quick start series - math solutions

An Exploration of the Mathematical Practices Quick Start Series Math Solutions Common Core Quick Start Series introduces educators to the central ideas embodied in the Standards for Mathematical Practice. We align what educators already know with what they need to learn about developing expertise in the “processes and proficiencies” outlined in the practices. Participants will leave each course with instructional skills and strategies they can use in their classrooms immediately. Format: Designed to precede or follow an in-depth exploration of the content standards, this series is offered as a three-day institute or as individual courses over time. Target Audience: Teachers and Math Coaches Grade Levels: K–2, 3–5, 6–8, 9–12 Course 1: Making Sense of Math – A Focus on Reasoning and Discourse This full-day course provides teachers with a deeper understanding of why and how students should expect mathematics to make sense, along with the role of discourse to support deeper understanding. Includes a Participant Guide. This course will enable participants to: • Discern how mathematical tasks and questions differ with respect to the level of thinking required to solve them • Deepen their understanding that learning mathematics involves students constructing ideas and systems • Recognize the role of productive discourse in students’ mathematical reasoning and sensemaking • Prepare students for performance tasks on Next Generation Assessments • Understand the role of reasoning and discourse on Next Generation Assessments Course 2: Mathematical Thinking – A Focus on Representations and Procedural Fluency This full-day course provides teachers with a deeper understanding of procedural fluency and how access to mathematical representations and related ideas can help students significantly expand their mathematical thinking. Includes a Participant Guide. This course will enable participants to: • Expand understanding of procedural fluency to include carrying out procedures flexibly, accurately, and appropriately • Broaden the definition of mathematical tools to include anything that students use to think about mathematics Continue on back » @ 8 ) 800.868.9092 [email protected] mathsolutions.com/commoncoresolutions

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Post on 18-Mar-2022




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An Exploration of the Mathematical Practices

Quick Start Series™

Math Solutions Common Core Quick Start Series™ introduces educators to the central ideasembodied in the Standards for Mathematical Practice. We align what educators already know with what they need to learn about developing expertise in the “processes and proficiencies” outlined in the practices. Participants will leave each course with instructional skills and strategies they can use in their classrooms immediately.

Format: Designed to precede or follow an in-depth exploration of the content standards, this series is offered as a three-day institute or as individual courses over time.

Target Audience: Teachers and Math Coaches Grade Levels: K–2, 3–5, 6–8, 9–12

Course 1: Making Sense of Math – A Focus on Reasoning and DiscourseThis full-day course provides teachers with a deeper understanding of why and how students should expect mathematics to make sense, along with the role of discourse to support deeper understanding. Includes a Participant Guide.

This course will enable participants to:

•Discernhowmathematicaltasksandquestionsdifferwithrespecttothelevelofthinkingrequiredtosolvethem •Deepentheirunderstandingthatlearningmathematicsinvolvesstudentsconstructingideasandsystems


•PreparestudentsforperformancetasksonNextGenerationAssessments •UnderstandtheroleofreasoninganddiscourseonNextGenerationAssessments

Course 2: Mathematical Thinking – A Focus on Representations and Procedural FluencyThis full-day course provides teachers with a deeper understanding of procedural fluency and how access to mathematical representations and related ideas can help students significantly expand their mathematical thinking. Includes a Participant Guide.

This course will enable participants to:



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@8) 800.868.9092 [email protected]


At Math Solutions, we’ve been transforming instruction for almost 30 years. Now the same strategies and methods we use for developing student proficiency are embodied in the Common Core.

•Connectmultiplerepresentationsforthepurposeofhelpingallstudentsbetterunderstandunderlyingmathematical ideas

•Considerstudents’useoftoolsandrepresentationsforthepurposeofassessingstudentunderstanding •UnderstandtheroleofrepresentationandproceduralfluencyonNextGenerationAssessments

Course 3: Problem Solving – Developing Students’ Disposition, Competence, and Confidence This full-day course provides math teachers with a deeper look at building perseverance in problem solving and applying mathematics to everyday situations. Participants will learn strategies to structure problem-solving lessons that build a bridge for all students to solve problems. Includes a Participant Guide.

This course will enable participants to: •Broadentheirunderstandingofhowstudentslearnandthefeaturesofa classroom environment that promotes confidence and perseverance in students

•Developaworkingknowledgeofconstructivestruggleasopportunitiesthat involvestudentsinproblemsthatrequirecriticalthinkingandconnectionsacross multiple mathematical concepts, skills, and ideas, versus superficial application of a rote procedure

•Examinethreecorefeaturesoftheroleoftheteacherwhoteaches for understanding

•Considerhowtwocognitiveprocessesthatarekeyinstudents’effortsto understand mathematics—reflection and communication—are also tools teachers use to assess student understanding


Math Solutions consulting, courses, and coaching are offered on-site at your schoolor in your district based on a schedule convenient for you and your team.

Our Common Core courses, consulting, and coaching incorporate our four Guiding Principles and support educators to:

• Strengthentheirmathcontentandpedagogicalknowledgeinorderto understandvarioussolutionpathsandstudents’reasoning • Understandhowstudentslearninordertomakeinstructionaldecisions abouttaskstocompleteandquestionstopose • Developinsightintoindividuallearners’contentmasteryandmathreasoning • Cultivatenewinstructionalstrategiesthatpromotethinking, reasoning, and sensemaking

@8) 800.868.9092 [email protected]


Bring Math Solutions to Your School or District MathSolutionslooksforwardto partnering with you to help you meet your Common Core goals. Contact us today to speak with oneofourEducationConsultants.

Colette Chambers(415) 339-4838 W | (415) 497-9886 M


(415) 339-4833 W | (415) 497-9653 M

June Clark(415) 339-4817 W | (410) 937-7609 M