5 front covers

For q magazine I really like the skyline I believe they used the opportunity to use a skyline well as it shows off their magazine as in some shop shelves that may be the only part that the customer may actually see. Apart from that I believe that the cover looks quite dull and crowded so therefore I believe it won’t really draw the reader in.

Upload: jackthurston17

Post on 28-Jul-2015




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Page 1: 5 front covers

For q magazine I really like the skyline I believe they used the opportunity to use a skyline well as it shows off their magazine as in some shop shelves that may be the only part that the customer may actually see. Apart from that I believe that the cover looks quite dull and crowded so therefore I believe it won’t really draw the reader in.

Page 2: 5 front covers

I like this front cover as it’s bright and colourful which can draw the eyes of the reader. Although I believe that looking at this magazine the reader would straight away believe its more of a girls magazine due to the yellow and pink colour scheme. I like the cover lines as they look as if they were cut out of news paper and gives it a young reckless look .

Page 3: 5 front covers

For this magazine it’s a more sophisticated look and would attract an older market as it would be less likely to attract a younger age group but I still believe that’s this gives a more professional look. I also like the fact that the feature article I the biggest cover line on the front cover and how is laid out I believe is really affective and I want to try enhance some of this into my own front cover.

Page 4: 5 front covers

Mixmag uses a more modern look with the background image the main focus of the front cover when the person in the picture reaching out to the reader almost. They also use a similar technique to xxl by keeping the main feature article the largest and brightest thing on the cover apart from the masthead which are the 2 most important things on a front cover. I also like the white and yellow colour scheme as I believe they go really well together.

Page 5: 5 front covers

I really like this front cover as nme have chosen the colour scheme around the red hair of Florence, so basically they have worked the colour scheme and text around her so the whole thing is clearly based on her. I also like the range of texts they have on the page it’s almost as if each cover line is unique.