ptes 2009 – initial results ptes officers meeting 05.08.09 birmingham

PTES 2009 – initial results PTES Officers’ meeting 05.08.09 Birmingham

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Page 1: PTES 2009 – initial results PTES Officers meeting 05.08.09 Birmingham

PTES 2009 – initial resultsPTES Officers’ meeting05.08.09 Birmingham

Page 2: PTES 2009 – initial results PTES Officers meeting 05.08.09 Birmingham

PTES 2009

•30 HEIs from England, Scotland and NI•Over 80,000 surveyed•14,421 replies received and analysed•17.7% response rate

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PTES Cohort• 43% are male• 57% are female

• 62% started the programme between 1.09.08 and 31.12.08 • Further 18% started the programme in previous academic year (1.09.07 – 31.08.09)

• 53% are studying full-time• 43% are studying part-time

• 67% are home students• 11% are from EU• 23% are overseas

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Age (and mode)

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•55% in paid employment

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Employment and disciplineEmployed Not employed

• Management (13%)• Education studies (10%)• Business (8%)• Law (5 %)• Psychology (5%) • Medicine and Dentistry


• Management (10%)• Business (8%)• Teacher Training (7%)• Law (6%)• Education studies (4%)• Politics (4%)

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A. Motivation

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B. Quality of Teaching and Learning•38% said that teaching quality on their

programme was consistently good•53% said that teaching quality on their

programme was variable but generally good

•Only 2% said it was consistently poor

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•% of Agree is counted for combined ‘Definitely agree’ and ‘Mostly agree’

•Only replies from 1 to 5 are considered unless stated otherwise

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B. Quality of Teaching and Learning

% Agree

The course is intellectually stimulating 84%

Staff are enthusiastic about what they are teaching 83%

Staff are good at explaining things 83%

The teaching and learning methods are effective for this type of programme 81%

Staff made the subject interesting 77%

Staff are available/accessible when I need them 71%

I am happy with the teaching support I received from staff on my course 71%There is sufficient contact time (face to face and/or virtual/online) between staff and students to support effective learning 67%

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C. Assessment and feedback


The criteria used in marking have been made clear in advance 74%

Assessment arrangements and marking have been fair 74%

I have received detailed comments (written or oral) on my work 68%

Feedback on my work has helped me clarify things I did not understand 58%

Feedback on my work has been prompt 57%

I received feedback in time to allow me to improve my next assignment 57%

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E. Organisation and Management•52% said that the workload on their

programme was more or less what they expected

•31% said it was higher than they expected•10% said it was much higher than


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E. Organisation and Management


The timetable fits well with my other commitments 80%Any changes in the programme or teaching have been communicated effectively 74%

The balance of core modules and options is appropriate 70%

The programme is well organised and is running smoothly 70%The balance between scheduled contact time and private study is appropriate 69%

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F. Learning resources


I have been able to access general IT resources when I needed to 78%

The library resources and services are easily accessible 77%

The library resources and services are good enough for my needs 75%

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G. Skills and personal development


The programme has developed my research skills 79%

The programme has developed my transferable skills 77%As a result of the programme I am more confident about independent learning 75%As a result of the programme, I feel confident in tackling unfamiliar problems 66%

The programme has helped me to present myself with confidence 65%As a results of the programme my communication skills have improved 61%

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H. Career and Professional Development

• Those, who were motivated by improving their employment prospects tend to agree more with these statements

%AgreeAs a result of this programme, I believe my future employment prospects are better 78%

I feel better prepared for my future employment 72%

I am encouraged to reflect on my professional development needs 69%

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I. Overall satisfaction

• ‘The overall experience of my course met or exceeded my expectations’ – 84%

• ‘Quality of learning and teaching met or exceeded my expectations’ – 82%

• ‘Assessment and feedback met or exceeded my expectations’ – 74%

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I. Overall satisfaction

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Different groups of learnersCampus based learners Distance learners


I have been able to access social learning spaces (e.g. for group working) on campus when I needed to 75%

I have been able to access specialised equipment, facilities, or rooms when I needed them 72%


I am satisfied with the quality of learning materials available to me (Print, online material, DVDs etc.) 78%I am happy with the proportion of e-learning elements used in the programme (online resources, Virtual Learning Environment) 67%

Only those who replied ‘yes’ either to Q16 or Q18.

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Student support servicesAgree Neutral Disagree NA

20.a My institution provided me with adequate help to prepare me for studies at this level

59% 25% 11% 5%

20.b I have received sufficient advice and support with my studies

61% 23% 12% 3%

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Student support services

•29% of the respondents said they used student support services

%Agree %NeutralI have received effective support with my study skills (e.g. taking notes, avoiding plagiarism) 71% 20%

The level of careers support was appropriate for my needs 60% 24%

The student support services were effective in addressing my needs 67% 23%

The student support services were readily accessible 76% 17%

Only those who said ‘yes’ to Q21. NA removed.Language support questions are not normally distributed.