r Ø þz t¨ âu5 Ýÿ 4000-121-121

单选 1. A. /; / B. /; the C. the; / --- Can your son play guitar ? --- No, he can't. But he can play chess. 2. A. funny; tells B. fun; speaks C. funny; says —What do you think of your father? —He is . He often me some interesting stories. 3. A. good; music B. well; music C. good; singing Mary sings , so she wants to join a club. 4. A. at; for B. for; at C. at; with Music is good our life, and my friend Lily is good music. 5. A. behind B. between C. before I'm sitting in front of my friend Lily. Here " in front of " means . 6. A. answer, kind of B. answers; kind of C. answer; a kind of —Can you this question, Li Ping ? —Sorry, I can't. Because it is difficult for me. 7. A. Why B. What C. When can't Wang Dong come to the party? — Because he has to meet his friend this evening. 8. A. Not run, inside B. Don't run, here C. Don't run, outside in the classroom. Let's play , OK ? —OK. Let's go. 9. —Where are the boys in Class one ? —They soccer on the playground. 成都学而思1对1 小初高课程咨询电话:4000-121-121 成都初一交流群: 213965478

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A. /; / B. /; the C. the; /

--- Can your son play guitar ?

--- No, he can't. But he can play chess.


A. funny; tells B. fun; speaks C. funny; says

—What do you think of your father?

—He is . He often me some interesting stories.


A. good; music B. well; music C. good; singing

Mary sings , so she wants to join a club.


A. at; for B. for; at C. at; with

Music is good our life, and my friend Lily is good music.


A. behind B. between C. before

I'm sitting in front of my friend Lily. Here " in front of " means .


A. answer, kind of B. answers; kind of C. answer; a kind of

—Can you this question, Li Ping ?

—Sorry, I can't. Because it is difficult for me.


A. Why B. What C. When

— can't Wang Dong come to the party?

— Because he has to meet his friend this evening.


A. Not run, inside B. Don't run, here C. Don't run, outside

— in the classroom. Let's play , OK ?

—OK. Let's go.

9. —Where are the boys in Class one ?

—They soccer on the playground.

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A. play B. are playing C. are playing the


A. Thanks B. Good luck C. For sure

—We'll have an important football game this Friday.

— !








Mary: Hello, Yang Yang.

Yang Yang: Hi, Mary.

Mary: Can you come to my birthday party tomorrow ?

Yang Yang: 1


Yang Yang: I will go to the zoo with my cousin, Tom.

Mary: What a pity. 2

Yang Yang: Yes, of course. I like pandas best. 3

Mary: I like giraffes because they are beautiful. By the way, 4

Yang Yang: He likes exercising and making new friends.

Mary: Where is he from?

Yang Yang:From England.

Mary: 5

Yang Yang: He's learning Chinese.

Do you like animals?

Sorry, I can't.

What is he doing here in China?

what does your cousin like ?

How about you ?

12. A

Hello, everyone! I'm Li Mei from Class one, Grade 7. My parents are school teachers, so they are 1 with

me. There are many rules in my family. They always say, " Don't do this! " or "You can't do that! " That makes

me 2 terrible. I must keep my hair short. Every morning I 3 get up at 6:30. After that, I need to read

English for a while. I can't talk 4 while eating. After supper I have to practice the piano. On school nights, I

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1. A. strict B. busy C. nice

2. A. think B. feel C. look

3. A. can B. mustn't C. have to

4. A. quickly B. loudly C. early

5. A. either B. too C. also

can't go out with my friends. I can't watch TV at night, 5 . And I have to clean my room every day. Do you

have such serious rules at home?


1. A. far from B. near C. next to

2. A. work B. school C. home

3. A. the school B. the subway C. the bus stop

4. A. to take B. to drive C. to ride

5. A. breakfast B. lunch C. dinner

6. A. or B. and C. but

7. A. bad B. good C. healthy

8. A. eats a hamburger B. listens to music C. takes a walk

9. A. clubs B. parties C. schools

10. A. like B. think of C. know about


I have a good friend called Li Lei. His home is 1 the school. It's about twenty kilometers. He gets up at

six o'clock in the morning, after that he takes a shower and has a quick breakfast. Then he leaves for 2 at

about six thirty. First, he has to walk to 3 . It usually takes him about eight minutes. Then the early bus

takes him to Subway Line 3 and it usually takes him about fifteen minutes 4 the subway. Finally he has to

ride a mobike to get to school.

He has 5 at school at twenty past twelve. For lunch, he usually has some fish, potatoes and some fruit.

Sometimes he has some ice-cream 6 not often, because he knows that too much ice-cream is 7 for

his health. After lunch, he usually 8 for about 20 minutes, because he thinks it's good exercise. Then he

goes to his classroom. In the afternoon, classes start at 2:10. At half past five, he finishes his classes. After that, he

goes to join different 9 . He likes playing basketball and soccer. So he often joins basketball club and

soccer club. In the clubs, he can do many interesting things.

At about six, he goes home. What do you 10 his day ? Is it interesting ?

14. 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容判断句子的正误。正确的写 "T" ,错误的写 "F" 。

Hi, I'm Julie. I'm an office worker and work in the center of our city. I live in a small

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island(岛),so I take a boat from the island to the city every day. The boat leaves every

20 minutes and it takes about 40 minutes to get to the city. Then I have a short walk to my

office. Sometimes when the weather is bad, I can't get to work on time by boat.

My name is Steve and I'm an English teacher. I like going to work by train every day. The

train is quick and cheap, and it always leaves on time. The trains run every half an hour

and run until 00:30. The train station is near my home. I only take 20 minutes from my

home to school.

Hello, I'm Mary and I'm a college student. Our college is very big, so I usually walk a lot.

Sometimes it takes 15 minutes to get from one building to the next. When I want to go

shopping with my friends outside the college, we take a bus. The buses stop running after

10:00p.m. So if we come back that time, we have to take a taxi.

Usually Julie goes to work first by boat, and then on foot.

Steve dislikes taking the train to work, though the train leaves on time.

There are only two trains from Steve's home to his school every day.

Because the college is very big, Mary goes from one building to the next by bus.

Mary and her friends can't take a bus back to her college after 10:00 p.m.


(1) What time does the writer go home?




(2) How do the writer and his parents go to his aunt's home ?




(3) What does the underlined word "choose" mean in Chinese ?




It's Friday again. Classes finish at half past three in the afternoon. After class, I play soccer with my friends for

ninety minutes. Then I walk home. When I get home, my cousin James calls me. He says his dog Tia has three

puppies( 小 狗 ) ! I ask him many questions about the puppies. He invites me to see them. I always want a

puppies ! My dad comes home at six o'clock. Then we drive to my aunt's home. When we get there, it's seven

thirty in the evening. I see the puppies. They are very small and cute! I choose a brown puppy with short legs, "I

want this one." Mom and dad say, "OK." Then we take him home. I give him a name, Alex. I hope I can look after


At 3:30 p.m.

At 5:00 p.m.

At 5:30 p.m.

They drive.

They ride bikes.

They walk.



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(4) Which of the following is NOT true ?




(5) What is the passage mainly about ?





James is the writer's cousin.

James' dog Tia has three puppies.

Alex is a small black puppy with short legs.

What the writer likes to play.

How the writer gets a puppy.

How to look after puppies.


(1) We can on Friday night.




(2) There is a basketball game between and at 4:30 p.m. tomorrow.




(3) We can give old books to the library .




(4) If we want to watch different programs, we may go to the school ball .



Movie Night

Place: School Hall

Day: Friday

Time: 8:00 p.m.--- 10:00 p.m.

Movie: The Four

Stars(主演):Deng Chao, Liu Yifei

School Library

Do you have old books, newspaper or

magazines ? Just bring them to the


Office time:

8:30 a.m.--- 5:00 p.m. every weekday.

Basketball Game

Attention, please! There is a basketball

game between our school and No.3 High

School in the gym at 4:30 p.m. tomorrow.

Please come and watch it.

School Art Festival

Do you want to watch different kinds of

programs? Come here in the school hall.

You can come with your friends. From 9:00

a.m. to 5:00 p.m. every Saturday.

see a movie

watch a basketball game

give books to the library

Our school; No. 1High School

No. 1High School; Our school

Our school; No. 3High School

At nine a.m. on Sunday

at 11:00 a.m. on Friday.

at six p.m. on Monday

on Friday

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(5) Which of the following is true ?




on Saturday

tomorrow afternoon

The basketball game is between our school and No. 2 High School.

We can go to the movies at 7:30 p.m. on Friday.

Our friends can come to the School Festival with us.


(1) Our school needs help to teach music. Music Teacher W .

(2) She knows it's not good for her to eat ice-cream after dinner, but it t good!

(3) It usually takes me about ten m ride to get to school by mobike every day.

(4) When studying in the library, we have to be q .

(5) Many animals are in great d . We should try to save them.


18. 完成对话。在对话空格中填上适当的单词,使对话完整、正确。一空一词。

Tom: Morning, Tina.

Tina: Morning, Tom.

Tom: Tina, you usually go to school by bike, but why are you 1 to school today?

Tina: It's sunny today. I enjoy going to school on foot in this kind of weather.

Tom: That's right. But it will 2 you more time to get to school.

Tina: It's OK. I can get up earlier. And I feel happy to meet 3 of mine on the way to school. Yesterday

morning, I met Anna, and today I can go to school with you. I don't know 4 else I will meet tomorrow

morning. I really feel excited about this.

Tom: That's for sure. You can 5 a lot with them along the way. It can make the way to school fun. But you

can't walk 6 because you have to get to school on time. If you arrive 7 , I'm sure you will be in


Tina: That's true. Our school has very 8 rules. We can't break them.

Tom: Yeah. Our teacher always tells us that 9 the rules is important and everyone should know its 10 .

Oh, it's 7:25 now, let's hurry, or we may be late.

Tina: OK. Hurry up.

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19. 从下面方框中选出10个单词,并将其正确形式填写在答题卡相应题号后,使短文意思正确、通顺(每词限用一次)。

two use study relaxing book they help friend hour good interest homework

As a middle school student, life for you is a little hard, because you spend over eight 1 at school a day.

But do you know how to make your school life better? Here are some things for you. They can be 2 .

First, you must know what the most important thing is in school. It is your 3 . You have to listen to your

teachers carefully in class. You also need to go to the library. You can read more 4 there.

Joining school club can also make you 5 . There you can meet many friends who have the

same 6 you. You can share your happiness with them.

7 make some friends. They can be with you when you need 8 help. Don't forget 9 your

classmates and teachers. When they say "Thank you!" with a big smile, you will find it's the 10 me in your

school life.









Many people have jobs. They go to work every day. 1 But some people don't have interesting jobs and

they can't get much money, either.

2 Some jobs are very difficult but funny. Some jobs are not difficult but they are kind of boring. Some

jobs are exciting but of a little danger.

Some jobs are for young people. 3 Old people usually can't play these sports very well. 4 Many

golf players are very old, and they can play it very well.

Many people don't leave their work before they're 55 or 60 years old. After they don't work, they can stay at

home. 5 But some people, for example, actors, work for a life time.

But golf is a good sport for old people.

There are many different kinds of jobs.

Many young people don't like their jobs very much.

Then they have lots of time to be with their children.

For example, soccer and tennis stars are usually under 35 years old.

Some people have very interesting jobs and they get a lot of money.

21. 阅读下面短文,根据其内容,完成表格中所缺的信息。

Everyone has his or her habits. Some are good habits but some are bad ones. We all want to stop bad habits,

but we don't know how to stop them. Here are some ways.

1. Write down all the reasons why you want to stop some habits. Look at the reasons very often.

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2. It's clever to do something else when you want to stop your bad habits. If you get angry easily, for

example, you an go out for a walk.

3. Decide how to reward(奖励) yourself after you really stop your bad habits.

4. If you get too heavy, eat more vegetables and fruit.

5. Bad habits develop(发展) over years, so you can't stop them very fast. You should be patient.

6. Don't be afraid to ask others for help. You can talk to your friends or you can talk to your family. When

you talk to them, they can give you some good ideas that you can't get from yourself.

1 To Stop Bad Habits

Make a listYou can 2 all the reasons why you want

to stop your bad habits.

Join in some activitiesIt's best to do some other things when you

want to stop your bad habits.

Give 3 a rewardDecide what you will do to reward yourself

after you do stop your bad habits.

Keep off your bad habitsYou can't eat much unhealthy food if you want

to be thin.

Be patient It's 4 to stop a bad habit in a short time.

5 helpYou can talk with your friends or with your

family, and they may give you some ideas.

22. 现在是周六晚上七点钟,史密斯先生的四个孩子都在家里。请观察下面各图,根据其内容,分别介绍他们正在做的事


要求:1. 书写工整,调理清楚。

2. 字数:80字左右。

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