reasons for allah’s anger and ways for … · reasons for allah’s anger and ways for its remedy...

REASONS FOR ALLAH’S ANGER AND WAYS FOR ITS REMEDY By the Grand Muftí of Gujerat, India, Hadhrat Shaikh Muftí ’Abdur-Rahím Lájpurí Sáhib عليهة ا رTaken from the Urdú, “Wabál-e-Iláhi Ke Asbáb Aur Unka Iláj”, by Sayed Ilyás Pasha M.A. Published by: Al-Namal Publications P. O. Box 96185 Brixton, 2019 South Africa Zil-Hajj 1436 – September 2015 Telephone: (+27) 011 837-5736 E-mail: [email protected]

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Page 1: REASONS FOR ALLAH’S ANGER AND WAYS FOR … · REASONS FOR ALLAH’S ANGER AND WAYS FOR ITS REMEDY By the Grand Muftí of Gujerat, India, Hadhrat Shaikh Muftí ’Abdur-Rahím Lájpurí

REASONS FOR ALLAH’S ANGER AND WAYS FOR ITS REMEDYBy the Grand Muftí of Gujerat, India, Hadhrat Shaikh Muftí ’Abdur-Rahím Lájpurí Sáhib رمحة اهلل عليه

Taken from the Urdú, “Wabál-e-Iláhi Ke Asbáb Aur Unka Iláj”, by Sayed Ilyás Pasha M.A.

Published by:Al-Namal PublicationsP. O. Box 96185Brixton, 2019South AfricaZil-Hajj 1436 – September 2015Telephone: (+27) 011 837-5736E-mail: [email protected]

Page 2: REASONS FOR ALLAH’S ANGER AND WAYS FOR … · REASONS FOR ALLAH’S ANGER AND WAYS FOR ITS REMEDY By the Grand Muftí of Gujerat, India, Hadhrat Shaikh Muftí ’Abdur-Rahím Lájpurí

CONTENTS FOREWORD ......................................................................................3REASONS FOR ALLAH’S ANGER AND WAYS FOR ITS REMEDY 4What are the reasons for the distressing plight of muslims? .4The answer is manifold .................................................................4Following our own innovated (bid’ah) practices and customs:...........................................................................................................4Severe punishment for certain types of sins .............................5Declaration of war by Alláh تعال upon degradation and insult of pious people and the truthful scholars of islám. ......................7What should muslims do in such a situation? ........................111. Turn to Alláh 11....................................................................... تعال2. Need for istighfár and taubah ................................................123. Encourage the giving of charity ............................................134. Increase the tiláwat of the Qur’án Sharíf ............................145. Stop the disobedience of Alláh 14...................................... =تعال6. Implement proper díní education in the makátibs ............157. Reconcile disputes and differences .......................................168. Seek guidance only from the ’Ulemá and establish links with them ...............................................................................................169. Create an atmosphere of brotherhood .................................1810. Make the world aware of the beauty of Islám ..................19CHECK LIST ....................................................................................20

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حيم الر ن مح الر اهلل بسم


This booklet, REASONS FOR ALLAH’S ANGER AND WAYS FOR ITS REMEDY, written by the Grand Muftí of Gujerat, India, Hadhrat Shaikh Muftí ’Abdur-Rahím Lájpurí Sáhib* عليه اهلل was first ,رمحة published in England in 1999 by Ashraf Publications.

It was translated from the Urdú kitáb, “Wabál-e-Iláhí Ke Asbáb Aur Unká Iláj”, by Sayed Ilyás Pasha M.A. It was subsequently re-printed in South Africa.

By the year 1999, the suffering of Muslims had already been witnessed in places like Palestine, Kashmír, Bosnia, Chechnya and Afghanistan. The Muslims in India had also been attacked by rioting Hindu mobs dating back from 1948, with the Babri Masjid being attacked in 1990. The Iran-Iraq War had already taken place (1980-1988), with the subsequent attack on Iraq by the U.S.A. (The Gulf War 1990-1991). Thus, Muftí Sáhib was not unaware of the distressing position of Muslims in different parts of the world.

Since then, Muslims have suffered, and are still suffering, even to a greater extent. Subsequent to 9/11, there has been the invasion of Afghanistan by the U.S.A. and allied forces, the overthrow of Ghaddafi in Libya and civil war, the persecution of Muslims in China, Burma and the Central African Republic; not forgetting the fighting in Egypt, Somalia, Nigeria, Iraq and now Syria – and the subsequent Refugee Crisis that has risen from these. Other problem areas that confront Muslims, together with other communities, are high rates of crime, drug abuse and other social ills. If there was a need for this book in 1991, there is a greater need for it now, in 2015!

*[Hadhrat Shaikh Muftí ’Abdur-Rahím Lájpurí Sáhib رمحة اهلل عليه, passed away on the 2nd Ramadhán, 1422/ 22nd November 2001, at the age of 101 years.]

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حيم الر ن مح الر اهلل بسم

الكريم رسوله عل ونصلي نحمده


What are the reasons for the distressing plight of muslims?Question: The Religious Scholars (’ulemá) are requested to shed light upon the factors behind Muslim distress and suffering all over the world. Muslims are facing riots and massacres at many places: Why is this?

The answer is manifoldAnswer: There are several reasons for this sad state of affairs in the Ummah. Among the more prominent ones are the following:

• Lack of true faith in Alláh تعال.• Increased disobedience towards Him.• Increasing timidity among us.• Love of the material world (Hubbe-e-Dunyá wa Mál).• Open disobedience of the Sunnah of Rasúlulláh عليه اهلل صل


Following our own innovated (bid’ah) practices and customs:• Neglecting the rights of Alláh تعال (huqúq-Alláh), and the

rights of creation (huqúq-ul-’ibád).• Our complete ingratitude towards the innumerable

blessings showered upon us by our Benefactor, despite us being totally unworthy of these blessings.

• Disregard for the selfless advice given to us by our noble ’ulemá in relation to our religion.

Almighty Alláh تعال sums up the reasons for our suffering in Surah 42,30. of the Holy Qur’án:

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كثي عن ويعفوا أيديكم كسبت فبم صيبة م ن مي أصابكم ومآ Whatever misfortune happens to you, it is because of the things your hands have wrought, and He forgives much.

A further elaboration on this point is found in Surah 30.41:

عملوا ذي ال بعض ليذيقهم الناس أيدى كسبت بم والبحر البي ف الفساد ظهر يرجعون هم لعل

Mischief has appeared on land and sea because of what the hands of man have caused; that He may give them a taste of some of their deeds; in order that they turn back (from evil).

Severe punishment for certain types of sinsIndulging in disobedience and committing sins anger Alláh تعال, but certain sins are such that, if committed, will invite a very swift and severe punishment.

Among these types of sins are:• Unjust decision making and the breaking of pledges –

these await the imposition of tyrannical rule.• Short-weighting and short-measuring by traders – await

the punishment of famine, inflation and oppression.• Widespread betrayal of trust will cause the imposition

of tyrant rulers.• Fearing death and inclining towards materialism (dunyá)

will result in timidity and fear among the faithful and, at the same time, the kuffár forces will receive encouragement and strength. – (Jazá-ul A’mál).

The companion, Hadhrat Thawbán عنه تعال اهلل narrated that رىض Muhammad Rasúlulláh صل اهلل عليه وسلم is reported to have said:

“A period will come when the non-believers will come closer by calling one another for annexing the nations of the believers, just like how people call one another for eating food when it has been prepared.” Someone then asked as to whether the Muslims will be few

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in number then? Rasúlulláh وسلم عليه اهلل :is reported to have replied صل “You will be large in number, but will be like hay before a flood of water. Your enemies will not fear you because you will be so weak and timid.” One companion then asked the reason for this decline, and Rasúlulláh صل اهلل عليه وسلم said: “Life (and its luxuries) will become dearer to you and you will dislike death, (and facing Alláh تعال)”. – (Mishkát Sharíf p.459. Chapter on Taghayyur-Un-Nás; Abú Dawúd p.242.)

Creating fear in the hearts of the enemies, which is a blessing from Alláh تعال, can only be achieved through adopting the pious life prescribed by the Sharí’ah, and by following the practical life of Rasúlulláh وسلم عليه اهلل Regarding this last point, it is .صل narrated in a Hadíth Sharíf thus:

Whosoever emulates my way of life and adheres to my Sunnah, Alláh :will bless him with four favours تعال

– The love of such a person will be instilled into the heart of virtuous people.

– Sinners and disbelievers will fear such a person in their hearts.– His livelihood and good fortune will be increased for him.– Alláh تعال will strengthen him in religion. – (Sharh Sharí’at-ul-Islám,

Sayyed Alí Zadah. p.8.)Alláh تعال has warned of dire punishment for those who do

not order people to perform virtuous deeds and prevent them from committing evil and disobedient acts. He states in the Qur’án Sharíf:

العقاب شديد اهلل أن واعلموآ ة خآص منكم ظلموا ذين ال تصيبن ل فتنة قوا وات And fear affliction which cannot fall exclusively on those

of you who do wrong, and know that Alláh is severe in punishment. (S.8.25.)

This verse is explained in “Tafsír-e-Ma’áriful Qur’án” as follows:

Hadhrat ’Abdulláh bin Abbás رىض اهلل تعال عنه has said that Alláh تعال has ordered Muslims to prevent immorality and disobedience

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in their towns and villages. Furthermore, not preventing such actions, despite having the power to do so, will definitely result in severe punishment on all, irrespective of whether they be pious people or immoral people.

Imám Bagháwí has noted that in “Sharí’ah-Al Sunnah” and “Ma’álim” appear narrations from Hadhrat ’Abdulláh bin Masúd تعال عنه اهلل تعال عنها and Ayeshah Siddiqah رىض اهلل صل اهلل that Rasúlulláh رىض

:said عليه وسلمAlláh does not send His punishment on all the people for the sins

of a certain group of immoral persons when He sees the virtuous people preventing the wrongdoers from their activities. In case they do not prevent them, then Alláh will certainly send and spread His punishment. (Ma'áriful-Qur’án Vol. 4. p. 212.)

The Sahábí, Hadhrat Hudhaifah عنه تعال اهلل has narrated that ,رىض the Nabí Muhammad صل اهلل عليه وسلم said:

I swear by Alláh, the One in whose hands my life is, continue to order and guide people towards virtuous deeds, and prevent people from immoral acts and sins. Otherwise, Almighty Alláh will surely send His severe punishment upon you. If you then turn to Alláh and pray, your prayers will not be accepted. – (Mishkát Sharíf, p.436. Chapter on Amr-Bil-Ma’rúf.)

Declaration of war by Alláh تعال upon degradation and insult of pious people and the truthful scholars of islám.The act of degrading and insulting the truthful scholars of Islám, the pious and the virtuous, immediately calls for the descent of the wrath of Alláh تعال. It is narrated in one of the Divine Hadíth (Hadíth-e-Qudsí) that Alláh تعال has warned the Ummah in the following manner:

Whosoever tries to harm My friend (walí) will surely declare war upon Me.

Alláh تعال certainly comes to the aid of such Alláh-fearing persons immediately upon seeing them harassed or targeted for insult and ridicule. It is further reported that He becomes

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furious and declares war on those committing such heinous crimes against His authority, by insulting and harming His pious servants; and when there is any dealing where interest is charged upon money. May Alláh تعال protect us all from these! Ámín.

Hadhrat Mauláná Ashraf Alí Thánwí Sáhib رمحة اهلل عليه has narrated a Hadíth-e-Qudsí from “Tafsír-e-Mazhari”, in which Alláh تعال says:

I will become angry upon the insulting and degrading of my pious slaves, like how a lion becomes furious when its cubs are harassed.

A Persian poet has described this in one of his couplets which mean:

We have witnessed in this world of revenge that whosoever has teased and insulted the pious people;Alláh has never put any people to hardship unless they have hurt the feelings of someone who had been fearing Him.

Many cities and nations have perished due to their ill treatment of certain pious people. When asked about the cause of earthquakes, Ayesha Siddiqah رىض اهلل تعال عنها is reported to have said:

When adultery, drinking wine, singing, dancing and the use of various types of musical instruments become common and fashionable among the people, then the self-respect of Alláh also comes into effect. If the people immediately rectify their mistakes, it stops. Otherwise, a vast area of people and grand buildings are razed to the ground and turned into heaps of mud. – (Fatáwah Rahímiyah Vol.3, p.207.)

When we look at our lives, we are agreed that all these vices exist among us today. We know all too well how little importance we attach to the guidance of the ’ulemá, the weakness of our faith in Alláh تعال and in adhering to the teachings of Rasúlulláh Most of us have knowledge of religion, but display .صل اهلل عليه وسلمour weak ímán in our lack of practise upon that knowledge. The attitude seems to be that the less we talk about our adherence to an Islámic way of life today, the better.

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Take salát as an example, the symbol of a Muslim and the bedrock of Islám. Despite it being obligatory five times a day, we find that the masjids are devoid of worshipers. And the state of our womenfolk in their homes is just as pitiable. In fact, the home has become a haven for many innovated practices and customs, immorality and non-practising of purdah (hijáb) by our women. Some of the most damaging tools of Shaitán are: Television, DVD’s, the internet and mobile phones! All these are considered to be essential items in every home. The fact that is these have become the main cause of widespread singing, dancing, music and adultery in society at large. We fail to recognize how dangerous these vices are in life, not to mention the consequences which we are storing up for ourselves, when we have to face Alláh تعال.

The following saying of Rasúlulláh وسلم عليه اهلل is food for صل thought:

“My followers will also face incidents of sinking in the ground, disfigurement and the raining of heavy stones from the heavens.” One of the companions asked when these incidents would manifest. To this Rasúlulláh وسلم عليه اهلل ,replied: “When the evils of singing صل dancing, music and drinking liquor will be common.” – (Tirmidhí Sharíf.)

Another Hadíth of Rasúlulláh وسلم عليه اهلل reports him as صل stating:

“During the last days of my followers, people will become monkeys and pigs.” Those present inquired as to whether these people will not have faith in ‘La Ilaha illalah, Muhammadur Rasúlulláh’? Rasúlulláh is reported to have said: “It is not so. They will become so صل اهلل عليه وسلمbecause of their engagement in the profession of singing and music.” – (Fatawá Rahímiya Vol. 2. p.323.)

A recent Urdú poet has described the present prevailing conditions in society in the following way:

The present conditions which we are facing today remind us of the foretelling of our Rasúlulláh وسلم عليه اهلل He has been reported as .صل

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saying that people will not hesitate to usurp properties belonging to others; they will indulge in immoral acts and will feel no remorse or regret; quarrels and enmity will be common among close relatives, like brothers, sisters, parents and their wards; daughters will be born to mothers as their enemies and mistresses; the feeling and fear of the presence of Alláh will become rare among the faithful; people in congregational prayer will forget what they are doing.

The disobedience of Alláh تعال and the rejection of the Sharí’ah will create a very dangerous situation, calling for severe punishment, as has happened to past nations which transgressed. Alláh تعال has described these events in the Qur’án Sharíf at various locations. One such verse is:

ومنهم يحة الص أخذته ن م ومنهم حاصبا عليه أرسلنا ن م فمنهم أخذنابذنبه فكلا كانوآ كن ـ ول ليظلمهم اهلل كان وما أغرقنا ن م ومنهم رض ال به خسفنا ن م

يظلمون أنفسهم Each one of them We seized for their crime, against some of them We sent a violent tornado; some were caught in a

blast; some We caused the earth to swallow up; and some we drowned; it was not Alláh who injured them; but they injured

their own souls – S.29.40.Alláh تعال explains to the believers how severe was His response

to these crimes of spreading evil and challenging His Law. Those who seek His protection and mercy should become obedient servants and always submit to His orders. The following prayer is to be found in “Darse-Qur’án”:

0 Almighty Alláh! Despite having been shown a very clear path of living a successful life by Your Rasúl صل اهلل عليه وسلم as desired by You, yet we have been committing the mistake of disobeying Your orders openly. 0 Alláh! You certainly punished the people of former times for their rebellion against their rasúls. Some were finished in floods while others perished in hurricanes; some had to face earthquakes and some were drowned and killed. O Great and Merciful Alláh!

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You are the most merciful and beneficent. Those rebels were cruel to their souls. Their hard-heartedness made them cruel and, thus, they dared to rebel against Your authority. 0 Merciful Alláh! Bless us all with Your Mercy and make us learn the lessons from their most tragic termination, so that we can follow the right path shown to us by Muhammad صل اهلل عليه وسلم. Ámín! – (Darse-Qur’án Vol. 8. p.278.)

What should muslims do in such a situation?Alláh تعال has said:

الكفرون القوم إل اهلل وح ر من يايئس ل إنه اهلل وح ر من تايئسوا ول And never give up hope of Alláh’s truly soothing mercy; no one despairs of Allah’s soothing mercy except those who have no faith. (S.12.87).

In a further áyet Alláh تعال states:

ؤمني م كنتم إن علون ال وأنتم زنوا ت ول تنوا ول So, lose not heart and do not fall into despair, for you must

gain mastery if you are true in faith. (S.3.139).An Urdú poet has rightly depicted this in his couplet as under

(the meaning of which is):It is the same world all around us. Even the Almighty Alláh

is the same, the Most Merciful. If anything has changed it is ourselves. It is our indifferent attitude towards religious teachings which has stopped Allah’s aid reaching us.

It is indeed desired that we should seek guidance from the pious and the truthful scholars who are experts in these affairs, and then follow their advice.

The following is a portion of some of this guidance, which is deserving of our immediate attention and practise:

1. Turn to Alláh تعال

The best cure for all ills and suffering today is that we should turn to Alláh تعال and express our sincere regret and apology

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for our misdeeds. We should pledge to keep away from His disobedience in future, and begin to offer our five daily salát regularly. Men should attend the masjid punctually, and women should offer their salát in their homes as per the Sharí’ah. Even children should be taught to cultivate a habit for salát. Alláh :has emphasized in the Qur’án Sharíf as follows تعال

ين ب الص مع اهلل إن لوة والص ب بالص استعينوا ا امنو ذين ال ا ياي O Believers! Seek help with patient perseverance and prayer,

for Alláh is with those who observe patience. (S.2.153).Hadhrat Mu’ádh bin Jabal عنه تعال اهلل narrates that he once رىض

heard Rasúlulláh صل اهلل عليه وسلم saying:A person who does not go for salát after hearing the adhán is committing a great wrong, and is doing an act of blasphemy and hypocrisy.”

The renowned saint, Hadhrat Shaikh ’Abdul Qádir Jilání رمحة اهلل

:has said ,عليهYou people have been totally negligent and careless about Alláh تعال. It is high time that you wake up and connect yourselves to the Mosques and the path of the righteous ones. Make sending Durúd Sharíf on Rasúlulláh صل اهلل عليه وسلم a regular habit and binding upon yourselves.”

Rasúlulláh صل اهلل عليه وسلم has been reported as saying:If Alláh sends the fire from Hell (to punish the guilty), it will not touch those who are connected with the masájids. Therefore, the act of neglecting salát will disconnect you outright from your link with Alláh, and such a person will be deprived of His closeness and mercy. As Rasúlulláh صل اهلل عليه وسلم said that a servant is closest to his Creator whilst in the act of prostration (sajdah). – (Al-Fatha-Al-Rabbani, p.2.)

2. Need for istighfár and taubahWe must make a point to regularly offer repentance for our sins and seek Allah’s تعال forgiveness. The Qur’án Sharíf mentions:

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يستغفرون وهم م ب معذي اهلل كان وما فيهم وأنت م ب ليعذي اهلل كان وما But Alláh was not going to punish them while you were among them, and He was not going to punish them while they sought

forgiveness. (S.8.33.)In the explanation to this áyet it is said: When the seeking

of Allah’s forgiveness by the non-believers can ward off punishment, then the seeking of forgiveness by the faithful is definite to bring His mercy on all.

Hadhrat Abú Músa Ash’ari رىض اهلل تعال عنه narrates Rasúlulláh صل اهلل

:as saying عليه وسلمSurely Alláh has blessed my followers with two symbols of peace: firstly, myself and, secondly, the act of seeking forgiveness (istighfár), Remember! When I will no longer be in this mortal world, I will be leaving behind the act of seeking forgiveness. It will help you all to save yourselves from Allah’s punishment.

It is reported in another Hadíth:Shaitán has said to Alláh: “I swear by Your honour that I will keep on misguiding your servants as long as they live,” to which Alláh responded: “I swear by My dignity that I will forgive them all as long as they continue to seek My pardon.”

In an explanation of the above Qur’ánic verse, it is said that some of the Sahábah were unable to undertake the migration to Medina and remained in Makkah. Through the barkat of their act of continuously seeking Allah’s تعال forgiveness, no punishment descended even upon the disbelievers, despite their misdeeds. Through the act of pious people seeking forgiveness, even the sinners are saved from Allah’s تعال wrath and punishment.

3. Encourage the giving of charityRich people must pay their zakát annually, as per the Sharí’ah,

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in order to purify their wealth. In addition, regular voluntary alms (sadaqah) should be made to the poor to prevent the occurrence of hardships and misery. Wealth should be regarded as a gift and trust from Alláh تعال and for which one will be answerable. They should desist from spending upon prohibited items and should, instead, use their wealth to assist the needy or for the promotion of Allah’s تعال religion. It is common to see Muslims indulging in wasteful and questionable expenditure. In the Qur’án Sharíf such people Alláh تعال has clearly termed as the brothers of Shaitán:

ياطي الش إخوان كانوآ رين البذي إن Verily, spendthrifts are the brothers of the evil ones. (S.17.27.)

4. Increase the tiláwat of the Qur’án SharífWe should make a habit of reciting the Qur’án Sharíf and engaging in the remembrance (zikr) of Alláh تعال, recitation of Durúd upon Rasúlulláh عليه وسلم اهلل .and making abundant du’á صل Collective offering of du’á for women and children may also be arranged in their homes. The prescribed recitation of the Áyet-e-Karímah may also be organised now and then. It is reproduced below

لمي الظ من كنت إني ٭ سبحانك أنت إل ه ـ إل أن ل There is no God except You! You are glorified! I have been a wrong

doer. (S.21.87.)

5. Stop the disobedience of Alláh تعال We must try to stop people in our locality from indulging in the disobedience of Alláh تعال. The instruments of music, singing and dancing must be removed from our homes, as these attract the wrath of Alláh تعال very quickly. The act of adultery and its means must be eradicated. Women should observe purdah from non-mahram males, and stop offering their services in

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schools, offices and businesses, as these lead to the spread of vice and immorality. Peace and tranquillity in the family and society are eroded through these activities and, ultimately, lead to the erosion of human values. A mere glance at the happenings in today’s society will confirm this state of affairs. If circumstances require womenfolk to earn a living, they can then take to teaching small children at home, do some handiwork or other petty trade from within the confines of their own homes. The intake of liquor and any type of drug and intoxicant must be avoided by all. We should all try to eradicate these vices from our society.

Listed below are some vices which we should avoid at all costs are:

Usurping the properties inherited by orphans; avoiding the sharing of inheritance with daughters; oppression; backbiting; not fulfilling promises; telling lies and taking false oaths; breaches of faith and treachery; desisting from fulfilling the rights due to Alláh تعال (such as performing salát, fasting during Ramadhán, paying zakát and performing Hajj); robbery; taking, giving and witnessing interest-based transactions; not advising people towards virtuous acts despite having the means to do so; making false allegations; behaving with arrogance and pride; engaging in gambling and various types of modern lotteries; bribery and corruption; insulting and degrading religious scholars (’ulemá); etc.

6. Implement proper díní education in the makátibsChildren must be given proper education and training in religious knowledge. The principles of faith (ímán), Divine duties (fará’idh), Islámic manners and etiquette must be taught first. They should know how valuable this knowledge is, and the consequences of its neglect. Alláh تعال has ordered the believers (S66.6):

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نارا وأهليكم أنفسكم قوآ امنوا ذين ال ا يايO you believers! Save yourselves and your families from a fire.

Rasúlulláh صل اهلل عليه وسلم has further warned:Remember, everyone from among you is responsible and accountable for those who are subordinated to you.

Hence, it is vital that we make arrangements for the religious upbringing of our children in every village and town.

7. Reconcile disputes and differencesAll types of disputes and differences should be stopped. Internal disputes are bound to cause serious damage to both religious and worldly interests. Alláh تعال states in the Qur’án Sharíf:

مع اهلل إن وا واصب كم ري وتذهب فتفشلوا تنازعوا ول ورسوله اهلل وأطيعوا

ين ب الصAnd obey Alláh and His apostle; and do not fall into disputes,

lest you lose heart and your power departs; and be patient and persevering, for Alláh is with those who patiently persevere.”

(S.8.46.)In another áyet Alláh تعال says:

قوا تفر ل و يعا ج اهلل بحبل واعتصموا And hold fast, all together, to the rope which Alláh (stretches out for you) and be not divided among yourselves. (S.3.103.)

8. Seek guidance only from the ’Ulemá and establish links with themWe should establish links with the ’ulemá and seek guidance from them in all our dealings, and resolve to follow their advice scrupulously. Never degrade or insult them.

In Tirmidhí Sharíf, Rasúlulláh وسلم عليه اهلل is reported to have صل said:

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The ’ulemá are the heirs to the Ambiyá.”Thus - like complying with the teachings of our prophets - it is

equally obligatory upon the faithful to follow the instructions of the ’ulemá. The knowledge of the Sharí’ah is the legacy of the prophets; and the ’ulemá are its custodians. Hence their instructions are to be treated as binding upon us. Rasúlulláh :has said صل اهلل عليه وسلم

A religious scholar (’álim) is superior to a worshiper in the same way as myself to any ordinary people among you.‒ (Mishkát Sharíf)

The renowned scholar and theologian, Shaikh ’Abdul Qádir Jilání رمحة اهلل عليه said:

When you seek the guidance of the ’ulemá you must follow their advice, as you will be accountable for this before Alláh. Remember! It is as you sought the advice of Rasúlulláh صل اهلل عليه وسلم and when it was given to you, you neglected it” ‒ (Al Fath-Al Rabbani.)

Rasúlulláh وسلم عليه اهلل warned those who fail to keep contact صل with the ’ulemá and who do not bother to heed their advice. He said:

A period will soon be upon us when my followers will avoid the ’ulemá. Alláh will then punish such people in three ways:– Barkat (blessing, abundance) will be taken away from their lives, making it difficult for people to make daily ends meet.– Cruel rulers will be thrust upon them.– They will leave the world without ímán in their hearts.

May Alláh تعال save us all from such an end. Ámín!

Hadhrat Alí عنه تعال اهلل وسلم has reported Rasúlulláh رىض عليه اهلل as صل having stated:

When my followers start hating the ’ulemá, (and they) turn towards (the construction of) huge buildings and prefer richness to piety when proposing marriage, Alláh will punish them by four methods:– Drought and famine will become frequent.– Rulers will resort to oppression.– People having authority and power will indulge in treachery.

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– Enemies will attack continuously.

A glance at the world today and looking at the condition of the Ummah leaves little doubt that the times mentioned in this Hadíth Sharíf are upon us. These conditions are only brought about by our own mistakes and misdeeds. There is no need to blame others! We must learn to respect the ’ulemá and treat their presence among us as a great gift from Alláh We should strive to seek their guidance and benefit from .تعالtheir company and, under no circumstances, should we show them any disrespect.

9. Create an atmosphere of brotherhoodSincere efforts must be made to create the atmosphere of fraternity and the brotherhood of Islám. We should also take care that the rights of all humans, are honoured irrespective of their affiliations. Always try to avoid any act which may lead to misunderstanding and dispute. We should keep ourselves away from quarrels. The true Islámic character of tolerance and fortitude (sabr) should be developed. When faced with any mischief, we should affectionately try to desist from it. If the other party does not desist, then do not run away, but protect yourselves with full vigour.

The following principles must be remembered and followed when such situations arise:

1. Never harm old people (if they do not join the confrontations).

2. Never harm women (if they do not join the confrontation).

3. Never harm children. 4. Never show disrespect to the places of worship of other

people. 5. Never attempt to cut off the noses and ears of people who

confront you.

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6. Never cut trees bearing fruit. 7. Never harm standing crops. 8. Do not burn any living animal. 9. Do not harm milking animals like cows, goats, etc.

10. Make the world aware of the beauty of IslámWe should make our fellow citizens aware of the teachings of our faith and make them understand the reality of Tauhíd and Risálat; strive for them to be blessed with the beauty of ímán and save them from the eternal punishment of Jahannam. This is a right they have over us. The Prophethood of Muhammad was for all mankind, not only for Muslims. So let us صل اهلل عليه وسلمconsider this also.

May Alláh تعال bless us all with His mercy, make us united, strengthen our ímán, and turn us to His Authority. May Alláh !save us from all types of evils and disputes. Ámín تعال

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CHECK LISTDear Reader,Having read this booklet, kindly spare a few moments in order to fill in the form below. Let us have a look at ourselves. You do not need to show it to anybody else (except your sheikh, if you are fortunate enough to have one!).A number of causes have been listed by the honoured Hadhrat

Muftí Sahib as the reasons for our problems. Hereunder is a list of these. See how you fare.

Am I involved? Yes/No. If yes, line of action to be taken.Breaking promises Breaking family tiesGoing to discos / raves / etc.Not observing purdahNot sharing out inheritanceNot giving zakát/sadaqahNot making tiláwat/zikrInvolvement in gambling, lotteriesInsulting or degrading those who are Díní inclined, whether ordinary individuals or ’ulemáNot stopping those under us from sinningFearing deathListening to music

Not making 5 times salátWatching T.V./ videosBack-biting/Telling lies, etcNot fasting in RamadhánNot giving children Díní ilmInvolvement in bribery/corruptionInvolved in interest (bonds / h.p. / overdraft/ insurance / etc.)Betraying trustShort-weighting Short-measuringDrinking alcohol

[Note: These have been listed at random and do not constitute a complete

list. Also, they are not necessarily listed in order of importance.]