s-ge the branch overview on sustainable tourism in peru


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The Branch Overview on Sustainable Tourism in Peru provides tourism business partners with suitable and unique products from Peru


Page 1: S-GE The Branch Overview on Sustainable Tourism in Peru

partnerofficial programme

Branch Overview

SuStainable touriSm in Peru

Page 2: S-GE The Branch Overview on Sustainable Tourism in Peru

from the alpes to the andesthe andes, which originate in Patagonia and

extend over seven thousand kilometers in South

america, have shaped a variety of landscapes,

peoples and cultures.

Amidst the Andes, Peru is the repository of immeasurable wealth, both tangible and intangible. Icons and “Unique Selling Positions” are Machu Picchu and the mystical city of Cusco, the birthplace of the Inca Empire. But the country offers a lot more to visitors. Our vision is to expand tourism destinations in Peru beyond Machu Picchu to give greater value to the country‘s rich cultural heritage, its abundant biodi-versity and world-class gastronomy.

The presence of Switzerland in Peru has a lot of tradition. Particu-larly the pioneering role of many Swiss hotel entrepreneurs has been important in the development of the local tourism sector. Against this historical background, the Swiss State Secretary for Economic Affairs SECO has been supporting sustainable tourism in Peru since 2003, together with two strategic Swiss partners. In cooperation with Swiss-contact, SECO promotes the concept of Destination Management Organisations (DMOs), which represents a dynamic platform where public and private actors jointly position their regional tourist destina-tions in the international market. This project has led to the establish-ment of six DMOs in Southern Peru as well as one covering the north of the country.

SECO is also financing the Swiss Import Promotion Programme SIPPO from Switzerland Global Enterprise. SIPPO assists innovative SMEs with a clear focus on quality and sustainability in their efforts to mar-ket their touristic offers in Europe. The Branch Overview on Sustain-able Tourism in Peru is a useful milestone in these efforts, providing Swiss tourism business partners and consumers with suitable and unique products in Peru.

I wish all readers of the Branch Overview a successful reading and can promise them that SECO will continue to work towards the growth of tourism in Peru for the benefit of both the Peruvian and the Swiss tour-ism sectors.

Hans-Ruedi BortisAmbassadorSwiss Embassy in Peru

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contact Are you looking for suppliers? For more information, please visit our website at www.switzerland-ge.com/tourism, write to us at [email protected] or call +41 44 365 51 51

SwiSScontact Jr. Juan Dellepiani 585Lima 27, PeruPhone +51 1 264 58 64Fax +51 1 264 32 [email protected]

official programme about uSThe Swiss Import Promotion Programme (SIPPO) is part of Switzerland Global Enterprise, the official organisation for internationalisation. We work on behalf of SECO (Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs) to support SMEs from selected partner countries, facilitating market access and opening up new business opportunities in Switzerland and the European Union. In this way, we help to strengthen the competi-tiveness of the companies concerned and foster cooperation and trade relations between Switzerland, the EU and the partner countries. Im-porters in Switzerland and Europe benefit from contacts with reliable suppliers in the partner countries.

our PrinciPal goalS are: • To establish qualified trade contacts between the Swiss and Euro-

pean import economy and SMEs from partner countries • To promote innovative products with high potential on the Swiss

and European markets • To keep the Swiss and European import economy informed of new

market sources • To enhance the competitiveness of Swiss and European importers

through better sourcing opportunities • To strengthen trade institutions and business sector organisations

in partner countries in the trade promotion process in order to facilitate trade for importing companies

Swisscontact seeks to contribute to a better quality of life for people, and the reduction of poverty. To this end, its principles of involvement are: strengthening private business, generating support networks with local partners, encouraging opportunities for men and women, and advocating for the protection of the environment.

In Peru, tourism represents an important source of foreign currency income and is considered one of the sectors with greatest growth po-tential due to the diversity and richness of the cultural, archaeological and natural resources, which form the national heritage. The challenge of sustainable tourism development involves the generation of positive social and environmental impacts, equitable distribution of income and revaluation of natural, social and cultural resources as an integral part of the tourism products offer.

Swisscontact is implementing different projects related to sustainable tourism development such as Destinos del Perú. Destinos del Perú, is an initiative supported by the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO of the Swiss Confederation, in partnership with the Peruvian Government: the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism (MINCETUR) and the Commission for the Promotion of Peru on Export and Tour-ism (Prom Peru). The project, implemented by Swisscontact, aims to achieve sustainable and efficient management of tourist destinations, promoting the institutionalisation of Destination Management Or-ganisations (DMOs) as agencies that foster and work on public-private partnership.

Destinos del Perú has played a core role in the creation of seven DMOs in Peru: Apurímac, Arequipa, Cusco, Moquegua, Puno and Tacna, set in the South; and the macro – DMO Noramazónica, which has been work-ing in eight regions based in the northern Amazon region.

SwisscontactSwisscontact, the organization of the Swiss

private sector for development cooperation, is

a non-governmental, politically and denomina-

tionally neutral organisation founded in 1959

by members of the Swiss private business and

university sectors.

Page 4: S-GE The Branch Overview on Sustainable Tourism in Peru

aPtae Asociación Peruana de Turismo de Aventura y EcoturismoCalle San Fernando 287, MirafloresLima 18, PeruPhone +51 1 444 18 [email protected]

PromPeru Calle Uno Oeste 50, Edificio MINCETURPisos 13 y 14, San IsidroLima, Peru Phone +51 1 616 73 00 Fax +51 1 225 11 [email protected] www.peru.info

aptaethe Peruvian adventure travel ecotourism and

Specialised tourism association (aPtae) is

a non-profit organisation created in 1983 to

strengthen the presence of adventure travel,

ecotourism and other forms of specialised tour-

ism in Peru; therefore having a say about the

existing regulations and promotional efforts

related to these activities.

Its main objective is to promote responsible and sustainable adventure travel, ecotourism and specialised tourism in Peru. All of its members have signed, and are committed to its code of ethics, thus advocating the protection of natural, social, and cultural resources. High-quality service and safety standards are also very important to the partners, and they ensure compliance of their associates’ high standards through educational and certification programmes in co-ordination with Rain-forest Alliance.

tHe aSSociateS oF aPtaeAlthough APTAE do not represent all of the companies that offer ad-venture travel and ecotourism in Peru, its associates and their associ-ates’ clients are leaders in these fields. It is are proud to bring together pioneers, who project their clear understanding of quality service and social and environmental responsibility, through their daily activities and innovative programmes.

wHat aPtae oFFerSAPTAE works alongside the government to establish and improve regu-lations. This will ensure safety and quality and will set the criteria for proper investigation about the economic impacts, safety, infrastruc-ture, market requirements, route coordination and improvements in products and services.

APTAE is an institutional associate of the Adventure Travel and Trade Association (ATTA) and it participates regularly in Adventure Travel World Summits. It is affiliated with the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC), and is also a member of CANATUR (Cámara Nacional de Turismo).

This concept is not just one of interest for governments and tourism sector stakeholders, but also for tourists who are actively demanding destinations and services that adhere to the principles of sustainable tourism by promoting local hiring and preventing environmental harm resulting from tourist activities.

Peru’s Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism – MINCETUR, of which PromPeru is part of – has taken steps to encourage real sustainable tourism in Peru with the purpose of integrating communities into tourism sector activities, so they can benefit from them in the form of economic development and the dissemination and conservation of their cultural expressions.

It must be emphasised that the success of this initiative requires the joint effort of public and private institutions, as well as the authorities in each community. Through those partnerships, secure investors look-ing for environmental conservation in natural and cultural heritage areas, will be found.

Some of the 2013 MINCETUR projects include environmental manage-ment training sessions for regional and local government officials, with the objective of promoting protected natural areas as tourism desti-nations and encouraging the preservation of the biological diversity found within them.

Furthermore, it is important to stress that the promotion of Peru, carried out by PromPeru, requires essential tools in order to build an image of the country as a sustainable destination. Meeting the de-mands of today’s tourists is more than a differentiating factor – it is an imperative!

Sustainable tourism in peruSustainable tourism is a concept that has taken

on increasing importance over the past few de-

cades. it is defined as “activities that can be

maintained over time without depleting the re-

source base that makes them possible” and

seeks to generate activities that respect nature,

culture, and society.

Page 5: S-GE The Branch Overview on Sustainable Tourism in Peru

All companies included in this Branch Overview have taken part in a pioneering, participative and transparent benchmarking effort. The companies’ selection process has involved the following steps:

1. Designing and applying a checklist that includes the main axes of sustainability. The design was the result of a participatory workshop with a group of selected SIPPO partner companies. Its application took place through a self-evaluation online survey.

2. Verifying and assessing the companies aspiring to be part of the new Branch Overview version. This process was based on a scor-ing system, devised with the help of an Advisory Team of experts in order to ensure its objectivity.

3. Formulating a set of practical and easily understandable guidelines, taking into consideration the situation of Peruvian SMEs and the reality of tourism in Peru.

The checklist considers the same seven axes of sustainability included in ISO 26000: the environment, organizational governance, human rights, labour practices, fair operating practices, consumer issues, ac-tive involvement and community development.

Companies were graded according to Travelife’s certification system, with the necessary adjustments. Travelife is a training, management and certification initiative for tourism companies’ committed to reach sustainability.

Three categories were identified: • 1 Planet Earth : for companies that have taken the first step: they

abide by the law and have started implementing measures concern-ing environmental and social responsibility.

• 2 Planets Earth : for companies that have already established a formal sustainability policy, which is implemented by all staff members (from the higher management to unskilled help).

• 3 Planets Earth : for companies with an exemplary record: they are proactive, innovative and committed to the local community.

SIPPO does not aim to certify the companies nor provide any certifica-tion seals. Apart from promoting selected companies on the European market, SIPPO offers motivating tools designed to measure and grade each company’s progress with regard to sustainability, and to promote the exchange of lessons learned and experiences among them.

Selection process Branch overview the objective of this publication is to promote

Peruvian companies committed to fair and sus-

tainable tourism practices. many of the Smes

published in this branch overview are SiPPo

partner companies which are participating in

the 3-years SiPPo program with the goal of suc-

cessfully entering new markets in europe.

Page 6: S-GE The Branch Overview on Sustainable Tourism in Peru




ica ayacUcHo



San martin

la liBertad











madre de dioS







lima Huancayo





puerto maldonado




01 paseos amazonicos jungle lodges02 Hatuchay Hotels pacaya Samiria amazon lodge03 muyuna lodge04 amazon explorama lodges

tour oPerator

05 amazon river expeditionsngoS and community baSed touriSm

06 Upc yarina


07 la posada de los tumpis08 amotape inka`s resort

amazonaStour oPerator

09 chachapoyas expedition10 cloudforest expeditions


11 Hotel & Spa laguna Secatour oPerator

12 cajamarca travel

lambayeque13 dmo noramazonica


14 chaparrí ecolodge15 los Horcones de túcume

ngoS and community baSed touriSm

16 caritas del perú – rutas del norte


17 andino club Hotel & turismo andino tour operator18 the lazy dog inn

ngoS and community baSed touriSm

19 ctB cuyaqui Wayi vicos

limatour oPerator

20 Kolibri expeditions21 Small group adventures22 tucano perú23 rutas del perú24 responsible travel peru25 peruvian Soul26 tarikapuy expediciones


27 fundo San jose


28 Wasipunko lodge29 Hotel majoro

cuSco30 dmo cusco


31 inkaterra machu picchu pueblo Hotel32 la casa de fray Bartolomé33 andean lodges34 Hatuchay Hotel machu picchu35 mountain lodges of peru36 Sol & luna lodge Spa37 Sumaq machu picchu Hotel

tour oPerator

38 andean origins39 apumayo expediciones40 crees tours41 ecoinka42 enigma adventure tour operator43 explorandes44 Wayki trek

madre de dioSaccomodation

45 explorer’s inn46 inkaterra reserva amazonica

tour oPerator

47 inka natura travel48 rainforest expeditions

arequiPa49 dmo arequipa


50 las casitas del colca51 Kuntur Wassi Hotel52 Killawasi lodge

tour oPerator

53 giardino tour operatorngoS and community baSed touriSm

54 grupo gea55 aSetUr Sibayo

Puno56 dmo puno


57 casa andina private collection – isla Suasitour oPerator

58 all Ways travel59 Hotel titilaka – andean experience

ngoS and community baSed touriSm

60 cedeSoS - centro para el desarrollo Sostenible


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PoPulation891 732

area368 852 km²

climatethe weather in iquitos is hot and rainy all year long. the average annual maximum temperature is 31°c (88°f) and the minimum is 21°c (70°f). the dry season (july – november) and the flood season (december – july) feature particular differences in the plant and animal life as well as in the climate.

altitudeiquitos 104 masl

languagemainly Spanish

gaStronomypatarashca: baked river fish inside banana leaves

juane: wrapped rice with vegetables inside banana leaves

cecina: dried and salted beef or pork

exotic fruit juices made with caram-bola, cocona, camu camu, etc.

and its nature’s worldwide wonder: the amazonas riverloreto is the largest yet least populated depart-

ment in Peru. it is covered by dense vegetation

and by primary and secondary jungle with low

hills and slightly rolling landscape, crisscrossed

by the many rivers of the amazon river basin.

linked to the outside world by air and by river,

the capital city iquitos is the world’s largest city

that cannot be reached by road.

deStination HigHligHtS

CultureLa Casa de Fierro (The Iron House)This is a large iron residence built during the rubber boom at the end of the 19th century. The property was designed by Gustave Eiffel.

Nature Pacaya Samiria National Reserve Pacaya Samiria National Reserve – the land of lakes and pink dolphins – is a paradise for nature lovers. Because of its size, it is considered the most important protected natural area in Peru and is home to numer-ous plant and animal species, many of them in danger of extinction. Enjoy a luxury cruise along the Amazon river.Taricaya’s release into the wildLearn about the repopulation and release of river baby turtles called “Taricayas” to their natural habitat. Activity is temporal from October to November and takes place in Buenos Aires and Yarina; towns inside in the Pacaya Samiria National Reserve.Quistococha A beautiful lake with a wonderful white-sand beach, around a botani-cal garden and a zoo.

Adventure Sport and artisanal fishing Fishing along the Amazonia river side and nearby lakesAmazon Canopy WalkwayWalk by the tree tops of the Peruvian Amazonia in a private reserve of primary forest around 80 km from Iquitos.

loreto SPecial inFormation•  yellow fever vaccination•  there is no overland access to iquitos

web linkSwww.peru.travel/loreto

acceSSBy plane: from lima to iquitos:4 regular daily flights/ca. 1 h 45 min



01 paseos amazonicos jungle lodges02 Hatuchay Hotels pacaya Samiria amazon lodge03 muyuna lodge04 amazon explorama lodges

tour oPerator

05 amazon river expeditionsngoS and community baSed touriSm

06 Upc yarina







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nameHatuchay Hotels pacaya Samiria amazon lodge

addreSSjose pardo 601, of. 602 lima 18, peru

PHone+51 1 446 27 39

Fax+51 1 446 57 76

[email protected]


contactrosanna zumba

SuStainability rating


namepaseos amazonicos jungle lodges

addreSSBajada Balta 131-204, mirafloreslima 18, peru

PHone+51 1 241 75 76+51 1 241 76 14

Fax+51 1 446 79 46

[email protected]@[email protected]


contactdanilo peña

SuStainability rating

Site & SurroundingThe lodge is located in the buffer zone of the Pacaya Samiria National Reserve, which is recognised as a Natural Wonder of the World. This tropical rainforest area is one of the most biologically wealthy areas in the world.

accommodationThere are eight cabins designed with private bathrooms and wide rooms. There are also public areas such as a club-house, dining room, bar, terraces, hammock room and a special private area for special services, and private rest rooms for men and women.

excurSionS & activitieSEcotourism activities include visits to the Rescue Center of the local Manatee, while observing the birth place of the Amazon River, as well as being able to observe the regional animals and plants such as birds, sloths, monkeys, reptiles, and the infamous Pink and Gray Dol-phins. Guests will also learn about the work of local communities in conservation projects.

SuStainability aSPectSThrough the tour packages, guests will have the opportunity to learn more about the Pacaya Samiria National Reserve. The responsible use of natural resources assures the future security of the rainforest and helps local people to enhance their living conditions – most important-ly to value their culture encouraging them to feel a sense of pride.As an example, there is an association of artisans from the community of San Jorge called Pua Kamatawara who are also helping to rescue the Kukama Kukamiria language and are teaching them the value of their ancient culture.

Hatuchay Hotels pacaya Samiria amazon lodgePacaya Samiria amazon lodge is a jungle hotel

situated in an excellent location for enjoying the

surrounding nature, providing an unforgettable

experience. they have a concession for ecotour-

ism, committed to care, protect and leverage natu-

ral resources of the area, in a responsible way.


paseos amazonicos jungle lodgesPaseos amazónicos, one of Peru’s leading jungle

tour operators, has over 35 years of experience

in ecotourism.

Site & SurroundingTheir three jungle lodges are located on the banks of Amazon river tributaries: • Amazonas Sinchicuy (Sinchicuy Creek): 30 km from Iquitos; near an

ancient tribal Yagua group settlement. • Tambo Yanayacu (Lake Falcon): 60 km from Iquitos; flood jungle area. • Tambo Amazónico (Yarapa River): 100 km from Iquitos; in the buffer

zone of the Pacaya Samiria Reserve.

accommodationThe Amazonas Sinchicuy can accommodate 60 guests. Natural mate-rials were used in building the local-style, thatched roof facility. The Tambo Yanayacu has been designed to accommodate 20 guests. The Tambo Amazónico stands out for its setting in the midst of pristine natural surroundings. It’s simple shared rooms can accommodate 16 guests. All three lodges have spacious dining areas.

excurSionS & activitieS • Visits to riverside and tribal group communities, jungle trail hikes

and canoe rides for wildlife spotting • Piranha fishing, birding, pink dolphin, caiman spotting • Shamanic rituals, medicinal plant reconnaissance • Reforestation and wildlife preservation projects • Deep forest expeditions with overnight camping

SuStainability aSPectSPaseos Amazónicos is committed to limiting the negative impact in the natural environment, supporting conservation and providing benefits for local communities: • Lighting by kerosene lamps. Electricity is generated to refrigerate

food and recharge batteries. • Solid waste and waste water disposal procedures are in place. • Most staff is recruited from neighboring communities. • Food and other goods are purchased from local suppliers. • Local communities receive assistance for their projects

(e.g. potable water, medicine donations). • The local population, staff and guests are trained in sustainability



01 02

Page 9: S-GE The Branch Overview on Sustainable Tourism in Peru


nameamazon explorama lodges

addreSSav. la marina 340iquitos, peru

PHone+51 65 252 530

Fax+51 65 252 533

[email protected]@explorama.com


contactjaime acevedo

SuStainability rating


namemuyuna lodge

addreSSputumayo 163, primer pisoiquitos, peru

PHone+51 65 242 858

[email protected]


contactrocio magallanes

SuStainability rating

amazon explorama lodgesamazon explorama lodges has experienced

48 successful years of operating lodges in over

3,000 hectares of privately protected amazon

rainforest reserves, with one of the world’s

longest canopy walkways. accommodations

range from rustic to comfortable, allowing a

variety of choices for guests.

Site & SurroundingSThe Amazon & Napo Rivers plus the fabulous rainforest reserves sur-rounding the lodges make perfect destinations for nature lovers who wish to experience all that the area has to offer, but want to leave as little impact as possible in the process. The sights, sounds and aromas from the forest and the flavours of the local and international selec-tions at meals, makes this a life-time experience.

accommodation • Ceiba Tops on the Amazon River (200 hectares private reserve), has

rooms equipped with air conditioning, beautiful gardens, swim-ming pool and waterslide.

• Explorama Lodge on Yanamono creek, (300 hectares private reserve) next to the Yagua native settlement, has palm thatched roof build-ings with private bathrooms.

• ExplorNapo Lodge is 90 km down the Amazon and 70 km up the Napo River on the Sucusari creek, (3000 hectare private reserve), adjoining the Maijuna native reserve and settlement. It is only a 45 minute walk from Explorama’s Canopy Walkway and the ACTS Field Station.

excurSionS & activitieSPiranha fishing, bird watching, jungle walks and boating in search of Pink Dolphins, are just some of the many attractions on offer. Enjoy the ReNuPeRu Botanical Garden attended by two Shaman, visit the Yagua & Maijuna communities and experience the Explorama Canopy Walkway.

SuStainability aSPectSAmazon Explorama Lodges minimises the impact on the environment without forgetting visitors’ comfort. Maijuna neighbours are increasing the size of their reservation, but importantly, are avoiding illegal log-ging. The surrounding villages to the lodges receive benefits from the Adopt-A-School program and the Clean Water program.

muyuna lodgemuyuna lodge, 140 kilometers from iquitos along

the amazon, is a small, secluded rain-forest

lodge with guaranteed observation of monkeys,

birds, sloths, Pink dolphins, fish, caimans, etc.,

in their own habitat. the lodge offers a person-

alised, quality, service that is comparable with

luxury hotels whilst maintaining a respect for the

environment. it maintains a close relationship

with San juan de yanayacu village, which benefits

from the ecotourism.

Site & Surrounding

Muyuna Lodge is located up river, 3 hours from Iquitos by speed boat, in Tamshiyacu Tahuayo Reserve.

accommodationSingle, double, twin, triple or any room that is required. The bungalows are very comfortable, with en-suite bathrooms and terraces facing the river.

excurSionS & activitieSA wide variety of activities can be enjoyed: hiking during the day and at night, fishing for piranhas, swimming in the Amazon River with the pink and grey dolphins, bird watching, canoeing, discovering tropical plants, insects, frogs, caiman spotting at night etc. Go camping for six days and visit the community of San Juan of Yanayacu!

SuStainability aSPectSMuyuna Lodge uses solar panels to provide the energy to the shelter. River water is used to fill up the septic tanks, which is then naturally filtered back into the same river.

loreto loreto

03 04

Page 10: S-GE The Branch Overview on Sustainable Tourism in Peru


nameUpc yarinacorredor rumbo al dorado

addreSSav. participación, cuadra 7, pasaje flor de topamanzana B, lote 13iquitos, peru

PHone+51 65 263 625+51 965 762 730

[email protected]


contacttony laiche fababa

SuStainability rating


nameamazon river expeditions tour operator

addreSScommercial office: las camelias 511 of. 402 San isidrolima 27, peru

PHone+51 1 421 91 95+51 1 442 45 15

Fax+51 1 442 43 38

[email protected]@amazonrex.com


contactadela acosta

SuStainability rating

Upc yarinauPc yarina – corredor rumbo al dorado was

born from rumbo al dorado, a community eco-

tourism venture created upon a conservation

project in the Pacaya Samiria national reserve.

the key aspect of this initiative was ensuring

the involvement of local communities in protec-

tion and control activities inside the reserve,

which enabled the recuperation of populations

of the most endangered fauna and flora spe-

cies and transformed the area into a potential

ecotourism site.

Site & SurroundingPacaya Samiria is a wetland located in the north-eastern Amazon region. It is a Ramsar site of international importance, Peru’s second biggest natural protected area. It shows the most severe history of natural resources’ exploitation, which to date has been significantly addressed thanks to the organization of local people and the increased efforts of national and international institutions.

accommodationThere is a community guesthouse (8 guests) and two bungalows (4 guests each) with surrounding camping areas, located a few minutes’ walk from the community of Yarina. Solar power is used in the kitchen, dining facilities, toilets and showers.

excurSionS & activitieS • Boat expedition along the Yanayacu – Pucate River; • Fishing trips and observation of pink river dolphins • Wildlife viewing, bird watching, guided tours to the primary forests • Night walks or night canoe trips in search of caimans • Visit and interaction with local communities • Participation in community activities for the sustainable manage-

ment of natural resources: management of river turtles, sustainable harvesting of palm trees, fishin

SuStainability aSPectSLocal populations carry out their traditional economic activities like palm harvesting or fishing, while providing tourism services as an additional source of income. This has been complemented with the production and selling of handicrafts made of ivory palm and native plants.

amazon river expeditionsamazon river expeditions is a tour operator in

the amazon river jungle with the widest and

most varied quality tourism programs for indi-

vidual and organized groups who are looking

for a real tourism experience.

Site and SurroundingIquitos city is the gateway to the incomparable and unique Amazon River Rainforest. The area is a paradise of biodiversity that offers visi-tors exciting opportunities to see beautiful and rare wildlife.

accommodationHeliconia Amazon River Lodge is located on the shores of the Amazon River, 80 km away from Iquitos city and close to islands, streams and lagoons full of wildlife.Victoria Regia Hotel and Hotel AcostaThese hotels are located in Iquitos city.Amazon River CruisesAccommodation is available in vessels like, M/F AQUA, M/F ARIA, M/F DELFIN I, DELFIN II and M/F SELVA VIVA

excurSionS & activitieSPrograms from three days/two nights are available, offering oppor-tunities for guests to observe the rich wealth of wildlife. Among the attractions are Pink Dolphins and alligators. Walks through the forest, guarantee sightings of monkeys, sloths, birds, insects and many more. Sport fishing is also available for those who wish. River cruises to the Pacaya Samiria National Reserve – considered the biggest protected natural reserve of Peru – also highlight the beautiful landscapes to be found in the area.

SuStainability aSPectSThe operations of Amazon River Expeditions are developed within the guidelines of sustainable tourism minimising the impacts of our opera-tions in the forests, rivers and creeks of the Jungle.

loreto loreto

05 06

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PoPulation200 396

area4669 km2

climate the sun shines all year round. the ave-rage annual maximum temperature is 26°c (79°f) and the minimum is 19°c (66°f). However, when the el niño phenomenon occurs, the weather can change drastically, causing more rain and higher temperatures, sometimes over 40°c (104°f). the rainy season is from december to march.

altitudetumbes city: 7 masl


gaStronomyceviche: fresh lime-juice marinated fish and shellfish served with a hot pepper sauce, onions, yams, corn on the cob

web linkSwww.peru.travel/tumbes www.tumbes.com

fall in love with peru`s beachesand naturalsurroundingsbeautiful beaches, wide open plains, rolling

hills, and towering mountains make up the

diverse terrain of the department of tumbes

where several eco-systems are located such

as estuaries and mangroves, the dry equato-

rial forest (cerros de amotape national Park)

and the Pacific tropical forest (reserved zone

of tumbes). more than 30% of the territory has

been declared natural protected areas.

deStination HigHligHtS

Nature Cerros de Amotape National Park The Park protects the equatorial dry forest, which gathers together a great biological diversity. Many varieties of orchids, shrubs, thorn trees and animals such as the Spectacled Bear, boa constrictor, the endan-gered American Crocodile, and 111 bird species survive here. Mangroves of Tumbes – National sanctuaryThis ecosystem, particularly rich in wildlife, is home to species like the silky anteater, 100 species of birds, 14 mammal species, 34 crustaceans, dozens of snail species, 24 mollusks with shells, and more than 100 species of fish.The ideal time to visit is during the dry season between April and De-cember.Humpback Whales sightingsA unique experience of being so close to these beautiful marine mam-mals is offered here. Visitors can also enjoy other recreational activities like swimming, snorkelling and spear fishing. From August to OctoberBeachesAll along the coast, there are wide beaches of white sands and warm waters from the tropical seas that reach a temperature of 25°C (77°F). The most popular beaches are Punta Sal, Puerto Pizarro, Zorritos and Máncora.tUmBeS

acceSSBy plane:from lima to tumbes:2 daily flights/1 h 50 minBy bus: from lima to tumbes:daily departures/19 h


07 la posada de los tumpis08 amotape inka`s resort



Page 12: S-GE The Branch Overview on Sustainable Tourism in Peru


nameamotape inka`s resort

addreSSpanamericana norte Km. 228 (antes Km. 1248) zorritostumbes, peru

PHone+51 75 542 385

[email protected]


contactSusana chang fu

SuStainability rating


namela posada de los tumpis

addreSSpanamericana norte Km. 207.5 (antes km. 1227) caleta acapulco, zorritostumbes, peru

PHone+51 994 180 612

[email protected]


contactluis gonzalez

SuStainability rating

amotape inka`s resortamotape inka`s resort is an eco-friendly beach

hotel on one of the most beautiful beaches in

the region of tumbes.

Site & SurroundingAmotape Inka`s Resort is located just a 20-minute drive, south of the city of Tumbes, Peru. Here you can enjoy an everlasting summer, an amaz-ing ocean view, a quiet and relaxing beach, and spectacular sunsets.

accommodationAll rooms offer private terrazzo-patios with tables and umbrellas and all enjoy a perfect view of the Pacific Ocean. They also include two or three double beds, private bathrooms, ceiling fans, satellite TV, and DVD players.

excurSionS & activitieSYou can experience the best of the local and international cuisine at Amotape’s oceanfront restaurant. For outdoor enthusiasts, two swim-ming pools are available; one for adults and one for children. Ham-mocks are also available on the beach along with a campfire area. For those who enjoy relaxing indoors, there is a poolroom, table tennis, board games, and internet access.

SuStainability aSPectS Amotape Inka`s Resort and its surroundings blend with the natural environment. In an effort to keep a balanced and sustainable natural habitat, a private conservation area called “Dry Forest of Amotape,” run by a non-profit association called „Asociacion Bosque Seco Amot-ape“ has been created.Working alongside local authorities and private companies, various projects involving training in environmental issues and best practices for hotels and restaurants are carried out.

la posada de los tumpisla Posada de los tumpis is a boutique hotel with

a charming restaurant on the ocean front in the

north of Peru. there, your dream will come true!

you will have the owners’ personal attention

and they assure you that their gourmet menus

for breakfast, lunch and dinner will spoil you.

they want you to feel like you’re not staying at a

hotel, but sharing their home.

Site & SurroundingLa Posada de los Tumpis is located on a private beach in the northern part of Peru where you can enjoy summer all year long, just one mile away from Caleta Acapulco a small fisherman’s village. The boutique hotel is located only 30 minutes south of the city of Tumbes.

accommodationThere are eight comfortable rooms all with cable-TV, safe-box for valu-ables, hot water, and hammocks. Four of these rooms, the Jr. Suites have air-conditioning. All of their linens are 100% cotton.

excurSionS & activitieSThe hotel provides the most interesting tours to the following: National Park El Santuario, Mangroves in Puerto Pizarro, Mud Thermal Bath of Hervideros, National Forest Park Cerros de Amotape, and Hot Ferrous Thermal Bath El Tubo.

SuStainability aSPectSThe hotel was built using ancient construction methods with local ma-terials. The palm trees and green areas are watered with recycled water using a system devised by the owners, and all organic waste is used for compost. It has established various programs with the women of the neighbouring village to improve the sanitary and health conditions in their homes.


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PoPulation417 508

area39 249 km²

climatethe city of chachapoyas has a tempe-rate climate with rains in the summer months (december-april). the ave-rage annual maximum temperature is 23°c (68°f) and the minimum is 13°c (51°f).

altitudechachapoyas: maximum 3 450 masl

languageSSpanish, quechua

gaStronomycuy con papas: Seasoned, cooked, and fried guinea pig served with a potato stew, toas-ted peanuts, chopped onions and hot peppers.

juanes de yuca: grated and boiled yucca mixed with rice and either chicken or beef jerky; this mixture is wrapped in a banana leaf and steamed

web linkSwww.peru.travel/amazonas www.regionamazonas.gob.pe

ancient cultures and the amazing cloud rainforestthe amazonas region is famous for its cloud

forests, areas with stunning microclimates

whose intense humidity favours the exuberant

growth of plants like orchids and bromeliads

and supports animals like the spectacled bear

and the andean cock of the rock.

deStination HigHligHtS

CultureKuelap Fortress – the Machu Picchu of Northern PeruKuelap is a mystic place and has many ruins and lost citadels (pre-Inca), great panoramas, Inca roads and ecology, no tourist crowds, and perfect temperatures. Leymebamba museumThis features a collection of Chachapoyas culture (pottery, woven capes, stone tools and more than 200 mummies). The museum is sur-rounded by a spectacular orchid garden.

NatureGocta waterfallThis is the 3rd highest waterfall in the world and it is surrounded by a high tropical cloud forest.Birdwatching routesWith more than 1200 species, the North route is home to some of the most sought after Peruvian endemics, such as the Marvelous Spatule-tail and the White-winged Guan.

AdventureGran Vilcaya Trekking – The Inca Trail to Kuelap (4 days/3 nights)This Chachapoya pre-Incan trail is propicious for adventure and eco-tourism hikes, as it is one of the most spectacular routes for experienc-ing extraordinary landscapes, archaeological compounds, sarcopha-gusi, mausolea, villages and typical hamlets, valleys, cloud forests with abundant flora and fauna, all the way to the Fortress of Kuélap.

amazonaSacceSSfrom lima to chachapoyas a bimodal service is required (no direct flights)

alternative 1:from lima to chiclayo (by plane): 5 daily flights/1 hfrom chiclayo to chachapoyas (by bus): 7 daily departures/9 h

alternative 2:from lima to cajamarca (by plane): 4 daily flights/1 h 20 minfrom cajamarca to chachapoyas (by bus): 4 daily departures/10 h

alternative 3:from lima to tarapoto (by plane): 4 daily flights/1 h 25 minfrom tarapoto to chachapoyas (by bus): 4 daily departures/6 h




amazonaStour oPerator

09 chachapoyas expedition10 cloudforest expeditions

Page 14: S-GE The Branch Overview on Sustainable Tourism in Peru

cloudforest expeditionscloudforest expeditions represents a reliable

business partner in Peru, due to the professional

qualifications and crucial experience acquired

over the last 12 years by its staff, managing the

companies’ tour operations designed for incom-

ing groups & Fits.

Site & SurroundingCloudforest Expeditions is based in Chachapoyas, the capital city of the north Peruvian state of Amazonas. Its operations area covers one of the most cultural and eco diverse territories on earth, ranging from the Pacific coastal desert over the Andes to the north-eastern Peruvian Amazon basin.

accommodation • Selecting the most convenient 3* to 4* lodging facilities. • Experienced outdoor personnel and suitable camping equipment

guarantees safety, comfort, and quality service.

excurSionS & activitieS • Overland itineraries combining archaeological and cultural high-

lights, spectacular landscapes, interaction with local inhabitants, and delicious gastronomy.

• Adventure itineraries ranging from half or full day excursions to multiple day Expeditions including trekking and horseback riding.

• Field support to film crews and non commercial research projects.

SuStainability aSPectS • Cloudforest Expeditions` sustainability policy takes into account

the socioeconomic, cultural and environmental guidelines for Tour Operators by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council.

• “Good Practices and Quality Service in Sustainable Tourism” 2009 IDBank Certificate.

• First local entrepreneur enrolled in the “Solid Waste Management & Recycling Program” conducted by the Chachapoyas Administration since June 2012.

• Valued contributor to the sustainable development of communal based tourism service associations.

Site & SurroundingThe company offices are located in the Plaza de Armas (Main Square) of the town of Chachapoyas amongst many old colonial buildings, next to the town hall.

accommodationCasa Andina Classic Chachapoyas, Hostal Casa Vieja, Hostal Casona Monsante, Hotel Vilaya, Gocta Lodge, Hostal Villa de Paris, Chillo Lodge.

excurSionS & activitieSRegional excursions and activities:Kuelap Citadel , Gocta Waterfalls, Revash Mausoleums, Sarcophagi of Karajia, Pueblo de los Muertos Mausoleums, Cave of Quiocta , Leyme-bamba Museum , Gran Vilaya trek, Laguna de los Condores trek.Excursions and activities in the rest of the Northern Circuit:Chanchan, Pyramids of the Sun and Moon (Huacas), The Pyramids of Tucume , Museum of the Lord of Sipan, Canals of Cumbe Mayo , Kuntur Wasi, Ayahuasca Ceremonies, National Park Pacaya Samiria, Amazon River Boating.

SuStainability aSPectSChachapoyas Expedition is committed to protecting and guarding the natural surroundings for the preservation of the future. Furthermore, stringent standards are applied during the selection process, training, supervision and evaluation of all employees including support person-nel and tour guides.

chachapoyas expeditionchachapoyas expedition was born with the

main objective of providing high quality service

and professionalism in tourism services. the

enterprise has been in operation for many years,

and operates the northern circuit in Peru, with

highly trained staff, official tour guides, and

professional equipment. they are experts in

the northern circuit in Peru and are operating

in trujillo, chiclayo, cajamarca, chachapoyas,

tarapoto, and iquitos.

amazonas amazonas


namechachapoyas expedition

addreSSjr. ortiz arrieta n° 532chachapoyasamazonas, peru

PHone oFFice+51 41 478 861

mobile 24H+51 941 978 382

[email protected]@[email protected]


contactrolando german carranza

SuStainability rating


namecloudforest expeditions

addreSS cuScopuno Street no 368chachapoyas amazonas, peru

PHone+51 41 477 610

cell PHone+51 941 998 805

[email protected]@[email protected]


contactoscar von Bischoffshausen portocarrero

SuStainability rating

09 10

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PoPulation1 359 023

area33 317 km²

climatethe city of cajamarca has a semi dry and temperate climate. the annual average maximum temperature is 22°c (71°f) and the minimum is 5°c (42°f). the rainy season begins in october and ends in april.

altitudecajamarca city: 2 750 masl

gaStronomy picante de papa con cuy frito: cooked guinea pig stew in a peanut and aji panca (hot pepper) sauce ac-companied with potatoes.

caldo verde: soup made with potatoes and aroma-tic herbs from the region.

SPecial inFormationcajamarca carnival in february is one of the most famous in peru

web linkSwww.peru.travel/cajamarca www.cajamarcaperu.com

the resting place of the last inca emperorthe region of cajamarca is characterised by

slight slopes and highlands that are relatively

low in comparison to the rest of the Peruvian

andes. the territory is made up of numerous val-

leys and gorges.

the city of cajamarca brings together three

ingredients that make it an unforgettable des-

tination: a magnificent colonial architecture,

beautiful countryside, and a rich history, since it

was the scene of an important episode of South

american history.

deStination HigHligHtS

CultureThe Monumental complex of Belen This is an eighteenth century architectural complex composed of the church, the former Men’s Hospital (MedicalMuseum), and the former Wom-en’s Hospital (Archeological and EthnographicMuseum), which was named “Hospital de Nuestra Señora de la Piedad” (Our Lady of Mercy Hospital). Cuarto del Rescate (Ransom Room)This is the only feature of Inca architecture left in the city of Cajamarca. It was built of stone and with the walls slightly inclined to give the char-acteristic trapezoidal features of Inca constructions. Ventanillas de Otuzco (Windows of Otuzco) The graveyard of Otuzco is popularly known as the “Ventanillas de Otuzco” (windows of Otuzco) because of its particular shape. The square or rectan-gular niches were sculpted in a volcanic rock face in consecutive lines. Cumbemayo Archeological ComplexDiscovered in 1937, this complex is surrounded by an interesting stone forest that seems to mimic the silhouettes of pious friars (for which it is popularly called “frailones” or giant friars).

NaturePorcon farm Porcon Farm, a rural cooperative, gathers together agro tourism, nature, and cultural interchange in one place. Visitors can participate in the farm-ing, cattle ranching, and forestry tasks or hike through the forest and fields.

Health and Well-Being Baños del Inca (The Baths of the Inca)These hot springs of mineral water possess therapeutic properties for the treatment of bone and nervous system disorders. There are pools for private use, public pools, and other services for therapeutic treatments.

cajamarcaacceSSBy plane: from lima to cajamarca:5 daily flights/1 h 10 minBy bus: from lima to cajamarca:daily departures/18 h



11 Hotel & Spa laguna Secatour oPerator

12 cajamarca travel

11 12

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namecajamarca travel

addreSScalle dos de mayo no. 574cajamarca, peru

PHone+51 76 340 670+51 76 340 074

Fax+51 76 368 642

[email protected]@cajamarcatravel.com.pe


contactmiguel angel arellanoperla lópez

SuStainability rating


nameHotel & Spa laguna Seca

addreSSmanco cápac 1098 Baños del incacajamarca, peru

PHone+51 1 717 35 00+51 76 584 300

Fax+51 76 584 311

[email protected]@lagunaseca.com.pe


contactmrs. Berrospi

SuStainability rating

cajamarca travelcajamarca travel, founded in 1996, is a member

of the major local travel guilds including the

Peruvian association of tour operators (aPo-

tur), Peruvian association of travel and tourism

(aPavit), chamber of commerce, and tourism

chamber of cajamarca (caretur), presently

chaired by the agency’s managing director.

Site & SurroundingThe company’s operations started in Cajamarca, and today the agency still operates principally Peru’s northern travel circuit including sites in the departments of Tumbes, Piura, Lambayeque, La Libertad, Amazo-nas, San Martín and Loreto. The company’s head office is in Cajamarca, with branches in Lima and Chachapoyas (San Martín) from where they provide outstanding services to their customers.

accommodationIn every location where they operate, Cajamarca Travel offers luxury and tourist class hotel accommodation meeting the most exacting standards.

excurSionS & activitieSCajamarca Travel operates in the northern Peru travel circuit that features sites of great natural diversity and wildlife rich areas where numerous en-demic species of birds, orchids and others are observed. Further highlights are sites of archaeological evidence of more than 6,000 years of history, many of which have not been exposed to the media. To this purpose, they organize tours in fully equipped 4WD vehicles to make each route a pleas-ant and memorable experience.

SuStainability aSPectSCajamarca Travel complies and even exceeds Peruvian regulations aimed at reducing their environmental impact. Whenever possible, they will purchase and use biodegradable, reusable, recycled or re-cyclable products to minimize waste from their operations. They are likewise committed to support rural communities within their field of operation through training, donation of medicines, and coordination of development projects, among others.Their sustainable development plan includes services provided by rural communities that foster inclusive tourism. Recently Cajamarca Travel obtained the Certificate of Good Practices in Sustainable Tourism and Quality of Service.

Hotel & Spa laguna Seca Hotel & Spa laguna Seca offers the comfort of

a first-class hotel. it can be found in a beautiful

location, surrounded by nature and benefitting

from the thermal waters, which guests can enjoy

throughout their stay.

Site & SurroundingThe Hotel is situated in the green valley of Baños del Inca, only 15 min-utes from Cajamarca airport, which has direct flights to Lima. Major ar-chaeological monuments are located along the Inca Trail of Cajamarca, such as Ventanilla de Otuzco and Cumbemayo.

accommodationHotel & Spa Laguna Seca is an oasis where visitors will enjoy a comfort-able and relaxing place to stay. The Hotel offers the experience of bath-ing in hot water that flows directly from geo-thermal springs to each room’s spacious thermal bathtub. • 41 rooms: suites, junior suites, single and double rooms with, pri-

vate bathroom including a geo-thermal bathtub. • Restaurant • Spa • Hot spring water • Swimming pools • Mini Zoo • Tours

excurSion & activitieSEnjoy the Andean climate, eat healthy food, learn the secrets of the local cuisine or just enjoy the massages and treatments offered in the hotel’s own Spa. For all who like to walk and experience other coun-tries’ living culture, the various trekking tours introduce visitors to the ancient local lifestyles that still exist.

SuStainability aSPectSSmall farms surround the area, supplying fresh and organic vegetables.


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PoPulation1 091 535

area14 231 km²

climatethe city of chiclayo has an arid, warm climate with an average annual maxi-mum temperature of 26.2°c (79.2°f) and a minimum of 17.3°c (63.1°f). When the el niño phenomenon hap-pens, the climate varies; the level of precipitation rises and the tempera-ture can increase. the rainy season is from february to april.

altitudechiclayo city: 29 masl


Seco de chabelo: beef and plantain stew

rice with duck: duck in dark beer and cilantro

arroz con pato a la chiclayana: tender duck meat cooked in black beer and cilantro.

web linkS www.peru.travel/lambayequewww.chiclayo.com

arid zones, rich valleys and dry foreststhe region of lambayeque is located on the

coastal plain and combines arid zones, rich

valleys, and dry forests. chiclayo, bordered by

fertile valleys and very close to the ocean, is the

capital of the region and the commercial nexus

among the three Peruvian regions: coast, high-

land, and jungle.

Culture Ancient sacred pyramids of Tucume Pre-Inca ruins, encompassing 26 major pyramids and mounds.Royal tombs of Sipan National Museum On exhibit here are the most important archaeological remains of the Mochica Culture; a collection of gold, silver and copper pieces that were unearthed from the tomb of the Lord of Sipan (the most grandiose tomb in the Americas).Brüning MuseumThe museum depicts a summary of the pre-Hispanic cultures that lived in northern Peru, seen through the work carried out by the researcher Heinrich Brünning.

NatureChaparri Private Ecological ReserveThis is the first private conservation area in Peru and its main objective is the preservation of the dry forests in the area and the abundant bio-diversity they shelter. Deer, spectacled bears, llamas, ocelots and many other species call this wonderful habitat home.Pomac Forest Historic SanctuaryThis dry forest is likewise a shelter for carob trees, birds and archeolog-ical vestiges from the Sicán culture. It contains an impressive amount of biodiversity. The once-thought extinct White-winged guan has been reintroduced into this habitat.Pimentel A port and a very popular beach resort in northern Peru. Its warm beach is the stage of amazing sunsets and is highly recommended for surfing and family fun in the sun.

lamBayeqUe acceSSBy plane: from lima to chiclayo: 10 regular daily flights/1 h

By bus: from lima to chiclayo: 10 daily departures/10 h


lambayeque13 dmo noramazonica


14 chaparrí ecolodge15 los Horcones de túcume

ngoS and community baSed touriSm

16 caritas del perú – rutas del norte

13 15 16


Page 18: S-GE The Branch Overview on Sustainable Tourism in Peru


nameorganización de gestión de destino - ogd noramazónica

addreSS101 vicente de la vega St.lambayeque, peru

PHone+51 943 982 770

[email protected]@ogdnoramazonica.org


contactBárbara Wong


nameUltimate voyages (owners and managers of chaparrí ecolodge)

addreSSmanuel Seoane 721, pimentellambayeque, peru

PHone+51 74 452 299+51 984 676 249

[email protected]


contactanahi plenge

SuStainability rating

chaparrí ecolodgechaparrí ecolodge is set in the 32,000 hectare

chaparrí ecological reserve in the dry forests

of north-western Peru. the ecolodge provides

a peaceful refuge in the spectacular landscape

of the andean foothills, with excellent wildlife

viewing opportunities, including the emblematic

andean bear and critically threatened white-

winged guan.

Site & SurroundingThe Ecolodge is located 1.5 hours (75 km) from Chiclayo, with easy ac-cess to the principal archaeological sites and museums of Lambayeque as well as the beaches of the north coast. The ecological reserve is owned by the Muchik Community of Santa Catalina de Chongoyape, the first of its kind in Peru.

accommodationThe lodge features 12 suite-size double-bed cabins. An open air dining area provides visitors with excellent views of Chaparrí Mountain and wildlife. All meals are served as a buffet. The menu is a fusion of tra-ditional local cuisine from Northern Peru with international elements prepared by trained staff from the local community.

excurSionS & activitieS Chaparrí is now recognized as a premier site for bird and nature watch-ing, with trained guides from the community on-hand to guide visitors around the trail system. The walks include a visit to the Andean Bear rescue centre and a small herpetarium with local snakes and reptiles. Longer hikes or horse-riding can also be arranged, as well as trips to the nearby Tinajones reservoir or local communities. Airport pick-up and tailor made tours of north Peru can be arranged.

SuStainability aSPectSChaparrí Ecolodge is socially and economically responsible by sourcing staff and services from the local community. A percentage of the profits are returned to the community for social projects and to support con-servation work in the area. The lodge has been constructed in traditional Muchik style using lo-cally available materials - adobe bricks, stone and wood. Electrical power and hot water are generated from solar systems and waste water is treated through a horizontal flow reed-bed treatment system. Gar-bage is separated for recycling and all materials are removed from the reserve for correct disposal. The number of visitors allowed is carefully monitored so as not to impact the wildlife.

dmo noramazónica dmo noramazónica is a non-profit association

that seeks to promote and encourage sustaina-

ble and competitive tourism development within

the northern amazonian region, in coordination

with public and private stakeholders from its

eight regional members: amazonas, cajamarca,

la libertad, lambayeque, loreto, Piura, San

martín and tumbes.

Site & SurroundingNorthern Amazonian Region offers destination highlights in culture, nature and landscape, adventure and mysticism. Important cultural attractions, belonging to pre Inca Moche Route, such as Lord of Sipan, Lady of Cao, Huaca de la Luna and Chan Chan city are found in the coast. Natural resources are also attractions in the region such as Man-grove forests in Tumbes; beautiful beaches in Piura, Lambayeque and La Libertad;. Natural protected areas such as Pomac Forest Historic Sanctuary, Chaparrí and Cañoncillo can also be found. Kuelap city and Gocta, one of the highest waterfalls, are special attractions in Amazo-nas. Another important site is Pacaya Samiria, the largest National Re-serve of Peru located in Loreto, that together with the other landmarks complements the touristic offer.

ServiceS The DMO develops and promotes tourist products such as: Moche Route (includes La Libertad and Lambayeque), Ocean and Beaches Route (includes Piura and Tumbes), Bird Watching Route (integrated into the eight regions), Cacao Route (San Martín) and the Amazon River Route (Loreto).

SuStainability aSPectSDMO Noramazónica works towards articulating the rich diversity of the regional tourism offer with the main national and international markets, consolidating a competitive tourism offer and preserving the environment, cultural and biological diversity of the macro region, minimising the negative impacts of tourism. In this sense, DMO No-ramazónica seeks to provide solutions that will contribute to creating value, increasing revenues and generating employment linked with tourism activities for the benefit of local population.


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nameempresa de Servicios turisticos rutas del norte – caritas del peru

addreSScalle manuel maría Ízaga nº766chiclayo, peru

PHone+51 948 298 799

[email protected]


contactfanny mabel manay guadalupe


nameHorcones de túcume ecolodge

addreSSca. San antonio n°15, caserío San antoniotúcumechiclayo, peru

PHone+ 51 1 951 831 705

[email protected]@loshorconesdetucume.com


contactrosana correagiuliana matos

SuStainability rating

caritas del perú – rutas del norte“rutas del norte”, is a modern company, which

designs and offers specialised and innovative tour

packages. it aims to ensure maximum enjoyment

and satisfaction of its guests through new, inclu-

sive experiences, based on experiential tourism

and the rural community. it was created by the

ProPomac Project, funded by the Peruvian italo

Fund and implemented by caritas Peru. it encour-

ages the development of tourism in the lam-

bayeque region and promotes the active partici-

pation of local communities, benefiting from the

projects implemented by these institutions.

Site & Surrounding“Rutas del Norte” is located on the northern coast of Peru, Lam-bayeque, Chiclayo city and offers tour packages of the main attractions of the northern amazon region of the country.

accommodationThe company works with accommodation facilities in and outside of the city. They offer a first class service, ensuring that your stay is pleas-ant and safe.

excurSionS & activitieS • Santuario Histórico Bosque de Pómac: Flora and fauna, crafts, visits

to archaeological sites. • Huaca Rajada-Museo Sipán: Visit archaeological sites, museum, lo-

cal crafts and food. • Reserva Ecológica Chaparrí: Flora and fauna, trekking and adven-

ture tourism. • Playas y Gastronomía típica • Museos Tumbas Reales de Sipán, Museo Bruning, Museo Sicán y


SuStainability aSPectSThe company contributes to sustainability by involving local commu-nity dynamics in tourism. Thus these populations are becoming man-agers and agents of their own development; each visit or tour helps to improve their living conditions and quality of life.

los Horcones de túcumelos Horcones de túcume is a rural lodge in the

north coast of Peru. it was the winner of a dou-

ble award at the national Prize of architecture

(Peru, 2002) in the biennial organised by the

School of architects.

Site & SurroundingThe lodge is located about 30 Km from the city of Chiclayo in Lam-bayeque. It is close to the emblematic archaeological site Pyramids of Túcume, and surrounded by a small forest of Algarrobo trees (carob trees).

accommodationThe lodge has 12 rooms (25 up to 35 bed capacity) with terraces and hammocks, where visitors may enjoy the view of the Pyramids of Túc-ume. It offers peaceful green areas for rest, recreation and listening to the native birds, together with a pool for a relaxing swim. There is an exclusive service provided by local staff in a cosy dining room, deco-rated in a colorful rural style.

excurSionS & activitieSVisitors are able to learn and feel about Túcume’s experiences with our daily program activities:

• Sessions of blossoming and Shamanism • Cooking workshop • Lick workshop • Horse-back riding the Pyramids of Túcume

SuStainability aSPectSThe construction has been carefully monitored to minimise environ-mental impacts and to ensure the conservation of native and emblem-atic species of the local dry forests like the Algarrobo. Traditional con-struction elements like mud-bricks (adobe) have been used to create a balance between the artificial (man-made) and natural environments. The lodge is carrying out a challenging project in sustainable tourism together with Axis Arte – PUCP, for the promotion of Túcume as tour-ism destination, to benefit locals with training and employment.


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PoPulation1 039 415

area35 459 km2

climatethe city of Huaraz has dry and moderate weather with an average maximum temperature of 24°c (75°f) and minimum of 7°c (44°f). the rainy season starts in october and ends in march.

altitudeHuaraz: 3 091 masl

languageSSpanish and quechua

gaStronomyguinea pig

“pachamanca”: peruvian dish based on the baking, with the aid of hot stone, of different kind of meats (lamb, pork, chicken, etc) and vegetables.

SPecial inFormationaltitude: take your time to adapt to the high altitude. to prevent headache and dizziness try coca tea, good quality sleep, oxygen when requested, light diet for at least the first few days

History and adven-ture between black and white mountain rangethe department of ancash starts on a slightly hilly

coastal strip and climbs up to the highest snow-

capped mountains in Peru, an area famous for ad-

venture sports, hot springs and spectacular lakes.

Spread out along the callejon de Huaylas, a daz-

zling valley stuck between two mountain ranges,

the blanca and negra cordilleras, you will find

picturesque and pleasant cities like recuay,

carhuas, yungay, and caras, while the urban

and commercial center is the energetic city of

Huaraz. throughout the entire department, you

can see the most spectacular snow covered

mountains, among them mount Huascaran the

tallest peak in Peru.

deStination HigHligHtS

Culture Chavín de Huántar archeological complexUNESCO placed this complex on its World Heritage Sites List in 1985. It is a site full of temples, underground galleries, plazas and stone buildings, and was the most important ceremonial centre for the Chavín culture.ChacasA picturesque town in the middle of the Andes, with wonderful wood-cutting art made by the residents, thanks to the training they have received from Italian priests.

NatureHuascarán National Park The park encompasses the Cordillera Blanca and covers an area of 340,000 ha. Inside its confines are 296 lagoons, 663 glaciers and some of the tallest mountains in Peru, like Mount Huascarán, Mount Huandoy, and Mount Alpamayo. It also protects rare Andean plant species and functions as a wildlife refuge for species likes the Andean condor and the vicuña. Llanganuco LagoonA lovely glacier lagoon located in a narrow valley wedged between mounts Huandoy and Huascarán. It impresses visitors for two reasons: its intense turquoise color and the queñual tree forest surrounding it.

Adventure Santa Cruz TrekMost famous trek in the White Mountain Range, 4 – 5 daysHuayhuash TrekThe circuit generally takes between ten and fourteen days, depending on the route taken. Most of the walking, and most of the campsites, are above the 4000 masl, so the landscape appears rugged and moun-tainous, affording views over very wide areas. The area is noted for its spectacular glacial lakes.Other activitiesBecause of the amazing Andes, Ancash offers many alternatives for adventure sports and it is loved by trekkers. Some of the activities you can enjoy here are mountaineering, trekking, canoeing, cycling, rock climbing and paragliding.

ancaSHSun protection: at this high altitude, the rays of the sun are very strong; it is recommen-ded to use high solar protection.

web linkS www.peru.travel/ancashwww.conchucos.com.pe

acceSSBy bus: from lima to Huaraz: (420 km northeast)daily departures/8 h



17 andino club Hotel & turismo andino tour operator18 the lazy dog inn

ngoS and community baSed touriSm

19 ctB cuyaqui Wayi vicos17 19


Page 21: S-GE The Branch Overview on Sustainable Tourism in Peru


namethe lazy dog inn

addreSSKm 3.1 vía de cachipampaKm 12 via de las ruinas de WilcahuainHuaraz, peru

PHone+51 943 789 330+51 971 448 314

[email protected]


contactdiana B. morris

SuStainability rating


nameandino club Hotel

addreSSjirón pedro cochachín 357Huaraz, peru

PHone+51 43 421 662

Fax+51 43 422 830

[email protected]


contactmario Holenstein

SuStainability rating

the lazy dog innthe lazy dog inn is a sustainable lodge located

in the Peruvian andes at 3 650 m. a. s. l. this

beautiful mountain lodge is uniquely situated in

the cordillera blanca mountain range bordering

on Huascaran national Park and just 30 minutes

from the cityof Huaraz, in northern Peru.

Site & SurroundingThe Cordillera Blanca is the world’s largest tropical mountain range. More than 20 mountain peaks over 6,000 meters rise close to the inn.

accommodationThe cozy inn is comprised of a main lodge where guests gather in front of the large fireplace to share their meals. The lodge has three gues-trooms in addition to two family-size cabins. Most rooms have their own fireplace and an outside sitting area. All meals are prepared on site. There is an on-site dry sauna as well as an outdoor fire pit. The inn has its own horses for guided trips into the mountains behind. In addi-tion, the inn also has internet and Wi-Fi connection for guest use.

excurSionS & activitieSWorld-class mountain climbing is very popular in addition to the nu-merous trails used for hiking to lakes, horseback riding, bird watching and mountain biking. The area hosts archeological ruins dating back to before the Incas.

SuStainability aSPectSThe Lazy Dog Inn’s adobe buildings were constructed with up to 90% of local materials. Up to 95% of all solid wastes are recycled. The inn uses a dry, urine-diverted composting toilet. Replanting of native trees continues on a yearly basis while a year-round greenhouse and outdoor gardens provide most vegetables for the year. Local commu-nity residents provided 100% of labor for all phases of construction and are presently engaged in running the inn’s day-to-day operations. Local residents host traditional regular meals for guests and volunteer groups.

andino club Hotel & turismo andino tour operatorthe andino club Hotel is an outstanding three-

star hotel offering double rooms, suites and jun-

ior suites, the latter two boasting spectacular

views of the cordillera blanca (white mountain

range), the callejón de Huaylas and the city of


Site & SurroundingThe hotel is located in Huaraz at an altitude of 3,100 m. a. s. l. Huaraz is located below the Cordillera Blanca, the world’s highest and most accessible tropical mountain range.

accommodationThe Andino Club Hotel features 54 single and double rooms with views of interior and terrace gardens, and suites and junior suites with ter-races providing superb scenic views of the Cordillera Blanca, including nine mountains higher than 6,000 meters. The regular rooms feature a fireplace and whirlpool, while the suites and junior suites also include a sauna. Decoration is principally pinewood. An elevator offers access to all floors. Typical local dishes, as well as international and Swiss cuisine are served in the Chalet Suisse Restaurant.

excurSionS & activitieSHuaraz is the starting point for visiting most of the region’s tourist attractions, including the Llanganuco lakes, the Chavín de Huántar ar-chaeological site, the groves of the giant Puya Raimondi bromeliad, as well for the multitude of trekking and climbing routes in the Cordillera Blanca and Cordillera Huayhuash.

SuStainability aSPectSThe hotel places great emphasis on the quality of the materials and fittings used in building the facilities and the efficient use of energy and water. Gardens are watered with recycled water. All labor regula-tions are strictly adhered to, and personnel is treated with respect and paid official rates. The hotel supports regional social institutions and conducts annual employee and field staff trainings.As a special contribution to sustainable tourism in the region, the hotel owners have established Turismo Andino tour operator, the hotel’s agency for adventure and culture tourism and ecotourism. This travel operator was the first agency in the region awarded ISO 9001-2008 cer-tification. Their high standards for environmental protection and social responsibility set them apart from other tour operators in this region.


17 18

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namectB cuyaqui Wayi vicos (contact: reSponS)

addreSSjr. 28 de julio 821Huaraz, peru

PHone+51 43 427 949

[email protected]


contactpablo tadeo

SuStainability rating

ctB cuyaqui Wayi vicosin 2010, the vicos cbt committee was “Highly

commended” by the jury of the responsible

tourism awards for its outstanding results on

cultural conservation. the lonely Planet, moon

guide and other guidebooks also invite its read-

ers to visit vicos. after nine years of receiving

tourists with open arms, the indigenous commu-

nity is now regarded as a unique destination in

Peru, offering visitors an authentic, intercultural

travel experience.

Site & SurroundingVicos is situated on the flanks of the famous Cordillera Blanca range, at 45 minutes from Huaraz (seven hours from Lima). It is probably the most authentic community in the whole region, and seems like an open-air museum where locals still live a traditional lifestyle.

SuStainability aSPectSTourism is managed by the local committee, consisting of eight families. Over the past years, it has improved education, environmen-tal awareness and conservation, local income and use of traditional language and clothes in its village. Above all, villagers became proud to be Vicosino again; the single most important achievement in terms of cultural sustainability!

accommodationIn Vicos, travellers stay in small bungalows with private bathrooms. Amenities are basic; cold water only, good beds, chimneys for warmth (and coziness).

excurSionS & activitieSWhilst staying in Vicos, visitors share daily life of the Vicosinos; baking bread, working on the land, hiking to ancient ruins, glacial lakes and viewpoints. They will learn about medicinal plants, traditional dishes or Quechua; the possibilities are endless. What never changes, is the enormous hospitality of the Vicosinos.

SuStainability aSPectSTourism is managed by the local committee, consisting of eight families. Over the past years, it has improved education, environmen-tal awareness and conservation, local income and use of traditional language and clothes in its village. Above all, villagers became proud to be Vicosino again; the single most important achievement in terms of cultural sustainability!



Page 23: S-GE The Branch Overview on Sustainable Tourism in Peru

deStination HigHligHtS

Culture Historic Centre of Lima The historic center of Lima was declared a World Heritage site by UNESCO in 1991 and is famous for its high concentration of historic monuments constructed in the time of Spanish presence. You can visit splendid examples of Colonial architecture like the Cathedral, the Convent of Santo Domingo, and the Convent of San Francisco, as well as fantastically wood carved balconies.Pachacamac (Panamericana sur km 31)South of Lima is Pachacamac, an eye catching pre-Hispanic complex that was the site of the most important pilgrimage shrine in ancient Peru. Caral (Panamericana norte km 160)A short distance north sits Caral, the oldest city in the Americas, built 5000 years ago. The architectural complexity of its pyramids, where archeologists have uncovered important artifacts such as musical instruments, speak of the high degree of scientific and cultural development of its people.

NatureLunahuana ( from Lima: 181 km)A lovely, sunny valley south of Lima and a perfect spot for adventure sports. If it is food you crave, then order any dish with its river shrimp. Its exquisite wines and pisco brandies must also be tasted. MarcahuasiLocated east of Lima, Marcahuasi is a plateau originated from a vol-canic reaction with huge granite rocks featuring curious shapes.

Adventure Paragliding at Costa Verde in Miraflores district FactS


PoPulation8 445 211

area34 801 km2

climatethe city of lima has an arid and semi-warm climate. the average annual ma-ximum temperature is 22°c (71,6°f) and the minimum is 17°c (62°f). the temperature increases in the years when the el niño phenomenon occurs. Summer : from january to marchWinter: from june to august (rainy season) altitudelima city: 154 masl


gaStronomylima is a city where food is a religion and whose temples are its inviting seafood, amazonian and andean res-taurants as well as those that serve a fusion of peruvian flavours with others from around the world.

gastronomy hotspots: miraflores and Barranco districts

main dishes: ceviche: fresh fish with lemon sauce causa: potato with yellow pepper ají de gallina: creamy stew with chi-cken, nuts and yellow paper lomo saltado: stir fried beef and potatoespisco sour: unsurpassed typical peru-vian cocktail made with a pisco, lime and egg-white.

SPecial inFormationavailable to transport in lima down-town: metro system, electric train

lima is a very humid city since it is located on the coast.

web linkSwww.peru.travel/lima

acceSSBy plane: international airport jorge chavez main point of entry to the country and access to all the other cities

HUB airport in South america.

the gastronomic capital of the americasin the historic center of lima you can visit

splendid samples of colonial architecture like

the cathedral, the convent of Santo domingo,

and the convent of San Francisco as well as

fantastically wood carven balconies. on the out-

skirts of lima facing the ocean is Pachacamac,

the most important pre-incan sanctuary on the

coast, built in the third century a.d. Some of the

other great attractions are the beaches where

you can do all types of aquatic sports, enjoy the

sun, or simply gaze at the mesmerizing beauty

of the Pacific ocean.lima

limatour oPerator

20 Kolibri expeditions21 Small group adventures22 tucano perú23 rutas del perú24 responsible travel peru25 peruvian Soul26 tarikapuy expediciones


20 21 22 23 24 25 26

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nameKolibri expeditions Sac

addreSSarias Schreiber 192 of 300, Urb. la aurora mirafloreslima, peru

PHone/Fax+51 1 273 72 46

[email protected]


contactgunnar engblom

SuStainability rating


nameSmall group adventures

addreSSjr.carlos arrieta 394, B – Barrancolima, peru

PHone/Fax+51 1 249 43 50

[email protected]


contactjanet marcillarobert allen

SuStainability rating


Kolibri expeditionskolibri expeditions runs responsible nature

and bird watching tours all over Peru. it shows

a strong concern for the environment, (includ-

ing the conservation of threatened species) and

encourages involvement of the local communi-

ties in its activities.

Site & SurroundingKolibri Expeditions is located in Lima. However, the company arranges trips all over the country. The tour operator is proud of being one of the pioneers offering tours to many areas where currently there is little in-frastructure. It seeks to involve local communities in providing services that their clients need.

accommodationThere is a variety of accommodation, depending upon the location. There are comfortable eco-lodges and hotels, or in remote areas camp-ing in co-ordination with the local communities, is available.

excurSionS & activitieS Kolibri Expeditions organises nature-related fixed trips and custom-ised tours all over Peru, which sometimes include cultural as well as archeological sites. Kolibri Expeditions runs a birdwatching portal and bird database in Peru in English www.birdingperu.com and in Spanish www.AvesdePeru.com. Kolibri Expeditions also runs the BirdingPeru (English) and Incaspiza (Spanish) Yahoo mailing lists.

SuStainability aSPectSBirdwatching is the cutting edge of ecotourism. Kolibri Expeditions visit places where regular tourists do not venture, which enables eco-dollars to reach the more remote areas. The communities are now able to charge for basic services such as access to trails, food and lodging. The company shuns disposable plastic and serves meals on hard plastic re-usable plates, with aluminum and hard plastic mugs. It has also installed ecological air conditioning in their vehicles. Micropore treated water is provided free of charge so that their clients do not need to buy plastic bottles of water, particularly as recycling infrastructure is often lacking.

Small group adventuresSmall group adventures is a family run business

based in lima. with a close-knit team, it is able to

push the boundaries, not only in a geographical

sense, but in its ability to deliver an unparalleled

level of service with determined attention.

Site & SurroundingSmall Group Adventures is specialised to run tours all over Perú in its expedition vehicle. The company transports its guests through the vast amazing terrain that is full of great landscapes.

accommodation The priority of Small Group Adventures is to use local and cosy hotels run by local families, but it is happy to offer a wide selection of other accommodation too.

excurSionS & activitieSSGA offers tours in the remotes areas of Peru with its overland truck. Treks currently take in the well-known routes, but it is also looking to expand with new options. Customised tours and a-la-carte are also available.

SuStainability aSPectS Tourism is a great source of income for the local communities. For some, it is their only source of income and for this reason, Small Group Adventures visit as many communities as possible with their tours. Small Group Adventures is also aware of the potential negative impact that tourism can bring and it encourages its guides to look behind the scenes for a more realistic picture of how the company is being received. It also endeavours to provide its passengers with up-to-date cultural insight and supports this by encouraging travellers to make use of local services. With your support, it has been able to maintain the financing of the education Project Pinchollo in The Colca Valley.


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nametucano perú

addreSScalle michigan 845rinconada del lagola molinalima 12, peru

PHoneperu +51 1 479 19 00USa +1 806 440 0530U.K. +44 0 20 3371 7756Brasil +55 2139 5621 99

Fax+51 1 368 44 11

[email protected]


contactveronica napuri

SuStainability rating


namerutas del perú

addreSSenrique palacios 1110mirafloreslima 18, perú

PHone+51 1 444 54 05+51 1 445 72 49

[email protected]


contactmarilu Baca

SuStainability rating


tucano perútucano Perú was founded in 1994 to provide

visitors to Peru and neighbouring countries

with a comprehensive system of travel support,

enabling them to enjoy experiences lasting a

lifetime. its main characteristic is the flexibility

and personalised service offered to clients in

choosing activities to satisfy their needs and in-

terests. their product portfolio covers both spe-

cialised and traditional, which have been chosen

based on a process of destination research and

quality control.

Site & SurroundingTucano Perú connects travellers to the best spots along the coastal band, the Andes mountains and the Amazon rainforest of Perú.

accommodationTucano Perú exceeds travellers’ expectations when choosing the type of accommodation for each traveller looking for an authentic experience.

excurSionS & activitieSTucano Perú offers original tours during which travellers share unfor-gettable experiences: • Excursions and “Voluntourism”: Discovering native communities

and meeting local residents. • Learning ancient traditions: Cooking, music, dancing, farming,

medicinal plants and native languages like Quechua. • Activities: Agriculture, farming, fishing, weaving.

SuStainability aSPectS • All customized tours are guided by the principles of sustainable

tourism. • Environmental activities are organised with corporate staff volun-

teers. • For three years they have operated “voluntourism” projects in re-

mote areas. • Local community residents are assisted in devising enterprise solu-

tions. • Part of the company’s financial recourses is devoted to finance sus-

tainable projects and “voluntourism”.

rutas del perúrutas del Perú, has been family owned and run

for 20 years and offers innovative tours and

adventures to provide memorable experiences

during your visit. it offers a range of tours: tra-

ditional, overland, adventure, cultural, mystical,

ecological, bird watching and tours for seniors.


Site & SurroundingThe company operates in many areas, including the coast, the Andes and the jungle. Its main hub is in Lima, but it also has offices in Cusco, Arequipa, Cajamarca, Trujillo and Chiclayo, allowing it to provide an extensive, superior service. It also arranges travel around South America.

accommodationRutas del Perú works with local communities to find lodgings in their guest houses, or camping on their land during Overland tours, thus providing an income to help them develop. Varied hotel accommodations are offered in other tours.

excurSionS & activitieSFor those craving adventure, the company offers Overland tours away from the ‘beaten path’ to sites rarely visited by tourists. Activities such as camping, sand boarding, trekking, rafting and horse riding are regu-larly featured – always in small groups.

SuStainability aSPectSRutas del Perú buys goods and services from local communities, help-ing to support their incomes. Purchases include food, crafts, hiring guides, renting pack animals and more.The company has also started a community based re-forestation plan with the authorities, to reduce their carbon footprint.In 2010, it started a project to protect totora reed, used by ancient peo-ples to build homes and fishing boats. Fishermen from Northern Perú still use the reed, as do the Uro people from Lake Titicaca, who use it to build floating islands.

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namereSponS S.a.c.

addreSSca. arica 329, mirafloreslima, peru

PHone+51 43 427 949+51 84 233 903

[email protected]


contactalejandro teus

SuStainability rating


nameperuvian Soul

addreSScalle los alguaciles 132, Surcolima, peru

PHone+51 998 674 519

uSa PHone+1 347 480 2077

[email protected]


contactdiego zimmermann

SuStainability rating


reSponSible travel perutravellers’ behavior is changing and so are the

needs of today’s tour operators. conscious and

critical travellers seek more contact with the lo-

cal population, life-enriching travel experiences

and want their money to be well spent. reSPonS

is an incoming tour operator that works hand-in-

hand with local communities and others through-

out Peru, to offer those unique, authentic travel

experiences. reSPonS calls this reSPonSible

travel: trips that enhance intercultural contacts,

local development and environmental conserva-

tion, without leaving Peru’s highlights behind!

Site & SurroundingRESPONS operates throughout Peru from its offices in Huaraz, Lima and Cusco, offering excellent service and security to both independent travellers and companies. One can now travel RESPONSibly anywhere from Machu Picchu to remote jungle and Andean communities.

accommodationRESPONS will gladly arrange your stay in Peru’s most RESPONSible ac-commodations.

excurSionS & activitieSUnder the umbrella of RESPONSible Travel Peru, several travel experi-ence categories are presented, like:RESPONSible Highlights: travel farther and get to know what lies be-hind Machu Picchu!RESPONSible Adventure: spectacular trekkings and more: locals take you through the jungle or over the Andes. RESPONSible Nature Expeditions: the most rewarding way to visit Peru’s most extraordinary natural areas.RESPONSible Community Tourism, Gastronomic Trips, Voluntourism, Study Trips, and more.

SuStainability aSPectSRESPONS searches for maximum sustainability on four angles; envi-ronmental, cultural, social and economic. RESPONSible Travel goes much further than “leave no trace”; it actively contributes to the con-servation of natural and cultural resources. It strives to take on social issues and ensures a just distribution of tourism income at all levels.


peruvian SoulPeruvian Soul is a young and very personalised

Peruvian tour operator always seeking to exceed

their customers’ expectations by offering active

journeys, unique destinations and adding a per-

sonal touch to their services.

Site & SurroundingPeruvian Soul offers journeys throughout Peru, however its focus is on organising out-of-the-ordinary trips, including ‘off the beaten path’ journeys, authentic experiences, adventure activities and ecotourism programs.

accommodationPeruvian Soul prioritises personalised boutique hotels, eco-lodges, owner–run properties and homestays with local families where travel-lers can experience authentic travel experiences.

excurSionS & activitieSPeruvian Soul offer tailor-made programs according to specific travel interests:Nature & Soft Adventure: For travellers who wish to interact with na-ture and visit the highlights of the country.Trekking & expeditions: For travellers who love the outdoors and wish to experience expeditions to remote areas of the country.Cultural & Archaeological: For travellers who like to learn not only from the ancient cultures of Peru, but also wish to get in touch with the liv-ing culture.

SuStainability aSPectSPeruvian Soul activities have been developed under the guidelines of environmental and social sustainability, therefore, ensuring the protec-tion of the natural heritage, as well as the integration and development of the communities where they operate. As a part of its policies to thank the communities, it holds an annual activity where it takes needed materials to rural schools and shares a fun day with the local children.Internally, it motivates its team to explore the country, offering flexible timetables that allow them to develop the passion for Peru that charac-terises Peruvian Soul.

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nametarikapuy expediciones

addreSS limamanuel ganoza 150, dpto103lima 33, peru

adreSS cuScoav. prolongación avenida de la cultura 1821San Sebastián

PHone+51 986 344 415

Fax+51 84 274 443

[email protected]@[email protected]


contactdoris calderontati quiñones

SuStainability rating


tarikapuy expediciones tarikapuy is a quechua word meaning “to regain

something lost.” using this idea in 2007, tari-

kapuy expediciones launched its business as a

specialised inbound tour operator. it recognises

and understands that visiting Peru is a unique

experience so it focuses on the encounter and

the discovery of the diversity of the Peruvian

people, its culture, its history and landscapes.

Site & SurroundingThe headquarters are located in Cuzco and Lima, but it operates throughout Peru. Each route is created to suit a well defined theme of interests.

accommodationThe company organises trips for small groups, with very specific inter-ests that may not feature in a conventional trip. Travellers will stay in local houses, small hotels or family-owned and/or former ranch houses of historic value acquired for tourism.

excurSionS & activitieSThe company has three main areas of expertise: 1. Archaeology and Anthropology (north coast and Andes), 2. Traditional medicine and Permaculture (central and southern Andes)3. Community-based tourism (Andes and Altiplano).

To achieve this, it has expert guides and professionals in different fields. Its trips offer a different and truly participative experience, that make them unique.

SuStainability aSPectSTarikapuy Expediciones understand that sustainable tourism must meet three main criteria: social, environmental and cultural. In the first instance, the company’s focus has been with the community-based tourism projects that are operated directly by local indigenous commu-nities. Secondly, it seeks to minimise environmental impact by focus-ing on waste reduction, explicit prohibition of animal exploitation and extraction of native plants. Thirdly, the company promotes the lifestyles of the local communities, by sharing their traditions, rituals, beliefs and customs with kindness and respect. It also favours projects where women occupy a central position of leadership or entrepreneurship.


Page 28: S-GE The Branch Overview on Sustainable Tourism in Peru

deStination HigHligHtS

CultureTarma townTarma, the city of flowers located at 3000 masl, is a picturesque co-lonial style town and is celebrated for its attractive countryside and excellent climate.La Merced townLocated at 550 masl, La Merced is considered the beginning of the Jungle . The surrounding areas of the city feature waterfalls, whitewater creeks, jungle-like forest, and an abundance of wildlife.

NatureThe National Reserve of JuninThe National Reserve protects the second largest lake in Peru where the Junin grebe lives, a bird nearing extinction. It covers 53.000 hectares and is located at 4100 masl. The reserve is home to numerous birds es-pecially speckled teal ducks, yellow-billed pintail ducks, Andean geese, cattle egrets, moorhens, gulls, herons, flamingos, puna ibises and white grebes. Various species of frogs and mammals like the Andean fox, the skunk, and the vizcacha have also been registered.Nor Yauyos-Cochas Landscape ReserveThe Nor Yauyos Cochas Landscape Reserve is a natural protected area (221,268 Ha). The access is by Lunahuana (south of Lima City) or Huancayo in Junin. Huancaya is the place with the most beautiful landscapes, lagoons, waterfalls and rivers.

AdventureTrekking routes in Nor Yauyos Cocha and La MercedOther activitiesfishing, bird watching



PoPulation1 274 781

area 44 197 km2

climatethe city of Huancayo has a rainy and cold climate with an annual average maximum temperature of 23°c (74°f) and a minimum of 4°c (39°f). the rainy season starts in october and ends in april.

altitudeHuancayo city: 3 249 masl

languageSpanish and quechua

gaStronomy“papa a la huancaína”: potatoes co-vered with yellow peper saucetrout, guinea pig called “cuy”

SPecial inFormationtake time for adaptation to high altitude. to prevent headache and dizziness try coca tea, good sleep time, oxygen when requested, lightly diet at least 1st days at this high altitude, the rays of the sun are very strong, it is recommenda-ble to use solar protection.

web linkSwww.peru.travel.com/juninwww.cuscotouristinformation.com/info/junin.html

acceSSBy plane:from lima to Huancayo: 1 airline/daily departures/45 min

By bus: (most common alternative)from lima to Huancayo:private bus/daily departures/6 h

from lima to la merced (city in the jungle):private bus/daily departures/7 h

By train:the highest roadtrail in america, 2nd highest one in the Worldfrom lima to Huancayo: 12 hdepartures: according to the monthly schedule, www.ferrocarrilcentral.com.pe

natural richness within the andeans and the amazoniathe junin region includes highlands as well as

amazonian jungle. to the west, at the border

with the department of lima, the mountains

are steep and snowy. towards the east, he

landscape is made of glacial valleys and high

altitude plateaus. at the rim of the jungle, deep

narrow gorges and mist forests abound.



27 fundo San jose



Page 29: S-GE The Branch Overview on Sustainable Tourism in Peru


namefundo San josé lodge

addreSScircunvalación s/n, pampa del carmen la merced, chanchamayo, junín, peru

PHone booking oFFice+51 64 531 816

PHone SaleS oFFice+51 1 274 59 74

[email protected]


contactmarlene iannacone oliver

SuStainability rating

fundo San josé lodgeFundo San josé lodge is a paradise for those

who are looking to enjoy the beauty of the exotic

tropical jungle. its facilities introduce their

guests to the magic of the central rainforest

of Perú. From waking to the sounds of the great

variety of birds, to exploring the flora and fauna

of Peru’s High jungle, surrounded by the aston-

ishing scenery, an unforgettable experience is


Site & SurroundingFundo San José is in the heart of a 40 hectare private ecological reserve, in La Merced one of the most privileged landscapes of Peru, only 300 Km from Lima. The car drive from Lima provides the most exciting experience and beautiful sceneries of the Sierra and Selva of Perú.

accommodationFundo San José Lodge has ten bungalows surrounded by virgin forests and fields of orange trees. Each bungalow has two double bedrooms. Large and comfortable sitting and dining areas offer fantastic views and give the perfect atmosphere for enjoyment and relaxation.

excurSionS & activitieSFundo San Jose Lodge offers a variety of guided land and river excur-sions including adventure, waterfalls, butterflies and orchid trails, bird watching and coffee plantations. It also includes visiting an indigenous High Jungle family and the Sanctuary of the Rocks Cock.

SuStainability aSPectSFor more than six years, the Lodge has been pioneering the sustainable tourism in the Central Selva Corridor. It has actively involved neigh-bouring Ashaninkas communities and encourages their suppliers to comply with sustainability criteria.



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deStination HigHligHtS

Culture Huacachina Lake The lake looks like an oasis in the middle of a desert, forming a splendid landscape of high dunes, palm trees, and acacias. María Reiche Regional MuseumThis museum features valuable archaeological artefacts from Paracas, Nasca, Wari, Ica and Inca cultures, as well as Colonial and Republican oil paintings and furniture.Chincha cityThe cradle of Afro-Peruvian culture. Here you will be able to enjoy some “Afro Peruvian” dances and delicious gastronomy (Anticuchos, picarones)Nasca LinesThere is a vast network of lines and drawings of animals and plants cred-ited to the Nasca culture, covering an area of approximately 350 km2/135 miles2. Some of the most frequently drawn figures are the hummingbird, the dog, the monkey, and the long-tailed mockingbird. To date, no one can give a clear reason why the ancient Peruvians drew figures of animals and plants on the desert soil, that were so big that they could only be seen from the air. Flights can be organised from Ica and Nasca. CahuachiThis is an archaeological site that is believed to have been the Capital of the Nasca Culture. Part of it has been recovered but there are still many other areas that need more excavation.

NatureParacas National ReserveThis is one of the best wildlife refuges on the Peruvian coast. It is the habitat of sea lions, Humboldt penguins and flamingos as well as a site of heavenly beaches. Boats depart from different Paracas ports and the ride takes around 3 hours.

Adventure Sand boarding Sand boarding in La Huacachina oasis Sand boarding on the Cerro Blanco – The highest sand dune of the world (2,078m)



PoPulation297 771

area21 327 km2

climate the region of ica features a varied terrain with extensive plains, deserts, and some valleys. the city of ica has a sunny climate almost all year long with an annual average maximum temperature of 32°c (89°f) and a minimum of 9°c (49°f).rain is unusual and it only occurs during the el niño phenomenon.

altitudeica city: 406 m


gaStronomycarapulcra:sun-dried potato casserole with pork and chicken, panca and mirasol chili, garlic and other spices

tejas:traditional dessert made of dried lemon and raisins, stuffed with “manjarblanco” (milk jam) and nuts and covered with caramel and a sugar dressing

cachina:spirit made from fermented grape must

pisco:brandy originated in peru distilled from the fermented juice of grapes

SPecial inFormationgrape Harvest festival (march):this festivity celebrates the abun-dance of grape and wine in the ica region. la vendimia comprises fairs, contests, float parades, music festivals and feasts featuring the african-peruvian festejo dance.

web linkSwww.peru.travel/ica

acceSSBy bus:from lima to ica:daily departures/5 h 30 minfrom paracas to ica:daily departures/1h 15 minfrom nazca to ica:daily departures/2 hfrom arequipa to ica:daily departures/10 h

History and tra-ditions between beaches and sand dunesica, a land of profound religious faith, sand

dunes, valleys, and sun, is an agricultural zone

where you see interspersed among the exten-

sive desert area, fields of cotton, butter beans,

asparagus, citrus tree orchards, as well as vine-

yards. Some of the most important civilizations

of ancient Peru established themselves here

like the Paracas and the nasca, who left a legacy

that has endured the passage of time and the

violence of the sand and wind.



28 Wasipunko lodge29 Hotel majoro


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nameHotel majoro

addreSSpanamericana Sur km 453nasca, ica, peru

PHone+51 56 522 481+51 56 522 490

Fax+51 1 562 34 51

[email protected]


contactjaime pardo

SuStainability rating


nameWasipunko lodge

addreSSSouth panamerican High Way km. 462 San luis de pajonalnasca, ica, peru

PHone+51 56 523 212+51 956 790 111+51 987 739 091

[email protected]@hotmail.com


contactalan Watkinedmundo Watkin

SuStainability rating

iCa iCa

Hotel majorotranquility, nature and silence will enable visi-

tors to discover the grandeur of the nasca lines

in all its dimensions. Peruvian works of art

shown in all its styles and historic times, com-

bined by the peacefulness of the surroundings,

make a perfect spot for anyone to just relax and

enjoy life.

Site & SurroundingMajoro is located in the countryside of Nasca, 8 kms away from the city centre and 2 kms from the airport. The Hotel, a XIX Century Augus-tine Convent, remodeled as a Casa Hacienda and later as a hotel, is surrounded by 60 hectares of Tara (Caesalpinea Spinoza Kuntze) plan-tation, a leguminous tree with medicinal, cosmetic and food ingredient properties, and 4 hectares of grapes.

accommodationAll 88 rooms at Majoro are different sizes due to its primitive origin. All rooms are decorated with fine Peruvian works of art, but there are no TV’s. To relax you need silence. All rooms have Wifi access.

excurSionS & activitieSMajoro has its own still, where Pisco is produced, the Peruvian spirit, obtained from our grapes. There is a Planetarium where virtually, the Nasca Lines get related to the Constellations of the Southern Hemi-sphere. Other places to visit include Cahuachi, Cantalloc Aqueducts, Chauchilla Necropolis and Antonini Museum.

SuStainability aSPectSThe success of the Tara plantation has made the local inhabitants, many of them working at Majoro, follow the example. Their abandoned prop-erties, which they acquired after the Agrarian reform in 1968, are now with Tara; allowing them to increase considerately their income and at the same time, converting desert areas into productive trees.

Wasipunko lodgewasipunko lodge can be distinguished for being

part of a selective group of Peruvians that are

trying to rescue the traditional gastronomy and

cultural festivities of the nazca area. it offers

the visitor the opportunity to travel in space and

time, thanks to its historical home-orchard built

in 1950. it is a place where visitors can enjoy the

natural environment and carry out activities in

harmony with nature, such as hiking in the for-

est, visit surrounding communities, agro tourism

and ecotourism.

Site & SurroundingWasipunko Lodge is located in the outskirts of Nazca, within an estate of 10 hectares, containing native plants, mangos, grapes and cotton, among others. The buildings and architecture of the environment are constructed with respect for tradition, using adobe and wood. It is a rural lodge, surrounded by beautiful dry forests, scattered mountains and the family’s vineyards.

accommodationThe rooms are simple but extremely cozy and comfortable. Each one is individually decorated.Rooms: 7 DWB, 3 MWB, 2 TWB, 1 CWB. With private bathroom, hot water 24 hours, using solar heaters and gas.The gardens are well shaded if not very large; one can also walk through the fields and vineyards surrounding the farm.

excurSionS & activitieSAt Wasipunko Lodge, visitors can experience different types of rural tourism: • Trekking routes • Bird watching • Exchange with local communities • Nazca lines • Visits to the Reserva Nacional de Pampa Galeras and Reserva

Nacional de San Fernando • Visits to local wineyards, Pisco tasting

As a special highlight the lodge offers Pachamanca, a traditional Peru-vian dish, together with a special ceremony to pay homage to mother earth (pachamama). Visitors can participate in this special ceremony.

SuStainability aSPectS The owners of Wasipunko Lodge are very committed to the conserva-tion of the environment and the rescue of the traditional gastronomy and culture of the region of Nazca. Besides the support for the local community the company is involved in: • Conservation of natural heritage • Establishment of natural protected areas • Use of solar energy and gas • Use of septic tanks • Recycling of organic waste • Volunteer activities • Planting trees

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deStination HigHligHtS

Culture Qoricancha („Golden Place“)This was the most important sanctuary dedicated to the Sun God (Inti) at the time of the Inca Empire. The CathedralBuilt in the 16th century, this great cathedral in Cusco is really three churches in one and presents late-Gothic, Baroque, and plateresque inte-riors. It has one of the most outstanding examples of colonial goldwork.Barrio de San BlasA charming section of town where Cusco’s artisans live and work.SacsayhuamanAn Inca complex made of large polished dry stone walls, located on a steep hill that overlooks the Cusco city. A few kilometres from there, you find the archaeological sites of Qenko, Pukapukara, and Tambomachay, with Incan buildings that were constructed completely of stone.Pisac Pisac, a city in the middle of the mountains, is mostly famous for its Sun-day market, but also for some ruins dating from about the same time as Machu Picchu.Urubamba valley, “The Sacred valley”The valley was appreciated by the Incas due to its special geographical and climatic qualities. It was one of the empire‘s main points for the extraction of natural wealth, and one of the most important areas of agriculture.OllantaytamboThis village is known as “a living Incan town” since its inhabitants still fol-low the traditions and customs which have been passed down through the years. It is the best-preserved Inca village in Peru, with its narrow alleys, street water canals, and trapezoidal doorways.The lost city of Machu PicchuThis magical citadel and one of the Wonders of the World, brings the visi-tor within reach of an intact ancient world where history is found in every nook and cranny. This city is considered to be one of the most extraordi-nary examples of scenic architecture in the world.

Adventure Inca trail (3 or 4 days)This stone-paved road was part of the Inca highway system (Qhapaq Ñan) and is one of the most important South American trekking routes. Along the 43 km hike, you can see several gorges and streams that originate from glaciers and along with twelve archaeological monuments along the trail. Other activitiesCanyoning, climbing, paragliding, canoeing, quad bike rides and cycling in the Sacred Valley of the Incas (Urubamba Valley).



PoPulation1 171 503

area71 986 km2

climatethe city has a cold, semi-dry climate. the annual average maximum temperature is 19.6°c (67.3°f) and the minimum is 4.2°c (39.6°f). the rainy season starts in no-vember and ends in march, and it is the time when the mountains are covered in green. Between june and july is the time of the intense cold (heladas) where oc-casional snowfalls can be experienced.

altitudecusco city: 3 399 masl

languageSSpanish and quechua

gaStronomy the usual places to try food from cusco are the traditional restaurants called chicherias and picanterias where you can eat typical dishes like:Kapchi: lima bean or mushroom soup with potatoes, milk, eggs, and cheese. chicharrón con mote: pork rinds fried in their own fat, served with hominy or individual kernels of sweet corn. olluco con carne: olluco stew with jerky or llama meat

SPecial inFormation take your time to adapt to the high alti-tude. to prevent headache and dizziness try coca tea, good quality sleep, oxygen when requested and a light diet.

inti raymi (24th june): a staging of the festival of the Sun god. celebrations begin at the qoricancha and end at Sac-sayhuamán. it is a sightfull and utterly rooted in indian traditions.

When traveling in the Historic Sanctu-ary of machu picchu, please follow the posted rules that will help in preserving its natural and cultural beauty.

during the rainy season, bring a water-proof jacket. during the dry season, wear a hat and use plenty of sun block.

web linkSwww.peru.travel/cusco www.cuscoperu.com www.ogdturcusco.org

acceSSBy plane: from lima to cusco: 4 airlines/ 17 regular flights/1 hfrom arequipa to cusco: 1 airline/ 1 regular flight/45 minfrom juliaca to cusco: 1 airline/ 1 regular flight/45 min

By bus: from lima to cusco: 5 bus lines/ 7 daily departures/21 hfrom arequipa to cusco: 16 bus lines/ 71 daily departures/5 hfrom juliaca to cusco: 3 bus lines/ 7 daily departures/5 hfrom puno to cusco: 10 bus lines/ 48 daily departures/7 h

the capital of the inca empirethe city of cusco, the ancient capital of the

incan empire, is one of the most important

destinations in Peru and has been designated

a uneSco world heritage site. there are incan

buildings waiting for you to discover among its

cobble-stoned streets. not far from the city,

there are the massive walls of the Sacsayhua-

mán fortress and the archeological sites of

qenko, Pukapukara, and tambomachay, with in-

can buildings that were constructed completely

of stone. there are also the towns of Písac,

chinchero, and ollantaytambo, which are spread

throughout the Sacred valley of the incas. the

enigmatic complex of machu Picchu, the lost

inca city, is the most important and beautiful

legacy of the ancient Peruvian civilisations.



cuSco30 dmo cusco


31 inkaterra machu picchu pueblo Hotel32 la casa de fray Bartolomé33 andean lodges34 Hatuchay Hotel machu picchu35 mountain lodges of peru36 Sol & luna lodge Spa

37 Sumaq machu picchu Hotel

tour oPerator

38 andean origins39 apumayo expediciones40 crees tours41 ecoinka42 enigma adventure tour operator43 explorandes44 Wayki trek

31 34 37


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nameinkaterra machu picchu pueblo Hotel

addreSSmachu picchu villagecusco, peru

oFFice limaandalucía 174, mirafloreslima 18, peru

PHone+51 1 610 04 00

Fax+51 1 422 47 01

[email protected]


contactmarlene Soto

SuStainability rating


nameorganización de gestión de destino – ogd cusco

addreSSmz 1 - l2, túpac amaru Sq. 4th floordircetur Building, Wanchaqcusco, peru

PHone+51 84 234 559

[email protected]


contactjosé fernando Santoyo vargas

inkaterra machu picchu pueblo Hotelinkaterra machu Picchu Pueblo Hotel, in the

heart of the machu Picchu Historical reserve,

occupies a private five-hectare mountainside

refuge in the lush andean cloud forest. this calm

and quiet hotel in the vilcanota valley has the

look and feel of a rustic andean village. it has

been built from local stone, adobe, stucco, and

eucalyptus beams, with full respect for the tra-

ditional construction techniques of the region.

Site and SurroundingThe Machu Picchu Historical Reserve is 2,450 m.a.s.l., 112 km from the city of Cusco. Rising between the Andean highland and the Amazon rainforest, it is a magical area that fascinates visitors with its vast ar-chaeological remains, geography, unique flora and fauna, and exuber-ant cloud forest. The most remarkable part of the reserve is the histori-cal citadel of Machu Picchu, one of the seven wonders of the modern world.

accommodationEighty five cottages, “casitas”, and villas are scattered on five hectares of tropical gardens in the cloud forest of the Machu Picchu Histori-cal Reserve. Member of Virtuoso, this hotel offers excursions within its grounds where it is possible to observe endemic birds, butterflies, native orchids in its natural habitat – world record by the American Orchid Society.

excurSionS & activitieS Inkaterra Machu Picchu Pueblo Hotel offers guided nature excursions: • Nature Walk • Orchid Trail • Birds • Tea Excursion • Twilight Walk • Native Farm • Spectacled Bear Rescue Project

SuStainability aSPectS Inkaterra is a 100% carbon neutral and wholly Peruvian tourism organ-isation and boutique hotel developer. Since 1975 it has been devoted to conserving the country’s natural and cultural heritage through various social projects in their exclusive properties. As a consequence of their commitment, Inkaterra won the prestigious World Travel & Tourism Council “Tourism for Tomorrow Awards”- Conservation category.

dmo cuscoestablished in 2008, dmo cusco is a non-profit

association that works towards consolidating

cusco-machu Picchu as a quality competitive

destination, created as a public-private dialogue

platform for stakeholders involved in tourism


Site & SurroundingUNESCO placed the city of Cusco, the ancient capital of the Incan empire, on the World Cultural Heritage List in 1983. Cusco’s cobbled streets treasure Incan buildings, like the Korikancha Temple and the palace of Inca Roca, as well as Andean Baroque constructions from the Colonial period. Renowned handicraftsmen have set up their shops in traditional neighbourhoods like San Blas. Cusco is known for its night-life, cafes, restaurants, and bars to suit all tastes.Macchu Picchu, the most important legacy of the ancient Peruvians, is one of the few places in the Americas placed on both the World Cul-tural and Natural Heritage Lists by UNESCO.The tourist offer of Cusco is complemented with community-based tourism initiatives, which emphasise the value of the local culture.

ServiceS DMO Cusco provides advisory aid on municipal tourism management regarding such destinations as Cusco, Sacred Valley and Machu Pic-chu. To this end, DMO Cusco promotes participatory management by implementing local boards to develop specific tourism products, and implements strategies including the promotion of natural and cultural attractions, dissemination of activities and operator services, as well as the management of information for the tourism sector, thus contribut-ing to the development of the image of Cusco Region.

SuStainability aSPectSDMO Cusco works by applying a social responsibility approach to the regional tourism activities. It promotes and strengthens the institu-tional character of the Rural Community Tourism Network, providing them with technical advisory help, training, promotional activities and dissemination, through seminars and regional meetings.


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namecamino del apu ausangate “andean lodges”

addreSSav. jose gabriel cosio, 307, magisteriocusco, peru

PHone+51 84 224 613

Fax+51 84 251 278

[email protected]


contactjuan carlos flores

SuStainability rating


nameHoteles cBc - la casa de fray Bartolomé

addreSStullumayo 465cusco, peru

PHone+51 84 233 472+51 84 241 319

[email protected]


contactmarleni cruz

SuStainability rating

andean lodgescamino del apu ausangate “andean lodges” is

a rural community tourism company that offers

its travellers a unique experience – sharing an

altitude-hiking route with andean communities,

with the comfort of mountain lodges.

Site & SurroundingThe hiking circuit is located in the vicinity of the snow-capped Mount Ausangate (6,372 m.a.s.l.), 100 km South of the city of Cusco, with access through the village of Checacupe, passing the communities of Chillca and Osefina (4,200 m.a.s.l.).

accommodationThere are four lodges located along a hiking circuit, and each lodge has eight double and two single bedrooms; all with private bathroom and hot water.

excurSionS & activitieS • Hiking • Fishing • Climbing • Bird watching • Mountain biking

SuStainability aSPectSAs a result of their contribution in work, land value and direct invest-ment, the communities of Chillca and Osefina are partners in the company, holding 20% of the shares. The benefits generated are used to improve education and life conditions, in these communities and have to date created 24 full-time and over 60 part-time jobs. A market for alpaca meat and finished products, such as traditional textiles woven by women, has been opened. The hike’s operation and lodges are managed in a sustainable way, with consideration given to the environmental requirements.

la casa de fray Bartoloméla casa de Fray bartolomé is a place where you

will experience the tradition and hospitality of

cusco. Housed in a building from the colonial

and republic periods, this cosy hotel aspires to

satisfy the demanding needs of its distinguished

clientele, with its characteristically friendly and

courteous manner.

Site & SurroundingThe hotel is located 4 four blocks from Cusco’s Plaza de Armas, and only two blocks from the Santa Domingo Convent/Koricancha Sun Temple.

accommodationLa Casa de Fray Bartolomé offers travellers large single, double, triple, quadruple rooms and suites. The beautiful patio and garden is a lovely place where guests can relax and enjoy the quietness freely. They also have five comfortable conference and meeting rooms of different sizes.

excurSionS & activitieSBesides the hotel facilities, they also provide exciting tours of the city. Tours in the south of Peru can be arranged through our Tupay Respon-sible Tourism agency.

SuStainability aSPectSThe hotel belongs to the Centro Bartolomé de las Casas (CBC). CBC is a non-profit social organisation that supports the indigenous peas-ant community of the region, through various programs, in order to improve the community’s development. It facilitates the study and communication of a wide range of issues related to the Andean world and its people, financed from its CBC hotel profits.Responsible tourism practices include water saving devices, low con-sumption lighting (including LED lamps) and separation of garbage for recycling.


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namemountain lodges of peru

addreSSav. emilio cavenecia 225, of. 321lima 27, peru

PHone+51 1 421 69 52+51 84 262 640+51 84 236 459

Fax+51 84 236 069

[email protected]


contactenrique Umbert

SuStainability rating


nameHatuchay Hotels machu picchu

addreSSjose pardo 601 of. 602lima 18, peru

PHone+51 1 446 27 39

Fax+51 1 446 57 76

[email protected]@hatuchaytower.com


contactHideko Higa

SuStainability rating

mountain lodges of perumountain lodges of Peru´s aim is to provide its

guests with all the service, comfort and safety

they need; to be able to freely explore and enjoy

nature, culture, history and like-minded souls


its philosophy is one of true comfort & true ser-

vice, amidst true adventure.

Site & SurroundingThe lodges are located along the path of the imposing snowy Salkan-tay, in the Vilcabamba mountain range, one of the most important hot spots of biodiversity in the world. The unique landscapes that run through mountains, forests and jungle – where the Inca City of “Machu Picchu” is located – offer a cultural and ecological adventure that’s not to be missed!

accommodationThere are four lodges along the Salkantay Route, each with a unique architectural design and decoration to reflect local Peruvian art crafts.

excurSionS & activitieS • Seven days and six night programs are available • Full Service Cusco to Cusco Itinerary • Guaranteed Departures • Option of Trekking or Equestrian programs

SuStainability aSPectSThrough its NGO YANAPANA PERU and ECOTEAM Division, the com-pany offers activities to that help to protect the natural environment and biodiversity, while supporting sustainability of tourism. It actively includes locals from the Andean areas that experience extreme poverty and supports them through its sustainable projects with environmental and social benefits. Mountain Lodges of Peru has been honoured with international awards for sustainability in tourism including: TO DO 2008, LATA 2011 and Virgin Holidays 2011, among others.

Hatuchay Hotel machu picchuthe Hatuchay Hotel is located in the village,

where you can experience the majestic view of

machu Picchu, its unique scenery and natural

surroundings. enjoy the 4 star hotel with its

panoramic view of the urubamba river and the

valley of the machu Picchu village, all from the

comfort of your room.

Site & SurroundingFrom The Machu Picchu Village you can find the Citadel of Machu Picchu, one of the New Seven Wonders of the World; a place of great archeological, cultural and engineering importance of our ancestors, the Incas. The historic sanctuary of Machu Picchu is a protected area to maintain biological diversity, archeological complexes and everything within this historic sanctuary.

accommodationThere are 42 comfortable rooms in three basic categories; Standard, Superior, and Suites, including: • Luggage service • Free access to the internet 24 hours a day with WIFI in the reception

lobby, and a business center • Cable TV and courtesy bar • 220/110 V electric hair dryers, air conditioning/heating. • Storage space for luggage.

excurSionS & activitieSIn the town of Machu Picchu: • Hikes to the shores of the Urubamba River • Visit The Machu Picchu Museum • Visit The Waterfalls of Mandor • Visit The Hot Baths

SuStainability aSPectSThe hotel believes in working with local people and different institu-tions that together embrace the concepts of progress, respect and con-servation. Working with the support of The Rainforest Alliance, assures a compromise with sustainable tourism. A great effort is made to show hotel guests the historical and cultural aspects of the region, but also the human richness that exists to share.


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nameSumaq machu picchu Hotel

addreSSav. Hermanos ayar mz 1 lote 3 machu picchu cusco, peru

PHone/Fax+51 1 447 05 79

[email protected]


contactlizeth giurfa Barrientos

SuStainability rating


nameSol & luna lodge Spa

addreSSfundo Huincho lote a-5 Urubambacusco, peru

PHone+ 51 84 201 620

Fax+ 51 84 201 184

[email protected]


contactmoises olivares

SuStainability rating

Sumaq machu picchu HotelSumaq machu Picchu Hotel offers its guests an

exclusive five-star service along with its incom-

parable culinary tour of the flavours of southern

Peru, making it unique in the town of aguas

calientes. Sumaq´s facilities reflect the most

exclusive architecture and interior design of the

inca culture. your utmost comfort is assured

with the 60 luxury guest rooms and suites, and

its lovely views of the river and rainforest.

Site & SurroundingThe hotel is situated on the banks of the Vilcanota River and at the foot of Machu Picchu.

accommodation The hotel has 60 suites: 3 Sumaq Suites, 11 Junior Suites and 46 Supe-rior Deluxe.Facilities: Aqlla Spa, Qunuq Restaurant, Suquy Café & Bar, Nuna Bou-tique, Business Centre, Lobby.

excurSionS & activitieS The following are available: • Arac Masin or Andean Wedding • Pachamanca Sumaq or “Earth Pot” • Peruvian Cooking & Bar Classes • Payment to the Earth Ritual

SuStainability aSPectS • The hotel achieved a 30% reduction in energy consumption • In 2010 the hotel managed a 36% reduction in solid waste, com-

pared to 2009. • The hotel reduced water consumption by 15% between 2010 and 2011 • The fuel consumption in the hotel’s activities was reduced by 7%. • More than 3000 amenities containers were recycled, allowing the

hotel to save USD $ 990.00 each year. • From January 2010 to July 2011 the hotel recycled more than 4 mil-

lion packages of amenities. • 45% of the hotel’s food comes from local suppliers in Cusco.

Sol & luna lodge SpaSol & luna lodge Spa lives to share the magic of

the Sacred valley with their guests. additionally,

they have a particular commitment to children

who lack learning opportunities and they dedi-

cate their work through the Sol & luna associa-

tion, offering quality education with arts, sports

and self-confidence support, transforming the

luxury experience we offer for a future, bright

with opportunities.

Site & SurroundingSol & Luna is located one hour away from Cusco, en-route to Machu Picchu, in the Sacred Valley, near to Urubamba town. It is surrounded by spectacular views, historic sites, picturesque traditions and has an excellent climate.

accommodation43 casitas have been built in harmony with their surroundings. Their interiors were designed to spoil their guests with a warm welcome and comfortable rooms filled with popular art, enormous beds cov-ered with the finest Peruvian cotton and goose down duvets, spacious bathrooms gleaming with the elegance of marble. The accommodation includes heating, Wifi, bathroom amenities, and private balconies, among others.

excurSionS & activitieSThe company shares with its guests the most amazing corners of the valley, using a variety of methods; riding on their Peruvian Paso horses, ATVs, mountain bikes, rowing on a lake or reaching for the sky on tan-dem paragliding flights.

SuStainability aSPectSThe social duty leads the company to offer education for the local children throughout the school, as part of the Association Sol y Luna – a nonprofit organisation. The company also respects and endeavours to protect the environment and is mindful of architectural procedures in order to maintain a responsible use of resources, with respect for nature.


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nameapumayo expediciones peru

addreSSjirón ricardo palma Ñ-11, Santa mónicaWanchaqcusco, peru

PHone+51 84 246 018+51 984 766 531

Fax+51 84 246 018

[email protected]


contactpepe lopez

SuStainability rating


nameandean origins

addreSSBernardo tambohuacso 207, of.101, Wanchaq cusco, peru

PHone+51 84 254 853+51 984 908966

[email protected]


contactgeneral manager: mario canessa

SuStainability rating

apumayo expediciones apumayo expediciones is a Peruvian tour opera-

tor that has been based in cusco since 1995.

it specialises in affordable, luxury adventures

and active tourism through the most fantastic

and varied natural landscapes. the company is

commited to providing unforgettable experi-

ences whilst preserving of the environment and

ancient local traditions, exceeding travellers’

expectations with a great variety of activities,

away from crowds.

Site & SurroundingThe company operates all over the country and is able to customise tours in all regions such Peru’s desert coast band, the High Andes or the Amazon jungle.

accommodationThe company provides top-of-the-line camping equipment, charming lodges and the finest properties, to meet all of their guests’ require-ments.

excurSionS & activitieSTraditional & cultural tours, trekking, river rafting, horse riding, moun-tain biking, voluntourism and expeditions to some of Peru’s pristine areas, are just some of the many attractions. With ultimate gear, bilingual guides, safety procedures and trained field staff, guarantee-ing a professional service with international standards, guests will be assured of a comfortable and safe experience in their adventures off the ‘beaten path’.

SuStainability aSPectSHigh priority is placed on the commitment to sustainable, eco-friendly, fair trade in tourism. The company aims to minimise all negative environmental and social impact at all stages of the business, includ-ing field and office operations. It contributes to the wellbeing of local communities by providing opportunities for personal development and the partnering with local villagers to create satellite businesses that complement the tours.

andean originsandean origins is a Peruvian incoming tour

operator created by specialists with long experi-

ence in cultural, nature, sports and adventure


Site & SurroundingPeru is a large country, encompassing a desert coastline, tropical rain-forest and soaring mountains, each with distinct environments. These offer an exceptional opportunity for travellers to experience in a single country a variety of landscapes, an abundance of wildlife, a rich his-tory and archaeological heritage; home of the Caral, Chavin, Mochica, Chimu, Sipan, Sechín, Nazca, Paracas, Chachapoyas and Inca civilisa-tions.

accommodationAndean Origins provide a variety of accommodation, from 5 star and deluxe hotels, to jungle & mountain lodges, along with full camping equipment for our trekking and expedition tours.

excurSionS & activitieSAlmost unknown and impressive archaeological sites, rupestral art expressing life and visions of extinct cultures, emerald lakes, cascades, snow-capped peaks, Colonial and Indian villages, authentic local festivities, myths and traditions, fantastic landscapes, special interest and tailor made tours; trips off the beaten path, adventure travel trips (trekking, horse riding, biking, rafting); golf tours; fly & drive, motorcy-cle tours.

SuStainability aSPectSOur tourism operations are following “responsible tourism” as a path-way towards sustainable tourism. Responsible tourism and sustainable tourism have an identical goal – that of sustainable development. The pillars of responsible tourism are therefore the same as those of sus-tainable tourism – environmental integrity, social justice and economic development.


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nameecoinka (commercial name: aventours)

addreSSSaphy 456cusco, peru

PHone/Fax+51 84 224 050

[email protected]@aventours.com


contactfrederic Schillernilsa zarate

SuStainability rating


namecrees tours

addreSScalle San miguel 250cusco, peru

PHone+51 84 262 433

[email protected]


contactquinn meyer

SuStainability rating

ecoinkaecoinka is a tour operator in Peru focused on

ecotourism for outdoors pursuits in the cusco

area. ecoinka specialises in quality trekking

and runs the unique tented campsite “camp km.

82” very close to the entrance of the inca trail to

machu Picchu.

Site & SurroundingEven though Ecoinka operates throughout Peru, its main activity is centred in the Machu Picchu area, providing treks on the Classic Inca Trail and the exclusive Huayllanay alternative trail. It also operates treks in the beautiful Vilcabamba and Auzangate mountain regions.

accommodationAccommodation is provided in double occupancy, top quality four-man tents.

excurSionS & activitieSEcoinka’s main activity is providing quality treks. The focus is to offer a highly cultural experience that is always organised with ecotourism and sustainability in mind. Recently it has created several trekking routes that hire local people to work within them. It has also helped develop locally owned campsites based on their “Camp Km. 82” model.

SuStainability aSPectS • Minimal environmental impact: Respect for nature motivates the

organisation to operate with focus on minimising all impact. This is achieved by constantly training its employees to visit places without leaving a trace.

• Minimal cultural impact: The organisation encourages respect for traditions and cultural manifestations of their employees and the communities they visit.

• Sustainability: Ecoinka hires people from the areas they visit, to work on their treks; persuading them to understand that conserva-tion of their area will lead to sustainable benefits in time.

crees tourscrees tours is an ethical and sustainable

organisation that uses responsible tourism to

build a more sustainable amazon. crees tours

provide the opportunity to visit the rainforest,

see incredible wildlife, interact with locals and

help towards reducing the negative impacts of


Site & SurroundingThe Manu Biosphere Reserve and National Park is located 70 km from Cuzco in the south eastern Peruvian Amazon. Manu is one of the most bio-diverse places on earth making it a compelling destination.

accommodation Manu Learning Centre was the first lodge to be developed in the area using local Matsiguenka design. Primarily a research and education centre it boasts excellent trails set within a 650 hectare reserve. It can accommodate 16 tourists in twin rooms with shared bathroom facili-ties. Romero Rainforest Lodge, located in the heart of the Manu National Park, is a one hour boat ride from Boca Manu airport. It provides Manu’s first premier experience. Accommodation comprises of eight twin rooms each with en-suite hot shower facilities as well as an expan-sive lounge and dining area.

excurSionS and activitieSExcursions available to clients are very wide ranging. Examples in-clude; guided walks, day hikes with picnic, boat excursions, bird watch-ing, monitoring of the clay lick, fishing trips, and swimming in local waterfalls. We also offer excursions related to the work of the Crees Foundation.

SuStainability aSPectSCrees Tours supports and provides funding for the Crees Foundation. All proceeds from the tours go directly back into supporting the pro-jects. Money is invested into conservation and research, agro-forestry, local community initiatives and capacity building.


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addreSScalle arístides aljovín 484, mirafloreslima 18, peru

PHone+51 1 200 61 00+51 1 445 05 32

Fax+51 1 200 61 05

[email protected]@explorandes.com


contactfranco negriKatty zevallos

SuStainability rating


nameenigma adventure tour operator

addreSSjirón clorinda matto de turner 100Urbanización magisterio 1era. etapacusco, peru

PHone+51 84 222 155

Fax+51 84 222 153

[email protected]


contactSilvia rico

SuStainability rating

explorandesexplorandes is one of Peru‘s leading adventure

travel companies, providing since 1975 unfor-

gettable experiences for visitors. they have

pioneered exploring ancient ruins, hidden trails

and unchartered rivers in the most fantastic and

varied natural landscapes. they operate small

groups for adventure cultural and special inter-

est travel. their carefully planned itineraries and

quality ground services have earned explorandes

wide recognition while their responsible tourism

initiatives contribute to improve the living condi-

tions in the communities where they work.

Site & SurroundingExplorandes is a tour operator with regional operation and offices in Lima, Cusco, Puno, Huaraz and Quito, and operates elsewhere through sub-contractors in Peru and Ecuador.They provide tailor made and group itineraries, specializing in protect-ed areas and cultural heritage sites.

accommodationExplorandes works with accommodation providers that take reserva-tions in advance, including from communities with homestays to three star hotels and luxury all-inclusive facilities.

excurSionS & activitieSExplorandes is specialized in adventure activities, like trekking, white-water river rafting, sea kayaking, mountain biking and surfing; multi-activity programs including interactive and cultural visits, community based programs, family trips and special interest tours like taking part of the local festivities, gastronomic and musical experiences.

SuStainability aSPectSExplorandes recognizes the responsibility to preserve the environment, minimize negative impacts and promoting positive influences, both environmental and social. Their Environmental Management System includes social responsibility and sustainable practices and has been certified as an ISO 14001 process. Since 2011 they have been verified by Rainforest Alliance sustainable operations.

enigma adventure tour operatorenigma adventure is a tour operator located in

cusco which is specialized in adventure travel

and customized programs since 2002.

Site & SurroundingThe company operates tours in Cusco, in Lares Valley, and the Inca, Choquequirao, Salkantay, Ausangate and Ancascocha trails, and trips in Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Ecuador.

accommodation Enigma Adventure arranges hotel bookings or recommends a hotel that suits the visitors’ needs, based on good reports and tour-ists’ proven satisfaction.

excurSionS & activitieSAs trekking specialists, Enigma Adventure offers the most outstan-ding treks in Cusco. The offers range from the traditional Inca Trail to Machu Picchu to the less known Ausangate or Lares treks, the impressive Salkantay trek or any customized hike that their client may dream to do. The trekking programs are available in two types of services: • Standard Pool Service: Where visitors will join a group

of other trekkers. • Private Service: Arranged just for individuals or a group

offering the possibility to choose the departure date, the group size and the duration of the trek.

• Additional services: Extra porters/horsemen to carry personal gear, among others.

• The company also offers a variety of products including mountain climbing, jungle trips, mounting biking, traditional tours and local festivities.

SuStainability aSPectS Responsible tourism is about “giving something back” and therefore a key point in the philosophy of Enigma Adventure. The company has developed a responsible tourism policy to provide a sustained commitment to communities and environment and to ensure a lasting positive effect. Responsible tourism is practiced on three levels: 1) responsible operation, 2) social commitment and 3) environmental respect.


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nameWayki trek

addreSSav. pardo 506cusco, peru

PHone+51 84 224 092+51 984 693 474

[email protected]


contactleo cusiamérico aguilar

SuStainability rating

Wayki trekwayki trek was created by a team of native

professional guides with many years of expe-

rience guiding in cusco, Peru’s main tourism

destination. Since its founding the company has

been committed to sustainable tourism, making

an extremely low impact on the environment,

while helping local communities. wayki trek is

specialized in trips for small groups, offering

professional and friendly services. the company

is highly recommended by the South american

explorers club and Footprints South american

handbook, amongst others.

Site & SurroundingOperations are based in Cusco and focused in popular tourism areas like the Sacred Valley, and Macchu Picchu, including tours and trek programs in the Inca trail, Lares Trek, Salkantay Trek routes, among others. Wayki Trek also runs tour programs in Arequipa – Colca Can-yon, Puno – Lake Titicaca, Ica – Nazca Lines, the Amazon rainforest and other destinations in southern Peru.

accommodationOn all treks visitors may camp, and also have the chance to visit com-munities, where they may spend the night in basic shared accommo-dation (homestays). This service gives trekkers a unique alternative to camping. However, nightly hostel accommodation is also available during the trekking expedition.

excurSionS & activitieSSacred Valley & Community: An innovative alternative to visit the Sa-cred Valley of the Incas and to interact with the communi-ties. Visiting of the wetlands of the south and the Inca cities of Pisac, Ollantaytambo and Chinchero.Wayki Experiences & Inka Trail: 4 or 5 days Inca Trail program, where visitors may interact with and spend the night at the home of one of the porters assisting the trek.

SuStainability aSPectSAll staff (owner, associate, guides, and support staff such as porters) is native from Cusco. Wayki Trek understands the importance of the indigenous communities and works hard to assist and involve them in the regional and national tourism industry. The company invites visi-tors to participate in projects at rural communities in need. The pro-jects are designed to provide a great environmental and social benefit and improve the standard of living of the communities.



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deStination HigHligHtS

Culture There are several indigenous communities where the people make their living from fishing for catfish, gilded catfish, and paiche. This area is the habitat of plenty of flora and fauna.

NatureManu National ParkThis biosphere reserve is one of the world`s most cherished natural labo-ratories and wildlife refuges. Living inside its vibrant subtropical envi-ronment is an endless variety of plant and animal species, many of them endangered. Discover more than 800 birds, close to 200 mammals and even more than 100 bat species that exist in this mind boggling reserve. Tambopata National ReserveDespite being smaller than the Manu National Park in area, it is simi-larly a jewel of biodiversity. It is known to possess the greatest diversity of mammals, trees, insects, and bird species in the world as well as holding the world record for the greatest amount of butterfly species.Bahuaja Sonene National ParkThis national park was established in order to protect the only tropi-cal humid savanna that exists in Peru. The most important animals that can be found here are the manned wolf, the marsh deer, the giant anteater, the river wolf or giant otter, the bush dog, the black caiman and the harpy eagle.Sandoval LakeThis lake is home to a large variety of species such as toucans, macaws, parrots, egrets, tapirs, turtles, and is also the refuge for river otters and black caimans; two species that are on the brink of extinction.

Adventure Fishing, trekking, climbing trees, cycling


caPitalpuerto maldonado

population109 555

area85 300 km2

climatethe city of puerto maldonado has a hot and wet climate. the average annual maximum temperature is 26°c (77°f) and the minimum is 8°c (24°f). the rai-ny season is from december to march.

altitudepuerto maldonado: 183 masl

languageSSpanishnative languages. eg. ashaninka

gaStronomyjuane: wrapped rice with vegetables inside banana leaveinchicapi: chicken soup with Brazil nuts and ricetacacho con cecina: crushed bananas mixed with lard then baked or fried. Beverage: exotic fruit juices

SPecial inFormationmake sure to have yellow fever vacci-nation.

web linkSwww.peru.travel/madrededios www.manu-wildlife-center.com www.tambopata.com

acceSSBy plane:from lima to puerto maldonado:stopover cusco, daily departures/2 h

By bus:from cusco to puerto maldonado: bus companies/daily departures/10 hfrom lima to puerto maldonado: bus companies/daily departures/36 h(crossing ica, nazca, abancay and cusco)

a real paradise of biodiversityexuberant is the word that describes madre

de dios with its infinite forests, sinuous rivers

that rush towards the ocean, and life abound-

ing in all its corners. at only ten kilometers from

Puerto maldonado, the capital city, you find lake

Sandoval, bordered by aguajales (swampy areas

full of palm trees), orchids, kapok trees, caoba

trees, and mauritanian palm trees that grow up

to thirty metres tall.

the manu national Park, located in the depart-

ments of cusco and madre de dios, protects

more than 800 bird species, 200 species of

mammals and gigantic trees, as well as being

home to indigenous communities.madre de dioS

puerto maldonado

madre de dioSaccomodation

45 explorer’s inn46 inkaterra reserva amazonica

tour oPerator

47 inka natura travel48 rainforest expeditions

45 47 48


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nameinkaterra reserva amazónica

addreSS15 km. left bankmadre de dios river, peru

office lima andalucía 174, mirafloreslima 18, peru

PHone+51 1 610 04 00

Fax+51 1 422 47 01

[email protected]


contactmarlene Soto

SuStainability rating


nameexplorer’s inn - peruvian Safaris

addreSSalcanfores 459lima 18, peru

PHone+51 1 447 88 88+51 1 447 94 75

Fax+51 1 241 84 27

[email protected]


contactmax günther

SuStainability rating

inkaterra reserva amazonicaa welcoming haven situated at the heart of a

12,000 hectares private ecological reserve, this

simple yet gracious, limited-electricity lodge

has been an ecotourism pioneer for over 37

years, promoting innovative sustainable use of

the southern Peruvian rainforest, and support-

ing important scientific investigations since its

opening in 1975.

Site and SurroundingInkaterra Reserva Amazónica is a gracious rainforest lodge, adjacent to the lush Tambopata National Reserve. The area known as the biodiver-sity capital of Peru awaits the opportunity for discovering an incredible variety of species – birds, mammals, reptiles, insects and trees. A visit to the tropical rainforest is like entering another world.

accommodationThirty-five solidly constructed thatched-roof cabañas built on raised platforms in the indigenous style, surround an architecturally stunning main building and dining room, built of native materials that blend almost seamlessly into the jungle. Special furnishings and delectable food offer a congenial complement to the simplicity of lantern-light and the rich sounds of the jungle.

excurSionS & activitieS Inkaterra Reserva Amazónica offers a range of land and river excur-sions that introduce guests to the magic of the rainforest: • Trail System • Rainforest Garden • Twilight River • Butterfly House • Rainforest by Night • Lake Sandoval • Inkaterra Canopy Walkway

SuStainability aSPectS Inkaterra is a 100% carbon neutral and wholly Peruvian tourism organi-sation and boutique hotel developer. Since 1975 it has been devoted to conserving the country’s natural and cultural heritage through various social projects in their exclusive properties. As a consequence of their commitment, Inkaterra won the prestigious “Tourism for Tomorrow Awards”- Conservation category by the World Travel & Tourism Council.

maDre De DiosmaDre De Dios

explorer’s innexplorer’s inn is a lodge located inside the

tambopata national reserve. Since 1975, it has

offered tours of the virgin rainforest and its

exciting wildlife.

Site & SurroundingThe forest is one of the most biodiverse places on Earth. In 1977 the former Tambopata Reserved Zone was designated a conservation area. It consists of an area of 5,500 hectares and contains a world record amount of indigenous species, for its size. There are 600 species of birds, 1232 species of butterflies, rare mam-mals such as jaguars, 8 monkey species, a small clay-lick with parrots and macaws and in the Cocococha Lake, can be found the largest group of giant otters in Peru.A 42.5 m-high Canopy Tower where Climate Change is measured is also open for its guests. Its unique Resident Naturalist Program has given free room & board to about 400 young graduates in Biological and En-vironment sciences who monitor wildlife and educate locals and guests on rainforest conservation.

accommodationThe lodge has 30 twin bed rooms with private bath, lit with candles. It also has a natural history museum and medicinal plant garden.

excurSionS & activitieS Explorer’s Inn offers 3-5 day tours on a 50 km trail network covering major nature attractions,. There are trips to a clay-lick with an over-night tent camp, tours for birdwatchers and a Mystic Ayahuasca experi-ence with a local shaman. Tours are provided on a full service airport-to-airport basis. English speaking guides are also present.

SuStainability aSPectS Explorer’s Inn has solar panel lighting in public areas and also internet connection. The lodge employs local people and buys most of its food and building materials from its neighbours.

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namerainforest expeditions

addreSSav. larco 1116 – 4to piso, mirafloreslima 18, peru

PHone+51 1 719 64 22

toll Free1 877 231 9251

[email protected]


contactpierina carranza

SuStainability rating


nameinkanatura travel

addreSSmanuel Bañon 461 San isidrolima 27, peru

PHone+51 1 203 50 00

[email protected]


contactdaniel Blanco

SuStainability rating

rainforest expeditions rainforest expeditions is a Peruvian ecotour-

ism company founded in 1992 with the purpose

of providing authentic educational experiences

that support the conservation of the areas

where they operate.

Site & SurroundingRainforest Expeditions operates three ecolodges located within or directly adjacent to the Tambopata National Reserve.Several daily flights from Lima or Cusco bring tourists to Puerto Mal-donado. Posada Amazonas combines natural activities in a cultural context. The lodge is co-managed in partnership with the native community of lnfierno. Refugio Amazonas presents an ideal balance for naturalist exploration and observations of sustainable forest use by local populations. The Tambopata Research Center shows the largest macaw clay-lick.

accommodationPosada Amazonas is a very comfortable 30-bedroom ecolodge owned by the Community of lnfierno and co-managed with Rainforest Expedi-tions. Refugio Amazonas is a charming 32-bedroom lodge and was opened in 2005. The Tambopata Research Center is a 18-bedroom lodge which was built with the object of lodging both tourists and researchers.

excurSionS & activitieS • Posada and Refugio Amazonas highlights: Canopy tower, oxbow

lake, ethno-botanical trail, Brazil nut camp. Additional activities could be added to the program: handicraft workshop, kayaking, canopy climbing, biking.

• Tambopata Research Center: Macaw clay-lick, primary forest with different habitats.

SuStainability aSPectSPosada Amazonas has produced sufficient economic and social impacts on the Community of lnfierno to become an effective incentive for the community to manage their forest in a sustainable manner. Rainforest Expeditions achieved Rainforest Allience verification in 2011.

inkanatura travelinkanatura travel is a versatile full service eco-

tourism company that has been working since

1996 to protect and add value to the biological

and cultural heritage of Peru.

Site & SurroundingInkaNatura exclusively markets four rainforest lodges and one tented camp accessible from Cusco.Cock of the Rock Lodge protects 4,500 hectares of pristine cloud forest next to the Manu National Park; the habitat of the Cock-of-the -Rock, the Spectacled Bear, 5 species of monkeys, and hundreds of species of birds.Manu Wildlife Center is located outside the eastern border of Manu National Park.Manu Wildlife Tented Camp is located inside the Manu National park.Sandoval Lake Lodge is inside the Tambopata National Reserve and ran with the local community.Heath Wildlife Center is bordering two radically different ecosystems of rainforest and lowland savannah, close to the Tambopata-Madidipro-tected areas of Peru and Bolivia.

accommodation • Cock of the Rock Lodge: 12 double-occupancy wooden bungalows. • Manu Wildlife Center: 22 double-occupancy fully screened bungalows. • Manu Wildlife Tented Camp: 7 double-occupancy room-size tents

with hinged doors and solid wooden floors. • Sandoval Lake Lodge: 25 fully screened double-occupancy rooms. • Heath Wildlife Center: 10 double-occupancy bungalows.

excurSionS & activitieSCock of the Rock Lodge: Birding, visit to the cock of the rock lek.Manu Wildlife Center & Tented Camp and Heath Wildlife Center: Oxbow lakes, macaw clay lick, mammal lick, canopy platform, bird watching.Sandoval Lake Lodge: oxbow lake, wildlife observation.

SuStainability aSPectS • Environmental education. • Pure and applied scientific research on rain forest fauna and flora. • Ecotourism projects along with the participation of local people. • Land acquisition in specific areas to create private reserves for

protection. • Reforestation.

maDre De DiosmaDre De Dios

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deStination HigHligHtS

Culture Historic center of Arequipa The White City, a World Heritage Site as designated by UNESCO, is par-ticularly beautiful, with a heart of finished white volcanic stone called sillar that has been fashioned into arches, facades and cupolas. Monasterio de Santa Catalina (Arequipa)A small, walled-in city within a city, it has cloisters, plazas, streets, build-ings with Spanish roof tiles and cobblestone floors. It opened in 1580 as a cloister for nuns. Tour to knitting and embroidery workshops Watch local knitting and embroidery masters and participate in this ancient practice at different towns around the valley: Yaque, Sibayo, Corporaque and Callalli

Nature Colca Valley and Canyon A destination that never runs out of experiences, gathering together natu-ral wealth, living history and adventure sports. Its depth has been meas-ured at 11,155 feet (twice that of the Grand Canyon). There are 14 villages from the Colonial era spread throughout the canyon, each with extraor-dinary specimens of civil and religious architecture, stone houses that are thatched with ichu grass and wheat stalks, as well as ancient churches. At the rim of the canyon, you can find lookouts, strategically placed, where you can take in the entire scene and the majestic flight of the condor.Salinas and Aguada Blanca National ReserveAn impressive setting of volcanoes, rivers, salt licks and strange rock formations. Hot springsSoak yourself in hot springs (in Yura near to Arequipa and in La Calera near Chivay) whose waters have special medicinal properties that will help relay and cure the body.

Adventure Trout fishing in the Colca riverYou will be guided and taught trout fishing techniques by a local fisher-man from the village of Sibayo.Rock climbing, Via Ferrata and Zip lining in Chilina Volcanic rock walls that have been eroded by the winds and rain form the setting for the Chilina rock climbing adventure. Other activitiesRiver rafting, mountain biking, hiking, trekking, horseback riding, walking, motorcycle rides



PoPulation1 218 178

area63 345 km2

climatethe city of arequipa has a semi-arid and temperate climate with a maxi-mum temperature of 21.7°c (71°f) and a minimum of 6.9°c (44.4°f). the rainy season starts in january and ends in march.

altitude arequipa city: 2345 masl

languageSmainly Spanish

gaStronomy the cuisine of arequipa is one of the most varied in peru. the best examp-les of this are the different soups for each day of the week and other dishes like: •  chupe de camarones: Shrimp soup•  rocoto relleno: red hot peppers

stuffed with chopped beef, cheese and milk.

•  ocopa: boiled potatoes covered with a fresh cheese sauce

•  adobo arequipeno: pork marinated with corn beer sediments

SPecial inFormationBeing at 2345 masl, arequipa is an excellent place to begin gradual acclimatisation to the higher andes.

web linkSwww.peru.travel/arequipawww.ogdarequipa.org

acceSSBy plane:from lima to arequipa: 12 regular flights/1 h 30 minfrom cusco to arequipa: 1 regular flight/30 min from juliaca to arequipa: 1 regular flight/30 minfrom tacna to arequipa: 1 regular flight/30 min

By bus:from lima to arequipa: 10 daily departures/15 h from cusco to arequipa: 7 daily departures/10 h from juliaca to arequipa: 7 daily departures/10 h from puno to arequipa: 7 daily departures/10 h

to colca valleyBy bus: private bus companies3 bus companies/10 daily departures/4 harrival point: chivay town

Sleepy volcanoes and deep canyonsarequipa, known as the white city for its beauti-

ful white walls of sillar, a volcanic stone, lies

at the feet of the mighty misti volcano and the

snow covered peak of mount Pichu Pichu. just

a few hours from the capital is the colca river

canyon, one of the most extraordinary destina-

tions in the country. throughout the region, you

can see colourful pre-incan agricultural terraces

still used today for growing quinoa, corn, barley,

and wheat. and, at the cross of the condor, you

can view the majestic flight of the condors.



arequiPa49 dmo arequipa


50 las casitas del colca51 Kuntur Wassi Hotel52 Killawasi lodge

tour oPerator

53 giardino tour operatorngoS and community baSed touriSm

54 grupo gea55 aSetUr Sibayo

49 51

50 51 52 54 55

Page 45: S-GE The Branch Overview on Sustainable Tourism in Peru


namelas casitas del colca

addreSSav. fundo la curiñayanquearequipa, peru

PHone+51 959 672 688

[email protected]


contactSilvana villavicencio

SuStainability rating


nameorganización de gestión de arequipa - ogd arequipa

addreSS115 Santa catalina St., 12-d officearequipa, peru

PHone/Fax+51 54 211 146

[email protected]@ogdarequipa.org


contactmelvi vargas Benavente


las casitas del colcalas casitas del colca is located in the spec-

tacular colca canyon, 3 hours from the city of

arequipa. the hotel is very close to different

lookout points that provide wonderful pano-

ramic views of the valley. the magnificent vistas,

a welcoming and unique environment, and the

finest service make the hotel a haven of peace

and tranquility.

Site & SurroundingSThe hotel property is a 24 hectare estate, bordered on each side by a ravine overlooking the Colca Canyon, a remote area untouched by mo-dernity, where local culture and tradition is still part of daily live. This is makes it an ideal place for retreats, treks and tours of the valley.

SuStainabilityThe property strives to manage their impact on the environment, while promoting the rational use of natural resources. It is also largely self-sufficient, with a small private ranch, three greenhouses, and its own modern solar energy system.

accomodationLas Casitas del Colca feature 20 spacious cottages featuring a fireplace, marble bathroom, 2 showers (one indoor and one outdoor), a bathtub, a private terrace with a heated plunge pool, and heated floors.

excurSionS / activitieSIn-house activities include bicycle trails, horse riding, organic garden-ing, petting zoo (farm and barnyard animals), baby alpaca feeding, bird watching, reading in the library, E-corner, trout fishing, cooking and cocktail making lessons, painting, swimming, campfires, BBQ, stargaz-ing, hikes upon ecological trails with lookout points into the valley and river, and a spa.

guided excurSionSCruz del Condor lookout point, Colonial villages, Pre-Incan ruins, hot springs, zip-lining, and trekking.

dmo arequipadmo arequipa, created in 2007, is a non-profit

association that seeks to consolidate a collabo-

rative management of arequipa as a sustainable

destination, thus encouraging peoples’ and the

public/private agents’ active participation.

Site & SurroundingArequipa is known for its beautiful white walls of ashlars volcanic stone. It lies at the foot of the mighty Chachani and Misti volcanoes, and the Pichu Pichu glacier. The city is a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage site. Its churches and mansions include the Monastery of Santa Catalina, a miniature Spanish town of cobbled streets, beautiful courtyards, and plazas. The irresistible Arequipa cuisine is the perfect complement to the visit.Just about 4 four hours from the capital, is the Colca River valley and canyon. Colca is the perfect site to watch the majestic flight of the con-dor, practice adventure tourism, and enjoy the cultural heritage of the Collaguas and the Cabanas at Sibayo, Coporaque, Yanque and Callalli.

ServiceSThe DMO supports the Convention Bureau, promoting and positioning the city of Arequipa as a permanent meeting and event centre, as they promote sustainable business best practices to improve the competi-tiveness of the tourism industry.DMO Arequipa also develops new tourist products, such as Textile Route, Cultural Way, in addition to the traditional offer; implements promotional activities for Arequipa Region and coordinates promo-tional actions with the Macro Southern Region.

SuStainability aSPectSDMO Arequipa promotes the regional offer of tourism products and services, builds capacities to improve their quality, and develop and implement activities in order to raise public awareness of the protec-tion and defense of the social, environmental and cultural heritage.

49 50

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nameKillawasi lodge

addreSScalle caraveli #408 - yanquecolca canyon arequipa, peru

PHone+51 980 295 812

Fax+1 646 666 44 73

[email protected]


contactguillermo Hoyos

SuStainability rating


nameKuntur Wassi Hotel

addreSScruz Blanca S/ncabanacondearequipa, peru

PHone+51 54 830 269+51 54 233 120

Fax+51 54 233 120

[email protected]


contactmaria pepith reategui Hidalgomarie puma Soto

SuStainability rating

Killawasi lodgekillawasi lodge is a cosy hotel located in the

beautiful colca valley that offers guests an

unforgettable life experience, sharing with them

the warm attention of the local people and an

architecture that blends comfort and rusticity

in an environment surrounded by nature and


Site & SurroundingThe lodge is located in the heart of the Colca Valley, in the beautiful village of Yanque, within minutes of their thermal waters, its central square and its beautiful colonial church. It is ideally placed for visiting the Colca Canyon and engaging in ecotourism and adventure activities. Distance: 160 km Arequipa, Chivay 8 km, Cruz del Condor 35 km

accommodationThere are twelve comfortable Junior Suites surrounded by beautiful landscapes, with private balconies or terraces, all equipped with pri-vate bathroom with hot water, remote control heating, wifi, iPod and Mp3 player facilities, orthopaedic mattresses, cotton bed-linen and towels, allergenic pillows and all the amenities needed to make your stay an unforgettable experience. The rooms: Single Junior Suite, Double King Junior Suite, Twin Junior Suite (2 twin beds), Triple Junior Suite (3 twin beds).

excurSionS & activitieSGuests may choose from a variety of activities such as hiking tours, horse riding and biking, among others activities. As part of their service, the lodge offers all guests a guided walk of about three hours.

SuStainability aSPectSSolar energy is used to minimise the consumption of electricity with-out affecting the smooth operation of the hotel. A recycling policy is also in place.

Kuntur Wassi Hotel kuntur wassi Hotel is a family enterprise. it

opened its doors in july 2002 to offer accommo-

dation, services and quality visitor experiences.

it is a three-star establishment, located close to

the viewpoint cruz del condor.

when you visit the hotel, you will enjoy cosy

environments and a rustic contemporary and

elegant architecture, in complete harmony with

the environment and local surroundings.

Site & SurroundingKuntur Wassi is located in the district of Cabanaconde, the seventh vil-lage that constitutes the touristic circuit of Colca. It is the closest town to the natural viewpoint Cruz del Condor and the ‘main door’ entrance to the trekking and adventure routes in the Colca Canyon, the deepest in the world.

accommodationThe facilities and equipment correspond to a three-star hotel – unique in the area. All rooms have private bathrooms with hot water from solar heaters (solar thermas). Additional services include a restaurant bar, conference room, wi-fi, laundry, parking and a library, among others.

excurSionS & activitieS • Trekking: Sangalle Oasis, the route of San Juan-Fure-Llahuar-

Huaruro, the path to Tapay and circuit Ampato exploration, where the mummy “Juanita” was discovered.

• Horse-riding with a comfortable ride to natural viewpoints.

SuStainability aSPectSKuntur Wassi Hotel contributes with the care of the environment through programs of tree plantation, removing garbage in the area and roads, and by raising consciousness within the local population. It also provides support to education through contests and awards for teach-ers and students, and assists in the promotion of the local culture.


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namegrupo gea

addreSSlima: av. chorrillos 150, chorrilloslima 09, peru

addreSS arequiPacalle Bolognesi 906, chivay, colcaarequipa, peru

PHone+51 1 467 18 02

Fax+51 1 467 18 75

[email protected] [email protected]


contactmario Sánchezesther vera


namegiardino tour operator

addreSSjerusalen 604- aarequipa, peru

PHone+51 54 200 100

[email protected]@giardinotours.com


contactlourdes perez Wicht San romancarmen rosa medina vásquez

SuStainability rating

grupo geagrupo gea is a non-profit organisation that pro-

motes rural community tourism and ecotourism

in rural areas of Peru, to enhance the wellbeing

of local enterprising families and their guests.

Site & SurroundingThe Mundo Colca project benefits 14 communities in the province of Caylloma, along the Valley and Canyon of Colca. It takes advantage of the sustainable environmental, cultural and socio-economic assets of the territory, and contributes to expand and diversify the potential of the Colca Valley as a tourist destination.

accommodation30 settlers of rural communities offer their houses with rooms and beds provided with the necessary services and amenities to receive visitors. Homestays are arranged to last at least a day and a half.

excurSionS & activitieS • Route “Collagua of Colca”, Callali, Sibayo,Tuti, and Canocota (1.5

days) • Circuit “Uyo Uyo and Yanque by Night”. Yanque, Achoma and Maca

(6 hours – 1.5 days) • Circuit “Bird watching and Andean Biodiversity”. Tocra and Salinas y

Aguada Blanca National Reserve • Circuit “Around the Land of Inca’s Wife”. Coporaque, Ichupampa,

Lari, Madrigal (1-2 days) • Circuit “Trekking around the depths of the Canyon”. Cabanaconde -

Tapay (1.5 days) • Tours to agricultural sites, participating of agro-touristic and eco-

logical tasks • Tours to temples and compounds with colonial architecture along

the valley • Participating in a vicuña chaku (shearing) • Presentation of local art at the Center of Native Art (dances, music,

handicrafts) • Adventure sports • Typical and novo-Andean food

SuStainability aSPectSThis project generates jobs in the tourist sector. It improves family incomes, treasures individual and social cultural knowledge, incorpo-rates environmental, socio-economic and productive good practices, and promotes the implementation of new initiatives of touristic micro-enterprises.

giardino tour operatorgiardino is a Peruvian tour operator with 17

years of experience. this company has estab-

lished clear principles by supporting Peru’s peo-

ple and resources to help communities in differ-

ent ways. they value sustainable tourism, which

is in keeping with a genuine Peruvian experience

with the sharing of traditions and daily life with

locals. their staff are trained in environmental

and educational matters and fair trade conduct

with their partners. giardino promotes tourism’s

positive aspects within the region while giving

you Peru’s best hospitality!

Site & SurroundingGiardino operates mainly in the Arequipa & Colca Canyon areas, but has selected partners throughout Peru.

accommodationIn Arequipa, “La Casa de mi Abuela” has 55 rooms with private bath-rooms and hot water. Services include a restaurant, internet facility, mail service, pool and library.In the Colca Canyon, “La Casa de Mamayacchi”, Coporaque has 28 rooms with private bathrooms, heating and hot water. There is also a restaurant and a games area. Both hotels are ISO 14001 certified.

excurSionS & activitieSArequipa: City and countryside tour, gastronomic experience tour, get involved tour.Colca Canyon: 2, 3, and 4 days excursions are available in combina-tion with transfer to Puno and “Share a day with a Villager” activity in Coporaque town. Giardino offers programs for all destinations throughout Peru.

SuStainability aSPectSGiardino is committed to sustainable tourism. With your help they are able to accomplish various activities including: • Annual cleaning and re-forestation campaigns. • Educational and Christmas campaigns for local people. • Recycling bags and containers in buses, hotels, and at visitor attrac-

tions. • Annual Public Health and eyecare campaigns. • Restoration of the Coporaque library.


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nameasetur rumillacta –asociación de Serviciosturísticos de Sibayo

addreSSplaza de armas s/nSibayoarequipa, peru

PHone+51 956 069 932+51 958 922 511

[email protected][email protected]@hotmail.com


contactfilemón Samayani

SuStainability rating

aSetUr Sibayo aSetur was created in 2006 to develop an

alternative to the traditional colca canyon tour-

ism experience. it gave rise to rural community

based tourism (trc) in Sibayo, an experiential

tourism product involving local families and


Site & SurroundingSibayo can be reached by car in two hours from the city of Arequipa, and one hour from Chivay, the entry gate to the Colca Canyon. Sibayo is located between 3,810 and 4,500 m. a. s. l.

accommodationASETUR members are local families, especially women, trained to provide lodging and food. They have become an interesting example of local women’s empowerment. To date in Sibayo there are 32 families offering homestays for visitors (2 to 4 persons in each household).

excurSionS & activitieS • Trekking to nearby archaeological sites and nature-based attractions • Visiting Sibayo’s fish farm (one of the largest in Arequipa) • Assisting locals in alpaca wool production (depending on the season) • Taking part in the ceremony of Tinkachi, paying homage to Mother

Earth • Interacting with locals and tasting traditional foods • Other mystical rituals for visitors interested in a more spiritual


An innovative program consists of trekking tours with llamas (up to 8 days) passing by archaeological sites, community lands and marvelous natural surroundings.

SuStainability aSPectSASETUR has been created with the common vision to develop a tour-ism activity that benefits the local families, enhancing their cultural and natural assets, and contributing to the valuation of their tradition-al lifestyles while improving the families’ wellbeing. The tourism activ-ity is planned and managed as a community venture, in coordination and with the support of the Municipality of Sibayo, and on-line with its Strategic Development Plan.

arequipa arequipa


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deStination HigHligHtS

CulturePucaráPucará is famous for its tradition of producing fine ceramics, especially the Toritos de Pucará (little bulls). Sillustani Archeological Complex This is a pre-Incan burial ground on the shores of Lake Umay. The tombs, which are built above ground in tower-like structures called chullpas, are the vestiges of the Colla people, Aymara, who were con-quered by the Inca in the 15th century.Lake TiticacaAccording to legend Manco Capac and Mama Ocllo, the founders of the Inca Empire had emerged from the depths of Lake Titicaca. This is the world’s highest navigable lake and home to different indigenous com-munities. Uros floating islands The Uro-Aymara families continue to live as their ancestors have in custom and tradition. They live on “floating islands” artificially made entirely of totora reeds.Taquile Island The friendly inhabitants of this island have maintained their customs, traditions and manner of dress in spite of contact with the modern world. Their weaving technique has been considered by UNESCO In-tangible World Heritage

AdventureLlama trekking in Atuncolla Enjoy trekking along bridle paths for approximately 2 km, accompa-nied by a cargo llama. Along the route you will see crop fields, camelids farms and typical houses.Kayac ridesExperience the peace and beautiful scenery offered by the world`s highest navigable lake (Capachica Peninsula, Esteves island- Uros)Other activitiesHorseback riding on Amantani Island, artisan fishing, boat rides, sail-ing, mountain biking



PoPulation1 364 362

area66 997 km2

climatethe city of puno is located on the shores of lake titicaca. its climate is cold and semi-dry, with a rainy season that starts in october and ends in april. the annual average maximum temperature is 14°c (58°f) and the minimum is 3°c (37°f).

altitudepuno city: 3 830 masl

languageSSpanish, quechua and aymara

gaStronomypuno is the realm of the nourishing ram’s head soup, which you eat by slurping small and steamy sips. it is a welcoming support to the body in the harsh weather of the altiplano. traditi-onal dishes from puno contain ingre-dients found throughout the andean region, like cheese, potatoes, quinoa, mutton, pork and alpaca.

SPecial inFormationtake your time to adapt to the high altitude. to prevent headache and diz-ziness try coca tea, good quality sleep, oxygen when requested and a light diet for at least the first few days.

at this high altitude, the rays of the sun are very strong; it is recommenda-ble to use solar protection.

during the winter months from june to august, night-time temperatures usually drop well below 0°c.

web linkSwww.peru.travel/puno www.puno.comwww.ogdpuno.org

acceSSBy plane: from lima to juliaca:direct flight/3 airlines/2 regular daily flights/1 h 30 minfrom lima to juliaca:with stopover in arequipa/3 airlines/ 4 regular daily flights/2 h 40 h

from juliaca airport, you continue by land from the juliaca-puno highway

By bus: from lima: 5 bus companies7 daily departures/18 hfrom arequipa: 16 bus companies71 daily departures/5 hfrom cusco: 10 bus companies48 daily departures/7 h

cradle of incan civilization, and the highest navigable lake in the world the city of Puno which lies on the shores of lake

titicaca, the highest navigable lake in the world,

is the folklore capital of Peru. in the outskirts,

you can visit the spectacular chullpas de Sil-

lustani, a complex of impressive burial towers.

the lake contains numerous islands like taquile,

Suasi and amantaní whose inhabitants continue

to live as their ancestors have in custom and

tradition. the uros is another example of this;

this people group lives on “floating islands” that

they have artificially made entirely of totora

reeds, and they navigate in their traditional

boats also made out of the same material.



Puno56 dmo puno


57 casa andina private collection – isla Suasi

tour oPerator

58 all Ways travel59 Hotel titilaka – andean experience

ngoS and community baSed touriSm

60 cedeSoS - centro para el desarrollo Sostenible

56 58 59 60


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namecasa andina private collection - isla Suasi

addreSSnortheastern extreme of lake titicacapuno, peru

PHone+51 1 213 97 20

[email protected]


contactmariano agramunt

SuStainability rating


nameasociación puno turismo y desarrollo aptUr – ogd pUno

addreSSjr. alfonso Ugarte 113 - Store 505 - 5th floor (mall: centro comercial plaza)puno, peru

PHone+51 51 363 498

[email protected]


contactSamuel apaza pari

casa andina private collection – isla Suasicasa andina is a solar-powered ecolodge on the

remote and uniquely beautiful isla Suasi — the

only private island in massive lake titicaca, the

world’s highest navigable body of water. Featur-

ing panoramic lake views from every room, sur-

rounded by terraced gardens and designed with

native materials (stone, adobe and thatched

roofs) to blend into the island, the lodge is com-

mitted to being green.

Site & SurroundingSuasi is a magical, and for many, mystical place to disconnect from the world. Spot rare vicuñas, hike to Itapilluni Hill to contemplate colour-ful high-altitude sunsets, paddle a canoe around the island, go on quiet nature walks, or visit the massage room and steam saunas with eucalyptus leaves.

accommodationSuperior rooms are spacious and well appointed, with large bathrooms, peaked ceilings with wooden beams, and chimneys. The Andean Cot-tage is a very large & extremely private 2-bedroom lakefront suite.

excurSionS & activitieSCasa Andina offers a multitude of activities on the island like nature walks, boating on Titicaca, canoeing and others.

SuStainability aSPectSSuasi’s ecolodge is all about being green. Committed to conserving the island’s precious natural resources and not interfering with Suasi’s natural beauty, it is entirely solar-powered by German-engineered solar panels.A USD $12 fee per guest to enter Suasi (included in all guests’ room cost) helps fund conservation projects on the island and in the imme-diate vicinity.


dmo punocreated in 2005, dmo aPtur-Puno is a non-

profit association, which aims at fostering and

promoting the development of sustainable tour-

ism for Puno destination, in coordination with

the public and private sectors.

Site & SurroundingThe city of Puno lies on the shores of Lake Titicaca, the highest naviga-ble lake in the world. It is the folklore capital of Peru and the site of the Feast of the Virgen de la Candelaria. Nearby sites include the spec-tacular Chullpas de Sillustani, a compound of impressive burial towers built by the Kollas people; Llachón, a community still preserving old customs and culture, and Pucará, known for its pre-Inca pottery and the “toritos de Pucará”, traditional clay figurines representing cattle.

The inhabitants of the lake’s numerous islands still live as their ances-tors lived. The Uros, for instance, live on “floating islands” and they sail the lake on rafts also made out of totora reeds. Taquile, Suasi, and Amantaní are known for hospitality of their residents, their ancestral weaving skills, their pre-Columbian constructions, and lovely country-side. The Titicaca National protects extensive stretches of totora reeds and various species of plants and animals.

ServiceSDMO APTUR-PUNO works to improve Puno Destination positioning in the national and international markets, enhancing a competitive, diversified and sustainable tourism offer contributing to an improved quality of life of the population.

SuStainability aSPectSIn order to achieve a competitive and sustainable tourism offer, APTUR-PUNO develops tourism products and services to fulfil market requirements. The DMO works on the development of Cultural Tour-ism, in collaboration with economic and social agents involved in tour-ism activities within the region.

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nameandean experience – Hotel titilaka

addreSSSáenz peña 129, Barranco,lima 04, peru

PHone+51 1 700 51 05

Fax+51 1 700 51 29

[email protected]@andean-experience.com


contactolga cervantes

SuStainability rating


nameall Ways travel titicaca peru

addreSSjirón deustua 576puno, peru

PHone+51 51 355 552

Fax+51 51 353 979

[email protected]@titicacaperu.com


contactvictor paucaeliana pauca

SuStainability rating

Hotel titilaka – andean experienceHotel titilaka is a contemporary experience

lodge offering an artful blend of exquisite

design, intuitive service and personal comfort.

titilaka is the perfect lakeside hub to experi-

ence the nature and culture that characterizes

the andean region.

Site & SurroundingPositioned on the shores of Lake Titicaca, the world’s highest navigable lake, Titilaka is surrounded by the scenic Andean altiplano and seem-ingly endless deep blue waters of the mystical lake.

accommodationAll 18 rooms in Titilaka offer lake views, in a minimalist design that reflects Andean heritage. All rooms feature heated floors and the 14 suites feature spa bathrooms, with free standing tubs and rain shower heads. Stays at Titilaka include all meals, which have been carefully crafted and prepared. Meals are light, use local ingredients and have Peruvian or international flair. Their meals are complemented by a choice of domestic wines. Guests can enjoy their food and drink in the cozy din-ing room with the impressive 270 degree view of the lake.

excurSionS & activitieSThe Titilaka offers an array of natural and cultural excursions from which the guests may choose to compose their day. Guides work to make sure that each day features activities that most inte-rest the guests. Excursions can often be done by hiking, biking, rowing, and kayaking or by boat. Some activities, such as nature walks and boat rowing through the Lake’s reed mangroves, last just a few hours. Half-day tours are available for bird lovers and guests interested in learning about local lifestyles. Full-day tours take travelers to Inca Anatawi, Aramu Muro, Juli and Pomata, and Isla del Sol. Guests wishing to “sail on top of the world” may charter a private sail excursion boat.

SuStainability aSPectSAt Titilaka the vision is to protect the environment and to give back to the communities. Communication with local people is encouraged in order to minimize the cultural impact and to improve their lives. • 96% of their employees are hired locally. • Lake Titicaca fish and local produce are used. • Every possible effort is made to reduce detergent and water use.

all Ways travel all ways travel was created in 1996 with the

purpose of developing a more socially respon-

sible kind of tourism. it is a progressive and

specialised local tour operator, engaged in

social projects and activities in the southern

region of Puno.

Site & SurroundingAll Ways Travel Titicaca Peru specialises in the Andean high plateau and Lake Titicaca region. It offers a wide range of cultural tours, including Lake Titicaca and the surrounding communities.

accommodationAll Ways Travel works with the various communities of Amantani, Ha-tuncolla, Llachon, Luquina, Ccotos and Taquile to provide visitors with a home-stay experience. The families of these communities provide accommodation and meals for visitors, providing a cultural exchange experience and helping to fosters equal relationships among people from different cultures.

excurSionS & activitieSAll Ways Travel has developed several alternatives to the traditional tourism experiences in the area of Puno. These include 2-day or longer tour programs, combining culture and nature-based experiences with cultural exchange.

Examples of these tours include: • Cultural Anapia Island • Cultural Amantani, Uros and Taquile Islands • Cultural Sillustani tour • Cultural Llachon and Kayak • Cultural Luquina home stay experience

SuStainability aSPectSAll Ways Travel combines a strong respect for Lake Titicaca’s rich cul-ture and traditions, with an awareness of the significant poverty of its people. It is currently installing libraries, supporting rural schools and offering much needed education and children’s books in many of the villages. Its educational tours offer a genuine discovery of indigenous peoples’ lifestyles. This cross-cultural travel experience continues to leave a lasting impression on both locals and travellers.The sustainable tourism experience of All Ways Travel with the com-munity of Anapia in Puno has been awarded several recognitions at national and international levels.


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namecedeSoS – centro para el desarrollo Sostenible

addreSSjr. moquegua nº 348puno, peru

PHone+51 51 367 915+51 959 577 477

[email protected]


contactnoeli osco ochoa

cedeSoS – centro para el desarrollo SosteniblecedeSoS is an ngo dedicated to promoting

sustainable development utilising effective

management skills and social engagement. it

focuses its work on technical assistance, with

training and research to propose strategies for

natural resource management, environmental

concerns and evaluation of cultural traditions

to the harmonious development of the andean

region and the country.

Site & SurroundingThey are working and supporting the environments of Amantani Island, Capachica and Chucuito peninsula.

accommodationTourists are hosted by local families in their improved traditional style houses.

excurSionS & activitieSThey contact and arrange transport, accommodation, meals, and entrance fees for typical activities. There is an English–Spanish guide along with others in the communities they support. Information and advertising material about the customs and traditions of these communities is also available.

SuStainability aSPectSThe Institution also promotes their research work, disseminating the results of these investigations, which form a basis for further research and proposal strategies to address and/or mitigate the problems that arise. The developing of the tourism activity is their main implement in helping to improve the quality of the lives of the families within the communities. • Sustainable management of solid waste in Capachica district of

Puno – Peru, developed in 2008. • Cleaning campaign on Karina Bay. • Tree planting campaign in Karina. • Sustainable Rural Tourism developing. • Elaboration of organic garbage cans campaign.



Page 53: S-GE The Branch Overview on Sustainable Tourism in Peru

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