ps & cr and aerobic vs. anaerobic notes

Catalyst According to the diagram, what is Product 1 and what process made it? According to the diagram, what is Product 2 and what process made it?

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Post on 05-Dec-2014




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Page 1: Ps & cr and aerobic vs. anaerobic notes


 According to the diagram, what is Product 1 and what process made it?

According to the diagram, what is Product 2 and whatprocess made it?

Page 2: Ps & cr and aerobic vs. anaerobic notes

So what happens when you breathe?


Oxygen (O2) goes in

Carbon dioxide (CO2) goes out

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So where does all this oxygen come from??


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What does photosynthesis mean?

Photo = light

Synthesis = putting things together

Photosynthesis = putting things together with light

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So What do Plants Need to Survive?

Plants need:Water- H2OCarbon DioxideLight- the Sun!Chlorophyll- the GREEN in plants

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What does the Reaction Look like?

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What do Plants Make from Photosynthesis?

Plants Make:1. Glucose- sugar2. Oxygen- the air

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Guided Notes: Photosynthesis

Photosynthesis is how plants use sunlight to make oxygen and sugar.

Reactants (what goes in) Products (what comes out)

Oxygen + Sugar (O2) (C6H12O6)

Water + Carbon Dioxide(H2O) (CO2) + ENERGY from sunlight

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What is cellular respiration?The processes

that cells use to get energy from molecules

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Anaerobic vs. Aerobic


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Does it require oxygen?



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Where does it happen?




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How much ATP does it make?

Aerobic38 ATP for

every glucose

Anaerobic2 ATP for

every glucose

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What are the steps?

Aerobic1. Glycolysis2. Krebs Cycle3. Electron

Transport Chain

Anaerobic1. Glycolysis2. Fermentation

(2 types)

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Is it sustainable?

AerobicYES! It can continue


AnaerobicNO! We can only do

this short term

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What types of cells use this?

AerobicMost cells

AnaerobicYeast ProkaryotesMuscle cells

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Photosynthesis Respiration


Who does it?



Make sugar (glucose) from sunlight

Make ATP by breaking down sugar (glucose)

Plants, some bacteria


CO2 + H2O sugar + O2

Plants AND animals (all living things)Mitochondria & cytoplasm

sugar + O2

CO2 + H2O

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Photosynthesis: CO2 + H2O C6H12O6 + O2

Respiration:C6H12O6 + O2 H2O + CO2

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Overview of the process

Photosynthesis was about making energy which means making bonds.

Respiration is about releasing energy which means breaking bonds.

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Why do we need photosynthesis?

• This process is how almost all of our planet gets its energy--almost all living things rely on the plants to capture energy from the sun and convert it into the bonds of glucose. Then we either eat the plants or things that eat only plants to get energy

• They make all the oxygen on our plant so we couldn’t go through aerobic respiration without the plants making oxygen

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Why do all living things need Respiration?

All living things need to be able to get energy for their cells! Even the plants go through respiration so they can break down the glucose into ATP and use that energy in their cells

REMEMBER: 1 glucose = 38 ATP

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What happens in each step?

Light-reaction: Take energy from the sun and store it in the bonds of ATP, release oxygen

Dark-Reaction: use the ATP to make glucose from carbon dioxide and water

Glycolysis: Split glucose into two pyruvate molecules

Kreb’s Cycle: Break pyruvate down into carbon dioxides and steal the electrons

Electron Transport Chain: Use the electrons to make ATP

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Where does each take place?

Photosynthesis: CHLOROPLAST Light Reaction: Thylakoid Dark Reaction: Stroma

Respiration: MITOCHONDRIA Glycolysis: Cytoplasm Kreb’s Cycle: Matrix of Mitochondria ETC: Cristae of the Mitochondria