process-contents page

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Post on 05-Jul-2015




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Contents Page...

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To create the star that would contain my actual contents information, I had to import a shape on Photoshop then

transform it to the size required. After this process I removed the background by removing the layer to the left of the

page then filling the image with a different colour and eventually saving it also as a PNG ready for it to be opened

and placed on the contents page in Adobe In Design.

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After opening the star in Indesign I angled it counter clockwise so the shape can be identified as a star although only part of it is showing as it emerges from the

corner, showing a relationship with the pages. I typed in the contents information then altered the colour by editing the text colour in

the layer to the left so the writing stands out although it is small.

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Here is a sample of the summer images captured of my female model:

1. This picture emphasised the season and highlighted the clothing relating to the fashion which is what the lure is all about .

2. This I thought was a very nice picture at the right sized frame yet the prop which needed to be seen yet blended in with her black hair.

3. I liked this picture a lot as the light hit in the right places however, it was required for the picture to be a mid-long shot so more of her bottom half needed to be captured in the frame plus her sunglasses were on her head.

4. This picture seemed perfect as she is looking towards the left that would highlight the season fashion battle so she could be looking towards the winter scene as well as her looking over her shoulder

5. as if she does not care about that season as she presents her outfit to the camera. The light brightened her up all over contributing to the summer characteristics in addition to the prop that is in her hand so can easily be seen by the reader portraying other fashion accessories to match summer outfits.

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Below are a few of the pictures that I was contemplating on using:

The picture to the left showed off her clothes but now as I had my heart set on creating eye contact with the model in both seasons did not fit the description I was looking for plus she did not have the right facial expressions to give the impression of her attitude which was similar to ‘my look is better than yours’.

This picture (right) illustrates the attitude I wished to portray in my picture as she looks to the right over her shoulder with her back turned to go match these thoughts that would go in conjunction with the summer image that I could place to create eye contact between both pictures.

I chose to use the same model for both pictures as she was acting as a celebrity, hoping to give the reader the notion that the same star has a unique look for each season influencing the readers fashion styles and ideas as they are both dressed for the weather.

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This was the picture I settled on using for the winter scene as she is presenting her outfit to the reader as well as looking towards her left contributing to the aim to create a fashion battle

between summer clothing vs. Winter.Firstly I opened the image with the background I wished to replace and unlocked the layer.

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I selected and deleted as much as the background I could while viewing it from 100% zoom without afecting the image I wanted to keep...

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Next I zoomed in closely to erase any errors created, any remaining highlights of the green back- drop when the photography was taking place and delete the background in places that were hard to reach while going around the whole of the body for instance, green in the hoop of her earring.

Attempting to turn:



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Next I opened the background scenery and after unlocking the image by double clicking on the layer, I transferred the image of my model onto the background...

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The image was placed in a bigger size than expected so I transformed this with the free transformation outlines present in the edit drop down category. I made the image smaller and reduced the amount of her outfit on show so it matched the amount of clothing showing in the summer scenery adding to the eye contact I wished to create.

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I carried out the same process with the pictures above to create this image below:..

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As well as constructing this image above from the two below which is applied on the front cover, which I

decided to do because the it was he advertisement for posters an typical

posters have a background that illustrates the celebrities

wealth, displayed in this background of a sporty, posh car.

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I made use of the convention of a bottom strip on my contents and applied the website address (below) for my magazine enabling the reader to find out more information about items featured on the contents as well as more about magazines in general.

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I placed certain shapes on the contents for different purposes: The first image in the left was a speech bubble that was to contain a quote that appeared in the feature article, advertising this particular page encouraging the readers to go further in the book to the page it is on also inside the bubble to see who said it.The star is the logo for Starmix and I noticed that in typical magazines the actual contents information does not take up a big space in the page so instead of just applying the text I positioned it in the star that was to emerge from the corner...

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I titled the contents page with ‘this weeks starmix’ which is evidence that the edition is

weekly and continuous.

I included a message from the magazines production

team talking about this issue and what is to come in the next one purposely with the signed ‘starmix x’ in a different font as if it was signed by someone

themselves.A border was placed

around it that I retrieved off Photoshop sectioning the message from the rest of the page and making it to be a special item on the

page which it is.

I angled the star on the magazine counter clockwise so that the points appeared, so it could be recognised as the icon or this publication. Another star was positioned underneath the other one to add more colour to the contents to ensure that they run fully throughout the magazine.The actual contents information was type inside the magazine which as you can see above I changed to Gills Sans Ultra Bold because it was readable and rounded following characteristics of the text.

An image of the front cover is situated on the page with page numbers aligned next to the lure that the page regards, for easy access to a certain page for the reader if there was something on the front cover that they were eager to look at.