scripture readings for sunday, november … · for sunday, november 27: bret loescher sunday...

Church Attendance Wednesday, November 9 24 Sunday, November 13 307 This Week at Trinity Sunday, November 20: Worship with Communion 8 & 10:30 am Bible Activity Hour and Classes 9:15 am Monday, November 21: Monday Morning Bible Class 7 am Staff Meeting 9 am Circuit Meeting @ St. Peter’s – 10 am Craft Group 6 pm Tuesday, November 22: TSL Confirmation Class 8 am Wednesday, November 23: Newsletter Mailing 9:30 am Golden Living Service 10 am Thanksgiving Eve Service 7 pm Thursday, November 24: Thanksgiving Service 9 am Sunday, November 27: Worship 8 & 10:30 am Bible Activity Hour & Classes 9:15 am Schools we support with our prayers and offerings SCRIPTURE READINGS FOR SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 27 Genesis 6:9-22; 7:11-23 Romans 13:11-14 Matthew 24:36-44 Trinity’s Mission Statement Uniting us in the worship of the Triune God, Christ gives us our mission: Proclaim the Gospel in order to make disciples throughout the world and to nurture them for lives of service. Trinity-St. Luke’s School Principal James Moeller Mr. Gregg Birkholz, Mr. Jared Matthies, Mrs. Cheryl Holzhueter, Mrs. Michelle Wegner & Mrs. Peggy Uttech 801 S 5 th Street 920-261-3615 303 Clark Street 920-206-1844 Lakeside Lutheran High School (grades 9-12) 231 Woodland Beach Road Lake Mills - 53551 Principal James Grasby Luther Preparatory School (grades 9-12) 1300 Western Avenue Watertown - 53094 President Matt Crass Bible Classes & Bible Activity Hour Between Sunday Service from 9:15-10:15 am Most Sunday morning classes can be found on the lower level. An elevator is located by the 5 th Street entrance Sunday, November 20 Sunday, November 27 Adult Fellowship Hall - West Government/1 Corinthians 1 Corinthians Teens Teen Room Everyday Bible Study: Life’s Ups & Downs Everyday Bible Study: Convicted Gr.1 Gr. 6 Fellowship Hall - East Isaac and Rebekah Jacob Tricks Isaac 2yr. old - K Sunday School Room Thank You God Daniel and the Lion’s Den Monday Morning Bible Class 7 am Basic Doctrines of the Bible Thursday Bible Class 10:30 am Genesis

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Church Attendance

Wednesday, August 24 35

Sunday, August 28 302

Church Attendance

Wednesday, November 9 24

Sunday, November 13 307

This Week at Trinity

Sunday, November 20: Worship with Communion – 8 & 10:30 am Bible Activity Hour and Classes – 9:15 am Monday, November 21: Monday Morning Bible Class – 7 am Staff Meeting – 9 am Circuit Meeting @ St. Peter’s – 10 am Craft Group – 6 pm Tuesday, November 22: TSL Confirmation Class – 8 am Wednesday, November 23: Newsletter Mailing – 9:30 am Golden Living Service – 10 am Thanksgiving Eve Service – 7 pm Thursday, November 24: Thanksgiving Service – 9 am Sunday, November 27: Worship – 8 & 10:30 am Bible Activity Hour & Classes – 9:15 am

Schools we support with our prayers and offerings


Romans 13:11-14 Matthew 24:36-44

Trinity’s Mission Statement Uniting us in the worship of the Triune God, Christ gives us our mission:

Proclaim the Gospel in order to make disciples throughout the world and to nurture them for lives of service.

Trinity-St. Luke’s School Principal James Moeller Mr. Gregg Birkholz, Mr. Jared Matthies, Mrs. Cheryl Holzhueter, Mrs. Michelle Wegner & Mrs. Peggy Uttech 801 S 5

th Street – 920-261-3615

303 Clark Street – 920-206-1844

Lakeside Lutheran High School (grades 9-12)

231 Woodland Beach Road – Lake Mills - 53551 Principal James Grasby

Luther Preparatory School (grades 9-12)

1300 Western Avenue – Watertown - 53094 President Matt Crass

Bible Classes & Bible Activity Hour Between Sunday Service from 9:15-10:15 am

Most Sunday morning classes can be found on the lower level. An elevator is located by the 5

th Street entrance

Sunday, November 20 Sunday, November 27

Adult Fellowship Hall - West Government/1 Corinthians 1 Corinthians

Teens Teen Room Everyday Bible Study: Life’s Ups & Downs

Everyday Bible Study: Convicted

Gr.1 – Gr. 6

Fellowship Hall - East Isaac and Rebekah Jacob Tricks Isaac

2yr. old - K Sunday School Room Thank You God Daniel and the Lion’s Den

Monday Morning Bible Class – 7 am Basic Doctrines of the Bible

Thursday Bible Class – 10:30 am


Serving Jesus at Worship

WORSHIP LEADER: Pastor Dustin Yahnke PREACHER: Pastor Brett Brauer ORGANIST: Naomi Fritz

ELDER COMMUNION ASSISTANTS: (8a) John Thoma, (10:30a) Ken Taylor

USHERS FOR SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 20: (8a) Mike Craig, (10:30a) Pete Nass and Mark Zastrow FOR WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 23: (7p) Pete Nass and Mark Zastrow FOR THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24: (9a) Mike Craig

GREETERS FOR SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 20: (8a) Myron and Birdie Duin, Brian and Amy Maurice, Steve and Mona Pett, Dave and Leni Kahler, (10:30a) Clare Schmidt, Rita Schulte

FOR SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 27: (8a) Roger Virgil, (10:30a) Kent Buss and Herb Staude FOR WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 23: (7p) Ken and Sue Taylor, Troy Thede, Lefty and Elda

Zuleger, Nancy Albertin THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24: (9a) Myron and Birdie Duin, Brian and Amy Maurice, Steve and

Mona Pett, Judy Kohlhoff FOR SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 27: (8a) Tim and Judy Johnston, Kris and Kim Roeseler, Russ and

Ann Marcks, Jack Nass, (10:30a) Matt and Theresa Asmus, John and Patrina Boehringer, John and Sandy Braun, Joyce Danaher

COUNTERS FOR SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 20: Jenny Frank, Steve and Mona Pett FOR SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 27: René Kreilkamp and Tina Krueger



BULLETIN COMMITTEE FOR WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 23: Audrey Zautner, Joyce Danaher, Lefty and Elda Zuleger

FLOWER COMMITTEE FOR NOVEMBER: Jackie Arndt (261-9494), Pat Zastrow (261-5899)


Prayer Partners Prayer Requests – Contact Pastor Brauer or Pastor Yahnke Visitors – Please sign our guest register found in the Narthex Available online –

Bulletins Sermons Updated calendar, Newsletters Electronic donation forms, daily Bible Readings

Sunday, November 20, 2016

604 South Fifth Street, Watertown, Wisconsin 53094 920-261-3511

Pastor Brett Brauer Pastor Dustin Yahnke Cell: 920-915-9070 Cell: 414-614-0077 [email protected] [email protected]

Available from the Ushers Large print materials Personal listening devices Children’s Bulletins and Quiet


Cookies for Calvary Academy Christmas cookies are needed, and especially cut-out cookies,

Spritz, ethnic cookies, and small sugar cookies. They should be SMALLER than 2″ in diameter. Peanut butter cookies, chocolate chip, oatmeal, snicker doodles, and other lunch-box type cookies may be a little larger. Assorted candies, chocolate covered pretzels, and fudge without nuts are also appreciated. Be sure cookies are cool before packaging them. Place your cookies in a disposable package and label the name of the cookies and number on the package. Please indicate if the cookie or candy contains nuts, raisins, coconut, and/or peanut butter. All cookies for Calvary Academy need to be delivered to church by Sunday, November 20 or to Charles and Teri Schleef at 800 N. Second Street by Monday, November 21. Any questions, please call the Schleefs (920-253-1599). Calvary Academy is a home/school providing 24/7 care for children and youth “in crisis.”

Centennial Offering In thanksgiving to God for 100 years of blessings upon our congregation, we have set a

goal of raising $100,000 in special offerings over the next nine months. The goal is to provide about $88,000 of the offering for Trinity debt retirement and about $12,000 to the WELS Pakistan Sunday School Ministry. The stewardship committee has prepared boards that are in the Fireside Room to monitor our progress. So far we have reached a little over 20% of our goal for both debt retirement and Pakistan Sunday School Ministries! Thank you for showing your thanksgiving through your contributions to both of these important offerings. We need to continue to show this thanksgiving if we are going to meet this goal. You may use the envelopes provided at the start of this offering campaign and place them in the offering plate or drop them off in the church office. If you need additional envelopes, please request them from the church office. If you have special funds that you like to give during Christmas time in thankfulness for Christ’s birth or before the end of the year, please consider the Centennial Offering. Our goal can be reached with thankfulness to God.

Give by Text Codes Simply send a text to our Trinity Give by Text number (920) 654-1062 with the dollar

amount and what fund you would like your offering to be given to. If you haven’t yet entered debit or credit card information for your account, you’ll be sent a link to do so. You only have to do this once. Anytime you use Give By Text after that, you will only need to enter the amount and the code, if you are giving for a special fund. Special Fund Codes Trinity Debt Retirement – Anniv Pakistan Sunday School – PakSS Live Nativity – Live First Love at Christmas – Love For example, if you would like to donate $25 toward the WELS Pakistan Sunday School Ministry offering, you text the phrase $25 PakSS to the Trinity number. (Leave a space between the dollar amount and the code.)

Our Practice of Close Communion We believe from Acts 2:42 and 1 Corinthians 10:16-17 that Holy Communion is the

highest expression of our fellowship with Jesus and with each other, and that God intends the sacrament to be celebrated together by Christians who accept all the teachings of the Bible. If you are a guest and are not yet a member of the WELS/ELS fellowship, we invite you to learn more about us and, most of all, about the Savior whom God has sent. Then join with us at his communion table. To learn more about our faith and fellowship, speak with Pastor Brauer or Pastor Yahnke.

Personal preparation for Holy Communion can be found on page 156 in front of the hymnal.

Communion in Front Rows If you are unable to walk up to the rail for Communion, you may be seated in one of

the front pews during the service. The pastors and elders will come down to the front pews to distribute Communion.

Thanksgiving Services We gather in God’s house to thank him for all his blessings to us on Wednesday,

November 23 at 7:00 pm, and on Thanksgiving Day at 9:00 am. Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good (Psalm 118:1).

Live Nativity There will be a rehearsal for all of the people who have outside acting parts in the Live

Nativity. This will take place on Monday, November 28th, at 7:00 p.m. in St. Luke’s parking lot. We will also be fitting costumes for those that need it. You can come for a fitting at 6:00 p.m. or do it after the rehearsal until 8:30 p.m. in St. Luke’s Fellowship Hall. We would like people to start putting out their Live Nativity signs in their yards. Additional signs can be found in the Fireside Room. We are also encouraging people to sign up to serve refreshments during the Live Nativity on December 2 and 3, and to bake some yummy cookies for us. Signup sheets can be found in the Fireside Room. Let’s make this another successful year for our Live Nativity.

Cheer Bags for Our Shut-ins This year Pat Cowen and Kathy Strucely will be coordinating the collection and

distribution of the Cheer Bags to our shut-ins. We are looking for donations of homemade cookies and candy. Items such as the bags, fruit and other goodies will be purchased. If you would like to give a money donation to defray the cost of the purchased items, the money can be given to Pat or Kathy. The bags will be filled and distributed on Thursday, December 8 at 11 am.

Advent Season Begins Next Sunday marks the beginning of the new church year and the start of the Advent

season. Advent services will be held on Wednesday, November 30, December 7 and December 14 at 3:30 and 6:30 pm. A light supper will be served between services.

Our Ministry at Trinity

Annual Advent by Candlelight

Save the Date! All women and teen age girls are invited to our annual Advent by Candlelight program. This year it will be held on Saturday, December 10 from 6-8 pm. The Fireside Room will be transformed into a restful and peaceful space where the participants can enjoy fellowship, music and desserts. Space is limited, so sign up today in the Fireside Room.

Advent by Candlelight is an opportunity for women to set aside the hustle and bustle of holiday preparations and focus their minds and hearts on the Advent season and the true meaning of Christmas.

We are looking for a few more people to host a table. Hostesses are asked to provide holiday decorations and table settings. Bakers are also needed. All the desserts will be placed on a common table where our guests can pick and choose their favorites.

First Love at Christmas As we prepare for Christmas, our hearts turn to those in need. Please join us in

providing for those who need a little help this Christmas. If you would like to donate to this worthwhile cause, you can include a donation in an envelope marked “First Love At Christmas” in the offering plate or drop it off in the office. Help is also needed to purchase gifts or help the committee purchase the groceries and put it all together. Please look for the green brochure in the Fireside Room, fill it out and return it to either of the pastors or the church office. If you and your family would like help this Christmas, there is also a part in the same brochure. Please complete the form and turn it into the church office or speak with one of the pastors. This information will be kept confidential. If you forgot to look for the brochure but want to help or need help, you can also contact Michele Maas at 920-206-1710 or [email protected]. Thanks in advance for any help you can give!!

Poinsettias If you care to help beautify our altar and the Fireside Room for the Advent season,

please fill out the forms found in the Fireside Room. Place the form and your money or check made out to Eileen Sell in the flower box, or leave it in the church office.

Door Offering A door offering to help defray the cost of the Live Nativity will be taken at next week’s

services. Give by Text code is Live.

Teens 7th-12th graders, we've got a lot going on in the next few weeks. Please register to be a

part of it all. November 26th, laser tag and trampoline dodge ball, 7-11pm: November 30th, mid-week Advent supper: December 18th, Teen Christmas Party (time is still to be determined) Also, feel free to join us for Bible study every Sunday at 10:15am.


The new subscription year for Meditations begins this month. If you signed up to receive Meditations the first issue is available in the Fireside room.

Centennial Service DVD copies of the November 6 Centennial Service are available in the church office.

LPS Fall Band Concert The Luther Preparatory School music department will present its fall band concert,

“Most Wanted Movie Music,” on November 20 at 7 pm in the LPS Auditorium. It will feature the Symphonic Band, String Ensemble, Jazz Band, Guitar Ensemble, Brass Choir, Senior Handbells, Clarinet Choir, and The Ukulele Group performing music from over twenty beloved movies – AND, free popcorn will be available to enjoy during the concert! A freewill offering will be accepted. We hope you can join us for an evening of fun and familiar music!

Christmas Concert The Lutheran Chorale of Milwaukee under the direction of Mary Prange will present

"Prelude to Christmas" on Sunday, November 27 at 2:00 and 4:30 pm at Abiding Word Lutheran Church, 9420 W. Capitol Drive in Milwaukee. The organ prelude presented by Lynn Kozlowski will begin 20 minutes prior to the concert. The concert will include music for choir, brass, organ, and congregational singing.

Christmas Cards Available It is not too early to get your Christmas Cards. The card committee has a nice selection

of cards available for purchase in the Fireside Room.

Choral Fest Wrap up Thank you to everyone who helped in any way with hosting and feeding the Winnebago

Lutheran High School students last weekend!! Hosting of the students went off without a hitch and we had plenty of help and yummy food for the students and directors. We were all blessed to participate in such a great weekend! Trinity could not participate in these activities without the servant hearts of our members, so thank you! Michele Maas

Thank You Thank you to our Meals on Wheels volunteers this week. Our next opportunity to deliver

meals is the week of February 6, 2017.

Church Directories The new church directories have arrived. Those families who had their pictures taken for

the directory will receive a complimentary copy. They can be picked up in the conference room/library.