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  • 8/10/2019 Scott Coad Portfolio


    COA IRedDesigns

    PortfolioScott Coad

  • 8/10/2019 Scott Coad Portfolio



    Scott Coad777 Hoopes AveIdaho Falls, ID [email protected]

  • 8/10/2019 Scott Coad Portfolio


    Table of


    BrochureLogoBusiness CardLetter Head

    Web Page

    FlierPhoto DesignEvent AdMontage

  • 8/10/2019 Scott Coad Portfolio



    Description:A single folding brochure


    Course/Instructor:Comm 130 Section 08Ben Pingel

    Program(s)/ools:Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe PhotoshopObjective:How to make a basic brochure.Learn how to wrap text around an imagePractice using multiple programs in one project.

    Process:Te first part of the process was the typing. I started outwith just the words that I wanted to put into my brochure.

    Once I had my text I moved into InDesign and started withjust a simple layout. I placed borders and rulers to use asguides.I used Photoshop to edit the images that I had found onlinethat I wanted to use. I chose an image that I wanted to crop,and then placed those images into my brochure in the areasthat I wanted them places.I used Illustrator to create a logo that I could use in mybrochure.Once my images were placed and my text places I usedcolors from my logo to add color to my brochure, andfinalized my brochure.

  • 8/10/2019 Scott Coad Portfolio


    Should I

    DeclawMy Cat?

    Learn the Facts

    Before you make the decision on whether or notyou should declaw your cat, first know the facts. is

    decision is yours, but it is a decision that your cat willhave to live with for the rest of their nine lives.

    What is Declawing?

    Declawing is the surgical amputation of your cats firstjoint of their toes. No matter how the

    procedure is done the outcome is stillthe same.

    Does Declawing Help My Cat?

    e short answer is no. A cats claws are their primary defenseagainst other animals that may attack. Even an indoor cat mayget loose outside at some point. If that happens your cat will

    be defenseless. Being declawed also affects how a cat walks.Cats are digitigrade, which means that they walk on their toes.Having to walk on amputated toes can lead to serious painthroughout your cat s whole life.

    Is Declawing Safe?

    Even through your cat will more than likely survive theprocedure; your cat may have to live with the pain of thatsurgery for weeks, or even months, after it is done. eexcruciating pain of ten toe amputations is something noinnocent animal should have to live with.

  • 8/10/2019 Scott Coad Portfolio



    Description:Tree logo variations for my company


    Course/Instructor:Comm 130 Section 08Ben Pingel

    Program(s)/ools:Adobe IllustratorObjective:Learn how to use the Pen oolCreating professional logos.

    Process:I had a lot of fun doing this. I really enjoy making logos, andusing Adobe Illustrator. I started out with just some sketchesthat I did during my down time at work. I took those ideas

    and put them onto the screen using Illustrator. I startedout with just doing Black and White logos, and then addedcolors to get the color schemes that I wanted.

  • 8/10/2019 Scott Coad Portfolio


    COA IRedDesigns



    Coad Red Designs

  • 8/10/2019 Scott Coad Portfolio


    Business Card

    Description:Business card with a logo I created


    Course/Instructor:Comm 130 Section 08Ben Pingel

    Program(s)/ools:Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesignObjective:Create a professional business cardPractice using InDesign and Illustrator together

    Process:I started by creating a logo that I made in Adobe Illustrator.I then created a new folder and file in InDesign and linkedthe logo to it. I used InDesign to make the business card.

  • 8/10/2019 Scott Coad Portfolio




    Camilles Cats555.669.2947

    [email protected]

    450 South Cherry St.

    Seattle WA 89056

  • 8/10/2019 Scott Coad Portfolio


    Letter Head

    Description:Letterhead with a logo I created


    Course/Instructor:Comm 130 Section 08Ben Pingel

    Program(s)/ools:Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesignObjective:Create a professional letter headPractice using InDesign and Illustrator together

    Process:I started by creating a logo that I made in Adobe Illustrator.I then created a new folder and file in InDesign and linkedthe logo to it. I used InDesign to make the stationery.

  • 8/10/2019 Scott Coad Portfolio



    Camilles Cats555.669.2947

    [email protected]

    450 South Cherry St.

    Seattle WA 89056

  • 8/10/2019 Scott Coad Portfolio


    Web Page

    Description:A web page designed to show the logo that I made


    Course/Instructor:Comm 130 Section 08Ben Pingel

    Program(s)/ools:NetBeans, Adobe IllustratorObjective:Experience making a website using HML

    Process:For my text editor I used NetBeans. I have been usingNetBeans and HML for about 2 months now, and Ivebeen coding CSS for even shorter. I used Adobe Illustratorto get the proper # codes that I needed for my colors.

    First I started with just my content like what words wouldbe displayed on the page as well as the image I would use. Ithen made a external stylesheet and linked it to my HML.I used that stylesheet to make some CSS to get my webpage to look the way I wanted it to look. I used colors frommy logo to decide what colors to use for my web page. Iused Adobe Illustrator to create a small patter that wouldbe repeated on my background to get that steal lookingbackground.

  • 8/10/2019 Scott Coad Portfolio


  • 8/10/2019 Scott Coad Portfolio



    Description:Flier for the Graduate Leadership Conference


    Course/Instructor:Comm 130 Section 08Ben Pingel

    Program(s)/ools:Adobe InDesignObjective:Use the basic principles of design to create a flier

    Process:I started out with just a few simple sketches. I decided to gowith the first sketch that I did because it had great flow, andgood use of white space. I used that sketch as a guide while Irecreated it in InDesign.

    After some great critique sessions I decided to tweak it justa little bit. After checking out how it looked on paper Idecided to make it my final submission.

  • 8/10/2019 Scott Coad Portfolio



    Come learn how at Vouant Communications annual Graduate

    Leadership Conference.

    Vouant Communications is devoted to helping tomorrows leaders

    gain essential leadership skills in the workplace. During this

    dynamic three-day seminar, attendees will meet with top executives

    of Vouant Communications to discuss breakthrough leadership

    techniques, while cultivating attributes of leadership that will

    market to any employer.

    Conference is available to graduating seniors. Space is limited.

    Registration and more information available at 21 8 a.m. 5 p.m.Lincoln Convention Center

    Do you want to have the

    competitive edgein business?


  • 8/10/2019 Scott Coad Portfolio


    Photo Design

    Description:A photo design that I created with my own photo


    Course/Instructor:Comm 130 Section 08Ben Pingel

    Program(s)/ools:Camera, Adobe PhotoshopObjective:Experience using my own photo in a project.

    Process:I used my own camera and then uploaded it to mycomputer. I used Photoshop to edit the photo, and then usedPhotoshop to add the designs.

  • 8/10/2019 Scott Coad Portfolio


  • 8/10/2019 Scott Coad Portfolio


    Event Ad

    Description:Flier of a charity dinner


    Course/Instructor:Comm 130 Section 08Ben Pingel

    Program(s)/ools:Microsoft Word, photo scannerObjective:Experience using a scanned photoLearn how to use Microsoft Word to design

    Process:I started out with a picture of my wife(because she lookslike a model) and scanned that onto my computer. I usedMicrosoft Word to do the design process.

  • 8/10/2019 Scott Coad Portfolio



    October 11th@ 5pm

    Rexburg Modeling Center

    Come to support local models.

    All proceeds go towards helpingyoung and beautiful woman wholiterally cant even (LCE).



  • 8/10/2019 Scott Coad Portfolio



    Description:Poster montage of a coastal picture with a picture of theChrist statue in Salt Lake.


    Course/Instructor:Comm 130 Section 08Ben Pingel

    Program(s)/ools:Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign

    Objective:Learn how to create a photo montage

    Process:I started out with the two photos. Te photo of the oceanwas a picture that I took myself. Te other was one that Ifound on the Internet. I only used Photoshop. I started out

    by cropping the beach photo and make sure it followed therule of thirds well. I then placed the Christ picture on top ina way that would also follow the rule of thirds. I did sometouch ups with the beach photo. I then added a layer maskto the Christ photo to make it blend in. Last I added sometext on top of a box. I made the text and box all white anduses different layer settings to make it appear the way it does

  • 8/10/2019 Scott Coad Portfolio


  • 8/10/2019 Scott Coad Portfolio
