saint patrick church – e-bulletin

SAINT PATRICK CHURCH – E-BULLETIN Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time ~July 26, 2020 From the Desk of our Seminarian, Matthew Boni: Dear parishioners, This Sunday, we hear encouraging words from St. Paul’s Letter to the Romans. He says that “all things work for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose.” It might be hard to believe these words. We might wonder how we can say things work out well when nothing ever seems to go as planned. But we have several reasons to be assured that these words are true. These words are part of Scripture, so they are the inspired word of God, and God doesn’t lie. We must also remember that how “well” things turn out is not up to us and our plans, but to God and His plans. If we truly live as those “who are called according to his purpose,” then we will be doing God’s will and God will be pleased even if we ourselves are not satisfied because we did not get the results we expected or we felt that we were not making any difference. Finally, I know these words of St. Paul must be true because I have seen it so often here at St. Patrick’s, even though I have only been here for a short time. There are many examples of how God made many good things happen because of the efforts of people who love him and followed his calling. Several people attended the outdoor Holy Hour that was held two weeks ago in front of the church as an act of reparation for sins against the human person. Thanks to the dedication and prayerfulness of several people, this hour provided many people with the beautiful opportunity to adore Jesus in the Eucharist and be a witness to all those who passed by. Plans for another outdoor Holy Hour are starting to come together. Last week, the parish held a Bible Camp for kids and adults with special needs. Thanks to the hard work of several dedicated volunteers, the camp was a success, and it was so great to see how all the participants learned more about God and were so joyful and energized at the end of the week. I have also seen the eagerness that the youth and young adult groups have to serve their parish and the creative ideas they are always thinking of to help their peers grow in holiness and serve God. Their ideas have included Bible studies, community faith sharing, and a parish “clean-up day.” God is also making things work for good through the volunteers who work with Project Emmanuel, those who lead the Charismatic prayer groups, and all those who contribute to the mission of St. Patrick’s Academy. All of these are just a few examples of how someone or a group of people who sincerely love God felt a calling in their heart and followed it. Then, God made so many positive things happen. The people of St. Patrick’s certainly love God and are called according to his purpose. And I am certainly convinced more than ever that “all things work for good for those who love God, who are called are called according to his purpose.” Keep up the good work! God Bless you – Matthew Boni MASS & CONFESSION SCHEDULE Weekend: Saturday: 4:00 pm English 6:00 pm- Spanish Sunday : 7:30 am 9:30 am English & ASL MASS 12:15 pm & 5:30 pm- Spanish Weekdays: Monday, Tuesday & Thursday 5:30pm- English Wednesday & Friday 6:30pm – Spanish Sacrament of Reconciliation (confession) Wednesday: 5 pm -6:15pm Saturday: 2:30pm-3:30pm ADORATION CHAPEL OPEN 24 HOURS Limited to 4 people at a time If you are interested in serving as an usher, Project Emmanuel or any other ministry…please see Tom Oliveira or Evelyn Granados, after any English Mass

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SAINT PATRICK CHURCH – E-BULLETIN Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time ~July 26, 2020

From the Desk of our Seminarian, Matthew Boni:

Dear parishioners, This Sunday, we hear

encouraging words from St. Paul’s Letter to the Romans. He says that “all things work for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose.” It might be hard to believe these words. We might wonder how we can say things work out well when nothing ever seems to go as planned. But we have several reasons to be assured that these words are true. These words are part of Scripture, so they are the inspired word of God, and God doesn’t lie. We must also remember that how “well” things turn out is not up to us and our plans, but to God and His plans. If we truly live as those “who are called according to his purpose,” then we will be doing God’s will and God will be pleased even if we ourselves are not satisfied because we did not get the results we expected or we felt that we were not making any difference. Finally, I know these words of St. Paul must be true because I have seen it so often here at St. Patrick’s, even though I have only been here for a short time. There are many examples of how God made many good things happen because of the efforts of people who love him and followed his calling. Several people attended the outdoor Holy Hour that was held two weeks ago in front of the church as an act of reparation for sins against the human person. Thanks to the dedication and prayerfulness of several people, this hour provided many people with the beautiful opportunity to adore Jesus in the Eucharist and be a witness to all those who passed by. Plans for another outdoor Holy

Hour are starting to come together. Last week, the parish held a Bible Camp for kids and adults with special needs. Thanks to the hard work of several dedicated volunteers, the camp was a success, and it was so great to see how all the participants learned more about God and were so joyful and energized at the end of the week. I have also seen the eagerness that the youth and young adult groups have to serve their parish and the creative ideas they are always thinking of to help their peers grow in holiness and serve God. Their ideas have included Bible studies, community faith sharing, and a parish “clean-up day.” God is also making things work for good through the volunteers who work with Project Emmanuel, those who lead the Charismatic prayer groups, and all those who contribute to the mission of St. Patrick’s Academy. All of these are just a few examples of how someone or a group of people who sincerely love God felt a calling in their heart and followed it. Then, God made so many positive things happen. The people of St. Patrick’s certainly love God and are called according to his purpose. And I am certainly convinced more than ever that “all things work for good for those who love God, who are called are called according to his purpose.” Keep up the good work! God Bless you – Matthew Boni



Saturday: 4:00 pm English 6:00 pm- Spanish Sunday : 7:30 am

9:30 am English & ASL MASS 12:15 pm & 5:30 pm- Spanish


Monday, Tuesday & Thursday 5:30pm- English Wednesday & Friday 6:30pm – Spanish

Sacrament of Reconciliation


Wednesday: 5 pm -6:15pm Saturday: 2:30pm-3:30pm



Limited to 4 people at a time

If you are interested in serving as an usher, Project Emmanuel or any other ministry…please see

Tom Oliveira or Evelyn Granados, after any English Mass




Queridos feligreses,

Este Domingo, escuchamos palabras animadas de la Carta de San Pablo a los Romanos. Dice que “a los que aman a Dios todo les sirve para el bien; a los cuales ha llamado conforme a su designio.” Puede ser difícil creer estas palabras. Podríamos preguntarnos cómo podemos decir que las cosas funcionaran bien cuando nada parece salir según lo planeado. Pero tenemos varias razones para estar seguros de que estas palabras son ciertas. Estas palabras son parte de las Escrituras, por lo que son la palabra inspirada de Dios, y Dios nunca miente. También debemos recordar, “que tan bien” salgan los resultados de las cosas no depende de nosotros y de nuestros planes, sino de Dios y sus planes. Si verdaderamente vivimos como los que Dios “ha llamado conforme a su designio,” entonces estaremos haciendo la voluntad de Dios y Dios se alegrará incluso si nosotros mismos no estamos satisfechos porque no vimos los resultados que esperábamos o si sentimos que no estábamos haciendo ninguna diferencia. Finalmente, yo sé que estas palabras de San Pablo deben ser ciertas porque lo he visto tan frecuentemente aquí en San Patricio, aunque he estado aquí por solo un poco tiempo. Hay varios ejemplos de cómo Dios hizo pasar muchas cosas buenas debido a los esfuerzos de personas que lo aman y siguieron su llamado. Varias personas asistieron la Hora Santa al aire libre que fue hecha hace dos semanas enfrente de la iglesia, como un acto de reparación por los pecados contra el ser humano. Gracias a la dedicación y oración de varias personas, esta hora le dio a muchos la bella oportunidad de adorar a Jesús en la Eucaristía y ser un testigo para todos los que

pasaban por ahí. Planes para otra Hora Santa al aire libre ya están siendo organizados. La semana pasada, la parroquia organizó un Campamento Bíblico para niños y adultos con necesidades especiales. Gracias al trabajo duro de muchos voluntarios dedicados, el campamento fue un éxito, y era tan bueno ver como todos los participantes aprendieron más sobre Dios y estaban alegres y vigorizados al final de la semana. También he visto el entusiasmo que tienen los grupos de jóvenes y jóvenes adultos por servir su parroquia y las ideas que ellos siempre están generando para servir a Dios y ayudar a sus compañeros crecer en la santidad. Sus ideas han incluido estudios bíblicos, compartiendo testimonios de fe en comunidad, y un día para limpiar el ambiente de la parroquia. Dios también está haciendo que todo sirva para el bien por medio de los voluntarios que trabajan con Proyecto Emanuel, los que guían los grupos de oración carismáticos, y todos los que contribuyen a la misión de la Academia de San Patricio. Todos estos son solamente pocos ejemplos de cómo alguien o un grupo de personas, quien ama a Dios sinceramente sintió un llamado en su corazón y lo siguió. Luego, Dios hizo suceder muchas cosas positivas. La gente de la parroquia de San Patricio ciertamente ama a Dios y ha sido llamada conforme a su designio. Y estoy convencido más que nunca que “a los que aman a Dios todo les sirve para el bien.” Dios les bendiga, Mateo Boni


Fin de Semana:

Sábado: 4:00 pm Ingles 6:00 pm- Español Domingo : 7:30 am & 9:30 am - Ingles 12:15 pm & 5:30 pm- Español

Misa Diarias: Lunes, Martes & Jueves 5:30pm- Ingles Miércoles & Viernes 6:30pm – Español

Sacramento de Reconciliación


Miércoles: 5 pm -6:15pm Sábado: 2:30pm-3:30pm

Capilla de Adoración:

Abierta 24 horas

Limitado a 4 personas a la vez


Si está interesado en servir como Ujier o en el Proyecto Emmanuel favor de comunicarse con Alba Chávez,

Lucia Sanchez o Nancy Luna después de Misa


At St. Patrick Church as Missionary Disciples,

we are promoting full and active participation of Deaf and

Hard of hearing Catholics in Rhode Island. Everyone is

welcome to our 9:30am Mass, ASL Interpreted, in person and


Congratulations to Our Children who will be receiving their

1st Communion and Baptism in the next two weekends! Felicitaciones a todos nuestros niños que van a recibir su 1ra Comunión

en los próximos Fin de Semanas

If you are planning to register your child for upcoming CCD classes, please download the application

and get additional details in our website in the E-Bulletin page, the link is below.

Si usted está interesado en registrar a su Hijo o Hija para las clases de catecismo del próximo año,

Favor de imprimir la registración y seguir los detalles en nuestro website en la página del E- Bulletin

Bringing God’s message through ASL Interpreted Mass, so that we may all be one in Christ!

Above- 9:30 am Mass, ASL

Interpreted at St. Patrick Church,

celebrated by Fr. James Ruggieri.

Saturday July 25th

Juliana Aguilar

Alexander Bermudes

Christopher Cordova

Ashley Tordoya

Kayleen Tordoya

Emiliana Carrera

Matteo Carrera

Angelina Martinez

Jorge Martinez

Arianne Ramirez

Emanuel Ramirez

Saturday August 1st

Yeimi Cante

Kenin Cruz

Joshua Mesick

Lilliana De Souza

Sebastián A Sanchez

Ismael De La Cruz

Christopher Catalan

Liam Connelly

Daniel Sanguino

En la Iglesia de San Patricio como discípulos

misioneros, estamos promoviendo la participación plena y

activa de los Católicos Sordos y con Dificultades Auditivas en

Rhode Island. Todos son bienvenidos a nuestra misa de las

9:30 am, con Interpretación ASL, en persona o en vivo -

virtualmente en:


Readings of the Day/Lecturas del Dia

Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Gospel MT 13:44-52

Jesus said to his disciples: “The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure buried in a field, which a person finds and hides again, and out of joy goes and sells all that he has and buys that field. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant searching for fine pearls. When he finds a pearl of great price, he goes and sells all that he has and buys it. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a net thrown into the sea, which collects fish of every kind. When it is full they haul it ashore and sit down to put what is good into buckets. What is bad they throw away. Thus it will be at the end of the age. The angels will go out and separate the wicked from the righteous and throw them into the fiery furnace, where there will be wailing and grinding of teeth. “Do you understand all these things?” They answered, “Yes. “And he replied, “Then every scribe who has been instructed in the kingdom of heaven is like the head of a household who brings from his storeroom both the new and the old.”

XVII Domingo En Tiempo Ordinario


Mt 13, 44-52

En aquel tiempo, Jesús dijo a sus discípulos: “El Reino de los cielos se parece a un tesoro escondido en un campo. El que lo encuentra lo vuelve a esconder,

y lleno de alegría, va y vende cuanto tiene y compra aquel campo. El Reino de los cielos se parece también a un comerciante en perlas finas que, al encontrar una perla muy valiosa, va y vende cuanto tiene y la compra. También se parece el Reino de los cielos a la red que los pescadores echan en el mar y recoge toda clase de peces. Cuando se llena la red, los pescadores la sacan a la playa y se sientan a escoger los pescados; ponen los buenos en canastos y tiran los malos. Lo mismo sucederá al final de los tiempos: vendrán los ángeles, separarán a los malos de los buenos y los arrojarán al horno encendido. Allí será el llanto y la desesperación. ¿Han entendido todo esto?’’ Ellos le contestaron: “Sí”. Entonces él les dijo: “Por eso, todo escriba instruido en las cosas del Reino de los cielos es semejante al padre de familia, que va sacando de su tesoro cosas nuevas y cosas antiguas”.

Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time ~July 26, 2020 ~ July 25 Sat 4:00 pm Memorial Mass, John Oliveira July 25 Sat 6:00 pm Spanish Mass July 26 Sun 7:30 am For the People of the Parish July 26 Sun 9:30 am Intention of Linda Dorry July 26 Sun 9:30 am Memorial Mass, Sister Fran Conway July 26 Sun 9:30 am Memorial Mass, Brian Sunty July 26 Sun 12:15 pm Spanish Mass July 26 Sun 5:30 pm Spanish Mass July 27 Mon 5:30 pm Memorial Mass, Mike Oliveira July 28 Tue 5:30 pm Private Intention July 29 Wed 6:30 pm Spanish Mass July 30 Thu 5:30 pm Mem. Mass, 3rd Year Anniv.

Kerrie Gaynor July 31 Fri 6:30 pm Spanish Mass Aug 01 Sat 4:00 pm Memorial Mass, 8th Year Anniv.

Damien Colon Aug 01 Sat 6:00 pm Spanish Mass Aug 02 Sun 7:30 am For the People of the Parish Aug 02 Sun 9:30 am Memorial Mass, Normand MacLure Aug 02 Sun 9:30 am Memorial Mass, Albert MacLure Aug 02 Sun 9:30 am Memorial Mass, 1st year Anniv.

Lori Ann Frechette Aug 02 Sun 12:15 pm Spanish Mass Aug 02 Sun 5:30 pm Spanish Mass

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From Fr. Nick…


The local pastor attended a men’s breakfast in the middle of a rural farming area of the country. In

keeping with the custom, the host farmer was invited to say grace.

“Lord, I hate buttermilk,” the farmer began. The visiting pastor opened one eye to glance at the farmer

and wondered where this was going.

The farmer loudly proclaimed, “Lord, I hate lard.” Now the pastor was really concerned.

Without missing a beat, the farmer continued, “And Lord, you know I don’t care much for raw white

flower.” The pastor again opened an eye to glance around the room and noticed immediately that he

wasn’t the only one who was feeling uncomfortable.

Then the farmer added, “But Lord, when you mix them all together and bake them, I do love the fresh

warm biscuits that result. So, Lord, when things come up that we don’t like, when life gets hard,

when we don’t understand what you’re saying to us, help us to just relax and wait until you’re done

mixing. It will probably be even better than biscuits. Amen!”

With that prayer, there is great wisdom for all when it comes to the complicated situations like we

are experiencing in the world today. Stay strong, friend, because the Lord is mixing several things

that we don’t really care for. But something even better is going to come when He is done with it.

Great News - Worldwide Marriage Encounter has gone "Virtual"!

To support married couples during this time of social distancing, Worldwide Marriage Encounter is sponsoring a virtual marriage experience called Restore – Rekindle – Renew. This Enrichment Experience will meet via Zoom for seven sessions on Monday evenings September 14 to October 26 from 7-9:30 PM.

Couples will explore their individual personality styles, improve listening and communication skills, understand God’s plan for their marriage, and learn how to keep their relationship a priority. Registration is limited and a $50 application fee is required. For more information or to apply, call Stephen & Michelle O'Leary at 800-710-9963 or visit them at

Volunteer opportunity for women and men

Ignatian Volunteer Corps (IVC) New England, a yearlong volunteer opportunity for women and men 50

years of age and better, is recruiting volunteers for the upcoming (September to June)

year. Volunteers give two full days/week of service and commit to a monthly spiritual reflection program

in the Jesuit tradition. IVC works with nonprofits in the Boston/Worcester/Providence areas that

address problems of homelessness, education, immigration and more. Get info and application by

contacting regional director Dave Hinchen: [email protected], or check out the IVC New

England website