ptsd supplements maverick medicine it is possible to

PTSD supplements – Maverick Medicine It is possible to recover from brain disorders. It all starts with recognizing that our body is an elegantly designed and connected system, not just a bunch of individual parts that have nothing to do with each other.Depression is the leading cause of ill health and disability worldwide. This means that everything you do to your body, you do to your brain. This means that everything you do to your body, you do to your brain. Optimizing nutrition is the first step toward a healthy brain. Food has the power to transform your health. Depression is the leading cause of ill health and disability worldwide. Lithium Orotate Lithium Orotate - 10mg of Elemental Lithium (as Lithium Orotate) Suicidal thoughts, anxiety, and PTSD GONE within 6 hours of starting this :) After taking this, I immediately started to feel better. I took a few more capsules later too. Six hours later the non-stop crying and extreme panic, suicidal thoughts, and this black cloud of intense anger I had.....disappeared. Unbelievable!!Natural support for my complex PTSD - started at the 5 mg and have moved up to 10 mg. My background is that I have complex PTSD and can experience some very intense anxiety in addition to unpredictable mood swings. I also have a couple methylation mutations that predispose me to neurotransmitter disorders. Since taking the Lithium, I notice that I feel much more balanced and am generally calmer and less reactionary to my circumstances. In general, had you met me a year ago, you might not have recognized me because I was just stuck in fight or flight mode 24/7 - found my motivation again. My heart goes out to my father, and all the people suffering depression/anxiety/hopelessness who died before the Internet and was available. :( The benefits of organic lithium and their associated symptoms of anxiety, depression, bi-polar disorder, insomnia, hormonal imbalance, inflammation and even digestive issues. THIS SUPPLEMENT SAVED MY LIFE!!! Praise GOD!!

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Post on 11-Apr-2022




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Page 1: PTSD supplements Maverick Medicine It is possible to

PTSD supplements – Maverick Medicine It is possible to recover from brain disorders. It all starts with recognizing that our body is an elegantly designed and connected system, not just a bunch of individual parts that have nothing to do with each other.Depression is the leading cause of ill health and disability worldwide. This means that everything you do to your body, you do to your brain. This means that everything you do to

your body, you do to your brain. Optimizing nutrition is the first step toward a healthy brain. Food has the power to transform your health.

Depression is the leading cause of ill health and disability worldwide.

Lithium Orotate – Lithium Orotate - 10mg of Elemental Lithium (as Lithium Orotate)

Suicidal thoughts, anxiety, and PTSD GONE within 6 hours of starting this :) After taking this, I immediately started to feel better. I took a few more capsules later too. Six hours later the non-stop crying and extreme panic, suicidal thoughts, and this black cloud of intense anger I had.....disappeared.

Unbelievable!!Natural support for my complex PTSD - started at the 5 mg and have moved up to 10 mg. My background is that I have complex PTSD and can experience some very intense anxiety in addition to unpredictable mood swings. I also have a couple methylation mutations that predispose me to neurotransmitter disorders. Since taking the Lithium, I notice that I feel much more balanced and am generally calmer and less reactionary to my circumstances. In general, had you met me a year ago, you might not have recognized me because I was just stuck in fight or flight mode 24/7 - found my motivation again.

My heart goes out to my father, and all the people suffering depression/anxiety/hopelessness who died before the Internet and was available. :( The benefits of organic lithium and their associated symptoms of anxiety, depression, bi-polar disorder, insomnia, hormonal imbalance, inflammation and even digestive issues.


Page 2: PTSD supplements Maverick Medicine It is possible to

Before taking Lithium Orotate I was a complete mess. I was self-medicating with pot and alcohol because I couldn't deal with the extremes. Being bipolar for me is like winning the lottery and your mom dying in the same day. Lithium Orotate is the closest thing to a magical pill I've tried and have been on everything from Seroquel to Xanax. I've lost two jobs because I was a zombie on that crap and still had uncontrollable mood swings. Without this stuff I would be in the ground or a drug addict. Please save yourself and buy this. You dont have to struggle like this anymore. You just need more brain food. I take this and 5- htp and I feel great every day! No one paid me or gave anything free to write this review. I told my friend Matt about my experience and he got the same result. Stop hurting for no reason! Take lithium Orotate and you will be free and have beautiful wonderful exuberant peace. Works better than any prescription that I have ever received to treat my severe depression. Lithium blood level checks only to find that it doesn't even show up in my blood work

Valerian The stuff is a godsend. Need to fall asleep? Valerian. Need to calm anxiety? Valerian. Super angry and want to calm down? Valerian. When I was going through my antidepressant and mood stabilizer transitions I would take a handful of the stuff whenever I felt suicidal or the need to self-harm or break something. Because I knew you couldn't overdose on them, so I'd take em like a handful of popcorn, take a nap and wake up calm. That supplement literally saved my life relax and puts me to sleep with no groggy after effects nor does it give me vivid dream.

Nerve Tonic Stress Relief Stress relief, anxiety relief, irritability helps with all of it! I have recommended this product countless times and I will continue to do so! As someone who has dealt with terrible anxiety,

Page 3: PTSD supplements Maverick Medicine It is possible to

**Lemon balm

Lemon balm extract worked the same as Valium but was non-addictive Lemon balm extract for stress and anxiety - overall calmer state of mind take it as many times as you want per day - Good for migraine headaches - for stress or anxiety during the daytime, using 1/3 the dose. Lemon balm extract worked the same as Valium but was non addictive.

Melissa Lemon Balm Improving mood as it is GABA-enhancing agent - enhanced me cognitively, memory enhancing properties - deeper more relaxed sleep

Choline and Inositol Severe anxiety/panic disorder - improve mental focus - 500 milligrams a day for men - low neurotransmitter levels and brain tissue decline to a significantly higher risk for more serious conditions like senile dementia and Alzheimer’s

Taurine Anger - mood and memory - neurogenesis, relaxation, and sleep. NEUROGENESIS, the brain grows new brain cells

Ubiquinol - Ubiquinol with Kaneka QH Blood pressure has also improved

GABA - depression/ anxiety - full night’s sleep in just 6 hours.Gut problems and depression/ anxiety – calming

Page 4: PTSD supplements Maverick Medicine It is possible to

SAM-e (S-Adenosyl Methionine) counselor and sufferer of ADHD and major depression, the subtle but alleviating effects are a reliefSevere anxiety and depression - back and/or knee pain

Serotonin STRESS, MOOD SUPPORT AND WEIGHT LOSS: Lift mood - feel good - fall sleep.

St. John's Wort

Moods have evened – depression **Omega 3-6-9 In a major study published in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, scientists at the National Institutes of Health found that members of the U.S. military who have the lowest omega-3 levels also have the highest risk of committing suicide. Heart – brain - fading eye-sight

Vitamin D3: Boost my immunity -

Vitamin E - Reverse Heart Disease Now: Stop Deadly Cardiovascular Plaque Before It's Too Late

L-Glycine Insomnia – anxiety - relax your mind - schizophrenia or schizoaffective –

Page 5: PTSD supplements Maverick Medicine It is possible to

GABA The fact that GABA does not cross the blood- brain barrier does not stop it from effecting the enteric nervous system in the gut, where 90% of serotonin receptors are located, which is why many people with gut problems and depression/ anxiety find it so helpful.

Zembrin: An extract from the South African plant Sceletium tortuosum that is sold under the name Zembrin, this nutrient has been used by South African tribesmen and early European explorers in that area for over 300 years. Heightened sense of well-being. I also feel it has enhanced my cognitive skills,

Vinpocetine: Vascular dementia – Alzheimer’s - increasing alertness and general brain function

Fisetin Great for the brain - stress induces long term changes in the cholinergic system of the brain and other research on how Fisetin (among other things) may block the particular mechanism by which these changes occur (acetylcholine is probably the most important neurotransmitter, responsible for motion, memory, autonomic nervous system function Greater alertness - relaxing, less stress - reasoning has improved


Anxiety issues - anxiety have calm down so much - sleeping better

Page 6: PTSD supplements Maverick Medicine It is possible to

Vitamin D Having a vitamin D level below 20 namograms per milliliter (ng/mL) may raise your risk for depression by as much as 85 percent, compared to having a vitamin D level greater than 30 ng/mL. Help prevent the frequent colds

Neurological diseases such as Alzheimer's disease and epilepsy In one study,41 epileptics given a one-time megadose of vitamin D3, ranging from 40,000 IUs all the way up to 200,000 IUs, followed by a daily dose of 2,000 to 2,600 IUs a day for three months to bring each individual's vitamin D status to at least 30 ng/mL, resulted in significant improvements. Ten out of 13 had a decrease in the number of seizures, five of which experienced more than a 50 percent reduction. Overall, the group had a 40 percent reduction in the number of seizures.

Vitamin B - B complex Sustained Slow Release (Vitamin B1, B2, B3, B6, B9 - Folic Acid, B12) - - (Max Strength Vitamin B 12) - B-12 - mood disorders like depression, and chronic stress or feeling run down. Vitamin B12 benefits the central nervous system in many important ways: It helps maintain the health of nerve cells — including those needed for neurotransmitter signaling — and helps form the protective covering of nerves, (Carpal Tunnel?) called the cell’s myelin sheath. This means that when vitamin B12 levels are low, almost every cognitive function can suffer.

L-Theanine Anxiety issues - anxiety have calm down so much - sleeping better

Holy Basil Anxiety or with a mind that won't quit - feel great a nice calm feeling but not drowsy. –

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Ashwagandha Less stressed at my job, less frustrated - Focus is heightened, does improve quality of sleep - anti-anxiety, calming

Hawthorn Berries Hawthorn berry stops panic attacks cold. Lower blood pressure, and it also scrubs out the plaque that has built up in our arteries. **Taurine High anxiety - sleep heavy all night long - liver and heart health - anxiety decrease. Hypertension (blood pressure) - Taurine is found in large amounts in the brain, retina, and heart - improving your mood, motivation, and helping you feel all around better. Taurine will allow your body to manage anxiety so that your thoughts don’t go spiraling out of control Ginko Biloba

Gingko is shown to improve memory and concentration. Focus and mental clarity Maintaining elasticity of the capillaries

Page 8: PTSD supplements Maverick Medicine It is possible to

Inositol bulk pills Supports Healthy Mood, Emotional Wellness and Behavior, helps level hormonal mood swing. A hard time refraining from self-harm because of depression and it helps a lot. I

don't feel like cutting myself or doing anything worse when I take this.

Trichotillomania: Compulsive hair pulling. An impulse control disorder characterized by the repeated urge to pull out scalp hair, eyelashes, eyebrows, or other body hair. Treatment may include cognitive- behavior therapy and... Obsessive Compulsive Disorder - OCD - Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a type

of anxiety disorder that causes people to experience extreme stress and discomfort. People suffering from OCD have recurrent thoughts and try to negate these unwanted thoughts with rituals. OCD affects over 2 million adults in the US. Severe cases can dramatically decrease the quality of life for a patient. Fatty liver and taking inositol and choline will help this condition to reverse.

Hair, skin and even cholesterol control Inositol and Choline were recommended to repair nerve fibers from recent surgery.


High anxiety - sleep heavy all night long - liver and heart health - anxiety decrease. Hypertension (blood pressure) - Taurine is found in large amounts in the brain, retina, and heart - improving your mood, motivation, and helping you feel all around better. Taurine will allow your body to manage anxiety so that your thoughts don’t go spiraling out of control

Page 9: PTSD supplements Maverick Medicine It is possible to

Inositol bulk pills Supports Healthy Mood, Emotional Wellness and Behavior, helps level hormonal mood swing. A hard time refraining from self-harm because of depression and it helps a lot. I

don't feel like cutting myself or doing anything worse when I take this.

Trichotillomania: Compulsive hair pulling. An impulse control disorder characterized by the repeated urge to pull out scalp hair, eyelashes, eyebrows, or other body hair. Treatment may include cognitive- behavior therapy and... Obsessive Compulsive Disorder - OCD - Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a type

of anxiety disorder that causes people to experience extreme stress and discomfort. People suffering from OCD have recurrent thoughts and try to negate these unwanted thoughts with rituals. OCD affects over 2 million adults in the US. Severe cases can dramatically decrease the quality of life for a patient. Fatty liver and taking inositol and choline will help this condition to reverse.

Hair, skin and even cholesterol control Inositol and Choline were recommended to repair nerve fibers from recent surgery.


High anxiety - sleep heavy all night long - liver and heart health - anxiety decrease. Hypertension (blood pressure) - Taurine is found in large amounts in the brain, retina, and heart - improving your mood, motivation, and helping you feel all around better. Taurine will allow your body to manage anxiety so that your thoughts don’t go spiraling out of control

Page 10: PTSD supplements Maverick Medicine It is possible to

**Rhodiola Diagnosed with PTSD - anxiety and panic attacks - makes you feel good - mood- enhancing and concentration-enhancing - Calm but not tired

**Astaxanthin Astaxanthin is able to cross the blood-brain barrier and get into the brain -There are protective sheaths around the brain and retina that protect them from damage.These are called the blood-brain barrier and the blood-retina barrier, they keep out harmful fungi and bacteria.


Manage anxiety and stress - helped dramatically - slept like a baby Lavender Flower Extract Cope with daily stress and anxiety. Diagnosed anxiety and depression disorders. Fought with anxiety issues and GAD for over 12 years, and this is one of the best things I have found for it - feel calmer - helped tremendously to cope with daily stress and anxiety

L-Tyrosine Sinking overwhelming and hopeless apathetic moods Tyrosine is a popular dietary supplement used to improve alertness, attention and focus. It produces important brain chemicals that help nerve cells communicate and may even regulate mood (1). Supports Mental Alertness - Neurotransmitter Support NOTE: People who are taking thyroid medications or have an overactive thyroid should be cautious when supplementing with tyrosine.

Page 11: PTSD supplements Maverick Medicine It is possible to

Neuro-Peak Brain Function Support - Memory, Focus & Clarity Formula - Nootropic Improved my memory and cognitive function - feel energetic, without the side effect of palpitations that caffeine brings! No jitters - concentration and clarity Difference in mood, focus, energy levels, and definitely in reflexes - prevented "four different kinds of brain damage, including Alzheimer’s Disease"…s. getting rid of memory blocks and fuzzy-headedness associated with medical stresses and pain medication. purposes, which typically cause sleep disorders, digestive upset, sexual dysfunction and a variety of mood disorders. Mood was back to normal or better

Vinpocetine Peace of mind, stress reduction, mood enhancementGreat cognitive and memory enhancement

**Citicoline Recode protocol for cognitive decline and improved neuro plasticity - focus, work stamina, and mood. Better focusing and increased energy. I sleep better Depression has lifted significantly - for stroke prevention and memory. Thinking faster and have better memory—constant dizziness go away - Memory, concentration, and pretty much any other cognitive process - Immediate and short term memory.

If you have to take antihistamines I would highly recommend supplementation.

Rhodiola A Powerful Adaptogen That Boosts Vitality and Performance, Eases Depression and Combats Burnout. Rhodiola rosea, sometimes called “golden root,” “roseroot” or “arctic root,” is a powerful Adaptogen known to enhance vitality by helping your body adapt to physical, chemical and environmental stress

Page 12: PTSD supplements Maverick Medicine It is possible to

Hawthorn Berries Hawthorn berry stops panic attacks cold. Lower blood pressure, and it also scrubs out the plaque that has built up in our arteries.

Page 13: PTSD supplements Maverick Medicine It is possible to

Glutathione HUGH difference in my memory, my focus, quick thinking and overall state of mind - Your brain absolutely must have glutathione to stay sharp, accurate, and youthful. It maximizes the body’s levels of glutathione in 3 different ways— Simultaneously. Clinical studies show ME-3 helps the body: Make more glutathione on its own Use it more efficiently and recycle it, for even more antioxidant power

Alzheimer's remedy curcumin Research indicates that inflammation and oxidative damage play a major role in Alzheimer’s disease. That is where curcumin is especially effective as it can even cross the blood-brain barrier where most of the damage from Alzheimer’s takes place. Amyloid plaques protein is the main feature of Alzheimer’s disease and studies show that curcumin can help clear these plaques.

Depression remedy Many who suffer from depression are put on Prozac. In a controlled trial, 60 patients were randomized into three groups and one group took Prozac, another group took a gram of curcumin and the third group took both Prozac and curcumin. After 6 weeks, curcumin had led to improvements that were similar to Prozac. In addition, curcumin can boost the brain neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine which make us feel good.

Hawthorn Berries Hawthorn berry stops panic attacks cold. Lower blood pressure, and it also scrubs out the plaque that has built up in our arteries.

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Berberine One Berberine tablet a day and my glucose daily readings almost immediately dropped by 20 to 30 points. Manage blood sugar and reduce cholesterol - difference with triglycerides and cholesterol

PQQ PQQ helps counteract the effects of stress and improves sleep quality. A group of 17 adults took a daily dose of 20 mg of PQQ for 8 weeks. All six measures of vigor, fatigue, tension, mood, anger-hostility, and confusion improved significantly Brain fog. PQQ stimulates the production of Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) in your brain. NGF is so significant Find it harder to move, bend and flex due to pain and discomfort. Two pain- causing factors you must control are inflammation and free radicals. PQQ helps you conquer both! PQQ stimulates the production of Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) in your brain. NGF is so significant.

Brain Health Memory & Focus

Increase of memory and clarity of thought - Organic Brain Health Memory & Focus

Krill Oil DHA is essential because it helps your brain grow new branches and renew and rejuvenate itself

Higher EPA & DHA - Hypertension. It reduced my blood pressure PTSD and protein

Page 15: PTSD supplements Maverick Medicine It is possible to Simply put: If we don't eat adequate protein at every meal, our brains can't work. We will be sluggish, foggy, anxious, unfocused, tired, and depressed. Ultimately, you don’t eat protein; you eat food. And the right foods can cure depression, diabetes, arthritis, autoimmune disease, headaches, fatigue, and insomnia. They can prevent and reverse dementia and heart disease or a hundred other common diseases and symptoms.

Turmeric Curcumin Depression remedy In addition, curcumin can boost the brain neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine which make us feel good Curcumin, Turmeric may be the most effective nutritional supplement in existence. Curcumin is capable of crossing the blood-brain aromatic-turmerone can increase neural stem cell growth in the brain by as much as 80 percent at certain concentrations barrier, curcumin may help inhibit the accumulation of destructive beta-amyloids in the brain of Alzheimer's patients, as well as break up existing plaques Curcumin for its potential role in improving Parkinson's, Alzheimer's disease, and stroke damage. It can also promote brain health in general, courtesy of its potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

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Rhodiola A Powerful Adaptogen That Boosts Vitality and Performance, Eases Depression and Combats Burnout. Rhodiola rosea, sometimes called “golden root,” “roseroot” or “arctic root,” is a powerful Adaptogen known to enhance vitality by helping your body adapt to physical, chemical and environmental stress Rhodiola rosea extract has been shown to have antidepressant and antianxiety effects, and helps improve symptoms associated with burnout The bioactive compounds rosavin and salidroside in Rhodiola rosea have been shown to improve passage of serotonin precursors through the blood-brain barrier, and help preserve serotonin, thereby boosting mood Extract of Rhodiola rosea not only may also enhance cognitive functions, modulate immune function, enhance cardiovascular, nervous system and reproductive health, but also has antiviral effects and enhances physical performance Its anti-depressive and cognitive effects. For ADHD coupled with other essential vitamins and minerals Rhodiola rosea show that the plant has anti-stress, anti-anxiety, and anti- depressant properties, and that taking the extract of the root produces no significant negative effects. This is in sharp contrast to drugs for the sam

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Lions Mane Witnessing a miracle every day. it works on the nerves in brain. Restores shrunken and poorly-functioning brain cells and connections and keeps them healthy. Lions Mane to help heal nerve damage from Levaquin toxicity. Phosphatidyl Serine

COGNITIVE HEALTH SUPPORT: PhosphatidylSerine (PS) is one the top brain nutrients. Phosphatidylserine helps to maintain and restore memory, revitalize the brain and improve mental performance, focus, and concentration. Phosphatidylserine is the key nutrient that regulates brain cell communication.