resonant characteristics of a corrugated sphere

JOURNAL OF RESEARCH of the Nati onal Bu reau of Standards-D. Radio Propagation Vol. 67D, No.3, May-June 1963 Resonant Characteristics of a Corrugated Sphere James R. Wait and Carolen M. Jackson Contribution From Central Radio Propagation Laboratory, Nati ona l Bu rea u of Sta n da rd s, Boulde r, Colo . (Recei ved Dece mb er 28, 1962) The radiation from a radial el ectr ic dipol e on t he s urf acc of a co rru gatc d s ph crc is treate d. It is shown that t he power ra di ate d in a given mode depend s crit ically on t he s urf ace r eacta nce a nd the circ umf erence of the s phere. In fact, f or ce r ta in values of t hese parameters, particular modes a re st rongly excit ed a nd co n ta in most of t he powcr. Such a st ructur e can be rega rded as an e xt ern al resonator an d its resonant characte ri st ics are a function of the refr active ind ex of the s urr oun ding medium. Thi s opc ns the possibili ty t hat a s urface-wave s pherica l resonator m ay ha ve imp orta nt app li catio ns to refm cto llwt ry. 1. Introduct ion A corru gate d surface on a dielectric-coated plane surfa ce will s upport a nonr adi at in g surfa ce wave [Zucker , 1961]. In Jact, even if the surface is partly curved, it bas been hown that the wav e excited on the stru ct ur e bears a close resemblance to that of a 10 sIess plane surface [Wait, 1962]. The curvature of th e guiding su rfa ce tends to produ ce some leakage of energy in the normal dire ction although most of the ener gy is st ill guided ta ngentially around th e p eriphery of the stru ct ur e. Conse qu en tly, a corru gated regular shaped body, which is closed on itself , sbould be able to s upport circulating surface waves. For certain critical dimensions it can be expected th at s om e int er es ting res on ant phenomena will res ult. The possibili ty that a closed corru gate d cylindrieal str uct ur e (of infinite len gt h) will exhibit resonance phenomena has been con sidered on prior occasions [Cullen, 1960; 'Vait and Cond a, 1960]. It is the purpose of the pr esent pap er to extend these arguments to a spheri cal body which has the practical advantage of being a fi nite stru ct ur e. 2. Formulation The mod el cho sen is a s phere of" radi us a which is corrugaLed by shallow concentric grooves. Choosing a spherical co ordinat e system (1', fJ, c/» , a r a di al dipole Ids is located at l'= b with r es pect to the sphere at T= a and , of co urse, Th e situat ion is illustr ate d in fi gure 1. Th e bound- ary conditions at the surface of the s phere are 347 ( 1) FI GURE 1. Th e latitudinally co1'rugated sphere excited by a mdicl elecl1'ic dipole at the pole.

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Page 1: Resonant characteristics of a corrugated sphere

JOURNAL OF RESEARCH of the National Bureau of Standards-D. Radio Propagation Vol. 67D, No.3, May- June 1963

Resonant Characteristics of a Corrugated Sphere James R. Wait and Carolen M. Jackson

Contribution From Central Radio Propagation Laboratory, National Burea u of Standards, Boulder, Colo.

(Recei ved December 28, 1962)

The radiation from a radial electric dipole on t he surfacc of a corru gatcd sphcrc is treated . It is shown t hat t he power ra di ated in a given mode depends crit ically on t he surface reactance a nd t he circumference of t he sphere. In fac t, for certain values of t hese pa rameters, particular modes a re strongly excited and contain most of t he powcr . Such a structure can be regarded as a n extern al reso nator an d its resonan t characte ri stics are a function of the refractive index of th e surroundin g medium. This opcns t he possibility t hat a surface-wave spherical reso nator m ay have important appli cations to refmcto llwtry.

1. Introduction

A corrugated surface on a dielectric-coated plan e surface will support a nonradiatin g surface wave [Zucker, 1961]. In Jact, even if the surface is partly curved, it bas been hown that the wave excited on the structure bears a close resemblance to that of a 10 sIess plane surface [Wait, 1962]. The curvature of the guiding surface tends to produce some leakage of energy in the norm al direction although most of the energy is still guided tangentially around the periphery of the structure. Consequen tly, a corrugated regular shaped body, which is closed on itself, sbould be able to support circulatin g surface waves. For certain critical dimensions it can be expected that som e interes ting reson ant phenomena will result.

The possibili ty that a closed corrugated cylindri eal structure (of infinite length) will exhibi t resonance phenomena has been considered on prior occasions [Cullen , 1960; ' Vait and Conda, 1960]. It is the purpose of the present paper to extend th ese arguments to a spheri cal body which has the practical advantage of being a finite structure.

2 . Formulation

The mod el chosen is a sphere of" radius a which is corrugaLed by shallow concen tr ic grooves. Choosing a spherical coordinate system (1', fJ, c/» , a r adi al dipole Ids is located at l'= b with respect to the sphere at T= a and , of course, b ~a . The sit uation is illustrated in figure 1. The bound­ary conditions at the surfa ce of the sphere are


( 1)

FI GURE 1. The latitudinally co1'rugated sphere excited by a mdicl elecl1'ic dipole at the pole .

Page 2: Resonant characteristics of a corrugated sphere

where X is the surface reactance. If the grooves fire rectangular in cross sectioll , with peri­odicity d, width w, it is known that [Zucker, 1961]

w X~7]o d tan kl (2)

where 7]0 = 1207r and k= 27r/wavelength. This formula is valid provided that kd < < 1 and kl is not near an odd multiple of 7r/2.

For the presently posed problem, symmetry considerations indicate that the resulting field is purely TM (transverse magnetic). Consequently, the individual field components may be derived in terms of a single scalar function U as follows:

while E ¢= O and H r= H o= O.

1 02 E o= - - (rU)

l' 01'00

3. Solution

The fields of the dipole in the presence of the sphere can be expressed in the form

where UP is the primary influence and Us is the secondary influence. Now




where R = [1'2 + b2 -2b1' cos 0]1 /2 is the distance from the source to the observer at (1', 0) and

G= iLd;. Making use of an addition theorem for spherical wave functions [Morse and Feshbach,



where j q and h~Z) are spherical Hankel functions and P q(cos 0) is a Legendre polynomial. Since


and because Us must be an outgoing wave ILt infinity, it follows that



(11) . (k) [ dd log [xjix)] + G ] Jq a x h(2)(kb)

h~2) (ka) d: log [Xh~2 ) (x)] + G q


and where G= X/7Jo. The veracity of this equation may be confirmed by seeing that it satisfies the required boundary condition at 1'= a.

In order to simplify matters, the source dipole is located ·on the sphere (i .e., b= a) and




Page 3: Resonant characteristics of a corrugated sphere

the observer is in the far fLeld (i.e., kr-''''x». It then follows without difficulty that


where x=ka. In obtaining this result, use has been made of (5), the IVronskian relation

(13) the asymptotic formula


and the derivative relation


4. Power Radiated

In the present problem, a meaningful quantity is tlte total power P supplied by the dipole. Since the structure is lossless, P can be obtained by integrating the real Poynting vector over a concen tric spherical surface of infinitely large radius. This readily leads to


where the asterisk denotes a complex conjugate. To perform the integration, it is noted tbat

J" J+I P~(cos e)p~/(cos e) sin ede= P~(z) P~/( z)dz o - I

= 0 if q~q'

2(q+ 1)q'f _ I

2q+ 1 1 q- q.

The resulting expression [or the total power is then

(Jds) 2 '"

P = 7Jo 8 a2x2 2: ZJ q 7r q=O


This result may be written in more convenient form for calculation if one notes that





I -, where jq and yq are real. Thus

In some instances it is convenient to define a radiation resistance R such that

P = I2R/2.




Page 4: Resonant characteristics of a corrugated sphere

Then R 3 00

R = 8X4 L: pq o q=O (23)

where Ro= 80(kds)2 (24)

is the radiation resistance of the same dipole if it were located in free space.

5 . Alternative Derivation by EMF Method

The expression for the total power given by (18) can also be found by the so-called "in­duced emf method" [Carter, 1932]. The procedure is not particularly rigorous but it does lead to correct results. The derivation is outlined very briefly here. The reader should have no difficulty filling in the steps.

By making use of (8) and (9) and the Wronskian relation (13), it follows that, for b= a,

where x= ka and

Using (3) and the basic differential eq uation

it is found that

An expression for the radiation resistance R is now found from the prescription

R = Re [ETdS] I 0--;0







where Re signifies that the real part is to be taken. To effect this limit ing process, it is noted that


which is valid if G and x are real. The latter identity can be established by making further use of the Wronskian relation (13). The final result for 11, is identical to (23), which is to be expected.

6 . Discussion of Numerical Results

To illustrate the resonance phenomena, the function pq is plotted as a function of the normalized surface reactance G for x= 3 and several values of q. The results are shown in figure 2 where the ordinate is the quantity 10 logJOp q in decibels. It is evident that each mode has a strong resonance for a particular value of G. This resonance occurs when the denominator of (21) passes tlu'ough a minimum. Because the y functions are much larger than the j func­t ions it turns out th l,t the minimum coincides almost exactly with a zero of the second factor in the denominator. Therefore, the condition for a resonance is

[(1 + GX)yq(x) + xy;(x) l~O,


) -!

Page 5: Resonant characteristics of a corrugated sphere



" r I

or G=_~_Y~(X) ,

x y ,,(x)

It is seen that the resonance pea.ks in figure 2 become progressively sharper as the order q of the mode increases. Unrortunately, however, t he value of t he surrace reactance to ac hieve resonance becomes larger. For example, the resonance condition at q= 8 requires t lutt 0 = 2.456 or X = 920 ohms. It is quite difficult, in a mecha.nical sense, to achieve a purely induclive reactance of this magnitude with a. corrugated stru cture. On the other hanel, t he realizfttion of a corrugated sphere to exhibit resonance for the lower order resonance would not be quite so difficult. For example, the resonance at q= 6 occurs when 0 = 1.693.

The influence of a small change of frequency from its resonance value is also of in terest. For example, if the relative change of frequency is 0 the value of ka changes from 3 to 3(1 + 0). If the sphere is corrugated the inductive reactance is also approximately proportional to fre­quency. Thus, G changes from 1.693 to 1.693(1 + 0). The effect of such a change is illustrated in figure 3. As expected , the shif t of frequen cy will cause a certain amount or "detuning. " For a gross change of frequency, the structure will become resonant at another mode. For example, at ft 10 percen t change of frequen cy, the mode at q= 7 has a resonant peftk. Actually, for a reftlistic structure the detuning effect is proba.bly more severe than shown in figure 3, because the frequen cy dependence of the surface reactance is more pronounced than a lineftr law.

Of particulRr importance is the behavior of tt resonftnt peak when the refractive index or the surrounding medium changes. In this case, the surface reftctance parameter 0 ca n be regarded as ft constant but the value of ka changes to lca(1 + t. ) for an incremental refractive index change


80 ,.,

q· a 75


0 . 7



.0 "0

~ 55

~ 0 ' 6

'" 50 w ;t

Ii' 45

40 ,'5






10 '--""-''-----'_-LL_--'---'-''''-'---LJ'---'-_---' U U U


FIGURE 2. The 1'adialed power pQ in the variolls modes !7S a function of the normalized surface reactance f or a sphere whose circumference 1'S 3 wavelengt hs.



x ;. 3 ( 1+8)

55 G"1.693 (1+ 81

q "6


.0 45 q "5 "0


; 40 a. ci w

35 " 0 a.

0> w 30 !<i is

'" a::


FIGURE 3. The " deluning" effec(of changing' .fTeqency by a fractional amo unt Ii from resonance for_a corru­yated sphere.

Page 6: Resonant characteristics of a corrugated sphere

60 ,---,--------,---,---,----~,_,



D 45 "0

:;; ;,. 40


r£ ~ 35 -"­o ~ 30


'" 0:: 15



x = 3( I +-lIl

G ~ 1.693

10 1

-Q15 -0.10

q ~ 7


FIGURE 4. The effect of changing th'3 refTU ~tive index of the 81!1T01tnding medium.




-6.00 L, ---'----'--L3O'--'----'---'6O-' -'----"-90L,--"----'-IL1Q,--'---L--">:J::-' -'---~'80'


FIGURE 5. The L egendre polynomial p~ (cos IJ) for various m·del·s.

These characterize the radiation patterns for the various modes.

of fl. The si tuation is clearly illustrated in figure 4 where ka is again taken to be 3. The curves in figure 4 apply to the case where the environment changes and, consequen tly, the resonant sphere could be regarded as a reJractometer. The possibility that such an external resonator could be used flS a method of measuring the refractive index of various gases should be investigated. The metllod may have some merit in the probing of plasma from spherical satellites.

In the foregoing discussion atten tion has been res tr'icted to the radiated power of the various modes . As indi('ated, the structure may be designed so that most of the power goes into only one mode. The radiation pattern of such a mode is described by the function P/(cos 0) as can be indi cated by (12). Although these functions are very well knowD, their behavior is sketched in figure 5 for convenience of the reader. As indicated, the number of lobes in the radiation pattern increases with the mode number q. It is in teresting to note that the radiation pattern has a null in tlle axial directions as expected. Also, it is observed that nulls occur in the broadside direction (i.e., 0= 90°) for the even modes. On the other hand, the even-ordered modes have a lobe maximum in the broadside direction. This fact may be helpful in certain practical schemes which are used to detect the resonances by measUTing the radiation pattern.

7 . Comparison With Cylindrical Model

There are cer tain aspects 01' the presen t problem which must bear close resemblance to the resonance with corrugated cylinders. The cylindrical analog is an axial slo t (line magnetic source) on the surface of a lon gitudinally corrugated cylinder of radius ac. Such a model was considered in a previous paper [Wait and Conda, 1960] so theoretical details need no t be elaborated on . Leaving aside constant factors, it was shown that the total power radiated was given by

where ~m 1

pm= x2 [H.;';)'(x )+ GH;';)(X)[2


Page 7: Resonant characteristics of a corrugated sphere

FIGURE 6. The "de/U1~ing" e. ffect j01' a corrugated cylinder shown jor purposes of compan:son ' with figure 3.

.Ll '0


E a. w 8 ::;;




0:: W ~ 0 Q.

0 W >-<l is <l 0::

ka "31\t8 1 G " 1.648711t8 1

m= 7

20 m= 6



-20 _LO.15--L----'---L---'--L-L-----'---L----'0.20


), where ~o= l , ~ ",= 2 for m = 2,3,4, ... , I-I~~ (x) is a cylindl'ical H ankel fun ction , x= kac and o is the normalized surl'ace r eactance_ The radiated po wer Pm in db is sho wn in figure 6 [or kac=3(l + o) and 0 = 1.649 (1 + 8) . This is the cylindrical analog to the resona nce curves in figure 3 fOl' the corrugated sphere_ The similari ty between these curves is r ea lly quite striking. This proyides a good check on th e calculation s s ince, from a physical standpoint, the resonance occurs from an in teraction of periph eral surJace waves.



8 . Conclusion

On th e basis of the results given her e i t is apparen t that a sph erical-shaped body, which h as la tituciinaJ corruga tions, may be strongly r esonated by a radial electric dipole located at the pole. It m ay be m en tion ed that the same state of affairs exists when the excitation is by a small fIl1l1ular slo t which is also located at the pole_

IVe thank Mrs. Lillie IValtel's for her able assistance in carrying out this work.

9 . References

Car tel', P . S. (Jun e 1932), C ircui t relations in radiating systems and appli cations to antenna problems, Proe. IRE 20, No.6, 1004- 104l.

Cullen, A. L . (1960) , Surface wave resonance effect in a r eactive cylindrical structure excited by a line source, J . Res. XBS 64D (Radio Prop.), No.1 , 13- 19.

MorsE', P . :\1. , ftnd H. Fesh bach (1953), Methods of th eoretical ph ysics (McGraw-Hill Book Co. , New York, K .Y.) .

Wa it, J . R. (1962), E leetromftgnetic waves in stmtifi ed media (P ergamon Press, Oxford, Englftnd). Wait , J . R ., and A. M . Conda (Sept. 1960), Th e rcsonance excitation of a corrugated-cylin d er an tenna, Proe .

Inst. E lcc . Eng l's. Lond on Pt. C, 107, 362- 366. (In fi gure 4 of this pap er the condi t ions should be listed as G= (l. 6-!87 + o) and ka = (3 + o) .)

Zu ckcr , F. J . (1961 ), Surface and leaky-wave an tennas, ch . 16, Antenna E n gin eerin g H andbook, ed . H . J asik (:VlcGra \\--Hill Book Co., N ew York, N .Y.).

(Paper 67D3- 268)