products training -- dgus lcm beijing dwin technology co., ltd. presenter : lily. xu

Download Products Training -- DGUS LCM  Beijing DWIN Technology Co., Ltd. Presenter : Lily. Xu

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Products Training -- DGUS LCM Beijing DWIN Technology Co., Ltd. Presenter Lily. Xu Slide 2 4 1 2 3 What is the DGUS Development Steps Tools & References Basic Functions Content Slide 3 DGUS (DWIN Graphic User System) is a new GUI software platform developed by DWIN Technology. Based on the K600+ Kernel hardware platform, GUI design, combined with a simple command interface, can be achieved quickly, eliminating the need for complicated programming and expensive development environments. DGUS 1. What is the DGUS? Slide 4 Unlike the previous LCMs, which adopted commands-oriented or timing sequence to manage GUI, DGUS module performed based on real-time variables with programmable file configured, transmitting via UART or SD card. Software flow chart of different development methods for temperature controller is shown as above. 1. What is the DGUS? Slide 5 1. DGUS- Memory Space Slide 6 Maximum 128 variables 1. DGUS- Memory Space Slide 7 1. DGUS- Memory Space Slide 8 1. DGUS- Memory Space Slide 9 For example, 4369.17 consists of 4 integers and 2 decimals. 436917>65535. The format should be long integer. BACK 1. DGUS- Data Format Slide 10 DGUS SDK Configure touch and display functions. Generate UI project. Generate Font library, ICON library. Convert Images 2. Tools & Reference Slide 11 Accessories Selection Illustration Other application references, such as curve display, RTC display BACK C Series LCMs Tools, Accessories, Instructions and FAQ Commands Illustration 2. Tools & Reference Slide 12 1 Variables Scheme 2 Interface Design 3 Configuration 4 Debug Test 5 Archive 3. Development Steps Slide 13 Two Principles Two Principles Variables addresses should be assigned continuously considering convenience of write/read; Address of parameter description variables and data variables should be separated and no cross-connect. Variable BehaviorMemory Address Length byte Voltage00102 Current00114 Power00132 Operating Power00144 Operating Speed00162 Output torque00172 Step 1: Variable Scheme Slide 14 Tools Photoshop Other graphic design software Interface Step 2: Interface Design Slide 15 Interface design. Add all the images to generate configuration files via DGUS_SDK. Step 3: Configuration Slide 16 Download DWIN_SET composed by config. file, images, font, icon library etc. to DGUS LCM via SD card for debugging and adjustment (Step 2&3) Connecting with use's host by serial port to process up data transmission. DGUS LCM Step 4: Debug Test Slide 17 Config. file, images, font, icons library etc. that involved with module works were saved in an SD card for mass production. BACK Step 5: Archive Slide 18 VP, Variable Data/Text Input & Display, Basic Touch Control Incremental Adjustment, ICON Generation, Variable ICON Table display, Slider, Return Key Code, Animation ICON Dynamic Trend Curve, Basic Graphic Display, 0x84 Commands 0x80 to 0x83, SP RTC Display and Setting, Image Animation BACK 4. Basic Functions Slide 19 How to communicate? Data Frame: Frame of data via serial are composed by 4 parts of data DATA12345 DefinitionFrame HeaderLength of dataCommand CRC CHECK & Data Length211N2 NoteDefinition of R3:RA in CONFIG.TXT Length included command, data and 0x80~0x84CONFIG.TXT determine if R2 in configuration file are started Both commands or data are hexadecimal. As for word(2 bytes), high byte in priority is transferred MSB Registe r Variable RAM Curve Buffer 0x800x81 0x82 0x830x84 Unit based byte Unit based word Slide 20 Command 0x83 Read data from the specified variable SRAM 5AA50483010001 5AA506830100010064 Data Response from the DGUS module Command 0x82 Write data into the specified variable SRAM 5AA505820100 64 Header: R3:RALengthCommandVP addressData Command VP_0x0100=64H VP0100 values to 100 Access to register units as Word RD_LEN Command via Serial port and data return Slide 21 Thank You! Beijing DWIN Technology Co.,Ltd