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After You Read This Report…You’ll Understand

The Concept Of Your Sales Funnel

The single most common marketing mistake new internet marketers make

The two most important questions you have to ask yourself,

before ever starting to plan!

The most crucial step to building customer trust - and

what you have to do next

The most important secret to achieving sales funnel success - even if this is your first introduction to the concept

The single most important detail you have to take care to

set up (miss it, and you'll notice it hurts!)

Check Out This Available Resource…

Sales Funnel Strategies

How To Work Your Sales Funnel

For Bigger Profits Brought To You By: -8-Your Name-8-

If you’re ready to discover how to

create a powerful plan of action and

work your sales funnel for bigger

profits, you need to check out this

40+ page guide…

Click here to check it out for yourself today


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Quick Start Guide To

Sales Funnels About the author

Eirik Vold started his first business with a partner in 1996 and sold it five years later for millions. He used some of the cash to start a second business, with services aimed for Media & IR Contacts, during a period of 3 years served

more than one hundred thousands clients, and Eirik ultimately sold that business to a larger international

media company.

After working as a consultant and marketing strategist for small and medium businesses on four continents, Eirik

realized his passion and talent was helping other entrepreneurs be super-successful (online & offline) and in 2005 coined the term Marketing Coaching to describe his work.

Internationally recognized as a business advisor and author, Eirik has worked

with thousands of small and medium businesses whose names you’ll never know, but whose entrepreneurial owners have pocketed a substantial sum in

increased income and proceeds from sales. (50% year over year client growth is typical, and 100% sales increases are not uncommon) Thousands more have read Eirik’s publications, cources and reports, including his wildly

successful website nofluffreports.com. “No Fluff Reports” has hot little reports with topics and some of the best strategies for marketing your business

online as well as offline, to make more profits and serve your customers better. These reports is a must read for anyone in the "biz".

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The Basics

One of the biggest mistakes new internet marketers make? Create a

product, launch it – and stop.

That’s only the start of your Sales Funnel.

In fact, it’s not even the beginning. (Not if you’re doing things


What is a Sales Funnel?

It’s an open door inviting potential customers to enter. Once they step

voluntarily inside, imagine catching them up on a slide – as in a

children’s slide or waterslide – that swiftly spirals them downwards.

On the way, they are able to grab various other goodies: Which makes

it an exciting ride.

And at the end is… The Big Prize. (For both you and your customer!)

If you’ve done it properly, they’ll have enjoyed the ride so much that

they’ll eagerly rush to the beginning of other slides you create (almost

faster than you can create them!) They’ll be totally confident they’re

going to have a richly-satisfying time – and you’ll have lifetime


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But you have to guide them there by the shortest, simplest path. You

have to make it easy for your visitors to spend money – and make

sure they are going to be happy with the results when they do spend!

Is A Sales Funnel Anything

Like A “Pyramid” Scheme?

Absolutely not. The reason pyramid schemes are illegal in many

places? They’re dishonest.

The way they work is through preying on trusting people, telling them

falsehoods and stuffing them full of big dreams about unlimited cash.

(Sounds like some of the shadier gurus out there, doesn’t it?) Pyramid

companies encourage and often actually intimidate their gullible

victims into sucking in friends and relatives.

The hapless victim ends up spending a fortune, annoys her nearest

and dearest, and never makes any money. (In fact, many of them

report actually buying more of their own products than they’re paid –

mostly to get the “free gifts”.)

Do the big guns at the pyramid top know this? Absolutely. In fact,

they count on it.

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The few members who actually do make money from pyramid

schemes? You guessed it. The 3 or 4 levels at the top. But once those

particular levels start branching outward, the market quickly becomes

seriously oversaturated, so that the poor Joes at the widest part of

the pyramid – the base – haven’t a hope in a very hot place of making

a significant profit.

Using A Sales Funnel

Some internet marketers also suffer from “pyramid mentality. They

indiscriminately sign on more and more affiliates, set no boundaries,

provide unlimited PLR, unlimited Resell rights, sell shoddy, half-baked

products and take on even more affiliates – knowing the value of their

product is already outdated and that they’ve oversaturated their

market. Their disappointed affiliates quit in droves, annoyed

customers opt out and even though they make a profit, it’s not half as

big as they once hoped.

As an ethical internet marketer trying to earn an honest living, create

loyal, lifetime “repeat” customers and provide value in your services,

“pyramid mentality” shouldn’t be your problem.

But the most common reason some marketers develop “pyramid

mentality” isn’t through greed –

it’s through not having a clear picture of what they’re supposed to

be doing, and why.

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It’s easier to sell to buyers you already “own” heart and soul, than to

continually start the process all over again, working your aspidistra off

to find more new prospects. The best way to create lifetime

customers like these is through informed use of a Sales Funnel.

A Sales Funnel is nothing more than a plan for how you’re going to

run your Marketing Campaign. And make it the best Marketing

Campaign you can – for you and your customers.

1. Decide On The Slide

You need to decide:

What you want to sell

Who you want to sell it to.

The second criteria is totally dependent on the first. The more

specifically you answer these two questions, the more absolute detail

you add to the picture you’re painting. The more detail, the more

successful you are likely to be in attracting pre-sold or pre-qualified


Establish Trust

That can be done in a few seconds – if you hit the right chord.

Usually, your potential subscriber reads your landing page and if

you’ve gauged it right and you totally understand your individual

future customer, he thinks with a heartfelt gush of certainty and

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emotion, “She’s describing me!” That’s usually immediately followed

by “she’s been there!”

The certainty that you are the one they’ve been waiting for, the one

who has the missing pieces of the puzzle, has them stampeding to opt

in. Some of the emotional states they might experience at this point:








2. Build A Relationship

It’s a great feeling when you start to get feedback that they feel like

this: But your job is far from over, once you’ve got them to opt in – in

fact, it hasn’t even started!

Now comes the most crucial part – the one that determines whether or

not they’re going to be thrilled with your magic waterslide – or

annoyed, disappointed (or even indifferent). (In which case, watch

how fast they jump off.)

Building the relationship is where all the work you did in planning and

preparation will really pay off.

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3. Nurture The Relationship

They’ve bought a product from you – but here’s no time to breathe a

sigh of satisfaction. You should be too busy continuing to provide them

with meaningful contact, valuable content and more offers – both paid

and free. No matter how sincere you are, a Sales Funnel will definitely

provides a structured way to enhance this process significantly.

5. The Metamorphosis

It may be a little fanciful, but think of a caterpillar. It goes through its

cocoon stage and emerges as a fully-fledged butterfly, with wings of

its own, able to fly away.

A subscriber who has made it all the way through your Sales Funnel

should emerge the same way. Encouraged by the small successes your

high quality content and low cost report helps them achieve in

their hobby, personal life or business (depending on what you sell),

they buy your higher end products. They join your membership

site. Perhaps they become enthusiastic affiliates, and help you sell.

They join your mastermind group. Eventually, if you’ve pre-qualified

subscribers with the money to spend, they sign up for one-on-one


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If what you’re selling relates to internet marketing services or

products, be prepared for a select few to approach you and suggest

joint ventures – ones that will benefit both of you. These quality

customers have given you excellent, sales-inducing testimonials along

the way – and now it’s your turn to reciprocate, if it works out for both

of you.

And if you’re sitting there thinking, “I’m too new. Planning all that stuff

is way too advanced for me – I’ll be happy if I make a few sales” –

relax. We’ve all been there. And the big helpful secret I can tell you,

with unhesitating certainty? Work sincerely and smartly, and you’ll

learn along the way.

It won’t seem so hard, if you focus on moving forward one step at a

time, setting smaller “interim” goals for yourself.

But what may help more than anything in setting goals and providing

a clear picture of where you’re headed – and what you need to

do – is using a Sales Funnel. It’s not hard to use – in fact it will make

your marketing life easier! And it will get you much faster to the point

where you’re bringing in the ideal income you’ve decided you need.

So here is a diagram. Not of how you need to do things – that’s a

process you’ll be working on for a while. This is just a diagram of what

you need to know about your ultimate ideal sales “map”. It details the

steps you will want to be taking and set in place to launch a

strong Marketing Campaign.

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A natural part of your Sales Funnel will be watching some customers

bow out early. Don’t panic when this happens – just observe and

analyze. Disqualification often has nothing to do with the quality of

your products or any communication mishandling on your part. It may

be a result of factors outside your control – such as the customer just

not being able to afford a higher end product right now; or already

being a member of a different membership site.

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That’s why it’s absolutely vital for you to spend adequate time on

identifying who your ideal visitor would be – before they even

land on your site. (And perhaps provide migration options for those

who leave.)

Always remember, the focus should never be on sales, sales, sales…

but on the relationship – sometimes it is better to sacrifice the sale,

to keep a good customer. That’s what you do at the “front end”

(the wide part) of your Sales Funnel. You provide “free” products, trial

memberships and other demonstrations of your value (or pay your

affiliates high commission rates) to build trust and attract new

subscribers towards your high end and residual offers.

5 Steps Towards A Successful Sales Funnel

It is important to remember that not every sales model you create has

to follow every single step in the sales model diagram on the previous

page. The diagram is a only a guide. But you need to be aware of

your options, so you don’t leave the money sitting on the counter.

And knowing how to create a Sales Funnel is a proven way to ensure

this doesn’t happen.

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To run over the steps you need to take:

Create interest (by measuring interest and matching your

content to the need)

Ask yourself some hard questions. Is it worthwhile developing

this particular Sales Funnel? Will you and your customer both

profit, if you go ahead and meet this need?

Build a relationship with your subscriber, a “dialogue” that

leads him to buy

Don’t let your subscribers get “stuck” in your Sales Funnel. Be

vigilant – watch to see if there are any weak spots slowing their

progress through and remove obstacles

Don’t get stuck yourself – don’t obsess over one stage, but keep

the “big picture” always in mind.

Even when you’re new to the Sales Funnel process, making sure you’re

staying on target doesn’t have to initially involve the complex sales

pipeline skills that top gurus learn to develop. The good news is, the

simple formula I’m about to suggest is easy.

My tried-and-true secret formula?

Always focus on providing value that over delivers. Make building

that relationship with your customer more important than calculating

ratios and profits – and the profits will follow.

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Especially if you don’t neglect using your Sales Funnel!

Wait! Before You Go. . .

Sales Funnel Strategies

How To Work Your Sales Funnel

For Bigger Profits

Discover how to create a powerful plan of action and work your sales

funnel for bigger profits with my 40+ page guide!

You’ll discover:

Know what to do when a customer

"leaks" out of your funnel

Discover 8 vital progressions every

successful Sales Funnel has to make

Learn the single most important

"rule" you must factor in to create an

organically flowing Sales Funnel

Keep in mind 6 crucial factors you must consider, when setting up

your Sales Funnel flow

Use 5 powerful strategies for tripling your affiliates traffic leads (and

your affiliates will love you for this!)

Teach you the "Golden Rule" of planning you probably haven't heard

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much of (and the answer may actually surprise you!)

Reveal the secret key function your Sales Funnel has to perform -

and the hidden benefit this will give you

The single most overlooked marketing strategy that could be your

best friend - when you most need it

The two opposing choices you must seriously consider if you

discover your prize product is a "one trick pony"

The powerful natural law that Euclid, Pythagoras and Da Vinci made

use of

The single most important thing you must ensure for your customers

- whether they opt out or in

2 essential attributes every strong Sales Funnel must exhibit

The single most powerful way to stop blockages in your Sales

Funnel flow

Click here to check it out for yourself today


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