rise of european monarchy

Rise of European Monarchy After the decline of the Roman Empire, except for Charlemagne’s brief rule, European government was largely ___________________________. Power was held in the hands of the feudal lords.

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Rise of European Monarchy. After the decline of the Roman Empire, except for Charlemagne’s brief rule, European government was largely ___________________________. Power was held in the hands of the feudal lords. Medieval England. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Rise of European Monarchy

Rise of European MonarchyAfter the decline of the Roman Empire,

except for Charlemagne’s brief rule, European government was largely ___________________________. Power was held in the hands of the feudal lords.

Page 2: Rise of European Monarchy

Medieval England

Withdrawal of Rome in the 400s AD left Britain to __________, ___________and _____________.

________________________ unites Angles and Saxons in 886 AD.

Angle-land ____________________________ last

Anglo-Saxon king of England

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Page 4: Rise of European Monarchy

Norman conquest Edward the Confessor left no male heir,

leaving the throne up for contention. __________ Hardrada, William the ___________, __________ Godwinson

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William the Conqueror:Battle of Hastings, 1066(Tapestry)

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Norman conquest

________________ 1066 Norman vassals given lands of Anglo-Saxon

clergy and nobles _______________________ of bishops and

nobles to advise king, local officials (sheriffs) collect taxes.

Census recorded in ____________________.

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Norman reforms

Henry I Exchequer, department of ______________ System of _____________

Henry II Replaced old feudal laws with ________________. Grand ___________ and petit ___________

established in each community to establish guilt or innocence.

Unsuccessful at imposing royal control over the church. Fought with _______________________ over right to punish clergy in royal courts.

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Magna Carta, 1215

Nobles, afraid of losing power, meet at Runnymede in 1215 and force ______________ to sign the Great Charter.

___________________ places limits on king’s power; king is bound by law.

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Rise of Parliament under Henry III ___________________________

leads to more towns and a new social class, the _______________class.

Middle class knights and burgesses added to the _________________(Parliament)

middle class merchants, townspeople [burgesses in Eng., bourgeoisie in Fr., burghers in Ger.] were added at the end of the 13c.

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Model Parliament, 1295

Edward I summons Parliament with representatives from _____________, _____________and ____________________

By 1400 Parliament has two chambers House of Lords nobles and clergy House of Commons knights and burgesses

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Death of Charlemagne led to increasingly independent feudal states.

987 Hugh ___________ seizes throne from Carolingian king (Capetian dynasty)

Robert Henry I Philip I (the amourous)

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Louis VI (The Fat)

Uses growth of towns to strengthen royal government Townspeople and clergy serve on court

of advisors Grants _____________________ to

towns. Asked by William X of Aquitaine to

be guardian of his daughter, Eleanor.

Louis VII (The Younger)Marries and divorces Eleanor, fights with Henry II

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Philip II (1165-1223)Philip Augustus

Acquired territory through _______________ War with Henry II over __________________ Joined forces with Henry II’s sons, Richard and

John Forms a ____________

3000 knights

Louis VIII (1223-1226)Pretender to English throne(1215)

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Louis IX (1226-1270)

___________________ dominant over feudal courts

Only king could mint coins Intensely religious, proclaimed a saint in

1297 Died on Crusade (8th)

Philip III Aragon Crusade, died of dysentry

Philip IV

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Philip IV, Philip the Fair (1268-1314) Extended French borders at England and

Flanders’ expense. ___________________to pay for wars;

taxed the clergy seized Jewish assets. Established the _________________, an

assembly of nobles, clergy and townspeople

French kings maintain _____________. Expelled Jews and annihilated Knights

Templar (states within a state)

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Otto I, Otto the Great

Tried to restore empire of Charlemagne.

Defeats Magyars in 955, seizes Lombardy in 961, helps ______ against Roman nobles.

Crowned Emperor of Romans by the pope.

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Holy Roman Empire

_______________ I tries to take over northern Italy

Entanglement with _______and __________ weakens strong central government in Germany.

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Struggle between Church and State Conflict between emperors and the church

led to ___________________________________.

HRE broke up into __________________________and independent states.

Neither Germany nor Italy developed _____________________________________________________ in the Middle Ages

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Central and Eastern Europe

Slavic people divide into western, southern and eastern Slavs. Western Slavs form Polish and Bohemian kingdoms

with Hungary Eastern Slavs (__________________) had no written

language…one developed by Byzantine missionary _______________(Cyrillic language)

Southern Slavic people included __________(Roman Catholic), ____________and ______________________(Eastern Orthodox)

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Kievan Rus

Eastern Slavs also settled in present day Ukraine and Russia where they met the _______________________(the Rus) _________settled in Kiev and the Principality of

Kiev became a prosperous region, attracting Eastern Orthodox missionaries

_________________converts to Eastern Orthodox

Eastern and Western Europe divided on __________________ grounds.

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Mongol Rule

_____________________ conquer Russia in 13th century

Alexander ____________________ defeats a German invading army and is rewarded with title of grand-prince from the khan Descendents become
