proverbs and riddles

The Seasons- resources for developing key skills to our students Comenius multilateral project Proverbs and riddles about seasons

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Page 1: Proverbs and riddles

The Seasons- resources for developing key skills to our

studentsComenius multilateral project

Proverbs and riddlesabout seasons

Page 2: Proverbs and riddles

Proverbe despre primavara Cu o floare nu se face primăvară.

◦ You can’t do spring with just one flower. Pâna nu vine primăvara, nu se face vară.

◦ Until not coming spring, summer does not come. Când înfloresc salcâmii, nu mai bate bruma.

◦ When flowering acacia not beat the frost. Ploaia din mai face mălai.

◦ The rain in May made cornmeal.


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Proverbe despre vara *Cine munceşte vara, aceluia îi fierbe oala iarna. *Vara-i strângătoare, iar iarna-i mâncătoare *Cine vara munceşte, iarna se veseleşte. *Adună vara ca să ai iarna. *Cine vara petrece cântând, iarna rămâne flămănd. *Furnica strânge hrană de cu vară pentru iarnă. *Cine vara a cântat, iarna joacă nemâncat.


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Who works in summer for them will boil the pot in winter. Summer is fastener and winter is gluttonous. Who works in summer in winter is joyful. Gather in summer if you want in winter to have something. Who spends the summer playing in the winter remains

hungry. In summer ant gather food to have in winter. Who sang in summer, in winter play hungry.


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Proverbe despre toamna Toamna se numără bobocii.

◦ In autumn we count the buds. Iarna n-o manâncă lupii.

◦ Wolves do not eat the winter. Cu râsul şi cu glumele se culeg toamna prunele.

◦ With laughter and jokes are picked plums in fall.


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*Să-ţi faci iarna car şi vara sanie. *Dacă iarna e geroasă, vom avea pâine pe masă. *Dacă-i iarna grea, vara va fi călduroasă. *Zăpadă pe ogoare-pâine în hambare. *Zăpada îngraşă pământul. *Omătul oprit iarna aduce mulţi snopi vara.


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You build a cart in the winter and a sledge in summer sledge.

* If it's frosty winter, we will have bread on the table. * If it's harsh winter, summer will be welcome. * Snow on the fields, bread on barns. * Snow fattens the earth. * Snow off winter brings many sheaves in the summer.


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REFRANES SOBRE LA PRIMAVERA - Spring proverbs   Golondrina anticipada, primavera templada. Early swallows, warm spring.   La parra y la higuera, verdes en primavera. The grapevine and the fig tree must be green by spring.   Mucha flor en primavera, buen otoño nos espera Many flowers in spring, good autunm will it be.


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REFRANES SOBRE EL VERANO – Summer proverbs   Invierno lluvioso, verano caluroso. Rainy winter, hot summer.   Mayo frío, señal de buen estío. If May is cold, summer will be hot.   El sol de verano ablanda la cera y endurece el barro. Summer sun hardens mud and softens wax.


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REFRANES SOBRE EL OTOÑO - Autumn proverbs   Cuando a las seis veas oscurecer, otoño seguro es. In autumn, at 6 very dark it already is.   Otoño lluvioso, año copioso. If autumn is rainy, the year’s crop is fine   Otoño entrante, uva abundante When autumn comes, loads of grapes crop.


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REFRANES SOBRE EL INVIERNO – Winter proverbs   De Todos los Santos a Navidad es invierno de verdad From Halloween to Chritsmas, for sure you are in winter.   La hoguera y las castañas, en invierno preparadas In winter, make sure that the fire has been lit and the chestnuts

have been picked.   Las lluvias del invierno vienen del infierno. Winter rain comes from hell.


Page 12: Proverbs and riddles

“The Seasons: proverbs and riddles”


Šilutės r. Katyčių pagrindinė mokykla

,,The Seasons”Comenius Multilateral Project

2013 – 2015

Page 13: Proverbs and riddles
Page 14: Proverbs and riddles

Sugrupuokite patarles pagal metų laikus.Kiekvienam metų laikui reikia priskirti po dvi patarles.

Group the proverbs according to the seasons.You must assign two proverbs to each season.

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1.Kai atšyla, ir meška iš laužo pakyla

2. Vasarą ir varlė skalbėja.3. Ruduo atneš, pavasaris

išneš.4. Ką vasarą koja paspiri, tą

žiemą į burną paimi5. Žiūrėk lauko vasarą, o

sodo rudenį.6. Pavasaris gražus žiedais,

ruduo – javais.7. Geri žiemos dantys viską

suryja.8. Kas darbymety šoks, tas

pavasarį vogs.

1. When it grows warmer, even a bear goes out from a lair.

2. Even a frog is a laundress in summer.

3. Autumn brings, spring carries out.

4. What you kick in summer, that you eat in winter./ You kick in summer that, what you eat in winter.

5. Look after fields in summer and gardens in autumn.

6. Spring beauty is flowers, autumn beauty is crops.

7. Strong winter teeth eat away everything.

8. Who dances in summer, that one steals in spring.

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Žiūrėk lauko vasarą, o sodo rudenį. Look after fields in summer and gardens in autumn.

Ruduo atneš, pavasaris išneš. Autumn brings, spring carries out.


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Ką vasarą koja paspiri, tą žiemą į burną paimi. You kick in summer that, what you eat in winter.

Geri žiemos dantys viską suryja. Strong winter teeth eat away everything.


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Kai atšyla, ir meška iš laužo pakyla. When it grows warmer, even a bear goes out from a lair.

Pavasaris gražus žiedais, ruduo – javais. Spring beauty is flowers, autumn beauty is crops.


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Vasarą ir varlė skalbėja. Even a frog is a laundress in summer.

Kas darbymety šoks, tas pavasarį vogs. Who dances in summer, that one steals in spring.


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Page 22: Proverbs and riddles

Įrašykite į patarles praleistus žodžius.Insert the missing words into the proverbs

Page 23: Proverbs and riddles

Rudenį visi lapai ............... Ruduo .............., pavasaris

barsto Savam ......... ir žiema

maloni Vasarėlė - .................., o

žiemelė – močiakėlė (pamotė).

Be ...................... nėra vasaros.

Pavasario ............ brangesnė už rudenio nedėlią.

Vasaros prakaitas .............. šildo.

Vasarą ................, žiemą nesiilsėsi.

All leaves .......... in autumn.

Autumn........., spring sprinkles.

Even winter is pleasant in ..........

Summer is..........., winter is stepmother.

There is no summer without ..............

One ......... in spring is more expensive than one week in autumn.

The sweat of summer keeps warm in............

If you ................. in summer, you can't rest in winter.

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Page 25: Proverbs and riddles

Rudenį visi lapai krinta Ruduo renka, pavasaris

barsto Savam krašte ir žiema

maloni Vasarėlė - motinėlė, o

žiemelė – močiakėlė (pamotė).

Be pavasario nėra vasaros.

Pavasario diena brangesnė už rudenio nedėlią.

Vasaros prakaitas žiemą šildo.

Vasarą nedirbsi, žiemą nesiilsėsi.

All leaves fall down in autumn.

Autumn collects, spring sprinkles.

Even winter is pleasant in homeland.

Summer is mother, winter is stepmother.

There is no summer without spring.

One day in spring is more expensive than one week in autumn.

The sweat of summer keeps warm in winter.

If you don't work in summer, you can't rest in winter.

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Page 27: Proverbs and riddles

Pakeiskite žodžių tvarką taip, kad gautumėte patarlę.

Change the word order to get the proverb

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ponais daro ruduo visus

ruduo kaip turtingas ką tą išpešiosi

suvežiosi žiemą vasarą

dantys žiemos ilgi šluotražis ir kruta

pavasarį smarkiausia ir bijo

pavasario žiema gali žiemą griežei

pašokti vasarą nedirbęs misi kuo

žiemą vasarą

everyone to become lords makes autumn .

As rich autumn. everything in winter in

summer gathered what you you spend.

teeth winter long has. spring of a broom

moves in even a bristle .

even spring the most severe is afraid of winter .

during dance summer music you played, in winter you can so.

in winter if you eat don't work, what will you in summer?

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Page 30: Proverbs and riddles


Page 31: Proverbs and riddles

Ruduo visus ponais daro.

Turtingas kaip ruduo. Ką vasarą suvežiosi,

tą žiemą išpešiosi. Žiemos dantys ilgi. Pavasarį ir šluotražis

kruta. Ir smarkiausia žiema

bijo pavasario. Vasarą griežei, žiemą

gali pašokti. Vasarą nedirbęs,

žiemą kuo misi.

Autumn makes everyone to become lords.

Rich as autumn. Everything, what you

gathered in summer, you spend in winter.

Winter has long teeth. Even a bristle of a

broom moves in spring. Even the most severe

winter is afraid of spring.

During summer you played music, so in winter you can dance.

If you don't work in summer, what will you eat in winter?

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Page 33: Proverbs and riddles

Mįslės/ Riddles

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Viršuj medžio, ugnis dega. A fire burns on the top of a tree


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Šermukšnis/a rowan

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Tokia žiemą, tokia vasarą. In winter or in summer it looks the same.


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Eglė/ a fir

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Keverzė keverzė per dvarą joja, Nė šuo nesuloja. When it rides across the yard, any dog barks.


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Varlė/ a frog

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Sėdi panelė ant kalnelio su raudona kepurėle. Kas tik eina, tas prieš ją lenkias.

A girl with a red cap sits on a hill. Whoever goes by, everyone takes a bow.


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Žemuogė/ a wild strawberry

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Rudenį, kada visi paukščiai lekia į šiltus kraštus, lėkė vieną sykį drauge su jais ir varna, bet lėkdama tuoj pradžioj grįžo pažiūrėti, ar toli nulėkusi; taip nemaž nepalėkė ir pasiliko.

Once in autumn, when all the birds fly to the south, one crow decided to fly together with them. However, when flying it wanted to come back and see how far away it had flown; so it came back, then went forward again, came back, flew forward, and so it could never fly to the south because it always used to come back for checking the distance.

Kodėl varnos neišskrenda? Why do crows not fly to the south?

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Page 44: Proverbs and riddles

Proverbs on seasonsPrimavera - Spring

Per San Benedetto , la rondine sotto iltetto. (For Saint Benedetto, the swallow is under the roof).

Aprili e faifiori e maggio ne ha glionori (April makes flowers and May has honours)

A primavera rifiorita sentiscorrere la vita (in spring ,bloomed again, you hear the new life that flows away)

Un fiore non fa primavera (just one flower is not spring) Per San Valentino primavera non è ma stavicino. (Saint Valentine’s

day is not spring, but it’s quite close)


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  Quando cantano le cicale, il cuculosmette di cantare (when

the cicadas sing, the cuckoo stops singing). Febbraionevoso, estate gioioso (snowy February is joyous


ITALY Estate - Summer

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per San Martino cadono le foglie e si spill ail vino (on saint Martino’s day the leaves fall down and we tap wine)

Autunno chiaro e giocondo, anno fecondo (autumn clear and cheerful, year fruitful)

Ottobre: quando il fungo abbonda, il grano affonda. (October: if the mushroom abounds, the wheat sinks)

ITALY Autunno - Autumn

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Cattivo inverno facattiva estate (bad winter makes bad summer).

Ad ognissanti prepara iguanti (at all hallows eve , prepare the gloves)

Quando le gemme fan cucù, l’inverno non c’èpiù (when the buds play peek-a-boo, the winter goes away)

ITALY Inverno - Winter

Page 48: Proverbs and riddles

What is it that you find at the end of spring (primavera), at the beginning of summer (estate), in the middle of winter (inverno) and never in autumn (Autunno)?

Answer: letter “e”.   When it’s autumn slowly , slowly we have to change colour, Dark, bright, yellow and red We are shaken from the high Then the wind pick us up, drags us, we are the……… Answer: leaves!   There are four sisters that get on bad, When one comes, the other leaves They are………….. Answer: the four seasons

ITALY Riddles about seasons

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Miesiącstyczeń – czas do życzeń. - January is time for wishes.

Po styczniu jasnym I białym w lecie będą upały. - Snowy January predicts hot summer.

Kiedy w styczniu lato, w lecie zimno za to. - Warm January makes cold winter.

Zima bez śniegu – lato bez chleba. – Winter without snow – summer without bread.


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Jeśli w kwietniu pszczoły latają, to długie chłody zapowiadają.- Bees in Aprilpredictcoldweather.

Kwiecień plecień, bo przeplata trochę zimy, trochę lata. – Aprilhasdifferentkinds of weather.

Jedna jaskółka wiosny nie czyni. – One swallowdoesn’tmake spring.

Jaskółka i pszczółka lata, znakiem to wiosny dla świata. – Whenyouseeswallows and bees – spring comes


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Lepszelatoniżdwiewiosny. – One summer is better than two spring seasons.

Jak w zimie piecze, to w lecie ciecze. – Warm wintermakesrainysummer.

Upały lipcowy wróżą mrozy styczniowe. – Hot Julypredictsfrosty January.

W lipcowym skwarze w Polsce jak na Sacharze. - A very hot July in Poland lookslike Sahara desert.


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Gdy jesień zamglona zima zaśnieżona. – Foggyautumnmakes snowy winter.

Gdy listopad z deszczem, grudzień zwykle z wiatrem. – RainyNovembermakes windy December.

Jakapogodalistopadowa, taka imarcowa. – The weather in November is similar to the one in March.

Słońcelistopadamrozyzapowiada. – Sunny November predicts frosty weather.


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Jak vysoko v lednu leží sníh, tak vysoko tráva poroste. As high snow is lying in January, so high grass is growing in

March. Leží-li kočka v únoru na slunci, jistě v březnu poleze za

kamna. If a cat is lying in a sunshine in February, she is creeping

behing a stove in March. Březnové slunce má krátké ruce. March Sun has got short arms.  


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Hřmí-li v dubnu, konec mrazům. If it’s thundering in April, freezing is ending. Mokrý máj, ve stodole ráj. Wet May, eden in barn. Červen studený, sedlák krčí rameny. Cold June, farmer shrug his shoulders.


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Na mokrý červenec následuje bouře a krupobití. If July is wet, storm and hail are following. V srpnu již nelze slunci mnoho věřit. We can’t believe the Sun in August. Září jezdí na strakaté kobyle. September is riding a multicoloured mare.


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Spadne-li v říjnu listí, bude mokrá zima. If the leaves are falling down in October, winter is going to

be wet. Když krtek v listopadu ryje, budou na vánoce létat komáři. If the mole is burrowing in November, the mosquitos are

flying in December. Mnoho sněhu v prosinci - mnoho ovoce a trávy. Lots of snow in December – A lot of grass and fruit.


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“This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained there in.”