai* d by a^ -: rf-s .:';-.,.

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. :;X)ay; ijy p#y:, ;ffae.,.s6Ti} of. Jul iusEEei<J)i.nger .gxi ^ t b b g l j h ibpd-y .beptlii ^<?afeij.g#i atid

*•' IBijsfeess^eardSj-.^ss.^icaT foriivell&esSjr. Jesa; Slper yeafcifSr-fey'ery aJldittoaxi 4ipe.•• a r ^ i u *-iTesdli»^inatier,j2&eeD{s^er Uti?

J3JUtmeK-JXL ttSHUJJlfct'lIlitfctKr-'j-'-y v.v-"***i;—' ~r--fBiSt inseEtiatt; M ceStsTorJertett subsequent;i n s e r t i o n . - ":~ • ' : • • - • •• • -.MarriaK&^tift Be^tte^ptlcss.-fl'e&i poefc

'aid obituary -reipatks^willfeeebarged; &ro'. ceiitspecIJSe< .---•" '-. - , ' • .

• Special STatfces {leaded nonpareil) -will: -be.cbaJged tOperVcetjt.' In adartion to regular

' K i t e s . . - ; - . ' • . - • - - v . • • " • • • • • " - . - . " ; • • • •

". "BEST OFKtdBlJf-CtEB CttoKCYv • .::



Jarge kad eonipifete astoia^ei

•: • --Bi-wn SheeMngS. . - .. . BleaohidOottpna

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& l i Vki ^heetfngsC r C tPHIpw.CaseCo

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' - '. 'Atid JtanlSUed. trtsny qimiJ

^ ^ ^ M ^^Fet B&bfc px•'&$%?••.'-'.

: / ^• Tfte-gootl jteopje'of Xu&fvtne-aiicEHfj&tiim?•S?}ii: please ta'tqe notice that I, ffcab Jap es; jof:

1 &.e- town tooieSaid, m j*fipaced..pn thestoutest •iit!tifee; to>.«3d.-a:lt Jitods. of^Iftsoa"

^orkiPJasteao":, Kalso.mtetagSiid: Wiiite-•^ashhigf.- lita. wotfiinajiIilvS manbeir.. T- canixfashxsrt -ttme jmaKePtlLe blackest..wall' as.wjjit^assso\v'.' ••.lii fact.".I can: •whitejteasiiSjfiy thing ©yen'to a pplltietan. T can al^ayg

• he -found in iLow ltle'..'- ©naiges inocterate.- '' : ' ' • ' " : • : • "" ••.•B.aBER'i'-.J.f>NJE<-

Sii ' " 3 % 6 0 0

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-The'foUowinff:.reliable .Companies

ctre represented at this ct£/erhei/. ~

• A T A . C H E i i p E H - KA70K taaaotlier •.esta6JJsB.ihe1it- Iff ftas-ar a d i a wcountieji; "tB&CL strti -mafee. a.JairprofiK. Webase: t iese assertions on tlie' ibtlaVHja'g -rea-son's:' '•:.-.* - . . ' • • • • .••-..- '•„ :." ;.'

• 1st. •W'einajpta'ct-areBeaiajftU'.tbegoodssold by us/awl !by so doiri^ sawtt)e.pr0fttthatonnstnecessartiy: f«i into-tbe mawaitciurer'spoclivtibe>srtle!>sa'viiii;GOS't

«r4oW . &.S&i&s?SoakBtQm,:%6vfvti• S.-V.. Tlie Elementaty.^eograpliy-t.t ex-change Tor '4S. ceats; Iatrodnetion 6<)e.i (Join-plete, exi-.hange for Isni toilM- Orders willbe Sent esj5j*ss pa{di..-.ufd 30 -to 60 day* feiijln'wbiohtpinaIBe"&anes;JjHe\ol

spoclivtibe>srtle!>saviiii;GOSt Of fteg!its.- 2a& .Instead of paying casb, weevebangePuwit-urelur JaB-lainbe*-.usea in.maimao'--t u * m g . ' . - • • . • • . • * . . - . ' • '

•M. HaitfogiHoaF Factory the-iate.8fto •.proved macbiiiervt and feeing ourselvesgiaetical workroeii, w-e k«ow tb«.t wit& tfie.advaatages-we. .possess, we qaH- give.-thepublic Better Qpods and of better, matev.iajan«tai a j t JLoS>er Prick tha«,eJM* he (wuglii.asewliere,: •-.-.* ;.. •';.' . - . - - • "•-.;

Moj.eOVM, as.praetical -workinen," w e j i o ^how .Fu'rnitar&sh'onld. lie na-ude, -and'as -W-&.use.baiy"thebest tnaterial and :tb6rpngiity.•seasoned' 1'ninbeJ",' we -eaa-.safe-J-y-gparanteeeaeti-aii'd-every .attlcle pttronasfed- ai.o^F

. . . .sense a id just ooe m l i t e g

tliotigntrwjll-sliOAv-.you tb,at wneii'st iaartrnannlactnres bis goods Jie caaget tEiena'ttp;and sell' cheaper tbaji-by' baying-from,o t b e f s ' . • - • : : ' • - ' -: • " " • - ' -- : '. rWeiaveamonster-'stoaK df-Furnibtte'on 'haBd-r-tne..tergest .in Ithe coit-nfy—iv;bicti' sS--•fc'rds Miyerg ari 'oppprtutiity of• .csbdoslrig

d K t t d ' |ty;Ies' ' '

Piipea;tp.STiit •-JE-vetybue'! Tkj'idt ^ e l t Oil- It-

Exaiirlhe'-p-ixr" xeasdris-'^.tvd ttfFord .tis-a.eha<ace to prove thein..jaots, befoe linrehastn-g ; • ' - . - • " '

BT?a>J3RTAKlKeTIrj;.tbis{let>.ac o n t r a t i e t o k e e p a , p o t o p l e t e s o t

b w i l l tobfd r e a s o n a b l e .-.•"29' -"-.-;••". •:•:'•'•"- "HI


y 6ertj»rieatbt)ieptiKQsei- <>f to tbe-sfo'fe.'of -rtJis; s : Y ; :• : J ; B

Is BQW "prepared to jnainaiaetaie eVery-i i t K J


Ko.vr.is "the- tim,etp.snbsea&e for.peripa-ipais.'iior.lSTS. Eo you wyilt the JollovrlBg •niontiillesi'""• ••' . ' ' ' • ' • '•"

, . Sisritaer, Eallpu,


• ' .

j - eoiripTetea tile aacOticm to myae - ' ".£ . . " • f f l i t ^ - g i s f e j L . - m e ' b e t . ' t e r / . i k e U i l i e s f o j t • - . - - • . • • - • • . • • • * -

tarning .off wotE,. 1 hope, to be abteto.jau Rrmrlnv Watr WiriAa-aralrA«>?4eisas-tl)^?:aTecane(iitot. B&ying Both* 3UitU.ciiy.iu.dig.. VY lucd .wcUlO,iijg bat firsfc' -cross- xaacnto.eryv • wfiich. has ' " "

.Seen selected TCJtB great care* and. ao ex-.pense.gpsi.ea4-o- <o£ta& tli& iies'i" In -iKfe Jnar-fcejfc, and' by'ha.yiiig the fnil-oversight of niy •own :wdrlsrf T can safely say tbsut. .dan turnont'as gooa :vrork .as any' other; "siioa to *•*—'—••—"f ajid at IdtFer Bdic£s. Icbjmty;,. an.d at Idtrer Bricfes. I regpeqt-fally solicit yoiirjorders lathe fnture,-> OrdersbyEaallyrtllreeelseptpniBt akeptlpn^'- My ;Jsctpr^.jgmostcoiraptete,^^'andl &a tejjfa off i

l i i t t V t e t l /

" ' . . ' • . Shortest afotice. • • ,

" 8 P rasa con, do good Wor£ -w-ltfi-iiooi: tools.-ifpTCJUi *i>OQr~wcaEg:KiJari d:d.g<>Qd'w;o?lt'w:itU

.any kind of toolsv &.% my factory therep t n e ": ' - " • ' "

the aiaxfeets affords, and I employ" skilled-

-. 29-

y<>tur orders oi-seaa-bj-malli" . .

, t Y,

FASHIONABLE CLOAK. • • : ' . . • • - . A J S B ' ' ' ' .

DRESS MAKING,' l t e t © t t I ttilActtessalte cat»©tte<I Eta4. ttimineajji

lh* latea£,style,.aiid ton tbe shprfest possible,aotlce-by; • . - . Mss, 0, A.HORTOU-,' .

• . jNo,:10,S&ady AvenuB.

•; " • . p i , , r c ? , l € f i . './ -. Aa: Di&vntHE,,. RjtAi>V AT J&I. fastis.

-3ror large lots a s&ortnoHce will be best.JKHPrree'torpestilUlTiis- jiei: load* Wewlll

i loiad.ltT^r good tee witfe-

intbetJarpprattpaPtliowYiiie atuinesbil-Jtftgtpes tea5'AftTF*3*AT5pat»:* CO


Ear pet's orlit sjie's WeeMy,;TTtica. "W^atertown aad ST. Y,

Sttb.scrlptfoijs feceiv^ifet; aaidsin srleti^tmhera dlway^oa hand of these iip^ all othernewspapers and perjodlcais aellyered by« I i carrier at publlsljer.s price, . .

Yotn? Or&er at Giice.



- LIBfi.AB.IES."

The Best aaitnox;safc.raarvelpusly


A ooni^lete'>assori6men.tof


SEY£R_.A&B ,vBioiightin tnis town for tlje pasiihree. yritand of • the veiybest'inSnttfaotHTe, beingTaadfrbytheMertdau Prittmia,-.CO.,KogersBros., 1847, stsimp.' dn-ajli thegOods.. rjOh'tbedeeeiTea- by other .mafes-M- att-jn/erior.quftilty; wten ,yoa.can buy. the best -t.lbesame.priee and iiavfe tbsm engraved free pfs-Wai-ge. "Also a very fine lineol fjvmerieanand Ktwisi.W«teuis In Gold aad sitver cases,which nr* boualitrpr iiish and wfflte.|oldUeijorflioeijr: Jewelry of. all kiuds-and in

oh'baijdaiid ani'vki eonstattUj1-abuntianeeohbaijd.aiid anivki- eonstattUj'1'roni np-?? imtn fheboliday.'ewdeispver..-;...;©i.OjO-J5.S.!in .G-reatVjnanafaeturedby theWaterbniiydpokep.,wtlet is ep.nsideml .by all jndgesto befsiiemost reliable, time piece xnade' - . - • - ' . .

We bus" all. otvr;goads: of the'.pldest *ndbest'Jipuses-in tlse city pf New YorJcanCatpjiesst-ttat will.suit all ;eustoiners. Siye us-a call before purchasing' else-whpre, ttiid we•willconvince y.ort; tliut'wemean Just-whatyt.g s.ay. - - - - . •

Stwe in the Stephens Blgcli neit.door toHaborer Bros . Futfnltaie--Kinj?!«'iuiq.-

p ^ ^.i.svl-U-furnlah tie.school- pubHcatiofis-of

A. S." Bamcs '& Co., 'tvison,' Blwlteman, Tay-l<ir & .-CkRi-Jsoripn. Welds * .-(itiacH-.eDbo.ss!<JraninSar.al pnbjfeliers wholesale. pHee«f toboofe sell'civ. ana .'-Jleri'ha'n t« in' Lewi's - onir-rly, an4 prepay express: '|;i"e5gii1;s''t>n .paoKagesnot eyer 5u poTOids foV'23oe»(-s ii;recitiested-Vjr ] .tl&TA Mr tR*^'t* tT4? V^*.J^4V^*J- *-* x - 4 r i 4 J *'w - t ' * J -X^% v"^^*&'* t J

no t ei»»r 5u poxiw.ds i"or"2a-oe»(-s ii-;reciuested.l a order. . • .-••" ^.. ,H. • T?. XjA\V5tEiiCE, .

JU; •;. •—C-: ; '• - .- . ' . . ' - .v • ; — ^ - ; . : " ;

i Steam E-oiler' ipo Slorse• •

•wltli1 two- iaraeffiiies andsteom aome.seeoncl-Han*^ and iu~S:iie condditio.n Bheap. for cash,or-psch.tngea for iuuiper .or. other fetu ttingiij&'terial. . - - . ' . • ' " • " - . . - • . ' . ' •.•""-.

i -35!. Hors-e • tower-..

eornpiiite .with" all ftstore.%eseeptI.ng.sinoTies t a c K . ' ' • ' - . ' ' • ' - . " ' . ' • • • . " . ' • •

0'MOXiSE POJKFjit 3?r*V%,4SX OCO-• •>' Mv-ijvit, iKfiJLiLit, : ' ; "

Vlth steam dome, •'and. op'toplete exoegt• s n i ' o k e s t a c k s ' • • . • • . " . . ' • • . . " •

- M Q'liSJB' J' JBQJ


i .JirbC03lGJScr^m shove*..;' • .

^ . vftbji-*

i3.J^mri:Rfxrt}Vb4.R. sti^TJ&ilJLJtX CHOU-Sil •FJ.lXORi frOXirE&'. liils.sty leof boiler-is *«iniitete « itoin--itiself, -inouittt'tl'on sitids, ttnU alreatlyfarfiring. • This classof. bo.lers are nij.is.t- deBirsi-ble fojv cheese-ftetoTy nsej .aiia are'EttyniSlied:.wHi ..steiiiff "g-aage,: gl^s's ' water'giia'ge, try-pSlw, guffty VaH-e^c-beefe and-^Iobe yalv^-r-1

vesyiaulg except .snipfce stack". :4 Horse.cn¥efBoiieroi'.ab6Ye,.ile.s8rifitlpTj. •.. •• . . . . .

fat cheese-!actorlea and plihet use;'ftirnished,oy desired'sfze;"-'..- ,.'.-...:" "."•.., ••*•. -"".."•"•

' '

of all sizes iajd-teiigths., b'ota new sxhh s.6c-'.bird-hand. Kteaat'-Hea.-itig Apparatus, loi'public buildings; d-weirirjgs, • taetoiSes' andw'prK-sbdp.s; Of the most Jtripr,pved system of<teani .heatirig:. -. -Estimates.' iwitl plans .for.eating rnade^t.reasun'a.We.rates. ;. .STJBAM X>nTJ£ix,$S, forilfifuig- lumbar,

uraisbed »t short BOHeeV Any specialties-not-nientlonedJn,tMs. eltiierney oi= feeepnd-hantl, wEU befor.ai'slieclonsipp.licatipn. .

. t", "' -, ":v>K is; s rS

er heovJslles'to*pnr'ehas8 or'i ^ ' " • '

Parmmg T &

"Wea,Ee 5Tanuyac.fu.rers1 Agents- for, thB'-besfrand Latest Improved "Siachiti'ei'y foi Fair/n;-.> S M C h l naMaan&etarers' use . and

W-heftier .,•&

Raltes, Si.fcjel .

Plows, Iron- 'Plows,

Joliitesl K^iil^erizins

ora CiiMivalors,llorSe Hoes,

Plow% JSjind CQi'iJi

t!s» HR,j . TedAbrs, Fcefl

Cutters, 'Covft. SWeSiers,. 'A||l-

Baal li.aiies^I16x''Sfl Hay Fox-Its,,

Bope and Pulleys, Floor

terS.OvreT'.(ro attaeh to rake,} Ci-

der. .Slfllsj ".'FaB. Mills-,''

teind Roileis, 3D>og "Po-

Cpmbinedio haminer on jEverybneahouItfhave one, as the triee is Lew.-. . •

Rul>ber and teatlier Belting,

and "Climax" Ciotlxes

Wringers 4tiboty" &

" «t,ovellsi«'. Fain-* ' • .'

ilj- Waslter..All kinds Clothes 'WriBgeis repaired as

usual. Prices of fiiese good* reduced forthe year 187& .Offldeandsaihple roomvAt

No. 81>»y«n StjJCiowvDle ifvY,D. D. OOT *S0N,

BJnd- wp your fagots, &nd bj!lp|f. tl)ein.Ii5gb.i'(en the -svay..as yoji;g6. -ffith a;

!song-; .You'r;llm'6s inay be sUBC; and' tlie road .ina

Vvhefl.rt,. naa-n , ,iiiid t h a t i s

' .'.en.ot.igte,.- . . . . . . . . .

S'trlfce wi th yoiirstong-tlif ancl.th.e big tr«es\ a i } m i ; " " ' '

ititertor. l ight 'Iflu;»tft#«d, lie Sli.ra.nivfrora. the-, oinia o i^y^J ider ' s ' yo iee, ^ y ,anil quavered -Wi^fe" i*§ii]§ibii tif fi);sf b ' T ^ l V &tS;feat3B'e t M f

f d - V f l l l cquqiiertiigin. oil-;"Spur a ie may ijd dub,-«iJ<t the woottinay be• t h ; '

, . . .Bu.t.liave..a.glaf.l heart, man, and tjiat- is- - . . . enoxigH..'.-.... • / . / .._, . . . .

uraged, buttteust-wl;th.va jrtn;And tliorniest-thietets ftcfcnpwledg» ypiir; ; i s M j i r : ' ' • • " ' • : V ; /";'; " • • ; '; i s M j i r : : , ; . V ; / ; ; . ;Ypur'clotiies inoy b&torn-by tlie biaimbtes- - ; • • • a r i d . s f c n f f , • • - . " - " / • • ' '••--"•'\-i.

Biit• haveaglad iieavt, laaii, and: that is' h ' !

you-• • M o ^ hieh.i . . . . . - - ••... .-.::• -• . . . . - - , - .

Send a glad.spris.tp tiielr as">as as they fly; / •PklTVintpr. TO*y..grft:¥rt, -ana his ypiee' may

. V b e g n i f i ; ' . - - ';-.. ' ••-' . .' '"; .-.•: ' r . ' : - ; - > • ' - 'Bin. keep» glad ;liefl.rt, .m&n", audrihat.js

'..-enowgh...-, '• .. .. ' . . •' .... i ' ..'

i.tlie »se g«Sng-,: jiii«,.>tvorj;<}rg- vVati.t- y i o o i n X ' i . - •" • ' : " ' - ' • - - • • • • • . ; " • • . • ' • • : -."' . - - :

Sewrsayflle,''f?t1QllSh Che-Srcmfe-inay-iae:

Bnt • fegep" a'gl,a<t .-Jieaft, jaalij..aiiA.-t-Iiat.ls•' : ' e f l o t i g b i . •. . -. •' " ••-.,., ... ' . . . -, • •'-.-


"Wops, .•with' a . y u i j -half' -n-ay .ellorts- Are..fu-Me.r•-••/ '.;' '".'- " •". ' V ' • . ' • • . . . . • • ' ' /

- a; work is before .you,, -with • zeaik l t ' ' i • ' • ; • • ' '

jr eawiest and.steafly entieayor- ;"Yoti' can; fitly aceonipifsii tiie Object.-in.'

;<irtUi.:a,.-w,lU,' for .o.ag%s: lij,bor: seemsiglitet.- . . . [. •-.-" . •'-• , . !'

-Keinere.y.toiheu"perfprnisunce- ;islent-.'... •.'AsiV&ose vlio p u r s e i a e i C e U I t l '

." air'tlor; ; . ' -. .'• "-. ,, • ". ••' " •" .-JLad t l iey ' l l Je l l you. that-.plertsiii.e yr\iti

Work .\vlrtli';« -vrlil.;. certalji -fallure's .ttte• -. g u f f r d ' o f t ' - . ' . ' " -• .'-. ••-•• . ; . . . ' . . - .' - •

-• • - . d e l a y . - ' . • " • • ' . ' . ' • • ;"* " • . - ' '

Speedtjie pIpwAritii a-stralglit. n.otfi ijevlons.... -furrow;'" . ' - . .I".""" . ' . ... :: , .]. Pjit.Hotoirtift.to-tpoixow.the' tasg of to-

• ; t l a y . ;•;;. ' . ' • . [ ••"'.;. • "• , ' . ' . " •'•'.•• : '-.". '

Work; -^isU'a wlllt 'Us.. the. jpalnstak'tog

opt of bat/ ehftrct&r / 1 ,'swfferiag \

a> it Jjad'never; ibeea' before,. but It

e'TCi'Iiave-led aSdmu'st'Sitfli' lead %\h{. - . - v a n . . • • " ' • . • . • . ' ; • " • ' , • . • • . • • • - . • ' . • ' - - , ,

Isoliiboi;perfortaeclAVithpareful attention •..But-i'edoqncts torypttr credit pi' Benefiis'

• - , t a a t j ; "-. ; • ; ' • - > . • ;

- - ' ' . , • • • • " • : ' < - . ' " ' . ; . • - ; . '

Wwk >vi-t-i' a, -wiTl,or.ne.'er iiopfe jfor'<iistinc-\-. . . . ' t i o n ; : ' . ; . - . . - , ' - ' " • ' ' - r- . • • • • :'•"•• ' . •;

•Tlie. effprt'-.thaf's."soulless -jqttst- ever be-' ' taifte'i^ ' " " '

•eyes•%r%re.."b?itb'ed'Vin- eahs"- -but- jfeey-jjiirfoned .-the holy; ljght-'Qf'rthe'heaY-"'.eiis tp'^'biBh -, -th^y^wefie':- .upraised-.':

He: -liad .heaftl-yJuJiu* Heidlfeget's'iil story j.he. ha^-pfajiec! ..pat. her-ag":

•fob. hiaisel'f/: tjij'cl 'ittadeyapparfcn^toher the-.nofchmgnesS' pfythas' wrjij's.possessioHS,. Ehs-gjx>ry; of-the v*|etaal'.'.

No.bOjrors- acorvse to 'the Sluggisli; ha l t' • U e a r t e d v ••• . •"•• . ' . ' ' '-. ' • ' ' . . - .

Their names areite'-er.writ on'tlie bede-.-'•' .roll car Fame, . , " • " • • • • • •'. •'.••;-.

S'Oflv wi t l i a, w t l l , for in llfei t h e r e ' s n o s i a -• t i o n • -. f\ " ;.- • •

:. S<v lowly Ujat *Btt:astry-caniKit'a<J<rt!3 ; .-•"-••."Tfe lidnQred hyaliSvli.Qse esteem-i.s

ba>i ig ; . . . , . ; .-Tfley;<ji'6hon6r fUeiasfelyes .vfiojlare -treat• - ' . I t - T v i t l i F e o m . •. ••' •-• - '.".•.' . •- •",•' ' •: . "'.. . .

a.» < Story written. ieacpressl5'»b * ' w i > » ' ; ' '


..'•• XriXOte EABJ-S '

't,-oT}»s . ' is..its4ot'-; . ' " ...• ..

•Xn .tfhe greeB shadpitv of'tiry tr-ee, ' [.The s£rdnger:.StndSnp rest. M'l.thtiiee; . •

; " ' -iMr.S,.-iienians.

' . ' ' " " '•"' ';" : 'Indhaflge itiidB no jatliway, rneinoiy no

t r a i l ; . ' ' . ' ;-' ' "• ' . . - - . '-•' :-.- . '- :-"A n d o h ! b r i g h t v i c t o r y — d £ a t 5 i t& I o * e n o

- p l a c e ; '.-. - {- : • : • " . • " . " . • . . . ' . • ' : " .r p . n i e , s p l r H j - t o . 4 i ) y , G o i i . ' ; " . - - . . .

slvan^e; .magnetic pbWer th&td Boaalyff ''wiel'^dy lja-d:.eYer

ffioMded tlie" beauiiful- Zaif e :to hiswill;'. but , iievei" before had he de-

& a d l i ' b d i ^ i.But so. gjreat was Ms sBCsnSathe iaiiiid a)ad heart oFthe'•woman-,for tiiopgE v a e c o ^

* ZsS'r&vms.

eft:._. _ r . . . . r _ r , . . . ._ .._.,,„. . „ . . . . _ _his usual placeip, heri afFeeilbhv. Arid

fti'apy erid'earaieiit-s-, an3'|>rciiii-h& ha<i Itjfled." ta real', her jealous

fears,.' snd she wag- inade; to believeherself safely- ltasJaHed-.as permsiiien');-mistress of his hofaeaiidh^aft. . JBteflattered her yftmt.yj sad ministeredfoh.er' love offliia dress ahd jewels,by. securing .for: her- some.choie^triJilsrets siid costly dresses, ana hqld-ng ouJ-'as: aiUiierBents m the futatre

tilings h6 wo'.d-

g/ .So ttie>gentle: lieaft yrffi ^

against Its fiettet.feelings,.and pre->parei.'to worX. out ty.Sander's Wei-:'e'st; naostfilodisfa-jiJafls; . . •••'

ijtttere. was'aa-agetjcy opposing-them of fHiieh ttie'y Icrjew: nathiag;;at' •whigh' Lyssndfr wpiild hsive snefert#. n i pg s. ws |pious, m a gTopirie,; supeistttioas sortof * ay.; -would have .%tigfted;:." Jtwas^the agency of prayer to'^hieij veif-lade. THat,• .to-day;., is ;raiorsfcafliBghosts of bealitiftit, refiined,.infelie-oEuatwomen. t& do Rattle on beriaea kisiees,and with; upirfti^. vofe^agaiia&t- :the •vice Q our i>«ii tfljry, -tbe Qtaie ufoniobi-, land'. Arid;.:is they jf)rivaii: aijdiate *ietorious to-day, so: i | i«is tit the.past; a: life's tfesereached the throne.; « d:aughteleadlng tears invoked tbeiiiist Ai

eiful j . tend.ith/ese bJe»s«dijiri ifrfl^Pjii

to. e.Ei|realj


. Anil.. &mm, promised.' "eire•us. .ffioie'; -fhkfi. 4 s J | T e d i i , .: Ami• ,'SQ.: .wjith :04 ; beam-ifui\ tropic..svorl'd:' all,.Yelled-• /iji- # is iy • s.lia4<>-ws,-:^it-iy.every ohjeetfip^tiia^ -aBdiatinci:b.efoie 'pSm, he a i l e f t .flgspMde.Kin:th:e«atS p'fZ^if^i^j^tftTOtiayfe^an

_siie i^-

rrialTyjealousfoolj' sh'e'd.|ead.|Qet i - . a life "if «he. tools .a -n.otioBi

arid;she'd: fedi;'li&elyt;(> baafee>?o«i'sw f-

•':Arifr'»f.aTins hadijQ.;^6p|)oxttipity-lot.*ojii-^erea't|Wnv--"^r[tlt-;tlie' ' aiidsoiije;gieoi^,' -not liriiif after.^yiS.iaiHder*s .deraitee; ' '^ktn- she went |o-iiis rp iji

fjtb %ivii %iuCdtt%r}U

.poGr^h9i|:biiad..nian .jv^sso linffairD..ly:• geiltjfe and''- ifsigBedv s& s.w&etiy,;pittien t,y .Zaire -; coal#•' no t • help . th:t>;'tjpriHU'jg of p t t j :i%t^ttio;dula^ed;bprsvoij?e, and;--Sled/her.. eyes.\v4bh. teats,.Oneday-s.he'?sp_ejft into her.:pa^tentV;rtfp n( lyteb; set jSffcetuiimeif J'ips,- jand a-hard-toofc.-m- Her.• ey.egi-.resolved 1.<>'<ibey h&i. itia&ter ssv-hct gm?& hej. th tsheltf r.sf his.;rooff :a«.d. th'.e gio.teettax!of his love,-: i-re-'ijatoutoiaye.. cah>fe

h e r i t j i g f e . . ?..; ; : . . : r . . . - . . . - :-•:.••,.;-- .

• Sh e:sa5v:.h'«?i;s'ei|:fQJ' ffie'.-fiirs't ttaie-jtif..h ' j ^ t t a l a f e t S b ' f i t i

of hei:-TFOiaanno^ciV• no.lomger.'cstigma*-of'her -bjrth,.or.'COLOK -jS-fe!%• a lie'ffi'aaa, divine p&fi'.er'uplirtiBber.;.she j j

y&ii.^ ;..'rh;e.:.beffi«j;ifi%' "dSalen. ba#-bieotne• tfie;I

;ey^ ogepe'a^idfi,, a.%tf snjiie bn herlips.;/ /-;•/ . ' / : ' . / . V/-'';^- ' . . " ' • " /

.._.' J t •#ats.to-her -ft noy^I- exercise,, this.Lprfiyipg giii of .season,-ya&&!o ap ip-'• visible /SoiBetMtrg,. in..behalf of ajj-iOtheW I t ,- iras- .what: Jalkts ,'had..learned only, since/that night of hbt-

. froBa hJs lioiiie./;lh. . e;:eoaJ4 urtdei'stauici:

i%d: out his own pejbifeiitjeiaslsetl me,rcy,gui(SaBQe,.

rea^h froipiab0Feif6r,.4h;is .d,eai" s&vil,elnhg-for the Hghtk.. Host-elo^ueni-

ly .he portrayetl. the inpSberlsss -ohildrhodd,: tha% was iighle|t; of/the, proteet-fi)g 3oye:of tfe triie holrn& Zaiie. be^

entangled jn.Mi^taeshesofunhaitoweda^e<3tjpi):-;:ln.-the. •H'eb-of woritlttiiesrSbesfrw--the.. pieeipfce oa wb.iefcsBiiad:' tlsVfiK' s&loflg M eai'^less indciepce andgage.. '§he'sa^wand fejt.tbe

ylsh. tie^ffiat.bouod-Lsaaii^el1 tis ;htip,

Je^e ipf Qo&,: • .She fel t-I h;& .measureless

its s'tiddeHlipheaxalr,srag ijL'h.er soul;fer, befitef. •: &nj£&1%atehii^g;' •wai'tiT)g

^ hatl^pn her sofll thay•:..&jtS: "this'..raaai .jprayin'g^.Vri- hipiiieesj heseeehftjg^-Hteavieii.' for, her' ijte' "-sfrs.arofpg .eyes -was.-.to- hex %1i;


ibijed"; of., hjpi' ^ose.,w4iid'.liafl.fi^er 'heel)" yhef ;ia-\sr' t6-.d'o: bjtii mo'sjc(ed<H|.• \Vro6g;' Bhe. -eo.aia -aoir'she.'^bijld oht:tk> it. •• •' ' . ' / ."v :. . '•:('Hgifac. ;me,: 'faio^ oh,- Lord'.!?.' >Jhi:ex1ed :aB'd:-*ast"h'ers"elrtigoa Sier^toes, ; g ^beside-- "iTililtis'.''' And"...sfie-. .'offef'eU-.irp:ji-er Keari and life 16"'0od;' ifwr&.thai...' iioHr sh& -waa.' ail if n;w.a e"r-idg file a d-,-[ivoteetress,- -all;that.''-a..;sister- :aad.j f C h t e eoiiid ~b :tp- her". l i i thi

And .\v(j,eS.ii;lesye him safely iii heri "

i'.be -yrlijcis. mJgb.t- .reniJMtlie. skaes. in'igat'.- ' • : ^ s ' u r . , - • ' • . - " ! " ' . . - • ' . • ' ; . - ' • • ' • • ; - ' . - ' . _ ; - ' • •

'But -there itbott '*eft—and- still• " / ' ' " • '


todi^ert yotit aiisda ftpn?..•the sad a-o'd- .seTiotia pbrtion'of onr.yto-if,.t^e.l-ak0-,th.fe; liberty'; of -cairytagyou with-us a.'ntlia-btr of munihs: |royj'thai; scetie last reeortipd;,- bat- t i

•mee as; future htispa-Hd of Ma-rgaret.H e J d l j D g e r ' - • • • ; . : " -•

. For p ^ ^The; TtfOTiised. dVBjjftaid' .t¥4s chosejioiti of Ilis :p\vA ; i t o a n l t h & s ^ ^ i

i enfail6d .of moral .-daaf&uessc :'fstiltsj;Bis.errorsIrke clead^weigbit'osa .Mssipiir-rf;, ji&puse; |tf:"'hear.t,3S:,regtfi-ded • bis ali

' tohis -.maraag&'vow.. -,I;at.> no;jidehiioiis.. induJgeTiee baA

y -evex dare^fe lead:biaj ;herefore lie'h?id ib'e -Til'oral: power b?|

his uBibletsusbed Biaphopd :1ieiit;^afe:

present;- • He

g / p t 2 p . fand wifti-tears-aud- sobs .he. eoiifesstd.ISjat his;.;r.igM.; hand...dealt-"iixe. b}ow:

at'sfin:fe -,ihSs.- -agigd; -raoffiex! ,td -.tliili; -'turned;; j i t i i - ' i ^

hiio: m shiidd^ring ^tfhorieucei ; 3Epis:as ft itixsii^ 4ifleKeni. versioai of i.be

tdry;V f;f6|ri;;.tl(a^;toM by-iysand*x..A-risj-ving a$-a- fjaiek eoRelusioa, .'wM>'awonian ' s tmhiaciVig -intuition^.Zaire

-"revefsft .Af the-.stqryj

wfongedjj .hilt. sti&: held-' her peace. t b e . s e , ; '• '-'•:•:'•'•. ; - - " •..'":••'''- • • - ' . :

. A n d ;he; had'••'. aV.: •beauU'fpl .yoira^'-d i h b t f ' h i i d ' l d

tfwh?tt^was e p p r p g ?Sne'.had-; asfeed": ijui:fjis.-a= diiiectqu.es-':don aboCit'Msyfainily-';^iwhat\couid he

riswefhutthe, tarfitS'?. ^:;S.be:sai.dv es; hts eyesf-Twefee 'ibo; dim'toobsf

yy hepifftul •?".:"- - , : : •;"•

Cribe^'-Her, a s &&% stich p ^ e i i i a l Ipyecould . - X ; : : ; ' - ;': •'':;:f-:'-:\ -,. :.: •-'•''

'•• "We'.wotiiddali;'Mr Miugvientf,1*;Z ^ i C ^ ^ ^ W ^

aind ••

.. The q j f .could .detee" T&O, .Jealpusyejigeiriies? inihe tone-:" Why- sij^ujd he not-'tell'her/A!jaaiters wife3• y..••;'.". '•;•"';'' .

BCe -yf$ar: tnjf" 'deaf;~iMyjjBwt.'iSfftrgatetr-' refuk

ifti.HOt Sorry;' fpiip w , §&ej : as a idcls, thjit girl ofs inlneV

She' will sever .^lter . | ier :#P'^QflVAnd I'F.believe"Se- bras fpigottenall

't:tAhP'' said; 2air&het'. oSyn teptii, "i'BaveijreI havie;iti.i'. understand' it. i : ' ,DQ



\jjfo- will

yfI* « « i jftthtt, jfclofc ijUat

^ ^ j ^ 'ftl^^oyjtt.W^^^^^er^$£*#- stood spart IHUulng, hM fine

0jtti;.h«mj)le biit.. inpst. estimabWendy. Bridget;;Tooti,;'.h-a.s mifratedt i e 'eoQhtBryf? and is -'engaged.ID'to t i e 'eoQhtBryf? and is -'engaged.ID'

tier fg'joHte etapioyiij ent. of' 'milk ifl"1

£ But".b-h:eis oiily ihh4yity1 acd ofce in tliree". drops, in up,oi

, ' .tad -tSily- falfe vo,- aiid stifid.-. teais'

•gob e to hex r^st.i a'; v W t e "would' teeJwT*-. tbst:-Bridget•with,- ijHr..' fetfy^two :yeaTSt liei- ptaifi,pViii%;.lltt1e'p>Esaii >v.onlil eyev find a-f ' ? y " 5 f i $ $ h ' th f t dthe fact;;and•sis .extremes'<$q...aieet ia,'this..ex:tSaorj:S-.iia-ry. arranged; 'S'QJfld of otjrs, [ •

Bridget's-adniipei;iivas.a: tall, "ved VQerijiaii; .baeheloiof.. ;fifty,

i ; ' U

y ^; VRQotng;,;:li{f{j 'pot sp:ed well tphife^^ a s W i t h l ^ s . ' ' 3eidlji}gg.r aridVMagareti:• yBFid^vhad;, literalIfy-

pvhey-isdse aff*fre honest- groeerv. and"«l4y|ii^i;gi;!ifiiy; to" go honie ta Qe'rr

aay;in|he :ne^'.steeragg passeBger' ^ e i ^ a n ' git a gBri;.as und.ei'standt

. p y g p , .jaebto. Bv>rpiiggser . jterseVeiexl iri-

riiyfng. to:, tneit th4 dbdurate 'b^art ofthe irtMeibaii jris.hwofkan;; ..He. met.

;Tier'"Wjth;-prpgents of:.chocolate abd•lea.vPiiTeieyer 4tie eaine'to tow'n.-abd-fusisted'dii patiiiig.-sngar iiid- spteeiiiftpi'&EHt.d. whecEsKe -%as;fe£idy tp.de-•part.;-.'.B|i<ise(i"h£tcl 'fette.d mjJ& .over,tlie -total' silejjee of' her best'friends.;.£na:toldEd#ina t'ailse'ialsdMdence'she- neyei - obuldj.be" happy, 'dnder-neath:. of 'any*.:"l-iviH?'-.soul. ,but'..:h.4r.VLeat: folfes,.' iahfl Edtrra^ had advised.n;^r to. Marry if mob., Bridget ijacJ.told, that good n±a.B pee day,: that sjieeoutd'iit abide..theCfeim.aus.for oue..

^ " : y ' v " :m g ; . y , ; . . - / ,.''A.tit vat may;dottje?' deferejatla;!-

Mjd h f i]jf j y ; g / , . ?y.yeai^Residence Ip Am'ejica itaiinot:tHvested4f s'tfongfeernaan aeoent a'iid.

t y ''Yoy guzzie-.Tio'yFn. too miieh lager

wine,,' an'/fajFahdy,. du' all pf ]the r^st of misgrabJe.' • stiifi.'. Ybvj ail'4ri;rjlt. ipse aflsbjao*' smoke worser.nojr.ft chimbly.., Jt always spaces my

Irightoutj^ithdut pary cireorml i b a i a ^ y *: -..>. • ' -.;'• ; / • - • - . • :- ' ,-- ••;

p y• ;ts^dat ap.?' said t*»e Gei-min ador-

er, smjifeg;delightedly. :*I$IB.& Him-nael! • bia .'niiiiht txoi,. vat you-call^iW^er'giafi.'^Mees; jritc6&t,:Igif.s'you winesoliemnvord^aii^ I shwares'ftoti der 'faiajcles-'hiples; 't'iiot'dfh^'k"tiafer/at.'ajl.. • Xoil se© her.e,'ve'n I.^asniiB ;l#etle J>oy/inirie goot fader he gotdiU?i;feon':derbr£in fc^rf'n - oriiutlyil andder'sefeappB^attt vaty'ofl eall jjtd'eintingsvvat goes' inter hed: s'iitinafeea

ipeebles . foois. Veil, dat voi iu d «fadeElaiidj.jBBa'variaj ani. xim& go'otold Mlffcrbe drinks Mraself; into deigraft;;"•'.•(Q*R.*€rOi And niy njoddershe-'bfe lessed' in h^wen,: ,;Sh0 saj? to;me -sreH"sli 'die;, "now ^ie0.b,.yoa" gif,mfe i t i b d ^p y . i ^-Srantweiu op thine wJa)e,6r sehiift«Btrdie.li»p|iy, Ant I iglf h^r dfx

i m.xalm k-nees, 4&t I aefel i l

up. tpo. Mee& JPritebet, I dJinfes ymine.cafe, .ant iniHe.'tayj 'a;nt'iiiiiie'cups «f schoeolate, ant der eleai.vatei'.I eats njlne IjimWrger. eh6ese, hut ifyou do.n'1; life'e der selimell of hlni, I.jgif hitri oup., .Aat I don't sehhaokS,

l one j.setl« pipe after liiy 3Jn-'' " " ' ' " 'M y ;: . , .

Bridget smiled/graciously,,.'-.-• 'You arie a better inaij than I g .ye credi t for,' she SEiid, .'"That's right,;'sthlek. to it "an? y.e ll piver' fill ad£o9tika¥d*8 gfpv' Me own blessed.fatliei1. kilt,himself.eotirely^Mph' the.Iiqw6ivau jfe bEoK^me. mother's heartinter flinders^'it. dill.' j—1. ' hsiin'l lW

trndnneriabf jeetion ioyertiiolbesgeroheese^though yfe ean seh'toell.it threetjiiles off, when the. 14)3 blows thatway | ever? qm. to. tfiefi." ;taste,' s a ^ I ;

. j^i ikes so.iii fecout.'an' sasige's-; I'min for' eoa-fish balls siii' 2f«W" Ejjgl.aiid

yh giuodhe hpwi iifithln3^ia

^ey. about-. j-Pair glad -'yer teEance, ^listher- Bottgasserj" aiadgayeMm'Her han4 ' '-."..'•'•'. • "Ihis was a fayor neverneeorded iie-fore. on.'y s t p a r f i M a d y t h e

';.QaU"'iae; Jacob, oaiine;

•''Ifo,.T-vr'oft?t,?';sa;id:shesteraly, (you^ g , . d Q p

a P.-jp-.ior. a' B. '•' Carfl aie Bridget jiu».'ijlleoii.deses!nd;toeajli ye 'Jijco^.'* ."-' ; ihe'diriiittii. a.lmo^t-^ni do^rn tip-.OR-hia :knees'b.efaxe her.. '•-.-.'• '"';.'• ••"• '

*Y6ii-berone abgei,* jaVesrelaijiied; ••. 'Mow; Jacob/d,dn1t you-be:siij

: iwoxld ever- heard' of :an"angel forty-twpyeaif :6fd eorninj. (^liristiHas, an'with "tbw:CQloied haij 't

' n o s e ¥ . ' • • ' •• - ' •". ' • ' : ' - *

Ttie" suitoi! sat;'aljashed ;x>efpre her;;itf of-ventuifeg upon another

i i t ; ' ';

tTeii- :rne : ho'jf.' yeV h t l i e m ' f r h

"ate with/to• fe driair1?; ..I-g y a . ^ a y - s ¥ o u l q l . as.

ilef do -.wil 'out his lager, .as: a.fish, be-dad jvkh'ou.fc 1«8 water, Tell ;nie abouti f J a e d b - . ' ' • . - " • ' . • • ' .'••-.;/.- . ' . • . • • • . . . • ' -,

eestaey. -;''Ten m

does" ded, I c6raes .'•c:aiit I vaspuJy;aspuJy;«.|fpG? poj , but'I keefss

-ord foir t. t in ts d&r -same <afotth i d f d l d&es'me here a§ in de;r faderland*

•Vetl.;"'i tos. mjT.4ups and.jdowaaj'ant IiFo-^sto pe a»Uaii:;:an.fey py-^aiit. py 1-ers Upy-pisnesB far .mine'oivn self,D'eti deiv oder• fellefs'dey.mafee?&^jibecase I viLt ijot dhi'ink, ant itey callsme stingy.- '. Mine ' hfenielvd-a,t b.Wtaie-.pad." But I gife oce ?oopei\ aiitrnvites ten 'of .^erti.-yonfig fools to.oorne-anteat ; Priiehet, niy ;dear, Ihad tinea-post saeising'.iieekj eattw^.:tine. pig- toorkies,, an .half' dozenschicbena, anx-.pig rant leetle flshe^,-&til vegetables, 'apt. DO- eitf of'fruitj'aat thyefi kint.s-cif pi'ead'; iye anli.vite'fiop.iV apt, yat'.yOT x$$0i. him, fikliau,arut.-pieSi-.apt'eakesi .ai-t..p'eekle^i.an'lpreserfe^anftay,ftnteaifej an;fschoebloke., iiriJt-Tiice.- colt vatev. •'Aat ven.

ihaf eat aad diH.n& def.'M, -I

' jolly, old soxil,.'twen-,...,, ... ea'ehpBrs©a wffldo;5

Den I takes oqt." uxy, Pallet', aut : jspealfs.' 'jfoij^e'tienyi'.mafe'eselijfeD-i wro .tollarsjiiit sefettty.-lifa.eents f#.arreat, eh? Here Is"te.n. tnllars I gift•tQ-Jbe. poeu- of der- city-; but s.cihelpme der hitaiQelt uot. one.farthing, for.lagerheer.t1' \4Jrt tinee datd'ayfliey'.rimip-AnV-l Tri'ft ai-i-ri'frv 'Jnf>.ri\^'' '". *•

she #as'\f£ t"-. iel'eiitiBgriH • life,She sa'Dg- fb'i*"kiia; tbe-_'Be>atifui 'Ssks"of''tb"ey'^j';'1an^%;^ittrnf*vvwed;y ^ ;tier svlth.-soniey pj.;the in•laomesoDgs of fadetlaiyd." This pleaseant conversfttioB'' had' i^ijn place:-ia'

ygi-ocery's' Baek parley;, wheteiie-invited (Miss..Bridget ahdL.Ker

.friend • Miss • Jaaiie":: "With ,pej€ectcandor Jacob Bbngasser parried- oii

light could be doneatee folfesash

'.bn-going.honae with iEdupn'a iBa:tevening, Bridget almost' .raii svgainst.

tt, and.uftefed aja exciani.-.

!• . b u t V-ve :>jsmashed nie bonijei, beg yevs i r :

J- • • . . : • . . . . ' • ' ' . ' . ' • • •

• .The nest ; .momept-her afoJgraspe<3 sAd held,antt A yoiQie she hadliear.dbefore,.said-. • / . • • . .

.'Is this Bridget. Tqoie V • ." .'ThesBQie.Sir..'- . . . / . . - ' '. Bridget droppetl. her b^st biptirtes'y,

.' "Where dp.yflu ii.ye,/gp.odywoaian

. /Ia.Westeh.ester.e6ii.:nty, sir.'. . .'But \yhei'i3 are you. JMJS?.? • . . .fAt ".the" laisthress ; Brown's, be

sbure, .sir, a stoppta* wltli '^tisi Ed-wiija. LaiKe,' . ' " . . y

l0a,. I. cannot "see yoa.tliere. YOQremecpher me ?'-. " . "-_. " . . " " '

"I do up# , sir,' .. . . .': Tbe-Msht frbnj-a street latu;p shone.on Ms fiicsi • ' . • • y • •

'itls MMlier BfiSbiyix, j e be..':

'The game; keep a qjiiei tongue illheafiL Not a ward • to- Miss

. 'She had passed oh oat of. hearing;and.th.e . polit&.groeei'4 sfeeingihis. h&;loyed engaged in eopjve^atiou with'.afine .gentiemaa qMreqtly passed oa

^pu /wish to hear from Hiss

pg ,, Lord save ns; in course, sj?;

•do-you- know where fhe be? is shel me darlin'jm.ifethtess Reitl-nge^ . . . . .Poor Bridget almost leaped for joy;.' S i h c o m p o s e i Tfc

t b i ^ •• •• -• ..- ' . ' . ' . . . -. -

-Me thrnst sooje 4ooney into, herliapd

"la Ojie inonfh'sttinB y«W shall.%etr She3? -*ell #nd happy, «iiv,.wv

is her mother, JSFot a word of lumag\'ttoeftx toe, to any one« do. your andet*

t 1MM?6 tuy J*Mens, I a *

now I will send for you.,grife gave him the' ^IJreetions, trera-

tVnng with h'qpe, desif&us ofaslsing a"hundred questloks.; '" "'Beiaenibep,' he said wargingly, 'if

r yoir want to see yotir youna; 'again, not a "word of thfe meetiiigAvitb tne.Ao a'l.ivlng"soul.r •'

Ajxd he moved qgicilyavFay.' A i ' is'it the.liyin'aid seiatehm

ole Belzeljubet he bej-cs1 a ibrueMndto them arter all '^ the ' he"wilderetl.Bridgei.asied herself. / ' . . . . • ; ' "

..it/was fbrtuaate., for herself thathonest Jacob was.not jealbnsi-shesavfesueh eon£radlV2t6fy""an<JConfusedanswers to hirn.. And" -when she rd-joiiied Edwiha, with the iBJuhetiontp seeieey .wei«lVii3g heayily ©n hersC'ivl, that guileless young person'3s?cp'hed her flflshed anci exeiied s tateto'1^6 ten-3et' attehlions of the gxocen

/. .Bfitigst -.Tqoie "was ...the haiiibleinoaae ;hM<Jing~ in fiiitMul hands ^ormu&iw$ say. pawa?) .an,."ettd. of thenet £hat beiii iniori^dbed the cjueeiilyli toess! 'SbBB tier feeble strength sut*flee to- gnaw' ftsnntier tM meshes ofartifiee si,n(3 tSlsehOpd ? .'"V?fi shfiH

" . . • : TO- H E :

at .

pf above, title' lp

in',, says ke. A-t & e .same time1,puttia' •sometblxi' ."feai'.ouicl .picks?,

g had gey i i a iiifii. the- fraatliftle -febxl' .. t'lSFo^' imtiiJ.,*'

yshe., -'tloij't stqt," ^h'3 wifi'that'lie iurn'd-.-his -hgcfe art''.begun to:COft'nt for Jiis. life, -Ftir I md • seeplajio 'enough", .thatjhe l;augjj wa^a'toat SX Mni yrt'. Xleh, ia,y»-nje aldae,but:I-kpe>v ebougfe.&nb't let tba-pj-hate' irie out ay anythin'- this iime'i-.d'ye.inlnd.f • o-J jist p;faiited mVsilBtjipt fpvttsQt and: eSttk^ij-to^.two eyes>.

i•a.l!•b :&.&U;atv .yI 8•, 'AD 1 troth-..quite =epbiigh~to<-k&phme lax •

i y a ^ateh-iB^ tii«iittle:.sthl.Gk-an#&e.-boXi-.-'jffl*; h*s'.o.S?n- back, d'yewmfi.? ."That'll1 (3o. forthe pfrski^'1'says IKS "but rem^d:where:$& %xe*~.tot I ai;ay • ftav? to-• tailte . yoa ovli'.agfe."•''j^tf- wM-;fMt'life haflcled:a:.rjii • &v asi»te .to %itd; 'sbifiny:itkgs,.sj!n',6e -jwbip'd'wid It.In-tU his:little-din. Puffy soon KeTkeja-outr.antT

tfed'. > a . p o i u e , %n"I..hav.' ihe piigttiT'e av yb.«'&r$v?' says •'b^;"'.''Qtv]bas far

yh.qw,-'©&r$v?'. says •'b^;".'Qtv]bas fartobre'.tliita belongs-.to ;ye;;bat I'll'show it to ye to .eonyiHee yeVtbat.

h i Vy yV

we war; not ehaliB' ye out aV •eyfSv.uHywayV' . An'f. WhitiELoc'Ii, WMnDy, aeushlaJ • I T .via&is't iB^silf .wtd. four eyes auT v&*>tBfiutiis in the face &y ma , A}}- Qtt'er -ways as iaatural as life, top skirta t f ' f t l i . . - ' '•• ' •• '" ; ' / • • "ft ;

" I 'm jjpt. wiiHn^'tQ g i y ' - y e s o .mueli for th^ .price,1'- says'he,-"an'if ye'tl. jus t loo.k a t a i u y l y Ilittlfebard-that-' I'H' BpuBl' ift: my: hand:•iqtfJI CQunt a.urty,. I 'll.j |#t fake.two ay yer .eyes. Qtrt afa'ciaa" 'ttiiiatil toe'porfiit.feTeiMqlber -ye

'.So .%Hd-.il.at -the 6uld' fairy gevMm .-the 'slate -TjaeK 'agin,, an'' h4elajiped it- ihtil the box4-fised meovir,.' avieKj hel^: up bits little feurefdfme toiouk at, Etn* be jabbers;! h'eaiyfef "tufc his two 6y«s off rae fis.ee,this;tnne, aa?himfcsutffin^ss epl'tarn povYss an. ouift.Jndgcr reaflin1

tfie ditii SJutincfe';•&&?• wbi'athey got.throftgb', this- wiis:.what- 'they brangto me;; aaa'• iV'yj.e'doQ't-say its %$•'good-alooM-a g^rril asl-VbS'le-ft.tbe^Ottnty Connausht—heath, Pm sureja1^-mother '^ill, wbia ste'sees it.Oseb,: iQofc'it there f Isn't- it tire daz-iler-?/,/y .. y. A.'..,, >..\. ••:-.•".; "

%QGP.:it, pwSefltt- Iff Sqrib-ner fpr.

#111. ue- preserved-;:as:. jpanct books, n.ow-8-vk.: y T b t e . ffj'f. grea't speakers- ancj.slnget'?• yntlt t ierebe "Kept foT.a thouaaod ye'sSrs*lii these "gatle-rtes ?pplrenyiajagyasres

Hl'. be preserved TiiOn '• efn tuvj to^atiiry wi ibal l fhg i>BeriliaTitiies «l fg iBeia.Tp j :d}alect of 'bAs we gp • aj0Sv.-te see. £be stesedpti-:Cpnx w^y^halL go. to. i)u-blie-'Iiall8toliea^ tliese. treasures of "ppeecli. and'soog breaght biit.aBiJ.reproiiocefl asliDUai.or louder, than'wbeD;first.spa-i e n orBuDfT by the truly grpat onesof earth. .C( itainl-y, wttbia.9. dozen.-yea.rs, -sooie flf ..the great..islng;©?*.will be- itj<Jaeed-to sing..intd-t.b.e earofthe.phonpgvWph, and-the ete(%a-typed eyliBcrer* thenete ^btaiae"d:

will be ptit Into'ths hiin.d" brgsais' ofthe street,, and w©-*ba;lt;^e:9r.th.e aC-tcial voice of €teistine Mlgsoa orHissQavy .groujad out at every cor-ner. : " . " ; . ' ' . - ;'".Iff j»ablic exMbit'Ojas; fifeo;-we

.shall, ba*e" re'p.?pdtfetio'ns of tiieS0UB^'S Of-natiirei ^pd of. noises -fa-,istliar. ajjd: unfioiiti.MBi1. .. Nothing:wi l lba easier' ihmx. Jto. eateb thesquods of .the waves on the .b'eaeJv.'tibe.rojtr of SMgaTg.,' the dtseorcyyofthe ;'St^ee.ter. fchfe noises qf, animals,-,the pilMi5k«ncl rush of "the railroadttaindbhs tolling of thunder,-or eventhe tumult ©Jta-baltte. •:-,-- . . . •-. When popular airs aa"e S.UB^ Info

th.epbop!()grgphr;arid "the aottsaireUietx repraiaeed ija. dvery otiridus- and beeffects a*# pfteptimes p q ^ yJng' ho .'-apparent ••regeroMahee' fataose coijtaloefl in ttif ir. origTaffls.TJb&insttufflent imy. thus 5e used asa soti or musical 'kaieiQoKcbpe, byiDQ'eangijf whteh sn tofinife varietyof t je\v GbHJbinatiqfliS -msty-- b e p r o -d q c e d f ro ta . : t he . ;mus iea i • ' it l o u s n o w ' i n e x i s t e i i e e

The pfec3ou>Hess r;pp p j j hes, clocks, eoiaplaiiiif. boxes iu.piirj-Mc 'ebuveyanfies $B<$ to toys of all^in'ia. ; . I t will su»etseo!e;the short,baud writer la taking: lBltere toy <&&tatdonaadTn the takinsbf testluio-ny before 'referees* ^boiiiigfapbictetters wall be seat By tnail, the foilbeifls wpUH<l o.n pHpercyJinaeiB l&esisseof iiApger. . I t will reeitfepo-'-erns In thje yoiee of the author, aaideproajiee Ihe sp^^ches <jf:ieel«b.rft»

is. ptatsas will5phleh:aB4;hepartskea^'felthjeoodaec*eU spqefel th jeood

good dfseretian ;w the flri0tialmmrice beiftt prepared OB one maehineptoyisf^a with several mt)«thpteoes:and Madame tussaad'a agtfres wjifhereafter talk, m wen IB loek, lifcetHefif|freRt ^(jotypes!

^ m e ^ l a i t 1*85 i d a ini^rme auspfc^jrf ftie American Tem-perafic^ pdion iji Tammany Hil l •yesterday. affomoGo. : AJbout ,000persons ft'erfipr^en'C • M& Win. -E,-""-Dodge pr€&id<Bd, aitd in^penihjg themeetip^. said-that Jre thought thve

ofsath in^tiogao'i Hutidsy1 -#n.tagqniatac. 40-the spirit oifiifty Chief Jusjiee. jf^ah

a i i J.Pfv!s,.waoywapftaieteci«Jias$rverecold, was the iiejstBp.esa,k.er. Hewas warigiy xeeeived", and- spokefor half an hour. : He mid M hadcome ii> the nSeeticg aMiaated by alittle aatui-al • eurlbst*y.i-. He rmlly.wanted, to see how. a; temperaBee •meetiag wotjla ioak -In .'£&mEqany"Hall. iAijpJaase.] He knew th'afi fi .the overvvh itmiHg: pbxver of Tfea^fflaiiy cc»aldybe;«nHsted-OB'the.of -terbpferane© the -great: 'spwGTild feawlihdTh, aGcowplished.;.Th^.tehiperance people were fightingagaMserimeaadIa,wles3%iess.' When yo'S'could falpe up y.out newspaper Sad•flad in it flo-korle^otiaai5der^,bf-wives beaten toy dranfen-hnsbatids.,.of ehlldrea fcttpned adrtftto beg,tliatwoiild . be. simply ytemperaheeU---" N o ^ , I am' aoi .'and never ha^e'professed to be «• total ab^KaeHcesmft)n said Judge'DayiSj^aiM-1neyey ajade a temngiauee speech % •rny life BRtil the other higlit>'. but 1hi^ve been for 21 yearealivtB^'wit-.nqss ia fayo.i* bf, lemperatoe^ -He

. wpqb on' to : speak of the number ofL'.ases ,of- crinje Tesultifeg from, theuse of Hitqxicafiag' U^uoW.

^ %8o7j. .lustjee c»f


-that jnan |;did:6o.tegrettingy. that"T had -not the poiFer fe faj'- fchehand of the law .ftpon. jsv^ry man-•iyho soid..Mm..t-hat"iiq.aqt.^' :'Jle .Hpoke.qf tfie cobsplaint-tit•• Certain..pprsoos'that.to"depri.ye.the"<4^qfits 'ilgucjiv.-stqreS--wouid.^be-to iob-cliaritable.iaetrtutibjQa of taejicerise,•moue^. "JEhey :tbi.,lr-'?.lie-added;"only -of the. small .stjyer, thread.that ruB3':tetqtteiiitreasuryi'«7hu2ti

. / lii Senbner.yfer'. p ^ .Breaks--piiritiJ a number:,oi niiW 'necdatea of, Lineqlii,;eJici.te'd by Bis.

Lincoln .rpniaiieeBces In ihe'ISI^rch'"ridir!b y

i n g . i s . o i i e q f ; > .. " A yoiiiiig' kentleaiiininTeimts-

•jiee'/ yas oace,-tKty.e.Mhg a toaffitryPrad/njOBttdohafieblacfir^cinghorse *>f grea.t- '-ci)ti)'paB.idn vv'a&asmewdbld.lellowv?ht> was known ih tbose-p^ts as?I¥ k d a J b ' b b ^

toban-;, . . . . ,. . Ms feet. -/Thfe ..,_.__._ ._. _.

.'t&re'cl- -. five Syuthern-er • for. a., horse.tcatJe,-%hieli' ©f c.ourseyth§ Souths

g p ^ Theyhpsvever iiaslSted that.bfe...

^ ypry. rraaariabte-yhor^H-.'ofiwhat ifasUiioTJfTi iisth^setter breed,;

Ma-Qf Uifss:. hieed- ar-p . . .^^horse was-••apcorfingiyTbe Yratifcee' s©9a fiatl. .anity (6 flei3i«.Dstratetlie:truirh*of hisb-VJepaeat, its his hor^v bad: taa. jie-

c.uliiiriiy. of dropping. ern- -all • fourswjgea touclaeS .ia aeerJai-ii spot by•me- spur or heel-sif^1 ' - " • "" •^'-~

setaiig a;^ g

uotfaraway, touched.h}srtay;:bDhes.in..tbe fendCT'Spot and"&ureeQdi!gbp , , :d d be went on alt "fours, assuris^t-he Stmtberiter that-ifaere'Atas gajhe^hitail.' .Thew«Uldb«jlibrse-tra<ier-told the Southerner th%t -there;mustwe game near, byj forlais horse -sever'•'o-ef f&:t& t way "except wiienqrt theyce&t of ga$B«»:•'. ItanJedfetetyafter,.'

'd^er made iW.aptJ^aFaace t>> tli6§ t j s Bgdo.WB,ands6aibehpleased .

was hS with tliewondfet-fai -inatih^t'of t tie horse-that.. he. -iiamediately,sivapped:With'tbe"Yankee,, on e.sreh 'terms. Sopo.after. they.feaine.io: a.vtfea.in, wbi<^ the. Yaakee, -moirat-ird on. t;he" Sonthernef % :Siie"- hprjje,t;EdSs'e<3 In;gooc! styles then. staii&Irig:.dn tb© ppbsite. "frasfc,. -.jftfr leetedback after /his • companlopV • Tlie"'sett^r laoise'•'had'giinkV-h/ia- head 'bfiiafhardly abo^ii Israter.; hisaider>vas.disifl&U:ated,a'Hii aiearJved, /|lea<-Mng thei-baa-kandMow,ing- the water fri>iny;h"isyB .u-tli, heeselaioaed.: '• -'-Here, you •".infernal-";Yaokee3 what' kina. of .'a/horse' & '.tMs- to-.drop on hy-feigeest.in.- themiddlesf.astrjeamV *ijuj-iiihushR'.


. The

dtspr; a-ndl tell

-peiisiou^ l S f :

lias .beeii; ..p.a ed, i*y bsjfth -. hpuses'-ofCongress, and'haa been sigiitd by the.F r - e ' s i d e n t :• ' ;• ' :•" '• . ' - • . . ; . . ' . . - . ' . / " - . " .

lie, "aird'.be is ..hereby ,- iitiioj=Jzt;d. an5tlire<jte.cl to :p|aeeGfn the..pensjpi) roils,the aaames el-.liie sarvivfag oifl<?eistttid.enlisted aad-drafted wen, 5Vitti-ioaC r.eg&rcl Jo eoku'; ixicfijdtog militialiuiJ- S'olqhJepisV of "tae; mii'irafy '•ia'&d-'•Kji'ui R^uieg of the"Jluited.Statfe4'-.

.. tot. fbtHtee.n day3 - inthe.Cfreat Britain"pf-'lsja,-or.

who were in" any. ettgageEO^Ht, ar•''Wtire oonorab-Iy" i~~1^ .i--~^ ' - - '»

t o p ging.a^eiw .ffa'fthe rate of $8.per "ajustfa ot"-.

j n t f i 'ujOTjjj.norto-anypereoa reeefyinga,pension qf Jess .than SSyper loctech,."^seVpt ftr tbe''difer(?nfie -be'tw^entbe'peiitfion HOW XHSfiveQ t*6.iess-tliaa' gSStiermotfch) aiad" $S p«r-QK>oih; $ e e -siqn.ttud.erthis.aei*.Jiaii bie-aith*'tai&.rtffs per'.BQoiito,.. ekwpi.as fierein.pra^iaEd, apd sbaB tie paid-te iiife j>fe"-stjiis'entitjed '.thereto, iraia. and' after,L&<? passage of thisaety for and au$jt»g-tMir Bti-toHil liysst Prqvidei,' Thit&'

-krtj. to vyidow,? .•pioyidiid. iorh J l h i h lsH«{ shaJ

maiTj again/" y -•...-.-•" Sec. t, tta't before tlif ^ajiie of any

person sh^H toe'.pJaqed upon. tbe;peK-sou toils; ua'd;er this ae|, ".'piodf aiia.ll "-Oe made, uuder Sjih rules an:d regii- •lat-ions as the Com'tniss.ioue^ofPec-sioB's, \vitfa ihj':.a|>pr»'vralof Secretajy.oi ttse"'Intefittr, shall ptes-erihs flmt-the applicant. Isentsr^dtqapetistori-auder fcbisat-t;.and. imy pe3s ft-?wb:<asbatt-ialssily-tatee an tfe i ' dtie tafeea jiuder theaet4srj.ll baj^uiifyof.Jjegvaryj arn:d%hieSeeretal-i* <if 'this lukeeiot, sfaail^eauseia he s^iek-en fcaia tii*.*i}l*.tiie;"iiai»ittof auy -persoij. "w&?o.ii.sirt T-".aiiDesa»*>£ pfowf 5Mfefe<4qr-y ; to' JfcjiM "tSataaeh liatnfe •wksputoQoribmiigh .felsptjf' fcaepr.SK.ntattoos, 'or by ;|iil^take as to the'right <Vf such $«rsqns.-tui a-• peiistoaaader tMs ft«t" Td*?k.ss oplac5^f:"aeerttttette qyasehSEge/Hlijaj

e lbs-applicaiitqf the iLi^aet butofMerprqtifof h

^'oi^d of 'bat;, if saMsraetjcs

and: when


age,ytb^. appltctet .teay,by: other satistwiWi-j te*ti-

Oiopj?.; Pfo*fd!6rf; Thai when ..-Mr-peTSi>Qh:ais been- gtstatea; a, tanii-.iatf*

i is<s ; : fur


i&ta if living.rhis*irfo»« if te»fe iffead.toaj*euiqo uader-.tjla.is' aet^ batvsneli-*yl»-"«»5e s itii apt i h c l s * f r * n 4 asai*

d bya ^-: rf-s .:';-.,.