pth rrnco ncoic instructions (1 0)

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  • 8/15/2019 Pth Rrnco Ncoic Instructions (1 0)


    Version 1.0 / 20070329 1

    RRNCO & NCOIC Portal


  • 8/15/2019 Pth Rrnco Ncoic Instructions (1 0)


    Version 1.0 / 20070329 2

    RRNCO & NCOIC Portal This is the Homepage for both the

    RRNCO andNCOIC Portals

    The users loginwill direct them tothe correct portal(RRNCO orNCOIC)

    Unless otherwise noted, instructions are for both RRNCOs and


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    Version 1.0 / 20070329 3

    RRNCO & NCOIC Portal This is the pagewhere RRNCOs

    and NCOICs willregister

    Note the emailaddress and last4-SSN must matchwhat is in FAZR

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    4/18Version 1.0 / 20070329 4

    RRNCO & NCOIC Portal This is the Loginpage

    Note passwordscannot be set tobe memorized

    You must use thesame emailaddress you havelisted in FAZR

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    Version 1.0 / 20070329 5

    RRNCO (Only) Portal This is theRRNCO home


    All functions arelisted in the left-side menu area

    Recent Activity willappear in thissection

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    Version 1.0 / 20070329 6

    NCOIC (Only) Portal This is the


    home page

    Functions are

    listed in the left-side menu area

    Most functions are

    broken down anddisplayed byRRNCO

    Recent Activity willappear in thissection

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    Version 1.0 / 20070329 7

    RRNCO (Only) Portal This is theRequested

    Contact page

    PTH leads thathave requested tobe contacted by arecruiter will belisted here

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    Version 1.0 / 20070329 8

    NCOIC (Only) Portal This is theRequested

    Contact page

    PTH leads thatrequested to becontacted by arecruiter will belisted here

    Reminder in allcombined RRNCO andNCOIC pages fromhere forward, the AddProspect function doesnot appear in theNCOIC Portal

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    Version 1.0 / 20070329 9

    RRNCO & NCOIC Portal This is the AddContact pop-up


    RRNCOs andNCOICs use thisto record anycontacts they havewith the lead.

    This function

    appears innumerouslocations

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    Version 1.0 / 20070329 10

    RRNCO & NCOIC Portal This is theConfirmed page.

    This will list leadswho requested tobe contacted by arecruiter and infact have beencontacted by theRRNCO. These

    leads will not have begun entering their data in the PTH application.

    The expandbutton lets youview informationon the lead

    The + button opens apop-up window that

    allows you to record acontact with the lead

    The history buttonopens a pop-up windowthat allows you to viewthe contact history with

    the leadNote the NCOICpage will have thisinformation displayed

    by RRNCO

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    Version 1.0 / 20070329 11

    RRNCO & NCOIC Portal This is theinformation

    displayed whenthe expand

    button is clicked

    Note the NCOICpage will have this

    informationdisplayed byRRNCO

    Click on collapsebutton to close therecord

    The + and AddContact buttons open a

    pop-up window thatallows you to record acontact with the lead

    The history and ViewFull History buttons

    open a pop-up windowthat allows you to viewthe contact history with

    the lead

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    Version 1.0 / 20070329 12

    RRNCO & NCOIC Portal This is the InProgress page,

    which lists leadsthat are actively

    entering data intheir PTHapplication.

    Note the NCOICpage will have thisinformationdisplayed byRRNCO

    The + button opens apop-up window that

    allows you to record acontact with the lead

    The history buttonopens a pop-up windowthat allows you to viewthe contact history with

    the lead

    The view detailsbutton displays theleads data in their

    PTH application

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    Version 1.0 / 20070329 13

    RRNCO & NCOIC Portal This is thehistory (Contact

    History) pop-uppage

    It shows theRRNCOs (orNCOICs) contactswith the lead, withthe most recentlisted first

    This functionappears innumerous


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    Version 1.0 / 20070329 14

    RRNCO & NCOIC Portal This is the ViewDetails page (full

    page not shown)

    Note the tabs atthe top whichare the 8 sectionsof the leads PTHapplication

    Colored lines

    above the tabsindicate the leadslevel of completionof data entry

    Note theNCOIC page willhave a reassignbutton which will

    allow them toreassign leads toother RRNCOs

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    Version 1.0 / 20070329 15

    RRNCO & NCOIC Portal This is the

    Finalized page.Leads listed herehave clicked the"Submit myinformation to theNational Guard"button, indicatingthey have entered

    all the data theyare going to.


    + (add contact), history, and view details

    functions are alsoavailable

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    Version 1.0 / 20070329 16

    RRNCO (Only) Portal This is the Add

    Prospect pop-upwindow (fullwindow omitted)

    This is whereRRNCOs get alead started. It issimilar to the CARForm. It sends anemail to the leadwith an embeddedlink to PTH. The

    lead must openthe email and clickon the embeddedlink before theycan proceed. Note this function not available in the NCOIC Portal

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    Version 1.0 / 20070329 17

    RRNCO & NCOIC Portal This is theProspect Archive


    This is whereRRNCOs andNCOICs cansearch for leadsthat have beenarchived

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    Version 1.0 / 20070329 18

    RRNCO & NCOIC Portal This is the MyInformation page

    RRNCOs and

    NCOICs canupdate their nameand email addressinformation here