production scheduling of flexible manufacturing systems

Production Scheduling of Flexible Manufacturing Systems K. lwata (2), Kobe University; A. Murotsu, University of Osaka Prefecture; F. Oba, University of Osaka Prefecture; K. Yasuda. Kobe University/Japan - Submitted by K. Okamura (l), Kyoto University/Japan Smiary: This paper deals with the prodtiction sc'ledul ing of a flexible manufacturing systel!: which consists oc machine tools, Suffer storages, and material and cutting tool transportdtios systems. .pachine tools for eaci processing stage of parts are Dermitted. Parti:Llar cutting tools for conmicn use dre automatically de!ivered by a cutting tool transportation systepl. The problem is to determine tile schedules of nachining and transporting parts, and of transporting cutting tcols simultaneously so as to minimize the 11,dkespan of production. A hegristic procedure is preserted to obtain better scnedules by using tile decision rules. A new decision rule, named ESTA (Earliest Startinq Time with Alternatives considered), i s proposed to achieve a higi bti'izatio? oc the machine tools and the transportation systems. Pn experimental comparison is performed to investigate the effectiveness of the proposed decision rules through a case study. Tne parts are produced randomly, and alternative Each machine tool has a buffer of specified capacityand some 1. IIiTRODUCTION The introduction of Flexible Xanufacturins Systems (24s) into the manufacturins industry has been an important new step in the de- velopment of the fully automated inanufacturing system. Through the implementation of an FMS in the mid-variety, mid-volume manufacturing area, significant benefits have been realized. However, the initial installation cost of an FMS is still high, so that it i s necessary to establish a new methodology for designing, controlling, and evaluating much :nore efficient and high productive FMS. Extensive researches have been made on the production scheduling problem which i s one o f major groblems encountered i n the optimal production control of inanufactlrriqg systems [I]. However, many of these researches lack considerations for the characteristics of an FMS such as system structure, complexity, and flexibility, with the result that it is impossible to apply these results directly to the production scheduling of FMS's in practice. Several researches deal with the complex coinbinatorial problem associated with the production scheduling of FMS's and provide analytical or heuristic techniques [2,3]. In d model construc- tion for the production scheduling of FHS's, it is necessary to include the following capabilities in a production scheduling model to make it more realistic: - Capability to handle various it5 configurations and/or differ- ent material handling systems. - Capability to handle many kinds of station such as machine tool, loading/unloading station, inspection facility, and buffer storages. date machine tools which can perform d predetermined operation for each processing stage of parts. - Capability to schedule part movements between stdtions via the material transportation system. - Capability to consider capacity constraints or buffer storages. - Capability to schedule automated transportation of some The purpose of this paper i s to provide an effective scheduling method for the complex production scheduling of FNS's. tion scheduling model for FMS's is presented i n consideration of the above-mentioned capabilities and the production scheduling problem i s stated as a hierarchical decision-making problem which comprises three levels, i.e., selection of machine tools, selec- tion of cutting tools, and selection of transport devices for carrying a part and a cutting tool. Three kinds of decision rule to detennine the schedules of machining and transporting parts. and of transporting cutting tools are proposed and a heuristic procedure is presented to obtain better schedules by using the decision rules. A case study follows i n the last section. - Capability to select an appropriate machine tool among candi- particular cutting tools to statiors. A produc- 2. PRODUCTION SCHEDULING MODEL FQR FMS An FPS i s a computer-integrated system which incorporates a DNC machine shop with an automatic material handling system i n manufacturing parts. It combines both characteristics of a job shop and a flow shop. Although various types of FMS have been developed i n the last decade [4], FMS configurations can be classified into three typical categories, i.e., Flexible Manufac- turing Line, Closed-loop or Network Type Flexible Manufacturing System, and Flexible Manufacturing Cell [5]. Due t o such complex nature, it is difficult to construct a generalized production scheduling model for FMS's. In this paper, an FMS i s modelled as a system consisting of ma- chine tools, a loading/unloading station, buffer storages, and material and cutting tool transportation systems which are the basic components of FMS's. The following are the main assump- tions for the production scheduling model for the FMS considered here: There are :'multi-purpose machine tools, '& (m=?,;, ._.. :.'), which are capable of 2erforming different kinds of machining operation. The f i r s t (.-=;) and the last (r='*) machine tools in this FMS correspond to the loading and unloading stations, respective- ly. Each machine tool has a buffer storage 2 , of specified capac- i ty ,.".. There are :i transport devices such as carts, !i;, (>=j,?, ..., k ' 1, which can carry parts mounted on pallets between machine tools (stations) and nove dlmg a track. Some particular cutting tools -- ('=. ,i: .... .i.) which may be ccnnnonly used to perform machining operations on several machine tools are prepared in the central tool storage and automatically delivered via a cutting tool transportation sys tein. Each p a r t !'!, (;=2,> ,..., i,) is processed in a specific opera- tional sequence based on i t s own order of processing stages. There are alternative machine tools which can perform the required operations For each part, tbe shop arrival time and operation time (ma- chining, loading, and Jnloading) are given. and the part transfer time between machine tools and the cutting tool transfer time between tool storage dnd machine tools are given. Setup time is dependent on the part loading sequence and i s yi ven. each processing stage of parts. A schematic diagram of an FMS derived from these assumptions i s shown i n Fig. 1. Tk? system includes four machine tools (M/C), Four buffer storages (Buffer), and a loading/unloading station. The material handling system (MHS) consists of a closed-loop naterial transportation system and a closed-loop cutting tool transportation system. track and d flow of parts within the system is uni-directional. Two carts can independently move along a Fiy. 1 Schematic diagram of closed-loop FMS Annals of the ClRP Vol. 31/1/1982 31 9

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Page 1: Production Scheduling of Flexible Manufacturing Systems

Production Scheduling of Flexible Manufacturing Systems

K. lwata (2), Kobe University; A. Murotsu, University of Osaka Prefecture; F. Oba, University of Osaka Prefecture; K. Yasuda. Kobe University/Japan - Submitted by K. Okamura ( l ) , Kyoto University/Japan

S m i a r y : Th is paper deals w i t h the prod t ic t ion sc'ledul i n g o f a f l e x i b l e manufactur ing systel!: which cons is ts o c machine t o o l s , Suf fe r storages, and m a t e r i a l and c u t t i n g t o o l t r a n s p o r t d t i o s systems. .pachine t o o l s f o r e a c i processing stage o f p a r t s a r e Dermit ted. Par t i :L la r c u t t i n g t o o l s f o r conmicn use d r e a u t o m a t i c a l l y de! ivered by a c u t t i n g t o o l t r a n s p o r t a t i o n systepl. The problem i s t o determine t i le schedules o f nach in ing and t r a n s p o r t i n g p a r t s , and o f t r a n s p o r t i n g c u t t i n g t c o l s s imu l taneous ly so a s t o minimize the 11,dkespan o f p roduc t ion . A h e g r i s t i c procedure i s p reser ted t o o b t a i n b e t t e r scnedules by us ing t i le d e c i s i o n r u l e s . A new d e c i s i o n r u l e , named E S T A ( E a r l i e s t S t a r t i n q Time w i t h A l t e r n a t i v e s cons idered) , i s proposed t o achieve a h i g i b t i ' i z a t i o ? o c the machine t o o l s and the t r a n s p o r t a t i o n systems. Pn exper imental comparison i s performed t o i n v e s t i g a t e the e f fec t i veness o f the proposed dec is ion r u l e s through a case s tudy .

Tne p a r t s a re produced randomly, and a l t e r n a t i v e Each machine t o o l has a b u f f e r o f s p e c i f i e d c a p a c i t y a n d some


The i n t r o d u c t i o n o f F l e x i b l e Xanufac tur ins Systems (24s) i n t o t h e manufactur ins i n d u s t r y has been an impor tan t new s tep i n the de- velopment o f the f u l l y automated inanufactur ing system. Through t h e implementat ion of an FMS i n t h e m i d - v a r i e t y , mid-volume manufactur ing area, s i g n i f i c a n t b e n e f i t s have been r e a l i z e d . However, the i n i t i a l i n s t a l l a t i o n c o s t o f an FMS i s s t i l l h i g h , s o t h a t i t i s necessary t o e s t a b l i s h a new methodology f o r designing, c o n t r o l l i n g , and e v a l u a t i n g much :nore e f f i c i e n t and h i g h p r o d u c t i v e FMS.

Ex tens ive researches have been made on the p r o d u c t i o n schedu l ing problem which i s one o f major groblems encountered i n t h e opt imal p roduc t ion c o n t r o l of inanufact l r r iqg systems [ I ] . However, many of these researches l a c k cons idera t ions f o r t h e c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s o f an FMS such as system s t r u c t u r e , complex i ty , and f l e x i b i l i t y , w i t h the r e s u l t t h a t i t i s imposs ib le t o app ly these r e s u l t s d i r e c t l y t o the produc t ion schedu l ing o f FMS's i n p r a c t i c e . Several researches deal w i t h the complex co inb ina tor ia l problem assoc ia ted w i t h the produc t ion schedul ing o f F M S ' s and prov ide a n a l y t i c a l o r h e u r i s t i c techniques [ 2 , 3 ] . I n d model cons t ruc- t i o n f o r t h e produc t ion schedu l ing o f FHS's, i t i s necessary t o i n c l u d e the f o l l o w i n g c a p a b i l i t i e s i n a produc t ion schedul ing model t o make i t more r e a l i s t i c :

- C a p a b i l i t y t o handle var ious i t 5 c o n f i g u r a t i o n s and/or d i f f e r - e n t m a t e r i a l hand l ing systems.

- C a p a b i l i t y t o handle many k inds of s t a t i o n such as machine t o o l , load ing /un load ing s t a t i o n , i n s p e c t i o n f a c i l i t y , and b u f f e r storages.

da te machine t o o l s which can per fo rm d predetermined o p e r a t i o n f o r each process ing stage o f p a r t s .

- C a p a b i l i t y t o schedule p a r t movements between s t d t i o n s v i a the m a t e r i a l t r a n s p o r t a t i o n system.

- C a p a b i l i t y t o cons ider c a p a c i t y c o n s t r a i n t s o r bu f fe r storages.

- C a p a b i l i t y t o schedule automated t r a n s p o r t a t i o n of some

The purpose o f t h i s paper i s t o p rov ide an e f f e c t i v e schedul ing method f o r t h e complex produc t ion schedul ing o f FNS's. t i o n schedul ing model f o r FMS's i s presented i n c o n s i d e r a t i o n o f the above-mentioned c a p a b i l i t i e s and t h e produc t ion schedu l ing problem i s s t a t e d as a h i e r a r c h i c a l decis ion-making problem which comprises t h r e e l e v e l s , i . e . , s e l e c t i o n o f machine t o o l s , se lec- t i o n o f c u t t i n g t o o l s , and s e l e c t i o n o f t r a n s p o r t devices f o r c a r r y i n g a p a r t and a c u t t i n g t o o l . Three k inds o f d e c i s i o n r u l e t o detennine t h e schedules o f machining and t r a n s p o r t i n g p a r t s . and o f t r a n s p o r t i n g c u t t i n g t o o l s a re proposed and a h e u r i s t i c procedure i s presented t o o b t a i n b e t t e r schedules by u s i n g the d e c i s i o n r u l e s . A case study f o l l o w s i n the l a s t sec t ion .

- C a p a b i l i t y t o s e l e c t an appropr ia te machine t o o l among candi-

p a r t i c u l a r c u t t i n g t o o l s t o s t a t i o r s .

A produc-


An FPS i s a computer - in tegra ted system which incorpora tes a DNC machine shop w i t h an automat ic m a t e r i a l h a n d l i n g system i n manufactur ing p a r t s . I t combines b o t h c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s o f a j o b shop and a f l o w shop. Al though var ious types o f FMS have been developed i n t h e l a s t decade [ 4 ] , FMS c o n f i g u r a t i o n s can be c l a s s i f i e d i n t o t h r e e t y p i c a l ca tegor ies , i . e . , F l e x i b l e Manufac- t u r i n g L ine , Closed- loop o r Network Type F l e x i b l e Manufactur ing System, and F l e x i b l e Manufactur ing C e l l [5]. Due t o such complex na ture , i t i s d i f f i c u l t t o c o n s t r u c t a genera l i zed produc t ion schedul ing model f o r FMS's .

In t h i s paper, an FMS i s model led as a system c o n s i s t i n g o f ma- ch ine t o o l s , a load ing /un load ing s t a t i o n , b u f f e r storages, and m a t e r i a l and c u t t i n g t o o l t r a n s p o r t a t i o n systems which a r e the b a s i c components of FMS's. The f o l l o w i n g are t h e main assump- t i o n s f o r t h e p r o d u c t i o n schedu l ing model f o r the FMS considered here:

There a r e : 'mu l t i -purpose machine t o o l s , '& ( m = ? , ; , ._.. :.'), which are capable of 2erforming d i f f e r e n t k inds of machining opera t ion .

The f i r s t (.-=;) and the l a s t (r='*) machine t o o l s i n t h i s FMS correspond to the load ing and un load ing s t a t i o n s , respec t ive- l y . Each machine t o o l has a b u f f e r s to rage 2, o f s p e c i f i e d capac- i t y ,."..

There are :i t r a n s p o r t devices such as c a r t s , !i;, ( > = j , ? , . . . , k' 1, which can c a r r y p a r t s mounted on p a l l e t s between machine t o o l s ( s t a t i o n s ) and nove d l m g a t r a c k .

Some p a r t i c u l a r c u t t i n g t o o l s - - ( ' = . ,i: .... .i.) which may be ccnnnonly used t o per fo rm machining opera t ions on several machine t o o l s a re prepared i n the c e n t r a l t o o l storage and a u t o m a t i c a l l y d e l i v e r e d v i a a c u t t i n g t o o l t r a n s p o r t a t i o n sys tein.

Each p a r t !'!, ( ; = 2 , > , . . . , i,) i s processed i n a s p e c i f i c opera- t i o n a l sequence based on i t s own order o f processing stages.

There are a l t e r n a t i v e machine t o o l s which can perform the r e q u i r e d opera t ions

For each p a r t , t b e shop a r r i v a l t ime and o p e r a t i o n t ime (ma- ch in ing , load ing , and Jnloading) a re given. and t h e p a r t t r a n s f e r t ime between machine t o o l s and the c u t t i n g t o o l t r a n s f e r t ime between t o o l s to rage dnd machine t o o l s a r e g iven.

Setup t ime i s dependent on the p a r t l o a d i n g sequence and i s y i ven.

each process ing stage o f p a r t s .

A schematic diagram o f an FMS der ived from these assumptions i s shown i n F ig . 1. T k ? system inc ludes f o u r machine t o o l s ( M / C ) , Four b u f f e r storages ( B u f f e r ) , and a load ing /un load ing s t a t i o n . The m a t e r i a l hand l ing system (MHS) c o n s i s t s o f a c losed- loop n a t e r i a l t r a n s p o r t a t i o n system and a c losed- loop c u t t i n g t o o l t r a n s p o r t a t i o n system. t r a c k and d f low o f p a r t s w i t h i n t h e system i s u n i - d i r e c t i o n a l .

Two c a r t s can independent ly move a long a

Fiy. 1 Schematic diagram of closed-loop FMS

Annals of the ClRP Vol. 31/1/1982 31 9

Page 2: Production Scheduling of Flexible Manufacturing Systems


In t h e production scheduling model for the FMS's mentioned above, the following production shcedul ing problem i s considered: "Determine the schedules o f machining and transporting par ts , and of transporting saxe particular cutting torlls simultaneously so as to minimize the makespan of production.

The hierarchical structure of the decision-making in the produc- tion scheduling problem stated above i s illustrated in Fig. 2. The structure conprises three levels, i .e., selection of machine tools, selection of cutting tools, and delection of transport devices. level : (1) First level (Selection of machine tools): The decision-making

The following decision-making steps are taken a t each

a t this level i s to select an appropriate machine tool among candidate machine tools which can perform a machining opra- tion for each processing stage o f a l l parts, and simultane- ously determine the loading sequence of parts on each select- ed machine tool. T h i s results in determining the schedules of machining parts.

lowing case where standard cutting tools used for machining parts on each machine tool are prepared in i t s own tool maga- zine, and only some particular cutting tools which are for comon use i n some machining operations on several machine tools are pooled in the central tool storage. In such a case, each of these particular cutting tools must be delivered from the central tool storage or a machine tool t o another machine tool which requires i t . The decision-making a t the second level i s to determine the schedule of tool allocation and tool delivery. This corresponds t o the determination of the schedule for transporting cutting tools.

(3) Third level (Selection of transport devices): When a cart is used as a means of transporting parts w i t h i n the machine shop as shown in Fig. 1, i t i s necessary to select an appropriate cart among candidate carts which can carry the part. Sched- u l i n g the movements of carts corresponds t o the determination of the schedule for p a r t movements, i .e., the shcedule for transporting parts.

(2 ) Second level (Selection of cutting tools): Consider the fol-

For a mathematical formulation of t h e production scheduling problem for FMS's, ten different kinds of operation for each part are defined and sumnarired in Table 1. The operations 4.8,9,10 are related w i t h the decision-making a t the f i r s t level, and the operations 1.2,3 and 5.6,7 are related with the second and t h r l d levels, respectively. Noting here that the decision-making a t each level in the production scheduling i s equivalent to deter- mining both the starting and the finishing times of each opera- tion for a l l the parts to be manufactured on the time scale. th i s paper, the equations and constraints on the time relations of ten kinds of operation for a part are formulated in the same manner as presented in [6,7].

Table 2 shws a s m r y of the time relations of t h e operations considered here. stage of the part PC ( W . 2 ,..., P : j=?,2, . . , J { ) when the machine tool .% carries out the machining operation, designated as C&(i. j). using the cutting tool LZ. The symbols T,[X] and T [XI re- present the starting time and the finishing time o f opifration X , respectively, and the symbol t [X] i s the time required t o per- form the operation X. Other s$mbols are used as follows: t ( t ,n+,m) is the cutting tool transfer time to the machine tool & from the machine tool I%+ on which the cutting tool Lt was used before, and ,rn*,m) is the part transfer time by the transport device 2':o the machine tool Mrn from the machine tool M,,,* which performed the operation for the j - 7 t h processing stage of part P ~ a n d Q,, is the number o f parts stored in the buffer storage E~ a t any time.


These are formulated for the j t h processing

iOol~TTS loading

~ e c I sion-mkim

A Particular cutting tool Is tronsferrecl from the central tool storoge or tool mgaotlne to a ITS and Is fixed on I t .

Selection of mchine tools

Mochine tools 1 1 mkeswn

Selection of cut t lm tools . -

I mhlne cuttino tools 1 1 Makespan

Selectim of transwrt devices

Fig. 2 Hierarchical structure of dccision- lnakino in production rchedulinq

The makespan of production i s defined as the length of time re- quired t o complete all the parts to be manufactured. the makespan, T. i s given by


T = max { TJP+.] : - min ( TJ[Pi] ':

where T f [ p i ] i s the finishin cessind a part ?:. and T,(?;] i s the starting time o f the f i r s t operation.

:<i<p * " :?'+ - - time of the las t operation in pro-

Table 1 Definition of operations

I -~ merot Ion 4 t a n Def in1 t l on

P mrtlculor cutting tool is delivered to LronsoortinS ;hf$estlnotlon where I t is reoulred vlo 1 loo!

Tool -7TS unload i nq


Dort-mS ioodlncl part trcnsDortinP Dart 4 1 2 unloodi ng

Lood I no

PoCh i n I ng

':n I riol i nn

A wrt icu lar cuttlng tool Is transferred from a TTS to the central tool storage or tool mogazlne and Is stored in i t . A mochlne tool is set UD to start the rewl red mchin in9 operat 1 on. A D r t Is mounted onto an MS from a buf?er s t o r m . A Dart i s moved to the destination where lt Is rewired vlo an NTS.

A Part is transferred form an MS !nta o buffer storage. A W r t i s loaded onto a mochlne tool to be machined. A flort Is mochlned on a mchlne tool, such 0s turnlng, milling, and drilling. A Dart is unloaded fran a mochlne tool irlto o buffer stornae.

!!I t t ~ , . jden?:ficotiorr rimer to distlnpulsh mro t ions i T S : ~ o o l irorisPortflt ion fvstem YT:. : 'IOierlnl rrflnwortm Ion svstm

Table 2 Time relations of operations

3 -


Page 3: Production Scheduling of Flexible Manufacturing Systems

Due t o the complexity o f the production scheduling problem, i t i s impossible t o f ind an optimal so lu t ion minimizing the sakespan o f production f o r a large-scale problem i n terms o f computational t ime. I n t h i s paper, a heu r i s t i c approach by using a decision ru le i s provided t o obtain a good feasible so lut ion f o r a large- scale problem i n a pract ica l sense.


To obtain a feasible production schedule, many decision-making must be performed as mentioned i n the previous section. sion ru le i s defined as a ru le t o se lect an appropriate machine too l , pa r t i cu la r cu t t i ng tool, and transport device among the alternatives. There are over a hundred d i f f e r e n t kinds of dis- patching ru le [S], these are s t a t i c rules by nature. On the other hand, decision rules have dynamic character is t ics i n the sense o f considering the system state a t present and i n future. The decision ru les presented here are designated as SOTA, ESTA, and EFTA rules shown i n Table 3. The basic ideas o f these rules are as follows: (1) SOTA (Shortest Operation Time w i th Alternatives considered):

I n the conventional dispatching rules,SPT r u l e based on the machining t ime and SST ru le based on the setup time are fami l iar . SOTA r u l e i s s im i l a r t o such rules execpt t o consider a l ternat ives f o r the machine too ls and transport devices that can carry out the operations 9 and 6, respec- t i ve l y , f o r the processing stage o f parts. For the selection o f machine tools, the operation t i m e i s defined as the sum o f the times f o r the operations 4.8,9,10 i n Table 1, and for the selection o f transport devices, i s the sum o f the times f o r the operations 5.6.7. the machine too l and transport device w i th the shortest operation time.

(2) ESTA (Ear l iest Star t ing Time w i th Alternatives considered): ESTA r u l e i s a r u l e newly developed i n t h i s study and aims a t achieving a high u t i l i z a t i o n o f machine tools, pa r t i cu la r cu t t i ng tools, and transport devices and addi t ional ly smooth- i ng out the loading. chine tool, pa r t i cu la r cu t t i ng tool, and transport device, each w i th large i d l e t i m e so far .

EFTA ru le i s a combination of SOTA r u l e and ESTA rule. and aims a t minimizing the flow t i m e o f parts. The deta i ls of EFTA ru le and i t s effectiveness are reported i n [7].

A deci-

SDTA r u l e i s one which selects both

ESTA r u l e i s one which selects the ma-

(3) EFTA (Ear l i es t Finishing Time wi th Alternatives considered):


The proposed scheduling procedure consists o f three main steps corresponding t o the hierarchical s t ructure o f the decision- making shown i n Fig. 2. the scheduling procedure i s stated i n essence.

I n order t o i l l u s t r a t e the procedure f o r the selection o f machine too ls and the determination o f the loading sequences of par ts a t the f i r s t decision-making level, a hypothetical example i s con- sidered, where two parts, PI and ? , are manufactured i n two processing stages w i th in such an Fk shown i n Fig. 1. The machine too ls avai lable f o r each processing stage f o r the pa r t PI are MI and ! 4 ~ , and :Y3 and M4, respectively. machine too ls f o r the pa r t P2 are 4 and :W3, and M and #!z, re- spectively. A network graph i s used t o describe t h s s i t ua t i on i n the same way as so f a r reported i n [6,7]. network graph f o r the example. When the Jth machining operation i n the operational sequence o f a pa r t Pi i s performed on a ma- chine too l I+,the corresponding machining node i s designated as shown i n Fig. 3 (b). Therefore, the selection o f machine too ls i s equal t o the selection o f machining nodes. graph, an arrow ( -+ ). which connects nodes according t o the technological order o f processing f o r each part, indicates the precedence re la t ions between the nodes.

The network graph shown i n Fig. 3 (a) suggests the fo l lowing : The pa r t PI i s machined on the machine too l s 4 and Mg for the f i r s t and the second processing stages, respectively. This i s shown by a seqwnce o f th ick arrows ( ~ ). For the pa r t P2, the machine too l #3 i s determined f o r only the f i r s t processing stage. Another arrow ( ) from node 2 t o node 8 indicates the precedence re la t i on which determines the loading sequence of the par ts on the c o n f l i c t machine too l I V ~ t ha t may be simultane- ously used t o perform s m machining operations f o r d i f ferent

I n the following, a fundamental idea o f

The corresponding

Figure 3 (a) i s the

I n the network

kinds o f pa r t o r the successive machining operation on the same part. I t i s assuned tha t the machine too l M4 has j u s t been selected f o r the second processing stage o f the pa r t PI by using one o f the three decision rules. i.e.. SOTA, ESTA, and EFTA rules. The resu l t i s the network graph shown i n Fig. 3 (a). The next step i n the scheduling procedure i s t o sz lect an appropriate cu t t i ng too l among the candldste cu t t i ng too l s which can be used t o perform the machining operation on the pa r t PI designated by the node 3. and t o schedule the too l transportat ion under the t i m e re la t ions and constraints s u m r i z e d i n Table 2. cu t t i ng too l i s not necessary f o r the machining operation. t h i s step may be skipped. A f te r an approporiate selection o f the ma- chine too l and the cu t t i ng too l , the next decision w i th respect t o the selection o f transport devices must be made. A transport device t o be selected must be capable o f transport ing the par t PI from the machine tools,# t o 4. One o f the three decision rules i s applied i n the selectfon o f an appropriate transport device among the candidates available. F ina l ly , f o r the selected ma- chine too l , a pa r t i cu la r cu t t i ng too l i f necessary, and the transport device, both the s ta r t i ng time and f i n i sh ing time o f each Operation defilred i n Table 1 are ajusted and determined so as t o sa t i s f y t h e f r t ime re la t ions and constraints surmarized i n Table 2. These steps mentioned above cMlpletes one cycle i n the scheduling process. The next cycle begins w i th the se lect ion o f a machine too l , MI o r M2, which can perform the machining opera- t i o n f o r the second processing stage o f the pa r t Ps. corresponding nodes t o be selected are shown i n the area enclosed w i th a broken l i n e i n Fig. 3 (a).

I f a pa r t i cu la r


Similar cycles repeatedly proceed by using the decision ru les proposed i n the previous section u n t i l a feas ib le schedule i s

i t a i ned.


The ef fects o f the proposed decision ru les are investigated through a case study. The FMS configuration i n the case study a s imp l i f i ed version found i n the manufacturing indust ry and schematically i l l u s t r a t e d i n Fig. 4. The FMS consists o f three machine too l s which can p e r f o n several d i f ferent kinds o f ma- chining operation, two types o f bu f fe r storaaes i ns ta l l ed i n


front o f each machine t&l, two car ts which can move along a track i n both direct ions, a loading s ta t i on and an unloading stat ion, and a cu t t i ng too l transportat ion system. Each bu f fe r capacity i s equal t o a unit. Ten d i f f e ren t kinds o f par t are manufactured i n t h i s FHS. Each pa r t i s processed through ten processing stages according t o a specif ied sequence, and two a l - ternat ive machine too ls are permitted f o r each processing stage o f a part. The machining time, setup t ine, loading/unloading times, t ransfer time. etc. are selected from the sequence o f random numbers uniformly dfs t r ibuted and given i n advance.


Page 4: Production Scheduling of Flexible Manufacturing Systems

U t l

Loadina s tat ion


Unloading s ta t i on

Q Tool C P D n R ~mrt mice [ tort

Fig. 4 FMS configuration for case study

To investigate the ef fects o f the proposed decision rules, the computational experimentswere carr ied out f o r the combination o f three decision rules. were examined, i.e., 1) Makespan, 2) Mean f l o w t ime , 3) Mean u t i l i z a t i o n o f three machine tools, and 4) Mean u t i l i z a t i o n o f two carts. The resu l t o f production shceduling f o r a l l the com- binations o f the three decision rules i s shown i n Table 4. It i s found that the combination o f ESTA r u l e f o r the selection of machine too ls wi th ESTA ru le f o r the selection o f transport devices y ie lds the maximum values o f the mean u t i l i z a t i o n o f the machine too ls and also transport devices, and that the combina- t i o n o f EFTA r u l e f o r the selection o f machine too ls wi th EFTA r u l e for the selection of transport devices y ie lds the minimum values o f the makespan and also mean f low time.

Four kinds o f the scheduling performance


This paper deals wi th a production scheduling problem f o r a f l e x i b l e manufacturing system. A new scheduling method f o r obtaining a good feasible schedule f o r an FMS i s presented. The method i s a heu r i s t i c procedure using the decision ru les and may be used as a powerful t oo l t o control the operation o f an FMS i n a pract ica l sense. A decision rule, named ESTA. i s proposed and the effectiveness of ESTA ru le i s examined through ccinputational experiments. It i s found that ESTA r u l e i s e f fec t i ve f o r achiev- i ng a high u t i l i z a t i o n o f manufacturing f a c i l i t i e s , and tha t EFTA r u l e proposed i n the previous paper i s e f fec t i ve f o r reducing the makespan and mean f low t i m e o f production.


The authors would l i k e t o express t h e i r thanks t o Kozo Kata o f Kobe University f o r h i s help in preparing the manuscript.

Table 4 Comparison of decision rulca

ScleCtlOtl O f nmhine tools SOTA I ESTA I EFTA

1): nOlcesoan Inln) 2): k a n flow tile tmln) 3): Mean utllltotlon of nmhtne tools ( X I 9): !4em utllltotlm of t ransDon devlces (73


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