selecting topic literature review study design plan

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  • 8/7/2019 Selecting Topic Literature Review Study Design Plan


    Dr. Ravikumar ChodavarapuD.C.H; D.N.B (Pediatrics); F.I.A.P (Nephrology)

    Professor of Pediatrics

    Kakatiya Medical College


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  • 8/7/2019 Selecting Topic Literature Review Study Design Plan





    Primary Job duty or responsibility, to bring out natures truthsfor the benefit of mankind and living things.

    To be able to do research properly.


    To understand others research.

    To decide whether he can use it (relevance) in his job or activity.

    Decisions regarding Health and Disease of Patient and Community.

    Teaching health care personnel Planning health care

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    What is Evidence Based Medicine?

    Use of mathematical estimates of the risk of

    benefit and harm,

    derived from high-quality research on population


    to inform clinical decision making in the

    diagnosis, investigation or management of

    individual patients.(Trisha Greenhalgh. How to read a paper The

    basics of evidence-based medicine. 3rd Ed.2006.)

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    Essential Steps in E.B.M

    (Dave Sackett)

    1. To convert our information needs into answerable

    questions (i.e. to formulate the problem)

    2. To track down, with maximum efficiency, the bestevidence with which to answer these questions whichmay come from clinical examination, the diagnostic

    laboratory, the published literature or other sources.

    3. To appraise the evidence critically to assess its validity(truth) and usefulness (clinical applicability).

    4. To implement the results of this appraisal in our clinicalpractice.

    5. To evaluate our performance

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    Research Problem Identification

    Questions to be answered

    Objectives or Aims of taking up the question

    Hypothesis development (for analytical study)

    Study design and type

    Population definition (Inclusion & Exclusion)

    Sample design

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    Measurements planning

    Data collection proforma


    Recording data

    Data Cleaning and readying


    Observations & Results


    Conclusions and Suggestions

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    Pictorial summary of how research works

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    To draw inferences, from findings in the study, about the

    nature of the universe around it.

    Plan the study to maximize the validity of theinferences at the end of the study.

    Internal validity - degree to which the investigatordraws thecorrect conclusion about what actually happened in thestudy.

    External validity (also called Generalizability) - degreeto which

    these conclusions can be appropriately applied topeople and events outside the study.

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    To design and implement a study plan with

    adequate control over two major threats to

    these inferences:

    1. Random error (wrong results due to chance).

    2. Systematic error (wrong results due to bias).

  • 8/7/2019 Selecting Topic Literature Review Study Design Plan


    CRITERIA FOR GOOD RESEARCH QUESTIONA good research question is described by the acronym FINER (Hulley & Cummings, 1998, p14)

    Feasible Adequate Number of SubjectsAdequate Technical expertise

    Affordable in time and money

    Achievable (Manageable ) in scope

    Interesting to the investigator

    Novel Confirms or refutes previous findings

    Extends previous findings

    Provides new findings


    Relevant To scientific knowledge

    To clinical and health policy

    To future research directions

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    Research Proposal Will Need to Specify

    1. The research question;

    2. The specific aims of the study;

    3. The information to be gained from the studyand its importance;

    4. The data to be collected;

    5. The approximate time frame for accomplishing thestudy.

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    Better Wording of Specific Aim(s)/Objective(s) conveys Statistical

    Analysis that is/will be used.

    Some examples:

    To describe the distributions of risk factors among a cohort ofwomen with breast cancer.

    To compare the presentation, evaluation, diagnosis, treatment,and follow-up of. . .

    To estimate the incidence of skin cancer among elderly smokersand non-smokers.

    To determine whether a significant association exists betweencigarette smoking and pancreatic cancer.

    To determine the effect of X on Y once adjusted for Z.

    To predict the probability of surviving one-year post-surgery .

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    Origin of Clinical Questions

    Diagnosis: how to select and interpret diagnostic tests

    Prognosis: how to anticipate the patients likely course

    Therapy: how to select treatments that do more good than harm

    Prevention: how to screen and reduce the risk for disease

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    What Research questions can be asked?

    Questions about patients symptoms

    eg. In a 34 year old man with left-sided chest painwhat is the probability that there is a serioushealth problem and if there is,

    will it show up on a resting ECG?

    Questions about physical or diagnostic signs

    eg. In an otherwise uncomplicated childbirth,

    does the presence of meconium in the amnioticfluid indicate significant deterioration in thephysiological state of fetus?

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    What Research questions can be asked?

    Questions about cost-effectiveness

    eg. In order to reduce the suicide rate in a healthdistrict, is it better to employ more consultant

    psychiatrists, more community psychiatric nursesor more counselors?

    Questions about patients preferences

    In women attending a male doctor for vaginalexamination what proportion would like to beoffered a chaperone?

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    Research Questions For R.C.T

    1. Is Clobazam better than Diazepam inpreventing or decreasing recurrence offebrile fits?

    2. Is laparoscopic appendicectomy better thanconventional appendicectomy?

    3. Is a verbal advice better than written advicein making the mother correctly implementO.R.T ?

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    Research Questions For Cohort Study

    Does nimesulide cause hepatotoxicity?

    Will prematurity cause delayed motormilestones?

    Is well water drinking associated withdiarrhoea in infants?

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    Research Questions For Case-Control Study

    Does prone sleeping position increase risk of

    cot death?

    Does cell-phone use increase risk of brain


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    Research Questions For Cross-sectional surveys

    What is the birth weight of babies inAndhraPradesh?

    What is the prevalence of LBW?

    What are the factors associated with LBW?

    Is RDT useful to diagnose malaria?

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    FIRST Settle on the research question (Aims &Objectives)-hypothesis.

    SECOND Specify criteria for target andaccessible population.

    THIRD Decide appropriate research design

    FOURTH Plan measurements of Variables andAvoiding errors systematic & random

    FIFTH Design for drawing sample

    SIXTHTH Implement as planned without deviations

    SEVENTH Analyze data using proper statistical techniques

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    Conceptual Framework

    (Kleinbaum, Kupper, Morgenstern)

    Target population

    Actual population

    Study population

    Selection probabilities

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    target population

    Consists of the people whom we believe we

    are studying.

    If, for example, we are studying depression

    among teenagers in North Carolina,

    then the population consists of all NorthCarolina teenagers.

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    Actual Population

    Consists of the people in the target population whomight actually contribute data to our study.

    For example, if we were collecting our data by

    telephone interviews with a random sample ofhouseholds listed in the telephone directory,

    then the actual population would consist ofteenagers in households with a listed telephone

    number and whose parents would give permissionfor the interview and who would participate ifinvited.

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    study population

    Consists of the people whose data we have

    collected and analyzed. Study population is regarded as an unbiased

    random sample from the actual population (KKMframework)

    If the sample size were increased to its maximum,then the study population would be the same asthe actual population.

    This framework divides up sources of error intorandom error (divergence between the actualpopulation and a particular study population) andsystematic error (divergence between the actualpopulation and the target population).

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    Target Population

    Clinical and Demographic characteristics define the

    Target population.

    Specify clinical & demographic characteristics well

    suited to research question and defined properly

    eg. All teenagers with asthma

    All newborn babies with birth weight < 2.5 kg

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    Accessible Population

    Geographical and Temporal characteristics define theAccessible population.

    Subset of target population that is available for study

    Representative of target population and easy to study

    Eg. Teenagers with asthma living in Warangal, in 2009.

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    Subset of accessible population

    Design an approach to selecting the samplerepresentative of accessible population and

    easy to do.

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    Considerations Examples

    Inclusion Criteria

    (be specific)

    Target Population



    Specifying characteristics that

    define populations that arerelevant to question & efficient for


    Demographic characteristics

    Clinical characteristics

    Geographical characteristics

    Temporal characteristics

    A 2 year trial of valparin in

    preventing febrile fits

    6m-6yr children with febrile fits

    No epilepsy, Developmental delay

    Children in WGL attending


    Between 1-1-2010 to 1-12-2010Exclusion Criteria

    (be parsimonius)

    (that are likely to

    interfere with quality

    of data or

    interpretation offindings)

    Meet eligibility criteria but

    Likely to be lost for follow-up

    Not able to provide reliable data

    Ethical considerations

    Refusal to participate

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    How to Present Research?

    Introduction (What, Why, Whom isnecessary?) Problem, Question, Objectives,Hypothesis.

    Methods (How do I study?) Design, Sample,Measurements.

    Results (What is found?) Observations.

    Discussion(Meaning of study?) Inferences,Comparisons, Limitations, Future direction.

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    Clinician: Individual Patient

    Epidemiologist: Community

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