seo & social media for recruiters

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Social Media & SEO Recruitment Industry

SEO or Social Media?

For many recruitment agencies with limited resource, time and money, SEO and social media activity become competing priorities. So, what gets sacrificed SEO or social media, which one has more leverage within the recruitment industry?Will SEO result in more new business enquiries funnelling from google searches? Or will social media activity organically drive more relevant visitors to your website and engage with potential candidates?Lets take a look at some of the tactics and considerations for both SEO and social media.

C:\Users\cdoherty\Desktop\Studio 10 Design\Logo and images\S10_logo_strapline_yellow_black_bkgrnd.jpgMarketing activity for recruiters falls into two categories

Online tools fall into two categories


SEOSocial Media

C:\Users\cdoherty\Desktop\Studio 10 Design\Logo and images\S10_logo_strapline_yellow_black_bkgrnd.jpgSEO or Social Media?

This brief guide outlines how to utilise social media in searching and connecting with potential candidates and how to implement SEO techniques to reach new clients.


ClientsSEOSocial Media

C:\Users\cdoherty\Desktop\Studio 10 Design\Logo and images\S10_logo_strapline_yellow_black_bkgrnd.jpgSEO

The internet is our prime reference point, its where we all turn to find information, whether we are looking for a product, person, or service. For some businesses it has become an integral element to business growth in that their sales depend on their Google position, for some it is less relevant but undoubtedly every business needs an online presence. SEO for recruiters will become increasingly important as the internet continues to dominate communication channels.

SEOClientsBusiness GrowthC:\Users\cdoherty\Desktop\Studio 10 Design\Logo and images\S10_logo_strapline_yellow_black_bkgrnd.jpgFresh contentContinuous fresh content is integral to effective SEO. If you do little else, other than blog or update a news section, utilising key recruitment words youll see gradual but significant gains. Youre also providing a reason for people to re-visit your site. There are numerous sources of information upon which to create new content, such as monthly employment statistics, skill shortages, legislation and of course recruitment processes.1


C:\Users\cdoherty\Desktop\Studio 10 Design\Logo and images\S10_logo_strapline_yellow_black_bkgrnd.jpgLong term gainSEO content remains beneficial for a long time, when you create a web page, it is indexed in search engines and will return as a result in the searches engine for years to come. So if you write a blog post especially if its evergreen content (recruitment topics with longevity, which remains relevant) your few hours of effort writing and optimising that content can continue to drive traffic and for years.2


C:\Users\cdoherty\Desktop\Studio 10 Design\Logo and images\S10_logo_strapline_yellow_black_bkgrnd.jpgLong-Tail search yields targeted trafficInvesting in SEO means youre probably optimising for long-tail search. Long-tail search is just what it sounds like a search term that is long, usually containing three or more terms. And the longer a keyword is, the more specific it gets. Think about the difference between the search term, recruitment agency and accountancy recruitment agency Bristol.That second search term tells us that the searcher is looking for three things: recruitment agency, which specialises in accounting job and who are located in Bristol. Thats way more information than a short-tail keyword and it drives extremely targeted traffic to your website. Plus, long-tail keywords are far less competitive than short-tail keywords, and as such yield quick traffic wins for your website.



C:\Users\cdoherty\Desktop\Studio 10 Design\Logo and images\S10_logo_strapline_yellow_black_bkgrnd.jpg Inbound linksA comprehensive SEO plan includes inbound links, and one of the most effective ways to obtain these are by offering to guest blog or write articles for other recognised industry websites. These could be recruitment, HR or employment focused sites. Think outside recruitment and look for opportunities within the specific industry sectors you service. Topics could include thought leadership or unique data, which you may hold within your system.

This will also enhance brand awareness and position you as an expert within your industry. Establishing relationships with authorative sites does take time but by initiating some simple PR techniques this is time well spent.



C:\Users\cdoherty\Desktop\Studio 10 Design\Logo and images\S10_logo_strapline_yellow_black_bkgrnd.jpgTime Consistently creating quality content takes a lot of time. SEO is no longer as simple as dotting keywords all over your web page and in your meta data. And if youre seriously crunched for resource, the content creation required to maintain a sustained recruitment industry SEO program may be overwhelming.



C:\Users\cdoherty\Desktop\Studio 10 Design\Logo and images\S10_logo_strapline_yellow_black_bkgrnd.jpgTechnical elements While constant quality content creation as an SEO strategy will get you far, it will only get you so far. There are still some things that are a little out of your reach unless you consider yourself well versed in technical SEO - you know, 301 redirects, site structure, site hosting, 404 configuration SEO jargon!



C:\Users\cdoherty\Desktop\Studio 10 Design\Logo and images\S10_logo_strapline_yellow_black_bkgrnd.jpgInbound linksWhile on-page SEO is important, off-page SEO has a bigger impact. And by off-page SEO, we chiefly mean generating inbound links with reputable sites, such as HR Zone, Recruiter, REC and of course local or national press.

So while you can work really hard to optimise every single web page, you still have to rely on other high-authority sites to link to you, use proper anchor text, and not split the juice of that link by linking to several other sites. Unfortunately that takes, persistence, contacts and unique content.



C:\Users\cdoherty\Desktop\Studio 10 Design\Logo and images\S10_logo_strapline_yellow_black_bkgrnd.jpgConstant upkeepWhile you may appear on page one of google today, if you dont consistently update your site and generate inbound links, your rankings will soon slip and all your previous work will have been lost. In other words, you need commitment, dedicated resource and continual evaluation in order to analyse your activity and results. Equally you need to keep on top of all the constant changes to SEO techniques.



C:\Users\cdoherty\Desktop\Studio 10 Design\Logo and images\S10_logo_strapline_yellow_black_bkgrnd.jpgSocial Media

Social media is a rapidly changing space and it can be hard to keep up with the ongoing analysis of where we are, where weve been and where were headed next. More people spend more time online every year and its a trend that is going to continue to grow. For recruiters social media is a vital element in attracting quality candidates and if you dont find avenues to attract them, your competitors will. Developing and maintaining proactive social media activity is therefore crucial for all recruitment agencies regardless of their size or location.

CandidatesPlacement GrowthSocial Media

C:\Users\cdoherty\Desktop\Studio 10 Design\Logo and images\S10_logo_strapline_yellow_black_bkgrnd.jpgTwitterThere is no point tweeting job vacancies if you cannot be found online and no one is following you on twitter. Identify what keywords and hashtags are being used by your target audience. What twitter chats are taking place and when? Recognise the prime time twitter usage timing is key.

This will enable you to produce a list of appropriate hashtags and industry specific chats, utilise twitter scheduling to ensure your tweets coincide with twitter prime time for your target audience. Twitter is all about engagement, building a group of advocates who follow and engage with you online.



C:\Users\cdoherty\Desktop\Studio 10 Design\Logo and images\S10_logo_strapline_yellow_black_bkgrnd.jpgFacebook Facebook is the largest social media network and a phenomenal marketing and recruitment tool. But it can only be as effective as your strategy to use it. The purpose of your company facebook page is twofold. Firstly you need to carve out your company facebook space. This is achieved by projecting your company culture, tapping into engaging topics to generate likes, there should be a steady flow a updates to continuously increase the number of likes.

Secondly its about constant engagement. Once a candidate likes you, they will automatically see your company updates. Quality of content is essential to engagement, its not just about sharing job vacancies.



C:\Users\cdoherty\Desktop\Studio 10 Design\Logo and images\S10_logo_strapline_yellow_black_bkgrnd.jpgLinkedIn LinkedIn is the biggest social media destination for professional networking. The power of LinkedIn lies in the ability to leverage the networks of your company, colleagues, employees and their connections to find the best talent. Its absolutely crucial all your employees actively use LinkedIn every day, to share and participate in company updates in order to maximise the networking dynamics of LinkedIn.

Its equally as important to participate in LinkedIn group discussions as it is to merely post job vacancies as your continual LinkedIn presence will bring a new audience to your company page. Obviously this is only beneficial if your target candidates are on online, for some industry sectors such as logistics this wont be a viable recruitment tool.



C:\Users\cdoherty\Desktop\Studio 10 Design\Logo and images\S10_logo_strapline_yellow_black_bkgrnd.jpgPinterest Pinterest is one of the fastest growing social networks and often overlooked by recruiters due to the visual nature of the site. However, Pinterest can be used to showcase different types of careers with engaging images. Effective messages can be incorporated via infographs, a popular communication tool which is constantly growing.

Companies can easily create pinboards for specific industry sectors, combining images, photos and infographs. It can also be used to project your company culture and is excellent for sharing event and charity photographs, all of which will contribute to building a group of followers.



PlanningPlanning requires foresight and understanding of which platform is the most appropriate. Discipline is essential for the continual updates and posts, which boosts connection and engagement. A social media schedule should be unified in terms of the message, which means cascading the same message in different ways. Equally as important is building in an evaluation process so you can monitor progress.



C:\Users\cdoherty\Desktop\Studio 10 Design\Logo and images\S10_logo_strapline_yellow_black_bkgrnd.jpgResourceIts imperative to allocate dedicated resource for both continuity and consistency. Continuity is essential to obtain and maintain engagement, which are both equally important. Consistency ensures a unified message is cascaded across different social media platforms, which not only engages with candidates but improves brand awareness. Evaluation and analysis is important, in order identify what works and what doesnt.



C:\Users\cdoherty\Desktop\Studio 10 Design\Logo and images\S10_logo_strapline_yellow_black_bkgrnd.jpgIt takes timeFor your social media presence to drive meaningful results for your business, it needs to grow. But growing a social media following doesnt happen overnight. It takes months upon years to build up a strong social following and wide reach that will drive engagement with potential candidates. Patience and persistence will deliver results. When used effectively, social media can give an unprecedented boost to a companys recruiting capabilities.



C:\Users\cdoherty\Desktop\Studio 10 Design\Logo and images\S10_logo_strapline_yellow_black_bkgrnd.jpgUnified approachOne of the dynamics of social media is sharing. This is particularly crucial for LinkedIn and as this is the largest business network, the potential to reach thousands of contacts is phenomenal. However, this relies on all employees embracing the initiative and educating them to routinely update and share posts on LinkedIn. There are some fundamental set-up aspects to LinkedIn which you can find in our LinkedIn guide.



C:\Users\cdoherty\Desktop\Studio 10 Design\Logo and images\S10_logo_strapline_yellow_black_bkgrnd.jpgNeither SEO, nor social media, can survive without a consistent stream of quality content. Without content, theres nothing for Googles crawlers to pick up and index in search engines which means theyll visit your website less and less frequently.

Without content, theres nothing valuable for you to share in social media, which means, much like Googles crawlers, your fans and followers will stop engaging with your updates and eventually stop following you.

But with so many information sources, research hubs and streams of statistics there will never be a shortage of content ideas. The biggest challenge for recruitment agencies lies in planning their social media and SEO strategies and then finding the most appropriate form of delivering and managing it.

Obviously you can use Social Media to connect with potential clients too, please refer to our Business Growth with Social Media guide.



C:\Users\cdoherty\Desktop\Studio 10 Design\Logo and images\S10_logo_strapline_yellow_black_bkgrnd.jpg

For guidance on planning and devising a social media and SEO strategy please contact Claire Doherty

Email - [email protected] Mobile - 07554 661927

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