questions to ask when choosing a childcare center

13 Questions To Ask When Choosing A Childcare Child Care

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Page 1: Questions to Ask When Choosing a Childcare Center

Questions To Ask When Choosing A Childcare

Child Care

Page 2: Questions to Ask When Choosing a Childcare Center

Questions to Ask When Choosing A Child Care

Choosing a child care program is one of the most important decisions that

you can make for your child. It may be necessary to visit several different

child cares in order to find one that suites your child’s needs. Not all child

cares are created equal and in order to pick the right one, there are 10

questions that you should ask each provider.

Page 3: Questions to Ask When Choosing a Childcare Center

Do you follow the correct teacher to child ratio at all times?

Most states have laws in place as to the amount of children allowed with one

teacher at any given time. These ratios are important as they ensure that

your child is not in an overcrowded environment. It’s important that a child

care center adheres to these ratios even when staff members are out sick.


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What are your qualifications?

It’s no surprise that children do better in a setting where the teacher is

providing age appropriate activities. Each teacher should be trained in the

social, emotional and cognitive needs of these young children. Teachers that

have undergone training to provide lessons that will stimulate children in their

classroom will be better equipped to teach.


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What types of healthy snacks and meals will you provide?

While the occasional unhealthy treat is okay for a class party or special

occasion, they should not be the norm. Unfortunately, things like cookies and

brownies can be cheaper to serve preschool children rather than healthier

foods like fruits and vegetables. Many child care programs will try to save

money by serving less than healthy options. It is important that preschools

are serving foods that are healthy.


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Do you have protocols in place for dealing with food allergies?

Many children have food allergies, especially when it comes to peanuts.

Even if your child doesn’t have allergies it is important that you are aware of

any foods that are banned from the child care because another child might

be allergic to it.


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How much time do the children get to play outside?

Kids need to play outside daily. This allows for them to get exercise, outside

exploration, and to run off some energy. Child care programs should have a

dedicated outdoor play space that has age appropriate playground

equipment and has a fence enclosure.


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Do you allow the children to watch TV?

If a program has a TV you should be cautious. This could mean that when

parents aren’t around they are putting the children in front of the TV instead

of teaching them or allowing them to play. If a child care you are visiting does

have a TV, ask them why they have it, how much it’s used and what types of

shows are played on it.


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How do you discipline the children?

All kids act up from time to time so it’s important that you know how your

child will be disciplined when this occurs. Every program should have written

documentation as to what type of discipline techniques they are using. If they

don’t have any written documentation as to what techniques they use, give

them a few scenarios of a child misbehaving and have them explain to you

how they would discipline the child in that situation.


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How do you communicate each child’s progress with their


Parents need to know how their kids are progressing. A child care program

should have a way of communicating this with each parent. Common forms

of communication include conversations at the beginning and end of each

day, daily or weekly written reports sent home, as well as quarterly parent

teacher conferences.


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Do you rotate toys?

Kids will get bored if they play with the same toys over and over again. Child

care programs should be rotating toys on a monthly basis. This will ensure

that as children grow, they will be playing with toys that are age appropriate

and stimulating.


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How do you recognize diversity?

The world is very culturally diverse and child care should be doing their part

to celebrate these differences each of us has. While it may be impossible to

celebrate every culture individually that is present at school, they still can

encourage children to talk about their culture and discuss ways that they are


Finding the right child care program for your child may seem impossible. By

asking the right questions you can find one where your child will be in a safe

and loving environment that will stimulate learning. Just remember that if a

program is not willing to answer any questions that you have, then they

probably will not be the right fit for your family.


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