research into film magazine front covers


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Page 1: Research into film magazine front covers

Research into Film Magazine Front Covers

Page 2: Research into film magazine front covers

The main colours used are black and green. These colours both tend to have dark elements to them. Black normally signifying death and green is quite commonly used endorsing evil. This gives an idea of what genre this film is.

The Joker’s face takes up the whole page. The Joker is played by Heath Ledger. The expression on his face shows evil and people should fear him. The fact his face covers the whole page symbolises that he is a main character in the film.

The close up of his face makes the reader feel uncomfortable and that he is staring straight into the reader’s eyes which gives the extra fear factor and realism to the cover, making the audience want to buy this particular issue. The make up emphasises his facial features like his eyes. His eyes are surround by black make up which emphasises the iris of his eye.

The cover relies mostly on the image to promote the film. This works effectively because the image is a strong yet strange. The page includes conventions such as barcode, price, headlines down the side, main image etc.

Page 3: Research into film magazine front covers

The magazine cover main image is covering the whole page which is a mid shot of the main character in front of the supporting characters. The supporting characters are sketched instead of photographed referencing that the movie was originally a comic book. The characters have captions so you know the names of the characters.

The title name Kick-Ass appears to be in bold neon green which is a contrast to the rest of the magazine. They have done this because they wont the reader to recognise the name of the film and me strike by it also the neon green connotes nuclear waste which can link with the superhero genre of this film.

The protagonist looks beaten and bloody connoting that the feature film is of the action genre. He is also wearing clothing much like a superhero like the characters behind him which connotes that it is going to be a superhero genre.

This issue has had its title changed to the colour and style of the film to represent the type of film kick-ass is. The colour is red which connoted danger, this connotation is further developed as the font looks like they have been made by blood splatters. The realism of the blood can connotes this film contain a lot of bloody scenes.

Page 4: Research into film magazine front covers

Even thought this is an Australian magazine, we immediate see two males and one female character in what looks like a wood. The connotation of this is that there is some trouble between the two male characters, this is shown through there body language within the picture. They both have their back to each other and it also makes you think that the trouble may be to do with the female character as one male is protecting her.

As there is trouble between the two males, its looks like they are fighting over the female character which can suggest this is a romance genre. The intimacy between the male and the female as she touches his arm connotes affection/love.

The text used is bold to create impact. The colours white has been used to also help create impact as it contrasts wit the background. There is also red text which helps to show the cross genre of vampire element and romance. The red connotes blood from the vampire bite. The body language and setting shows there is romance surrounded by mystery reflected through the woods and text around the characters.

The colours on the magazine are very dark and these colour are associated with the film New Moon (orange, black and brown) as it is often set in the woofs and this would help them link to the film. The dark colours creates a sense of mystery.

Page 5: Research into film magazine front covers

“The mind-blowing issue” – this has relevance and is referring to Inception which is a film that is set through dreams. This film was also said to be one that got people thinking therefore the magazine has picked up on the mind element of this film and toyed wit that idea in its themes. This is also portrayed in the tagline “inside the ultimate head trip”.

The colour scheme for the film inception is seen to be blue and this colour scheme used on the image and design masthead. The logo is made to look electronic device which relates to the technology element of the film.

The red text theme is used to highlight or make certain parts of the text more noticeable. In order to capture the audience's attention, certain text is in red and then followed by white. The use of bold white text also makes the titles more noticeable. There is also a metallic texts which links to Inception and electronic technology. The magazine has conventional

features like the barcode, price, date of the issue etc.

The cover draws the audience with the star. In this case, Leonardo DI Caprio, who can not only be regarded as a star but also perhaps a heartthrob. The character appears to be holding a gun and is wearing a black suit, this connotes this is a action genre.

Page 6: Research into film magazine front covers

It is clear that this issue is to promote Charlie and the chocolate factory and the actor who plays him, Johnny Depp. Willy Wonka or the main image is very distinct in this magazine and is easily identifiable. This is by the colours he is wearing and the costume that he is dresses in. the colour purple is very popular in the film.

Throughout the film a golden ticket is important to the plot so the magazine will immediately associate the theme to the film. Also having the words “Johnny Depp is Willy Wonka” helps recognise who plays Willy Wonka. Johnny Depp is a huge film star and he is easily recognisable.

The colours in this issue are not as shocking and they should be. The film itself is extremely colourful and action packed so the fact that the magazine has limited colours doesn’t do justice for the promotion of the film. The font is very simple and plain which suggests that the magazine itself is aimed at male audience.

This magazine follows the conventions of a regular magazine by including masthead, side text and puffs.

Page 7: Research into film magazine front covers

The front cover also shows that the magazine is aimed at males as the colours and font styles are masculine. That are mainly blue, red, black and grey and the font is plain which would appeal to a male audience rather than female.

The particularly film is starring on the cover is Transformer’s 2 where one of the cast members, Megan Fox poses for Empire magazine. Before reading, it is clear that the magazine cover was intended to appeal to its male audience as the provocative pose that Megan Fox is in fulfils stereotypes of women being sex symbols.

The photo is covering the majority of the front cover and is positioned in the middle and to the right of the page where is has a direct mode of address to engage the audience.

The magazine follows the conventions of that magazine do, the text is around the edges of the cover so that the main focus would be the main image.

The magazine cover fails to advertise Transformer’s 2, the main image has very little to do with the film itself apart from she is a cast member and it shows no content or link to the film whatsoever. I would use this research when creating my film magazine by ensuring that I link my image to the film so the audience has a better understanding of what the film is/about.