scansoft expenses employeegiuide

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  • 8/2/2019 ScanSoft Expenses EmployeeGiuide






    Employee Users Guide

  • 8/2/2019 ScanSoft Expenses EmployeeGiuide




    SSFT International iExpenses Process Overview................................................................................................. 3

    Logging into Oracle Applications.......................................................................................................................... 4

    SSFT iExpenses Basic Navigation......................................................................................................................... 5

    Create New Expense Report................................................................................................................................... 6

    Manager Receives Email Requesting Expense Report Approval .................................................................. 13

    Payables receives the expense report print and the receipts ............................................................................. 14

  • 8/2/2019 ScanSoft Expenses EmployeeGiuide



    SSFT International iExpenses Process Overview

    2.0 SSFT INT iExpenses

    Expenses Entry

    3.0 Create New Expense Report

    4.0 Enter Expense Report

    General Information

    1.0 Login to Oracle Apps

    5.0 Enter Expense ReportDetails.

    Enter Expense Date, Expense Type,


    6.0 Review & Submit

    Expense Report

    Any Mistakes Use Back Buttonto Correct Expense Report Lines.

    Verify Receipt Required Items beforeSubmitting Expense Report

    7.0 Confirm Expense Report

    Print Expense Report.

    Paste Original Expense Receipts and Mail /

    Interoffice Mail Expense Reports toAccounts Payables

    8.0 Manager receives Email for ExpenseReport Approval, If Manager Doesnt have

    enough Approval Limit Expense Report

    goes to Managers Manager for ApprovalAutomatically

    9.0 Accounts Payable Team Reviews,

    Audits and makes Expense Payments afterManagement Approves the Expense Report

  • 8/2/2019 ScanSoft Expenses EmployeeGiuide



    Logging into Oracle Applications

    Step 1: Logon to Oracle Applications using the

    URL: choose Apps Logon Links

    Step2: click on E-Business Home Page to access Oracle Logon screen

    Step3: Enter Username and Password and Click on Connect Button

    Enter User Name LASTNAME_FIRSTNAME (not case sensitive)Enter Password (not case sensitive)

    Note: If you are accessing Oracle for the first time try welcome as the password and you will

    be prompted to change your password.

    Any Login Problems, please [email protected]

  • 8/2/2019 ScanSoft Expenses EmployeeGiuide



    SSFT iExpenses Basic Navigation

    Step1: Click on SSFT Belgium Internet Expenses

    Shows all the available functions under SSFT US iExpenses

    Expenses EntryExpenses SearchExpenses Preferences

    Offline Expenses Download Excel Spreadsheet

    Step2: Click on Function Expenses Entry to start a new expense report

    Click on Expenses Entry Function to View Expense Report(s) Status/Update ExpenseReport(s) in Edit mode/Create a New Expense Report

  • 8/2/2019 ScanSoft Expenses EmployeeGiuide



    Create New Expense Report

    Create New Expense Report

    Step1: Click on Create New Expense Report Button

    Update Expense Report

    Step1: Click on Expense Report number to Edit or Update or Pre-Existing Reports in Edit


  • 8/2/2019 ScanSoft Expenses EmployeeGiuide



    Enter Expense Report Summary / Header

    Step1: Enter Purpose of Expense Report (Combination of Purpose Sales Call, Training,Project Client Visit and Time Period, etc.,)

    Step2: If you have expense reports in foreign currency GBP, USD, SEK , etc., Please check

    the box Includes Foreign currency receipts. Checking this box will allow you enter foreign

    currency receipts.

    Step3: ClickNext to enter Expenses Details

    NOTE : ClickSave to Save your Expense Report to Submit Later. Your Session is Open for30 mins only. Please save the expense report frequently. SAVE will not SUBMIT the

    Expense Report.

  • 8/2/2019 ScanSoft Expenses EmployeeGiuide



    Enter Expense Report Detail.

    Step1: Enter each expense line in detail

    Step2: Enter Expense Item incurred Date.Date format is derived from your personal settings

    Step3: Enter Expense Receipt Amount

    Step4: Pick the Expense Type from the Drop Down List of Values.

    Step5: Enter Justification of the Expense Item

    Step6: Repeat this process from Step1 to Step5 for each expense item in detail

    By pressing the button Oracle will calculate the line and total amount and thecurrency rate which will be used.

    The currency rate is determined from the Corporate exchange rate in Oracle minus a tolerance.

    For Per diem or Mileage receipts please change the Expense Base

  • 8/2/2019 ScanSoft Expenses EmployeeGiuide



    Enter Expense Report Detail for Mileage or Per Diem

    Step1: Change the Expense category to Mileage Expense or Per Diem and click GO

    Step2: Enter the start date.

    Step3: Enter the number of days you have made this tripStep4: Enter the Justification of the trip(s)Step5: Enter the trip distance

    Step6: Click on Calculate Button to find the reimbursable amount (Oracle will calculate the

    Amount based on the number of Kilometers and the fixed amount per kilometer in your

    Organization)Step7: Repeat this process from Step1 to Step5 for each expense item in detail for Each Day

    NOTE : You can enter a combined expense report to include domestic and foreign receipts

    and normal and Mileage or Per Diem expenses

  • 8/2/2019 ScanSoft Expenses EmployeeGiuide



    Review Expense Report

    Step1: Review Expense Report.Step2: Verify for any Corrections. Use the Back button to navigate the expense details page.Step3: Click Submit for Approval by Manager

    The approver can be seen here.

    Next Page is the Confirmation page.

  • 8/2/2019 ScanSoft Expenses EmployeeGiuide



    Expense Report Confirmation

    Step1: Printable Page > to print Expense Report and Attach Receipts needed for Accounts

    Payable Approval (make sure you will change it to make it print in Landscape)Step2: Print Expense Report to attach Expense Receipts and forward to Accounts Payablefor Audit and Payments.

  • 8/2/2019 ScanSoft Expenses EmployeeGiuide



    Searching Expense Reports

    Step1: Search Past Expense Reports by Clicking on Expenses Search Tab

    Step2: Searching with all Blanks, will result in displaying all the expense reports. Here youcan also see the status of the expense report.

  • 8/2/2019 ScanSoft Expenses EmployeeGiuide



    Manager Receives Email Requesting Expense Report Approval

    Step1: Manager receives an email automatically generated by Oracle Internet Expenses,

    Which finds the direct reporting supervisor and sends the emails. Manager after reviewing

    the expense report would Approve or Reject based on company expense guidelines.

  • 8/2/2019 ScanSoft Expenses EmployeeGiuide



    Payables receives the expense report print and the receipts

    When Payables receives the expense report print and the receipts it can check the receipts.Payables can also make adjustments to the expense reports when receipts are missing,

    wrong amounts are filled etc etc. The Employee gets notified when Payables makesadjustment.