roatan living guide - a bella bay ebook

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  • 7/31/2019 Roatan living guide - a Bella Bay eBook


  • 7/31/2019 Roatan living guide - a Bella Bay eBook


    A Guide to Living on Roa tan 1

    Table of Contents

    Int r oduct i on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Where i s Roat an? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3Roat an Li f e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9Immigrat ing t o Roat an . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15Buying p roper ty on Roat an . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19For more in format ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
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    A Guide to Living on Roa tan 2


    The island of Roatan is loc a ted just

    south o f the Yuc a ta n Peninsula in

    the western Ca ribbea n, and ha s

    bec ome po pular with expa ts

    looking for a sa fe, co mfortab le,

    and interesting p lace to live a nd


    As a result, we've p rep ared this basic

    guide to living o n Roa tan tha t inc ludesinforma tion about:

    Roa tan geograp hy Roa tan life a nd culture Imm igra ting to Roa tan Buying real esate

    If you ha ve a ny questions, send us an

    ema il at:


    "A beautifulisland in the



    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]://
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    A Guide to Living on Roa tan 3

    Chapter 1

    Where is Roatan?
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    A Guide to Living on Roa tan 4

    Where is Roatan?

    The island of Roa ta n lies just south

    of Mexic o s Yuc a tan Peninsula in

    the western Caribbea n, and is the

    largest o f Honduras' Bay Islands, or

    "Islas de la Baha".

    Roa tan ha s d irec t flights from North

    Am erica n c ities inc lud ing Miami and

    Atlanta and is 90 minutes by a ir from


    "Just south of

    the Yuca tan

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    A Guide to Living on Roa tan 5

    Close to one of the longest reefs in

    the world

    Tha nks to its p roximity to the Me soa merica n Ree f, sec ond longest barrier

    ree f in the wo rld , Roa tan and Hond uras' Ba y Islands have b ec om e a

    mec c a fo r sc uba d iving , snorkeling a nd ec oto urism.
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    A Guide to Living on Roa tan 6

    TheMesoa meric an ree f stretc hes mo re than 1,000 kilome ters from the tip

    of the Yuc a t n Peninsula (loc a ted to the no rth of Roa tan), a ll the wa y to

    Roa tan a nd the Bay Islands of Honduras, whic h are ho me to 95% of a ll

    ma rine life in the Caribbea n.

    The Mesoa meric an ree f system include s ma ny prote c ted a rea s and pa rks

    a long its leng th, is the largest c oral ree f in the Weste rn Hemisphere and

    the sec ond la rgest b a rrier ree f in the world .


    home to 95%

    of a ll marine

    life in the

    Caribbean "
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    A Guide to Living on Roa tan 7

    Getting around Roatan

    The island of Roata n is app roxima tely 50 kilometers miles long , and is less

    than 4 kilom ete rs w ide a t the w id est point.

    Coxen Hole

    The c om me rc ia l hub of the island is Co xen Hole, which with a pop ula tion

    of 10,000 is the la rgest town on the island . Other important towns inc lude

    Frenc h Harbour, West End , and Oa k Ridg e.

    Rugged , ra inforested hills me ans there a re fe w roa ds on the island . Towns

    and villages on the island offer sec lusion a nd a "trop ic al ge tawa y"fo r

    visitors and long term residents.
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    A Guide to Living on Roa tan 8

    How to get to Roatan

    Roa ta n(RTB) is easily ac c essed via d irec t flights through Toronto, Houston,

    Miam i, Atlanta , New a rk or Milan, Ita ly. Ma ny of the se flights ma ke it ea sy

    to c onnec t form we stern Ca nad ian and Americ an c ities. Major a irlines

    serving the island includ e Delta , Americ an A irlines, Continenta l Airlines,

    TACA, Islena and c ha rter a irlines. Cana d ian Charter a irlines suc h a s

    Sunw ing a nd Airtransa t a lso service RTB from m a jor Cana d ian Airports.

    American Airlines nonstop service schedule(Fall 2012 - p lease c hec k for current sched ule; all times shown a re local)

    From To Flight # Departs Arrives FrequencyMiam i (MIA) Roata n (RTB) 1523 1:05 p .m. 2:15 p .m. Sa turday

    Roatan (RTB) Miam i (MIA) 1670 3:20 p .m. 6:15 p .m. Sa turday

    Ame rica n Airlines will offer nonstop service be twe en M iami Internationa l Airpo rt (MIA) and Roa tan's Juan M anue l Galvez

    Internatio na l Airpo rt (RTB) in Roa ta n b eg inning No v. 17, 2012.
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    A Guide to Living on Roa tan 9

    Chapter 2

    Roatan Life
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    A Guide to Living on Roa tan 10

    Weather on Roatan

    Roa tan enjoys an a verage d a ily tem perature of 27 C (82 F), and

    throug hout the yea r tem peratures typica lly range b etwe en 21 and 32 C

    (70 90 F).

    Few hurricanes

    Due to its loc a tion in the southw est

    c orner of the Ca ribb ea n,

    few hurrica nes typ ic a lly rea c h


    A c ooler, milde r c lima te

    Roa tan s c lima te is milder and c oo ler

    tha n the ma inland , since it is a

    na rrow island influenc ed by the mo re

    c onstan t temp era ture o f the sea .



    c lima te is

    milder and

    c ooler thanthe mainland."
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    A Guide to Living on Roa tan 11

    Things to do - Diving and


    Diving on Roa tan

    Roa tan is p rotec ted by the

    Mesoame rican Barrier Ree f, the

    la rgest b a rrier ree f in the Ca ribbea n

    Sea.It ma kes for excellent d iving

    and snorkeling.

    Exc ellent diving and snorkeling

    While som e of the more fa mous

    island wrec ks a re Prince A lbert and

    the Aguila , there a re ma ny exce llent

    d ive spots to choo se from:

    Coral Cay

    See a turtle ha tc hery, a nurse sha rk, or just rent snorkel gear, a kaya k, or

    swim o ff to ne arb y coral ree fs and two ship w rec ks.
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    A Guide to Living on Roa tan 12

    West Bay

    In West Ba y, dive to three or 30 fee t in c omfo rt using SNUBA tec hno logy,

    without the hassle o f d ive c ertific a tion or air tanks (a qua lified guide will

    ac co mpa ny you).

    Cayos Coc hinos

    Marine Protec ted


    A marine

    protec ted a rea

    and home to the


    Trop ica l Institute .

    You c an visit it a nd

    d ive w ith AKR,

    Subwa y Water

    Sports, Las Roc as, or by b oa t from Nueva Armenia.

    Dixon Cove

    Try d iving in the c ompany of dozens of reef sha rks. Las Pa lma s Club in

    Dixon Cove offers sha rk dive tours.
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    A Guide to Living on Roa tan 13

    Ecotour ism on Roatan

    Roa tan w elc om es visitors, and there a re many things to d o a ll ove r the

    island.Here a re just a few ideas:

    Roatn Museum & Roa tn Institute of Marine Sc ienc es Sandy Bay The Institute of Ma rine Sc ienc es is where visitors c an lea rn about the

    ec ology of the Bay Island s, and a lso e xperienc e a dolphin skill show.
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    A Guide to Living on Roa tan 14

    Carambola Botanical Gardens Sand y Bay

    Enjoy a hike or a p ic nic a t this ra inforest gard en while wa tc hing for b irds

    wa tching wild life.

    Canopy Tours West Bay & Frenc h


    Glide or zoom through ra in forest

    c anop y on a 200m stee l c ab le from

    hilltop to a b ea c h.

    Mangrove Tours Oak Ridge,

    Jonesville, or Calabash Bight

    Take a na ture tour throug h Roa tan s

    ma ngroves forests, through the p ira te

    c hannel cut b etwe en Ca ribe Point

    Bight and Jonesville. Water ta xis a re

    ava ilab le in Jonesville, Oa k Ridg e, or

    Ca labash Bight.

    "Tour through

    a ma ngrovec hannel c ut


    Caribe Point

    Bight a ndJonesville"
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    A Guide to Living on Roa tan 15

    Chapter 3

    Immigrating to Roatan
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    A Guide to Living on Roa tan 16

    Immigrating to Roatan

    When d ec id ing to live in Roa tan ,

    there a re a few things you need

    to know .

    Non-residents or foreigners may

    visit Roa ta n (which itself is an

    Island in the c ountry of Hond uras)

    for up to thirty days without a visa .

    Sta ying beyond 30 days is ea sily fac ilitated b y renewing your 30 day visa

    or getting a 3 month visitor visa .

    Roa tan visa requirements

    TheMinistry of Go vernment and Justic e (Sec reta ria d e G ob ernac ion y

    Justicia)is the Honduran governmenta l entity tha t oversee s visas.


    may visit

    Roata n for upto thirty days

    without a visa"
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    A Guide to Living on Roa tan 17

    Applying for a residence visa in Roa tan

    To a pp ly for a residenc e visa , you w ill need :

    a passport va lid for a t lea st one yea r from the d a te o f

    your application

    a b irth c ertifica te

    a c ertific a te of hea lth

    a letter of reference from your loc a l po lice

    a letter of reference c onc erning your bank or an

    em p loyer sta ting simp le d eta ils about m onthlycashflow

    three p assport photos

    You must leave the c ountry every 6 months for a m inimum of three da ys if

    you ha ve no t ac quired residenc y. The p roc ess in ob ta ining a residenc e

    visa is stra ightforwa rd , but f you want to avoid the paperwork involved


    acquiring residenc y, you c an ea sily make a quick three -da y trip to a

    neighboring county.
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    A Guide to Living on Roa tan 18

    For more informa tion a bout imm igra ting to Roa tan, p lea se see :

    http:/ / bellabayestates.c om/ immigrating-roatan-b asic- information/
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    A Guide to Living on Roa tan 19

    Chapter 4

    Buying property on Roatan
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    A Guide to Living on Roa tan 20

    Buying real estate in Honduras

    Roa tan is pa rt o f Hond uras, so if you a re p lanning o n b uying rea l esta te

    here, you w ill want to familiarize yourself with the laws of the c ountry.

    Buying rea l esta te in Hond uras c an b e an extrem ely stra ightforwa rd

    p rocess if you fo llow somebasic g uide lines, suc h as

    acquiring q ualified loc a l

    expertise to help sec ure title

    and p rotec t your investment.

    Buying rea l estate in Roa tan

    on your own

    While p urc hasing p rop erty on

    your own c an b e c omp lic ated

    and time c onsuming, som e d o


    On Roa tan foreigners ma y

    purc ha se up to 3000 squa re

    "If you a re

    buying without

    the assistanc e

    of a loc a l


    you will need

    to hire a

    nota ry "
  • 7/31/2019 Roatan living guide - a Bella Bay eBook


    A Guide to Living on Roa tan 21

    An esc ritura p ublica ind ica tes tha t the owne rship of

    the p rop erty has been verified .

    A dominio pleno ind ic a tes tha t there was no record

    of owne rship p rior to the transfer and tha t a judg e

    must dec ide on whe ther or not to g ra nt title.

    me ters (.75 ac res) of land . If you a re buying land without the help of a

    loc a l deve lop er there a re c an b e restric tions on purc hases within 40 km of

    the c oa stline o r internationa l bo rders).

    To p urc hase a la rger pa rc el of land , it is nec essa ry to form a corpora tion.

    Not working with a loc al develope r? Get a notary

    If you a re b uying without the assistanc e o f a loc a l develop er (like Bella

    Bay), you will need to hire a nota ry. Nota ries oversee the transfer of title .

    And the first ta sk of the nota ry is to c ond uc t the title sea rc h. After your

    nota ry notifies you tha t the title is c lea r and free , then you ma y purc hase


    Escritura publicavs. ad ominio p leno

    Onc e the title sea rc h has been c a rried out , your nota ry will file e ither

    an esc ritura pub lic a or ado minio p leno:

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    A Guide to Living on Roa tan 22

    Working with a local deve loper to bypass hurd les

    Working with a loc a l deve lop er will help bypa ss ma ny hurd les whe ninvesting in Roata n rea l esta te .

    Some d eve lopers offer 100% ownership o f titled land , often in a

    c om munity of white-sand b ea c hfront homes.

    Leg a l fees and c losing costs vary be tween ow ners so w e recom me nd

    budgeting in the reg ion o f 5% of the p rop erty va lue. The a dd ition o f

    financ ing will inc ur further costs. Title insuranc e is ava ilab le. Annua l

    p roperty taxes a re extreme ly rea sona b le, c urrently be ing less tha n 0.5%.
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    A Guide to Living on Roa tan 23

    Forming a holding corporation reduces risks

    Another rec om mended avenue fo r purc hasing rea l esta te on Roa tan is to

    c rea te a Hond uras c orpora tion or holding co mp any.

    By forming a c orporation, and by designa ting yourself genera l mana ger

    and administra tor, you a re entitled to a ll the rights of a Hond uran c itizen

    reg ard ing ownership of your property, whic h can red uc e risk and save


    Sell p roperty more easily

    Ano ther benefit of forming a c orpo ra tion is tha t it rem ove s the

    req uirem ent of p aying p rop erty transfer taxes upon any future sa le (e.g.,

    to your c hild ren) of the p rop erty.

    While a ll doc uments must b e in Spanish, this is a stra ightfo rwa rd p roc ess

    and is hand led in ma ny cases b y the p rop erty d eve lop ers (as is the c ase

    with Bella Ba y Esta tes).

    For informa tion about ac quiring land title in Honduras, plea se see :

    http:/ / be llab ayestates.c om/ land-title-documentation-honduras/
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    A Guide to Living on Roa tan 24

    This eb ook was sponsored by Bella Bay Estates, a Caribbean

    retirement and vac ation investment p roperty on the island ofRoa ta n, Honduras, selling 100% ow nership o f titled land in its

    c omm unity of w hite-sand be ac hfront hom es.

    For more information

    Roa tan lies in the p erfec t Ca ribbea n loc a tion, enjoying g rea t wea ther,

    c oo ling b reezes, many sheltered bays, and p rotec tion from Ca ribbea n


    For more informa tion o n how to enjoy this Ca ribb ea n p arad ise, see :